• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 482 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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Another chapter now 10 -A meat eater and a vegan attacks

Author's Note:

I have finally posted another chapter I am sorry that it is been so long I have not been able to write because I have no ideas of the writing coming and now I finally have one more chapter I hope you like!

Twilight was the first Defender to see the next floor and they are now four floors down and after this, according to Bear Commander their are six floors total and Doctor Genus is on the Sixth Floor, so now that they are on Four, their are two more Monsters that can be standing in they’re way. They had already fought three Hybrids but, they are keep being stronger and each one is tougher then the last and now, Rainbow and Sunset had gone back because, they need gear and Sunset is hurt. She didn’t know what will happen this next fight but, it will be tough and the Monster will be better against they’re powers.

“Everyone be on your toes” Twilight said to her friends.

“I already am” Fluttershy replied. She has been sneaking since they came into the Building.

Their is absolutely silence in the next room and the floor is starting as grey and they can see their is a tunnel to go straight and it is badly lit. It now looks like a dungeon and it actually smells bad and Fluttershy felt like vomitting. She wished Georg was here to comfort her and help her through the smell and the Monsters because, He can definitely defeat them easily with his one punch.

“I hope Rainbow and Sunset are ok” Fluttershy said.

“Their is nothing wrong with Rainbow after all she is only naked I hope no one sees her” Pinkie replied. “But Sunset is hurt and I hope she can heal fast”

“Yeah and my back too” Rarity said. “It still hurts but it works, out my kink now I feel better”

“Sure you do” Applejack replied. She found it weird.

“What do you think we’ll find in here” Twilight asked. “Wait their are more than one Monster in this room I can sense it with my Psychic”

“Their, there over they’re!” Applejack said. She pointed to the other side of the room.

Their is an executioner Monster with a bag over his head and his head has a pig snout that comes out and his holding a big axe in his stubby hands and he is standing quite big. The other one is a smaller Monster it looks like a deer and it is definitely female cause it has boobs and it is skinny and it is holding two knives that are curved to look like hooks. It has leather armor which, is weird because, it is basically wearing itself.

“Welcome we are the Vegan Executioners” The pig said. “I am Meateater Killer and this is Grasseater Doe we will stop you from getting to Doctor Genus the mad Genius”

“They don’t like us to eat meat” Twilight said. “Rainbow will be not happy good thing she is not here”

“And I love meat too you!” Applejack said to them.

“I love animals” Fluttershy replied.

“But we must stop them or we cannot stop Doctor Genus” Rarity said.

“Let’s kill!” Pinkie answered and she threw confetti.

Meateater Killer stood their and Grasseater Doe jumped away to avoid and she completely avoids the explosions but, Meateater Killer doesn’t move and after the explosions he is still standing their, and he is not even harmed. He laughs at them and he uses his axe to try and cut Applejack but, Applejack raises her arms, she is strong so the axe doesn’t go through but, it hits so hard that she is being pushed to the ground she has to try and resist the attack so she pushes back with all her might to try and resist.

“Haha ytou cannot defeat my power I am Meateater Killer and I kill all who eat meat I will show you that you don’t need meat to be strong. Oink” He said.

Then Rarity used her barriers and she saved Applejack from under the axe then she threw some to block him but, Grasseater Doe used the barriers to jump to Rarrity and got closer and now Rarity is surprised by the Monster’s sudden closeness and she trips. Grasseater Doe would have hit her with the knives but, Twilight grabbed her in mid air with her Psychic and she floats her away and then she throws her at Meateater Killer. Meateater Killer is angry now and his snout has smoke coming out and he runs at Twilight with his axe. Twilight tries to Psychic him but, he is too heavy and strong and it doesn’t work and he breaks it and Twilight flies back and Grasseater Doe jumps behind her and slashes her back with her knives and Twilight drops to the ground with a scream and she is badly wounded.

“Twilight” Rarity called and put up a barrier over her to prevent more knife attacks to her and Grasseater Doe points a finger at her it is not a nice finger. “Wait dears have fingers now it is so weird that it is not hooves”

“You are the weird one that you eat meat, death to all meat eaters!” Gasseater Doe says.

