• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 2,794 Views, 40 Comments

A Sister's Love - Warvyn

Flitter has always been in love with a certain pony. The only problem is it happens to be her sister.

  • ...

Chapter Two

“Wake up!” An excited voice came from Flitter’s doorway. “Today is our day off, so get up sis.” Cloudchaser continued as she walked over and nudged the sleepy mare.

“Alright, alright. Just give me a few minutes, okay?” Flitter groggily replied.

“Ok, just hurry. Today is going to be great! I have everything planned out.” Her sister said enthusiastically as she trotted out of the mare’s room.

That pony. I swear, sometimes I don't know how I can stand to live with her, Flitter thought to herself as she rolled off the bed. She might as well get ready now, as there was no way Cloudchaser would let her go back to sleep.

Flitter slowly made her way to the bathroom so she could take a nice short shower. All the warm water did was make her feel even more sleepy.

After the shower, she dried herself off, and slipped back into her room as she started to brush her hair. It didn't take her long to finish since she never really styled her mane or tail. Once she felt satisfied, she put down her brush and lightly put on her bow.

“Hey, sis! You ready to go?” Cloudchaser asked from the hallway.

“Yeah,” Flitter replied as she exited her room. “So, where are we going?” She asked curiously.

“Well, I thought we should go out to eat. It won't be anything fancy though, because I still wanna go other places too,” Cloudchaser replied.

“Where are we going to eat then?” Flitter questioned with a raised eyebrow..

“Nowhere in particular. Just some unnamed place in the middle of Cloudsdale. I thought of going somewhere more appealing but then I made more plans for us.”

“I see.” Was all Flitter could say. She was very curious as to how today would turn out. Most of the time, they didn't have all that many bits to spend, and couldn't afford to do anything special. But now that her sister had worked a bit of overtime in the past week, they had enough to make the day at least worth while.

“But don't worry about that. Come on, lets go!” Cloudchaser practically shouted.

With that, the two sisters trotted outside, spread their wings, and took off towards the distant clouded city in the sky.


It didn't take long for the pair to reach the small restaurant. Just like Cloudchaser had promised, it definitely wasn't anything fancy, though it wasn't a horrible place either. It actually made Flitter feel comfortable.

The two mares were already sitting down at a table, staring down the menu to see what they wanted. Not much time past before a waiter then came and took their orders, only to set back off again.

“So,” Cloudchaser started. “Ready to talk about that mare now?” She teased.

Flitter began to fidget. “N-no. I don't wanna talk about it.” She huffed.

“Oh come on, Flitter, I’m your sister! You can tell me anything. I won't hate you or anything,” Cloudchaser said in an attempt to comfort her.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Flitter replied, trying to avoid the conversation. She really didn't want to tell Cloudchaser, and if she had to, she would prefer it wasn't in front of a crowd of ponies.

“But I want you to tell me now,” Cloudchaser said, trying to fake a pout. “I’m your sister. You’re not supposed to have any secrets you can't tell me...or do you not trust me.” She continued, putting on her best hurt face.

“Now you know that won't work on me sis. I won't fall for your traps this time,” Flitter countered. She was not going to tell her sister she loved her. Not now anyways. She didn't exactly plan on telling her, but with her feelings building, it sometimes felt as if she would burst like a dam.

“Fine. Be that way. If today wasn't our day off, I would bug you so much right now,” Cloudchaser teased.

“Seriously, and I’m supposed to be the younger sister? You act like a foal sometimes, you know that?” Flitter played while trying not to giggle. She couldn't help it though, it was fun to tease her older sister sometimes.

“Excuse me for intruding, but here are your meals, madams.” A waiter politely interrupted as he set down two trays of food and drinks. The lunch didn't look like much, but it certainly looked better than what the pair were used to eating.

“Thank you,” Flitter directed to the waiter, who kindly smiled before turning and trotting to the next table.

The mare look across the table at her sister as she ate. She knew it was weird, but she couldn't help but stare. To her, Cloudchaser was the most beautiful pony she had ever seen. It wasn't like she never had crushes before, but with her sister, it felt more like a burning desire, like something that she couldn't ignore even if she wanted to.

“Um, something wrong Flitter?” The pegasus in front of her asked.

“N-no! Nothing at all!” Flitter replied hastily, turning her head away, hoping her sister wouldn't notice the crimson red staining her cheeks.

“Are you sure? You’ve been spacing out a lot lately. Is it because of work? Are you tired? Or maybe you’re sick?” Cloudchaser kept asking, concerned.

