> Sweet Shining Love > by Bespectacled Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dismal Disservice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own "My Little Pony" and I don't think I'd ever want to. WAY too much responsibility for me to handle. Anyway, the story's synopsis should tell you everything you need to know. So, not much else I can say, except...read on and enjoy! My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love Chapter 1 - Dismal Disservice Trendsetting Fashionista's Log (Diary Vol. 49), Entry #413: Upon waking up this morning, I discovered there were three wonderful things to be grateful for! First, there's the condition of the weather! Sunny days in Ponyville are both common and welcome, and today is certainly no exception. Secondly, my creative juices are flowing through my head as smoothly as ever, just like the calming waters of a mountain stream...which means I'll be able to finish the elaborate gown designs I've recently been struggling with! The satisfaction of even the most particular of customers is all but assured. Lastly (but far from least), I'm once more enjoying the resplendent company of my sister, Sweetie Belle, a filly who truly lives up to her name. Her adorable face, positive attitude and irresistibly cute, squeaky voice are always precious traits to behold; the latter especially. Well...except for now. Our parents have gone on their zillionth vacation, leaving my sister the opportunity to bask in the near-unbearable radiance of my presence. Unfortunately, I'd previously agreed to take her on a trip to the Crystal Empire, an outing that would've surely benefitted us both. But there's unavoidable work that needs to be completed here at the Carousel Boutique and complete it I must. I can't help but cringe at the unenviable prospect of dismaying such a hopeful little pony as her, but my Sweetie Belle wields maturity beyond her years, so I'm confident we can discuss things in a calm, rational manner. I have the utmost confidence that she'll understand... "WHAAAAAT?!? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Rarity covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut at her little sister's outburst. Although she greeted her sibling's presence with open forelegs, this screech was not on the intended agenda for the day. "Sweetie Belle, mind that tone! Use your inside voice!" "Sis! You promised you were gonna take me to the Jewel Jamboree today!" Rarity's ears flattened as the word "promised" stung her to the core. During a week-long spring break, Cheerilee had assigned her students to write a report on anywhere interesting they might have traveled to during their vacation. Rarity received word a couple of months ago about a jewel show that was occurring in the Crystal Empire, and she offered to take Sweetie with her. She was excited and sure that it'd make for a good report, especially since if any student hadn't gone anywhere during the break, they were forced to crack open a book and write a report on that instead. "I know," Rarity sighed with a frown. "And a promise is a promise...but my workload's piled up more than I anticipated, and I simply can't put it off!" "Can't or won't?" Sweetie Belle then displayed her own frown, which easily put Rarity's to shame. The older unicorn gently placed her right hoof under her sister's chin and lifted it, allowing the two to lock eyes with each other. "You know that if it were anything else, I would drop it in a heartbeat and gladly spend a lifetime with you!" "I'd settle for an afternoon in the Crystal Empire." "As would I! Honestly, a convention of exotic precious stones bereft of my putting in an appearance is an utterly atrocious crime!" "I'm sure you're suffering SO much! Now I gotta do a dumb ol' book report! This is just great!" Quite bitter, the little unicorn (with her head back down) made her way towards the door. "Wait, where are you going?" "The Golden Oak Library," she grumbled. "Where else? Since MY plans have obviously gone up in smoke..." Rarity could only watch as her sister ventured outside. She felt helpless, but nevertheless called out to her cherished sibling before she could get out of earshot... "Darling, I'll make this up to you somehow! I swear it!" "Heard that one before!" Sweetie Belle quipped. Such words were harsh, but Rarity knew she deserved every syllable of it. Her horn glowed, shutting the Boutique's door while simultaneously levitating a small book and pen towards her. With another sigh, she opened the book and jotted her immediate thoughts down on a blank page. Trendsetting Fashionista's Log, Supplemental: Never once in my life have I ever regretted my lifestyle, nor my profession. But when it comes to my dear Sweetie Belle, those blessings feel minute. Rare as these instances are...there exist times when I absolutely LOATHE my work. Having visited Twilight Sparkle's place of residence countless times before, Sweetie Belle (slowly) made her way to the library, while unconsciously steering herself clear of any potential hazards...which was a good thing, since she was so lost in thought and not really watching where she was going. Confusion and anger clouded her brain, unrelentingly running in circles. I can't believe this! Sis can't give up a few lousy hours to make a brief detour to the Crystal Empire? Do her dresses really matter THAT much? I woulda had an awesome vacation report for Miss Cheerilee! Now I'm stuck reading...A BOOK? OH, COME ON! Apple Bloom and her sister are visiting some relatives in Manehatten, Scootaloo gets to hang out with Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale and I'm just...ARGH! Sometimes reality really stinks! Despite her emotions, Sweetie knew it wasn't advisable to dwell on the matter for too long, but she found it was difficult to concentrate on anything else. As the well-known treehouse came into view, the filly let out a sharp breath. "I'm sure Twilight has a book or two that isn't very long," she conceded, accepting her situation. She stopped just short of entering (as her sense to knock first was clouded by her current feelings) to make some quick plans in her head. Okay...just need to go in there, grab a book - preferably a short one - and find a nice piece of shade under a tree and get it over with. No problem. Her horned head turned to take a look at the cheery blue sky that emerged with the raising of the sun, compliments of Princess Celestia. The atmosphere matched her mood when she woke up this morning, but after Rarity unintentionally threw a wrench into her plans, the sunny day now seemed like it was emitting a mocking attitude. Now I'm kind of wishing it was a gloomy, rainy day. Clear skies, warm temperature, bright sunshine...who needs it!? Sunshine, ooh...big deal! Sunshine, sunshine...! "...ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" That's what Sweetie Belle would've heard, had her preoccupation not blocked up her ears, as well. But even if her powers of hearing were operating at full capacity, she wouldn't have recognized a time-honored chant of close friendship between one Twilight Sparkle and her very familiar companion, resulting in a short bout of giggling. She lowered her head and quietly walked in, barely registering anything except the bookcases surrounding her until- "Hello there, Sweetie Belle!" Twilight cheerfully exclaimed. "Look who's here!" A dart of the girl's pale green (and unenthusiastic) eyes caught a glimpse of the town's friendly neighborhood librarian and a crowned alicorn by the name of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Meh. "Hi, Twilight Saga. Yo, Ms. My Agora Quesadilla," she apathetically (and somewhat mindlessly) replied. Sweetie had just made it to the bottom shelf of one bookcase before the sound of a single droplet of water landing in a puddle loudly echoed through her head. It was like a moment of awareness was trying to bring attention to itself. She immediately froze in place for a solid second, then gradually and stiffly turned her head to the right (in the direction of the cheerful duo), as if she was some sort of robot. "Scanning" the increasingly recognizable occupant of the room with wide eyes, Sweetie's brain conjured up a mental checklist, whose checkboxes were rapidly being filled. Wings? Check. Horn? Check. Crown? Check. Pink coat? Check. Multicolored mane? Check. CRYSTAL HEART CUTIE MARK? Check. Curt attitude unintentionally focused towards said winged, horned, crowned, pink-coated, multicolored-maned, crystal heart cutie marked organism? CHECK. The velocity generated by the filly's little legs were so fast, one would think that Sweetie Belle had teleported herself across the room. But nopony thought she was capable of transforming herself into a groveling, crying, ingratiating, complimenting, hysterical mess at the feet of royalty, which were now being unrelentingly kissed on any sliver of hope that existed for forgiveness. "PRINCESS MI AMORE CADENZA! Mwha, mwha, mwha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Mwha! Oh, I'm SO incredibly sorry, Your Highness! Mwha! I'll never give you the bum's rush again, I swear! Mwha, mwha! Mercy! HAVE MERCY! Mwha!" The princess would normally do her best to sooth the stressed-out spectacle before her, but she was at a loss for the proper words to compose an eloquent, consoling speech... "Uh...that's...not really...I mean...you-" "Mwha, mwha! Forgive me, PLEASE! Mwha! I'll wash your castle windows, polish your majestic doorknobs and scrub your royal toilets! Mwha! I'll even wax the entire Crystal Empire twice, just forgive me! Mwha! Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it! Mwha, mwha, mwha, mwha...MWHA!" "For starters...you can stop kissing my hooves," the alicorn replied, mildly embarrassed. "Oh! I...I'm sorry again, Your Majesty...I mean Princess Mi Amo-" "Easy! Just 'Princess Cadance' is fine. I know my full name is a bit of a mouthful...and don't worry, all is forgiven. You needn't concern yourself about the cleaning duties, either...the Crystal Ponies took care of that last month when Ms. Harshwhinny came to evaluate the kingdom for hosting the Equestria Games. Needless to say, the streets never looked more polished." Sweetie finally looked up and was extremely relieved to be greeted by Cadance's warm and serene smile (with a hint of pride from her last sentence). She shot back a small (albeit weak) smile of her own and turned to the other unicorn in the room. "And you, Twilight...didn't mean to give you the brush-off, either," she apologized. Twilight Sparkle also displayed a calming smile, silently assuring her that there were no hard feelings between them. "Forget about it, Sweetie. But what was all that craziness just now? First you were downcast, then you're profusely apologizing to Cadance here. Lemme guess...practicing a new comedy routine to get your cutie mark?" "I wish! But it's a long story, I'd rather not get into it right now. I just came to check out a book for a report at school." "I see...well, you know your way around the place. Help yourself." "Thanks...but Princess Cadance, why are YOU here? Um...not that you need my permission or anything...!" Cadance lightly chuckled (mostly from Sweetie Belle's amusing exuberance) before answering. "My hunky husband, Shining Armor, had business here in Ponyville with the mayor! Seeing an opportunity to visit my beloved sister-in-law, I decided to tag along!" "Huh. Did you know they were coming, Twilight?" "Mm-hm! My brother sent me a letter a couple of weeks ago about the possibility of making a trip down here." "And since things are peaceful right now in the Crystal Empire, my hubby and I decided to turn it into a week-long visit!" "WEEK-LONG?" Twilight and Cadance winced and covered their ears, causing Sweetie Belle to remember Rarity's warning about keeping her "inside voice" in check. She cleared her throat before inquiring further. "Ahem, I mean...week-long? What's gonna happen without its ruler? Won't the, ah...royal crystals...er, y'know...rust or something if you're gone?" The princess couldn't help but giggle again at the little pony's innocence. "Not to worry. Auntie Luna has the situation well in hoof!" Sweetie had no clue what those words meant and gave the alicorn a quizzical look. "I discussed the matter with my aunts and Luna offered to take over as 'acting ruler' for the week." "How is that a thing? Can princesses even...DO that?" Cadance's giggle now erupted into complete laughter, although it only lasted about three seconds. "Of course we can! Granted, it's not something that occurs often, but it's not as if I were leaving things in the care of some incompetent individual!" The subject of "not something that occurs often" shifted Twilight's thoughts to a particularly LONG period of time (specifically a millennium or so) where another alicorn princess ruled over all of Equestria alone on a daily basis, but she decided not to bring it up. But on the topic of "incompetent individuals"...Sweetie spoke the only name she could think of. "You mean like Shining Armor?" "Goodness, no! He was previously the captain of Aunt Celestia's Royal Guard, so he'd be more than qualified to rule by himself if he had to. Besides...that's one of the requirements when you marry a princess." "That's why you married him? Because he knows how to run a kingdom?" Cadance laughed again, but this time Twilight joined in. "Sweetie Belle, she married my brother because she LOVES him!" "I...well, I meant besides that!" Sweetie stammered. She blushed in embarrassment, mentally scolding herself for failing to mention that painfully obvious detail. Despite her abashment, she knew it'd be best not to escalate things into an argument, but Twilight's remark did bring another related question to the surface, however. "Come to think of it, I really don't know too much about Shining Armor myself. What exactly makes him husband material?" the filly asked. Cadance eyes were now half-open, and she blissfully sighed. "Where do I begin? That pure white coat...like powdered sugar, coupled with that blue mane, more beautiful than the finest sapphires...it all makes for a devastating combination. He's honest, courageous, strong, handsome, hard-working, dedicated, smart, handsome, funny, positive, considerate, handsome...oh, and did I forget to include that he's inexcusably handsome?" Twilight couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Must've slipped your mind. Dunno how that happened..." "I know, I just seem to keep forgetting that fact...shame on me. But he is handsome, isn't he?" Neither unicorn could tell if she was joking around or being serious. For a split second, Sweetie Belle swore she could see little pink hearts floating around Cadance's head, popping like bubbles, causing her to become momentarily concerned. "If there was a seventh Element of Harmony, I'm sure the word 'handsome' would describe it," Twilight quipped with a wry smile. "Is this common with her? How loopy does her infatuation get?" Sweetie Belle whispered. Twilight decided to give the filly a demonstration by way of waving her hoof in front of her friend's face. "Uh, Cadance? Cadance!" "Yes'm?" she asked with the dreamy look on her face still remaining. "Your tail's on fire." "That's nice." "I assume that answers your question?" Twilight concluded, turning back to the filly. Sweetie nodded, but then realized that the stallion in question was not present. "Speaking of which...where IS Shining Armor? And for that matter, where's Spike?" "He's getting us a room at the inn," Cadance replied, finally snapping out of her lovey-dovey daze. "And Spike's out shopping," Twilight added. "You mean WAS out shopping!" hollered a new voice. The trio turned their heads to see both Twilight's brother and number one assistant, side by side. Spike was carrying a bag of groceries while a second one was being magically levitated by Shining Armor. "Thanks for the help! Twilight always says she'll make her list smaller, but we know how that goes..." "No problem, little guy!" Shining Armor chuckled, setting the bag down on a table. "Her name is synonymous with the act of overdoing things!" "Hey! I heard that!" Twilight barked. The siblings lovingly hugged each other and laughed. "It's really great to see you, sis!" "Likewise! But I wasn't expecting you and Cadance for another couple of hours!" "We managed to catch an earlier train for Ponyville, so we thought we'd surprise you!" "You succeeded! And as always, thank you, Spike!" "No prob, Twilight! You know you'd be lost without me!" The two unicorns, the young dragon, and the alicorn were all smiles, but Twilight's cheerful mentality ceased as she observed Sweetie Belle's now somber expression. She slowly leafed through a few pages of a random book from one of the lowest shelves, only to put it back and pull out another one. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Twilight asked in a gentle tone. "You seem so sad." Not even turning her head, the filly just sighed and concluded there was no point in beating around the bush. "Rarity was supposed to take me to the Crystal Empire today. We were gonna check out the Jewel Jamboree and I could've written a great essay on it for school." "Jewel Jamboree?" "It's a convention of crystals and jewels, really glamorous stuff! Merchants from far away are showcasing their amazing gems! All of that happens today in the Empire...and ONLY today! But Little Miss Generosity hadda bail on her promise to make sure her pretty dresses were well medicated and all that..." Twilight became alarmed as Sweetie's sad voice gradually evolved into one of anger, for fear that the little pony might say something she'd surely regret later on. The wise librarian attempted to ease the growing tension. "Hold on, hold on! You know your sister better than that! I'm sure she would've taken you if she could." "Maybe..." Sweetie relented. "But since my destination is 'Nowheresville', I need do a lame book report now!" The uttering of the word "report" set off a tiny sense of panic within the brain of Shining Armor, prompting him to immediately search through his saddlebags with a few cold beads of sweat. After removing all other items, his pupils shrunk as he stared at the emptiness of his bag. "Uh-oh." "Honey...I'm betting that 'uh-oh' of yours is surely of the good variety," Cadance sweetly warned. Shining stared at his wife with a strained smile. "Y'know, I'm sure glad you're not a gambling princess...because if you were, the house would be cleaning you out right about now." "What happened?" The volume of Cadance's voice rose slightly. A miniscule amount, to be sure...but when such a thing originates from a princess who's known for her kind and calm demeanor, that alteration in tone can be unnerving enough to force a sweating husband to come clean. "The documents I was supposed to bring...they're kinda, sorta...NOT here." "As in the documents that were kinda, sorta...meant for the mayor?" asked Twilight. "Those papers were kinda, sorta the main reason you came down here! Please don't tell us you kinda, sorta left them in your 'other saddlebag' or something like that!" "The good news is that I didn't...but the bad news is that I did leave them in the Crystal Empire." "How could you forget?" "Er...because I was so caught up in the prospect of seeing my lovely and talented sister, the one and only Twily?" The unicorn raised her eyebrow but maintained a smile. "Nice try. Kissing up won't help you, but nice try." "I know, I know...what WILL help is me getting those documents back into my possession." "Not to mention that time is of the essence," added Cadance. "You're supposed to be meeting with Mayor Mare first thing tomorrow morning." "Look it's not the worst thing that could've happened, I just..." Shining Armor paused and glanced at Sweetie Belle, dejectedly skimming through one book after another. "Hmmm..." A few wheels and gears were steadily turning in his head, causing him to squint. Without warning, those operations grinded to a halt when his mental light bulb lit up, resulting in a wide-eyed realization. "I think I can fill two needs with one deed." Twilight and Cadance look at each other and shrugged, while the stallion approached the little girl with renewed confidence. "Excuse me...Sweetie Belle?" "Mm?" "Listen, I gotta head back to the Crystal Empire. I left behind some crucial reports that were meant for the mayor. And since you mentioned some sort of canceled field trip with your sister..." Sweetie Belle didn't dare blink and held her breath, wanting to make absolutely sure that the next batch of words spoken were what she was anticipating. "What I mean is, would you like to accompany me? Once I retrieve the papers I forgot, we can check out the Jewel Jamboree for a few hours, then you can do that assignment for-" The word "accompany" was all the little girl needed to hear, but her response was a delayed one...clocking in at about five seconds, if not less. "YOU'LLTAKEMEOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHICAN'TBELIEVETHISIT'SAMAZINGTHECRYSTALEMPIREAAAAH!!!" That mess of a coherent sentence was the best Sweetie could do while she squeezed her eyes shut and excitedly pranced in place. The courtesy of letting Shining Armor finish his sentence without interruption at that moment appeared about as significant as a tiny ball of lint, but he didn't seem to mind. He would make sure that she went through the proper channels, though. "Hold your horses, little missy! Before we push off, you have to get permission from Rarity first, okay? I can't just whisk you away without notifying her." "No problem! She's got OODLES of guilt weighing her down! Rarity will have no choice but to let me go!" "Uh...good?" The stallion turned to his sister and wife for help, only to find that they shared his confused expression. "Well, it's definitely good for you two...which is more than I can say for me!" Spike grumbled, while unloading the groceries into the refrigerator. "What do you mean?" Shining asked. "What I mean is that I'll be deprived of something I greatly desire!" His complaining voice suddenly shifted into one of yearning and heartache. "I won't be able to gaze upon the shining, glittering, never-ending epitome of exquisiteness! I'll miss you, my love..." "Hey, Spike?" inquired a very puzzled Twilight. "Um...Rarity's not going anywhere." "I know. I'm talking about the endless number of gems on display at that Jewel Jamboree! Exotic gemstones mean exotic flavors! And I won't even be able to lick any of them!" Twilight levitated a tissue to wipe the drool off of the floor that was dripping steadily from Spike, who was licking his lips, causing Shining Armor to respond with a half-smile. "Tell you what...I'll try to bring back some crystal shards or small jewels from our trip. You can snack on those." "Really? You are the BEST!" Cadance, who hadn't said anything for a while, watched the scene unfold before her and felt the warmth within her heart increase when she saw how happy Sweetie Belle (and now Spike) had become. Not to mention the love she felt for her husband flared up a bit. And she was going to make sure her he knew it...starting with a small tap on his side. "Yes, dear?" Shining asked, turning his head. His wife's loving smile was small, but full of tenderness. Cadance's forelegs gently cupped her husband's face, following up with a brief (but affectionate) kiss. "Wha...what was that for? Not that I'm complaining...!" "For being so wonderfully accommodating. You're marching all the way home for the documents you need, you're taking Sweetie Belle along to help with her report and you're bringing back a bevy of beautiful bijoux for a busy buddy." "Eh, I do what I can." "I knew falling in love with you was the right choice." No more needed to be said, and the couple lovingly nuzzled each other. Twilight sighed happily watching her brother and his wife interact and switched to giggling as she observed Sweetie and Spike chatting away about the potential assortment of jewels to be seen at the convention. "...like topazes! Ooh, or maybe emeralds...or opals! And diamonds have gotta be a given!" "And I bet every last one of them are scrumptious! Yum!" "Spike, don't you ever think about anything besides your stomach?" "Not unless I have to! Ah...with the exception of your sister, that is!" "Oh! Speaking of which, I have to tell Rarity what's going on!" Sweetie quickly put the books she'd pulled out back into place (and Twilight would later check to make sure they were EXACTLY where they should be), then enthusiastically flung the library door open. But before she could zoom outside like a rocket, her ears caught Twilight's voice. "Have a great time, Sweetie! I'm sure your report will be the best of the bunch!" "Thanks, Twilight! How many fillies in my class can say they've been to the Crystal Empire? This is gonna be...the best...time...EVER! See you later!" "I'd better come along, too," Shining Armor added. "I need to square things with your sister, regarding the trip and all." "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" The stallion chuckled as he followed the little unicorn, who was already running at top speed for the Carousel Boutique. His sister watched them go off into the distance and exhaled sharply in relief. "Are you feeling all right?" Cadance asked. "Just glad that the girl's in better spirits. It goes without saying that ponies aren't themselves when they're unhappy, but this is especially true for her. She has a special talent within her that evokes a delightful treat to other ponies...a kind of internal magic, you could say." "What is it?" "To those around her...Sweetie Belle's magic brings a great, big smile." A big smile of Sweetie's may have had the capacity to inspire it in others, but an overly toothy grin coupled with crazed eyes spelled potential danger. Rarity and her friends once saw that look of intensity (and partial insanity) in Twilight Sparkle and the outcome caused nothing but disaster. Now it was stuck to her little sister's face, triggering a sense of dread. Her words came out as such... "SHININGARMOR'SGONNATAKEMETOTHECRYSTALEMPIRETOSEEALLTHEINCREDIBLEJEWELSANDYOUPROMISEDTOTAKEMETHENYOUBROKEYOURPROMISEANDIREALLYWANNAGOBADLYSOLEMMEGO!" "Calm down and slow down, Sweetie Belle! Now, repeat what you said...and don't babble." The filly's response began with a large inhalation of air, indicating that Rarity's request wasn't going be fulfilled, so Shining Armor covered her mouth and stepped into the conversation. "What she's trying to say is that I need to head back to the Crystal Empire to pick up some documents meant for Mayor Mare...and then I heard about you two planning a trip to go there today. But Sweetie explained that you had to cancel it, so I offered to take her there myself...umm, if it's fine with you?" Rarity processed the information and raised an eyebrow. "Did my sister coerce you or something into-" Shining Armor shook his head good naturedly. "No, not at all. I offered her the opportunity of my own free will." "That's more than kind of you...although I'm not sure I'm in love with the idea of my Sweetie going all by herself..." "She won't be, I'll be with her for the entirety of the excursion." "But I'm sure you'd like to be with your wife, of course..." "Cadance and I are here for the week, so we'll have plenty of time to do things together. Besides, my absence for the day will give her and Twily a chance to catch up." "Even so-" It was then that Rarity felt a firm tug on her left foreleg. She looked down and saw the hugest pair of green eyes threatening to cry a river and quivering pair of lips to match. "Pleeeeease! Rarity, let me go, please! I was supposed to go there today, anyway! Please! Let me go to the Crystal Empire! Oh please, oh please, oh please, OH PLEASE!" "Ugh..." Rarity groaned. More determined than ever to go on this trip, Sweetie Belle was prepared to use every dirty tactic to make sure things worked out in her favor. "Fine, oh-so caring sister of mine! Just tell him I can't go! If my happiness really means NOTHING to you-" "Oh, all right! Stop it already, you're breaking my heart!" A suspicious "cough" sprung from Shining Armor's mouth, but neither sister took notice of it. "Are you absolutely sure it's not a problem?" Rarity asked him. "I feel like I'm imposing on you." "Honestly...it's no trouble at all." The unicorn smiled warmly and put her right foreleg over her heart. "Princess Cadance is indeed the most fortunate mare in the world to have you in her life...thank you." "My pleasure." "YES!" The two adults cringed at Sweetie's screech, but given everything that had happened today, Rarity forewent any scolding. However, Shining Armor barked some orders in an almost commanding tone, befitting a former captain of the Royal Guard. "Okay, listen up! The next train to the Crystal Empire leaves at 11:15! That's in about 45 minutes! Use that time to gather up any supplies you might need! In the meantime, I'm gonna head back to the library to inform Twilight and Cadance of the situation." "Yes, sir!" Sweetie chirped, giving a mock salute. "I'll meet you at the train station, okay? Remember...11:15, don't be late!" "Got it!" As the ecstatic little pony ran upstairs to get ready, Rarity couldn't help but feel a bit excited herself. "Shining Armor, you're an absolute darling!" "I try to be." Her face suddenly turned a bit serious, but there was no trace of malice on it. "However, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. My little sister means everything to me. As Sweetie Belle's chaperone, you are responsible for her safety. While in your care, no harm is to befall her. NONE." "Of course," Shining replied, bowing his head. "I will defend her with my life." Rarity knew he was joking (slightly), but she also knew that if push came to shove, he'd follow his declaration to the letter. "Being Twilight's brother, I'll trust that your word is as good as gold. Anyway, I should drop by the library soon enough, as well. Proper etiquette demands that I pay my respects to your lovely wife...and to royalty, for that matter." "I'm sure she'd be glad to see you. Why wouldn't she wanna say hello to the pony that managed to complete her elaborate ceremonial headdress in mere minutes?" Rarity remembered that nightmare of a chore vividly, sending a tiny shiver through her body. "Eh, heh...you give me too much credit." "Not at all, but I'll let Cadance tell you herself. I gotta get going now," Shining said, heading out. "I'll make sure Sweetie meets up with you on time! And thank you again for everything!" Rarity hollered, waving goodbye. After closing the boutique's door, she whipped out her diary again and wrote another brief entry. Trendsetting Fashionista's Log, Supplemental: It's funny how some things manage to work themselves out. I may bear the Element of Generosity, but today...the generosity of Twilight's older brother outshined my own. He's going to take Sweetie Belle to the Crystal Empire, leaving his wife to spend some precious time with Twilight and me to focus on my unexpectedly large batch of gowns to complete and perfect. In short, everypony wins in the end! I admit that I am still worried for my sister, but I trust Shining Armor wholeheartedly to keep her safe and sound. What could go wrong? TO BE CONTINUED... Well, that's one chapter done, but there's more to come! I'm just getting the ball rolling, and the next chapter will chronicle Sweetie Belle's ride to the Crystal Empire...and she gets to know her traveling companion a bit better! Hope you liked this first segment and if you did, leave a like and subscribe to...oh, wait...wrong site... Never mind, then. Until next time! > Train of Thought > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own "My Little Pony" and it brings to mind a most important question...what exactly is a cutie mark? Metaphorically speaking, that is. Well, let's start with the basics. Y'see, early on in life I was constantly faced with emotional crossroads and one day... My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love Chapter 2 - Train of Thought 11:10! There were only about five irritatingly long minutes left until the Friendship Express - bound for the Crystal Empire - pulled into the Ponyville train station! A pair of white unicorns stood on the platform, with the older one checking her pocket watch while the younger one hurriedly paced back and forth. "Aw, where's Shining Armor? And when's the train gonna get here?" Rarity narrowed her eyes at Sweetie Belle and let out a very audible sigh. "Sweetie darling, repeatedly asking me won't make its arrival occur any sooner. Cease your pacing, as well. You're only torturing yourself." "Can't have that!" hollered a deep voice. The sisters turned their heads in the direction of the voice and were relieved to see Shining Armor, joined by his sister and wife. "Finally!" Sweetie almost shouted. "Ah! Shining Armor, Twilight...and Your Majesty," Rarity said, bowing her head. "It's wonderful to see you, Rarity!" Cadance replied, with her usual (and infectious) positive attitude. "How are things at the Carousel Boutique?" "In one word...busy. I meant to greet you sooner, but I've been swamped with work since the day began! Once that train comes, it's back to the proverbial salt mines for me. But why are you here?" "I'm seeing my husband off, of course!" she said with a wink. "After all, it'll be ages before we meet again!" The pink mare stroked her hoof along Shining's neck, with longing in her eyes. "Farewell, my incredible inamorato!" she said in an affectionate, yet playful fashion. "I'll be thinking about you every millisecond that we're apart!" "Hey, I'm only gonna be gone for a few hours," he pointed out. "Do you know how long 'a few hours' is in princess time?" "I'd have to do the math." Amusing as Cadance's joking manner was, Rarity was more concerned with double-checking Shining Armor's preparations for the day. "Pardon me for interrupting, but may I talk with your husband alone?" she asked. "Of course," Cadance nodded. Rarity took Shining Armor aside and gave him that same firm look from before. "Sweetie Belle's obviously ready for the journey ahead. The question is, are you?" "Absolutely. Got the round-trip tickets for the Crystal Empire right here," he said, magically levitating them. "What's your itinerary?" "Once we arrive, we'll quickly drop by my office to fetch my papers, then it's all about your sister and the Jewel Jamboree. It goes without saying that there'll be so many stunning gemstones on display, Sweetie won't know where to start!" "Lessen the enthusiasm slightly, darling. I'm disappointed enough as it is that I won't get to see the gorgeous baubles your kingdom has to offer." "Heh, sorry. Anyway, I'll see to it that she gets something to eat while we're there. The proceedings go on into the evening, but I'll do my best not to get her home too late." While the two of them continued to discuss his schedule, Cadance stepped towards Sweetie Belle, still full of anticipation. "Hope you have an enjoyable time at the Jamboree, Sweetie!" "Oh, I intend to!" she squeaked. "But aren't you supposed to host it or something?" "No, this convention doesn't really require a royal participation. However, Aunt Luna will be available to oversee the event...if it becomes necessary." "Princess Luna? Maybe I'll see her! If she makes an appearance, it'll only skyrocket the quality of my report!" "It might be better to focus on the quality of the gems first and foremost," Twilight advised. "Yeah, yeah, I got it..." Cadance moved closer towards Sweetie until the distance between their noses was barely an inch. The filly might have been nervous if it hadn't been for that calming smile. "I almost forgot something, and this is most important detail..." she said. "Please make sure my husband's perfectly safe!" "Safe? He was the boss of all those guards in Princess Celestia's castle, wasn't he? What could I possibly protect him from?" The alicorn's eyes widened, as if Sweetie had asked a question which had an obvious, clear answer...and from Cadance's perspective, it did. "Why, from countless mares doing THIS." The princess then wildly whipped her mane back, flashed an overly flirtatious grin, rapidly batted her eyelashes and quoted high-pitched words that she'd heard too many times for her taste... "Hello there, Mr. Shining Armor! You're looking spectacularly striking tonight! Why not forget all about that wife of yours and spend a 'what-she-doesn't-know-won't-hurt-her' evening with me instead?" The little unicorn would've asked if Cadance was serious, but she remembered that princesses are known for many positive traits, one of them being their honesty. "It's hard to believe that somepony would actually..." For some reason, Sweetie couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. "Oh, it's happened. There were even a couple of times where I was present or at least within earshot while mares tried those cheap lines on him." "Whoa! That's awful!" "And it's why I'm trusting you to use your aesthetic features to ward them off!" "My what?" "Older ponies would have a hard time getting past an adorable little filly, emanating cuteness every which..." Cadance stopped, seeing that Sweetie Belle was sweating a little and frantically waving her hoof trying to get her attention. "Yes?" "Your Majesty...forgive me, but...please shush!" she almost whispered. "My cuteness isn't something I advertise! I have a responsibility to use it wisely and only when needed! A careless blast of loaded cuteness can be dangerous!" She wasn't sure why, but something in Cadance's head told her that Sweetie was as serious as she was about keeping her husband safe. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said with an amused smile. "You don't have to apologize. I can't help it...I was born with this curse." "All the same, I'd feel better knowing my Shiny was in good hooves!" "I'll, uh...I promise I'll fight off any evildoers like the ones you speak of, Your Highness!" As much as the princess appreciated Sweetie's assurance, she couldn't help but tease her a smidge. "And just so there's no misunderstanding...I must point out that actions of non-flirting go for you, too!" "What do you mean?" "I may be leaving Shining Armor in your care, but you have no permission to romance him! Don't try to steal him away from me, he's my husband!" Sweetie gulped pretty loudly, so much so that she was surprised nopony but Cadance heard it. "But I...um...you're...I mean, I would never do...y'know, THAT! I can resist!" "Are you sure? My honey's been known to use little more than a single glance to ensnare some of the stuffiest females Equestria's ever seen!" "Please tell me you're exaggerating!" "Maybe a bit. But even so, what hope does that leave for you?" The little lady took a moment to compose herself and got an idea. She looked at the alicorn with determination and a confident smile. "I'm a Cutie Mark Crusader!" she declared, thumping her hoof against her chest. "And we crusaders don't lie or cheat or steal...and as of this date, I plan to add an immeasuradent...uh...amountend...er...unendingend...what's that word? Americaminadent?" "You mean an amendment?" "Yeah! Amendment! I'm adding an amendment to the Official Crusader Hoofbook that we don't take other mares' husbands for ourselves!" "That very noble of you, Sweetie Belle." "Exactly! So now you don't hafta worry about anything!" Satisfied with the young one's bold proclamation (and deciding that was enough teasing for one day), Cadance reached out and patted Sweetie's head. "Then there's no problem." "Sweetie!" Twilight called out. "I hate to cut your private little meeting short, but...!" The little unicorn had been too engrossed in her conversation with Princess Cadance to realize the Friendship Express had pulled in...at last! "ALL ABOARD FOR THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!" announced the conductor. "Oh! Gotta go!" Sweetie rushed back to Shining Armor's side, who began to make his farewells. "Okay, Cadance! You and sis ha-" "No lengthy goodbyes!" interrupted the filly. "Let's go, go, go!" After one loud "SEE YA!" to Twilight, Cadance and Rarity through the train window, Sweetie Belle was well on her way to the Crystal Empire! Even though it was too late to seriously worry about it, she decided to rummage through her saddlebag to ensure she'd packed the necessities. Shining Armor quietly observed her from his seat, lightly chuckling at her youthful energy. "Notebook, pencil, pen, coin purse, camera...oh, no! The T-square! I forgot the T-square!" she cried. "Why would you need a T-square on this trip?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, but Rarity always includes that among her tools...and it's really big, so it must be important!" "I'm sure it is, but you're not gonna need something like that! Take it easy, too! Use up all of your excitement now, and you won't have any left for the Jewel Jamboree!" The girl slowly exhaled and relaxed in her own seat across from stallion. "You're right. But I'm just so thrilled to go to the Crystal Empire! Except for that one time I went with Spike and the other Crusaders for-" "Say that again?" Sweetie alarmingly realized that although she mumbled that last sentence, it was clear enough for her traveling companion to make out. "Oh, nothing! Long story...looooong story! Way too boring to talk about!" "Well...in that case, why don't you tell me more about Twily?" "Twilight? But she's your sister, don't you already know everything?" "Not quite. She's been doing so much ever since she moved to Ponyville, so I figured you might have some stories to share...y'know, the kind that my sis would be too embarrassed to mention?" "Ha, ha, ha! Where should I start?" "Let's start with some lunch! I'm famished!" Cadance's words were promptly followed by the sound of a familiar gurgling. The pair simultaneously rubbed their growling bellies and giggled. "Me too!" Twilight agreed. "The rumbling of my own stomach was louder than the train!" Upon the vehicle's departure, Rarity immediately returned to her boutique. Twilight invited her to join them in their activities, but the fashion designer respectfully declined, reiterating the existence of her massive workload. "So where to? I'm sure you know all of the best places to eat in Ponyville!" "Well...the Hay Burger comes to mind. Shouldn't be too crowded right now...oh, wait! What am I saying? Princesses don't usually eat at fast food establishments when-" "Says who? Not me." Twilight stared at her former foalsitter, dumbfounded. "You...you don't mind eating there? Wouldn't a nice, posh restaurant be more...eh, appropriate?" "Maybe if I was on a dinner date with my husband or if my name was Rarity. I'm on vacation, Twilight! After so much royal duty back home, I'm eager to relax and try new things! And some casual dining at the Hay Burger sounds like a fine idea!" "It wasn't a good idea! Not at all!" "That Everfree Forest certainly lives up to its reputation!" Sweetie Belle and Shining Armor had boarded the train barely ten minutes ago, and the two had already shared four or five stories about Twilight Sparkle. The stallion provided some entertaining insight on his sibling's younger days and the filly was regaling him with tales of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' encounters with the librarian. But then she came to the incident involving Twilight's unpleasant exposure to a cockatrice and its powers of petrification. And that meant bringing up the fact that she and her friends deliberately disobeyed Fluttershy's babysitting authority and wandered into the adjacent woodland. Not something she was proud of. The lone Crusader bit her lip nervously and scratched the back of her head. Although worried that her chaperone was going to scold her, she noticed that Shining Armor seemed to be lost in thought, stroking his chin. "Wow, I can't believe sis got turned into a stone statue! She never said anything about that!" "Eh, the situation wasn't exactly one of her famous moments. That cockatrice was a tough customer! But Fluttershy shut that creature's terror down in no time!" "FLUTTERSHY? How in the world...?" Sweetie smiled, remembering the unexpected (but positive) outcome of the event. "She used some kinda ultra intense stare to force the cockatrice to turn Twilight back to normal!" Shining Armor stroked his chin again. "Hm...if her stare really is that strong, maybe there's a way I could adapt it for myself. An ability like that could be useful for keeping the empire's guards in line." "I'm pretty sure that's just a 'Fluttershy' thing." The pair laughed briefly before Sweetie's face went serious, almost as much as Rarity's from before. "Um...Shining Armor?" "Yeah?" "I just wanted to say...thank you for letting me tag along. You didn't have to and could've just as easily made a brief trip in and out to get your papers and all...but you took me anyway. It...really means a lot to me." The stallion smiled warmly and spoke in a soft tone. "Aw...you're welcome, Sweetie Belle. I could tell from the tone of your voice earlier that visiting the Crystal Empire was something you were extremely looking forward to. Me leaving a cute little lady behind in her time of need? Perish the thought." "Princess Cadance was talking a lot about how terrific a husband you are. Didn't exactly make sense to me then, but it's starting to now." "Well, then...I thank you back. Oh, and was she gossiping about me? Sorry I missed it! Speaking of which, I bet she and Twilight are having a ball!" Shining may have been wondering about his wife, but Sweetie's thoughts were quickly shifting back to the Jewel Jamboree and its fantastic displays of precious stone-encrusted necklaces, tiaras, brooches, rings... Great things were awaiting her eyes. "Wow! Those onion horseshoes were great!" Cadance exclaimed, dabbing her lips with a napkin. "I'll say!" Twilight said, sipping the last of her drink. "The hay fries just don't compare!" "Uh...by the way, you have some...salt and ketchup on your..." The unicorn realized that some condiment remnants were stuck to her face, which helped to camouflage the embarrassment permeating her cheeks. "Oops! Heh, heh...I'll just go freshen up and all that, okay?" Twilight asked, pointing to the restroom door. As the messy-faced pony excused herself, a strange, deep voice caught Cadance's attention, originating from the far side of the restaurant. "EQUESTRIA IS DOOMED!" The princess made her way to the source of the sound, which was coming from an arcade machine. Its bold proclamations of catastrophe continued to work its way into her ears while an animated segment on the screen would force anypony's eyes open. Especially if it displayed an army of Changelings flying across devastated villages and terrorizing citizens everywhere. Cadance could relate. She knew a thing or two about such creatures. "All-powerful Changelings are laying waste to the land! They assume varying forms to maximize destruction, enslave the townsfolk, AND SUCK THE LOVE OUT OF EACH AND EVERY PONY ON THE PLANET!" "Say what?" "You are the last hope for salvation! Can you defeat these shapeshifting monstrosities and restore Equestria to its former glory? Insert a coin to find out...IF YOU DARE!" This multitude of information might've overwhelmed a pony's senses. But the alicorn was sold on the scope of the (fictitious) harm being done. "Love is being drained from the entire world?" Cadance growled. She glared at the screen while slowly levitating a single gold bit. "Not if I can help it." One coin insertion, and the game was on. "Focus! That's the name of the game! Just focus on the assignment and you'll do fine!" The filly's daydreaming about glittering jewelry was fine in itself, but Shining Armor knew it was important to keep her eyes on the prize. He wasn't trying to be stern or strict, but since this excursion was for the purpose of one student's homework assignment, he had a responsibility to make sure the filly had an educational - albeit fun - experience. One of his defining traits was that he was never negligent in his duties. Thus, ensuring that his (temporary) ward got as much as she could from this outing was a job he took as seriously as any other. "Sorry!" Sweetie exclaimed, neither unwilling nor unable to wipe the smile from her face. "I'm just so...so...!" "Thrilled, I know. Guess I can't blame you. We were all young once and this is a rare opportunity to see something amazing." "That reminds me, why didn't your wife come along?" "She wanted to spend some time with Twilight, remember? On top of that, she just wasn't interested in attending the Jamboree." "I woulda thought that a princess like-" Sweetie Belle stopped abruptly as a frightening revelation came to the surface. "Wait a sec! If she's a princess, wouldn't that make you a...PRINCE?" "Yes, that's usually how it works when you marry into royalty," Shining said, holding back a laugh. "How did I miss that!? I'm SO sorry, sir! I mean, Your Majesty!" Sweetie began bowing her head repeatedly and was prepared to beg for leniency, just as she had done previously with Cadance. Thankfully, her husband turned out to be just as forgiving. "Whoa, relax! Didn't I tell you to hold off on the excitement?" "But...but I-" "Look, for the duration of this trip...uh, just think of me as the stallion formerly known as 'Prince'...deal?" Shining Armor held out his hoof, maintaining that warm, caring smile...which caught Sweetie Belle off guard. With everything the girl had dealt with today, she hadn't given much attention to her chaperone's physical characteristics. What was it Princess Cadance said? "That pure white coat...like powdered sugar, coupled with that blue mane, more beautiful than the finest sapphires...it all makes for a devastating combination." Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, but that coat seemed to sparkle, and his mane was slowly (and somewhat dramatically) waving like a soft breeze had hit it, even though the train window was closed. This visual treat triggered an unusual warmth in Sweetie's chest that spread to her face. She then began to emit a cold sweat as her heart started beating a little faster, almost forgetting that Shining Armor still had his hoof sticking out. "You still with me?" "Eh! Yeah...ahem, I mean...uh...deal!" she fumbled, finally shaking his hoof. Her brain scrambled to process what just transpired. Wha...what's going on? Shining Armor looked really...attractive...for a minute there. Hey, am I...am I sweating? Gosh, it's hot in here... "Sweetie Belle, you feeling up to snuff? Your cheeks look red and you're perspiring a bit." "I...uh, well..." "Hm, I guess it is kind of warm inside this car. I'll open the window slightly." The splendid breeze from outside was refreshing, but it did little to cool the girl's head, which was chock full of jumbled words, making a pathetic attempt at coherency. Heart...pounding...prince...train...sweaty...jewels...handsome...doomed? Say...words...like...ANYTHING! "Ah, I understand," Shining Armor said, interrupting her thoughts. "The closer we get, the more anxiety you're feeling, right?" "The closer...we get?" "To the Crystal Empire...y'know, our destination?" "Oh, yeah! That's what I meant!" Try as she might, Sweetie Belle wasn't buying her own words. The increasingly beautiful stallion, however, seemed to be oblivious for the most part, which was probably for the best. Still, he made another effort to calm her nerves. "Don't worry, shouldn't be too long now." "Don't worry, civilians! It won't be long now! The Princess of Love will save you!" "Cadance, what are you doing?" "I'm saving Equestria from utter disaster, what does it look like?" Having washed up, Twilight noticed that Cadance had made her way to the trio of arcade machines. Her royal hooves were hard at work, furiously jiggling a joystick and relentlessly pushing a pair of buttons at the same time. Her eyes were glued to the action on the screen. The unicorn glanced at the game's marquee, which read... "Changeling Crisis?" "That's right!" the alicorn confirmed with a smirk. "No monster is going to succeed in absorbing all the love from this kingdom! Not while the mighty and beautiful Princess Cadance has a crown to her name!" "I see. Pretty darn...heroic of you." An animated explosion filled the screen, indicating a crushing defeat at the wrath of simulated Changelings. "Oh, no!" Cadance cried. "That wasn't fair! I didn't even have time to cast my Lovey-Dovey Extraordinary Elixer spell! This game is stingy with the power-ups! One more try!" "Maybe you should let it go," suggested Twilight. "Wouldn't you rather head back outside and get some fresh air?" The princess looked stunned and horrified, as if a real cataclysm had occurred right in front of her. "How can you say that? I can't leave Equestria like this!" she objected, pointing to the "Game Over" screen. "Why don't we compromise? There's an outside arcade not too far from here with plenty of other games to try. We can-" "Lead the way." "When did you take such an interest in video games?" "Since just now. Ruling over an empire is exceptionally gratifying...but I think I might've missed my true calling!" Twilight was puzzled upon this new side of her friend, one that she'd never seen before. But regardless of the circumstances, she was glad that Cadance was enjoying herself. "...need to make sure not to wander off, steer clear of scam artists selling counterfeit gems, and most importantly...enjoy yourself!" "Gee, you sure checked off everything? With so many rules, I don't think I can handle all that fun!" Sweetie Belle and Shining Armor gave each other a suspicious glance, only to break down and chuckle. "Now, now. Rarity entrusted me with your safety...and that includes maintaining the integrity of your education." "Huh?" "Making sure you get the assignment done. But then again, that goes without saying!" "You'd better believe it! Ooh, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are gonna be so jealous! They were bragging about going to Las Pegasus during the break, but my one day at the Crystal Empire should put their vacation to shame!" "Hang on, it doesn't matter whose trip was better! As long as your report is comprehensible and detailed, you'll be sure to get a good grade in the end. This isn't a competition!" "You don't know them, do you?" "Well, one thing I know for sure is that we've reached our stop! Look!" Sweetie's eyes were the size of saucers once she looked out the window and gasped. In the distance were rich maroon spires, a gigantic palace and radiance abound. No further authenticity was needed. The train had indeed arrived at... "THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!" Shining Armor knew to cover his ears in advance, so the happy shriek didn't bother him, although he noticed that some of the other passengers were shooting Sweetie Belle expressions of annoyance. "Grab your saddlebag!" he said with some enthusiasm, as it was becoming a tad contagious. "And let's move out!" "Yeah!" she barked, bearing a grin so wide it looked like it hurt. But she had good reason to spread her mouth to such an extent. This was the moment she'd been waiting for! "Jewel Jamboree, here I come!" TO BE CONTINUED... ...leading to where it all stands today. So, didja get all that? Or were you just reading fanfiction in the midst of my extremely detailed and relevant lecture? Tsk, tsk...pretty shabby attention span on your part. Might wanna work on that. > Clear as Crystal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Someone once said that a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Well...I certainly can't have that, can I? In that case, here's the deal...I don't own "My Little Pony" and you can be assured that I never have, and never will. Hope that's specific enough for you. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love Chapter 3 - Clear as Crystal The Crystal Empire! It doesn't take an educated pony to know that it's arguably more beautiful than any other kingdom, due to having the advantage of being the home of incredible luster. A single glance at the domain would captivate attention and leave one amazed and impressed. Just ask Sweetie Belle. "This is WAY too cool! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are gonna be sorry they missed this!" After only two steps off the train, Sweetie's vision immediately locked in on the crystalline splendor in the distance, just waiting to be thoroughly explored. Her eyes refused to blink at the glamorous sight, for fear of it vanishing into thin air. "Not too shabby, huh?" Shining Armor asked. "Are you kidding? It's totally shab-free! Although...I thought there'd be more bright lights and twinkling everywhere!" "Granted, it may not be as flashy as Las Pegasus, but Cadance and I call it home." "It's too bad you didn't have your wedding here!" "Hey...with all the craziness that popped up, I should be grateful there was a wedding at all!" "I know, I was there." The stallion gave her a dubious look. "Were you?" he slowly asked. "You don't remember!?" Sweetie nearly shouted. "I'm in the wedding photos! I was one of the flower fillies, for crying out loud!" Shining's memory was somewhat foggy, as he'd been hypnotized and manipulated by a changeling queen for a good portion of the proceedings. Not the ideal choice for nostalgia. "Sorry, sorry!" he protested. "There was a lot going on, so some of what happened is a blur for me." "There's a heck of a lot going on here, too! But I'll make sure it doesn't blur up!" The little unicorn whipped out a small notepad and wasted no time scribbling down words. "Hmmm...crystal ponies, crystal houses, crystal streets...hope the food isn't made of crystal, though!" "Last time I checked, it wasn't...at least, not all of it. Speaking of which, is pizza for dinner cool with you?" The little lady's eyes widened so much it was almost frightening. "Could this day get ANY better!?" "We'll see. But first things first...the castle, my papers. Then it's all about you," Shining said with a wink. All about...ME? Is...is he serious? If Sweetie had thought that scratching her skull until it left an unpleasant mark would've driven his statement out of her system, she might've been tempted to try it. As the two of them walked through the main square, the festivities for the exhibition were well under way. Many stalls and their corresponding jewel displays had been positioned and ready to go, while other tents and booths were still being put up. Some food vendors were already in place, waiting and willing to serve any customers, the number of which would inevitably increase as the day progressed. It took all of Sweetie's strength to not run off and start snapping photos, but she knew that her chaperone needed to take care of his business first, and jeopardizing his generosity wouldn't look very good on her part. "Enjoying the view so far?" The deep, yet soft voice broke her concentration on the busy streets and once again, her pupils were attacked by the onslaught of that radiant mug of Shining Armor's, causing his question to unintentionally generate a double meaning. Going from a dazzling crystal kingdom with glittering gems to an increasingly attractive unicorn that she'd be spending the bulk of the day with, picking between "yes" or "no" wouldn't be a difficult decision to make. "Yeah, it's...stunning," she said, thoroughly enchanted by her companion. "Hm?" The single action of one princely eyebrow was raised, triggering a sequence of events for Sweetie Belle, which invoked a look of panic in her eyes, a furious shaking of the head and a rapid clearing of the throat to fight off the blush coursing through her cheeks. "You're sweating again," Shining noted. "Sure you're okay?" "Never better!" the filly croaked. "If you say so. We're here, by the way." The relentlessness of these new and uncomfortable sensations was so distracting that Sweetie barely noticed that they were now standing under the giant, shimmering structure of the Crystal Castle. As Shining Armor walked up the stairs to the entrance, she gritted her teeth, firmly tapped her temple a few times and squeezed her eyes shut. Upon opening them, all she saw was her reflection in the mirror-like surface of the ground staring back. "Stop!" she hissed to herself (literally). "Touring the Crystal Empire is one of the greatest moments of your life, and you're making goo-goo eyes at him! Something that Princess Cadance practically ordered you not to do!" "Coming?" Shining called from atop the steps. Sweetie only answered with jittery nodding. Silent as she was, her mind was louder than the crowds relishing the jamboree. Yeah, I'm coming...to a nasty conclusion! Anxiety was being felt by Cadance as well, but for different reasons. In a little under half an hour, she'd learned the mechanics of "Changeling Crisis" well enough to make some headway. She was smack dab in the middle of the game's fourth stage and showed no signs of slowing down, even with all enemies (and their respective projectiles) attacking her character from all sides. Using the arcade machine to her left was Twilight Sparkle, engaged in some sort of block-stacking game. Cadance (having just reached a checkpoint in the level) took a quick glance at her friend's progress. If the unicorn's unwavering poker face wasn't enough to let Cadance know that things were going smoothly, then her high score surely got the point across. "Not bad, Twilight!" Her sister-in-law broke from her impassive expression to flash a smug smile. "Nothing to it, just a matter of aiming, accuracy, timing...and some delicate eye-hoof coordination!" she bragged. "I should ask my Shiny to put a couple of these cabinets in the castle...maybe as a Hearth's Warming Day gift!" "Uh...when would you play? I know you're on a vacation now, but doesn't ruling over an empire take up the majority of your time?" The Princess's eyes were already focused on the next level of her game, but she managed to keep the conversation going. "You're right, Twilight! However, when something grabs your attention and you really think it's important, you just have to make the time!" Cadance was obviously getting better at multitasking, as she was competently blasting away enemy changelings, carrying a conversation with her friend and thinking about her one true love, so far away. And if that gorgeous husband of mine knows what's good for him, he'll make the time for me tonight! The scope of Sweetie Belle's expedition was almost too much to absorb. From Ponyville to a train ride to the Crystal Empire to its palace...to the inside of it. Each segment of this journey had been more breathtaking than the last. She was still fighting the urge to blink, for fear of the surrounding environment vanishing like a mirage in the desert. "Wow!" Sweetie suddenly remembered to mind her manners (compliments of Rarity's "inside voice" rules) and immediately halt any babbling that was itching to escape her lips. Shining Armor might've taken no notice of this, had it not been for the fact that her lips were sealed a bit too tightly. "Go on...do it. I know you want to," he suggested while plugging his ears again, as on the train. Official permission to yell her head off? Not wishing to pass up an opportunity to let her pent-up excitement out, the little pony opened her mouth and- "IT'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!" Knowing precisely what to expect, Sweetie turned her head and let her ear take in the resulting echo... "...AMAZING...AMAZING...AMAZING..." She then covered her mouth, taken aback by how loud of an echo her voice generated. "Feels liberating, doesn't it?" Shining asked, uncovering his ears. "The acoustics in here are pretty spectacular if you let your voice go." "You said it! Anyway, where's that office of...hey, wait a minute..." As spacious as the castle's hallway was, all of its doors leading to other portions of Shining Armor's lustrous habitat looked- "Exactly alike!" Sweetie Belle blurted out. "Say that again?" "All these tall, black doors are the same! I mean, they're not even labeled! How do you know where you're going?" "Well, how do you gain the knowledge for tying a knot?" She looked at the floor, itching for an answer. "Um...it's something you learn over time, I guess." "That's right! I just learned over time how to navigate this palace. It may be grander than the common house, but finding your way around eventually becomes second nature to you, like any other residence. Although..." Shining Armor paused to glance down the hall, mildly concerned that there were any eavesdropping ponies lurking about. Not a soul. Still, he whispered his next sentence. "Although Cadance had some trouble herself in the beginning!" It was ironic that the stallion who was distracting Sweetie was also the one whose remark managed to ease her growing nervousness, which she masked with a chuckle. "So, eh...which way do we...?" Devoid of hesitation, Shining pointed in the direction of a seemingly random double door (adjacent to several identical ones) and opened them with his magic. "After you...and prepare to be amazed again." The appearance of his large office was splendid indeed. A sleek sparkling desk with a quill and small bottle of ink at the ready, a respectable cushy chair, and a nearby window with a splendid view of the kingdom below indicated that this was a comfortable place to work. "Whoooooa..." was all she could get out. Sweetie had good reason to be mesmerized right and left, but what caught her attention this time were the numerous awards and plaques on the wall. If she didn't have a grasp of her chaperone's credentials before, she certainly did now. "Oh, yeah..." Shining Armor said, sitting down at his desk. "I've racked up a few honors and medals during my years of service to Princess Celestia, being a former captain of the Royal Guard and all. Some of them are letters of gratitude from civilians for my work and dedication, which I've long since framed." The prince started rummaging through the drawers for the necessary documents while Sweetie Belle continued to admire the wall's decorations...until one unusual item stirred her curiosity. The girl turned her head a few times to verify what was hanging from the wall. "Is that...is that a crown made out of tinfoil?" she asked, pointing upward. "Um...yes," Shining confirmed, slightly embarrassed. "That's not your actual crown, is it?" "Eh, like you said on the train...it's too long of a story to get into." The older unicorn leafed through five folders in the lowest drawer, until... "Got it! I knew I left the papers in the desk!" Those words caused Sweetie to struggle, so as to maintain her composure, but the twitching in her legs was obvious. "Soooo...?" she asked anxiously. Shining Armor couldn't help but smile. "Little missy, you've been more than patient," he said, slipping the folder into his saddlebag. "And now, I believe the Jewel Jamboree is calling your name." Instinct kicked in and yet another plugging of the eardrums was in order. Not even the mighty magic of Princess Celestia could've prevented the outburst, preceded by a deep breath and then... "CRYSTAL HEAVEN!" The empty hall of the royal tower did the rest of Sweetie's work. "...HEAVEN...HEAVEN...HEAVEN..." "Better now?" "Hah...y...yeah..." she panted, making her way out of the room. "We...I...huff...let's...g...get moving..." Now that he'd gotten what he came for, Shining Armor prepared to leave his office, but not before taking a good look at the framed photo of a smiling Cadance on his desk. He smiled back, kissed his hoof and gently pressed it against his wife's "lips" with affection in his eyes. "I'll see you later, gorgeous." Finally taking a break from the arcade, Twilight and Cadance sat at a nearby outside table with a pair of cold drinks at the ready. Soothing as it was to the taste, Twilight became somewhat alarmed at witnessing Cadance's head darting in a seemingly random direction, as if some kind of mental siren was blaring, followed by a flush in her cheeks and a joyful sigh. "Hey...is, uh...is everything...?" "Shining Armor..." the princess replied with another sigh. "What about him?" "Just now...he was thinking about me!" "How do you know?" Cadance closed her eyes and softly pressed her hoof against her cheek. "Wife's intuition. He and I have a bond that's more durable than diamonds! You could call it our...Love Linkage!" "Uh..." "Patent pending, of course." "Of course...anyway, I'm surprised at how easily you adapted to video games. I stick to an occasional claw machine attempt - the timing and precision involved being my area of expertise - but you looked right at home!" "Truth be told, this isn't the very first time I've been to an arcade. Shining Armor and I spent some time at one during our honeymoon." "So that's why you seemed to be so comfortable here." "I wasn't sure about it at first, but Shiny always has a way of making an experience enjoyable...plus, he let me win at Skee-Ball." "And who says chivalry is dead?" The two friends shared a good laugh. It felt wonderful to simply spend time together and not having to concern themselves with a kingdom (or two) under the brutal attack of a sinister army or malevolent entity. "It's just one of his many positive traits. I come first in his eyes." "Which one do I check out FIRST?!? So many booths, so little time!" "Let's start with the one closest to us and go from there." And what a booth to begin with! Well, so to speak. In actuality, it was a wagon with a banner attached to its roof, advertising "GRAND GOLD" and its owner was a tall, pale blue stallion in brown garb. Sweetie Belle felt that his business was as good as any to kick off her report, so she moved as fast as her legs would allow. "Welcome, young lady!" the vendor greeted with a smile. "What can I do for you?" "I'm, uh...doing a report for school and...eh...do you think I could...y'know...look around inside your wagon?" "Ha, ha! That's what it's here for! Why, I-" "Sweetie!" Shining Armor hollered, walking quickly across the street. "Don't just pop off like that! Rarity's gonna give me an earful if I don't keep tabs on you!" The vendor's eyes blinked to verify what he was seeing, and he promptly bowed. "It's...it's you!" he gasped. "Shining Armor, noble prince of this scintillating city! To be graced with your presence bestows much honor upon me and my humble abode! But I heard through the grapevine that you were away...was I misinformed?" "No, you heard correctly. I just returned for the day to wrap up some unfinished business, mister...um..." "I am Hoo'Far, come all the way from Saddle Arabia!" "Wow, that is pretty far! Hope your time in the Crystal Empire is pleasant! Oh...and that little ball of energy is Sweetie Belle, here for academic purposes." "Ah, the pursuit of a good education is worth far more than my modest display of gold," he noted as the three of them stepped inside. A massive glow was instantly upon the trio that would've put Shining Armor's name in the shade. Hoo'Far's wagon may not have been the largest, but the interior seemed to dwarf the exterior, making Sweetie Belle's jaw drop. On shelves and hooks were various bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, circlets...all made of gold. Their combined gleam made the inside of the caravan seem golden in appearance, as well. It felt as though they'd just wandered into a lost and forgotten treasure room of glistening delights. "Modest? That, sir...is an understatement," Shining Armor almost whispered. His young companion was at a loss for words, but she wasted no time in taking a few pictures and jotting down some notes. "Regardless, I'm hoping to make some fair trades or sales during this convention! I've been saving up money for a replacement wagon." "Oh? Everything looks sturdy to me." "To the untrained eye, perhaps. But as much as I adore this small caravan of mine, she's unfortunately getting on in her years. A few more and she'll be ripe for retirement, if you know what I mean. It is my desire to eventually make enough bits to buy a newer, more spacious one." "Hope you get there!" Sweetie chimed in while taking a snapshot of a pendant. "Okay, got everything I need! Let's move on to the next joint! Time's a-wastin'!" At that moment, a short cream-colored stallion approached the wagon. He wore a short-sleeved collared shirt and seemed to have no shortage of his own jewelry. His gold earrings, gold medallion, gold tooth and cutie mark (depicting six gold bits) indicated that he had a taste for the finer things in life. The pony's sleazy grin only widened when he saw the banner. "Grand Gold, eh? We'll see what kinda geegaws you got around here and then I just hafta-" His sentence, grin and whatever ulterior motives swirling around in his brain evaporated as the wagon's door opened up. Three unicorns emerged, but his sense of panic was triggered by only one in particular. SHININ' ARMOR?!? What's he doin' here? Just my lousy luck! The first place I wanna scam, and this noble nutcase appears on the scene! If I try to run, he'll grab me! What's a street rat to do!? The phrase "act natural" came to mind, which induced sweating and whistling. However, the validity of such behavior was not convincing in the slightest. While Hoo'Far would've generously regarded the potentially shady character as a potential buyer, the Crystal Empire's prince was not going to give him an inch. "Good day, sir! How can I be of service?" "Yes, this unicorn is quite the honest type," Shining added, with a near smirk. "I've absolutely no doubt that you'll conduct your business in the same manner. " Gotta get outta here! Think, stupid! Something, anything that sounds plausible should...wait, what's that? His eyes locked in on a distinctive pouch strapped to the salespony's side. The design made good use of primary colors. Its body was dark blue, decorated with little gold stars, complete with a red drawstring. "Yeah...well, uh...I thought I might work out a trade for, eh...dat pouch!" he stammered. Hoo'Far looked to where the "customer" was pointing and smiled. "Ah, yes! This item is double-stitched, bears a ten thousand thread count, not to mention an ochre-flecked velvet lining with reinforced triple-crosshatched seams..." "Um...really?" "Quality pouches such as these were crafted in my homeland of Saddle Arabia! They're quite hard to come by!" "Dat's good enough for me! I mean...ah...I wouldn't mind making a deal for your pouch...you game?" "Hmmm...what would you be prepared to offer me in return?" The stallion bit his lower lip and rapidly stroked his stubble for a few seconds until an idea came to him. Tugging on his right ear, he removed its earring and held it out. "Dis here earring! It's solid gold! But don' ask me how many karats, I never bothered to find out!" Hoo'Far put his powers of observation to work as he magically levitated a loupe from his pouch to inspect and appraise the merchandise presented before him. Shining Armor still stared at the short pony sternly, but remined silent. Sweetie Belle was also watching this exchange, but an uneasy feeling compelled her not to record the details. "Mm...I see...mm-hm...yes...hmm?" "Well?" Sweetie, Shining and the patron asked simultaneously. Another smile graced the vendor's face as he finally came to a conclusion, floating the earring into his hoof. "This piece of jewelry is acceptable. The pouch is yours." "Whew, that's a relief! Uh, I meant...done deal, right?" The stallion looked to his watcher for confirmation. "RIGHT?" he squawked. "Hey, all I saw was a simple and legal transaction," Shining coolly replied. "Nothing unlawful here." Hoo'far levitated the pouch over to the customer, who sported a grin that wasn't nearly as confident as before. "Listen, I'd love to hang around n' chat...'cept for the fact that I don't. Gotta bail!" The trio of unicorns kept staring until the shifty pony galloped (and inevitably vanished) into the crowd. Satisfied that all was well, Shining Armor decided it was time to resume his trek. "I need to get moving, too. Nice meeting you, and good luck with your endeavors!" "See ya, Mr. Hoo'Far! Thanks for letting me poke around your wagon!" "Your words exude volumes of encouragement and positivity! My gratitude to the both of you!" The two shook hooves with the vendor and continued on their way, but Sweetie's face bore mild confusion. "I don't get it...if he has all that gold, shouldn't he be able to buy a new wagon now?" she wondered aloud. "Maybe he was selling it on the behalf of some company and only receives a small cut of the profits. Who knows?" One other thing Shining didn't know was the exact time, but a quick glance at a street clock revealed that it was about half past noon. He was getting hungry, but it was reasonable to assume that his ward didn't have lunch on her mind, so that appetite would have to endure for now. And since there was still plenty of time before they had to return to Ponyville...that also meant plenty more jewels to feast their eyes upon. "Oooooh..." Sweetie Belle sighed at a display of