Mobile Suit Gundam: Alicorn - Volume 2

by Alines Reinhard

First published

An ex-criminal pilot continue his journey to save a group of friends and protect Equestria from war.

A pony who used to be the Princess of Friendship`s personal guard himself and being banished to a completely different world and turned, being cursed by a group of creature friends who are trying to save Equestria. He later learns that they have no choice but to make that curse. They forgive each other flaws and together, they go on a tragic and unforgettable journey to save their beloved kingdom.

"My Little Pony" owned by Hasbro
"Gundam" owned by Sotsu, Sunrise

Chapter 1

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“Man… I have to be honest… That Black Wine guy only brings us more tension!” Nikita said after hearing that Black Wine will not join them, when they are underway towards Storm Island. “They all broke into like… three airships?”

“Yep, that’s what our intelligence say!” Joseph answered as he came to where Nikita and Mark were standing. They are looking at AE’s mechanics checking on the hangar of the Clousdale, making sure that they can accommodate more mobile suits to come. In fact, they are one of the only ships capable for mobile suit maintenance in the entire Equestria, besides a vessel called The Engineer in the Las Pegasus fleet. The mechanics, both human and ponies, are installing the machinery that will be needed for the maintenance throughout the course of the entire conflict.

“The Cloudsdale will be an official part of the Las Pegasus fleet. It will be escorted by 4 air cruisers, all of which carried 3 mobile suits each. Our mechanic’s job is to help them keep those suits battle ready!” the Captain explained to them when Joseph asked the reason behind the work in the hangar.

But in contrast to his comrade’s somewhat happy mood, Joseph just silence. He knew that Black Wine is somewhat a brave and courageous leader when he was willing to bring himself to the frontline. It is one of the best ways to make him better in the eyes of his fellow ponies. However, it also shows that he is an arrogant leader since he values his “hobby” (Joseph once heard Black Wine said piloting a mobile suit is the most enjoyable thing he ever got to experience in his life) over the national duty.

Then, he got to look at the mobile suits.

All four of them: 3 Jestas Commander and the Alicorn Gundam are all being held in MS cages. Joseph doesn't know why, but he started getting sick of looking at them almost every single day. But what can the EFSF do? Due to personnel shortage and the fact that it was really hard to transport them from one dimension to another, he, his fellow MS pilots and those mechanics below have to work and fight for two consecutive operations. Yes, it is incredible that there is not a single life lost from his side in Operation Rainbow Chaser from start to end, so when Operation Impostor Hunt was commenced, he believed the same luck would strike them again. But he has never come home ever since he went through that “space-gate” more than a year ago, and he has started to miss his family and friends back on Earthsphere.

“Colony WormHole” is the name of that space-gate.

That’s the time when he, Nikita and Mark were called into service. They were the only pilots that are, apparently, human to be sent to another dimension.

“What do you mean ‘another dimension’?” Nikita was confused when he asked his superior officer “Basically to an alien that is not even in the same universe as us?”

“I don’t know, that’s what the scientist at Colony WormHole told me!” Captain Marshall James, their superior officer, answered them. “They don’t even know if it is a world in our same universe or not, since nobody has any idea what the
“multiverse” thing. I just know that the gate only leads us to another world other than this!”

But before that, AE and whoever at the other end of that gate have done business for quite a long time, despite the fact the gate was just created not so long after the Gryps War in the year 0088, just 22 years. Yet in that time AE has done enough research, expedition and business to set a foot there. However, it is also understandable since they and the Earth Federation are the only entities that have access to that gate and the creatures there even speak the same language as them. He has some trouble learning how to write in their language, but the locals there have also learned how to use Latin words to communicate with them, so it’s not so hard to text or send letters between each other anymore.

But… that was about a month after he and his comrades were settled in Equestria.

Just after he received the order that he was qualified to come to Equestria, Joseph decided to have a day off and came to his home. It was a luxurious home, because his father is an AE executive. He has the seats in the AE due to his father's relationship with the Federation. However, becoming an officer and being deployed in a top secret mission is something not even a son of an AE executive can easily have.

“I may have to be deployed for years, mom and dad …” Joseph said to him when they are having dinner “This is a top secret and a difficult one, though…”

“Yes I know dear.” His mother said “But… have you prepared for everything?”

“Yes mom. I have finished everything. This is the last thing I have to do: say goodbye to my parents…”

Just the next morning, he had to leave to get ready for deployment. Before leaving for Colony WormHole, his mother gives him a picture of his family when they are together.

“When you feel sad or blue, just look at this picture and remember us!” his father said “We are always waiting for you back home…”

And that's how he got the picture that he is holding at that moment, after he decided to just pull out his jacket and look at it. While Mark and Nikita are just greeted by a pony and decide to talk to her, the homesick person suddenly hits him. The picture that was taken when they are on vacation was the very thing that reminded him of home.

“All hands, first level combat position!” the alerting sounds pulled him out of the nostalgia. He quickly put the picture back in his jacket and jumped into his mobile suit.

“What is that?” he asked the bridge with the ship’s communication link.

“A suspicious airship is following us from behind! We are sending drones to investigate it!” the Captain said “Just call your team to be ready! They might be one of the airships that try to take us down!”

It was quite understandable when the Captain required so much awareness for such a thing. There is information that S.M.I.L.E and their allies are trying to sink their ship and capture the Alicorn, using airships that carry mobile suits. To make matters worse, they are militarized merchant airships that are very well disguised, so any airship can be the Parrot’s Strength, the Eagle Scream, or the Black Hawk.

After the 30 minutes of inspection, it seems that the airship is just a normal merchant airship that carries goods around.

The armed drones which are called DX-10 Mosquito were sent to the airships that was a few kilometers away from Cloudsdale’s rear. Their cameras picked up parrots with hands and legs running around the deck to do the jobs that every sailors on merchant airships do, and they seemed to be somewhat scared of the drones.

“First time I saw a creature like that. Poor them though!” the Captain exclaimed.

“I think they are… parrots, Sir. They mostly came from a kingdom called Orthinia, which was inhabited by birds with human features like you!” a pegasus with glass, sitting at the radar told them.

“I see…” Joseph said.

“Looks pretty weird, though. Does every single goods have to be carried around in airships that look like old sailing ships with balloons like that?” Nikita asked the Captain “The concept of a flying wooden ship is crazy enough, though!”

“The creatures in Equus mostly carry a large quantity of goods like that, beside normal sea going ships like you humans have!” a pony navigator near them answered him, “Although we mostly used wooden ships. How about you?”

Surprisingly, Nikita decided to answer him in a respectful manner, even though he did not know how to love animals or creatures that are not human.

“Well… we mostly used sea going ships that are made entirely from metal or space ships in case you want to carry goods and people around space, such as this one!” he answered.

The pony that replied to them named Bright Vision, a Pegasus with a thick glass on his face. He is one of the thousands of ponies to be chosen to be trained by AE to use Earthsphere assets.

“The more you know…” he mumbled “Thanks.”

Even after a year stationed at Equestria, they always know something new about the new world they are settling in. If talking about what they learned in the first few months of their deployment to Equus, there should be a whole book about it. However, the things that blow them away the most are similarities: how they learn that the world was inhabited by human’s mythical creatures, how similar Equestria’s geography is to the continent of North America back on Earth, or
how similar the political machine of both worlds is,…

“Man… it… it’s like this world is someone else's imagination!” Nikita exclaimed after a “Cultural Exchange” talk with some ponies.

“Yeah, I know right?” replied Joseph.

“Mother… Father…” Flash mumbled in his sleep.

Other than the nightmares about the creatures, he sometimes saw his parents in his dream.

It was a total heartbreak for his mother when she learned her son had done a terrible thing: stealing the Princess’s crown. However, his father seems to not be surprised at all: he has abandoned him since he was joining the Royal Guard. In his eyes, the Royal Guard is a dying organization that can’t do anything and is rotten to the core.

Both on the day of his trial and the day that he was confirmed to be banished, his mother cried a lot. Flash has seen her crying like never before, when he was escorted out of the courtroom.

“Wh… Why? Why can you do this to me?” she said “I thought you were there to protect the Princess… You said that your job will make us rich?”

All of that happened when she was still on the wheel chair, struggling with a rare disease that will slowly paralyzed her until she can just lie on her bed, according to the doctor that is curing her at the time. It was a total shock to see her crying that much to the ponies that really know her that also presented at the court, and to himself. She was known to be a very energetic and funny pony in her home city, Crystal Empire. The fillies there love her and were frequently being caught going to her candy store in Crystal Avenue. The funny yet pretty curly mane Pegasus even has her own story club for fillies.

That’s the good life that Flash and his mother have experienced before she was hit by that disease.

And before he committed the crime…

It was him who wanted to cure that disease and restore the normal life that both have happily gone through. So much so that he even listens to a professional thief that Princess Twilight’s Crown can stop all of her paralyzing. That’s why he decided to join and win a test to determine the Princess of Friendship’s personal guard. Out of the need to protect her highness, Flash was assigned to Royal Guards Captain, as well as Prince Shining Armor’s Royal Guard unit. The Prince held a contest to determine the one lucky Royal Guards that will accompany Princess Twilight herself, and Flash was the winner. However, as he was told that her royal highness’s crown is the only cure for his mother’s disease, he had to betray her trust in him to steal it.

He was caught right in the night that he carried out the heist. No pony believes that he stole it for his mother. Instead, they think he is just a pony with immense greed that seeks to satisfy it and the greed of the evil pony that told him to steal the crown. To make matters worse, the incident happened at a time when the Royal Guard’s reputation was severely harmed, due to them being useless and irresponsible.

The pony that told him to steal the crown was a professional thief named Night Intruder. Both were found guilty for the heist and were sentenced to banishment.

More than 20 years later, he still has flashbacks of the very thing that led him here. It was all his fault, and he can’t help but have immense regret although it’s all too late.

“Mother… I want to see you again…” he mumbled.

After the event of the Cloudsdale’s drone encounter, the headquarters decide that they will send even more ships and mobile suits to assist the airships.

“Wow, I don’t know that we have more MS than just 5!” Haystack said with some happiness when they are having lunch “How can they get all of those suits?”

They were told that each of the original three airships will get assistance from 2 disguise air destroyers, which were all capable of carrying 2 mobile suits respectively. This is an essential reinforcement when the Las Pegasus fleet is also equipped with more MS carrying capability airships to the mission.

“Well… Orthinia have recently purchased about 20 mobile suits from AE. Old models, as they say, but they are enough to kick the Las Pegasus fleet’s butt. Beside that, our enemy is also reinforced with the same models.” – Mullet answered as he looked at the documents.

“What are they?”

“Let me see… “ the green parrot turned some more pages on his report documents “RGM – 86R GMIIIs and MSA 003 Nemo Desert Types. They kinda look the same, but they all have many differences in performance and combat capability. The GMIIIs look pretty neat, and some of them even have rocket launchers, which means more punches packed!”

Flash couldn’t help but think about how the presence of mobile suits in Equestria, as well as the whole Equus can go so far.

The blue-haired decided to find out the answer after breakfast.

“So… there’s a shuttle from another world come crashing down our world…” Captain Celaeno started the story “It was named the Black Hole. The shuttle carried a kind of giant, humanoid-shaped weapon called a mobile suit, or MS for short. They used the MS for various reasons, but mostly for their own gain and they even do some entertainment for the locals. However, Shadow Might, the pony behind “The Ponykind'' has offered to buy the mobile suit for his military. On board is an executive from a corporation called “Anaheim Electronics” who agreed to him and sold the mobile suit. In exchange, he helped fix the shuttle with magic and helped them go back to Earth. Years later, Martha Vist Carbine, the executive that sold him Psycho MkII Gundam, went back and offered him more mobile suits…”

“W… Wait a minute, you said that the Psycho MkII Gundam is the very first mobile suit to come to this world?”

The Captain nodded. She makes a water sip and continues the story.

“She even wanted to sell to ‘The Ponykind’ the Alicorn Gundam, which is the thing we are trying to take. They actually come from a single project called ‘The Psycho Outlaw’ with one goal in mind: to use a kind of magic called ‘Psycho Wave’ as a weapon. That’s just human’s magic. However, she also found out that ponies' magic also works with that ‘psycho frame’ thing, so she wanted to sell them to the Equestrian Army for more research.”

“So that’s what Black Wine meant when he wanted to ‘take back the Alicorn’ like he said?”

“However, his paranoia and greed put every creature in danger. That’s why we cannot let him have that mobile suit!”

“But… But what about the ‘Magic of Friendship’ thing!” Flash slightly exclaimed “I thought there are tons of ‘friends’ that will solve all those conflicts like a piece of cake: the Pillars, the Young Six...

“First of all, their power can be used only for saving and protecting Equestria. Second… we are not talking about a whole mindset, not some random single villain or a few of them. No ‘magic’ can be powerful enough to fix such a big problem overnight!”

“So the same can be said about Discord?”

The Captain nodded.

“So… is that also why did he join S.M.I.L.E in this? He is the God of Chaos. This is war, war is chaos, which means he must really love it!”

“No, he outright hates all of this mess, especially when his best friend Fluttershy has been turned to stone. He also loves the harmony that Princess Twilight and her friends brought to this world, so he also joined the fight against Black Wine! By the way, Fluttershy has advised S.M.I.L.E to accept Discord, since she also pushes him to find ‘a proper job’ as well: he chooses to serve along with us!”

“Wait… why?”

Celaeno took a sip before continuing.

“Because he loves the concept of hunting monsters. S.M.I.L.E is short for Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria. We’re a secret military branch which primarily makes sure monsters don’t affect Equestrian life. In the early days of mobile suits present here in Equus, S.M.I.L.E classified them as monsters. After years and years, they started to use them as their own stuff and classified both captured and used MS as ‘neutralized monsters’. In case you don’t know, Black Wine’s 265
and us are the only organization that is capable of operating these machines!”

“Guess I always learn something new everyday!” Flash replied.

“That’s also a reason why they handle you so quickly! They have dealt with some stranded mobile suit pilots before. The reason why they want you is because at that time, we only had 4 MS compared to the 25 Black Wine’s Army have right now. Not to mention he basically brings his ‘best of the best’ just to catch that thing and destroy us all…”

Suddenly, something rocked the ship, nearly throwing Flash and Celaeno out of their seats. A few minutes later, Angie ran to the ship's canteena where the duo are having the conversation. Breathing hard while wiping the sweat that falling down all over her face, she told to her:

“Captain, I ran all over the ship to find you!” she said “You should go to the bridge right now!”

“What’s happening?”

“Those Las Pegasus Fleet’s ships are chasing after us!” she said in panic “They… they have sent a mobile suit out!”

"Brandon! Sweet Celestia, where were you this morning!” Haystack ran to Flash as he climbed into the Strike Zeta Gundam “I ran all over the ship to find you!”

“I was talking to Celaeno at the cateena, Sir!”

“Climb in, we’re gonna fight with those black MS!”

Carefully positioned himself in the seat, Flash started his suit. The panoramic screen was turned on, revealing the view inside the ship’s main hangar: some of the wires are still sticking out, but most of them have been carefully implemented to the walls, the slowly opening hatch that reveals the ground below, as both suits are placed upside down.

Then, the Lieutenant begin making battle prepare procedure for Flash to follow:

“All monitors on?” he asked

“Yes, Sir!”

“Weapon system?”

“All on too!”

“Engine is on? Your suits use a Thermal Nuclear Ramjet engine, right?”

“Yes Sir. I’m ready!”

The reason why Haystack requires him to go through the procedure is because Seashell Blue have found some
monitor errors in Flash’s suit the night before that. Haystack asked his blue-haired pilot to go through it to make sure his suit is ready for combat. However, he is still not entirely sure.

“Hopefully every error was fixed. By the way, you came out first and transformed yourself to WR mode, I’ll need a ride with ya!”

“Roger that Lieutenant!” Flash answered while taking his gigantic shield.

“What is that, Angie?” Celaeno rapidly ran into the combat bridge “What are the MS that are attacking us?”

“Two GMIII and a Nemo, ma’am!” Boyle reported.

“Where do they come from?”

“One Mattia class air battleship, they are approaching us from the rear!” the green parrot reported. Then he turned to Flash and Haystack who were engaging the enemy's formation. “Brandon, Haystack, can you cut their tail?”

“Roger that Boyle! I already saw the Las Pegasus Fleet emblem!” the Lieutenant reported “We’re outnumbered!”

Just after that, another huge shock rocked the ship, almost throwing Angie to the side as she was holding onto the main planning table.

The Mattia class air battleship is one of the things that the crew most hated to see. They are well armed, perhaps Equus’s most heavily armed airship, with 3 twin turrets to operate their 15 inch beam cannons and about 15 missile launchers. In addition to that, it was rumored to have an ability to carry 5 mobile suits, as well as 5 base jabbers. This makes its mobile suit carrying capability to be on par with even the Cloudsdale , as they are converted 210 meters long, 20 meters wide merchant airships.

“What an absolute unit it is!” is what Lady Rainbow Dash said when she first saw one of it being constructed at
Manehatten shipyard.

Inside the cockpit, Flash was shocked to see a gigantic beam of light pass through the Parrot Strength. Famous for the fact that they are the only class of ship in the Equestrian Navy that was equipped with AE’s heavy beam weapon, Flash knew that he had to stop all of them in time.

“That ship is trying to stop us!” Flash mumbled “They have a beam cannon!”

Knowing that they already have business with AE, Flash is still somewhat surprised that the collaboration between Black Wine’s Army and the Earthsphere’s corporation have gone that far. The beam cannons are some of the most difficult weapon systems to produce and implement on any type of warships, yet they can do that with flying steel airships that can’t even go higher than 4000 meters.

Then, two giant humanoid figures, riding on an appropriately large flying saucer approach the Strike Zeta and the
Jesta Commander on it. They are the two GMIII that Boyle has said. Flash could tell by their large sensor on their heads , the missile pods on both of their shoulders and the extra booster on their side skirts. One of them pointed its beam rifle towards the duo and fired.


The shot's sound echoes throughout the forest, making the birds down the trees shocked and flying up from the branches. The beam shot merely touches Jesta's armor, making slight burns on it.

“They know that’s us!” Haystack said “Just fly and maneuver, I’ll fight them!”

“Yes Sir!”

The black mobile suit returned the fire. The bright purple pierce through the air, heating some water vapor that flies up into the sky from the rainforest at 8 am. The shot however was aimed towards the flying saucer, called the base jabber, hitting its front armor and blowing up a portion of the base jabber itself. The silver painted flying machine lost balance for awhile and shaken the mobile suit on it violently, to the point that a GMIII fall out of the base jabber and was forced to hang itself on the left side. Not satisfying with the result, the Lieutenant aimed his shot more accurately towards the base jabber’s nose and latter completely blew it up with another beam shot.

The base jabber exploded, lighting up a whole part of the rainforest with its bright flames while throwing it’s GMIII up into the air. The smoke was so dense it took a few minutes to completely clear up itself by the wind and exposed the GMIII.

“Yeah! First victory of the day!” Haystack cheered “Now where's the Nemo!”

“It is 2 o’clock, Sir!” Flash replied “It also came with a base jabber!”

The Nemo is slightly different from the GMIII duo: it only lacks the shoulders, missile pods and the side skirt booster. However, Haystack and Flash still have to be careful as it carries a lance shaped weapon with it.

“That’s the beam javelin!” Haystack exclaimed “So you want to bring yourself to us for a quicker defeat, huh?”

Haystack also blew up its base jabber. However, it did surprise them as it jumped down to the forest right before Haystack’s shot hit its base jabber.

“That was fast! Hey Brad, bring us closer!”

The Strike Zeta Gundam’s thermonuclear ramjet engine fired up with bright blue flames at the booster end, causing the duo to accelerate towards their opponent.

“Higher up, buddy! I want to prevent those GMIII from destroying our ship. Those missiles look concerning. You will also help me to take em down, okay?”

“Yes Sir!”

Flash decided to fly up a bit higher to see where their enemies were hiding. Nearly a minute later, they both find the GMIII duo trying to aim their missiles pod towards where the Parrot Strength is. Flash turned his direction towards the enemy’s duo and fired his side skirt beam gun along with Haystack.

All four shoulder missile pods explode as the shots hit them. The flames and smoke from the explosion covered them all and flew up to the sky.

“Good, they are disarmed. Now, to the Nemo!”

The white mobile suit flashes up its head sensor and swings its javelin to the Jesta Commander’s head. However, Haystack quickly stopped the javelin by his shield and kicked its torso. Not giving up on its prey, the Nemo quickly regains balance and makes another strike. This time towards the Strike Zeta Gundam.

“Flash, transform! We’ll take care of it together!”

The white mobile suit rapidly transformed and dodged the strike, making the javelin blade pierce through nothing but the air and carry the suit to the rear of the Strike Zeta. This makes its backpack exposed to the duo, which is where the booster is located. Flash decided to smash it with his leg, causing the Nemo to lose balance once again.

“Ha! Nice job there Ensign Brad!” the Lieutenant complimented. “Glad we have you in our team.”

The Lieutenant quickly rushes towards where Flash and the Nemo are. He managed to prevent it from falling to the forest by hanging both of its arms while disarming the suit. He quickly took the beam javelin away and kept it with his left hand. However, the captured machine still resisted. It constantly punches its fist on to the Strike Zeta’s shield, causing Flash to be extra careful to his balance.

“Bridge, can we go back?” the Lieutenant said through the comlink.

“Yes you can, but hurry! We're gonna spread the radar blind glitter to cut that Mattia class!” Celaeno replied. “You have 5 minutes!”

“But… do you have some space for a captured mobile suit?”

“Yes we are! We’ll deploy the mobile suit bag right after you come back!”

“Sorry buddy, but… I have to do this!” Haystack mumbled as he deployed the “shock wire”, after he put his rifle to his back skirt.

A large black wire was fired from his right hand towards the Nemo’s right arm. The electric shock was so powerful
that not only made the captured MS vibrate from the current, but also made his suit’s monitor glitches a little.

“Hold on Flash, hold on!” Flash hyped himself to keep his mind in focus.

The Lieutenant kept his “shock wire” out for a few seconds before pulling it back.

“So, we have our first prisoner of war!” Haystack said.

Flash can’t believe the crew of the Parrot Strength have prepared for the case when they have a captured mobile suit.

Flash was ordered to fly down to the underside of the airship’s hull. The underside opened its two hatches and dropped a large black cloth with four chains to hang it down from the hull.

“Hey buddy, bring it face up!” Boyle said to Flash “We don’t want the pilot to be locked up!”

“Copy that!”

The Strike Zeta carefully placed the captured mobile suit on the cloth as Boyle said. He then left the Nemo and flew up to his hangar. Haystack was also being pulled up to the MS cage with the ship’s special crane.

The white Nemo rested itself calmly on the black cloth, straightening it’s limb. Apart from some bruise, scratch and a damaged backpack, the machine is relatively fine.

Since the captured MS was placed right beneath Flash’s hangar, Seashell Blue told Flash he was okay with the idea to half close his hangar’s hatch.

“With that, we can both maintain your suit as well as that of the Nemo.” the blue hippogriff said through the communication link.

“It’s your choice, SB! My job is fighting.” Flash said as he carefully untied himself and ready to exit his mobile suit.

The hatch does just as Seashell Blue said, after the cloth was pulled up to a height that the ship’s crew can get down to the Nemo without the use of a rope ladder.

Flash jumped down from his cockpit and refreshed himself with some yawning. Being trapped in a suit, plus an air-locked cockpit for more than half an hour could be stressful. A few seconds after that, the ship’s personnel rushed to his position and began their job. A blue parrot jumped down the chest of Nemo and started checking on it. Right after that, the cockpit hatch opened to let its pilot out.

It was a human pilot to be exact, dressed in some old orange pilot suit and also wearing an orange helmet. When the helmet was off, he noticed some long hair fall down her shoulder.

“Wait… isn’t that… Era? What is she doing here?”

Chapter 2

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The red haired pilot was shocked when she saw Flash standing on the hatch.

“Bran… Brandon?” she mumbled.

She has to blink for a few seconds until she can finally believe the blue-haired guy in the Strike Zeta was indeed Brandon Cultrich. She was ensured when she saw the Strike Zeta Gundam and a Jesta Commander engage right at her previously. After that, when she saw the blue-haired pilot once again after her squad lost him at Antarctica, she was confused.

“Wh… What, how can he be here?” she mumbled “And the Strike Zeta is with him all along?”

“Wait, so you said that she is one of your comrades back in Antarctica?” Haystack asked when they followed Era, being escorted to the custody room.

“Yes. We both serve in the Antarctica Corps at the… well… Antarctica base!” Flash replied. “We’re not exactly as close as you and me, but I could say that she is on the same MS team as mine.”

“So… what’s your MS team name back in Antarctica?”

“Company J, Sir!”

“Ah… nice name, but I don’t get why y’all have that name?”

“Our commander is a Lieutenant named John, so he named his company after his first letter.”

“What a narcissist he is, eh?”

The duo was allowed to get to the ‘custody cabin’, which is actually Captain Celaeno’s personal resting place. The red haired pilot sometimes stared at Flash on the way when her back view was not entirely blocked by the huge silhouette of Ensign Boyle escorting her to the place.

The custody is where Flash learned Celaeno and her crew were used to be pirates: the Captain’s portrait that hung beside her own bed was held in a gold-casted frame, placed along with some sort of treasure chest with coins, gold bars and jewels.

“Well… even pirates like me did love to beautify myself with them, just like you!” Celaeno said as she looked at the chest “Those things are rewarded for our hard work! By the way, don't be afraid of us: we’re just as human as you, only don’t have a human look…”

“I have been alongside ponies before, Captain!” Era replied “I’m okay with all of you!”

To Flash, Era was unsurprisingly calm even when she was escorted by bi-pedal parrots that are one head taller than her. She was one of the courageous pilots back when both were still serving at the Antarctica Corps. He even recalled that one time she struck down a man near the changing room when attempted to harass her…

“So… why do you guys after us?” the white parrot started “What is the order that you receive?”

“We’re being asked to go after you guys after there are reports saying your ship carries mobile suits. As we have known, this ship was carrying stolen suits that were intended to belong to us and the ponies.”

Some of the parrots in the room began to show hatred towards her, grinding the teeth as well as restraining their punch at the hands. Captain Celaeno however, secretly ordered her crew to relax while continuing the talk.

“But why are you guys firing at us?”

“That’s one way to find out whether you carried a mobile suit or not, as well as ordering you to stop. You obviously fall for our trick and force us to deploy our suits. Too bad your pilot’s excellent skill made them stop and capture me.”

“Are you the commander of that squad?”

“No. That role belong to Lieutenant Miara in one of the two GMIII you take down!”

“I see… One more question: do you know the location of the Cloudsdale?”

That is the moment when things start to gain their tension. Era unfortunately knows where that white light cruiser is at that moment. She obviously don’t want to betrayed her side, so she replied with shrug:

“I have no idea. But even if I know, I’ll never tell you!”

“Listen carefully, Era. Your faction has caused pointless wars here in Equus and caused innocent people to die all because of your pointless wars!” the captain growled “Do you understand why Black Wine requested you guys to come to this world and conduct those operations?”

“He said that you guys are a threat to his kingdom and that he wanted to make sure it was safe… I don’t know anymore, I just follow my superior’s order…”

At that moment, the crew realized that she is just clueless and motivate-less. It seems like the only faction that she obeys to are actually the Earth Federation itself.

“I just wanted to make sure my comrades on the Cloudsdale and the Blueberry to be safe. That’s why I don’t want to tell you where they are!”

Then, she turned to Flash, who was watching the interrogation along with some of his crewmates.

“But… Why is he here?” Era pointed at Flash.

“Well… he was sort of saved by us and joined us. Wait… you know him?”

“Well… he is actually from our world… We even served alongside each other. I can hardly call him a friend, but I guess he is now… Is that right, Brandon?”

Every creature in the cabin seems to be shocked at her recognition. Boyle seems to be the most surprised.

It was a hot summer night, when Flash and one of his classmates, Blueberry Shake, traveled across the street. It was a time when both of them are still in their primary school ages, and the duo usually hang out along with some other colts. He escorted her back to her house.

“That apple cake was so delicious, Flash!” she complimented as she licked her own lips “Will you hang out with us again?”

“Sure is, Blueberry!” the young colt said in excitement “You really love that restaurant, don’t ya?”

“Yep, I am! Hey, how about trying the strawberry cake next time?”

But there were no answers, as both of them were shocked when a group of teenage ponies blocked their way home.

“Look what we got here: the prince of the Sentries and the princess of the Shakes!” a pony with a spiked mane said excitedly “Going out without supervision, sadly…”

“Yeah, and look at that blue mane!” another pony with his mane blocking his right eye looked at Flash “Seems like you have a lot of money in it!”

It’s them, it’s the rocky pony duo that going across the cities to terrorized ponies and stealing their belongings. Flash knew that he almost had no chance against them, because they are some of the most shredded ponies he ever saw.

“Well, if you see us, you know it! Give us all of your money and you’ll be alone!” one of them groaned.

“No way, we have used up all of our money!” Flash barked back.

“Believe him, he just speaks the truth!” Blueberry Shake followed. Her parents only give them enough money to have one apple pie and two cups of juice.

“Liar! Who in Equestria can calculate that accurately. Both of you come from some of Crystal Empire’s most wealthy families, which means y’all must have a lot of unused bits in your pocket. Give us or get beaten!”

The alley way that they got into was unfortunately small, enough for two big stallions to completely block their way.

“Run…” whispered Blueberry, which the duo really did. However, the spiked mane pony is fast enough to block their back.

“No way to run, eh?” he said “Give me the bits, now!”

Then deciding to not play around anymore, Flash punches right into his face as an answer.

“Here are your bits!” he barked. His hooves punch right into the pony's nose and make him lose balance.

However, all of his actions are in vain: the bullies duo are so furious at Flash’s action that they eventually kick him hard. However, Blueberry was fast enough to escape the fight and seek for help, which made a nearby crowd respond. Although the young blue pony is safe and the bullies were caught soon after, she can’t stand to see her friend having bruises all over his body.

“So… that’s how you come to the conclusion that you should join the Royal Guard?”

Flash was somewhat surprised to see his ‘friends’ standing right next to him, witnessing the entirety of his memory.

“Wh… When did you guys come here?” the blue mane Pegasus asked.

“Well… I guess that this curse can allow us to come into your dreams?” Luster Dawn replied. “So… what's going to happen next?”

He was then escorted home by some other grown up ponies. There, he told his parents about the fight that left those bruises on him. Although he could buy the time for his friend to escape, he still regrets that he can’t really beat them due to his small size and lack of strength. His mother eventually complimented him for his brave action:

“You are the most courageous pony I’ve ever known, Flashie!” his mom nudges “One day you will become a powerful stallion and protect your own princess! You’ll be her prince charming!”

“My own princess? Prince charming?”

“I don’t know… But you’ll have to protect innocent ponies eventually… But I would assure you that you will be the most trusted Royal Guard ever?”

“Really?” the young colt jumped in excitement.

His mom nodded her head in response. Her curly mane moves up and down like it is happy for the young Flash Sentry.

But instead of bringing joy to his family, joining the Royal Guard plus his mother's disease have brought their happiness away. Knowing how corrupt and useless the Royal Guard is, especially after two consecutive failures of saving Equestria from failures, his dad has decided to abandon him and completely ignore Flash, as if he never had a son. And then, there’s that one time he stole Princess Twilight crowns.

“Turns out… I never properly protect any pony. Not only that, I did more harm than good to the Royal Guard. I’m neither courageous nor charming…” Flash sighed in sadness “Hey, honestly… If you can, try to find another pony better than me, okay?”

However, Luster shook her head in response, along with a weird smile on her face.

“Why?” Flash asked, “There are tons of ponies better than me!”

“There’s no way we can find a pony like you again, Flash.” She said “When we eventually give up and escape that Cloudsdale ship, can you calculate the probability of some creature finding us in the bottom of the ocean far from land and brave enough to touch the cockpit. Not to mention when we cast that… curse upon them, do you guarantee they will have enough patience and mental stability to find out who we are and agree to go on an adventure with S.M.I.L.E to free us out! Oh, and the fighting too. You have enough knowledge and skills to those MS which make you still survive today. I would assure you that none of those creatures can stand a chance against another MS, not to mention facing Black Wine at least twice like you and still survive!”

“You… have you prepared for all of this before?” Flash asked in confusion.

“Nope, she’s just smart!” Butter Burger comes in.

“She has a point, she really does have a point, Flash!” Spring Garden added “At least at the moment you are the only one that can fulfill your role right now. Oh, and you can protect your… princess as much as you want!”

The kirin pointed her hooves to herself.

“Yes I know that. You are a legitimate princess of the kirin!” Flash replied.

“You get the idea, Flash! Now, will you be our… Arrgh! I can’t believe I have to say this!” Luster growling grumpily “Let just say you’re gonna be playing a role as a ‘prince charming’ in this, okay?”

“Ooh, I like that idea!” said Yolinda with some little excitement “Kinda like a role playing game, but more dangerous… But, I believe you can do it!”

“I’ve seen your pilot skill, Flash! Agile, fast reaction, and punch em’ hard enough for a swift victory!” Grisela added “At that Strike Zeta looks super cool, just like this Alicorn Gundam!”

“Thanks… thank you!”

The next thing he knew is that he decided to talk to them under a familiar tree at the Sweet Apple Acres, about how he met Era again.

“So you told me she is your friend back when you’re still at Earthsphere and she came here to fight you and you meet her again!” Butter Burger said with a constant pace and no pause. “This is so cool!”

“Well, guess truth is stranger than fiction sometimes!” Luster Dawn added “So… What unit does she serve in?”

“I don’t know, I only heard she’s currently serving on a battleship called the Blueberry. Yeah, I know it has the same name as my old friend.”

“That’s a good name for a vessel, honestly!” Yolinda said “Though I admit that vessel should not be a warship…”

“It’s literally a WARSHIP, Yolinda!” Grisela said with the word “warship’ emphasize.

“Yes, but what I wanted to say is that a warship should also have a nice name…” Yolinda replied “Okay?”

“Yeah, just forget it… those two sometimes have some sort of… rivalry…” Luster said with a smile “Oh… and how about retrieving us? Do you have any plans for that?”

“Let just say that we will try to take down the Cloudsdale down and we will take y’all out of it’s wreckage.” Flash answered, but he soon had to scratch his head in uncertainty “We do have a plan that if one of the airships spotted the enemy, it will call the rest to join, but we really don’t have a detailed plan of how to properly take that down…”

“Or you can sneak into the ship and open the Alicorn’s cockpit!” Spring Garden said with a wink “Don’t worry, we’ll let you in!”

“Wait… how about the Strike Zeta?” the blue mane pegasus asked in confusion “Should I just leave it or…”

“Well… maybe another one will take care of it for you… It could be Era! She’s kinda promising to me at least!” Luster Dawn said “The Nemo that she is piloting currently has its backpack damaged, so I think that she would shift to the Strike Zeta when things are done with our Alicorn Gundam!”

“Seems legit…” Flash said.

Then, suddenly something came to his mind. The moment he saw the lanterns mourning the missing princess is the very thing that changed his mind about the friends in the Alicorn Gundam. However, he feels that it might make them worried about their family and friends that they have left forcefully. He is not the kind of pony that knows how to handle well when seeing others crying.

The thinking makes Flash just look at the team for a few seconds without saying anything, causing them to look at him back suspiciously.

“Uh… Flash, do you have anything to say?” Luster asked with her eyes slightly closed, indicating that she is doubting Flash on something.

“Oh… Oh. Right! Never mind that. I just think wild!” he replied.

“Oh c’mon! You think you can hide your mind from us?” Grisela said with a doubtful voice, hovering herself right in front of Flash and touching her beak on to his nose. “Are you thinking about those lanterns?”

“Wait… You know it?”

“Well… this is a lucid dream so you can talk with us like this, which means that if you have some imagination in your head, we should have seen it!” the light cerise unicorn said “So… what are those lanterns?”

“Well… you guys all know that Spring Garden is a princess, right?” he started “So the thing is… they are mourning you guys!”

“What?” the whole group exclaimed in disbelief.

“Mom…” Spring Garden started to have some tears in her eyes “Every kirin…”

“Yeah…” Flash sighed “They have been doing it for six years now. I guess you guys are extremely loved here in Equestria…”

And with that, Flash has to witness his new friend crying. He knew they are here, far away from their beloved and the only one they can talk to are each other. He saw each of them mumbling their friends and family, crying, sobbing as if they have lost every one they loved. At that moment, he really understood why they needed him so much.

“Hav… Have you met any of my friends and relatives?” Luster said “My mom, my dad… They worked at the School of Friendship…”

“Honestly, I haven’t even seen that school, let alone seen your parents. And… I know this was hard to say but… At this moment, we can’t have access to Ponyville yet: Up until this moment, we’re still mostly operating outside of Equestria… I’m sorry if that means they are in trouble…”

“How about Griffonstone, Yakyakistan…” the young brown yak came and shook him while still heavily sobbing “Are they still safe?”

“They are relatively safe for this moment. But I don’t know how they will protect themselves when the war reaches those kingdoms.”

“War? What do you mean?” Yolinda was confused.

“Well… there is this alliance that was called ‘The Harmony Alliance’…” Luster Dawn read it out from her notebook and while taken out a red glass “This Alliance was established to fight in a possible war with Black Wine’s Equestria after the event of the Blue Rock Mine as well as the assassination on the Council of Friendship…”

“Wait, how can you know all of that?” Flash asked in confusion.

“We can hear creatures on that ship talking while we are still trapped in that cage!” the light cerise unicorn explained casually “Don’t underestimate our ‘magic’, Flash! Oh and I love to wear this glass sometimes. Look cute, eh?”

“Yeah… cute… So do you know anything about where you are now? Like… What is your location?”

“Sadly… we don’t know…” Spring Garden said “We can only hear what they are saying and that’s it!”

Luster then looked at her with an un-amused face “Spring Garden! That’s not how our ‘magic’ works!”

“C’mon it’s the truth, Lustie. Be honest!” Grisela said “Or you want to have some flexing?”

“Flexing? No way!” Luster Dawn said with the notebook covering half her face and her eyes looking to the ground, which made her seem like she was hiding her blush. The scene overall makes the group so adorable that it makes Flash chuckle.

A few second later, Luster Dawn regain her confidence and continue her own report:

“We also heard that Black Wine is also trying to steal more mines in other kingdoms as well! I don’t have the details on that, but I could assure you that they are all in territories of Alliance of Harmony’s members. This also means that our kingdom was safe!”

“Few!” the rest of the group sighed.

The next day, Flash finds out that right after the Canterlot arrived at the Hall of Friendship, Lady Rainbow Dash immediately held a conference that established the Alliance of Harmony, which is a multinational military alliance. The kingdoms that agree to join are: Griffonstone, Yakyakistan, Farasi, Orthinia, Abyssinia, Kirin’s Groove and Everfree. The goal is to protect each other from a potential Equestrian attack by Black Wine’s Army.

“He will trigger an all-out war against him if he decides to attack just one of these kingdoms!” a Griffonstone senator said in a newspaper Flash found in the ship’s library.

“Hey, what are you doing there bud?” Haystack suddenly came and asked “Lix has such a good taste for breakfast, though!”

That morning, the ship was served with some of the most Orthinian like food they were ever have: some walnut soup, fruit jam, bread and a special delicacy that was called “Veggie Roll”

“That ‘Veggie Roll’ thing is basically vegetables rolled with some fruit and hot rice inside! I like how that kind of rice was used exclusively for the dish!”

“You have some good taste, Lieutenant!” Flash chuckled “You used to be a cook, right?”

“Not really. However my parents used to occasionally bring me to five star restaurants in Canterlot. They usually left a lot of aftertaste. So yeah! I could say I’m somewhat an amateur food reviewer!”

Both of them laughed, causing their sound to echo along the alley way of the ship. This gives Angie a clue of where they are and she shortly finds the duo talking in the library.

“Sorry pilots, but the captain wants you to present at the mobile suit hanger as soon as possible!” she said “We are refueling!”

“Ah, the refueling process is an interesting sight to see, right?” Haystack said “Well then let’s go!”

Seeing two giant airships docked side by side in the middle of the air is such a sight to behold. Flash was breathtaking to see wires and pipes connecting each other outside of the window, hanging over the sea of clouds. Although the silhouette of the refueling airship itself, the Remember Me, blocked the sunlight away, Flash could still see wooden color paint on it’s hull and the number 25 painted near the nose.

“Get into your cockpit pilots!” Celaeno ordered “Reports from the bridge said the Cloudsdale is just a few kilometers from here. We initially lowered the altitude so the cloud can hide both of us easier, but the crew at Remember Me said we can’t do that while refueling. That’s why we need both of you in your place!”

According to what Flash knows, the fuel they are getting is helium 3, which is extremely essential for a mobile suit to operate properly. One of the reasons why AE are willing to come all the way to another world is because they want the helium 3, which can be taken easily because of a pre-existing mining facility in Equestria as well as in other kingdoms. The Remember Me’s helium 3 source is from one such mine. Combined with other resources such as titanium, cobalt and other kinds of hard alloy, Equus is a piece of cake that AE and the Earth Federation don’t want to let go too easily.”

“So… you mean that we are fully exposed out in the open?” the Lieutenant asked with surprise.

“Yeah… sadly!”

A few seconds later, after seeing Seashell Blue waving at him near the Strike Zeta, Flash ran straight to where he stood.

“Hey Brad, I got something interesting!” the blue hippogriff said excitedly “Check this out!”

He then pulled out some magazines from his wings. Their cover making Flash blushes with ponies and even hippogriffs making some suggestive poses.

“What the… ‘Play pony’?” the blue haired pilot exclaimed.

“Bro, keep your voice down! These things are from that ship’s library, I stole it!”

The “Play Pony” magazines made Flash go off guard for a while. He doesn't know there can be such a thing right in the middle of a war like them.

“Yeah, I know you are human and all. Just show ya some of these for ‘cultural exchange’. Do you have them in your world?”

“Of course there are. I once saw a human version of this called ‘Playboy’ in a book store right in the Antarctica base. I actually don’t have interest in those.”

“So sad man, but these obviously weren’t for you anyway… But the ponies and hippogriffs are both beautiful, eh?”

“Yeah, beautiful… But Play Pony also has a hippogriff version too?”

“Yup, and there are versions for…”

“Hey you two!” Haystack suddenly yelled at them, causing Seashell to rapidly put the magazines back in his wings and adjust his pose. Flash also startled at the Lieutenant’s shout, causing him to straighten his standing position.

“I thought you should be in your cockpit right now?” the brown earth pony then came to them “What are you discussing?”

“I… I just recommended some good food to eat, Sir!” Seashell Blue said with his teeth grinding in fear “Do you want to go to a restaurant in Everfree, it was called…”

“No explanation. I want both of you back into position, now!”

Flash then jumped into his cockpit and started his suit up. After seeing his panoramic screen fully up, he could see his hippogriff friend smiling at him playfully with a wink before running up to the combat bridge.

“Bastard…” Flash chuckled.

Only a few minutes later, the siren went up inside the hangar, forcing the refueling process to cut short. From his monitor in the cockpit, Flash could see wires and pipes detaching from his airship and retracted back to the Remember Me. Both airships were ordered to stay separate in a distance that both don’t affect each other when one of the ships being shot down or heavily damaged while the Parrot Strength can still cover fire power for both.

Looked down to the hangar, Flash could see they had already opened the hatches. The mobile suit that was captured by the pilot duo was being lowered down so it could clear the path for deployment.

“Sorry bro, Era didn't want to fight her friends so she refused to come out!” Seashell Blue said to Flash “You must fire up your engines first before we can detach you from the cage. Got it?”

“Got it SB!” Flash answered with a thumb up, looking as his engineer talking through the camera. “I’ll make sure I do it properly! By the way, where do you get all of those Play Pony?”

“Let just say I take it with ‘special permission’!” the blue hippogriff with a mischievous grin before whispered “I stole them. “Don't tell Haystack!”

Lowering MS cages is a procedure that was rarely used, since that is the first time the Parrot Strength ever had a captured mobile suit. Even though the suit is lying face up, Flash could still see Nemo have its backpack covered, indicating the ship’s mechanics are working on fixing the suit. Apart from that, there seems to be little change to it and the holding cloth.

Finally, when both are at optimal heights, Flash does exactly as Seashell Blue told him. The flames from his engines slowly turned from orange to blue, finally giving him enough power for a rapid launching process.

“Okay, 3…2…1, detaching!”

The sounds of metal contacting each other echoed into Flash’s microphone. The suit only falls down slightly, barely touches the cockpit hatch of the Nemo before firing itself out of the cage and right into the air. The Strike Zeta Gundam was ordered to maintain its MS mode and hover itself near the mothership.

“Wait… where is Haystack?” Flash was confused to not see his commander out with him.

“Hey Brad! I think you should fight alone this time!” the Lieutenant later spoke up “My MS still doesn't have enough fuel!”

“Sorry Sir!”

“I said I don’t have enough fuel! I’ll hang myself from the cage and covering fire for ya, okay?”

Flash glanced towards the aft hangar and saw the cage is lowering itself with the Commander type Jesta still sticking into it. Some parts of the cage are open to let the arms move freely.

“Enemy mobile suit approaching at 2 o’clock, preparing for combat!” Captain Celaeno commands directly to both pilots.

At the horizon, the silhouette of the Cloudsdale appeared right at the sun, blocking parts of the sunset light from it. From there, there are three black dots deployed from it and slowly approaching both airships. Flash zoomed his camera towards and saw three base jabbers, each with 2 mobile suits on it.

“The Cloudsdale appeared to have some sort of extension on its hangar. That’s why it can carry so much!” Angie said through the com link.

Flash decided to transform himself to Wave Rider mode and engaged. He could see one of the enemy suits open fire towards him. The white mobile suit immediately avoids the purple beam shot and returns fire.

“That’s the airship that followed us last time!” Nikita said “And attack that Mattia’s class suits too! How can we deal with this, commander?”

“Me and Mark will take care of Strike Zeta! You and the rest of the squad will take down those airships. I don’t want them to hide in the clouds!” Joseph commanded, “You should do it fast ,Nikita!”

The Strike Zeta fired its beam rifle from the large shield on its nose, slightly passing through his suit’s shield before hitting the air. Mark returned fire with his beam rifle, but the shot once again missed the white MS.

John looked at his new comrades charging towards their enemies. Two base jabber, one with a Jesta and a GMIII, and another one with 2 additional GMIIIs riding on it. The three new pilots are young Federation’s cadet that were assigned to the ship just a week before that. The rapid preparation for all three of them made them tired, which Joseph noticed. One of the pilots named Mary, proposed to the officers to have a small karaoke party with the ponies for cultural exchange, and surprisingly, the officers, which included Joseph himself, agreed.

The ship is on route back to Canterlot base from the patrol at Storm Island when they heard reports of the Parrot Strength being reported to have some refueling above Kludgetown. The captain decided to slightly divert the ship to the enemy, knowing that the airship that followed them above the Southern Equestrian Sea is certainly the Parrot Strength.

Above the dark clouds that was literally called “Sea of Clouds”,, the first missile salvo from the GMIII targeted the Parrot Strength and the Remember Me. Unfortunately for Joseph, all of them were stopped by the airships's defense system, the thing that even a Federation’s officer like him was shocked to know. Not only that, the slightly larger resupply airship seems to have some CIWS and missiles as well.

“Lieutenant, that… that Gundam!” Mark yelled through the com link.

The scene he experienced next caused both pilots off guard: the Strike Zeta quickly changed the course right after the first missile salvo and faced its thruster to the duo, firing itself back to the mothership. From that position, it opened fire on Nikita’s squad.

“Darn it! Come back here you bastard!” screamed Joseph.

Chapter 3

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After the close calls by the missile's salvo and the excellent performance from the CIWS and anti-air rocket, the whole bridge breathed in relief. In addition to that, Celaeno was genuinely surprised by how well protected the Remember Me was.

“Nice weapons you got there, Captain Mohawk!” the white parrot complimented “Your lady is a tough fighter!”

“I know right! Thanks to friend Lady Rainbow Dash for her help!” the black-fur anthropomorphic hawk with the same fancy hat as her said “Those Phalanx CIWS does make the job!”

By the camera that was mounted outside of the ship, she could see that six different large plums of dark gray smoke blocked part of their view to the enemy. From that, she speculated the enemy are just opening their charge. With that in mind, she alarmed the ships.

“Don’t let your guard down, every creature. That’s not all of their arsenal!”

“Captain, get the clouds!” Suddenly, the Strike Zeta pilot’s voice screamed to the com link “They will sink you both!”

“Yes I know! You just deal with the suits!” the captain yelled back.

But right after that, the second salvo came towards the airship. Celaeno yelled at her crew to brace for impact, in case there were missiles that actually hit them while the alarm rang all across the hull.

Then, the defense system got to work again. Two Phalanx CIWS fire constantly at the incoming warheads, taking out 2 of them in the process. Meanwhile, the guns and rocket on the refueling airship also successfully stop another duo of warheads, creating a large plume of smoke just like the previous strike.

After all of the alarms stopped, another 5 missiles destroyed mid-flight. While Celaeno looked at her crew and asked “Is every creature okay?”, her eyes glanced at the screen that was recording her comrades at the Remember Me.

“No way!” she exclaimed.

One of the warheads hit the bow of the gray refueling ship, blowing off the upper section which had a statue of a golden hawk, something Captain Mohawk was proud of.

Flash glancing at the charging mobile suits. He knew that he had to do fast, or else the GMIIIs and Commander Jesta would take his comrades down either with rifles or beam sabers. He decided to transform back to MS mode and fire his side skirts beam gun at them. The first two strikes did hit one of the base jabbers, making it slowly lose balance and forced the riding suits to abandon it. At the time, he had come close enough for a hand to hand combat. The white MS pulled out its beam saber and slay one of the GMIII’s both hands, destroying its rocket launcher and cutting its legs. The second one, while still holding up the beam rifle and firing at Flash in panic, still managed to get caught by the Strike Zeta itself and found itself losing the beam rifle as well as the rocket launchers. The GMIII that was labeled “No.2” on its right shoulder armor, the thing Flash only noticed when he closed up to it, still pulled out its beam saber and put up a fight with him. In response, Flash fires his head mounted 60mm Vulcan gun to its head sensor in hope that his opponent will be blind. After seeing his tactic worked, the Strike Zeta brought itself to the opponent and tried to cut off its limb like its previous victim. The only thing that stopped the strike was when Mark fired his rifle to Flash.

“Nikita, Amanda, just focus on the battle! We’ll recover them!” Joseph said to the duo on the second base jabber “Do not get your target get away!”

The two damaged GMIIIs managed to fire their thrusters and remained airborne for a few seconds until Joseph’s base jabber could bring them up, despite one of them having all of its limbs cut off. The Federation’s Lieutenant noticed Flash decided to ignore them and move on to his next target: Nikita's Jesta Commander and the GMIII that was labeled “No.1”.

Nikita aimed his rifle towards the Parrot’s Strength, adjusting the range and closing his right eye. According to his quick analysis, both of them have a staggering defense system against physical warheads, but they are nothing if they don’t have I-field or anti-beam coating on their hulls and balloons.

“20 meters… 25… 30 meters…” he mumbled to gather focus on him.

“Nikita!” Amanda’s GM suddenly stopped his progress by warning that Strike Zeta is attacking them. The duo quickly diverted themselves out of the strike path of Flash’s mobile suit, making his beam saber miss the base jabber by a few centimeters and pass the target.

“They’re fast!” Flash exclaimed.

Suddenly, a little headache comes right through him, signaling that there are some anomalies around. Then, Grisela’s voice came up:

“Flash, tell your friends to get out of the battlefield fast!” she yelled in an alarming tone “They just got us out of the launch pad!”

Flash zoomed his camera towards the Cloudsdale to see the Alicorn Gundam being brought out of the hangar. Following it is the pair of shields it usually has on its back, which was perfectly placed on second after the Alicorn fully exposed itself under the sun. It's mostly white paint flared up as the Cloudsdale itself changed the direction to the runaway airships in order to have it’s strongest mobile suit’s face to face with its intended enemy.

“Flash, help!” Yolinda screamed in despair “They're gonna start that… software again! We really don’t want to fight again!”

With this, he knows he has to choose: either keep fighting Joseph and his squad or stop the Alicorn from running wild again. In that situation, he is the only one from the S.M.I.L.E side that could use his MS freely in the open.

His sweat ran down to his cheeks while Flash looked all around his battlefield. In some moment, he feels like parts of his brain have ceased to function for a moment due to the massive amount of information he have to processing.

However, a sudden blast came to the base jabber of Nikita’s Jesta, causing the flying machine to lose balance and shake both of the mobile suits on it. Flash adjusted his view to the sky and saw a silhouette of an airship that was just as large as the Parrot’s Strength. The airship hovering right above him, exposing its belly down to fighting suits. However, he could see its two hangars with their hatches open with the same mechanism as his airship, showing two mobile suits as one of them aimed its gun at the enemy. Then, both of the suits are released and fall down to him.

It was Yamina’s Jegan sniper pack and Blue Thunder’s Jegan D Type descending to the battlefield to lend some help.

“Jeez, that base jabber can still get away!” Blue Thunder mumbled “Hey Brad, how’s the fight?”

“Yeah, still good!” Flash replied.

“Come and get the Alicorn, Brad! Hurry up!” Yamina screamed as she attempted to take another shot at Nikita’s base jabber. The blue machine still managed to airborne because the first shot only blew its nose. Flash could see the Jesta Commander on it deploy its beam saber and charge right at Yamina Jegan. However, as Flash started to accelerate to the Cloudsdale, Yamina successfully shot the base jabber down, making both the GMIII and the Jesta Commander fall off. In addition to that, Flash could see Blue Thunder is making the other two Jesta Commander busy by constantly attacking them with grenades and beam shot.

“Thank you, guys… “ Flash mumble as he pushes his legs on to the gas pedal and accelerates to the Cloudsdale.

It was a near suicidal mission. The ship’s crew don’t just let him getting close to their ship too easy, as it should be in a war: small anti air missile and CIWS firing constantly at him rapidly, as if all of them wanted to hit him with their hard alloy. Flash rejected those wishes and successfully dodged or destroy them all. The exploding warheads caused a large number of smokes that soon covered him.

“Damn it, Ronan!” the Captain yelled to the radio “What the hell are you doing?”

“We’re charging it, Captain! Be patient !” the ship lead mechanic said. “It will be ready in about 2 minute!”

“Two minutes? We’re all gonna die by the time you finish!” the Captain yelled.

Right after that, the ship was shocked with a blast at its starboard side. When all of the shock was slowly dying, the Captain asked. “Damage report!”

“There’s a hit at No. 5 CIWS turret, Sir! It was destroyed!” the combat operator reported

Through the smoke, Flash could see the ship still firing missiles and bullets towards him. However, over half of them already silenced only after 25 seconds with his excellent rifle skills. After that, despite the dense smoke and the firing pace of the ship’s CIWS, Flash still managed to get to the ship’s launch pad and land on it. Face to face with the Alicorn, which is starting to have its psycho frame lighten up through the armor crack with its usual pink light, Flash decided to do something that almost every creature that the battlefield considers to be insane.

The blue haired pilot carefully gets off his seat and goes to the hatch as the Strike Zeta is still descending to the launch deck. Then, right after the Strike Zeta position itself firmly onit, its cockpit hatch slowly opened to reveal a white suited pilot.

“What the… Brad!” Blue Thunder yelled “Have you lost your mind?”

“Brad! Get back to your seat, for Celestia shake!” Haystack yelled “Do you want to get yourself killed?”

“Brandon, no!” Yamina mumbled

Flash holding his hand as firmly as possible to prevent him from blowing away by the wind. Face to face with the Alicorn Gundam which is still charging itself up, along with processing the “Killer” software that was used to force Luster and her friend to go rampage, Flash opened his helmet and scream:

“Luster, Yolinda, Grisela, SG, BB! Can you hear me!”

“Yes yes yes!” Luster Dawn responded. Her voice makes Flash feel like she is screaming through the Alicorn’s cockpit hatch as it is still closed. “Flash, get back…”

“Control yourself, okay?” he screamed again “I’m here with you!”

“Flash, you’ll get yourself killed! Get back… we’re…” Yolinda added “You must close your cockpit now!”

“No, I’ll stay here for ya!” Flash said, but right after that, he turned himself back into the pilot to say to the crew at Parrot’s Strength.

“I’m buying time for you! You should get out of here, now!” he said “Captain, you should also tell Yamina and Blue Thunder!”

“Darn you… Make sure you go back safely!” Celaeno said with an unamused tone “We're gonna have some serious talking after this…”

“Flash, look out!” Luster Dawn yelled.

Even before Flash attempted to turn himself back to the Alicorn, a huge shock knocked him down the cockpit floor. The next thing he feels is that he and Strike Zeta are falling.

“What the…” Flash mumbled as he got back to the seat and closed the hatch.

It was the Jesta Commander of Lt. Joseph Barn. It has grabbed the opportunity to knock Flash off the Cloudsdale when Flash is still talking into the wind.

“Captain, you can stop the Alicorn! It’s too late!” the EFSF Lieutenant said “Those filthy airships have gotten away!”

“Let me just teach this jerk a lesson!” he said with a maniacal laugh “This one is for the pilot who doesn't know how to observe the battlefield!”

The attack was so fast that Flash didn't even have enough time to close the cockpit hatch. This gives Joseph some time to actually rip the hatch off and let Flash expose himself out in the open. The two then fell right into the clouds and disappeared. There is water vapor from the clouds pouring into the cockpit and starting to block his view outside. However, he still managed to stop a beam saber strike by grabbing the Jesta Commander’s right arm.

Just after nearly a minute, the duo have fallen down long enough to see the desert below. Judging from the town somewhere near the horizon, Flash speculates that they are near Kludgetown, the place where thugs and even some gangsters use as a place to do business freely without being annoyed by the royal guards.

By the time he lets himself back to the situation, there are some pink lights and a slight yellow bright right eye appears in the cloud. Then, the shields of the Alicorn rapidly escaped the dense cloud and attacked on the Jesta by hitting the right side of its torso. The ramming is so powerful that it makes the black mobile suit fly sideways for more than ten meters and nearly lose its beam rifle.

In the cockpit, it took Joseph a few seconds to recover from the shock and regain balance. But the assault doesn't end there: its shield continues to make several attempts to ram into the Jesta’s torso. This makes Joseph deploy his beam sabers aimlessly cutting at the shields in hope that the strikes will lure them away. However, the shields still do not take those beam sabers strike as a threat and still continue to fly around the falling Jesta.

“Flash, go back to the ship!” Haystack yelled through the com link “They are the danger!”

In his mind, he doesn't know why he should get out of there since he feels that the Alicorn is providing him with protection. However, he still decided to transform his suit to Wave Rider mode and return to the ship. With that, he just ignored Luster Dawn and her friends' call for help.

“Flash… don’t… don’t leave us!”

“Hey guys, are there… stop this thing?” Joseph asked in a struggling voice as he constantly dodged the shield’s strike.

“Just a few seconds, Joseph!” the engineer that named Victor replied “The software is working as a ‘stimulator’ for them to attack the enemy. They’ll stop as the stimulator cuts the ‘energy!”

“What the… But what do you mean ‘a few seconds’?”

“20 seconds… How about you push it to the sand?” Victor asked.

“Darn it… You want to kill me?”

“Or just landed gently and you will contain it there! Just lure it!”

However, the Alicorn took back its shield right after Victor ended his advice. Instead, the suit attempted to cast some sort of magic from its hand with Joseph’s suit in its firing line.

The ‘magic’ was basically a five-colored rainbow with light cerise, black, light yellow, brown and gray, which he was familiar with when his squad still tried to capture the thing. What stunted him is how it was used as a weapon by the Alicorn itself: the magic, while failed to make a direct hit, still managed to pass by his left arm, completely disable it by turning it into rock, and it soon turned into sand and fell down the desert. The ‘magic’ then continues its destruction path on the desert by creating a large hole in the sand causing a mini sand storm.

“What the… Did that thing just destroy my hand?” Joseph exclaimed.

However, that did not stop him from ramming as hard as he could into the Alicorn before he accelerated to the desert below with the Alicorn’s back facing down the ground. After a few seconds of falling, both rammed into the sand with a force so powerful, it made some houses in the nearby Kludgetown crack their walls. However, the G-handler system has minimized the impact into the cockpit, to the point that the worst Joseph has to go through is nose-bleed and his head rammed into the main control monitor.

It took him a few seconds to bring him back to consciousness to see that Alicorn was completely off. His guess is that the suit has lost its ‘stimulation’ from the software. Not far from where the suits are lying, the Alicorn’s shields have detached from it and plugged down the sand. Not long after that, his base jabber with Ensign Mark’s Jesta arrived at where the crash occurred.

“Lieutenant, are you alright?”

“Good… good…” the Lieutenant replied while he still held his head. “Quickly grab the Alicorn back to the ship! We don’t want to mess with the locals!”

“Roger that, Sir!”

Right after Flash came out of the cockpit and had his feet stand firmly on the hangar deck, Haystack immediately ran to him and slapped him right in his face.

“What in Equestria are you doing?” he asked with grinding teeth “I told you to stop the Alicorn, with your suit, not yourself!”

“Sorry Sir… I just did what I could…” he gulped midway “… in that situation…”

“Yeah yeah… You could be blown away by the wind… Not to mention the Equestrian Army can grab you right from the cockpit and squish you like a… Oh my, I don’t want to imagine that!”

“By the way… Good job Brad!” Celaeno then shows up right behind Haystack and comes to compliment him “2 destroyed base jabber, at least 3 heavily immobilized mobile suits and a damaged ship. And yet the only damage is some bruises and w missing bows! We might have to go somewhere friendly to fix that!”

“Wait… I thought only the Remember Me…”

“Their missiles hit our bow as well…” Mullet came with some documents on his claws “The Remember Me will go back to Orthinia for repair! And how about our ship, Captain?”

“We’ll go somewhere else too… Although the Alliance still does not openly support us yet, they have let us use their space at Kirin’s Groove!”

“I think that’s what I wanted to hear, Mullet…”

But right after that, his face turned dark. It was like there was some bad news on his face.

“But… we have some casualties….”

The pilot was led to the sick bay through a dark alleyway. The heavy atmosphere appeared all around the creatures. As the door of the sick bay opened to show a heavily injured blue parrot: his lower body was completely warped in bandage, his hand was shaken in pain. Near his bed, Era is kneeling to help the ship’s doctor try to calm him down. His mouth is mumbled something that none of the creatures on board understand.


“Yeah, she agreed to help when someone near her cell said that there are injured sailors…” the doctor said “I don’t know why Mullet left in the first place, but then I’m genuinely surprised when she just came right next to him and took the bandage…”

“I used to be specially trained in medicine in Antarctica…” she said, with a small interruption in between by herself when she turned to the injured parrot to say “Hold on, Drake.”

“How is he now, Era?” Celaeno asked “Is his injury…”

“I’m aware he might not go through this night…” she replied.

It was a shocking thing to hear. Flash has heard how many creatures lost their lives in battles, but that's just numbers. He knew since he was a soldier, death is something he has to witness. However, seeing such a heavily injured creature right before his eyes is still the most disturbing yet the saddest thing he has ever witnessed in his entire life.

“Are there any more casualties, Mullet?” Celaeno asked.

“No, he is the only one… But our friend on the Remember Me lost three already…”

Looking back at the heavily burned parrot, he started to feel sorrow go all across his body. Fearing he might have some mental breakdown, Flash told to his superior:

“Pardon me… Sir!”

The bow of the airships was covered in cloth, as it was temporarily restricted for repair. Flash specifically avoids that damaged part and gets to the open bridge of the airship. The sky is decorated with twinkling stars and the moon, shining all over the dark desert. The wind gently washes through his face and hair, whispering into his ears as if it’s trying to tell the story of places that it has gone through. The desert below turned blue under the light of the moon, which allowed him to watch a small convoy of merchants walking through the sand dunes.

“Princess Luna’s work is always beautiful, right?”

Suddenly, he heard some creatures walking behind him and asked. It was Era, dressed in her new Federation uniform that the ship crew gave to her, walking towards where Flash was standing at the moment. She touches Flash's shoulder with her hands and stands right next to him.

Flash slightly nodded, then asked:

“How about Drake?”

“He’s currently sleeping… The doctor said that’s the best way for him to pass away…” she said while tearing out “She just keeps pushing me out and says ‘You can’t do anything, lady. Just let me do the job”. But… I still think we can help him…”

She looked towards the horizon for a few seconds and then asked.

“And how can you end up here? How is your fighting gone?”

“Well… All because of that Alicorn Gundam… You remember when I was dragged into that cave, right?”

“Yeah… The Antarctica Unit tries to dig both of you out of the snow, only to find nothing… Little did they know... But I like how the Lieutenant just keeps ranting for hours after that news. You should see his red face and that ‘Goddam it! But this is the best, I don’t want to see that brat ever again!’. You know…”

She repeated Lieutenant John's quote with a wrinkled face so expressive that Flash could tell she recreated that moment accurately. After all, being a soldier under his command and serving in the very base that tortured him is an extremely unpleasant experience to him.

“And… How can you be selected to go here?”

“I don’t know, but the top brass said they like my medical skills just like I have said, so I was chosen. And what have you gone through, Brad?”

Flash decided to spend hours talking to her about how he was picked up by S.M.I.L.E, the failed missions to capture the Alicorn and how Operation Rainbow Roadtrip had to turn to Phase 2. He still chose to talk about Luster Dawn and her friends, because he might face the risk to show his real identity.

“And… You know about the politics, right? Like how all of these things happen in the first place?”

“Of course! When I was still stationed on that Mattia class, I was constantly informed about your status. But I have to admit we temporarily lost your MS information until just a day before I was captured on this ship.” She replied “I didn't even know that gate and the operation surrounding it until like… 2 weeks ago! But hey, at least I know you have vanished!”


“They still do not fully know about how that gate exists, but they are slowly understanding how it works: it was placed in an abandoned colony. They said some algorithm glitch could randomly open additional gates all across the Earthsphere, as well as close them.”

“Do you have to go through any test for this mission?”

“Nope, not at all… I was chosen all of a sudden because they don’t expect to need so many humans for these kinds of missions, I guess. Given the size of that gate and the operation surrounding it, I couldn't know how its secret was kept so well: none of us at Antarctica knew about it before, let alone the civilians. But I could see that the abandoned colony being so far away from Earth could be a factor…”

“How far?”

“Somewhere in L2, I think…” she replied why gently moved her red hair back “I was scared when my crew first went through that gate, to be honest…”

The duo then decided to continue to look at the starry sky once again. Suddenly, there was a small comet passing through the sky, which reminded her of something…

“I’m still trying to learn how to cope with this new world, Brad. Look, even the sun and the moon have to rotate under Luna and Celestia’s order… Who are they anyway?”

“Well, they are…”

“Hey Brad, what are you doing out there? Why talk to her?” Haystack suddenly yelled behind their back “It’s 11 pm already!”

“Ah… yes, yes Sir!” Flash replied.

“Sorry Lieutenant, I just wanted to…”

“You go back to your cell, Era! And you, Fla… I mean Brad, we have to wake up early!” he yelled again.

The next day ended on a depressing note.

Right after lunch, the doctor announced that Drake had passed away. It was a bit later than Era expected, but it was still a sad news for the whole ship nonetheless.

“Hey Brad, do you want to go to the funeral?” Haystack asked “To bring Drake to the final resting place?”

Flash nodded slightly.

The duo followed part of the crew when they arrived at a flat area in the middle of a jungle. From the last night, he could see that the Captain had cried a lot. But in the morning, he could see her eyes run dry, just like the rest of the crew. They slowly walked out of the airship and walked towards the designated place for the burial: a little patch of land near a bush of strange fruit.

“Those fruits are called apple cider. Basically they taste like fermented apples, but trust me, you won’t get drunk!” Boyle said.

Leading the group is Captain Celaeno herself, followed by the bridge operation crew. Next, a dark brown wooden casket was brought out by 3 other parrots, as well as Seashell Blue. He doesn't know such a cheering hippogriff can look so sad.

Flash and Haystack, wearing the best looking uniform, followed the casket. The smell of fresh water vapor and the sound of chirping birds hit them all of a sudden when they walked out of the large door at the port side of the airship. They only get to walk for 10 meters before stopping at the planned point. That’s when the crew started to dig the hole to bury the soldier. It takes about 2 hours of digging, with both Flash and Haystack, joined by Seashell, Celaeno and about 6 others parrots, to remove tree roots and some hard rocks. It was only after Celaeno noted that the hole is at about 1.2 meters deep, she ordered the crew to stop by raising her left hand.

