• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 2,156 Views, 61 Comments

Equestria Noir Side Series "Bright Eyes" - Jacoboby1

A multi part side story taking place in the universe of Equestria Noir Starring Ditzy Doo!

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Part IV

Bright Eyes

Part IV

Perspective: Raiden Bolt

When it came to Sandā, there were two places you could always find him almost without fail. That was his office, and wherever his wife and son, Mayu and Kaze respectively, were. Sandā always liked hanging around his family. Luckily I was able to find his penthouse apartment again.

I got off the elevator into the apartment and was immediately barreled by a little dark colored colt. I looked up into the blue eyes of Kaze. Kaze was only about five years old and he was a near spitting image of his dad. His bright green mane and blue eyes was all his mom though. His wings spread happily. “Uncle Raiden!” he shouted as he hugged me.

I smiled and ruffled his green mane. “Hey Kaze, your mom and dad around?”

“Well his mother is right here,” I heard a voice speak up. I looked over at Mayu, she was a mare about seven years older than I was and somehow still managed to look hot. Her green coat matched her mane and her blue eyes gazed at me with a bemused expression. “So, what trouble are you here to cause my husband this time?”

I got up and Kaze sat on my back, holding onto my neck while his little wings flapped excitedly. “Is Sandā in?” I asked Mayu.

Her slanted blue eyes blinked and she asked, “What trouble are you in this time, Raiden?”

“Can’t I ever just pay a nice family visit?” I asked, with a small smile.

She rolled her eyes and flapped her wings, finally giving in. “Sandā is in his office right now. I’ll get him.” With that she flew away to find my brother.

I looked down at my nephew who asked excitedly, “Are you gonna show me how to play guitar yet?”

I smiled and rubbed his mane “Maybe when you’re older, or your dad stops thinking I’m a trouble maker. Neither are happening anytime soon so you’re just gonna have to wait.”

“No fair,” Kaze whined, crossing his forelegs.

“Aww don’t worry Kaze,” I said, bending down my head to face him. “I’ll teach ya someday.” Then I whispered in his ear, “I’ll teach you some songs that will cause fillies to melt in your hooves.”

Kaze laughed and hugged my neck before his mother returned. Kaze walked away, his mother smiling at me. “I worry he’s becoming more like you than Sandā”

“Ahh,” I shrugged. “There’s plenty of time for him to become a boring, stuck up suit.” I smiled sheepishly. “Uh, no offense”

“Not all mares fall for the crazy rock star you know,” Mayu said with a laugh. She then gestured for me to follow her. Kaze went to play with some of his wonderbolt action figures.

We walked a little ways down the hall and I stepped into Sandā’s office. Sandā was about seven years older than I was. He almost looked like an older version of me without any highlights in his mane. It was jet black and slicked, organized and well kempt, just like he was. His yellow eyes looked up from one of his law books and I got the usual Sandā glare I always got.

I walked inside and bowed my head a little. “Aniki…”

“You haven’t called me that in a while,” Sandā replied, closing his law book. “Whatever happened to stuck up suit?”

“You, uh…” I rubbed the back of my neck. “Heard that huh?”

“You don’t think I have listening devices in my own home?” Sandā said, leaning forward on his desk. “So, what sexual harassment charge do you need me to drop this time?”

“I’m not here about me Sandā,” I answered. “It’s about my contract; it’s preventing me from accompanying a friend of mine in a contest.”

“So you want me to sue your manager,” Sandā said, leaning back in his chair. “Because you want to win some stupid contest?”

“Sandā are we really doing this now?” I fired at him, my wings opening to display my annoyance.

“I’ve stopped bothering with your antics a long time ago!” Sandā fired back “You could’ve been one of the greatest engineers of our time! Yet you through away all that talent to cause trouble! Ohimesama de Raiden! You caused the rest of us no shortage of grief!”

“I wanted to be me!” I shouted. “I didn’t just want to be another Bolt kid! I didn’t want to be an engineer! My talent was music!”

