• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 688 Views, 10 Comments

Sweet Shining Love - Bespectacled Brony

What happens when a filly falls hard for an unavailable stallion? Chaotic, comical disaster!

  • ...

Dismal Disservice

Disclaimer: I don't own "My Little Pony" and I don't think I'd ever want to. WAY too much responsibility for me to handle. Anyway, the story's synopsis should tell you everything you need to know. So, not much else I can say, except...read on and enjoy!

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love

Chapter 1 - Dismal Disservice

Trendsetting Fashionista's Log (Diary Vol. 49), Entry #413: Upon waking up this morning, I discovered there were three wonderful things to be grateful for! First, there's the condition of the weather! Sunny days in Ponyville are both common and welcome, and today is certainly no exception. Secondly, my creative juices are flowing through my head as smoothly as ever, just like the calming waters of a mountain stream...which means I'll be able to finish the elaborate gown designs I've recently been struggling with! The satisfaction of even the most particular of customers is all but assured. Lastly (but far from least), I'm once more enjoying the resplendent company of my sister, Sweetie Belle, a filly who truly lives up to her name. Her adorable face, positive attitude and irresistibly cute, squeaky voice are always precious traits to behold; the latter especially. Well...except for now. Our parents have gone on their zillionth vacation, leaving my sister the opportunity to bask in the near-unbearable radiance of my presence. Unfortunately, I'd previously agreed to take her on a trip to the Crystal Empire, an outing that would've surely benefitted us both. But there's unavoidable work that needs to be completed here at the Carousel Boutique and complete it I must. I can't help but cringe at the unenviable prospect of dismaying such a hopeful little pony as her, but my Sweetie Belle wields maturity beyond her years, so I'm confident we can discuss things in a calm, rational manner. I have the utmost confidence that she'll understand...


Rarity covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut at her little sister's outburst. Although she greeted her sibling's presence with open forelegs, this screech was not on the intended agenda for the day.

"Sweetie Belle, mind that tone! Use your inside voice!"

"Sis! You promised you were gonna take me to the Jewel Jamboree today!"

Rarity's ears flattened as the word "promised" stung her to the core. During a week-long spring break, Cheerilee had assigned her students to write a report on anywhere interesting they might have traveled to during their vacation. Rarity received word a couple of months ago about a jewel show that was occurring in the Crystal Empire, and she offered to take Sweetie with her. She was excited and sure that it'd make for a good report, especially since if any student hadn't gone anywhere during the break, they were forced to crack open a book and write a report on that instead.

"I know," Rarity sighed with a frown. "And a promise is a promise...but my workload's piled up more than I anticipated, and I simply can't put it off!"

"Can't or won't?"

Sweetie Belle then displayed her own frown, which easily put Rarity's to shame. The older unicorn gently placed her right hoof under her sister's chin and lifted it, allowing the two to lock eyes with each other.

"You know that if it were anything else, I would drop it in a heartbeat and gladly spend a lifetime with you!"

"I'd settle for an afternoon in the Crystal Empire."

"As would I! Honestly, a convention of exotic precious stones bereft of my putting in an appearance is an utterly atrocious crime!"

"I'm sure you're suffering SO much! Now I gotta do a dumb ol' book report! This is just great!"

Quite bitter, the little unicorn (with her head back down) made her way towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"The Golden Oak Library," she grumbled. "Where else? Since MY plans have obviously gone up in smoke..."

Rarity could only watch as her sister ventured outside. She felt helpless, but nevertheless called out to her cherished sibling before she could get out of earshot...

"Darling, I'll make this up to you somehow! I swear it!"

"Heard that one before!" Sweetie Belle quipped.

Such words were harsh, but Rarity knew she deserved every syllable of it. Her horn glowed, shutting the Boutique's door while simultaneously levitating a small book and pen towards her. With another sigh, she opened the book and jotted her immediate thoughts down on a blank page.

Trendsetting Fashionista's Log, Supplemental: Never once in my life have I ever regretted my lifestyle, nor my profession. But when it comes to my dear Sweetie Belle, those blessings feel minute. Rare as these instances are...there exist times when I absolutely LOATHE my work.