“Okay, climb out. I’ll help you guys say farewell!”

The casket was put right in front of the hole, on the opposite side of a cross made from a wooden piece. Standing along the length of the hole, the crew lowered their heads and Celaeno started her speech.

“Every creature, we are here to say goodbye to a good friend of ours. Drake is one of the most devoted parrots of our crew. As a machine gun operator at the bow, his actions have saved countless lives and we owe him a lot as well. However, as you know, he was killed in combat just 2 days ago. It is a huge honor for us to serve along with him. Now, Drake, allow us to bring you the final resting place…”

The casket was carefully picked up, slowly being brought down the hole and put down the dry soil by Seashell, Boyle, Mullet and Lix. The parrots then throw flowers and soil onto the casket while mumbling prayers to their fallen friends slowly and carefully while walking around the tomb. It took them about 10 minutes to walk and bury them. After that, they left the buried casket in order to let their friends rest in peace. However, Flash was stunned to see his new comrades not showing any tears in their eyes.

On the way back to their room, suddenly, Captain Celaeno pulled Flash back:

“I see you are quite surprised by our ‘lack’ of sadness, huh?”

“No… No… No way, Captain!” Flash stuttered.

“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna punish you. But there’s something I wanted to tell you…”

The duo then walked to the hangar deck, where Celaeno told her story.

“There are stories among us, the Orthinians, that there is a kind of butterflies that was created by our ancestors to carry the souls of the dead. They are called the Feather Butterfly…” She speaks calmly, her eyes open a little as she brought herself to her imagination “…it wings shaped like feathers being attached to it’s little body, with colors varying but mostly resembles the feather color of the birds when they are still alive, as well as having their eyes decorated on the wings. Well… you will mostly found them at the grave yard back in our home in Parrot’s Peak, but if an Orthinian died on the battlefield, they will followed their comrades all around Equus…”

“So… you mean that…”

“You might see one of them flying around this ship, Brandon. Drake is still with us and still watch over us. He will show up when we need him the most!” the Captain said with her claws on Flash’s shoulder “We’ll show you when we see that butterfly. You will see his eyes on it’s wings, trust me!”

At that moment, he could understand why they didn't cry…

“So... they buried him today?” Yamina asked, following the stories of the battles, Drake and Era’s stories that Flash had told to the creatures the night before.

“Yeah, and Era was kept on the ship in all of those times!” Flash said, his front hooves covering the back of his head while he gently lie down the grass… Seeing Drake have to suffer like that is in-bearable for me…”

“I know, Flash! That’s why we really care for you…” Luster said “War is unpredictable, and you can easily lose your loved one in just the blink of an eye. Flash, you have to end this fast… There are too many casualties in this already…”

“My focus is now how to free you guys from that software. But… why can’t you get out of that cage, anyway?”

“They installed something in our consciousness to prevent us from controlling the suit…” Grisela said “I feel like that thing makes us like… being paralyzed… We’re so scared, Flash…”

“But you can still hear and see what happens outside, right?” Flash asked “By the way… did they also used you guys in other mission other than the last 2 times we met?"

“Yes, Flash…” Yamina said “We… we really don’t want to see our magic of friendship being turned into a weapon!”

Chapter 4

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The next day, Flash happened to read in a newspaper that there’s a large riot in a town near Kludgedtown. The ponies there are rioting against Black Wine’s aggressive government. The rebellion happened for 2 weeks before Black Wine brought the Alicorn as well as the Cloudsdale to it.

“So that’s why we encounter them right above the jungles?” Flash mumbled “It is not far from Kludgetown!”

It happened that the town ponies happened to capture some artillery from a nearby military and used it to shell upon the first unit to suppress the riot. They also have enough shells (and stupidity - as Flash thought) to fire on Cloudsdale's mobile suits. The Cloudsdale’s pilots ended up destroying half of the 20 120 mm artillery before really bringing out the Alicorn. For obvious reasons, the artillery being hidden a little too well, the Captain decided to bring out the white MS to test its ability to detect ambushes.

“The whole town was left in ruins when we finally got there…” Yolinda said “We saw destroyed houses, burning trees and crops, flying pieces of ripped books, and… and…”

Her eyes widened in horror and fear, her tears falling harder and she screamed out loud.

“We… we don’t want to kill…”

What Flash saw that night is when the Alicorn went on a rampage, due to the mysterious software being activated. They really don’t want to fight, as the artillery barely scratch the Alicorn’s armor. The white mobile suit, already being pumped up by the software, went berserk and managed to destroy the rest of the guns: first, it launched itself up and destroyed one gun when it landed on its left foot. Then, it kicked 2 other guns, as well as the ponies that handled them. The machine then goes on and destroys the resisting cannon by either throwing them like a toy, kicking them or stomping on the turret. The last gun still managed to fire a shot towards its right hand and left the beam saber stored on its forearm. Then, the crew ran off and left it smoky muzzle before the Alicorn make it unusable by stomped on it’s loader as well as the mobile gun cockpit,

The rampage eventually killed about 29 ponies in the process.

Luckily - only for Flash – Luster and her friends decided to cut the flashback of the aftermath. But he still gets to see some of the corpses of burned ponies lying on the ground, which somehow manage to get published on Black Wine’s Canterlot Morning Post newspaper.

“How… how can I erase their gruesome memory…?” Flash hugged his head in tears, with the newspaper still on his lap “They are not supposed to go through this… They will get haunted by the action they can’t control for the rest of their lives!”

With that in mind, Flash decided to provide them with as much mental help as he could, with hope that he could save their pure hearts…

One day after the burial of Drake, the ship surprisingly arrived at Kirin’s Groove.

It was a large town with houses, shops and stores being carved into trees. The greenness of the countless leaves of the trees give the crew a refreshing atmosphere after weeks of cramming themselves in a hull with broken air conditioner, where they sleep a whole night before the landing. When the securing rope was thrown down, the hull and the main balloon can still slightly touch the leaves of nearby trees.

“Hey, be careful!” the port pilot yelled “I don’t want to have more damage on that Parrot Strength!”

The new airship port of Kirin’s Groove was placed right next to the outskirts of the town, so they can immediately see the busy scene of every day kirins live while seeing the kirins of the port itself doing their job. Haystack was surprised in a good way when he saw the Black Hawk mooring right behind his airship. Blue Thunder and Yamina happily ran over him and nearly forgot the military gesture and jumped in to hug him. Haystack kindly reminded the duo when they are just opened their hooves:

“Ensign Blue Thunder and Ensign Yamina are here, Sir!” they saluted.

“Great to see you guys here, safe and sound. So, what do you guys do all the time?”

“We were just flying around the seas before we happened to stumble upon you and Brad near the Sea of Clouds, Sir!” Blue Thunder answered “But… What happened to your com-link?”


“Well… our ship’s captain said that we can’t contact you.” Yamina said.

“I guess those bastards at Cloudsdale jammed our radio signal, or it was just because of the Minovsky particles… And what’s with that red scarf you have there, Blue Thunder?” Haystack pointed to the red scarf that the blue pegasi is holding.

“Oh… I give this to Brad. They said that the scarf has nothing to do with that… witch.”

“Ah… I remember…” Haystack sighed, then he pointed to the Parrot’s Strength’s entrance “You can find him at the ship’s library!”

“So that site was used for both imprisonment and setting-free ritual before!” Flash exclaimed in his mind.

Somehow, Flash found a magic book that contained the right detail for him. The Artifacts and Imprisonment: How to store consciousness in objects provided him with everything he wants to know about the “haunting curse” that Luster Dawn unwillingly cast on him, with details just as what Zecora told him before. However, it also provides the detail of setting-free-ritual.

“Placing the objects that are close to the imprisoned creatures, before reading the ‘freedom spell’…” the book read “It was basically a spell that was cast by the will of all creatures, both the ‘liberator’ and the one who are being ‘liberated’. The magic that is being casted then will go through all of the objects in a beam, then, it will go into the main object that imprisoned the creatures. The process will free them by taking parts of the object (in case the object has enough size and density) or simply gathering matters around it, to make it become the new flesh and bones…”

“What the… The spell does that?” Flash exclaimed in his mind.

“Hey Brad, I got you your scarf!” Blue Thunder suddenly appeared at the library door and said.

The red scarf, with barely any changes except some little dirt patch on it was handed to Flash. He carefully took it and just whispered “Thank you”.

“I heard you caused some damage to those bastards on the Cloudsdale? Hard to believe… but hey, what’s up with that Alicorn Gundam that make you do something so stupid?”


“You open the cockpit and scream those names: Luster, Yolinda, Grisela…” Blue Thunder listed the names as if he is re-created the moment Flash gets out of the cockpit during the battle with the Black Wine’s Federation. However, Flash quickly cut him off.

“Do you believe me that there are creatures being trapped in that thing?”, Flash asked calmly.

“What? I know this magical world is insane but how can you even know that? This book?” he pointed to the green covered book he’s having in his hand.

“It just provided the solution for the curse. How I know them is all my problem…”

“C’mon dude, can you at least provide something so we can help you…”

“I don’t think any of you should interfere with this… This is a magical matter…”

“But obviously, you are a human!” Blue Thunder quickly cut him off “You just come here for like… nearly 3 months… You haven’t really learned much about this world yet, let alone learning about magic, except for the fact that you get used to unicorns, kirins levitate stuff with magic and changelings can change forms… These are advanced stuff that only ponies like Princess Twilight or Starswirl can do!”

With that, Flash was reminded that he had to pretend to be a human that never set foot to Equus before. He slightly looked down and nodded.

“Hey, what’s going on here? Do you want to miss some city tours?” Haystack suddenly appeared at the library door and shouted.

“Bruises and scratches everywhere!” whined Mihiro, who’s Joseph’s personal mechanic as well as his girlfriend “I know you have confront that white thing over there, but is that necessary for you to abused our ‘son’ like this?”

“It’s gonna be fine, those GMIIIs right there lost their limbs. It’s fortunate that none of the pilots lost their lives…” Joseph said calmly.

Mihiro then came to him slowly, before placing her head on his shoulder.

“Hey… would you want to have a family here?” she asked. Both of her arms warped around him to hug.

“Sadly… I don’t think that’s the case, dear…” he sighed “Would you like to live in a house somewhere in the mountainous area of Japan, or may be somewhere in the Himalaya?”

“I don’t know… I still want to have a house here…” Mihiro whispered “I want to see the mountains of Canterlot… Oh, by the way, are we there yet?”

The ship’s speaker then answered her with an announcement that all personnel should prepare for landing.

“We are approaching the Canterlot base… Estimated landing time is 7:30 pm”, the ship’s Captain said “Which is about 30 minutes from now. All crew prepare for landing procedures.”

“Hey, I have an idea!” Mihiro suddenly said “I want to see the city from above!”

Right after that, the couple ran towards the launch deck of the ship, carefully dodging the damaged GMs as well as equipment and wires. A metal barrier was put up all around the edge of the launch deck for safety. A mechanic said to them not to get blown off the winds, but as they get out of the MS and equipment lying all around, they can just feel some light winds going right to their face. Mihiro’s brown waist flies behind her back as they continue to move forward. The speed was reduced to about 20 km/h in order for better handling when the wind was also blowing in the same direction as their approaching.

The lights of the moon, while it was bright when they were in the jungle area, were dimmed compared to the lights of the city of Canterlot below. The city never fails to amaze them with its charm and beauty of the lights, buildings and castle. The golden top of the towers was lit up by hundreds of light bulbs around it, which is comparable to the street lights. Mihiro was so amazed by the beauty that she was stunned to hear her boyfriend ask.

“Well… do you want to have a date tonight? I know a restaurant not so far from the base!”

“Well… if the situation allowed, which means that I’ll leave it for next night, okay?”

“She’s right!” Joseph thought. The landing procedures always took hours, as well as unloading MS, equipment and traveling to their houses. Since Mihiro is a mechanic, she has to stay up late a little more than him to adjust to the work.

“Okay, next night!” he said.

However, a few hours later, he was called to the mission room of the base to discuss some more details on their next phase of the mission.

“I’m aware that we might have to leave those animals at S.M.I.L.E alone for a while, because we have a more urgent situation happening at the Everfree kingdom…” Captain Font Spaak, the commander of EFF’s Equestrian Extraterrestrial Unit, or EEU, said at the meeting “Our troops have to deploy to their border…”

One of the reasons why they are called back to Canterlot is to resupply before a possible war that could be broke out between Equestria and the rest of the Harmony Alliance. The Alliance have something that they call “The United Defense”, in which an attack on one member of the Alliance means an attack on all of its members. The tension has increasingly risen after Everfree, a kingdom which shares a border not far from Ponyville. The two kingdoms have already deploy military and troops to the border region in case of a fight broke out. Black Wine also wanted to take over the entirety of Everfree forest since he accused them to stole the land of the ponies that he claimed to have “ancient right” to it.

“One more thing, he might as well invade other member states in order to secure more plans for his ‘national security’. There are some other MS squad that will handle the S.M.I.L.E that are currently resting at Kirin’s Groove.”

“Who are they?”

“Lieutenant Megan Williams!” Captain Font nodded his head to a tomboyish officer that was sitting just 2 meters from his right. She then stood and presented herself to the room.

“I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Megan Williams. Glad to be working with you guys in the next few months!”

“She was just deployed to Equestria just last week, the same time when you get those news MS pilots on your ship. She will be the one that will take care of those animals at S.M.I.L.E and send them off to… Tartarus…” the Captain then slightly whispered “Can’t believe I said that…”

“Since your squad has the most experience fighting here in Equus, you will deploy to Ponyville now. The war is now almost unavoidable, so I expect you to perform well in that forest. I know it is better if you native to that forest and they only have magic that we do not yet fully understand, but we have a massively destructive weapon which is the mobile suit. Hope we can crush those reindeer before they can use whatever in Equestria they have. Okay, you are dismissed!”

The damaged Nemo was the very first thing that was unloaded, even before the airship was completely in safe position to be anchored. The Nemo was hanged from the bottom of the Parrot Strength and was only temporarily put somewhere else near the place they buried Drake, so it was understandable to move it away in order to make space for landing.

“There is tons of stuff to do here, mate. I’ll join ya after finish some stuff here.” Seashell Blue said as he put his claw on Flash’s left shoulder.

“Hey, but do you know what they're gonna do with that Nemo?” Flash pointed to the white mobile suit which is being transported to a warehouse in the port.

“Oh! I heard there will be a new backpack for it along with ammunition and other kind of supplies for us the next day. By the way, we are ordered to stay here for about a week due to a possible war here!”

“What do you mean?” Flash asked.

“Black Wine’s Army wants to prevent supply from other Harmony Alliance kingdoms, so he might order a surprise attack right on here. There are even rumors that he will declare was for the next few days, so the top brass at S.M.I.L.E told us to bring our guards up for about 120 percent!”

“Yeah… Good luck with your work then!” Flash said with his hand waved at the blue hippogriff.

“Hey, remember to visit the kirin’s Jungle Juice Bar! They have some nice cocktails and shows there, bro!” Seashell Blue shouted with a somewhat jokingly accent. Flash chuckled as his ‘advice’ since he understood what the ‘shows’ meant.

However, he had another thing in mind. Flash walked towards where Haystack and Celaeno were standing as they had requested him to.

“Flash, it is true you will come to my home?” Spring Garden comes close to Flash when the group is having a talk.

“Yes, I will… My ship is supposed to be there…”

“That’s great!” she cut him off with an excited voice “Can you help me a little bit?”


“My mom must miss me a lot! I want you to come there and hug her?”

“What?” the group stared.

“Wait… Isn’t your mom a queen? I’m just a soldier, okay?” Flash replied “And don’t even have enough guts to do that when I was in a human shape like that?”

“Guts? What guts? You just need to hug her?” Spring Garden barked back.

“But… how?”

“Well… You just need to come to her place, asked her to tell some stories about me – which to avoid spoiler, I’ll not gonna tell you right here – and then when she finished, you’ll ask whether she wanted to have a hug to calm her down, I bet she will allow you to do it!”

Reminded by the conversation he had in the night before, Flash casually walks towards where Haystack and Celaeno are standing. They are waiting to get guided to where the Queen is staying as she wants to meet them. Haystack and Celaeno was signaled before when they just got down off the airship for half an hour.

“Why did she suddenly want to see us?” Flash asked in concern “And why do you want me to come?”

“Did you bring with you the diary?” Haystack asked.

Flash has always brought a bag with some of the things that he considered to be important, a habit that had just started the night before the landing when he saw a pony do just that. The diary was one of them, as well as a notebook and some pen in case he found something that might be related to his own investigation about Luster and friends.

“Yes Sir!” Flash replied.

“Good, I think you might want to talk to her about her daughter.”

“What? Does he know?” Flash thought with doubt in his mind “Is it because of my shouting?”

“I heard you shouted the name ‘Spring Garden’ when you did that insane stuff, so I suspected that you knew something about her. I think Queen Rainshine will be very happy if she at least knows a little bit about what happened to her after the Canterlot visit. Got that?”

The trio was led along a street decorated with tree houses. The green leaves of the jungle town have relieved their mind with its fresh air vapor and the sunshine above. Flash has never come to Kirin Groove’s before, and back then, he didn't even want to encounter a kirin, after being told that they are dangerous creatures ‘who will fry others for food’. But after knowing Spring Garden and some kirins on board the Canterlot, he could see that mindset is obviously wrong: they are extremely harmless and friendly.

“Well… except when we are extremely angry and we might burn something…” Spring Garden once embarrassingly said when she had a little conversation with him in one of the dreams “But it’s okay ,we rarely harm others, especially me! I’m a beautiful collective kirin!”

And to Flash and her friends, Spring Garden was indeed a pretty friend.

Just after 8 minutes of walking, they were led to a big tree with decorated doors, branches and windows. The guards kirins said that’s Queen Rainshine’s palace, and Flash could see the tree house is obviously the biggest he had seen in Kirin Groove’s. The large door slowly opened to reveal a big spiral staircase that led to the Queen’s throne.

“Do you ever saw a spiral stair that can have 3 or 4 creatures standing on it’s width for a photo and yet their still enough room for walking?” Haystack asked while walked up backward “This ‘palace’ in the tree is insane man?”

But along the way, Flash encounters some photos of the royal family and their friends. The same Luster’s group photo that the diary has was also presented on the wall, along with some other pictures and paintings. Flash also got to see a painting of baby Spring Garden and her mother looking towards the sun on their balcony.

The painting somehow reminded Flash of his mom.

“I wish I could see you again, mother…” Flash mumbled.

Finally, they arrived at the throne room. It was small compared to the throne room at Canterlot, but still enough to impress the trio nevertheless since all of what they were seeing was done in a tree-house: the windows, the furniture, the jewels on the throne,... They later get to see Queen Rainshine in her casual everyday look as she walks herself to the throne and sits.

“Bow down before our queen!” a guards kirin said. After that, every creature bowed down to her. Rainshine then waved her hoof and said.

“Thank you, you can see me now.”

Right before their eyes is a kirin that was larger than every other kirins in the groove: she was tall, slim and the most beautiful in all of the kirins as Flash had seen. She then started the conversation by saying:

“So… what do you have for me?”

Chapter 5

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“Thank you for letting us see you, your majesty!” Celaeno replied “I am Celaeno, Captain of the Parrot’s Strength, 1st squad of S.M.I.L.E!”

“S.M.I.L.E? Is that short for something? That’s a cute abbreviation for an armed force!”

“It stands for the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria, your majesty! We classified mobile suits as monsters so this is our job!”

“A secret organization and still have some guts to say it out loud here? Okay… never mind! And how about the rest?”

“This is Lieutenant Haystack, Commander of S.M.I.L.E’s main mobile suit force. Second is Ensign Brandon Cultrich, S.M.I.L.E’s mobile suit pilot as well as Haystack’s subordinate!”

“Ah, I see… Glad to know you two, Haystack and Brandon! So… what do you really want to talk about?”

“First is… I want to ask you for some favor to hold our ships here in Kirin’s Groove for a little longer, since we are running low on both fuel, ammunition and food supply. We also sometimes need to fix our ships and mobile suits here too. Sorry for disturbing you and your kingdom for all of those demands.”

“I know, because I have to risk the kingdom and all of its citizens for a possible Equestrian attack right here. Do we have any benefits if we agree to your demands?”

“I will ask for additional support from S.M.I.L.E’s headquarters and the Harmony Alliance to aid us in case of an invasion. We have the Rapid Communication System on board that was only designed for S.M.I.L.E’s ship, so that they will catch it easily without any intervention.”

“Are there any guarantee for that?” the Queen asked which made Celaeno think for a while. Flash could clearly see the sweets running down the fur of her face with her eyebrows furrowed. He knows that it’s also a very question to answer, as this is a matter of life and death of thousands of innocent lives.

“My life, your Majesty!” she replied in determination.

“Your life? That’s a bold one, Captain!” the queen said calmly.

“What the… what do you think, Celaeno?” Haystack asked in concern “Our system is proven to be 100 percent good, you don’t have to…”

“The condition in a war is different than in peace time. While that system was tested in the hardest conditions, the enemy could come up with a better way to jam our communication…” Celaeno whispered to the two of them. “This is my decision, although the Kirin’s Groove have openly joined the Harmony Alliance! I’ll make sure none of your lives were lost in case I’m wrong.”

“Okay… but count me in if the worst happens!” Haystack said. Flash has always known his commander has some sort of feeling for his beautiful captain.

“No, I want you to live…”

“Enough! Let's just say I agree with your decision, Captain. What’s next?” the Queen asked “I don’t really have much time for you today!”

“Well… my friend Ensign Brandon Cultrich has some news for you.. You know that your daughter Spring Garden has been missing for 6 years, right?”

“Yes, what about that? She and friends have gone to your capital and never returned since then. Her mentor, Princess Twilight herself has straight up begged me to wait, cause guess what, she’s Luster Dawn personal mentor! But then it’s been six years!”

“Well… he has some news for you… Mr. Brandon knows where she is!” Haystack said.

“Wh… What?” Rainshine mumbled. Flash could tell she is shocked when she changes her position from leaning on her right hoof to sitting upright, her eyebrows raised and her pupils slightly dilated.

“He has Luster Dawn’s diary in his bag right here. He certainly has the secret of that Alicorn Gundam because of the connection between him and them. I will let him tell you the story!”

The Queen then ordered her guards to closed off the curtains and get out of the throne room, so that she, Haystack and Celaeno could hear what really happen:

“Six years ago, the group of friends that consisted of Luster Dawn the unicorn, Butter Burger the earth pony, Yolinda the yak, Grisela the griffon, and Spring Garden, your daughter, came to Canterlot to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle. When they arrived at the castle, they encountered Black Wine and his plans to ‘kick the creature’s butt’ out of Equestria. He knew that Princess Twilight will never allow that as she tries to preserve harmony as well as he knew that the citizens of Equestria love her extremely. That’s why he has planned what you have known: imprisoned the Council of Friendship. When Black Wine saw them at the door as he was talking about that plan to The Ponykind’s member, he ordered his guard to chase them down. Luckily, they have found a way to get out by a secret path that was said will get them to Ponyville in no time. But also unfortunately, it led them to the Earthsphere, to Antarctica, where they encountered the Alicorn Gundam. While struggling to control the thing, she accidentally causes it to consume her and her friends. Fearing that she and her group will be imprisoned forever, she has casted a spell on it which will help the group find the appropriate creature that will free them…”

“Wait… hold on! You said that Alicorn Gundam’s action that just running wild everywhere and causing mass destruction to the Abyssinian’s fleet are Luster and her friend’s?” Haystack asked in shock.

“Half right, Sir. The Equestrian and those at AE have installed a special software that is basically a catalyst that tricked them to go rampage. I’ve talked to them, Sir. They are certainly not evil and they need help, not just from me but all of us!”

“So with what you are saying, the ‘appropriate creature’ that you said is… you?” Celaeno asked.

“Yes… Yes, Captain… We started to have that kind of ‘connection’ when I touched a part of its cockpit that I mistook for a small snow cave. That ‘connection’ is actually called the Haunting Curse, and it’s the reason why I frequently go to sleep due to them just coming to my dream, creating nightmares and begging me to free them. At first, I just tried to shake them off, but after learning to co-exist, I think we are becoming friends now.”

Flash paused for a little while, and the continued:

“Our job is really to try to retrieve that Alicorn Gundam primarily, and beating Black Wine’s army in general will be all of the Alliance's job. However, I just want to say we should not treat that machine as well as their magic of friendship as a weapon. That’s all…”

“So… how can we save them out?” Haystack asked.

“There is a special place in the Everfree forest for that… I still don’t know what to call it…”

“Ponehenge, Flash!” Luster’s voice whispered in his ears like a small wind.

“Ah… yes, the Ponehenge! They use that place to release imprisoned creatures I guess. But… I’m not even a unicorn, as you can see…”

“We're gonna talk about that when we get there!” Haystack interrupted, “Now, we should focus on how to bring that thing back, as we are doing it right now.”

“Thank you for your information. But…” the queen suddenly said “Did Spring Garden say anything to you, Ensign Brandon?”

“Tell her I love her…” Spring Garden whispered into Flash’s ear “And tell her I just want to see my place again… I’ll signal her through you!”

“She said a lot of things to me when in the dreams, your Majesty!” Flash replied “But overall, she loves you. And… she also wanted to visit this place once again when she had a chance!”

When Flash said “…when she has a chance”, Rainshine suddenly sees some strange phenomenon in his eyes: somehow, she could see the glimpse of her only daughter's eye, to the point that Flash’s pupil seems to turn from blue to purple at one point.

“Spring… Garden…” she mumbled, her eyes started to have some tears. But she has to shake her head and swallow her feelings before continuing to ask.

“Do you have any proof for that?”

“I only have concrete evidence that he has some sort of connection to the Alicorn Gundam, that’s it, your Majesty!”

She looked at Flash and his comrades for a few seconds. The blue haired human before her had both his hands behind his back and looked at her in a very confident eye. While to her, he is a human, his pose somehow telling her “It’s him, the one that will bring your daughter back to life!”

“Sorry, Ensign Brandon, but can you and I have a personal conversation?”

Every creature was shocked to hear what she said. Flash is not excluded from that, with his pupil dilated and his mouth open a little wider. But then, Haystack nods his head to Flash, signaling him to just do what the Queen said.

“As you wish, your Majesty.” The blue haired pilot said as he bowed to the queen.

Later on, he was led to a garden full of strange flowers and plants. The garden was possibly the most beautiful one he has ever come across: thousands of flowers and plants placed in multiple columns, added with the presence of some butterflies, bees and some ladybugs. The birds around them are chirping and the sun is shining upon them. The place was truly a paradise, at least to Flash.

“This is the place where she used to collect plants for her potions...” the queen slowly presented “…she always came up with some crazy ideas when she was small, like how to make potions that could fix her little plushie or how to make the perfect ballerina dress…”

She chuckle right after saying “…ballerina dress” before continued:

“Studying here was a dream for her when she began to learn potion crafting from me. Well… it was pretty far from our palace, as you have seen. I used to try to prevent her from going there because she still didn't have not enough knowledge to fully protect herself…”

Flash could spot several of “Danger!”or “Do not touch unless you’re professional!” around the place, which indicate there are some toxic plants being planted.

“And even when she has fully grown and has enough knowledge, I still hesitate to let her into this place. Why? It was because of my fear that she might go away and never needed me anymore, especially when she wanted to get to that one school called “School of Friendship”. She said she could make tons of new friends and teach them about the potions. Well… I rejected that idea a few times and explained that ‘because you are a royalty and this kingdom can afford to lose you’. Sounds reasonable right? No, there are kingdoms that send their princes and princesses overseas, and they do it a lot. I know that if I allow her to do that, she will gain a lot of respect from the citizens, especially when she is heir to the throne. Yet my selfishness still gets in the way! However, Princess Twilight herself once came to visit us and I asked her ‘Should I bring my child to your school?’ to her…”

“So… how does she reply?” Flash asked with a careful tone.

“Don’t need to be too careful with me, deer. I’m not like I can burn you since I’m in a good mood today!” she answered, the she decided to go on “She just answered as: it’s all depends on me, but she once has a student that she have hesitate to let her go to the point she have kept her in Canterlot longer than she should, but eventually in order for her to get friends – she actually a smart pony without friendship at the start…”

Then, she turned her eyes from the garden and looked at Flash. At that moment, he noticed the queens started to have some tears in her eyes again. She continued her story without wiping her tears:

“That’s why I also let Spring Garden go to Ponyville as she wishes. I love her so much that I also have the same fear as Princess Twilight once had to her best students: she ended up not needing me anymore…”

“Mom, I always love you, and I will never stop needing you!” Spring Garden suddenly screamed in Flash's ear. Right after that, Flash hugged the queen uncontrollably.

“Spring… Gar… den…” Rainshine mumbled, the tears have got to fall heavier than before.

“Mom, sorry for all these years…” the small gray kirin said “…I never wanted to leave you!”

Rainshine eyes widened as she asked herself why she felt Spring Garden hugged her instead of the human embracing from Flash. However, she still enjoys it because to her, Spring Garden is already home. She hugged Flash back as a result.

“Thank you, dear…” she said as her hoof embraced the blue haired pilot into her.

“Awe…” the rest of Spring Garden’s friends could be heard moaning right next to them.

After that, the queen let him go slowly and carefully, as if the human shaped creature before her is really her missing daughter. She continued:

“Thank you for what you have brought to us, Brandon…” she said as she wiped her tears “…I hope that you and S.M.I.L.E succeed. By the way, do you want to visit around with your comrades, I would like to invite you to a party tonight as a welcome gesture from us, the kirins.”

“It… It’s our pleasure… your Majesty…” Flash politely bowed before the queen.

“So you get to visit the garden, the princess' personal room, and her personal museum without us?” Haystack asked before having another sip of wine, his face started to get more red.

“Yeah… Yes. But you should control your drinking, Haystack!” Flash added when he smelled some alcoholic breath coming out of his commander’s mouth and caused him to lure them away, while his face slightly wrinkled.

“You dare use that against me?” the Lieutenant raised his voice as he started to get drunk. His voice is now getting deeper and more hoarse.

Around them are crew from both the Parrot’s Strength and the Black Hawk having fun with each other on the party tables. There are traditional kirin’s salad, Jahana, kirin’s traditional soup,… all sorts of foods, drinks and even wine, which Haystack absolutely loves, on the tables. Creatures laughing, chatting, playing games, and singing as well. There is a pony who brings a guitar along, singing a country song with his hoarse drunken voice with some of his creatures' friends as they hold each other's shoulders.

The party was held at a large hall with wooden walls and ceiling, bright torch with kirin fire, and some beautiful paintings of the kingdoms. Queen Rainshine has ordered her castle kirins to organize the party as a gift to the creatures “that will die for us during the invasion”, as well as a gift personally for Flash as he is the one linked her to Spring Garden, as she did stated before that. This also the reason why suddenly, a griffon raises her cup of booze above the crowd and said:

“Today, we drink this cup for friendship, the queen, and for our friend Brandon. I don’t know what happened to you but I could say thank you!”

“All hail Brandon Cultrich!” the rest of the room hailed. Flash reply to them by a nod and said:

“It’s an honor to be your crew mate!” he said “Thank you for all of the support you have for me!”

A few seconds later, Boyle, Mullet and Celaeno, all appeared to be somewhat drunken, approaching where Flash and Haystack are sitting. They hugged the duo and start talking:

“Hey mate, thanks for your effort. By the way, how can you convince her?” Boyle asked “Does she have a crush on you or what?”

“Wait, what? No, she just hugged me and that’s it… But if you want to hear, we might have to talk about it tomorrow, okay?”

Flash appeared to be the only one that is still relatively conscious. But he too soon gets along with the rest of the crew only after a few cups of kirin sweet wine.

The kirin guard was stunned to see half of the crew members of both ships sleeping together along the party table. Along with crew members who were still conscious, they had to remove them and bring them back to their ships. Seashell Blue was surprisingly in a bright mind and decided to join the effort.

“Jeez Brandon! Learn to drink!” he slightly complained while carrying his humanoid friend “You only drink 3 cups!”

The next day, Flash was ordered to present himself at the mission room to talk about what really happened to Flash and the true nature of his connection to the Alicorn Gundam. Flash was actually being led to the combat bridge because that is also the place for Celaeno to plan her mission.

The room still maintains its mysterious atmosphere with its only source of lights are the mission table, where the map was shown, and the lights of the monitors and buttons from the controlling machine around it. Gathering around the mission table are Celaeno, Haystack, captain Alina of the Black Hawk, as well as Mullet and Boyle. When Flash walked in, they immediately silenced in the middle of their chatting.

“Ehem, Ensign Brandon Cultrich!” Celaeno started off what Flash called an “interrogation” due to its atmosphere with a throat clearing gesture “If I’m not wrong, you are personally invited by queen Rainshine to visit around her ‘places’, is that true?”

Flash slightly nodded his head to the question.

“I want you to said it out loud, soldier!” the captain said with her eyebrows raised.

“Yes, captain!”

“Good! Now tell us what’s happening there, and the reason behind it, please!”

Flash decided to tell the entirety of the conversation he had with Rainshine, as well as the detail of the garden he had visited. They were shocked to learn that he have unintentionally hug the queen, but they quite doubt about his explanation ‘the ghost of princess Spring Garden force me to do it

“Sweet Celestia… Consider yourself lucky when none of the guards know what you did… I heard that we have a somewhat bad reputation with the kirins…”

Flash has heard stories of some casual Kirin’s Groove citizens trying to avoid the port as they have some opinion that opposes S.M.I.L.E’s activity in Kirin’s Groove soil. Some even criticize them as a “war magnet” due to the fact that Black Wine’s army is still chasing them. Haystack even suggested that her sudden change of decision simply because she could find a clue of where her daughter might be a way that “…we are trying to brainwash her! No political leader should make decisions based on their personal feelings, you know?” (as Haystack ranted with the captain when he came to the combat bridge with her).

“So… how does she know that princess Spring Garden 'forces’ you to do that?” Haystack asked with his emphasis on the word ‘force’.

“I don’t know, but clearly she saw some Spring Garden in me… anyway as you may have known, he helped us have that party last night with his… gift. By the way, can you fully explain your relationship with the Alicorn Gundam in full detail?”

“Wait… I thought you had told me in the throne room so that you could tell it to the rest of the crew?” Flash asked in confusion.

“Yes, but we set up this ‘interrogation’ to make sure what you say is honest!” Celaeno calmly said “Your claim that you are being haunted by Luster Dawn and her friends seems too… unrealistic, and straight up insulting!”

She slightly raised her voice when she mentioned the phrase “straight up insulting”.

Flash was then required to retell the story that he had told during his meeting with the queen in the throne room. According to Haystack himself, he has repeated the tale “without any difference”. Despite that, they still decided to continued asking:

“How can we know that you are not making up your story?” Mullet questioned.

“I could tell that he’s not because of his personal meeting with Queen Rainshine… It’s not a coincidence when he mentioned how her deer daughter is going on at the moment and then she invited him to have a personal visit. But it may be she suddenly feels bad for her daughter when Flash mentions the princess’s name, though” , Haystack commented “And, as I said, it would be unacceptable for a leader to let her emotion control her.”

The group then stayed silent for a while. It was an awkward silence because while Flash’s claim sounds like he made it up from a self-written story that he imagined himself as a savior of the worlds, the evidence that they discovered themselves started to show more support to the claim.

“Okay… let just say you will have to give us that notebook for sometime cause’ we’ll make some investigation on you. Until then, you'll be under constant monitoring by none other than your superior officer…” Celaeno said. But she was cut off as Haystack proudly put his right hoof on to his chest and said:

“As I have always done, madam!”

Right after that, Angie was allowed to come into the bridge to say: “It’s time for lunch, every creature!”

Chapter 6

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“Oh, Flash...” Haystack touches Flash's shoulder when he was sitting right next to Strike Zeta to fix it.

It was right after lunch and the crew decided to have some rest. Seashell Blue has come back to his bed and snored in his precious nap. But in contrast to that, Flash still decided to check on his own mobile suit to learn more things about the Strike Zeta itself and new fighting skills.

“You said that you had that curse when you stumbled upon the Alicorn’s cockpit when it was covered in snow, right?”

“I think so. I remembered that there are seats and monitors that are folded in that ‘snow cave’. I think the hatch was opened somehow…”

“So that means the cockpit is either completely covered with snow or flooded with water right now…” Haystack said, his hoof playing down his chin “Either way, that cockpit is gonna be unusable! Just wait until those racist bastards find out!”

He let out a big laugh with some of his tears on his eyes as he just finished the sentence. Flash also joins him by some slight laugh, even though he doesn't find much humor in his sentence.

“But… that’s not mean they don’t have help from the AE. They basically have the technology to build at least a dozen Alicorn Gundams.” Flash said “I think that’s why they can install that ‘software’ into it despite being unable to open the cockpit!”

“They still can’t get into it?” Haystack asked in surprise.

“Yes… Luster Dawn and her friends told me…”

“Just tell ‘Luster Dawn and her friends told me’ and you have a valid opinion?” Haystack cuts him off “I don’t think that’s how arguments work, son…”

“But, they did!” Flash said.

“By the way, why don’t you come to have a nap right now? I mean… we are pilots so we just need to sleep all day long and wait for our fellow crewmates to wake us up when there’s trouble, right?” Haystack asked casually. Flash could tell he is somewhat true as Celaeno has asked them to leave the duty of guarding them to her crew. She even claimed that they have saved the ship at least once, so they have to rest in order to achieve the best combat result.

“Yeah… but that’s gonna be boring if we’re just here and do nothing all day long… Are you having any plans after all of this has ended?” Flash said with a chuckle.

“I don’t know… maybe go back to being a useless royal guard since that is the best way to make money in my opinion. What about you?”

“Being a history teacher!” Flash casually answered.

“Sorry… a teacher?” Haystack exclaimed “You know you are a top tier criminal right now, isn’t that true?” the Lieutenant whispered right into Flash’s right left ear “Are you even sure creatures gonna accept you back to the society after all of these fighting was over?”

“I think so, Sir. Equestria is a somewhat forgivable society. If I can prove myself hard enough they could allow me to take an entrance exam. Have you heard the story of Headmare Starlight of the School of Friendship?”

“The one who brainwashed a whole village, but then later reformed by Princess Twilight? Every creature knows that, but you are technically still being exiled so I’m no guarantee you will be accepted again, unless the Princess does that…”

The duo then decided to come to the tarmac below, as Haystack said to Flash he needed some fresh air. They are coming right at the moment the new backpack for the captured Nemo. It was covered in a black cloth before it was completely unveiled and installed onto the damaged humanoid machine.

The process was simple: first, the crew will pilot the airship to an appropriate height of about 10 meters. The Nemo was then being flipped midair to make sure it lay upside down. Then, right after the airship descended to make the Nemo touch the ground, the installing procedure was carried out. A special crane from the port will lift the old backpack away before bringing the new one. The whole process was carried out in a wind-free area of the port to prevent winds blowing the backpack off the place it should be. It was expected to be finished in about an hour before dinner time. The suit will be completely shut down, but it was constantly monitored from the Parrot Strength’s bridge since there are risk they might ignite the fuel of the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor – the power plant for every single mobile suit and ships from the Earthsphere.

Build by a faction called Zeon, the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor using I-field to to confine and compress the reactor fuel, triggering a fusion reaction. The Minovsky particles (an elementary particle generated by the helium-3 reaction on the inner wall of a type of reactor called the Minovsky-lonesco reactor, the Minovsky ultra compact fusion reactor is an improved version of the Minovsky-lonesco reactor), produced as a byproduct of the helium-3 fusion reaction were recycled to keep that reaction going. The Minovsky particles that form the I-field lattice also helped catalyze the fusion reaction, in a process similar to the muon-catalyzed fusion. One of the reason why the Earth Federation and the AE choose to intervene Equus’s politics is because of the huge amount of helium-3 that can be easily extracted and manufactured.

“That's a military engineer for ya!” a kirin said while wiping his sweat on his forehead when explaining why it took so fast to do it. “But I hope you can convince that pilot. She is the one that understands this thing the most. We only make it functional.”

The process was surprisingly carried out as according to plan, with only a little delay when one of the engineers nearly got crushes when he was asleep on the back of the Nemo. He was saved by being dragged out by his fellow comrade.

“What a dork he is…” his friend commented. “That backpack is like 2.5 tons in weight!”

After that, they were allowed to have some rest and have dinner. However, Flash chooses by himself to visit Era in order to convince her to join S.M.I.L.E in the fight.

“How can I agree to the idea of taking away the lives of my and possibly your old comrades?” Era said “They are from the EFF! I know that they might treat you bad but… they need you!”

“To kill these creatures and steal their resources! Era, Black Wine wanted to declare war with a whole military alliance. This means we will have a world war right here in Equus!”

“So what? Do you have a source to back up?” Era barked “I mean… he would not risk starting such a devastating war!”

“You underestimate how much greed he has! Last time he even attacked a mine and guess what? He took over it in just a matter of hours! I’m the one that is fighting him!”

Flash pointed to himself.

“Oh yeah! But that Blue Rock Mine battle is… justified… It… it… was…”

Era started to stutter, as if she ran out of points to argue. Flash could notice that she was looking around sometimes, finding the clues for a valid response in the ceiling and the walls of the cell. However, Era is still determined to not join S.M.I.L.E to betray her friends at the EFF.

“Say what you want, but I’m not gonna kill our comrades! You should prepare to escape this ship whenever you get a chance, Brandon!”

The next day, Flash went on to make his own food at the cantina and enjoy it for dinner. Some vegetables, peanuts and plant sausage are some of his most favorite. Alongside it is a cup of orange juice and a banana.

“Good morning, bud!” Haystack came right next to him and greeted “Nice dish you have there. Special treatment for pilots, a rare sight these days! Remember to get to the hangar to check your suit as usual!”

Flash nodded slightly. He is still bothered by Era’s word the day before:

“You are a traitor, Brad! I can’t believe an innocent looking guy like you can defect that easily!” she ranted while her eyes were in tears “Nguyen, Robson, everyone… At least just think for them!”

“But… I don’t have a family, or any relatives, in that world…” Flash thought to himself.

“Hey bud, are you okay?” Haystack asked in concern as he waved his hoof before Flash’s eye. “You seem to be quite upset!”

“Uh… Nothing, Sir…” he replied while yawning “Just… tired… I had trouble sleeping last night.”

Luster Dawn and her friend still come to visit him in the dream the night before, as they have done for more than a week. Flash has allowed the group to just come and chat with him. He was genuinely surprised that they can talk a lot of stuff, despite being locked for years inside the Alicorn. Flash hears them say about anything they have experienced: about their family, their adventures, what they have learnt,… Without those chat, Flash couldn’t have known that Grisela is basically family-less and she have to live with Yolinda in her house at Ponyville, Luster Dawn originally don’t want to make friends because her mom just ranting about friendship and why Luster just be alone too much, to the point that she found the concept of “having friends” is annoying. Luster later learn that she have missing a gigantic part of her life once she have making friends, which is the team that sitting with her:

“That’s why our gift to you is friends for life!” Luster Dawn said as she looked at her long time partners “I think I’ll never have such fantastic moments with you guys if that mess didn’t happen, right?”

The group chuckled, which made Flash confused. Yolinda then told the story:

“Well… at first we didn’t get along really well: Butter Burger was a bit too enthusiastic for his burger making that he forced others to eat his, Spring Garden was too cocky and prideful that she refused to make friends and she’s also easy to get angry… Well, you know about the kirin fire, right? Grisela is too… what should I say…athletic and impatient rarely waits for anyone, and I am too shy to make friends. Our teacher has chosen Luster Dawn as a leader for our group for a project. She nearly give up as some point because our ego, and even some racism, have prevent us to come together and achieve great goals. Luster Dawn have come and unite us by reminded that principal. She help us overcome our difference and go on to finish the project!”

“Cool! What is it about?” Flash asked.

“Uhm… Recycling some stuff to make a painting for our group…” Luster answered “I’m basically a leader, Yolinda going around and finding some yak-related stuff, Spring Garden making the potion for the paint, Butter Burger providing the idea that we should draw a party table and helping us in the painting process, along with Grisela. She also helped Yolinda and me find some unused plastic straw and covers, mostly for the windows.”

“So… what is your result at the end?”

“It was named “The restaurant hug”. It was us making a group hug outside of BB’s restaurant, as the name suggests! Heck, we even have to perform an actual photo of us making a group hug as a model. Well… it’s a somewhat awkward moment at first, but after we learn more about each other and change ourselves, I could safely say that we would love it. Do you want to have some… errr… group hug… too?”


But as Flash has known, every time he hugs them, reality always snaps back to him. It was like there was something that prevented both sides from fully becoming friends. But he knew that it would be useful for him to test whether it is real in case he meets them in flesh and bones.

“Hey, make sure you can see me at the hangar!” Haystack shouted to bring Flash back to full consciousness, as he noticed his blue-haired subordinate nearly go to sleep.

“Yes… Yes Sir!”

The Captain was enjoying her morning tea along with her officers at the open bridge as she overlooked some activities down the tarmac. Just an hour ago, she was informed by the Alliance and the S.M.I.L.E that the Blackhawk and the Parrot Strength were temporarily stationed at Kirin’s Groove to prevent a possible attack from the Equestrian Army.

“Black Wine can declare war at any time now. Keep your eyes up for the news!” Agent Bonbon ordered “They will certainly send a mobile suit to you if that happens. May the Magic of Friendship be with you!”

That also leaves her an uneasy feeling when looking at the normal life just flowing before her eyes, knowing that there is a cloud of war floating right above all of them. Tensions between the Harmony Alliance and Equestria are increasing day by day, and there are even speculations that war is inevitable.

“What are you looking at, Captain?” Boyle asks “You haven’t finished eating that sandwich!”

“Oh… my bad!” Celaeno blushes as she quickly consumes her sandwich, which leaves her friends a bit of a chuckle.

“Honestly Captain, you look cute with that manner…” Boyle commented, which made the white parrot blushes even harder.

“Boyle… you… bad subordinate!”

“Aw, c’mon Captain!” Mullet said “He likes you, so he just try to cheer you up!”

“I’m not like her!” Boyle, also with his blushed face.

However, that happy moment didn't last long, when Angie suddenly ran straight up to them again from the under deck.

“Captain, our radar just picked mobile suits from the North West!” she said with her usual sweating due to running “It’s a squad, ma’am!”

The siren suddenly went off, indicating that there were enemies closing in. Haystack quickly urged his subordinate to get into the Strike Zeta and himself to his Jesta Commander.

“No sort of declaration was issued! This guy treats the whole Equus like his backyard, Sweet Celestia!” Haystack exclaimed “Gotta teach his squad another lesson, eh? Hey bridge, where are they?”

“25 kilometers to us, Lieutenant!” Boyle reported.

After properly positioning themselves at the combat bridge, the crew immediately come into combat mode. The rest were ordered to retreat into the ship and left the upper deck empty.

“Wait, what about the Nemo?” asked Angie “Should we just leave it there on the tarmac?”

“Order the personnel at the port to pull it into somewhere safe to hide!” Celaeno ordered “They might want to capture Nemo even if Era is still on board. That thing is a huge additional asset to us, don’t forget that!”

She then commanded the airship to gain altitude to confront the attackers, as well as clearing space for the mobile suits. From the camera view, she could see the usual silhouette, the MS: black humanoid shaped silhouette riding on some sort of giant magic carpet coming right for the air ships.

The Blackhawk has also decided to be the same as the Parrot’s Strength, slightly flexing its gun for the upcoming battle.

In the city, the siren has started to come off to alert its inhabitants about the danger. Every kirins decided to stop their daily live activities all at once and run to their hiding place. The city have several special bomb shelter that usually built right beneath the tree house, which could sheltered at least 200 kirins for each of them. The kirins ran straight to the nearest shelter. At first, it was a bit chaotic, which is understandable for the poor souls who are just trying to preserve their lives in the middle of a war. But later, thanks to the help of the Groove Royal Army, the evacuation started to get more ordered with the kirins lining up in discipline to get into the shelters.

The siren was still on.

On the radar, the enemy suits are getting closer and closer. The data have allowed the crew to identify what they really are: 3 Nemos, 3 GMIII, and a Zeta Plus C1.

“Darn it! I always knew they would bring something new to the battlefield!” Celaeno mumbled “And their squad seems to be well equipped as well! Haystack, Brandon! Are you guys out yet?”

“Yes ma’am!” Haystack replied “We are ready!”

Right after that, some missile salvo hit the port. They have destroyed some assets that are being placed on the tarmac, out in the open. Haystack then spotted some more missiles hitting the tree houses outside of the port. They don’t completely destroy the tree houses since they just hit the top of them, as the average height of the trees in Kirin’s Groove are about 55 meters. However, they still carry enough fuel to push the city into widespread fire. But still, the kirin hold it by installing fire extinguisher systems that are city sized, reducing the effect of the fire.

But that’s not all. A few minutes later, a second missile salvo was carried out by the Equestrian Army. This time, they managed to hit an ammunition warehouse that is just 550 meters from where the airship was. The strike ignited the gunpowder inside the bullets and shells, causing a massive explosion

It created a massive ball of fire as well as a plume of black smoke right after. Kirin in that area outside could easily feel the rumble of the blast, as well as the shock wave that came after it. The blast plunged a large hole in the concrete and blew away buildings near it. The airships are relatively safe, since they are built with super hard steel alloy on their hull as well as the balloons. However, the shock waves have caused some damage on their armor with multiple dent and scratch. However, the Parrot’s Strength, the one that is closer to the blast, even sustained some small fire on its upper deck and a large piece of a destroyed container flew straight into its hull and ripped off some parts of the hull and a balcony.

The shock wave also knocked the crew inside, as the airships drifted away. The mobile suits also have a hard time stabilizing themselves as the shock wipes through them. Haystack’s Jesta Commander and Blue Thunder Jegan D Type also nearly lose balance to the wave and fall down the tarmac.

“Darn it! We’re doomed!” Blue Thunder screamed in fear, as he held his head on the chair. He has never experienced something that is closer to death than that explosion. His face wrinkled as shaken in his fear.

“Guys, hold your position!” Haystack boosted his subordinate morale “You are in a mobile suit. That explosion just barely scratches your armor, so don’t shit yourself. Got it?”

In his cockpit, although still able to feel the power of the blast, Flash still held his position. His plan was to later transform himself into wave rider and attack the invaders by ramming straight into them with his giant shield.

When the smoke cleared, they could tell that the port was not the same as before: the warehouse that was previously housing the ammunition completely vanished, along some completely destroyed buildings and some unfortunate kirins near the sights. The tree houses near the port are either burning or already barbecued with all the leaves and balcony stripped away, or just falling down. Flash could even spot some burned corpse of kirins on the tarmac.

“Is… Is this what you saw… Luster…” Flash mumbled. He nearly lost his mind in front of what he said “the most disturbing sight he has ever seen”.

“Every creature, ready to intercept the enemy!” Haystack yelled to pull his soldier back to reality.

“The enemy is coming, 6 o’clock!” Boyle said to the MS squad “Guys, can you hear me?”

“Roger that!” the squad screamed in unison. Flash could hear the bridge sighed in relief after that.

“Brad, intercept the enemy!” Haystack ordered “You will have the honor to fight that Zeta Plus C1, do you copy that?”

“Yes Sir!” Flash screamed.

“Good! Let's rage revenge for Kirin’s Groove! My soldiers, charge!” Haystack yelled.

After the smoke was clear, Era finally got to stand on her own legs. The blast knocked her down to the floor and made her head bump into the wall. As she looked around, it was still the hallway inside the ship, but the books she was carrying at that moment had fallen down the floor and scattered everywhere. She decided to take them back off and do her job.

The Captain has decided to let her go freely around anywhere but the airship, with an escort that comes from a parrot by the name of Ginger. At that moment, she is carrying some books that Ginger has bought from a book store in the city, as an additional supply for the airship library. It is interesting to learn that the parrots on the airship really love novels, especially novels. Sometimes, Captain Celaeno would read some skills teaching books and some health books, such as The Definitive Guide To Battlefield Injury And How To Treat Them.

“I don’t know such a book can exist in my world, not to mention it was being published here…” Era once said in surprise when she saw it on the shelf. “… and it was written in our language!”

“I know right? Seems like we have more in common than we could comprehend…” Captain Celaeno replied.

“Ginger, Ginger! Are you okay?” Era immediately came to her parrot partner to pick her up.

“I’m okay!” she replied, also holding her head. “What was that?”

“I have… no idea! Let's just come to the upper deck to see!”

Ignoring her new friend’s warning, the red head pilot still decided to sprinted herself to the top. She stumbled upon some injured creature on the way, possibly due to being thrown around during the explosion. After opening the door leading to the open space of the upper deck, she was greeted by some smoke and the smell of burning wood. Then, she was shocked to see the sight of the aftermath: piles of rubble, destroyed buildings and burning trees.

“No way…” she mumbled when the mess caused by the explosion was shown before her. But the thing that she found the most disturbing and heart breaking are the burned bodies of the kirin.

She knew some of them. There is a kirin named Ballad Song that both worked at the port as well as a part time bookseller. She was Ginger’s friend and if she’s not wrong, she’s working somewhere in the ammunition storage. She remembered just a couple of minutes ago, she was invited on to the ship for some biscuit before returning to the warehouse. She even had to do a handshake to Era before that.

But now, it seems like she is one of the immediate casualties of the explosion that was done by her comrades.

Conflicting feelings started to form in her: should she ignore the death of these innocent kirins and betray her comrades; or return to Equestria for her usual life along with her old friends at EFSF.

Right below the Parrot Strength, she spotted the mobile suit of S.M.I.L.E trying to put up a fight. They later charged right into their enemies which were rapidly approaching the port at the airship’s starboard side. She can even see the right moment when Brandon’s Strike Zeta Gundam transforms and goes full throttle for some combat.

Another salvo of missiles then hit the city tree house behind her. When arriving at the port, she speculated that none of the tree houses were military targets.

“There are real kirins in there…” she mumbled.

Suddenly, an insane idea popped up in her head. It was strange that she never thought of it before, but since she is a kind human, seeing innocent people die is something that is too much for her. She thought:

“Where is my Nemo?”

Chapter 7

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Megan immediately recognized the white Zeta Gundam charging right for her. Its white paint was reflected by the sun, and its huge shield is in a position that it is ready to stab through the cockpit. But still, she chuckled:

“Foolish move… I’ll slay you into pieces!”

The side skirt armor slighted a little bit to allow the beam saber to pop out. It was a mechanism that all Zeta Gundams have, which makes the sabers deployment more rapid in the cramped body of Zeta Gundams. The bright pink blade of the saber popped out right after, tearing through the air with its hot particles that are thousands of degrees Celsius. The gray mobile suit swung it with both its hands towards the bright white WR mode Strike Zeta, aimed to cut its opponent in half. However, the Strike Zeta quickly changed its form and engaged her, also with its beam saber.

The two clash with the classic beam blade explosion and sounds, lighting up both suits in its bright flash.

Being transferred to Equus just a few weeks before, Megan herself has a lot to learn. However, as a soldier, she has no other choice but to quickly adapt and learn. At 24 years old Lieutenant, commanding a squad of her own is something she is used to, even if her squad at that moment consists of newly trained ponies. They are mostly old suits, but the overwhelming missile strikes make it less a problem to her. Additionally, there are only four enemy suits.

Megan looked right into the opponent’s eyes, thinking that she somehow can see the pilot and their minds.

“Lieutenant, the airship still haven’t sunk yet!” Warmth Air, a pegasi that served alongside her, reported “What should we do?”

“Order another salvo! They can’t be built with magical armor!” the orange hair pilot said.

The squad didn’t come alone. They are deployed from the Thunderbirds and the Miranda, which are Mattia class battleships. The second was even more violent than the previous one, which completely leveled half the port and a large part of Kirin’s Groove. Turns out, the ships were heavily armed for missile bombardment: they even carried extra missile pods outside of the hulls. After the strike, they dumped the missile pods and started to turn away. This time, they did take down the Blackhawk. The poor airship was hit in the stern, causing it to be destroyed and detaching the balloon. The airship ended up to be a pile of smoke and fire on the tarmac.

“No!” screamed Yamina “Captain Issa…”

“We're gonna take care of them later! Just fight!” Haystack commanded.

“Okay Megan squad, I think we got them this time!” the commander of the Thunderbird said “You can do what you want now!”

“Roger that, Captain Mihessa!” Megan replied as she still held her position with Flash’s mobile suit “I’ll teach these filthy creatures a lesson!”

Her suit then performed a kick right into its opponent’s torso, causing it to fly back a little bit. However, Flash has used this suspiciously widely used close combat tactic, so he retaliates with a direct kick into it’s left knee, making the joints get loosen. The Zeta Plus have no choice but to dispatch its own damaged lower legs and continue fighting.

“Darn it! I forgot this suit has a long rifle! Foolish Megan!” Megan criticizes herself as she gets away from her opponent. The gray mobile suit aimed its long rifle for a few seconds before open fire. Its bright blue beam from the barrel tore through the air and aimed right at Flash’s cockpit. Not letting his enemy have an easy shot, Flash quickly gets out of its way, letting the shot go into nothing but the ground. The explosion blows up the soil, making some part of them fly up to where the duo is fighting.

“That’s one powerful shot!” Flash exclaimed.

Megan continued her salvo by just pushing the button on the control stick. The 120 mm beam gun was a formidable weapon, built to completely take down a mobile suit in a single shot in long range combat. Megan was specifically trained with this kind of weapon, as she had previously piloted a Jegan Sniper Pack back when she was still at the Earthsphere. Just as her fellow human comrades, she initially despise the creatures, thinking that they are just dumb talking mythical animal just like the ponies. But to her surprise, they are extremely smart and to add with all that intelligence is the magic that each creature has. And just in that moment, she has to be extra careful as her enemy is smoothly evaded from every single shot, making all of the beams hit nothing but the ground. Megan grinds her teeth every time she aims her gun, and she always groans every time she misses.

“Darn it, why can’t you just stay in one place!” she exclaimed “Fine, come and fight me like a man!”

Then, she turned her suit into Wave Rider and began chasing her opponent. Sensing the danger is closing, Flash also does the same. One of the most unique types of mobile suits has begun: dog fighting like fighter jets. It is the type of duel that is only made possible if your suit can turn itself into a plane shaped mode.

“Haystack, look!” exclaimed Blue Thunder. His suit is still dodging the shots from a duo of GMIIIs, but he is still free enough to point his finger to where Flash and Megan are fighting “They are chasing each other!”

Looking at where his subordinate was pointing, Haystack let out a smug in satisfaction. He thought to himself “That’s what I wanted from him”. He knew that his proposal to keep Flash at S.M.I.L.E is, perhaps, the necessary way to drive the struggle further. Looking at the speed of the two WR mode MS, he knew only that pilot and Flash can make such a rapid move.

After the talk with Flash in the sick bay, Haystack was left with mixed feelings. Flash has just woken up after a month in coma, and he needs some rest. But Haystack still thinks such a criminal like Flash should not be trusted and treated nicely.

He then came to the mission room, where Lyra and Bonbon were sitting to wait for him.

He made a glance inside to see the couple cuddling each other. The Lieutenant knew that they had married, and he was genuinely happy for them. But his heart wrenching slightly when it reminded him of his wife back home, especially the moment when they just cuddled each other with love on the sofa.

But understanding why he’s there, the brown stallion slightly knocked the door. The mares quickly adjust themselves on the chair and allow him to come in.

“So… how’ s the talk?” Lyra started.

“Well… I’ve learned that he’s actually a Federation pilot, just like your speculation when we pulled that midget out of the cockpit. The suit is still relatively intact, right?”

“We’re still checking, but initial data said that the suit can still be used”, said Bonbon, who is reading the report from the engineer.

“Good one. That means we will need him. Listen, I have given him the name of Brandon Cultrich, or Brad for short…”

“Stop… What am I doing? I said stop…” his mind screamed.

“Why?” asked Lyra.

“Because he is Flash Sentry, the pony who stole Princess Twilight’s crown moons ago!”

The two mares look at each other in confusion. Then they let out a hysterical laugh:

“You… you… tell me that human is Flash Sentry? Such a Pegasus like him can’t be magically turned into a human all by himself, ya know? By the way, after that court, the ponies shot him dead!”

Instead of telling ponies about what really happened to Flash, the Equestrian Guard decided to tell the citizens that the notorious thief had been executed. Haystack knew that, he saw it on the news paper the other day. But some weird sensation tells him that he is really Flash Sentry, and he should bring him to S.M.I.L.E as well. But it is also not an un-logical statement: S.M.I.L.E is desperately in need of MS as well as pilots, and there are two that fall from the sky at the same time for them to pick up? Of course, S.M.I.L.E never let that chance slip away. Knowing this, Haystack said to them:

“But anyway, I think we should let him into S.M.I.L.E, we are in need to capture that Alicorn Gundam and fight back Black Wine’s and his minion!” Haystack said “Look… he can fall hundreds of meters down but everything he suffers is a coma. We’ve checked: he didn’t break any bones..”

“Haystack, stop! You know how bad Flash Sentry is, right?” his mind continued to scream. But another voice fights back “But this is for a greater good, not for your ego!”

Needless to say, the couple agree. They used the reasons that Haystack had thought, although some extra training and precaution are still needed.

Months after that talk have proven his vision to be true, and Flash has shown his immense skill on the battlefield with countless saves.

But in Flash’s cockpit at that moment, things are not so easy. He remembers that he has been tested by the Federation to make sure he didn’t pass out in a high G-force situation, but why is he feeling so dizzy. The Strike Zeta made turn to turn, trying to dodged as many beam shots as it could. The two warbirds danced along in the sky, leaving the contrails behind them like two long white ribbons, twisted right in the middle of the air.

After about 2 minutes, when seeing his opponent getting closer to his tail, Flash decided to stun his opposite side by doing a barrel roll. The white Strike Zeta Gundam quickly find itself right behind the Zeta Plus A1 and the roll was switched. Flash decided to fire his side skirt beam gun as a response to what Megan had done with him. But just as Flash’s outstanding maneuver skill, Megan dodges shots after shots, causing as much frustration to Flash as he did to her.

“Haha! You have no chance fighting me!” the aqua haired pilot said in her cockpit “You are on the wrong side, fool!”

It was a smart move from her. Flash knew that he couldn’t fire his shield mounted beam rifle as most of the energy was diverted to smaller side skirt beam guns and for the engines, which was working as hard as it could to make the white MS stay airborne. Flash decided to check whether he had ever been in his own shed, only to find out that his missile reserve is empty at the moment.

As for the rest of the squad, things are not better for them. So far, they have just taken out 2 base jabbers. The rest have their mobile suit deployed to the ground for them to release more there rockets and beam shots onto the S.M.I.L.E’s position. Haystack is busy battling with a Nemo that was armed with a beam javelin, something that he didn’t expect them to have. The Nemo’s pilot seems to have outstanding skill, as it just keeps making attacks without letting any weak spot be exposed to him. In one of the strikes, it nearly cutted him in half if it wasn't for his backward move with the thrusters just in time. The suit flies up to let the javelin’s blade hit nothing but the air. The pilot seems to be furious with that unfortunate move, causing him to strike with even more force and energy. Haystack has to constantly parry with either his beam saber’s blade or his shield. His effort finally paid off when the opponent's fury exposed a weak point, as he tried to stab Haystack with his javelin’s blade: his torso. The black Jesta Commander put aside its beam rifle to the ground and held the javelin middle body. Haystack put up his shield and launched the grenades toward that openly unshielded part of its torso. The grenade exploded right after touching the metallic surface of Nemo's body’ s middle part. It was so fast the pilot was unable to put up his shield. Haystack launched himself back to avoid the explosion, which allowed Haystack to see the moment his first kill of the battle occurred: the explosion tore the Nemo into half causing a large fireball and plum of dark smoke. Some trees around it were also leveled to the ground.

“That’s a hard one! Such a dumbass!” he mumbled before turning to his comrades “Hey! What’s going on over there?”

“Still… holding… Argh!” Blue Thunder groaned from his cockpit. Haystack could hear several explosion sounds from his reply. The GMIIIs try to bombard him with their beam rifle. The only thing that covers him is a large rock half the size of a regular mobile suit. To make matters worse, Yamina’s position seemed to be exposed and she was hesitant to fire any shot towards the enemy. Haystack rarely sees her fire her sniper rifle in anger.

“Sorry… Sir… But they’re too near!” Yamina replied as her voice crackled “They already bombed me…”

“Okay… hold on!”

It’s certainly not easy to see her pilot suffer, especially after one of the ships was sunk. Captain Celaeno grinds her teeth, sweating hard while looking at the monitors to find as much good sign as possible.

The Parrot’s Strength has drifted away from her designated mooring area for nearly a kilometer. The ship’s anchor while somehow still not being pulled up, it still can’t find a place to hold the airship. But Celeano soon notices that and orders to lower the altitude so they can safely stop.

At the moment, she and her crew are desperate to get any help from friendly forces. The port’s main radio station has been destroyed from the first salvo, its wreckage can still be visible from Parrot’s Strength if any creatures have enough guts to get to the open upper deck to view it for themselves. Their only hope is the advanced communication system that they have on board, which is why Angie is putting all of her effort at the radio monitor and trying to find an appropriate radio frequency to transmit her message.

“Hello, this is the Harmony Alliance’s Attack Cruiser Parrot’s Strength…” Angie said through the microphone “…we are under enemy attack. Are there any friendly forces out there?”

The radio repeated with just some disturbed noises. Sometimes there are even sounds of a program being broadcast, but it can’t go well for at least 5 seconds until having some glitch.

“Argh… Angie groaned in frustration.

“Dang it… I have promised to the queen!” Celaeno mumbled “C’mon guys… Hold a little longer…”

Angie changed the frequency from 98.9 MHz to 99.9 MHz. The changing sound brought her some hope as there were some voices at the other end, indicating it might be a communication station somewhere near them.

“Hello, this is the Harmony Alliance’s Attack Cruiser Parrot ‘s Strength. We are under enemy attack, please send help!” the small green parrot repeated. “Hello?”

“Hello? Who is there?” a deep voice reply.

“This is the Harmony Alliance’s Attack Cruiser Parrot’s Strength! We are asking for help!”

“Cruiser Parrot’s Strength, this is R8 Military Radio Station of the Griffonstone Army! What’s the emergency?”

“We are being attacked by the Equestrian Army’s mobile suits! 3 Nemos, 3 GMIII, and a Zeta Plus C1, deployed from 2 Mattia class battleships!”

“Jeez… one of them is certainly an upgraded ship… Hey, stay there! We’ll call the Alliance HQ! The Chancellor has already declared war! That dumbass dictator certainly lost his mind!”

“Wait… what?” Celaeno came right by with a shocked face “How did we never hear about this?”

“Be… Because… you… you guys are having some in… formation… blockade!” the radio operator said with some interruption. It was not so hard to understand why since they are in the middle of a war.

“Quick! Said to them we need immediate reinforcement! Contact Lady Rainbow Dash if you can!”

“They are actually on your way!”

“Come on… Come on!” Flash exclaimed with grinding teeth. The statistics from the monitor are showing him some worrying numbers: the power from the left foot’s thermal nuclear ramjet engine is getting weaker. The fast diagnosis from the sensors have detected something that stuck into the fan, causing its rpm to decrease.

“You’re getting into trouble right now? No please…” Flash thought “Give me some hope!”

If he somehow is tailed, he knows he might not be so lucky again. Previously, one of the Zeta Plus’s shots hit parts of the right wing’s tips, causing him to lose balance a little bit.

Somehow, his guts tell him that this pilot might surpass Black Wine to be the best pilot he has ever faced. The numbers on the left engine’s fan’s rpm gradually declined. Flash has to make a decision as fast as possible.

But it’s too late. The gray Zeta began its barrel roll and soon ended up behind the tail of the Strike Zeta. Until that moment, he didn’t notice that the speed had decreased and he was getting slower. The opponent must have noticed he is declining in speed and make the same move that he has made before. The role was switched again.

Flash is now desperately trying to anything in his power to avoid being hit: side to side tipping, constant change of altitude, and baiting. He even tries to fly into low altitude clouds in order to hide his opponent's vision, but it seems like the one that is tailing him is utilizing its thermal detector: the radar shows that it is still behind and it is closing the gap. Flash decided to lowering the altitude and fly towards the main battlefield in order to get some help.

“Lieutenant, I need your help!” Flash said through the com link “My left engine is in trouble!”

“Yeah yeah, I could see that!” looking up to his subordinate, the brown pony could see some gray smoke going out of the left engine. “What’s going on?”

“Seems like there is some debris making the exhaust fan stuck! I don’t think I can hold longer!”


