• Published 15th Mar 2022
  • 351 Views, 5 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Volume 2 - Alines Reinhard

An ex-criminal pilot continue his journey to save a group of friends and protect Equestria from war.

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Chapter 6

“Oh, Flash...” Haystack touches Flash's shoulder when he was sitting right next to Strike Zeta to fix it.

It was right after lunch and the crew decided to have some rest. Seashell Blue has come back to his bed and snored in his precious nap. But in contrast to that, Flash still decided to check on his own mobile suit to learn more things about the Strike Zeta itself and new fighting skills.

“You said that you had that curse when you stumbled upon the Alicorn’s cockpit when it was covered in snow, right?”

“I think so. I remembered that there are seats and monitors that are folded in that ‘snow cave’. I think the hatch was opened somehow…”

“So that means the cockpit is either completely covered with snow or flooded with water right now…” Haystack said, his hoof playing down his chin “Either way, that cockpit is gonna be unusable! Just wait until those racist bastards find out!”

He let out a big laugh with some of his tears on his eyes as he just finished the sentence. Flash also joins him by some slight laugh, even though he doesn't find much humor in his sentence.

“But… that’s not mean they don’t have help from the AE. They basically have the technology to build at least a dozen Alicorn Gundams.” Flash said “I think that’s why they can install that ‘software’ into it despite being unable to open the cockpit!”

“They still can’t get into it?” Haystack asked in surprise.

“Yes… Luster Dawn and her friends told me…”

“Just tell ‘Luster Dawn and her friends told me’ and you have a valid opinion?” Haystack cuts him off “I don’t think that’s how arguments work, son…”

“But, they did!” Flash said.

“By the way, why don’t you come to have a nap right now? I mean… we are pilots so we just need to sleep all day long and wait for our fellow crewmates to wake us up when there’s trouble, right?” Haystack asked casually. Flash could tell he is somewhat true as Celaeno has asked them to leave the duty of guarding them to her crew. She even claimed that they have saved the ship at least once, so they have to rest in order to achieve the best combat result.

“Yeah… but that’s gonna be boring if we’re just here and do nothing all day long… Are you having any plans after all of this has ended?” Flash said with a chuckle.

“I don’t know… maybe go back to being a useless royal guard since that is the best way to make money in my opinion. What about you?”

“Being a history teacher!” Flash casually answered.

“Sorry… a teacher?” Haystack exclaimed “You know you are a top tier criminal right now, isn’t that true?” the Lieutenant whispered right into Flash’s right left ear “Are you even sure creatures gonna accept you back to the society after all of these fighting was over?”

“I think so, Sir. Equestria is a somewhat forgivable society. If I can prove myself hard enough they could allow me to take an entrance exam. Have you heard the story of Headmare Starlight of the School of Friendship?”

“The one who brainwashed a whole village, but then later reformed by Princess Twilight? Every creature knows that, but you are technically still being exiled so I’m no guarantee you will be accepted again, unless the Princess does that…”

The duo then decided to come to the tarmac below, as Haystack said to Flash he needed some fresh air. They are coming right at the moment the new backpack for the captured Nemo. It was covered in a black cloth before it was completely unveiled and installed onto the damaged humanoid machine.

The process was simple: first, the crew will pilot the airship to an appropriate height of about 10 meters. The Nemo was then being flipped midair to make sure it lay upside down. Then, right after the airship descended to make the Nemo touch the ground, the installing procedure was carried out. A special crane from the port will lift the old backpack away before bringing the new one. The whole process was carried out in a wind-free area of the port to prevent winds blowing the backpack off the place it should be. It was expected to be finished in about an hour before dinner time. The suit will be completely shut down, but it was constantly monitored from the Parrot Strength’s bridge since there are risk they might ignite the fuel of the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor – the power plant for every single mobile suit and ships from the Earthsphere.

