• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 688 Views, 10 Comments

Sweet Shining Love - Bespectacled Brony

What happens when a filly falls hard for an unavailable stallion? Chaotic, comical disaster!

  • ...

Train of Thought

Disclaimer: I don't own "My Little Pony" and it brings to mind a most important question...what exactly is a cutie mark? Metaphorically speaking, that is. Well, let's start with the basics. Y'see, early on in life I was constantly faced with emotional crossroads and one day...

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Sweet Shining Love

Chapter 2 - Train of Thought

11:10! There were only about five irritatingly long minutes left until the Friendship Express - bound for the Crystal Empire - pulled into the Ponyville train station!

A pair of white unicorns stood on the platform, with the older one checking her pocket watch while the younger one hurriedly paced back and forth.

"Aw, where's Shining Armor? And when's the train gonna get here?"

Rarity narrowed her eyes at Sweetie Belle and let out a very audible sigh.

"Sweetie darling, repeatedly asking me won't make its arrival occur any sooner. Cease your pacing, as well. You're only torturing yourself."

"Can't have that!" hollered a deep voice.

The sisters turned their heads in the direction of the voice and were relieved to see Shining Armor, joined by his sister and wife.

"Finally!" Sweetie almost shouted.

"Ah! Shining Armor, Twilight...and Your Majesty," Rarity said, bowing her head.

"It's wonderful to see you, Rarity!" Cadance replied, with her usual (and infectious) positive attitude. "How are things at the Carousel Boutique?"

"In one word...busy. I meant to greet you sooner, but I've been swamped with work since the day began! Once that train comes, it's back to the proverbial salt mines for me. But why are you here?"

"I'm seeing my husband off, of course!" she said with a wink. "After all, it'll be ages before we meet again!"

The pink mare stroked her hoof along Shining's neck, with longing in her eyes.

"Farewell, my incredible inamorato!" she said in an affectionate, yet playful fashion. "I'll be thinking about you every millisecond that we're apart!"

"Hey, I'm only gonna be gone for a few hours," he pointed out.

"Do you know how long 'a few hours' is in princess time?"

"I'd have to do the math."

Amusing as Cadance's joking manner was, Rarity was more concerned with double-checking Shining Armor's preparations for the day.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but may I talk with your husband alone?" she asked.

"Of course," Cadance nodded.

Rarity took Shining Armor aside and gave him that same firm look from before.

"Sweetie Belle's obviously ready for the journey ahead. The question is, are you?"

"Absolutely. Got the round-trip tickets for the Crystal Empire right here," he said, magically levitating them.

"What's your itinerary?"

"Once we arrive, we'll quickly drop by my office to fetch my papers, then it's all about your sister and the Jewel Jamboree. It goes without saying that there'll be so many stunning gemstones on display, Sweetie won't know where to start!"

"Lessen the enthusiasm slightly, darling. I'm disappointed enough as it is that I won't get to see the gorgeous baubles your kingdom has to offer."

"Heh, sorry. Anyway, I'll see to it that she gets something to eat while we're there. The proceedings go on into the evening, but I'll do my best not to get her home too late."

While the two of them continued to discuss his schedule, Cadance stepped towards Sweetie Belle, still full of anticipation.

"Hope you have an enjoyable time at the Jamboree, Sweetie!"

"Oh, I intend to!" she squeaked. "But aren't you supposed to host it or something?"

"No, this convention doesn't really require a royal participation. However, Aunt Luna will be available to oversee the event...if it becomes necessary."

"Princess Luna? Maybe I'll see her! If she makes an appearance, it'll only skyrocket the quality of my report!"

"It might be better to focus on the quality of the gems first and foremost," Twilight advised.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it..."

Cadance moved closer towards Sweetie until the distance between their noses was barely an inch. The filly might have been nervous if it hadn't been for that calming smile.

"I almost forgot something, and this is most important detail..." she said. "Please make sure my husband's perfectly safe!"

"Safe? He was the boss of all those guards in Princess Celestia's castle, wasn't he? What could I possibly protect him from?"

The alicorn's eyes widened, as if Sweetie had asked a question which had an obvious, clear answer...and from Cadance's perspective, it did.

"Why, from countless mares doing THIS."

The princess then wildly whipped her mane back, flashed an overly flirtatious grin, rapidly batted her eyelashes and quoted high-pitched words that she'd heard too many times for her taste...

