• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,152 Views, 61 Comments

Equestria Noir Side Series "Bright Eyes" - Jacoboby1

A multi part side story taking place in the universe of Equestria Noir Starring Ditzy Doo!

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Part V

Bright Eyes

Part V

Perspective: Sandā Bolt

I closed the file and put in inside my suit case. Raiden was looking at me with eager eyes. I simply said, “Everything should check out. Since this event qualifies as a charity event your contract can’t prevent you from performing with Ditzy.”

Raiden gave a sigh of relief. “Thanks bro, this really does mean a lot to me.”

“Just,” I wasn’t ready to handle this. “Just go before I change my mind.”

With that Raiden walked out. Just then Mayu walked in and her wings flapped once. I knew I was in trouble when that happened. “You haven’t talked to him like this in over two years and you just shove him out?”

“Mayu,” I shook my head and walked to her. “I’m sorry it’s just, strange to see Raiden take responsibility for anything.”

She put a hoof on my face and met my eyes. “You didn’t just help him to help Ditzy. I know in your heart you really wanted to help your brother.”

“You always did know me best,” I said, giving my wife a hug with my wings.

She smiled in my embrace. “Just never forget your good heart Sandā,” she said, and then gave me a kiss. “It’s one of the reasons I’m married to you.”

I watched her leave and I looked out of my office window. My whole world really has changed it seems. Raiden, do not make me regret the faith I’ve put into this.


Perspective: Raiden Bolt

The day had finally come. Everypony in town was gathering in and around town hall as the celebration of Ponyville’s 75th anniversary began. Everypony was enjoying the celebrations.

Where was I you ask?

I was backstage with Ditzy. I sat at the piano as she finished warming up. She smiled as she finished the last note of the song. I returned her smile. “I think we got this one in the bag.”

Ditzy laughed and flapped her wings a little. “Oh I hope I do good, we both worked so hard for this.”

I got up from the piano, walked to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Nah, all I did was play a few notes on the piano. You’re the pony who put her heart and soul into it all.”

“Thanks Raiden.” She then hugged me, “Just thank you so much.”

With that I heard a knock on the door. Ditzy went to get it and I saw a little filly run to hug her. She was a periwinkle colored unicorn with a blond mane very close to Ditzy. This had to be Dinky.

“Mom you look so pretty!” Dinky complimented, looking at Dinky’s beautiful blue dress. She said she kept it for special occasions and who knew she could clean up pretty well.

Ditzy blushed a little. “Stop it Dinky.”

“She isn’t lying,” another unicorn said walking in. This one was a teenager with a pink coat and a violet mane. Boy, she’s going to be a beauty when she leaves high school. “I mean after all, you did make a filly as cute as Dinky here.” She rubbed Dinky’s mane affectionately. Then her eyes turned to me, became wide eyed and she said, “Yo-you’re Raiden Bolt?”

“You must be Sparkler,” I said, a smile on my face. “Ditzy has told me all about her kids.”

Sparkler started sweating nervously. I could tell she was doing everything in her power not to scream like a fan girl. Her violet eyes wandered as she said, “My um, friends wanted me to see if you could autograph one of my pictures. That I got from my friends as a joke! Not that you’re a joke I mean.”

“It’s alright,” I said, as she levitated out one of my concert pictures I give out once in a while. I took a marker and began writing on it. Sparkler was looking about ready to squeal. I finished autographing it and gave the picture to Sparkler. “Just let your “friends” know I always appreciate fans.”

Sparkler then looked up and said, “Would you all excuse me for a minute?”

She walked outside and closed the door behind her. The next two minutes we just heard this high pitched squealing and happy yelling coming from outside. But that clearly wasn’t Sparkler right?

Yeah, I don’t even sound convincing to myself.

Just then a brown stallion walked in. Dinky’s eyes grew big and she ran to him. “Doctor! I didn’t think you could make it!”