But not long after that, his greatest fear has come, as the locking alarm goes off, indicating he will have to endure at least some damage.

The yellow light from the long rifle’s barrel lit up, carefully pointing its muzzle towards Flash’s suit. With a smug victory on her face, Megan has ready her hands for a decisive shot. Her mind was all concentrated on her target, pointing right in the middle of the Strike Zeta. She is near to the possible first kill ever and it would bring her to be the one of the most influential first kills for the Federation force at Equestria, since the target was a Gundam.

“Say hello to HELL!” she screamed.

But then, something stopped her from doing that: a sudden explosion occurred right next to her right side, denying any chance of proper aiming and possibly, damaging her suit. The gray mobile suit was blown aside and it took her awhile to regain vision and control over her own MS.

“Wh… What the?” Megan looked around in anger “Who dares disrupt my fight?”

But there’s even more missiles coming to the attacking force, tearing through the air to their targets. Megan attempted to contact her mother ship, but it was a cold silence. It does not take long for the blonde human to find out her ship has been taken down. The thick smoke from the Thunderbirds is slowly makes its way into the atmosphere, which allows the wreck site to be visible for miles.

“No way…” she mumbled. The ship’s defense system failed her and sealed her fate, the Captain of the Miranda described “It was targeted with around a dozen of warheads. 2 of the hit the ship!”

“Wait, where are those things coming from?” Haystack mumbled in confusion “Are they friendly forces?”

To Haystack, there seems to be a salvo from somewhere. There are multiple missiles coming for the enemy, attempting to crush them with their sheer numbers. One Nemo bravely took down 5 of them before getting blasted by a warhead that hit right into the torso.

“It’s our friends from the Canterlot! They are here to break the Equestrian’s Grip!” Celaeno explained through the com link.

“Brad, pull back! There’s no need to engage!” Haystack commanded.

To Flash, it was a massive relief. He really missed his own ship after about a month wandering Equus trying to outrun Black Wine’s Army. The gray Zeta has given up its hope to shoot him down. It quickly changed its course and flew back to the ships. Along with the 2 Mattia class are 3 Cloudsdale class cruisers, which provide Megan with hope that the remaining mobile suit can have some space. Megan then issued a command to retreat.

“Hop back to your ship as fast as you can! Do not let those filthy creatures outrun you!” she said.

But there is still not enough time for her squad. On the way, a GMIII was unluckily being shot right into the back, when Yamina found her confidence due to her space being freed. The explosion once again rocked the dense jungle around and made the birds panic. The one that still has it’s base jabber around hop right on to them and retreating.

Parrot’s Strength, Parrot’s Strength. This is Captain Discord of the Harmony Alliance, commander of assault cruiser Canterlot, please reply!” the voice from the ship’s draconequus commander echoed into the combat bridge. Celaeno was never happier to hear the sound of the usually annoying guy. She replied “assault cruiser Canterlot, this is Captain Celaeno of Parrot’s Strength. Glad to see some reinforcement!”

Standing on the bridge, Rainbow Dash is pumped up to see her pilots back. Initial reports from the Vice Admiral Hiram have shown they have already lost one vessel. The loss of the Blackhawk is a major loss for S.M.I.L.E, with around 25 crew members estimated to be killed in action.

Rainbow’s heart wrenched when she heard the brief report from the reinforcement fleet’s commander, Admiral Gimbal.

Along with them are around 20 airships with just additional MS that the Orthinians have bought. The deal with AE is painful to them, but it was necessary for their war effort. In fact, mobile suits might be the strategic weapons to fight back Black Wine’s greed of ruling the world. Rainbow Dash’s mind unintentionally called back the moment when she heard the dark blue unicorn declare war through the radio.

“My fellow ponies…” he said on the television. It was a pre-recorded video that he and his government have carefully prepared, as much as the war itself. The Generals in Canterlot have said to launch a full assault on to the jungle of Everfree, a member kingdom of Harmony Alliance, forcing the reindeer there to get out of what they call “historical land of the ponies”.

“…today will mark the turning point in Equestrian history, as we launch a full blown attack on the illegal settlers in the Everfree forest. For many years, our sacred forest has been occupied illegally, disturbed the ponies with their dark magic that can swallow us all the way to this place, Canterlot…”

He is actually true. The Everfree dignity have some kind of “Repairing Magic” to fix their home when it was damaged by using rapid growing plants. In an incident, the Everfree reindeer have used this kind of magic to threaten the Equestrian to loosen the grip of a destructive development plan: building real estates. The two sides later come to an agreement to pull back their forces. Fear mongering his population about that “Repairing Magic” is a perfect excuse for Black Wine to start war on the reindeer and push them out of their land forever. In the initial hour of the war, the technical advantage of the ponies overwhelmed the “Repairing Magic”, to the point that the reindeer can only defend their main city and the royal palace.

“…our goal is to push them out of our historical land and return peace to Equestria, eliminating the threat of that dark magic forever!”

But deep down inside, every pony knew he would destroy the whole forest for endless exploitation of natural resources, and possibly, magic. It would not be surprising if Black Wine took advantage of the “Repairing Magic” for his own benefits.

Needless to say, the attacks have invoked the Alliance collective defense. Countless weapons, supply and man power are now being poured into Everfree. Seizing the opportunity to steal more lands with valuable resources, Black Wine ordered his Army to attack all military targets within Alliance member’s territory, crushing them with endless missiles and airstrikes. In the midst of war, anything can happen.

And now, she rushes to reinforce Kirin’s Groove. All of the Alliance was surprised to see the technological advantages from the Equestrian with their mobile suits and cruise missiles, in the scale that not even the most ambitious general 25 years earlier even dreamt of. They obviously come from the AE supply.

Along with the fleet is the Eagle Scream, which was carrying Water Vapor and his Jegan D Type at that moment. He also wanted to meet his comrades again.

The Canterlot then fired her 300 mm Mega Particle cannon to finish off the Miranda. But that shot was somehow getting missed. Rainbow Dash and Discord then agree to just let the remaining attackers pull back.

“Let them go! We should not waste ammunition!”

The battle ended after just a morning, with the enemy being either wiped out or retreated. 3 mobile suits, two base jabbers and a Mattia class is not a bad result for such a small force. But ending up losing the Blackhawk and a whole port is certainly a huge setback for S.M.I.L.E. Salvos of missiles have left a whole ammunition warehouse blown up, along with dozens of craters on the tarmac. The port also made its new paved runway unusable.

It was also estimated that around a thousand kirins, both military personnel and innocent civilians, have lost their lives. It is always the innocent lives lost that have the most consequential impact after each battle, since they are the primary reasons why the Alliance exists, even higher than preserving magic and friendship.

Rainbow Dash then asked for permission to leave the fleet, after taking the entirety of Haystack’s squad back on to the Canterlot. The Parrot’s Strength and the Eagle Scream decided to follow soon after. The rest will stay at Kirin’s Groove until the war ends to provide protection, as the collective defense mechanism is supposed to work.

“Celaeno, I think you and your crew should abandon your ship and come here. The ship might not be safe anymore.” Rainbow Dash said to the white parrot. She also said the same to the griffon commander of the Eagle Scream, Captain Glomar.

“Our ship is still fine, we can handle it. We only need supply right now, Miss!” Celaeno said.

Chapter 8

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“It’s a hard day, right Flash?” asked Yolinda as she knitting along with the group on a beach. They sometimes asked Flash to dream of an activity or a scenery to change the boredom of the “Sunset Realm”, the place where Flash and the group usually meeting. They always fascinated of how his brain can help “creating” magic in the hard time.

“You guys know that Black Wine has declares war on the Alliance, right?” Flash asked.

“Huuhh…” Flash sighed “…war have officially started… It was tragic moment for all of Equus, Flash. Deep inside our heart, we always wish for peace, but…” the light cerise unicorn bite her lips and clicked “You know what, when we met each other at Antarctica, I think if we can form a relationship, our friendship can save Equestria from war…”

“And how was the fight, Flash?” asked Grisela. Flash have specifically noticed her passion for those giant humanoid machine he called “the largest catalyst” of the war. Little did he know that Grisela is a huge engineering nerd. She and Luster have done so much scientific project that involve machine together.

“What do you mean, Grizzy?” Flash called her with her nickname “Do you want to know more about piloting, engineering, or…”

“Yeah! Piloting! That’s one of the most important thing to know how a… an MS work, right?”

“Sure is! I have to responsible to overlook mantainance of those things so I must know a thing or two about it? Let me remember…”

Then, he listed the ways and steps to pilot an MS: the starting procedure, the on/off button, the control stick, weapon’s triggers, etc. It was a rare occasion for him to talk so enthusiastically, and the creatures stop their knitting activity to listen to him with the same manner. “Group meeting”, the name Luster came up for the talks, is the reason why the whole group can maintain their sanity. Being with them almost every night make Flash feel like he has a part of the team. It make him feels relaxing or even sometimes, feel at home. He usually forget that he was under a curse that was setting up by Luster Dawn and her friends. But can it called a “curse” if he don’t get any harm from it?

“…so that’s how it was powered? Like… what it is called?” Luster asked.

“The Minovsky Ultra Compact Fusion Reactor, or MUCFR for short.”

“Okay… so basically that thing can even generates some sort of force to blinds other’s radar? That was… awesome!” exclaimed Grisela.

“Yeah… that’s why in the Earthsphere, they usually close fighting. Basically pilots can use any kind of weapons: beam sabers, rifle, rockets,… as long as they can see eachother. Like how me and that Zeta Plus A1 fighting today. We mostly played cat and mouse on the sky, though…”

Butter Burger then raised his hooves. He asked enthusiastically “Like chasing each other? What do you guys do? Like setting traps, biting?”

“Hold on, hold on, BB! You mistake it with ACTUAL cat and mouse chase!” Flash replied with his fronts hooves doing pushes against him. “That’s not how dog fight work… ehem… so basically we chase each other on the sky to try taken down one another. The winner could be the one who lasted or not getting any shot. The loser are the one who get damaged by the enemy or completely being shot down, depends on the spot that was hits. Sadly… the other pilot usually didn’t make it if they was blew up!”

The group gasped with the statement. Yolinda then continue “So… can any pilot survive if they got shot?”

“Most of the time, since being blew up right at the spot is pretty rare. Usually they got damaged that they have to crash landing or unable to fight back.”

“I see…” the brown yak make a “I understand it” expression.

The group stay silence for a while and thinking. Then, Grisela broke it by asked Flash when can he come to the Cloudsdale.

“I don’t know, but we certainly on the way to you guys?” the yellow coat pegasus said “They will deploy you somewhere in the Alliance’s territory soon, so me and my friends on the Canterlot can come to you and bring you out… May be I’ll get better detail tomorrow.”

The war have dramatically change her morning routine.

Rainbow Dash have to wake up 2 hours earlier than during peace time, either for meetings or paper works. Right the day before she travelled to Kirin’s Groove to save Haystack’s squad, she have to addressed a statement before the Harmony Alliance’s security council to call for collective defense.

“We must help protect our friends and harmony, for the shakes of our own citizen’s safety!” she said on the podium “Black Wine will not stop at Everfree and Blue Rock Mine! He will continue to steal the oil rigs in Zebrat, the titanium mines in Griffonstone, and the gold mines in Parrot Peaks. We must not let him do whatever he wanted and get away without consequences! We must act!”

The ship is travelling at a steady pace at that moment with only one target in mind: the Clop class cruiser Cloudsdale and it’s precious Alicorn Gundam. She will come to the mission room to motivate the troops for the upcoming hunt, before letting Lyra and Bonbon discussing the full plan to the crew. But before that, she have to get a personal meeting with her top pilot, Brandon Cultrich and Lieutenant Haystack, his commander, right in her cabin. The rainbow mane pegasi took a sip of coffee as she casually read the morning news on her comfortable chair, in her own dark blue bathrobe.

It doesn’t take long for her to wait after finishing reading news about the stock market before hearing the knocking on the door. “Please come!” she said, as she rapidly take out the bathrobe and wearing her usual black training uniform that was only for the Wonderbolt’s Captain.

Opened the door is Haystack himself and the blue haired pilot, Ensign Brad. The duo kindly bowed at her to show respect, but the blue mare waved her hooves to say “No need for bowing!”. She pointed to the bed and asked them to sit on it.

“Uh… Thank you, Rainbow… Dash for lending sometimes to us…” Haystack said carefully “Me and Brad have came to Kirin’s Groove, as you have known. Yesterday, me and Brad have came to meet the queen. This is the first time we have ever known that he was under a curse that called “The Haunting Curse”!”

“What is “The Haunting Curse”?”

“Basically an entity will haunt the victim’s dream to force them to do whatever they wanted, Miss Rainbow Dash!” answered Flash “They frequently come to just have some… talks, after me and them have understand each other well! They are pretty good friends to me, too!” Flash answered without stuttering, but with a somewhat careful manner. His back are not straight at that moment.

“No need to be careful before me, Brad. We’re friends now!” Rainbow Dash’s words give the blue haired pilot some confident and he sitting straight again.

“So, can you tell me who exactly are “they”?”

Haystack and Flash looked at each other nervously. The gray stallion even have a gulp in fear that “What if she don’t believe?”

“Sorry, Rainbow Dash… but do you really trust me?” asked Flash.

“Seems like you two know each other well. If Haystack can believe it, then why shouldn’t I?” the blue pegasi speak in a friendly manner.

“So… they are Princess… Twilight’s student and her friends…”

“What? Can you say louder?”

“They are Luster Dawn, Spring Garden, Grisela, Yolinda, and Butter Burger!” Flash spitted out all five names in a row. He have to concentrate all of his morning energy to gather the courage to said out loud with his eyes closed.

The room then stay silence for a while, with only the blowing sound of the air conditioner above them blowing some fresh cool air to them. But still, it can’t stop Flash from sweating due to the tension. Rainbow Dash looked down the floor, thinking about what she just heard.

“I knew it!” her voice screamed in her head with frustration. Rainbow Dash have long been struggle to suppress the weird feeling that S.M.I.L.E’s top MS pilot is the infamous banished criminal. And that pilot, Flash Sentry, is the one who is holding the key to rescue Twilight’s best student. She even come up with the idea that if he can somehow bring them out, he can unleashed the Magic of Friendship, the most powerful magic ever, and beaten Black Wine. Her suspicious have been confirmed in a way that was hard to swallow for her.

“Hey…” Rainbow Dash slowly said “…you really know who am I, right?”

“Yes! You are Lady Rainbow Dash. Captain of the Wonderbolts, one of the main lobbyist for the Harmony Alliance!”

“Yep! And you...” she looked straight into his eyes “…you are Flash Sentry, the filthy thieve who stole Princess Twilight Sparkle’s heart AND her crown for your own benefit! You got her crying for days, thieves!”

At the time of the military tribunal of Flash Sentry’s case, ponies were shocked to learn that the Princess of Friendship herself indeed have crush on Flash. But her heart was shattered when she find out the stallion she liked the most have stolen her crown. Little did she known, Flash only do it due to the desperation to save his mother, who has passed away not long before Flash came back to Equus.

“She… my mom… has gone?” Flash stuttering. His tears running down the cheeks and his teeths grinding in utter regret.

“Yep, she has. It’s a shame, a real shame, to witness her death. She has to go down the earth with the shame from her son!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice. She stood up and looked down upon the blue haired pilot, staring right into his eyes.

“Listen, bastard. Creatures have long been know that you are Equestria most noctorious gold digger. You have been wrong when the Princess’s reputation can help you, dude. Listen, creature will think the same after you save them out, saying you only accept to free Luster and her friends, enjoying the “curse” when you know who they are. I want you to stay away from them after all of this had ended. This is for your own safety. If the Royal Guard find you out, you might not as lucky like the last time, got it?”

“What… what do you mean “not lucky”?” asked Flash.

“To Tartarus, or straight up death penalty, kid! This is the military, not the School of Friendship. I hope you understand that well!”

Sitting in the corner of the mission room, the words from Rainbow Dash still haunted his mind. He would love to be with them after the war ended, but then…

“I could be charged of being a criminal… again and get kicked out of this world for good. I could ended up with a shot in the head if just keep sticking with them…” he mumbled.

“Flash… Flash!” mumbled Haystack “What’s wrong buddy?”

“Uh… uh… nothing, Sir!”

“Bro, have you stay up late last night again?” asked Blue Thunder “Do you have a girlfriend back in the Earthsphere?”

“Uh… I’m still single, BT!”

“Hey soldier, there they come!” said Haystack with a kick into Flash’s leg.

At usual, the whole room stood up when Lyra, Bonbon and Rainbow Dash came into the mission room. And also as usual, the paper work that contain important information and their stone cold face was carry into the room. Lyra ordered the room to sit down and listen after the salute was over.

“To start this talk first, I have some important information…” said Rainbow Dash “…the Alicorn Gundam is currently being occupied by… ghost! That’s why you can see it travel with such speed and agility…”

“What the… really?” the whole whispered.

“It is not occupied by not one, but 5 ghosts. You have heard them before: Luster Dawn, Spring Garden, Grisela, Yolinda, and Butter Burger. This ship is also having a key to communicate to them: he is Brandon Cultrich, that pilot over there!” she pointed right to Flash.

It was a somewhat embarrassed moment for him, like a child that being exposed of eating too much candy by his parents. Almost the whole room turned their head to look at Flash, staring into his eyes like they are trying to look inside his soul, finding what could make him “communicate” to those so called “ghost”. One minotaur asked her in disbelief.

“Pardon me, madam. But are you sure this is the truth. To what I remember, ghost can’t exist!”

“Not this time, my friend. Now, let me summarized this for you. He is under a curse, actually. It was called the “Haunting Curse”…”

And Rainbow Dash go on to tell them the very same thing that Flash himself have told the kirin queen (which, of course, minus the fact that he is Flash Sentry). The whole room was stunted to hear what Rainbow Dash was told them. Even Lyra and Bonbon are looking at her and Flash with their eyes wide open. They knew Brandon Cultrich is just the name Flash and Haystack make up to hide him, but what Rainbow Dash revealed is the first time they ever knew that. Blue Thunder and Water Vapor make an expression that Flash guess as “Darn it, I always know that douchebag always have something with that MS!”

After finished her explanation, Rainbow Dash turned to the crowd and speak out her own plan.

“Our ship initial target is to not liberate any kingdom right now. We just receive a special permission to continue to hunt down that Cloudsdale and, or the Alicorn Gundam until we got that MS in our control again. It could be the weapon that can turn the tide of the war. Now I know you reindeer are not comfortable with this decision…” she looked towards some reindeer, whose house is in Everfree forest, grinding their teeth, holding the urge to directly liberate their kingdom. After the declaration of war by Black Wine, almost every creature want the ship to stop the hunting mission and just focusing on fighting Black Wine’s Army “…but you can wait: our force is shifting their priority to your kingdom, so don’t worry. But you guys have to be extra careful to Brandon: we need to keep him alive so he could help us freed the Alicorn…”

“But what if he was killed?” a kirin asked “Is that mean we will lost all hope?”

“We can only know until then, but I won’t let that happen. All of our pilots are extremely skillful, they won’t let themselves killed easily. What I wanted to say is that we must be extra careful when travelling across the battlefield, because the enemy have might have known that Brandon is the key to recapture the Alicorn Gundam. Okay, I think you got what I’ve say. Good luck to your struggle for freedom and may the Magic of Friendship be with you!”

After that, Lyra and Bonbon addressed their plan to the whole crew.

“The Cloudsdale is being repaired at Kludgetown, right now! Our mission might just need to sneak into their place and find the Alicorn Gundam. Directly responsible for taken the Alicorn Gundam will be the special infantry squad, led by Lieutenant Gemina. Brad, you will join her team and try to access the Alicorn Gundam…”

“But… how could you know that Brad can easily access to the Alicorn?” asked Blue Thunder in disbelief “I know he had a connection to the Alicorn, but…”

“You mean our enemy still can’t open it’s cockpit?”

Before that, there are several internal allegation that S.M.I.L.E have receive is that AE’s mechanic can’t open the cockpit hatch due to some unknown issue. To them, it was not yet confirmed due to the secrecy of the Black Wine Army, but they do have some evidence to that since they have reports saying it was usually deployed with wires on it’s back. They even saw it moving with unpredictable courses, hinting there’s no one inside the cockpit.

“I know that concern. But sadly… we can only know when we get there! Or Brad… it is true?”

Lyra turned to Flash and questioned. The whole room also do the same with there eyes looking at him with suspicion.

“I still can’t confirm, Miss… I’m sorry…” answered Flash. He started to scold himself for being dumb, asking why he haven’t consider this possibility. He could be seen looked down the floor in guilt of risking his comrades life over something that don’t know. However, Lyra decided to shove his guilt off:

“It’s okay. Being a military commander is a gambling anyway. Sometimes you have to risk to achieve greatness. With that, I will further explained the detail…”

Bonbon continued the speech. The crew could saw her left out a heavy sighed before saying, indicate that she have though enough about her decision. The yellow mare then opens up the map on the main monitor and start to point out the positions.

“My take is that we will entered the ship’s with parachute, landed somewhere near it’s entering door on the starboard side. But before that, the MS squad, lead by Lt Haystack as usual, will open distraction attack on the mobile suit. I could assure you they will gone chaos when that hit…” she said with a smug on her face.

The pier that the Cloudsdale was predicted to dock for it repairing located just outside of the town itself. A pony that used to be a merchant on the sea could tell it was more like a dry dock in the middle of a dessert, which means there is no gate to let the water in. Along with it are some other “piers” for the airships and larger EEU’s warships. Flash knew that they are just special piers for special duty airships or when one of them need special renovation, because there are also piers that is not connect to the ground at all. Some of S.M.I.L.E’s and Alliance’s camouflage warships was docked there, so S.M.I.L.E’s could tell them to stay for the mission.

“By the way, I wanted to say that we have another pilot that will join us in this operation this time. She is Ensign Era Himalaya, ex-Federation pilot that we used to treat her as a POW…”

The room started whispering yet again. Little did the crew know is that she have never join any war crimes committed by Black Wine’s Army. She didn’t even know about it. Bonbon and Lyra have carry their own investigation to find out that fact. Lyra and Bonbon also learned she was one of Flash’s best friend when they are still at Antarctica together.

She have agreed to join S.M.I.L.E’s MS team after the horror she have witnessed at Kirin’s Groove. “I… I just want all of these pointless wars to end…” she said to the duo “…perhaps preserving the beauty of this world when peace eventually came…”

Flash don’t need to turned his head for long before his red head friend winked at him.

“She will be the pilot of the Strike Zeta, to replace Brandon when he will be at Gemina’s squad. Any question?”

“No… madams!” the room said in unison.

“Good… you are dismissed!”

“What the… I thought you can brought that white Zeta and it’s friend with ease?” asked Black Wine in frustration.

“Yes… but…” stuttered Font Spaak, EEU’s commander “But her squad have destroy the Kirin’s Groove Port and sunk one of the their ship, right?”

“For what? For a big reinforcement fleet to come and blocked us from taken over that port and establish our military base there? Dude, do you have any idea how much strategic value that port have?”

Kirin’s Groove, just like the Everfree kingdom, is another nation that bordered Equestria. It’s heart land is not so far from the sea, despite being surrounded with rainforest. The port’s location has become a perfect place if a force wanted to assert military dominance in the south east region of the Equestrian continent. This is especially true when Black Wine is carrying out his war with the Alliance with his first target being the Everfree Forest.

“Font, I know you have your own concern and you are also trying to fix some of our ‘short comings’ that plague our forces. But you should put aside those concerns and focus on this campaign right now! I want you to send another ship from the Earthsphere and take care of that fleet, for now! Also, ready my MkII Gundam for me! I’ll go back to the battlefield!”

“Yes, Chancellor! But the Cloudsdale can just be available in Canterlot for about 2 or 3 weeks. The ship is currently try to hunt down the Canterlot too, Sir!”

“What do you mean?”

“I have order them to go to the Southern Region of our Kingdom, Sir. That’s where we are gonna begin our hunting mission. My speculation is that they wanted to take the Everfree Forest before go on and continue the war. If you are a military strategist, it both make sense and not make sense. First, that’s the first target of our war. Kicking us out means the war will ended sooner. We need that kingdom to help us move on to the final target: bring the whole Equestrian continent under our control. The Alliance will keep us at bay easier when we are being entirely locked in this continent. However, what make this decision a dumb one is because basically half of our assault force are concentrate there, so it will risk them a large chunk of their fleet to challenge us at the Everfree Forest. By the way, our kingdom have carry out some assault mission to take control of military bases across Southern Region Kingdoms. It included the Kirin’s Groove and Everfree. Forcing themselves through their enemy line to reach for Everfree will be a bloody path for them, I could assure you…”

“And how about Yakyakistan?”

“Missiles and some of your specially trained pony is enough to take over their kingdom in 2 months max. I know your army is way more superior than them…”

“Yep, the faster the invasion end, the less likely those filthy creature can establish bases and threaten our kingdom from the north!”

“Exactly, however, our tracking system have shown that they are moving towards Kludgetown, the place that we used to fight with them before. Now I don’t know why they are there, but the fact that the Cloudsdale is being repairing at the town’s shipyard definitely connected. What I want is ordered the ship to stay there until the Canterlot arrived. After that, we can call the New Hampshire, which is a Minovsky craft system equipped Salamis class to finish them off.”

“Wait… what is the “Minovsky craft system” thing you just mentioned?” asked Chancellor with his head slightly titled. This make Font have to hold his chuckle until the Chancellor can bring back his normal posture.

“Well… basically it was a system that use the dispersal of a kind charged particles, called the I-field, to generate lift. This allowed ships such as the New Hampshire, Canterlot and the Cloudsdale can easily hovering and moving on environment with gravity without the uses of wings or even… magic. However, it can only be used in low altitude, which is why you will most likely see it flying above your head with their outer detail can be seen with bare eyes. However, ships such as the New Hampshire is impossible to operate here in Equus without that system previously: it was installed on to its hull just for you!”

“Glad to hear such dedication from you, humans! So when can I get to fight those filthy creatures? Did I have to wait for the ship to come back, or…”

“I can ordered my subordinate to carry you right to the frontline if you want! We have something that called the Base Jabber commander. Safe, secure but still have enough room for you and for your Gundam!”

“Great! Prepare all of them for me! I’ll challenged that White Zeta myself!” said Black Wine’s confidently.

“Yes, Chancellor. You will carried along with the New Hampshire.

Chapter 9

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There she is!

Flash thought to himself, as the red hair pilot came to him and the Strike Zeta Gundam. She has asked Flash to wait at where his MS is staying. “MSZ-006-3”, the model number of the white MS, was the name she likes to say when referring to the Strike Zeta.

“Why did some creature have to refer to a suit not by name, but by model number?” asked Flash.

“I don’t know. I just found it cool!” said Era playfully “By the way, the name ‘Strike Zeta Gundam’ is just a code name, not an official one. Like… a nickname!”

“Fine, call it like you want…” Flash sighed as he looked away, eyes closed. “…but make sure to treat ‘her’ nicely, like I did!”

“Yeah, just like the last time you ignored ‘her’ damage on the left thermal nuclear ramjet engine and nearly sent you and ‘her’ to death…”

“Argh… fine…” said Flash with a slightly frustrated tone. He could hear a few giggles from Luster and her friends. He didn't see them, but he could feel their presence around. Ignoring it, he and Era started to explore the suit.

“You must understand some basic controlling technique, right?”

“Yes! You think I’m dumb or what?”

“Okay, let’s begin with the side skirt beam gun!”

“Good morning, honey!” said Lyra lovingly to her wife, Bonbon.

“Good morning there! How’s your night?”

“Not so… good… I’m pretty tired and anxious of the upcoming battle at Kludgetown…”

The peppermint unicorn yawned.

“Don’t you tell me you stay up the whole night just to do some planning on the assault!” said Bonbon playfully, while she also yawned.

About 5 minutes later, the married couple got out of the cabin, fully dressed and prepared. They adjust their usual black tie and black tuxedos, the very distinctive way to tell that they are S.M.I.L.E’s agents. The couple then casually trotted to the hangar, where they decided to oversee the maintenance of the MS.

The creatures never walk right past them without paying a proper salute or a “Madam!” chants. They are one of the commanders of Operation Rainbow Roadtrip, the military campaign that was aimed to take down Chancellor Black Wine and his party, and bring back harmony to Equus. The other one is Lady Rainbow Dash, one of the members of the Council of Friendship. She mostly coordinates diplomatic relationships between S.M.I.L.E and the rest of the Harmony Alliance to gain maximum advantages from their support. They are in “the best situation possible” to beat Black Wine.

But that also sends her to a situation: she can be targeted by the Party themselves.

That’s also why Bonbon and Lyra decided to get to the hangar that day: there are reports of a suspicious pony working as an MS mechanic in the hangar. Allegations that they are being sent to this very ship to capture Rainbow Dash herself have alerted the whole ship. At that moment, the creatures started to doubt any ponies on board that were wearing the mechanic’s uniform. But soon, the suspicion also plague to any ponies in general (excluded Bonbon and Lyra), because “if they are spies, they can master the art to change roles'', as a minotaur said when Lyra asked him why he’s so mean to mare at the engine room.

“The tensions of the war reached here real fast…” said Bonbon when they were ready to go to the split hallway that led to both hangars, “…I know we should be careful, but no exclusion to ‘just rumors’ possibility in my opinion. Black Wine might purposely bring this to our ship just to lower our morale!”

“Agree…” nodded Lyra “…oh, here’s the split hallway! Okay, see you this evening, honey!”

She kisses slightly on her wife's cheeks.

“See ya later!” returned Bonbon.

Not long after that, she arrived at the starboard side hangar, where Flash’s, Haystack’s and newly welcomed Era’s suit was.

“Flash was like come from nowhere to us, so he was excluded. Era was monitored enough, she even had cameras in her own cabin. Haystack… I doubt that. He’s kind, and it's sad to see him being viewed as a possible traitor…” Bonbon thought “…I wonder what they are doing right now…”

Looked up to the Strike Zeta, she immediately chuckled at the scene of “Brandon” and Era arguing about how to properly pilot the Strike Zeta with its gigantic shield.

“I should remind you that you should not rammed with your tip. That will heavily damage the barrel!” said the blue haired pilot.

“Really? I heard you did it once with one of the Federation MS!” Era replied.

“Yes, I have done it. Me and S.M.I.L.E have to pay the price by replacing. We found a spare barrel. It is almost impossible to find a component that is specific here in Equus if you are the Chancellor’s enemy…”

Flash pointed to the tip of the Strike Zeta Gundam. Flash once used it to ram right into the Alicorn Gundam. In the time of war, finding the right component for the mobile suit was extremely hard, especially when it’s a kind of technology that was told to come from another dimension. Luckily, the industrial strength of the Abyssinians still allowed them to build a barrel with metal quality just as good. However, it ended up being too long compared to the original barrel, resulting in the barrel pointed out a few inches from the original tip.

“Anyway… since my mistake has resulted in that improperly made barrel, I beg you not to ram, at least right at the tip. Okay?” asked Flash “You can kick or punch in case you run out of beam saber…”

“Wait, you can do that with your MS?”

“Of course… There is a system on board that allows you to coordinate punch and kick combat. It is called the ‘Wuxia’ system. Basically an AI that tells you where and when to strike with your hands and legs and switch off the weapon trigger system.You just need to use the control stick and the brakes to do it. Now I don’t know why someone installed that for such a specific situation, but I found it pretty helpful!”

“Did you learn martial arts or what?” asked Era with a suspicious eye.

“Yep, although I rarely use them in real combat…”

“That means you use it at least once. Maybe the mechanics back in the Federation understand you WILL kick and punch!”

“Uh… I guess that’s the reason…” said Flash with a realization. He remembered he did use his martial arts skills sometimes, ever since he joined S.M.I.L.E after that fall…”

“Hey! Can I interrupt you guys a little bit?” Bonbon called them from below, since the couple was standing near the Strike Zeta’s cockpit at that moment.

“Huh? What’s goin’ on?” asked Era in nervousness.

“You guys already know about the ‘enemy spy’ rumor, right?”

“Yes, Miss…” both answered at the same time.

“Okay… I just wanted to ask if you guys have seen suspicious ponies here on our ship?”

Then she looked around for a while, making the duo look in the same direction at her. The ponies in the hangar seem to work with more caution, and even fear. They are the mechanics ponies, the epicenter of the rumors. Flash notices one stallion, while still doing his job, seems to be cautious around his creature friend. He constantly looked down with his sweat falling on his forehead, indicating he’s not very comfortable.

“I don’t think I have seen any, madam. Maybe because I was too monitored, but the ponies here are pretty kind to me!” Era replied “…again, I have to say that I have no intention of betraying you guys. I have seen my ex-comrades brutality… and am ashamed about it…”

She looked on the floor with a darkened face. Flash speculates she is still left horrified by the death of her kirin friend at Kirin’s Groove attack. He genuinely feels bad for her.

“And you, Brandon?” Bonbon turned to him.

“Uh… me too. I could even say that with Haystack. He IS the last pony you could think of in this situation!”

“Yeah… I’m even aware that his family back at home was threatened by Black Wine and his racist followers. Poor him. Now have to face suspicions from his friends here. Any more suspicion that you guys wanted to discuss?”

“Uh… maybe not… madam!”

“Okay! Have a good day you two!”

But the yellow earth pony still decided to stay at the hangar for the rest of the day. She thought that keeping her eyes up was the right decision, along with some combat planning in her head.

“What happens if they have more ships and mobile suits there? Will Black Wine present himself once again?”

It was a huge concern for every creature at S.M.I.L.E that the Chancellor would come back. He had yet to prove his destructive fighting skills, due to his performance being blocked by Flash. But the fact that he is the very one who successfully captured the Alicorn Gundam still sends chills down her spine. Perhaps along with ‘Brandon’, Black Wine is the only one that can contain the wild MS.

When she is thinking about how to defeat the black Gundam, suddenly, her mind decides to snap her back to reality. It was the brown fur of Lieutenant Haystack, with his the cutie mark representing the thing that make up his name being covered in the usual gray cloth of his customized uniform. The stallion is holding a set of paper at the time, to which Bonbon speculated “probably technical information”. She then adjusted herself and approached him as casually as she could, trying to not show any suspicious action and expression.

“Hello there, Lieutenant!” she greeted me with a smile “What are you doing?”

“Hi there, Bonbon! Just checking my MS for a while. What’s wrong?”

“Uh… nothing! But I wanted to talk with you about something… “

She paused for a while to gather some courage. She is aware that some creatures view him as a possible spy and asked her to investigate him, which is an activity she didn’t want to. But for security reasons, she has to.

“Do you ever feel… un-welcoming on this ship… Like when a creature looked at you with some anger?”

“What do you mean? The creatures here are pretty friendly. You know… for harmony’s shake!”

“I see… but… You know that there is a rumor about an enemy spy right here on our ship?”

“Of course! Creatures are discussed almost everywhere! Honestly I’m a little nervous about it. I hope it stays as an allegation. I don’t like the harmony being disturbed like that…”

“Agree… But… but… I heard that…”

“But what?”

“Well… Nothing! I just came here to talk to you about that…”

“Or are you suspicious of me?”

That sentence came out suddenly, making Bonbon shivering a little bit. She was genuinely surprised at how Haystack spotted her intention so fast.

“Wait, what? I never think you are a spy! You know… you have some bad impression of that dark blue bastard in Canterlot, right?” she answered rapidly to hide her nervousness.

“So explained why some creatures on this ship avoid me… No… avoid almost all ponies?”

Bonbon gulped. But she decided to bring all of her courage out and said:

“Because of the rumor. I’m sorry but I do have some suspicions for you too!”

The brown stallion froze for a while, but his eyes still stayed the same. At the time, he looked more like what Bonbon said than as he expected, but he was still disappointed. Haystack sighed, he looked at Bonbon with a sad eye. She could tell that Haystack is trying to think of the best reply for the situation. He eventually spoken:

“Director, I know what you are doing is for the greater good, so I don’t have any hard feelings towards it. Well… may be some disappointment. But you have to remember that sometimes our victory depends on the harmonic relationship between all beings here. Every pony on this ship has been far from home for at least half a year, mine included. If not because of the Alicorn, Flash and the sudden war with Black Wine, I am probably sitting at home with my wife and son right now. But instead of asking for permission to go home, I still decided to offer up my heart and effort for Equestria… No… Probably for the entire Equus. What I think is we are on the brink of a mass racist wave of anti pony view, so I urge you to at least hold a meeting and ask other creatures to act normal towards the ponies. You, Lyra and Rainbow Dash are probably the only ponies the whole ship listened to without hesitation, so I believe you can do it.”

“Come on… come on…” Flash struggled to force his pencil to listen to his order. Next to him is Spring Garden patiently watching him drawing some line on the paper.

Flash's mind has somehow directed his dream, along with Luster’s friends, to a paint room. If he decides to snap himself out of the drawing, he will see BB and Grisela are playing with the paint, while Yolinda and Luster are brainstorming about a “spectacular landscape”.

“That’s pretty good, keep it up!” said Spring Garden.

“Well… thanks. This is the first time I have been drawn since ages. But… Luster…” he turned to where she and Yolinda is “…why can’t I change my drawing skill? I mean… this is my dream!”

“Well… because your mind said you are really not good at drawing! C’mon believe in yourself, Flash!”

“Well… maybe it’ll work!” Spring Garden followed.

The couple was planning to draw a portrait of Spring Garden at the time, as the gray kirin herself suggested. Flash was hesitant to do that, but eventually agreed.

The yellow pegasus closed his eyes, concentrated his mind just like how he had created the paint room. He could feel the sounds of the friends around him slowly vanish, but it’s only for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes, the portrait suddenly presented itself on the canvas.

“Hey, not fair!” Grisela glides to him and says with a disappointed accent “Me and BB are struggling with some paint for hours, but Flash can do that with just mind control?”

“Eh… it’s HIS dream!” said Spring Garden with a cocky voice “If not because of him, you guys will be bored to death!”

“Urgh… At least do it a bit slower so we can catch up, please!”

“I don’t know how I can do that, Grisela…” Flash said nervously “…but I promise the painting will be purely on my own. No mind tricks!”

“Urgh… I can see what you are doing! With my eyes!” the black griffon said with her fingers pointing from her eyes to Flash, signaling she will watch him.

“Oh! Do you have anything interesting today, Flash?” asked Yolinda.

“Uh… Well… there is a rumor about a Black Wine spy on board…” Flash temporarily stopped his paint job and said “… a mechanic pony who works on one of the hangars on the ship. Do you know who they are?”

“Uhm… why do you ask us? We’re not psychics!” replied Luster Dawn with an annoyed voice.

“Well… how about that one time you created an illusion to me at the Harmony Festival? Or you guys can even hear creatures discussing things out of your cockpit…”

“We can just do that, Flash... Oh, maybe we can follow you around so we can help you find out who they are?” Yolinda suddenly suggested excitingly “Grisela, what do you think?”

“What, me?” the black griffon pointed to herself with her left eye brows raised.

“Well… you are basically the detective of our group!” Luster Dawn said “Heck… you are even the first one pointed out who Flash is!”

“Uh… Maybe it’s mostly you… But I’m glad to take the credit for myself, so thank you!” she said with one of her claws pointed proudly to her chest.

“But… you should help me too, Luster! You are the smartest unfortunately…”

“Why?” the light cerise unicorn pointed to herself the same way Grisela does previously.

“So you can be my sidekick!”


“Wait… so what in Equestria is this detective thing?” Flash asked “Can I have some context?”

“Grisela once helped Principal Starlight Glimmer and her friends to find out who stole the school Buck Ball Grand Games cup. She found out that a bunch of students from a class next to us tried to steal it for ‘research’ purposes…”

“Well… they left some claw and hoof print print on the floor and even tried to clean it! I even found one of the griffons trying to clean them with alcohol, but eventually I still find out who they are. 2 ponies and that one griffon. Well… they are not the smartest in terms of doing illegal stuff though, but finding who they are amongst the whole school still takes me a whole day.”

“Just one day? Even Rainbow Dash takes about 3 days to find me when she investigates the crown heist!”

“Wait, what?”

“Well… I take her crown and hide it in my personal room. She only finds out thanks to me trying to escape from the Castle of Friendship on a rainy night!”

“That's a quality thief right there, Flash! You’re dangerous!” Luster Dawn commented.

“And that’s something I’m totally not proud of, Luster… That pony tricked me to think that the crown can save my mom from cancer. The rest… you have known…”

“How is your mom right now, Flash?” Butter Burger stunted him by asking with concern. With his cheerful and happy manner, he is the last creature he could think of that can be sad. Flash could see his ears dropped.

“She… she passed away…” answered Flash in sadness. “Rainbow Dash just told me about it a few days ago…”

“Oh no!” the whole group gasped. Yolinda almost cried with that.

“I… I just desperate to save her… It obviously wrong, so I ended up worsen everything. I think I deserve to endure all of these suffering. I have not just a shame to my family, but the whole Royal Guards as well. Death is not even enough for me, so live long suffering is perhaps the most appropriate… “

“Argh… No! I banned you from saying bad thing like that, okay?” Grisela fielded Flash and yelled right at his face “Do you not understand how important you are, especially to us? I mean… don’t be a suicidal pony… Flash…”

She slowly got sobbed by her own statement. Flash was surprised by how fast she turned from being an annoyed griffon to an adorable yet poor friend. He hugged her.

“Yeah… she has said that for all of us. Flash, we will make this out together!” Yolinda added.

“I have promised to give you the gift of friendship. Don’t make my promise broken like that…” Luster Dawn said. “About your mom… perhaps she really wanted to see you living a happy life, right? Especially since you are a good pegasus!”

“Okay… I understand…” The yellow pegasus hugged Grisela tightly. The rest of the group soon followed with a tight group hug.

“Okay… okay… I won’t mention anything about… ending my life. Okay… but I…” Flash looked to Grisela, who quickly burst herself out and wiped her tears rapidly. The whole chuckled at that sight “…I genuinely surprised how soft Grisela is!”

“Uh… just… I just can’t control myself sometimes!” Grisela said as she cleaned her feathers.

“Yeah, she can get soft really quick, Flash…” Luster Dawn chuckled, but she soon silence and looked down “…but… but… about Rainbow Dash…”

“Uh… Rainbow Dash what?” Flash asked, pretending he was confused.

“Well… she asked you to stay away from us once we were free, right?”

Flash’s face turned to sadness when Luster reminded him of that requirement in RD’s cabin once again.

“Okay! Just… tell us about that, slowly…”

Telling them the entirety of the conversation between him, Haystack and Rainbow Dash have to be one of the most difficult things he has ever done. After thinking over and over again, he has confirmed himself that it was only good for him.

“But hey! You guys can shove off an litteral criminal who once stole a precious crown of a Princess…”

“I. Tell. You. To. STOP HATING YOURSELF!” yelled Grisela “…this is not just for you. Think about Equestria… our friendship can even…”

“No! You guys don’t need me to save Equestria!” Flash replied with a somewhat yelled voice, but he soon lowered his voice and said calmly “Hey, listen to me, guys! I know you guys really love to have some friends… like… me… to talk to you every night. Luster, I understand that ‘gift’ of friendship you wanted to give me. But there are some barriers between us that can not be torn down, you have to know that! By the way, you have done incredible stuff with barely any help. I heard that you guys saved Equestria at least once. And hey… don’t you guys remember that one time you guys defeated Gremlina. And hey, y’all even processed some Elements of Harmony?”

“You mean the magic stored crystals that can only be used by friendship?” asked Grisela with one of her eyebrows raised.

“Yep… you guys even shared the elements with the Council of Friendship! SG for Generosity, BB for Happiness, Luster Dawn for Magic, Yolinda for kindness, Grisela for honesty! And you…”

“So that’s why Rainbow Dash tell you are a gold digger…” the light cerise pony said in a sorrowful manner.

“Luster, guys, I didn’t mean to…”

“To be honest, I started to feel like we are becoming a tool right now… Flash…” she said. It was a bitter moment for Flash when he heard that, thinking he might have done something bad for the gang “… we really wanted to be friends with you, but don’t just use us like that!”

“But hey, my comrades on the Canterlot have acknowledged my own story with you guys! I think they would give me the best condition possible for me to save you guys out. Here’s the deal: with your mind control or illusion creation ability, which Luster has performed to me, you will help me find the way to you guys. The best possible way, of course! You will help me pilot the suit to fight Black Wine’s Army in case we stumble upon them on the way back to the ship I’m staying on right now. Your ability is incredible, no joke. So we should make it back to the Canterlot in no time!”

“Really?” asked Luster as she and the rest of the gang titled their heads, something that Flash found really adorable. “How do they know that?”

“I tell SG’s mom the whole thing, in front of Haystack and Celaeno, remember? He brought me to tell it to Rainbow Dash and that’s how!”

“Wait… did they know you are Flash Sentry?” asked Spring Garden in concern, “You know you have to use a fake name to not encounter problems, right?”

“Yes, but only Haystack and RD know, as far as I am aware. They promise to keep my real identity!”

“Cool! So that means they will bring us straight to the Everfree Forest?”

“Of course! And I swear with my own life that it will succeed. You can kill…”

“No self hate, please!” Grisela casually said.

“Okay… but I swear I’ll bring you guys out of this horrible war, no matter the cost!”

He raised one of his left front hooves up, with a serious look on his face.

“Aww… thanks Flash!” said Butter Burger “Oh! How about we threw a party after the battle to celebrate! Flash, can you think of a party table!”

“When the time's come, definitely!” he said with a chuckle.

Chapter 10

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It was the first time he hugged the whole team without being woken up. He smiled. Being hugged by a griffon like Grisela was a nice thing to have in the trying times.

But then, realization hits him.

There was no feeling of warmth or the pressure when they tight him in their hooves and arm. He couldn’t hear any signature perfume that Spring Garden had bragged “Will leave a mark in your memory”.

“Either you will wake up from their ‘love’ or you will never feel anything at all… Or maybe they are slowly coming back to life!” Flash thought “You must survive this to the end Flash! This is not just for them, for you, but for the whole Equestria. Heck, even for the whole Equus!”

On the way, he suddenly bumped into Haystack, who was holding a cup of coffee. He nearly spilled the coffee on Flash 's newly washed uniform, but Flash still decided to apologize.

“Nah, it’s fine bud! Hey, what are you doing?”

“Come to the bridge for a visit…”

“Okay… oh and can you give me this coffee to the Captain? I have to get to the mobile suit hangar for a while… Routine check, you know!”

Flash took the hot cup carefully and walked right to where he wanted to.

Every creature is doing their part obediently and carefully, making sure everything is gone according to plan.

On the captain seat, the draconequus commander relaxingly monitoring the activity while sipping the coffee. At one point, he even used his chaos magic (Discord was not called the Spirit of Chaos for nothing) to make him a randomly designed mug with some normal coffee in it. Flash can’t describe it in detail, but he could tell it looks like the mug was painted by a graffiti artist.

“Thanks Brandon, glad you came here!” the old draconequus said “I guess your commander was really busy today, eh?”

“Uh… yes Sir!” Flash answered in a formal manner.

“You don’t need to call me Sir! You can call me Discord, just like how my friends call me!”

“But… military protocol…”

“Man, I can't tell you how much I hate those papers, especially the ones that emphasize on obedience a little too much! I’m the Spirit of Chaos, you know… Have you heard of me? Oh wait, you are a human that wandered here by accident!”

“Yes… Yes… Discord!”

The duo then stepped down and Discord started to show him around the bridge.

“Oh… and you probably don’t know about our bridge crew yet… Here is Ensign Scelrite, our combat operator…” he said when he came right by a lemon colored changeling, sitting by the radar and carefully looking at every detail it showed. He turned back and smiled at the duo when Discord tapped his shoulder, shook Flash’s hand and simply got back to work.

“Well… he’s not particularly a talkative changeling… You know, he has to be careful to keep our ship safe and sound!” Discord explained with some stuttering.

Next is Chief Petty Officer Mind-of-Steel , a gray minotaur who was at the helm of the whole ship, as well as the main navigator. Discord finds out his strength and focusing ability, which is true to his name, would certainly help the ship to go through the sharpest turns or the most dramatic change in altitude. If the ship was deployed in ship to ship engagement, his skill will be even more highlighted. At the time, the gray minotaur was still holding the steering wheel despite the ship being in autopilot. Discord explained he was deployed to that position in that morning to make sure manned reaction will come in almost immediately in case of emergency, as well as looking over the maps to find the best way possible.

“We have dodged countless unnecessary troubles thanks to him! I remember only a few days ago, we nearly hit an airship carrying goods between Kludgetown and Farasi. Thanks to him, we can easily dodge it… but with just a few inches between our starboard side and its bow!”

Flash looked into his own radar monitor of where the gray minotaur sat. He could easily spot 2 small dots, which are the Parrot Strength and Eagle Scream, steaming just a few hundred meters along each side of the Canterlot. They are the ships that make the small “flotilla” that they are a part of at the moment.

“I call it the Eagle Trio. Most of the ships are bird related, so I think it is usable!” Discord explained the name he gave to the “flotilla”.

Next is Lieutenant Yellow Prickle, a yellow kelpie from the land of Farasi, which is famous for their water-shape shifting ability. However, her job was to be Discord’s first officer. The yellow kelpie greeted the duo when they approached her seat.

“Hello there Captain, and you too, Brad!” she said with a soft voice and a smile on her face “Have a nice time here, pilot!”

“Thank you, my dear!” the draconequus replied.

Later in the tour, he learned Discord chose her because of her skill as well as her personality.

“She looks like a kelpie version of Fluttershy, bud! You know that one adorable and friendly pegasi? She’s my best, actually. I can’t live without her… And…”

Discord suddenly stopped, looking down the floor as if he had somehow invoked painful memories. But Flash has acknowledged his love for his little pegasus friends, just like every other creature on the ship.

“Sorry, Brad… He could get sniffled sometimes when mentioned Lady Fluttershy…” Yellow Prickle said with her usual soft voice “Now if you excuse me, Captain… You should…”

“No! No… I’m fine!” the draconequus breaks from his nostalgia and continues “…now where are we? Ah yes!”

Then, he came to where Warrant Officer Marlin Whisper. The pink hippogriff was sitting relaxingly at her monitor as the ship casually steamed through the clouds. She was the ship’s weapons system manager, making her bearing the responsibility to look over the ship’s weapons arsenal. She was surprised to see Flash and Discord behind. The pink hippogriff immediately pulled out her headphones and greeted the duo.

“Hello there Discord, and you too, Ensign Brandon!”

“Listen to music as always, eh?” asked Discord with a genuine voice “You seem to really enjoy it. What song is that?”

“Oh, it’s called ‘I will always love you’, which is surprisingly a pop song!” she said with a cheerful voice as she looked with her head upside down to them “Pretty good, you guys should totally buy an MP3 player. It's just not right when you don’t have any music to calm yourself on the battlefield, you know!”

She does have a point. But Flash already has a rather unusual hobby. Creatures would find him reading novels, some magic related books and engineering guides. It was a habit he has developed ever since the time he’s still Princess Twilight’s personal guard. He still remembers how much of a bookworm she was when he was still her personal royal guard.

“Yeah… we will consider your advice well!”

He continued to introduce Flash to the rest of the bridge: a unicorn as the ship’s Chief Engineer, called Ensign Mirage. An Earth pony, called Ensign Rapid Specter, was assigned as the ship’s traffic control. Flash has to admit to himself that’s the first time he ever saw the face of the pony who gave him orders in the hangars.

“Good morning there, Ensign Flash!” the purple earth pony “Tell Blue Thunder to be more careful listening to my order, okay?”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“Well, the dude just sometimes can’t hear me say. In that one chase with the Alicorn about just a few days before your arrival, he nearly shot himself out of the hangar without the launch lock being released. Luckily I told him to stop in time…”

“Ah…” Flash exclaimed slightly.

In total, there are 7 creatures, including the captain on the bridge. They have a big responsibility to look over the majority of the ship’s activity, making sure everything was in their control.

“By the way… I have some confusion… You know that you are the Spirit of Chaos, right?” Flash asked “You even mentioned the military protocol…”

“Being too formal is not in any military protocol, Brad!” Discord said with a corrected tone.

“Okay, but creatures know you for doing chaotic-thingy. Why do you choose to be a military officer like this, and how?”

“Fluttershy, that’s why!” he said “After the disappearance of my best pegasi friend, I have always wanted to save her. I have promised her to not stir things up beyond repair, so I can’t use my magic too much to fight against them: the Ponykind, you know them! One day, I was contacted by Lyra and Bonbon themselves, to which they suggested that I join the chase of the Alicorn Gundam. In case you wonder, yes, I have tried to capture them with my power. But I have a feeling that it was powered by… friendship… I never successfully contain that thing…”

“Wait… I thought the Magic of Friendship is perfect…”

“Yeah… but something prevents them from breaking out. But you right about the Magic of Friendship being ‘perfect’! They are powered by multiple creatures, often up to 5. Combined their power and they are unstoppable…”

The Magic of Friendship! It is the concept that almost all creatures in Equus heard at least once, but they rarely know detail about it. Flash was not an exception. Flash just heard it was some kind of extremely powerful magic, perhaps the most powerful. It is operated by creatures called “Elements Holders” and it must operate by a team, not an individual or even a pair.

He slowly came right next to Flash and whispered into his ear.

“I heard creatures said there are labs that research weaponized that magic. They captured the creatures that have shown the magic, which is really, really rarely used. They will imprison them in specially built mobile suits to use for their own benefit. They are legit mass destruction weapons, Brad. I don’t know why, but I feel like you might be one of the keys to get rid of that dark magic!”

“Wait… but I thought you could easily infiltrate their security with ease and free them. You are the Spirit of Chaos, remember?”

“No… I can’t… As I said before, I will stir things up beyond repair. War is already chaotic itself. Anyway, since Luster Dawn and her friends have trust in you, you must succeed. After that, we can get a detailed investigation on those labs, okay?”

Suddenly, the phone located right next to the captain’s seat rang with its weird beeping noise. The draconequus quickly teleported himself to it and picked the phone up. On the other end of the line, Rainbow Dash said that the captain should open up the map on the ceiling monitor.

After doing everything she told, Discord asked what happened.

“Do you see the Kingdom of Griffonstone on the map? Yeah, that’s where we're gonna come next!” she said with a somewhat happy voice. “We have some company!”

It was not a very pleasant thing to do for Mind-of-Steel, as he had to divert the ship to cross the Celestial Sea, exposing the whole flotilla to enemy fire. But after being convinced by Discord that either Black Wine’s Navy will not bat an eye on them if they hide in the clouds or his chaos magic will shield the whole flotilla, he agrees to turn the ship around and temporarily gives up their target at Kludgetown.

About 2 days later, due to the order to move carefully as usual, they arrived at the griffon’s kingdom.

When the ship arrived there, Flash was hit with the impression that it was a city surrounded by a large tree as their main castle. In his eye, it looks like a large gray, lifeless tree with houses built on the branches.

According to Haystack, even until pretty recently it was a messy kingdom with little welcomes from the griffon themselves. But after the visit of Lady Rainbow Dash and Lady Pinkie Pie to the place, the griffon have realized the value of friendship and kindness and make the place significantly better. The place was now more wealthy, but the griffon tends to hide it in their house. They rather spend them on business, arts and other non-physical stuff, which make Griffonstone a beautiful and mesmerizing place with not too much modern initial appearance.

It’s not too hard for Mind-of-Steel to find the base they were supposed to come to. He carefully turned the ship around, adjusting its position with small thrusters and wings, making sure the 265 meters long, 204.5 meters wide ship could fit perfectly on the tarmac. The ground crew quickly came to their position and started their job with the ship. Cranes were out to help mount fuel pipes, cranes deployed to help the crew embark, vehicles were driven for multiple purposes,… No matter what their job is, they seem to be very professional. Rainbow Dash can even compare them to the ground crew at the Hall of Friendship.

Right after getting out of the ship, Rainbow Dash was immediately greeted by the kingdom’s Minister of Defense, Sir Grimdall. The griffons quickly get Rainbow Dash in the car to get her to the castle, making sure she enjoys the maximum security from the kingdom’s royal guard. This process was even more intensive as the rumor of a pony on board the Canterlot itself was said to kidnap her.

“Oh c’mon! I can make that pony regret that decision real quick if they even want to touch me!” the blue mare said “Nothing can beat the great and powerful Rainbow Dash!”

“Yes… but we should always be careful! Even your powerful friends can be turned into statues, how can you not?” said Bonbon.

“Uh… but at least I got the warning first hoof!” she said with a cocky voice.

Flash and the team were once again allowed to get out of the ship to catch some fresh air. He immediately noticed the change in altitude when the whole kingdom was located in a mountainous area: the air seems to be less dense than most places he has gone through. Despite all of that, Flash can still see the griffon flying all around just like normal.

“May be there’s some magic but admit it: the griffons are the best flyers in Equus!” Grisela’s voice whistle with a cocky tone, making Flash chuckle a little.

However, the pilots are required to stay in the base. Since there will be new pilots and suits that arrived on the ship. Reinforcement is always good in a situation like what Flash is going through at the moment, but he feared Black Wine’s Army could take this as an opportunity to strike, just like when he and the Parrot’s Strength arrived at Kirin’s Groove.

The rest of the flotilla also arrived almost at the same time and was ordered to moor in the airship’s dock by the ATC. With that, Haystack decided to defy the order and asked Flash whether he wanted to go back to the Parrot’s Strength.

“Let me guess… Celaeno?” Flash asked jokingly. He is always aware of Haystack’s crush on the pirate captain.

“Huh? What? No! Just visit old friends. You don’t remember them at all?”

“That’s not what I mean! We have to wait for new suits and pilots to come, remember?” Flash said with a cautious voice.

“Nah, they won’t come here today… Now do you want to go or not?”

But I have to halt the visit for another time. Just as Haystack put his hoof on the ground, he spotted some vehicle carrying MS on it, arriving right before the Canterlot’s port hangar. There were three of them and they were covered in white cloth for security reasons. Flash and Haystack quickly ran towards them to see the loading procedure.

“We’re full today!” Director Lyra said as she also overlooked the loading “Jegan D Types! I heard that the Federation only uses them for special missions, which means we might have the upper hand compared to Black Wine’s MS…”

She later looks into the records that she’s holding with her magic to check.

“And they came with a full weapons pack: grenades, beam rifle, shields, and ammunition for the Vulcan guns! I would say we’re in big luck today!”

“Yeah… talk about ‘luck’…” Haystack mumbled sarcastically.

“Oh, and have I mentioned the bazookas and a sniper rifle?”

“A sniper rifle?” Flash mumbled. Lyra quickly noticed Flash lips so she said.

“Yep! They were even kind enough to send us a sniper unit!”

The white cloth was soon wrapped up to reveal the signature dark brown armor of the Type Ds Jegan, something that differed them to the normal light green Jegan. The weapons that Lyra listed soon followed the cloth unwrap procedure, revealing their full glory to the sunlight of the cloud-less sky of Griffonstone. Their smooth black paint shines happily under the light, to the point that Flash and Haystack sometimes have to cover their eyes in order to block the shines into their eyes.

It was 9 am in the morning, but the duo didn't get anything into their stomachs.

“Jeez, normally they care for us a lot… hopefully we can find a vending machine somewhere near here…”

The duo soon found a red one that sold some cold nutrition drink. Haystack pulled out his wallet and bought two cans, feeding themselves with the fresh, delicious liquid of ‘life’, the can’s slogan describing the product.

Just as the Lieutenant wiped his drop on the mouths, he spotted some creatures, carried by special vehicle, arrived at the ship. There are 3 of them: 1 reindeer and 2 changelings. The trio seems to have an arrogant aura as the leading reindeer was wearing expensive sunglasses.

“I think I saw that in a Canterlot store once…” Haystack whispered to Flash “…jeez, this guy must be a politician’s son. And look at that coat he’s wearing!”

The duo quickly ran at the ship as Flash quickly reminded his superior of their duty. Haystack knew that the first S.M.I.L.E’s personnel they'd met was supposed to be Lyra, but their cocky voice still sent him some frustration.

“Hello there, Miss! Thank you for your… invitation!” the brown coat reindeer said “…I know you guys are in a state of… desperation. So as a duty call, we came here for ya!”

His emphasis on “invitation” and “desperation” even make Haystack angrier. But Flash managed to keep him calm.

“Hmmm… the place looks kinda… dusty. But it’s okay, we can clean the whole thing together… But make sure you guys don’t scratch our suit. Premium Equestrian paint right there!”

“Okay… We’ll consider all of your demands!” Lyra said with a calmed temper.

“But you should also consider what we have gone through!” Haystack said with anger as he walked towards the trio. Flash tried to stop him from behind, but every touch was met with his hoof wiped away. “We have been fighting Black Wine for months. You might think you are important, but remember: compared to us, you are just a rookie!”

“Oh… Hello there, Sir! You must be Lieutenant Haystack!” the reindeer said with a friendly voice. He even attempted to shake Haystack's hoof, but the brown stallion backed down to avoid it.

“Listen you three, since y’all have become a part of this ship, you have to adjust to the culture. All of us have to clean the ship at least once a week, and EVERY creature joins it. Not even Lyra, Bonbon, and Lady Rainbow Dash are excluded!”

“Uh… fine, I guess?” the reindeer said “But we might avoid it if the situation required it!”

“Back down, you two!” Lyra trotted in front of the heated duo “This is Lieutenant Moran, an Everfree MS pilot that was assigned directly to us by the Harmony Alliance. And these two changelings named Esteban and Haruna. They are also sent here by the Harmony Alliance!”

“Pardon me, Miss Director! But I have to say that we have shot down several Equestrian MS before coming here!” Moran said as Lyra handed them the portfolio of the trio. Haystack was shocked to learn that they are all aces: 3 MS, 4 Mosquito UAV and a B-3 bomber by Moran, 8 tanks by Esteban and 5 MS by Haruna’s sniper Jegan D Type.

“Wait… so where are you before?” Haystack asked in confusion.

“We were deployed to several places on a battleship to fight Black Wine…” Haruna said with an equally cocky voice “…to my understanding, you guys are somewhat… have less skill than us, eh?”

“But in exchange to that, we have to fight Black Wine directly! Just ask Brandon!” he said “I guarantee y’all not gonna stand a chance against that psychopath!”

He asked his hoof pointed backward to Flash.

“Oh… You must be Ensign Brandon Cultrich, right?” Moran came to the blue-haired pilot and shook his hand “The guy who literally pilots Gundam and has a ‘mysterious connection’ with the infamous Alicorn Gundam?”

“If you think it’s true, then yes! I’m Brandon Cultrich!” Flash answered calmly.

“Well… we’re gonna fight together for a pretty long time…”


Later that day, Haystack was finally able to visit his ‘crush’ on the Parrot’s Strength. The crew greeted him and Flash as always.

“Welcome back, Lieutenant! How’s the new MS-thing going on?” Celaeno asked.

“I honestly can’t stand that arrogant reindeer. Imagine coming to a house and the first thing you said is ‘this place needs cleaning’! Like… who on Equestria can stand some creatures that seem to despise you?”

“To be honest, they are actually aces!” Flash added “That might be why they seem to be so arrogant…”

“That’s why! We're gonna crush those filth way harder. Hey Brad, can you kill Black Wine if he showed up in Kludgetown this time?”

“He’s an extremely skilled pilot. Perhaps I should have something else in my arsenal…”

“An even sharper tool in your shed?” said Mullet “Sorry kid, but that would be unlikely. Highly unlikely…”

“Wait, I thought we just had supplies?” Haystack asked in confusion.

“Anaheim Electronics while still willing to sell things to both sides, that’s not mean they don’t have an agenda…” Celaeno said “Maybe there is a human in the executives who is favored Black Wine rather than us. Reasons: still in speculation… All we can do now is either steal Black Wine’s stuff or simply rely on our politicians for negotiation…”

“Let just say AE did allowed to sell us weapons…” Haystack continue “…which one would you like to have?”

“Uh… maybe a smaller shield for my MS, I guess? I know that the current one provides more firepower and protection to me, but that thing is just too heavy and it blocks the suit’s versatility potential. By the way, did you guys know that the shield has its own reactor?”

“Wait… really?” confused Mullet.

“Yep, he’s right!” added Haystack “I don’t know what idiot’s idea to put a reactor into a shield. It was supposed to protect ya, not blowing ya with it!”

“Sweet Celestia…” exclaimed Mullet. Almost every creature on the ship knows how destructive a Minovsky reactor explosion is. “Lucky you, Brad! The worst thing you have so far is some bruises and scratches on that thing. If a shot somehow manages to go through it… I don’t know how to say… But hopefully you can dodged the blast fast enough…”

The group temporarily stayed silent, as they looked up at the night sky. The clouds are gone, allowing them to see the stars and the moon.

In Equus, the sun and the moon, or the day-night cycle, was controlled artificially by magic. Flash knew that the current pony who is responsible for that is Princess Twilight Sparkle. But after she and her friends were being frozen to stone, he doesn't know who’s doing that at the moment.

“Perhaps Black Wine suddenly knows how to control it… I don’t know…” Celaeno said speculatively “…I guess every creature is just as confused as you are…”

A few minutes after that, they spotted the convoy that carried Rainbow Dash back to the ship.

“There’s our Lady…” exclaimed Celaeno with a smug face “…looks like she has a lot of interesting things to tell”. She then turned to Flash and Haystack “You guys should go back to the ship. It’s pretty late right now. We're gonna get to Kludgetown tomorrow!”

Chapter 11

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The ship was ordered to take off immediately after reports of a possible Black Wine’s Army air strike could reach Griffonstone (which they later learned that there’s no air strike and the kingdom was still intact ever since the war started). Rainbow Dash was also pumped to take off to Kludgetown. She doesn’t want to miss the precious opportunity to retake the Alicorn Gundam.

It is needless to say that Haystack still doesn't like the ‘arrogance’ of the new pilots. Yamina, Blue Thunder and Water Vapor both stunted and chuckled as Flash told them the reasons.

“Jeez, never heard of Haystack being jealous of others. Oh well… Let's just say we know another aspect about him!” Water Vapor the hippogriff said with his signature feminine tone.

“Haha! You are that clueless about him WV? Dude was always an impatient guy! Hey Brad, have he and those dudes had any fights yet? Like… with raw power?” Blue Thunder said with his hooves pointed to the new pilots. They were sitting with a bunch of mechanics from their ships, but creatures that serve alongside the squad are also present at their table as well. Flash even recognized Seashell Blue laughing at the jokes come up by none other than the leader himself: Moran.

“So there’s two Abyssinians stuck together at a traffic light, somewhere in Panthera…” he started “A bat pony flying there and staying in front of their car. He looks suspiciously like Black Wine…” he stopped for a while, glancing all around the table before continue “… Anyway, one of the Abyssians named Margot said ‘Sister, a manifestation of racism is right there! What should we do?’ ,to which the older sister, Marina, replied ‘Just show him the unity sign, he’ll go away!’. Margot then opens up the window and yells…”

“Yell what?”

“GET OUT OF OUR VIEW AND CROSS THE LIGHT!” Moran literally shouted and made the whole canteen startled. Not just that, he also stood up with his back legs and stomped on to the table “DON’T YOU SEE IT’S GREEN, YOU BASTARD!”

The whole table where he sat laughed hysterically in response.

“What the… it didn’t even sound half funny!” Yamina said to the squad.

“Hey weirdo! This is a canteen, not a circus!” Haystack shouted at him angrily.

“Hey, it’s our good friend Haystack… Hi there buddy, wanna join downtown Coolsville?”

“No creature want to join your stupid gang!”

“Okay then,… have a good night with your gang…”

“What a douchebag… That guy better prepare for…”

But Haystack doesn't get to finish his sentence. Lyra and Bonbon suddenly appeared right behind his squad and Lyra politely tapped on Haystack's angry shoulder. He nearly shouted into her face when he rapidly turned his head around.

“Ah… Oh… Sorry Mrs Director…”

“Eh… seems like you haven’t gone too well with that Moran guy, huh?” Lyra asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah… you remember he straight up said our ship was dirty last time…”

“He only said our hangar was a bit dusty! It should not be that severe. Anyway, they will actually become your… what should I say… back helper? Anyway they only got to protect our flotilla when you guys were facing Black Wine’s Army at the base, got that?”

“Wait… so do they only get to fight in the rear?” Haystack asked in a somewhat happy mood. In the background, the Moran, Haruna and Esteban continue to make their table laughing hysterically with their jokes. Haruna even gets to make the squad giggle with a joke related to a make up The Ponykind debate that included no one but egghead politicians.

“Keep yourself collected, guys…” Haystack calmly said to the team, then returned to Lyra “…did they want that or you guys ordered them to do so?”