"Hello there, Mr. Shining Armor! You're looking spectacularly striking tonight! Why not forget all about that wife of yours and spend a 'what-she-doesn't-know-won't-hurt-her' evening with me instead?"

The little unicorn would've asked if Cadance was serious, but she remembered that princesses are known for many positive traits, one of them being their honesty.

"It's hard to believe that somepony would actually..."

For some reason, Sweetie couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"Oh, it's happened. There were even a couple of times where I was present or at least within earshot while mares tried those cheap lines on him."

"Whoa! That's awful!"

"And it's why I'm trusting you to use your aesthetic features to ward them off!"

"My what?"

"Older ponies would have a hard time getting past an adorable little filly, emanating cuteness every which..."

Cadance stopped, seeing that Sweetie Belle was sweating a little and frantically waving her hoof trying to get her attention.


"Your Majesty...forgive me, but...please shush!" she almost whispered. "My cuteness isn't something I advertise! I have a responsibility to use it wisely and only when needed! A careless blast of loaded cuteness can be dangerous!"

She wasn't sure why, but something in Cadance's head told her that Sweetie was as serious as she was about keeping her husband safe.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said with an amused smile.

"You don't have to apologize. I can't help it...I was born with this curse."

"All the same, I'd feel better knowing my Shiny was in good hooves!"

"I'll, uh...I promise I'll fight off any evildoers like the ones you speak of, Your Highness!"

As much as the princess appreciated Sweetie's assurance, she couldn't help but tease her a smidge.

"And just so there's no misunderstanding...I must point out that actions of non-flirting go for you, too!"

"What do you mean?"

"I may be leaving Shining Armor in your care, but you have no permission to romance him! Don't try to steal him away from me, he's my husband!"

Sweetie gulped pretty loudly, so much so that she was surprised nopony but Cadance heard it.

"But I...um...you're...I mean, I would never do...y'know, THAT! I can resist!"

"Are you sure? My honey's been known to use little more than a single glance to ensnare some of the stuffiest females Equestria's ever seen!"

"Please tell me you're exaggerating!"

"Maybe a bit. But even so, what hope does that leave for you?"

The little lady took a moment to compose herself and got an idea. She looked at the alicorn with determination and a confident smile.

"I'm a Cutie Mark Crusader!" she declared, thumping her hoof against her chest. "And we crusaders don't lie or cheat or steal...and as of this date, I plan to add an immeasuradent...uh...amountend...er...unendingend...what's that word? Americaminadent?"

"You mean an amendment?"

"Yeah! Amendment! I'm adding an amendment to the Official Crusader Hoofbook that we don't take other mares' husbands for ourselves!"

"That very noble of you, Sweetie Belle."

"Exactly! So now you don't hafta worry about anything!"

Satisfied with the young one's bold proclamation (and deciding that was enough teasing for one day), Cadance reached out and patted Sweetie's head.

"Then there's no problem."

"Sweetie!" Twilight called out. "I hate to cut your private little meeting short, but...!"

The little unicorn had been too engrossed in her conversation with Princess Cadance to realize the Friendship Express had pulled in...at last!

"ALL ABOARD FOR THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!" announced the conductor.

"Oh! Gotta go!"

Sweetie rushed back to Shining Armor's side, who began to make his farewells.

"Okay, Cadance! You and sis ha-"

"No lengthy goodbyes!" interrupted the filly. "Let's go, go, go!"

After one loud "SEE YA!" to Twilight, Cadance and Rarity through the train window, Sweetie Belle was well on her way to the Crystal Empire! Even though it was too late to seriously worry about it, she decided to rummage through her saddlebag to ensure she'd packed the necessities. Shining Armor quietly observed her from his seat, lightly chuckling at her youthful energy.

"Notebook, pencil, pen, coin purse, camera...oh, no! The T-square! I forgot the T-square!" she cried.

"Why would you need a T-square on this trip?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but Rarity always includes that among her tools...and it's really big, so it must be important!"

"I'm sure it is, but you're not gonna need something like that! Take it easy, too! Use up all of your excitement now, and you won't have any left for the Jewel Jamboree!"

The girl slowly exhaled and relaxed in her own seat across from stallion.

"You're right. But I'm just so thrilled to go to the Crystal Empire! Except for that one time I went with Spike and the other Crusaders for-"

"Say that again?"

Sweetie alarmingly realized that although she mumbled that last sentence, it was clear enough for her traveling companion to make out.

