• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 689 Views, 10 Comments

Sweet Shining Love - Bespectacled Brony

What happens when a filly falls hard for an unavailable stallion? Chaotic, comical disaster!

  • ...

What You're Feeling

The I Don't Own "My Little Pony" Disclaimer: Space for rent. Call the appropriate number for further details.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love

Chapter 4 - What You're Feeling

It was a wondrous feeling to be in the presence of royalty. If the countless number of gemstones at the Jewel Jamboree or the luster of the Crystal Empire weren't enough to behold, surely the appearance of the Princess of the Night would tip the scale in the observer's favor. For Sweetie Belle, the prospect of actually encountering her (outside of Nightmare Night) felt more like a high hope than a fulfilled reality...yet here she was, as big as life. And judging from her smile, she seemed ready to initiate a friendly conversation.

But not before the filly nearly jumped out of her seat and bowed at the hooves of Princess Luna.

Remain calm, she thought to herself. You've already made a big enough fool out of yourself with Princess Cadance...and Shining Armor was just...NO, don't even go there! Gotta use my inside voice and above all...DON'T babble! So, here goes nothing!


Luna was taken aback by the force of the loud voice (as were a number of other seated patrons), but the princess turned her head and gestured with her hoof to resume their respective activities. As for Sweetie's question, the alicorn couldn't help but lightly chuckle, as Cadance had.

"It would be my pleasure...if you'd show the courtesy of learning a skill that Twilight Sparkle was kind enough to teach me."


"Lower the volume?"

Realizing that she'd just freaked out again made Sweetie turn red and cover her mouth.

"Ah! Heh, heh...sorry."

"No harm done, my little pony. It took some time before I learned to fully tame my traditional royal Canterlot voice...but I digress. What brings you to the Crystal Empire? Are you here with Twilight and her friends? Or did your sister Rarity bring you herself?"

Sweetie almost scowled upon the last question but did her best to keep the sting of that particular disappointing situation in check.

"Eh...no. I'm here with Shining Armor...who's in the restroom."

"He's returned home already?"

"I'll let him do the explaining."

Not wanting to waste Luna's time, the young unicorn pulled out a notepad and pencil.

"Anyway...I heard that you were taking over for the week, so what's it like ruling inside the Crystal Castle?"

The princess tapped her chin, struggling to vocalize a valid answer.

"Hm...what can I say? My sister and I have seen several palaces in our time...but I can state with certainty that it's not...too much unlike the one in Canterlot, except for the fact that it's much more...bright?"

"What about the state of the empire? No emergencies? Threats? Dangers? APOCALYPSES?"

Luna restrained the urge to giggle at Sweetie's zeal, but it was quite difficult.

"I don't mean to discourage you, but this convention is probably the most exciting event that's occurred while I've been here....well, that and two delicious slices with black olives were beckoning me."

Sweetie was surprised that she was just now taking note of the small, white box magically floating next to the princess (which undoubtedly contained her dinner).

"There goes a scoop for my school report...or the next edition of the Foal Print Press," she sighed.

"My apologies," the alicorn said with a sympathetic smile.

"No worries, Your Highness. If that's how you feel, that's how you...feel..."

Uttering the word "feel" sparked a thought in Sweetie's head that refused to be snuffed out, so much so that she couldn't stop her mouth's movements.

"Uh, Princess Luna...I could use a little 'off the record' advice, if you don't mind."


The question she was about to ask was not unlike balancing on a tightrope. Both actions were potentially dangerous, and both would make one sweat.

"What...what should you do if you're...starting to feel a certain way...and even though you know what you're feeling is wrong...I mean, if you just can't help it...do you act on it, or...?"

Luna let out a sigh of her own and almost frowned, as if she was trying not to remember something unpleasant. Nevertheless, she decided it would be prudent to reply, if only to steer one pony from a wrong path...

Sweetie's eyes were wide open, as she didn't want to miss one syllable of speech from the wise princess.

"You are more than aware of my previous reputation as Nightmare Moon, yes?"


"I love my sister dearly...but my unwarranted feelings of bitterness and jealousy drove me to commit unspeakable acts. Part of my being knew these emotions were misplaced and misguided. I didn't want to act on them. Had I been mentally stronger, the outcome might've unfolded differently...yet I was unable to stop myself."