“They volunteered. Moran said that his team skills will absolutely shield the ship, and that our combined skill will overwhelm Black Wine’s Army.”

“So that jerk is just a coward after all…” the brown stallion mumbled.

“But that’s not all. During our trip to Kludgetown, most of the dog fights will be handled by them. With that, you guys have to let them use the base jabbers…” Bonbon continued.

“Celestia blesses them if one of the base jabber blows up. Also, can you tell them to clean the ship tomorrow with us…”

“Didn’t I just say that they will cover the ship in the next 2 days? Moran and his team have to be on battle station, so you’ll still have to do it without their help!”

“Privilege bastard!” Haystack mumbled again.

To Flash’s surprise, Haruna and Esteban are somewhat pretty friendly. Yamina and Water Vapor quickly become friends with Haruna, to which Flash found their friendship “kinda adorable”. The lime green changeling decided to join them in cleaning the ship, starting with the hangar’s floor.

“Hey, Flash… Continue the job, dude!” Haystack reminded the blue haired guy with a little punch into his back. On the other hoof, he was holding a sweeper. Around them are the creatures happily making some chit chat, jokes or even pranking each other with the wet sweepers. Some pegasus, hippogriff and changeling where to fly, cleaning the mobile suits as well as the walls.

The wet floor was to shine the light above, making the hangar brighter than usual.

With Haystack reminding him, Flash continues the job and sweeps the floor even harder. His mind was somewhat free of thought, something that was pretty rare to a guy with such a complex background like him.

“Moran and Esteban decided to get a ride outside this morning…” the Lieutenant casually said “… it's just a patrol, they said…”, he said sarcastically with his head wiggle “…more like running from responsibility! Hey, how about your dreams with Luster and her friends? Is she still visiting you regularly?”

“She and her friends visit me every night. Every. Single. Night…” Flash replied, emphasizing on the last three words “…although they are pretty fun, though. Strangely, I feel like they help me relax…”

His mind automatically recalled the moment he and the team talked about Haystack and his ‘hate’ for Moran the night before. It was needless to say for Flash that they laugh a lot.

“Haha, I honestly like Moran jokes. Perhaps he’s a clever dude!” Grisela commented “I like the joke that said ‘My wife and I had this long argument about appropriate stuff to wear while gardening… But she keeps digging in her heels! Haha!”

“Definitely gonna talk to this guy one day! Hey Flash, do you have his number?” asked Butter Burger, but Spring Garden soon corrected him “That’s a very rude thing to do!”

“Hey, Haystack call Flash Sentry!” The blue haired pilot sinks deep into his dreams and forcing Haystack to snap his subordinate to reality again “Do you hear me?”

“Oh… Yes! Yes sir! What are we talking about again?”

“I’m trying to trash talk to you about that brown jerk. Anyway, y’all should make sure they don’t steal our show when we are trying to fight against Black Wine’s MS, got it! They are supposed to fight in the rear, not leave us vulnerable!”

“I agree, Sir. But isn’t that the job of our commanders?” Flash asked calmly.

“I just wanted to remind you that so you could do the same to them when I am busy dealing with the GMIIIs and the Nemos.”

The duo then returned to work, minding their own business. The Lieutenant seems determined to beat Moran and his team in terms of kills streak, to the point that Flash could see it physicalized in his aggressive sweeping. But he quickly decelerated the process and looked down the floor.

“Do you think… I’m a bit over dramatic over this? I mean… above all, they are our new comrades!”

“Moran probably knows you hate him, but I think he doesn't care. Perhaps he will be happy if you are included in his friendship circle.”

“I can’t understand why that jerk can have so much admiration, but yeah, his friends seem nice…”

Right after that, the sirens go up with the announcer ordering the crew to get to the chairs. The radar picked up some enemy MS that was bound right towards the flotilla. However, Haystack suggested that they should come to the bridge. Lyra and Bonbon said that his squad will not be launched in any fights until Kludgetown, so he and his squad have to stay on the ship. But he still wanted to see whether the new pilots live up to their names or not.

“I want to see how many suits they can shoot down. They better not miss any!”

Flash agreed and they ran as fast as they could to the bridge.

“Hello there Lieutenant! Uh… why do you guys wear that hat?” Discord greeted with a question.

“We’re cleaning stuff. What’s wrong?” Haystack asked the draconequus.

“Seems like there are about 6 MSs and some Mosquito drones fly right up here…” he replied “…the radar just went dead cause’ Minovsky particles. Their last position was right behind us!”

“Ensign Haruna, you are free to launch!” Rapid Specter said through the radio. The bridge was surprisingly focused on their task. Even Marlin Whisper gets to stare at her monitor and looks after the ship’s weapons, contrary to her somewhat careless manner that Flash has as his first impression of her. At the helm, Mind-of-Steel is focusing all of his power on to the steering wheel, forcing the ship to turn around in order to get the whole ship to have a better view at the battle.

From there, 6 large humanoid figures riding on base jabbers alongside with at least a dozen of other small black dots that Flash assumes are Mosquito UAV, steaming towards them.

Not so long after that, they noticed some white smoke coming out of the Mosquitos. They were scared to learn that they were missiles initially, but the crew quickly gained calmness and retaliated. Rapid Specter decided to fire the CIWS onto the enemy. A few initial shots have brought down at least a dozen of missiles. But it is not just that: Marlin Whisper also ordered the mega particle turret to aim at the UAV in an attempt to vaporize them all in just a sweep.

“Okay! 3, 2, 1… open fire!” she said. Normally it was Discord who has the authority over the 230 mm mega particle cannon, but he allows her to use it since she has more monitoring ability to the overall guns.

The bright beam forces the bridge to cover their eyes. Discord manages to have himself sunglasses so he could see the actions conveniently. The first beam sweep brought down 6 UAVs and heavily damaged a base jabber, according to Scelrite. An explosion was viewed not so long after and forced 2 MSs to bail out and move towards their target by foot.

“Okay, how is Moran and his squad?” Discord asked “Can you contact them now?”

“No, Sir! The Minovsky Particles are still too dense! I think we still have to witness the fight with our eyes!”

That is when Discord realized the beam shot. He hasn't got to contact Moran and his squad to get out of the way. But then, there are some voices over the radio.

“Lieutenant Moran here: we need permission to engage!”

“Phew… are you guys still fine?” Discord asked after he ran towards where Scelrite sat.

“Still is! Haruna, me and Esteban are still flying around their formation. Good job crew!”

“Good, you are allowed to engage!”

6 MSs, each have their own base jabber. That was actually a rare sight to see in the entirety of Equus since it is still very hard to transport military hardware from Earth to the surface of a planet from the other side of a wormhole. Moran quickly took notice of that, so to ‘complement’ his enemy’s wealth, he whispered in impressed. The reindeer adjust his targeting scope as he say:

“Nice toy you got there. Hopefully they’ll not gonna be taken down… like a rock wrapped in burning paper falling from the sky…” Moran said sarcastically.

Beeping sounds created from the speaker was a thing he once found annoying at first. The fact that he gets direct training with the MS upon delivery has gained him some better knowledge at understanding the suit. But that’s still not enough for him when he still can’t turn off the targeting sounds. But after knowing its function, he agreed to keep it on board.

Haystack was actually right when he said Moran probably come from a noble family. He was the son of a Everfree politician, who was the friend of king Aspen, the ruler of the magical kingdom in the woods. He has worked way harder than almost every other reindeer in his age to shove off the stereotype that kids with noble backgrounds tend to have no talents. He have excellently graduate the Everfree Grand University of aerodynamics, before applied himself for the multinational company Las Pegasus Aerospace. But the war broke out and he have to halt the process. That was the moment he got introduce to mobile suit piloting.

The reasons why the Alliance can buy most of the MS are simple: AE did have some executives that are supportive towards them, so they have helped the Alliance to set up front companies that work exclusively within Equestrian territory. Black Wine’s way of buying AE’s MS is through competition: if a company can negotiate a lower price with better quality, they were chosen in a limited period. That front company was called Mudrock Defense. They will frequently make secret transport of weapons and goods to Alliance’s territory. And that’s how the 3 Jegan Type Ds were brought to the trio.

Sadly, because of the lack of training facilities, they have to train directly with the suits. But it only took him, Haruna and Esteban 5 months to master their giant humanoid weapons. The kill record that Haystack saw when he met the trio was also real, when they were fighting in defense of Everfree forest. MS tend to be a huge factor in battlefield odds, so it’s no surprise that they helped the kingdom hold off long enough before they were replaced with a squad of 5 MSs.

When the battle happened, they traveled above Halflinger Groove. Mind-of-Steel has decided to travel due south in order to cross the narrowest part of the Celestial Sea. That makes the ship go right into the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) of an MS unit based in Foaledo, a coastal city by the Equestrian’s side of the Celestial Sea. The MS base there decided to send their only squad, which are 6 of the total 70 MSs in Equestrian arsenal, according to some Alliance intelligence info, to sink the Canterlot. Moran carefully aimed his beam rifle towards a GM that had just lost its base jabber and shot.

But the first one was a miss. That’s totally okay for him: the suit’s standard beam rifles are designed to shoot like a machine gun in at least an hour, making its battery one of AE’s proudest products. With that, he decided to shoot at his vulnerable target at least a dozen more, as it was high above the trees with barely any hiding spot. The shots stir up the soil, sending them flying high up and falling down the running GMIII. He didn’t have to wait to see it retaliate, shooting the same kind of rifle towards him. But it’s luck is just as much as the brown reindeer as he rapidly dodges all of them.

“Jeez, this guy is an ace! Hey Haruna, where’s your sniper rifle?”

“I’m shooting down some Mosquitos! What do you want me to do?” the lime green changeling asked.

“I want you to shoot that one GMIII down there. Can you do it?”

“Yes sir!”

From her base jabber, the black MS carefully aimed its long rifle towards its enemy. It was an old school 5 battery magazine weapon that can shoot right through almost any armor that was not treated with anti-beam coating.

The bright pink beam shot that was unleashed right after the trigger was pressed went right through the cockpit and sent the whole thing exploding. Haruna have to make sure she didn’t accidentally hit the Minovsky reactor, so the explosion was just a normal fireball with thick black smoke after wards,

“Gotcha! Now we’re gonna fight the other 5!”

At that moment, all of the 24 Mosquitos UAVs were shot down. But the remaining suits don't give up just yet. Right beneath each base jabber are at least 4 anti-ship missiles. The lead one decided to fire 2 of them, and while one was taken down, the other one managed to hit the main mega particle gun battery. A huge explosion rocked the ship. Moran heard that there were even some of the bridge crew being tossed around like bed sheets in a washing machine. But he sighed in relief when he learned none of them was heavily injured and went back to work. From his view, the smoke following the blast from his mother ship is covering the main bridge.

“Moran calls Canterlot. Moran calls Canterlot. Are you okay?”

“We’re… we are fine… just keep fighting!” Scelrite replied. “Dang it… the mega particle…”

The Blackhawk was then ordered to cover the whole flotilla with her anti-air upgrade, which consisted of 5 Phalanx CIWS, 2 anti-MS missile launchers with 12 missiles each mounted on her side, and 2 100 mm guns on its main deck. The sight when she fired her port side missiles launcher was such a sight to behold, when all of them left the ship with a long curvy smoke tail behind, bounding right to their enemy just for one reason: taking all of them down. The ship had that upgrade because when learned she only got to carry Water Vapor’s MS, the Alliance ordered to remove one hangar, giving the space for her enormous weapon arsenal. This process happened when Flash and Haystack were still fighting with Celaeno’s crew.

Moran ordered his squad to back down for the missiles to perform its purpose. He was upset to see most of them were shot down with the GMIIIs Vulcan guns, leaving the space for only 3 hits: 2 of them destroyed a single base jabber and one managed to bring down another GMIII. The base jabber’s explosion was pretty bright as it sent all 4 warheads exploding, making them noticeably large. In retaliation, another one fired all of its anti-missiles to the flotilla. But this time, the squad learned from their mistakes: Moran and Esteban managed to track them all down and they all blasted up like popcorn while still on the way to the target. That’s when Moran learned the beeping noise upon targeting is extremely useful, in addition to the targeting icon on his panoramic screen cockpit.

But that’s when the enemy’s MS really starts to engage. One black GMIII, the one that Moran assumed to be the commander due to the horn-like antenna on its head, brought out its beam saber and flew straight into him. The two opposing suits stood up in the base jabber and the sword fight began.

The two blades clashes into each other. In his cockpit, Moran could hear the loud electric current sound emitting from two powerful Minovsky currents fighting against each other. The bright flash in the middle also caused some small pink lightning bolt striking on to each of the suits armor, but they were overall harmless. His opponent was trying to push Moran to the edge of his base as a wrestler with a sword in order to make him lose balance. But it’s not that easy for the horned MS: the Jegan was reported to have more power being brought to it’s joint motors. That means it’s was more than enough for Moran to hold position, so he push his motors as hard as he could to do the same. The black MS has its feet being pushed across the flatbed of the base jabber, creating some friction spark when the two metal surfaces rubbed against each other.

Knowing it’s in a disadvantageous position, the horned suit decides to abort pushing and making continuous blade strikes on Moran, but it only met with his beam saber. However, the strikes are still powerful and unpredictable enough for the brown reindeer to pull out another one and fend off whenever a potential hit was detected. The two continue that cycle for about 4 minutes, before Moran thinks of a simple idea.

He checked the ammo left in his Vulcan gun. “Still not much, but that’s enough”, he thought. He carefully adjusted his MS’s head toward the opponent's main head sensor and opened fire. The initial spark blocked his view for just a fraction of a second, but when the smoke was gone, he could see the sensor had blasted away a revealed broken machine’s part on his opponent’s face. The suit seems to be caught off guard after that when it has to back up a bit. “Perhaps the pilot is waiting for the backup camera’s signal”, Moran mumbled. But he’s not gonna let his chance slip away. The dark brown Jegan pulled out its beam rifle and rained down some beam shot’s into its torso. But it was too late: the horned black suit had its consciousness back and started some sort of dog fight. The two exchange fire with their rifles for roughly 5 minutes.

On the other hand, Esteban for most of the time has to deal with the rest of the squad on his own when Haruna is busy shooting down the anti-ship missiles. He did everything to dodge the rapid shooting from the GMIIIs, both missiles and beam shots: they don’t use their shoulder mounted missiles launchers for larger targets. Luckily for him, he hasn't used the Vulcan’s ammo for previous shooting of the anti-ship missiles, so it allows him to shut down multiple anti MS missiles from the GMIIIs. Only after the enemy ran out of missiles that Esteban started his offensive move.

“Haha, look who is struggling now!” the light red changeling exclaimed. With his magic on his horn, Esteban pushes his trigger button on the control stick, shooting down 2 of the base jabbers. One of them immediately jumps right after its magic carpet blasted and attempts to shoot at him. But the dark brown MS didn't let its opponent grab any chances: a shot right through the cockpit sent the giant machine falling down the thick jungle below, buried below the trees.

“Another pilot was killed. I repeat: one more Black Wine’s pilot was killed!”

“Yes!” Moran heard his subordinate exclaim in happiness. Not so bad for a changeling pilot who used to be one of the most bullied changelings in his class, back when he was still studying in a primary school back in his hometown.

Then, Moran quickly changed his focus back to the battle. He has started to see some exhaustion sign from his opponent. It should be noticed that throughout the whole dog fight, he did not fire any shot at all: the horned MS fired at him furiously with barely any stops. He waited for about 3 more minutes to wait for its beam rifle to get hot enough it jammed the shooting process: the barrel was getting so hot it glowed.

Then, that moment came: the suit stopped firing all of the sudden and started checking on it’s beam rifle. That’s when Moran grabbed his chance.

Rapidly slammed the acceleration paddle, both the suits and base jabber launched themselves to the enemy “like a rocket”, as Moran described. The momentum slammed Moran against the seat like glue, and he just kept himself like that for maximum focus. Then, just as the horned black GMIIIs just put up its beam rifle, perhaps in desperation according to Moran, the brown reindeer pulled out his beam saber as fast as he could to strike a stab into the side of its torso. The stab made multiple bright red sparks emitting from the suit itself, which he assumed that it’s the burning fuel. It made the giant 18 meters tall machine being completely disabled and slipped on the base jabber. Moran finished his job by shooting the “magic carpet”, causing both units to crash down the jungle. And as usual, the explosion came after with some dense black smoke and a fireball flying into the sky.

“One more downed! I think it’s the commander unit this time!” Moran reported “3 more to go!”

“Woah! Good one there, Lieutenant!” Haruna congratulates him through the com link as three circling around. But in contrast to his belief, the other 3 went for a fight to the death. He was stunned to see all three of them accelerate towards the flotilla and try to take down all three ships one more time.

“Guys! No time for a party!” Haruna warned, but it seemed too late. She pulled her beam sniper rifle towards the suit that was approaching the Parrot’s Strength and shot it exploded, but even that it’s not enough: it blasted a large hole on the airship’s hull with a beam shot. Esteban also went all out to chase down one GMIIIs.

However, it was also too late: that GMIII, designated by the code number 04 on its shoulder armor, shot some beam shots right into the Blackhawk’s bow and the balloons. One of the shots causing the black airship decorated with a giant hawk statue on the bow, caught fire. Not long after that, the ship fell down the trees and exploded.

It quickly changed its target towards the Canterlot, along with the remaining GMIII that have designation 03. The two simultaneously put up their beam rifle right into the Canterlot’s bridge.

The whole bridge went silent, their eyes widened. Right in front of them, just at the other side of the bridge’s glass, the 04 is pointed and barrels right into the bridge with both of its hands on it. Discord was so shocked he didn’t get to use his magic, which was not strong enough to beat any major enemy on his own. Haystack was also grinding hard in shock and fear. On his seat, Scelrite was holding his scream, while Marlin Whisper, Mind-of-Steel and Yellow Pickle had to cover their eyes and straight up screamed.

Their fate and struggle against Black Wine will now end. Rainbow Dash will also die along with the ship. It would be a tremendous blast for the Alliance, as one of their most important leaders died during combat. And with that, “The War for Harmony”, as the Alliance would prefer to call, will probably end. At the time, Mind-of-Steel had raised the ship at around 550 meters off the ground. If the main bridge is lost, the ship will go down as the steering and engine control disappear. 340 crew members will also go down with it in perhaps one of the biggest losses in combat during the war.

But all of them are blessed to live for another day.

Just as the barrel of the 04 glowed, it was met with a mysterious strike into the torso. Before both pilots of the 04 and 03 get their consciousness back, their rifles have been cutted in half: the melted metal is dropping down their feet, emitting smokes along the way, even after they met the base jabbers.

All of them, including the bridge, the Parrot’s Strength, and the pilots, were shocked to see what happened…

In front of them is a glowing pair of beam sabers, and 2 deadly blue eyes…

Chapter 12

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Reiter, the pilot of the 04, stunted when he saw the bright blue eye of the Strike Zeta. Its glowing beam saber has cut his and the 03’s rifle in half.

“What on Earth…”

But before he get to finish the sentence, he was hit with another strike. Flash has furiously banged into his torso with his massive shield and immediately sends his GMIIIs fly off the base jabber. But it’s not enough for the hatred-filled pilot: Flash quickly takes the beam saber that he already has in his left hand and stabbed him right in the cockpit. Flash screamed furiously in the process, his eyes widening with blood veins visible on them. His mouth wide, allowing the anger to come out of his body, in form of a loud scream.

The strike immediately vaporized the pilot, as well as melted the majority of the inner surface of the cockpit. To avoid the possible Minovsky reactor explosion, Flash swiftly kicked it in the torso and watch it fall down the dense tree with itself falling face up.

The Minovsky explosion that happened after was massive: a giant bright pink hemisphere tearing through the air, vaporizing everything in its path. Its shockwave was so massive and powerful that it was not only visible by the rapid movement of clouds above it, but it also pushed the ships and the remaining mobile suits when they were all above the thing. It was understandable as the suit was falling down from nearly half a kilometer down with nothing to slow it down. According to Scerlite, it seems to blow when the thing touches the ground, which ultimately means the stab down caused the Minovsky explosion.

“Sweet Celestia…”

Haystack mumbles in shock. Luckily, all of them escaped the blast unscathed, except for some burns on the ‘belly’ section in the bottom of the ship and the base jabbers. Moran and his squad were safe, but they are somewhat shattered from the shockwave. It took the brown reindeer a few minutes to properly regain consciousness to continue fighting. When he touches his nose, he discovered that he was bleeding, while feeling his head is hurt like some creature trying to hammer a nail into the skull.

“What the…” he mumbled, “…hey guys, are y’all okay?”

“Yes… yes Sir! But we are hurting badly!” Esteban replied.

Moran was somewhat shocked to see Esteban’s suit, which is distinguished by the changeling’s wings emblem on the shoulder armor, having some burns on its armor which are even visible on dark paint. Haruna was also struggling to gain balance too, with her base jabber’s underside also painted in black burns.

The trio was the one who are nearest to the blast.

Then, Moran shifted his view towards his mother ship, to witness the battles being progressed.

Meanwhile, Flash has shifted his attention to the 03. He was shattered by the shockwave too. But even when his nose was bleeding, not because of the shockwave, but to his anger taking him over, Flash still managed to gain acceleration pace to straight up hugged the black MS. The 03 quickly grabbed the beam saber on Flash’s hand and somehow, it crushes the saber with bare hands, causing it to twist like a scroll of paper. The blade quickly died out. The duo then gets into a fist fight mid-air, with Flash having some advantages with a huge shield and more powerful booster.

The white MS attempted to make a kick into the GMIIIs torso, Flash’s most favorite fist fight method. The opponent's suit excellently blocked it in the process with a counter kick into the left shank, causing a large dent on the engine cover. But Flash didn’t give up just yet: he attempt to make another strike, but it was also stopped by the same method as before. The alarm that Flash receive on the monitor signal that his hands are in some sort of damage, with the hands glowing hot red on the tracking monitor.

“Damn it… the hands… stuck!” Flash groaned. The pushing war causes the base jabber to shake violently, as the rest of the creatures at the sight seen.

“Brandon, Scerlite here! Can you hold it a little longer?” the lime green combat operator said through the com link.

“How long?”

“Around 5 seconds!” he answered with his mouth close to the microphone “And by the way, can you make sure the base jabber is balanced?”


The blue-haired pilot can’t really reply. His suit is being pushed further and further to the edge. The Zeta’s thermal nuclear engine didn’t help him much either: there’s something strange about his opponent. He suspected it was not a normal repainted MS, but a “testing upgrade package”, according to his own words. His speculation seems to be true, as the 03 fired up its thruster, creating a giant ball of fire and smoke behind its back.

“Sweet Celestia… that thing literally trapped a moon rocket on its back!” Moran exclaimed in his cockpit whilst sweeping the remaining blood on his nose “Hey Haruna, can you still shoot that thing down!”

“Yes, just targeting on the brightest part. Can you tell Brandon to pull away right now?”


“Yes, or else I’ll miss this moment!” the light cerise changeling said, carefully adjusting her targeting scope.

The “plus” symbol slowly floats towards where the thruster is located on the panoramic monitor, accompanied by a beeping noise to keep her concentrated on the target.

“Brandon, get out of there! Now!” shouted Moran through the comlink “There’ll be another explosion!”

The white Gundam listened. Flash concentrates all of his strength on the control stick to force the 03 to unlock the hands. He did. Flash launch himself out of the base jabber just a moment before Haruna fired her decisive shot from behind the 03.

In contrast to what Flash has heard, the beam only goes right through the right side of the torso, melting the metal in that section. The black MS stopped all of its life signs right away, standing still in the middle of the air. It slowly moved towards the edge of the base jabber like a fatally wounded soldier trying to grasp as much memory as he can before death. Only after it causes the base jabber to tip, the suit falling down the dense tree below it. A few seconds later, another gigantic Minovsky explosion occurred. But this time, Flash, Moran, and his squad rapidly divert from the blast’s diameter, so they only suffer some “bumpy shockwave”.

With the front of the Canterlot covered in smoke, the rest of the flotilla steamed through the air again.

On his chair, Discord makes a salute towards the fallen soldier of the Eagle Scream during the limited time he can still see its burning wreckage.

Despite the pain, the crew has to endure, they must turn their back to finish their fallen friends' job to final victory.

Water Vapor was caught crying while running towards the bridge, asking Discord to slow the ship down and turn back to save the “potential survivors” of the Eagle Scream. Discord answered him with a saddened face:

“Sorry son, there’s no way a regular creature can survive while trapped inside that ship and fallen down from that kind of height… But I’ll gonna ask rescuers to search the area…”

“Sorry… Captain! But they did save some survivor that somehow escaped the ship on time…” Scerlite reported. On the comlink, Moran breathed heavily and reported to the bridged with a somewhat panicking tone:

“Emergency, emergency! We have rescued two pegasuses and a changeling from the Eagle Scream, but they are badly burned. I need medical attention, now!”

With the hangars both wide open, almost half of the crew members rushed to the returned mobile suits to either do their job or satisfy their curiosity.

Flash was ordered to return to the Canterlot right after the 03 blew up, so he didn’t get to see any savings. But still, he was able to witness the victims with his own eyes.

They are badly burned, with a particular pony still having some smoke emitting from his body. Flash could see they were immediately put on the stretchers right after the moment they were transported from the hands of the MSs. The whole Moran squad only piloted their suit to the cages after all of the explosion victims were on their way to the sick bay.

It must be an extremely painful experience for any creature who has to go through it. He once heard creatures telling their heavily injured friend to keep begging to kill them because the wound was simply unbearable.

The sight also reminded him of Drake, the unlucky parrot that died due to the same kind of injury.

“That… that was really painful…” Yolinda’s stuttered into Flash’s ear “We really don’t want any creature to suffer for us… Flash, you should come for them!”

“I know…” Flash mumbled. Having witnessed the victims having severe bleeding due to the burns and their screams of agony, his heart squeezes. “Is this your vision when you are forcibly attacked Hope Hollow?” Flash mumbled, remembering the moment when Luster showed her team’s victim during the town’s rebellion breakdown.

“Fl… I mean...Brad!” yelled Haystack from below “Thank hoofness! Where have you been?”

The brown stallion quickly jumped onto the elevator and reaches the Strike Zeta’s cockpit. He was breathing rapidly when he finally came to Flash. Running right next to him is Era, whose just as exhausted as her commander.

“Hey… I… I didn’t mean this but… you should make sure the suit… intact until Klugetown!”

“Yeah… sorry…”

Right after the remaining three enemies, MS lost their commander, Flash sensing he should do something to his ship. When the bridge crew was still concentrating on the battle outside, he sneaked out of the bridge and ask a pegasus to fly him to the hangar, where the Strike Zeta was located. The moment Haystack find out his pilot had gone missing, it was already too late when Flash asked the ATC for clearance and then took off.

“To be honest, if it wasn’t for you, the whole ship will go down! So thank you first…” Haystack commented “But… why do you suddenly decide to go out there… Is your imaginary friend telling you to do so?”

“Ye… Yeah…”

Then, he recalled that moment when Grisela just keeps persuade him to fight. She knew he have the skill to settle the fight in the safest way for the whole flotilla.

“If you don’t go, you’ll either dead along with your crew or I’ll haunt you in your dream tonight!” he remembers the sassy voice of the griffon just screaming like she is right next, putting her beak right next to his ear. When he got out of the ship, the Parrot’s Strength have already been hit by one of the missiles.

“Good telepathic skill you got there…” Era said.

The trio was silent for a few seconds while looking at the hangar for a while, witnessing the hatch being closed. Haystack's teeth grind and suddenly, his hoof punches into the wall.

“Damn it… More than 70 lives just vanish before our eyes, yet none of us can do anything about it!” he said with his face wrinkled “I have on that ship… hope he can rest in peace…”

“Sorry Sir… but may I ask who’s that?”

“Chief Petty Officer Ethan Kimberley… he’s a human, just like you Era. But was once a wondered human accidentally being transported to this world… somehow… He was pretty kind, and he would help ponies with his beat-up MS any time they want to do heavy chores. When the war came, he refused to join Black Wine’s Army because Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer themselves have taught him what friendship meant to the creatures: he was found in Ponyville by the way…”

He sobbed for a few seconds afterward, remembering his comrades that were once his best pal.

“And… how about Water Vapor?” asked Era “Is… Is he okay?”

“Not so much. He’s crying a river down in his cabin… Poor guy, I even heard he has a partner at the Eagle Scream,… If true… that guy will have a hard sleep tonight…”

Then, Haystack turned back to the duo. He wiped his tear and looked at them with a determined eye. He said:

“We must not fail at Kludgetown, guys. He has to survive at all costs until then. Those who die today will lose their lives for nothing. I trust every single one of you: Yamina, WV, Blue Thunder,… both of you… to capture the Alicorn successfully and end this war!”

On that night, Rainbow Dash have ordered a small funeral for one who lost their lives in the battle above Halflinger Groove. Through the reports, there are about 80 deaths, 24 injured, and one ship lost, on one of the bloodiest days of the war. 75 of them are on the Eagle Scream, including her commander, captain Marin.

After the dinner, lines of creatures gathered at the opened hangars of the Canterlot, bringing with them the flying lanterns. They have acquired from a merchant airship that happened to come by them. The airship have decided to approach the flotilla when the captain saw the Alliance’s flag – a shield decorated with a six edges star on the front and two swords behind. The merchant airship, named Iron Dress Mare, was allowed to approach them by Rainbow Dash. From there, they proposed to give out free lanterns after the captain learned about the tragic battle they have just gone through that day.

Flash was ordered to overlook the meeting when the two ships are side by side with each other towards the sea. Security concern is always a priority when coming to meeting with civilians.

On that night, Flash could see both ships lighten up their lanterns and bring all of them up to the sky, representing the wish for the one who dies on the battlefield, can go to Vahalla.

“Hey Era, did you humans have anything like it?” Yamina asked the red-headed when Blue Thunder mentioned the Vahalla.

“Oh yes, of course! We tend to call it heaven, though. But in our world, people have a lot of words to describe heaven, but that word is all I know!”

There are 80 lanterns being released that night, representing the total number of deaths that day. He also overheard two of the injured creature saved from the Eagle Screamhave passed away. Some said that this would be the bloodiest day of the Alliance navy, but Flash doesn’t want to hear the coldness of statistics anymore.

He just wanted to witness, and understand, the pain of every life lost and the stories behind each of them.

Suddenly, he feels someone tap him on the shoulder. It was Era, with her hand holding a bright yellow lantern, the candle inside already lit up. Her face shows that she is getting emotional: she is holding it with the careness he hasn’t seen anywhere else.

“Hey, Brandon…” she said with a soft tone “…do you want to give this poor soul a final journey?”

She carefully put the lantern onto Flash’s palms, with the blue-haired pilot took it with the highest respect he could give. The candle lights are still burning as intensely as possible, giving them the feeling that the creature’s soul still has some regrets and they don’t want to leave yet.

“Hey… friend…” Flash whispered into the lantern “…I think you don’t know who I am… until now. You can call me Brandon… and she is Era, the human. You must feel really lonely right now, as there are no relatives or even friends there to say farewell to you. But it’s okay, we’re gonna be the ones who do that. We will comfort your soul…”

“And don’t worry… you have done enough things here…” added Era “You have brought so much joy, happiness, and help to countless creatures in this world. So don’t regret anything: your job here in Equus has over. Rest in peace, friend…”

Flash turned to Era, confusion taking over him as it was an extremely respectful ritual he thought he have to do. She nodded and put both of her hands on the lantern along with Flash. The duo decided to release it into the air, along with others that are said to be his or her comrades.

At first, the lantern just floated for a moment, as if the soul of that creature still have something he or she wanted to finish. Then, a small wind gust came, and they saw the lantern do something as if it wanted to say thank you to them. Only after that, it fly away, into the dense night of the jungle.

Right after that, Discord ordered his ship to head straight to the sea and steamed at full speed to Kludgetown. The message is clear: they want to settle the chase once and for all with a decisive battle.

“Wait… the entirety of that squad was downed?” Nikita asked with stuttering and disbelief “Like… all of them?”

“Sadly… yes…” Font Spaak said with his eyes down “They have fought with valiant until the end…”

“Damn it!” yelled Joseph.

He was the one who have overseen the squad’s training in Equestria and saw all of the graduates in front of the happy pony crowd in Ponyville, nicknamed the Equus’s Capital of Friendship. To him, is a fitting place for ponies to make friends with their human helpers and establish a stronger foothold in Equestria.

They are the GMIIIs that engaged the Parrot’s Strength when that ship stumbled upon them in the middle of the sky, around one and a half months earlier. After the suits were repaired, they were suggested by AE to paint them in black, “as a way to distinguish them with the normal force back in the Earthsphere”, as a mechanic explained to the squad’s leader and perhaps, the most experienced one, Lieutenant Megan Williams. In addition to that, some of the MSs being down have engaged Alliance force before, especially the Strike Zeta. They were all recovered and repaired afterward by AE.

Not much information has been reported to them since it was only a few hours after their signal was lost.

“To be clear, we are still waiting for the full report. The intelligence will take it directly from the Canterlot itself since their direct combat report is never inaccurate. But an initial report from some civilians living in the groove said that there are two massive explosions… So… So…”

“So what? They are basically dead by now?” asked Nikita in frustration “It’s you greedy dumbass who send us to this alien world. You guys didn’t even shed a tear when one of us dead. Heck, even that asshole Black Wine seems to care more about us humans that you!”

He breathes heavily, with his eyes turning red but tears also running down his cheek. His friends, especially Amanda, Muller, and Reiter, who unfortunately fighting in Megan’s squad. The leader was also a close friend to Joseph too, as she and he were once sides by side during their military career.

That’s also why all of them have an uneasy feeling, that the moment they saw them off to a new military base far away will be the last ever moment they can see or hear them alive.

Not even Mark, whose generally very collective, was staying cold. He was spotted going left to right in front of his MS, looking down the floor thinking. The ship’s crew speculated he was also in the mood with the rest of his squad. To be fair, they are shocked to learn the suits are being downed, as some of them are really popular among the crew. Megan, while she can be a total maniac inside her cockpit, many crew members know her excellent singing voice whenever she took karaoke with her pony friends. Mark was actually completely blown away when in a karaoke room when they first heard her singing “You got a friend in me”…

“What the… Hey hey… I remember you’re…. like… really brutal!” Mark asked in disbelief after she put the microphone down that night.

“Argh… I’ll gonna blown you away like that if you mess with me…” she laughed, but then her voice turned sweet “But… my voice like… really kawaii?”

“Yeah yeah!” the trio replied.

But on that depressing night, her laugh gradually faded from his mind.

A few hours later, the news came:

“Only one possible survivor, guys…” Font said with sadness “There is one that was said to…”

“Why the hell you send all of them to battle, at once?” Nikita yelled, this time with his eyes wide open. His voice immediately drew the attention of the whole hangar.

“Listen… buddy…”

“And why do you have to force us to wait so long here? Do you want me to be bait?”

“Hey guys, listen!” this time, the EEU’s commander yelled “I don’t mean to get you killed like that. That’s why I decided to send all of them to sink the Canterlot all at once. They are the hope of that whole cursed Alliance. Your ship is lacking fuel and supply, so I have advised your Captain to stay…”

“Liar! You want us here as bait for those pesky creatures!” Nikita screamed again “To you, we are expendable, that’s why you react to my friend's death so emotionless. Do you know that…”

“Damn it Nikita, I do feel for them! Don’t you think I will just sweep this job all under the rug because our fellow human beings were killed by those unpredictable animals?” Font barked back “Now, all I have you to know is the whole Earth Federation care for y’all. The supplies are on their way to your ship, I promised… But in case those creatures came…”

“Sir… I think you should at least let our ship leave the dry dock.” Joseph interfered “Those creatures possibly have known the Alicorn Gundam is here, and they will come for it.”

The Captain was silent for a while, looking down at his table and thinking about something. He was known to have that kind of gesture when there is some information he has to properly process.

That moment allows Joseph to look around the hangar. It was a shock and heartbroken moment for Nikita and Mark, who have a lot of connections to the squad. Nikita even kneeled against the wall, push his forehead into it and cry.

It was a shock for him as well. According to a report from the Canterlot themselves, the commander was taken down and exploded, meaning that…

Megan was dead.

He still did not fully believe it. “Why should I believe words from the enemy?” he asked himself. But the feeling that it might be true just keeps growing stronger. He keeps burying it, but the feelings just come up to him like an unstoppable tsunami of sadness.

Feeling that he need some relief from the sad atmosphere around, Joseph decided to take walk to the launcher, where’s Mihiro also standing there with some ponies and human mechanics to breathe the fresh smell of night’s air.

The moon is shining above them as always, but it was mostly taken up by the lights of nearby buildings and houses of Kludgetown. The place was known by its night activities, with creatures of all types walking around to do their activities: Joseph spotted some shark-like creature, an old anthropomorphic turtle with a large bag on his back, and a couple of 2 legged hammerhead sharks walking down the street hand in hand.

“That’s a very bizarre place… to say the least… This town is like it comes out of a child's nightmare! But… I guess… now we are in Equus anyway…” said Mihiro when she first saw the town and its citizens.

“Hey…” she greeted with a slight smile but mixed with some sadness.

“Hey…” he greeted her back.

“So… how are Nikita and Mark? Are they fine?” she asked.

He sighed, then replied “To be honest, not so much. Nikita probably just lost some of his best friends. Better leave him alone right now, I think…”

“Yeah… I don’t know if this battlefield can be so brutal. Do you shocked when hearing that… announcement, too?”

“Yes, absolutely… But I have to take this with a grain of salt. It was a report from the enemy… not our official one. Yes… there are explosions being reported, but I still need solid proof…”

He talked with some stuttering, his eyes tearing up. She knows that although he and the Foaledo-based squad have a large difference in ages and there’s the fact that his trio is their trainer, they have a very close brotherhood bond of fellow comrades that fighting with each other for years. Pilots could form a very unbreakable friendship when they are deployed on the battlefield, laughing with each other while dealing with their enemies.

This event was one of a few that reminded them Equus was still a very unforgiven alien world, and that they still know very little about it.

Chapter 13

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“Font, I don’t think sending your friend to death like that is a good idea…” Black Wine said with a concerning voice “The info seems to be mixed in this time, but perhaps not much of them are alive…”

“Yes Sir… But that what’s I have to do…” said Font “…We are really in a shortage of components and equipment. They said perhaps we will have more of them next week…”

“Next week? What about the creatures? Will you guarantee they will not reach us perhaps… tomorrow?”

“That’s why I have to send our squad to counter them as soon as they can…”

“And what about the Alicorn? Was it still there?” Black Wine raised his voice when mentioned the word “Alicorn”.

That’s when Font started to feel a shiver down his spine. “Did… did he just discover something?”

“I ask again: where IS the Alicorn?” he raised his voice even higher “Do you still keep it on the CLOUDSDALE?”

Font looked around his room, trying to find a possible answer for his incompetence.

The Alicorn was really still in Klugetown along with the ship. He have intended to lure the Canterlot and its MS to his ship, killing all of them in the process and get away, with the battle record of beating S.M.I.L.E, smashing the Alliance's largest hope yet.

He has prepared to tell the Cloudsdale crew the news and tell them the plan. They are tired of running all around Equus with their supposedly prey chasing them behind their back. But his assistant said it might backfire, as Kludgetown’s shipyard was still being finished. And she was right: the defeated above Halflinger Groove only further proves his point: they are really scared of being killed by their own prey.

But still, Font wanted to put his money on to the Cloudsdale and her crew, praying that Lady Luck will be on their side once again. Additionally, he ordered New Hampshire to aid the ship. He have told this plan to Black Wine before, and he was happy to hear his plan. But that morning, the Chancellor blew him with that anger, indicating he might don’t want to risk it. With that, Font sighed and answered with stuttering:

“Yes… Yes… my Chancellor…”

But to his surprise, Black Wine also seems to have some regret, as he put his head down and didn’t raise his voice anymore:

“I have to say it’s my fault, too. I have underestimated my enemy, and now they are coming for our precious Alicorn Gundam… But don’t worry, I have another plan up my sleeve…”

“Sorry, Chancellor?” Font asked as if he didn’t hear it clearly.

“I said that I have another trick that can save us if your plan failed…”

“What, you even think of that?” Font surprised.

“Uh… I actually just came up for that reason lately, but I have planned this since the war started. But…” the dark blue unicorn glanced around his room, as well as Font’s own assistant “…this is a secret just between us…”

With that, Font requested his lavender mane assistant to leave the two alone. Then, through the monitor, Font questioned in concern.

“Are you sure those creatures don’t hear us?”

“We have the most advance electronic warfare equipment. They won’t hear a word from this.”

“Okay, so what’s the plan?” he positioned himself nearer to the screen. Both his hands tied into each other and his eyebrows frowned, looked straight into the screen with both his ears up.

“Now listen… I have installed some spies onto that ship, specifically. What I want is to capture lady Rainbow Dash and bring her to us, completing our collection. Now, without her, the Alliance will at least endure a big shock and their morale will dramatically go downhill. I don’t say it will completely stop their fight, but sometimes, a big shock is all that our ponies need!”

“That’s a smart move, Chancellor. But… how do you gonna execute it?”

“You will hear about it when it happens. But you will get to see her right here, at Canterlot. What I want you to do is arrange a camouflage ambulance at Kludgetown, near the shipyard where the Cloudsdale stay. You will pick up her and the spies back to Equestria.”

“Yup heard that. We have plenty of friends there, so it should not be uneasy for me, except…”

“Except what?” Black Wine raised his left eyebrow.

“You know they also have a foothold there too, right? The Alliance?”

“Yep, I know…” the Chancellor sits back on his chair in the most comfortable position he could “…but they will not find us out. Additionally, I killed some of them!”

“Wait… what?” Font surprised “You assassinate them?”

“That what I intended to do!” the dark blue stallion said casually “If you read the Kludgetowner’s news about two or three days ago, you will see they reported on some mysterious death within the town. I assassinated around 5 of them…”

His casual talk was, perhaps, the most uncanny and creepiest thing he have ever heard. There’s a weird shiver in him, bringing with it the feeling that Black Wine is a somewhat mass murderer. Font swallowed his fear and asked again, trying not to stutter:

“So… how do they kill?”

“I killed them with some toxic potion, my dear. If I recall correctly, after they died, their corpse will slowly turn into a tree… or something like that…”

“Okay… Okay… I understand that Chancellor!” unable to continue listening to Black Wine’s gory description, Font decided to just continue the spies' discussion “So, can I ask how can we identify your spies again?”

Black Wine sighed. He then took out a piece of paper that painted a red circle with a bright orange flame on it. Surrounding the circle is some specially made words that Font doesn’t know how to read.

To be fair, he actually understands Ponish language, but the words on it make him think they are gibberish Ponish.

“Uh… Those words are our own intelligence code. You don’t have to learn, and I advise you not to learn it for now.”

The words are large enough that Font assumed it could be readable if painted on a car, spies from meters can still read it. He said that thought to the Chancellor and he nodded.

“That’s exactly what I wanted you to do!”

“Hey, isn’t that Water Vapor?” asked Yolinda when she and Flash saw the pink hippogriff sitting alone in the catina, reading through some sort of book. Occasionally, Flash could see him sigh whilst turning the pages, making him think Water Vapor is somewhat tired after all of the mourning and battle he has gone through.

“You know too little about your comrades, Flash…” criticize Grisela “…that’s a big shame. Look how sad he is!”

Flash glanced at him again. He genuinely feels bad for the poor hippogriff, since he knows he has lost friends on the Eagle Scream. Some of them have formed a strong bond after just over a month, which makes the farewell even more heartbreaking.

“Oh, isn’t that Water Vapor?” Yamina walked right next, placing her hoof onto Flash’s back and looking at the sad soldier. Her present also breaks Water Vapor from memories and nostalgia, making him look at the duo and waving them to his table:

“Hello, nice to meet you guys here…”

Water Vapor, or as his friend like to call him, WV, is best described as a shy but kind and careful hippogriff. His feminine voice doesn’t stop him from being a brave figure amongst his comrades.

According to the official report, he took down 3 mobile suits all on his own. His maneuverability is astounding, given the fact that he just get to pilot a standard Jegan Type D, with no additional thrusters or fuel tank.

But at the moment, he was devastated. His new friends, although not getting to know him for a long time, still manage to give him a wholesome and meaningful moments.

“I… I honestly like having dinner with the Captain and his crew… They are so kind and friendly to me… Do you know Captain Gamira? Well, you should have a talk about food with her! She’s extremely enthusiastic about it!”

“Oh… she must be a wonderful commander… right?” asked Yamina, as she comfort the sobbing hippogriff, patting him on his back. “Where did she from?”

“Well… she’s a griffon… a model Griffonstonian citizen according to her shipmates…”

It was also worth mentioning who Water Vapor really is…

Yamina was his closest friend before the team temporarily braked for hiding. She told that the pink hippogriff was born in a family of five. He is the youngest in the group, so he was largely ignored by his parents.

But he doesn’t need to gain that much care. He eventually went to a Seaquestria college and get to know great friends that he called his new family. That’s when his life really took off. In fact, he got to study… aeronautics.

Hippogriff could technically be an amphibious race. They all wear amulets that not only let themselves but also other creatures transform into fish-like creatures, allowing them to move freely in the water. His family is living in Seaquestria, the hippogriff’s aquatic kingdom. But after the victory over an evil king in the past, their kingdom expanded and they regain the dry part of the kingdom, called Mount Erris. Water Vapor always love to visit that mountainous city when he was young. He have attempted to go there at least a dozen times when she was small, and sadly, that’s mostly the only way he could gain his parent's notice: they immediately pulled him back into the water once they found him flying towards the city. The most he could be allowed when he’s out of the sea is flying above the water, looking at the scenery, or gaining some knowledge on flying. That’s when he was obsessed with being airborne.

He was the best student in his class back in Seaquestria, as he and his uncle would be regularly founded testing flying stuff. S.M.I.L.E recruiters were introduced to him when they are trying to study a kind of gigantic bipedal monster that was later known as the mobile suit. Yamina said that he still remembered the stunted face of his fellow hippogriff when he was immediately able to pilot one of them, an old GMII that somehow get to Seaquestria. Impressed by that event, S.M.I.L.E immediately let him become part of the organization.

And that’s how they become comrades. On the last day before he left the kingdom, his whole family, including his parents, come to hug him tightly and say goodbye. His mom even gets to apologize for her ignorance of her youngest son.

“Hey… Brad… I think I treated my mom… and dad too harshly sometimes… Do you… do you… think so?” he asked shyly. He’s gradually learning how to not stutter day by day, and it’s getting paid. Before going to college, he was known to have the stuttering disorder.

“I don’t know. But it’s good to be able to love your family again. Of course, I’m happy for you!” Flash comforted him, with words suggested by Yolinda “But… are you sure you have forgiven them?”

“I’m easy to forgive, honestly… I learned it from Princess Twilight and her friends!”

Twilight Sparkle, the reigning ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria, was known for her friendliness. She and her friends, which was now called the Council of Friendship, have free Equestria from self-isolation and bring a lot of creatures altogether, making the kingdom become the most diverse and inclusive country in Equus. He knew apart from Luster, Water Vapor was perhaps one of her biggest fans.

“Right… so how do get to pilot the mobile suit, I wonder? Didn’t you the one who is able to pilot it on the first try?” Blue Thunder questioned.

“It is! Thanks to some piloting techniques that my uncle teach me when I was small. If I recall correctly, he even made a flying machine with the same piloting mechanism: 2 control sticks on each side, pedals below the pilots, and windows. You guys gonna love it when seeing it first hoof!”

“Interesting…” the blue pegasi mumbled.

“Thanks, Yolinda… I think you and me make him happy again!” Flash said to his brown furry friend that help him overcome his own social anxiety.

“No problem, Flash! I’m always here to give advice!” said Yolinda. “Is he better now?”

“Uhm… I don’t know, but I actually can’t say he is better. The whole ship has never go through a war with this much level of brutality and tension, so we have to talk to him more.”

“That’s… that’s really, really depressing…” Luster Dawn said with her face looked down, her hoof dragging around the grass “Stuff like this will happen way more often in the future. Did the ship have a therapist… or something?”

“Zecora… may be… I haven’t seen her since I came to the Parrot’s Strength. She must be really busy right now.”

The group then decided to halt all of the talking for quite a long time. Flash brought his vision out of his friends and looked to the tranquil Ponyville, the famous capital of friendship. From there, he could see the town’s largest landmark, The Castle of Friendship, towering above the hay-roof houses. Its six edges stars shine above, reflecting the light of setting sun on the horizon.

“The Castle of Friendship…” he thought. The place was one of the… holiest places in all of Magic of Friendship worshippers. It was the monument that marketed the Council of Friendship’s victory over Tirek, an evil creature with unlimited hunger for magic, with a wish to absorb every one of them to him. After he was beaten, the Castle appeared from the ground, as it rose up to the sky. It was a reward for Twilight and her friend's commitment, as well as replacing her destroyed Golden Oak Library.

“Tell me, Flash… Why do you choose this place, of all the towns, cities and kingdoms in this world?” asked Yolinda.

“I don’t know. When I heard Luster’s voice I immediately linked of this place… But when I was Twilight’s personal guard, we tend to get to this very tree and have a personal chit-chat. Maybe you remind me of it?”

“Yeah… like how I reminded you of a painful memory you do not want to remember again?”


“I’m doing sounds like Princess Twilight sometimes… “ the light cerise unicorn raised left eyebrows.

“Yeah… but you don’t have to worry about it. I completely forgive you! I guess my mental health was a bit better when we started to trust each other!”

“You quite understand the Magic of Friendship…” Luster commented. “Hey, so when will you come here? I can’t wait to see you in person!”

“Uh… maybe tomorrow! But brace yourself, the battle is gonna be a brutal one…”

“If I’m not wrong, you are also being tortured for the human experiments, too?” Zecora asked while looking over some documents.

“Sorry, Miss Zecora… long time no see…” Flash said, “…how has your job going through lately?”

As her hoof is still buried in the messy papers of her clients, she still manages to sigh and answered:

“Busy, like real busy! But somehow you still get to see me in my free time. It’s already 10 am, why are you still awake?”

Flash smiled nervously. It was Luster who suggest he come at that time, as that’s when Zecora was also ready to rest.

“So… what do you want to talk about, Brad? Maybe you need some help on your mind?”

“Sadly, no… Miss. But do you still keep that “Curse and Chaos”… book?”

“Ah, I think it’s still at the ship library. I have put it back. Oh, and didn’t you the one that has that “haunting curse”?” she said as the zebra looked at him nervously.

“Ye… Yes… But…”

“Sweet Celestia, that must be very unpleasant for you, or straight up nightmare! I heard its victims said they rather choose death than being have this curse…”

“Technically it’s a curse, but Luster and her friends know how to handle it, Miss…” Flash cuts her words with a determined look “…I think the understanding has made my experience way better.”

“I see… But according to the book, that has never happened. But unsurprisingly, Luster Dawn was known to be a magic genius so she can rewrite the whole spell, even if she was still stuck within the Alicorn…”

“Aww… tell her I thank her so much!” Luster whispered into his ear.

“But I think I should keep an eye on you a bit closer, my dear…” the zebra said as she pulled out a client paper and write something on it “…I know Luster Dawn and her friends quite well, so I know she won't have any bad intention towards you. But rewriting spells is very dangerous, I have to say that… She a great pony, but…”

“Flash, Flash, can you tell her this?”

The light cerise unicorn voice took all over his mind, making his ears deaf for a moment. Now, all Zecora’s words are unhearable to him, as Luster Dawn almost screamed into his ears:

“That’s not how the “curse” work. How the “victim” experience is all depend on the “caster”. That’s why we can talk to you both like an evil entity and as our true self! You have to tell her that!”

“Uh… Brandon? Are you okay?” Zecora asked with some concern “Are you wanted to sleep now?”

“Not yet, not yet! But I think there’s no spell rewritten here. How I experience it is based on how they treat me…”

“Like Stalikholm syndrome?” Zecora raised one of her eyebrows and cross her hooves, questioning his explanation.

“What’s that mean?”

“The Stalikholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. They are your ‘abusers’, in technical terms of the course. You have somehow developed a positive feeling about them… But again, that’s Luster Dawn and her friends, so it understandable. She’s smart, right?”

“Absolutely! Your Luster Dawn the Great always does things right!” Luster said with a cocking voice. He could almost imagine her putting one of her hoofs onto the chest, closing her eyes, and smiling proudly.

“Oh… there are actually tons of abilities that a ‘castor’ could do…”

“But you just said ‘abuser’?” Flash questioned.

“It’s a technical term for the Stalikholm syndrome, from a doctor's perspective. I’m talking about the perspective of an enchantress regarding the curse…”

And they go on to talk for nearly an entire night. Through Flash, the Luster Dawn and her friends could talk to Zecora, as she has acknowledged their ability to use Flash’s sense. They could hear and see what Flash experienced, so they can witness the entirety of the conversation. Sometimes, they will talk as an echo or a whisper to get Flash to talk for them.

“They are great friends that saved Equestria multiple times, after all. I don’t say cursing others like this is a good thing but you are lucky, Brad…”

“I know. They are fun to be friends with… And how about you, Zecora?”

“Uhn… It’s a complicated one….”

The zebra sit back comfortably on her chair, closing her eyes as she remembering the past. Although it’s not entirely happy, she still preserves it like a piece of precious gem, never letting it fade away.

“There are three main races live in Farasi: kelpies, abadas, and zebras. When I was small I was taught that the zebras are the only race that can’t make magic. Honestly, I was jealous when I heard that! You have to know I’m a huge bookworm at the time…”

She leaned herself towards Flash. Her front hooves crossed on the desk, as the middle-aged zebra looked straight into his eyes:

“I wanted to be the first zebra to learn magic, but my friends don’t believe me. They just keep telling me that ‘Our teachers said zebra can’t make magic, you see?’… I have distant myself from my friends, and left the kingdom with the mind to never return to it again.”

“Wait… did she just talk in rhymes again?” Grisela surprised. Flash repeated what she said and the zebra nodded her head.

“Yeah… I have given up talking like that since I reconnect with my friends. I used to talk like that because I believed that if I continue to speak in rhymes, the magic will work. That’s not a pleasant thing to do, you know…”

“Oh… I’m sorry… I didn’t know that!” Flash replied with a sorrowful voice.

“But learning to reconnect with my friends means that I have learned the Magic of Friendship… By the way, do you want me to talk in rhymes or…”

“Just… just talk the way you want, Miss…”

“Be respectful to her, Flash. She’s also a hero…” Grisela whispered into his ear.

And with that, Flash has learned that she was also one of Farasi’s own Elements of Harmony, called the Elements of History. The friends have defeated an evil creature, called the Grootslang, bringing water and greenery back to Farasi.

“Wait… what does the Grootslang do to you?”

“It tries to attack our kingdom. I remember it even dare to attack us and blocking us to bring all those lives back! But after all… we didn’t intend to harm it anyway…”

The couple was silent for a few seconds awkwardly. Zecora have raised her voice a little too much, and she realized that. Flash also seems to worry about it.

“Not… Nothing… My apology for my temper…”

“Sorry Miss…” Flash replied and went silent again. But then, he suddenly regain confidence and asked:

“How about your life after that?”

“Significantly better! I didn’t have to say in rhymes again to gather the magic, as the magic is within me now! I have saved Farasi along with my friends several more times after that occasion. And we get to be praised, of course.”

“And with that, it’s an honor to meet you, Lady Zecora!”

Flash stunted her by getting out of the chair and bowed down before the zebra. His eyes looked down and his arm put politely on his knees. It was needless to say Zecora was heavily blushing, her hoofs put onto her mouth as she gasped. She rushes to him, put him up, and said:

“I’m just a doctor, you idiot! And just call me Zecora!”

Somewhere in the distance, he could hear his friends laughing at the scene.

And the two of them laughed hard, too.

It was a refreshing moment, doping for them to prepare for the most intense battle in their war.

Chapter 14

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The ship has been there for more than a week.

Kludgetowner has always been worried when a military vessel, regardless of sides, stays in their shipyard. Let alone staying for that long. But still, they have to continue their live likes nothing happens. The kids are still going to school, playing children's games, and annoying their parents with demands. The adults still get to do their work.

Looking at the creatures passing by in his van, a pony yawned in boredom. To him, the town was no more than some sort of a slum, with creatures of all races, backgrounds, and occupations living and working.

“Hey fellow, wanna buy some fruit? Royal tier Oswana mango right here!” an old anthropomorphic turtle with a heavy bag full of fruit knocked on his van’s door, asking him to buy some of his near rotten mangos.

“No thanks…” he said with an annoyed voice. He looked into his bag, only to see a heavy rotten smell and some flies flying over it.

“Come on, young lads. Please help this old soldier. I have a disabled son, an old wife just like me, and…”

“Sorry, sir… I can’t take it!” the stallion raised his voice a little bit “You can leave them for another fellow turtle like you… I don’t have time…”

As an answer, the old turtle looked at him from foot to face, and frowned. He throws at him a frustrated look. Then, the green old turtle spitted on his van.

“What a selfish bastard!” he mumbled.

And leaves.

But he won't have any mind to think about that. The most he could do is frown in annoyance.

His higher-ups have ordered his team to just park the van there, right next to the busy “Fellow shipmates” bar. The noisy drunk crowd that often gets out of it after a celebration doesn’t bother him either. What sent him into constant anxiety, sending him on the edge of his chair, is a pair of ponies that he was supposed to get.

He was told that they will automatically get on his van once they saw the special logo, the one that Black Wine suggested Font painted exclusively on his van. The vehicle is a somewhat old machine, the V101. Covering its old body is the corrosive red paint, proof that the thing has gone through years without proper maintenance. As much as he remembers, in its 7 years of operation, the van only undergoes minor repair, with just one major replacement which is its interior. That’s why his chair was still relatively new.

Then, that moment came. Two ponies, a unicorn mare and an earth pony stallion, dressed in casual clothes, opened the main door and jump right into it. Carry with them are two large black briefcases.

The stallion only ordered a simple word. “Go!” he said. The driver quickly steered his van to the left, and finally joined the busy traffic of Kludgetown.

In those two briefcases, are components of a large sniper rifle.

The two ponies sighed in relief, as the tangled mane stallion drove them to the shipyard, where they will be greeted by their comrades.

“Phew… what a journey!” the stallion, named Plus Target said.

“You guys just run or what? Anyway, what are you guys doing here?”

“Killing Alliance spy, of course? What do you think we are carrying?” the mare, called Sneaky Night replied.

“Great, so how many did you kill?”

“Five!” the duo answered simultaneously. Plus Target then continued “Those filthy creatures’ life is not more than annoying insects. Gotta kill ‘em all!”

“Dude, chill!” the driver said. Then, through the middle rearview mirror, he looked at the briefcase and asked: “What kind of weapon is that? A sniper rifle?”

“It is. Model C5.5 to be exact… Do you know what is the most annoying thing about this gun? The dust cover of course! Sometimes you have to clean the inside, and you have to be precise will try to reinstall the thing, you have to be precise not putting your hooves in the way…”

“That’s annoying… But you know there’s a mount at the back, right?”

“That’s thing stuck sometimes, also! I’ll tell them to replace this gun once we're back on the ship!” Plus Target talked with some annoyance in his voice, but he soon changed it into a cheerful tone “Hey, make sure there is celebration champagne once we arrived at the Cloudsdale!”

A few minutes later, the van arrived at the shipyard’s gate. The driver, named Swift Scar, named after a long scar running from his forehead, through his left eye to his lips, gave the guard his ID card. The unicorn took it off politely with his magic aura, and carefully inspected it with his eyes, before giving him back the same way.

The van casually strolled through the maze of wires, containers, cranes, and even ammunitions. But still, they can’t block the size of the Cloudsdale and her escort ship, which could even be viewed from kilometers outside the shipyard.

Surrounding it are some mobile suits, standing menacingly as they guarded the site. To Swift Scar's knowledge, they are the Cloudsdale own MS. They are almost certain the Alliance are on its way to destroy them, so they have to deploy all they’ve got for combat.

The van parked just outside the main entrance of the white-painted vessel. Plus Target and Sneaky Night quickly get off the vehicle, before they quickly grabbed their belongings and ran into the ship.

The Captain gladly greeted the spy duo, whom Font has noticed “should be treated with VIP status”. He doesn’t know why, but he presumed that they have brought a significant victory to the war. With that in mind, he politely said “Welcome to the Cloudsdale!”, swallowing his own human pride to treat the ponies as his same kind.

“Thank you, Captain. I appreciate that…”

In contrast to the spies' relief, the ship’s crew is on high alert. “Combat Level 3”, as the Captain requested. There is no time that the bridge was empty: they were always busy with ponies and humans looking into their monitors, tracking any enemy’s move, whether big or small.

“It’s weird… those filthy creatures have to arrive here right now…” a pony combat operator said.

“Is your radar still operatable?” the Captain asked, as he walked right next to him, putting his hand on the pony’s shoulder.

“Yes, still fine!” he said, pointing to the monitor “You can see our AA and traffic radar still can detect airships in and out of the Kludgetown harbor!”

But right after that, his eyes lit up, like a child receiving a gift:

“Captain, the Supporter is here!”

The Supporter’s arrival is the result of a persuasive begging from Font himself to his high command. The ship has been sent to Farasi for an invasion campaign previously, as her job is to provide fuel for the bombardment and landing fleet not so far from Zebrat shores. Black Wine authorized the campaign to capture the port of Northern Zebrat and another H3 mine. After the campaign ended successfully, he allowed part of the fleet, called Task Force F, to retreat, which included the Supporter herself. She was ordered to go back to Manehattan Naval base, take some H3, and brought them to the Cloudsdale. “I want her the Alicorn to go back here, immediately!” the Chancellor said. Font doesn’t know why he changed his mind, as he also wants to bait the Canterlot in, but he still gets to nod.

It takes the 95 meters long airship about 40 minutes to dock and start unloading its cargo to the Cloudsdale. The exhausted Captain sighed in relief, saying to his shipmates in joy:

“We’re gonna go home! I’m sick of this unforgiven world!”

To be fair, he has been deployed for more than half a year. He and the ship arrived at Equestria even before Flash was pulled into his crazy adventures when he encountered the Alicorn in Antarctica.

Madison John is his name. As every other fellow human being sent to this world, he was chosen amongst the best of the best. He was stunned, to say the least, when he learned that there’s a world where things happened as if it was a baby girl’s fantasy. Yes, unless you never read any fairy tale or watch fantasy kids' cartoons, Equus is fairly safe. But it still has dangers: dark magic, monsters, unbelievably evil witches and creatures…

Madison was aware of this. But having the DNA of a sea-going family, he still agrees to go. Yes, those things above did annoy him, but he quickly adapted to it. He got to be friends with the ponies, learn about their cultures, and even gain some knowledge of magic. One thing that printed on to his mind the most is when an enchantress told him “Every creature in this world has magic, they just need something to bring them together and use it for a greater good!”

Madison rushes to his seat and opened up his own general information monitor. He opened the “fuel” icon, tapping a few times until he could see the refueling process being presented through a chart and a fuel tank icon.

H3 reserve in Equus was surprisingly large and easy to extract. In his world, the humans have to travel far away in many 4-years-long journeys, with gigantic ships called the Jupitris class. But since the ColonyWormhole opened and they discover the H3 mines, the humans, mostly the Federations, took heavy notice of Equus, the world that the wormhole led to. It’s simple: a three days journey through the wormhole, exiting the white hole that is located somewhere near Equus’s own moon, traveling exactly 360,000 kilometers through space, and landing like a spaceship onto Equus’s soil. There are tons of benefits for that: earth-like conditions for mining, already built facility, and short transport time.

But Madison’s mind doesn’t have much time for that: he is looking at his clock, carefully calculating every second. He can’t wait for the moment his engineer said “the fuel tank is full” and “all engines are in perfect working condition”. “It’s time to get out of this death trap, eventually!” he told himself. His fellow soldier also seems to pump themselves up for flying the majestic vessel out of the town, leaving a trail of flying sands behind due to the engines’ blast.

But what they don’t know, is the fact that they will not escape in time.

Somewhere outside the town, a whole flotilla is waiting for a surprise attack.

Behind some large pile of sands, 5 large warships laid down calmly on the soft surface of Bone Dry Desert. It is called like that due to countless bones of dead creatures unwillingly choosing the infinite sea of sands as their resting place.

The reason why this flotilla was undetected is because of a magical curtain, called the “Blind Dome”, shielded them from the look of any kind of eyes.

From there, the fleets are carefully prepared for blitz, making sure their enemy catches the most surprise.

Lady Rainbow Dash has requested the Alliance to provide them with a few Mattia class battleships to join the strike. The airships all have specially built-in magic that provides them with more punch: Blind Dome dust, anti-beam dust, magic cannons… The magic cannons were the most notable changes: each ship was equipped with 4 giant unicorn-horn-like cannons, decorated with a spiral that will help concentrate magic to make the shots. The ammunition was some glass bottles, filled with a bright blue liquid called “The Rainbooms Drink”. It was named like that because of the loud boom that happened after the signature rainbow-colored beam it used to blast its enemy to pieces.

“It’s bizarre, I know. But it’s the punch we need to cover y’all! Just trust us!” the Captain of the Lord Gust, one of the four ships that escorted the Canterlot, said to Discord. “But… don’t you the Lord of Chaos?”

“Yes, yes am I? I find it amusing you call this bizarre?” he said while leaning himself at the cannon, staring at with a smile and a pair of frowned eyebrows. “I saw and create things so chaotic that you couldn’t even imagine!”

“Cool! So why don’t you use your chaos power to stop the war?”

“I do, but war is chaos! It is perfect for me, so the more magic I use, the more chaos and destruction it becomes. At least my chaotic mind let me see the order in the battles, so I would say I’m pretty fit for being a commander.”

He snapped his finger to summon his captain uniform, which was decorated with an unordered color pallet beside the rank signals, his hat with the lavender shield logo, and some medals of weird victories:

“O…kay…?” the Abyssinian captain pulled back a little bit, putting her arms between her and the draconequus while making a confusing face.

But she and Discord have to quickly stand straight up and salute, as Rainbow Dash walked right next to them.

“C’mon, screw these formal salutes. I’m your friend!” the rainbow mane mare said after clicking her tongue.

“Hello RD, how’s the plan?” asked Discord.

“That Brandon guy and his squad have started the mission as we speak. I pray for them to reach the Cloudsdale in time: that ship will take off right after the refueling process is over!”

Then, Rainbow Dash looked at her little flotilla. “All personnel ready to load ammunition! Keep your guards up, because we will take off at any time!” a speaker alarmed the crewmembers. Although the King of Abyssinia is quite generous, he is still worried that the enemy’s technology will overwhelm the magic.

“I don’t underestimate their pure reliance on science, but our magic was still superior: just wait until we unleased our Magic of Friendship!” the blue pegasi reassured the concerned king. But she too also started to fear that magic might not even in effect.

In Equus, every creature has magic, but the way they use them and the power was still very limited. There are powerful enchantresses in each kingdom, but they too could sometimes be defeated: the loss of Blue Rock Mines, the takeover of North Zebrat port and an H3 mines nearby, as well as the struggle at Everfree forest are examples: the overall magic was not powerful enough. For starters, in the case of Blue Rock Mine is that the king has ordered some of his enchantresses to the battlefield, but they are soon overwhelmed by the mobile suits. The three races’ magic cannot pass the powerful I-field, as well as the effective strategy of Black Wine’s army, which has resulted in their own defeat. In Everfree, the reindeer’s magic did slowdown their enemy’s advance, but Black Wine has

something they don’t expect: giant napalm flamethrowers, mounted onto some old GM IIs. They have significantly hammered the effectiveness of his tree-growing magic.

That’s why she was concerned, thinking about what will Black Wine and his army would throw at her in their assault. “Calm down, Rainbow… Remember what Applejack said: don’t overthink!” she told herself. From where she stood, the mobile suit warmed themselves too, with the help of their pilots: they were brought outside to move around, practicing some moves for a mostly close fight, or even bare hands punch!

“Flash and Gemina must have entered the shipyard right now…” she thought whilst looking at her watch once again “That much disguise will pretty much hide them from the eyes of the guards!”

Meanwhile, at the Kludgetown shipyard itself, two small vans strolled casually in front of the gate. A pair of unicorn guard pony, also casually, get out of their cabin with their horns lit up. They do that in order to prepare themselves if combat occurred. Not just that, they are also armed with two semi-automatic assault rifles, something that was created by humans. Its technology was passed down for the ponies to produce and uses, which was widely liked amongst the pony’s army.

One of the unicorns trotted to the first van, and knocked on it windscreen to order the driver open the window. After, he put his snout into the cabin and jerked up his chin:

“Let me see your ID card!”

