• Published 8th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind - TheSuperTransformerFan

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Epilogue: Saving Twilight

The rangers all landed on the ground, and everyone except Cozy Glow demorphed and ran over to the crater where Cosmos had been when they had defeated her. They had beaten the enemy. Now, they had to check on their friends to see if they were okay.

They were recently possessed by Cosmos, and became her when they revealed her true nature. Now, since She was defeated, it was unknown if they were living or not. They had to make sure!

“That crater’s over there!” Devon said, pointing to the area where the Ultrazord did the damage. “We gotta go see if there are any survivors!”

“Right!” The others said, as they darted toward the area.

“I hope Twilight’s okay.” Rainbow said with worry. “Otherwise, I’m going to have a big, hissy fit all over Coral Harbor!”

Nate grabbed her arm, steadily. “Steady, Dash.” He warned her. She nodded, as they all went over to the crater.

They arrived at the spot, which appeared to be a huge hole, with a bunch of sand as if a beach had exploded. Rainbow Dash was worried about her friend, Twilight Sparkle. So were the others, as she had been an important part of their equestrian allies, and the Mane Six.

“I’ve never seen so much damage in a place such as this.” Starlight said in shock, and awe as they walked closer to the area.

“Is there anypony left?” Fluttershy asked, as she got worried and started to cry upon seeing the wreckage.

“I hope so, Fluttershy.” Discord said with worry. “It would be horrible to save the day, and then come back without anyone saved.”

“Well, we need to search the area.” Capper suggested. They all nodded, as they looked around. Capper noticed Rainbow having a tear in her eye, worried about her close best friend probably lost. He felt the same emotion as she did. The others could tell she was worried too, as they all felt the same for their hopefully not, fallen friends.

Suddenly, they heard a crackling of rocks, which caught their attention. “Who’s that?” Ben asked, pointing to the area. They all saw the crackling, and the rocks separating as they wondered what was going on. Surely, it couldn’t be any wired coincidence about nature, or a natural disaster. Could it?

They saw a white hoof with a gold horsehoe on it. The hoof pushed out weakly, as a horn came out, and then a blue sea-like flowing mane. They could instantly tell who it was. “It’s Celestia!” Nate said in alert, as he rushed over to the pile of rock that was enveloping her. “Help me get her out!”

The others nodded as they rushed over to her, taking the piles of rock slowly off of her, and they slowly pulled her out.
“Come on!” Ravi said, using his strength as Applebloom and her sister helped her get out. They continued to free her from the pile.

“We’ve got you.” Zoey said, as they finished pulling her out. They set her down on the ground, safely. She appeared to have a bunch of dust on top of her, like she had been through an earthquake. She even had a few scrapes and scratches, and her mane looked like it had been through an explosion. She even appeared to look roughed up, bruised, and beaten.

“Celestia, are you okay?” Starlight asked, worriedly.

The sun Princess dusted herself off, and looked at the heroes. “Yeah. I am.” She said, smiling. She then got worried again. “But, my sister and Cadence...” she pointed to the pile of rock that was on top of her. “They’re still trapped in that cave-in!”

The others looked at the pile of rock, and were worried. “How are we going to get them out under all that rock?” Rarity asked, concerned.

“Only ONE way!” Steel said bravely, stepping out with his striker morpher in hand. “Stand back!” They all nodded, and took a few steps back for him to do the deed. He aimed it at the rubble. “Striker Beast Blast!” He shot the rock, making it explode into tiny particles of dust.

“Well, that’s one way to stop it.” Nate said tired, and smiling as they dusted themselves off.

“Let me assist you, Steel!” Cozy said, as she got out her blaster. “BEAST-X KING BLAST!” She fired at the rock, turning it into dust as well.

“Let’s help them!” Devon said, wanting to do their part in freeing their trapped allies. “Start digging!”

“Good idea!” Sweetie Belle added, as they all ran over to the rock piles. Each of them removed a pile of rock one-by-one with teamwork. A few of them used their magic to clear the rocks away, some used brute force to kick the rock into the sky, amd some used their laser blasters to make them crumble. They still searched for their friends in all that rubble.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Applejack, and Pinkie lifted a few rocks until they saw a faint navy hoof with a black horseshoe. The two crusaders gasped as they uncovered a few more rocks to reveal blue and pink alicorn bodies. “We found them!” Sweetie called out to the others, signaling them. “Over here!”

