A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind

by TheSuperTransformerFan

First published

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

With the Storm King possessing the Red Ranger’s father, the heroes need a plan. That may be the least of their worries as they stumble upon a fallen star, leading to one of the greatest cosmic mysteries of all time: The Andalusian Constellation! However, not everything is what it seems, as the constellation also points to a clue of Discord’s past. The stars were actually the spirit of Chaos’s former lover, Cosmos!

Vowing never to bring his companion back, Discord, the ponies, and Power Rangers have to saddle up! But, things take a horrifying turn when they have to face...Twilight?! And the princesses?! This causes Rainbow Dash to be shaken as her friend (whom she was supposed to gather memories from) has gone from good to bad! And with Equestria’s most powerful ponies under Cosmos’ control, the Power Rangers, Discord and the remaining Elements of Harmony are at the mercy of their most galactic villain yet, as they are forced to fight their friends!

If that wasn’t bad enough, Cozy Glow is having a lack of self-doubt about her place on the good side, and isn’t sure if she sees it as a privilege or if she’s of any help to her friends. And, with their friends fighting against the evil galactic fusion villain, and Discord forced to choose a side, the alicorn filly must step up, and become a true hero by trusting her instincts...leading her to face her biggest challenge yet! Are the Power Rangers and Elements of Harmony truly done for good? Or has the time come for a new ranger to turn the tide?

Beast Morphers - Takes place after the heroes find out the truth regarding Mayor Daniels and The Storm King, and before “The Evox Snare” rewrite.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - A rewrite of the comic arc, “Cosmos” and the second act of the season 10 episode, “Deep Tissue Memories,” so most of this will probably not be canon.

This is the second story in the Rainbow Dash X Red Ranger arc.

Also, in this story, the Black Puma suit (with recoloured Beast-X mode Red Ranger armor) from Super Sentai’s Dobustu Sentai Gobusters will be adapted in the Power Rangers world. Who will be the new black ranger? You’ll just have to wait and see.

I don't own anything. MLP & Power Rangers are both owned by Hasbro.

Prologue: The Cosmic Chaotic Calamity

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The Storm King: “You two need to ensure that I don’t run out!”

Mayor Daniels: “Much Better!”


Mayor Daniels: “Just find a way to get me more Morph-X, or I’ll transform BACK into the Storm King in front of the Rangers!”


Devon: “Dad?”

Rainbow Dash: “Mayor Daniels! Are you okay?”

Mayor Daniels: “I’m not well!”

Devon: “Dad!”

Mayor Daniels: “GET AWAY FROM ME!

Devon: “Dad?!”

Rainbow Dash: “What the WHAT?!”

Starlight Glimmer, Cozy Glow, Zoey & Steel: “The STORM KING?!”

Rainbow Dash: “I was wrong. That’s WAY worse!”

The Storm King: “Soon, the Morphin' Grid will be mine!”

Devon: “The Storm King and my dad are...in the same body?! What do we do now, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash: “I don't know, Devon. I just don't know!”

(Equestria, Thousands of Years Ago...)

It was a long time ago, during Discord, the Lord of Chaos’s first ever reign in the Pony World. This was long before Nate even invented the portal to lead to their world. Equestria was in chaotic ruins as many were running from the damage that was being caused. Now, many readers are thinking...’This is all Discord’s fault!’, right? Well, in this one bit of history, you could be right. Indeed, he was caught...but, he was here to tell everyone that this recent piece of destruction was NOT his fault for once. You wonder why? Well, sit tight, because you are about to find out!

Ponyville was already in ruins by the time Princesses Luna, Celestia, Queen Novo, King Aspen, and King Cat arrived to help them, with their guards in tow. They had one thing on their mind, and they had to get Discord for some answers.

“Did you find him?” Luna asked, looking around.

“He’ll turn up.” Celestia said gravely as she landed by her sister. “He always does.”

