• Published 15th Mar 2022
  • 345 Views, 5 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Volume 2 - Alines Reinhard

An ex-criminal pilot continue his journey to save a group of friends and protect Equestria from war.

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Chapter 35

The loss of Bright Kindness still makes him shiver every time he thinks about them. The way she was completely lost in combat horrified him, which rarely happened to such a psychopathic mind.

And then, some pony knock the door:

“Who’s there?” he quickly put his feeling away and put on the usual straight face again:

“It’s me, Red Velvet...” the bright red unicorn kindly said.

He opened the door to let her in. As usual, she closed the door professionally before turned to her Master and report:

“Chancellor, our doctor at the sickbay asked you for an after battle check.”

“Ah... tell him to rest then...” the Chancellor replied with a soft voice, looking at her with the usual fake smile. “The guy has stayed up for like,... several days already...”

“Yes Sir... but I think you still should...”

“Let me be alone a bit, please?” Black Wine replied, still with that calm voice but he still made sure his audience could feel anger in it.

Red Velvet then looked away.

“Yes... Chancellor...” she said before backing up. But just when she was going to close the door, the dark blue unicorn called her back.

“Hey... Red Velvet... can you stay in my room a little longer...”

Red Velvet was stunned to see how... awkward he is looking up at her like that. Her magic slowly closes the door and walks up to him.

“Yes Sir!”


It was the first time they ever were so close together.

It’s weird to Red Velvet, at least. Normally, Black Wine is the kind of pony you least expect to get sorrow over anything, even the suffering of the civilian who is unfortunate enough to get in front of his army’s gun. But the death of his adoptive daughter has changed this all.

She was petting his head as if he was a filly crying in his mom’s lap. He has lost his daughter, after all. Black Wine continuously snivels while carefully using his deep soft voice to tell her about the moments, the memories, and the feelings he has with Bright Kindness.

“I still remember about that time she’s trying to catch a squirrel in the park. I’m talking with some of my subordinates about, you know, jobs just near here. I remember the shivering when one of my friends asked me where she was… I will try finding her myself and asking some of my colleagues too…”

“We finally found her, a few miles away from the park actually…” he said after just stopping himself for a few minutes. He absolutely enjoys her presence and her soft caressing.

Red Velvet used to date actually. Her colt friend is a caring stallion, to the point he is basically always there for her. But he sometimes can break down, emotionally, and ask her to caress his mane just like how she was doing with Black Wine at that moment.

And then, he died.

He truly believes in the false promise that Black Wine himself promises, the world where “No ponies are discriminated”, about how the other creatures from the kingdoms beyond will take over Equestria. As any Canterlotian stallions and mares, he takes up arms. He swears “I will make those creatures suffer!” But still, under his brainwashed mind, there still lies some kindness and mercy, which also explained his move later in the war, so he told her:

“I will send you letters.”

Off he goes to the distant land, on a ship named Nomad. She was left behind due to her being a high ranking secretary within Black Wine’s government, which granted her the position of Black Wine’s personal secretary. The Chancellor had a secret soft spot in his heart for her, but he masterfully hidden it. Perhaps he knew his coltfriend is fighting for ponies freedom somewhere at the Kingdom of Abyssinia, for the safety of their newly taken Blue Rock Mine. Thanks to the genius design of the Royal Mail Service, he was able to send letters to her almost every month.

Until he don’t.

Her mind was totally a mess when she realized it’s been more than 2 months since he sent his letter to you. Where is he? Is he wounded? Or is he… She shook the darkest scenario out of her head, hoping that her beloved partner would eventually be fine. She send tons of letter to him, hoping that one day he will get himself back and remind her that he still okay.

After 3 months, he finally replied.

But this time, Red Velvet was horrified by his letters.

“Dear Vivia…”, he started with the nickname he loves to call his marefriend “I write this to you to remind you that I’m still fine. Sorry to make you send constant letters like this. I know you worry to death about me…”

Those words seemed normal enough, until the one right next appeared.

“I’m staying here, healing my wound, with the kind help from my new Abyssinian friends.”


Did he just write “Abyssinian friends”?

She can not trust her eyes.

She read that word again and again. “Abyssianian friends?” What does he mean by that?

She continued her reading.

“I was captured and imprisoned by these guys after a failed sortie. We were interned for quite a while until there was this Abyssinian guy named Toby who asked to be friends with us. It is unreal… I know! I… No, WE have bombed these guys for months now! We have our airships pounding not just Tabbytown or port Henry, but Panthera too! We do it almost daily!

Red Velvet knows all those locations. It was the city in which the cat-like Abyssinians lived. Panthera, their capital city, it’s a beautiful place. She never went there, but the Chancellor sometimes told her about the golden castle and the street tiles covered in, you guessed it, gold!.

All of that wealth is probably why the Equestrian army ended up in Abyssinia!

But he baffled her. Why does he defected? What’s the point of defection?

To kill their own kind and serve the creatures’ plan of dividing Equestria?

“Seems like that’s the case…” the Chancellor said.

And she cried. Her eyes turned into a stream of tears, showering the letter on her hooves in its salty water. “Why... why are you doing this to me...” she whined, curled up his letter into a paper ball and threw it to her dust bin.

“He would get a lighter penalty when he came back. I promised!” the Chancellor said when he found out about the whole situation.

To which, she barked “No! I want him dead!”


That’s a very different Red Velvet compared to her now, caressing her superior like he is her child.

Red Velvet can’t help but grow a soft spot for her dear Chancellor.

“She is everything to me! That heartless traitor has taken the most precious gem of my life!”