The two other alicorns slowly woke up, and saw the heroes coming right to help them. “What happened?” Luna asked, rubbing her head.

“I don’t know, Auntie.” Cadence said, faintly as well. They turned to see their rescuers as they were being dug out.

“Are you two alright?” Celestia asked her alicorn friends worriedly, as she and Starlight moved some boulders away, fully exposing them.

“Sister!” Luna cried out in shock as they both saw the heroes. “We thought we’d had it!” Devon, Steel, Applejack, Discord, and Ben helped them out of the rock, and brought them over to the others.

Celestia ran toward her sister and hugged her. “Oh, Luna!” She said, sobbing with relief. “Thank goodness you and Candace are okay!”

“We are okay!” Cadence said with relief. “Thanks to you.” She hugged them too.

They then broke the hug, and saw the rangers. “Rangers!” Luna said, smiling as she hugged them. Cadence and Celsestia did the same for the ponies and their friends as well.

They then looked around. “What happened?” She asked, as she saw the wreckage. “I could have sworn that everything was destroyed.”

“If it’s anything we learned, Celestia.” Discord said truthfully. “It’s best not to ask questions.”

Celestia looked surprised that he was here. “Discord? What are you doing here?” She asked quizzically.

“Don’t ask me!” He said all defensively. “Ask them!” He pointed to his friends as he said that.

Celestia nodded. “Alright. I won’t.” She said.

“Though, I do have to ask...what happened?” Cadence asked curiously.

“It’s like we have had a nightmare...” Luna agreed, rubbing her temples. “A WEEK’S worth!”

Discord smirked, as he walked up to them. “Perhaps...” he started, as he got ready to snap his fingers.

However, Steel stopped him. “There will be NO memory erasure involved!” He warned him.

Discord was shocked, as he tried to wriggle his fingers. “What?!” He asked, flabbergasted. “WHY?!”

“Don’t you think it’s illegal to use your magic like that?” Steel asked, in a boss-like tone. “Besides, it’s better to remember this for the history books, than to forget it like it never happened!”

Discord looked at him as if he were out of his mind, and stammered. “No...what...you...shoot! You’re...” he threw his arms up in frustration. “Alright! Fine!” He shouted in frustration and anger.

“Good!” Steel warned.

“Well, we’re glad everyone’s okay.” Fluttershy said with relief.

“GUYS!” Scootaloo called out, which caught all their attention. “I found Big Mac!” They all rushed over to the pile, and Ravi ducked down, and squinted his eyes to see a faint red hoof.

“It’s him, alright!” He said, bravely and worriedly.

“Oh, is my brother okay?” Applebloom asked in worry, as AJ held her close, feeling the same emotion as her little sister was.

“Big Mac!” Ben asked with worry. “Are you alright?”

Steel went over to the rock, and started to lift it up, but it was too heavy for him alone. “It looks bad, Ben.” He said, concerned.

“Ravi, see if anything is needed.” Ben said calm, but urgent.

“Let’s get this rock off of him!” Ravi said, as they all got to a chunk of rock, ready to lift. “Ready?” They all nodded. “Lift!”

They all used their strength together to lift the rock off of their friend. “Careful!” Devon warned them, as they nodded.

“Easy...” Spike said, as they lifted another pile of rock off. “Easy....” They finally lifted enough rock from him to safely break through.

“Good! That does it!” Ben said, as he rushed over to the red pony. “Big Mac, can you hear us?”

Big Mac’s ears perked up as he heard Ben’s voice. He groaned tiredly, and in pain from all that rock being tumbled onto him.

Nate put his hand in his chest, and felt it rise up and down. “He’s still breathing.” He told them, as they nodded. “That’s a good sign.”

Big Mac awoke, and saw the others before him. He was surprised, and then looked around as if someone else was there. “Zecora...What...what happened to her?” He finally managed to ask.

They then heard some more crackling rock as they turned to see what was going on. At that moment, a Zebra...Zecora slowly, but surely broke through the pile of rock easily, as she walked up to the heroes.