“Your talent was electrical work!” He pointed to my cutie mark of a lightning bolt shaped like a musical note. “Father and Mother put all the time and money into you! Need I forget the things the rest of the family had to put up with! Quit playing your fantasy of being a rockstar Raiden! You can be so muc-”

“Shut up Aniki!” I shouted. “I’m not doing this for me…” My wings drooped a little “I’m doing this for…Ditzy…”

Sandā’s eyes blinked, then his own wings flattened. “Forgive me Otōto, I just have a lot of pent up grief coming from you.”

“And I understand that,” I admitted. “I deserve it, all of the blame for the trouble I caused the family. I would get into fights, I would cut the power in the building, I’d fail tests on purpose because I didn’t like the teacher.”

Sandā’s eyes just stared at my confession. Dude, I’ve never seen him this quiet, it’s kind of scary.

“But things are different now,” I said. “I’m not doing this contest for me. This mare, Ditzy, she has this great talent for music…like Amaya.”

Sandā bowed his head. “I see how it is.”

“Then you know why I need your help,” I said in earnest. “You gotta look into Gander’s record and give me justification to fire him. That way I can get rid of my contract and I’ll be able to sing with Ditzy on stage.”

Sandā closed his eyes for a moment, and then spoke firmly, “I’ll do it, but don’t think this means I owe you any favors. I’ve never turned down anypony in need before and I won’t start now. But that doesn’t mean we’re suddenly best brothers”

“I understand,” I said, my wings drooping. “Okage de Aniki. This means a lot to me.”

Sandā just turned around in his seat and looked out the window. “Just go before I change my mind.”

With that I walked out, leaving behind Sandā to hopefully clear everything up. Once Gander was out of the way I could play with Ditzy. I hope this all can be sorted out soon.


I was flying my way back to Ponyville when I noticed something strange. Just about everypony was avoiding me. Like I was wearing a weird hat and nopony had the guts to say how bad it looked. I flew in the clouds above Ponyville, hoping to find Ditzy and get going on the song.

But where is she? I was only gone for a little while. Where could she hav-

“Oh Raiden!” I heard an all too familiar voice speak up. A chill ran down my spine as I saw Siren flying towards me. Wasn’t she supposed to be in Las Pegasus or something? Either way the red mare smiled wide upon seeing me. “It’s been far too long Raiden.”

“I was hoping to make it a record,” I muttered under my breath. I frowned at her and asked, “What are you doing out here?”

“Oh, I came to see if a stupid little rumor was true.” She said, tossing her silver mane. “I heard that you are having a little affair with some stallion of a mare here in Ponyville. I know she’s lying when she says it’s true. Right Raiden?” She said that last bit a voice that you would hear one of those crazy killers say right before they slice you in half with a chainsaw.

I decided to be firm. “Siren look, I broke up with you over a year ago.”

“No you didn’t,” she said, her eye twitching. “You and I are just on a break is all.” She suddenly flew very close to me. “I know that tramp may have taken your eyes off for a moment. But I know you still like me…”

No amount of hotness is worth putting up with crazy. I speak from personal experience. I decided to put it as firmly as I could. “Siren, I’m dating Rainbow Dash now. If you’re here to get me back, need I remind you of a certain restraining order?”

“But Raiden,” she pouted, then flew close enough to put a hoof on my chest. “I missed you so much. Is there nothing I can do to make you see the mistake you’re making?”

“Mistake?” I asked.

“I heard that you were helping a wall eyed pegasus sing.” She suddenly laughed “Oh she was so dumb looking. With those crossed eyes, and that little voice. So what’s the story wit-”

“Shut up…”


“Just shut up and answer this!” I glared at her. “What did you say to her? Where did she go?”

“What do I care about some pegasus you’re using as a publicity stunt?” Siren answered. “Why can’t we ever talk about us?” She tried to kiss me but I shoved her away.

I flew as fast as I could, searching the whole town. Where could she be?

“Raiden!” I heard a voice call from the ground. I looked down to see Private’s ex marefriend Larksong. She was trying to get my attention. I flew down to her. “Rainbow was looking for you earlier!”