The Cutie Mark Crusader let Luna's words sink in and she took a moment to mull over it.

"My best advice would be to try hard not to follow through with what you're feeling without putting some careful consideration into it. Weigh the possible consequences and risks involved. There are times where you must listen to your heart...and others when you should listen to your brain. Matters of the heart are important...but they can also be quite complicated. Enough to weaken and cloud one's own judgement."

Princess Cadance said that there's no hope for me to resist Shining Armor's...whatever it is. But Princess Luna said she wasn't strong enough to...wait, does that mean I'M weak?

"My apologies again. I guess I wasn't much help," Luna concluded, noticing that Sweetie's look of confusion hadn't budged.

"Oh...no, Your Majesty! You...gave me a lot to think about."

"Such an odd question has piqued my curiosity...but your business is your own and I will respect that."

The awkward conversation was interrupted by the sound of galloping hooves. A pair of stallions wearing dark cloaks were rushing through the crowd at frightening speed, like a hot knife cutting through butter. The eyes of both Sweetie and Luna widened as a magical energy beam struck the ground in front of the stallions, causing them to trip and fall. The small satchels of assorted jewels they were carrying spilled out before them.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what they were up to.

Sweetie turned to the source of the beam, which was Shining Armor standing tall with a stern expression, the glow from his horn dissipating. He marched over and glared down at the two Earth ponies with ferocity that could've made a lion cower in fear.

"No magical horn to aid your thievery or wings to effect an escape...so what in Equestria made you believe you were gonna pull this off?"

Still lying on the ground, the pair looked at each other and whispered.

"Shining Armor wasn't supposed to be here!"

"Doesn't matter! I told you this was a bad-"

"If you're smart and I doubt you are...you'll make this painless by turning yourselves in without a fight!" the growled at the pair of would-be robbers.

Four vendors approached from behind him and were shouting complaints, confirming any and all suspicions.

"Those bozos took a hooful from my cuff link display!"

"And those are two of my pocket watches!"

"You dared to steal from my rare coin collection?"

"Not only did they pilfer my pendants, they wouldn't even tell a tourist where the nearest bathroom was!"

Shining Armor locked eyes with a pair of guards and jerked his head in the direction of the cloaked ponies.

"Escort them to the castle for questioning and have the vendors join you so they can get their stuff back in an orderly fashion. Princess Luna will be along shortly."

"YES, SIR!" they barked.

The two guards, two thieves and four vendors started their long walk to the Crystal Castle, onlookers from all around stared in silent disbelief.

Princess Luna smiled, and Sweetie Belle was in awe, impressed at how efficiently and rapidly the stallion thwarted the theft.

"A job well done, Shining Armor," congratulated Luna. "But should you not be in Ponyville with your wife?"

"To sum it up, I had some last-minute business to take care of here. It couldn't be postponed. Also, Rarity planned to bring her sister here today to see the sights, but had to cancel at the last minute..."

"And you took it upon yourself to invite her to come along. Most kind of you."

"Well, she needed an amazing report for school and the Jewel Jamboree sounded like the perfect topic to write about!"

"Indeed. Anyway, I must return to the palace to oversee the outcome of this prevented crime...and my pizza's getting cold."

Shining laughed and waved his hoof as the princess spread her wings and rose into the air.

"Goodbye! Cadance and I will see you in a week!"

"Take care of yourselves! Best of luck with your report, Sweetie Belle!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Sweetie managed to get a quick snapshot of the skybound princess, grateful to herself that she remembered her camera at the last second. Despite the erratic nature of her talk with Luna, the visit to the Crystal Empire was working out better than she could've hoped. This was one day the filly never would've enjoyed as much if she were back home.

In Ponyville's Carousel Boutique, Rarity had been designing up a storm. Shining Armor's looking after her sister really did the trick for freeing up her day. Since Sweetie's departure, eight dresses had been sewn, trimmed, hemmed, bejeweled, accessorized and ready to go. Rarity worked well under pressure and was capable of putting together lovely designs for a dozen dresses incredibly quickly...but given the fact that she had an entire uninterrupted day to create, she could afford to take her time and let her mind bring forth more elaborate pieces, allowing her to go above and beyond the call of duty for some of her most recent clients.

She levitated a tissue and dabbed away the sweat that had accumulated on her forehead, somewhat surprised (and very thankful) that none of it had dripped onto the fabric.