“ZECORA!” Applebloom shouted, as she ran over to hug her. “Are y’all okay?” She asked.

Zecora saw Applebloom hugging her, and smiled. “I’m alright, rangers. It’s good to be out of dangers.” She said to them.

“She’s down, but not out.” Ravi said, smiling in relief, as they all sighed. “Zecora’s one tough ally to the rangers.”

“Big Mac, can you break out?” Ben asked.

“I’ll...I’ll try.” He said, as he pushed his hands to the rock that held him in place. It was tough for him, after being a part of Cosmos, and he felt like he lost much of his strength. “I don’t know...if I can do it!” He struggled harder, as he slowly regained his strength! Push by push. He was slowly pushing himself out, as he was more able to reveal more of himself, still getting stronger as he pushed more rock away. “I’ve almost got it!” He grunted.

“Come on, Big Mac!” Devon encouraged him. “You can do it! Try harder!”

“You got it! You got it!” Sweetie Belle cheered him on like a cheerleader!

“Come on!” Pinkie said, as she held her party cannon, and Ravi who also hoped he could break out as well.

Big Mac was still gaining his strength back as he continued to push himself out. He strained, and grunted, and groaned. And within minutes, he was finally strong enough to break free for the rock prison. He took one final push at the rock, and he shook the rock off his foot, as he stepped through to the heroes. “There!” He said in relief, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Applebloom and her sister went over to Big Mac and hugged them with all their might. “WHOA! AJ?!” He was shocked at first, but them realized that his family was there, and hugged them too, smiling.

“Welcome back, Big Brother!” Applebloom said crying happily.

“Welcome back, Big Mac.” Applejack said, lowering her hat, and smiling at her own brother.

“Good to have you back, Buddy!” Ben said, as he patted him.

“Ben!” He said, as he patted his hand too. “It’s good to see you again as well.”

“That was some blast you took!” Ravi said in calm shock, and relief.

“The blast!” Big Mac said in realization, as he pushed some rocks or dust out of his head. “Yes, it was. But, I’m glad everyone’s okay!”

“I’m glad you could say the same for everyone!” A voice said, the rescued ponies turned to see the rangers move to reveal a black ranger as it stepped up towards them. They were shocked at what they saw.

Princess Luna was shocked, and was the first to break the silence. “How can this be?” She asked, silently towards them. “There hasn’t been another black ranger since...Chase...”

“Could there have been another ranger that we simply didn’t know about?” Cadence asked, upon seeing its presence.

“Whoever he is, to appear so suddenly being what he is...” Celestia said as well. “I am surprised that I didn’t sense his presence earlier.”

The figure stopped to them, and clapped. It then chuckled. “I sure told her, didn’t I?” It said. The voice was rather...feminine, and it sounded like a teenage girl.

“You know, for someone who’s afraid to show herself, you sure think you’re pretty tough! Don’t you?!” Luna asked as she was itching for a fight with this newcomer.

However, Celestia and Cadence intervened before she could even get to her. “Luna!” She warned her younger sister.

The ranger just chuckled. “I’d sure like to show you a thing or two.” She said smugly. “...but, you forget! I’m on your side, and I wouldn’t want to beat you!”

The others were shocked upon hearing this! Was she really on their side, or what she just trying to play a game to get them to believe her? Either way, they were still skeptical about all this. “What in Equestria is the story with this one?” Luna thought blithely as they exchanged looks of confusion and shock.

Finally, Celestia stepped forward to the new ranger. “It seems like we owe you one, friend.” She said, calmly. “But first, who exactly ARE you?”

The ranger faced her friends, who nodded. She took off her helmet, revealing her identity to the Princesses. They were shocked to see that it was...

“COZY GLOW?!” The Princesses, Zecora and Big Mac asked in shock. “Cozy! You're the black Power Ranger?!” Celestia asked in sheer surprise.

She nodded to her. “I am.” She said, smiling.

“Cozy!” Luna said, feeling a mixture of anger, happiness and surprise at the same time. “What is the meaning of this?! You’re a Power Ranger!”

“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Celestia asked as well, wanting to know.