“If we don’t get this under control now, we may not be able to reverse all the damage!” Novo said, worriedly as she came to their side.

At that moment, King Cat & King Aspen arrived with Discord before the female rulers. “We have him.” King Cat said, as they threw him on the ground.

“Ow!” Discord said, trying to recover. “Easy on the horns!”

“Quiet!” King Aspen cut him off. “Do you have ANY IDEA how far you’ve gone?!”

Celestia saw that the world was unfurling apart, and they had to act fast. “Discord, this isn’t one of your mere annoyances!”She said, seriously. “You’re destroying the very fabric of our world! Stop this at once!”

The others saw that this destruction was indeed happening at a rapid rate. “It’s happening too quickly! Has he ever been THIS crazed before?” King Cat asked in shock.

DISCORD, STOP BEFORE MORE ARE INJURED!” Luna shouted with fear as the world kept destroying itself.

As the Rulers got quickly wrapped up in the chaos! Discord was horrified upon seeing this. “But, you don’t understand...” he said to them. “IT ISN’T ME DOING THIS!!!” he saw giant chaotic Candy hearts, saying that someone loves Discord, and even love letters and surprises. Discord saw that she was causing more malice than chaos! He had to do something! He couldn’t let her make all the mess!

A giant purple leg with a blue claw touched itself on the ground before Discord, who cowered in fear. “Now, now.” The voice said. “It’s not nice to touch things that aren’t yours! Return him to me!”

Discord had to act quick. “Save me from her!” He pleaded to Celestia. “PLEASE! If you get rid of her, this will all go back to normal! I SWEAR! It will take all of us! EVEN ME!”

“If we help now, will you turn yourself in?” Luna asked, gritting her teeth angrily.

“Yes!” Discord answered quickly. “Anything you want! I’ll swear off hijinks for good! I’ll clean the castle! Just GET ME AWAY FROM HER!”

The rulers all saw the fabric of the world tear itself apart, as a silhouetted female draconniqus started to break through. “Oh, Discord!” It sang maliciously.

“We’re running out of time!” King Cat shouted. The immortals knew they had to hurry as they used their weapons to fire at the other chaotic creature! And, with Discord’s help, their chances got much better at defeating her.

The female menace saw their power, and she couldn’t handle it! She was even more horrified when saw saw Discord helping them! “NO! DISCORD!” she pleaded. “STOP THEM!

“What was that?” Discord asked, totally ignoring her command. “I can’t hear you over all that chaos!”

Their combined attacks overpowered the creature, as she was instantly defeated, and sealed back up. “"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried, as she was sealed back up in the fabric of time and space...never to be disturbed again.

Once that was over, Discord saw that Celestia had a look that was ready to kill! The threat may be over, but his trouble wasn’t. “DISCORD!” she commanded. “YOU ARE TO REPORT TO THE PALACE AT ONCE! AND, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A VERY LONG LONG DISCUSSION ABOUT WHO THAT WAS, AND WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!

“Oh, yes. About that.” Discord snapped his fingers, and made the rulers fall asleep. Once that was taken care of, he had erased their memories of the recent events of what happened. “I can’t let any of you remember this.” He started to walk away from them, as they slept peacefully. “Wake up and think it was me. There wasn’t anyone else there. It was all me.”

But before he walked away from them, he looked back up at the night sky one last time. He looked sad as he did that, and felt like he wanted to sniffle. “Goodbye, Cosmos.” He said sadly, before laying down a cake in between the ruler, as the comets went right by them in the air. The cake read, Sorry about the mess. - Discord.. And with that, he snapped his fingers, and pooped away. After that, Celestia started to awaken, and fathom what had just happened.

(The Crystal Dimension, Present Day 2020)

At the Crystal Dimension, Robo-Blaze and Roxy, along with Tempest, Grubber & Vargoyle were waiting around for their master to return. It had been a while since he had instructed them to get the morph-X to keep him from transforming, but alas, they failed, and he transformed in front of the Rangers & Ponies. This horrified everyone, especially Devon, since his dad and their master were in the same body. He and Dash felt crestfallen, and they had to come up with a plan to save him.

