• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 512 Views, 5 Comments

What the Hell Happen to Equestria? - Spectrum Paxion

Why is Equestria in full chaos and why is everyone trying to kill us?

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Chaos Runners

I awake to see my ceiling and the fan spinning around slowly. It gave a light breeze that flowed down to the bed, it had cause a friendly side of Vinyl to show. Dr. Whooves walked up to the open door and was going to open his mouth. I held up my hand to signaled him to stop he and told him that he owed me for not disturbing him and Derpy. He held both his hands showing he wanted no conflict and slowly stepped backwards out. After what seemed like five minutes Vinyl rolled over enough that my arm was free from under her body. I slipped out of the bed and ran down the stairs to see everyone in the gambling/drinking/living room. Dr. Whooves grab me by the shoulder, pulled me away from the others and ask me. "What the hell happened up there?

"Nothing. Why are asking?" I replied.

"So you just wasted a solid?"

"No. I just used it for someone else to be happy."

"Well, I respect for that, and nothing happen?

"No, my father once told me "Spectrum everyone has speed. You can go fast, be reckless, and make mistakes. Then you can be slow, take you time, and be sure." "I remember right after that I walked out to an intersection to see a car fused with a light pole. The driver was only nineteen and he was being put in an ambulance. I learned I was no different, if I went to fast then I would hurt me and the others who I cared for."

"Damn and I thought I was classy and sophisticated." he replied to the lesson.

"Uh.. you don't get it do you. If anything had happened I would have not forgiven myself for what may have happened."

"No I get it you care to much for her and her safety, which is a little confusing that care enough that you don't want to be with her.

"Yeah most things I do don't make that much sense to others."

Me and Whooves to the others and Vinyl was joining them and she looked at me with razor eye. Whooves put his elbow in my side and said "I guess it didn't make sense to her why you left."

"Dammit." Was the only word that left my mouth.

We all group around the poker table with to talk about today's plans.

Octavia said "We should make our way to Canterlot to talk to Celestia." We all nodded in agreement and started getting ready. I tried to avoid Vinyl of fear that I would explain myself and her not understand my view. I stuck close to Derpy who only know about three fourths of what was going on. She understood what we were doing, how we are doing, and when. But she didn't know how we were meant to succeed.

After twenty minutes of preparation we set foot out of Luna's for what would seem like years. I took out a ring on my necklace out of my pocket and saw the engraving on the outside it read "Vivas Noctus - Luna" and I placed it over my neck. We walked for about forty minutes we then reached Ponyville to see the crushed house of those we loved. We walked though town remember all of the memories we had shared.

I look at Vinyl "Remember when we tested the Darklight cannon?"

She turned and said. "Yeah."

"Oh.. Ok."

As I tried to start a conversion she put her glasses on and walked on to talk to Octavia. I continued to walk as if nothing had happened. We decided to take a ten minute break. I still avoided her, I knew she was angry at me, but I would do nothing. That would make her happier knowing that I would nothing to do with her. After a swig from the bottle I followed the others staying far from Vinyl I was thankful she put down her glasses cause I knew underneath there were fierce eyes staring at me. As we walked past Sugarcube Corner or what was left of it a group of about four were running towards us. Derpy yelled "Chaos Runners!" Everyone turned around guns set and unloading on the group, they didn't have a chance. I walked over to inspect the corpses, the iris of the eyes were a silvery white. They all looked like drug addicts looking a needle, reckless and blunt.

Octavia explained "These are what we call Chaos Runners. They are the main product of what ever happened, the other are clans that have formed to stay alive.

"This is the reason that we have to get to Celestia? I asked.

"Yes we believe she will know what to do." She then punched my in the arm. "Also stop hurting Vinyl."

"I'm not trying to and every time I did try she got mad, so I just left her alone. I don't want her hurt." I responded to the punch.

"Just show her you care."

"Fine." I said rubbing my arm.

I turned to return to the others. They had holstered their weapons behind their backs except Derpy who placed them in a holsters on her belt and Octavia who had it on her right side with a strap over her neck. I looked at Octavia who signaled to go over to Vinyl. I started to walk towards her when a group of twelve Chaos Runners came from the remains of a building. We all proceed to run to a two story building. About half way to the building one of the Runners threw a rock at Vinyl, it hit her in the leg. I stopped to run back, by the the time the others had noticed I left to help the one on the ground they could nothing but cover me. A grab her by her upper left arm and I wrapped my arm around her back. A runner had caught up to Vinyl and me, but as it was going to attack us a 5.56mm enter his skull unleashing a splatter of red life over us. We ran as one until we met the the others in the main room of the building. The inside indicated that the residents enjoyed the finer aspects of life, their cabinets were filled with fine china and crystal glasses.

The first thing that happened was raiding of the house. I went upstairs to see a pack of cigarettes on a side table. I picked up the tobacco treasure and stuffed them in my back pocket. I searched the closet to see the closet and shoes we just like the dishes shining and perfect. Then I check the dresser that the smokes were on. It was filled with jewelry and pictures. The house seemed to have been owned by a older man and woman. I felt bad knowing that these people were probably out in the world with these freaks.

When I got back others they hadn't found much else, but Derpy had found matches. I asked for them, she gave them to me with a face of innocence, she always seemed carried that look. We realized that is was about to be night and began enforcing the doors and windows By the time we finished moving furniture to the doors and windows it was what seemed like half past ten. While everyone went to there designated rooms Derpy and Whooves shared the master bedroom, Octavia had the guest room, Vinyl and me shared the living room her on the bed me on the floor. I stood in the kitchen cigarette in mouth and about a third burnt down. Vinyl walked up to me and asked in a hushed voice "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I replied "Nothing."

"Really, leaving my in a bed by myself is nothing?"

"No, but one I didn't want to disturb you. Two I didn't want to hurt you."

"What the hell do you mean hurt me?"

"I care to much about you to have anything to do with me."

"So you care so much that you don't really care."

"Kinda, except I in the case of the " don't care" I do enough that I don't want you to worry about me."

"So your logic is flawed?"

"To you maybe."

I moved the light smoke to my lips and deeply inhaled the smooth smoke. She then tripped and fell on my lips and sucked the smoke, air and life out of me. She told me "I think that I care to much about you." She walked off to the living room. I stood there motionless till I moved the smoke back to my lips to refill my lungs. As I exhaled the smoke I spoke in a hush voice like Vinyl "Damn." I finished the cigarette and tossed it into the sink and took the same path Vinyl did to the room. I laid on the nice carpet and fell asleep to the sight of moonlight streak that came though a crack in the wall and landed on the floor.