• Published 15th Mar 2022
  • 349 Views, 5 Comments

Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Volume 2 - Alines Reinhard

An ex-criminal pilot continue his journey to save a group of friends and protect Equestria from war.

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Chapter 17

But right the next day, Flash was woken up violently by the guards. He could hear them breathing heavily. But why he was so tired he can’t do any resistance? Two ponies rapidly pulled him through the hallway, also in a violent manner. One of them mentioned something that sounded like the word “Interrogation”.

Interrogation, ah yes!

The process to bring out information from, in most cases, criminals. They will get to sit in an almost empty room with just a bright light, a table, and several chairs. The interrogator always comes in two, will come in with some documents and sit with you. They will ask, which mostly with an unfriendly manner, about the details of the crimes, regardless if you commit it or not. Can’t blame them, they are suspicious.

Flash Sentry, however, definitely did commit the crime. Or so his enemy thought. Although he is on a moving ship at the time, the interrogation room is oddly comfortable. They are meant to give you anxiety, which means they have to be monochromatic and full of hard, cold objects. His room, however, was decorated with flowery wallpapers, a yellow lamp on the ceiling, and some comfy chairs. The table, instead of being made of aluminum, was like a carving out of high-quality pieces of wood.

His experience of being a Royal Guard tells him that his enemy definitely has something in their sleeve.

And then, that moment came.

As the Chancellor has “promised”, he really comes to the interrogation room. Going with him is another bulky stallion with no mane and a tense face. “Tough guy just the outside, huh?” Flash thought.

The Chancellor stunted Flash, as he just keeps the national special event clothes he have used when visiting Flash in his cell. He comfortably sits on his chair and politely puts the documents on the wooden table.

“First impression matter, my friend.” He said with a soft voice.

“Anyway, welcome to our ship. My name is Chancellor Black Wine, you have known me before…”

Answered him is just a sharp look of anger and disobedience from a hatred filled human. His face darkened like he was planning for an incredible violence strike against the dark blue stallion. His eyes were a bright icy color, just like his Gundam.

“So… Uhm… Yeah. It’s unfortunate we have to meet each other in this circumstance. But what can I say, It’s war. Plus you are our enemy, you are fighting for those… Let’s that story for another time… Now I wanted to ask about you and that Alicorn.”

“How do you know?” Flash asked with an emotionless face and a deep voice as if he was suppressing his anger.

“Well… a pony said she saw you lied near the Alicorn when its cockpit open! I know it’s a silly conspiracy but our mechanics haven’t seen what’s inside until now. Anyway, you are a pilot right?”

“Right?” he looked back to Flash whilst using his magic to put his pen on the paper.

“Yes. How could you tell?”

“I’ve heard your voice through the com link once. You must be a cool guy, eh? Maybe… a chick magnet?” the Chancellor said with a grin.

Flash returned with just his stone-cold look.

“Okay… I guess you don’t like sexist jokes. So if I’m not wrong, you have piloted the Strike Zeta Gundam, being recruited in a special force, and they send you here so they can destroy us?”

“Wrong.” Flash whispered.



“Oh… Wrong, isn’t it. Okay, so my speculation is not true! So?”

“So I just want to use my hand to suffocate a scumbag like you right here.” He said, still with the same tone.

“Ah ah, no violence Flash. Control yourself!” Yolinda’s voice said into Flash’s ear.

“Aw c’mon, don’t be angry, we treating you good! I mean… Look that this room! Adding some more chairs and it’s legit a conference room, right my friend?” he turned to the bald pony and go back to Flash “Anyway, let me just summarize the situation for you so you can get the idea of what’s going on… So upon further research, we’ve found some ‘soul’ being trapped inside that thing…”

This sentence triggered all of Flash’s senses, forcing him to immediately sit upright and stare into Black Wine wide-eyed.

“...uh, I guess my words work! Anyway, there are five of them, and we still don’t know who they really are, initially. That changes a bit when there are windows of electrocardiograms. Five, in fact. Each has their own letters: L, G, Y, B, and S. Now I don’t know what they stand for, but why in this universe there are electrocardiograms of ACTUAL living creatures? I can NOT fathom it, buddy. That thing has a living creature in that!”

“Because you made them like that!” Flash replied, this time with his voice raised.


“You order your guards to chase them and force those creatures to flee Equestria!”

This time, the blue-haired human yelled.

“Oh c’mon. Who? You thought I knew all about that. Listen, man. I’ve never wanted to be a part of make-up crimes, although I may find those creatures kinda deserve it…”

He paused for a few seconds to write some details into the documents. He turned up again and asked Flash a few questions that he know for sure he won’t answer. The only reply the dark blue masked stallion receives is the names of the creatures inside his cell and a stone-cold line“I won’t give you any of my comrades!”

“Okay… I think that’s enough for us! Now, for the fun part!”

After finishing some notes on the documents, he turned the paper and use his magic to levitate it to Flash. Before him is a small blueprint of the Alicorn itself, which briefing every important information a pilot needs to know: heights, weight, power plant, weapons, OS, etc.

But that’s not enough! Black Wine also pulled out another blueprint just like it and put it down in front of Flash’s eye. The new mobile suit present looks strange yet familiar.

“In case you feel dubious: yes, that’s my MS, the one you have several times. But this time it was upgraded: a more complicated head, new wings (cool!), higher energy output, and most important of all, a new OS! Completely new!”

But the thing that stunted Flash the most is that they come from the same program: the Equestrian Unity Magic Research Program, or EUMP for short.

“Its first name is the New Psychomu System Enhancement Program. AE change the name after finding us as their new customer. Psycho frame tech was banned in their world, you know.”

He paused for a few seconds and looked at his eye, just to make sure his newly captured pilot listen. To be fair, he has gone after the white Zeta as well as it’s the main pilot since the first time he encountered it. He was quite happy when learned it is the blue-haired guy with a grumpy face - like a Pallas cat - is the Creature’s ace pilot.

“What I want you to do, is invited you to be our pilot. I want you to pilot this thing!”

And just as he wanted. Flash suddenly broke his grumpy face, eyes widened. He looked at the Chancellor in disbelief.