• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 512 Views, 5 Comments

What the Hell Happen to Equestria? - Spectrum Paxion

Why is Equestria in full chaos and why is everyone trying to kill us?

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A Bad Morning

I awoke in the mage tower of Luna's castle. I rose from the bed to notice the calendar, it read Jan. 16 I remembered that I hadn't talked to Reg in three months and Blue didn't come to the workshop since the beginning of Dec. I felt that I had neglected them and I turned to my dresser on there the photo of us when we came home. I began to get dress I threw on my jeans with a belt that was covered by a Lunar Republic belt buckle. I tossed a shirt on and followed it with my black jacket, I somewhat fixed my silver highlighted hair, then I was really for the day. I started to get my studies and task for the day prepared when my door was flung open by a certain DJ with her purple tinted shades resting on her forehead.

"Spectrum." She said with a force that echo though my room.

"Yeah." I replied and before I could say anything else she ran up and hugged me. "Nice to see you as well." Were the words squeezed out of my by her.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Well.. I felt worse in the morning. At least i'm not hungover from last night." I then realized that Vinyl was wearing a white tank top with black jeans that had holes throughout them. Her normal chains hung out of her pocket and were laced across her pants. Her headphones were around her neck and a SVD was bond to her back with a leather strap.

"So what has happened to Equestria now?"

She replied in despair, "We don't know. Last night all was fine then this morning all hell breaks loose and chaos took over."

"Is it Discord?"

"No. All we know is that everyone is more violent and wants us died."

"And you want me to help you?"

"Yes. Me and the others."


"Octavia, Whooves, and Derpy."

"Ok i'm in."

"Now if you... What? It was that easy."

"Yeah. If anyone is trying to kill you guys I will make sure that doesn't happen. Give me a minute to get my stuff." I took out my bag and filled it with my switchblade, an eight gauge pump action shotgun, two boxes of shells, a .45 colt revolver, three and a half cases of .45 caliber, a lock picking set, and a bottle of vodka.

"Ok lets go"

We walked down the stairs to the living room. As I passed though I had a relapse of all that had taken place here. Blue eating a sandwich, me saying good-bye to Dash, and party we had for Dash. It washed over me causing me to stop and just sit down on the floor. Vinyl came over and slapped my in the face.

"Ah. What the hell Vinyl?" I yelled at her.

"Get your ass up and come on."

"This is important. When was the last time you saw my sister?"

"About four days ago. Why?"

"She is my first priority. Ok."

"Got it just come on you can't find her here she is probably defending Cloudsdale from the damn chaos freaks."

As we reached the doors that we opened to see the others waiting for us. Equestria was ruins and the others were almost just as bad. Dr. Whooves' tie was wrapped around his right hand, his jacket was open and the shirt underneath it had the three top buttons undone. He was carrying a beaten AR-15. Octavia had rolled up her long sleeves, but keep the sweater vest. In her hand was a MP5 with a retractable stock. Derpy just had a long sleeve t-shirt with a normal t-shirt that had one or two holes in it and in her hands were a pair of M9s.

After we discussed what to do we decided to look for resources until night and when it came we would stay at Luna's till the morning. We broke into two groups Octavia, Derpy and Whooves went to search the market. While me and Vinyl looked around the house district. While we walked there I asked her "Vinyl do you ever regret any choices you've made?"

She replied "Yes. I wish I had more time with my family."

"I feel.. uh.. somewhat the same."

"Are you saying you have no regrets?"

"Yes to me I have no regrets."

"Bullshit." She exclaimed "Tell me you life story and I will find regrettable insistences."

"I know you will find things that I should feel regret for, but I don't."

"Well what are these "moments"."

"Well.. when I was twenty Dash was beat up by a guy who I didn't know. I went to go beat him up, but when I found him down the side of building he was about to attack another girl. I told her to leave and she did. I don't regret kicking his ass, for one he would never stop hurting people, and two I would have never met Luna."

"I guess it is just perspective that determines if there is regret."

After searching all the closets, dressers, and other random hiding places. We found a fridge with two-thirds a bottle of scotch, half a bottle of wine and whiskey along with three beers. In the same area there was a deck of cards and two-hundred dollars in ten dollar chips. We put all of it in my bag and went back to the others who were waiting on the couches in the living room with food on the table. I unzipped my bag, took out the bottles, the cards, and the chips. I brought out the brandy and gave it to Whooves, next I handed the wine to Octavia, I did the same to Derpy with the whiskey, then I tossed the three beers Vinyl's way, and finally I pulled out my bottle of vodka. We played and drank into the night. I found it funny how no matter what happens gambling and alcohol seem to be so easy to get or have. After about four hours of playing cards Vinyl tried to sleep on the spine of the couch, so I took her to my room and laid her down on the bed I also felt tired so I joined her on my bed. I knew that tomorrow would be Wake up in bed with a friend.