• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 2,794 Views, 40 Comments

A Sister's Love - Warvyn

Flitter has always been in love with a certain pony. The only problem is it happens to be her sister.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Flitter lazily opened her eyes. She hadn’t slept much the previous night, and her head felt like it was being pounded with a blunt object. Slowly, she slipped out of bed and headed down the hall, making her way to the kitchen. As she neared the room, she could hear the light clang of objects hitting each other. Poking her head through the door, she caught sight of Cloudchaser, but not in a position she expected.

The mare was bending down, searching the cabinets for, well, who knows what. Her flank was raised in the air, with her legs spread slightly apart. At first all Flitter could do was stare. After all, she had never seen her sister in a position like that before. It took her a bit to unscramble her thoughts, and audibly cleared her throat.

Immediately Cloudchaser spun herself around, startled at the sudden noise. Noticing the source of the noise, she calmed down a bit.

“Oh, hey sis. You, uh, you kind of startled me,” Cloudchaser stated. “I didn’t expect you to be awake already.”

Flitter smirked. “So you admit to being scared this time? I'm surprised.”

The older mare’s face flushed red. “I wasn't scared. Startled. There’s a difference,” Cloudchaser tried to counter, only earning a giggle from the lilac mare.

“Whatever you say, sis. Anyway, what are you doing? You were making quite a bit of noise, you know. Are you looking for something?” Flitter asked with a slight tilt of her head at the ransacked cabinets.

“No. Well, sorta. I was wanting to make something to eat before I had to go to work.” Cloudchaser replied with a slight sigh and a shrug. “I have go soon, though, so it looks like I’ll just have to eat later.”

“Okay. Then I’m going back to bed. I wasn't able to get much sleep last night,” Flitter admitted.

“I guess should be going anyway. I’ll see you later, sis. Love you,” Cloudchaser said before trotting over and giving the younger mare a small peck on the cheek, which made Flitter’s face turn a deep scarlet red.

“I-I love you too,” Flitter stuttered, looking away in hopes her sister wouldn't see her face. “I, um... I'm going to bed now.”

“All right. I need to go anyway.” Cloudchaser said in reply before turning around and trotting out the door. Flitter watched her go until she was out of sight, then slowly making her way back to her room.

C’mon Flitter, it was just a tiny show of affection. It isn't like she actually kissed you... She thought. Maybe I should just get some sleep.

Slipping back into her bed, she closed her eyes. But it wasn’t sleep that met her. Instead, her mind raced with images of her sister. It wasn't anything too intimate, but most of the mare’s thoughts made her face flush and body heat up.

Calm down, calm down. Just try and distract yourself with other things. She tried to think of anything else, something to possibly take her mind off of Cloudchaser. It didn't help much, as everything that came to her mind somehow found its way back to the pegasus.

Flitter let out a sigh. The mare only had about two hours of sleep, if that. As tired as she was, her thoughts of Cloudchaser kept her awake. She tried shifting around a bit, tossing and turning every now and then, but it took the pegasus a while to finally find a comfortable position and for her mind to slip into a land of dreams.


It wasn't until a few hours later that Flitter woke up. Gazing out of the window in her room, she could tell it was already somewhere past noon. Deciding that she’d slept enough for the day, and that she was hungry, the lilac mare slipped out of her bed and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

After a bit of searching through the cabinets, she found nothing of interest. As she was about to give up on food, a plate on the table caught her eye. On it, there was a few rose petals engulfed in two slices of bread.

Cloudchaser... how in Equestria did you manage to make this without me noticing? Flitter thought to herself. She couldn't remember seeing it on the table when she woke up, and she watched her sister fly away. Oh, well. It was still thoughtful of her.

Eating the sandwich her sister made for her, she tried to think of what to do for the rest of the day. She was sure most of it would revolve around doing a bit a cleaning and minor chores. Cloudchaser usually did everything around the house, but Flitter tried to help when she could. She didn't want her sister to think she couldn't handle herself, after all.

Finishing her food, the pegasus decided to try and take her mind off everything by cleaning. It helped at first, but soon her mind began to wander back to her sister.

Maybe I should just tell her already. What’s the worse that can happen, aside from her possibly finding it weird or abnormal, and avoid you for the rest of your life. The thought made her cringe a bit. The last thing she wanted was for Cloudchaser to hate her. Why couldn't I just be normal like all the other ponies? Why can't I just fall in love with a stallion? Even another mare would do, but why my own sister!?

Flitter was starting to feel flustered. It wasn't her fault that she felt this way. Cloudchaser always made her smile when was sad, happy when she was mad, and even laugh after she would cry. What started out as just mild admiration became what felt like a heart-aching love. It didn't take her long to notice she was involuntarily staring at her sisters flank, or getting lost in the mare’s eyes.

