• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 688 Views, 10 Comments

Sweet Shining Love - Bespectacled Brony

What happens when a filly falls hard for an unavailable stallion? Chaotic, comical disaster!

  • ...

I Surrender!

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love

Chapter 5 - I Surrender!

A good night's sleep was a wonderful thing. It was capable of recharging the body after a day of physical exhaustion. If one were angry or sad, rest allowed emotions to cool down and enabled an individual's day to proceed with a much more leveled-headed mentality.

But if you're a filly who'd just been kissed on the cheek the night before by a gorgeous stallion, that's a different matter entirely.

Sweetie Belle could barely think the moment she went to bed and was disappointed to find that things weren't much better this morning. Neither Princess Celestia's monumental, magnificent sunrise nor the simple, sweet chirping of the birds outside could calm the disorganized thoughts running circles in her brain.

Even the traditional yawn, stretch and rubbing of the eyes didn't help. She wandered into the bathroom to get a good look at herself in the mirror and the reflection was exactly what she expected. Disheveled mane, half-open peepers and a slight frown equaled a total mess. The young unicorn would usually laugh at herself, but today...her face matched how she was feeling on the inside.

Sweetie turned the faucet on and splashed some water over her face. The cool liquid did feel nice, but the memory of the soft sensation of Shining Armor's lips making contact with her left cheek was still fresh in her mind. She gently touched it, triggering a blush, dreamy smile and blissful sigh. Sweetie didn't even realize what was happening until she looked into the mirror again. Embarrassment set in and she furiously shook her head and lightly slapped her cheeks, as if to swat away the color like an annoying insect.

Another sigh arose, but this was one of worry. These new feelings within her being were alien and she wasn't sure if she should feel happiness or dread.

"What am I gonna do?" she murmured.

The indecision was interrupted by a mildly sweet smell making its way into her nostrils. It was recognizable, but Sweetie couldn't quite put her hoof on it. She sniffed the air again.

"Sniff, sniff...is somepony making bread?"

One thing for sure was that the scent originated from downstairs. Following her nose lead her into the kitchen of the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity seemed to be hard at work preparing-


"Oh!" Rarity said, jerking her body out of reflex. "Sweetie Belle, darling...you startled me!"

"What's going on?"

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed! So, get back upstairs and pretend to be surprised!"

"You don't hafta do that. I mean, as long as I'm here I might as well eat."

"Well, in that case..."

Rarity levitated her completed dish to her sister who had taken a seat at the table.

"Ta-da! Here's a pair of waffles, complete with-"

"Whipped cream and strawberries?"

"Complements of Strawberry Sunrise! Earlier this morning, I told her that I was preparing a special breakfast just for you and she was nice enough to lend me some of her sweetest ones!"

"Wow, you really outdid yourself...and...I don't know what else to say!"

The older unicorn's cheerful demeanor quickly switched to one of regret.

"I do. I want to say that...I'm sorry."


Sweetie couldn't say anything else, since she was already chewing on a waffle.

"I wanted to apologize for not taking you to the Crystal Empire, as promised."

"It's okay, sis. You had a lot of work, so-"

"No, 'okay' simply won't do!"

Rarity didn't like jumping in while somepony else was talking, but she couldn't help it in this case. This was a point she wanted to make clear to her sister, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding.

"I swore to give you a fun excursion! You were so excited every time I brought it up...and while you were building up your hopes...I had to go and smash them to pieces."

"But I got to go in the end. Isn't that what's important?"

"What's more important is that we sisters spend time together! Nopony knows this, but I always wondered what it'd be like to have an older sibling of my own to idolize, to hang out with...even annoy! My point is that I never got to feel the joy of having a big sister...and I don't want you to experience the same thing."

Sweetie stopped chewing as her brain started to process the short speech, revealing the truth of it all. She may have mentioned her sister repeatedly during the Jewel Jamboree, but there was never any negative connotation. Rarity, on the other hoof, was truly feeling miserable about letting Sweetie down and possibly causing irreversible harm to their sisterly bond, such as it was regarding her (initial) refusal of involvement in the Sisterhooves Social. Sweetie wasn't sure what to say to make her older sister feel any better, so she took another bite of her waffle, allowing her to stall for time to think up a suitable response.