“And miss Ditzy sing?” He said with a laugh. “Not for all the muffins in Equestria.”

Ditzy smiled and walked to this Doctor guy. “So um, we aren’t in trouble or anything like that are we?”

“Nope,” he said with a smile. “So far there aren’t any crazy things coming our way. At least, not my brand of crazy.”

Dinky checked the clock. “The show’s going to start soon.”

Sparkler walked back in. “Come on guys, we’d better get going before all the seats are filled up.”

“Alright,” The Doctor guy spoke up “Allons-y!”

Ditzy smiled as they all left and I gave her a small smirk. “So uh, who’s the boyfriend?”

Ditzy blushed bright red. “The doct- I mean Doctor Time Turner and I are not dating!” She closed her eyes and stuck her nose in the air. “We’re just a boy and a girl who do various things together.”

“Uh huh.” my smirk grew “Just if you need any advice, you can always look up my column.”

“Well I’m gonna go talk to my family some more,” Ditzy said, hovering in the air a little. “I’ll see you when our turn comes up.”

“See ya Ditzy,” I said as she left with her family. I looked back at the mirror and adjusted my mane a little. I don’t know why Private thinks I have bad hair. I think it gives me personality. Oh well, at least Rainbow likes it when I-


I turned around and saw ole Gander was glaring at me. A pair of muscle heads were flanking him. I braced myself for what was coming. He almost spat out his words “You know what I found on my desk this morning Raiden Bolt?”

“Judging by your condescending attitude,” I said with a frown, “I don’t think it was your morning coffee.”

“Do you realize what sending your brother in cost me?!” He growled. “I had thousands of brands of Raiden Bolt merchandise and concerts lined up. But what do you do? You launch a court investigation of my assets! Many of my partners withdrew the moment your brother appeared at the table.”

Heh, Sandā did have that effect on ponies who piss him off.

“Listen,” I growled back. “I’m going on that stage, I’m going to help this mare do her best. There’s nothing you can do to stop me! I don’t care about record deals, or merchandise or anything! I’m not going to be a sellout anymore!”

“You may not have a choice in the matter,” he said with a smirk. “Once everypony learns you bailed out of helping little miss Ditzy your reputation will be ruined.”

“You planned for this all along!” I accused. “You knew I wouldn’t back down from helping her!” I started channeling Private now. “Not only that! But if word got out I didn’t help her then Sandā’s reputation goes down too!”

“Exactly,” he said manically. “I know several ponies that would pay an amazing amount of bits to make sure your lawyer brother loses his badge. He’s put away many powerful and very angry ponies. Not unlike your friend Private.”

“Yeah well,” I said, scraping my hoof in anger. “You aren’t stopping me from getting on that stage!”

“You really think so?” Gander laughed. “Once you’re discovered with a set of drugs in your system everypony will believe you’ve gone off the deep end. You’ll gain headlines alright, but it won’t help you ever land a singing job again.”

“You’ll never gain a job as a manager again,” I fired back. “After what I tell everypony about this little scheme of yours!”

The two muscle heads then walked to me, and grabbed me by my wings, pinning me down. I struggled under their weight but these guys were heavy. I looked up at Gander who grinned evilly. “Then I guess, you’ll have to take a rain check on the concert.”

With that he slammed a hoof into my face and I blacked out…


Perspective: Ditzy Doo

I peeked outside of the curtain as everypony was taking their seats. Wow, that was a lot of ponies out there. Everypony in town was coming to see us perform. It was nice to see everypony coming to appreciate our hard work.

“Well, if it isn’t my wall eyed friend,” I heard a rude voice speak up behind me.

I turned around and saw Siren with a mean look on her face. She tossed her silver mane and said in a very mean voice, “Well, I hope you aren’t actually expecting to get on that stage and embarrass yourself.”

I glared at her. “Look Siren, I know you don’t like me. But Raiden and I worked very hard on this, so yes, I am getting on that stage.”