Having visited Twilight Sparkle's place of residence countless times before, Sweetie Belle (slowly) made her way to the library, while unconsciously steering herself clear of any potential hazards...which was a good thing, since she was so lost in thought and not really watching where she was going.

Confusion and anger clouded her brain, unrelentingly running in circles.

I can't believe this! Sis can't give up a few lousy hours to make a brief detour to the Crystal Empire? Do her dresses really matter THAT much? I woulda had an awesome vacation report for Miss Cheerilee! Now I'm stuck reading...A BOOK? OH, COME ON! Apple Bloom and her sister are visiting some relatives in Manehatten, Scootaloo gets to hang out with Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale and I'm just...ARGH! Sometimes reality really stinks!

Despite her emotions, Sweetie knew it wasn't advisable to dwell on the matter for too long, but she found it was difficult to concentrate on anything else. As the well-known treehouse came into view, the filly let out a sharp breath.

"I'm sure Twilight has a book or two that isn't very long," she conceded, accepting her situation.

She stopped just short of entering (as her sense to knock first was clouded by her current feelings) to make some quick plans in her head.

Okay...just need to go in there, grab a book - preferably a short one - and find a nice piece of shade under a tree and get it over with. No problem.

Her horned head turned to take a look at the cheery blue sky that emerged with the raising of the sun, compliments of Princess Celestia. The atmosphere matched her mood when she woke up this morning, but after Rarity unintentionally threw a wrench into her plans, the sunny day now seemed like it was emitting a mocking attitude.

Now I'm kind of wishing it was a gloomy, rainy day. Clear skies, warm temperature, bright sunshine...who needs it!? Sunshine, ooh...big deal! Sunshine, sunshine...!

"...ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

That's what Sweetie Belle would've heard, had her preoccupation not blocked up her ears, as well. But even if her powers of hearing were operating at full capacity, she wouldn't have recognized a time-honored chant of close friendship between one Twilight Sparkle and her very familiar companion, resulting in a short bout of giggling.

She lowered her head and quietly walked in, barely registering anything except the bookcases surrounding her until-

"Hello there, Sweetie Belle!" Twilight cheerfully exclaimed. "Look who's here!"

A dart of the girl's pale green (and unenthusiastic) eyes caught a glimpse of the town's friendly neighborhood librarian and a crowned alicorn by the name of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.


"Hi, Twilight Saga. Yo, Ms. My Agora Quesadilla," she apathetically (and somewhat mindlessly) replied.

Sweetie had just made it to the bottom shelf of one bookcase before the sound of a single droplet of water landing in a puddle loudly echoed through her head. It was like a moment of awareness was trying to bring attention to itself.

She immediately froze in place for a solid second, then gradually and stiffly turned her head to the right (in the direction of the cheerful duo), as if she was some sort of robot.

"Scanning" the increasingly recognizable occupant of the room with wide eyes, Sweetie's brain conjured up a mental checklist, whose checkboxes were rapidly being filled.

Wings? Check. Horn? Check. Crown? Check. Pink coat? Check. Multicolored mane? Check. CRYSTAL HEART CUTIE MARK? Check. Curt attitude unintentionally focused towards said winged, horned, crowned, pink-coated, multicolored-maned, crystal heart cutie marked organism?


The velocity generated by the filly's little legs were so fast, one would think that Sweetie Belle had teleported herself across the room.

But nopony thought she was capable of transforming herself into a groveling, crying, ingratiating, complimenting, hysterical mess at the feet of royalty, which were now being unrelentingly kissed on any sliver of hope that existed for forgiveness.

"PRINCESS MI AMORE CADENZA! Mwha, mwha, mwha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Mwha! Oh, I'm SO incredibly sorry, Your Highness! Mwha! I'll never give you the bum's rush again, I swear! Mwha, mwha! Mercy! HAVE MERCY! Mwha!"