"There needs to be some real changes around here," Rarity calmly declared, thumping her chest.

"Wha kindwa chagoos?" Sweetie asked with a full mouth.

Normally, Rarity would've advised one to chew and swallow, but she was more focused on what she wanted to say next.

"I'm going to make more of an effort to follow my heart instead of following my head."

Those words sounded awfully familiar to Sweetie. It was a paraphrase of advice that graced her ears the previous night.

Isn't that what Princess Luna...?

Rarity mistook Sweetie's pensive expression for confusion and decided to explain her position more clearly.

"While you were gone, I was following my head, putting myself to work all day...when I should've been following my heart, enjoying a day at the Crystal Empire with my adorable little sister. I can't change what happened, but I want to make it up to you...that is, if you'll let me."

"Waha moo meef?"

Understanding the complicated language of "Waffle Mouthful" wasn't Rarity's strong suit, but she did her best to keep the conversation going.

"What I mean is that sisterly bonding should almost always come first and foremost, and I'll try harder not to dispirit you in the future. So, with that in mind...what do you say we spend the entire day together? Just you and me? We can do whatever you want!"

Words like that would've normally been music to Sweetie Belle's ears, but she remembered that Cheerilee's assignment had yet to be completed. Tempting as Rarity's generous offer was, her report had to come first. She made sure to swallow her food before replying.

"I'd love to, sis...but there's still that report for school which I wanna get on paper before I forget. Can I take a rain check on that?"

It struck Rarity as somewhat odd that Sweetie would decline, but she was glad that the filly acted responsibly when it came to her homework.

"Absolutely, dear. But please...I'd love to hear about the Jewel Jamboree! What was it like?"

For the next few minutes, the atmosphere was nothing short of informative inside the Carousel Boutique, as Sweetie's memory proved to be in perfect working order. She recounted all the fantastic jewel displays for all to see, including the crown from Trottingham, the Stallion Sapphire Brooch and the (supposedly cursed) Hock Diamond. Rarity was simultaneously astounded and in agony that she passed up ogling some of the most dazzling treasures the world has ever known.

"Isn't the Hock Diamond reputed to have some sort of hex upon it?"

"That's what I was told. I guess it depends on what you think. If you ask me, the Balk Emerald was the thing that was cursed! It definitely had a hold on me when-"

"You saw the Balk Emerald?!?"

"Uh-huh. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off it...I just didn't wanna leave! I refused to go until Shining Armor finally pulled me away."

"Speaking of which, I trust you exhibited exemplary behavior in his presence?"

"If that means polite and obedient, then...yeah, I think I did good. And he was just as impressed by the displays as I was! He was super amazed at all that gold in the wagon from Saddle Arabia!"

The further explanation of the convention was a flurry of vocal jabs to the fashion designer, causing her to repeatedly flinch or wince. If hearing what she missed out on was a form of punishment, Rarity would've thought it was well-deserved.

"This is incredibly heartbreaking, darling. Please do go on," she said with an unrelenting twitch in her eye.

"Hey, why not see for yourself? I used up all film in my disposable camera, so if you could get the pictures developed..."

"Of course! Bring me your camera and I'll head out right now!"

"Gimme a sec!"

As Sweetie jumped out of her seat and raced upstairs, Rarity couldn't fight the warm smile creeping into her face (not that she wanted to). Her sister appeared to be energetic and cheerful again, unlike her attitude twenty-four hours ago. It seemed as if all was right with Sweetie's world.

Oh, but if Rarity only knew...

"Okay, hon...I'm off!"

Unlike Sweetie Belle, Shining Armor slept quite nicely. The instant his eyes opened up, he remembered the errand that had to be run and strapped on his saddlebags containing the documents meant for Mayor Mare. But before he could take one step out of the door of his room at the inn, his wife gave him a proper send-off...in the form of a kiss.


"And the motive for that particular gesture?"

"Do I need one?"

"No...but you usually come up with an excuse, anyway."

Cadance tapped her chin a couple times and thought up a valid (and partially believable) reason.

"For good luck?" she shrugged.

"It's not like I'm negotiating a peace treaty between warring factions!" Shining noted. "I'm just gonna give the mayor my papers, then chat with her briefly. And that'll be the end of it."