“Oh give it a rest already,” Siren said, again very meanly. “Raiden is not coming.”

“Don’t lie Siren!” I said, glaring hard at her. “Raiden will come! He promised!”

“Oh please, he’s probably in another town right now,” Siren said with a roll of her eyes. “Raiden never takes responsibility for anything. He probably got bored of you and left.”

It’s not true! Raiden wouldn’t leave me! He said we would do this!

“Oh you poor thing,” Siren said, as if I was a brain dead two year old. “You know, I’ll bet if you leave now you’ll save yourself the embarrassment.”

“You’ll save yourself some if you shut up.”

I looked past Siren to see a very pretty yellow pony shove Siren aside. Larksong? What was she doing here?

“Larksong?” Siren said, and then smiled very fake like. “Well, if it isn’t my classmate.”

“Hello Siren,” Larksong smiled a little. “Still looking like my grandmother I see.”

Siren dropped her jaw and then glared daggers at her. “You little-”

She said several not nice words after that. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable with saying them out loud.

“-so then you’ll have to do it sideways!” Was what Siren’s rant amounted to. Wow, she did not like Larksong.

“So what are you doing here?” Larksong said, as if Siren didn’t say anything mean. “If not to just harass the competition.”

“I, the beautiful and angelically voiced Siren,” she said, putting a hoof on her chest. “Have decided to grace the audience with a real singer.”

Larksong looked left and right. “Is she here? I wonder, is she invisible?”

“Don’t you dare mock me!”

“Can I talk to this invisible mare?”

“Listen here-”

“Is she your imaginary marefriend? That would explain why you haven’t gotten stallion since Raiden left you.”

With that Siren fumed and just stormed off. Larksong looked at me and a slow smile came to her face. “Raiden will come, don’t worry.”

I gave Larksong a smile, she and I didn’t talk much, but I could tell she was a nice pony deep down. “Thanks Larksong, I know Raiden and I will do great.”

Larksong then left as the show was starting.

I heard the Mayor speak outside, “Ladies and Gentlestallions! Welcome to Ponyville’s 75th anniversary celebration! Tonight, the ponies of Ponyville have gathered to show their talent and love of music. Now let the celebrations begin!!”

I heard a lot of cheering and applause outside. It was starting, where was Raiden?

“Okay contestant number 1, let’s go!” I heard a pony call and watched Colgate head for the curtain. I looked down at my card and saw I was the last to go. Good! That means it’ll be a big finale!

I just hope Raiden gets here in time! Where is he?


Perspective: Mocha Muffin

Another late night work shift, that was I had to look forward to tonight. Oh well, nopony was going to come to Sugar Cube Corner during the festival anyways. They can buy the merchandise from the stand the Cake family set up.

I looked up from my magazine at the empty shop. I’d only been in Ponyville for about two weeks. My cousin got me a job here as a favor from Mrs. Cake. Well, it was better than flipping veggie patties at Maredonalds I guess. At least here, I can work with my special talent.

Right now though, I was a glorified security guard. Not that I minded, it was certainly better than other jobs. The Cakes were nice, they paid reasonably, and they never seemed to ask too much of me. I was always happy to help them out.

The door opened and I saw Dark Skies, a friend of mine peek his head into the shop. “Hey Mocha! We’re all heading to that singing competition. Wanna come?” He said in his Lyrish accent.

“Can’t, sorry,” I said, using my magic to mop the floor while reading the magazine. It was pretty good to be a unicorn. “I gotta mind the shop while the Cakes are doing business.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, and then walked outside. That Dark, he can be an interesting character sometimes.


What was that? I lifted the mop like a spear and started to make my way towards the source of the sound. It came from outside, I looked out to see Dark on the ground rubbing his head. “Bunch of jerks! Blindsiding me like that!”

“What happened?” I asked, helping my friend up.

“Some eejets came by and shoved me,” Dark complained, rubbing his bruised side. “They just walked on by like I was nothing!”