“I’m fine, I promise. I’ve just been thinking a lot lately,” Flitter said.

“About?” Cloudchaser pushed.

“Just...well, everything, I guess. Its just...” Flitter paused. “I’ve been trying to think about how to tell the mare I like about my feelings.” She sighed. Even if she couldn't directly talk to her sister about it, she still felt it necessary to at least tell her something.

“Well, that's something you’ll have to think of on your own. I don't know the first thing about romance. Never really cared for it,” Cloudchaser replied nonchalantly.

Flitter laughed. “Oh really now? What, is it ‘too cool’ for you?” She teased.

“Of course! Nothing’s going to slow this pony down!” Cloudchaser boasted. “Besides, I have you to look after, so I don't have the time to do all that mushy stuff.” She added in a more serious but gentle tone.

Flitter couldn't help but blush at the statement. She wondered how hard it must be being the oldest of the two. It wasn't like she couldn't take of herself, but Flitter knew she was nothing like her sister. Cloudchaser always took care of everything around the house, worked longer hours than herself, and even made sure all the bills and other needs were paid. She felt bad for making her sister look after her. Seeing the mares expression, Cloudchaser spoke up.

“Hey, it isn't like I look out for you because I have too. I do it because I want to. You’re my sister, you know, and I wouldn't spend my time with anypony else but you,” Cloudchaser comforted, trying to cheer up the gloomy mare. It seemed to work as she could see a smile creep across Flitters face.

“Thanks sis, I love you too,” Flitter replied. In a way, she envied her sister; She was always determined, and wanted to get the job done, but she still understood the ponies around her, and never thought twice about helping somepony. She was strong and hardworking, but also gentle and calm.

“Good. Now that we got through that, hurry up and eat.” Her older sister said with a smile. “I still have something else planned for us today.”

Flitter smiled at her sister and finally started to eat. She hoped the rest of the day would be as nice as this.


Flitter was following her sister blindly. The pegasus refused to tell her where they were going, and had been leading them across the town for what felt like hours.

“C’mon, sis, why can't we just fly?” Flitter asked in annoyance.

“Because if we did, you’d easily spot where I was taking you, and I want it to be a surprise,” Cloudchaser countered. “Besides, its a nice day outside, and the streets aren't as crowded as usual. Even pegasi need to stretch out their legs sometimes.”

Flitter huffed. She just wanted to get off the streets as soon as possible. Her legs were beginning to tire, and she was becoming sleepy.

“Alright, we’re here!” Cloudchaser finally said as she came to a slow stop.

Flitter just sat there for a few seconds. It was one of those places that ponies usually go to make themselves look pretty. Was was the name of it? She couldn't remember the exact name, so she decided to refer to it as a barber shop. It was close enough right? They did cut hair.

“I figured it wouldn't so bad to try a new look. Not to mention, it would make you look absolutely beautiful, and might help you gain some confidence.” Her sister said with a light nudge to the shoulder. “I also thought it might help you win over your crush. Who knows?” She added with a shrug.

Flitter thought for a minute. This wasn't exactly the kind of surprise she was expecting, but her sister did it because she wanted to help. That made it special enough to her. She walked over to her sister and slightly nudged her back.

“Thanks,” Flitter whispered.

“Ahah, no problem. I know its not the most exciting thing in the world, but it can't harm you, right?” Cloudchaser said as she trotted inside the building. The inside wasn't much. It was like your regular old shop, just with a bit more decoration than usual.

As the two walked up to the desk, they were greeted by a young pegasi with a red coat and a maroon colored mane. She wore one of the widest smiles Flitter had ever seen, and couldn't tell if it was real or forced.

“How may I help you girls today?” She asked in a cheery tone.

“I’m Cloudchaser, and this is my sister Flitter. I dropped by yesterday to make an appointment here.” Flitter’s sister replied.

“Hmm...alright then, sit right here. One of the stylists should be with you in a moment.” The pegasus told them. Now that Flitter was sitting with a better view of the place, she looked around. It felt strange because the building was very spacious. Almost all the clients she could see were spread out with a small distance between them.

It wasn't long before a different pegasus walked towards the pair and took them off to different parts of the building. Cloudchaser got a seat near the front of the building, while Flitter had to sit almost at the very back. The only positive aspect the pegasus could find about this was the lack of other ponies near her. She usually loved it when everything was quiet.

The pegasus who had taken Flitter was a beautiful pony with a dark pale blue coat, a light blue mane, and regular blue eyes.