Build by a faction called Zeon, the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor using I-field to to confine and compress the reactor fuel, triggering a fusion reaction. The Minovsky particles (an elementary particle generated by the helium-3 reaction on the inner wall of a type of reactor called the Minovsky-lonesco reactor, the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor is an improved version of the Minovsky-lonesco reactor), produced as a byproduct of the helium-3 fusion reaction were recycled to keep that reaction going. The Minovsky particles that form the I-field lattice also helped catalyze the fusion reaction, in a process similar to the muon-catalyzed fusion. One of the reason why the Earth Federation and the AE choose to intervene Equus’s politics is because of the huge amount of helium-3 that can be easily extracted and manufactured.

“That's a military engineer for ya!” a kirin said while wiping his sweat on his forehead when explaining why it took so fast to do it. “But I hope you can convince that pilot. She is the one that understands this thing the most. We only make it functional.”

The process was surprisingly carried out as according to plan, with only a little delay when one of the engineers nearly got crushes when he was asleep on the back of the Nemo. He was saved by being dragged out by his fellow comrade.

“What a dork he is…” his friend commented. “That backpack is like 2.5 tons in weight!”

After that, they were allowed to have some rest and have dinner. However, Flash chooses by himself to visit Era in order to convince her to join S.M.I.L.E in the fight.

“How can I agree to the idea of taking away the lives of my and possibly your old comrades?” Era said “They are from the EFF! I know that they might treat you bad but… they need you!”

“To kill these creatures and steal their resources! Era, Black Wine wanted to declare war with a whole military alliance. This means we will have a world war right here in Equus!”

“So what? Do you have a source to back up?” Era barked “I mean… he would not risk starting such a devastating war!”

“You underestimate how much greed he has! Last time he even attacked a mine and guess what? He took over it in just a matter of hours! I’m the one that is fighting him!”

Flash pointed to himself.

“Oh yeah! But that Blue Rock Mine battle is… justified… It… it… was…”

Era started to stutter, as if she ran out of points to argue. Flash could notice that she was looking around sometimes, finding the clues for a valid response in the ceiling and the walls of the cell. However, Era is still determined to not join S.M.I.L.E to betray her friends at the EFF.

“Say what you want, but I’m not gonna kill our comrades! You should prepare to escape this ship whenever you get a chance, Brandon!”

The next day, Flash went on to make his own food at the cantina and enjoy it for dinner. Some vegetables, peanuts and plant sausage are some of his most favorite. Alongside it is a cup of orange juice and a banana.

“Good morning, bud!” Haystack came right next to him and greeted “Nice dish you have there. Special treatment for pilots, a rare sight these days! Remember to get to the hangar to check your suit as usual!”

Flash nodded slightly. He is still bothered by Era’s word the day before:

“You are a traitor, Brad! I can’t believe an innocent looking guy like you can defect that easily!” she ranted while her eyes were in tears “Nguyen, Robson, everyone… At least just think for them!”

“But… I don’t have a family, or any relatives, in that world…” Flash thought to himself.

“Hey bud, are you okay?” Haystack asked in concern as he waved his hoof before Flash’s eye. “You seem to be quite upset!”

“Uh… Nothing, Sir…” he replied while yawning “Just… tired… I had trouble sleeping last night.”

Luster Dawn and her friend still come to visit him in the dream the night before, as they have done for more than a week. Flash has allowed the group to just come and chat with him. He was genuinely surprised that they can talk a lot of stuff, despite being locked for years inside the Alicorn. Flash hears them say about anything they have experienced: about their family, their adventures, what they have learnt,… Without those chat, Flash couldn’t have known that Grisela is basically family-less and she have to live with Yolinda in her house at Ponyville, Luster Dawn originally don’t want to make friends because her mom just ranting about friendship and why Luster just be alone too much, to the point that she found the concept of “having friends” is annoying. Luster later learn that she have missing a gigantic part of her life once she have making friends, which is the team that sitting with her:

“That’s why our gift to you is friends for life!” Luster Dawn said as she looked at her long time partners “I think I’ll never have such fantastic moments with you guys if that mess didn’t happen, right?”

