• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 482 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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Number Nine *9* : An Arctic Dates

Arctic Ace and Mosquito Girl are now at the mall and they are trying out different cheeseburgers. It has been a long time since Mosquito Girl has had a cheeseburger and now she cannot enjoy them like she used to because, her taste is different.

“I have an idea” Ace said.

And he went to order and he came back with a burger that has a grey looking patty inside and it looks undercooked.

“Raw burger” He said. “It still has a lot of blood so you might like”

“I think so” Mosquito Girl tried it and it was better. “This is delicous”

“Glad you like it now we know what kind of food to get you. So what do you like to do?” Ace asked her.

“I liked to play violin and then some soccer once but, now with feet like this I cannot” Mosquito Girl said. “I have to see if I can still play violin”

“I also like sports, I am quite sporty maybe we can find out how to help you play” Ace replied.

“You really want me to fit in huh?” Mosquito Girl asked. “To be able to do things again”

“Yes like I said I like you and I want to know more about you, its not just of your looks because, you are very pretty” Ace said. “I want this to be more than just looks”

“Your so sweet always Ace” Mosquito girl answered. She is embarased.
“I know I am like that” Ace said. “And you too but, it is because of Doctor Genus that you wanted to suck people”

“Yes that is true but, now that I am mosquito” she said “I need blood or I can die”

“Yes I am willing to give you blood whenever you need but, if you want better, their are burgers or other meats we can eat” Ace replied.

“We will see how well all tastes, including you” Mosquito Girl said. She smiles at him with a look in her eyes.
“Anything else you want to do?” Ace asked.
“I want to see this world since I am not from here” Mosquito Girl answers. “I am from City D and this is not even the same world that everyone is colorful even you no offense I am not racist or anything, I like colored people”

“Don’t worry I am not offended” Ace said.

“Ok that’s good” Mosquito Girl replied.

“You can see the history of this world then” Ace said. “I’m sure we have a different things happening, like for one we have had a world war, Georg says his world had two but here, is one, did you have any?”

Mosquito girl said no. “We have all kinds of war going on because, sometimes aliens come and they want to take over and heroes have to save but, now I am a Monster myself and I tried to kill humans, now I see why that happens, it is instinct”

“We will need to change that so that you will be able to become a hero now” Ace replied.

“How can we change that?” Musquito Girl asked.

“We have many heroes and I know doctors their are doctors that can do things like Doctor Genus” Ace said. “I am sure somehow we can remove your blood thirsty genetics so that you are able to do things normally”

“Thank you Ace you really like me” Mosquito Girl replied.

“I do becuase, you are awesome” Ace said.

“You are very strange” She answers.

“People have said worse” Ace said and he smiled.

“Tell me about it I know of the bullies in my life too” Mosquito Girl replied.

“Looks like this is a good escape from reality” Ace said.

Before they can see more of the world here their is an explosion and many people are running suddenly and they have to find out why people are running because, Ace is a hero and he is still trying to get mosquito girl to be a hero too.

“What is going on” Ace asked one of the people that is running away from the explosion.

“Their is a fire I think it might be a monster!” The civilian said and ran.

“Let’s go” Ace said to Mosquito Girl.

He started making his ice as he made his way into the air to get their faster and Mosquuto Girl flew behind him at a fast speed.
The fire is down three blocks and it is on a high floor and fire is now coming out the windows and it is quite hot and it start to melt Ace’s ice as he is sliding and he had to stay further back to keep himself in the air or he will fall if his ice melts if he is closer to the fire at the windows.

“Where is the monster?” Ace asked. He still didn’t see it.

Mosquito Girl suddenly smelled the air and she looked to there left. “It is nearby. I can smell it it must still be here”

“Then we are ready for a fight” Ace replied.

Then from the building their is a gorilla and it is made of fire and it looks quite powerful with its muscle looking arms that are made of fire. It almost hit Ace but, when it comes closer he can feel that it is very hot and melts his Ice and he cannot stay in the air for so long but, thankfully Mosquito Girl grabs him and she flies him back as the fire gorilla tries to grab him and then it missed and it dropped out of the window and then It landed on the street below and spread fire down the building and across the street and now, more people are running away from the spreading fire and the Monster.