“Storm King this...Storm King that!” Robo-Blaze said, as he paced around the base like a madman. “All I ever hear about is how great the Storm King is!”

“The Storm King is an ideal leader!” Vargoyle said, raising his talon at him. “He’s both resourceful and humble!”

“Yeah!” Grubber added. “And, he much more better than that snake virus villain! What was his name again?” He tried to think of the former villain’s name off the top of his head. “Evix? Eris? Evox?”

Robo-Blaze had a look that was ready to kill when he saw him. “The Storm King has much to be resourceful about!” He said. “Who can respect a leader who can’t as so much defeat the Power Rangers?!”

“You’ll never understand, Blaze!” Grubber said, as he walked away. “You never be able to see where Evox’s plans failed, OR your own faults!”

Blaze saw, and was furious as he said that to him. He decided to give him a piece of his mind. “NOBODY TURNS THEIR BACK ON ME!” He bellowed, as he fired a beam from his rapier, stunning him, and making him fall to the ground.

At that moment, the Storm King arrived, and was appalled by what he saw. “SILENCE!” He shouted. Everyone looked at him shocked.

“Master Storm King!” The minions all said.

“So, how’d it go?” Robo-Roxy asked smugly.

Their master just growled. “On the contrary, everything that could go wrong DID go wrong!” He answered. The henchmen didn’t like the sound of that.

“You’re saying...” Robo-Blaze said.

“That’s right!” He snarled. “I was transformed in front of the Rangers, and now they know my secret!” He snarl morphed into a grin. “Which gives us the opportunity to swipe the Morph-X under of Grid Battleforce’s nose!”

He then went to disappointment. “However, to my surprise...I found out that I couldn’t get the Morph-X as mentioned earlier, because...” he grabbed Robo-Blaze by the suit as he yelled at him. “THE RANGERS KEPT DESTROYING YOU WITH THEIR ARSENAL!” He released him, who was shocked at his response.

“How can a massive army of Tronics, and warriors like us be unable to defeat 6 kids who are barely out of their feety Pajamas?!” He continued to shout at them.

Grubber stepped forward, “Well, to be honest...they’ve got those Beast Bots on their side.”

“I thought you said that they had the Commander on their side!” Vargoyle butted in.

“No, you said!” Robo-Roxy started to cut in.

“I did not!” Tempest started.

“NEVER MIND!” He roared at them, as they stepped back. “Isn’t there anyone here, who’s good at being bad?”

However, the Storm King would get his wish as just a few seconds later, a pink beam of energy fired down right by the computer and by the villains, who jumped back as they saw the beam! They were shocked as they saw the pink beam start to dissolve to reveal an unknown creature.

“What is that?” Robo-Roxy asked in silent shock.

“Don’t know.” Robo-Blaze said. “But, let’s find out.”

The henchmen slowly walked up to the unidentifiable creature, and were surprised at what they saw. The creature appeared to be a multi-coloured draconniqus. She had a red face, a purple body, blue claws, green scales, and her eyes were yellow. Unlike Discord, however, the creature appeared to be in its own unique form and was perfectly matched in her form and body.

She looked at herself to make sure she wasn’t hurt, and smiled. “Ah, Flinging oneself through the stars can be quite the challenge...” she said with relief as she got back up. “My momentum got away from me for a bit.” She looked around and saw that she was in a place with dirt, a padded floor, a dusk-lit sky and of course blue shining crystals. She looked at the others who were shocked by her presence. She was a little surprised to see them as she had never expected to see such creature in her life like these before.

She smiled to them warmly. “Thank you for the use of your patch of dirt to break my fall.” She said to them.

The henchmen were taken aback by her appearance, they didn’t know what to think at first. “Another Draconniqus?” Robo-Blaze asked, hushed to his friends. “How can this be? There hasn’t been one since Discord.”