lustrous platinum bracelets from Stratusburg... "Aaaaah..." ...and elegant silver candlesticks from Vanhoover. "I've never seen so many diamonds in one place!" What she meant to say was she'd never seen an assortment of small yellow and brown diamonds from Puerto Caballo before. Shining Armor whistled in awe. The two colors complimented each other well and witnessing its glitter was addictive. "Rarity hates earth tones," Sweetie noted. "But I bet she'd approve of a brown diamond!" As the two unicorns shared a laugh, Shining found that he was genuinely having fun. But even though Sweetie was proving to be good company, he wished he could've experienced today's event with Cadance, despite her lack of interest in the festivities. Reminding himself that he'd see his wife in a mere few hours, he refocused on the task at hoof. Meanwhile, some of the most expensive and valuable antiques known to pony were also on display further down the street, considered the pinnacle of perfection at this convention of eye candy. They were arranged in a circular formation with sentries posted around the perimeter. "Get a look at THAT!" Of course, there was no way anypony was going to pass up getting a picture of an ancient, bejeweled Trottingham crown. However, it was enclosed in a cubical glass case on a crystal pedestal and a pair of royal guards stood before it. Both of them raised a very suspicious and alarming eyebrow when Sweetie pulled out her camera. Shining Armor decided it would be prudent to eliminate any possible confrontation before it could start. "Flash Sentry, Stone Wall..." "SIR!" they barked in unison. "Don't mind the little girl, she's in my care." The guards nodded and let the filly click that shutter a couple of times. Shining Armor stepped closer to get a good look for himself. "See the red stone in the front of the crown?" he asked, pointing. "Yeah, it's pretty." "That's the Timor Ruby...and as you can see, it's quite literally the crown jewel." Sweetie nodded, but her eyes were already focusing on another display case. "The shade of crimson is lovely...but that blue jewel's really...uh, respending...re-endingent...reslendermanent...darn, what's that word Rarity always uses?" "I'm guessing resplendent is what you wanna say?" "Uh-huh! It's really resplendent!" "Decent way to describe it. That's the Stallion Sapphire Brooch from Shire Lanka...rumored to be over three thousand years old!" She stared at the royal blue ornament, trying to wrap her head around what Shining Armor just said. "No way!" Sweetie squeaked. "Or so I've heard," Shining added with a shrug. "That brooch is way sweeter than most of the stuff my sister has! It makes her treasured baby blue sapphires look like the color of the water in her toilet!" "Heh...is, um...is that right?" Being "co-ruler" of this empire meant that Shining Armor got a daily dose of crystal exposure, so the shimmer of the landscape was nothing new to him. But the city's qualities couldn't compare to the most exorbitant rock (arguably) the Jewel Jamboree had to offer... Sweetie Belle was entranced by a necklace with a gemstone in the shape of a pony's hind leg (specifically the joint behind its knee), noticeably larger than most of the stuff she'd seen so far. The display case's attached sign demanded attention. "The Hock Diamond?" she read. "Yep. Check out its worth." The little Crusader gasped at the number printed under its name. "That...that...that's a LOT of zeros!" Shining flashed a small grin as he hit Sweetie with another bit of trivia... "Not only that, but it's rumored to be...cursed," he whispered into her ear, with an evil (albeit quiet) snicker. "Whaaaaa?" she murmured. "Precise records haven't been kept, but supposedly...each previous owner of the Hock Diamond has had irrevocable misfortune befall them! Dementia, misery, bankruptcy, imprisonment, poverty...legend says that some have disappeared without a trace, never to be heard from again...all thanks to having that troublesome trinket in their possession!" Sweetie raised her camera, but her hooves were shaking. "That curse wouldn't extend to photographs...would it?" Shining squinted and tapped his chin, pretending to think hard. "I think you'll be all right. Go ahead, kiddo." Not wanting to tempt fate, she made sure that the camera's shutter only clicked once. The two of them noticed there were more ponies approaching the center of the jamboree, so they decided to leave in order to give others a chance to bask in the presence of lavish greatness. Back in Ponyville, two other ponies were exiting a movie theater, but the phrase "lavish greatness" was only running through the head of one of them. "Oh, I just love happy endings...don't you?" Cadance sniffled, holding a tissue to her very wet eyes. "As much as the next pony," Twilight unenthusiastically answered without so much as a single tear to her name. "But do you think we could try for a different movie next time?" "You didn't like it?" "Wasn't bad per se...but a title like 'The Right Time to Love' doesn't exactly sound like it's shooting for a plethora of awards. The acting was mediocre, the cinematography was unimaginative, and the plot was typical." The royal tears vanished as Cadance gave a small smile and gently shook her head. "Twilight, you're missing the point. Ponies need this kind of stuff in their lives! I've always believed that there isn't enough love in this world, and...let's face it, Equestria could definitely benefit from more! Films like the one we saw is just one of many ways to facilitate that objective!" "I admire your certainty." "Hey, I'm the Princess of Love. I know these things," the alicorn said with a cute wink. "Even so, you think maybe we could aim for something not so predictable or sappy next time?" The unicorn pointed to some movie posters, noting their potential. "Let me guess. You'd prefer something more...sci-fi?" "Please?" Twilight asked sweetly. Cadance thought for a moment and giggled. "You agreed to see what I wanted, so it's only fair that you choose the next flick. By the way...I don't suppose 'Changeling Crisis' has been adapted for the big screen, has it?" One thing that was being recorded on film was a case of birthstones that warranted study from Sweetie Belle. Her camera had received quite the workout in the last few hours. At the same time, Shining Armor was purchasing a small pouch from a booth next to her with the banner "PRICEY POTPOURRI" hanging from its roof. "Whatcha got there?" Sweetie asked, still full of energy. "Gift for Spike. Some grab bags were being sold, each one with a different assortment of tiny jewels. Promised to bring something back for him to stuff his face with. And speaking of which..." The prince's rumbling stomach tried to make a strong impression earlier, but now it was redoubling its efforts...and it had help this time around. "My tummy wants some food, too...so, how about that pizza you mentioned?" "I know a nice little place." As the duo made their way down the street, they noticed that the sky was beginning to darken. It wouldn't be long before the moon appeared, thanks to the Princess of the Night. Sweetie Belle swore that she hadn't been admiring the empire that long, but time flies when you're having fun and her adventure today absolutely fit such a description. The restaurant seemed full (due to the number of tourists), but the waiter managed to get them a small table outside where the busy nature of the Jewel Jamboree could still be seen. "Beverages first?" he asked. "Or are you ready to order everything now?" "A tall glass of hay juice and a large slice of potato pizza for me," Shining answered. "I'll have two slices!" Sweetie Belle added. "One with mushrooms, the other with daisies and...oh, great..." "What's wrong, Sweetie?" The filly bit her lower lip as she glanced at the menu. "Well, I'd like a glass of Big Rein...but my sis doesn't usually let me have caffeinated soda," she grumbled. "She thinks it'll keep me up all night." "Does it?" "Actually...no." Although his promise to Rarity (regarding Sweetie Belle's safety) was paramount, that didn't mean he couldn't bend the rules a smidge. "Eh, I won't tell Rarity if you won't." "Really? Awesome, thank you!" "Get all that?" "Every word," the waiter nodded. "I'll have your food ready in a few minutes." Shining Armor arose from the table, leaving his saddlebag slung over the seat. "Nature calls, be right back. Can you hold down the fort until I return?" "Sure thing." As he left for the restroom, Sweetie turned her head to the left, watching other ponies (crystal or otherwise) buying souvenirs, trading jewelry or simply observing the precious stones on display. Even after everything she'd experienced today, it was unbelievable. Being here at the Jewel Jamboree didn't seem entirely real. "This feels like a dream..." she happily sighed. "I can assure you, young one...it most certainly is not," replied a deep, yet gentle voice. Sweetie now turned to the right to see a taller mare, but this one was unique, bearing a dark blue coat and a beautiful continuously wavy blue mane. Complete with a pair of wings, a long horn, a black crown, and a warm smile, her identity was unmistakable. "Princess Luna..." TO BE CONTINUED... Whew! I'm tired after writing this chapter, but it was worth it! But don't think that means I'm gonna slow down, there's still more to come! Luna has made the scene, but what does she want? Probably a slice for herself...but does royalty hafta pay? Who knows? > What You're Feeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The I Don't Own "My Little Pony" Disclaimer: Space for rent. Call the appropriate number for further details. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love Chapter 4 - What You're Feeling It was a wondrous feeling to be in the presence of royalty. If the countless number of gemstones at the Jewel Jamboree or the luster of the Crystal Empire weren't enough to behold, surely the appearance of the Princess of the Night would tip the scale in the observer's favor. For Sweetie Belle, the prospect of actually encountering her (outside of Nightmare Night) felt more like a high hope than a fulfilled reality...yet here she was, as big as life. And judging from her smile, she seemed ready to initiate a friendly conversation. But not before the filly nearly jumped out of her seat and bowed at the hooves of Princess Luna. Remain calm, she thought to herself. You've already made a big enough fool out of yourself with Princess Cadance...and Shining Armor was just...NO, don't even go there! Gotta use my inside voice and above all...DON'T babble! So, here goes nothing! "It's an honor to, uh...meet you up close and...WOULD YOUR MAJESTY AGREE TO A QUICK INTERVIEW? PRETTY PLEASE, WITH ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ON TOP?!?" Luna was taken aback by the force of the loud voice (as were a number of other seated patrons), but the princess turned her head and gestured with her hoof to resume their respective activities. As for Sweetie's question, the alicorn couldn't help but lightly chuckle, as Cadance had. "It would be my pleasure...if you'd show the courtesy of learning a skill that Twilight Sparkle was kind enough to teach me." "I...what?" "Lower the volume?" Realizing that she'd just freaked out again made Sweetie turn red and cover her mouth. "Ah! Heh, heh...sorry." "No harm done, my little pony. It took some time before I learned to fully tame my traditional royal Canterlot voice...but I digress. What brings you to the Crystal Empire? Are you here with Twilight and her friends? Or did your sister Rarity bring you herself?" Sweetie almost scowled upon the last question but did her best to keep the sting of that particular disappointing situation in check. "Eh...no. I'm here with Shining Armor...who's in the restroom." "He's returned home already?" "I'll let him do the explaining." Not wanting to waste Luna's time, the young unicorn pulled out a notepad and pencil. "Anyway...I heard that you were taking over for the week, so what's it like ruling inside the Crystal Castle?" The princess tapped her chin, struggling to vocalize a valid answer. "Hm...what can I say? My sister and I have seen several palaces in our time...but I can state with certainty that it's not...too much unlike the one in Canterlot, except for the fact that it's much more...bright?" "What about the state of the empire? No emergencies? Threats? Dangers? APOCALYPSES?" Luna restrained the urge to giggle at Sweetie's zeal, but it was quite difficult. "I don't mean to discourage you, but this convention is probably the most exciting event that's occurred while I've been here....well, that and two delicious slices with black olives were beckoning me." Sweetie was surprised that she was just now taking note of the small, white box magically floating next to the princess (which undoubtedly contained her dinner). "There goes a scoop for my school report...or the next edition of the Foal Print Press," she sighed. "My apologies," the alicorn said with a sympathetic smile. "No worries, Your Highness. If that's how you feel, that's how you...feel..." Uttering the word "feel" sparked a thought in Sweetie's head that refused to be snuffed out, so much so that she couldn't stop her mouth's movements. "Uh, Princess Luna...I could use a little 'off the record' advice, if you don't mind." "Yes?" The question she was about to ask was not unlike balancing on a tightrope. Both actions were potentially dangerous, and both would make one sweat. "What...what should you do if you're...starting to feel a certain way...and even though you know what you're feeling is wrong...I mean, if you just can't help it...do you act on it, or...?" Luna let out a sigh of her own and almost frowned, as if she was trying not to remember something unpleasant. Nevertheless, she decided it would be prudent to reply, if only to steer one pony from a wrong path... Sweetie's eyes were wide open, as she didn't want to miss one syllable of speech from the wise princess. "You are more than aware of my previous reputation as Nightmare Moon, yes?" "Yeah." "I love my sister dearly...but my unwarranted feelings of bitterness and jealousy drove me to commit unspeakable acts. Part of my being knew these emotions were misplaced and misguided. I didn't want to act on them. Had I been mentally stronger, the outcome might've unfolded differently...yet I was unable to stop myself." The Cutie Mark Crusader let Luna's words sink in and she took a moment to mull over it. "My best advice would be to try hard not to follow through with what you're feeling without putting some careful consideration into it. Weigh the possible consequences and risks involved. There are times where you must listen to your heart...and others when you should listen to your brain. Matters of the heart are important...but they can also be quite complicated. Enough to weaken and cloud one's own judgement." Princess Cadance said that there's no hope for me to resist Shining Armor's...whatever it is. But Princess Luna said she wasn't strong enough to...wait, does that mean I'M weak? "My apologies again. I guess I wasn't much help," Luna concluded, noticing that Sweetie's look of confusion hadn't budged. "Oh...no, Your Majesty! You...gave me a lot to think about." "Such an odd question has piqued my curiosity...but your business is your own and I will respect that." The awkward conversation was interrupted by the sound of galloping hooves. A pair of stallions wearing dark cloaks were rushing through the crowd at frightening speed, like a hot knife cutting through butter. The eyes of both Sweetie and Luna widened as a magical energy beam struck the ground in front of the stallions, causing them to trip and fall. The small satchels of assorted jewels they were carrying spilled out before them. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what they were up to. Sweetie turned to the source of the beam, which was Shining Armor standing tall with a stern expression, the glow from his horn dissipating. He marched over and glared down at the two Earth ponies with ferocity that could've made a lion cower in fear. "No magical horn to aid your thievery or wings to effect an escape...so what in Equestria made you believe you were gonna pull this off?" Still lying on the ground, the pair looked at each other and whispered. "Shining Armor wasn't supposed to be here!" "Doesn't matter! I told you this was a bad-" "If you're smart and I doubt you are...you'll make this painless by turning yourselves in without a fight!" the growled at the pair of would-be robbers. Four vendors approached from behind him and were shouting complaints, confirming any and all suspicions. "Those bozos took a hooful from my cuff link display!" "And those are two of my pocket watches!" "You dared to steal from my rare coin collection?" "Not only did they pilfer my pendants, they wouldn't even tell a tourist where the nearest bathroom was!" Shining Armor locked eyes with a pair of guards and jerked his head in the direction of the cloaked ponies. "Escort them to the castle for questioning and have the vendors join you so they can get their stuff back in an orderly fashion. Princess Luna will be along shortly." "YES, SIR!" they barked. The two guards, two thieves and four vendors started their long walk to the Crystal Castle, onlookers from all around stared in silent disbelief. Princess Luna smiled, and Sweetie Belle was in awe, impressed at how efficiently and rapidly the stallion thwarted the theft. "A job well done, Shining Armor," congratulated Luna. "But should you not be in Ponyville with your wife?" "To sum it up, I had some last-minute business to take care of here. It couldn't be postponed. Also, Rarity planned to bring her sister here today to see the sights, but had to cancel at the last minute..." "And you took it upon yourself to invite her to come along. Most kind of you." "Well, she needed an amazing report for school and the Jewel Jamboree sounded like the perfect topic to write about!" "Indeed. Anyway, I must return to the palace to oversee the outcome of this prevented crime...and my pizza's getting cold." Shining laughed and waved his hoof as the princess spread her wings and rose into the air. "Goodbye! Cadance and I will see you in a week!" "Take care of yourselves! Best of luck with your report, Sweetie Belle!" "Thank you, Your Highness!" Sweetie managed to get a quick snapshot of the skybound princess, grateful to herself that she remembered her camera at the last second. Despite the erratic nature of her talk with Luna, the visit to the Crystal Empire was working out better than she could've hoped. This was one day the filly never would've enjoyed as much if she were back home. In Ponyville's Carousel Boutique, Rarity had been designing up a storm. Shining Armor's looking after her sister really did the trick for freeing up her day. Since Sweetie's departure, eight dresses had been sewn, trimmed, hemmed, bejeweled, accessorized and ready to go. Rarity worked well under pressure and was capable of putting together lovely designs for a dozen dresses incredibly quickly...but given the fact that she had an entire uninterrupted day to create, she could afford to take her time and let her mind bring forth more elaborate pieces, allowing her to