• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,154 Views, 61 Comments

Equestria Noir Side Series "Bright Eyes" - Jacoboby1

A multi part side story taking place in the universe of Equestria Noir Starring Ditzy Doo!

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Part II

“Bright Eyes”

Part II

Perspective: Raiden

My time with Ditzy went on for a few hours. She had some a bit of a hard time grasping concepts such as notes or tones but she had a good heart when she sang. Even when I suggested that she take a break she insisted that we keep going. She was determined to see it through. I guess Private had a small influence on her.

It was starting to get late so I stopped playing on the piano and looked at her. “I think we’ll call it a night,” I said.

She nodded and let out a breath of air, I put her through some exercises in order to help her breathing a little. She smiled and flapped her wings in excitement. “I didn’t know there was so much to music. Thanks for helping Mr. Bolt.”

“Please, call me Raiden,” I said as I got off the piano seat. “I can’t stand any of that formal stuff.”

“Okey dokey Raiden,” she said with another flap of her wings. She looked at the clock and then at me. “I gotta get Dinky to bed soon.”

“Dinky?” I said, with an eyebrow raised. “Tailspin’s friend?”

“Uh huh,” she nodded. “She’s my little muffin.”

“Your kid!” My jaw dropped. “But you’re not that much older than I am.”

“I had her when I was only… um…” She tapped her head in thought. “Sixteen! Yeah, I was sixteen when I had her.”

That young? Dude, talk about a workload, having a kid and going through high school? Man that’s rough.

But I decided to move on before things got awkward. “Don’t let me keep you then, see ya around.”

She smiled and turned to fly off. Before she did though, she left a package in front of my door. Before I could ask what it was she left out the door. I walked to the package and raised an eyebrow. It was a muffin, wrapped in plastic wrap just sitting there.

I picked the muffin up in my hooves and unwrapped it. I took a tentative bite into it and smiled at the taste. Here for good times and good muffins eh?

I’ll take the muffins thank you.


Perspective: Ditzy Doo

I opened the door to my house to be greeted by Sparkler hugging me very tightly. She let out a squeal and spoke very fast, “Mom! I can’t believe you get to work with Raiden Bolt! That is the coolest thing ever!” She let out another squeal, and hugged me all the more tighter.

“Sparkler,” I said as she hugged me. “I love you very much, but you’re squishing mommy’s lungs.”

She blinked her purple eyes and let me go, letting out a small nervous laugh. “Sorry Mom, just a big fan of Raiden.”

“He’s pretty famous huh?” I asked as we walked into the kitchen together.

“Pretty famous?” She facehoofed and looked at me. “Mom! That’s like saying muffins are just a good treat! Raiden is the most famous rock star in Equestria! Second only to DJ-Pon3 herself!”

“Wow Sparkler,” I said with a smile. “I guess he will be a big help in the contest.”

“You got this contest in the bag mom.” Sparkler smiled and then yawned. “I’m going to hit the hay.”

“Sparkler.” I looked over at her. “Can we talk before you go?”

She sighed and my teenage daughter looked over at me. “If this is about Caramel I can explain.”

“I just want to make sure this is genuine,” I said seriously. “You know he just broke up with Cloud Dancer and he’s been very friendly to you lately.”

“Mom its okay”, Sparkler tried to reassure. “We’re just friends, I’m not looking to cause trouble. You know I’m not that kind of girl.”

“I know.” I walked to her and nuzzled her affectionately. “You’re just growing up very fast; I want to help where I can.”

“I’ll be careful,” Sparkler said, nuzzling me back. “I know what you’re worried about. I promise nothing like that will happen.”

I just smiled at her. “You just take care of yourself.”

“I will Mom.” Sparkler smiled in turn. “Say, Dinky’s been waiting for you to send her to bed.”

I gave a small laugh. “I’ll get her, you head to bed yourself.”

“You got it mom.” She went off to her room while I headed for Dinky’s room. It wasn’t too big, with only a desk, a small bed and a bookshelf which held all her books on it. Dinky really liked to read, a lot like Twilight now that I think about it. I saw my little muffin writing on her desk when she heard me enter.

“Mom!” She cried and ran to hug me. I hugged my little muffin back, running a hoof in her blond mane. She let go of me and smiled wide. “How was your singing today?”

“It was great Dinky,” I replied with a big smile. “Did you get all your homework done?”