“She was?” I asked her. I always liked Larksong when she was dating Private. When I heard what happened between them I was kind of disappointed it didn’t work out. But right now I needed to focus on my task. “That’s not important now! Where’s Ditzy?”

“She was here a moment ago,” Larksong explained. “Rainbow was taking her to her house. Did that bitch Siren really insult her so much?”

“This is textbook Siren,” I answered, before turning to fly away. “Thanks a lot!”

With that I flew away to Rainbow’s place. Ditzy, please be okay…


Perspective: Ditzy Doo

Rainbow gave me some apple juice to help calm down. It tasted alright, but my tummy still hurt a little from all the things that meany Siren said. I sat on Rainbow’s couch and took tiny sips of the juice. It didn’t help my tummy much.

Rainbow sat beside me. “Hey Derpy, look about what that she said.”

“It’s okay Rainbow,” I answered. “I’ve heard it all before.”

Rainbow put a hoof on my shoulder. “Look, I know you screw up a lot, but Raiden really believes you can do it.”

“Who am I kidding Rainbow?!” I shouted. “All I’ll ever be to anypony is the town klutz! I’ll always be the wall eyed pegasus everypony gawks at when they think I can’t see them! That’s what I’ll always be! To everypony!”

Rainbow looked at me for a long time, and then pulled me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder as she held me. It hurt a lot, after all these years it still hurt to say all that.

Rainbow rubbed my back with a hoof. It felt nice, she was very gentle. “Come on Derpy” She said, trying to sound soothing. “You aren’t just a wall eyed pegasus. You’re a good friend, a great mom and on top of that everypony really likes you.”

“Except the ponies that aren’t afraid to say it to my face,” I said, very sadly.

“They’re just jerks who don’t know how to handle their own feelings.” She pulled out of the hug and looked me in the eyes. “Derpy, you can’t let what they say get to you. You are your own mare. The only pony who can decide who you wanna be is you.”

“Thanks Rainbow,” I sniffed and wiped my eyes a little. “I feel a little better now.”

I heard a knock and Rainbow flew away to answer the door. In stepped Raiden, he smiled nicely at me. I just looked back down at the apple juice.

“Rainbow,” Raiden said, giving his filly friend a look.

Rainbow nodded and flew to the kitchen, muttering something along the lines of “Gotta make lunch for Squirt”

Raiden sat across from me. I didn’t meet his eyes as he spoke. “Ditzy, listen, about today.”

“Are you really helping me because you like me?” I asked, looking up at him. “Or am I just a joke to you too?”

“What?” Raiden said in surprise. “No of course not! I’d never set you up to get embarrassed.”

“But Siren said,” I sniffed a little. “That you only wanted me to sing to help you get news or something.”

Raiden shook his head, “I’d never do that Ditzy, I do care.”

“Then why?!” I shouted in his face. “Why do you want me to sing so badly? You know I’m the biggest klutz in Ponyville! You know I can’t figure notes right! You know all of this! I want to know why you want me out of all the mares in Ponyville!”

Raiden’s eyes became sad too. Did I say something mean too? “Raiden, I’m sorry I-”

He shook his head and gestured to the door. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, setting the juice down.



Raiden and I flew to Manehatten just as the sun was going down. I never liked the city too much, too loud and filled with a lot of bright lights that make it hard to see flying through it. But, it was okay with Raiden there to lead.

We landed in front of…

I backed away slowly, Raiden gave me a look. “What’s wrong Ditzy?”

“Cobalt,” I answered slowly. “Cobalt is buried here…”

“Who’s Cobalt?” he asked, looking at me.

“Cobalt moved from Manehatten during his time in middle school,” I explained. “He and I used to live in Hoofington before I moved to Ponyville.”

We walked into the graveyard as I told my story. “I used to live in a lot of different places. Mommy got very sick when I was little and dad moved to Hoofington to take care of her. There they had me, then Mommy left me in the woods for some reason.”

