• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 482 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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Siete 7: Some hero relations

“So this is where we eat” Arctic Ace said as he brought Mosquito girl around school. “The cafeteria food is decent”

“Ok cool” she replied.

She flew on her wings instead of walking and a lot of the students looked at her probably because of her butt I think.

I found myself looking their sometimes too but I cannot! I fight against the urge because, I have Fluttershy and she is the most amazing girlfriend ever! Even if their are many pretty girls all around now from One Punch Man’s universe, I need to hold myself to not do that because, I love Fluttershy very much and I am disappointed she is still not back. I very much wish to see her it had already been one day.

Last night I cannot reach Rainbow Dash as well, so I had to go home without her and I let Armored Gorilla stay at her place and her parents were cool with it also so it was all cool. He slept on my bed and I slept in Rainbows because, I was sure she would mind if a gorilla slept in her bed and unfortunately now I need a new bed.

Mosquito Girl had gone back with Ace. I was sure he was a decent and he didn’t do anything funny with her like how I haven’t done anything to Fluttershy, so believe me ok? I am a very truthful person.

“So what do you do in your spare time?” Ace asked her. “Even before your hybrid”

“I used to be a softball player on my school team” Mosquito Girl said. “Then Doctor Genus kidnapped me and he made me into this that I am today. So I guess I like softball but another thing I like now is, blood. I need to have it because, I am a mosquito now”

“Ok yeah I see why” Ace replied. “Still I think the doctor made you very pretty. I can’t stop looking at you. Neither can Georg”

I quickly look away when they both looked at me. No! I must not look because I have Fluttershy!

“Not true” I said. “I’m not looking now”

“Oh you are such the flatter king Ace” Mosquito Girl said. “You like me even though I am a hybrid now”

“I do very much and I would like to go out with you too” Ace said. He was quick to the point.

“Wow really?” Mosquito Girl looked embarsed. “I’ve never been asked out before, even when Human”

“I know how good you can be” Ace answered. “What do you say?”

“Sure ok” she said. And she took his hand that he was giving her.

“Cool” Ace replied. “Well Georg I’m going to go on a date now with Mosquito Girl you can handle trouble without me I’m sure”

“Yes you go ahead, I can handle things and their are other heroes too we can all protect Canterlot” I told him. He should go have fun.

And so they went, I think he will take her to the carnival. Ace really like the canival that has the ferris wheel and the shooting range and the apple bobbing. He can teach her to do it I am sure as a mosquito she might have an advantages with apple bobbing.

Now I am sitting in the cafeteria alone, school is over so their is no lesson to get to but, now I wonder what I should do. Other than school I can protect the city but, since King Hungrizzard their have been less Monster attacks and now with Doctor Genus, their are some but, he doesn’t send a lot I think he still needs to build his army of hybrids before he can send.

Now I am thinking of Phantom Wizard also. I have not seen him since that day in the sky where even with Saitama’s powers, I cannot hurt him. Now I know he is the one making everyone waked up here but, I still don’t know why and he hasn’t shown himself since.

“What’s going on Georg you look in thought” Fubuki said. She sat down next to me.

“Oh just thinking about Phantom Wizard and how he made us waked up here I am happy to know this universe but, He has nefarious plans I am sure”

“I know” Fubuki said then she stretched. I watch her boobs bounce a bit, then I quickly look away. I cannot look!!! I need more self control around women and, she is much older than me like tatsumaki, I need to be careful where I look, I cannot do this to Fluttershy.

“Now with Doctor Genus being sent here their are Monsters that are stronger as well,” she said. “I am not sure how he is making them so strong but, I think it has something to do with this world”

“What Do you mean?” I ask.

“I am psychic so, I can feel their is an electric in the air in this world” Fubuki continued. “Their is magic in this world and I also have seen your friends the Defenders and they’re power is definitely magic and this whole world has it. It has a lot of history with magic battles and I have a feeling Doctor Genus used this magic to power his hybrids”

I thought of it. Fubuki had a point and it was making sense. Doctor Genus must have found something that can hold magic like the Defender’s geods and he must be using it to strengthen his hybrids that’s why Armored Gorilla, Mosquito Girl and Ground Dragon were stronger than in the manga, I know he must’ve found something.

“I hope the Defenders can stop him they are already at his base” I said.

“You worry about your girlfriend, I know” Fubuki said. “Don’t worry they are class S heroes, I am not even Class S which means, they are stronger than me. They can do it, I’m sure”

“Thank you Fubuki I think so too but, I cannot help but worry and miss because, I love her” I replied.

“I understand, I like Saitama back in my world And I wanted to have him but, see now I am here, you can imagine what I feel” Fubuki cried a bit.

“Yes I know” I said and I give her a pat to calm her. “We will stop Doctor Genus then we will find a way to find Phantom Wizard and get him to bring you all home”

“Thank you Georg you are very soothing and understandable” she answers.

“georg are you there?” Celestia said in my ear.

“Trouble?” I asked.

“Yes their are Monsters outside the front lawn you must help, the Crusaders and Flash Sentry have already been defeated”

“We are on our way” I replied. “I’m sure you heard Fubuki?”

She nodded. “Let’s kill some Monsters”

Outside I see the Crusaders they are down and their mechanical horse is in three parts and Flash is on the other side and his shield is away from him on the floor and he can’t get up. Their is a Monster standing at the Wondercord Statue and it is a mammoth on two legs with big metal tusks.

“I am Gimmamoth” He said. “By order of Doctor Genus I am here to defeat you Heroes to see”

“I knew he was behind this” I told Fubuki. “Use your psychic then I will go in from the side”

“Ok” she said.

Fubuki used her psychic and she made a wind tornado with ice around herself like a blizzard and it was moving towards Gimmamoth. It seems Fubuki didn’t know mammoths can go in cold and it didn’t affect him. Instead he grabbed her and punch her in the face. Fubuki flew back and her tornado disappeared and she is injured in some rubble away from me.

“You thought that would work?” Gimmamoth said. “I was also a fisherman and I am used to the arctic because, I’ve fished their. Now as a mammoth I am resistant to ice”

“But not to punching” I answered as I came in from his side.

Gimmamoth didn’t see me and I punch him hard before he could do anything and he exploded with my punch and his blood and meat is everywhere and he is now gone.

“Wasn’t so hard” I said. In the end he still died of one punch like everything did.

I went to help Fubuki she is bleeding a little bit but, at least she looked fine and she got up once I helped her.

“Thanks Georg” She said. “I still need to get stronger like my sister.

“Don’t worry your strong in your own way” I told her because, I’ve read the manga and I know some of her already. “Your already higher rank than before as A rank number 1”

“Thanks Georg you always make me feel better” Fubuki replied.

“Glad I can now let’s see if their are any more Monsters. Their is no way Doctor Genus only sent one” I said.

And we begin to walk through town and I think how Fluttershy is doing, I hope she is ok because. She is apart from me. I cannot wait to see her again.

Author's Note:

Ace x Mosquito
Fubuki x Saitama
and the best is Georg x Fluttershy! No is not the best but, you know is how.