“So.” The stylist started, “Is there any specific style you want to go with?” She asked, readying her various styling tools.

“Not really.” Flitter said sheepishly. “I was kinda dragged into this by my sister...”

“Hmm...alright then, don't worry about it. I know just the thing to make you look even more beautiful than you are now.” The pegasus said as she hoofed through a few supplies on a counter to her right before playing with the Flitter’s mane. Not much time went by before the mare spoke up again.

“You’re so quiet. Most of my customer talk up a storm here.” The pegasus played.

“O-oh. I like it when its quiet though. It makes everything feel...peaceful. I was never very good at making conversation anyway,” Flitter said.

“A quiet mare, huh? I’ll change that then.” The stylist smiled. “So how about you tell me your name?.”

“I’m Flitter. And you are?”

“My name is Raining Sky, but you can just call me ‘Sky’. I don't really like my full name, much less being called by it.” The mare informed. “Not that I don't think it sounds good.” She quickly added.

“Its a nice name though. Mine isn't anything special, just plain,” Flitter said. She wished that her name sounded unique or beautiful, but it didn't. Not to her at least.

“It may not be special, but it isn't plain either,” Sky told her. “Your name sounds wonderful to me.”

Flitter blushed slightly. “I guess so, but I don't see why.”

“How about work? What do you do for a living?” Sky prodded.

“Oh, I work with the Cloudsdale weather team. It isn't the most exciting thing in the world, and we don't have as many ponies as we should, but the pay isn't too bad,” Flitter replied. At least they changed topics.

“The weather team? That sounds wonderful. I would give anything to be able to fly out in the open all day,” Sky said with a hint of envy. “But instead, I’m stuck in here. I don't hate it though, it is what I do best anyway.”

By now, the stylist had already removed Flitter’s bow and let her hair down, starting to wet it. Her hair began to stick to her coat and made it look a shade darker.

“I suppose it is. I love flying. Its just that the team is small, not to mention we have ponies who like to show off from time to time and get hurt,” Flitter said, thinking back to Thunderlane’s accident the day before. “And most of the time, the ponies aren't paying attention and somehow screw something up.”

Sky let out a small giggle. “Must be nice to be around such active ponies all the time. Most of the workers here just keep to themselves, and only talk to each to borrow supplies or such. So, its usually quite boring here.”

“It sounds like we should change places then,” Flitter joked. “But nah, I don't think I’d be able to stay cooped up in here all day.”

“Yeah, I guess. It’s not so bad, really. I get to meet new people all the time, and learn about things I would never have heard of if I weren't working here.” Sky said as she began to brush through the mares hair. Flitter let out a soft sigh. Usually she would let her sister do her hair, mainly because it felt nice to have somepony elses hooves run through it, but also because it let her spend some time with the elder mare.

The two pegasi didn't talk as much after the stylist started working on Flitter’s hair. Sometimes one would speak up or try to stick to a topic, but most of the conversations ended fairly quickly. At least, until Sky decided to pick a sensitive subject for the mare.

“So, do you like somepony?” Sky asked. Flitter went through her mind for a minute or so before answering the question.

“Yeah...” Flitter replied nervously.

“Oh? Well, who is it?” Sky asked with genuine curiosity.

Flitter thought for a minute. How do I get out of this one? I can't tell her I'm in love my sister...then again, she must have a lot of conversations with other ponies, so maybe she’d understand?

Not wanting to risk too much, she came up with an answer.

“It’s with another mare,” Flitter stated. It didn't seem to faze Sky at all though, which was relieving.

“I see. Guess it isn't the first time I’ve heard something like that.” Sky said. “Actually, now that I think about it, it seems pretty common in Equestria. As far as I know, most of the ponies who are colt-cuddlers or filly foolers seem pretty open about it.” She added.

Again, Flitter had to stop and think for a second. She never noticed so many ponies like that around her. They all seemed more or less normal. Out of all her friends, she only knew two other ponies who liked the same gender, and that was Cloud Kicker, a fillyfooler, and Green Gem, a coltcuddler. Both of them were fairly open about it.

Flitter herself, though, had not told anyone except for Raining Sky and her sister. It seemed less than normal to her to like another mare, not to mention a bit embarrassing.

Maybe I shouldn't be so worried about it. It seems like everyone is fairly tolerant of ponies like us. The only problem is who I like though, not her gender... Flitter thought to herself.

“You still haven't told me who it is,” Sky interjected, interrupting Flitter's thoughts.

