• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 482 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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5] The mosquito fight

“You forgot something” Mosquito Girl said. As her body is being frozen more.

“What is it?” Ace asked.

“I am a mosquito. I sucked a lot of blood from people” She answered.

“Ok so?” Ace said.

“So I have all this fluids in my body and I haven’t used them” She answered. “You watch this as I become more powerful”

She suddenly has a blast of red from her body and her white became red and she looked even more powerful now and her spikes are sharper and she looks a bit more menacing. Ace sensed this change and he was wearier and he is ready to face her once again.

She flew at him fast and Ace shot ice at her to freeze her but, he realized she is not in front of him anymore and his ice hits nothing. She cut him in the body and blood came out like in a ninja movie where the guy slides past the other guy and then he only bleeds after and it is more than one cut and their is a lot of blood coming out.

“She is so fast” Ace held his chest and he looked at her.

“You are in trouble now” Mosquito Girl said. “I am in Mosquito Girl Blood Eaten Mode and with all the blood of the people I sucked now I am super powerful and speed is my greatest weapon”

She flew at him again and he tried to freeze her but, he missed again from her speed and she is able to cut his arms. Ace spun around and created a dome of ice to block but, she smashed through the ice dome and she stabbed him with her horn on her head and then flew away.

“Ah she is really strong” Ace said. He now felt very injured. He couldn’t keep this up. He had to change his plan. “I know”

Using his ice he quickly retreated to the ground where Mosquito Girl followed.

“Your running away your so weak!” She said.

“No I actually have a plan” Ace replied.

With his ice powers, he brought himself baack to the ground level and he is waiting for her and, he didn’t have to wait long because, Mosquito Girl flew down very quickly and she is on ground level with him already and she even cut his legs more with her speed she is almost invisible now and she is so fast it is too much.

Ace brings up more ice everywhere and he creates ice pillars around him and around the road so Mosquito Girl cannot just fly in a straight line unless she wants to crash into a pillar. Now their are at least thirty pillars on the road and Ice hides behind one of them and waits.

“And now more” Ace raised his hands to the sky to like he was holding the ceiling up. Then ice began to fall from the sky and they are big and they are crashing into the ground and breaking and Mosquito Girl sees that too and she grumbles to him.

Then she tries to fly around the pillars to find Ace but, she cannot yet. She is hit by one ice ball and she falls to the floor and her face hurts. She rubs it and slashes at the rest that are coming from the sky and since she is so fast she is able to get all of them as they fall. Ace comes out from one pillar from inside and he blasts her face with a ice beam and she is so caught off guard she doesn’t see it in time and her face is now in ice. She cuts at it with her claws but, Ace does it again and again and as she is doing it he’s now bringing the ice pillars closer and shooting more beams at her and their is so much ice everywhere now and Mosquito Girl is still trying to cut everything.

Then the pillars are now so close and Ace freezes above her and keeps making ice all around the pillars to make it stronger and stronger and he goes higher and higher and puts more ice into his attack and keep freezing the ice that is already their and now Mosquito Girl is buried under at least four thosand tons of ice and even with her fast claws she cannot break it fast enough to get out. Because it is ice they can still see her inside because of her red body and she looks angry but, she is tired now, she cannot have enough blood from inside the ice mountain.

“This is my special attack” Ace told. “I call it Ice Burial and I will keep putting ice until it is like an avalanche but not soft snow but, hard ice”

“How could you beat me your not even a hybrid” Mosquito Girl said. Her voice is behind the ice so it is harder to hear.

“I told you hybrid doesn’t make you more powerful now stop listening to Doctor Genus and join us” Ace replied. “I think your really pretty and your wasting it working for evil like Doctor Genus who only wants harm to the world”

“You think I’m pretty?” She asked. “No one has said I am pretty before especially now that I am a mosquito”

“You are very” Ace replied.

“I am naked so you can see my attractiveness. You are only after my body right?” Mosquito girl asked.

“Yes. I mean no” Ace answers. “I would like to get to know you more besides just your body, I want to be your friend and then maybe more”

“Hey Ace I see you’ve won” I finally reach next to Ace and I see his ice sculpter mountain. And Mosquito Girl inside. He did a very good work and she is so trapped now. “How is it”

“I’m trying to convince her to be good” Ace told me.

I agreed. That was what I did with Armored Gorilla and it worked. “Armored Gorilla is on our side now too I made him realize that hybrid doesn’t mean anything”

“See I told you” Ace said to Mosquito Girl. “You don’t need to listen to the Doctor. Come join us we will make you feel cared for. Me mostly because, I think your so pretty”

“Yes take his word for it, I already have a girlfriend so I’m not looking for that” I said. And it is true, because, I love Fluttershy so much, she’s so pretty and cute.

Mosquito Girl shouted. “Ok very well I will be good now because, you have shown me kindness”

“That’s what I’m talking about” I high five Ace.
“See we didn’t need to just kill them” Ace told me.

“Yeah you’re right that’s good of you, Ace, you’re made to be a hero” I said.

“So what do we do now then since we don’t need to be bad guys anymore?” Mosquito Girl asked.

“You can stay with me” Ace said. He was quick. “As for Amored Gorilla maybe he can stay with Georg”

“I’m already staying with Rainbow and Fluttershy stays over some times I don’t think I have space I’ll have to check with Rainbow, it’s her house” I answered.

“Cool settled then” Ace shook Mosquito Girl’s hand. “Welcome to the family we’re going to get well acquainted over the next few days”

“Ok” Mosquito Girl said.