The princess would normally do her best to sooth the stressed-out spectacle before her, but she was at a loss for the proper words to compose an eloquent, consoling speech...

"Uh...that's...not really...I mean...you-"

"Mwha, mwha! Forgive me, PLEASE! Mwha! I'll wash your castle windows, polish your majestic doorknobs and scrub your royal toilets! Mwha! I'll even wax the entire Crystal Empire twice, just forgive me! Mwha! Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it! Mwha, mwha, mwha, mwha...MWHA!"

"For starters...you can stop kissing my hooves," the alicorn replied, mildly embarrassed.

"Oh! I...I'm sorry again, Your Majesty...I mean Princess Mi Amo-"

"Easy! Just 'Princess Cadance' is fine. I know my full name is a bit of a mouthful...and don't worry, all is forgiven. You needn't concern yourself about the cleaning duties, either...the Crystal Ponies took care of that last month when Ms. Harshwhinny came to evaluate the kingdom for hosting the Equestria Games. Needless to say, the streets never looked more polished."

Sweetie finally looked up and was extremely relieved to be greeted by Cadance's warm and serene smile (with a hint of pride from her last sentence). She shot back a small (albeit weak) smile of her own and turned to the other unicorn in the room.

"And you, Twilight...didn't mean to give you the brush-off, either," she apologized.

Twilight Sparkle also displayed a calming smile, silently assuring her that there were no hard feelings between them.

"Forget about it, Sweetie. But what was all that craziness just now? First you were downcast, then you're profusely apologizing to Cadance here. Lemme guess...practicing a new comedy routine to get your cutie mark?"

"I wish! But it's a long story, I'd rather not get into it right now. I just came to check out a book for a report at school."

"I see...well, you know your way around the place. Help yourself."

"Thanks...but Princess Cadance, why are YOU here? Um...not that you need my permission or anything...!"

Cadance lightly chuckled (mostly from Sweetie Belle's amusing exuberance) before answering.

"My hunky husband, Shining Armor, had business here in Ponyville with the mayor! Seeing an opportunity to visit my beloved sister-in-law, I decided to tag along!"

"Huh. Did you know they were coming, Twilight?"

"Mm-hm! My brother sent me a letter a couple of weeks ago about the possibility of making a trip down here."

"And since things are peaceful right now in the Crystal Empire, my hubby and I decided to turn it into a week-long visit!"


Twilight and Cadance winced and covered their ears, causing Sweetie Belle to remember Rarity's warning about keeping her "inside voice" in check. She cleared her throat before inquiring further.

"Ahem, I mean...week-long? What's gonna happen without its ruler? Won't the, ah...royal crystals...er, y'know...rust or something if you're gone?"

The princess couldn't help but giggle again at the little pony's innocence.

"Not to worry. Auntie Luna has the situation well in hoof!"

Sweetie had no clue what those words meant and gave the alicorn a quizzical look.

"I discussed the matter with my aunts and Luna offered to take over as 'acting ruler' for the week."

"How is that a thing? Can princesses even...DO that?"

Cadance's giggle now erupted into complete laughter, although it only lasted about three seconds.

"Of course we can! Granted, it's not something that occurs often, but it's not as if I were leaving things in the care of some incompetent individual!"

The subject of "not something that occurs often" shifted Twilight's thoughts to a particularly LONG period of time (specifically a millennium or so) where another alicorn princess ruled over all of Equestria alone on a daily basis, but she decided not to bring it up.

But on the topic of "incompetent individuals"...Sweetie spoke the only name she could think of.

"You mean like Shining Armor?"

"Goodness, no! He was previously the captain of Aunt Celestia's Royal Guard, so he'd be more than qualified to rule by himself if he had to. Besides...that's one of the requirements when you marry a princess."

"That's why you married him? Because he knows how to run a kingdom?"

Cadance laughed again, but this time Twilight joined in.

"Sweetie Belle, she married my brother because she LOVES him!"

"I...well, I meant besides that!" Sweetie stammered.