I looked to where Dark was pointing and saw two really big ponies running away. They had somepony strung over their back. He was tied up! Somepony was being kidnapped! I had to tell somepony!

“Dark!” I exclaimed, looking at him. “Where’s Private Eye?”

“He should be at the competition,” Dark said. “Like everypony in Ponyville”

“You follow those guys and I’ll go get him! Don’t let them out of your sight!”

I then left my mop behind and ran off towards Town Hall. I had to get to Private! He stopped guys like Discord before! He should be able to help somepony getting kidnapped!


Perspective: Private Eye

I watched as Lyra left the stage after performing an interesting song. It was called Anthrosomething. I had no idea how she got the idea or even what half what she was saying meant. But the tune was catchy enough.

I looked at the singer order and frowned. “Who the hell let Siren on?”

Rainbow who was sitting to my right fumed. “That slut got in? I hope Derpy and Raiden knock the snot out of her.”

Siren then took the stage, tossed her silver mane and began singing. It was some pop hit that really got the crowd going. I had to look forward to the fact I’d have an ear worm for the next two days.

Don’t stop, make it pop Dj, blow my speakers up!

Tonight, I’mma fight till we see the sunlight

Tick Tock, on the clock, and the party don’t stop

“Sweet Celestia!” Twilight cried, looking at the crowd. “Do ponies really have zero taste in music?”

“It’s the mare factor,” I said, crossing my forelegs. “Doesn’t matter how stupid the song is, if a mare like Siren sings it, they’ll go nuts for it.”

“Boo!” Rainbow called. “Get her off the stage!”

The crowd was ignoring Rainbow’s pleas however. They were completely under Siren’s spell. That pegasus was a pop hit even before she dated Raiden. She has gone down in recent years for her, well, clingy attitude.

But right now, Ditzy’s chances of getting anywhere were looking pretty slim.

“Private Eye!” I heard a voice call. I turned to look at the stairs on the seats and found a brown unicorn pony with a messy white mane running towards me. This was Mocha Muffin, I believe he was a new guy they hired on at Sugar Cube Corner.

He was breathing heavy as he ran up the steps to our seats. “You gotta come with me! Somepony is in trouble!”

“What happened?” I asked, getting out of my seat to walk to him.

“Somepony was getting kidnapped! I didn’t catch a good glimpse of them, but I think they took Raiden Bolt! They were trying to get out of town awfully fast!”

I nodded and I looked over at Twilight. “You get backstage and try and stall Ditzy going on as long as possible. Somepony could be trying to sabotage her showing.”

Twilight nodded and Rainbow flew beside me as we followed Mocha out. “I’m coming too, I want to make sure Raiden’s okay.”

I nodded and we all ran out, I hope we get there in time…


“You sure we gotta drug him?”

“Look, the boss said that he’s gotta be found with drugs in his system.”

“Just don’t seem right, having tah break a mare’s heart like that.”

“Who care’s so long as we-”


I ran into the alley to find an orange earth pony with a wild red and yellow mane slam a trash can lid into the back of a thugs head. The other thug tried to pull out a gun on the kid but I shot it out of his mouth. Rainbow then delivered a flying kick to his face and he went down for the count.

Rainbow then flapped down to Raiden and lifted his head. “He’s out cold! Those thugs were going to drug him!”

I looked at the orange earth pony. “Nice work.”

He gave a smile. “Eh, anything to help Mocha.”

Mocha was looking at the thugs and then levitated out a letter. His eyes scanned it for a minute and his eyes went wide. “These guys were hired by Raiden’s manager! They wanted him to be found with drugs to ruin his rep!”

“The dirty bastard!” the orange earth pony cried. “How could he do that?”

“I’ll take care of these two,” I said, I then looked at Rainbow. “Get him up!”

Rainbow then planted her lips on Raiden’s. Like clockwork that got his yellow eyes wide open. He then kissed back into Rainbow and shook his head drowsily. “Ow, did anypony get the license on that carriage?”