"But we'll be separated again! I weaken when I'm not in close enough proximity to your lips!"

"You'll survive."

Playful as her behavior was, it turned more serious (and affectionate) as she gave her husband a nuzzle.

"Just don't take forever, like yesterday. I get lonely," Cadance pouted.

"I said I won't be long, and I meant it."

The pouting transformed into a slight frown, which Shining Armor found similar to a dejected puppy, something he tried hard not to laugh at.

Heh, even her frowns are pretty. But a sour expression does not a princess make. Better smooth out the situation before it inflates...

"Tell you what...once my business with the mayor is over, what do you say we go out and have brunch?"

In a flash, the alicorn's face lit up like a chandelier that was capable of grinning, not too much unlike her sister-in-law's reaction whenever she got her hooves on a new educational book.

"I say, it's a date!"

While Rarity headed out to do some shopping (although the development of one disposable camera's film took priority), Sweetie Belle was hard at work making out her report. Although confident that Cheerilee would find it satisfactory, she read it out loud to herself to check for any missed details or mistakes.

"...where the Stallion Sapphire Brooch came from. But it couldn't compare to the beautiful blue streaks in Shining Armor's mane. Haven't you ever noticed how elegantly it waves in the wind, even when there's no-"

The mouth froze as the narrative processed through the pony's mind.

"WHAT IS THIS?" Sweetie screeched.

Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she frantically read over the page of words.

"I couldn't have...I, I mean...I didn't...why?"

She had no conscious memory writing about Shining Armor. What unnerved her futher was the fact that the transition from a jewel convention to a handsome prince came out naturally, as if writing about him was second nature to her.

Not that she needed more confirmation of what else had been written, but on an uneasy hunch...

"...voice as smooth as ice cream that makes even the dullest diamond descriptions sound like a sweet poem...any bejeweled accessory would only propel his good looks into the stratosphere...who needs sapphires when you have his two lovely cerulean peepers to peep at?!?"

Her report was starting to sound like one of Rarity's drippy romance novels! That was never the intention!

"How could this have happened?"

As if a blurry picture was slowly coming into focus, an elucidation was beginning to take shape in her brain. But that was the last thing Sweetie wanted to think about. Gritting her teeth, she began erasing or crossing out any bits mentioning Shining Armor and started writing additional notes.

For a while, the only action in the room was the frustrated scribbling of a pencil sticking out of the unicorn's mouth, which was starting to tire due to all the (necessary) revisions for her report. Sweetie Belle couldn't wait for the day she'd learn to magically levitate her writing tools.

An alternative came to mind, and soon enough the gentle sounds of pencil to paper were replaced with the louder noise of clacking keys from a typewriter. This time around, the young pony made doubly sure that her charming chaperone wasn't accidentally given his own private suite on any of the pages.

Rapid progress ensued. Four pages were typed out before long, but one could only guess as to how much time had actually elapsed since Sweetie began. The intensity of her laser-like focus caused her to sweat a bit and gave her a slight headache, which almost blocked out the knocking at her door.

"Come on in, Rarity. It's open," she hollered over the typewriter without lifting her head.

"It ain't Rarity, but...will I do?" asked a cheerful voice with a very familiar accent.

This time, Sweetie did lift her head. Who she saw was enough to finally give her concentration a break.

"Oh, Apple Bloom! Welcome back! Uh, when did you...?"

"Sis and I came home early this morning! We ran into Rarity while she was out gettin' some berries from Strawberry Sunrise and she told me to drop in later and say howdy! By the way, I'm guessin' Scootaloo's not around?"

"Still in Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash, as far as I know."

"Which means crusadin' ain't an option until she comes home. Well...you wanna hang out, anyway?"

"I'm doing my report for school right now, but I'm close to finishing up. Can you wait?"

"Sure thing!"

The earth pony's quip prompted Sweetie's instincts to hit those keys again and resume her previous activities. It wasn't long before Apple Bloom noticed the intense stare that her friend was giving her homework assignment, comparable to Fluttershy's.

Sweetie removed the sheet, checking for any mistakes and found herself pleased with what had been typed out so far. She inserted one more piece of paper (intended to be the final page) into the carriage and cranked the typewriter's knobs to roll it into place.