She blushed in embarrassment, mentally scolding herself for failing to mention that painfully obvious detail. Despite her abashment, she knew it'd be best not to escalate things into an argument, but Twilight's remark did bring another related question to the surface, however.

"Come to think of it, I really don't know too much about Shining Armor myself. What exactly makes him husband material?" the filly asked.

Cadance eyes were now half-open, and she blissfully sighed.

"Where do I begin? That pure white coat...like powdered sugar, coupled with that blue mane, more beautiful than the finest sapphires...it all makes for a devastating combination. He's honest, courageous, strong, handsome, hard-working, dedicated, smart, handsome, funny, positive, considerate, handsome...oh, and did I forget to include that he's inexcusably handsome?"

Twilight couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Must've slipped your mind. Dunno how that happened..."

"I know, I just seem to keep forgetting that fact...shame on me. But he is handsome, isn't he?"

Neither unicorn could tell if she was joking around or being serious. For a split second, Sweetie Belle swore she could see little pink hearts floating around Cadance's head, popping like bubbles, causing her to become momentarily concerned.

"If there was a seventh Element of Harmony, I'm sure the word 'handsome' would describe it," Twilight quipped with a wry smile.

"Is this common with her? How loopy does her infatuation get?" Sweetie Belle whispered.

Twilight decided to give the filly a demonstration by way of waving her hoof in front of her friend's face.

"Uh, Cadance? Cadance!"

"Yes'm?" she asked with the dreamy look on her face still remaining.

"Your tail's on fire."

"That's nice."

"I assume that answers your question?" Twilight concluded, turning back to the filly.

Sweetie nodded, but then realized that the stallion in question was not present.

"Speaking of which...where IS Shining Armor? And for that matter, where's Spike?"

"He's getting us a room at the inn," Cadance replied, finally snapping out of her lovey-dovey daze.

"And Spike's out shopping," Twilight added.

"You mean WAS out shopping!" hollered a new voice.

The trio turned their heads to see both Twilight's brother and number one assistant, side by side.

Spike was carrying a bag of groceries while a second one was being magically levitated by Shining Armor.

"Thanks for the help! Twilight always says she'll make her list smaller, but we know how that goes..."

"No problem, little guy!" Shining Armor chuckled, setting the bag down on a table. "Her name is synonymous with the act of overdoing things!"

"Hey! I heard that!" Twilight barked.

The siblings lovingly hugged each other and laughed.

"It's really great to see you, sis!"

"Likewise! But I wasn't expecting you and Cadance for another couple of hours!"

"We managed to catch an earlier train for Ponyville, so we thought we'd surprise you!"

"You succeeded! And as always, thank you, Spike!"

"No prob, Twilight! You know you'd be lost without me!"

The two unicorns, the young dragon, and the alicorn were all smiles, but Twilight's cheerful mentality ceased as she observed Sweetie Belle's now somber expression. She slowly leafed through a few pages of a random book from one of the lowest shelves, only to put it back and pull out another one.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Twilight asked in a gentle tone. "You seem so sad."

Not even turning her head, the filly just sighed and concluded there was no point in beating around the bush.

"Rarity was supposed to take me to the Crystal Empire today. We were gonna check out the Jewel Jamboree and I could've written a great essay on it for school."

"Jewel Jamboree?"

"It's a convention of crystals and jewels, really glamorous stuff! Merchants from far away are showcasing their amazing gems! All of that happens today in the Empire...and ONLY today! But Little Miss Generosity hadda bail on her promise to make sure her pretty dresses were well medicated and all that..."

Twilight became alarmed as Sweetie's sad voice gradually evolved into one of anger, for fear that the little pony might say something she'd surely regret later on. The wise librarian attempted to ease the growing tension.

"Hold on, hold on! You know your sister better than that! I'm sure she would've taken you if she could."

"Maybe..." Sweetie relented. "But since my destination is 'Nowheresville', I need do a lame book report now!"

The uttering of the word "report" set off a tiny sense of panic within the brain of Shining Armor, prompting him to immediately search through his saddlebags with a few cold beads of sweat.

After removing all other items, his pupils shrunk as he stared at the emptiness of his bag.