“Raiden, you’re okay!” Rainbow said, hugging her coltfriend.

I finished cuffing the thugs and then looked as Rainbow helped Raiden to his feet. My friend’s look was determined. “I have to get back to town hall! Ditzy’s counting on me!”

Rainbow slung Raiden over her back and flew at an incredible speed. It took us a while to get here thanks to the thugs moving around. I only hope they can make it in time.


Perspective: Ditzy Doo

I looked out as Siren finished her song. She was pretty good, but the song just didn’t seem to have any, I don’t know, heart to it.

Siren walked through the curtain and smiled smugly at everypony. “That, is how you win a crowd folks.”

She then walked to me and brushed her tail on my nose, almost causing me to sneeze. “I hope you’ve considered backing out, since I don’t see Raiden anywhere.”

“Raiden will come!” I fired back. “Just you wait!”

“Oh, but I won’t have to wait long.” she pointed behind me.

I turned to find Twilight arguing with the Mayor. “Look, can’t you just give her ten minutes?”

“I’m sorry Twilight,” the mayor said firmly. “But according to the rules you made, either she goes on or I have to disqualify her.”


“No buts Twilight,” she said with a shake of her head. “I wish I could, but I can’t stall them forever. She goes out now, or she doesn’t go at all.”

Twilight sighed and walked to me. “I’m sorry Derpy, there’s nothing I can do.”

Raiden wasn’t coming. Face it Ditzy, he’s let you down like so many ponies in the past. He didn’t….he wouldn’t…

I fought back tears and looked back at Twilight. “I’m gonna go on, Raiden promised, he’s going to get here, I know it.”

Twilight smiled slowly and then held the curtain open for me “Knock em dead, Derpy.”

I walked outside to a quiet crowd. The stage was empty except for me, a microphone and a large piano. Everypony was looking at me, knowing I was the last act. They all just stared, oh what am I going to do? I don’t have the music, I can’t play the piano, I can’t do anything!



Wall eyed freak!

You’re wasting our time!

That’s all I am I see, just a waste of everypony’s time. I looked down and was ready to walk out. Better that I don’t sing at all then try to embarrass myself. This whole idea was stupid. How was I going to prove I was anything more than a worthless klutz? Siren was right! All I am is a freak!

Turn around…

I looked at the piano and saw Raiden was there. He made it! He came!

He smiled at me and started playing the notes to our song. His hooves and wings were working their magic on the keys. I smiled wide, fighting tears as Raiden looked at me.

“I told you I’d make it,” he said as the song started going.

Turn around…

I smiled and walked to the mic, all that insecurity I felt before was gone. I wasn’t a freak! I wasn’t just a klutz! Raiden showed me that here and now, I am a star! I don’t need to listen to what others say. I decided who I wanna be!

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely

and you’re never coming round

Raiden smiled and sang into a small microphone on the piano.

Turn around…

I poured my heart into every note I sang.

Every now and then I get a little bit tired

Of listening to the sound of my tears

Turn around…

Every now and then I get a little bit nervous

That the best of all the years had gone by…

Turn around,

Every now and then I get a little bit terrified

But then I see the look in your eyes

Raiden began adding his voice to it; he was a great singer too.

Turn around, Bright Eyes!

We began singing back and forth, the crowd was looking at me, but I didn’t care. For once in my life, I wanted them to see me.

Every now and then I fall apart!

Turn around, Bright Eyes!

Every now and then I fall apart!

And I need you now tonight,

And I need you more, then ever!

And if you only hold me tight,

We’ll be holding on forever…

And we’ll only be making it right

‘cause we’ll never be wrong.

Together we can take it to the end of the line,

Your love is like a shadow on me all the time!

I don’t know what to do, I’m always in the dark

We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks!!

At this point the crowd was cheering like nuts. Everypony was loving us. They really loved us!

