• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Art Inspired

8000 soldiers!


Experience the battle between King Sombra and the princesses of the day and night; the very same that occurred over one thousand years ago!

Thanks for collaborating wiith me on this goes to SwiperTheFox, Rust, and KillJoy!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 239 )

Are you like the sanic of writing? That was fast.

Saw picture.
Saw amount of words.
How da hack did you do THAT? :derpyderp2:

*Will edit after reading. Flagged as fav*

Edit: Well, that was unexpected.
But flows very well with main story.

For some reason I think Sombra due to small screen time became "Make your own Villain". I mean that he has a core (shape, powers, chaotic evil alignment) and everything else can be added by fans.

Edit 2:
Thinking more about this. Character shown as completely evil and deluded. Beyond redemption. Which feels quite fine or good. Anyway, saying it again. Good story.

Whats with the 3 dislikes so fast? :applejackconfused:

Dudebro, everything needs more Gak!


very well done for such a short write


EDIT: I watched it, so

great story.

is it just me or king sombre remind you of ganondwarf from zelda :pinkiegasp:

*slowpoke* "Hey guys, that was fast!"

DAYUM wasn't expecting S3 fanfics already :pinkiegasp::rainbowderp::applejackconfused:

Sorry, I must downvote for the lack of Gak...
just kidding

You're really fast, dude)

Man, that was quick - a fanfic out before his debut episode has been out for even 3 hours, and before he has a character tag!:pinkiegasp:

The episode ended roughly 2 hours ago and this story is up? Holy Gack!:pinkiegasp: (Seriously, what were they thinking when they ran all those damn commercials!? Its enough to drive anyone insane.:pinkiecrazy:)

"King Sombra" has been known for quite a while now.

Seriously, why is everyone all like "THAT WAS FAST!1!!" ? King Sombra was revealed quite a while ago, and from what I can tell, this has no references to S3's opener.

Once I find a site or once it hits youtube, I'll link you guys.

I watched on stream but internet crashed 5 min later.
>Return after it's over
>Check Fimfiction chat and Derpibooru
>Gak and Pinkie G3 face
:applejackconfused: :rainbowderp:

What's with these gak comments? I noticed they're flooding Youtube too.

1593168 If you watched the premier on TV or on a live feed you would know that commercials for Gak were shown on a continuous basis. When I mean continuous I mean 3 or 4 times EVERY SINGLE FUCKING COMMERCIAL BREAK!:flutterrage: The results of seeing the same commercial over and over again are having us brony's going a little stir crazy.

1593208 Well, seeing as everypony is talking all about it on the episodes uploaded on Youtube, I'd say it's a successful advertisement.

I knew it wouldn't be long...


This was AWESOME! And the characterization was SPECTACULAR!

I praise you you fast writer you also gak is back

well that escalated quickly

1593263 If you ever need anything
Please don't hesitate to ask someone else first

Art Inspired, SwiperTheFox, Rust, and KillJoy working together. i thinking i'm going to end up with coma for the awesomeness

Haha! I'm spending the whole weekend my Mom just so I could watch it.

I just wish there was a link to the source for the cover art.

Awww. Interesting Sombra manipulated Luna. Brillant1 :flutterrage:

He looks like one of those weird, exaggerated OC ponies. Oh, and dude, the episode hasn't even been out for a few hours and you already have a fan-tastic fan-fiction up! Hats off to you, sir. :ajsmug:

Someone may of already said this, but does Sombra remind anyone else of Morgoth?

And anyone looking to watch season three

A Sombra history Fic? Now this I have got to see!

But how did it get featured with a 3 to 1 like dislike ratio?

I seem to be one of the few people who actually LIKED Sombra as a villain.
He had no backstory
Well, except for Nightmare Moon, neither did any of the other villains
He had no personality
To me, he seemed more like a demented force of nature than a living thing, which I find to be far more
intimidating than either Chrysalis or Discord
And he's also the only villain in the series so far to actually die
like 100% dead (he EXPLODES for fuck's sake!)
LOVED the premiere by the way, and I can only imagine how they would top that off for the finale :twilightsmile:

1593505 Attention was way up within the first 3 hours.

Figures this would be out already, and also as expected: it wasn't that great. This bored me. you failed to grasp the one thing every good plotline needs: A question. There is nothing here that I simply need to find out, that compels me to read. NEXT! :facehoof:

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