“She abandoned you?” Raiden asked, looking at me with sad eyes

“I then got a new mommy and daddy,” I continued. “They found me in the woods blowing bubbles they said,” I gestured to my cutie mark. “That’s how I got this”

“This Cobalt guy?” Raiden moved on. “He’s buried here, is he your…?”

“Uh huh,” I nodded. “He was my friend in high school. He helped me get used to a lot of the crazy new things. We became best friends for a whole year when he invited me to perform in the spring play.”

“You were in the play?” Raiden asked. “Which one?”

I tilted my head thinking. “I think it was Manespray,” I laughed at the memories. “We all got to wear funny looking outfits mommy would always wear.”

“What part did you play?” Raiden asked. I was happy that somepony was interested in what I was talking about.

“I was Bitzy,” I explained. “I got to dance with a nice zebra exchange student on stage. I don’t remember how his name was pronounced; it was a very funny name. Mta something…”

“So you and Cobalt,” Raiden moved on. “When did you start dating?”

“After he broke up with meany pants Dawnbird,” I said, a little sad when I heard what happened to Dawnbird. “I tried to be friends with her, but she kept saying I was friends with Cobalt to try and steal him from her.”

“You weren’t of course,” Raiden answered as we rounded a corner in the graves.

I shook my head. “But when Cobalt found out he got really mad at her. The next year he told me how much he liked me. Then we started dating and…” I looked down and stopped for a moment.

“Dinky was the result?” Raiden finished for me.

I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t remember when it happened. But Cobalt and I said we loved each other a lot. Next thing I know I woke up the next morning very sick, but happy too. I started feeling weird in class so I went to a doctor to see what was wrong with me. He told me I was going to have a foal.”

“How did Cobalt react?” Raiden asked.

It felt nice to talk to Raiden about this. It felt like I was getting a heavy box off my chest. “He didn’t know, I knew a lot of couples that got really sad when the mare was having a foal. I didn’t want to put him through that. Then Dawnbird found me and said I could visit her mother and she could help.”

“In what way?” he asked nervously

It took me a minute before I could say it. “I didn’t know what they were doing half way through everything. I felt really bad as I walked in that weird smelling office. Like I was going to hurt somepony but I didn’t know who. Right before they started Cobalt rushed in and said he would help support the foal.” I smiled. “He said he loved me, and our foal was a sign of our love.”

“He sounds like a great guy,” Raiden said with a smile.

“He and I raised Dinky for the rest of our time at high school…” My ears drooped at the next bit. “But then he got really sick. The doctors called it pneumonia or something. He died just after we graduated together…” I started crying again.

Suddenly I felt Raiden put a wing over me. He smiled at me. “Hey, I know how it feels to lose somepony close to you,”

“You do?” I asked, trying not to cry too much.

“That’s why I brought you here,” Raiden said, walking to a grave. “She’s why I picked you…”

I walked to the grave, squinted my eyes to read…

Amaya Bolt

Our little angel, going to meet other angels


“Amaya?” I asked, looking at Raiden. “Who is she?”

“She was my sister,” Raiden explained. “She had something called Downs Syndrome, not that much different from you to be honest.”

“This is why you wanted to help me?” I looked at Raiden with sad eyes. “Because your sister was like me?”

“Thing is,” Raiden smiled at me. “Amaya had an incredible gift for music. She couldn’t leave the house because she was sick all the time. But she didn’t let that stop her from performing great music.” He walked to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “I know you can make great music, because in your heart there’s always a spark of glory waiting to be shown.”

“You think so?” I looked down. “What if I screw up?”

“Then I’ll take the blame for it,” He answered. “You however, I’ve heard you sing. You do what any great musician does. My teacher said a long time ago, that true music comes when you put your heart and soul into it”

“I wanna sing good” I said, a determined look in my eye. “I’m going to prove Siren wrong, that I can do something great. I’m going to do it for Cobalt and Amaya.”

“That’s the spirit,” Raiden said, laughing a little. “So, do you know what you wanna sing?”

“I do have one song,” I smiled a little. “That Cobalt and I always loved…”