The driver, who is a local hammerhead shark that happened to work for the shipyard itself, pulled out the white card with his portrait printed on it to the guard. The pony rapid took it with his magic and carefully scanned the card.

After a few seconds, he looked into the cabin again, and lightened it up with his bright unicorn horn as he asked informally:

“Food transport?”

“Uh… your Lieutenant wanted to buy some hippogriff’s… sea salad…” he stuttered “…those things are… good… right?” the hammerhead anthropomorphic shark said. He gulped midsentence.

“It is! But I must check them all!”

“No Sir! Those… those barrels down there are explosive… I’m… I’m aware you will cause a blast… bl… blast… here…”

The unicorn looked at him suspiciously and raised one of his eyebrows. Suddenly, his mind told him “may be the Lieutenant really doesn’t want me to ruin his dinner”. After that, he looked back at his comrades, who were impatiently waiting for the second van’s driver to find the key of the back hatch.

“Hey… Hey!” he called his friend two times “Let them go!”

“Wait, what? Are you dumb? They can carry…”

“I said let them go! They are sea salad, the explosive one!” the unicorn shouted “You’ll cause a blast if you open those barrels!”

On the side of each van are some windows, which allow each guard to see what is inside. The second one did just that, and he did see a dozen of blue-painted barrels. They look somewhat dirty, and he can even smell some garbage like air coming from them. The anthropomorphic shark inside was also scared.

He looked back at his colleagues, nodded his head.

“Okay… you good to go!” he sighed as his hooves signal them to keep driving. The two vans rev up their engines, their wheels turned the vehicles forward as the gates fully open to welcome the disguised vans into the shipyard.

Little did they know, in each barrel, hiding a S.M.I.L.E’s special force soldier. Each of them was handed an assault rifle, a handgun, a combat knife, and some magic of each respective race. Amongst those barrels was Flash. He was the only one who didn’t have any magic, as opposed to his pony form with the ability to fly. So he was handed an extra handgun and a knife.

The Lieutenant has asked a local Alliance’s spy, the one which Plus Target and Sneaky Night have somehow missed, to disguise them in the barrels. It is true the hippogriff’s sea salad, a Kludgetown’s favorite, have highly explosive ingredient. That’s why it was stored in partly sealed barrels. But the barrels that house the special force was different: they have a kind of well-disguised breathing system, used for transporting fresh air into the barrels, preventing the soldier from suffocating.

Suddenly, when the van was still traveling, one of the guards suddenly teleport in front of the van, causing every creature to be startled.

“Did… did he spot something?” Flash thought. Although knowing that’s a risky plan, as he, Gemina, and her squad have discussed. The one-eyed griffon even said:

“Sadly… that’s how we can sneak a large number of creatures into that place. The base was too heavily guarded with unicorn magic. By the way, we gotta do the unexpected…”

With that in mind, he gulped. But with a strong mind that has been gone through a powerful curse from his friend, the blue-haired calmed himself quickly.

The unicorn then just walked by slowly. Then, he stunted them by asking:

“Hey… how much those ingredients sold?”

“Huh?” the driver confused “Why?”

“Just say it…” he whispered “…you know… for the shake of our miserable life…”

The low-ranked ponies, as his rank-less uniform shows, tend to be low-paid. That’s why a lot of those ponies are willing to do illegal stuff on the battlefield in order to gain money. Cities like Canterlot, Manehattan, or Fillydelphia have really high living costs.

“Uh… may 200 bits a barrel…”

“Good…” the guard ponies squeezed in happiness “I’ll take 50 bits per barrel, for me and that pony right there!” Then he slowly walked away and shouted with disdain. “Now get the heck out of here and do your job, you disgusting shark heads!”

Chapter 15

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“And 3… and 2… and 1!” shouted Rainbow Dash “Every creature to your position!”

All crew members, personnel, and pilots rapidly go to their position once RD orders the mission to be commenced through the com link. Era and the pilots see that coming: without Haystack order, every one of them jumped into their respective MS, and started up the power and the piloting system. They all do, with the hope of being overwhelmed and distracted by their enemy’s defense enough to help Flash, Lt. Gemina, and their team goes into the Cloudsdale’s hangar unscathed.

Era has to be the one who launches first for the team. Haystack has requested her to carry Yamina’s Jegan, all the way from their mother ship to the enemy’s shipyard.

“Ensign Era Madison, launching procedure complete, request for clearance!” she said through the com link towards Scerlite, asking for permission to fly.

“Hold on there, Ensign! We are gaining altitude. Please wait for permission.” The lime green changeling said. The S.M.I.L.E’s tactic for the mission is to fly high above the shipyard at a safe yet near enough distance. After that, the suits will launch towards the shipyard itself, trying to destroy as many guarding mobile suits as they can.

During the waiting, Era took some time to look at her cleaned cockpit. It was a proud moment for her. When she was reintroduced to the Strike Zeta for the first time since Antarctica, she has somewhat disgust at how unmaintained the cockpit was.

“Brad, I thought you’re in this thing regularly. Look, trash everywhere! You live in here or what?”

She pointed to the empty cans, tissues, and some dirt on the panoramic screen.

“Well… sorry for that. Sometimes I did eat and drink in this place during shift…” Flash answered in a guilty manner.

Era has decided to clean the place herself when Flash has to leave the ship for the attack. She has clean the monitors, and the seats, taken out the trashes, and even decorated it with some glitters and confetti stripes (she glue them between the cracks of the panoramic screen).

However, she did not have to wait even a minute. Only 30 seconds later, the lights turned green and Screlite told her:

“The launchers is clear, you can take off now!”

The white MS quickly brace itself and stormed out of the hangar like an arrow. Besides her are MSs of Moran’s squad: he was requested to stay with the flotilla to protect them.

She quickly turned the suit into WR mode. Yamina’s Jegan, with her giant sniper rifle on the back skirt, quickly hoped on her.

“Hello there Era! Looking good today!” she said with a cheerful voice to her new human friend.

“Hi Yamina! Shall we take ‘em down together?”

“Sure is!”

The whole team patiently waited for the order. It has passed 6 PM, the intended strike time of their MS.

“What are they doing? It’s overdue?” Flash thought to himself as he looked at the watch.

“Radio check!”

The sound from his ear pods comes up so sudden it makes him startled a little. But as a soldier who was a part of a special force, he calmed down and reply.

“Loud and clear, Lieutenant!”

“Good… Now listen, my friend…” she said through the radio “I know that our free time together will not gonna last longer, so listen: our friend, Ensign Brandon Cultrich here, is the one that must be alive by all cost. Our mission is to assist him to take the Alicorn back, with the hope to overturn the tide of this war. Some of you may die, but you will not be forgotten. That’s all I want to say…”

“Yes, ma’am!” the whole squad replied in unison.

Right after that, numerous explosions were heard outside, indicating that the attacks have happened. The rumble from those blasts could be felt by all of them.

“Hey, they are here?” asked Gemina to her driver.

“Yes ma’am!”

“Yes, drove us to the landing!”

Right outside of where they are, chaos ensues. Fire and smokes quickly covered the ponies and the humans, sending them running all around the place to either find extinguishers or hide.

One of the guarding mobile suits has been taken down when it stands not so far from the Cloudsdale’s main entrance. That’s where Gemina, Flash, and their squad intended to enter the ship.

“Captain, one of our suit have been lost!” the ship’s main combat operator said.

“What the… who shot it?”

“It…. It was a Jegan… riding a Zeta… What the?”

The Captain quickly ran back to his chair, breathing heavily. He told through the comlink to the Supporter, asking them to stop the process:

“Take down your fuel pump, now! We're gonna take off!”

“Yes Sir!” a pony at the other side replied.

Right outside of the ship, he could see the shipyard being blasted all around. Above it are the reasons for all of that destruction: a group of giant humanoid machines, flying on either a magic-carpet-like machine or a white plane.

The one riding on the white plane was sticking a big sniper rifle down, pointing it carefully so the gun could cause maximum damage once its bright pink beam hit the ground.

“Lieutenant Joseph here, what’s going on out there? I heard an explosion!” a voice speak through the com-link. Madison could feel both the confusion and frustration in his voice “Is the shipyard under attack?”

“Yes…. Yes! You are clear to take off! Herald, instruct them!” Madison reply, with a chaotic mind the situation around brought to him. However, that is enough for Herald, the ship’s combat operator to understand. He said to the pilots.

“Get in your MSs, you will deploy immediately!”

Back on his chair, Madison quickly pick up his phone and called the whole ship:

“Combat Level 1, we are under attack! Tell the engine room to pick up energy for full combat speed: we’re gonna get the hell out of this place!”

On the ground, after an epic ride through the falling debris, smoke, and fire, the vans arrived at the main entrance. Hearing the engine noise, the driver told Gemina:

“Quick, they gonna leave this place!”

He decided to push the button that was customized for the mission on his steering wheel. Flash then saw his tank cap pop up. Without hesitation, he climbed out of the tank, making it fall down the van. Fortunately, it was not a chaotic process for him due to Flash’s tank being the deepest place. Outside, his comrades have started the battle.

“Hey Brad, the ship’s gonna take off. You’ll don’t want to be left behind son!” Gemina shouted as she ran to her target.

On the ground, he has seen several of his comrades fallen down. It’s the shipyard’s guard, they have quickly adapted to the situation and shot them down. But he don’t have time to mourn, or take any of their weapon: he decided to ignore them and ran into the ship.

But it didn’t bring him to the hangar right away. He entered a long hallway, where he was instructed to brave himself along with his comrades.

“Darn it! I haven’t studied the map!” he yelled at himself in his mind.

“Okay, ready my fighters?” Gemina shouted.

“Yes ma’am!”

One of them then threw a grenade towards the door before them and blasted it wide open. Behind it is several pony-armed guards. It seems like they have already prepared for this, as they immediately lighten up their horns and put up the rifles.

A gun and magic fight broke out.

Flash quickly took on his rifle and fired rapidly at the ponies. “Shit, it's no use!” he cursed. Their first line of defense is a group of unicorns: they set up unicorn shields for their comrades to fire magic and bullets toward them. With the shields, the bullets just bounce back.

“4 shield guards, 5 gun ponies…” said Gemina. This means that although they are outnumbered, with 20 creatures, it is still hard for them to break out of their enemies.

“Nah, don’t worry! We've known how to do this for a long time!” Gemina said with a smug. She then pulled out a special grenade, having the same look as the one that blasted the door before but with the color red.

“Everyone, brace yourself again!” she said, before throwing it at the unicorns.

The blast it bring created a bright pink light, knocking down the unicorns. This allowed the creatures to continue to advance toward the hangars.

Meanwhile outside, the dogfights have begun. Haystack was yet again met with his arch nemesis, Lieutenant Joseph, and his Jesta. The two almost identical MS pulled out their beam sabers and start their duel.

“Nice to meet you again, human bastard!” he said, this time with a high amount of confidence, showing off with a huge grin on his face. The two blades clash with a signature pink light ball.

While he was in the struggle, he also decided to use his other hands to man his beam rifle. When his opponent was not paying attention, to it, he opens fire on another Jesta’s base jabber and knocked it out of the sky. That MS was in pursuit with Era and Yamina’s suit. Without his shot, Lieutenant Nikita would have hit them.

“Thank you Haystack!” Era said cheerfully.

“Continue on your mission, and do not let yourself off guard!” he shouted.

But he himself nearly faced a direct slash from Joseph’s Jesta. But his skill has helped him dodge it by a shocking move: he jumped off, directly above the blade, and landed smoothly on his base jabber.

“Damn it… Why don’t you swine just die!” Joseph cursed in his cockpit. He decided to do multiple stabs into his opponent: one to the right of the cockpit, another one right to the hatch, one at the left front skirt, and one to the chest armor. However, none of them met their target.

“After all of these battles and you still not improve? What a stubborn fool!” Haystack said. But still, knowing his opponent’s strength is saber skill, Haystack still has to be careful. He punched the Jesta into its face and pulled out far away, starting their fights with beam rifles.

Just as he puts up his weapon of choice, a large explosion occurred right beside him, blasting himself and the base jabber sideway. It was a physical shell fired from one of the artillery batteries on the ground being stopped by one of his subordinates.

That blast was so large it smoke swallowed his entire suit and base jabber.

“Lieutenant, you should be more careful!” said Water Vapor through the com-link “We are blasting those batteries on the ground. One shot and you’ll go!”

“Understood! Keep up your good work, WP!” Haystack replied, and continue his fight.

Water Vapor was surprisingly good at long-range fights, even with only his normal beam rifle. Right after that shot, he has to deal with Nikita’s Jesta. He shoots at it furiously, with vengeance boiling in his blood.

“Die, die! This shot is for my fallen friend!”

Back on the Canterlot, Moran and his squad are busy fighting the mobile suits that were sent to the ship to take it down. On both sides of the Canterlot are two large yellow circles with 2 rims: one blue and one red. They are the cover for the long-range hyper-particle cannons, which can extend their barrels’ length to 50 meters. However, the engineers on board are still figuring out how to activate it:

“Sweet Celestia, Discord! Why don’t you know this earlier?” the brown reindeer asked the ship’s captain directly.

“I don’t know. I’m asking the same question as you know. Maybe I haven’t read the instruction?”


Right after that, he manages to shoot down one of the anti-MS shells from the ground. It blast nearly knocked him down to the ground and rocked the whole Canterlot with her crew inside.

“Darn it!”

The Abyssinian’s ship really underestimated their enemy, which is why they only brought with them anti–beam dust to shield themselves from the laser shots. Little did they know that there is a whole new kind of physical projectile that was built with enough punch to kill an MS with just one-shots.

“Seems like those cannons are really well hidden…” mumbled Esteban. All around the flotilla, the clouds of smoke cover them, which comes from the AA guns from the ships as well as the Jegan’s shot.

“This battlefield is a total chaos, I love it!” Discord said gleefully as he has back to his natural habitat.

“Discord!” said Yellow Pickle with a pout “I don’t want to flood this bridge just because of you…”

“Oh… okay…”

Right after that exchange is another explosion, this time, a shell has hit the port side engine block. The shot knocked out one of the 4 engines and threaten to turn off another one right above it. The alarm then went off, signifying the danger they faced.

“Turn off the fire, immediately!” the draconequus said urgently.

The camera in that section has allowed the whole bridge to see a horrible scene: in the middle of the pile of damaged metals, smoke and fires, there lies a dead pony with blood covering all over his body. Discord has to order to turn it back to the outside to see what has happened to them.

In addition to the ground artillery, Mosquito UAVs have also been deployed in the swarm. It is the pride of the Equestrian defense industry, besides the ability to repair MSs all on their own, as they are 100% indigenous. They can see missiles being shot at the flotilla all over the place. At that moment, none of the ships were still in one piece: to their port side, the Lord Gust is heavily burning on her balloons, and the Halflinger have one of the guns unusable and is burning To their starboard side, the Tabby Town was dealing with UAVs with her bow almost ripped off, while the Sir Charming have her upper deck covered in smoke and fire.

“Darn it… At this rate, we’re all gonna sunk!”

Then, Discord stunted the whole ship by shouting at them with a straight face. As the Lord of Chaos is an extremely unusual scene to see him being a calm and wise leader like what he shows at that moment.

“No, we’ll survive this, and we’ll survive till the end! Those ships have lent us their power, and their soldier, for us to keep up with this fight. We can not afford to lose the Alicorn here, do you understand?”

To mark his word, another explosion occurred. This time, an anti-MS shell exploded right outside of the bridge, lightening up the interior as well as rocking it hard. However, the whole crew still managed to hold tight and reply in unison:

“Yes Sir!”

“What the… I thought this is the route to the bridge!” Flash said, doubting himself while checking his map again. It seems like he has taken the wrong one.

“If I keep following this, it might take me all the way to the middle engine room… Damn it…”

“Hey Brad, have you found the route?” one of the soldiers shouted through the sound of gunfire.

“Uh… I think we should go to the left corridor. There is an elevator there. Let’s try going down…”

“No, Flash! It will let you to the ammunition storage!” Luster Dawn’s voice said into his ear, making Flash startled. He looked around, only to find his comrades looking at him and Gemina, waiting for the order.

After taking out another group of guard pony, the corridor section where they are staying at the moment is surprisingly silent. Sounds from the battle outside, or even the sound of other parts of their team combating the ponies, can’t get into where they stay.

“Do you have any idea, blue head?” a minotaur asked.

“Flash, listen…” Griselda takes Flash’s ear “…you have to take a stair that pointed to the aft of the ship, which is located just on your left-hand side. From there, you will turn right and run. You will meet about 2 or 3 sealed doors with guards… But we believe you guys can get past that with ease! After that, take another stair upward for 2 decks, and…”

“Ta-da! You reach the hangar!” Butter Burger took over with a gleeful voice.

“Lieutenant, we’re gonna turn left!” Flash said to his commander, before spitting out the entirety of the plan.

“Wait… Do you want to go to the engine room? This map said…”

“Trust me. Luster and her friends have told us to take that route!”

Right after that, an explosion nearly threw the squad around. That is when they get to hear the Cloudsdale’s alarms for the first time: all of the normal lights are turned off, replaced with red hazard lights flashing on the ceiling, along with an annoying beeping sound to warn its crew to be careful.

“That should be one of our shots to this dry dock…” said a kirin.

They looked at Flash with doubt. Surely, Rainbow Dash has addressed the situation, but most creatures still have very basic knowledge of magic. They didn’t know much about the curse that Flash has, so they suspect its ability.

“Hey bud, I know Luster has influenced you and all, but are you sure she and her friends suddenly gain psychic ability when they are stuck in that Alicorn Gundam?”

“I don’t know, not even them have known the full potential of that curse either. But I am positive that being psychics is one of them!”

Flash then turned around and saw his commander sigh. She closed her eye for a few seconds and then said:

“We don’t have time for arguing. Let's just do what Brad said!”

The squad nodded their head and proceed to do what Flash have said.

“Captain, our radar picked something!” Ensign Rapid Specter said while looking at his radar in both confusion and surprise “It… It was massive!”

“What is that?” Discord asked with one of his eyebrows raised “Are you sure is not a cloud?”

“It wasn’t. I’ve never seen this ship before!” he replied while heavily sweating.

And they don’t have to wait too long to know what actually happens. On their starboard side, the Sir Charming suddenly took a massive hit to the starboard side of her stern, leaving it a huge hole and making the ship completely immobile.

“What the… Scerlite, did you see anything?”

“Sir… our radar… our radar…” he stuttered in fear.


Scerlite then swallowed his fear and said without any stop:

“Sir, our ship has picked a large vessel to our starboard side. Salamis class, NEW HAMPSHIRE!”

The whole bridged gasped.

At that moment, Lyra and Bonbon just arrived at the bridge, breathing heavily. They must have just run right from their room to the bridge. The married duo never fails to impress Discord on how they can always get their tuxedo tidy.

“What… what just going on?”

“Your intelligence has a fault or what?” Mind-of-Steel asked with an annoyed voice “We got a giant Federation vessel right on our flank!”

The two mares ran right at Scerlite’s radar monitor to see a large icon, with the name New Hampshire on it, slowly but menacingly approaching the flotilla. Then, they looked at the bridge’s starboard side to catch a glimpse of their new enemy.

There, behind the thick smoke, a giant purple-painted warship is deploying some mobile suits from its upper hatch, right in front of its main battery. Rapid Specter has counted that the new ship deployed 5 mobile suits in total, which were all Nemos. They are rapidly closing the gap as they hoped through the sand dunes, stirring up the sands and making dust clouds in the process.

“They seem to carry large guns with them… This is not good!” Lyra said. “Contact Moran’s squad. We have new MSs join the play!”

But they must not hesitate at all costs. The Sir Charming was shot down right after that, with a giant fireball and a loud bang, followed by dense black smoke and rain of debris.

“Darn it, the Sir Charming has been sunk. The New Hampshire has just made another shot!” said Scerlite with a scared voice.

Moran quickly caught up with the situation. He alarmed his squad about the new threat, pointed his rifle at the hoping Nemos on the sands.

“Guy, there’s our new enemy. I want them blasted into pieces!” he said with an angered temper. “They must not allowed to get near this ship!”

Haruna started the fight by pointing her sniper rifle at the leading Nemo. When the targeting icon have finally turned green, she opens fire. The shot goes right through the machine's chest, causing it to explode. The Minovsky’s reactor blast caused a gigantic fireball and another dust cloud. But luckily, it happens far enough to only make a wind gust, wiping through the fleet.

“Good job Haruna!”

Back to the shipyard, Yamina and Era alone have contributed 3 kills, and all of them are GMIIIs. They have successfully dodged every single shell from the ground. The shipyard is now just a pile of burning rubble, ejecting thick black smoke into the atmosphere. The burning is so large that, if you look from outside the town, you can see it smoke almost swallowed the whole town.

Meanwhile, Haystack, Water Vapor, and Blue Thunder still haven’t made much progress. Blue Thunder and Water Vapor, each having their own Jesta, still struggle to fight each of them. WV’s one has just taken a shot to its right shoulder armor, melting part of it. But then, he figured out something.

“Wait… did that Jesta is…” he mumbled. The machine just keeps flying around him in a clockwise route, making his moving style predictable. He even sees the suit maintain altitude, looking at him and doing some finger-wagging. It is as if the pilot is teasing him.

“Haha, come at me, you dirty creature. Show me your rainbow laser!” its pilot said through the com link.

“What the… who… who are you?”

It is the first time ever he ever heard the enemy’s voice. It’s a human, and he talks perfect Ponish.

“I’m your arch nemesis, creature. Listen up animal, you are nothing but just a dumbass living pile of flesh. Killing you is just like killing a random pig back on Earth!”

The black Jesta shoots at him with its beam rifle, multiple times. He manage to dodge them all but one: it hit his left arm, causing the beam saber and the hand to be destroyed.

“Tsk, not good!” WV gritting his teeth.

“By the way, my name is Nikita. Nikita Govarich!”

At the same time, not so far away from the fight, we got to see his comrade Mark Ester hold off 3 MS simultaneously.

“What a beast that guy is! Hey Era, can you turn into MS mode?” asked Yamina to her human friend.

“What? Just let me stay with you! Height will allow you to have more advantages and safety…”

“No, your suit is a high mobility one. I have seen Brad bring it to it’s fullest, and it’s certainly a monster in his hand. I think you could do the same to it too!”

“Yamina, don’t you dare do it!” Blue Thunder raised his voice.

It was the moment that allowed Mark to shot down the base jabber that carried Blue Thunder. At the moment, he was rushed to shield his friend. His Jegan quickly jumped up on his heavily damaged machine, but he don’t have enough power to stay air born for long.

“No, no, no…” he stuttered while struggling to make his MS on the air. “Stay with me, stay here!”

But it’s too late.

By the time he touches the ground, he knows he is over. All around him are heated barrels of 110 mm AA canons, the ones that spits out those Anti-MS shells that he and his soldier have faces earlier. It was very well disguised, as the whole cannon was put inside an abandoned house with almost its entirety, except the barrel, covered in special sand texture cloth.

“Darn it!” he put up his shield to brace himself. Luckily, he still managed to blast it with his beam rifle, causing a large fireball, before the cannon even have time to fire at him.

“Ha, gotcha!”

Then, there’s some beeping noise in his cockpit, indicating there is indeed a threat around him. With that, he pulled out his beam saber and look around. His forehead sweating heavily, but still, it doesn’t completely stop him from opening his eye fully, along with the help of his MS sensor.

“Those AA cannons don’t have an electrical targeting system, which means that…”


An explosion happened right next to him. But once again, Blue Thunder jumped away in time, with only a minor scratch and burn on his suit leg.

“Phew…” he sighed in relief.

But it was the last time his comrades ever see him have that much luck.

Right behind him is another Anti-MS cannon, pointed right into his backpack. He did not notice it due to him still gaining balance from his last jump. When the suit has finally able to stand upright, the cannon commander immediately orders his fellow gunman to shoot the gray MS from behind.

The barrel was lit up. Its 150 kilogram shell rapidly charged through the air with a monstrous velocity. The gun was specifically designed to shoot projectiles with higher average velocity compare to others with the same caliber (which including longer barrels).

The shell pierces right through the backpack and goes into the cockpit, slightly touching Blue Thunder’s head with it’s tip. It was the moment that the time around go slower and slower, as the entirety of his life flashes right before his eye like he was in a cinema.

“Mother, father… I’m… coming…” he mumbled with the sight of metal flashing all around him.

After that, comes the blast. It seems to be a larger one, with its fireball reaching all the way to the very cannon that took his life. It was so hot that it instantly vaporized the crew and even the gun.

But, in all that remained of him, there is also the happiness that he gets to see his family in heaven.

But to his friends, the pain is immeasurable.

“BLUE THUNDEEEEER!” Yamina screamed in disbelief.

Chapter 16

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“Arrrrrgh!” a pony shouted in pain, showing that he had been hit.

After a long and painful journey along the way Luster and her friends have shown, that the squad finally reaches the final door. On the way, the squad has lost 2 more members: a diamond dog and another Abyssinian.

“Darn it! Those magic rifles are so powerful!” cursed Gemina “They pierced through our crystal shield like paper!”

The earth pony that went with them started mumbling. Flash was told that she used to be a nun. She put both of her front hoofs together and start praying:

“Praise be the Sun, praise be the moon. Let my prayer reach the universe, where both sides lied…”

“Hey, pray for us too?” a pegasus asked.

“Yes, for all of you…”

At the time, they are hiding behind the door, ready for it to be open once their minotaur comrades successfully open the door.

“Jeez… why this one seems to be harder to open?” he whispered in the complaint. “And it’s more heavily armored, too…”

“Beep beep…” the door starts making a sound as the minotaur tries to break its code. Behind them is a nasty sight: blood spilled everywhere near the corpses of dead guards pony. When looking back at it, the thing he was trying to avoid as much as possible at the moment, he can’t help but making a gag reflex. And somehow, he could hear Yolinda sobbing in the air…

“Why… why so many creatures have to die for this?”

Flash just shakes his head to bring him back to consciousness afterward. Then, a long beeping noise came to his ear, signaling the door have opened.

And another brutal gunfight.

The minotaur immediately took several bullets, but none of them are fatal. He compress his pain, took out his weapon, and fought back.

That’s when they realized, they reach the hangar.

In the midst of the gunfight, Flash screamed internally with joy to his little friends. “Your guide really works!”, he whispered. There, standing lonely in the empty hangar, the Alicorn is looking down at the dramatic sight before it. Down it’s leg are several guards pony trying to take down the squad. At that moment, only 6 members of Gemina’s half remain. His comrades also put up their guns and fired at the enemy.

They all seem to wear some kind of black uniform, with a small blue alicorn pony logo with a sword and a rifle on the chest. That’s the very logo of Black Wine’s Army, the enemy that he and his comrades have been fighting against, tooth to the eye, for months. The very ponies that took away lives of the Abyssinians at Blue Rock Mine, the kirins at Kirin’s Groove,… They sink the Eagle Scream, killing the innocents by using Luster Dawn’s friends by the Alicorn at Hope Hollow.

But yet, they seem like they can be his friends…

They are really fighting for their individual survival on their ship, having nowhere else to run. If they do, they will risk themselves as they could be hit by flying bullets outside.

“Flash… come to us!” Luster Dawn yelled.

“Hey Brad, just go to the Alicorn. We’ll cover ya!” Gemina told to Flash. She then put up her rifle and fired against a couple of unicorns, who have clumsily put their magical shield down.

Flash shakes up his gear once again, adjusts his ground pilot helmet, and looked back at his comrades once again.

He hasn’t been friends with them for long, and he secretly cursed himself because of that. However, the creatures still get to salute Flash, as if he is one of them.

“Hey, survive the war. Bring them back to us!” Gemina shouted.

Flash quickly turned back, mumbling “I’ll never forget you. Sorry for my ignorance!”

Another blast shaken the ship, throwing all of them to the port side and injuring them. Flash climbed up and took his rifle, shooting right into the head of another guard's pony. He shouted in pain and fell down from the Alicorn’s cockpit entry.

But he also have to make a shot into Flash’s left arm, sticking itself right into the bone. Flash shouted in pain, as the wounds bled. But not long after that, he chooses to ignore it and continue his charge. The blue-haired pilot just keeps stormed through the chaotic sight of smoke and fire, climbed up to the elevator and brought him up to the cockpit. Several magic bolts and bullets flew around the chaotic battle royale but he still managed to dodge it all.

Finally, the time has come.

He is standing before the closed chest of the Alicorn, with nothing more than the gray of the chest coolant system and the whiteness of the cockpit hatch. Flash looks around to find whether there is any sort of small door that led to the open procedure system, as he has worked on the Strike Zeta itself. But the smoke has largely blocked his view, going through his nose and causing him to cough.

But he didn’t have to. Suddenly, the hatch opened revealing an empty cockpit with nothing more than the pilot chair and all the most basic MS’s control system.

“What are you waiting for, Flash?” Luster Dawn urges “Come inside! We will get out of here!”

That is when the decisive blow comes to him.

Not so far behind him is a unicorn mare, waiting at the opposite MS cage like her whole is dedicated for that only moment. She put up her rifle and push the trigger.

The bullet pierced right through his back, going all the way into his right lung.

The shot causing enough damage to cause Flash to puke out blood. He fell down the elevator in a kneeling pose. With that, he continued to search the “small door”.

“NOOOO!” screamed Luster Dawn and her friends.

His sight gradually turns dark, but his hand still slowly crawls through the armor. The images of his friends come to his mind, projecting right before his eyes like they are there.

“Guys… I want to be… with you…in Ponyville… so… much…” he mumbled.

Then, the reality completely faded.

Outside, things have not gone well for S.M.I.L.E. The battle has gone so chaotic that it has triggered Discord’s chaos magic. It has gone so bad that the draconequus have to leave his battle station to prevent it from being less uncontrollable, leaving Yellow Pickle to take his seat.

“Never in a thousand years I have gone through such hardship!” he cursed himself for not properly containing himself.

After about half an hour of non-stop battle, three ships have sunk. This leaves only the Canterlot and the Lord Gust fully exposed to the New Hampshire mega particle cannons. Moran’s squad are still busy dealing with it’s Nemos. Out of the five enemies MS that were primarily deployed to take down the MSs, only one of them was destroyed thanks to Esteban's shot. However, the enemy manages to make a blow towards the squad by destroying Haruna’s sniper rifle. Since her Jegan doesn’t have any more large handguns, she was ordered to retreat.

“Darn it… at this rate we’re all gonna die! We are overwhelmed!” said

Haystack’s squad, after losing Blue Thunder, has gotten gradually more disorganized. After any time Era and Yamina closed the gap to the Cloudsdale, they were always pushed back by their heavy AA. To make things worse, Joseph’s Jesta and his team annoyed the team, as they brought out everything they have to destroy them. Mark’s Jesta, the one that killed Blue Thunder, is still toying with vengeful Water Vapor.

“Ha ha ha! Do you want to avenge him? Take this! Take this!” Mark laughed manically. After each “Take this!” is one beam shot, and most of them are effective. One of the shots even got to melt part of WV’s Jesta Armor.

“John… Mark… Nikita… Can… you… hear me?” Madison’s voice comes up on their radio, buzzing like crazy due to the heavy damages “Go back! The Alicorn’s cockpit has opened!”

“Wh… Wh… What?” asked Nikita in disbelief. “How?”

“App… Apparently their special force has brake through our defense … A human from the creature's side opens it! He has knocked down, but his comrades are stormed through to take it!”

Madison said when the signal became clearer “I need y’all to go back and contain it!”

Joseph glanced at his ship in confusion. “When did their terrorist infiltrate the ship?” he asked himself. The seconds he shifts his focus away give time for Haystack to come up with his strike effectively. This time, his blade successfully cut through the shield and damaged Joseph’s left arm. He has to throw it away due to the cut destroyed the grenade storage on it, causing the shield to explode.

And then, comes the final blow.

Haystack carefully adjusted his blade to make it aligned with the enemy cockpit hatch, ensuring his rivalry with the black MS will come to an end. Then, he fired up his engine, launched himself and the suit straight to the enemy.

The blade perfectly gone through the cockpit, and vaporized anything that stand in it’s path. After seeing his achievement, Haystack laughed and cried. A part of the fight has come to an end.

He pulled his beam saber out and kicked the defeated MS down to earth. The reactor, being heavily damaged, exploded upon touching the ground. Luckily, the brown earth pony has warned his comrades about it.

The blast also distracts every pilot in the area, pausing all of the fightings for a while.

“Haystack, order your team back. We can only do so much!”

Yellow Pickle called back urgently. The starboard side mega particle cannon have been damaged and the crew is unable to fix it to bring the giant gun back into battle. Not so far from them is the New Hampshire closing in.

Not only that, reports from their crew said that Lady Rainbow Dash have been missing. The last time they ever saw her is when the blue pegasi jumped off the bridge to help some creatures at an AA battery.

“Wait... What about Brad… didn’t”

“Gemina said he has been killed. They are retreat!”

Every creature silent, disbelieving at what they have just heard.

“What the… is… is everything… over?” Haystack mumbled.

The heavily damaged Lord Gust and the Canterlot were forced to leave, as they decided it was not worth dying there anymore. Catching that movement from the enemy, New Hampshire and Cloudsdale turned around to begin their pursuit.

“This is the moment boys, bring ‘em all down!” ordering Nikita with a furious voice “…revenge for Joseph!”

His black Jesta stormed through the chaotic battle, ignoring all the harassment from his opponent. He charged right at the Canterlot’s bridge, placing his eye on the Captain’s chair. The ship looks already beating up at that point, judging from the amount of hit it sustained, the fire and smoke on it’s hull, and the destroyed assets mounted in various places. To make matter worse for it, there are several suits circling around the ship, trying to do as much damage as they could while fighting off the remaining 2 MS standing on it. One of them managed to get to a hole on the ship to take some ponies to it’s hand.

“You will pay for your crime!” he screamed.

“Stop, all of you!” suddenly, the Chancellor’s voice yelled through the com link. New Hampshire has started to retreat after that Nemo has finished taking the ponies and bringing them into the cockpit.

“I think we have caused them enough damage today. Retreat, guys!”

“What the…”

He decided to pull back, avoiding any more fights with the Canterlot’s crew. The black Jesta turned it’s back and fly straight to the Cloudsdale.

That is when he saw the Chancellor’s mobile suit in a new look.

It was equipped with shields, formed as wings just like the Alicorn. On it’s body, several exposed psycho frame were added, forming just like cracks that also formed on the Alicorn whenever it transformed. The suit flies toward their ships as if it appeared from nowhere. But then, a new ship appeared on his radar.

”What the… what ship named the Raider?”

“Both ships have their own route I believe. Anyway, congratulation for holding them that long!” said Chancellor when he landed on Cloudsdale. His newly upgraded MS standing menacingly, right next to the Alicorn.

“I see that you guys have baited that pilot to open the cockpit for you! Now nothing can stop us from piloting that MS anymore… “

“As well as providing us new research material!” Red Velvet, his unicorn assistant added.

“What do you mean by ‘new research material’?” asked Mark in confusion.

“Do you ever heard about the Element of Harmony?” the dark blue masked stallion asked.

“Huh? I mean… we are pretty familiar with it!”

“Good. You know that it is a kind of magic that was once a tree, “decorated” with gems that were shaped like the Council’s cutie mark, right? But I wanted to say this first: every single creature on this planet was blessed with magic, the thing you humans don’t have. If they united together in friendship, they can combine their magic together to beat ‘villains’. Based on this principle, my theory is that they can be used to enhance our weapons capability…”

“So… you mean that…”

“Every creature on this planet can be used as some sort of nukes, yes? However, this hypothesis hasn’t really been proven, so I would have started with the already proven fact...yet. You know those pesky creatures said the Council is the Elements, no?”

“Yes, why not!” but the duo quickly open their eyes wide in disbelief “Which mean…”

“They are the best choice for this experiment!” he whispered. “And the fact that the Alicorn exist strengthen this hypothesis, at least for me. I suspect that there is a group of friends being trapped there. Let's just ask some of the creatures captured today…”

He looked at the Alicorn with a smug, as he completed the sentence:

“Including that human…”

He woke up alone in a fairly comfortable cell.

It was mostly dark, but the light from the outside allowed him to see some of his comrades sleeping with bandages all over their bodies. The four bunk beds helped him to identify that he was indeed on a Federation ship.

He seemed to be covered in bandages, too. The pain inside him is almost unbearable: when he tries to sit up, a shot of hard, swift stab from the inside causes him to groan. He put his hand on the wound and looked down. He sweating heavily, just as much as his breath. To make it worse, the wounds on his arm is also started to torture him with a severe sting.

At that moment, he even swears to himself even death is way better than “whatever he is suffering”.

But just right next to his head, there is a small bag of some capsules in it. “Analgesic, one pill at any time. Drink it to kill your pain.”

He doesn’t know why it is there, or who gave it to him. But as the pain just get more and more severe, his mind was not very clear. He took the bag, open it up and take one capsule. He even found a bottle of water just next to the bag, although it was just a small one. He also took it and drink the capsule.

After a few minutes, the pain started to fade away. He sighed in relief and dropped back to his bead.

“Flash… Flash… Are you alright?” asked Yolinda with major concern “Ooh… He was shot in the chest and the left arm… Guys…”

Yolinda sobbed and later cried, at what Flash had to endure. If you tell him these creatures will cry for him every time he got a severe wound just around half a year ago, he would not believe it. But here he is, seeing the “witches” meltdown when they see him in such a bad shape is nothing sort of poetic, at least to him.

“I’m… I’m okay…” he mumbled in response “You guys don’t need to… Arrgh!”

He groaned again, trying to distract his mind from the absolute agony the war have brought to him. “I must have some surgeries”, he thought. The bullets were probably still inside his body, so he think they will take them out for him at some point.

Suddenly, the door opened.

Flash's eyes suddenly widened to see a large pony figure, standing right in front of him.

It was a dark blue stallion, with a cup of wine as his cutie marks. His body was quite average, but Flash feels like he was emitting a kind of undescribable charming aura. At the time, he was wearing a gray mask with about four “eyes” on it, which make him think that he is wearing some kind of special military mask that was made especially for him. On his body was a specially tailored uniform with a slightly darker tone of blue, decorated with shiny medals and an army rank badge. His dark red mane and tail were combed into perfection and tied in a bun that is also perfectly rounded. It can be said that he was excellently groomed, as the leader of the most powerful country in Equus should be.

The two sides stare at each other for a few seconds. Flash was somewhat surprised at why such a high-ranking pony come to his every cell. It should be the job of an interrogator or some soldier who comes to check on their prisoners of war.

What makes him more shocked is what the pony behind him said to that stallion:

“My Chancellor, this is the cell you are looking for.”

That is Chancellor Black Wine.

The leader of the ever hated The Ponykind, the elected racist Chancellor that has led Equestria into a war of expansion, killing countless creatures for the satisfaction of resource demands. He and his party are the ones that have killed his friends. He is the cause of the war crimes at Hope Hollow, Kirin’s Groove, and the attack on Blue Rock Mine. He is the mastermind of the capture of the Alicorn, and most important of all, the assassination of The Council of Friendship.

Words can’t describe how much Flash despises him. He tries his best to sit up, attempting to look at the Chancellor’s “disgusting” face. However, the pain once again forces him to calm down.

“Rest well, soldier. I know you are in a bad shape…” he said with a soft tone “You’ve been shot into your back and your right arm. It would take a while before we can arrange you a surgery…”

Looked at him in silence and pure anger, Flash grinding his teeth and breathing in and out heavily. But still, knowing his disadvantaged position, Flash has to force himself to calm down. He rested again on his bed, looking towards his enemy.

“Let me say again, you find him lying near the Alicorn with its hatch open?” he turned to pegasi and asked.

“Yes, my Chancellor.” a pegasi, possibly the one that has shot Flash, answered in a respectful manner “It’s bizarre, but I’m pretty sure his appearance and the Alicorn sudden obedience is no coincident.”

“I think so too. In fact, this guy is possibly the pilot of that Zeta. I think I would like to interrogate this guy myself, and then give him a nice machine to fight alongside us!”

“But Sir…” his assistant unicorn said “If you are right, he is the one who has the highest kill streak in all of the Creature’s pilot…”

“Not true, he most damages our suits. Most importantly, if my speculation is true, he is our trump card. Anyway, we can talk about this later. I’ll let him rest for now…"

Chapter 17

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But right the next day, Flash was woken up violently by the guards. He could hear them breathing heavily. But why he was so tired he can’t do any resistance? Two ponies rapidly pulled him through the hallway, also in a violent manner. One of them mentioned something that sounded like the word “Interrogation”.

Interrogation, ah yes!

The process to bring out information from, in most cases, criminals. They will get to sit in an almost empty room with just a bright light, a table, and several chairs. The interrogator always comes in two, will come in with some documents and sit with you. They will ask, which mostly with an unfriendly manner, about the details of the crimes, regardless if you commit it or not. Can’t blame them, they are suspicious.

Flash Sentry, however, definitely did commit the crime. Or so his enemy thought. Although he is on a moving ship at the time, the interrogation room is oddly comfortable. They are meant to give you anxiety, which means they have to be monochromatic and full of hard, cold objects. His room, however, was decorated with flowery wallpapers, a yellow lamp on the ceiling, and some comfy chairs. The table, instead of being made of aluminum, was like a carving out of high-quality pieces of wood.

His experience of being a Royal Guard tells him that his enemy definitely has something in their sleeve.

And then, that moment came.

As the Chancellor has “promised”, he really comes to the interrogation room. Going with him is another bulky stallion with no mane and a tense face. “Tough guy just the outside, huh?” Flash thought.

The Chancellor stunted Flash, as he just keeps the national special event clothes he have used when visiting Flash in his cell. He comfortably sits on his chair and politely puts the documents on the wooden table.

“First impression matter, my friend.” He said with a soft voice.

“Anyway, welcome to our ship. My name is Chancellor Black Wine, you have known me before…”

Answered him is just a sharp look of anger and disobedience from a hatred filled human. His face darkened like he was planning for an incredible violence strike against the dark blue stallion. His eyes were a bright icy color, just like his Gundam.

“So… Uhm… Yeah. It’s unfortunate we have to meet each other in this circumstance. But what can I say, It’s war. Plus you are our enemy, you are fighting for those… Let’s that story for another time… Now I wanted to ask about you and that Alicorn.”

“How do you know?” Flash asked with an emotionless face and a deep voice as if he was suppressing his anger.

“Well… a pony said she saw you lied near the Alicorn when its cockpit open! I know it’s a silly conspiracy but our mechanics haven’t seen what’s inside until now. Anyway, you are a pilot right?”

“Right?” he looked back to Flash whilst using his magic to put his pen on the paper.

“Yes. How could you tell?”

“I’ve heard your voice through the com link once. You must be a cool guy, eh? Maybe… a chick magnet?” the Chancellor said with a grin.

Flash returned with just his stone-cold look.

“Okay… I guess you don’t like sexist jokes. So if I’m not wrong, you have piloted the Strike Zeta Gundam, being recruited in a special force, and they send you here so they can destroy us?”

“Wrong.” Flash whispered.



“Oh… Wrong, isn’t it. Okay, so my speculation is not true! So?”

“So I just want to use my hand to suffocate a scumbag like you right here.” He said, still with the same tone.

“Ah ah, no violence Flash. Control yourself!” Yolinda’s voice said into Flash’s ear.

“Aw c’mon, don’t be angry, we treating you good! I mean… Look that this room! Adding some more chairs and it’s legit a conference room, right my friend?” he turned to the bald pony and go back to Flash “Anyway, let me just summarize the situation for you so you can get the idea of what’s going on… So upon further research, we’ve found some ‘soul’ being trapped inside that thing…”

This sentence triggered all of Flash’s senses, forcing him to immediately sit upright and stare into Black Wine wide-eyed.

“...uh, I guess my words work! Anyway, there are five of them, and we still don’t know who they really are, initially. That changes a bit when there are windows of electrocardiograms. Five, in fact. Each has their own letters: L, G, Y, B, and S. Now I don’t know what they stand for, but why in this universe there are electrocardiograms of ACTUAL living creatures? I can NOT fathom it, buddy. That thing has a living creature in that!”

“Because you made them like that!” Flash replied, this time with his voice raised.


“You order your guards to chase them and force those creatures to flee Equestria!”

This time, the blue-haired human yelled.

“Oh c’mon. Who? You thought I knew all about that. Listen, man. I’ve never wanted to be a part of make-up crimes, although I may find those creatures kinda deserve it…”

He paused for a few seconds to write some details into the documents. He turned up again and asked Flash a few questions that he know for sure he won’t answer. The only reply the dark blue masked stallion receives is the names of the creatures inside his cell and a stone-cold line“I won’t give you any of my comrades!”

“Okay… I think that’s enough for us! Now, for the fun part!”

After finishing some notes on the documents, he turned the paper and use his magic to levitate it to Flash. Before him is a small blueprint of the Alicorn itself, which briefing every important information a pilot needs to know: heights, weight, power plant, weapons, OS, etc.

But that’s not enough! Black Wine also pulled out another blueprint just like it and put it down in front of Flash’s eye. The new mobile suit present looks strange yet familiar.

“In case you feel dubious: yes, that’s my MS, the one you have several times. But this time it was upgraded: a more complicated head, new wings (cool!), higher energy output, and most important of all, a new OS! Completely new!”

But the thing that stunted Flash the most is that they come from the same program: the Equestrian Unity Magic Research Program, or EUMP for short.

“Its first name is the New Psychomu System Enhancement Program. AE change the name after finding us as their new customer. Psycho frame tech was banned in their world, you know.”

He paused for a few seconds and looked at his eye, just to make sure his newly captured pilot listen. To be fair, he has gone after the white Zeta as well as it’s the main pilot since the first time he encountered it. He was quite happy when learned it is the blue-haired guy with a grumpy face - like a Pallas cat - is the Creature’s ace pilot.

“What I want you to do, is invited you to be our pilot. I want you to pilot this thing!”

And just as he wanted. Flash suddenly broke his grumpy face, eyes widened. He looked at the Chancellor in disbelief.

Chapter 18

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“T level verification: check!”

“P level verification: check!”

His hooves moved gently on the main control monitor, carefully reading through the information and doing what the machine’s OS said.

“A level verification: check!”

The system allowed him to use them.

“F level verification: check!”

The female robotic voice of the OS said gently.

“S level verification: check!”

And then, the thing that was supposed to be in his suit:

“R level verification: loaded! 10%, 20%,…”

“Sorry Sir… but I think you can give it to us right now. The loading process will take at least several hours!” a human mechanic said, “…I think you should take a rest.”

“Very good! Thanks for your help!” the dark blue pony said with a nod. He tabs a button on the main control monitor to order it indented, giving him the way to get out. Then, just as he remembered he’s got the magic, he teleported himself down to the MS’s feet and start strolling down the hall. He decided to follow the long wires connected to his suit and get to the ship’s second sick bay, where his most precious system lies.

Different than other sick bays, it was completely covered in the dense metallic wall. The only thing connected it with the outside world is a small, but heavy door. It was specially built with alloy as strong as the MS’s armor and required special authorization. The Chancellor pulled out his identity card and scanned it on the door’s code reader. A beeping noise and a squeaking sound of the opened door, and he has already inside.

The scene of the room could send a shock to anyone, other than him and the humans who he trusted personally for his own project.

There are 7 beds, each with its own electronic breathing system and ECG machine. On the beds, there lay the bodies of the Council of Friendship’s members…

…and all of them are still alive.

On one of the beds is Rainbow Dash, the commander of the whole MS force of S.M.I.L.E. She was ordered by Equestrian ruler Twilight Sparkle, lying separately just two beds from her, to find Luster Dawn and her friends. Capturing her is a huge intelligence success for him and all of his war effort: he has some spies on the Canterlot, and they are responsible for catching her. They have put high doses of sleeping pills into her coffee and scoop her up to his ship.

“The Council was united, just as they want!” he thought “I’m glad they can be together now.”

Yes, freezing them in rock statues is just one part of Operation Statue of Friendship, after he updated it when coming up with the incorporated magic hypothesis. Their souls, along with their magic, are finishing transferred to his own MS.

Or at least, that's what he'd think. The new system hasn’t been fully tested yet.

Then, his eyes turned into Spike. He was a personal friend to him when he was still a happy, buffed dragon working for Twilight as an Ambassador. When the operation was initiated, it was his idea to replace him with Rainbow Dash. To him, he is a loyal dragon, which is what the Element of Loyalty, one of the six Elements of Harmony, is supposed to represent. He also has to make sure there are exactly six of them to complete the task.

At the moment, with Rainbow Dash in his hand, he can make his MS even stronger. He was daydreaming his machine can fly with an undescribable speed, with a giant rainbow circle behind it, the famous Rainboom. The machine legitimately outruns any of the weapons “exist in both side's weapons arsenals”.

However, he has never really tested the system, the Pandora Box System, himself. He was warned the system might put huge stress on his body, as well as leave permanent psychological impacts. Listen to it, he has asked some human to test it for him.

Most of the time, it didn’t turn out well, just like the warning. He still remembers one of them suddenly screaming like an injured animal and slamming his head straight into the wall, causing him to head bleed heavily. The ponies and humans are both confused and horrified at what happened.

At that moment, he can only shake his head, asking his engineer to find another one.

From that moment, all crew members on board, ponies and humans alike started to stay away as far as they can from the dark blue mobile suit. They even rumored there are vengeful spirits occupying the machine, and they are best not to enter that cockpit at all.

“Interesting… just let them be. It would be great if this rumor somehow reaches the creatures. It should scare them to death, right?” the Chancellor said with a large grin when a pony asked about the rumor.

The dark blue unicorn then decided to take a stroll through his ship, watching his fellow comrades, both human and ponies alike, working alongside each other. He was greeting by engineers, then the ship’s crew. He stumbled upon Joseph’s squad, the one that have just lost their commander. Mark, the least talkative of the three, said hello to him.

“No need for too much formal gesture, gentleman…” he said softly “…how was your evening lately?”

“Mostly free times, Sir! It’s a humiliation for me when I can NOT get to revenge my comrade’s death like this!” he said with his voice raised at the word “not”.

“Ah, I can feel your frustration too. Don’t worry, his sacrifice won’t be in vain. With both the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII on board, they will be merely a terrorist group…”

He tries to avoid mentioning the presence of Flash Sentry on the ship. He knew so well they will jump right into the poor blue-headed guy and punch him to death if the chance come. He can tell that by the look on their eye, and the fist they make.

He turned to the spiky blonde hair guy, which is Nikita, and asked him if he wanted to take command in the position of his late leader.

“I would be glad to if I have enough skills…”

“You will learn during your own leadership. If you do it now, there is plenty of time before the next battle. Your team knows you long enough to help you with your leadership…”

“Thanks…. Thank you, Sir…”

He continues the walk by himself going to the engine room, and chatting with some engineers. “I was scared to death, Chancellor…” is what one of the ponies told him when mentioning the battle at Kludgetown, as they remember the constant shelling and assaults that the Alliance bring to them.

The next place is the bridge. He and the Captain get themselves into a hug after he said that “Long time no see, Captain. My apology for abandoning you this long…”

“No need to do that, my Chancellor. It is a huge pleasure when you are already here…”

Right after that, the ship arrived at a point where it allowed him to see his old wine farm again. He pointed his hooves towards the place, still hiding behind the thick clouds.

“Do you see that small red building along with the lines of grapes on the hill?”

“Yes… Yes… I think I see it, Chancellor…”

It was not a very pleasant thing for him when he try to recall the exact moment that led his life to the very road he has chosen.

“It was in midnight, and my family just finished checking on the farm…”

Then, his mind moved on to see that moment his beloved house was taken away.

He was just a young filly at the time, but at the age of 15, the wine farm have printed into his mind enough memory for the young dark blue filly to consider it an inseparable part of his identity.

As his word said to you, my audience, it was midnight, in the middle of a tranquil wine farm lying by a large grape hill.

“Ding dong!” the doorbell rang.

His house was lit up when the father, Mister Grape Wine Jr. was forced to wake up and open the gate to his new unpredictable visitor.

Before his eyes are numerous Royal Guards and a Diamond Dogs family.

“Oh… Hello, there Mr. Wine… We come here to talk about your extended warranty!” one of the guards said jokingly. While Grape Wine look at him in confusion, the other guards frowned at him.

“Okay, okay, just joking! We are really coming here to talk about your house!”

At that moment, little Black Wine has also run out to the gate to look at what happened. You can somewhat imagine how shocked he was, as he have never known to see a Diamond Dog, let alone a whole family come to his house.

“Dad… dad… who are they?”

Ignoring the little foal, the guards continue:

“Nice farm you got there. It would be a shame if some pony has to forcefully take it… from you.”

“Wait, what do you…”

But the guards don’t wait for the father of four foals to finish the sentence. He immediately orders his fellow guards to storm into his house, take out their belongings, and put them onto a large chariot. The guards also forcefully moved the rest of his family members out, putting them on another chariot while waiting for the rest of the process to finish.

“Wait! What are you doing?” asked Grape Wine in frustration and confusion “Why do you come here and force us out all of the sudden?”

“Sorry buddy, but orders are orders. The court has given us the writ of replevin for this poor Diamond Dog’s family. They wanted to have this farm back!”

The “committee” that the guard mentioned is the Creatures Harmonic Court, which oversaw the process of helping to struggle non-ponies refugees to find a new place in Equestria. They are praised mostly for their homestay policy – bringing creatures to live with the ponies in order to help them incorporate into the Equestrian society. However, they also have a fair share of controversy, as they sometimes order the Royal Guards to take ponies' property and give it to the creatures with ambiguous explanations.

“The Court has a huge suspicion that you are a bunch of unwelcomed ponies. Last time you closed the door to a kirin because she just can’t control her fire, and you even forbade a yak to enter your grapes barn because you think his stomp can destroy your life stock… Your thoughts are utterly ridiculous. In the name of the Elements of Harmony, I order this house to belong to this poor Diamond Dogs family.”

“But wait, I’ve never…”

Just as the father just raised up to catch the leading guard's front leg, one of his colleagues immediately bang him into the head with an axe, causing his horn to break and his head bleeds heavily. The pain is so severe he can only hug his head and scream in agony.

“That’s what you get for being a racist…” he mumbled with a scary cold face.

“I will never forget that happy face those Diamond Dogs made when they enter our rightfully owned farm. That stuff is messed up on so many levels that I can’t simply forgive them…”

At the time, the Creature Harmonic Court was notorious for its extreme measure against racist ponies. They are even praised by many, including ponies, for their “intolerable measure towards racism and disharmonic behavior”. But still, many pony families have lost their homes for reasons they don’t know.

“All because of the sake of harmony! What? They literally hated their own kind, giving way for those creatures to chop my kingdom into pieces. If I don’t take those mines, they will be used to provide resources for that Alliance to invade us!”

He looked outside and sighed: “I’ve heard countless stories of ponies being treated like second-rated citizens by that Court. I honestly think they are a disgrace, because they promote hatred of the ponies, framing us as if we are racist kind. I have no choice but to kick them all out and protect my own kingdom. Say what you want, but that’s how almost all of the ponies think! They feel unsafe when the creatures basically go around their property as if that’s their own!”

After the rant, the Captain also asked him about the kirin and the yak incident:

“That’s kirin fire and yak destroying the farm is a lie! I’ve never seen a non-pony creature at that point!”

If you are Captain Madison talking with him at that point, you can clearly see the frustration in his eye. It’s like he was genuinely angry, as his eyes flashed with rage. The painful memory of his father being dragged on to the chariot that is on its way to a temporary hotel, with little to no medical help from the Guards makes him vow to be such an anti-harmonic pony like him.

Suddenly, his assistant appeared at the bridge and told him about the start of Flash’s surgery.

“They will take that bullet out today. I think you would be interest in that.”

“Tell me when it is finished. I want to be the first pony beside him when that blue eyes open.”

The pain has gone?

Flash opened his eye and looked around. He has been told that the bullets will be removed. It would take him at least 2 or 3 weeks to completely rest and go back to piloting the mobile suit, so he will be left inside the ship and will be avoided touching any mobile suit.

There, on his face is a ventilator snapped on his face tightly. Blood is being pumped by multiple tubes, with their origin’s come from a machine with gray paint, decorated with a large bag of blood. “B type”, it said.

A voice startled him by saying: “Don’t worry, they know what kind of blood you are!”

He rapidly turned to his right side, only to encounter Chancellor Black Wine once again. He attempted to sit up, but sadly, that’s the moment he realized he was strapped into the bed shirtless. His arms and legs are stretched out and tight onto the railings.

“You must be very confused. But congratulation on the operation. We are proud to have some renounced doctors on board with us!”

Once again, the blue-haired human before him stared at his supposedly enemy with rage and fury. He could feel the heat of that death stare into his soul. But however, he said casually:

“Awe, c’mon, mate! We are comrades now! No need to be that angry!”

Surprisingly, he only gets to wait about a minute for him to calm down. He quickly put himself down on the comfy bed, but still breathing heavily. The vapors from his nose hide and appear rapidly on the transparent breathing mask.

“Good. Now listen to me, Mr. Ace Pilot. We are having a special mobile suit built just for you! Or rather, being upgraded with features just for you!”

“What… what do you… me… an?” Flash asked with struggles. The surgery has left him with a large amount of anesthetic injected.

“I call that the Pandora Box System. Sound scary, huh? Don’t worry, it’s only meaningful to your enemy…”

Seeing his eyebrows raised, Black Wine chuckled and continue.

“Weird name, eh? It means like this: when you are on my opposite side and somehow decide me, piloting that Gundam, to be your opponent, you have already unleashed its unfathomable power. Unless you die, it will never stop chasing you. Got it?”

Flash looked back at him and silently nodded. Although things are still a huge ambiguation left in him.

“This system consists of some ‘helpers’ that I have incorporated in. You could call them ‘AIs’ if you want. They will provide you with their magic, knowledge, and immense strength to overwhelm your enemy. After you are fully recovered, you will be temporarily assigned to it. Oh well, see you when it comes. Rest well, my friend…”

But right after he left, two humans stormed into his recovery room. The Chancellor himself was stunted when he saw their furious faces outside, given the calmness he and Flash had just experienced.

“Chancellor, please stop them!” a pony medic screamed.

When he has gone back to the room, he has already seen his precious pilots try to suffocate Flash. Their eyes widened in anger, and their blood vessels can be visible on both their face and their arms.

“You god damn bastard! You kill Joseph, Megan, and then a whole squadron! You monster!” Nikita yelled and shake the blue-haired human violently.

“Hey, hey, gentleman!” Black Wine stopped them by using his magic, which freeze their arm as a result. “Relax, let him rest?”

“Rest? The only kind of rest that this asshole allowed is death. Don’t you see the lives he and his despicable creature killed?”

“We have no choice but to use him, Nikita!” Black Wine raised his voice “That’s why you need to let the guy down…”

“What?” asked Mick in anger.

Black Wine teleport him and the furious duo to a hidden corner, not far from the room, and whispered to them some part of the plan.

“You saw that pilot lost his sanity and head-butted himself to death, right?” Black Wine said with a firm voice “Placing him in that thing will almost certainly damage his brain for life, regarded how successful he was in that giant casket!”

“But Sir, that Triceratops head is our only hope to end the war, along with the Alicorn! Meanwhile, you are persuading us that an enemy of us will be piloting our decisive weapon?”

“He won’t run away. The surgery crew has also installed a chip inside. When the dude disobeys, I’ll make sure he’ll be electrocuted…”

Chapter 19

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Flash has to stay in the recovery bed for a few days. That calm period with wires and beeping noise allowed him to recap his crazy journey: how he met Luster Dawn and her friends and was dragged to this world, the attempts to catch the Alicorn Gundam, the battles that follow the failure to capture it, the meeting with Captain Celaeno and her crew,… and now, the moment he was separated from his friends and lying motionless on an enemy’s ship. And then, his mind shifts to the friends:

“Is Haystack still keeping Luster’s diary and the artifacts? Will he do the ritual for me?”

“NO! You have to do it yourself!” screamed Grisela “Doesn’t we choose you just for that reason?”

“But… but the artifacts?”

“No need to freak out, Flash. Listen, you have been given an opportunity to take that new MS and fly them back to your comrade, don’t you see?”

“Are you sure I can still do that?”

The shadow of his griffon friend nodded its head.

“Until then, you can ask Haystack to have the artifacts and the diary back. We can come to that site – we’ll lead ya there – finish the ritual and free us all! Isn’t that great?”

“Ooh… I can’t wait to hug you in real life!” Butter Burger squeezed “You must be a cuddly pony, right?”

“Sorry BB, I’m not a plushie…” Flash replied in an annoyed tone.

“Oh, and why do you have to spread yourself out like that? I mean… doesn’t this look funny?” Yolinda pointed the way he was strapped into the bed.

“Preventing me from breaking out and running away, of course! I’m one of their weapons now, so expect me to be pulled forcefully into one that one mobile suit Haystack has asked me to pilot…. I also have no idea why he suddenly trusts a captured enemy pilot for this task…”

“I’m definitely sure he has something up his sleeve. No one suddenly gives their captured enemy such an important weapon!” Luster Dawn said as sure as a nail on a piece of wood. “Flash, I need you to closely monitor what happens that Chancellor pony: I want to see how he treats you in that mobile suit!”

“Guys, stop, stop... I hear something!” whispered Spring Garden “Looks like Black Wine is discussing something with his minions!”

And then, silence. He doesn’t know how Spring Garden could hear something outside. The room where he stays is extremely well insulated, meaning the noise from outside can not disturb the creature inside and vice versa. It’s a perfect place for a creature like him to relax after a long surgery.

Sometimes, his back feels like he has a sting. He has to grind his teeth in order to cope with it.

A few minutes later, Spring Garden come back with a piece of shocking news.

“I don’t know about this, Flash, but he has implanted a chip that electrocutes you when you are running!” Spring Garden said with a concerned voice. “Can you feel anything that does not belong to you in your body?”

“Yes. I think it is somewhere in my neck…” Flash tried to use his hand to touch it, but then stopped when he realized he was still being strapped into the bed. It was a small rectangle object size of a fingertip, implanted on the left side of the neck, near the jawline. He could feel a bit of trouble swallowing saliva, as it was also placed near the throat.

“Darn it… I hate this feeling!” he mumbled. The vapor from his breath still gets to make a small vapor screen that appears and disappears constantly on his breathing aid mask.

A few minutes later, two medic ponies get right into his sick bay, as they seem to be carrying some sort of bags with them. The bag is transparent, allowing him to see what is inside: an orange fluid, a dense one, with multiple black dots inside. The bag is the side of a pony’s hoof, which is not so large.

“Dinner time!” one of them said. Another pony put the fluid into a box and connected it with a small pipe. The box was connected to another pipe that led right to his right arm.

“These are nutrition fluids. You will not get to eat anything for today. Tomorrow you will be disconnected from all of these pipes and wires, which means you will be freed and roaming this ship… with supervision of course.”

“Oh and please don’t punch the ponies around, Flash…” whispered Griselda.

Tons of relief came to him when they finally removed the wires and pipe, unstrapped his limbs, and let him sit upright properly. They also give him some Earth Federation’s uniform, only this time, it’s in dark blue with some red borderline on the collar and the wristband.

“Ooh, that uniform looks good on you!” complimented Spring Garden. Through the illusion, Flash could see her eyes floating all around the blue hair pilot to look at the details: gold button, additional stripe on the pockets, and black trousers.

“I don’t like these guys, but I have to admit they have some of the most fashionable uniforms…”

“Yeah… but it’s different from my initial uniform. Maybe special force one?” Flash thought as if his friend could hear him.

“Wait, really?” questioned Griselda.

“Yeah… This is more like the Titan’s uniform… it was a special force of the Federation, but they have dissolved many years ago due to their cruelty… Guess they reincarnated here in Equestria, somehow…”

He was then given a bag of necessary items, including clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some other essentials. He was led to another cell where he got to stay alone, as the other 4 beds were left empty.

“But how about my comrades?”

“Those creatures? Hope they rot in Tartarus…” a pony said with a smug “Now stay in here! You will not want to mess with us…”

At that moment, Flash could notice he was bringing a large baton that he carried on his torso. In addition to the pale yellow horn on his forehead and his bulkiness, Flash really thought that stallion is not a pony to be messed with.

He simply nodded his head and silently walked into the cell without any resistance. The door then closed sideways, leaving only some lights from the outside to shine through a small glass window the size of a small notebook.

“So… what should we do now? More like… what should YOU do now?” Griselda questioned, “Lying here and doing nothing?”

He sighed and just lay down on his chosen bed, a lower one on the right side of the cell. He looked up, put his arm on his forehead, and started to sleep.

But then, Luster Dawn suddenly whispered into his ear:

“Hey, shouldn’t you do something productive?”

“No, I just want to sleep… Now leave me alone, please…”

“Oh, c’mon, Flash! You just being getting a huge chance, the kind of thing that once gone away, never come back!”

“What chance?” asked Flash in a boring manner.

“Tsk… That one shiny new mobile suit… The Psycho Gundam Mark 2?”

“Oh… that one!” Flash exclaimed “The one Chancellor Black Wine said he will let me pilot it? No thanks, that sound more like a trap than an offer.”

“It is, but we can help you overcome that trap, or even destroy it!” Luster Dawn said “You got an extremely powerful unicorn wizard, a strong yak, a funny and talkative earth pony, a kirin who can give you advice on how to communicate on those guards, and a fearless griffon!” she said with a voice that he could feel that she is letting out a huge grin on her face “That guy will have to brainstorm hard to figure out how to stop us all!”

“Yes… what if he has some kind of magic that can stop me?”

“Didn’t I just say I’m a powerful wizard? Dude, I literally electrocute him from Alicorn by just my thought. Adding up with the magic of friendship, that evil unicorn won’t stand a chance!”

Suddenly, there are door knocks right behind his head. Flash immediately woke up and open the door.

The guard behind it greets him with a stone-cold face and jerk up his jaw:

“Time to go!” he said with a curt tone.

Flash was then led to the changing room, where he was introduced to his new pilot suit for the first time: an overall dark blue jumpsuit, bigger than the usual pilot suit he have seen a little bit. There are the logo of the Chancellor’s Army on the left side of the chest section, the usual dark blue shield, and a six-points lavender star in the middle, complemented by two upward-pointing swords behind. The pilot suit also has some “connection joint” in the back, which he also found later on his helmet. Suiting up on his body, Flash felt like he was being an old-time astronaut of the human world when space-exploration technology was still young.

“Wait, what are these joints?” Flash asked a pony nearby that help him dress up.

“They are not joints, more like gates. They allowed to pump air and spaces to wiring data cable to connect you with your mobile suit: there are integrated brainwave sensor and body data sensor in that suit.”

Next, he was assisted to his new mobile suit. He has to face some angered faces from the soldiers and crew members of the Cloudsdale. He guessed that they have known he has killed some of their friends at Halflinger Groove. To be fair, they have taken the life of his sides too, with more casualties. However, he has to suppress the hatred in him. To protect their new guinea pig, the Equestrian Army also send some special guard ponies to guide him through the ship and avoid any fighting.

And then, there’s his new mobile suit.

He has previously told through Luster Dawn that the machine has the nickname ‘Triceratops’ due to its three large golden antennae on its head. And they are right, it did resemble the infamous three-horned dinosaur of the human’s home planet’s ancient times.

“Dark blue, dark blue everywhere! If they want to hide their evil will, why don’t choose a different color?” asked Griselda with an annoyed tone “Look at that machine, it’s like the thing literally emitting a spooky energy that telling others to stay as far as possible from it…”

“You literally explained his exact plan…” Luster Dawn said like she was stated a fact “Psychological effect: the more scared you are, the more afraid your enemy when they met you. A scared prey is what you are looking for if you want a one-sided battle!”

“Oh my… that’s barbaric!” Yolinda exclaimed. “But… at least they will spare their lives right… Not like us who have to…”

“No, they do it all intentionally!” Flash said with a slightly angered face “That’s the nature of war: kill as much as you do. You are even hailed for your kill count: the more life you take away, the more you are loved! So if you have a chance to rule Equestria, don’t start a war.”

“Uh… Uh…” Yolinda stuttered.

They have never seen him that scary before. Luster can feel his genuine anger and some sorrow in his mind. He used to kill some of his enemies before, to which she guessed he warned them don’t get into the business of war.

But the painting and the head are not just its most distinctive feature. Flash and his friends also noticed some exposed psycho frame, the one that glowed on the Alicorn whenever it transformed. But the fact that they are fully exposed confused him.

“Sorry, but doesn’t this thing supposed to be hidden when the suit is not in the New Type Destroyer mode?”