“Fear all of me” The gorilla said. “I am Flaming Gorilla and I am the most powerful Monster Doctor Genus has ever made, I used to be a pyromaniac and then I like to set offices on fire but, Doctor Genus captured me and showed me that I can set things on fire better than I’ve ever done before and I let him experiment on me and now I am a fire gorilla and I am now called Flaming Gorilla and I will burn this world to the ground and then dance on the ashes of it!’

“Looks like we have a mean fight coming” Ace said to Mosquito Girl.

“Yes but, how do you plan to fight?” She replied. “Your ice melts near it you cannot fight it”

“Together we can find a way becuase of the power of love and friendship” Ace told.

Mosquito Girl didn’t know what he is talking about but, for some reason she believes that he is right and their is no other way. They had to find out how to defeat fire when they are both weak to fire and their is no way to deal with this with there own powers and they had to think.

“I know” Ace figured out how to win.

“How do we win?” Mosquito Girl asked.

“Fire can melt ice but, water can put out fire” Ace said.

“Yes I know but, what is your plan?” Mosquito Girl asked.

“I will show you but, we must be careful so we don’t get burn” Ace replies.

“Ok” Musqito Girl said.

Ace flew up the building and Flaming Gorilla watches him go and he makes fireballs in his hands and he throws the fireballs at Ace. Ace makes out of the way and the fireball misses and then he uses his ice to get higher. Flaming Gorilla jumped out from the building at the level he was at to go higher to better reach Ace. Mosquito Girl followed behind but, she cannot do anything to the fire also if she sends mosquitos to the fire they will also get burned this is not the normal kind of fire because, it is quite hot compared to it but, it is still orange fire but a bit reddish.
Then Ace is higher and higher and Flaming Gorilla is now following him on the side of the building and he is still throwing fireballs at Ace also but, Ace is still avoiding it on his ice powers but, his ice is melting because, Flaming Gorilla is getting closer. He must go higher faster.

“Come back to face me properly” Flaming Gorilla said.

“I will show you properly if you can catch me” Ace told.

Then he reached on top of the building and he is floating their in the air with his ice and now, he is waiting for Flaming Gorilla to be on top of the building also. And Flaming Gorilla arrived on top of the building also and, his fire is burning through the roof as he walks and he realizes he cannot stay on the roof long.

“I got you now” Ace said.

“How?” Gorilla asked.

Then Ace flew down at him and Flaming Gorilla starts throwing fireballs. Ace starts throwing ice balls and he avoids the fire balls but, his ice is melting. Then he makes a big iceball almost the size of a spirit bomb from Dragon Ball Z and then, he throws it at Flaming Gorilla but, the fire is very hot and the ice melts into water very quickly but then, Flaming Gorilla found out what Ace’s plan was. Now that the ice has melted into water it falls on him and their is so much water his fire that is very hot is also put out a bit and the steam rises and his flames went down.

“Now!” Ace said

He threw more ice at Flaming Gorilla now to create more water to keep wetting him so he cannot use his fire. Then Mosquito Girl came behind him and she uses her spikes on her hands and she stabs him in the back a few times. Then she use her sucker on her head and she jab his neck and she began sucking.

“No how are you, you are a traitor to the Doctor!” Flaming Gorilla said but, he cannot make fire because, I keep wetting them.

“We are not meant to be Monsters we are taken from our will” Mosquito Girl replied. “I was”

And then Flaming Gorilla starts to grow skinny and his skin is greyer and tighter and his eyeballs disappear then he is dead and Mosquito Girl let his body fall and it breaks throw the weak roof now from the fire earlier and he disappears.

“We did it Mosquito Girl I told you we can” Ace said.

Then she smile and wiped at her mouth. Suddenly she flies at him and Ace at first thought, oh no she was going to suck his blood now because, she had a taste like a vampire but, instead, she grabs him and she kisses him very hard and he is surprised. Then they fall off the roof and continue kissing.

Author's Note:

I have not upload in a while this is another thank you for reading please like!