“I know… Chancellor. I have gone through the same feeling… My colt friend is all but alive to me…”

And then, she used her hoof to put his crying eyes facing directly into her:

“But Bright Kindness want you to keep living and fighting for her!” she said, her hood squeezed onto Chancellor cheeks. She had never expected a pony with a set of thick bluebeard to be so adorable.

“You have a point… But…” his eyes look away “He is so powerful! How can I defeat him?”

“Why don’t you ask ‘How can WE defeat him?” instead?” she replied with a soft voice “Look at me...”

And they meet. His pupil dilated. Coupled with some tears, Red Velvet's heart stopped for a while as to her, that’s probably the most beautiful eye she has ever seen. With that, she hold him closer:

“I have been fighting with you from the very start of this war, and I will continue to do so until the end of this story!” she said with determination “Have you ever noticed that?”

“What a goddamn stupid pony you are, Black Wine!” the Chancellor quietly scolded himself when he heard those words. She has followed him from battlefield to battlefields, fights to fights, victories to tragedies. Every single decision he has made, until that very moment, all have her silhouette in them. Yet he barely gave her any sort of affection. The most of that is probably just a hug. With guilt flooding like water after a dam burst, he blurted:

“Sor… ry”

The red haired secretary gasps.

“I’m so sorry for bringing you into this mess. I shoulda left you at the office instead of torturing you for so long like this…”

“No! You don’t understand how happy I am for you to ask me to fight with you!” she returned with a voice raised slightly “This is a national emergency! I can’t bring myself to just sit at the office, doing paperwork and hearing news of constant death! I have to follow you and make sure you are safe! That’s my duty!”

Black Wine grinds his teeth, crying yet his cheeks turned bright red. “Why does the room feel so hot? I have turned the AC on full power!” he said to himself. He also get to see Red Velvet blushed bright red.

“No, I can’t bring myself to catch feelings with her!” he said to himself.

“This feels so wrong! He is my commander. I can’t bring myself to catch feelings with him!” Red Velvet though.

But that flood of emotion is unstoppable. The two of them just keep staring at each other like two pieces of magnets just caught in each other's magnetic field. And just like the magnets, they desired each other.

So they are getting closer and closer.

Their lips touched. Black Wine flinched, with hoof on his mouth. “This is too much! Are we gonna…”

“Kissing? That’s weird! Why are we making out right now?” Red Velvet questioned herself “We are just workmates, right?”

But that flood of emotion is unstoppable. The two of them just keep staring at each other like two pieces of magnets just caught in each other's magnetic field. And just like the magnets, they desired each other.

So they are getting closer and closer.

Their lips touched. Black Wine flinched, with hoof on his mouth. “This is too much! Are we gonna…”

“Kissing? That’s weird! Why are we making out right now?” Red Velvet questioned herself “We are just workmates, right?”

To answer their questions, they were indeed workmates at that time. But then, they slowly recalled the instant their inner souls have nurtured and allow their crush for each other to blossom: he remembered his mind is really upset to hear about Red Velvet having a coltfriend, and he even a bit happy when he heard about him betray his Equestria in a twisted way (yet still feel for her sadness). Red Velvet, ever since hearing her coltfriend running away with the Abyssinians, have grown a weird sense of jealousy whenever he saw her Chancellor being too close, too intimate with other mares. Their feelings for eachother is not come from nowhere!

And with that, both of them destroyed any barrier left between them. They dived into each other like moths diving for the light. Their kiss touches each other, sucking as if a filly just found their new favorite lollipop.

That night, their love blossomed.

“Yikes...” an annoyed voice telling them.


“Does y’all okay?” Flash asked in absolute worriness right after they touched down on the Canterlot. He opened the mobile suit’s life signal tab to check.

“Tis’ but a scratch!” hissed Rainbow Dash. “Well... except maybe Fluttershy’s pain after that shield was nearly obliterated.”

“How can we ease her pain?” asked Applejack, trying to comfort the yellow pegasi with her hoof. Ever since the left wing-like shield was destroyed, there is this pain that Fluttershy keeps having. She described it as “severe headache”.

“Something fishy in that shield...” Twilight said worryingly “Can you help us check that out, Flash? When we come back to the ship!”

“Your wish is my command,” he said formally.

“You are part of the team now. No need for distance Flash...”

“Fl... I mean Brandon! The hell are you these days!”

Needless to say Haystack REALLY worried about his comrade who had been lost to the enemy for like several weeks. Almost every recovery attempt was done, but they are all stopped when they just begin their MS sortie. “It’s too risky”, Discord said.

“Discord... is... the Captain?” Fluttershy asked. She struggled to ask and although in immense pain, her smile was nothing sort of precious.

“Wait... how do they know each other?” Flash asked the lavender alicorn.

“That’s a pretttyyy long story...” Twilight answers with the word “pretty” get drawn behind.

“Where the heck have you been?” Haystack and Yamina ran straight to the blue headed pilot, hugging him hard in the torso. Flash was particularly impressed by how both of them can nearly crush his bones if he doesn't tell them “I can’t breathe…”

“Oops, sorry…” mumbled Yamina “I thought you could handle it…”

“Dude I thought you were dead! What happened?” the Haystack shook Flash like a rag doll. He expected his commander to be this dramatic. Era had just also come to the squad and she too greeted her thought-to-be gone comrade with a tight squeeze.

“Brandon, you’re okay!”

“Good. The best pilots have come back. Now we should bring you to the sick bay eh?”

“I’d figured out we should check out the MkII first. It suffered severe damages now.” said Flash with an urgency in his tone. “The Council of Friendship is stuck in there…”

“The.. the what now?” his squad surprised.

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