Cozy looked down toward her the ground before facing the Royal sisters. “I wanted to tell you, Celestia.” She started. “But, I couldn’t. Some draconniqus-like creature got under your skin!”

The sisters and Cadence, as well as Big Mac and Zecora were shocked upon hearing all this. “You mean, someone...controlled all of us?” Big Mac asked in surprise. Cozy nodded.

“Yes.” She answered. “It was an old flame of Discord’s. She took control of you, and you were helping the Storm King’s newest ally.” They gasped. “But for the first time in Discord’s life, he didn’t do it.” They looked toward Discord, who waved nervously.

“I believe you, Discord.” She said to him, smiling as she hugged him. Discord, feeling the sensation of his pony crush thanking him, and giving him the affection, Returned the hug too.

“Well, we’re all safe now, thanks to you, Cozy.” Luna said, smiling at her.

“I agree with my sister.” Celestia chimed in as well. “Cosmos has been stopped, and the world is stable once more.”

“It wouldn’t have happened without your help.” Cadence added as well.

Celestia then turned to Discord. “I can’t say I’m happy with your past actions, Discord.” She said to him. “...but, you’ve paid your dues on them. You showed the true magic of friendship, and you and your ranger friends have saved us all from a severe threat.”

Discord smiled a little bit, and felt like a little trickle came down his eye. Luna had unsure look, that spelled disaster.

They then saw Cozy looking down, and feeling a little sad about how they left her out, and that they may have forgotten something. “It’s okay, Cozy.” Celestia said, as she and her sister smiled, alongside the others.

“It’s true my sister and I didn’t approve of your evil ways in the past...” Luna said to her and Discord. “...but it’s clear that you two both had a part to play in stopping Cosmos, and saving the world.” Cozy’s smiled, as she put her arm on Discord cool-guy-like. “The real heroes are you two. You both hung in there, and didn’t rest until you set things right.”

“Thanks, Princess Luna.” Cozy said happily. “All in a day’s work!”

“Yes, but we should also know that a hero’s work is never done!” Discord said in agreement.

“Right, Discord!” Cozy said, giving him the thumbs up.

“And also, it’s safe to say that we’ve gained another ally and Power Ranger on our team!” Nate said as well.

Cozy was shocked and held her ear up to make sure she heard right. “You mean...that I’m a new member of your team???” She asked.

“That’s right, Cozy.” Zoey said.

“While you almost had a few doubts in your body...” Steel started.

“They didn’t stop you from unleashing your true beast instincts, and your inner strength.” Nate said, smiling. “Thereby, making you a true member of our team.”

“Thank you!” Cozy said happily. “I don’t know what else to say, but thank you! Thank you!”

“Welcome to the team, Cozy.” Devon said happily, as he put his hand on her shoulder.

“You’re one of us, now!” Ben said as well.

“Yeah!” Capper added. “Your smart, a real tactical warrior, fun, and totally awesome!”

“You know who ELSE thinks you’re awesome?” Spike asked, as he hi-fived Cozy. “I do!”

“So what do you say then?” Ravi asked. “Are you in?”

Cozy smiled brightly like never before. “I accept!” She said. “And, thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, Cozy!” Steel said.

For the first time, Cozy felt like she wanted to jump with excitement. She had not only saved everyone from imminent doom but also became the newest power ranger and permanent member of the team. “Phenomenal!” She said in pure excitement.

“Yes, it IS phenomenal!” Nate said. “Welcome to the ranger team, Cozy Glow!” Cozy smiled to her heart’s content as she was now a full-fledged member. She had never been so happy in her life.

Suddenly, her smiled left, as she was worried about something. “Is Twilight okay?” She asked.

Everyone was now worried upon hearing that too. Was Twilight okay? She had to!

“Twilight!” Celestia said in shock. “My faithful student! Is she okay?”

“I hope my sister-in-law’s alright!” Cadence added with worry.

“Don’t worry.” Spike said. “Twilight’s got a strong spirit. I bet she’ll be alright before you know it.”

“I sure hope so, Spike.” Nate said.

“I agree with Nate.” Rarity added. “It sure would be dreadful to hear if something DID happen to her!” The others all nodded as well.

