• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

Comments ( 52 )

>a Noble Cause story
This certainly has caught my eye, looking forward to where this goes :pinkiehappy:

I'm trying to figure out whether you've shown me this or not, because I've been waiting for it forever. You had better continue writing this or I will find you! :flutterrage:


This is the story I've been working at for... a couple months now. Working on chapter 3 as I type. You think it's better?


You flatter me!

Tesseth, who told Jason and Andrew outside to wait there, that they’d be next

Merkus opened the door and pointed at Andrew

I thought Andrew opted to go pony. Do you mean Jason and or Jenna?

Only as much as is due :pinkiehappy:
And how you been man? haven't seen you in a while :pinkiesad2:


Damn, thanks! Missed that in editing! Fixed!


Life's been rough, to tell the truth. Eating ramen for a few weeks at this point, but... we'll manage.

*pats* Well, you need help, just gimme a shout :twilightsmile:


*blushes* Thanks, my friend... but unless you have some good finances stashed away that you're willing to part with...

... frankly, it all comes down to finances. Depressing, in that regard.

Well, none right now, bills made this last paycheck vanish, but I'll see what I can pencil out of the next. Won't be much though :fluttercry::pinkiesad2:


You don't have to give me anything, man... I wouldn't want to be a bother. I just need to tighten my saddle straps, as it were...

No worries about it, would be more of a bother knowing a friend needs help and I could, but don't :rainbowwild:


I... well... I... *gapes a bit, then shuts his beak* fine... guess I can't say no, can I? Thank you, my friend... if there's anything I can do to repay you, let me know?

I swear I thought the top bird was Falco.

Alright, I was wondering when this was going to be posted, and now I look forward to it. Has everything I loved in Option Gamma from the looks of it.

If you can find someone good at drawing diamond dogs, I would love to chat with them for a commission :rainbowlaugh:


I have better aim than Falco could dream of.


I hope you like what you see!


I'll see what I can do!

Thank you much! :twilightsmile: Since I'm enjoying writing diamond dogs more and more, figure I'd want one for an avatar :rainbowlaugh:

Just got time to read it. Very much looking forward to more!

While I can't speak directly for Guardian_Gryphon, I can say that, as a member of his editing team, so far so good. Although I will hold my personal final judgement for the interview and afterwards.

I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. I like your own personal spin on the interaction between Gryphons. I can't really make any critiques or comparisons between your story and GG's so far since even I don't have as complete a grasp on gryphons as GG does. The only issue I keep seeing is the occasional missing end punctuation marks on a few sentences. If you are interested in having an editor, feel free to PM me for details.

I echo the sentiments of this gryphon:

“Finish it” Tiyo advised quietly.

- you always need punctuation inside speech marks if it's conversation and not quotes. It should be written

“Finish it,” Tiyo advised quietly.

So go do that.


Drat it... I know that and grammar are my weak points, but I thought I'd fixed that. Thanks, Midsy.

I don't usually track stories that are marked 'mature,' but I am in this case. Heck, I usually leave the 'view mature' tag off. But in this case... Yeah, let's see where you go with the ideas.


The only reason it's marked as such is because there's a few bloody sections within the tale. Not a lot, but enough to make some wince.

Yeaaaah, I may skim those parts. I'm not interested in most bloody horror or clop stories, and keeping the 'view mature' button off means I don't have to scroll past them.


It's mostly... hm... losing a limb, and getting shot. Nothing you wouldn't see in a standard action movie.

So long as it isn't too detailed, I don't see why that can't be rated "Teen." Just be careful how you aim the 'camera' to not focus on the bloody bits.


Well, the first bloody bit is going to be probably in chapter four, so... we'll see how that shakes out.

“Boy, are you going to regret telling her that,”

Hehehehe. Definitely looking forward to watching this one play out.

It would seem dear Thomas shares a number of similarities with one of my own characters. The chef bit was amusing. I'm looking forward to the archery lessons.

However, the "suddenly, piano" was a bit jarring, but then, Thomas is distracted, I can see him not noticing a piano being brought into the bureau.

I have to agree with the author's note. This chapter *did* feel off. The fact that Tom was a stone-cold killer was glossed over far to quickly. Get a pony in there to witness, that way you have a foil to bounce off of Thomas' behaviour. Another thing that could have been done was to have the gryphons discuss the matter a bit closer, for pursposes of characterization, and possibly to *show* that they would have done the same thing.