"Whew! Only two more to complete...and that shouldn't take too long. Since they're for a pair of identical twins, they share the same measurements and-"

The unicorn's smile faded as the mention of twins caused her thoughts to drift to her own sibling. There was no doubt that Rarity loved her work...but she loved her sister even more. Her initial opinion of how everything had worked out for the best was starting to lose its stability.

"I've made excellent progress today...albeit at the cost of spending time with my Sweetie Belle..."

Rarity couldn't help but guiltily bite her lower lip.

"But these gowns are of paramount importance! The clients these outfits are intended for..."

Now came the drooping of her head and ears.

"...mean nothing without the love and support of my sister. Sweet Celestia, what's a fashion designer to do? I promised her an exciting excursion! She had her heart set on today! I mean, I'm glad Shining Armor could accommodate Sweetie, but..."

She could only sigh before the ugly conclusion exited her mouth.

"...I really should've taken her myself."

Rarity struggled to imagine the fun the two of them could've been having together, to no avail.

"Not that I don't appreciate everything you do for me, darling...but I need to hear it from you. Did I make the right choice...staying here?"

The sewing machine was more silent than Fluttershy at her shyest.

"Oh, don't give me an answer in the form of a silent treatment! That only makes it worse!"

Additional silence followed her remark.

"Goodness, you don't hold back at all! You really tell it like it is!"

Still silence.

"Brutal honesty like that surpasses even Applejack's...who would've thought? I mean, if it weren't for the-"

The device continued to "stare" at Rarity, causing her mind to get back on track.

"Yes, I understand...the last two dresses."

The sewing machine's whirring and clacking were in full effect as the final two works of art were being composed. Though her job often proved taxing, her mulling over Sweetie superseded any potential exhaustion, mental or physical.

The stitching halted.

"But...I must make it up to my sister somehow! I won't be at peace with myself until-"

An agitated Rarity looked at the machine and its cloth frozen in mid-stitch.

"Hey, I am working! Since when is it against the law to-"

Knowing an argument would be pointless (even more so with an inanimate object), she placed her hooves back onto the cloth and resumed her duties. Perhaps it was fatigue, but now the sounds of sewing seemed oddly louder than before. The unicorn stopped again and glared icily at the device before her.

"Don't you dare take that tone of stitching with me, young sewing machine!"

"Ooh, that pizza was too good! I might never eat again!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, patting her belly.

Shining Armor fought the urge to laugh and only nodded, as he was sipping some of his beverage. He levitated a plastic card (meant to be given to the waiter) and gently tapped it against the surface of the table. It caught Sweetie's curious eye.

"What's that?"

The older unicorn slid it across to her so she could get a better look. Printed on the card was...

"Equestrian Express?"

"It's a credit card. I won't bore you with the details, but to make the long story short...let's just say it saves the trouble of carrying around a sack of bits."

Sweetie scratched her head and his words started to make a sliver of sense.

"Oh, yeah! I've heard of these! Rarity's been thinking about getting one for herself!"

Depicted on the card was a detailed drawing of a smiling Princess Celestia framed in a vertical oval, with a serene landscape in the background, colored in light shades of green.

"Nice artwork."

"There's a portrait of Princess Luna, as well."

Shining pulled another Equestrian Express card out of his saddlebag for his companion to see. This one was black with a similar oval frame depicting the Princess of the Night facing to the left (whereas Celestia was facing the right), her head pointed upwards (although not as sharply as the snobs in Canterlot), eyes closed...and she almost appeared to be frowning. It reminded Sweetie of her sister whenever she was upset enough to let out a sharp "Hmph!" which could be very uncomfortable to hear.

"Does your wife have her face on a card, too?"

"There were talks of putting her image on a purple variant, but she wasn't exactly in love with the concept."

The phrase "in love" set off a warning alarm in Sweetie's head.

Somepony tell me he didn't just say that!

Things were going so well! She'd almost completely forgotten about Shining Armor's distracting good looks, which took a back seat to the cornucopia of classy jewelry. The various displays had a firm grip on Sweetie's senses for the past few hours. Excitement of this level usually only came whenever she was out with her friends on their next crusading adventure. But that darn chaperone was effortlessly causing her cold sweat to resurface. She knew it was a risk to sneak a glance at him, even if he was in the middle of the most inconsequential task.