"Oh, nothing! Long story...looooong story! Way too boring to talk about!"

"Well...in that case, why don't you tell me more about Twily?"

"Twilight? But she's your sister, don't you already know everything?"

"Not quite. She's been doing so much ever since she moved to Ponyville, so I figured you might have some stories to share...y'know, the kind that my sis would be too embarrassed to mention?"

"Ha, ha, ha! Where should I start?"

"Let's start with some lunch! I'm famished!"

Cadance's words were promptly followed by the sound of a familiar gurgling. The pair simultaneously rubbed their growling bellies and giggled.

"Me too!" Twilight agreed. "The rumbling of my own stomach was louder than the train!"

Upon the vehicle's departure, Rarity immediately returned to her boutique. Twilight invited her to join them in their activities, but the fashion designer respectfully declined, reiterating the existence of her massive workload.

"So where to? I'm sure you know all of the best places to eat in Ponyville!"

"Well...the Hay Burger comes to mind. Shouldn't be too crowded right now...oh, wait! What am I saying? Princesses don't usually eat at fast food establishments when-"

"Says who? Not me."

Twilight stared at her former foalsitter, dumbfounded.

"You...you don't mind eating there? Wouldn't a nice, posh restaurant be more...eh, appropriate?"

"Maybe if I was on a dinner date with my husband or if my name was Rarity. I'm on vacation, Twilight! After so much royal duty back home, I'm eager to relax and try new things! And some casual dining at the Hay Burger sounds like a fine idea!"

"It wasn't a good idea! Not at all!"

"That Everfree Forest certainly lives up to its reputation!"

Sweetie Belle and Shining Armor had boarded the train barely ten minutes ago, and the two had already shared four or five stories about Twilight Sparkle. The stallion provided some entertaining insight on his sibling's younger days and the filly was regaling him with tales of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' encounters with the librarian.

But then she came to the incident involving Twilight's unpleasant exposure to a cockatrice and its powers of petrification. And that meant bringing up the fact that she and her friends deliberately disobeyed Fluttershy's babysitting authority and wandered into the adjacent woodland.

Not something she was proud of.

The lone Crusader bit her lip nervously and scratched the back of her head. Although worried that her chaperone was going to scold her, she noticed that Shining Armor seemed to be lost in thought, stroking his chin.

"Wow, I can't believe sis got turned into a stone statue! She never said anything about that!"

"Eh, the situation wasn't exactly one of her famous moments. That cockatrice was a tough customer! But Fluttershy shut that creature's terror down in no time!"

"FLUTTERSHY? How in the world...?"

Sweetie smiled, remembering the unexpected (but positive) outcome of the event.

"She used some kinda ultra intense stare to force the cockatrice to turn Twilight back to normal!"

Shining Armor stroked his chin again.

"Hm...if her stare really is that strong, maybe there's a way I could adapt it for myself. An ability like that could be useful for keeping the empire's guards in line."

"I'm pretty sure that's just a 'Fluttershy' thing."

The pair laughed briefly before Sweetie's face went serious, almost as much as Rarity's from before.

"Um...Shining Armor?"


"I just wanted to say...thank you for letting me tag along. You didn't have to and could've just as easily made a brief trip in and out to get your papers and all...but you took me anyway. It...really means a lot to me."

The stallion smiled warmly and spoke in a soft tone.

"Aw...you're welcome, Sweetie Belle. I could tell from the tone of your voice earlier that visiting the Crystal Empire was something you were extremely looking forward to. Me leaving a cute little lady behind in her time of need? Perish the thought."

"Princess Cadance was talking a lot about how terrific a husband you are. Didn't exactly make sense to me then, but it's starting to now."

"Well, then...I thank you back. Oh, and was she gossiping about me? Sorry I missed it! Speaking of which, I bet she and Twilight are having a ball!"

Shining may have been wondering about his wife, but Sweetie's thoughts were quickly shifting back to the Jewel Jamboree and its fantastic displays of precious stone-encrusted necklaces, tiaras, brooches, rings...

Great things were awaiting her eyes.

"Wow! Those onion horseshoes were great!" Cadance exclaimed, dabbing her lips with a napkin.

"I'll say!" Twilight said, sipping the last of her drink. "The hay fries just don't compare!"

"Uh...by the way, you have some...salt and ketchup on your..."