“It doesn't really matter,” Flitter started, “She wouldn't like me back anyway.”

“Now don't say that,” Sky said in a reprimanding tone. “You’re a very beautiful pony. I'm sure whoever it is they would simply fall head over hooves for you.”

“I really wish that were true...” Flitter sighed in the barber’s chair. “But there are complications that help with the reasons of why she wouldn't want to be with me.”

“Like what?” Sky asked as she leaned towards her.

“Um...” Flitter thought. “I don't really wanna talk about it.” she said.

“Please?” The stylist pleaded. “I won't tell her or anything, I promise. I probably don't even know the pony.”

Flitter sank. She never did good under pressure. She always caved in. It was surprising that Cloudchaser hadn’t used that against her yet.

“I-its, um,” Flitter stuttered, then lowered her head a little before letting out a defeated sigh. Maybe she should just get it off her chest while she could. Besides, the mare was only one pony. What was the worst that could happen? “It’s with my sister, Cloudchaser.” She finally said, pointing to the oblivious pony on the other side of the room.

Just as she expected, the mare’s face wrinkled a bit. “Your...your sister? Thats, umm...thats kind of...odd,” Sky admitted.

“Now you know why it can't happen. It’s not like I wanted to fall in love with her you know. It just kinda happened. She always looked after me whenever I needed help or had trouble,” Flitter tried to reason.

Sky stopped for a second before speaking up again. “Well, I guess you can't help who you fall in love with.” She said. “It may be weird, but, who am I to judge?” Flitter let out a sigh of partial relief. At least the stylist didn't seem to completely hate her for it.

“Anyway, we’re done now. Do you like it?” Sky asked.

Flitter looked into the mirror in front of her. At first she expected a small change, nothing major. But as she stared, she noticed a few differences. Her hair was highlighted at the bottom, though it wasn't anything drastic. It was actually hardly noticeable. It was also cut a tiny bit shorter, another small difference that was hard to notice.

Another thing she noticed was that her hair was styled a bit different. It was parted in the middle and almost fell to a complete straight stop at the end. Although not a huge change, it did make Flitter look and feel more stylish.

“It’s great!” Flitter admitted.

“I’m glad you like it,” Sky smiled. “And listen, if you ever wanna talk about, well, you know, anything, just drop by. I wouldn't mind the company.” She added in a bit of a hushed tone.

Flitter stopped for a moment. “Thanks, I’ll do that sometime.”

Standing back up, Flitter turned around to find her sister. She wasn't anywhere to be seen though. The mare trotted to the front of the building trying to find Cloudchaser, only to meet her at the complete front... but what she saw made her heart skip a few beats.

Cloudchaser looked stunning. Her hair was completely down instead of being in its usual spiked state. Her hair was two-toned, with a light blue color at the base, but slowly changing to a more light color as it reached the tips. It also had a bow on the back. Her tail was done in almost the way, just without the bow, and still had a few spikes in it.

“What do ya think?” Cloudchaser asked as she did a slow twirl. All Flitter could do was gawk at her sister. She looked absolutely beautiful to her, and soon became lost in her looks.


“Oh. It looks great. You look beautiful, sis,” Flitter eventually choked out.

“Aww, thanks. You look stunning yourself,” Cloudchaser complemented bad, causing Flitter to blush. “Anyway, we should go home now, its getting pretty late.” She added.

“All right,” Flitter responded. Before the pair trotted out of the building, Cloudchaser paid for the service, giving a small tip to both of the mares who did their hair, then took flight back to their house.

The way back was followed with an uncomfortable and awkward silence. Flitter wasn't sure if something was wrong with the mare or if she just had other thoughts on her mind. Either way, she decided not to try and press anything.

It wasn't long before they got home. Almost immediately Cloudchaser stated she was tired and going to bed. Flitter decided to do the same. Her problem, though, was sleep didn't want to meet her. All she could think about was how beautiful her sister looked earlier. Her heart tightened at the thought. Back in Cloudsdale she had wanted to hug the pegasus badly, and even worse, she had wanted to kiss her sister.

No Flitter. You can't do that, especially in front of everypony. the mare thought. I really wish I could tell her. It’s not fair to be in love with someone I can't be with... She sighed to herself. It wasn't her fault she had these kind of thoughts, but regardless, she still had them.

It doesn't matter, its all just fantasy anyway. She told herself. Fantasy. That’s all it was, and all it will be.

Deciding to leave it at that, Flitter closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep again.