Like taking another calm sip of his hay juice.

Whoa, he even sips his drink like...n...no...my heart's...pounding again! Why would...m...must be the caffeine...

"Um, there's a bit of cheese on your-"

Sweetie Belle couldn't have moved faster with her napkin, wiping the smudge off of her cheek before Shining finished his statement. She'd been flustered more than enough for today and minimizing further possible embarrassment didn't sound like the worst idea in the world.

"I...I'm sorry! I guess Princess Cadance would be a lot more graceful..."

"As far as a dinner date goes, I've dealt with worse."

Dinner WHAT? He...can't possibly mean...?

Sweetie Belle might as well have been hit over the head by a block of wood, because that four-letter "D" word had definitely knocked her for a loop, impeding the little lady's ability to vocalize a full sentence.

"Could you...is that...the word was...?"

Shining knew (or at least thought he knew) which word she was referring to and answered accordingly.

"Yep...worse. A long time before I got together with Cadance, I had dinner with a gal named Less Miserable..."

"The depths my of despair permeate the black soul of the icy wind coursing through my veins. Being dark and depressed isn't a curse...it's an art. But nopony truly understands the undertones of my unnecessarily unelaborated mentality. My cousin Inky Rose says I'm too emotional...what do you think?"

"Uh...the lack of feeling in your voice doesn't speak volumes...it's more like a whole set of...encyclopedias?"

"See? You get it. How more romantic could this evening be?"

"I can only imagine."

"And then there was Razzle Dazzle...a walking, talking fireworks display..."

"It's like FLASH, BOOM, ZAP! From there on, my light shows just do all the talking!"

"Yeah, you've demonstrated it quite exuberantly during the appetizer. It was quite the...eye-burner."

"Ain't that the truth? I can't help but let my magical excitement out! Especially when my horn starts shooting sparks...like right now, for example!"



"AH! MY EYES!!!"

"Whoops, there goes another unexpected flash! Heh, heh! You gonna be okay?"

"Nope...I'm thoroughly blind."

"Of course, who could forget a real winner like Beauty Cream?"

"...trusted a pony with an income like that! Just because I'm beautiful doesn't mean I'm brainless! Stallions look at me and think I'm a pretty face that can't hold an intelligent conversation! But I'm ahead of the game, I've got smarts leaking out of my ears! At my last shoot with Photo Finish, she totally recognized my worth! I was told that the power of my gorgeous brain would be wasted on my modeling career! So, all I hafta do is let my posing on the runway do the work! It's as simple as this plate of salad! Speaking of which, did you ever notice the-"


"I know, right? It's like this itty-bitty piece of green can read my mind! Can you think of anything more spellbinding? Oh, I know! That "Casual Creamy Campaigner" beauty endorsement of mine! Just so you know, looking this beautiful is not as easy as one might assume! It's not enough to look beautiful, you have to think beautiful, and then your radiance comes to the surface! Hey, how do these brilliant philosophies pop into my blonde melon? Even when I turn off my common sense, my noggin keeps blasting out ideas! I can't stop it! You might as well try to swim up a waterfall! That reminds me, have you ever wondered about the meaning of silverware? You don't even wear it! Although you could...

Sweetie Belle's ears were in perfect working order, but as honest as Shining Armor was, his stories sounded like a bunch of tall tales.

"She was just bursting with information...of the utterly nonsensical variety. She could've given Pinkie Pie a run for her bits."

"Wow...can't believe you let a prize like that slip through your hooves, " the filly unenthusiastically quipped.

Before Shining could say more on the matter, his thoughts were interrupted by a deep and smooth (but friendly) voice.

"Your Majesty! I apologize for intruding on your dinner, but I just had to pay my respects!"

Approaching the table was a bespectacled, brown male unicorn wearing an olive-green sweater with an orange collar. His calm smile looked like it could soothe the tensest situations.

"Oh, it's fine. I was just about done, uh...pardon me, what's your name?"

"Trenderhoof, famed travel writer at your service," he stated, kneeling before the prince.

"I've heard of you! Your articles about the hot spots of Equestria are the stuff of legend!"

The stallion laughed as he adjusted his glasses.

"Please, you flatter me too much! Anyway, I just wanted to compliment your exquisite kingdom! It was something special to begin with, but it's a safe bet that your jewel convention will propel its popularity to greater heights!"