Although the redhead knew that her friend's report required silence, her own track record at being patient was something of a mixed bag (at best). She began wrestling between keeping her mouth shut or initiating a conversation. Thankfully, the unicorn made that decision for her.

"So, how was Manehattan?"

Relieved that Sweetie was willing to talk and type at the same time, Apple Bloom wasted no words.

"Apple-buckin' amazing! Met up with a few of the relatives like Aunt and Uncle Orange...not mention my favorite cuz, Babs Seed!"

"Oh, that's right! You haven't seen her since the last family reunion! How's she been?"

"She's doin' great! I even got to meet her fellow Manehattan Cutie Mark Crusaders, Double Check and Home Slice! They're a lotta fun to hang out with! I also wrote a list of stuff we've done to get our marks that they've never attempted! And Babs did the same!"

Sweetie realized what her friend was implying, and her eyes widened.

"So...you're saying we'll have a ton of new ideas to try out?"

"Exactly! Well, except for one of the things on her list...unless you know of any nearby casinos?"

At Ponyville's town hall, a simple transaction was taking place, one which could've been botched, had Shining Armor not realized his mistake yesterday.

Mayor Mare adjusted her glasses and skimmed through the folder of papers that had finally made its way into her possession. She displayed a content smile for the stallion responsible for the delivery.

"I can't thank you enough for acquiring these documents, Shining Armor! They're crucial for my meeting later today!"

"Happy to help, Mayor!"

"Could I interest you some coffee?"

"Wish I could, but my wife's gonna have my horn if I don't take her out to eat!"

The pair of ponies chuckled and waved their goodbyes. His visit with the mayor reminded him of his venture with Sweetie Belle and her excitement at everything the Crystal Empire had to offer.

Hope Sweetie managed to write a decent report for school. She's a good filly, all the same. Wonder what she's up to now?

The pony in question was in fact finished with her report. She decided to take a walk with Apple Bloom, discussing the one-time event that was the Jewel Jamboree.

"So, you actually made it to the Crystal Empire?"

"Yep, spent the whole day there! It was spectacular!"

"Bet Rarity's jaw dropped at the huge haul o' gems!"

"It did when I told her about it."

"Told her?"

"She didn't take me. I went with Shining Armor."

The yellow filly stopped where she was and shot her friend a quizzical look.

"Excuse me? Wanna run that by me again?"

"It's a complicated story. I'll tell you about it later."

"But what's the harm in-"

"HEY, APPLE BLOOM! SWEETIE BELLE!" interrupted a yell from not too far away.

The pair turned their heads and saw two other approaching fillies with light gold coats waving to them.

"Sunny Daze! Peachy Pie! What's goin' on?"

"We were jumping rope with Dinky Doo, but she had to leave," Sunny explained. "Wanna join in?"

Peachy, holding a coil of jump rope in her mouth, gave a Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a cheerful look in her eyes that offered the same invitation.

The two looked at each other and shrugged.

"Why not?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah! Darn tootin', why not? Besides, we already tried t'get our Cutie Marks jump ropin'! So there ain't no danger of gettin' ours without Scootaloo!"

"We'll let you two go first if you want!" Peachy said, taking some steps to let the rope spread out. "You know the rhyme about Star Swirl the Bearded?"

The Crusaders' tapping of their chins and scratching their heads was the only answer they could provide.

"It's cool, Sunny and I can teach you!"

Shining Armor had every intention of honoring his promise to his wife, but a pre-planned detour to the Golden Oak Library was in order. A few gentle knocks on its front door granted him the smiling face of his beloved sister.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite B.B.B.F.F. in the whole world! Won't you come in?" Twilight chirped.

"I'm your only B.B.B.F.F. in the whole world and I'm afraid I can't stay. I just came to drop this off for Spike."

The stallion levitated a small pouch from one of his saddlebags into Twilight's hoof.

"What's this?"

"Oh, a light snack. Compliments of the Jewel Jamboree."

Seemingly out of nowhere, the librarian's number one assistant instantly appeared at her side.

"You can't fool me!" he declared. "There are jewels nearby! I can smell 'em from a mile away!"