“Ya mean kirin range mode?” Griselda said jokingly.

“What do you mean, you dirty black griffon?” Spring Garden growled. The friends giggled at their little fight, except Flash. He has to ignore it to keep a straight face when listening to his human mechanic.

“Fully transformable mobile suits like the Alicorn are still an extremely well-kept secret, so we can’t recreate that on this thing. Plus, even if we know, it is too costly and complicated to actually rebuild the Psycho MkII for that to be worked. Sticking the psycho frame like this outside are cheaper…”

He pointed to the armor part that has a dark grey paint and multiple slanted stripes and then continue, chuckled:

“…and to be honest, it looks cooler that way!”

Flash was then assisted into the cockpit, with both his arms being wrapped by human mechanics. They carefully strapped him into the seat and closed the hatch.

“Brandon, you know the procedure, don’t you?” Chancellor asked with a soft voice into Flash’s ears. He decided to stay silent. But judging from the beeping noise from the cockpit, he was satisfied to see that he have made the right call.

“Let's just say you know! Proceed, my friend…”

Flash decided to just proceed. The Federation’s Universal Piloting System helps Flash go through the start-up procedure with ease. It was a thing that he have done countless times, whether when he was still in Antarctica or in Equestria. One of his comrades back in Antarctica Corps once described it as a ritual, as if it was a sacred thing.

“I don’t like how he thing weapons as a holy thing like that…” Yolinda said in a slightly annoyed tone. He chuckled when imagined she was making a pout with that voice.

He stopped mid-way when he saw a weird proceeding screen. It read “Connection with Collective Consciousness System”.

This then triggered in him a question: “Wait, what is this Collective Consciousness System even mean?” he connected the comlink to his engineer, and asked in the same words as his thought:

“That’s how you connect your brain to your MS. Don’t you read the brief manual?”

He knew that answer seems to bring him some comfort, but it just brought him to worry instead. He has already heard rumors about a strange system that drives their pilots insane in the Federation military. He can be on the list of traumatic, unfortunate guinea pig pilots.

“Just do it, Flash… We’re with you!” Griselda said, “You can handle our curse, this should be like a filly play for ya…”

With her words, he immediately tapped on the words.

It led him to a series of cardiograph-like charts with some beeping noise. They are showing slowly in a randomized order that he doesn’t understand.

“Huh? I don’t recall these things to be a part of a soulless weapon like this!” Luster Dawn said, “Is like… is like…”

Flash could feel her face start to show that she was horrified. He fear that there are something wrong there, so he called his engineer for stopping the test. He could hear the guy cuts the comlink for a few minutes, seemingly trying to avoid any protest from Flash.

The hatch, even if opened, there are guards, each of them was miles stronger than him, who can push him onto the pilot seat with ease. There’s also a weird instinct that just glued him into the seat, avoiding any sort of movement.

Then, his engineer reopened the com link:

“The procedure is going according to plan. Just continue your job… and you’ll be fine…” the engineer said with a somewhat scared voice.

Appeared in front of him is the cardiograph labeled “A level verification”. Apart from that, there is a “verified” button, which was shown with a color of red. He decided to tap on it, only to be led to another one that is the same, only replacing the word “A” with “P”.

He also did the same as the previous one.

Each time a cardiograph exists, there is a feminine robotic voice appeared. He don’t know why he have to do this, so he asked the engineer again.

“Oh… I forgot to tell you about that! They are the beating rate of the main fuel pumper over the MS body. I’m currently carrying the instruction over this but forgot when to tell you how to verify them. I’ll do it now, just tell me when that cardiograph-thingy appeared, I’ll tell you when to tap on the “verify” button!”

“And what are those “A level” and “P level” mean?” asked the new pilot.

“Different level of pumps priority…” Flash could hear he turn paper furiously through his earbuds “…you’ll know when the verification was done!”

And they go on to do the thing the engineer has told Flash. Every time a level appeared, he told the engineer outside. He often stopped for a few seconds before telling Flash to verify.

After just half a second, the process was completed.

“Okay, ready to roll out!”

Only after that, the panoramic cockpit started showing Flash the outside world. It was a weird part of the start-up procedure because in normal MS when the main power unit was on, the panoramic cockpit worked in full force right away. There is some anxiousness in Flash at the moment, confusion about what will happen to him next.

Then, seemingly with no alarm, the MS Cage of the Alicorn Gundam opened, allowing the white MS to walk outside. The cranes near the hatch helped to put the shield-like wing onto the mounters on its back.

“Hey… how… how can he do that?” asked Luster Dawn in annoyance “We didn’t allow it!”

“Huh?” Flash asked.

“We intended for you to be the ONLY pilot of that thing. Now I don’t know how can he do that…”

“I… We… We don’t like to be his slave! At all!” Griselda screamed, “Get out of us you swine!”

“Hey Brad, your suit is up, buddy! You are free to move!” the engineer said before taking up all his stuff and going down via the MS cage’s elevator.

After some vibration and metallic sounds, the cage opened to let his new MS do its job.

“Okay, my name is Skylar! I will be you and the Chancellor’s combat operator!” the comlink cuts to the bridge, as shown on the main control monitor. From the earbuds, there comes a hoarse voice that started to command him.

“You’ll wait for the Chancellor to launch, then you can come to the catapult!”

“What the… is Black Wine piloting the Alicorn?” Flash asked himself.

Once Black Wine’s new MS have already in the air, Flash was ordered to bring himself to the catapult. He slightly adjusted his position on the pilot seat, before proceeding to push the left pedal to move his suit out.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to fight anything yet, so no weapons for you today!” Skylar said with a disoriented voice “This is the first flight between you and your new MS to make you feel… hmm… ‘attached’ to it!”

He put the MS’s feet on the launchers in the smoothest way possible, waiting for the right-hand side signal to turn green.

When it came up, there was the familiar feeling of him being glued to the seat due to the fast acceleration again. The dark blue MS soon leaves the launchers and flies into the dark, snowy sky.

Chapter 20

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It have been a few minutes into the test flight, and as Flash could see, everything was going on smoothly.

“Oh, hello there Mr. Ace Pilot!” Black Wine said through the microphone with an almost mocked voice “Hope you still have a smooth flight there, my friend!”

“I’m not your friend…” Flash mumbled.

“First, congratulation! You have passed the first test, and you are the first-ever test pilot to do so! You know, many of the previous ones have had their lives… ruined by this cursed thing. I don’t know why, but anyway… You are the savior of Equestria, my friend. Second, in just a few more minutes, we will be connected with each other, forming a combat duo for supporting each other in battles. Basically, we are inseparable…”

“No pony wanted to be friends with you!” Flash growled in his helmet.

But the blue unicorn doesn’t have any sign of stopping, as if his communication from Flash’s suit was cut off and only allowing Black Wine to move his mouth with any unfortunate listener around:

“Now, what I want you to do is simply fight with that suit, under my direct order. You’ve heard about nuclear bombs, weapons that can only be used if a President allowed them to use, right? You’ll be exactly that! It’s not every creature who has become a POW suddenly becomes a great pony’s right arm, right?”

Then, his speech suddenly stopped. He lowered his voice and asked as if he try to show some care toward his new “most-important” pilot:

“Are you alright? Is there any anomaly in the cockpit?” he asked with a hoarser voice than normal.

“Normal” Flash abruptly answered.

“Uh… Good… Good to hear that!”

And the two suits continue to fly into the snowy sky.

The test flight doesn’t require him to constantly report back to the Cloudsdale, since there are computers and onboard cameras to do most of the job. He only gets to look at monitors and carefully pilot the suit on its designated flight path, the job he has done best. The path was simple: a giant baseball bat that passed over mountains, rivers, and bays below, seemingly over a frozen northern land. He speculated it might be the Yak’s kingdom, Yolinda’s home kingdom, or even the unexplored north,

“Yolinda…” Flash mumbled, “Are there any mountains or valleys you can recognize?”

“I don’t think so… the snow is too dense. But it could be somewhere above the Yakyakistan’s capital… Uhm… Hopefully it does…”

Right next to his ears, there are strange loud moving sounds. It is a sound only he could be heard, a sound that represented his imprisoned friends in the white mobile suit nearly a kilometer in front of him.

“What are you guys doing?” Flash mumbled.

“Finding a new place for us to stay!” Luster Dawn leaned her head, but she soon take it back to its normal position and slightly show her ground teeth “Argh, that evil unicorn froze us. He has complete control over the Alicorn!”

“Wait, what? How?” Flash stunted.

“I don’t know. Magic, algorithm, newly installed device… Maybe the same one that kept us on the Cloudsdale all these months, after we’ve been captured. We are looking into it!” Luster Dawn answered with a tired voice, which Flash noticed right away.

“You guys, or at least only Luster. You should take a rest. I’ll try to free y’all later.”

“Wait… I think we find some interesting thing on this suit!” Griselda said excitingly “Let me show it to you!”

Suddenly, an image of a large two-wing door with lavender faces flashes right before his face, causing him to be startled. He knows it’s just an illusion that his friends brought to him, but it feels like its surface just slapped into his face.

“What the… what is that door?” he whispered.

“We found something being imprisoned behind those doors. There is constant talking by… whoever is behind it!” Butter Burger shuddered.

But still, Flash maintained his calmness and quickly evaded himself and the suit from hitting a mountain summit, after the alarm comes up just a moment. When he looked back at the statistic, he only fly around 3000 meters from the rocky and snowy mountains, which also happened to be the average height of the Great North Mountains Range.

“Hold on…” Flash strained his voice “…I’ll... I’ll increase the altitude!” Flash said.

“That’s a close call, Brandon!” the Chancellor said through the comlink “Are you alright?”


The duo was informed by the bridge that they should increase their altitude to around 10000 meters, which they gladly did. On the way, some of the villages below flash under their feet.

Flash could be heard Yolinda gasp when she saw those brown houses behind the clouds and thick snow.

“Are they… are they yak’s village? I can see their roof! We are definitely above Yakyakistan!”

“Oh, that’s great Yolinda!” Luster Dawn excitingly squeezed “Hey Flash, do you see it?”

“Absolutely… I'm kinda surprised you yaks can build villages on such a rough and high place! How can you do that?”

“There are woods all around those mountains. I think they are not so far down the mountains: the longest distance for wood transport to be accomplished is about half a day of walking and singing songs: Yak song, Yak song…

When Yolinda start singing that yak’s “lullaby”, Flash and his friends frowned. In contrast to in flesh-and-bones meetings where you can cover your ears, telepathic communication can’t allow doing that.

“Okay… okay… Luster, can you tell her…”

But the alarm comes up again, this time it’s the main control monitor signaled him to turn around. He has reached the end of the bat, and he has to turn over and go back to the ship.

“How about that door you guys discovered? Are there any new interests you found?”

“Currently… nah!” Butter Burger said in an oddly cheerful manner “But we’ll still look into it!”

“Seems like there is some kind of lock on this…” Luster Dawn mumbled. She almost immediately turned to Flash and asked “Flash, can you search on the OS to find any anomaly? This thing has more than just those beeping cardiograph-thing-y!”

The blue-eyed pilot immediately started to search on his main control monitor. “Remember, I have NOT know what are those ‘verification levels’ mean. That’s a secret Black Wine wanted to keep from us!”

“At least for now! He’ll eventually give you and us what it is. Why do you think he will NOT let you know what it is when he gives you this thing, right?”

Flash continued to silently search the OS. From the weapon’s monitor system to the gyro management system, from the camera system diagnosis program to the control stick’s adaptation program, almost none of them fitted his suspicious program. He can’t even find where are those “verification levels” located.

“Luster… Luster Dawn…” a voice comes up desperately.

“Wait… isn’t it sound like…” Luster Dawn startled.

“Hey Brandon, is everything still going smoothly?”

The ship’s combat operator, Skylar asked once his suit came near enough to catch the communication signal of the ship.

“Yes. The OS doesn’t seem to have any problem, besides it doesn’t run as smoothly as other MS’s OS, plus some vital programs being locked to the pilots…”

“Such as…”

“Such as those verification levels” Flash answered with a stone-cold voice.

“Didn’t Eddy just explain to you what it is?” Skylar answered “Pumps priority!”

“He said I will know when it was done. I did not feel anything.” Flash answered, still with a bored voice.

“What a shame.” He answered with a voice just as curtly as Flash.

Right after touching down the hangar, Flash requested to inspect his MS along with Aki, his MS’s lead engineer. He has to ask him whether there are “living creatures” in the Psycho MkII, like the “cardiographs” that Black Wine described when he saw the Alicorn’s cockpit.

“Hey!” he shouted. The white suit pilot struggled to walk out of the cockpit due to his heavy white pilot suit, but he soon ignored the articulation-less suit and sprinted towards Aki. And with all the strength of a human still in recovered, he lifted his engineer up. Aki let out a nervous smile and waved both of his hands in front of Flash.

“Hey, hey, cool guy… I can’t say anything when you are holding me like this!”

“I don’t care!” Flash barked as if he don’t care what Aki said “You will tell me everything I know about this cursed thing!”

“Wh… What do… do you mean ‘cursed thing’?” Aki stuttering.

“There must be some souls trapped in here, you jerk!”

He pulled the scared Aki right in front of his face, eye to eye. He tries to replicate the look of an angry man trying to stare into the opposite side’s soul. His white teeth were exposed to show the grinds they are making in his mouth, all was done while he continue asking:

“I ask you again: what… is… in… that… thing?”

“Didn’t I have to tell you those are pumps priority, god damn it!” Aki yelled back “What do you mean by trapped souls?”

“Those cardiograph-thingy are literally cardiograph. There are heartbeats inside that thing!” Flash yelled.

“Hey, hey! What’s going on here?” Black Wine ran towards the fighting duo. His telekinesis ability to separate the two from each other:

“No… Nothing Sir!” Aki quickly got up, but still, have some coughs. He adjusted his shirt and looked towards Flash.

“And you too, Black Wine!” Flash also quickly got up and attempted to attack Black Wine. But he was quickly stopped when the dark blue unicorn uses his magic to tackle him down the metallic floor, only allowing Flash to breathe.

The securities only responded to the situation after that. Black Wine handed his tacking job to them and told the guards “Handed him to the engineer for them to take out his suit. He still wearing that helmet.”

“Flash, stop. We’re gonna investigate it together later!” Luster Dawn calm him down with her urgent voice “It's no use just messing up right now…”

“Sheesh… I have told him about those cardiographs on the Alicorn… I have no idea they will be that similar…” Black Wine said, walking nervously inside his cabin.

“What do you mean by ‘similar’?” Red Velvet questioned.

“Well… the Alicorn Gundam and the Psycho Gundam MkII, you know? I don’t know why Alicorn has those cardiographs. The ones on the Psycho MkII are done and installed by us…”

But the dark blue unicorn suddenly realized something and turned to his assistant:

“Maybe those ‘souls’ make it themselves?”

“Huh? How can you tell? How about there is a mysterious organization who also trapped souls into that mobile suit like us?” Red Velvet shrugged.

“Ah, that’s sound legit... But wait, how did they get the technology for that to happen?” Black Wine questioned.

“Hmm… I don’t know. I’ve even done some deep research into the AE’s database and found out that they have some incident of… human souls get trapped in those machines…”

“That borderline insane!” he exclaimed.

“And the best thing about this is that none of the humans know how can that happen! Perhaps we can be the ones giving them an answer through this project…” she then slowly walked over to his boss and whispered, “…only magic can make such a miracle happen!”

Meanwhile, in his cell, Flash just lying on his bed with his arms on his forehead as usual. But he didn’t sleep this time. His mind is linking the events of that morning, questioning himself about the cardiographs.

“Uh… Flash… I think we should definitely investigate that thing. Really!” Griselda tries to urge Flash “… there are souls trapped behind that door I show you! You must get out of the bed, now!”

“No. Not now.”

“Arrgh!” Griselda growled “Dude, there are some creatures that might be stuck there! You should … I mean you must not let them suffer!”

“Griselda, listen. We are in a circumstance that is impossible for us to do that. If we keep urging Flash, he can let himself and us into a difficult situation!” Luster Dawn tries to explain “Maybe just wait for the other day. He passed Black Wine’s test, he must be allowed him to pilot the Psycho MkII again!”

Allowed again, he is.

Right in the next day, Toby, his personal engineer that have helped Flash in the last flight, announced to him that they will test some weapon systems on board. Reading the long list of actions to do, mostly related to the head-mounted 60 mm Vulcan guns and the beam saber, the weapon that he has matured from his past battles. “Easy like eating a cake! You mastered them before, right?” Griselda commented upon seeing the list.

But before that, he was forced to enjoy his breakfast in the ship’s main cafeteria. As always, it is a tense atmosphere for both him and the crew of the ship.

Especially Nikita and Mark, the two of the ship’s star pilots.

Little did Flash know, the morale on board the ship is at an all-time low, despite the recent victories. They have been undersupplied, and the entirety of the human crew hasn’t been replaced for more than a year. They can’t leave at all until the war ended. This leaves Flash an uncomfortable feeling that both sides, while certainly having many differences, can still relate to each other on a personal level. He remembers his friends back in the Canterlot have to leave home and to his knowledge, they also haven’t returned to their home even before the hunt for the Alicorn Gundam.

So it is understandable that the crew of the ship gave him the most unpleasant face as much as possible. Coupled with the fact that several of the crew members have died, of course, they will do that.

Some of the eyes he saw have thrown a level of hatred to him he have never seen before, maybe even comparable to the eyes of his shipmates after the battle above Halflinger Groove. Flash guess they might be the friends or the partners of the lost crew member.

His assigned bodyguard pony has to order the food for Flash, since he doesn’t think the blue-headed pilot will be safe near his angered shipmates, as Flash has to sit at a completely separate table with another bodyguard.

“Hmm… I honestly feel sorry when you have to sit near these snowflakes. How pathetic!” Griselda exclaimed “They killed the innocent creatures and threaten harmony for our entire realm. How on Earth are we going to shed a tear for those murderers?”

“Yeah, Flash. You must remember the time they blew up my villages in Kirin Groove, the…”

“Guys, I don’t think that should be an appropriate reaction!” Yolinda cut them off “I know a lot of them have done no good to our kingdoms, but they also lost loved ones too. I mean… do you see any faces that involve in those crimes?”

“Oh… what a pure soul you are!” Griselda exclaimed sarcastically. “Now let's say some of them suddenly decided to murder your parents brutally, can you tell people not to hate their friends because they denied the murderer's crimes?”

“Totally!” Yolinda answered. “Maybe they don’t know?”

“Guys, silence!” Luster Dawn raised her voice “Do not provoke Flash. I can feel the heat in him.”

That heat comes from Flash’s furious eyes as he eats the food the bodyguard just gave him in an unfriendly manner. Griselda did provoke some hatred within Flash, as they brought back the images of burning corpses and the sorrow of the creatures who lost their friends, or even their loved ones during the crossfire. Luster Dawn has to constantly remind Flash to sit still, “or there will be blood spill!”

That line did make Flash surprised at how mature his friends are, even though they are somewhat middle school ages. Trauma tends to mature creatures very fast, and it could leave them scars for the rest of their lives. Flash has overheard some pony told to his shipmates upon hearing him telling stories of foals and baby creatures he met along the journey. But what he can’t fathom is how can they still maintain their cheery and happy personality. He has gone to a totally crazy conclusion that they have kept him from going insane when he was detained and used like a living weapon on the Cloudsdale, something he won’t even think of in his wildest dream just half a year ago!

Those thoughts have calmed him down effectively, allowing Flash to ignore the angry looks of the crew and peacefully finish his breakfast.

When he arrived at the MS, the cockpit hatch is already opened, along with kilometers of wires detached from the machine. It’s ready to flex its wing on the Equestrian sky.

“However, you should take this thing along.” Aki gave him a specially made helmet with multiple joints that are really heavy, along with a carbon fiber neck supporter.

“What are these?”

“They are the necessary hardware to connect your mind to the suit’s AI. The AI will read your mind and use some of your senses, allowing it helps you control the suit more effectively.” Toby explained. “Sorry for making you the lab rat for today, but I think you will go through this just fine: they just extracted and analyze your brain waves. There will be no data exchange or some sort of that!”

“Why do you mention data exchange?” Flash asked with an annoyed attitude.

“Data overload is a well-known phenomenon within the engineering sector like me. Basically, when it happened, you will experience severe headaches, stroke, and sometimes, nose and eye bleeding. You will want to die if that happened, my friend!”

“He mentioned those things specifically. Sound kinda sus! But trust me, he’s honest!” Griselda suddenly said, making Flash flinch a little. He never expected such a naughty attitude griffon like her can see whether people are honest or not.

“Really? How do you know?”

“Don’t you see he kept a straight face and talk about it almost enthusiastically?”

When Flash looks back at Aiki’s face, he realized that he is smiling at the MkII. “He probably really doesn’t know every secret this thing has!” Luster Dawn said.

But little did both Flash and Aki know, there is a terrific truth behind the MS that they are working on.

Chapter 21

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As much as Flash is aware, the flight procedures are still going as well as usual. Apart from the newly given helmet, there’s really no anomaly at all. Accompanied him were, once again, Chancellor Black Wine and the Alicorn Gundam. The Chancellor was having his own experiment flight to determine whether he can use the MS’s full potential.

“Hello there, Mr. Ace Pilot!” He said with a friendly voice. “Do you have a good sleep last night? Hope your do, because I need you to concentrate 100 percent of your brain on this flight: we’re gonna do some maneuvering experiment!”

“That monologue is so annoying, with my full honesty!” Griselda commented.

The two MSs quickly launched out of the ship and began their experimenting process. The MkII behaved just as Flash intended it to.

However, in just five minutes into the flight, the Alicorn suddenly turned around and flashes its eyes.

“And by ‘maneuvering experiment’, I mean we’re gonna have a mock battle!”

The Alicorn quickly transformed. Its psycho-frame is exposed simultaneously, allowing the suit to have more maneuverability when more previously hidden thrusters are also exposed in the process.

Flash suit also transformed, he can feel it. Along with the metallic noises inside and outside, the machine also vibrated violently.

“What the… please don’t tell me this thing also have…”

But what appeared on his main control monitor confirmed what Flash wishes the least: the whole screen shifted to red, with sinister-looking letters spelled “NTD”.

New Type Destroyer.

The infamous system could make the suit become berserk, making it get out of control and go after any other mobile suits that are piloted by enhanced humans dubbed “New Types”.

“Luster, Griselda, BB, guys!” Flash shouted. “Help me with this!”

But replies to him are just screams from his friends. They are in severe pain, he could feel it. For a brief moment, he has forgotten they are stuck in the Alicorn Gundam, the machine that will attempt to maul him with its beam saber and punch him as hard as it can with its gigantic flying shields in the upcoming “mock battle”. But there may be more to come with the white MS.

“Arrrrrghhhh!” the creatures groaned. Luster Dawn later regains some very little control, but still enough for her to say “We’re… going… to… lose… YOU!”

And just a few moments later, he himself also experienced severe pain in his head. The pilot in a white suit quickly grabbed his head and screamed out in agony. His eyes wide opened and he started to have some nose bleed.

Later, both MSs drew out their beam sabers and readied themself to have their first “mock battle”.

“Starlight, Starlight! Stop, it’s dangerous!” a blue unicorn pony helplessly chased her pale pink friend in the middle of the heavy snowfall, trying to stop her from going too far from the camp near the frozen river bank.

“I have to see this, Trixie!” The pale pink unicorn said. “I’ve just heard engines sound right above our head!”

“But… how about the students?” the blue unicorn named Trixie asked.

“That’s why I asked you not to chase me!” the pink unicorn replied with a slight anger in her accent “Now watch over our students and take care of the magic shield!”

Trixie sighed and replied back. “Okay, but come back quickly, Starlight! And stay safe out there!”

“I have the best magic shield here. I won’t fall!”

The pink unicorn quickly ran towards a large rock where she assumed that she can safely witness the dual from. The braced herself and activated her own magical shield with her horn, bracing her body on the snow when the two giant levitating humanoid figure with unfathomably bright cracks on their body pulled out their bright pink sabers, ready to get into a large fight right over her head.

“This is the test to determine your AI’s reaction ability. Don’t worry mate, it won’t hurt you in any way.” The dark blue unicorn said with a grin on his face. It’s the moment he has always been waiting for, ever since he first heard the information that the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII are sister units. He has achieved the exact same thing he has wished for: both units in the same force fighting in a mock battle.

“Don’t shit yourself, friend! Because I’m coming!”

He placed the saber onto a stabbing position, then flew himself and aimed for the cockpit. The Chancellor knew the “AI” well. He wanted to know, he really wanted to know, how much power he can push out of the “AIs” inside. He knew it was disrespectful, but to him, he have to do it. He knew some creatures certainly wanted the power of Council, the Elements of Harmony, for themselves as a weapon. He has been convinced by his own mind that it would be safer if their power are in his hoofs.

However, he thinks he might have a better solution for the Council: an ace pilot with a history of using weapons just like the MkII.

And he has found “Brandon”. He has seen his Strike Zeta and the Alicorn interact several times, as well as finding him talking to no one alone many times as the Brandon guy mentioned names such as Luster Dawn, Griselda, or Butter Burger, whom he calls BB in those talks. Combined with the suffering from previously supposed pilots and his first flight, which have gone smoothly, “Brandon” is the perfect pilot.

And it’s not just that, his engineers' excellence has helped him acquire the new Alicorn Gundam, the one he much liked with more proven abilities. The Alicorn imprisoned souls, while sound terrible at it is, are surprisingly a suited company for him. Their magic can help him do the magical quirks he have wish to be done as if he is a powerful alicorn, and that thought always comes with some adrenaline when he imagines himself flying and parkouring Equestria. “This thing could easily smoked Rainbow Dash! The fastest pony in all of Equus will have no way to catch this!” he once thought to himself.

But, if he wanted to know their full potential, battles are necessary. This is why he has planned the mock battle that you, my audience, are witnessing.

The stab he performed was abruptly stopped with a strong holding hands from the MkII. Flash instinct initially told him to pull out a beam saber to counter that strike, but for some reason, his suit chose to ignore his command and resort to its hand instead. “Maybe this suit’s AI thinks I’m not fast enough?” he thinks. He quickly regained control of the MS and was still able to put his beam saber in front of his face.

But the longer he sat in his cockpit, the stronger the thought that the Triceratops head mobile suit might be piloted by something else.

“Hey bud, what are you doing? Slay that thing!” a disturbingly familiar voice, other than Luster Dawn’s or her friends, whispered right next to his ears.

Flash tries to do just that. He aimed to perform a cut right into the Alicorn’s head. “Mock battle”, he reminded himself. Flash assumed by doing that, it will minimize the chance of an accidental fatal cut into either the torso or the chest and destroy the Alicorn. But to his surprise, the MkII really aimed for the torso, approaching that target from the right side.

Black Wine was nearly caught off guard with that move, forcing him to draw another beam saber on the right forearm.

“Excellent choice of fighting style there…” the dark blue thought. His move has created him in an odd position for the Alicorn, which he later called “one hold, one forward”: a holding beam saber on his left hand and one forearm beam saber on his right side.

“But the one who has more advantages in a hunt between equal adversaries is a hunter”, he thought. This mindset allowed him to look down on his adversary, deleting fear in him and forcing the enemy to go all out as soon as possible.

To him, the Incorporated Magic Hypothesis must be worked:

“Go! I dare you unleashed all your power, your Majesties!”

The next thing he knows is that there is an unfathomably bright light right in front of him. The only thing that kept his eyes safe are the fact that it only made his panoramic monitors go pure white for a few seconds.

Then, a loud bang happened right next to his shoulder.

What he saw is nothing sort of terrifying: the whole piece of land as wide as 200 meters and as long as 10 miles being wiped. The leftovers are some rainbow-colored melting rocks with smoke, indicated the heat of that strike. He doesn’t know how it happened fully due to the blinding light the MkII has given him.

“That’s… what I really want!” he growled, followed by a large refreshed laugh.

Black Wine then partially switched his view to the heat camera. This helps him effectively avoid the “magical” strikes without being blinded by the lights. This newly founded discovery has awakened the excitement, as well as his adrenaline rush, inside him. The more attacks he receives, the more happiness and joy appeared on his face.

His incorporated magic theory has been proven true.

“My dream has come to life! Fight, my children!”

In the cockpit, Flash helplessly fights the dark blue MS's desire to do the unfathomably bright magical rainbow with destructive power. It has done several “rainbows” like that, yet none of them are able to touch the rapidly moving Alicorn Gundam.

“Come on, come on! What is… wrong with you!” Flash growled while trying to move the stuck control sticks. They are stuck as if someone put some industrial glue on them, making them become nothing more than exhibited pieces.

Then, there’s the Alicorn’s turn. The white mobile suit also decided to apply the same tactic as it’s adversary, inflicting even more massive damages. Flash has seen it several times before, but he still doesn’t know what to do other than just avoid them completely. He doesn’t fear death, but knowing it might bring mass destruction sends a chill down his spine.

“Rainbow Dash, stop!” an eerily familiar voice, mentioning an eerily familiar name, suddenly said with slight discomfort.

That’s really when he started to feel cold all over his body.

“No, damn, way!” he thought.

All of the “rainbow” strikes suddenly stopped. His MS froze for a few seconds, allowing Flash to regain consciousness and take over the Psycho MkII again.

“Finally!” he sighed. Acknowledging the godly amount of power his opponent has, Flash decided he will be in a defensive position, ready to strike a hit-and-run when the time comes. “Maybe when the snow falls heavier!” he thought. He then tries to reconnect with his friends.

“Luster? BB? Griselda!” he screamed their names in his head “Can you hear me?”

This time, no one, absolutely no one, answered. In contrast to how much they contact him through telepathy, sometimes to an annoying degree, no one replies to his call.

He knew deep down in his thought, he hope the “curse” that Luster cast on him is still “unbreakable” as the light cerise unicorn has advertised. For a guy that already has no friends and is separated from friendly forces, he can be sure he will go insane if there’s no one to talk with.

“Guys, I know you can hear me!” he mumbled. “You have promised me the gift of friendship after you all freed, right?”

The blue-haired pilot both screamed for their attention and blocked constant beam saber attacks from the Alicorn. He knows that they will never use weapons, so it is certainly Black Wine who’s behind that. Despite all of the turmoil going on in his mind, he still has to shake all of them off which brought him back to reality, with his skill getting to effectively block every blade coming to his MS. But he was already on the verge of losing that focus.

“Hey bud, kick ‘em like ya kick an apple tree!” a voice with some Appleloosa twang suddenly whispered into his ear.

Chapter 22

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He doesn’t know whose that voice belongs but has decided that it’s a good idea, and do just what he was told.

Bang! A loud metallic sound exploded, causing the Alicorn to bend its body, and was forced to fly back, bracing itself in the process. To be fair, Flash has kicked enemies several times before, but if that Applejack’s voice doesn’t remind him, he will forget about that tactic completely.

But soon, the feeling of regret came. He has hurt his friends way too much. He doesn’t want to fight his friends like this to be exact. “Fight back!” he kept telling his friends “You guys are way stronger than that! Your friendship is stronger than anything in this universe! You can fight Black Wine!” he mumbled.

The fighting goes on. To make matter worse, Alicorn started to use its strongest tactic: “the rainbow”, the same rainbow that his rogue MkII have used previously.

“Guys, stop! I beg you!” Flash screamed at the berserker. But all are in vain as the Alicorn still trying to close in and keep making “the rainbow” strikes to score a direct hit onto Flash’s MS.

“Okay, guys. Ready!” another weirdly familiar voice whispered “One, two, three…”

After a few seconds of silence, some seven streaks of different colors suddenly come out of nowhere grabbed the Alicorn, and immobilized it in a matter of seconds, only letting some space for it to try useless struggles.

But somehow, it’s still enough for the Alicorn another set of multiple colorful ribbons. The two MS then decided to do the same action: combined their respective ribbon sets into two giant multi-color ribbons. The two giant ribbons then collided with each other, creating a large light ball in the middle of the air.

“The Magic of Friendships is fighting each other!” Black Wine shouted in excitement “Let's see how this will turn out.

Both pilots could see the ball inflated like a giant weather balloon with the ability to shine like the sun. It lit up everything around many times more brightly than previous “rainbow strikes”, to the point that it could be seen from miles. All of the electronics in the cockpit shut down, allowing even more highlights for the event to unfold right in front of Flash’s eyes.

But then, the thing collapsed into a small energy ball, before exploding like a nuclear bomb.

The blast was powerful enough to blow both the MkII and the Alicorn flying for miles. For Flash, he and the MkII could be well turned into thousands of pieces if not because of the thrusters, which triggered and stopped them just several meters from a cliff.

The blast was devastating. Anything from inside the 2-mile radius circle inside the valley, where the fight takes place, was completely wiped out from the surface of Equus. Flash could see all the snow has already gone, replaced by molten rocks with a bright shade of orange, similar to the rocks melted by the “rainbow strikes”. He was horrified. There could be creatures being vaporized from the huge blast and thinking about that already horrified him.

Black Wine breathed heavily, still bracing himself from the massive blast. But after allowing his eyes to open, he was also shocked at the sight that the two mobile suits have done.

“What… what have we done? What have I done?” he asked himself. In front of him, the MkII is still hovering, staring its eyes towards him as if it is staring into his soul. Its bright red eyes hiding in the heavy snowfall make that stare even more terrifying. Black Wine can feel that there are at least several furious souls inside that machine, and all of them wanted, at least for that moment, to do nothing more than tear him and the Alicorn apart. At that moment, both sides are already really exhausted.

“Okay, enough for today…” he said through the com-link “We will continue for tomorrow…”

But he didn’t get to finish the sentence. A chilling voice ripped through his mind like a knife, coupling the warning voice:

“Black Wine, I know you in there!”

“Twi… Twi… Twilight Sparkle?” Haystack stuttered. He, Discord, and the entire crew of the Canterlot are confused about the strange voice that just goes through their head.

“For so long we have trusted your loyalty and your talent to help us rule this kingdom with us, yet you have betrayed us by not just toppling us, starting a war, but also imprisoning us like this?” she said with a calm voice, yet added a massive amount of fury. Every creature can feel the heat coming out from every single word she said.

“Oh my… I’ve known her for a really, really, REALLY long time, but oh she sounds super creepy!” Discord said to Yellow Pickle “Her voice is so… I’m honestly speechless!”

“What the… does any creature really hear what she just say?” Scerlite asked in an absolute panic.

But it is not ended there:

“I don’t know what has happened, and how have you overpowered the Magic of Friendship. But one thing certain: your selfishness for a ‘pure’ Equestria will fail, and the harmonic kingdom that we’ll all know and love will prevail!”

“Twilight Sparkle! That’s really Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Marlin Whisper yelled. The whole bridge is able to hear it, making the sound even scarier. It is just in time when Era arrived at the bridge. She was confused to see her fellow shipmates mumbling about some sort of “voice” that is able to whisper into their ears.

“Wh… What’s going on?” she asked.

“Oh, there you are Era!” Haystack said to her in a somewhat annoyed manner “You should not know about what we just have gone through…”

“Starlight!” Trixie screamed into the falling snow “Do you hear it!”

“Yes!” the pink unicorn barked back “I told you to stay in the shelter!”

“The students are confused!” she use her front hooves to form her own makeshift speaker, “They asked me to ask you!”

“Come inside! It’s dangerous out here!”

But just behind her, the fighting has resumed. The MkII has decided to pull out its beam saber again, take from its back one of the shields,s and engage its enemy. It seemingly targeted the Alicorn’s cockpit, trying to stab it with all of its furious force.

In his cockpit, Flash struggles to control his rouge mobile suit. There’s no doubt that there is another group of creatures being trapped inside the MkII, just like how Luster Dawn and her friends did in Alicorn.

“So… did Black Wine want to test these two by forcing them to fight each other?” he thought.

“Stop, I said stop!” Flash screamed. Just before the saber’s blade touches the Alicorn cockpit armor, it let out a powerful punch into the forearm that carries the saber, effectively stopping the strike.

“Dang, that was a close, foolish boy!” Black Wine said with a laugh through the com link. The Alicorn then decided to constantly punches the MkII in the torso.

But thanks to Flash’s fast reaction time, right at the moment the “AI” are somehow distracted, the Psycho MkII is able to escape the attempt. The rouge “AI” seemingly realizes this, so a strange voice told Flash into his ear with a soothing voice:

“Stranger in the cockpit… do whatever you want!”

It is different from the previously angered Twilight Sparkle’s voice. It is softer, more smooth, and more comfortable to hear. He doesn’t know why, but he doesn’t have time to question. Right in front of his eyes, the Alicorn has once again pulled out its own beam saber, ready to maul him just as Flash assumed Black Wine's intention.

With the two machines with equally bright eyes, hovering above the molten rocks due to the previous powerful explosion, the battle scene has got an absolute piece of art for any lucky pony artist nearby to take as a reference for their new painting. Flash let out a deep sighed and positioned himself before the fight really started again.

“Okay… if you want to fight again!” Flash mumbled

“Trixie, get in!” Starlight screamed once again, and teleported herself to the shelter’s front door, the door of a small rock cave that is big enough to house hundreds of creatures if needed. She pushes Trixie into the dark void of the cave and jumps herself into it. The two unicorns helped each other, along with the magic of another unicorn stallion that just ran to them.

“Argh!” some of the creatures screamed “Headmare Starlight!” a pony yelled.

“What’s going on?” she answered “Is there a creature that needs my help?”

“Uh… no, but I think most of the foods have been covered in the falling dirt. All of our mattresses too, Miss Headmare.”

“Alright, I will cover them later…”

From the inside, she could hear explosions sound all over her head. She knew it is an intense one. Starlight decided to cast a spell, a “look through walls” spell, called the X-ray spell which allowed her to view what was blocked, outside of her cave and witness what happened. Her friends were also there to see it for themselves.

To their surprise, the fight only involved beam guns and their sabers, and they seem to be significantly slower and heavier than when they unleashed the “rainbow power”. Starlight speculated that they are refraining from using that destructive power again.

“Hey Starlight, may I see it a little bit… longer?” asked Trixie.

“Me too!” Sunburst followed “I’ve heard about mobile suits many times, but this is probably the first time I ever saw it in person!”

Just after that, the dark blue MS brought up its shield and fired some beam gunshots at the Alicorn. The two MS practically have the same weapons configuration, so the outcome is undoubtedly very unpredictable, maybe even a draw. But Starlight didn’t know that the Alicorn is having a more psycho frame, as well as its back-mounted shields that can be separated and controlled remotely like bits, so the white MS has the upper hand.

The Alicorn soon proved that ability by deploying all those flying shields, with its ultimate target being the MkII. Flash struggled to keep a distance from them, but it seems like all of his efforts are in vain.

To make it worse for him, the 265’s suit has also arrived. During the fight, Black Wine requested his subordinate on the Cloudsdale to reinforce him. “Bring the Psycho-claw with you!” he told the crew.

“Okay, buddy! It’s over now!” he said.

But Flash and the “AI” are not given up so quickly. After around 5 minutes of chasing, the Psycho MkII lit up its psycho-frame again. For a brief moment, Flash tried to use the head-mounted Vulcan gun, but none of them fired.

“Caution, empty!” the main control monitor read. He has forgotten that it is supposed to be a mock battle, not a real fight. “While these ‘AI’ didn’t do anything other than running!” he thought. Flash decided to put up the beam gun again, hoping it will give him some leverage over the flying shields.

But that’s it. Just a moment later, some powerful claws quickly grabbed his torso and prevented any form of resistance. It is the same one that successfully captured the Alicorn before, and Flash knew it will be brutal for any of its unfortunate prey.

Flash was immediately hit with a massive headache. From his nose and mouth, blood is pouring out like a red spring. He can only hug his head and scream in absolute agony. The claw then expanded, creating a massive bright pink prison that can be looked through. For some reason, the suit still appeared gripped by the claw, despite the enormous space it just has been given. It eventually crashes down the rock, creating a large pile of dust and falling boulders.

Flash’s head crashes into the main control monitor, making the safety glass on his helmet crack. For some reason, the safety airbags on it didn’t deploy.

Before his entire vision turned black, he can saw the “prison” was disabled, along with the landing of the Alicorn right in front of his eyes.

Starlight have just seen it when she decided to follow the chase with her levitating magic, with Sunburst and Trixie following her. Horrified of what just happened, her tear have fallen.

“Awe, Starlight, you don’t have to feel bad for any of them!” Sunburst said with a casual tone, his eyes looking at them with his eyebrows frowned “They are solely built for killing, anyway…”

“But… don’t you hear Twilight’s voice?” she asked her friends and looked with an equally furious face “She, and even her friends, can be trapped in there. You can’t just say it like that?”

Trixie questioned her stance with a worried face: “So you think there are Element of Harmony users being trapped in that black mobile suit!”

“That’s… what my mind leads me to think…”

“But… But the Magic of Friendship can’t get evil! They will not stand for Black Wine!” the orange unicorn, named Sunburst, argued.

“Of course they will not… But this, however…”

Starlight panned her eyes toward where the mysterious MS was lying. She is a key ally to the Council of Friendship, and she has fought alongside in countless battles. This is the reason why she is one of the most qualified ponies to talk about the Magic of Friendship in the entire Equus.

But still, something is not right about that dark blue MS. She knew that her theory of the Council of Friendship being imprisoned in one of those machines is totally crazy, but it could still happen.

“I’ll go to investigate!” she decisively declared. “We’re gonna followed those mobile suits right back to their base to find out what just happened.”

“Huh? I don’t recall any of the bases near here!” Sunburst questioned. He takes a small regional map from his wizard coat and searches through it. The trio is allowed to ignore the strong wind, and the cold temperature of Frozen North thanks to Starlight’s shield ball she has cast on them when they landed on one of the rocks.

“Uhm… maybe they have an airship near here?” Starlight speculated. “But get ready guys! Oh, and we have to go back to the shelter! Why do you two let the students alone in there?”

Chapter 23

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After the mock battle, Flash could not sleep that entire night. Strange sounds of ponies talking constantly echo, cold breezes keep blowing their wind into his bed, and the room seems to be more cramped.

“I told you… this guy is a new breed!” a voice said “He does NOT deserve to be alive, let alone helping us in this situation!”

“Rainbow Dash, how dare you!” a soft, comforting voice said in an angered manner “There are enough creatures killed in this war. We don’t want to take lives, let alone do it so… irresponsibly!”

“Fluttershy…” the voice called Rainbow Dash said “I know you are the Elements of Kindness… But there are some doesn’t deserve them, you know?”

“Yes! But… this guy is different, RD!” Fluttershy said back to her “And you know it!”

Rainbow Dash said sarcastically: “Yeah! Because he is ‘friends’ with Luster Dawn?”

Flash flinches when she mentioned the name Luster Dawn. It is scary enough to hear her voice again in that angry manner, let alone be forced to face her. Someday he will, but he’s not sure he will have the gut to talk to the Leader of the famous Wonderbolt, the famed aerobatics demonstrators of Canterlot.

But that’s only his second thought. First and foremost, he has to face THE Twilight Sparkle, the one who has the crown he has stolen from. He doesn’t know whether that much of a heartbreak he causes for her will be forgiven, nor how she will react when she learned that he has access to the ‘prison’ that she is in.

But one thing is for sure: it will be extremely awkward.

He still remembers her tears when she learned about the failed heist in its full detail in his infamous military court. His friends were shocked at the scene of the hoof-cuffed yellow stallion, with multiple bruises on his face due to beating during the interrogation period. He gave them the truth, after all, but the hate for him is enough for them to make punches.

To add the fuel to the fire, he was also dating Twilight Sparkle at that time.

The rest, as they said, are history.

And now, the past has come back to haunt him in an extremely direct way. “What will she do to me? Scold me? Make my life a living hell?” he thought. He fully anticipated that the Princess of Friendship can create a curse that will be indescribably worse than the “haunting curse”. The paranoia is so immense he nearly wishes death upon himself. He hugged his head just as hard as when he crashes, trying to block his ears from hearing their voice.

Suddenly, all the voices were rapidly silent, as if someone blocked their mouths all as once. He doesn’t know why, and it scares him.

“Come on Flash, come on… Wake up!” he knocked his skull to force him to wake up, forgetting that he is powerless in situations like that.

And, if it happened, it happened. A familiar voice, the one that has scared out Black Wine and every creature who is unfortunate enough to understand what it means, yet this time, it is surprisingly comforting:

“Flash… Flash?” asked Twilight Sparkle with a slight concern.

“Darn it… where’s that ship?”

Starlight cursed herself for not paying enough attention while arguing with her friends. The ship has well hidden inside the fallen snow, and she doesn’t have any idea about which place it will come next. Carrying with her are some small bags with essentials: a few grams of dry food, a thermal bottle, the map that Sunburst has held previously, and a compass.

“Celestia, please tell me how I can sneak onto that ship…”

“Disguise? Could be! My magic might be enough for me to think that I’m a ship’s crew. But… what if they found that there is a doppelganger on the ship?” she thought while trying to look for the Cloudsdale. She has started to feel the mountains graze through her, making her think she might not gain enough altitude. But just after that, she saw the six bright rocket exhausts of the ship, and soon, the Cloudsdale showing its full stern to her.

“Oh yes! I’ve seen this ship before. The infamous Clousdale!” she exclaimed in the middle of the breeze. But then, another question soon arises: how can she get on the ship? The main launch pad? Too risky. The ship bridge will spot her right away, and those AA guns on deck will certainly shoot her. She can block them with ease, but she doesn’t want the appearance of the ship too noisy.

“Hmm… are there any random… doors I can enter?” she asked herself while levitating around the ship. It helps to notice that the ship's radar is not moving, indicating it isn’t working, thus explaining why they haven’t noticed her appearance. Needless to say, she is quite amused with that finding. She has seen the Cloudsdale’s radar in operation before, so it’s no surprise she knows how it works in hindsight.

“Hmm… Ah ha, found it!” she exclaimed right after seeing some seem lines that formed into a shape like a normal, human-sized door. She levitates right next to it, trying to figure out where is the handle for her to enter.

“Hmm… this is hard to figure!?” she carefully use her hooves to feel the surface of the door, finding any sign of a handle or a button to open the thing up. Several minutes later, she finally gets to find a large round knob that is cleverly disguised into the surface itself.

“Hmm… How can I open it? It didn’t like a normal doorknob, right?” she asked herself. Yet again, she has to ask her magic for help. “Perhaps this would do!” she mumbled before casting a “Universal key” spell onto it:

“Alohomora!” she shouted. She was afraid that someone behind the door might hear her.

But thankfully, after it was successfully opened, no one is behind it. She sighed in relief. But that’s not mean she is completely safe from any threat, which she quickly finds out why. Yes, she can close the door all on her own, but an external door opened midair for no reason is enough to trigger some alerts on the main bridge, to which captain Madison took notice.

“An opened door in mid-flight?” he questioned his first mate when reported about the incident.

“Yes, and it seems to open and closed all on its own. The one behind it was a mysterious pony-like creature, as the camera at that section has recorded.”

“Equestria and its magic never fail to surprise us, eh?” he sighed as if the incident is just Tuesday for him. The human crew has seen countless instances where the creature of Equus have used their magic for reasons they don’t even know to try to get onto their ships or simply infiltrate their facility, to which they assumed most of them are enemy spies. Just the week before, they caught a changeling that have successfully infiltrated the base in a failed attempt to enter the ship. The reason why they managed to stop him is that he has no concept of what an ID Card with QR Codes is. It’s also how they learned how much the general Equusians public knew about mobile suits, the Federations, or their operation in their world.

“It is like we are the CIA of the old world here. Everyone knows about them, but unless they declassified stuff, no one got a single slightest idea of what the heck they are doing!”

But this is the first time that a pony, potentially from the enemy, that have successfully infiltrated right into their ships with ease. It is a magical world, after all. Some have feared this “creature” might be a powerful one with incomprehensible capability.

But Madison and the rest of the crew seem like they couldn’t care less, and quickly established 3 search parties with some assistance from on-post crew members. “Shoot it the moment you see it!” he ordered straightforwardly.

“Flash, is that you?” Twilight said with a soft yet concerned voice.

Needless to say, he was speechless upon hearing her voice saying his name out loud. To add more awkwardness, there are precisely ZERO voices coming up between them, despite her having her friends presented right next. “She knows I’m listening! She can feel my fear?”

“Yup, I can feel your fear from here, Flash!” she said calmly “It is NOT a reason for you to kill yourself! “

The next he knew there is a cool breeze washing throw his body, bringing along with it a familiar sight.

It’s the “Map Room” of the so-called “Castle of Friendship”, a place where the Cutie Map is located. He remember it was a large round table with seven seats around it. On the table is the holographic map of Equestria and some parts of Equus, which serve as a guiding map and some sort of a “phone” to call ponies who have cutie marks for their intended duties. The map will lighten up the cutie marks on their flank and show their cutie marks on the location where their missions will take place, the process is called the “Cutie Marks Call”. He knew that procedure. He has seen it take place when he accompanied the princess when she addressed the mission to her friends.

Perhaps he will see a version of it behind that door, where THAT princess and her friends are sitting.

Flash sighed, trying to comfort himself with the experience. After the “mock battle” with Black Wine in the mountains of the Frozen North, he has lost contact with his friends in Alicorn entirely, forcing the experience but emotionally fragile Flash to face everything all on his own. Through his friend's hiatus in his life, he has realized how many dependencies he has on the group, and how many friendships bond they have.

He slowly opened the door. It creates a grinding sound that caused Flash to flinch a little. But he has to get in. Flash use all of his strength to open the door, only to see the famous “Council of Friendship” all looked at him in shock. None of them even moved, and their eyes glowered at him.

He was speechless. That is the same face when they learned about his heist. He remembered how disappointed they are in him. They care enough for Twilight that spilled over to the hope that Flash’s competence can safely protect Twilight from all of the dangers that are too much for her. But in turn, he only shows that he is just a worthless and harmful addition to her friendship circle.

The two sides stared at each other for nearly half a minute, until a pink, fluffy hair pony actually raise her hoof and say “Hello” casually.

“Hi!” Flash replied, with his word barely even heard.

It takes a few more seconds until another pony has any new movement. This time, it is a familiar rainbow mane, blue coat
pegasus mare called Rainbow Dash face-hoofing upon seeing the interaction.

“Uh… There he is, guys. Let me introduce you to Brandon Cultrich, more widely known as Flash Sentry, the Gundam pilot!”

“Ooh… Nice to meet you… again!” Rarity, a white coated unicorn with a set of curly dark purple mane and tail and a stylish thick cotton filled purple winter coat, said sarcastically. “It’s been several dozens of moons since we last saw you break my dear's Twilight heart, you good looking rude stallion!”

“Ah, I remember! Yer Flash Sentry, ex-personal guard and ex-coltfriend of mah Twilight Sparkle right?” speaks the orange earth pony with her blond mane and tail braided in a frustrated manner “Yeah… I remember yer rotten apple personality pretty well.”

“Guys, I don’t think we should just sit around and be angry like this! We are being imprisoned by Black Wine, remember!” the pale yellow and shy pegasus with long straight mane carefully tied tries to calm her friends down, but they still get to continue their anger.

“Oh, thank you! But don’t you see that, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash spoke up, “First, we are imprisoned by our own Chancellor, Black Wine. Next, this guy! Remember how he singlehandedly ruin the Royal Guard's reputation by stealing your crown!” the blue pegasi turned to her tall lavender friend with flowing mane and tail “She betrays you Twilight! I really don’t know why we have the ability to attract asshole stallions… Hay, blue hair! If you feel you want to die because of shame, you can kill yourself. Sorry, not sor…”

“Rainbow Dash, I can’t imagine you can say something like that!” Twilight Sparkle yelled.

“Ponies… we are here to discuss how to get out of this prison, not hating on a pony that has paid his price in an extreme way.” She said calmly to her friends “Now… what are we talking about?”

Only after that scary experience, Flash was getting to see how different they since the last time he saw them. They all change drastically, this time with wrinkles as well as longer mane and tail…

“Oh… forget you are here, Flash!” Twilight, who he can recognized but with a taller posture and with flowing magical mane and tail, wearing a large set of regalia, turned to Flash after the argument “Hi, you probably know us well, didn’t you?”

Flash was caught by surprise to hear her voice and suddenly asked him. He quickly turned himself into a normal obedient soldier with his straight standing and his hands behind his back. He replied straightforwardly with a focused face: “Yes, yes I am!”

It is. Even in his time, their legendary status is undisputable, let alone many moons later when they have ruled the kingdom together and Twilight have become the most powerful pony in the entire Equus.

But they are now right before him, and he is perhaps the only one who have real interaction with them ever since the “assassination”. It is too much for him since he also has to handle the mission to rescue his friends that are stuck in the Alicorn as promised.

Because of all of that thought, he has ironically learned that the Council of Friendship can read his mind whenever they wanted. Turnouts Twilight noticed his focused mind as he looked down when she and her friends are having a conversation, so she decided to find out what he is thinking.

“Don’t be stressed, Flash. Just because we’re celebrities doesn’t mean we’re less friendly!”

“Yup, she's right, bud! We’re still friendly like apple to the core!” Applejack added.

“Uh… those apples pun again!” Rainbow Dash groaned at her wife.

“Yeah, they’re right! You might to eat some delicious cupcakes when we get on this adventure together!” Pinkie Pie popped up right behind him and hugged his neck “I remember you liked strawberry smoothies a lot back when you are with her, right?”

“Uh… uh… yes… I think…”

Chapter 24

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“Allow me to introduce my crew!” Twilight Sparkle pointed her hooves to her chest and proudly said “First, you know me well, right? Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, the ruler of Equestria, and your great leader!”

She is so proud of herself that she closed her eyes completely, as well as slightly wiggled her head when saying the word “great leader”.

“She normally not that… arrogant, to say the least! But hey, since it’s you, I guess you are welcome now!” said Applejack, the orange earth pony, as she chucked at her tall alicorn friend.

"Is... Is that Granny Smith's scarf?" Flash was surprised to see a familiar orange dotted scarf wearing on her neck.

"Yeah? So what?" she put her front hooves on it, as if she trying to protect her precious relic of her grandma against a pony who is trying to steal it from her.

“Here is Applejack! She is the Minister of Agriculture. She is making sure every creature in Equestria has good crops and no one has to be hungry! She’ll teach you how to do chores!”

“Wait… since when do we have to form a team with him?” Rainbow Dash frowned “He has Luster Dawn and her friends…”

“Unfortunately, not anymore… I am still investigating the reason, but it seems like you have lost contact with her...”

“No way…” Flash mumbled, “How do you know about… all of this?”

“We have access to your mind, Flash! You can do anything with that information!” Pinkie Pie said in a quick manner, but soon her face turn sad “But… we feel sorry for you… a lot!”

“Believe us, Flash. We have to fight that Alicorn Gundam from now on.” Spike added.

He braced himself on the floor and cover his head in disbelief. “You are joking, right?” he grinded his teeth, and his face turned darker. Fluttershy comes by and patted him on the back, trying to calm the blue-headed pilot.

“You know the fact that she is Twilight’s apprentice better than anyone around you back on the Canterlot, Flash!” Rainbow Dash said, “We will not abandon her and her friends!”

“Rainbow Dash is right! We will do it with you together!” Twilight said “I’m also devastated to learn about her incident. That’s why I can’t wait to save her!”

Flash quickly stood up and gained enough strength to say: “I will do anything to save them! Please help me!” and bowed before them, begging for their help.

Applejack then comes by him, putting her hoof on his back and calmly back: “Don’t do that, sugarcube. We’re friends now!”

It is also at that moment that Flash learned about the new Equestrian government, with the friends also getting the job as Twilight’s cabinet.

“That fluffy mane pony right there is Pinkie Pie, Minister of Happiness! She’ll also my weapon specialist from now on!”

"I... I think I like that... rubber duck thing on you, Pinkie!"

"Yeah, don't dare steal this precious Ducky from me... But... Glad to meet you! Wants some cupcakes?” she suddenly change her tone and jumped right next to Flash and shove a dozen of cupcakes in his mouth. But somehow, Flash can swallow them all. Needless to say, he was still stunned by the ability to break reality that Pinkie brought, even though he have experienced it 25 years ago.

"Next is Fluttershy!" Twilight pointed to the yellow shy pegasus "She is currently the Minister of Environment, and she’ll teach you how to talk with animals around!”

“It is important to know the vital information they can bring, Flash. In other words, we need them for intelligence information!” she said while holding an adorable bunny in her hooves. It reminded him of the first he met her with Angel bunny jumping around gleefully.

"And here's Rarity. You know her as the fashionista rig..."

"You can call me as Rarity, of course dear!" the stylish dark purple ex-fashionista also slightly wiggle her head and said "I'm now the Minister of Fashion and Culture. Yeah, it's a busy job you give me, Twily, but I've been known to be a pressure - resistance pony, so no need to worry for me!"

“Next is Spike! I think you guys are good pals back then, right?” she pointed to the dragon that Flash almost not recognized thanks to how much he have grows after all those years he's gone. The last time Flash saw him was when he was still a baby-like dragon who is small enough to sit on his back whenever Twilight asked them to go outside together.

“Yeah, until you steal her crown…” the buffed dragon rolled his eyes with his crossed hands.


“Okay, okay! We cool now!” he waved both hands in a sarcastic voice “So what’s my job?”

“You and I will help him in communicating,” Twilight answered. Then she turned to Rainbow Dash and said “You know our friend RD, right?”

The blue pegasi scared Flash by quickly hovering to him, bringing her face just in front of his nose, and started her intimidation on Flash:

“Hey buddy, I don’t know how much trust my friends have put in you, but there’s one thing you must remember: they are my family, and that’s they are extremely important to me, and I will make your life a living hell…”

“Rainbow Dash!” the rest of the group shouted.

“…by making a true soldier out of you!”

“Uh… I thought he is already perfect?” Rarity raise her eyebrows “He has been an excellent guard and continues to be like that, isn’t Flash?” the white coat unicorn turned to him. Flash can only nod his head in return.

“All that training has been wasted, I have to say!” Twilight suddenly trotted alongside Flash and looked into his eyes for a few seconds.

It was a very tense moment for Flash, as he could feel every breath she makes near him send both chills and embarrassment. “What is she doing?” he unintentionally told himself in words.

“I’m discovering your past, Flash…” she told him back with telepathy “…I wanted to know what have you done in those 25 years. Look like you have gone through a lot there, dear…”

After that, she puts herself out of Flash’s comfort zone and said:

“Years of no training at all has put a lot of your survival skills to rest. I think you still remember some very basic stuff, but I think you must relearn the entire necessary skills. Maybe…” she turned to her orange earth pony friend “Applejack?”

“I can help you with that. Making boats, building fences, making fires… you name it!” the middle-aged orange mare said “We can survive this freezing place with ease!”

“Uhm… how about I can make some of those builds look better?” Rarity waved her hooves in the corner “Making things look fabulous it would make survival in the wilderness way easier, darling!”

“Agree, and you would help me and Spike helping Flash with the… communication too!” Twilight said.

“What do you mean?”

“He is under the enemy's watch, Rarity. He needs our talking skills to confront those guys… He already has their trust for piloting the Psycho MkII. We just need a little bit more to fool them and brought that thing and the Alicorn to escape this vessel. Agree?”

“Perfect plan there, Twilight! You always have the shot!”

“Hey, what about me?” it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to speak up.

“You can join me in training the guy for survival skills, honey! Along with Rarity!” Applejack answered. She trotted right to the love of her life and put her hooves to RD’s cheek, holding her head like a precious gemstone, and said gracefully:

“You are a Wonderbolts at heart, dear. You have gone through countless hardships with them, and us too! You have trained countless Wonderbolts cadets, so if there’s a pony who knows best at survival in the wilderness, it’s you! You can make this an easy thing, honey!”

The orange mare then makes a lovely kiss on her wife's lips, making her blush.

“And if I’m not wrong, you are currently having an unfinished training course with some of your new cadets, right?” Twilight Sparkle said to her.

“Oh, I nearly forget about that!” she said with a wide grin on her face. “And guess what lesson am I on?”

“Hmm?” the group titled their head.

Then, the blue pegasi hovered herself over to Flash, trying to intimidate him by completely ignoring his comfort zone and opening up her eyes. She stared into him like she staring into his soul, which is what exactly Flash felt when she put her hooves pointed to her eyes and said.

“My memory is still fresh on the section where it said ‘Do not betray those who love you’ in my Loyalty textbook, soldier!” she raised her voice while pushing Flash back to the door. “So in addition to teaching you survival lessons, I’ll also be here to teach you HARD on Loyalty by literally watching you, 24/7!” She pointed both of her front hooves to her eyes. “So if I ever caught YOU doing some sketchy stuff, BEWARE! I will make YOUR life a living HELL, you GOT THAT!”

Just after that, her entire body pushes Flash through the door, to which makes him slam his head right onto the floor of his cell.

Turns out it’s a dream, an illusion set by the friends as they try to talk to him. He was sitting on his bed when Rainbow Dash pushes him over the door of the Map Room. He’s sweating all over his body, but why is the room so cold? He uses his sweaty palms to try to find the AC controller. It is 27 degree Celsius, a completely normal temperature!

“Why I always have so much nightmares, dear Celestia!” he mumbled.

“Hey, did y’all hear anything last night?” a mechanic said to his friend right next to his table.


“A unicorn broke into our ship!”

“What do you mean?!” another guy in an orange suit poked his head into the table where a bunch of ships mates listening to that mechanic's stories.

“So the camera caught a unicorn in black clothes break into the ship. The ship still flying last night, and somehow it found a way to get into our ship. The Captain has ordered a search party for it, but they still haven’t found the thing!”

“Holy shit, WOW!” a woman exclaimed.

They are loud enough that Flash could listen to the entire conversation. But still, he is more concerned about the words that Rainbow Dash said to him. He knows it will certainly not be a pleasant experience when she decided to punish him after finding out about his another betrayal if he dares commit it.

And then, there’s the fact that he hasn’t got to get contact with Luster Dawn and her friends for three straight days. The curse was supposed to be unbreakable but maybe that was just her words. He doesn’t really know the truth anymore… Maybe they needed a rest?

Right after breakfast are the usual mechanical checks for the Psycho MkII. Aki informed Flash that there was a new update for the suit’s OS.

“They just get that thing in the night before. The Chancellor’s idea, though!” he said calmly. “The procedure will be still the same, so no need for extra training.”

Flash put himself into the cockpit and launched the suit’s OS. Just as he said, it was still the same. He carefully goes through the guidebook in order to get the launch sequence to go as smoothly as it could be. He opened the usual “AI monitoring program”, the one where it shows the 7 cardiographs of the Council’s heartbeat, to check whether his new friends are okay. But, he was greeted with an 8th one.

“What the…” he mumbled “Please don’t tell me that scum just imprisoned another one…”

“Good morning, you two!” the dark blue unicorn levitate himself onto where they carry out their work. This time, he is wearing a strange attire: a white long-sleeve coat that is completely unfit for his fur and a large hat on his head.

“What is this circus joke are you doing?” Flash walked out and asked the Chancellor with his grinding teeth.

“Aw man, nothing serious! We are here for a ritual! A birth of a new religion!”

“New religion your ass!” the blue-haired pilot yelled, putting up his fist and ready to punch Black Wine in the face. Aki quickly stopped Flash from actually making a dent in the Chancellor’s snout. “What you are doing is utterly disrespectful to them…”

“Flash, control yourself!” Rainbow Dash’s voice echoed into his ears “I hate to say this, but ya don’t want his blood to dirty your hands!”

Below them are dozens of ponies, who wear the same clothes as the Chancellor himself. Flash’s own guard also ran up to him, tying his arms behind his back and forcing him to kneel before the Chancellor.

“Woah, woah! No need to be so violent, brothers! You just need to calm the guy down.” Black Wine said with an inappropriately gleeful voice. He trotted right in front of Flash and put his hooves on his shoulder.

“You have gone through a lot of things, my friend. Sorry for torturing you so much. But, I think you have got to get used to the MkII and its souls trapped inside. I am doing a ritual to worship them, asking them to bless us for a victorious war for friendship and be kind to you, bud.”

Then, he hovered down the foot of the MkII, after briefly ordering his subordinate to pull Flash out of the “holy site”. There lies a small podium for him to stand on, putting alongside an emerald scepter with the 6 Elements of Harmony on it as a holy sign.

With the monks all standing in orderly rows, the Chancellor declares the ritual to start.

“Your Majesties!” he yelled to his new scared machine “It is with honor that we are able to gather you, and your most trusted sidekicks to your side, all in one place. This holy site will be the testament to the Magic of Friendship that you have spread through Equus. They shall not be faded away!”

“What does he mean by ‘most trusted sidekicks’?” Rarity questioned.

“Oh my… guys?” a familiar voice speak up.

“Wait… Starlight!?” every creatures exclaimed.

Chapter 25

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“It’s a pleasure to have you here, Ms. Starlight Glimmer. But… what has forced you to go all the way just to visit us?”

“I am here… to tear you APART!” the light purple pony growled. She attempted to do just that by jumping right into the Chancellor. But… it’s all in vain. She has been severely electrified by Black Wine’s magic, to the point that she was forced to stay in the sick bay.

“Please receive my apology, my lady. What I’ve done is only for your own sake. We can’t let those filthy creatures to get you and exploit your magic for evil doings…”

“It is you who are EVIL!” she yelled, while her face wrinkled in pain. Every time she attempts to use magic, there will be some strong currents running through her muscles. It is because of electrical wires connected to at least a dozen of medical needles stabbed into her frail body like small daggers, which also served as vessels to transport nutrition, blood, and later, anesthetic. She also has to use a ventilator to support her breathing. Her yell, as mentioned, is still echoed across the room thanks to her intact neck despite the burns.

Turns out, Captain Madison’s search party has found Starlight in advance, which is also conveniently right in front of Black Wine's snout. “He came, he saw, he conquered'', his subordinate says. That's what the dark blue unicorn does to her. He almost completely ignored his soldier and opened fire on Starlight with his Phoenix Fire spell, so fast that the arguably most powerful unicorn didn’t have time to respond. In the morning of the day after, however, he did send a gift of apology for the soldier he had unintentionally harmed, stating that he had no choice but to use his magic immediately after seeing her. “She could bring the ship down in mere seconds if I don’t act quickly” is his reasoning. Some of those soldiers are still lying in the sick bay to treat the injury, 3 of them to be exact.

Starlight, being his sole target for the attack, was badly burned. Almost all of her coat was replaced by black scorching stains, and some parts even show bleeding wounds. Painkiller is absolutely needed for her, as it’s the only way she could feel relatively bearable to stay awake to insult the dark blue Chancellor.

“You are a liar, a disgusting stain to Harmony…” she said amidst the agony the burns bring to her.

“I sincerely apologize for this, my Lady.” The Chancellor mumbled, and there were tears in his eyes surprisingly as it ran down under his mask. Later, a nurse pony walked to him and said:

“She was severely burned by your magic, Sir…”

“I know. And I’m okay if you punish the Tartarus out of me…” he said while wiping his tears “…how is her situation right now?”

“She is stable, at least for now. I’ll tell them to bring some anesthetic to keep her sleeping.”

“Good… But can I also bring another thing into the sick bay?”

“I’m afraid you can’t…”

“It’s the Psycho Drive Connector.”

Most of the Psycho MkII Gundam engineers, minus Aki, know what that thing is. It is a large piece of hardware that causes the suit’s head to be elongated, as the thing was installed behind it’s head. The device was rumored to contain the ‘souls’ of the Council, and later Starlight Glimmer, and distributed their magic across the MS’s psycho frame. “That thing is ridiculously overpowered. I think the end of the universe as we know it will come to an end will be brought by that massive abomination!”

But no one in their slightest idea thinks building a world-ender is a good idea, not even Black Wine. His intention is to build a weapon that can surpass any type of defense, to the point that “Not even the strongest magic can make a dent on it” as he said. The Magic of Friendship is a perfect choice. It never lost any battles.

And to complement that magical power, Starlight Glimmer is a perfect addition. And to serve that purpose, the Psycho Drive Connector will transfer her consciousness, and her magic, to the Psycho MkII Gundam. And just like the Council of Friendship before her, the dark blue MS will be her new home.

“This is the quickest way to end her suffering, I swear!” he said with a caring and soft voice, whilst putting his hooves on his nurse’s shoulder. “It’s an un-painful method. Do you see all those medical needles that you have put into her before? That’s where we're gonna plug the Psycho Drive Connector in. No additional needles, no needless pain!”

“Don’t you dare turn her into one of your wonder weapons!” she growled.

“I’m sorry, but fighting evilness is her and the Council’s desire. If they want to borrow the Psycho MkII to fight it, I’m sorry, I can’t stop it!”