The group chuckled, which made Flash confused. Yolinda then told the story:

“Well… at first we didn’t get along really well: Butter Burger was a bit too enthusiastic for his burger making that he forced others to eat his, Spring Garden was too cocky and prideful that she refused to make friends and she’s also easy to get angry… Well, you know about the kirin fire, right? Grisela is too… what should I say…athletic and impatient rarely waits for anyone, and I am too shy to make friends. Our teacher has chosen Luster Dawn as a leader for our group for a project. She nearly give up as some point because our ego, and even some racism, have prevent us to come together and achieve great goals. Luster Dawn have come and unite us by reminded that principal. She help us overcome our difference and go on to finish the project!”

“Cool! What is it about?” Flash asked.

“Uhm… Recycling some stuff to make a painting for our group…” Luster answered “I’m basically a leader, Yolinda going around and finding some yak-related stuff, Spring Garden making the potion for the paint, Butter Burger providing the idea that we should draw a party table and helping us in the painting process, along with Grisela. She also helped Yolinda and me find some unused plastic straw and covers, mostly for the windows.”

“So… what is your result at the end?”

“It was named “The restaurant hug”. It was us making a group hug outside of BB’s restaurant, as the name suggests! Heck, we even have to perform an actual photo of us making a group hug as a model. Well… it’s a somewhat awkward moment at first, but after we learn more about each other and change ourselves, I could safely say that we would love it. Do you want to have some… errr… group hug… too?”


But as Flash has known, every time he hugs them, reality always snaps back to him. It was like there was something that prevented both sides from fully becoming friends. But he knew that it would be useful for him to test whether it is real in case he meets them in flesh and bones.

“Hey, make sure you can see me at the hangar!” Haystack shouted to bring Flash back to full consciousness, as he noticed his blue-haired subordinate nearly go to sleep.

“Yes… Yes Sir!”

The Captain was enjoying her morning tea along with her officers at the open bridge as she overlooked some activities down the tarmac. Just an hour ago, she was informed by the Alliance and the S.M.I.L.E that the Blackhawk and the Parrot Strength were temporarily stationed at Kirin’s Groove to prevent a possible attack from the Equestrian Army.

“Black Wine can declare war at any time now. Keep your eyes up for the news!” Agent Bonbon ordered “They will certainly send a mobile suit to you if that happens. May the Magic of Friendship be with you!”

That also leaves her an uneasy feeling when looking at the normal life just flowing before her eyes, knowing that there is a cloud of war floating right above all of them. Tensions between the Harmony Alliance and Equestria are increasing day by day, and there are even speculations that war is inevitable.

“What are you looking at, Captain?” Boyle asks “You haven’t finished eating that sandwich!”

“Oh… my bad!” Celaeno blushes as she quickly consumes her sandwich, which leaves her friends a bit of a chuckle.

“Honestly Captain, you look cute with that manner…” Boyle commented, which made the white parrot blushes even harder.

“Boyle… you… bad subordinate!”

“Aw, c’mon Captain!” Mullet said “He likes you, so he just try to cheer you up!”

“I’m not like her!” Boyle, also with his blushed face.

However, that happy moment didn't last long, when Angie suddenly ran straight up to them again from the under deck.

“Captain, our radar just picked mobile suits from the North West!” she said with her usual sweating due to running “It’s a squad, ma’am!”

The siren suddenly went off, indicating that there were enemies closing in. Haystack quickly urged his subordinate to get into the Strike Zeta and himself to his Jesta Commander.

“No sort of declaration was issued! This guy treats the whole Equus like his backyard, Sweet Celestia!” Haystack exclaimed “Gotta teach his squad another lesson, eh? Hey bridge, where are they?”