“What?!” Robo-Roxy asked, hushed as well. “How is this even scientifically possible?!”

“Could there have been another spirit of chaos that we don’t know about?” Grubber thought as well.

“Whoever she is...to appear so suddenly, being what she is...” Tempest said, stunned as well. “...we are quite surprised that we didn’t sense her presence earlier.”

The newly formed creature looked at the others standing before her, and cocked her head in wonder. “Who and what are you?” She asked intrigued. “I’ve never seen such magnificent creatures such as yourselves.”

Robo-Blaze stepped forward. “My name is Robo-Blaze.” He introduced her. “This here is Roxy...” he showed her his teammate, who waved. “...Grubber...” he showed her him, who just smiled shyly. “...Vargoyle...” the robot just growled, and posed looking like a lethal robot. “...and Tempest Shadow.” Tempest bowed down to her.

“Please to meet your acquaintance.” She said, respectively.

The creature just smiled. “Well, those all seem like Wonderful names.” She said, Smiling. She saw the dimension, where she landed, and was happy with joy. “Oh! Well, this is quite the place! I see you’re also a fan of the disorderly?”

“Why, yes!” Vargoyle said, nervously, which caught the attention of the others in this room. “Yes, we are!”

“I bet you could stand to add a little touch here, and here...” she pointed at various places in the dimension, as tentacles, curtains, and other stuff formed. “You know...curtains, tentacles, other things. You don’t mind, don’t you?”

“Not at all.” Blaze said, smiling. “You’re my kind of villain.”

She smiled, and blushed. “Why, thank you!” She said. “You are quite the flatterer!” She noticed another figure in the room, “...and who is he?”

“And, this is our boss...” Blaze continued.

Now, the creature was confused. “Boss?” She asked.

“That’s right.” He said, Showing her. She was surprised at what she saw, and had never expected to see him ever. Especially, not at all places.

“The Storm King?!” She asked excitedly, as their boss turned around. He was shocked at the sight of this creature, and aimed his staff at him.

“Who are you?” He asked. “And, how DARE you find out about our base undetected! You have a lot of nerve, showing yourself here!”

The creature just bowed down before him. “Mighty Storm King.” She said, nervously, and humbly. “I'm humbled to make your acquaintance. They call me Cosmos.”

“And, how do you feel about Chaos?” Robo-Roxy asked, quizzically.

Cosmos just grinned wickedly. “I adore it!” She said.

“I thought the only draconniqus in existence was Discord, until now!” Grubber said in surprise.

This made Cosmos’s face light up in excitement. “Discord’s here?” She said, looking around for him like Fifi La Fume would.

“Not exactly...yet.” Robo-Blaze said to her.

“Oh, well. I want to tell you, Boss.” She said excitedly to them. “That I am SO good at being BAD!” She struck a pose, that many a villain would’ve envied.

“You don’t look so scary to me.” The Storm King said to her.

“Actually, I’m wanted across Equestria, other kingdoms and the Zero dimension for destruction of property, time warping, theft, creating scary objects...” she got out a box, for all to see, and when Robo-Roxy opened it, a giant alien-like creature, resembling a Xenomorph came out and roared at them, making them all jump in fright.

“Back in the box, Bendy.” She said, as the Xenomorph obeyed and got into the box, as she closed it. “...and littering!” She finished.

“Littering?” The Storm King was now impressed at this. “The most underrated of intergalactic crimes! I’m impressed!”

Cosmos just blushed and smiled with excitement. “Thank you!” She took a look at the guard tronics. “Tsk Tsk!” She said. “Oh, those tronics are just so dreary! Haven’t you heard? Red is the new black!” She took out one of Tempest’s orbs.

“Hey!” She cried out in shock. “That’s my orb!”