“That piece of shit…” Rainbow Dash punched her hooves onto the deck.

“He will certainly not stop! At this point, the whole Equestria will be swallowed by this thing! Ohhh… I can’t take this anymore!” Twilight Sparkle hugged her head in pain and regret “I should never elect that monster!”

“Twilight, Twilight,…” Spike comes by her shaking the alicorn up.

“This machine will be our torch for the complete cleanliness of Equestria! The sword of justice that sweep through Equus!'' The Chancellor continues “By their own desire to be the eternal force for our kingdom's protection, we have placed the Council of Friendship under the protection of this machine: the Psycho MkII Gundam. Its fierce armor shall never corrode away, once its body has been turned to dust. It shall never be pierced through by those creatures’ dark magic. May their Magic free us all from our enemy's evil desire to split our kingdom and our pony harmony! May its Psycho Frame shine the path to our victory! Amicitia est Magicae!”

The Chancellor yelled. He put up the scepter as a gift for the dark blue machine, their new holy temple.

“Amicitia est Magicae!” the monks soon followed.

The guard then pulled Flash even further from the suit’s cockpit with their magic. Black Wine also used them to hover himself in front of the suit’s cockpit and brought out some kind of a jar with colorful liquid.

“This is your favorite perfume. May this perfume become a warning to any force dare to scratch your scared body. Hoc ventus unguentum” he mumbled. He poured the perfume around the suit, also with his magic, while repeating the “Hoc ventus unguentum” phrase.

“Hey… I think I can hear my perfume in there?” Rainbow Dash said, “Isn’t that wooden flower of Everfree?”

“Mine is Magenta flower! Huff!” Rarity gasped.

“I can scent it too… Did he combine all of our scents into that jar?” Rarity questioned, “What a… what a sick pony!”

After yelling to the monks “Classis dimittat” (class dismissed), he trotted to Flash and kneeled down to him.

“Well, you see, you are holding an extremely scared thing for our ponies, although only temporarily. You will continue testing alongside the Psycho MkII for just one more flight, and then, it’s mine!”

The ponies then quickly gave way for the mechanics and pilots to work again. After all the midst was settled, they turned to talk to Starlight Glimmer.

“Wait… explain like I’m five!” Rainbow Dash started “Why are you coming here?”

“I’ve your voice, Twilight!” she turned to Twilight Sparkle “I can hear your anger when you condemned what Black Wine has done to you. Then I saw those two mobile suits y’all imprisoned in, so I decided to come and investigate.”

“I think you’ve been under his eyes all these years he planned with that abomination called the Psycho MkII Gundam right there!” Rarity pointed her eyes to the dark blue mobile suit. “Question: how do you get captured?”

“Basically they found me not so long after I successfully entered the ship. He saw, and I swear he made some of the widest smiles I’ve ever seen, maybe only after Pinkie’s or Discord’s, before burning me with his magic and brought me into this metal prison! Believe me, my burned body was kept somewhere on this ship!”

“Lucky you, there’s Mr. Flash Sentry here to help!” Pinkie Pie points her hooves to Flash, who is still focusing his ears and mind to the Psycho MkII alongside his mechanic Aki.”

“Flash… what?”

“Flash Sentry! He is a mobile suit pilot, don’t you know? And…”

“And the one who stole Twilight’s crown all those moons ago!” Rainbow Dash added.

“Wait, what?” Starlight gasped.

They briefed the whole conversation they had with Flash the night before to her, about how they met the blue haired pilot and why they had to choose him.

“So you said that he’s also in charge of my daughter and her friends now? That's ridiculous!”

“Yeah, I know. But it looks like we have no choice but to ask for his help, Starlight.” Applejack added “Recently he has been cut off from Luster Dawn and her friends, so it would be hard for him to unite us all, and beat that dark blue pony once and for all…”

Just after Applejack mentioned Luster Dawn, Flash suddenly stopped his work and shivered in anger. His eyes widened, his breath get heavier, and his fist tightened…”

“Huh, you good bro?” Aki looked up and asked. In contrast, in Flash, he didn’t even know there’s the “Haunting Curse”, let alone hearing what the spirits stuck in the MS he worked on saying, so he assumed Flash just got something wrong in his mind. “You need some help there?”

Flash didn’t answer.

Ignoring the guy’s reaction, the group continue their story.

“But I knew she was a strong pony. She will certainly know how to save herself and her friends out…”

It’s been nearly a month since Flash was missing.

There’s not much has changed from the moment they lost the raid at Kludgetown. For many reasons, the Harmony Guardian Alliance’s high command refused to send the ship to any major combat zone, with the reason of keeping the surviving assets as intact as possible being the biggest one.

So, as it turns out, they still got to continue the boring job of finding and chasing the Cloudsdale, along with the Parrot Strength right next. The other ships were literally sent to other war zones.

“That Eagle Scream one was sent to the Everfree forest, right?” Haystack asked his Captain.

“Yep, if I’m not wrong.” He replied. “That place is a meat grinder. I doubt that ship can survive for a long time there. Probably don’t even last in the first 24 hours.”

Discord is not exaggerated when he stated that. Two of the largest fleets of both sides are presented there: the Canterlot Grand Fleet of Equestria, and the Zero-One combined Fleet of HGA. Analysts estimated there are around 110 ships presented and roughly 25.000 troops for each side. The forest is nearly decimated to the ground, yet the part surrounding the main Royal Palace is still kept green by the reindeer plant magic. The reason why both sides poured so much power and assets to that forest is because of how near it is to the town of Ponyville. In fact, it is just located in the outskirts of the Equestrian Capital of Friendship. The Canterlot government, after more than a year of fighting overseas, was once stabbed on a country so close to their homeland, and was forced to bring their best fleet there. The Alliance also did not want to slip away the only chance to fight in Equestria’s back yard, so they decided to bring around 50 ships to that kingdom that is struggling for survival.

Mobile suits, while they are the main subject of discussion, only have about 25 confirmed units that have been used in the battle. The reason is clear: they are completely alien technology, and it takes tons of effort and money to transport them to Equestria via the Colony Wormhole. It’s a miracle that the Canterlot and the Cloudsdale can be presented in Equus at all, along with the Salamis class New Hampshire.

However, the fear amongst the Alliance’s high command started to rise. The so-called “mock battle” between the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII Gundam have been widely reported, with photos from witnesses from kilometers away and the aftermath that come after. Coupled with the fact that almost every Equusian heard Twilight’s statement during that mock battle, the Equestrian keeping top secret world-ending mobile suits are getting well known. Not just citizens in other kingdoms, but the ponies are freaks out as well.

“We have no chance against either of them. Maybe you can help us with your magic of chaos?” Yellow Pickle questioned her Captain.

“Unlikely. I’ve been defeated by them before. Twice! I won’t leave myself harmed by friendly fire anymore!” Discord said by crawling himself into a literal large fur ball.

“But… Fluttershy…”

“Yeah, how can I forget about my dear Fluttershy!” he popped right back to his normal look once Yellow Pickle mentioned his beloved pegasus. “We must fight, whatever the cost, to save her!” he formed a fist with his claws and said with a prideful manner, and standing up on his chair with just as much pride.

“Yeah, pretty much everyone has that mentality now.” Yellow Pickle wrapped her hooves and said with a sigh.

At the moment, the crew are looking forward to another resupply routine. This time in the Diamond Dogs kingdom of Caninia, a kingdom friendly to the Alliance.

The landing is carried out smoothly. The small flotilla was greeted by the Princesses themselves. They decided to meet with Discord and Yellow Pickle, shaking their claws and paws and asking some questions.

The eldest sister, queen Katherina, was clearly disappointed when she saw no Rainbow Dash presented on board, along with Discord and co.

“What’s wrong with her? Why is she not here?”

The commanders looked at each other nervously, as if they wanted to ask “What should we say?”

The tension only got a bit more loosened when Celaeno helped. “She was kidnapped by the Equestrian spy.” She replied.

Needless to say the sisters were shocked. They covered their mouths, as Celaeno continued the story.

“A group of spy ponies successfully broke into the ship and found her. I don’t remember the full details, but we lost her after she went to our AA battery to help out the creatures there…”

“So where is she now?” Princess Fiona Floppyears questioned “Is she safe, is she alright?”

“We have no idea…”

On the other side, Haystack had just got down off the ship and stretched himself out, breathing some fresh air into his tired nose after a long time stuck in the cramped air flow of the ship’s air conditioner system. It is certainly a nice day, as it is always in the tropical area of the Equestrian continent.

Then, he decided to put his eyes right to his left. There is a large tent area where ponies are gathering to witness the Canterlot being neatly placed in a large yard not so far from both their camps and the castle. White tends are erected really near each other. The clothes are hung on makeshift wires. Smokes can be seen flying off a simple metal tube that is called a chimney, indicating the ponies are cooking something.

“Refugee camp. They are for the ponies that are running from the war.” Princess Moonbeam Twinkletail came by and said “We have settled a large piece of land not so far from the castle, bring foods, drinks and those tends you see here for them.”

However, there is a metal net fence dividing them from the refugee camp, which is where most of its inhabitants come to see the ship landed. He can spot all of the ponies there are relatively in a poor state, both mentally and physically.

“They refused to agree with Black Wine’s ideology.” The princess continued “So…”

“Haystack, Haystack!” a familiar voice pierced through the loud atmosphere of the crowds, flying into the Lieutenant’s ear.

“What the…”

The voices are loud enough that it helped Haystack locate the source.

It was his wife who called him.

“What the… Mayflower?” he was surprised.

The brown pony ran right up to where she’s standing, followed by Moonbeam. When they arrived, it was not just her that was there. His son, Applesauce and his daughter, Moonbeam Shimmer, were also present. He pushes his snout into the part where a hole was somehow made and kisses the love of his life.

“Mayflower… What are you doing here? Oh my…”

Tears ran down their cheeks, the tears of happiness and joy after more than a year of not seeing each other. His foals also jumped gleefully, seeing their dad is still in one piece.

“This is my son, Applesauce, and here’s my daughter, Moonbeam Shimmer!” He proudly introduced his family to the Caninian Princess.

“Ah, I can see we have the same name. Hello Moonbeam!”

“Hello, your Highness…”

“You can call me Moonbeam, or Twinkletail.” She said “And you are…”

“I’m Mayflower, his wife” a mare with a pale ruby coat, blue sharp eyes and pale blond mane tied up into a bun said. “It’s a pleasure to meet your Highness.”

“You can call me Twinkletail… A pleasure to meet you too, Mayflower...”

“Where are you when they come to our house?” asked Mayflower with a slightly reproachful voice “They want to force Applesauce to the Army!”

“Why? Is he in the age of fighting?”

“They said he’s perfectly willing to fight for ‘Ponies purity’! What a jerk, that Sargent Silver Spear is! He has beaten him badly, with hooves and scimitar!” Mayflower describes the raid and swipes her tears. It happened when the Equestrian Army command of their hometown learned that Applesauce completely neglected their call to the frontline. “He even kicked our little Moonbeam… to the wall!” She said while pointing at her filly’s forehead. There are still a fairly sizable stitches, an evidence of the Army violence on their own ponies.

The Caninian Princess comes by her and fondles her. “Poor ponies…”

“But I’m glad you still have the strength to fight against Black Wine’s tyranny! Thank you for not letting more blood fall, both you and me…” Moonbeam the dog said with gratitude in her eyes.

Mayflower brought out some tea for the meeting, the jasmine tea, one that was especially loved by Haystack when he was still at home with her. Apparently, the Caninian Princess really likes it.

“You ponies really know how to make the finest drinks!” she said, as the Princess gracefully sipped the tea.

“Thank you, your Highness…” Mayflower said.

As his family is talking happily with each other with the Princess, Haystack can’t help but look at his small family. They all looked in poor condition, yet they looked pretty. His wife is still as beautiful as ever. Screw all those rumors that he has a crush on Celaeno, this family is the best.

“Hello there, is that your family, Haystack?” Discord suddenly came, along with some of his crewmates. They were wearing the bell necklace, a traditional gift that every tourist who comes to Caninia always has.

“Yes, there are! Here, let me introduce them to you!”

It was, perhaps, the happiest moment he could probably have from the war. Seeing his family again, still in one piece, is the only wish he could have. Discord, Celaeno, as well as the Princesses, have all decided to stay and has the chit chat with his family. But seeing both Celaeno and his wife smiling together in the same tent, he felt guilty. He has to be honest that he did have a crush on Celaeno, as Flash Sentry use to tease him

“So… how old are you, bud?” Princess Indiana Ambereyes asked the young stallion, who is sitting right next to his dad with some Diamond Dogs cookies in his hoofs.

“Currently 16, your Highness.” He said with some of the cookie bits still being chewed in his little mouth.

“Oh my…”

“I… I even heard about kids with only about 10 years old say they wanted to ‘see the world’, too! One of the colts in my school has signed up for that.”

They all gasped at what Applesauce said. They heard about teenage ponies fighting in the Chancellor’s Army before, but the fact that ponies as old as 10 years old are dragged makes them feel Black Wine was willing to bring the entire Equestrian population to become his cannon fodder. The Alliance soldier once saw the corpse of an old stallion with missing limbs before. Little did they know how horrified those soldiers feel when they saw it.

“E… Elaborate…” Princess Katherina Proudpaws speak up “…what do you mean by ‘see the world’?”

“They said we will be recruited into the navy… They are planning to have a giant ship, and it will dwarfed any ships that exist in our world!”

“Wait, why?”

“Because they are planning to use some ‘wonder weapons’ that are installed on that… I don’t know what is that… But it is strong enough to destroy an entire city in just one shot!”

“What is he planning?” Katherina came closer to him, to the point her snout almost touches his.

“I don’t know… They may be just rumors…” Applesauce shook in fear.

Luckily, he was unintentionally when a pony, who is a Canterlot’s crew member, broke in and said:

“Sir… we just receive a strange signal…” he reported directly to Discord “I beg your patron, your Majesties… But there’s a fleet of Equestrian on their way to here…”

Chapter 26

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“Honey, kids, wh… why are you following me up here?” Haystack asked when he saw his family all trotting along him all the way to the bridge.

“Bring me with you, honey. I don’t want you to leave us anymore!”

“Yes dad, I want to go with you too!” Moonbeam squeaked.

“She’s right. I’ll do anything to work along with you on this ship!” Applesauce said as he breathed constantly “Captain, are there any jobs for me up here?”

“Uh… apparently not yet!”

When they arrived, Yellow Pickle showed them, the Princesses, Celaeno, and Discord the three large red dots on the radar screen. There are two of them that they already knew: the Cloudsdale and the New Hampshire, with which the crew of the ship has clashed before.

But the anomaly that they caught is another one right in the middle of the triangular formation, the one that leads that small flotilla.

“I don’t want to mention THAT vessel, but it seems like it is a completely new one!” Discord stroking his beard “I don’t even hear anything from our intelligence lately…”

“Nope, that’s really their new ship!” Bonbon and Lyra arrived at the bridge, taking out their documents with some photos on it.

“Ah… just mentioned!” Discord chuckled.

“We beg your pardon, your Majesties…” the spy couple bowed before the Caninian sisters, before proceeding to explain “…according to our intelligence info, that one will be at least double the length of the current Cloudsdale, the one that currently housed both the Psycho MkII Gundam and the Alicorn Gundam. More firepower and mobile suit carrying capacity are what we are really worrying about…”

“Do you know about its name yet?” Katherina questioned. “That name should be spreading like wildfire within their military right now!”

“Negative, Princess. Contrary to popular belief, they kept secret about their mobile suit force really well! We from S.M.I.L.E actually knew about those ships and mobile suits better than the average Equestrian soldier! Yes, they can see all those assets before their eyes, but some of them don’t even know the phrase “Minovsky”, “beam saber”, or even “mobile suits” yet!”

Katherina looked away, seemingly digesting the information she just received.

“It seems like they are heading straight to the South East…” Yellow Pickle zooms out the radar, while also checking the compass to find out which direction they are heading for…”

“They… they are heading right for us!”

“Alright, if they wanted, we would have headed right for them too!” Bonbon ordered “Discord, set our course to that fleet. We're gonna shock them to the core!”

“Hey bud, more mock battles. This time, your own ship!” Black Wine was ordered curtly.

“Huh?” Both Flash and Aki stopped at their job and looked up to the Chancellor. Flash frowned upon him every time he saw that smug face approach him, always trying to be his good pal. But he just went insane after every day passed, so he always took his word with a grain of salt. Flash jerk off his chin and ask:

“What do you mean by that?”

“I want to know how much you can guide them, to help them see their real enemy…” Black Wine looked up to the suit and prayed “Mea summa celsitudo, quaeso requiem.” (My supreme Highnesses, please rest). He then turned back to Flash and continued “The next target will be your old ‘comrade’ on the Canterlot. You sin you committed against us, the ponies will be forgiven if you can help them bring that ship to bits, and send all those bits to Tartarus!”

“Are you telling me to kill my own friends…” Flash clenches his teeth in anger, again, with his fist readied to punch into “that filthy snout of him”.

“Ah… You must realize that they are the anti-pony devils now. We must exterminate all those devils from our land, permanently! Or at least push them back to where they are supposed to be!”

“I swear this guy is just more delusional every day…” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Dude should have his 24/7 therapist.”

“Thanks to you, that goal will be done faster, faster than any prediction. We can complete our ethnic cleansing in not several generations, but in years! We can fix Princess Twilight’s mistake. We can make her sinless!”

“Sin… less? What the hay is he talkin’ about?” Applejack raised her eyebrows “Twilight, do you hear this?”

“I guess you can hear what they are talking about now? So c’mon, please tell me what wise words they are saying! Princess, Lady Rarity, Lady Rainbow Dash… Please give me direction for this journey!” Black Wine suddenly came and hugged Flash, then proceeded to violently shake his body. “Tell me all of their secrets!” He pushes Flash's eyes towards his, allowing Flash to hear his breath, which contained the smell of the poorly made mint chewing gum smell and his sweat on the forehead skin.

Flash’s anger goes off the chart long enough he has already prepared his fist and punches the Chancellor in the snout. Only when a guard pony noticed that he jumped right next to Flash and put his fist in the air.

“Oh… thank you!” he sighed, then looked at that smooth head pony with no mane at all with the eyes covered with a cold-looking gray sunglasses.

Suddenly, the strong and bulky guard decided to punch Flash in his stomach. That pony then followed it with a smash into his cheeks, breaking several teeth in the process. He doesn't know why, as his vision slowly blurs. Flash struggled to keep himself conscious. A few seconds later, the Chancellor slowly trotted before Flash, using one of his forehoofs to lift his face up, forcing Flash into looking at his face once more. With his grinding teeth, the Chancellor growled, making sure every single word was crystal clear to Flash:

“What. Did. They. Say.”

“They… They said that… curse your racism!”

“Liar!” he punched Flash in the other side of his face and yelled. “What I do is to make sure our kingdom doesn't get run over by those dirty, filthy creatures’ politicians. They want to exploit our prosperous nation to feed their own dying kingdom, don’t you see?” he said “You are not converse in their words accurately!”

The dark blue unicorn punches him in the right cheek again. His face is full of blood. It bleeds long enough the mobile suit deck can be seen with dark red droplets, the types of blood from his missing tooth. Aki gasped and covered his mouth, horrified. Twilight and her friends also reacted the same. But they are powerless. “Without pilots inside, we can’t do anything!” Starlight said “This mechanism is pure evil! He wants us to be his slave!”

“Flash, Flash! Let's just say we approve of his plan!” Twilight jumped to Flash and begged.

“No… freaking… way…” Flash mumbled.

“What did you just say?” Black Wine growled.

“No… freaking… WAY!” Flash growled back, in a way to make sure the words are as clear as possible.

“This is not how you serve the Council, you traitor!” He punched right into his face, leaving his mouth and nose with further bleeding and 2 of his front teeth fell off, before literally picking him up with his magic and throwing like a toy into one of the mobile suit's armor. A fellow mechanic swears he has heard sounds of broken bone once Flash touches the floor, an indication of how powerful that throw was.

“We approve your goodwill to save Equestria!” Twilight ran right next to Flash along with her friends, yelling. In his blurred vision, Flash can see her eyes are in tears. She tries to hug him into her long front hooves, but it is just in vain.

“Flash… I wish I could hold you like a teddy bear right now…”

“We... approve... your goodwill... to... save... Equestria…” the blue-headed pilot mumbled again, grinding every single word he said. His voice sounds blocked due to all the blood in his mouth.

“Say again?” Black Wine put his ears into Flash’s mouth.

“We approve... your goodwill... to save... Equestria!” he said with a clearer voice, but still a hard line to say for him. The blue-headed pilot then proceeds to spit out all the blood, making a large pond of dark red condensed body fluid on the floor. Then, I fell down like a doll.

“Yup, that’s what I wanted to hear!” Black Wine laughed loudly “I knew it! I knew they loved me!”

Right after that, his assistant pony ran up to him. She has to cover her mouth once seeing the scene, eyes widened. Black Wine saw that. He quickly cleaned up his hooves with his handkerchief, making it shiny again, and put it on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, my dear. I just evict the devil’s spirit out of his body. They are corrupting our dear Elements of Harmony there…”

Although the calming voice, Red Velvet still gulped, shaking her body like she is in the middle of a maximum power fridge in a butcher shop. But still, she manage to speak to Black Wine about their next move, as she handed out some papers to her superior:

“Si… Sir… The Las Pegasus has arrived.” She said, “The Captain needs you to sign these papers.”

“Ah! So my request for a Ra Cailum class has been satisfied. Kudos to them, of course!”

On the radar, Madison was to see on the radar a large, menacing vessel approach them from above and landed a spot in front of his ship and the New Hampshire, making it the leading ship of their newly formed triangular formation. That is exactly how Yellow Pickle found their flotilla.

Flash was picked up by the guards as if he was a toy, and he was thrown onto the stretcher just like that. “Hang in there buddy…” Applejack said. He can’t do any fancier type of paying gratitude other than a nod and smile. But even those bring him immense pain in his gum and lips, mainly because the broken teeth just stab into the lips.

Black Wine sighed. He felt sorry for Flash, too. But his head quickly did its best to justify his brutal action against him: “It was to evict the devil”, he said.

After seeing Flash disappear into the main hangar’s door, as it closed off, the Chancellor goes back to his cabin. He started his own cleaning job along with Red Velvet in order to move all the furniture and papers to his new one onboard the Las Pegasus. He wanted it. The old Cloudsdale, while it is the ship he holds dear to, is a bit too cramped with all the suits and the equipment needed for both the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII, to the point he has to move most of her mobile suits to the New Hampshire to give more space for even more weapons. Unlike the smaller Cloudsdale, the Las Pegasus’s size (nearly double the length) allowed it to have not one, not even two, but three mobile suits hangars and three launch pads. Coupled with that is a stronger overall firepower as well.

But still, there’s a burning question within him: should he move both experimental suits onto the new ship, or two should be kept separately? He personally leaned more toward the two mobile suits, two ship options, based on strategic analysis. “Don’t ever put all your eggs into the same basket” is the basic principle that any military school would teach you, and he is well aware of that. However, he wants to keep his eyes on both machines, as near as it could possibly be for him. Additionally, to make the “Don’t ever put all your eggs into the same basket” principle to be really effective, he had to make both ships to be far away so that they could separate the Alliance navy, further weakening their main force. But to make sure his eyes are on both ships, as he has started to fear that Brandon Cultrich guy could go berserk and steal one of the mobile suits, he needs to keep a strong connection between both ships as well. The thing is, he fears his enemy’s intelligence can easily catch the signal and know everything about his “wonder weapons”.

“Whatever you think is the best for you, Chancellor…” Red Velvet told him while packing the remaining documents in the boxes when she was asked for her opinion “The enemy is obviously too scared to do anything to us right now. Your last mock battle with him and the explosions that occurred have struck their fear of total destruction…”

“Yeah, you are right!” he sighed while cleaning up his soon-to-be old office with the broom “They will be crushed to oblivion if they dare to attack us!”

His cabin has a large window that allows him to have a full view of the hangar. Thanks to it, he can still have a complete glance at the hangar, including the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII standing side by side with all the wires and hoses attached to them. “They seem to be impossible to separate, don’t they?” he thought.

“Hmm… I think I would just group our ships together like right now…” he told Red Velvet while putting his broom into a corner “…just move us to our new ship, and make sure I still have a view like this there. I love seeing them together!”

Red Velvet took a glance outside of their office towards where both machines were standing, seemingly understanding the order. She nodded.

A few minutes later, his wish was immediately granted. Luckily, all of the things he needed, including the suits, and the sick bay right inside the main hangar itself where the Council of Friendship and Starlight was housed, were all modules. They are building like that to serve what Black Wine called as “unpredictability of the battlefield”. That's exactly what happened.

A small airship was placed just outside of the hangar, levitating itself above the launch pad. It was called in to lift those modules off and transfer them to their new ship. Flash had to be transferred by foot, as Aki volunteered to hold him behind his back with all of the cast on his left arms and leg, as well as the bruises.

“Geez… But I know… we must make sure he’s fit enough to continue our experiment no matter what.” Black Wine chuckled while putting his mask on. “You can toss him into a random junkyard when they’re finished, Aki”.

Aki nodded his head before bringing the blue-headed pilot onto the MkII Gundam cockpit and cuffing him up.

But the process was ruined when the alarm rang. “Enemy inbound! Enemy inbound!” the speaker urgently said. Red Velvet immediately gets to the nearest phone and directly up to the bridge to ask what’s going on.

“It… It… It’s the Canterlot! We’re completely exposed!” Madison said with fear in his voice before a large explosion occurred.

It was the New Hampshire. One of her main turrets has completely blown up. Everyone on board quickly abandoned their current moving works and immediately ran to their battle station.

“Aki, don’t let him out!” Lieutenant Mark screamed at Brandon Cultrich’s mechanics “Bring the guy back to our main sick bay, immediately!”

But when he turned around, that ‘Brandon’ guy gave him a feeling that he had already fully realized what was happening around him. And despite the cast and the pain, somehow, he still managed to break from Aki and ran towards the Psycho MkII Gundam.

“Yee haw! Good job ponies!” Applejack yelled gleefully. “The Magic of Friendship gets to work again!”

It was not him. His body was temporarily taken over by Twilight and her friends. They skillfully cooperated with each other to steer him through the busy crew members, and also, the guards ponies. Only when Flash truly gained his vision again, he realized he had sat inside the Psycho MkII’s cockpit. The main control monitor is flashing its “Start” button in front of his eyes. “Tab it!” Rainbow Dash ordered, “I need you to verify that this is you in order for me and my friend to help you control this thing!”

He doesn't know what she means, but he still follows her instructions anyway.

The dark blue painted mobile suit flashes its eyes, ready to commence its own mission: to escape the ship.

“Baby step, Twilight! Baby step…” Starlight said with a smile.

Chapter 27

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“Full combat speed, Mind-of-Steel!” Discord ordered enthusiastically. “We're gonna shock them to the core!”

Not even Mind-of-Steel can help but be overwhelmed by Discord, even though he’s a soldier, and even though he knew his wacky personality and commanding style pretty well. But still, he has no choice but to obey the order. He personally also wanted to take down those filthy, evil ships with his own ship’s cannon, so decided to pump the speed up as fast as the senior engineer recommended. On the bridge, the “Full Combat Speed” order means the speed of about 85 knots and higher.

The senior engineer has allowed them to speed up to around 112 knots.

They have to convince the Caninian Princesses, as well as Haystack family to leave the ship before really taking off to intercept the enemy’s flotilla. Before really saying goodbye to them, Haystack have told her:

“This ship is the longest surviving ship anywhere. Believe me, I’ll come back!” the Lieutenant said to the love of his life and his filly and foal.

“I don’t believe that!” Applesauce said “Too many ship explosions on the news already…”

“You see all those rust, son?” He pointed to the browned area on the ship paint, indicating it nearly got zero overhaul maintenance in the span of more than a year, except only once that it got its original fully functioning weapons configuration again. “That’s a testament of how well protected this lady is. Not to mention all those damages the ship inflicted. We’re gonna sunk the Cloudsdale today, so that we are the resilient ship here in Equus!”

“Are you sure?” Moonbeam asked naively. “When will you come back?”

“Soon enough.” he hugged and brought her up on his shoulder “I’ll be there on your birthday, okay?”

“Honey!” called Mayflower “I wanted to give you this. Her hoof reaches a bag that she has always brought whenever she goes outside the tent.

“Ooh, I like this scarf!” Haystack carefully picked it from her, gently looking all over its details. “You made this for me?”

“I… I actually bought it from an old mare somewhere in that camp… But hey! It's the best scarf I could find for you, bunny!”

She then landed a kiss on his cheek. “Safe flight there, Hastie…”

And they both blushing, the same kind of blushing they have when their love is still young.

Their kids squeeze in happiness.

“Sweet Celestia, we're married!” she said with a chuckle. “Why are we blushing like crazy!”

Back on the Cloudsdale, everytime he pulled out that scarf, it always reminded him of that one goodbye. He will always blush then scold himself “Why are you blushing, dumbass. We’re married! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about…”

For some reason, Queen Katherina Proudpaws, or Kat as she refers to be called, was chosen on board. Bonbon and Lyra have lost in the argument that no one in the royalties should be on board, that it is dangerous. “One of my sisters going with you will motivate you guys to stay safe. The entire Harmony Guardian Alliance is placing on you” is how the Queen reasoned. She wants to help shield the ship with her loyalty magic.

“So, basically… You made shields? The magical one?”


Her sister also asked to go with her too. However, as the eldest sibling in her family, she has successfully convinced them to disembark the ship. “The risk is low, but never zero.”

And because of that, she has to hold the chair for her dear life, praying the ship will not actually get harmed, as if the vibration will be too much and the ship will crack and then explode. But contrary to her paranoia, it still stands.

Finally, after around an hour of non-stop high speed cruising, they are near the enemy enough they can see them with their bare eyes. Discord immediately ordered the mega particle gunner to align their barrel carefully and open fire on the enemy ships.

“Light em’ up!” he yelled in the middle of the noisy atmosphere, before creating his own sunglasses by his magic to look cool.

All four front mega particle barrels fired in anger towards their enemy, picking their most vulnerable parts on their targets to hit.

Then, a distant rumbling and several lights flashing from a far. “They’re all hit!”

The whole bridge cheered upon the victory. Some even hugged each other and danced. Four shots with all landed a hit is an extremely rare occasion. Discord have actually played a Truth and Dare with another Captain, who dared him to do exactly that infront of his entire bridge crew. This makes it an even more celebrate-able moment.

“Silence… The battle is still ongoing!” Katherina reminded them “As long as they are still in the sky, we are not in the mood for a celebration!”

“Launch the mobile suits!” Discord ordered “Aim your guns directly to their bridge. We must sunk at least one ship right here!”

Flash was still struggling to do the entire starting procedure on his own. Meanwhile, he gets to hear his new friends' discussion surrounding their situation.

And also Luster Dawn.

“Wait… did he say that it is an unbreakable curse? So why haven't we seen her with him?” Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

“I don’t really know. This whole Rainbow Magic incorporated mobile suit thing-y is so confusing! I hate to say this but I have to give credit to Black Wine for the creation of a new type of magic. Dark magic!” Twilight said with a frown on her face, actively looking into her memory like a book.

“Sure is… This kind of magic is straight up created by him…” Starlight added by doing the same as her ex-teacher “We may have to create countermeasures from the ground up!”

“He treated us as if we were his objects!” Rarity grinded her teeth and tore out “And this metal robot is just anything but decent looking. He doesn't even bother to build us a good looking façade!”

“Uh… Rarity. He is turning us into weapons!” Applejack said, raising her voice a little “Of course he chose this thing! This is not even a prison. It’s our new physical body that all of us have to share!”

“Friendly reminder that he’s failed the School for Gifted Unicorns…” Starlight sighed. “He nearly passed a test to qualify. Nothing to do with his racism…”

It all happened in a span of just about half a minute. Thanks to the chaotic situation, he was able to do without much interference at all. Except for one guard pony.

“Flash, look out!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

Due to his urgency, Flash did not notice a guards pony was trying to come to his cockpit until Pinkie Pie alarmed him. Thanks to him being a pegasus, he was able to launch himself from the foot all the way up the chest.

“Kick him, Flash!” Rainbow Dash ordered.

But he is too large, and way more fit to actually pick a fight than a severely injured human-shaped pony. He was genuinely scared when he attempted to climb into the chair and use his strong front hoof to pull Flash out. He even came close enough to show his sheer muscle from countless training hours on those giant fore hoof.

“Your cast!” Rainbow Dash yelled through his mind again “Use your left leg!”

And he did just that. Flash tried as hard as he could, aiming his foot right into the most vulnerable part he could possibly find: his chest. He just only wore normal security clothes, yet he could still feel his large chest muscle. Flash could barely hold himself on the chair with only one hand, let alone kicking out that jock.

“We… We gotta do something to help him!” Fluttershy exclaimed “He’s still too weak!”

Suddenly, the mobile suit moved all by it’s own. First, the hands, then the it right legs followed. The guard pegasus was caught off guard and nearly lose his grip on Flash, but it was soon the case. With all his might, with some little help from manipulation magic of Applejack kicking power, he was able to push him out of the cockpit. He climbed back on the pilot chair whilst his new friends take the job of picking that pegasus up and put aside. “Gentle, please be gentle…”, Fluttershy’s voice mumbling through his mind. She helped putting him down without a scratch, while the guard himself are still comprehend what really going on in his head, with the confusion showing bright his face.

“Hahaha! That’s hilarious!” Rainbow Dash laughed.

But none of them get to notice something big right before them, until it’s too late. The Alicorn was just standing in the opposite direction.

“Look out!” screamed Twilight Sparkle.

A powerful punch landed right onto the cockpit hatch, created a huge dent on the armor. It created a G force powerful enough to trigger the newly installed airbag on it, prevented his face to smash directly onto the main monitor. “Thanks goodness…” sighed Rarity.

It was that moment when Flash could vaguely hear Griselda's voice again, after nearly a month of her and her friends' complete silence…

“You… dare… escape… not!” she said angrily. The Alicorn makes another fist in order to make another punch. Its punch was stopped by the Psycho MkII’s own fist, created by Flash’s piloting skill.

“Good job Flash. Hold on a little more!” Twilight said.

“Hey, what is that below us?” asked Spike.

Flash makes a brief look to where Spike is supposed to point. It was a dark grey beam rifle, placed just in the reaching distance. “Good job, Spike!” Pinkie Pie complemented. “Flash, grab it!”

And he does just that. It was a shiny, well-polished rifle which sported a dark grey color and had its main targeting scope and some of it’s vulnerable parts covered in a heavy layer of dark blue armor, just like the Psycho MkII itself. Upon taking it, the main monitor read the thing as “RF-85B Midrange Snipe Beam Rifle”.

“What the heck is a ‘Midrange Snipe Beam Rifle’? Nah, never mind…” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“AI assist sniping capability?” Fluttershy questions.

However, there’s no time to ask. The Alicorn have already picked a serious fight. For some reason, its pilot somehow considered using a beam saber inside a closed hangar safe enough, so they pulled out one of the Alicorn’s forearm beam saber. Luckily, it was set in dagger mode.

“Die you monster!” Griselda's voice cried through his ear.

Flash yelled her name in the cockpit, loud enough to alert his Element of Harmony friends.

“You can hear her, that’s a good sign!” Twilight said, then she proceeded to persuade him and her friends to set up a communication link towards them. “If we have to include talking with Black Wine, so be it!”

But instead of his annoyingly voice talking non-stop through the com-link when Flash finally finishes that process, he only hears distorted sound. “Black Wine, you geezer!” Flash screamed. The Alicorn then proceeds to continuously stabbing its unfortunate opponent with its beam dagger. Flash and the Council manage to help each other avoid every single one of them. “Come and get you god damn ass out!”

“Language...” Rarity cleared her throat and said with an annoyed voice “Be gentle like the gentle colt you used to be…”

“Answer me!” he continued. He was distracted upon seeing the other mobile suits gradually leave the ship. This allowed the Alicorn to make a stab deep into one of the chest armor, triggering coolant leaking alarm inside the cockpit.

This is also when he has to hear his friends scream in pain.

“Good, they all left…” Black Wine sighed when he saw his last subordinate’s mobile suit leave the hangar and go straight into the battlefield. He has blocked all communications between the Psycho MkII Gundam’s and him. He knew the five souls that were trapped inside the Alicorn Gundam, and they were trying hard with an unbreakable spell that connected them with that Brandon guy. He didn't know how it happened, or how to stop it, but at least he knew how to suppress that spell. He actually finds out that the suit has previously and automatically registered Brandon’s bio signature, including his hands mark and iris shape. Thanks to his engineer’s skill, his bio info was struck off, and it was replaced with him.

It also connected his mind to them and allowed him to do the exact same thing Flash initially hated: being haunted every night to the end of life by the “Haunting Curse”, although Luster Dawn and her friends really against the idea of pulling another unfortunate creature into their dangerous and deadly adventure like they have with Flash Sentry.

However, their curse has forced them to take an undesirable turn.

It has connected them the same it has with Black Wine, the very pony that ordered the hunt for them which brought them to the Alicorn Gundam prison.

“Do you see that mobile suit out there?” Black Wine pointed his hooves to it while still trying to push it out of the hangar “Don’t worry, I've contained it for you!”

Words can’t describe how much hatred the five creatures have for Black Wine. “You sick scumbag!” Griselda yelled into his face. “You have forced us to be like this!”

“There’s no way we're gonna listen to your order!” followed Yolinda.

“Sorry, but you guys have to…” he once again pointed his hoof towards the Psycho MkII “That thing and whoever piloted it is trying to kill you! There is an evil spirit contained in that thing, and it has gone berserk. If we don’t contain it again, it can destroy the entire Equestria! Don’t you see the last time it nearly destroyed you?”

Luckily, for some reason, they can’t hear Twilight’s voice when she intimidated Black Wine in their first mock battle, so the friends have to nod their head.

“But we have to be a tool for your evil desire, right?” Luster Dawn questioned “And also, you don’t scare my non ponies friends here, you racist pony?”

She could sense his shake of fury within his mind, but what he shown before her a slight sigh and replied “I only wish to make our kingdom become safe, become more pure!” he looked towards Yolinda, Spring Garden and Griselda “Your leaders, especially your mom, Princess Spring Garden, have a future plan in their fur. Each of them wanted a slice of Equestria as if it was a tasty Appleloosa’s pie. They want to enslave us with a pony, Luster Dawn. You, BB and I will be all DEAD!”

He emphasized on the word “DEAD”, as well as piloting the Alicorn and the Psycho MkII out of the hangar and out to the open. “Now look at it trying to kill us!”

The Psycho MkII put up the beam rifle it just took and immediately made a beam shot toward them. Followed by another shot, this time it nearly hit the Alicorn’s head and made a burn on its cheek.

“Okay… But make no mistake, Black Wine. We’re not your friends, and never will be! Expect us to make your life worse than Tartarus!”

However, what they have to deal with first at the moment, is a rouge mobile suit in front of their eyes. For some reason, they have a feeling that it may be piloted by someone they hold dear. That feeling was quickly suppressed when it makes another beam shot toward them.

"Oh no, you don't!" yelled Griselda.

"Griselda, stop!" Yolinda screamed.

Chapter 28

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“That’s too close, Rainbow Dash!” Flash yelled, “Are you insane?”

“What? Do you think Black Wine will spare our lives? Remember how you suddenly lost contact with them altogether? That’s him!” Rainbow Dash said. She made the Psycho MkII raise its beam rifle once again and fired at the Alicorn.

“But… I just heard Griselda’s voice…”

“That’s thanks to the curse they inflict on you. But I don’t think they get to hear your voice again, my stallion…”

“Er herr.” Applejack cleared her throat.

“That’s ridiculous! That curse also allows the victim to talk back to the ‘parasite’!” Starlight argued.

“What do you mean by that?” Flash asked. The Alicorn's eyes flashes charged right into Flash’s position. Thankfully, he is fast enough to pull out the forearm-mounted beam saber to create a beam tonfa, using its blade to block a similar beam tonfa from the Alicorn.

“I hate to say this, really hate to say this, but that’s what a witch who cast the curse on her victim called. You are supposed to know this!”

“Yes, but they call it in a different way in a book… I forgot its name…”

“Forget it, concentrate on the battle!” Twilight Sparkle said with a commanding voice.

“Enemy coming, 6 o’clock!” screamed Pinkie Pie “That’s Black Wine’s friend!”

“Damn you Brandon!” Nikita screamed and charged right at Flash “This is for Joseph!”

His beam rifle constantly firing in utter anger and hatred for the pilot that has killed his comrade. When he saw the rogue mobile suit, his initial reaction was to ignore it since there is Black Wine in Alicorn have to tackle it. But upon hearing who is in the cockpit, he immediately thinks of killing Brandon. His plan: take it down with his newly equipped, forearm-mounted Piloting System Jammer (PSJ), forcing Brandon out of the cockpit and beating the hell out of him. After thinking about it, he let his fury loose.

He has always been infuriated by the blue-headed, slimmed guy that was known as the enemy’s ace pilot. He was, allegedly, responsible for the death of Lt. Joseph Barn. But that’s enough. He just wanted to punch him with his own fist the moment he pulled him out of that cursed cockpit. He wants to see his nose bleeding like a spring, begging for life and he will bring him right to Black Wine. “Stop there, cunt! Stop there so I can shock you with this lightning they gave me!” he screamed in the cockpit. His finger professionally pressed the buttons on the control stick to choosing the PSJ, as well as locking the main camera onto the dark blue mobile suit.

“I will not kill you, but hopefully this is enough to make you feel utter pain!” he said. A large, thick electrical wire then with a black metal arrow attached launched towards the Psycho MkII. Initially, Brandon’s, or the AI’s, or both’s piloting skills did catch it and destroy the metal arrow. “But don’t worry” as in Nikita's own words, there is a second one. His eyes turned red in anger and the will of a hunter: to kill his prey. Turns out there is not one, but there are 4 of them: 2 for each forearm, all fully functional. Nikita decided to overwhelm the rogue mobile suit by firing two at once. While one was successfully blocked, the other went dangerously close…

…before eventually, he landed a hit.

“Now suffer my fury, you war criminal!” Nikita growled.

He set up the electrical output to the highest point, indicating enough of them can send the entire piloting hardware to be overheated and eventually burn them from the inside. The thing does as it was supposed to do: the current is so strong the mobile suit itself flattering in agony.

“Argh! Arghhh!” Flash growled. There is literal electrical lightning in the cockpit, each of them stings into his flesh with electric currents. Not enough to kill him, but it was, at the time, the worse physical torture he have ever gone through. The lightning crackled like stick fireworks, enough to show how powerful and harmful the PSJ system can be.

“Flash, Flash, fight back!” Fluttershy cried. “You are hurting!”

“Sweet Celestia, do something!” Applejack yelled “He is burned like roasted apples! Telling him to fight back did not gonna help!”

“Are there any kind of fire extinguishers here?” Rarity asked in full panic “Find them around, Pinkie!”

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” the pink pony squeaked in tears.

Luckily, she found it. The waters and fire extinguishing bubbles help ease the pain in his body, partially making him feel better although the burn is still severe. It fell down to the ground, making a loud metallic thud. The entire cockpit then goes dark, leaving only some red emergency light for Flash. The pain is too much it sends Flash unconscious, making the mobile suit a total sitting duck.

In his cockpit, Nikita breathed constantly but looked proudly at his ‘achievement’ with a giant grin on his face. “Finally, for our next business!” he said with a sinister voice. The suit slowly walked to its victim. It took him only 6 minutes to finally “take down” his prey, and there is still one unused PSJ launcher left in case the pilot is still unconscious and used all his surviving will to fight back. It is also the reason why he walked so slowly: despite his thirst for vengeance, professionalism still has stood in his psyche, as the pilots always said, safety first.

And that did save his life, just in an unpredictable way: just when Nikita decided to lower his mobile suit to a suitable height so he could jump out of the cockpit safely, a mobile suit just like his rammed into his flank, caused him to fall down the mud.

“This one is MINE!” Water Vapor yelled.

Back on Psycho MkII, the Council of Friendship and Starlight are working as hard as they can to bring back their mobile suit’s control system.

Or rather, making it their new flesh and bones.

It’s not like that was the first time they attempt to do it. In their second battle with Black Wine, Twilight somehow managed to hijack the suit and temporarily control it by her own will. “It's probably because the MS power is on, I’m still looking into it…”

“Hey Twilight, look at that!” Pinkie Pie pointed all around the cockpit “Do you notice something?”


“Those lights!” the pink fluffy mane pony said “Those lights must be powered by something!”

“That’s right! Good job Pinkie!” Applejack said gleefully “Twilight, Starlight, there is still some power!”

“Yes! This suit’s APU must be somewhere!” Rainbow Dash said while ‘hovering’ all around the suit to find the said APU.

“What is that mean?” Starlight asked.

“Auxiliary Power Unit! Basically, a backed-up power source to help the suit to do basic things in cases like this. I think it can help restart the Gundam’s main reactor!” she said excitingly. “Hey, Flash?”

He still lying unconsciously on his pilot chair. Fluttershy and Twilight have already trotted next to Flash and tried their best to wake him up and ease his pain. With that, Rainbow Dash has no way but to find the APU. Fortunately, her wife Applejack and Starlight Glimmer decided to trot along.

They found it in no time, and it was connected to the main reactor. “Wh… What should we do?” Rainbow Dash asked when found out the main reactor’s cover cracked, leaving toxic radiation leaked.

“That’s radiation! Okay, we have to repair it. RD, you check the APU…”

“I think it looks fine!” she answered straightly.

“Are you sure?”

“Can confirm. The thing looks intact.” Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash scrambled to the rest of the friends. “Follow me, guys. I found it!”

“Good job, RD! I’ll you my magic to gather all of our power and restart the suit!” Twilight then turned to Flash and briefly said “Hold there. Don’t die!” before getting to the job with her friends.

They quickly do what the alicorn told them, holding their hooves and claws and concentrating. The effort luckily restarted the APU and healed everything that was broken from the PSJ system.

“I hate how reliant we are on this thing!” Rarity moaned “I can not see a thing outside! I want my eyes back!”

Just after that, her complaint was partially satisfied. Everything was in urgent, so the process went smoothly despite it being Twilight’s first try.

Right after the camera was functional again, the newcomer’s Jesta charged right into them.

“CLANG!” the sound of metal crashing each other echoed in Flash’s ears. He quickly grabbed his control stick, ignoring all the pain, and regain control of his mobile suit.

“Let me handle these two, Flash!” Twilight said. “I’ll join in too!” Rainbow Dash followed.

Recovered from the sudden assault just a moment earlier, the Psycho MkII flashes its eyes and begins its retaliation. Everything just happened in a moment, so fast that Water Vapor’s skill isn’t enough to let him react in time. The suit took its right leg up and kick as hard as it could into the torso, making the dark gray Jesta to even fly back a bit and fall down a mud pond. To make sure it didn’t stand up again, Applejack pinned it down with the same foot. Needless the say the pinning force, as well as the sticky thick mud, have made it struggle to stand off again for a few minutes.

And then, there is one of Black Wine Jesta with its electrical wire that has burned Flash and his cockpit before. They knew that pilot would use it again, so the dark blue MS quickly maneuver and dodged its last arrow.

To them, it might be that’s it, but Nikita hasn’t pulled the last trick off his sleeves. It came later in the form of a retractable arrow.

“Oh no you don’t!” he said while continuing his pursuit with the same move as before.

“This guy’s wired arrow worked just like tentacles!” exclaimed Starlight “Do you see how he just keeps deploying then retract it!”

“What a stubborn bastard!” Rainbow Dash clenches her teeth “Flash, your rifle!”

He tries his best to concentrate on the fight, putting up his beam rifle up and doing the shots. It mostly didn’t work, except for one of them being able to take its adversary's shield away and threw it into the forest. “Good job, Flash!” Rainbow Dash said. But they have no time to celebrate.

“What the… why do the enemy MSs fighting each other? What about Water Vapor?” Yamina asked in a panic. Water Vapor himself just got the new Jesta that was captured from the Equestrian Army from a raid into their base at Northernmost Town. Yamina didn’t get to see when he saw one, so it is hard to imagine how he actually happy to see one intact, let alone being handed over to him. She still remembers how happy he is when he talked in panic to her and Haystack about that occasion, to the point that the Lieutenant himself has to calm him down.

“I know… you have to take it mate…” the brown earth pony said “…that suit will absolutely fit your fighting style… I mean, you like guns and looming over your opponent, right?”

Just after her mind somehow reminded her of that words, a beam shot suddenly ripped one of the Psycho Gundam MkII’s shields away, just as powerful as the beam shot the Psycho Gundam MkII itself made earlier.

Flash turned his back and asked “What the…” before knowing what have caused it. It was the Jesta Applejack just pinned down, but for some reason, it still have enough strength left to get back up and open fire on the Psycho MkII.

“Applejack!” the group whined.

“Wh… What? I thought he was dead! My kick is that powerful!”

“Mobile suits are more rigid than you guys think it is…” Flash said “…good kick though, AJ. Now, I think I should… arg…”

He didn’t get to finish the sentence before another set of pain kicked in. “You sit there, Flash! Me and the Elements of Harmony will make them suffer in a finishing blow!”

With that, the eyes lit up and so as the psycho frame, the dark blue mobile suit slowly gained its power from seemingly nowhere. From his cockpit, Black Wine smiled in amusement: finally, the infamous explosions that it has done with him will be recreated.

“Everyone, retreat, retreat!” Haystack screamed through the comlink “That thing is going to explode!” he turned to Water Vapor and ordered, “WV, get out now!”

Sensing something was really gone wrong, Flash struggled to take control of the mobile suit as much as possible, but it was all in vain. It’s already too late.

He saw it. He saw that bunny head icon that Water Vapor love to paint on his mobile suit. It was a thing he didn’t really mind until that moment. “I’m coming for you, scumbag!” he screamed through the com link.

Flash quickly adjust his frequency to match Water Vapor’s and said to him.

“WV, it’s me, Brandon! Turn back to your ship!”

It’s already too late.

A sudden burst of magic makes his whole MS turn into a lantern brighter than the sun, to the point Flash’s vision was lost for a few minutes due to him not covering his eyes in time. He didn’t get to know what really happened outside of the cockpit, as much as Water Vapor’s backstory beyond what his comrade and Haystack himself has told him.

“Stop… it…” he cried for one last time.

On the outside, everyone who didn’t get their eyes covered in time also got their eye blinded, which is a fatal situation to them since that magic blast is exceptionally destructive.

“The Elements of Harmony!” Discord mumbled. “There’s no way those poor souls can escape them!”

And unfortunately, everything happened just as he said. Thanks to the ships' maneuvers, they only suffer minor damages due to debris from the blast. For the crew, they watch in horror as the colorful, transparent hemisphere turned everything in its 600 meters radius into what Discord calls as “hard, solid rock statues”. Both Nikita’s and Water Vapor’s MS turn into rock midair, with Nikita just starting his rocket engine to engage the dark blue mobile suit.

They froze into stone instantly once the colorful hemisphere touches them, cutting off any of their attempted attacks. When all the dust and lights settled, they are only a pile of rubble.

“What the heck… Are you doing?” Flash screamed.

“Hey, be thankful we help save your life, meanie!” Rarity said, “Those things are trying to kill you!”

“I’m sorry... for your loss…” Fluttershy muttering.


“I know you are fond of him, right? Water Vapor…” Fluttershy said.

“You… you guys kill him! He’s on our side… Argh!”

“I’m… I’m sorry, Flash…” Twilight said. Followed by that her friends turned to her. “I know it’s crucial for our survivor, but accidentally killing your friends is hurtful. I… I think we should refrain from using this too much…”


“Rainbow Dash, the Magic of Friendship between us is the last resort. It’s powerful and harmless, yes! But I have noticed that our magic is getting harder and harder to control, maybe that evil Chancellor knows that this will make us more and more reliant on him. Like… it is forcing our magic out as if it is some kind of worm… Do you guys feel like that?”

“Yup. It is uncomfortable to have our unique magic being meshed together into some kind of thing that is worse than any bunch of rotten apples.” Applejack said while looking around the cockpit “Like… do y’all see all of this magical light floating around?”

“That’s REALLY our magic! But… but look how both familiar and different it is at the same time!”

“Yeah, it’s like our magic being smashed into each other like bad smoothies!” Pinkie Pie added.

The group then suddenly silent for a while. It is hard for them to grasp that they have just taken away lives. At least two pilots from both sides have been turned into stone. Their body falls down and turned into nothing but rubbles, just like the mobile suit they are piloting. That’s what Flash imagined, and he has been caught by his friends.

With that, the entire battle becomes a fever dream for anyone that is involved. “That rainbow hemisphere is absolutely unreal!” one of the crew members of the Las Pegasus said a few years when he recall the battle “You can feel the whole world stood still when that dark blue Gundam exploded, bringing all of its magical might outside. Maybe that’s not all, but it seems like it is!”

For the Elements of Harmony themselves, they are extremely guilty of what they have done. It was a magical source of defense, sure! But while it was their own, why they can’t control it like they want?

“I think we have to stop using the Magic of Friendship, at least for now!” Twilight suddenly said as if she issuing a decree “We don’t want creatures to freak out!”

Chapter 29

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But to Flash, that declaration isn’t enough. It is the moment that he found that being commissioned by the Elements of Harmony to free them out was too much of a burden for him to bear, despite he gets to go through that along with the Elements themselves.

They suddenly decided to formally surrender the Canterlot, making the whole crew shocked even more. “Tell them who you are!” Rainbow Dash urged “Doesn’t you want to go back to that ship?”

When Flashjust attempted to open his mouth, the ship immediately open fire on him, along with some of his comrade’s MS. Their intense firepower shocked Flash. For a brief moment, he forgot what he was in. The blue-haired pilot struggled to keep himself in the air. As Twilight has declared, they will not use any of their magic, at least for a while from that moment, so the friends get to inspect his pilot skill for a while. Despite the few physical bullets and warheads bouncing off the armor and leaving scratches here and there, the machine was still perfectly functional. All thanks to his perfectly focused mind that gives all its energy to the control stick and the pedal. The pain isn’t enough to get the guy

“Hey, he's pretty skillful!” Fluttershy gasped as she witnessed the blue-haired pilot smoothly dodging all the beam shots from his comrades.

“Look at his leg. I can NOT fathom how he can the jumping and dodging so PERFECTLY synchronizing!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

And, once again ignoring the pain, Flash was getting to open his mouth. The distorted voice painfully pronounces every word as clearly as possible.

“Stop... attacking... US!”

“Us? Don’t say that! I don’t want trouble!” Starlight said unamusingly “Just say me!”

“Die you monster. DIE!” a familiar voice barked back. It was Yamina, the yak that was one of the most influential friends in his old squad, beside Haystack. He didn’t get to talk to her much, but her kindness has always made him feel welcome.

That’s also why his subtle fight with her was so heartbroken for him. Despite his call, she still did not reply. “Yamina, it’s me! It’s me! Brad...”

“Don’t you dare impersonate my friend!” she screamed as her black mobile suit launch itself towards Flash. Vowing to not fight back, he has to quickly dodge her fury, and step aside for it to crash into a bunch of trees. “I will not fight you! I’m sorry I have to sit in this thing!”

That move is also the reason why Flash started to get distracted. He receives a direct beam shot to one of the shield-like-wing on his back almost immediately, causing it to explode. Thus, he got to experience the deafening scream that comes from Fluttershy.

“Damn it! Flash, get out of here, now!” ordered Rainbow Dash. “Staying here longer and all of us will be grilled, LITERALLY!”

But they didn’t wait for Flash to do anything. The machine quickly lightens up it’s psycho frame, something Flash knew but never saw in action within the MkII Gundam before. The light from it somehow cooled down the humidity of the non-air conditioned cockpit, as it cooled down his burns. He feels way better physically, but the scream of his new friend sends chills down his spine. He finally takes the order and pilots him and the Council out of both sides’ sight.

And it was the coolness of the magical aura, not the slow healing of his injury, making Flash’s focus slowly fade into the vacuum of consciousness. He slowly closed his eyes, relaxing his muscle and breathing in synchronization.

“Relax pal, you already have a big fight on your own…” Applejack slowly mumbled, “Let us take you somewhere calm and safe…”

On the Canterlot, Discord decided to override all of the authorities and order all the guns to be silenced. “That thing didn’t attempt to harm anything or any of us, let alone posed a threat!” he reasoned.

“It… It… didn’t return to the Las Pegasus or the Cloudsdale! Is that mean someone else is taking that mobile suit?” Queen Katherina asked as if she understand the situation like every other soldier on board. After all, the Psycho MkII Gundam has earned its infamous reputation as the “Boss Mobile Suit” across most of Equus, both in HGA’s kingdoms and Equestria.

“But Sir!” barked Haystack “That thing just kill one of our comrades without even touching him and destroy a vast area of the forest with whatever that colorful hemisphere is! We can’t let it escape!”

“I want to destroy it!” followed by Yamina “Too many souls have died by this!”

This draws Discord and the remained pilots into an oral battle, both of which try to protect some of the most radical ideas and strategies. For the crew members, it is impossible for them to not sympathize with their ship’s MS pilot. They just lost a comrade, one that is incredibly hard to find and almost impossible to replace. Life is both extremely invaluable and valuable at the same time on the battlefield, depending on what position a soldier could be one. But Blue Thunder is more than just a military pilot. He is a well-respected individual who has battled his mobile suits with its large humanoid enemy for more than a year at that moment. But little did they know, that the creatures that all of them also hold dear too, especially Discord since a particular pegasus mare named Fluttershy, was stuck in that dark blue painted machine. This fact was only getting into their mind when, suddenly, Discord mentioned her dear friend's name:

Needless to say, Haystack, Yamina, and all of the creatures suddenly went silent in shock when Discord screamed “Fluttershy is in there! I heard her voice!”

“What?” Every creature was shocked.

“The Psycho MkII… It may be possessed by the Elements of Harmony themselves!” he said.

“Wait… wait… hold on… What just happened.” Queen Katherina asked in disbelief “You wanted to say they were somehow stuck in that thing? Or…”

“I want to catch it, no matter what the cost is!” Discord said confidently “The Alicorn will be an afterthought, for now. In our condition, capturing the Psycho MkII Gundam is the most feasible way to help us gain even ground with Black Wine and his army!”

“Yup, he’s right…” Lyra sighed and nodded her head, albeit hesitantly “It is all alone on its own right now, plus severe damages thanks to our enemy and Yamina shot into one of its shield-like-wing.”

Queen Katherina also nodded. She turned to the ship Captain and said to him “Command whatever you want, but be cautious.”

The draconequus officer quickly salutes the Diamond Dog queens. “I’ll take your advice to heart, your Majesty!”

“Geez, I have forgotten how smart they are! My bad, my bad…” Black Wine hastily explained to his subordinate “I’m sorry for any loss, or damages you guys sustained. By the way, good job Nikita. I’ll buy you a drink later man.”

“But don’t you REALLY want to take back that thing? The Psycho MkII, I mean.” Nikita questioned in frustration.

His face then turned more and more darker, as his tears run down his face. “You have no idea how much Joseph meant to me. He is my childhood friend and at the time... He is my only. If not because of him, I haven’t gotten out of my autistic mind... Killing that brat Brandon is the least I can do to pay him the respect I haven’t properly done.”

“I feel for you, mate.” Mark wrapped his arm around his saddened comrade. “He is a brave soldier.”

“But now is not the time for mourning. You boys can do that on an appropriate day.” Said Red Velvet casually, her hooves caressing one of her long strands of mane “I could foresee there are even harder days awaiting us. Do not lose your temper!”

“I think we can commission you guys to be the new commanders of a squadron that I will plan later. We have to ask your superior to buy more MS for an upcoming battle.”

“Where is that, Sir?” Mark asked.

“You probably all heard about Everfree forest, right?” the dark blue pony pulled down the map behind his back, showing the progress of the, at that moment, the ongoing siege on the Everfree’s main royal city is in a stall... Literally!” he pointed to one of the strongholds, where his troops reported that the Everfree reindeer force have their magic so strong it resisted their fire for hours. Equestrian main advancement tactic is to burn the trees so fast the forest can’t regenerate. However, this tactic might not be so effective anymore.

“I don’t know why.” he stroked his beard “My speculation is that their magic has allowed for the to generate fire resistance trees, or more likely, vines. I wanted our ship to go there and investigate.”

“Isn’t there already mobile suits there?” Red Velvet questioned. “As much as I am aware, they are effective in busting through enemy strongholds.”

“Not anymore. They are nearly decade-old MS with almost no propulsion: Zakus Ground Type, GM Ground Type, and one or two Guntanks. There are enemies outside of the siege circle, and they make them immobile in some places. Damn those AE tycoons. They don’t even sell us enough rocket fuel for their engines!”

“So... you want our MS to go their forest and swoop down right above their head?” Mark asked jokingly.

“Yes… I call it a Tactical Eagle Swoop!” said Black Wine with a signature villain laugh, making Red Velvet chuckle. “Imagine our MS just jumped down from nowhere and rained those filthy reindeer with our beam. Well… as much as I know trees can’t fly!”

The whole gang laughed at his joke, all with widely opened mouths. It was a rare opportunity for them to relax in their crusade, thinking they could save their homes.

“Hey, do you think they are gonna throw vines up in the air?”

“With what, tree catapults?” Black Wine chuckled “Then my Cancer will be sent them right back, this time with fire.”

“Flash, wake up!” the voice of the Ruler of Equestria smoothly sweeps through his ears “We have arrived!”

“Arrived where?”

“Uhm… Our army, I guess?” Rainbow Dash answered. The machine has chosen to land in the middle of the forest, far from a large military base but still close enough for them to see the creatures walking around. There are some mobile suits displayed, alongside other military assets.

“Guys... I don’t think that’s a good idea to just come... right?” Pinkie Pie asked anxiously and shivering, knowing just storming into the base would cost them even further, and absolutely unwanted damages. She looked up to Twilight, hoping the wise ruler of Equestria will shed some light.

“How about we just come in and use our magic, disabling their weapons, and ask?” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“No way, RD. Remember that we have to refrain from using magic.” said Starlight “Do not make them freak out, remember?”

“Arrgh! Flash, you have absolutely no plan on this?” Spike scolded “You are a soldier, dude!”

“Spike, let him rest…” Twilight persuades him to calm down “He just got severe burns…”

“Well, because you said that we need to refrain to use the Magic of Friendship, this guy is the only logical choice for the majority of the time we are stuck in this steel moving tower. Hey Flash, how about you just get out of this thing and go ask your… I don’t know… Friends if we can stay here for the night?”

“Spike, he’s injured, we should…”

Rarity persuasion was cut short once the pilot himself speak up, albeit with just an easy-going voice, a small gust of wind that just enough to make the flute shape of a damaged vocal chord to ring.

“I... I... will... Sir!”

The whole group turned their head at Flash and gasped. Applejack was then having one of her eyebrows raised. “Ya sure buddy? I think you should…”

Once again, Flash cut his friends' sentence by opening the hatch. The sounds of the air being sucked out certainly startled some birds which choose to rest on the trees nearby. “Can… you guys… help me comes down? I… I think I’m… okay right now…”

“Dude, you literally just been grilled! Lo… Look at those burns! Rest on this chair and we’ll find some help for CELESTIA shake!” she resort to full-on scolding when the blue-haired pilot still standing near the pilot chair, with his arm wrapped around his heavily injured body.

“I… I’ll took… this wire… then…” his hands take a lever which contained a cable, the one which allowed pilots to come down from the cockpit when there’s no outside elevator, a relic of a war not a few decades ago. Slowly but surely, the brake on the cable wheel helped Flash descend into the humid ground without any electronics to help.

Now, imagine the shocking faces of soldiers, both Equusian and some humans alike, when they saw a human, littered with burns on his flesh, slowly and even agonizingly walked towards them. “I need help, my MS was damaged!” he screamed with all of his power from his lungs and then collapsed. The creatures rushed towards him and put him on a stretcher and readied the sickbay. Everything finished so fast that they chose to ignore his old, overused, and bastardized. “I’ll tell their fashion department once all the dust is settled. I want them to get him the best uniform possible...”

Twilight give her a side eye when the middle-aged unicorn nearly finished the sentence.

A few minutes later, the soldier also found the mobile suit he mentioned. Its damages are also not so different than it supposed pilot: no parts on its armor are free of scratches and dents, and some burned parts. One of the joints stuck to the point it's the left arm is unusable. And, especially, it nearly destroyed the left shield-like wing on its back.

Pinkie Pie insist they should change the name to the “Alicorn Wing” system a few days later, which met with agreement from her friends.


“So… what’s your name again?” a white dragon asked in a bored tone, seemingly wanting to just storm out of the sickbay once all the Q&A was done. She doesn’t want all the blood and body fluid to stick on to her freshly groomed fur. Yes, she is a furry dragon, a rare kind, as Flash was known through her annoyed reply when he asked his mind out loud of why she looked so “grumpy”.

“Should I use my own name or just Brandon?” he thought.

“If you are smart enough, then I would say just go with the made-up name you give yourself, mate.” Rainbow Dash whispered

“Brandon, Brandon Cultrich!”

“What a cringy, unoriginal name…” the dragon mumbled “Okay, Brandon Cultrich…”

“Ah, is this our newly captured human from the Equestrian Army?” a griffon said out loud, sending his voice echoing throughout the entire sickbay.

“Sir… Sir… Please let our patient rest…” an earth pony nurse whispered.

“Oh… Sorry, I don’t remember that. My name is Gromar, Chief Commander of Harmony Guardian Alliance’s Southern Battalion!” he said gleefully. “I know you are not someone we should trust, but you have just brought something we all need!”

“What do you mean?”

“The mobile suit...” his beak touches Flash’s nose when he comes close to him to say his intention in the most intimidating tone Flash has ever encountered “An invincible weapon to war is waiting for us to exploit?”

“Wait, what?” exclaimed Spike.

Chapter 30

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“What... Do you really want to do with that MS?” Flash asked calmly.

“Uh... Oh right, sorry for the sudden demand!” Gromar said calmly, then sighed and continued, “I know you have been going through some crazy shit out there. So... Do you bother to tell me what is going on with you?”

“Don’t. Tell. Him. A. Thing.” Warned Rainbow Dash.

“Nah, I think it’s harmless to tell some of your stories!” Pinkie Pie argued.

“But... just don’t mention us, any of us!” Spike added.

“I don’t know what he means by ‘an invincible weapon for war is waiting for us to exploit’, but yeah, don’t mention us!” Starlight agreed.

Flash proceeded to report everything he had gone through after he has captured by Black Wine, from his attempt to force Flash to become one of his pilots, to the “mock battles” that let Flash understand what his MS can be capable of:

“So... you don’t really know what caused it to be so powerful?”

“No Sir.”

“Ha! I doubt even those Equestrian swine understand what territory they just touched. Proceed!”

The next thing Gromar knows is that the battle involves him, his comrades on the Canterlot, the ship that, along with the Cloudsdale, almost everybody who fought in the war in the general public knows about their existence, yet no one really understands what their crew really do. Flash really does give them a glimpse of the life on board both ships, as he served on one and was captured and, in his own words, “served” on another. This confirms Gromar’s suspicion that one of the ships have captured the mysterious MS that flew on the kingdom’s sky half a year ago and one of them is conducting experiments on them for use in combat. But what shocked him is that another unit was developed alongside it, a sister unit, to utilize and apply the knowledge from the development of the Alicorn Gundam. “Truth DID stranger than fiction sometimes!” he commented, emphasizing on the word “did”.

“So… according to your words, you are actually from our side?” Gromar asked.

“Yes Sir, absolutely!”

“And you are Black Wine’s POW?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Great! I know I can trust you!” he said with another sigh. “You don’t even have a chance to escape us anyway. You humans only have weapons to defend yourselves. We have magic AND weapons…”

Flash, seemingly getting reminded by something, not even his friends who were stuck in the Psycho MkII, asked, “But… I have a question.”

“Yeah?” said Gromar

“I thought you knew about my MS when you said I brought you a mobile suit that is ‘an invincible weapon to war’ waiting for you to exploit?”

“That’s the HGA’s High Command order! I thought they only talked about mobile suits in general!”

He paused for a few seconds, looking around with his sharp eyes, and looked back to Flash, with his beak touching Flash’s nose.

“So... the MS you bring is one of those top-secret machines?”

“It’s an extremely dangerous MS. I advise you to NOT pilot it!”


“What the... I thought you understood the taboo we make. Do. Not. Mention. Us!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice and brought her face as close to Flash as possible.