“Yeah, like always.” She smiled wide before hopping on her bed. I walked over and sat beside the bed as she looked at me. “Mommy, I know you’re going to win that contest!”

I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. “Oh I don’t think I’ll win, I’m happy with participating.”

“Even still,” Dinky said with determined eyes. “I know you’re the greatest singer ever! With you and Raiden together, you’ll get like, super first place!”

I smiled and gave my little muffin a little hug again. That’s when I noticed the bow in Dinky’s mane. I smiled a little. “Where’d you get this?”

“Pip gave it to me for a Hearth’s Warming gift.” She blushed bright red and shuffled her hoofs. “I like wearing it because he says I look pretty in it”

I smiled and gave my little muffin a kiss on the forehead. “So long as he makes you happy, that’s all that matters.”

Dinky just blushed even more as I moved to tuck her in. She untied the ribbon from her hair and set it on her bedside table. Then her yellow eyes looked up at me. “Momma, could you sing that song again?”

“Aren’t you a little old to have your momma sing you to sleep?” I asked teasingly.

“I just like hearing it,” Dinky admitted. “Please?”

“Alright.” I then started singing…

Stars and Moons and air balloons…

Fluffy clouds on the horizon…

I’ll wrap you in rainbows…

And rock you to sleep tonight…


After everypony was asleep I walked into my own room. Everypony seems very happy that I’m singing with Raiden. I haven’t sung in a really long time. This is so…

Like back then…

No Ditzy! Don’t start now!

You spent nearly eight years of your life trying to get over it!


Just don’t…

But I can’t help it…

Turn Around…

Every now and then I get a little bit lonely

And you’re never coming round…

Stop it! Don’t think about him now!

I sighed and walked to my bed, sitting down on it. It’s really been eight years? Dinky was only two at the time. She had never really known her daddy.

Cobalt, I’m trying so hard to make it without you. But every day it just gets a little harder. I met this awesome guy, named the Doctor. He’s really helped out a lot, taking me all sorts of places in that blue box of his.

I don’t know if it’ll ever come to love, but you never know. You’d want me to at least try.

Listen to myself, talking to somepony who isn’t here anymore…

Not anymore…


Hey Ditzy! Over here!

You brought me to the auditorium Cobalt? What’s going on?

I want you to try out for the play.

What?! But I wouldn’t be any good…

I know you will! You gotta give it a shot.

But what if I do something stupid and everypony laughs at me?

Then I’ll be there, I’ll tell all of those bullies to take off.

*giggles* You couldn’t hurt a fly Cobalt

I know, but you can’t nag a guy for trying.

You really think I’ll be any good?

You never know until you try…


Perspective: Raiden

I landed on Rainbow’s doorstep and knocked on the door. Rainbow’s house was way above Ponyville in the clouds. It wasn’t anything huge like my place back when I lived in Manehatten. But it was homely for sure, I enjoyed being in it from time to time.

That may or may not have to do with the fact that Rainbow is the hottest and most awesome mare in Equestria.

The door opened and I was greeted by Scootaloo. The little orange filly had been staying at Rainbow’s place since the whole Loftwing nightmare. She was pretty cool, the kid had a lot of heart and worshipped the ground Rainbow well, flew over.

She smiled upon seeing me. “Hey Raiden, good to see you.”

“Hey squirt,” I said, rubbing her mane affectionately. “Is my marefriend here?”

“Well,” She narrowed her eyes. “You can only come in if you say the password.”

I raised an eyebrow and sighed. “Come on Scoots, you don’t need to pull that garbage.”

“Sorry,” She smiled. “I have a reputation to uphold, so what’s the password?”

I decided to give into her game. “Alright, um is it ‘Open says me?”


“Please open up?”


“Scootaloo is the most awesome filly in Ponyville?”

“You get points for flattery, but still wrong.”

“Okay what is…” My yellow eyes grew wide as I smirked. “You crazy little…”

“So you know the pass phrase?” she smirked.

I tilted my head up and said, “Rainbow Dash is the greatest flier in Equestria”

From the roof of the house Rainbow’s head popped out to look down at me. She gave me a smug smile. “Don’t stop, keep saying how awesome I am.”

I gave her a small smile. “You convinced your biggest fan to pull this stunt just to boost your ego?”