"Honey...I'm betting that 'uh-oh' of yours is surely of the good variety," Cadance sweetly warned.

Shining stared at his wife with a strained smile.

"Y'know, I'm sure glad you're not a gambling princess...because if you were, the house would be cleaning you out right about now."

"What happened?"

The volume of Cadance's voice rose slightly. A miniscule amount, to be sure...but when such a thing originates from a princess who's known for her kind and calm demeanor, that alteration in tone can be unnerving enough to force a sweating husband to come clean.

"The documents I was supposed to bring...they're kinda, sorta...NOT here."

"As in the documents that were kinda, sorta...meant for the mayor?" asked Twilight. "Those papers were kinda, sorta the main reason you came down here! Please don't tell us you kinda, sorta left them in your 'other saddlebag' or something like that!"

"The good news is that I didn't...but the bad news is that I did leave them in the Crystal Empire."

"How could you forget?"

"Er...because I was so caught up in the prospect of seeing my lovely and talented sister, the one and only Twily?"

The unicorn raised her eyebrow but maintained a smile.

"Nice try. Kissing up won't help you, but nice try."

"I know, I know...what WILL help is me getting those documents back into my possession."

"Not to mention that time is of the essence," added Cadance. "You're supposed to be meeting with Mayor Mare first thing tomorrow morning."

"Look it's not the worst thing that could've happened, I just..."

Shining Armor paused and glanced at Sweetie Belle, dejectedly skimming through one book after another.


A few wheels and gears were steadily turning in his head, causing him to squint. Without warning, those operations grinded to a halt when his mental light bulb lit up, resulting in a wide-eyed realization.

"I think I can fill two needs with one deed."

Twilight and Cadance look at each other and shrugged, while the stallion approached the little girl with renewed confidence.

"Excuse me...Sweetie Belle?"


"Listen, I gotta head back to the Crystal Empire. I left behind some crucial reports that were meant for the mayor. And since you mentioned some sort of canceled field trip with your sister..."

Sweetie Belle didn't dare blink and held her breath, wanting to make absolutely sure that the next batch of words spoken were what she was anticipating.

"What I mean is, would you like to accompany me? Once I retrieve the papers I forgot, we can check out the Jewel Jamboree for a few hours, then you can do that assignment for-"

The word "accompany" was all the little girl needed to hear, but her response was a delayed one...clocking in at about five seconds, if not less.


That mess of a coherent sentence was the best Sweetie could do while she squeezed her eyes shut and excitedly pranced in place. The courtesy of letting Shining Armor finish his sentence without interruption at that moment appeared about as significant as a tiny ball of lint, but he didn't seem to mind. He would make sure that she went through the proper channels, though.

"Hold your horses, little missy! Before we push off, you have to get permission from Rarity first, okay? I can't just whisk you away without notifying her."

"No problem! She's got OODLES of guilt weighing her down! Rarity will have no choice but to let me go!"


The stallion turned to his sister and wife for help, only to find that they shared his confused expression.

"Well, it's definitely good for you two...which is more than I can say for me!" Spike grumbled, while unloading the groceries into the refrigerator.

"What do you mean?" Shining asked.

"What I mean is that I'll be deprived of something I greatly desire!"

His complaining voice suddenly shifted into one of yearning and heartache.

"I won't be able to gaze upon the shining, glittering, never-ending epitome of exquisiteness! I'll miss you, my love..."

"Hey, Spike?" inquired a very puzzled Twilight. "Um...Rarity's not going anywhere."

"I know. I'm talking about the endless number of gems on display at that Jewel Jamboree! Exotic gemstones mean exotic flavors! And I won't even be able to lick any of them!"

Twilight levitated a tissue to wipe the drool off of the floor that was dripping steadily from Spike, who was licking his lips, causing Shining Armor to respond with a half-smile.

"Tell you what...I'll try to bring back some crystal shards or small jewels from our trip. You can snack on those."

"Really? You are the BEST!"