"Enjoy! I wasn't exactly sure what you preferred, so I blindly bought a tidy little assortment of various gems! Anyway, I gotta get going. I'll see you later, Twily!"

"Likewise!" she said, giving him a quick hug.

Upon closing the library's door, Twilight noticed that the satchel had been swiped from her hoof and the hungry dragon was already drooling at the variety of the glistening treats inside.

"Ooh, trail mix! Spike like!"

The creature's jaws wasted no more words and only made sounds of crunching and munching until...


Spike spit out two tiny jewels and sorted through the pouch thoroughly. He looked disgusted as he pulled out a few more identical gemstones.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Diamonds taste bad?"

"They do when they're cheap diamonds! Those were cubic zirconia! Ugh!"

Knowing the track record of Spike's powers of digestion (rivaled only by Pinkie Pie's), the purple unicorn was naturally confused.

"Spike, you've eaten rancid, worm-filled cupcakes, but you won't eat a certain type of gem?"

"Hey, even dragons have their limits!"

Outside the library, Shining Armor was more determined than ever to link up with his wife and enjoy a leisurely brunch with her. His thoughts were abruptly diverted by the sounds of some giggling fillies, not too far from his location. One of them in particular he recognized almost immediately.

"Wait a minute...isn't that...?"

"...and then you just keeping counting until you mess up! Dinky got all the way to sixty-seven!"

Sunny Daze paused her speech to unravel the jump rope from around her hind leg and Peachy turned to the Crusaders.

"Can you remember the words now?"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had decided to let their friends jump first and recite the rhyme. They counted up until nineteen before the rope got caught under Sunny's hoof.

"Yep, stuck in the noggin like caramel apples! Y'ready, Sweetie?"

"Ready and waiting!"

She and A.B. got into position, while the other two grabbed the rope ends and took a few steps away from each other.

"Here we go!" Peachy Pie announced.

As the rope began swinging, the four ponies began chanting together.

"Star Swirl, Star Swirl, dressed in blue! Star Swirl, Star Swirl, what to do? Casting magic night and day! How many monsters will you slay? ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FI-"

"Hi, Sweetie Belle!"

That deep voice was unmistakable. It was like a trigger, causing the entire world to move about in slow motion. Sweetie was unsure as to what would happen if she were to meet up with Shining Armor again, but there wasn't any time for planning or preparation now. His handsome, sparkling face was here, and that was that.

And Sweetie made sure to get an eyeful of this overpowering vision of loveliness.

The furthest thing from her mind was the rope that lightly slapped against her hooves (since she had stopped jumping), and only when Apple Bloom tripped and bumped into Sweetie did things resume at their usual speed.


Sweetie found herself flat on the ground, none worse for the wear...which was more than could be said for her friend lying near her, rubbing the side of her head after their collision.

"Hey! I didn't say 'oof' for fun, y'know! S'matter, you forget how to jump or-"

"Shining Armor!"

Sunny Daze, Peachy Pie and Apple Bloom followed Sweetie, who was practically galloping towards the older unicorn. Realizing they were in the presence of royalty, the filles bowed their heads. Sweetie nearly forgot to.

"So...uh...what brings you to these parts?"

"Oh, I was just passing by. Thought I'd see how you were doing after yesterday's trip."

"I'm...I'm really glad you did..."

"Are you all right? You've a little dirt on your face."

"It's nothing...nothing at all..."

The unusually soft tone in Sweetie's voice caused Apple Bloom to glance at her friend. Sweetie's sweating head was turned to the side, her body fidgeting, and her mouth was bearing a sheepish smile, complete with reddened cheeks on each side. Apple Bloom had never seen that look on her face before and could only guess what was on her mind.

"Hmm..." she said quietly.

Peachy and Sunny were peppering him with questions (mostly about the Crystal Empire, since they'd never been there), while Sweetie just scuffed her hoof on the grass. She was surprised that she managed to even say as much as she did to Shining Armor, even more so that she was able to say anything at all.

"So, Mr. Armor...are you and the wife here on official royal duty or somethin'?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not exactly...more like a small vacation. Don't be afraid to say hello when you see Princess Cadance...but I wouldn't pester her for an autograph if I were you. She's here to relax."