Rarity continues to make barriers as Grasseater Doe tries to kill Twilight and her back is now bloody and she is wounded and unable to get up so she tries to crawl away instead but Grasseater Doe is relentless to try and get her and she continues to attack the barriers and Rarity keeps bringing them up but somehow she is getting through them and she is getting stronger with each slash. Whatever Doctor Genus did to them he has made them very strong than the last hybrid each time.

“I will save you” Applejack said

She suddenly jumped in from the side and she kicks Grasseater Doe in the side of the head.

“What happened to Meateater Killer?” Grasseater Doe asked.

“I knocked him out for now” Applejack replied.

Meateater killer is at the side and he is dizzy, his eyes are closed and he is knocked out. Grasseater Doe tries to recover and slash her but, Twilight sent out a Psyhic and held her knives. She broke from the Psychic but, it gave Applejack enough time to smash her in the face with a fist and Rarity trapped her in a barriers before, lifting her up, then she threw her back down and release the barriers and the impact was heavy and the ground was cracked but, Grasseater Doe still got up, bloody but can still be ok. That was when Applejack ran back with Meateater Killer’s axe before Grasseater Doe can lift her head to shout at them and the axe went into her head and for a while she didn’t move and no one moved then she dropped dead and Meateater Killer woke up.

“No what have you done Grasseater Doe no!” Meateater Killer said.

He ran over and he was very angry that they had killed his friend and now he was mad and he wanted to kill all of them. Twilight held him in her Psychic then she shot Psychic balls at him to hit him all over and they burned his flesh but, he broke through it again and he kicked her in the face she was knocked out and thrown into the wall.

Fluttershy was unable to do anything because, their was no animal around for her to use. She stood there and tried to think of something she can help but, all she could think of was Georg. If he was around they would be done here and doctor Genus will be defeated but, he is not here, it is just the Defenders or what is left of them.

Rarity made barriers and Applejack swung the axe at Meateater Killer. He tried to backaway from a attack but, a barrier stopped him and Applejack hit him in the shoulder next to the head and the axe went into his meat.

“You try to chop me up to eat me?” He got angry.

Meateater Killer punched her and she flinched but, she wasn’t thrown into a wall she was still their. The battle was tough but, eventually with enough barriers and axe, they manage to take Meateater Killer down as well but, he is still alive but, he is tired and weaker.

“Its finally over” Applejack said she was happy they were done with this floor.

“No it is not” Meateater Killer said.

“It looks like it is” Applejack replied.

“No you have to kill me” Meateater Killer said. “You killed Grasseater Doe how dare you and you dare to not kill me too?”

“Yeah he has a point” Rarity said.

“But they are animals we cannot” Fluttershy said.

“But we did it to all the others one above” Rarity replied.

“Yeah ok it makes sense” Applejack said.

“Looks like he will need to die too at least that way he will be with his Grasseater Doe again” Rarity says. “I will do it”

“Ok you be my guess” Applejack said and she gave her the axe.

Rarity couldn’t lift it. She had to use her barriers to bring the axe up above Meateater Killer’s head and he lowered his neck so they can chop it to make some pork but, no one wanted to cook him. With the barriers higher now and the axe is higher eventually, she let it drop and the blade went through Meateater Killer’s neck and he is dead now next to Grasseater Doe both killed with the axe, ironic that they are vegan because, in the end they were chopped. Fluttershy cried at the animal cruelty but, they were hybrids now made from Doctor Genus, they have to stop him or more people, were going to be taken and they will become hybrids to serve him and they will cause more trouble.

Now their is only one floor standing before them and Doctor Genus and now, Twilight is injured it doesn’t look like she can make it more but, she insist that she want to try and Fluttershy is also unable to do anything against the animals because, their are no more animals here besides, the hybrids and the hybrids are all somehow immune to her ability now and so, only Applejack, Rarity Pinkie Pie are able to do anything. The next floor might be hard.

Comments ( 4 )

Happy to see you back my friend!

And another great chapter like always. If you ever need help I am happy to do whatever I can with giving you ideas

I appeared in Equestira and the Equestira Girls world

How is that possible when he doesn't have a pony/human counterpart?

Thank you yes you are a help!

Because he is not from the MLp universe of pony or human he is from our world with normal people

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