“25 kilometers to us, Lieutenant!” Boyle reported.

After properly positioning themselves at the combat bridge, the crew immediately come into combat mode. The rest were ordered to retreat into the ship and left the upper deck empty.

“Wait, what about the Nemo?” asked Angie “Should we just leave it there on the tarmac?”

“Order the personnel at the port to pull it into somewhere safe to hide!” Celaeno ordered “They might want to capture Nemo even if Era is still on board. That thing is a huge additional asset to us, don’t forget that!”

She then commanded the airship to gain altitude to confront the attackers, as well as clearing space for the mobile suits. From the camera view, she could see the usual silhouette, the MS: black humanoid shaped silhouette riding on some sort of giant magic carpet coming right for the air ships.

The Blackhawk has also decided to be the same as the Parrot’s Strength, slightly flexing its gun for the upcoming battle.

In the city, the siren has started to come off to alert its inhabitants about the danger. Every kirins decided to stop their daily live activities all at once and run to their hiding place. The city have several special bomb shelter that usually built right beneath the tree house, which could sheltered at least 200 kirins for each of them. The kirins ran straight to the nearest shelter. At first, it was a bit chaotic, which is understandable for the poor souls who are just trying to preserve their lives in the middle of a war. But later, thanks to the help of the Groove Royal Army, the evacuation started to get more ordered with the kirins lining up in discipline to get into the shelters.

The siren was still on.

On the radar, the enemy suits are getting closer and closer. The data have allowed the crew to identify what they really are: 3 Nemos, 3 GMIII, and a Zeta Plus C1.

“Darn it! I always knew they would bring something new to the battlefield!” Celaeno mumbled “And their squad seems to be well equipped as well! Haystack, Brandon! Are you guys out yet?”

“Yes ma’am!” Haystack replied “We are ready!”

Right after that, some missile salvo hit the port. They have destroyed some assets that are being placed on the tarmac, out in the open. Haystack then spotted some more missiles hitting the tree houses outside of the port. They don’t completely destroy the tree houses since they just hit the top of them, as the average height of the trees in Kirin’s Groove are about 55 meters. However, they still carry enough fuel to push the city into widespread fire. But still, the kirin hold it by installing fire extinguisher systems that are city sized, reducing the effect of the fire.

But that’s not all. A few minutes later, a second missile salvo was carried out by the Equestrian Army. This time, they managed to hit an ammunition warehouse that is just 550 meters from where the airship was. The strike ignited the gunpowder inside the bullets and shells, causing a massive explosion

It created a massive ball of fire as well as a plume of black smoke right after. Kirin in that area outside could easily feel the rumble of the blast, as well as the shock wave that came after it. The blast plunged a large hole in the concrete and blew away buildings near it. The airships are relatively safe, since they are built with super hard steel alloy on their hull as well as the balloons. However, the shock waves have caused some damage on their armor with multiple dent and scratch. However, the Parrot’s Strength, the one that is closer to the blast, even sustained some small fire on its upper deck and a large piece of a destroyed container flew straight into its hull and ripped off some parts of the hull and a balcony.

The shock wave also knocked the crew inside, as the airships drifted away. The mobile suits also have a hard time stabilizing themselves as the shock wipes through them. Haystack’s Jesta Commander and Blue Thunder Jegan D Type also nearly lose balance to the wave and fall down the tarmac.

“Darn it! We’re doomed!” Blue Thunder screamed in fear, as he held his head on the chair. He has never experienced something that is closer to death than that explosion. His face wrinkled as shaken in his fear.

“Guys, hold your position!” Haystack boosted his subordinate morale “You are in a mobile suit. That explosion just barely scratches your armor, so don’t shit yourself. Got it?”

In his cockpit, although still able to feel the power of the blast, Flash still held his position. His plan was to later transform himself into wave rider and attack the invaders by ramming straight into them with his giant shield.

