• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 512 Views, 5 Comments

What the Hell Happen to Equestria? - Spectrum Paxion

Why is Equestria in full chaos and why is everyone trying to kill us?

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Celestia's Plan

A awoke to sunlight beamed across my face from the crack were the moonlight entered last night. I rose from the floor to walk over to the couch that Vinyl had slept on. I tapped her on the ankle and told her. "Come on we got to go." Her response was a light mumble and a large yawn followed by the question. "What time is it." I looked at the position of the sun. I guessed "nine or ten. Anyway we got to get the others up."

"Fine lets go."

"You wake Octavia, and I will get Derpy and Whooves."

"Why don't you wake Octavia?"

"One you her best friend. Two she is kinda a bitch in the morning."

"Uh.. Fine." She sighed, as she walked to the end of the hall were the room was. I went upstairs and walked to the room the master bedroom were the two were resting. I knocked twice on the mahogany door and proceed to open it. There on the bed was the couple on the covers of the bed. Derpy's head was resting on Whooves upper arm and her arm was stretched across his chest. They seemed tied together by affection. I then slowly closed the door and walked down to Vinyl and Octavia who were sitting on Vinyl's bed waiting for us.

Vinyl asked me "Well, where are they?"

I replied "Getting ready. They'll be down soon." After about ten minutes Vinyl got irritated by the fact we were still here. "What the hell is taking them to long? You know what i'm going get them." She ran up the stairs and headed to the room. I was quick to follow her. When she got there she raised her hand to knock, I ran in between her and the door. She asked "What the hell are you doing?" I looked at her blankly and stood there motionless. "Okay then please move."

I replied "I kinda can't do that."

She asked angrily "Why not?"

"I just feel that they don't what to be disturbed right now."

"We have to get moving Spectrum."

"I know.. just.. give them five more minutes."

"No. We are leaving know." She reached for the handle. I quickly gave her a hug, then picked her up and set her on the wall to the right of the door. She tried to escape the embrace of my arms. She was furious and yelled at my "Let me go." I tired to calm her down, but nothing worked. I knew she wasn't mad at them being late, but the rage was directed towards me.

I sighed "Vinyl, i'm sorry." She stopped at that moment to ask me "What did you just say."

"I'm sorry for leaving and not explaining myself of why I left. I just wanted wanted you to be ok. I cared to much to wake you, so I slipped out of the room. It was nothing against you. I.." I didn't get to finish the sentence cause her mouth was covering mine. I stand there confused by the gesture that she had shown. She stepped back and told me "You have to stop trying to over apologizing." She leaned against the wall and pulled me to her she reintroduced the gesture from a few seconds ago. After about ten seconds the door of the room swung open and the pair saw us pressed against the wall.

Whooves simply coughed and we were knock out by the trance that we both put on each other. "Uh.. yeah you guys ready to go." Vinyl stumbled with embarrassment.

"Yeah we are well rested and set to go." Said Derpy over happily.

Derpy and Vinyl started down the stairs. While I grabbed Whooves by the and told him "You fucking owe me one. Got it?" He nodded in agreement of my comment. "Good now lets get on the road." I went to my bag and guns and put the bag on my back while the shotgun was on my side and the revolver in my holster. We leave the house to continue to Canterlot. Vinyl keep close to me and ducked under my arm so it was over her shoulders. It seemed that all was calm and peaceful despite the "Hell" that was unleashed on Equestria. We walked till reaching the base of the Canterlot mountain, then came the path up to the city.

Whooves looked at us worriedly "There are going to be raiders. Ok everyone ready?" We nodded in reply. "Good we move on." After thirty minutes of climbing the path are worst fear A group of five raiders jumped the side of the mountain. They looked like the Runners, but seemed to be more controlled and precise in attacks, they carried melee weapons like knifes and clubs." One had jumped on Whooves and pinned him down. The raider lifted the knife and forced it down to Whooves chest, he turned his body so the knife only slit the edge of his arm. I unloaded an eight gauge slug in to the raider chest it cause a massive explosion of red that cover the walkway. While I help him up Derpy had entered a rage and rallied off shot after shot from her pistols it seemed to rain 9mm castings around her. After the battle the only one harmed was Whooves and the raiders. Derpy was quick to check on her battle scarred lover. I walked over and told him "Let me see you hand."

He replied "I got stabbed in the arm."

"I know now you hand."

"Here." He stretched out his hand. I took off the tie wrapped around his hand. I then make a slip knot and put it over his cut, i took both ends of the tie and pulled tight

"There. Now you have a use for that tie beside using it for leverage." I said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Ha.. Good one."

"I try."

The rest of the journey was clean and easy. When we got to Canterlot we saw that even the high city was affected. All the citizens had locked themselves into there homes. The anyones out were royal guards who had looked to have hope. We went to Celestia, she saw us and asked "Hello and why are you here?"

Octavia told her "To know why this is happening, what caused it, and can we do anything?"

"First this happening due to a disease that was released near Ponyville. Second I am working on the cure, but till then kill all of the runners you see."

"Yes your majesty."

We left with confidence that the princess would fix this. "Ok" I said "We have to kill runners. Anyone got any problems." The silenced signaled that everything was fine with the plan. As we began the trek down to the ground Vinyl stopped and laid down on the path with her bipod down at surveilling the open land. "What are you doing?"

"Target practice." She answered.

I looked to see a runner in a open field. She shot off two bullets two and half seconds apart. The first crippled it leg causing it to kneel. The second hit the knelt bastard in the head. I knew that she was challenging herself at this point. She got up for her sniping position and looked at "You impressed."

"I was early this morning." I replied.

"Ah.. shut up." She playfully said, while pushing at my chest.

"What? I not kidding."

"Well don't expect it all the time."

"I never did or will. "

"Good, I hate all that love shit." She told me.

"Come on we got to catch up." We ran up the others and we finally reach the ground. We noticed night was once again approaching. We returned to the house that we now called "home", when we got there we prepared for the night. Then everyone retreated to there designated rooms. While I stood in the kitchen having another smoke I felt the weird feeling that you get went you expect something to happen, but it never does. I finished the cigarette and flicked it in the sink with the other one. I laid down in the living room Vinyl was already asleep on the couch. The moonlight still hit the floor and then fell into a deep sleep. I opened my eyes in the middle of the night. I thought that a cold breeze had hit my spine and awoke me. I closed my eyes and forgot about it.