I was intending to get into the 'cold killer mentality' and the reasons why further in the following chapter, and probably somewhat in chapter six. That this is based off of Option Gamma should give you an indication of how the Gryphons would act already.

2611845 The gryphons would have done the exact same, then removed the head, and delivered it to the HLF, but Thomas is not a gryphon, and all the others know that.

Secondly, you should aim to make your fiction approachable, even if someone hasn't read Option Gamma. But honestly, spoon-feeding details is immensely preferable to info-dumping.


Yeah, I'm trying to (heh) strike a balance between little tidbits and "here's all this information!"

... which is why I was saving a chunk of the heavy stuff for next chapter. Quite a bit of openness, at long last. There's gonna be a sit-down, believe me.

It also felt 'off' to me, and kind of rushed as well...

One way to fixed the 'rushed' would be to describe in more detail the HLF mook as Tom is examining him in the interrogation room. Physical appearance, details of his clothing, etc. Maybe even speculations to his motivations and/or what Tom knows about the guy's background This could make it more impactful when Tom shoots him.

But the thing that really felt 'off' for me... well, where was the Bureau's HUMAN security force? Why is a civilian, one with ties to a terrorist group, being allowed to run this interrogation? (Maybe add a bit about the gryphons running interference, simple enough to add that to this chapter.)

Then, in a future chapter, have Tom face some official displeasure for his actions. A stern talking to by a human officer who doesn't approve of shooting unarmed people in the back, maybe losing some privileges (no weapons outside of training sessions, confinement to quarters in free time). Seeing how Tom reacts to this (does he accept it? or does he try and weasel out of it?) could go a long way to shaping how his new gryphon friends view him.

This could also be a chance to show how human and gryphon ethics differ; given that gryphons all have similar ethics, they are much more likely to accept 'they needed killing' as valid than a human would. Humans created things like 'due process' to keep their agents of justice from slipping over into agents of blind vengeance.


As I've discussed with Guardian about this, Bureaus are sovereign soil. They hold to Equestrian mandates. Draconic edicts. Gryphic laws. Unless the security is JRSF (and they ain't), human laws do not apply. Thomas got to 'run' the interrogation because of his history with the HLF. The fact that they're holding his best friend somewhere, and cutting off parts to coerce him back through the use of force upon a third party. You know what that is? that's a hostage negotiation. And Gryphons don't take kindly to the use of 'human shields'. They would have likely taken Jack out themselves, if Thomas hadn't done it.

As for the repercussions? I'm getting into that next chapter. Tommy boy's due for a talk with Merkus... and the old soldier is going to be as blunt as you might imagine.

Really curious to see what happens with Thomas once he finally takes the plunge.

Wait wait....Did he just murder somebody?! Like in cold blood?! and he's not going to JAIL?! Even if the bureaus are sovereign soil, they got to have laws against killings, I mean come on, he shot a guy right, literally right outside a conversion bureau and poof no problems!!! What happened to the rule of law, or civilization for that matter! No wonder the hlf does whatever they want, apparently you can shoot people in broad daylight and nothing happens......


Heh... someone didn't get the memo about Gammaverse. In this sub-verse, the HLF *will* commit indiscriminate slaughter of all Equestrian-based life and any sympathizers when they can get away with it. Same with the PER forcibly converting any humans through whatever means necessary. Both organizations are labeled as violent terrorists on both sides of the Barrier.

Do you *really* think they'd just let him walk? To go back to the HLF, inform them of where Thomas is, and return with a force, intending to kill everybody there? Of course not. Thomas knows how the HLF, particularly his father, works. Ergo, nipping the problem in the bud. And he's legally able to do so.

I like this universe... it is a good universe.

love the story. option gamma with Fyrenn was and is awesome, and it is nice to see a different perspective.


Aw! that's flattering! and hey, thanks for the fave, too! I hope I don't disappoint! I should have chapter 6 up by Hearth's Warming, if you really like my writing.

MOAR! :pinkiehappy:

Also, your image links are busted. You forgot the "[img]" tags.

Ah, good to see a pony get angry every so often. It makes them cuter in most cases. :rainbowwild:


Thanks for the catch! I just got back from a trip, so I couldn't message until now to say thank you.

God. I'm enjoying this, till i seen the 4 years without an update. :/


Actually, I've been looking at re-working things... making it a bit more... heh, 'balanced'. I'm still pondering things, but... I've been feeling my writing mojo come back for this. Will have to see how things go, but it's looking a lot more feasible than it did.

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