The unicorn realized that some condiment remnants were stuck to her face, which helped to camouflage the embarrassment permeating her cheeks.

"Oops! Heh, heh...I'll just go freshen up and all that, okay?" Twilight asked, pointing to the restroom door.

As the messy-faced pony excused herself, a strange, deep voice caught Cadance's attention, originating from the far side of the restaurant.


The princess made her way to the source of the sound, which was coming from an arcade machine. Its bold proclamations of catastrophe continued to work its way into her ears while an animated segment on the screen would force anypony's eyes open.

Especially if it displayed an army of Changelings flying across devastated villages and terrorizing citizens everywhere.

Cadance could relate. She knew a thing or two about such creatures.

"All-powerful Changelings are laying waste to the land! They assume varying forms to maximize destruction, enslave the townsfolk, AND SUCK THE LOVE OUT OF EACH AND EVERY PONY ON THE PLANET!"

"Say what?"

"You are the last hope for salvation! Can you defeat these shapeshifting monstrosities and restore Equestria to its former glory? Insert a coin to find out...IF YOU DARE!"

This multitude of information might've overwhelmed a pony's senses. But the alicorn was sold on the scope of the (fictitious) harm being done.

"Love is being drained from the entire world?" Cadance growled.

She glared at the screen while slowly levitating a single gold bit.

"Not if I can help it."

One coin insertion, and the game was on.

"Focus! That's the name of the game! Just focus on the assignment and you'll do fine!"

The filly's daydreaming about glittering jewelry was fine in itself, but Shining Armor knew it was important to keep her eyes on the prize. He wasn't trying to be stern or strict, but since this excursion was for the purpose of one student's homework assignment, he had a responsibility to make sure the filly had an educational - albeit fun - experience.

One of his defining traits was that he was never negligent in his duties. Thus, ensuring that his (temporary) ward got as much as she could from this outing was a job he took as seriously as any other.

"Sorry!" Sweetie exclaimed, neither unwilling nor unable to wipe the smile from her face. "I'm just so...so...!"

"Thrilled, I know. Guess I can't blame you. We were all young once and this is a rare opportunity to see something amazing."

"That reminds me, why didn't your wife come along?"

"She wanted to spend some time with Twilight, remember? On top of that, she just wasn't interested in attending the Jamboree."

"I woulda thought that a princess like-"

Sweetie Belle stopped abruptly as a frightening revelation came to the surface.

"Wait a sec! If she's a princess, wouldn't that make you a...PRINCE?"

"Yes, that's usually how it works when you marry into royalty," Shining said, holding back a laugh.

"How did I miss that!? I'm SO sorry, sir! I mean, Your Majesty!"

Sweetie began bowing her head repeatedly and was prepared to beg for leniency, just as she had done previously with Cadance. Thankfully, her husband turned out to be just as forgiving.

"Whoa, relax! Didn't I tell you to hold off on the excitement?"

"But...but I-"

"Look, for the duration of this trip...uh, just think of me as the stallion formerly known as 'Prince'...deal?"

Shining Armor held out his hoof, maintaining that warm, caring smile...which caught Sweetie Belle off guard. With everything the girl had dealt with today, she hadn't given much attention to her chaperone's physical characteristics.

What was it Princess Cadance said?

"That pure white coat...like powdered sugar, coupled with that blue mane, more beautiful than the finest sapphires...it all makes for a devastating combination."

Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, but that coat seemed to sparkle, and his mane was slowly (and somewhat dramatically) waving like a soft breeze had hit it, even though the train window was closed.

This visual treat triggered an unusual warmth in Sweetie's chest that spread to her face. She then began to emit a cold sweat as her heart started beating a little faster, almost forgetting that Shining Armor still had his hoof sticking out.

"You still with me?"

"Eh! Yeah...ahem, I mean...uh...deal!" she fumbled, finally shaking his hoof.

Her brain scrambled to process what just transpired.

Wha...what's going on? Shining Armor looked really...attractive...for a minute there. Hey, am I...am I sweating? Gosh, it's hot in here...

"Sweetie Belle, you feeling up to snuff? Your cheeks look red and you're perspiring a bit."

"I...uh, well..."

"Hm, I guess it is kind of warm inside this car. I'll open the window slightly."

The splendid breeze from outside was refreshing, but it did little to cool the girl's head, which was chock full of jumbled words, making a pathetic attempt at coherency.