I wish I could talk to somepony about this... Flitter silently wished. It seemed as if whoever she could talk to would be against her. Being in love with the same gender may have been tolerant in Equestria, but she knew that incest wasn't. If anything, it was despised, though she wasn't exactly sure as to why. It just was.

Come on, Flitter, there has to be something you can do about this!

After a bit of thinking, the pegasus found an answer. Sky... she told me I could come back to talk to her. I wonder if she would listen?

Somehow, the thought of the stylist pony cheered her up. Maybe she could even make a friend, something that she lacked and could definitely use.

A friend. That sounds nice. I could use somepony else other than just Cloudchaser to talk to.

Finally able to cope with her own thoughts, Flitter made her way around the house, finding something, anything to do to pass the time. When it came close to Cloudchaser returning, the pegasus walked to the kitchen to make dinner.

What should I make? She asked herself as she opened the fridge. Oh, Celestia. She bought a bunch of junk again. Well, lets see what we have... Well, I can't make anything with most of this stuff.

Letting out a sigh, she moved to the cabinets, grabbing the few things that she had bought. It was always up to Flitter to make sure they ate something at least slightly healthy every once in awhile.

With the food she had grabbed, she decided to make a salad using carrots, lettuce, and a few flowers to help give a bit of flavor to the meal. It wasn't something that took long to make, and so she was done within minutes, just in time to hear the door open and close. After another few seconds, her sister happily walked in.

“Hey, Cloudchaser. You seem really happy, something good happen?” Flitter asked upon noticing the happy pegasus trotting into the kitchen.

“Not really. Work was easy today. It didn't take nearly as long as it usually does to get the clouds out of the air,” Cloudchaser started. “And Thunderlane is back. It was kinda funny to watch him try and be all careful around the clouds.”

Flitter tried to imagine the stallion being careful. It would be quite the to sight see as he always tried to act so cool around everypony else. The thought even made her giggle a little.

“Well, it’s nice to know he isn't hurt anymore. After seeing him get shocked, the whole team worried about him.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s good. Anyway, what are we eating tonight?” Cloudchaser asked with a glance at what Flitter was working on..

“Just a bunch of stuff I put together, like a few carrots and such. Pretty much a salad,” Flitter replied simply, which made her sisters face scrunch up a tiny bit.

“Something healthy? Come on, Flitter, you need to lighten up on the food, or at least make something that tastes good.”

“Just eat it. It isn't like it will be the end of the world if you do, and you have to eat something healthy at least once a week. Besides, you’re going to get sick if you keep eating the way you do. I'm surprised you aren’t already,” Flitter argued.

Cloudchaser let out a sigh. “Fine, but only for you... don't expect me to eat like this all the time.” she warned.

Flitter slid the plates she prepared off her wings and onto the table before sitting down, her sister following behind her.

“That’s fine with me, as long as you eat when I make it,” Flitter happily agreed. Admittedly, she didn't like eating healthy either, but she knew she had to. Getting sick didn't sound too appealing to her. “Anything else happen at work?”

“Nothing important. Even though today was a fast day, though, the manager said we’ll have more work to do tomorrow. Some of the ponies aren't going to show up, so it’ll be a small team of us working instead of how many there usually are,” Cloudchaser replied as she took a mouthful of the vile vegetables.

“For the city of pegasi, our weather team sure is lacking. We’re small enough as it is, and now even more ponies are leaving?” Flitter sighed. More and more pegasi kept leaving Cloudsdale for who knew what, and it caused some problems in the city, seeing as only pegasi—and in some cases, unicorns—could live in it, which meant there was less of a population.

“We might have to move soon and find another city to live in. I love Cloudsdale, but we’re getting overworked for what we’re paid,” Cloudchaser noted. “There’s a small town called Ponyville I’ve heard a bit about, and the weather team there sounds well worked.”

Flitter thought for a few minutes. She had lived in the floating city for as long as she could remember. Having to leave would make her sad, but her sister was right, they were having to work longer with the lack of pegasi. Maybe it was for the best.

“I hope it doesn't come to that.” Was all Flitter could reply with as her thoughts raced.

“Me too, but it doesn't hurt to have a plan just in case,” Cloudchaser said as she finished her food and washed her plate. “Anyway, I'm done for tonight. I'm going to try and go in a bit early tomorrow. Night, Flitter.”

“Good night, sis,” Flitter said, finishing her own food. After the meal, the two took turns using the shower before finally going to their own rooms to sleep.

Flitter couldn't help but dwell on her thoughts from earlier. Going back to see Sky so soon made her feel a bit nervous, but she needed someone to talk to, and hopefully the stylist would understand. Deciding to worry about it when she got there, she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.