• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 2,796 Views, 40 Comments

A Sister's Love - Warvyn

Flitter has always been in love with a certain pony. The only problem is it happens to be her sister.

  • ...

Chapter Four

Flitter let out a sigh as she stared at the tall building in front of her.

Maybe I shouldn’t bother her... She thought. But I need someone to talk to, and Sky is the only pony who might listen.

Taking a deep breath, the pegasus walked through the doors of the large shop and up to the front desk. Sitting there was an orange pegasi mare, lifting her head from whatever she was reading as Flitter approached.

“May I help you?” She asked. Flitter fidgeted with her hoof for a brief second before answering.

“Is, um, is a pony named ‘Sky’ here?”

The mare stared at her before turning around and saying, “I believe so. Give me a minute, I’ll be right back.”

The lilac pegasus sat in one of the waiting chairs for what felt like minutes before the colorful mare returned. “She just happens to be getting off. Wait here please.”

Flitter waited again, but instead of using one of the waiting chairs, she stood near the middle of the room. She felt nervous about talking to a mare she hardly knew, but in the short time she had talked to her Sky had seemed supportive enough. After a short minute or two, the blue pegasus she’d come for walked into the room.

“So who was the pony that wanted me?” Sky asked before setting her gaze on the mare in front of her. “Oh, Flitter! I didn't expect to see you so soon. Is something wrong?”

“N-no. I just...needed someone to talk to, and you’re the only pony I know that I can trust,” Flitter sheepishly answered. “It’s about my sister.”

The blue mare smiled for a second. “I see. Come then, we’ll talk about it over lunch, ok?”

Flitter nodded before the two pegasi walked out of the building. She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake talking to Sky.

As soon as they were outside, they spread their wings and took off. For the most part, Flitter stayed behind Sky to follow her, and neither of the mares talked, which made her feel a little awkward. After only a few minutes, both pegasi landed near a small cafė in the middle of the city.

When they sat down in one of the seats, Sky began to talk. “So, what did you wanna talk about? Your sister, right?”

The lilac mare nodded. “Yeah...I couldn't think of anyone else who could help. Most ponies are disgusted by incest, but you didn't seem to mind the other day.”

“Well then, tell me what’s wrong,” Sky smiled, ready to hear what Flitter had to say.

Flitter took a small breath before speaking. “Ok. I was thinking about telling Cloudchaser how I feel, but what if she hates me when I tell her? It isn't normal for family to love each other in this kind of way. And even if it doesn't bother her, what if she doesn't feel the same way? I don't know what to do. There are too many ways that this can turn out, and almost all of them lead to her rejecting me...” She finished with a downcast look at the table.

Sky sat in thought for a minute. “She’s your sister, I doubt she would hate you for something as silly as that, even if it is a bit uncommon.”

“But what if she does? I don't want my sister to hate me. It makes it even worse with how I feel about her. If it were any other pony, it wouldn't be as hard, but since it’s Cloudchaser, not only can I lose her as a possible marefriend, but as a sister too. The pegasus said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Sky put a hoof under her chin. “When you two came in the other day, you said your sister was always there for you, right?” She asked. “Don’t you think there might be some reason as to why?”

Flitter opened her mouth to object, but she understood what Sky meant. It is a possibility, and could explain why she acts so affectionate sometimes... She mused.

“Besides, like I said earlier, I doubt she would hate you. If you asked me, I’d say just tell her. Either she feels the same and returns the feelings, or she rejects the feelings but still loves you as a sister.”

Flitter let out a sigh. Sky was right; She needed to tell her sister how she felt, if only to get it off her chest, and to know how Cloudchaser felt.

But when should I tell her... She asked herself. It would be better to do it sooner than later, but...I still feel nervous about it. No, it has to be done soon. I’ll tell her tonight, during dinner.

“Thanks, Sky, you’ve really helped me,” Flitter finally said with a smile. “I think I’ll tell her after she gets off work.”

“It was nothing,” Sky grinned. “And if things don't work out, come talk to me anytime. I'm sure we could find you another mare easily. Of course, I do hope it doesn't come to that.” She added.

Letting out a small giggle, Flitter replied: “Thanks again, though I guess I should get going. If I really do tell my sister how I feel, I'm going to have to mentally prepare myself. Sorry for leaving so soon.”

“Don’t worry about it, I understand. I'm sure I would feel the same if I were you right now.”