“Chill, sugarcube. At least he hasn’t mentioned any of our names!” Applejack touches her and tries to chill her down. She then proceed to ask Flash with her signature Appleloosa twang “So... did they treat ya about those terrible rotten-apple-like burns?”

“Yes, they did, ma’am!” Flash answer. Not even him canbelieve their pills can help him ease the pain so fast, to the point if not because of all the bandages, he can barely realize he is a severely injured second to third-degree burn victim at worst.


“Woah, I don’t realize you guys can talk to me all the way from here...” Flash was surprised when he saw the MkII Gundam, while it did sustained damages from the left Alicorn wing’s blast, still fairly intact. The hangar where it was stored was several hundred meters from the sick bay, where Flash was to have his burns treated.

“Hello, Flash, long time no see!” Greetings Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, you are back!” exclaimed Flash. “What happened to you!”

“Oh… just a little concussion! Don’t worry about it!” the yellow pegasus shrugged.

“We found some kind of a hard drive located somewhere in the remains of the left… what is that called again?”

“Alicorn wing” Flash reminded the engineer.

“Alicorn wing… whatever. It was stored in a shock box made from a kind of alloy I don’t really know yet. Thanks to that shock box, it was perfectly preserved. I really wanted to meet whoever was behind that box’s technology.”

“Oh! So… is that how our consciousness is stored?” asked Starlight, causing everyone but Flash and the engineer to turn their head to her.

“So… where did you guys put it now?” Flash asked.

“We stored the thing in the main ammo store in the base. Don’t worry, I won’t harm it!”

Flash was then given permissions to access the cockpit, as Gromar said, “it is your thing, use it as you want.”

“Long time no see…” Flash exclaimed the same sentence again once he got to relaunch the pilot OS and saw the cardiograph of his new friends still beeping peacefully.

“We don’t really know why there are live heartbeat readings in that. I have to double check my eyes once I see it.” the engineer, which is a hippogriff who remind Flash of Seashell Blue back on the Canterlot,

“You’ll be more shocked once you know it's’ full secrets,” Flash mumbled.


“Nothing!” Flash answered curtly whilst looking into his screen.

“Anyway, I figured out there is an identical hard drive stored inside its head, also with an identical shock box, of course!”

“What do you mean by ‘shock box’?” Gromar asked.

“Well… it’s a term I made up to describe a small enclosed space, size of a box, that can store stuff and make sure it is intact even in the hardest conditions, such as battles and accidents. The ‘shock box’ here was all made from an alloy I don’t know yet, but extremely extremely strong and rigid!”

Now it’s Flash’s turn of being surprised: “Really?”

“Yeah, six of them! Not to mention free spaces for seven others. I mean… What the heck, 13? Why do they want that much space? What do they want?”

“I don’t know… Maybe that number has a meaning in the human world that we don’t know yet?” questioned Gromar.

Flash was then asked to take some new uniforms, replacing the one that was bastardized to absolutely trash-level, thanks to more than a year of no proper maintenance and the hellfire Flash had gone through in the previous battle.

It was a uniform with a coffee brown long sleeve shirt, brown trousers and a belt that had the original Equestrian Armed Force logo on the face. “Looks generic, unlike Black Wine’s Army uniform. Look how stylish it is!”

Although he can see it himself, Flash could still feel the burns that everyone else’s side eye directed towards her. Flash eventually can only see Spike face palmed himself.

“Well… that’s why their uniform looks evil…” she scratched her head in correction.

But the most surprising part is that Flash was get to receive what Gromar called a “pilot suit”: it is just a fighter pilot hat with no breathing mask and a bullet resistance Kevlar shirt. “This isn't a normal pilot suit!” exclaimed Flash. “They are! You can see the Federation ensign on the hat. We don’t need a complex bodysuit with a literal astronaut helmet to fight here on the land. Plus, we are fighting in guerrilla style combat. We need things to be as simple as possible!”

“So why do he still want our MS then?” asked Rainbow Dash with one of her eyebrows raised.

Compared to what Captain Cealano had told months ago (the 269 and the S.M.I.L.E are the only ones who know how to operate mobile suits), the “guerrilla army” that Gromar mentioned was getting stronger and stronger. Now the battalion commander himself was get to pilot mobile suits, too! It was a newly fixed Jeagan.

“Wait, where did they got this thing?” Applejack confused “Ask them, Flash!”

He made the exact question to Gromar and was left surprised “It was one of the MS salvages from Kludgetown. It was one of the battles the Canterlot fought. It was just a few months ago!”

“Oh wow, I don’t know about that!” Flash said in a surprising manner. But it triggers in him the memory of why he was captured and all of the deaths he saw on board the Cloudsdale.

Thanks to his friends, Flash was able to snap himself back to reality fast enough before Gromar ever noticed any strange reaction on Flash.

“I wanted to defend my homeland from them, too. It’s a good thing they haven’t touched Griffonstone yet, but Black Wine ís an unpredictable and delusional guy. I won’t trust him being sane enough to not invade Griffonstone.”

He then proceeds to pan his eyes towards his soldiers, who are still doing their job, while some just take a break and have chit chat with each other.

“I consider us, Equusian, to be more friend-dependent than the average human. Friendship is absolutely a necessity, just like food, drinks and the air we breathe.”

“Thank you Captain Obvious...” Spike the purple dragon said sarcastically, causing Twilight and some of her friends to giggle.

Just after that, the alarm siren rang, signaling there was something urgent happening (Spike also wanted to repeat the “Captain Obvious” line at that thought again, but Twilight quickly stopped him). The announcer in the changing room speaker said “Crew members and mechanics are ready at the hangar. Daydream 1 and Butterfly 2 are going to arrive.”

“Ah! That’s my comrade call sign. I’ll show you once they arrive.”


Before him are the two identical MSA-003 Nemo, with just a little difference that one of them has a high-output beam cannon placed on the back. “They are just come back from a battle!” a mechanic said to Flash. “Those Black Wine’s Army infantry must have pissed themself in the pants seeing these things kick their tanks!”

“Tanks? Why have tanks on Equus already?” Flash thought.

“T-125 Axe. A formidable tank, I have to say.” Rainbow Dash said. Then she goes on to describe proudly about how it is her idea and her supervision behind the project, and how pissed she is seeing her “creation” being use for “evil” cause.

“Ha, can’t blame her. I still remember being a servant for her when she dedicated herself to it, along with Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst of course!” Applejack leaned in and whispered into Flash’s ear.

But that is just an insignificant story.

“There they are!” Gromar said, also with a proud tone like Rainbow Dash previously. It was two other griffons like him that walked out of the cockpit. The introduction is somewhat rushed because of the fact that... They are “super hungry”. One of them named Green Belly, a changeling, a brave yet shy aviator who just loves flying, and another named Griselda the 2nd, nicknamed Gilly.

“Hey, isn’t that Griselda's sister?” Pinkie Pie jumped up and gasped dramatically “Flash, Flash, come talk to her, quick!”

A mysterious force pushes the blue haired guy towards her which caught everyone by surprise, including Flash himself. Standing before the bright brown, sweeping head feather griffon is an awkward blue haired human.

“Pinkie, what am I going to do? Introduce myself?”

But Gromar quickly did just that for him by saying “Here is our new pilot, Mr. Brandon Cultrich. He is the pilot of the newly captured... What is that thing called again?”

“Psy... Psycho MkII Gundam, Sir!”

That name ruined any attempt for Flash to properly befriend the new pilots by making almost the whole hanger terrified. “I... Isn’t that the dark ‘boss’ MS?” one of them cried.

“The war crime machine is here!”

“The racist devil...”

“Isn’t that the thing that has nearly melted an entire valley?”

The horrified face of Gilly made both Flash and Gromar realize how messed up they have gone. Reports on the Psycho MkII, although only numbered, are terrifyingly true and that’s enough for the general public to manufacture countless conspiracies and rumors about it’s background, although none of the accusation Gromar heard from his own crew are false information (may be except “the war crime machine”, since it has not participate in any violation of Canterlot’s Code of Conduct in Wars).

“Calm down, creatures! Calm the heck down!” he yelled at them “This is THAT boss MS that everyone has heard, yes. But let’s look on the bright side: it is here, harmless, powerless. It has been heavily damaged by our valiant pilots on the Canterlot. Not to mention this guy here, Brandon Cultrich, is actually one of us. He has been captured and brutally tortured by Black Wine and hís evil minions. We can absolutely trust that he is honest!”

“But... what if he is Black Wine’s spy?” a mechanic asked in suspicion.

“He absolutely never turned in a weapon so powerful to us, as a sane commander should be!” the hippogriff mechanic that checked on the Psycho MkII for him to speak up, whilst flying himself down the dusty ground “I have first hand account: it’s not a decoy either.”


Thanks to him, everything was settled. Flash was genuinely surprised by how quickly they trusted Manatee, the hippogriff that helped clear the fog between him, Gromar and the crew.

“Hey, thank you!” Flash shook her claw in gratitude.

“No problem. I just... stated the truth.” she said with a little giggle. A small thought of “she’s cute” flew over Flash's head. Suddenly, he could feel a little jealousy by someone somewhere around him and a sigh of dissatisfaction blew into his ear, and a feeling of someone making a pout on their face.

“She's the one with the most reputation of being trustworthy in my unit, maybe even more than me. Her sharp eyes have found flaws and errors in places that we are least expected with.”

Then, it was for Gromar’s pilot to get used to Flash in that dinner. First is the shy but kind Green Belly the changeling, who nearly attempted to hide his shy face behind a dirty dish which his meal just finished, and the energetic Gilly the griffon, whom Pinkie said was Griselda's sister. Flash did mention the black griffon friend to her, who is also her twin sister.

“I’m absolutely devastated to hear that she’s gone...” Gilly said. Flash calmed the nearly -break - to - tears griffon by stating that “she’s out there protecting our sky and fighting against Black Wine and his evil legion”.

“Hopefully. She is a brave griffon, just like her friends. She, Luster Dawn and her friends have saved Equestria and this world several times. I don’t think you humans would understand...”

“Hey... don’t ‘humans’ have superhero comic books?” Spike added, and along with Starlight, proceeded to control Flash to say that humans have dreamt about heroes like them forever.

“Not all heroes wear capes” is a common saying, after all.

After the meal, Flash decides to retreat into the MkII cockpit. The Council have asked him to have a meeting that they say as “planning for our next offensive”.

“So... the battle at Evergreen forest is still ongoing?” Flash questioned.

“I don’t have a detailed report on what is happening there, as you would expect. But I could say the situation there is absolutely dire for the Everfree reindeers.” Starlight answered.

“If I’m not wrong, there’s a Ponehenge inside the siege area that can free us AND your friends out of these MS, isn’t it?” Applejack questioned.

“Yes, absolutely!” Flash said “She even said the only way to actually save you guys and them is to collect stuff that you guys hold deer, place each one on their respective stone and do a ritual...”

“Wow, this is the first time I’ve ever heard that!” Starlight exclaimed.

“Yep, that’s my best protege right there!” Twilight said proudly “I know we did save a pony there once, but I didn’t expect her to think of that method as it can save all of us!”

“How did she find it?” Twilight proceeded to turn to Flash and asked curiously.

“I... I really don’t know... your Majesty...”

“Hmm... so... what of it?” Rainbow Dash hovered above the friends and questioned “Should we find her and ask her about it and proceed to say ‘Oh... Luster, I love you so much and I’m so proud of you’?”

The rainbow mane pegasus proceeds to pretend to hug an imaginary teddy bear lovingly in a sarcastic manner.

“Yep, exactly!” The tall alicorn leaned on to her chair and crossed the front hooves behind her head. “I mean... I’m probably THE best teacher in Equestria, no?”

“Huh, I thought that’s you Fluttershy?” Starlight smug and turned to the shy pegasus to ask. Fluttershy then untied her unusually long mane, making it fall down the floor and forcing her to pick it up and wrap it around her face.

“Uh... Um... Yeah... I... I'm kinda surprised they still love me after all those years... Maybe because you guys are hyping it up?”

“Awe c’mon, everypony knows it is me!” Rarity contest “The students love the fashion class I brought them!”

“Nope, your fashionista class is boring. You just make them do nothing but boring sewing and using your confusing sewing machine... Mine is the best. Athletics help you develop your bones, your muscles, and countless benefits that just sitting in a closed room all day with no activities!”

“Yeah, but then your race discourages our students. You always dusted them!” Pinkie Pie argued.

“What did you just say?” Rainbow Dash rapidly launched herself towards Pinkie Pie’s face. The pink, fluffy mane earth pony fights back by... sticking her own snout into Rainbow’s. With her frowned eyebrows, she said: “I said your athletes class is boring! You always discourage competition by always using your superb speed!”

“Uh huh! Thanks for your compliment!” Rainbow Dash said proudly.

“But you once used your Rainbooms in one of those races, making the younglings cry out!” Applejack commented. That’s when the rainbow mane pegasus returned to her wife with the same look Pinkie Pie just gave her.

“Mine was the best because I also pay equal care for my students. They always get to create what they want with my assistant. Baking is freedom!”

“Then that’s not much from you, eh?” Applejack jumped in “Because I even help the students try to meet the criteria because farming class requires even MORE effort than baking. Heck, I don’t think you can’t even go without an injury in this class, PP!”

“What?” PP screamed.

Starlight and Spike sighed and shrugged their shoulders off. Suddenly, Twilight turned her face to the yellow pegasus, who was standing awkwardly before the fighting friends, and questioned him in a way he can’t understand:

“Flash, which one of us is the best?”

“Huh?” Flash raised his voice in confusion. “Why... Why do you ask me?”

“They sometimes want to hear some ‘outsider idea’, Flash!” Starlight leaned into the table.

“Yup, true that!” Pinkie Pie added.

He then has to face the arguably most powerful ponies look at him with a serious face. Seemingly don’t want to dissatisfied anyone, he just scratched his head and make nervous smile.:

“I... I don’t know... Maybe you guys are all good?”

Chapter 31

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“Wait, it’s all a stun... for me?” Flash bailed his eyes out in disbelief.

“Nah, we just have a heated argument, as friends usually do...” Pinkie Pie jumped up and down, answered. “But you’ll have to answer which one of us is the best, still!”

“I... I’m not qualified to answer that...” answered Flash, shyly.

“I could see you and Fluttershy can be good friends.” Applejack said “Maybe you should have dinner with her and Discord one day! They’re a fun couple, although Discord might be a douche sometimes...”

It happened the next day, when Flash and Manatee were given the order to move the hard drive that contained the consciousness of the blue pink-blue furred hippogriff found in the previous day. Thanks to telepathy, Flash can talk to his friends without his mouth open. Sometimes, Flash can really focus on doing it, as if he was in a world of his own, to the point Manatee has to knock his head in order to bring him back to reality.

“Hello, Manatee call Brandon!” she said with a dissatisfied voice “Do you listen to me? Turn the number two screw! No, not that one!”

After each of these “snap back to reality” acts, the friends always giggled.

This cost the duo nearly a day to readied the MS’s most basic functions, which made them leave the damaged armor for the next day. “Yeah, that’s enough for it to fight properly...” the cute hippogriff sighed. When the duo just decided to pack up and head back to their cabins, something urgent suddenly happened.

“The enemy, the enemy is here!”


“What the. Why... why’s there no alarms?” complained Gilly who quickly and hastily put up her beat up pilot suit.

“I don’t know. Maybe Glider knows a thing or two?” Gromar turned to the shy aviator Green Belly, who was still running in panic and checking his preflight procedure papers. His calls nearly make him drop all those papers. They flew all over the place by Green Belly's panicking throw, only to be firmly placed in his hoof again by a unicorn who ran to help just in time.

“I... I... I was told that someone... saw... saw them flying when they were going for a drink outside...” he said, stuttering. “The radar did not pick up anything. If they don't hear the engine noise we’re all doomed!”

But that “discovery” was then proven to be too late, as they could hear an explosion already occurring not so far from their well hidden hangar.

“Darn it, they bombed a military camp a few miles from here.” is what Gromar concluded after his base radar was briefly in operation again. It was “Camp Divine”, a pro HGA rebels commanding camp.

“Change of plan!” Gromar announced “We will sneak under the trees and secretly attacking those things from behind! Do NOT use your rocket engine!” Gromar told to his subordinate when they just get their MS out of the hangar. The countless battles have help Flash knew how to be stealthy, which make Gromar’s demand not much of a problem. Additionally and surprisingly, Pinkie Pie can also assist him with some of her magic.

“Just pretend the mud below is cupcakes. I know how to throw cupcakes!” she said “They can blind the enemy’s eye sight!”

“Great plan, Pinkie!” complimented Twilight.

“I will help with the throw too! Make sure we can make a bullseye in the longest range.” Applejack said.

“Just make sure to not pick any poor critters down there, guys!” Fluttershy said.

The previous maintenance with Manatee has helped Flash find out at least some knowledge about the hard drive and the “shock boxes”. Turn outs, they are the hard drives that keep the Council’s and Starlight consciousness. Manatee has insisted that they put Fluttershy’s hard drive out of her damaged “Alicorn wing” into one of the shock boxes in the head, and Flash happily complies with her advice. This means that one of the “Alicorn wings” have to be completely removed, and the other one has to be turned upside down (the beam gun’s barrel pointed into the earth) to gain more versatility and make the Psycho MkII more aesthetically pleasing.

“Now our machine looks 20 percent cooler, right RD?” asked Rarity when she heard Manatee’s explanation.

The section where the left Alicorn wing used to be now placed a standed out white beam saber, spared from one of the salvaged but inoperable Jeagan. To calm Rarity down from that “eyesore” (in the white unicorn’s word), Flash has to say it was temporary and they may paint it dark blue later on.

“Rainbow Dash, you’ll help Flash use the beam gun on your ‘Alicorn wing’! Rarity, Fluttershy, help us look out for the enemy. Pinkie Pie and Applejack will help Flash throw the mud, only when he asks. Me, Spike and Starlight will lend him emergency magic when we’re in real trouble. The whole piloting thing will be your Flash!”

He briefly saluted with a smile and professionally pulled the suit into a swamp with dark, dense columns of trees, in hope that the night would cover them nicely.


“So that was the Cancer you promise us, Black Wine?” Nikita looked into one of the monitors on the bridge to see a bizarrely looking red machine with two crab like claws, several well hidden verniers and an also crab loke silhouette.

“That’s right. Before I want to release its inferno on Everfree, I want to use them on the rebels first. There’s a group called Legion of Unity hidden in the jungle near Everfree, as you may have heard. They are just a small group with just a few stolen APCs and a tank. I believed that’s where Twilight and her friends take the Psycho MkII to. The claws that Cancer have can also use their respective beam gun as a flamethrower by the heating of Minovsky particles. Nothing would ever be in one piece with a 5000 degrees Celsius fire! Atomized even!”

“Wait, you know Celcius?” Mark asked in confusion.

“Your human mechanics told me about that. We have Celestial as a unit of temperature measurement here, but I have no idea how to convert between the two.” Red Velvet answered.

Three mobile suits with their own base jabbers were sent out for the reason of just luring the rebels out. Their head mounted 60 mm Vulcan gun was fully armed and one of them was to use its night surveillance camera, also mounted on its head just in front of its main cameras. Other than that, they literally carry no weapons. All of the fighting was left for the bizarre but powerful Cancer.

As the red mobile armor left the Las Pegasus belly, Black Wine also quietly left the bridge, retreating himself towards the hangar. “Now, let’s see how you can protect yourself from being grilled alive, Twilight. But hopefully the fire is just hot enough to kill that Brandon guy other than my precious lost mobile suit.” he said to himself.

“There they are! Pull the trigger, all at once!” Gromar order. Numerous columns of beam shots, bullets and even smoke of anti-air missiles fired at the mobiles, making the triangular formation of three flying mobile suits easily break in panic. After just about 3 minutes of constant evading, one of them succumbed to the thick firepower of an HGA battalion and fell to its death.

“Good one! Keep firing guys!” Gilly yelled gleefully.

“Death to the racist!” followed Gromar.

Flash also gets to shoot one of the base jabbers down, leaving one mobile suit alone in the air for it to be exposed to the fire power and explode mid air. The explosion is fairly small, indicating its reactor was intact when its rocket engines were destroyed. The last one was also shot down when it eventually ran out of flares.

“Nice! Flash and Dash, as they say!” Gilly exclaimed.

“Did… did they just call us Flash?” the rainbow mane pony turned to Flash and asked.

“No… No?” he replied.

“Silly! It’s a metaphor!” Pinkie Pie tapped on the head of both confused ponies “It said that they finished the job in a very short span of time!”

“But… that’s it?” asked Fluttershy. “Their ace pilot is not here?”

“Oh… good question… What?” Twilight starts to panic. “I… I thought they only sent mobile suits towards the main forces?”

Flash asked the same question to Gromar, who immediately revoke it:

“Awe man, we just took down 3 mobile suits! Three. Mobile. Suits! This is a HUGE victory for anyone!” He then turned around to his subordinate and said “They fell right into our trap!”

“Haha yes!” the other creatures in the unit started to cheer and chanted “Death to Black Wine! Death to the racist!”

“Ho... Hopefully he’s right...” Spike sighed “I think I don’t like that Gromar guy’s rizz at all.”

“No... No he’s not.” Starlight quickly corrected them. “Rainbow, ready your gun, PP and AJ, readied your hoof! Flash, can you turn back? 6 o’clock!”

Flash did exactly like Starlight’s command. To where the moon was located was a strange looking flying object. Initially, the group thought they saw a dish. Then, as the object came closer and closer, Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped.

“It... It's a giant flying crab!”

“Hey... our Minovsky detector started picking something...” the pink pony then looked over to the monitor.

“Starlight, search the data bank!” Twilight said to her first protege.

“Uh... It said the thing did come from the Federation, which means it is supposed to be a friendly unit. But...” Starlight quickly searched the data bank to find whether it had any information on that strange object.

And the answer is no.

“It said… "Unit Unrecognizable”! What?”

Suddenly, Flash could saw two small dot of bright pink light flashes before his eyes:

“Not good,” he mumbled.

Just after that, his eyes caught a huge explosion. Thanks to his experience of facing much bigger ones, it didn’t cause too much panic. His new friends however, did.

“What the... What the heck!” Gromar screamed “Who blew up our ammo!”

“A new enemy unit... No, TWO OF THEM!” It was Gilly’s turn to scream. “What is that crab shaped thing?”

“Mobile armor...” Flash said to them through the com-link “Heavy mobile enemy unit with simply a lot of weapons on it...”

“Woah!” Twilight exclaimed “I don’t expect you to have this much insider knowledge, Flash! Tell Gromar we’re gonna fight that thing!”

“Colonel Gromar! Permission to intercept new enemy machine!” Flash said through the comlink.

“No, I need you to go to the main hangar bay!” the brown griffon “Remember I used to say that you have brought “an invincible weapon of war “ that we can exploit?”

“There’s a captured base jabber with a beam cannon. Yes, we got that thing from Kludgetown too! You’ll ride that thing with Gilly!” he ordered, then turned to his favorite black griffon with her head feathers dyed in pink “Gilly, you’ll assist Brandon in fighting that new mobile armor!”

“Yes Sir, but what about the other one?”

Right after that, they caught the Psycho MkII do something they can simply describe as... strange. The machine hands were caught picking a large pile of mud, the size of a family carriage, holding it as if the machine was playing dodgeball.

“Ready Pinkie?” Applejack said with a smug,

“Ready like a steamed hot apple pie!” the pink mare replied.

Flash quickly unleashed every force he got on his still healing right arm, as well as the right control stick. Simultaneously, the psycho frame inside starts to glow.

“Is... Is that what they call the psycho frame?” gasped Green Belly.

And then, a bang! The mud flies with speed so fast it breaks the barrier of sound. “What the... how can you guys do that?” Flash surprised “Earth pony magic, sugarcube!” Applejack replied with another smug and then blew her front hoof.

The mud rapidly had its way unobstructed towards the giant flying crab. The result: it hit right into the main camera, causing the machine to lose control for a good while.

“YES!” cheered Gromar.

“But it can still wipe all that mud out in mere seconds. Better get onto that base jabber with Gilly, buddy!”

“Okay, it’s time guys. Flash, bring us to the base jabber!” Twilight ordered.


“Sweet Celestia, that’s probably an instruction from either Applejack, Pinkie Pie, or both!” said Black Wine, followed by a laugh. “Bright Kindness, are you okay?”

“Yes... Yes, Sir. I... I don’t think we... sustained any damages!” stuttering Bright Kindness, the pilot of the Cancer.

“Good. If you saw that one dark blue machine with an oversize shield, ignore it and try not to engage in ANY fight. You'll be responsible for destroying their ammo depot, hangar, or any immobile military stuff. Roger that?”

“But Sir, there are several mobile suits firing at me!”

“Ignore them! I’ll take it for you!”

“Yes Sir!” she saluted.

“What a dumb conclusion I made. That’s an extremely well hidden base!” Black Wine scolded himself “Thank hoofness Bright Kindness scored a bullseye right in the first strike. I knew I choose the right pony!”

“The battlefield shall belong to you then, Lt. Bright!” He said while pulling out one of his beam rifles.

Another big explosion occurred. This time, it was closer. Shrapnel and debris flying everywhere, hitting any unfortunate creature that is not fast enough to run into their bunkers and below the base jabbers. They are the engineers who were ordered to stay inside the main hangar to assist Flash and Gilly in preparing them to fly into the battlefield.

“All of the fuel tanks are full. Prepare to roll out!” screamed Manatee “Make sure to hold on to the base jabber well. You two will go on an extremely bumpy ride!”

“But… but I have flown a lot!” said Flash.

“This one is different!” Manatee barked back.

Another after another explosion outside was like persuading him and Gilly to hurry up. They eventually left the hangar only a few seconds after it was hitted by one of the beam cannon strikes from the mysterious mobile armor.

“Everyone, direct your weapons to them!” scream Gromar “Do not let it come near the Psycho MkII!”

The night sky was then lit up by dozens upon dozens of bullets, beam shot and even missiles from the base. But none of it actually posed a threat to the giant flying crab. It still goes through all of those defense lines and starts levitating near the ground. It was only that moment, everyone could witness its gigantic size.

“My ruler can measure it as about 30 meters wide... and... and....” Green Belly stuttering in fear

“And what?” yelled Gromar.

“...16 meters tall, Sir!” he said. “That thing is humongous!”

But that’s only the beginning. Its two gigantic claws opened, threatening to cut any unfortunate mobile suit to half.

“Everyone, evading!” screamed Gromar. “Call the AA batteries too!”

But it’s too late for some of them. The claw was so large a simple swipe is strong enough to knock down a large building in the base, which the Cancer somehow accurately predicted its presence in the middle of a thick bunch of vines.

“That’s our dorm house damn it!” Gilly screamed.

And with that, they accelerate towards the Cancer. Without any notice, Flash decided to perform a “tactical surprise”, as Pinkie calls it: he jumped right on to the red mobile armor and let it throw him and the Psycho MkII all around the place.

“Sir, the Psycho MkII!” Bright Kindness screamed “I just let it jump on to me! I can’t shake it off!”

“Just keep doing it! You don’t need to completely fall off!” said Black Wine as he engaged one of the Jegan “Just enough for it to be distracted. Use the psycho frame!”

While hanging on it, Flash can suddenly feel some hot air blowing into his body. And, slowly but surely, a magical bright light coming off from the mobile armor’s main body, bright enough to temporarily make everything around him invisible and worsen his experience.

“Keep your ground, Flash!” Spike screamed “We must not let it near any of our friendly suits!”

“Are you nuts! What if it try to kill us by simply rubbing on something!” Rainbow Dash said.

And rubbing, it is! The thing suddenly turned itself upside down and lowered the altitude straight to the thick jungle. Flash could feel the mobile armor try to crash his machine up and down to get rid of him. To Bright Kindness, it doesn't really matter if another mobile suit thinks it can exploit her exposed belly up in the air, because that part was also covered with beam guns! Gilly learned about it the hard way when she'll make her base jabber damaged by one of the beam shots, a result of being too close to the dangerous mobile armor.

Eventually, Flash has to give up. He let his hand go and the suit straight up crashing into the mud and hard ground, bonus with several uncontrolled somersaults.

“Good. Now we can shoot the thing from behind!” Twilight said “Flash, Rainbow Dash! Prepare your Alicorn Wing!”

The machine quickly put up the hidden barrel towards its intended target. Flash and Rainbow Dash carefully adjusted the rangefinder in order for them to get the best result. “The left vernier first, okay?” Rainbow Dash said. Then, just after the crosshairs went green, something stopped them.

The Alicorn for some reason rapidly closed onto them and scooped them up. “Oh no you won’t!” said Black Wine. “Your targeting skills have a problem, Brandon! You can't outsmart me!”

“The Alicorn! It was here all the time!” Flash asked in confusion.

“Why didn't we see it beforehand?” Starlight Glimmer followed “Luster…”

The Alicorn then rapidly punched its right fist into him, but he used the shield to stop it just as fast. “Use the Vulcans!” asked Twilight.

But the main control monitor alerted them the ammo was empty. “No… no more bullets?” asked Fluttershy in fear.

“Awe c’mon!” moaned Rainbow Dash “You guys spend the whole night fixing this and forget about the Vulcan guns?”

“Its armor was heavily damaged. We don’t have time!” said Flash Sentry.

It all happened when they were pushed backward by the Alicorn. Flash was so engaged in the conversation with the Council of Friendship he straight up forgot that fact, and was only reminded by the annoyed Spike who quickly reminded them of the situation they were in. Flash deployed the psycho frame to fend off Black Wine’s sheer pushing power with the unicorn and alicorn magic’s assistance of Starlight, Twilight and Rarity, while the magical earth pony strength of Pinkie Pie and Applejack was put into use in order to stop the already deployed beam tonfa from the Alicorn to have any fatal cut into the dark blue MS.

And then, a familiar voice spoke up. Her words shocked Flash to the core.

“You evils released him!” Luster Dawn speaks up “Immediately!”

“Luster Dawn!” Flash and the whole Council gasped.

Chapter 32

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In front of her is a dark figure with a faceless human as its heart. That’s everything she and her friends saw.

“Luster Dawn, Griselda, Yolinda, Butter Burger, Spring Garden, use your magic! Don’t let those evil witches escape with that poor human!” Black Wine’s voice screamed into their ears.

The group have long been told that there’s a poor human who have unknowingly been captured by the evil Psycho Gundam MkII in the time they don’t see it. Of course, it was all a lie. However to a realm of magic and power that absolutely no one in Equus have touched before, they believe what he said.

“What... what do you mean by releasing him?” Twilight said.

“You evil spirit wanted to have more friends during your own imprisonment? NEVER!” Butter Burger screamed. Flash then suddenly felt another punch beneath his seat, causing him to lose control. The dark blue MS fell down the thick tree. However, the Elements have helped him regain control just in time, allowing Flash to take himself back to full consciousness and return to combat.

“Luster, BB, Spring Garden... is that you guys?” Flash screamed back. “Yolinda, Griselda too!”

“Wait... Flash? Is that you?” Luster Dawn gasped “Flash? Mr. FLASH? Are... you okay?”

“Yes.. Yes! I’m okay! I have... Arg!!!”

For a brief moment, he was once again reminded that he was still a heavily injured pilot: a bullet pierce through his lung and another into his left arm, which luckily taken out just a month ago, heavy burns that will probably never healed, which result in bandages wrapped all over his upper body and part of his legs. His face was luckily left out during the dangerous attack from the enemy that attempted to knock him out of consciousness.

“Arrgh...” he moaned in pain again, hardly positioning himself on the pilot’s chair “I’m still okay, guys... I can handle this“

“You got multiple heavy injuries on your body for Celestia’s shake!” Griselda scolded “You won’t live for long to get that ‘Friends for the rest of the live' gift from us!”

“Wh... What?” Flash slightly gasped, but his face quickly gained back that serious temper and said “That’s it guys, now you have to fight back Black Wine’s urge!” Flash said.

“No we’re not! He did not control us!” said Yolinda “But he said you are being captured!”

“Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!” screamed Butter Burger in a rapid succession “Blink twice if you are in danger!”

The Alicorn suddenly reminded him that he was in the middle of a battle by performing a powerful kick into the chest, causing the Psycho MkII to crash down the swamp below. The white winged mobile suit then proceeds to do the unthinkable: after putting the beam rifle on its forearm mount, it jumps right on to Flash’s MS and uses its hand to try to rip the cockpit hatch out.

“Guys, do something about it!” Rarity screamed “They are losing control!”

Flash can already hear the sound of bending metals outside of his cockpit. He, and probably the majority of the engineers that design and build these mobile suits, would never expect one of them will try to rip open the cockpit hatch of it’s enemy mobile suit by just the force of its hands.

Right when he saw the fist alarming sign of severe bending of the cockpit hatch in front, he immediately pushes his feet on the pedals and worked his hands harder on the control stick and screamed:

“No they are not!”

The dark blue MS then did the same kick into the Alicorn’s torso and freed itself. “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, I want to use your speed!” he said. The two pegasi then help Flash launch the suit upward as fast as possible, which are both fast enough to pull around 9Gs on Flash's body. The suit then decided to just run around the place with the Alicorn trying to pursue them right behind.

“Okay guys, what’s the strategy?” Spike looked around in panic and disbelief “I didn’t know they could be that powerful and furious before!”

“You have some extremely loyal friends there, Flash. Scarily loyal!” said Rainbow Dash “I want you to report, in full, about what happened after all this madness ended.”

“Hug them...” he said calmly, then looked behind to see the 52.4 tons, of furious metal, according to an engineer who told Manatee when they have a discussion about the Alicorn itself (and Flash wondered where did they get that information), pursuing him and the Psycho MkII at, at least, Mach 3 “...if we can somehow show them that I’m not really in trouble, then we can clear the fog. Twilight, Starlight, can you help me do it?”

Flash’s sudden request has made the two most powerful ponies in Equestria stunned. “Wait... when is he in charge here?” is their initial reaction. But given the urgency of the situation, they nodded and smiled in return. “Welp... as you wish, Flash...” Twilight said “Everyone, turn yourself facing the Alicorn, we’re gonna talk through with them!”

The dark blue mobile suit turned itself around, facing its pursuer head to head. Flash and the Council decided to lower the speed in order to bridge the gap. It was only at that moment that Flash noticed the Alicorn had been fully transformed. Its psycho frame has been fully exposed with the familiar bright pink light that Flash used to back when he was still trying to hunt it down nearly a year ago with Black Wine and his squad during Operation Phoenix Hunt. “So... that’s was that Psycho Frame thing, right?” asked Starlight. The Alicorn’s arm was wide open.

“Come here with me dude! We’re gonna be back to being good friends, don’t you want it?” Black Wine giggled in a horribly sounded tone upon seeing his white mobile suit closed the gap.

And just when that moment came, when they were close enough, he unleashed all the might of the rocket verniers and the strength of the Alicorn’s arm. It hugged the dark blue machine like a gigantic bird of prey.

However, he was surprised to see there was no resistance from the other side. “Hmm... that’s strange, but I’ll happily take it!” he said. He proceeds to lower the speed to get himself properly contacting the Psycho MkII.

“Hey Brad, nice to meet ya again!” he said with a huge grin on his face “Are you okay buddy?”

No reply.

“Hey, it’s me! Yes you can loathe me as much as you want after we go back to the Las Pegasus, dear, but...”

“Luster...” a familiar voice said, “Can you calm down for me?”

The voice sent a sudden shock towards not just Luster’s, but also her friend's brain.

“Luster, listen. I like that you are trying your best to protect the friends you love. But just going berserk won’t really do anything. So... please, calm down.”

“No, no, no, no!” the light cerise unicorn shook her head, which neatly translate to the same movement to the Alicorn Gundam “This can’t be true! Princess Twilight is not evil! She’ll never submit to...”

“I’m not...” the Alicorn Princess said calmly “...I have never been evil like the way you think. However…”

“No way! No way I’m gonna listen to your words, evil witch!” she screamed. “Flash, please tell me that’s not the truth!”

The blue-haired pilot sighed and immediately told her:

“That’s… that’s actually… the truth, Lustie…” he said, grinding every single word as hard as if he was lifting his hoof near the end of a long trek on a mountain site. He fully understands how they would think about the dark blue machine, the very thing that they loathe about, the machine that Black Wine, its previous pilot, have committed several war crimes with.

“You… you don’t say!” Griselda stuttered.

The Alicorn slowly drifted away from them, then suddenly launched itself to supersonic speed almost immediately.

“Hey, Luster!” Flash yelled “You must hear me…”

His feet rapidly press the gas pedal to accelerate towards where the light cerise unicorn and her friends are trapped. However, Twilight used her magic to stop his leg from pushing further when it was just halfway into the press.

“Flash, we should let them have some space.” Twilight insists “Time will let them think this through easier.”

“Poor them, they must have a hard time believing what just happened.” Fluttershy sighed.

“Darn it what are you doing?” Black Wine growled “You naughty creatures don’t realize how close we are to capture the Psycho MkII back?”

“You… you don’t understand!” Yolinda said with a sorrowful tone, which could make you think she’s nearly crying.

“I… I can’t believe she’s... No! THEY betray me!” the light cerise unicorn whimpered “...I have always dreamed of the day I reunited with her, yet why did this happen?”

“Hmm... maybe it is because someone imprisoned them into that thing?” Black Wine suggested, but soon chuckled at that “theory” he made of and said “Nah, it’s more likely they do that to themself to harness the suit’s power in order to make their ‘Magic of Friendship’ more powerful. I think they wanted to take over every magic in this world with that thing!”

“Just like you!” Griselda yelled. Then, the Alicorn suddenly stopped from Mach 2 to almost 0 km/h midair in a sudden manner, making the dark blue pony nearly slamming his head into the main control monitor.

“You have played us, Black Wine!” she said angrily “Explain to us why they are there!”

“Isn’t I just telling you they tie their own consciousness to that thing to harness all of the magic! You don’t really realize that you're fooling you guys?”
”But what for?” asked Butter Burger.

“To steal all of the magic! Of course!” said Black Wine.

“But... but... No way is she gonna do that!” Luster Dawn chuckled in sadness, tears dripped through her eyes.

However, she quickly slash all those tears away and stood up, her face clearly showing off the determination inside her.

“I will ask Princess Twilight herself. It will be unfortunate for you if you dare stop the powerful Luster Dawn the Great and her friends!”

“We got your back, Lustie!” Spring Garden cheered.

Chapter 33

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“Multiple explosions spotted, right ahead!” Screlite screamed.

“Looks like one of our friends is being raided.” said Discord calmly “Mind-of-Steel, how far is it from here?”

“About 45 miles Sir!” he replied with some irked eyes “It is really set on fire by something!”

“Unidentified mobile weapon on the horizon!” a crew member stunned the bridge.

Lyra jumped beside and asked “Magnify the image!” Discord get to make his eye taking a quick glance and gasped upon seeing a massive flying crab shooting beams from it claws.

“What the heck is thís joke?” Bonbon raised her eyebrows “Let me guess, another Earth Federation prototype?”
”Most likely” Discord stroked his beard. “What should we do with it?”

Right after that, the thing was spotted heading right into them. Shocked by what happened in front of his eyes, Discord ordered his ship to go hard to port, seemingly dodging a beam attack right into their face.

“But wait! There’s more!” The giant flying crab seemingly told them to open fire another beam gun on the other claws, this time actually hitting one of the ship’s own port side wings.

“Hold your steering wheel, Mind-of-Steel! We’re straight to save them!”

“Straight to Harmony Wheel Base? I’m in!” Bonbon cheered.

“Wait, where does Luster and her friends go?” Twilight looked right to where they left in confusion.

“I don’t know. Sh… Should we chase them?” questioned Fluttershy.

“I think we should give that a shot! They are our friends, right?” Fluttershy calmly said “They are under Black Wine’s control too! Leaving them like that is just unkind!”

“Flash, floor it!” the rainbow mane pegasus ordered, and Flash followed suit. The dark blue machine seemingly blended neatly with the night sky. The only way someone near it could detect the thing flying is by having a really good eye to spot its yellow eye and the bright blue flames from its thruster.

After about 5 minutes, they are caught by surprise by the Alicorn itself. “What the heck!” is what Flash screamed when the two MS collided, sending both units into a half-a-minute barrel roll.

“Flash, we want to make sure you’re safe!” said Butter Burger. “Please tell us that you are really safe!”

“Ye... Yes, I’m safe guys!” Flash stuttering “But you guys should really talk to Twilight and the Council. They miss you guys a lot!”

A mysterious glow of light mysteriously appeared right behind Flash, as if it responded to his statement. Just seconds later, he was to witness one of the most heartfelt moments of his life: the reunion of a teacher and her beloved protege.

Before her eyes, Luster Dawn and her friends get to witness the Council of Friendship gradually appearing before their eyes behind the dark blue mobile suits in an aura of color lights. Filled her eyes with joy and tears, the light cerise unicorn leaped with all of her magical might towards the warm hug of her dear teacher:

“Princess... Princess... You are here!” she cried.

“Yes, Lustie... I’m here now…” she said calmly as she embraced her protege tight hug. Following her is the rest of the Council themselves, all teared up gleefully.

But soon, Luster Dawn discovered that her mother was also with the Council too! She screamed out of her lungs the moment her pupil caught the middle aged unicorn in her usual Principle attire.

“Mom… You… You are here too!?”

“Yeah… Yeah! Come here with me!” She also cried like her daughter before her.

“Why... why you... and... and then we’re all in here? I can’t understand!” she said while her mother gently wiped her tears.

“Of course Black Wine is the perpetrator! That cunt’s hunger for power never stops!” Applejack said grumpily!

“I didn’t know Starlight had a daughter...” Flash thought “...let alone that is Luster Dawn!”

And, as usual, all of them can read his mind, so they all turned their heads unisonly and quickly give him a weird look, except Starlight and Twilight. The School of Friendship’s Principle let out a small chuckle and said.

“It’s okay... It’s been a long time since we last saw you, Flash! I think he still needs to get up to speed to a lot of things.”

“But just not now!” screamed Pinkie Pie. The heartfelt moment was abruptly cut short when a powerful force nearly made Flash bump his head into the main monitor again.
”I love to see you again so much, Flash!” he said with a smile “Come here my love, come here!”

Each “come here” were always added with a punch into the cockpit, giving Flash some nausea. But as a well trained pilot, none of them could really put a stain into Flash’s fighting quality.

“Princess, can we help him fight this time? Pleassseee?” Yolinda insisted.

“Our Magic combined can defeat him with ease!” Griselda added.

Applejack shaked her head and says. “Sorry sugarcube. We must let Flash deal with this alone...”

“Wait, why?” Yolinda asked in heavy confusion “Aren't friends supposed to be there with each other?”

“Yes, dear. But for the meantime, we must not use our friendship magic uncontrollably! We might cause further unnecessary damage!” Y’all and us haven’t found a real way to use our Magic of Friendship without releasing it with minimal output.”

And as she said that, the two sworn enemies of Gundam pilots once again resorted to used their all time favorite weapon: the beam saber. They crash into each other, struggling the best in every single move trying to inflict as much damage on the other as they can. One strike, two strikes, and still none get their business done. Flash, despite the heavy “Alicorn Wing” on his left arm, still manages to excellently dodge every attempt to hurt him and his mobile suit.

“Remember. Don’t be too distracted with your fighting with Black Wine. You still have the Cancer killing your friends out there!” Spike reminded Flash. “This is war, not some sort of battle for honorable ponies like the knights in the old times!”

“Do you think Black Wine can let go that easily? Dude, he is literally trying to distract Flash so that his subordinate can go and slaughter our heroes down there!”

“That’s exactly why I said that to him, RD!” Spike insisted “We must do something or else Black Wine and whoever behind the Cancer destroyed that base and killed everyone!”

“Ooh what an interesting conversation! No wonder why every creature chooses you guys to be their rulers of Equestria!” laughed Black Wine.

“He... He... can hear us now too?” Pinkie Pie gasped “No way?”

“I... I think our contact has created a bridge...” Luster Dawn stuttering “I... I thought this curse only works on us and Flash?”

Chapter 34

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“How’s the feeling to control the most powerful weapon in the entire universe, dear?” he said “Being able to handle worlds-ending power in the palm of your hand?”

“For Celestia’s shake they are not weapons!’ Flash grinned his teeth “They are guardians of our world! You are putting the entire Equus exposed to darkness!”

"Yah! But you are the darkness, Black Wine!” Rainbow Dash scolded.

“What? Haven’t you seen how powerful both of our mobile suits are in the mock battles?” he barked “This weapon is a deterrent to those evil forces!”

“They can do that in flesh and bones enough to deter them!” Flash said, followed with a kick into the Alicorn torso, the first time he ever done it to Black Wine. It did make the white machine fly back a few hundred meters, but thanks to Black Wine piloting ability, he can stabilize it. The white suit then lighten up its psycho frame and starts attacking using the rainbow magic within it.

“Do not abuse the Magic of Friendship!” Twilight scream. The Psycho MkII decided to also lighten up it’s psycho frame with rainbow magic, but only for protection. A bright magical ball quickly swallowed it whole, stopping any attack from harming the dark blue mobile suit causing them to bounce in horrifying speed.

All the Alicorn’s strike was deflected, destroying anything in their way.

“Era, deploy! You will use the Wave Rider mode of the Strike Zeta to chase Cancer around!” screamed Lieutenant Haystack. The ship’s AA guns have all but landed a fatal shot on to the giant flying crab.

The Canterlot has several 30 millimeters AA gun mounts on its hull. One of them is where Queen Katherina angrily growled when seeing one of the rare hit by her guns was deflected from the Cancer’s armor:

“Darn it! Why don’t you die!”

She then take the internal comlink and directed:

“Ìf y’all can hear me, aim for the head!”

Several AA guns continued to cough their bullets out in anger, suggesting they have undergone very little maintenance after countless battles. However, the sight of them lightening up an entire starboard side of the ship is still a spectacle to behold for any creatures down the ground. Most of the time they just bounced off the armor, but yet they are numerous enough to annoy its pilot.

“Chancellor, I need these guns to go silent!” Bright Kindness screamed. That is when Katherina’s tactics really come into effect: there are so many bullets hitting its camera that there’s enough brightness to make Bright blinded for a while.

But that’s only the beginning of her downfall. The crew on board suddenly heard Flash’s voice, after nearly a week since the ship have ever heard any news from him from the battle of Kludgetown:

Canterlot, I want y’all to get out of this battle!” his distorted voice pierce through the tense atmosphere of the bridge.

“What the… Brandon?” Discord happily surprised. “Where the heck have you been?”

“Long story, Sir! But I still need you to get out of this place!” he said urgently “I will plan to shot it down with Black Wine’s beam rifle. Please retreat for your own safety!”

“Brandon, is that you?” Haystack squeezed happily.

“Brandon, Screlite here! Make sure you know where to hit!” the yellow changeling said “Keep the area of strike out of the base!”

“Roger that!”

Flash and the Council are racked with determination. They soon draw their plan to steal the beam rifle from Black Wine’s hand. Their plan: use it.

“Luster, creatures! Try to harass Black Wine!” Twilight ordering “We’ll gonna steal that rifle!”

“No worry, Princess Twilight! We can do that ourselves!” Luster Dawn said. Her chance came when the Chancellor, after nearly the entire battle not using it, pulled it out again to fight Flash and the MkII.

“Creatures! Now’s our chance!” the light cerise unicorn screamed.

Black Wine aimed the long black metal barrel towards his target, grinding his teeth trying to get the MkII’s chest right in the middle of the crosshair. Then, he pressed the trigger.

It just stuck there.

“Hey you creatures! Shoot!” he screamed “I’ve given you the order!”

The white mobile suit just stood still, for several seconds.

Then, realizing what’s really happening, Black Wine screamed with a slur, and squished his right joystick as hard as he could, trying to fight the machine’s urge of throwing the beam rifle to the MkII.

“You un-obedient creatures!” he screamed.

Then, the machine he was piloting suddenly went berserk, and it happened violently. He could feel every part of it vibrating, shaking every time he tried to reign it with his joystick.

From his cockpit, Flash can see the Alicorn twisting itself in a scary way. The scene in front of him reminds him of the old horror movies he used to watch, where an evil-possess character is going through exorcism. To make the scene extra creepy for the one who didn’t understand the context, the phenomenon creates multiple loud metal creaking noises, to the point they can feel the whole thing can break itself.

“Arrrrghhh!” Yolinda, the physically strongest member of the group before they got sucked into the Alicorn, squealed “This guy is stronger than I thought!”

“Keep... going... creatures!!!” screamed Butter Burger “We... can... all... made... it!”

Seeing her daughter and her friends struggling with fighting Black Wine, Startlight can not help but feel her heart ache. Sure she has gotten into the same situation as her, but that is the exact thing that makes her cry: she has just gone through the imprisonment for just a few weeks, yet her daughter has gone through it for years. With that in mind, she said to the blue haired pilot.

“Flash, can you help her with me?” she made an act of an imaginary shake to him.

“Sorry Mrs Glimmer?”

“We can steal the rifle from Black Wine when he is distracted! Luster is doing us a huge favor!” she pointed her hoof to the white mobile suit.

“How about… hmm…” Pinkie Pie tilted her head and made a cute pout, something she routinely did when she’s concentrating her mind, trying to figure something out. Suddenly, a light bulb appeared on her head, coupled with a happy expression. Flash swear he could heard the word “Eureka!” yelled gleefully in hís head.

“How about teleportation!”

Twilight gasped in happiness “Great idea, Pinkie!”

“Wait, you can do it i-”

His sentence was cut short when a flash seemingly brought him to the realm of light, causing his sight to get temporarily blinded. When he is back, he is right behind the Alicorn, still struggling to point its beam rifle to nowhere.

“Flash, now’s the chance!” ordered Starlight.

Understanding what she meant, Flash immediately grabbed the beam rifle. Black Wine was caught in total surprise. He tried to take the thing back, but it was worthless. Besides, the Alicorn suddenly stopped the grabbing hand midway and punched itself.

“Take this, Black Wine!” said Griselda.

Flash pointed the rifle towards his intended target. When the whole thing was done, he realized the Cancer was extremely near them since its pilot was rushing to save her Chancellor.

This allows Flash to shoot her in point blank range. He pulled the trigger and the bright hot beam pierced right into the cockpit. Bright Kindness only gets to see the Psycho MkII and the beam rifle it just steals when it’s already too late. Before getting herself being vaporized, her vision suddenly turns into a movie, where every single moment that she could remember flashes before her eyes. It is filled with good memories: from her friends, her mentor, and especially…

Black Wine himself.

It goes back to the very beginning of their relationship, all the way through everytime they hang out together after school. It reminds her of everytime Black Wine jokes, and every single one of them was clever jokes, a present of him being a skilled politician. And, of course, the movie ended with the Chancellor himself given his hoof out for her.

“Father…” she mumbled “...thank you for your presence…”

The beam sends her into a realm of light, caressing every part of her pony body. It’s so hot that she can not feel anything.

Soon, her entire body was already vaporized.

“NOOOO!!!” screamed Black Wine in agony. His most talented and promising pilot just die right before his eyes.

Their history together is not very well known, but it is worthy to tell the least.

Black Wine still remembers the moment he met the young filly playing with her friends somewhere near the School for Gifted Unicorns. He was shocked to see the young white unicorn demonstrating the ability to fly - “quite fast”, as he described - and shooting beams that can melt metals in seconds. Although Anaheim Electronics’ program to deploy their mobile suits and mobile armors to test them in Equus was still in its infancy, the need for talented pilots are undeniably crucial. Black Wine knows this, and on occasion he can stroll around Canterlot to search for such future pilots.

She presented herself as Bright Kindness, a pony from the town of Ponyville. She is an orphan in that town, and she was hoof picked by Princess Twilight herself. In short, the Princess allowed him to take her to his home after the two had hung out long enough for them to gain a friendship. To him, Bright Kindness is truly her daughter, and he could feel the mutuality in their relationship.

They spend them together a lot, as if they are father and child. Ponies have said that they particularly love strawberry ice cream, and he frequently took her to one of the best ice cream shops in Equestria, “Dazzling Cone”. “They laughed so hard that the entire shop could hear their jokes.” a writer said in Black Wine’s biography, published a few years after the war ended “Their favorite bowl is

Bright Kindness eventually did have a big interest in piloting mobile suits and mobile armors, with a strong belief that magic and technology can work well. She graduated from the School for Gifted Unicorns with a thesis based on that belief, and it gave her maximum grades. Can’t say enough how Black Wine proud of them, after more than 6 years they are together as dad and daughter.

She was exposed to mobile suits from a quite young age, starting from an occasion when he took her to a military base to see some of them in a training session. The sight of human trainers and pony cadets, working in harmony in order to get those gigantic humanoid machines come to life and fighting as if they are ready to fight against any enemy of Equestria was where the love for mobile suits came within Bright Kindness. She has persuaded her adoptive father to allow her to pilot one, and he agreed to that.

Throughout the years, her skills shot up like a rocket. Her magical ability has made her a fearsome pilot. Compared to the earth ponies, pegasi and even some of her fellow unicorn comrades, she exhibits superior maneuvering skills. She even implemented her magical maneuverability to her piloting, and that sometimes is too much for the mobile suits themselves, a machine built with Luna Titanium, one of the strongest materials ever built by humans. Then, Anaheim Electronics introduce the mobile armors, with their first prototype being none other than the Cancer. That’s when Black Wine thought of the idea of given her the role of a mobile armor pilot.

Her magic is strong enough to maneuver the 250 metric tonnes red crab-like machine at an unreal speed for its size, making her a fearsome combatant. “The G-force is too much! I recommend you to fly at a slower speed!” is what her instructor told her after one time she broke one of the MA’s claws.

Then, the war broke out without her MA training being finished. Since it is a one-of-a-kind weapon, it takes a lot of time and effort for her to properly understand the machine that she possesses, forcing her to sit out in the majority of the war. Plus, due to the fact that Cancer itself is a highly valuable asset, Black Wine did not allow her to come into the fights until very late into the war. When she did, she was a menace: not many of her enemies were alive to tell the stories. Although until meeting Flash and the MkII near the Everfree forest, she only gets to take down simple targets such as ships and armored vehicles, needless to say the MA under her helm did not let its target escape or survive.

That is, until now.

“You… you… just kill my daughter!” Black Wine screams in absolute agony. His rage and sadness transcend the psycho frames of both suits.

They can all feel it. The five creatures that are in the Luster gang are particularly hit the hardest since it is Black Wine who is at the helm of the Alicorn. They get to feel the magic get dragged out of their body, one by one.

“Hold... your... ground... creatures!” screamed Yolinda from the top of her lungs “Don’t... let... him... got... you... again!”

“His rage can do that?” Twilight was surprised “This whole ‘imprisonment’ has so much insane stuff!”

She clear her throat and directed her scolding voice to the raging dark blue unicorn:

“Black Wine... It is you who have brought her to this madness...”

Surprised by the echoing voice of the ruler of Equestria, his attack slowed down a bit. However, he still growling in anger, nearly sound like a cornered animal trying to fight it’s way out:

“You killed my daughter!” his animalistic voice screams through the com-link “It’s her dream to fight for the Equestrian glory!”

“Shit this guy lost his mind!” Flash said while diverting himself, trying to avoid the magic.

“It is you who have done this to her, Black Wine…” Twilight said calmly, “…You have indoctrinated her with nothing but hatred for others.”

Twilight, being a teacher in the School of Gifted Unicorns, personally knows Bright Kindness. Her friends love her a lot thanks to the same thing in her name, kindness. She often helps her fellow unicorn in need, frequently offers her talents to help other ponies overcome hard assignments. As much as she remembers, she even tutored some of her classmates! Every time she sees her, she always appears with a bright smile, melting any grown ups who have a chance to catch its appearance during play dates with her friends and school’s festival. She trusted him so much to take her home. It is a shocker to see her piloting a massive, destructive mobile armor.

The Vulcan gun on his head firing tirelessly in every direction possible, all the way until the magazines have run out, and all of them are directed towards the head of the MkII. This mag dump in anger did blinded Flash a bit, giving Black Wine enough time to perform a powerful punch and send the dark blue mobile suit to the ground. It was that place where they had a wrestle: Black Wine for his dear Bright Kindness and Flash for his own life.

But then again, they are not alone.

The Alicorn suddenly launches itself up into the air, saving the dark blue mobile suit from a life and death situation. “Wait… what happened to Black Wine? Why is he suddenly flying like that?”

The white machine then does some extremely weird flight pattern. Then, it resorts to making scary creaking noises again.

“Looks like they master their control skill again!” Twilight squealed in happiness.

“Is... does this mean the battle is over?” Flash exclaimed.


“Black Wine... Black Wine! Listen up!” the friends inside the Alicorn trying to communicate with him.

“No... NO! Get out of my head!” he screamed “Don’t touch me! You have killed my daughter!”

“You have to get back to your senses, now!” said Griselda with determination “Remember… you still have a war to continue!”

“Shut up you filthy creatures! I don’t need your malicious advice!” Black Wine growled.

“No, you REALLY need advice!” Luster Dawn flies right into his face to say, making the angry yet frightened Black Wine startled “Bright Kindness, I know her! She IS a really kind and gentle pony!”

“Wait… you know her? How?” the dark blue unicorn opened his eyes.

“We used to be classmates!” she said sheepishly despite being way older than an elementary-level pony “We play buck balls together, we go to the same ice cream stores where she and you always love to eat…”

“No… don’t you dare mention my dear Bright Kindness! You have poisoned her soul right? RIGHT?”

At this point, Luster found no point in reasoning with him. Yes, he IS really kind to her and her friends before when Bright Kindness shows him the group of creatures she has been friends with, in that time when she and Luster come back to the School of Gifted Unicorns to pay a visit to their own old professors. But after showing his true color by ordering his troops to chase Luster and her friends, as well as this conversation, it is safe to say the dark blue unicorn has reached her limit!

“Chancellor, we have to come back to the ship!” Red Velvet said through the com-link “We have to regroup! Their reinforcements have arrived!”

“What the... isn’t we have the upperhoof?”

“They... their ship... their ships have human technology now!"

"What the heck!" Black Wine growled "Did those Anaheim Electronics jerk deceive us?"

Chapter 35

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The loss of Bright Kindness still makes him shiver every time he thinks about them. The way she was completely lost in combat horrified him, which rarely happened to such a psychopathic mind.

And then, some pony knock the door:

“Who’s there?” he quickly put his feeling away and put on the usual straight face again:

“It’s me, Red Velvet...” the bright red unicorn kindly said.

He opened the door to let her in. As usual, she closed the door professionally before turned to her Master and report:

“Chancellor, our doctor at the sickbay asked you for an after battle check.”

“Ah... tell him to rest then...” the Chancellor replied with a soft voice, looking at her with the usual fake smile. “The guy has stayed up for like,... several days already...”

“Yes Sir... but I think you still should...”

“Let me be alone a bit, please?” Black Wine replied, still with that calm voice but he still made sure his audience could feel anger in it.

Red Velvet then looked away.

“Yes... Chancellor...” she said before backing up. But just when she was going to close the door, the dark blue unicorn called her back.

“Hey... Red Velvet... can you stay in my room a little longer...”

Red Velvet was stunned to see how... awkward he is looking up at her like that. Her magic slowly closes the door and walks up to him.

“Yes Sir!”


It was the first time they ever were so close together.

It’s weird to Red Velvet, at least. Normally, Black Wine is the kind of pony you least expect to get sorrow over anything, even the suffering of the civilian who is unfortunate enough to get in front of his army’s gun. But the death of his adoptive daughter has changed this all.

She was petting his head as if he was a filly crying in his mom’s lap. He has lost his daughter, after all. Black Wine continuously snivels while carefully using his deep soft voice to tell her about the moments, the memories, and the feelings he has with Bright Kindness.

“I still remember about that time she’s trying to catch a squirrel in the park. I’m talking with some of my subordinates about, you know, jobs just near here. I remember the shivering when one of my friends asked me where she was… I will try finding her myself and asking some of my colleagues too…”

“We finally found her, a few miles away from the park actually…” he said after just stopping himself for a few minutes. He absolutely enjoys her presence and her soft caressing.

Red Velvet used to date actually. Her colt friend is a caring stallion, to the point he is basically always there for her. But he sometimes can break down, emotionally, and ask her to caress his mane just like how she was doing with Black Wine at that moment.

And then, he died.

He truly believes in the false promise that Black Wine himself promises, the world where “No ponies are discriminated”, about how the other creatures from the kingdoms beyond will take over Equestria. As any Canterlotian stallions and mares, he takes up arms. He swears “I will make those creatures suffer!” But still, under his brainwashed mind, there still lies some kindness and mercy, which also explained his move later in the war, so he told her:

“I will send you letters.”

Off he goes to the distant land, on a ship named Nomad. She was left behind due to her being a high ranking secretary within Black Wine’s government, which granted her the position of Black Wine’s personal secretary. The Chancellor had a secret soft spot in his heart for her, but he masterfully hidden it. Perhaps he knew his coltfriend is fighting for ponies freedom somewhere at the Kingdom of Abyssinia, for the safety of their newly taken Blue Rock Mine. Thanks to the genius design of the Royal Mail Service, he was able to send letters to her almost every month.

Until he don’t.

Her mind was totally a mess when she realized it’s been more than 2 months since he sent his letter to you. Where is he? Is he wounded? Or is he… She shook the darkest scenario out of her head, hoping that her beloved partner would eventually be fine. She send tons of letter to him, hoping that one day he will get himself back and remind her that he still okay.

After 3 months, he finally replied.

But this time, Red Velvet was horrified by his letters.

“Dear Vivia…”, he started with the nickname he loves to call his marefriend “I write this to you to remind you that I’m still fine. Sorry to make you send constant letters like this. I know you worry to death about me…”

Those words seemed normal enough, until the one right next appeared.

“I’m staying here, healing my wound, with the kind help from my new Abyssinian friends.”


Did he just write “Abyssinian friends”?

She can not trust her eyes.

She read that word again and again. “Abyssianian friends?” What does he mean by that?

She continued her reading.

“I was captured and imprisoned by these guys after a failed sortie. We were interned for quite a while until there was this Abyssinian guy named Toby who asked to be friends with us. It is unreal… I know! I… No, WE have bombed these guys for months now! We have our airships pounding not just Tabbytown or port Henry, but Panthera too! We do it almost daily!

Red Velvet knows all those locations. It was the city in which the cat-like Abyssinians lived. Panthera, their capital city, it’s a beautiful place. She never went there, but the Chancellor sometimes told her about the golden castle and the street tiles covered in, you guessed it, gold!.

All of that wealth is probably why the Equestrian army ended up in Abyssinia!

But he baffled her. Why does he defected? What’s the point of defection?

To kill their own kind and serve the creatures’ plan of dividing Equestria?

“Seems like that’s the case…” the Chancellor said.

And she cried. Her eyes turned into a stream of tears, showering the letter on her hooves in its salty water. “Why... why are you doing this to me...” she whined, curled up his letter into a paper ball and threw it to her dust bin.

“He would get a lighter penalty when he came back. I promised!” the Chancellor said when he found out about the whole situation.

To which, she barked “No! I want him dead!”


That’s a very different Red Velvet compared to her now, caressing her superior like he is her child.

Red Velvet can’t help but grow a soft spot for her dear Chancellor.

“She is everything to me! That heartless traitor has taken the most precious gem of my life!”

“I know… Chancellor. I have gone through the same feeling… My colt friend is all but alive to me…”

And then, she used her hoof to put his crying eyes facing directly into her:

“But Bright Kindness want you to keep living and fighting for her!” she said, her hood squeezed onto Chancellor cheeks. She had never expected a pony with a set of thick bluebeard to be so adorable.

“You have a point… But…” his eyes look away “He is so powerful! How can I defeat him?”

“Why don’t you ask ‘How can WE defeat him?” instead?” she replied with a soft voice “Look at me...”

And they meet. His pupil dilated. Coupled with some tears, Red Velvet's heart stopped for a while as to her, that’s probably the most beautiful eye she has ever seen. With that, she hold him closer:

“I have been fighting with you from the very start of this war, and I will continue to do so until the end of this story!” she said with determination “Have you ever noticed that?”

“What a goddamn stupid pony you are, Black Wine!” the Chancellor quietly scolded himself when he heard those words. She has followed him from battlefield to battlefields, fights to fights, victories to tragedies. Every single decision he has made, until that very moment, all have her silhouette in them. Yet he barely gave her any sort of affection. The most of that is probably just a hug. With guilt flooding like water after a dam burst, he blurted:

“Sor… ry”

The red haired secretary gasps.

“I’m so sorry for bringing you into this mess. I shoulda left you at the office instead of torturing you for so long like this…”

“No! You don’t understand how happy I am for you to ask me to fight with you!” she returned with a voice raised slightly “This is a national emergency! I can’t bring myself to just sit at the office, doing paperwork and hearing news of constant death! I have to follow you and make sure you are safe! That’s my duty!”

Black Wine grinds his teeth, crying yet his cheeks turned bright red. “Why does the room feel so hot? I have turned the AC on full power!” he said to himself. He also get to see Red Velvet blushed bright red.

“No, I can’t bring myself to catch feelings with her!” he said to himself.

“This feels so wrong! He is my commander. I can’t bring myself to catch feelings with him!” Red Velvet though.

But that flood of emotion is unstoppable. The two of them just keep staring at each other like two pieces of magnets just caught in each other's magnetic field. And just like the magnets, they desired each other.

So they are getting closer and closer.

Their lips touched. Black Wine flinched, with hoof on his mouth. “This is too much! Are we gonna…”

“Kissing? That’s weird! Why are we making out right now?” Red Velvet questioned herself “We are just workmates, right?”

But that flood of emotion is unstoppable. The two of them just keep staring at each other like two pieces of magnets just caught in each other's magnetic field. And just like the magnets, they desired each other.

So they are getting closer and closer.

Their lips touched. Black Wine flinched, with hoof on his mouth. “This is too much! Are we gonna…”

“Kissing? That’s weird! Why are we making out right now?” Red Velvet questioned herself “We are just workmates, right?”

To answer their questions, they were indeed workmates at that time. But then, they slowly recalled the instant their inner souls have nurtured and allow their crush for each other to blossom: he remembered his mind is really upset to hear about Red Velvet having a coltfriend, and he even a bit happy when he heard about him betray his Equestria in a twisted way (yet still feel for her sadness). Red Velvet, ever since hearing her coltfriend running away with the Abyssinians, have grown a weird sense of jealousy whenever he saw her Chancellor being too close, too intimate with other mares. Their feelings for eachother is not come from nowhere!

And with that, both of them destroyed any barrier left between them. They dived into each other like moths diving for the light. Their kiss touches each other, sucking as if a filly just found their new favorite lollipop.

That night, their love blossomed.

“Yikes...” an annoyed voice telling them.


“Does y’all okay?” Flash asked in absolute worriness right after they touched down on the Canterlot. He opened the mobile suit’s life signal tab to check.

“Tis’ but a scratch!” hissed Rainbow Dash. “Well... except maybe Fluttershy’s pain after that shield was nearly obliterated.”

“How can we ease her pain?” asked Applejack, trying to comfort the yellow pegasi with her hoof. Ever since the left wing-like shield was destroyed, there is this pain that Fluttershy keeps having. She described it as “severe headache”.

“Something fishy in that shield...” Twilight said worryingly “Can you help us check that out, Flash? When we come back to the ship!”

“Your wish is my command,” he said formally.

“You are part of the team now. No need for distance Flash...”

“Fl... I mean Brandon! The hell are you these days!”

Needless to say Haystack REALLY worried about his comrade who had been lost to the enemy for like several weeks. Almost every recovery attempt was done, but they are all stopped when they just begin their MS sortie. “It’s too risky”, Discord said.

“Discord... is... the Captain?” Fluttershy asked. She struggled to ask and although in immense pain, her smile was nothing sort of precious.

“Wait... how do they know each other?” Flash asked the lavender alicorn.

“That’s a pretttyyy long story...” Twilight answers with the word “pretty” get drawn behind.

“Where the heck have you been?” Haystack and Yamina ran straight to the blue headed pilot, hugging him hard in the torso. Flash was particularly impressed by how both of them can nearly crush his bones if he doesn't tell them “I can’t breathe…”

“Oops, sorry…” mumbled Yamina “I thought you could handle it…”

“Dude I thought you were dead! What happened?” the Haystack shook Flash like a rag doll. He expected his commander to be this dramatic. Era had just also come to the squad and she too greeted her thought-to-be gone comrade with a tight squeeze.

“Brandon, you’re okay!”

“Good. The best pilots have come back. Now we should bring you to the sick bay eh?”

“I’d figured out we should check out the MkII first. It suffered severe damages now.” said Flash with an urgency in his tone. “The Council of Friendship is stuck in there…”

“The.. the what now?” his squad surprised.