Cadance, who hadn't said anything for a while, watched the scene unfold before her and felt the warmth within her heart increase when she saw how happy Sweetie Belle (and now Spike) had become. Not to mention the love she felt for her husband flared up a bit. And she was going to make sure her he knew it...starting with a small tap on his side.

"Yes, dear?" Shining asked, turning his head.

His wife's loving smile was small, but full of tenderness. Cadance's forelegs gently cupped her husband's face, following up with a brief (but affectionate) kiss.

"Wha...what was that for? Not that I'm complaining...!"

"For being so wonderfully accommodating. You're marching all the way home for the documents you need, you're taking Sweetie Belle along to help with her report and you're bringing back a bevy of beautiful bijoux for a busy buddy."

"Eh, I do what I can."

"I knew falling in love with you was the right choice."

No more needed to be said, and the couple lovingly nuzzled each other. Twilight sighed happily watching her brother and his wife interact and switched to giggling as she observed Sweetie and Spike chatting away about the potential assortment of jewels to be seen at the convention.

"...like topazes! Ooh, or maybe emeralds...or opals! And diamonds have gotta be a given!"

"And I bet every last one of them are scrumptious! Yum!"

"Spike, don't you ever think about anything besides your stomach?"

"Not unless I have to! Ah...with the exception of your sister, that is!"

"Oh! Speaking of which, I have to tell Rarity what's going on!"

Sweetie quickly put the books she'd pulled out back into place (and Twilight would later check to make sure they were EXACTLY where they should be), then enthusiastically flung the library door open. But before she could zoom outside like a rocket, her ears caught Twilight's voice.

"Have a great time, Sweetie! I'm sure your report will be the best of the bunch!"

"Thanks, Twilight! How many fillies in my class can say they've been to the Crystal Empire? This is gonna be...the best...time...EVER! See you later!"

"I'd better come along, too," Shining Armor added. "I need to square things with your sister, regarding the trip and all."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The stallion chuckled as he followed the little unicorn, who was already running at top speed for the Carousel Boutique. His sister watched them go off into the distance and exhaled sharply in relief.

"Are you feeling all right?" Cadance asked.

"Just glad that the girl's in better spirits. It goes without saying that ponies aren't themselves when they're unhappy, but this is especially true for her. She has a special talent within her that evokes a delightful treat to other ponies...a kind of internal magic, you could say."

"What is it?"

"To those around her...Sweetie Belle's magic brings a great, big smile."

A big smile of Sweetie's may have had the capacity to inspire it in others, but an overly toothy grin coupled with crazed eyes spelled potential danger. Rarity and her friends once saw that look of intensity (and partial insanity) in Twilight Sparkle and the outcome caused nothing but disaster. Now it was stuck to her little sister's face, triggering a sense of dread. Her words came out as such...


"Calm down and slow down, Sweetie Belle! Now, repeat what you said...and don't babble."

The filly's response began with a large inhalation of air, indicating that Rarity's request wasn't going be fulfilled, so Shining Armor covered her mouth and stepped into the conversation.

"What she's trying to say is that I need to head back to the Crystal Empire to pick up some documents meant for Mayor Mare...and then I heard about you two planning a trip to go there today. But Sweetie explained that you had to cancel it, so I offered to take her there myself...umm, if it's fine with you?"

Rarity processed the information and raised an eyebrow.

"Did my sister coerce you or something into-"

Shining Armor shook his head good naturedly.

"No, not at all. I offered her the opportunity of my own free will."

"That's more than kind of you...although I'm not sure I'm in love with the idea of my Sweetie going all by herself..."

"She won't be, I'll be with her for the entirety of the excursion."

"But I'm sure you'd like to be with your wife, of course..."

"Cadance and I are here for the week, so we'll have plenty of time to do things together. Besides, my absence for the day will give her and Twily a chance to catch up."

"Even so-"

It was then that Rarity felt a firm tug on her left foreleg. She looked down and saw the hugest pair of green eyes threatening to cry a river and quivering pair of lips to match.