Cobalt, thank you for giving this song, I know you’re watching me right now. I hope, I hope that I made you proud.

For a minute there, I thought I saw a blue unicorn in the audience. He looked like Cobalt! He was cheering for me…

Wait no, that pony was brown. Wasn’t he that new guy working at Sugar Cube Corner? The one who made those delicious muffins? He’s kind of cute…

But time to sing out again! This one’s for you muffin pony!

I really need you tonight!

Forever’s going to start tonight…

Once upon a time I was falling in love…

But now I’m only falling apart…

There’s nothing I can do…

Total eclipse of the heart..

Once upon a time there was light in my life,

But now there’s only love in the dark…

Nothing I can say…a total eclipse of the heart….

With that Raiden took over pouring his heart into the piano. I watched him play like a super musician. It’s no wonder ponies like him, he just loved the music. He didn’t care about fans or money; it was all about what he can bring to the table.

A true friend, that’s what he is…

As Raiden played I looked to my left. I stared wide eyed as Cobalt was there. Was I dreaming? Or…

He just smiled at me; I felt tears on my cheeks. His blue eyes gazed at me, told me to put everything into this.

I will Cobalt! I will make you proud of me…

I love you…

Turn around, Bright Eyes!!

Every now and then I fall apart!

Turn around, Bright Eyes!!!

Every now and then I fall apart…

And I need you now tonight!

And I need you more than ever!

And if you’ll only hold me tight!

We’ll be holding on forever!

And we’ll only be making it right

‘cause we’ll never be wrong

Together we can take it to the end of the line,

Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time

All the time!

I don’t know what to do I’m always in the dark…

We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks!

I really need you tonight!

Forever’s gonna start tonight…

Forever’s gonna start tonight…

Once upon a time I was falling in love…

But now I’m only falling apart…

There’s nothing I can do,

A total eclipse of the heart,

A total eclipse of the heart…

Raiden and I looked at each other, I gave him a smile as tears of pure joy flowed down my cheeks. “A total eclipse of the heart”

Raiden then played the last notes of the song and sang…right to me.

Turn around, bright eyes…

The crowd roared…


Perspective: Raiden Bolt

“You were the most amazing singer in the whole world mommy!!” Dinky said after it was all over. She was hugging her mother’s leg tightly as we all were in Sugar Cube Corner celebrating our victory.

“Oh Dinky,” Ditzy said, nuzzling her daughter. “I’m the luckiest mommy in the whole world.”

Sparkler came by and nuzzled her mother. “You were awesome mom. The whole crowd just went nuts! I can’t believe the judges said Raiden helping you in the song meant you couldn’t get a real trophy!”

“The trophy was never the point Sparkler,” Time Turner said, rubbing Sparkler’s mane affectionately. “It was about just getting out there and showing what you got. And your mother really showed them.”

I smiled and saw that Private was sitting next to me enjoying a cupcake. “Well, I gotta hand it to you Raiden. You’ve definatly came through.”

“Hey,” I said, shoving Private a little. “I can be a good pony when I wanna be.”

He slapped me on the back. “Just try not to get involved in any wacked out conspiracies against you anymore”

“What’s going to happen to Gander?” I asked.

“Well,” Private said, leaning back in his chair. “I arrested his thugs and they spilled the beans. Gander is going to be arrested right about now. I also heard a good lawyer is going to make sure he gets the longest sentence possible.”

Sandā, I really gotta send you a huge fruit basket. I know how much you like pears.

I then looked up as Ditzy turned and saw that Mocha guy from before walk to her, levitating a big bouquet of flowers. He smiled nervously and gave them to her. “Miss Doo, I just wanna say, you were amazing out there.”

“Thanks,” Ditzy said, a smile on her face. “I saw you in the audience cheering me on.”

“Well,” he rubbed the back of his head nervously. “It’s um, only natural when somepony would. I just felt the need to oblige.”