“Maaybe!” Rainbow said, fluttering down from above to land in front of me. “Now are you going to come in or not?”

“If Scoots here will let me.” I looked at the filly who smiled in turn.

“I’ll give you guys some space.” The little filly walked inside and up to where she was staying. I walked into Rainbow’s living room and sat down on her couch.

She looked over at me. “So how were things with Derpy?”

“She’s getting better,” I answered. “She’s still got a ways to go before she’s perfect but she’s getting there.”

“Say, listen.” She hovered over to land beside me. “You gonna tell me what all this is about?”

I sighed. “I knew this was going to come up…”

“You know I’m here for you.” Her magenta eyes met mine, sweet Luna I was starting to come up with dumb lyrics in my head already. “So why’d you pick her?”

I looked down for a bit, and then said as best I could without going all emo. “Private probably told you about all my brothers right?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow nodded. “Seven brother’s man, I can’t imagine.”

“Well there’s something that Private dosen’t know,” I said, trying to keep emotion out of my voice. “The Bolts had one last kid, a filly by the name of Amaya, a little filly.”

“You had a little sister?” Rainbow’s eyes grew wide. “Dude that’s kind of cool, to have a sister as a change from all those brothers.”

“Yeah,” I laughed a little. “She was like a little princess among all of us. Whatever Amaya wanted, she could get from us. But she wasn’t spoiled or anything, she was very sweet and cute, kind of like Scootaloo now that I think about it.”

“She sounds cool,” Rainbow said with a smile. “How come you never told anypony about her?”

“Because we weren’t supposed to talk about her,” I said, trying not to let my voice quiver. “She…had downs.”

“You mean she was all…” She fought for the right word. “Not there?”

“She had a lot of trouble learning things,” I explained. “She didn’t learn how to talk until she was two years old. Even then she had trouble speaking full sentences until she was three. She didn’t go to school like the rest of us, just mostly stayed at home.”

“Wow,” Rainbow put a hoof on her mouth. “Poor kid.”

“But she had this freaky knowledge of music,” I said proudly. “You put her at a piano and she could play any song from memory alone. When she figured out how to talk she learned how to sing and she could do that like a champ. She learned how to play Beehoovan’s 29th symphony before she learned how to count to twenty nine.”

“That’s good right?” Rainbow tilted her head, her knowledge of classical music was rather lacking. Frankly mine was too, but that was just more of a preference issue. “So, Derpy reminds you of your sister?”

“Yeah,” I said honestly. “Just the way she sang up there, it reminded me of Amaya. She was pouring her heart into every note and didn’t stop. When she was halfway through the song I knew she was the one.”

“Wow Raiden,” she smiled and reached a hoof to touch my shoulder. “Who knew you could be so…awesome.”

“I have a good teacher,” I teasingly tickled her nose with one of my feathers, causing her to sneeze.

She just punched me on the foreleg and said, “Just when I think I’ve got you all figured out you pull something like this.”

“Hey…” I laid on my back on the couch. “Life would get boring if there were no surprises.”

She crawled onto me and looked down at me with those beautiful magenta eyes of hers. She ran a hoof through my messy mane and said, “You certainly make my life crazier than normal.”

“Oh I can show you just how crazy I can be…” I went to her ear and whispered some things that aren’t for little fillies to overhear.


“Darn it Raiden!” She shoved me down on the coach and desperately tried to flatten her wings. “Alright! That’s it, you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”

“Only if a certain pegasus wishes to join me,” I smirked.

“Well,” she returned the smirk. “Maybe if you’re good I’ll show you some of my more…” She ran a hoof down my chest. “Crazier stunts…”


Those were my wings that went up. I tried to flatten them as Rainbow started laughing out loud. I shoved her back on the coach and pinned her down. She looked up at me and I smirked, “For that, I think you need to be grounded for a couple of seconds.”

“For what exactly?” she said, her ears flattening as her blush became evident, her wings threatening to spring again.

“Just this…” I lowered my lips onto hers. She eagerly returned the kissing as my hooves went around her. I poured all of my heart and soul into that kiss. Celestia, I love this mare.

I've been waiting for a girl like you

To come into my life

I've been waiting for a girl like you

A love that will survive

I've been waiting for someone new

To make me feel alive

Yeah, waiting for a girl like you

To come into my life

Stay in my life Rainbow,

I need a girl like you…