"Pleeeeease! Rarity, let me go, please! I was supposed to go there today, anyway! Please! Let me go to the Crystal Empire! Oh please, oh please, oh please, OH PLEASE!"

"Ugh..." Rarity groaned.

More determined than ever to go on this trip, Sweetie Belle was prepared to use every dirty tactic to make sure things worked out in her favor.

"Fine, oh-so caring sister of mine! Just tell him I can't go! If my happiness really means NOTHING to you-"

"Oh, all right! Stop it already, you're breaking my heart!"

A suspicious "cough" sprung from Shining Armor's mouth, but neither sister took notice of it.

"Are you absolutely sure it's not a problem?" Rarity asked him. "I feel like I'm imposing on you."

"Honestly...it's no trouble at all."

The unicorn smiled warmly and put her right foreleg over her heart.

"Princess Cadance is indeed the most fortunate mare in the world to have you in her life...thank you."

"My pleasure."


The two adults cringed at Sweetie's screech, but given everything that had happened today, Rarity forewent any scolding. However, Shining Armor barked some orders in an almost commanding tone, befitting a former captain of the Royal Guard.

"Okay, listen up! The next train to the Crystal Empire leaves at 11:15! That's in about 45 minutes! Use that time to gather up any supplies you might need! In the meantime, I'm gonna head back to the library to inform Twilight and Cadance of the situation."

"Yes, sir!" Sweetie chirped, giving a mock salute.

"I'll meet you at the train station, okay? Remember...11:15, don't be late!"

"Got it!"

As the ecstatic little pony ran upstairs to get ready, Rarity couldn't help but feel a bit excited herself.

"Shining Armor, you're an absolute darling!"

"I try to be."

Her face suddenly turned a bit serious, but there was no trace of malice on it.

"However, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. My little sister means everything to me. As Sweetie Belle's chaperone, you are responsible for her safety. While in your care, no harm is to befall her. NONE."

"Of course," Shining replied, bowing his head. "I will defend her with my life."

Rarity knew he was joking (slightly), but she also knew that if push came to shove, he'd follow his declaration to the letter.

"Being Twilight's brother, I'll trust that your word is as good as gold. Anyway, I should drop by the library soon enough, as well. Proper etiquette demands that I pay my respects to your lovely wife...and to royalty, for that matter."

"I'm sure she'd be glad to see you. Why wouldn't she wanna say hello to the pony that managed to complete her elaborate ceremonial headdress in mere minutes?"

Rarity remembered that nightmare of a chore vividly, sending a tiny shiver through her body.

"Eh, heh...you give me too much credit."

"Not at all, but I'll let Cadance tell you herself. I gotta get going now," Shining said, heading out.

"I'll make sure Sweetie meets up with you on time! And thank you again for everything!" Rarity hollered, waving goodbye.

After closing the boutique's door, she whipped out her diary again and wrote another brief entry.

Trendsetting Fashionista's Log, Supplemental: It's funny how some things manage to work themselves out. I may bear the Element of Generosity, but today...the generosity of Twilight's older brother outshined my own. He's going to take Sweetie Belle to the Crystal Empire, leaving his wife to spend some precious time with Twilight and me to focus on my unexpectedly large batch of gowns to complete and perfect. In short, everypony wins in the end! I admit that I am still worried for my sister, but I trust Shining Armor wholeheartedly to keep her safe and sound. What could go wrong?


Well, that's one chapter done, but there's more to come! I'm just getting the ball rolling, and the next chapter will chronicle Sweetie Belle's ride to the Crystal Empire...and she gets to know her traveling companion a bit better! Hope you liked this first segment and if you did, leave a like and subscribe to...oh, wait...wrong site...

Never mind, then.

Until next time!

Author's Note:

Well, didn't expect to be writing another "MLP" fanfic! But a cute and funny little story about Sweetie Belle came to mind late one night as I was hitting the hay and I initially didn't think anything was going to come of it...but the idea wouldn't leave me alone, and it continued to grow and evolve until I had to surrender to my brain and type it up! (See what happens when you stay up really late? You get weird ideas dancing through your head!)