“Your name,” she said, tilting her head. “It’s muffin something right?”

“Mocha!” He said, his face suddenly red. “It’s um, Mocha Muffin”

“Hi Mocha!” Ditzy said with a cheerful smile. “Say um, that performance was making me hungry. Do you want me to show you my own muffin recipe?”

“That would be great,” he said, as they began walking back to the kitchen. I then looked over at Private and gave him a frown.

“What?” he said, trying to look innocent.

“Somepony gave him the flowers,” I crossed my forelegs. “At it again are we?”

Private gave a nervous laugh. “Uh, I may have pointed him to a good florist.”

That’s Private for you. He can’t ever leave a couple alone. Oh well, he got me and Rainbow together. So, I guess I can leave him off the hook this one time.

I then watched as Rainbow stood by the door. She gestured with her head she wanted to head out. I flew over and we left the shop behind.


We laid on our backs on a cloud together, looking up at the stars. Rainbow then looked over at me. “I’m proud of you, you know that?”

“You are?” I said, looking at my marefriend.

“The Raiden from when I first met him would never have agreed to this,” she said, and then reached over and touched my cheek. “Right now, I see that you’re starting to understand what it means to be loyal to your friends.”

“Ditzy just needed a chance to stand out,” I said, touching her cheek as well. “I wanted to give her that chance.”


“Yeah Rainbow?”

“Okay, I’m about to get all mushy,” she said, looking down “So, if you tell Twilight or anypony else about this I’ll kick you in the flank.”

“Oh,” I smirked. “So do I get a spanking for being a bad pony?”


“Darn it Raiden!” she yelled, trying to fix her wing boner. At least we all know what she’s thinking.

“Well, at least I know I still got it,” I laughed.

“You jerk!” She punched me in the chest, and then started laughing herself. “You always somehow manage to get me like this.”

I smiled and gently pulled her into me. She rested her head on my chest. I took in the smell of her mane. She smelled like the air after a rain shower. She nuzzled herself into me and I smiled. “Rainbow, I wouldn’t have been like this if it weren’t for you.”

She then wrapped her wings around me. “I’m glad,” She looked up at me. “Again, if you tell anypony about this I’ll kill you.”

“I promise,” I said, rubbing her muzzle against mine. “It stays between us. I’m not leaving you hanging.”

Just then, I stared into her beautiful magenta eyes. I started thinking of all the sappy lyrics I could in my brain. I was suddenly so inspired…

And it was all thanks to a couple of pegasi.

I kissed Rainbow right then and there, wrapping this awesome mare in my own wings. She returned my kiss just as eagerly. I then whispered in her ear, “Rainbow, I think I’m in love.”

“Well,” she said in my ear. “That makes two of us, rock star.”

I blushed a little as Rainbow pressed herself back into me. This mare just made my whole life better. She gave me meaning, I am, and I always will be…

In love with this Rainbow…

You’re going through so much…

And I thought that I….

Could be the one…

To hold you…

Every single day, I find it hard to say…

I could be yours alone…

You will see someday…

That all along the way…

I am yours to hold…

I’m not letting her fly away. Rainbow…I love you…and I will hold onto you forever…



Perspective: Ditzy

I flew and landed in the graveyard once again. I walked over to a small gravestone and set a bunch of flowers on it. I laid a hoof on the headstone and said “Cobalt, I hope I made you proud”

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out a small letter. The last letter Cobalt wrote before he died…

Dear Ditzy,

I know I’m dying now. The doctors say there’s nothing they can do. I tried to fight it but I can’t anymore. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I let you down. But, looking back on it all, I don’t regret my time with you at all. You’ve become not only my best friend, but a love that was always true. I hope, with my passing, that you find somepony to take care of you.

You’re a special mare Ditzy, there’s no doubt in my mind anymore. Don’t worry about what others say, they just can’t see beyond their noses. I love you Ditzy, that’s all I can think about now. Take good care of Dinky, she’s going to need her mom now more than ever. I know you’ll do great.