That was the one thing Sweetie couldn't do, not even if somepony paid her.

"I wish I could chat away the day, but I have some things I need to do."

Those were words that alarmed Sweetie for reasons unknown, causing her voice to uncontrollably reply.

"Ah! Um...do...do you really have to? You can't hang around and let us...entertain you?"

"Entertain? Do we look like court jesters to you, Sweetie?" Sunny asked.

"As lovely as that sounds, I'll have to respectfully refuse," Shining Armor chuckled. "Nevertheless, you four ladies have a good one!"

The stallion waved and departed. Sweetie Belle watched as he got further and further away, just as she had last night. A.B. tapped her twice on the head, trying to get her attention.

"He's long gone, y'know. You can stop waving."

The unicorn didn't hear and continued. And that strange smile was still glued to her face. Apple Bloom gently shook her friend.

"Sweetie! C'mon, wake up!"

"Oh! I...I'm sorry...uh, what were we-"


With Shining Armor gone, his unintended effect on Sweetie disappeared, allowing the girl to get her bearings. The other two filles approached the Crusaders and were just as concerned.

"Maybe you should get some rest, you don't look so good," suggested Sunny.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll catch you later."

The three ponies waved goodbye as Sweetie Belle left for home...and turned to each other as soon as they were sure that their friend was out of earshot.

"She was acting really weird, Apple Bloom. What happened?" asked Peachy.

"Not sure, but it musta been somethin' big."

Rarity hadn't returned from her errands by the time Sweetie Belle made her way to the Carousel Boutique, which was fine by her. She needed some quiet time to organize her thoughts and assess her feelings. Now back in her room, she lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

These emotional sensations started during her trip to the Crystal Empire and had been gradually building ever since. The kiss she received on her cheek last night set off a beacon in her head, drawing all of her opinions and ideas towards a conclusion that she didn't want to vocalize at the time...but she did.

"There's a...4 letter word here...staring with 'L' and...rhymes with 'dove'...I...no..."

Her eyes went wide as she realized something else. Whatever these growing feelings were...she was beginning to like the uncomfortable nature of it all. It felt worse when she was resisting it, but when she saw Shining Armor earlier...she no longer fought the phenomenon, resulting in a ticklish breeze of bliss and contentment. Going with the flow seemed to be the best course of action, yet the combined advice from Princess Luna and Rarity were echoing in her ears...

"There are times where you must listen to your heart...and others when you should listen to your brain. Matters of the heart are important...but they can also be quite complicated."

"I'm going to make more of an effort to follow my heart instead of following my head."

Those two ponies were giving pearls of wisdom to be sure...but their words almost sounded like arguments on opposite ends. It started to become a jumbled mess! Sweetie Belle groaned and rubbed her temples. Should she do what her head was telling her or continue down the path her heart was leading her?

"What do you do when...love...is all you can think about?!?"

Miraculously, a fragment of clarity crept into her brain at that very moment.

"HOLD ON!" she cried, sitting up.

An epiphany struck! There was no need to choose, since both her head and heart were on the same topic! Why hadn't she realized it sooner?

A smile was fighting its way onto her face and any countermeasures to combat this "threat" refused to show themselves.

It was a moot issue!

"If...if...if my head and heart are talking about the same thing...then it...must be okay...right? And that means...!"

Now the smile was stuck to her lips, opening briefly to let a joyful gasp out.

"That means..." she repeated more slowly. "Oh, it's useless! I can't fight it any longer! I give up!"

Sweetie grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. This conflict in her head was destined to be a losing battle and she finally allowed herself to succumb to the warmth she'd been experiencing since the train ride to the Crystal Empire. She sighed happily and lied back down as she imagined the gallant prince's breathtaking visage like a plafond.

"You win, Shining Armor...I surrender to my heart!"

Another sigh was let out and it was clear that Sweetie Belle would never get sick of it.

"I've fallen for you...and there's no hope for me!"


Author's Note:

Well, would you look at that? It seems Sweetie has managed to figure things her out on her own...sort of. Have things gone from bad to worse? She's crushing on Shining Armor big time! And that could mean equally big consequences for her! But will she keep this to herself or tell the unsuspecting stallion how she feels? Keep reading to find out!

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