Thanking Sky one last time, Flitter took off into the sky, flying at a steady pace to her house. Looking at the streets, she could see how empty Cloudsdale had looked now. It still puzzled her as to why so many ponies were leaving the city, but there was nothing she could about it. Taking a peek at the sky, she noticed some of the pegasi from the weather team working. Seeing that Cloudchaser wasn't among them, the pegasus let out a small sigh of relief. She also noticed how the team was a bit smaller than usual.

Approaching her house, Flitter began to lower herself to the clouds, landing on her hoofs and opening the door. She had already cleaned everything before she had left to visit Sky, so she didn't have to worry about that. The only thing she could think of doing was prepare dinner.

Since Cloudchaser ate everything yesterday, I guess I should be a little easy on what I make today. She told herself as she trotted to the kitchen and opened some of the cabinets. She grabbed a bag of hay fries, a loaf of bread that hadn’t been opened yet, and some apples they bought a few days ago. It didn't seem like much for dinner, but the mare felt tired and a little nervous.

Letting the hay fries heat up, she peeled and cut the apples into slices, then took pieces of the loaf of bread to make a few sandwiches. Taking some of the apple slices, she covered them in caramel. At least it was something easy to make, so if they were still hungry afterwards, she could just make more.

As Flitter waited, she made their plates, and soon heard a click at the door as it opened. Not much later, Cloudchaser walked through the door of the kitchen, taking a seat at the table.

“Hey, sis.” She greeted. “How was your day?”

“It was nice, I guess. I cleaned up the whole house, and the food just finished cooking,” Flitter replied.

“What are we having?” Cloudchaser asked with curiosity.

“Just a sandwich, some hay fries, and a few apples covered in caramel. It isn't much, but I felt kinda tired and wanted to have everything done by the time you came home.” She said as she sat the plates down.

Taking her own seat opposite of her sister, Flitter started eating. There was a silence for the first couple of minutes, which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. She would occasionally glance at Cloudchaser, only to look away seconds later. Eventually her sister noticed.

“Is something wrong, sis?” She asked, concerned.

Flitter opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself. I have to get this over with and just tell her. Just say it.

Flitter took a deep breath. “I-I love you, Cloudchaser..”

Cloudchaser smiled and let out a small laugh. “I love you too, Flitter.”

“No, not like that,” Flitter confessed. “I mean, I love you. Not just as a sister or family, but more. You’ve always looked out for me and taken care of me, and I’ve always admired you for it.”

Her face flushed red as Cloudchaser simply stared at her. Her sister wasn't speaking, and it left an awkward silence in the room, leaving the mare worrying on what was going through her sister’s mind. What was she thinking about? A way to reject her? To accept her? Or would she just brush it off like the conversation never happened?

“I love you too, Flitter,” Cloudchaser finally spoke, adding a more serious tone to her voice.

Flitter let out all the air she was holding in. For a few short seconds there was a small silence as her sister let her words sink in. Before Flitter could regain her thoughts, she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her.

“I love you too, Flitter.” She repeated. “I always have. And how cute you look when you blush, and how easy it is to pick on you, and how you always try to take care of me, even though I’m the older one,” Cloudchaser said before quietly sighing.

Flitter’s face turned scarlet again. She wondered if her sister had as much as a hard time as she did with her own feelings. It made her feel like a foal for not confessing sooner.

Cloudchaser slowly leaned in, letting their lips touch. The contact made Flitter feel as if electricity was running through her body, making her shudder slightly. All too soon, her sister pulled away, leaving a thin strand of saliva bridging the slight gap between them.

As Flitter felt herself coming back to reality, she noticed Cloudchaser had a sly grin and slowly motioned to the hallway, enticing her with a seductive smile.With Flitter following close behind, Cloudchaser walked to her room and plopped herself down on the bed, patting the mattress with her hoof.

The moment Flitter sat down, Cloudchaser almost immediately locked lips with her again. Melting into it, she fell onto her back as Cloudchaser gently pushed her back, holding the kiss the entire time. She was fully on top of Flitter now, both of them savoring every second of the intimate act. Flitter’s wings exploded out from beneath her on the bed and hovered at her side, as was reflected by her sister’s wings above her.

Flitter’s wings reached up and lightly wrapped around the mare above her, while Cloudchaser gently slid hers under Flitter and slowly broke the kiss. They both stared into each others rose colored eyes for a while, never bringing their wings back to their sides.

“I’ve waited so long to do that,” Cloudchaser finally whispered, breaking the silence. Flitter smiled and landed a quick peck on her muzzle, bringing another smile to both their faces. After a quick peck back at her younger sister, Cloudchaser slowly slid her body and laid her head down so it was just under the other mare’s chin.