“Not anymore!” Cosmos sneered, as she filled it up with her own chaotic powers, and threw it at the cluster of foot solidiers. This transformed them into more stronger, powerful versions of themselves, as their black Armor morphed into multicoloured chaotic armor to resemble Mystic Force’s green rock armor, and their silver faces to match Tachibana from Kamen Rider Fourze, and their magenta suits, were now a bright shade of scarlet!

Cosmos marveled at them in delight. “Super Tronics!” She said in excitement. “More powerful than ever!”

The others, except Tempest were amazed by all this, and her new creations. “I like this one!” Roxy said, as she came to her side.

“Love your Style, Cosmos!” Grubber said excitedly.

“With powers like that, you could easily become Queen of the world!” Vargoyle added as well.

“I know! I’m just so evil!” Cosmos said in delight.

“WHAT?!” Tempest asked horrified.

“Which is more than I could say for you, Tempest!” The Storm King sneered at her. This made the broken-horned unicorn’s face fall more than the heart, falling out of someone’s body.

“I say we have HER take her place!” Robo-Blaze said to his master.

“Have her as part of my evil legion?” He said, thinking it over. “That sounds delightfully devilish!” He turned to the others. “All in favor, say aye!”

“Aye!” Vargoyle, Cosmos, Grubber, Blaze & Roxy said in agreement.

“Nay!” Tempest pleaded in shock, sweat riding down through her.

“The ayes have it!” The Storm King said finally! “From now on, Tempest is out, and Cosmos is in!”

“Say, WHAT?!” Tempest asked horrified.

“And, if she can defeat our enemies...” Vargoyle addded. “...then, we’ll ensure that she can stay with us!” The others all cheered at that.

“But, I’m the best at Capturing others!” Tempest objected. “How could you replace me with that vicious harpy?!” She pointed furiously at the new creature, who was shocked at hearing her say such a thing.

“I’m sorry, Tempest!” The Storm King confessed to her. “But, it’s come to my attention...” he aimed his staff at her, as she backed away from him. “...that you are no longer a comrade on my team!”

Tempest was shaken to hear those words, and started to cry. Her times of being on the Storm King’s legion she never thought would come to a painful end.

“Wait!” Grubber objected, coming right to Tempest, and in front of the staff.

“What do you want, Grubber?” The Storm King asked furiously at him. “Can’t you see I was just about to cast her out?!”

“That’s just it!” Grubber said. “You can’t take Tempest off the team! We need her!”

“But, Cosmos’s Super Tronics are more powerful than Tempest’s orbs!” Robo-Roxy pointed out. “What makes you think we need her on the team more than her?”

Grubber was worried, as he saw his friend about to get the boot. He had to think of a plan. Then, he had an idea. “Guys! I have a proposition!” He shouted out.

This caught everyone’s attention as they all turned to look at him. “Don’t make me laugh, Grubber!” Cosmos said. “We agreed to shun Tempest Shadow, and that’s just what we’ll do!” She turned to Robo-Blaze. “Get rid of her!”

“Wait!” Robo-Blaze said, stopping her, before turning to Grubber. “We’re listening.”

“How about this...if Cosmos can defeat the enemies, we cast out Tempest.” He started.

“Gah!” Tempest shrieked, before being stopped her her assistant.

“...but, if she fails, Tempest gets to stay!” The hedgehog finished.

“Ooh!” Robo-Blaze said intrigued, as he turned to their boss. “So, what’s it going to be, Master?”

The Storm King thought about it, and decided. “Alright.” He answered. “We’ll leave it up to chance! We accept the deal!” He shook Grubber’s hand, as did the others as they were willing to go with his idea.

“But, remember, Tempest!” The Storm King said, seriously. “If she wins, I cast thee out!” He pointed his staff to parts unknown in the dimension. “Do you got that?”

Tempest looked at the area, and gulped. She knew if she lost, she’d be out of the legion for good. “Of course, Master.” She finally said, nodding.

“Good!” He said to her. “Now, go!” The Broken Horn pony nodded, and went off to think of a plan to sabotage the new creature.