Heart...pounding...prince...train...sweaty...jewels...handsome...doomed? Say...words...like...ANYTHING!

"Ah, I understand," Shining Armor said, interrupting her thoughts. "The closer we get, the more anxiety you're feeling, right?"

"The closer...we get?"

"To the Crystal Empire...y'know, our destination?"

"Oh, yeah! That's what I meant!"

Try as she might, Sweetie Belle wasn't buying her own words. The increasingly beautiful stallion, however, seemed to be oblivious for the most part, which was probably for the best. Still, he made another effort to calm her nerves.

"Don't worry, shouldn't be too long now."

"Don't worry, civilians! It won't be long now! The Princess of Love will save you!"

"Cadance, what are you doing?"

"I'm saving Equestria from utter disaster, what does it look like?"

Having washed up, Twilight noticed that Cadance had made her way to the trio of arcade machines. Her royal hooves were hard at work, furiously jiggling a joystick and relentlessly pushing a pair of buttons at the same time. Her eyes were glued to the action on the screen.

The unicorn glanced at the game's marquee, which read...

"Changeling Crisis?"

"That's right!" the alicorn confirmed with a smirk. "No monster is going to succeed in absorbing all the love from this kingdom! Not while the mighty and beautiful Princess Cadance has a crown to her name!"

"I see. Pretty darn...heroic of you."

An animated explosion filled the screen, indicating a crushing defeat at the wrath of simulated Changelings.

"Oh, no!" Cadance cried. "That wasn't fair! I didn't even have time to cast my Lovey-Dovey Extraordinary Elixer spell! This game is stingy with the power-ups! One more try!"

"Maybe you should let it go," suggested Twilight. "Wouldn't you rather head back outside and get some fresh air?"

The princess looked stunned and horrified, as if a real cataclysm had occurred right in front of her.

"How can you say that? I can't leave Equestria like this!" she objected, pointing to the "Game Over" screen.

"Why don't we compromise? There's an outside arcade not too far from here with plenty of other games to try. We can-"

"Lead the way."

"When did you take such an interest in video games?"

"Since just now. Ruling over an empire is exceptionally gratifying...but I think I might've missed my true calling!"

Twilight was puzzled upon this new side of her friend, one that she'd never seen before. But regardless of the circumstances, she was glad that Cadance was enjoying herself.

"...need to make sure not to wander off, steer clear of scam artists selling counterfeit gems, and most importantly...enjoy yourself!"

"Gee, you sure checked off everything? With so many rules, I don't think I can handle all that fun!"

Sweetie Belle and Shining Armor gave each other a suspicious glance, only to break down and chuckle.

"Now, now. Rarity entrusted me with your safety...and that includes maintaining the integrity of your education."


"Making sure you get the assignment done. But then again, that goes without saying!"

"You'd better believe it! Ooh, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are gonna be so jealous! They were bragging about going to Las Pegasus during the break, but my one day at the Crystal Empire should put their vacation to shame!"

"Hang on, it doesn't matter whose trip was better! As long as your report is comprehensible and detailed, you'll be sure to get a good grade in the end. This isn't a competition!"

"You don't know them, do you?"

"Well, one thing I know for sure is that we've reached our stop! Look!"

Sweetie's eyes were the size of saucers once she looked out the window and gasped. In the distance were rich maroon spires, a gigantic palace and radiance abound. No further authenticity was needed. The train had indeed arrived at...


Shining Armor knew to cover his ears in advance, so the happy shriek didn't bother him, although he noticed that some of the other passengers were shooting Sweetie Belle expressions of annoyance.

"Grab your saddlebag!" he said with some enthusiasm, as it was becoming a tad contagious. "And let's move out!"

"Yeah!" she barked, bearing a grin so wide it looked like it hurt.

But she had good reason to spread her mouth to such an extent. This was the moment she'd been waiting for!

"Jewel Jamboree, here I come!"


...leading to where it all stands today. So, didja get all that? Or were you just reading fanfiction in the midst of my extremely detailed and relevant lecture? Tsk, tsk...pretty shabby attention span on your part. Might wanna work on that.

Author's Note:

Next time...

Our weary(?) travelers have made it and a grand jewel convention awaits! Will Sweetie Belle write an excellent report? What are these uncomfortable feelings welling up inside her? And can Cadance master the difficult button combo to pull off an elaborate attack maneuver in the "Changeling Crisis" arcade game? Stay tuned to find out!