Flitter looked down to me pegasus sprawled on top of her and couldn’t help but look on as her smile threatened to tear something.


“Hush, let’s just enjoy this,” Cloudchaser contently sighed and buried her head even deeper into her sister’s chest.

Enveloped in each other’s comforting grasp, the two mares lied down in silence, embracing each other. Flitter wanted nothing more than to just hold her sister like that forever, but eventually Cloudchaser shifted her head to face the mare.

“Flitter?” She asked.


“Can... can we keep this a secret? I’m sure you know why most ponies wouldn't approve of us... Are you sure you can handle that?” She asked.

Flitter briefly thought about it before responding. “I don’t mind as long as I’m with you, sis.”

Cloudchaser gave another quick peck to her sister before looking at the clock next to her bed. “It’s getting pretty late. Do you... do you wanna sleep with me tonight?” She asked, a noticeable blush covering her face.

Flitter smirked. “You know, you look really cute when you blush, sis.”

“I told you, I'm not cute!” Cloudchaser quietly huffed.

“Okay, okay, you’re not cute.” The mare giggled. “And yes, I would love to.”

Cloudchaser shifted her body into a more comfortable position, letting her fur lightly brush against her sister. Flitter’s face turned scarlet. The feeling sent a small wave of warmth through her body.

As the two closed their eyes, Flitter whispered in her sister’s ear, “I love you, Cloudchaser.”

Before they both fell asleep, she heard a muffled: “I love you too, Flitter.”

Comments ( 11 )

Here it is. Chapter four, the last and final chapter.

Wait, Warvyn, the last? Damn, that was quick.

Let me finish before interrupting. Anyways, this is the last official chapter. But, I have an epilogue already planned out. When will I type it up, you might ask? I don't know. Could be next week, could be longer. But it will happen. As for now, I'm moving onto another story. Unlike this one it will be both longer and hopefully written better.

As always, thanks to you guys who stuck with the entire story.

Loved it

Hey bro, good story. You know me and my work, where I would have went with it. But hey! Not everypony can be as twisted as I am.

Please keep up the good work. I enjoy reading it and enjoy hearing from ya.

Peace out! Brony on!

:derpyderp2: :twilightsmile:

i hope to see this finished (epilogue), is SOO GOOD MAN!! :heart: cant wait to read s'more!

Very good. VERY good. I have an older sister who I love as family, as per usual. But I can't even imagine how hard it would be to have romantic feelings for her. This captures the difficulty of such a situation perfectly, and the more further I got, the more I started thinking to myself why the concept is so hated. It's not something that could be prevented, and if the person who meets your idea of the perfect romantic interest happens to be blood-related, how is it really an issue truly deeper and more complex than homosexual couples? That being said, I feel like the sudden jump at the end to just full-on sleeping together incest was sudden, and somewhat detracts from the tense emotions at play. A few grammatical errors rear their heads throughout, but other than the one mentioned in the previous comment, none stood out to me as seriously distracting from the story. Good job.

First, fixed.
Second, thank you for the kind words. I don't think perfectly is the right word, but at least it has some effect. While not exactly what I was aiming for (just romantic fluff) I'm glad that it can hit a point like that, because that is truly how incest is. And I know I may sound hypocritical here, but I myself am actually against a blood-related relationship (though I wont bash it. Not my place), but the whole... taboo of it interests me. I've always been one for 'go after what you want' (except for things involving pedophilia... very picky with me). And I didn't intend to leave the story to that kind of ending. They just sleep together. Innocent sleep. But it was my first story, so mistakes were made and I can see how it escalated pretty quickly.

Thank you again. I haven't had feedback on a story in months, so my reply is kinda long... sorry.

3549263 Your comment wasn't that long; about as long as mine. And, by the way, if this is your idea of a mindless fluff story, don't try any big, epic works; it would probably crash the server.

I have to say that this was a great story. Also will there be a sequel??

Maybe one day. I currently haven't written anything for a while now. The original plan was to make a sequel, but then I got a job (I was only in school when I started writing this) and it started taking up a lot of time. I visit the site only so much now, and most my editors I know are working on other things right now. I do hope to pick back up on it again though. We shall see, I suppose.

Also, thank you for the kind comment. It was the first story I ever did, and while it didn't get much attention, it was certainly more than I thought it ever would.

HEY! What ever happened to:

[b]Thoughts of Another Time.

If you still have it sitting around rusting, send me a copy. Maybe we can co-operate of ghost wright or something totally tasteless (how else would I do anything?)


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