When the smoke cleared, they could tell that the port was not the same as before: the warehouse that was previously housing the ammunition completely vanished, along some completely destroyed buildings and some unfortunate kirins near the sights. The tree houses near the port are either burning or already barbecued with all the leaves and balcony stripped away, or just falling down. Flash could even spot some burned corpse of kirins on the tarmac.

“Is… Is this what you saw… Luster…” Flash mumbled. He nearly lost his mind in front of what he said “the most disturbing sight he has ever seen”.

“Every creature, ready to intercept the enemy!” Haystack yelled to pull his soldier back to reality.

“The enemy is coming, 6 o’clock!” Boyle said to the MS squad “Guys, can you hear me?”

“Roger that!” the squad screamed in unison. Flash could hear the bridge sighed in relief after that.

“Brad, intercept the enemy!” Haystack ordered “You will have the honor to fight that Zeta Plus C1, do you copy that?”

“Yes Sir!” Flash screamed.

“Good! Let's rage revenge for Kirin’s Groove! My soldiers, charge!” Haystack yelled.

After the smoke was clear, Era finally got to stand on her own legs. The blast knocked her down to the floor and made her head bump into the wall. As she looked around, it was still the hallway inside the ship, but the books she was carrying at that moment had fallen down the floor and scattered everywhere. She decided to take them back off and do her job.

The Captain has decided to let her go freely around anywhere but the airship, with an escort that comes from a parrot by the name of Ginger. At that moment, she is carrying some books that Ginger has bought from a book store in the city, as an additional supply for the airship library. It is interesting to learn that the parrots on the airship really love novels, especially novels. Sometimes, Captain Celaeno would read some skills teaching books and some health books, such as The Definitive Guide To Battlefield Injury And How To Treat Them.

“I don’t know such a book can exist in my world, not to mention it was being published here…” Era once said in surprise when she saw it on the shelf. “… and it was written in our language!”

“I know right? Seems like we have more in common than we could comprehend…” Captain Celaeno replied.

“Ginger, Ginger! Are you okay?” Era immediately came to her parrot partner to pick her up.

“I’m okay!” she replied, also holding her head. “What was that?”

“I have… no idea! Let's just come to the upper deck to see!”

Ignoring her new friend’s warning, the red head pilot still decided to sprinted herself to the top. She stumbled upon some injured creature on the way, possibly due to being thrown around during the explosion. After opening the door leading to the open space of the upper deck, she was greeted by some smoke and the smell of burning wood. Then, she was shocked to see the sight of the aftermath: piles of rubble, destroyed buildings and burning trees.

“No way…” she mumbled when the mess caused by the explosion was shown before her. But the thing that she found the most disturbing and heart breaking are the burned bodies of the kirin.

She knew some of them. There is a kirin named Ballad Song that both worked at the port as well as a part time bookseller. She was Ginger’s friend and if she’s not wrong, she’s working somewhere in the ammunition storage. She remembered just a couple of minutes ago, she was invited on to the ship for some biscuit before returning to the warehouse. She even had to do a handshake to Era before that.

But now, it seems like she is one of the immediate casualties of the explosion that was done by her comrades.

Conflicting feelings started to form in her: should she ignore the death of these innocent kirins and betray her comrades; or return to Equestria for her usual life along with her old friends at EFSF.

Right below the Parrot Strength, she spotted the mobile suit of S.M.I.L.E trying to put up a fight. They later charged right into their enemies which were rapidly approaching the port at the airship’s starboard side. She can even see the right moment when Brandon’s Strike Zeta Gundam transforms and goes full throttle for some combat.

Another salvo of missiles then hit the city tree house behind her. When arriving at the port, she speculated that none of the tree houses were military targets.

“There are real kirins in there…” she mumbled.

Suddenly, an insane idea popped up in her head. It was strange that she never thought of it before, but since she is a kind human, seeing innocent people die is something that is too much for her. She thought:

“Where is my Nemo?”