go above and beyond the call of duty for some of her most recent clients. She levitated a tissue and dabbed away the sweat that had accumulated on her forehead, somewhat surprised (and very thankful) that none of it had dripped onto the fabric. "Whew! Only two more to complete...and that shouldn't take too long. Since they're for a pair of identical twins, they share the same measurements and-" The unicorn's smile faded as the mention of twins caused her thoughts to drift to her own sibling. There was no doubt that Rarity loved her work...but she loved her sister even more. Her initial opinion of how everything had worked out for the best was starting to lose its stability. "I've made excellent progress today...albeit at the cost of spending time with my Sweetie Belle..." Rarity couldn't help but guiltily bite her lower lip. "But these gowns are of paramount importance! The clients these outfits are intended for..." Now came the drooping of her head and ears. "...mean nothing without the love and support of my sister. Sweet Celestia, what's a fashion designer to do? I promised her an exciting excursion! She had her heart set on today! I mean, I'm glad Shining Armor could accommodate Sweetie, but..." She could only sigh before the ugly conclusion exited her mouth. "...I really should've taken her myself." Rarity struggled to imagine the fun the two of them could've been having together, to no avail. "Not that I don't appreciate everything you do for me, darling...but I need to hear it from you. Did I make the right choice...staying here?" The sewing machine was more silent than Fluttershy at her shyest. "Oh, don't give me an answer in the form of a silent treatment! That only makes it worse!" Additional silence followed her remark. "Goodness, you don't hold back at all! You really tell it like it is!" Still silence. "Brutal honesty like that surpasses even Applejack's...who would've thought? I mean, if it weren't for the-" The device continued to "stare" at Rarity, causing her mind to get back on track. "Yes, I understand...the last two dresses." The sewing machine's whirring and clacking were in full effect as the final two works of art were being composed. Though her job often proved taxing, her mulling over Sweetie superseded any potential exhaustion, mental or physical. The stitching halted. "But...I must make it up to my sister somehow! I won't be at peace with myself until-" An agitated Rarity looked at the machine and its cloth frozen in mid-stitch. "Hey, I am working! Since when is it against the law to-" Knowing an argument would be pointless (even more so with an inanimate object), she placed her hooves back onto the cloth and resumed her duties. Perhaps it was fatigue, but now the sounds of sewing seemed oddly louder than before. The unicorn stopped again and glared icily at the device before her. "Don't you dare take that tone of stitching with me, young sewing machine!" "Ooh, that pizza was too good! I might never eat again!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, patting her belly. Shining Armor fought the urge to laugh and only nodded, as he was sipping some of his beverage. He levitated a plastic card (meant to be given to the waiter) and gently tapped it against the surface of the table. It caught Sweetie's curious eye. "What's that?" The older unicorn slid it across to her so she could get a better look. Printed on the card was... "Equestrian Express?" "It's a credit card. I won't bore you with the details, but to make the long story short...let's just say it saves the trouble of carrying around a sack of bits." Sweetie scratched her head and his words started to make a sliver of sense. "Oh, yeah! I've heard of these! Rarity's been thinking about getting one for herself!" Depicted on the card was a detailed drawing of a smiling Princess Celestia framed in a vertical oval, with a serene landscape in the background, colored in light shades of green. "Nice artwork." "There's a portrait of Princess Luna, as well." Shining pulled another Equestrian Express card out of his saddlebag for his companion to see. This one was black with a similar oval frame depicting the Princess of the Night facing to the left (whereas Celestia was facing the right), her head pointed upwards (although not as sharply as the snobs in Canterlot), eyes closed...and she almost appeared to be frowning. It reminded Sweetie of her sister whenever she was upset enough to let out a sharp "Hmph!" which could be very uncomfortable to hear. "Does your wife have her face on a card, too?" "There were talks of putting her image on a purple variant, but she wasn't exactly in love with the concept." The phrase "in love" set off a warning alarm in Sweetie's head. Somepony tell me he didn't just say that! Things were going so well! She'd almost completely forgotten about Shining Armor's distracting good looks, which took a back seat to the cornucopia of classy jewelry. The various displays had a firm grip on Sweetie's senses for the past few hours. Excitement of this level usually only came whenever she was out with her friends on their next crusading adventure. But that darn chaperone was effortlessly causing her cold sweat to resurface. She knew it was a risk to sneak a glance at him, even if he was in the middle of the most inconsequential task. Like taking another calm sip of his hay juice. Whoa, he even sips his drink like...n...no...my heart's...pounding again! Why would...m...must be the caffeine... "Um, there's a bit of cheese on your-" Sweetie Belle couldn't have moved faster with her napkin, wiping the smudge off of her cheek before Shining finished his statement. She'd been flustered more than enough for today and minimizing further possible embarrassment didn't sound like the worst idea in the world. "I...I'm sorry! I guess Princess Cadance would be a lot more graceful..." "As far as a dinner date goes, I've dealt with worse." Dinner WHAT? He...can't possibly mean...? Sweetie Belle might as well have been hit over the head by a block of wood, because that four-letter "D" word had definitely knocked her for a loop, impeding the little lady's ability to vocalize a full sentence. "Could you...is that...the word was...?" Shining knew (or at least thought he knew) which word she was referring to and answered accordingly. "Yep...worse. A long time before I got together with Cadance, I had dinner with a gal named Less Miserable..." "The depths my of despair permeate the black soul of the icy wind coursing through my veins. Being dark and depressed isn't a curse...it's an art. But nopony truly understands the undertones of my unnecessarily unelaborated mentality. My cousin Inky Rose says I'm too emotional...what do you think?" "Uh...the lack of feeling in your voice doesn't speak volumes...it's more like a whole set of...encyclopedias?" "See? You get it. How more romantic could this evening be?" "I can only imagine." "And then there was Razzle Dazzle...a walking, talking fireworks display..." "It's like FLASH, BOOM, ZAP! From there on, my light shows just do all the talking!" "Yeah, you've demonstrated it quite exuberantly during the appetizer. It was quite the...eye-burner." "Ain't that the truth? I can't help but let my magical excitement out! Especially when my horn starts shooting sparks...like right now, for example!" "Huh?!?" TZZZAAAT! "AH! MY EYES!!!" "Whoops, there goes another unexpected flash! Heh, heh! You gonna be okay?" "Nope...I'm thoroughly blind." "Of course, who could forget a real winner like Beauty Cream?" "...trusted a pony with an income like that! Just because I'm beautiful doesn't mean I'm brainless! Stallions look at me and think I'm a pretty face that can't hold an intelligent conversation! But I'm ahead of the game, I've got smarts leaking out of my ears! At my last shoot with Photo Finish, she totally recognized my worth! I was told that the power of my gorgeous brain would be wasted on my modeling career! So, all I hafta do is let my posing on the runway do the work! It's as simple as this plate of salad! Speaking of which, did you ever notice the-" "Zzzzzzzzzz..." "I know, right? It's like this itty-bitty piece of green can read my mind! Can you think of anything more spellbinding? Oh, I know! That "Casual Creamy Campaigner" beauty endorsement of mine! Just so you know, looking this beautiful is not as easy as one might assume! It's not enough to look beautiful, you have to think beautiful, and then your radiance comes to the surface! Hey, how do these brilliant philosophies pop into my blonde melon? Even when I turn off my common sense, my noggin keeps blasting out ideas! I can't stop it! You might as well try to swim up a waterfall! That reminds me, have you ever wondered about the meaning of silverware? You don't even wear it! Although you could... Sweetie Belle's ears were in perfect working order, but as honest as Shining Armor was, his stories sounded like a bunch of tall tales. "She was just bursting with information...of the utterly nonsensical variety. She could've given Pinkie Pie a run for her bits." "Wow...can't believe you let a prize like that slip through your hooves, " the filly unenthusiastically quipped. Before Shining could say more on the matter, his thoughts were interrupted by a deep and smooth (but friendly) voice. "Your Majesty! I apologize for intruding on your dinner, but I just had to pay my respects!" Approaching the table was a bespectacled, brown male unicorn wearing an olive-green sweater with an orange collar. His calm smile looked like it could soothe the tensest situations. "Oh, it's fine. I was just about done, uh...pardon me, what's your name?" "Trenderhoof, famed travel writer at your service," he stated, kneeling before the prince. "I've heard of you! Your articles about the hot spots of Equestria are the stuff of legend!" The stallion laughed as he adjusted his glasses. "Please, you flatter me too much! Anyway, I just wanted to compliment your exquisite kingdom! It was something special to begin with, but it's a safe bet that your jewel convention will propel its popularity to greater heights!" "We've already checked out the best displays the jamboree has to offer! You should, too!" Shining Armor suggested. "I don't think I need to see much more! The overall event is really something! Your Crystal Empire is ripe for a glowing review from me! By the way, the food vendors are truly pulling out all the stops, as well! I found myself especially enamored by those sublime crystal candy apples!" Sweetie's ears twitched at Trenderhoof's last comment, prompting her to speak up. "Really? You like apples?" "Oh, love 'em!" "In that case, you should come visit Ponyville sometime!" "Ponyville?" "Yeah! Nearby, there's a whole field full of apple trees! Sweet Apple Acres, with delicious apples as far as the eye can see! No other apples can compare!" The pony ran a hoof through his light blonde mane (to scratch his head), then stroked his chin. His smile slowly returned. "Hmmm...Sweet Apple Acres, huh? Most intriguing. It'd be exciting to see an orchard like that! Definitely a place to add to my list of future travels! I'll bet the farm pony who runs it is an incredible individual! Thanks for the recommendation!" "Happy to help!" "Well, I must be going now! Delightful talking with you, Your Majesty! Have a nice evening!" Trenderhoof shook hooves with both ponies and waved goodbye before disappearing into the tourist traffic. His note of the time of day reminded Shining of his promise not to keep Sweetie out too long. Still, he wanted to be fair...to an extent. "So, do you wanna grab some dessert?" "Oh, no! I couldn't eat another bite!" "In that case, we should really head back to Ponyville after I give the waiter my card. It's starting to get late...eh, sorry." "That's okay, I've already got tons of notes and pictures for my assignment! There's so much info, I don't know how I'm gonna jam it all in!" Shining Armor let out a soft chuckle and gave Sweetie yet another good bit of advice. "Hey, look...just describe the most interesting sights, the ones that stood out most for you. And make sure to give some facts about their history...but don't stress and overdo it, either. Don't try to write the Great Equestrian Novel, just focus on creating a detailed report." Sweetie Belle had more to say, but her powers of speech was interrupted by an unavoidable yawn. "Excuse me, I couldn't help it." "Y'know, it's fine if you wanna sleep on the train. I'll wake you when we reach Ponyville." "Are you kidding? There was so much going on today, I don't think I'll sleep a wink!" Sleeping peacefully on the train ride home, Sweetie had her head against Shining Armor's side, using it as a makeshift pillow. Another pony might've felt annoyed at such a thing, however accidental it may have been. But the prince could only smile at the little girl's youth and innocence. Cute kid, he thought. I hope that if Cadance and I ever have a bundle of joy to call our own, she'll be just as sweet. Back in Ponyville, another pair of ponies were also reaching their destination. "Here we are, the Stable." "Thanks for walking me back, Twilight. I should've checked into this place with Shining Armor, so I'd know how to get here on my own. Would you like to come up for some coffee?" "I'd love to, but I should be going home myself. If I'm out late, Spike always thinks I've been kidnapped or something." The two friends giggled and nuzzled cheeks. "It's always fun spending time with you!" Twilight said. "Not bad for the first day of this little vacation!" Cadance agreed. "I should visit the others, too! Maybe we could all have a picnic!" "I'll have to check with them, but their schedules are usually flexible! I'm sure we can arrange a get-together!" "Splendid! Well, take care and thanks for a fun day! Let's make sure to hit that arcade again!" "Sure thing, you're welcome, and remember...I pick the next movie!" "Fair's fair." Twilight and Cadance gently hugged and bid each other goodnight. Fulfilling as her day with the unicorn was, the princess was now looking forward to reuniting with her beloved husband. "I am so, so, SO sorry!" This was one of many frantic apologies that could be heard since leaving the train...and an absolutely understandable reaction after waking up to find you've been sleeping against another passenger. Fortunately, Sweetie Belle's mortification was countered by Shining Armor's patience. "Relax, kiddo. It's all right," he said patting her head as they walked toward's the Carousel Boutique. "This is embarrassing...not to mention disrespectful! I...how are you putting up with me???" "We were all young once upon a time. Besides, now you'll know what not to do when you get old enough to start dating. Ha!" The evening air was cool and slightly breezy. Its gentle sound masked Sweetie's slow exhalation in an attempt to calm her nerves. "Ah, your home sweet home! Sun's down, but it's not too late! Just as promised!" Shining announced. Relief washed over her being, seeing the front door of Rarity's establishment as a makeshift finish line. It marked not only the end of a lengthy, worthwhile trip...but also as an escape from her companion and his uncontrollable disease of attractiveness. "So...if this was a date...how would you rate me on a scale of one to ten?" "Hmmm, that's a tough one. At first glance, I'd give you...a seven." "Seven?" "Yeah. A six would be slightly above average and you're much better than that!" "And an eight would be almost perfect, which I know I'm not. I guess a seven makes sense...and it is a lucky number." "Don't worry. Before long, I'm sure there'll be a whole line of eligible colts with flowers at the ready, knocking at your door." It could've been that Sweetie Belle was more tired than she thought, so much so that her condition was dulling her screaming thoughts from earlier. Whatever the reason, she couldn't keep her next words from drifting out into the cool air. "Tell me, does a rank seven practice date...include a goodnight kiss? Heh, just kidding..." Shining Armor was double-checking his saddlebags for the documents when she spoke. He didn't catch the whole thing, but "goodnight kiss" reached his ears. Is she asking for some sort of reward? Well, she did a good job of paying attention and doing the required work from her assignment...and for the most part, she behaved admirably throughout the day, so... His last thought was spoken aloud. "I suppose it's only fair..." "Wha..." was all Sweetie could get out before Shining closed his eyes and gently pecked her soft cheek. Faster than a speeding Wonderbolt, her tired eyes shot open, and a gasp emitted from her own lips. "This was fun, Sweetie! And you were great company! But I really need to get going now, since Cadance is probably waiting up for me. Take care and write an awesome paper!" As Shining Armor headed off for the Stable, the lone Crusader was barely able to life her foreleg and give a feeble wave. "B...b...bye...Armored Shine..." As she watched Twilight's brother walk off into the distance, that disturbing warmth in her chest and blushing cheeks from before returned, but the temperature had risen considerably. Her left cheek was a bit of a darker shade, as if Shining Armor's kiss had left a burn mark there. "Kiss...?" she timidly whispered. Her open mouth was twitching, and the makings of a smile were struggling to manifest itself, but it never succeeded. In a daze, she opened the front door, ignoring the door's bell ringing or the fact that it alerted her sister. "Sweetie Belle, is that you?" Rarity asked, tearing her attention away from the last pair of dresses that were being hemmed. The younger sibling said nothing. All the numerous thoughts running through her mind since the day began were wiped clean, like chalk being erased from a blackboard. The only thing she knew now was to go to bed and ignore everything else. She was halfway up the stairs when Rarity called to her again, but she didn't stop to answer. She was so lost in her head that she couldn't hear anything. Thankfully, Rarity didn't see the sweaty, wide-eyed, crimson-cheeked look stuck to Sweetie's face that surely would've raised many questions. "Darling, is everything all right? Did you have a good time at the-" The only reply was the sound of Sweetie's bedroom door opening and closing. Rarity looked down, the feelings of guilt gnawing away at her once more. She's undoubtedly still mad at me for breaking my promise. I'll try to make it up to her tomorrow. Sleep well, my sister...and rest assured, Rarity will come through for you! "Goodness! An environmentally friendly fragrance, but the price is robbery!" Cadance put the magazine she was reading down on the coffee table in front of her, leaving it open on the two-page perfume advertisement that made her shake her head. "If I need to grab the attention of the most handsome stallion in Equestria - whom I just so happen to be married to - I'm sure I can get by on my own merits...as well as my usual set of cosmetics!" A very important realization struck the alicorn. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall and the dark sky out the window only strengthened the thought. "Speaking of which, where is that husband of mine? Did he get held up at the jamboree? Hope nothing went wrong." Cadance lied down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. "The question is, what else can I do until he gets back? I've already done everything to keep myself..." Her eyes excitedly widened as a new thought suddenly coursed through her crowned noggin. Her mouth curled into a crooked, sly smile. Almost unconsciously, she said- "Not everything." Although Cadance knew full well that she was alone in her hotel room, she couldn't help but take a quick look around to be sure. Her eyes darted to the right, then briefly to the left. Nopony in sight. She innocently whistled as she levitated her saddlebags and pulled out two small figures of herself and Shining Armor, positioning them so that they were facing each other. "Good thing I kept these after the wedding," she murmured. Sitting down on the floor, she lowered her head to that of the short table, her eyeballs repeatedly moving back and forth between the plastic pair. Her smile evolved (or deteriorated, depending on how you look at it) into a toothy grin. The makeshift stage was set...for some romance! The princess cleared her throat and put on an expression that was serious and stern, like her husband. "Cadance, I need to talk to you," she said in a deep, gravelly voice, moving the figurine of Shining Armor. A second clearing of the throat resulted in a high-pitched, sickly-sweet tone, filled to the brim with innocence that would've given her friend Fluttershy a run for her bits. "Y...yes, Shining Armor?" "Try as I might, I can't deny the painfully obvious truth that was lying under my nose since the dawn of time!" "What truth?" "The truth of the matter is...I'm madly in love with you, honey!" "Gasp! Really? But...you've always had your eye on those other pretty mares, like Less Miserable, Razzle Dazzle...and especially that fashion model, Beauty Cream!" "Lies, I assure you. What isn't a lie...is that you're an excellent kisser." "Stop! Don't...don't tease me about truth and lies! Least of all...the one about my kissing status." "Why not?" "Because...I don't have one! There! I said it!" "I bet if I were to plant endless kisses on those soft lips of yours, that lie would most certainly become the truth!" Cadance started moving her toy counterpart backwards, slipping in some narration. "The disgusting hottie known as Shining Armor has made his move! What will the beautiful babe Mi Amore Cadenza do now?" The alicorn paused to size up the fictitious scenario she'd improvised in mere seconds. "Ooh, this is getting good," she whispered. One deep breath and the princess was lost in her fantasy again. "Y...y...you don't know if my lips are soft!" "Only one way to find out!" Cadance used her magic to continuously move Shining's figurine forward with his love interest being moved back, until she stopped to say... "Wait! Even if it was from somepony as ruggedly handsome as you, I...I'm not ready for a hurricane of smooches! I have to prepare my heart first!" "Sorry, sweetcakes...but you've no choice in the matter. Ready or not...here I come!" "No, wait...but..I don't...I mean, I'm not really...mmmmmmmmmm!" The faces of the two figurines were now being mushed against each other and their puppeteer began making an exaggerated and obnoxious kissing noise, which sounded a lot like... "PSSSSBVVVVVPPPVOOOO!!!" ...or something to that effect. "Mwha! I was right, Your Majesty! Your lips ARE soft! Mwha, mwha! And before long, your kisses will undoubtedly become a staple for the history books!" "Oh, Shining Armor, mwha...I can't take it anymore! I'm hopelessly in love with you, too! Mwha, mwha, mwha! Kiss me until the end of time! Mwha, mwha-" "Okay, I KNOW that's not how it happened between us." The mushy, sappy, lovey-dovey scene screeched to a halt as Cadance's ears twitched in response to a masculine voice that was not her own. Her pupils shrunk as she turned her head to the left, revealing the real Shining Armor observing her. Most ponies might've laughed at such a sight, but he looked more weirded out than anything else. Even so, Cadance knew that her cheeks were burning. Out of reflex, she opened her mouth widely to give a lengthy explanation for the embarrassing situation she'd created. But despite the intense struggle to get any coherent words out, her vocal well had abruptly run dry, causing the princess to freeze in place. "Don't bother, I saw everything." Cadance slowly removed her hooves from the figures as her husband took a seat on the couch. The only speech she could muster was... "So...you're back." "Yep." Ten seconds of awkward, humiliating silence passed as Cadance regained more strength to talk. "You're also late, so I think I'm entitled to some artistic license for this little play you've interrupted." She had a point (regarding his unpunctuality), so Shining decided to clarify his position instead of arguing. On top of that, he was very tired from everything he experienced over the day, so he couldn't have put up a verbal fight if he wanted to. "You're also entitled to some exposition, so here goes...Sweetie Belle was completely mesmerized by the endless jewel displays, so I chose to lengthen the trip." "Ah, I see." "There was also a minor robbery, but I dealt with that nuisance in mere seconds." "Very heroic! I trust Sweetie wasn't hurt?" "Not a scratch. Afterwards, we had some pizza for dinner and met with Princess Luna briefly." "How's my auntie of the night?" "Doing just fine. Sweetie got to ask her a few questions, the details of which should supplement her school report." "And speaking of which, what about yours?" "In the saddlebag and ready for the mayor tomorrow." Shining Armor stretched and yawned, given his long day. "But that's enough about me, what about you and my sister? What kinda fun were the two leading ladies in my life having today?" "Oh...this and that," Cadance pseudo-innocently quipped as she swiftly took a seat next to him. Under normal circumstances, she'd be more than willing to discuss what she'd been up to (on rare days when they wouldn't see much of each other), but at the moment...this pony had other ideas. "Hey, you're not looking as handsome as usual. You seem..." "Exhausted, worn out, languid...whatever adjective you wanna use, I'm probably it." Shining's wife would usually ask him if there was anything she could do to help. This time around, she decided to offer some comfort...whether he requested it or not. "Do me a favor, please." "Mm?" "Close your eyes." "Gladly." Shining Armor did as he was told, since his fatigue overpowered any curiosity he might've had about the mare's intentions. Cadance slipped her front hooves out of their golden shoes and gently rubbed her husband's neck and back. "How does that feel?" she passionately whispered into his ear. "Not...too bad," he sighed with relief. Got him right where I want him. Time to work the old "Cadance Charisma"...and then he's all mine! "You know, sweetheart...it's not that late. The night's still young, sooooo...maybe you and I could go and-" "Zzzzzzzzzz..." "Dear?" That charisma had a history of being most effective, but against a husband who'd fallen asleep? Absolutely useless. Princess Cadance may have had love on the brain, but she was also a patient, caring and understanding individual. It must've been awful, for him to travel back and forth between the Crystal Empire and Ponyville so much in one day, not to mention enduring the energy of the Jewel Jamboree, stopping some dastardly robbery (which she would inquire more about later on) and looking after Sweetie Belle through it all... She couldn't help but not be upset with Shining Armor for nodding off. All the same, there was a need to voice her thoughts... "What's an alicorn princess supposed to do to get some love around here?" With a sympathetic smile, she giggled and gently moved Shining Armor into a sleeping position on the couch. She used her magic to wedge a pillow under his head and to cover the rest of him with a blanket. "Goodnight...Sleeping Armor, " she cooed, giving him a lingering kiss on his cheek. Now that her plans for a romantic evening had been squashed on account of slumber, Cadance was back to square one. The moon may have been in the sky, prompting countless ponies to hit the hay, but she was wide awake. What could be done to entertain herself now? Naturally, there was only one thing to do. She grabbed the two figurines on the table and- "Mwha, mwha! Oh, Shiny! Your lips are so firm!" "And yours are as soft as marshmallows, my darling! Mwha!" Cadance engaged in her playful reverie for quite a while before she decided to call it a night, but if one were to ask exactly how much time she spent horsing around, she wouldn't have been able to provide a straight answer. Not even an estimate. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza wasn't the only pony who was awake at this hour. Sweetie Belle was lying in her bed, but still in shock from... ...the kiss. All she could do was stare at the ceiling, unsure of how to process all that had happened. She should've been able to handle a train ride, a brief tour of the Crystal Empire and its castle, the Jewel Jamboree and some delicious pizza. Everything was going according to plan...and if only Shining Armor hadn't granted her joking request for a kiss, she might've been able to sleep soundly. She and her fellow Crusaders were known to do a multitude of activities in one day for the sake of earning their cutie marks. One might describe their actions as too much, too fast. But nopony had ever kissed her at the end of the day, aside from her parents or Rarity. Needless to say, she was having a tough time getting to sleep. What did it all mean? How was she supposed to react if she saw Shining Armor again? Laugh it off like it was no big deal? Pretend it never happened? There seemed to be no clear answer to her predicament. Inevitably, drowsiness finally set in and let Sweetie know that it was time to rest. As she slowly lost consciousness, the filly hoped that everything would make more sense in the morning. TO BE CONTINUED... > I Surrender! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer (Spell Card/Continuous): As long as this effect remains active, the controller of this disclaimer may not own "My Little Pony" or anything officially affiliated with it. The activation of this disclaimer cannot be negated. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love Chapter 5 - I Surrender! A good night's sleep was a wonderful thing. It was capable of recharging the body after a day of physical exhaustion. If one were angry or sad, rest allowed emotions to cool down and enabled an individual's day to proceed with a much more leveled-headed mentality. But if you're a filly who'd just been kissed on the cheek the night before by a gorgeous stallion, that's a different matter entirely. Sweetie Belle could barely think the moment she went to bed and was disappointed to find that things weren't much better this morning. Neither Princess Celestia's monumental, magnificent sunrise nor the simple, sweet chirping of the birds outside could calm the disorganized thoughts running circles in her brain. Even the traditional yawn, stretch and rubbing of the eyes didn't help. She wandered into the bathroom to get a good look at herself in the mirror and the reflection was exactly what she expected. Disheveled mane, half-open peepers and a slight frown equaled a total mess. The young unicorn would usually laugh at herself, but today...her face matched how she was feeling on the inside. Sweetie turned the faucet on and splashed some water over her face. The cool liquid did feel nice, but the memory of the soft sensation of Shining Armor's lips making contact with her left cheek was still fresh in her mind. She gently touched it, triggering a blush, dreamy smile and blissful sigh. Sweetie didn't even realize what was happening until she looked into the mirror again. Embarrassment set in and she furiously shook her head and lightly slapped her cheeks, as if to swat away the color like an annoying insect. Another sigh arose, but this was one of worry. These new feelings within her being were alien and she wasn't sure if she should feel happiness or dread. "What am I gonna do?" she murmured. The indecision was interrupted by a mildly sweet smell making its way into her nostrils. It was recognizable, but Sweetie couldn't quite put her hoof on it. She sniffed the air again. "Sniff, sniff...is somepony making bread?" One thing for sure was that the scent originated from downstairs. Following her nose lead her into the kitchen of the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity seemed to be hard at work preparing- "Waffles?" "Oh!" Rarity said, jerking her body out of reflex. "Sweetie Belle, darling...you startled me!" "What's going on?" "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed! So, get back upstairs and pretend to be surprised!" "You don't hafta do that. I mean, as long as I'm here I might as well eat." "Well, in that case..." Rarity levitated her completed dish to her sister who had taken a seat at the table. "Ta-da! Here's a pair of waffles, complete with-" "Whipped cream and strawberries?" "Complements of Strawberry Sunrise! Earlier this morning, I told her that I was preparing a special breakfast just for you and she was nice enough to lend me some of her sweetest ones!" "Wow, you really outdid yourself...and...I don't know what else to say!" The older unicorn's cheerful demeanor quickly switched to one of regret. "I do. I want to say that...I'm sorry." "Hm?" Sweetie couldn't say anything else, since she was already chewing on a waffle. "I wanted to apologize for not taking you to the Crystal Empire, as promised." "It's okay, sis. You had a lot of work, so-" "No, 'okay' simply won't do!" Rarity didn't like jumping in while somepony else was talking, but she couldn't help it in this case. This was a point she wanted to make clear to her sister, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding. "I swore to give you a fun excursion! You were so excited every time I brought it up...and while you were building up your hopes...I had to go and smash them to pieces." "But I got to go in the end. Isn't that what's important?" "What's more important is that we sisters spend time together! Nopony knows this, but I always wondered what it'd be like to have an older sibling of my own to idolize, to hang out with...even annoy! My point is that I never got to feel the joy of having a big sister...and I don't want you to experience the same thing." Sweetie stopped chewing as her brain started to process the short speech, revealing the truth of it all. She may have mentioned her sister repeatedly during the Jewel Jamboree, but there was never any negative connotation. Rarity, on the other hoof, was truly feeling miserable about letting Sweetie down and possibly causing irreversible harm to their sisterly bond, such as it was regarding her (initial) refusal of involvement in the Sisterhooves Social. Sweetie wasn't sure what to say to make her older sister feel any better, so she took another bite of her waffle, allowing her to stall for time to think up a suitable response. "There needs to be some real changes around here," Rarity calmly declared, thumping her chest. "Wha kindwa chagoos?" Sweetie asked with a full mouth. Normally, Rarity would've advised one to chew and swallow, but she was more focused on what she wanted to say next. "I'm going to make more of an effort to follow my heart instead of following my head." Those words sounded awfully familiar to Sweetie. It was a paraphrase of advice that graced her ears the previous night. Isn't that what Princess Luna...? Rarity mistook Sweetie's pensive expression for confusion and decided to explain her position more clearly. "While you were gone, I was following my head, putting myself to work all day...when I should've been following my heart, enjoying a day at the Crystal Empire with my adorable little sister. I can't change what happened, but I want to make it up to you...that is, if you'll let me." "Waha moo meef?" Understanding the complicated language of "Waffle Mouthful" wasn't Rarity's strong suit, but she did her best to keep the conversation going. "What I mean is that sisterly bonding should almost always come first and foremost, and I'll try harder not to dispirit you in the future. So, with that in mind...what do you say we spend the entire day together? Just you and me? We can do whatever you want!" Words like that would've normally been music to Sweetie Belle's ears, but she remembered that Cheerilee's assignment had yet to be completed. Tempting as Rarity's generous offer was, her report had to come first. She made sure to swallow her food before replying. "I'd love to, sis...but there's still that report for school which I wanna get on paper before I forget. Can I take a rain check on that?" It struck Rarity as somewhat odd that Sweetie would decline, but she was glad that the filly acted responsibly when it came to her homework. "Absolutely, dear. But please...I'd love to hear about the Jewel Jamboree! What was it like?" For the next few minutes, the atmosphere was nothing short of informative inside the Carousel Boutique, as Sweetie's memory proved to be in perfect working order. She recounted all the fantastic jewel displays for all to see, including the crown from Trottingham, the Stallion Sapphire Brooch and the (supposedly cursed) Hock Diamond. Rarity was simultaneously astounded and in agony that she passed up ogling some of the most dazzling treasures the world has ever known. "Isn't the Hock Diamond reputed to have some sort of hex upon it?" "That's what I was told. I guess it depends on what you think. If you ask me, the Balk Emerald was the thing that was cursed! It definitely had a hold on me when-" "You saw the Balk Emerald?!?" "Uh-huh. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off it...I just didn't wanna leave! I refused to go until Shining Armor finally pulled me away." "Speaking of which, I trust you exhibited exemplary behavior in his presence?" "If that means polite and obedient, then...yeah, I think I did good. And he was just as impressed by the displays as I was! He was super amazed at all that gold in the wagon from Saddle Arabia!" The further explanation of the convention was a flurry of vocal jabs to the fashion designer, causing her to repeatedly flinch or wince. If hearing what she missed out on was a form of punishment, Rarity would've thought it was well-deserved. "This is incredibly heartbreaking, darling. Please do go on," she said with an unrelenting twitch in her eye. "Hey, why not see for yourself? I used up all film in my disposable camera, so if you could get the pictures developed..." "Of course! Bring me your camera and I'll head out right now!" "Gimme a sec!" As Sweetie jumped out of her seat and raced upstairs, Rarity couldn't fight the warm smile creeping into her face (not that she wanted to). Her sister appeared to be energetic and cheerful again, unlike her attitude twenty-four hours ago. It seemed as if all was right with Sweetie's world. Oh, but if Rarity only knew... "Okay, hon...I'm off!" Unlike Sweetie Belle, Shining Armor slept quite nicely. The instant his eyes opened up, he remembered the errand that had to be run and strapped on his saddlebags containing the documents meant for Mayor Mare. But before he could take one step out of the door of his room at the inn, his wife gave him a proper send-off...in the form of a kiss. "Mwha!" "And the motive for that particular gesture?" "Do I need one?" "No...but you usually come up with an excuse, anyway." Cadance tapped her chin a couple times and thought up a valid (and partially believable) reason. "For good luck?" she shrugged. "It's not like I'm negotiating a peace treaty between warring factions!" Shining noted. "I'm just gonna give the mayor my papers, then chat with her briefly. And that'll be the end of it." "But we'll be separated again! I weaken when I'm not in close enough proximity to your lips!" "You'll survive." Playful as her behavior was, it turned more serious (and affectionate) as she gave her husband a nuzzle. "Just don't take forever, like yesterday. I get lonely," Cadance pouted. "I said I won't be long, and I meant it." The pouting transformed into a slight frown, which Shining Armor found similar to a dejected puppy, something he tried hard not to laugh at. Heh, even her frowns are pretty. But a sour expression does not a princess make. Better smooth out the situation before it inflates... "Tell you what...once my business with the mayor is over, what do you say we go out and have brunch?" In a flash, the alicorn's face lit up like a chandelier that was capable of grinning, not too much unlike her sister-in-law's reaction whenever she got her hooves on a new educational book. "I say, it's a date!" While Rarity headed out to do some shopping (although the development of one disposable camera's film took priority), Sweetie Belle was hard at work making out her report. Although confident that Cheerilee would find it satisfactory, she read it out loud to herself to check for any missed details or mistakes. "...where the Stallion Sapphire Brooch came from. But it couldn't compare to the beautiful blue streaks in Shining Armor's mane. Haven't you ever noticed how elegantly it waves in the wind, even when there's no-" The mouth froze as the narrative processed through the pony's mind. "WHAT IS THIS?" Sweetie screeched. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she frantically read over the page of words. "I couldn't have...I, I mean...I didn't...why?" She had no conscious memory writing about Shining Armor. What unnerved her futher was the fact that the transition from a jewel convention to a handsome prince came out naturally, as if writing about him was second nature to her. Not that she needed more confirmation of what else had been written, but on an uneasy hunch... "...voice as smooth as ice cream that makes even the dullest diamond descriptions sound like a sweet poem...any bejeweled accessory would only propel his good looks into the stratosphere...who needs sapphires when you have his two lovely cerulean peepers to peep at?!?" Her report was starting to sound like one of Rarity's drippy romance novels! That was never the intention! "How could this have happened?" As if a blurry picture was slowly coming into focus, an elucidation was beginning to take shape in her brain. But that was the last thing Sweetie wanted to think about. Gritting her teeth, she began erasing or crossing out any bits mentioning Shining Armor and started writing additional notes. For a while, the only action in the room was the frustrated scribbling of a pencil sticking out of the unicorn's mouth, which was starting to tire due to all the (necessary) revisions for her report. Sweetie Belle couldn't wait for the day she'd learn to magically levitate her writing tools. An alternative came to mind, and soon enough the gentle sounds of pencil to paper were replaced with the louder noise of clacking keys from a typewriter. This time around, the young pony made doubly sure that her charming chaperone wasn't accidentally given his own private suite on any of the pages. Rapid progress ensued. Four pages were typed out before long, but one could only guess as to how much time had actually elapsed since Sweetie began. The intensity of her laser-like focus caused her to sweat a bit and gave her a slight headache, which almost blocked out the knocking at her door. "Come on in, Rarity. It's open," she hollered over the typewriter without lifting her head. "It ain't Rarity, but...will I do?" asked a cheerful voice with a very familiar accent. This time, Sweetie did lift her head. Who she saw was enough to finally give her concentration a break. "Oh, Apple Bloom! Welcome back! Uh, when did you...?" "Sis and I came home early this morning! We ran into Rarity while she was out gettin' some berries from Strawberry Sunrise and she told me to drop in later and say howdy! By the way, I'm guessin' Scootaloo's not around?" "Still in Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash, as far as I know." "Which means crusadin' ain't an option until she comes home. Well...you wanna hang out, anyway?" "I'm doing my report for school right now, but I'm close to finishing up. Can you wait?" "Sure thing!" The earth pony's quip prompted Sweetie's instincts to hit those keys again and resume her previous activities. It wasn't long before Apple Bloom noticed the intense stare that her friend was giving her homework assignment, comparable to Fluttershy's. Sweetie removed the sheet, checking for any mistakes and found herself pleased with what had been typed out so far. She inserted one more piece of paper (intended to be the final page) into the carriage and cranked the typewriter's knobs to roll it into place. Although the redhead knew that her friend's report required silence, her own track record at being patient was something of a mixed bag (at best). She began wrestling between keeping her mouth shut or initiating a conversation. Thankfully, the unicorn made that decision for her. "So, how was Manehattan?" Relieved that Sweetie was willing to talk and type at the same time, Apple Bloom wasted no words. "Apple-buckin' amazing! Met up with a few of the relatives like Aunt and Uncle Orange...not mention my favorite cuz, Babs Seed!" "Oh, that's right! You haven't seen her since the last family reunion! How's she been?" "She's doin' great! I even got to meet her fellow Manehattan Cutie Mark Crusaders, Double Check and Home Slice! They're a lotta fun to hang out with! I also wrote a list of stuff we've done to get our marks that they've never attempted! And Babs did the same!" Sweetie realized what her friend was implying, and her eyes widened. "So...you're saying we'll have a ton of new ideas to try out?" "Exactly! Well, except for one of the things on her list...unless you know of any nearby casinos?" At Ponyville's town hall, a simple transaction was taking place, one which could've been botched, had Shining Armor not realized his mistake yesterday. Mayor Mare adjusted her glasses and skimmed through the folder of papers that had finally made its way into her possession. She displayed a content smile for the stallion responsible for the delivery. "I can't thank you enough for acquiring these documents, Shining Armor! They're crucial for my meeting later today!" "Happy to help, Mayor!" "Could I interest you some coffee?" "Wish I could, but my wife's gonna have my horn if I don't take her out to eat!" The pair of ponies chuckled and waved their goodbyes. His visit with the mayor reminded him of his venture with Sweetie Belle and her excitement at everything the Crystal Empire had to offer. Hope Sweetie managed to write a decent report for school. She's a good filly, all the same. Wonder what she's up to now? The pony in question was in fact finished with her report. She decided to take a walk with Apple Bloom, discussing the one-time event that was the Jewel Jamboree. "So, you actually made it to the Crystal Empire?" "Yep, spent the whole day there! It was spectacular!" "Bet Rarity's jaw dropped at the huge haul o' gems!" "It did when I told her about it." "Told her?" "She didn't take me. I went with Shining Armor." The yellow filly stopped where she was and shot her friend a quizzical look. "Excuse me? Wanna run that by me again?" "It's a complicated story. I'll tell you about it later." "But what's the harm in-" "HEY, APPLE BLOOM! SWEETIE BELLE!" interrupted a yell from not too far away. The pair turned their heads and saw two other approaching fillies with light gold coats waving to them. "Sunny Daze! Peachy Pie! What's goin' on?" "We were jumping rope with Dinky Doo, but she had to leave," Sunny explained. "Wanna join in?" Peachy, holding a coil of jump rope in her mouth, gave a Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a cheerful look in her eyes that offered the same invitation. The two looked at each other and shrugged. "Why not?" Sweetie asked. "Yeah! Darn tootin', why not? Besides, we already tried t'get our Cutie Marks jump ropin'! So there ain't no danger of gettin' ours without Scootaloo!" "We'll let you two go first if you want!" Peachy said, taking some steps to let the rope spread out. "You know the rhyme about Star Swirl the Bearded?" The Crusaders' tapping of their chins and scratching their heads was the only answer they could provide. "It's cool, Sunny and I can teach you!" Shining Armor had every intention of honoring his promise to his wife, but a pre-planned detour to the Golden Oak Library was in order. A few gentle knocks on its front door granted him the smiling face of his beloved sister. "Well, if it isn't my favorite B.B.B.F.F. in the whole world! Won't you come in?" Twilight chirped. "I'm your only B.B.B.F.F. in the whole world and I'm afraid I can't stay. I just came to drop this off for Spike." The stallion levitated a small pouch from one of his saddlebags into Twilight's hoof. "What's this?" "Oh, a light snack. Compliments of the Jewel Jamboree." Seemingly out of nowhere, the librarian's number one assistant instantly appeared at her side. "You can't fool me!" he declared. "There are jewels nearby! I can smell 'em from a mile away!" "Enjoy! I wasn't exactly sure what you preferred, so I blindly bought a tidy little assortment of various gems! Anyway, I gotta get going. I'll see you later, Twily!" "Likewise!" she said, giving him a quick hug. Upon closing the library's door, Twilight noticed that the satchel had been swiped from her hoof and the hungry dragon was already drooling at the variety of the glistening treats inside. "Ooh, trail mix! Spike like!" The creature's jaws wasted no more words and only made sounds of crunching and munching until... "PTUI! YECH!" Spike spit out two tiny jewels and sorted through the pouch thoroughly. He looked disgusted as he pulled out a few more identical gemstones. "What's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Diamonds taste bad?" "They do when they're cheap diamonds! Those were cubic zirconia! Ugh!" Knowing the track record of Spike's powers of digestion (rivaled only by Pinkie Pie's), the purple unicorn was naturally confused. "Spike, you've eaten rancid, worm-filled cupcakes, but you won't eat a certain type of gem?" "Hey, even dragons have their limits!" Outside the library, Shining Armor was more determined than ever to link up with his wife and enjoy a leisurely brunch with her. His thoughts were abruptly diverted by the sounds of some giggling fillies, not too far from his location. One of them in particular he recognized almost immediately. "Wait a minute...isn't that...?" "...and then you just keeping counting until you mess up! Dinky got all the way to sixty-seven!" Sunny Daze paused her speech to unravel the jump rope from around her hind leg and Peachy turned to the Crusaders. "Can you remember the words now?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had decided to let their friends jump first and recite the rhyme. They counted up until nineteen before the rope got caught under Sunny's hoof. "Yep, stuck in the noggin like caramel apples! Y'ready, Sweetie?" "Ready and waiting!" She and A.B. got into position, while the other two grabbed the rope ends and took a few steps away from each other. "Here we go!" Peachy Pie announced. As the rope began swinging, the four ponies began chanting together. "Star Swirl, Star Swirl, dressed in blue! Star Swirl, Star Swirl, what to do? Casting magic night and day! How many monsters will you slay? ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FI-" "Hi, Sweetie Belle!" That deep voice was unmistakable. It was like a trigger, causing the entire world to move about in slow motion. Sweetie was unsure as to what would happen if she were to meet up with Shining Armor again, but there wasn't any time for planning or preparation now. His handsome, sparkling face was here, and that was that. And Sweetie made sure to get an eyeful of this overpowering vision of loveliness. The furthest thing from her mind was the rope that lightly slapped against her hooves (since she had stopped jumping), and only when Apple Bloom tripped and bumped into Sweetie did things resume at their usual speed. "OOF!" Sweetie found herself flat on the ground, none worse for the wear...which was more than could be said for her friend lying near her, rubbing the side of her head after their collision. "Hey! I didn't say 'oof' for fun, y'know! S'matter, you forget how to jump or-" "Shining Armor!" Sunny Daze, Peachy Pie and Apple Bloom followed Sweetie, who was practically galloping towards the older unicorn. Realizing they were in the presence of royalty, the filles bowed their heads. Sweetie nearly forgot to. "So...uh...what brings you to these parts?" "Oh, I was just passing by. Thought I'd see how you were doing after yesterday's trip." "I'm...I'm really glad you did..." "Are you all right? You've a little dirt on your face." "It's nothing...nothing at all..." The unusually soft tone in Sweetie's voice caused Apple Bloom to glance at her friend. Sweetie's sweating head was turned to the side, her body fidgeting, and her mouth was bearing a sheepish smile, complete with reddened cheeks on each side. Apple Bloom had never seen that look on her face before and could only guess what was on her mind. "Hmm..." she said quietly. Peachy and Sunny were peppering him with questions (mostly about the Crystal Empire, since they'd never been there), while Sweetie just scuffed her hoof on the grass. She was surprised that she managed to even say as much as she did to Shining Armor, even more so that she was able to say anything at all. "So, Mr. Armor...are you and the wife here on official royal duty or somethin'?" Apple Bloom asked. "Not exactly...more like a small vacation. Don't be afraid to say hello when you see Princess Cadance...but I wouldn't pester her for an autograph if I were you. She's here to relax." That was the one thing Sweetie couldn't do, not even if somepony paid her. "I wish I could chat away the day, but I have some things I need to do." Those were words that alarmed Sweetie for reasons unknown, causing her voice to uncontrollably reply. "Ah! Um...do...do you really have to? You can't hang around and let us...entertain you?" "Entertain? Do we look like court jesters to you, Sweetie?" Sunny asked. "As lovely as that sounds, I'll have to respectfully refuse," Shining Armor chuckled. "Nevertheless, you four ladies have a good one!" The stallion waved and departed. Sweetie Belle watched as he got further and further away, just as she had last night. A.B. tapped her twice on the head, trying to get her attention. "He's long gone, y'know. You can stop waving." The unicorn didn't hear and continued. And that strange smile was still glued to her face. Apple Bloom gently shook her friend. "Sweetie! C'mon, wake up!" "Oh! I...I'm sorry...uh, what were we-" "Ugh!" With Shining Armor gone, his unintended effect on Sweetie disappeared, allowing the girl to get her bearings. The other two filles approached the Crusaders and were just as concerned. "Maybe you should get some rest, you don't look so good," suggested Sunny. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll catch you later." The three ponies waved goodbye as Sweetie Belle left for home...and turned to each other as soon as they were sure that their friend was out of earshot. "She was acting really weird, Apple Bloom. What happened?" asked Peachy. "Not sure, but it musta been somethin' big." Rarity hadn't returned from her errands by the time Sweetie Belle made her way to the Carousel Boutique, which was fine by her. She needed some quiet time to organize her thoughts and assess her feelings. Now back in her room, she lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. These emotional sensations started during her trip to the Crystal Empire and had been gradually building ever since. The kiss she received on her cheek last night set off a beacon in her head, drawing all of her opinions and ideas towards a conclusion that she didn't want to vocalize at the time...but she did. "There's a...4 letter word here...staring with 'L' and...rhymes with 'dove'...I...no..." Her eyes went wide as she realized something else. Whatever these growing feelings were...she was beginning to like the uncomfortable nature of it all. It felt worse when she was resisting it, but when she saw Shining Armor earlier...she no longer fought the phenomenon, resulting in a ticklish breeze of bliss and contentment. Going with the flow seemed to be the best course of action, yet the combined advice from Princess Luna and Rarity were echoing in her ears... "There are times where you must listen to your heart...and others when you should listen to your brain. Matters of the heart are important...but they can also be quite complicated." "I'm going to make more of an effort to follow my heart instead of following my head." Those two ponies were giving pearls of wisdom to be sure...but their words almost sounded like arguments on opposite ends. It started to become a jumbled mess! Sweetie Belle groaned and rubbed her temples. Should she do what her head was telling her or continue down the path her heart was leading her? "What do you do when...love...is all you can think about?!?" Miraculously, a fragment of clarity crept into her brain at that very moment. "HOLD ON!" she cried, sitting up. An epiphany struck! There was no need to choose, since both her head and heart were on the same topic! Why hadn't she realized it sooner? A smile was fighting its way onto her face and any countermeasures to combat this "threat" refused to show themselves. It was a moot issue! "If...if...if my head and heart are talking about the same thing...then it...must be okay...right? And that means...!" Now the smile was stuck to her lips, opening briefly to let a joyful gasp out. "That means..." she repeated more slowly. "Oh, it's useless! I can't fight it any longer! I give up!" Sweetie grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. This conflict in her head was destined to be a losing battle and she finally allowed herself to succumb to the warmth she'd been experiencing since the train ride to the Crystal Empire. She sighed happily and lied back down as she imagined the gallant prince's breathtaking visage like a plafond. "You win, Shining Armor...I surrender to my heart!" Another sigh was let out and it was clear that Sweetie Belle would never get sick of it. "I've fallen for you...and there's no hope for me!" TO BE CONTINUED...