"We've already checked out the best displays the jamboree has to offer! You should, too!" Shining Armor suggested.

"I don't think I need to see much more! The overall event is really something! Your Crystal Empire is ripe for a glowing review from me! By the way, the food vendors are truly pulling out all the stops, as well! I found myself especially enamored by those sublime crystal candy apples!"

Sweetie's ears twitched at Trenderhoof's last comment, prompting her to speak up.

"Really? You like apples?"

"Oh, love 'em!"

"In that case, you should come visit Ponyville sometime!"


"Yeah! Nearby, there's a whole field full of apple trees! Sweet Apple Acres, with delicious apples as far as the eye can see! No other apples can compare!"

The pony ran a hoof through his light blonde mane (to scratch his head), then stroked his chin. His smile slowly returned.

"Hmmm...Sweet Apple Acres, huh? Most intriguing. It'd be exciting to see an orchard like that! Definitely a place to add to my list of future travels! I'll bet the farm pony who runs it is an incredible individual! Thanks for the recommendation!"

"Happy to help!"

"Well, I must be going now! Delightful talking with you, Your Majesty! Have a nice evening!"

Trenderhoof shook hooves with both ponies and waved goodbye before disappearing into the tourist traffic. His note of the time of day reminded Shining of his promise not to keep Sweetie out too long. Still, he wanted to be fair...to an extent.

"So, do you wanna grab some dessert?"

"Oh, no! I couldn't eat another bite!"

"In that case, we should really head back to Ponyville after I give the waiter my card. It's starting to get late...eh, sorry."

"That's okay, I've already got tons of notes and pictures for my assignment! There's so much info, I don't know how I'm gonna jam it all in!"

Shining Armor let out a soft chuckle and gave Sweetie yet another good bit of advice.

"Hey, look...just describe the most interesting sights, the ones that stood out most for you. And make sure to give some facts about their history...but don't stress and overdo it, either. Don't try to write the Great Equestrian Novel, just focus on creating a detailed report."

Sweetie Belle had more to say, but her powers of speech was interrupted by an unavoidable yawn.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help it."

"Y'know, it's fine if you wanna sleep on the train. I'll wake you when we reach Ponyville."

"Are you kidding? There was so much going on today, I don't think I'll sleep a wink!"

Sleeping peacefully on the train ride home, Sweetie had her head against Shining Armor's side, using it as a makeshift pillow.

Another pony might've felt annoyed at such a thing, however accidental it may have been. But the prince could only smile at the little girl's youth and innocence.

Cute kid, he thought. I hope that if Cadance and I ever have a bundle of joy to call our own, she'll be just as sweet.

Back in Ponyville, another pair of ponies were also reaching their destination.

"Here we are, the Stable."

"Thanks for walking me back, Twilight. I should've checked into this place with Shining Armor, so I'd know how to get here on my own. Would you like to come up for some coffee?"

"I'd love to, but I should be going home myself. If I'm out late, Spike always thinks I've been kidnapped or something."

The two friends giggled and nuzzled cheeks.

"It's always fun spending time with you!" Twilight said.

"Not bad for the first day of this little vacation!" Cadance agreed. "I should visit the others, too! Maybe we could all have a picnic!"

"I'll have to check with them, but their schedules are usually flexible! I'm sure we can arrange a get-together!"

"Splendid! Well, take care and thanks for a fun day! Let's make sure to hit that arcade again!"

"Sure thing, you're welcome, and remember...I pick the next movie!"

"Fair's fair."

Twilight and Cadance gently hugged and bid each other goodnight. Fulfilling as her day with the unicorn was, the princess was now looking forward to reuniting with her beloved husband.

"I am so, so, SO sorry!"

This was one of many frantic apologies that could be heard since leaving the train...and an absolutely understandable reaction after waking up to find you've been sleeping against another passenger.

Fortunately, Sweetie Belle's mortification was countered by Shining Armor's patience.

"Relax, kiddo. It's all right," he said patting her head as they walked toward's the Carousel Boutique.

"This is embarrassing...not to mention disrespectful! I...how are you putting up with me???"

"We were all young once upon a time. Besides, now you'll know what not to do when you get old enough to start dating. Ha!"

The evening air was cool and slightly breezy. Its gentle sound masked Sweetie's slow exhalation in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"Ah, your home sweet home! Sun's down, but it's not too late! Just as promised!" Shining announced.