Just then, they heard a faint groan. Rainbow’s ears perked, and so did the others as they turned to see the source of that noise. “That sounded like Twilight!” Steel said in alert. “Come on! Let’s go!” They all nodded and ran to the area where that groan took place.

“Over there!” Rainbow said, pointing towards the crater-like spot. “Is that her?”

“I’m not sure.” Devon said, as they started to advance toward the spot. There was a blueish blur, and it was hard to make out what it was. But eventually, the groaning almost sounded...familiar.

The blur got more clear, and the shale was shown to be a violet alicorn with a blue mane with magenta hairlines. Rainbow’s eyes widened in shock, as she knew who it was. “It is her!” She said feeling sad and happy at the same time.

She took off running toward the figure. “Rainbow, wait!” Nate said. But, Rainbow didn’t hear him as she was running really fast. Her eyes were welling up with tears, and she was smiling, as she ran up to her.

Twilight got up, feeling a little tired as she groaned and rubbed her head. She had no scratches or bruises anywhere. “Oh, what happened?” She asked faintly. “Did we find all the stars?” She noticed a cyan Pegasus running towards her at top speed. “Rainbow Dash?”

“TWILIGHT!!!” Rainbow cried out in joy, as she hugged her dear friend, spinning around in joy. She was finally happy to have her friend back.

The others were watching and smiled at this tender moment. “Awwwww.” Steel and Ben said as they saw this. Rainbow kept spinning her, and shedding tears of joy. Twilight, who was surprised and happy to see her friend again, smiled and returned the hug.

After a while, the spinning stopped, and they embraced the tender hug. “I’m sorry, Twilight.” Rainbow said between sobs. She wiped the tears off her face. “I’ll never let a strange, cosmic creature possess you again!”

Twilight giggled as she broke the hug. “You’re so sweet.” She said, happily. She then looked around and saw that they were on a beach with a few umbrellas, and a few buildings close by. But, this wasn’t just any beach. She gasped in excitement. “Is this Venice Beach, California?” She asked in excitement. “We should buy sunglasses!” The others smiled as they went to join their friends

And so, Twilight, the Power Rangers, and their friends shopped for neat sunglasses.

In time, Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy tried to start their own Galactic mob...with little results. They were just talking to a few evil monsters from other worlds to see if they can get to enlist a few into their legion.

“...and, laying waste to their lands!” Robo-Roxy finished her big announcement and their goal to Korvaka. “And, you are...?” She asked. Korvaka just screamed and ran away.

“How are we supposed to recruit a mob when all you do is scare them away?!” Robo-Blaze asked, groaning.

“You’re the one that scares them off with your loony giggling!” Robo-Roxy shouted at him.

“At least I don’t have blaster Yo-Yos as part of my arms!” Robo-Blaze barked, pointing to her arms which did in fact, have the yo-yo-like guns held onto.

“At least I don’t build stupid, lumbering, ROBOTRONS!!!” Robo-Roxy shot back at him.

Robo-Blaze was taken aback and felt hurt by her response, that he started to let a tear trickle out of his eye. “Now, you’ve...wounded me.” He said, a little calm but sad.

Robo-Roxy took notice and felt bad by what she said. “Sorry.” She apologized, calmly, as she hugged him.

“It’s alright.” Robo-Blaze said, wiping the tear off his face. “Let’s just make sure the Storm King never finds out about this." He told her. His Robo teammate had nodded as they went off to explain things with the Storm King, and hopefully...try to recruit more aliens to join. At least they still had Tempest Shadow, that’s for sure!

As for Cosmos’s Andalusian constellation stars, I know where they are! But, I’m not telling!

That's our show! We leave you now with an image of terror!

Author's Note:

And, that wraps up the second instalment of the Dashed Shade Of Red Story arc! Cosmos has been stopped, the Princesses are saved, and Twilight has been reverted back to normal! What a happy ending, right? Well, except for the bad guys...Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy...who are still trying to enlist more aliens into their mob! But, it’s not over yet! The rangers, and ponies still need to save Mayor Daniels, and stop the Storm King! But, how will they have a plan that will knock him dead in their tracks? Alas, these questions can only be answered when you read the 3rd and final part of the Rainbow Dash X Red Ranger arc, coming sooner than you think!

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