Don’t cry Ditzy, don’t cry when I leave. Because I know, one day we’re going to see each other again. Save those tears for when we see each other. I can’t wait to see your wonderful face, hear your laugh in my ears, and above all, gaze into those bright eyes of yours.

Others say you’re not smart. But what are brains without a good heart? You’ve given me hope and purpose in my life. You brought me into something beautiful. I hope, that you will find joy, because you deserve it.

It’s getting harder to focus my magic. So I’ll some up everything I feel in three simple words…

I love you…

Yours always


With that, I sang one last song for Cobalt. One my mommy taught me a long time ago. She said to sing it whenever we said goodbye.

I will remember you, will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by,

Weep not for the memories

Remember the good times that we had?

I let them slip away from us when things got bad.

How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun

Want to feel your warmth upon me

I want to be the one

I will remember you, will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I swear I heard a second voice singing. I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Cobalt was there. He was smiling at me and singing along.

I'm so tired but I can't sleep

Standin' on the edge of something much to deep

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word

We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

I will remember you, will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

He looked at me as he started to fade with the spring wind. I kept singing, desperate to have him here this last song.

I'm so afraid to love you

But more afraid to lose

Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose

Once there was a darkness

Deep and endless night

You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me life

He smiled as he slowly faded away. I openly wept as I gave out the last chorus.

I will remember you, will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories…

I heard Cobalt’s voice say one last thing.

I will remember you always, Bright Eyes…

Comments ( 26 )

There are no words to describe how beautiful this chapter was... All I can say is that, you did a great job in this writing this story.

2376869It's up now...behold...

2381560Thank you so much. I try to put as much heart as I can in writing whatever I write. :twilightsmile:

I can see it clearly, all of your stories have your heart in them. In fact because of some of your stories I decided to write a story of my own. It... could have gone better at first, but I've fixed the problems in it. At least I hope so :twilightsheepish:

Never loose heart in your stories, it is what makes your stories great.

2381592Just remember something a very wise friend told me. Write for you. Always write because you want to make something great.

2381597 I shall keep a note of that advice, would be boring to write for other's when you don't enjoy it yourself.

Tears were shed, I'm not even going to attempt denying it...fantastic

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy::pinkiesmile: I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!
but wait!!!!
The doctor.......grrr........she's mine!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

2384877 fine, but ur sentenced to three days with CMC for the delay, and u have to help in any crazy stunts they come up with!

Beautiful ending to this tale.

I do have one thing to bring up though that is this sentence,
“Do you realize what sending your brother in cost me?!”,
it sounds a bit awkward reading it but was it suppose to be "is costing" not "in cost"?

2386990I should've put a comma or something :ajbemused:

Sorry about that, just curious.


darn it, stop trying to break me with yer feels:twilightangry2:

oh, who am i kidding......:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:so beautiful

2655388 <shrugs> i use texttalk in comments, bad habit but it does save time...

The first one to make me cry. :raritydespair: Actual tears man. And I can't even claim them as manly. It's Liquid Pride.

"Perfect. Absolutely perfect."
(But, what about the-)
"No. Shut it, Brain."
(But, there's no 'A' in definite-)
"A minor error that's hard to notice. Just let it go, Brain."
(And NOT p*ss you off at every opportunity?! NEVER!!)
"...I worry about you, Brain."
(What about you?)
(You are speaking to your brain. And it is answering you.)
(Checkmate, motherf*cker.)

3430717 I was in line first...

"...Alright, fine."
*Gets in line behind you*
"I'm patient."
*Revs chainsaw impatiently*

3430791 *Takes out EMP and uses it to shut down chainsaw*

*Looks in astonishment*
"Well played... Well played."
*Continues to wait in line*

3229262 Happens to me a lot. Also my brain is trying to make me belive some ghost is fuckin' talking to me..

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