Relief washed over her being, seeing the front door of Rarity's establishment as a makeshift finish line. It marked not only the end of a lengthy, worthwhile trip...but also as an escape from her companion and his uncontrollable disease of attractiveness.

"So...if this was a date...how would you rate me on a scale of one to ten?"

"Hmmm, that's a tough one. At first glance, I'd give you...a seven."


"Yeah. A six would be slightly above average and you're much better than that!"

"And an eight would be almost perfect, which I know I'm not. I guess a seven makes sense...and it is a lucky number."

"Don't worry. Before long, I'm sure there'll be a whole line of eligible colts with flowers at the ready, knocking at your door."

It could've been that Sweetie Belle was more tired than she thought, so much so that her condition was dulling her screaming thoughts from earlier. Whatever the reason, she couldn't keep her next words from drifting out into the cool air.

"Tell me, does a rank seven practice date...include a goodnight kiss? Heh, just kidding..."

Shining Armor was double-checking his saddlebags for the documents when she spoke. He didn't catch the whole thing, but "goodnight kiss" reached his ears.

Is she asking for some sort of reward? Well, she did a good job of paying attention and doing the required work from her assignment...and for the most part, she behaved admirably throughout the day, so...

His last thought was spoken aloud.

"I suppose it's only fair..."

"Wha..." was all Sweetie could get out before Shining closed his eyes and gently pecked her soft cheek.

Faster than a speeding Wonderbolt, her tired eyes shot open, and a gasp emitted from her own lips.

"This was fun, Sweetie! And you were great company! But I really need to get going now, since Cadance is probably waiting up for me. Take care and write an awesome paper!"

As Shining Armor headed off for the Stable, the lone Crusader was barely able to life her foreleg and give a feeble wave.

"B...b...bye...Armored Shine..."

As she watched Twilight's brother walk off into the distance, that disturbing warmth in her chest and blushing cheeks from before returned, but the temperature had risen considerably. Her left cheek was a bit of a darker shade, as if Shining Armor's kiss had left a burn mark there.

"Kiss...?" she timidly whispered.

Her open mouth was twitching, and the makings of a smile were struggling to manifest itself, but it never succeeded. In a daze, she opened the front door, ignoring the door's bell ringing or the fact that it alerted her sister.

"Sweetie Belle, is that you?" Rarity asked, tearing her attention away from the last pair of dresses that were being hemmed.

The younger sibling said nothing. All the numerous thoughts running through her mind since the day began were wiped clean, like chalk being erased from a blackboard. The only thing she knew now was to go to bed and ignore everything else. She was halfway up the stairs when Rarity called to her again, but she didn't stop to answer. She was so lost in her head that she couldn't hear anything. Thankfully, Rarity didn't see the sweaty, wide-eyed, crimson-cheeked look stuck to Sweetie's face that surely would've raised many questions.

"Darling, is everything all right? Did you have a good time at the-"

The only reply was the sound of Sweetie's bedroom door opening and closing. Rarity looked down, the feelings of guilt gnawing away at her once more.

She's undoubtedly still mad at me for breaking my promise. I'll try to make it up to her tomorrow. Sleep well, my sister...and rest assured, Rarity will come through for you!

"Goodness! An environmentally friendly fragrance, but the price is robbery!"

Cadance put the magazine she was reading down on the coffee table in front of her, leaving it open on the two-page perfume advertisement that made her shake her head.

"If I need to grab the attention of the most handsome stallion in Equestria - whom I just so happen to be married to - I'm sure I can get by on my own merits...as well as my usual set of cosmetics!"

A very important realization struck the alicorn. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall and the dark sky out the window only strengthened the thought.

"Speaking of which, where is that husband of mine? Did he get held up at the jamboree? Hope nothing went wrong."

Cadance lied down on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"The question is, what else can I do until he gets back? I've already done everything to keep myself..."

Her eyes excitedly widened as a new thought suddenly coursed through her crowned noggin. Her mouth curled into a crooked, sly smile. Almost unconsciously, she said-

"Not everything."

Although Cadance knew full well that she was alone in her hotel room, she couldn't help but take a quick look around to be sure. Her eyes darted to the right, then briefly to the left. Nopony in sight.

She innocently whistled as she levitated her saddlebags and pulled out two small figures of herself and Shining Armor, positioning them so that they were facing each other.

"Good thing I kept these after the wedding," she murmured.

Sitting down on the floor, she lowered her head to that of the short table, her eyeballs repeatedly moving back and forth between the plastic pair. Her smile evolved (or deteriorated, depending on how you look at it) into a toothy grin. The makeshift stage was set...for some romance!

The princess cleared her throat and put on an expression that was serious and stern, like her husband.

"Cadance, I need to talk to you," she said in a deep, gravelly voice, moving the figurine of Shining Armor.

A second clearing of the throat resulted in a high-pitched, sickly-sweet tone, filled to the brim with innocence that would've given her friend Fluttershy a run for her bits.

"Y...yes, Shining Armor?"

"Try as I might, I can't deny the painfully obvious truth that was lying under my nose since the dawn of time!"

"What truth?"

"The truth of the matter is...I'm madly in love with you, honey!"

"Gasp! Really? But...you've always had your eye on those other pretty mares, like Less Miserable, Razzle Dazzle...and especially that fashion model, Beauty Cream!"

"Lies, I assure you. What isn't a lie...is that you're an excellent kisser."

"Stop! Don't...don't tease me about truth and lies! Least of all...the one about my kissing status."

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't have one! There! I said it!"

"I bet if I were to plant endless kisses on those soft lips of yours, that lie would most certainly become the truth!"

Cadance started moving her toy counterpart backwards, slipping in some narration.

"The disgusting hottie known as Shining Armor has made his move! What will the beautiful babe Mi Amore Cadenza do now?"

The alicorn paused to size up the fictitious scenario she'd improvised in mere seconds.

"Ooh, this is getting good," she whispered.

One deep breath and the princess was lost in her fantasy again.

"Y...y...you don't know if my lips are soft!"

"Only one way to find out!"

Cadance used her magic to continuously move Shining's figurine forward with his love interest being moved back, until she stopped to say...

"Wait! Even if it was from somepony as ruggedly handsome as you, I...I'm not ready for a hurricane of smooches! I have to prepare my heart first!"

"Sorry, sweetcakes...but you've no choice in the matter. Ready or not...here I come!"

"No, wait...but..I don't...I mean, I'm not really...mmmmmmmmmm!"

The faces of the two figurines were now being mushed against each other and their puppeteer began making an exaggerated and obnoxious kissing noise, which sounded a lot like...


...or something to that effect.

"Mwha! I was right, Your Majesty! Your lips ARE soft! Mwha, mwha! And before long, your kisses will undoubtedly become a staple for the history books!"

"Oh, Shining Armor, mwha...I can't take it anymore! I'm hopelessly in love with you, too! Mwha, mwha, mwha! Kiss me until the end of time! Mwha, mwha-"

"Okay, I KNOW that's not how it happened between us."

The mushy, sappy, lovey-dovey scene screeched to a halt as Cadance's ears twitched in response to a masculine voice that was not her own. Her pupils shrunk as she turned her head to the left, revealing the real Shining Armor observing her. Most ponies might've laughed at such a sight, but he looked more weirded out than anything else. Even so, Cadance knew that her cheeks were burning.

Out of reflex, she opened her mouth widely to give a lengthy explanation for the embarrassing situation she'd created. But despite the intense struggle to get any coherent words out, her vocal well had abruptly run dry, causing the princess to freeze in place.

"Don't bother, I saw everything."

Cadance slowly removed her hooves from the figures as her husband took a seat on the couch. The only speech she could muster was...

"So...you're back."


Ten seconds of awkward, humiliating silence passed as Cadance regained more strength to talk.

"You're also late, so I think I'm entitled to some artistic license for this little play you've interrupted."

She had a point (regarding his unpunctuality), so Shining decided to clarify his position instead of arguing. On top of that, he was very tired from everything he experienced over the day, so he couldn't have put up a verbal fight if he wanted to.

"You're also entitled to some exposition, so here goes...Sweetie Belle was completely mesmerized by the endless jewel displays, so I chose to lengthen the trip."

"Ah, I see."

"There was also a minor robbery, but I dealt with that nuisance in mere seconds."

"Very heroic! I trust Sweetie wasn't hurt?"

"Not a scratch. Afterwards, we had some pizza for dinner and met with Princess Luna briefly."

"How's my auntie of the night?"

"Doing just fine. Sweetie got to ask her a few questions, the details of which should supplement her school report."

"And speaking of which, what about yours?"

"In the saddlebag and ready for the mayor tomorrow."

Shining Armor stretched and yawned, given his long day.

"But that's enough about me, what about you and my sister? What kinda fun were the two leading ladies in my life having today?"

"Oh...this and that," Cadance pseudo-innocently quipped as she swiftly took a seat next to him.

Under normal circumstances, she'd be more than willing to discuss what she'd been up to (on rare days when they wouldn't see much of each other), but at the moment...this pony had other ideas.

"Hey, you're not looking as handsome as usual. You seem..."

"Exhausted, worn out, languid...whatever adjective you wanna use, I'm probably it."

Shining's wife would usually ask him if there was anything she could do to help. This time around, she decided to offer some comfort...whether he requested it or not.

"Do me a favor, please."


"Close your eyes."


Shining Armor did as he was told, since his fatigue overpowered any curiosity he might've had about the mare's intentions. Cadance slipped her front hooves out of their golden shoes and gently rubbed her husband's neck and back.

"How does that feel?" she passionately whispered into his ear.

"Not...too bad," he sighed with relief.

Got him right where I want him. Time to work the old "Cadance Charisma"...and then he's all mine!

"You know, sweetheart...it's not that late. The night's still young, sooooo...maybe you and I could go and-"



That charisma had a history of being most effective, but against a husband who'd fallen asleep?

Absolutely useless.

Princess Cadance may have had love on the brain, but she was also a patient, caring and understanding individual. It must've been awful, for him to travel back and forth between the Crystal Empire and Ponyville so much in one day, not to mention enduring the energy of the Jewel Jamboree, stopping some dastardly robbery (which she would inquire more about later on) and looking after Sweetie Belle through it all...

She couldn't help but not be upset with Shining Armor for nodding off. All the same, there was a need to voice her thoughts...

"What's an alicorn princess supposed to do to get some love around here?"

With a sympathetic smile, she giggled and gently moved Shining Armor into a sleeping position on the couch. She used her magic to wedge a pillow under his head and to cover the rest of him with a blanket.

"Goodnight...Sleeping Armor, " she cooed, giving him a lingering kiss on his cheek.

Now that her plans for a romantic evening had been squashed on account of slumber, Cadance was back to square one. The moon may have been in the sky, prompting countless ponies to hit the hay, but she was wide awake. What could be done to entertain herself now?

Naturally, there was only one thing to do. She grabbed the two figurines on the table and-

"Mwha, mwha! Oh, Shiny! Your lips are so firm!"

"And yours are as soft as marshmallows, my darling! Mwha!"

Cadance engaged in her playful reverie for quite a while before she decided to call it a night, but if one were to ask exactly how much time she spent horsing around, she wouldn't have been able to provide a straight answer.

Not even an estimate.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza wasn't the only pony who was awake at this hour.

Sweetie Belle was lying in her bed, but still in shock from...

...the kiss.

All she could do was stare at the ceiling, unsure of how to process all that had happened. She should've been able to handle a train ride, a brief tour of the Crystal Empire and its castle, the Jewel Jamboree and some delicious pizza. Everything was going according to plan...and if only Shining Armor hadn't granted her joking request for a kiss, she might've been able to sleep soundly.

She and her fellow Crusaders were known to do a multitude of activities in one day for the sake of earning their cutie marks. One might describe their actions as too much, too fast. But nopony had ever kissed her at the end of the day, aside from her parents or Rarity.

Needless to say, she was having a tough time getting to sleep.

What did it all mean? How was she supposed to react if she saw Shining Armor again? Laugh it off like it was no big deal? Pretend it never happened? There seemed to be no clear answer to her predicament.

Inevitably, drowsiness finally set in and let Sweetie know that it was time to rest. As she slowly lost consciousness, the filly hoped that everything would make more sense in the morning.


Author's Note:

Geez, this one felt like it took a good fraction of forever to complete! But I hope you enjoyed it! Sweetie Belle may have made it back to Ponyville safe and sound, but now she has a new problem to deal with!

What will the new day bring? Can Sweetie handle what she's feeling? What movie will Twilight pick out for her and Cadance? How can Rarity make amends with her sister? Did Luna's black olive pizza get cold? We'll find out next chapter! (Or not.)