If Cosmos gets her chance to defeat the Power Rangers, then the universe is doomed!” Tempest thought in horror. “I’ve got to sabotage her chances of that happening, so I can get reinstated back into the Storm King’s Legion!” she went to parts unknown to think of a plan to get even with the new draconniqus.

As she pondered her plan, Robo-Blaze turned to Cosmos. “As I was saying...” she said to the other villains. “That I have destroyed thousands at the bidding of those who have summoned me! But, I was a lone star in the past as well. However, seeing the fact that I was an acquaintance for the draconniqus, Discord...I want him to be back with me!”

Robo-Roxy started to head for her, but Blaze stopped her. “So, what do you want us to do?” He asked her.

“I will be at your command!” Cosmos addressed them. “I will do anything you desire, and in exchange for that, maybe you can help me reunite with Discord, since I want him to spread chaos magic all over Equestria, and take over the entire universe, and maybe I could have you two by my side to help me!”

“That’s ridiculous!” Vargoyle sneered. “Those equestrians have failed you enough! Let’s send them into space for all eternity!”

However, the two Robo avatars were intrigued about her plan, and decided to go with it. “Actually, I like the sound of that!” Roxy said in excitement.

“What?!” Vargoyle shouted.

“This is dandy!” Robo-Blaze said in awe and amazement. “Must you do all our bidding?”

“Your enemies are now my enemies!” Cosmos said to them bravely, as she made a fist and squeezing movement to what she would do to her enemies. “I will mash them into pulp!”

“Very well, Cosmos.” Robo-Blaze, taking her by the arm, as Robo-Roxy followed. “Let’s go meet our favourite enemies...The Power Rangers!”

“The Power Rangers?” Cosmos said in interest. “That provides a challenge! Show me where they are!”

“Alright.” Robo-Blaze said. Just then, Cosmos, herself felt a strange feeling as she was glowing pink. “What’s going on?”

“I’ve been getting surges of power since the stars have been scattered.” Cosmos answered. “They’re somewhere in Equestria, and Discord’s there.”

“Discord?” Robo-Roxy asked. “You mean the one who disguised as Grogar and tried to exact his revenge on the Rangers?”

“He...tried to do that?” Cosmos asked in shock.

“Uno and the same-o.” Blaze answered.

“We need to find those stars before they’re lost forever!” She told them. “Then, I’ll have Discord by my side once again, and then, we’ll defeat the Power Rangers!”

“Well, in that case...” Robo-Blaze told her. “Maybe, we’ll stop in Equestria, first!” Cosmos and Robo-Roxy nodded as they went off to the Pony World to take care of Cosmos’ mission! Pretty soon, she would be reunited with all those cosmic stars, and be reunited with her lover, Discord and they would rule Equestria and all other universes once and for all! They were on a mission for her to do just that, and maybe be her assistants with the help of her new Super Tronics! But, not if the Power Rangers had anything to say about that! And, they would find out who she was amd what her true motives were when they got to the bottom of this...hopefully soon.

Right now, the villains had a plan to put in motion, and there would be no stopping them!

Part 1: A Constellation Lost Years Ago

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It was a nice day in Ponyville. Everyone was bustling about as Twilight and her friends, Rarity, Pinkie Pie & Spike were out shopping at a few yard sales in town. Twilight was just looking for some things to buy when Spike and Pinkie were tagging along. Pinkie Pie just recently bought a retro pony figure, and wanted to play with it.

“Oh! Just look at this!” Pinkie Pie said as she was just going to go to the furniture section to find more merchandise. “Can you BELIEVE ponies are still selling this stuff? I’d keep it forever!”

“That’s called ‘hoarding’ and it’s something only dragons do.” Twilight Sparkle said as she was looking around in this sale.

Spike felt a little offended by that comment, thinking it was a roast. “Hey...” he started to object. “...you are not wrong. But still...”

Just then, Rarity came up to her friends, and she was sporting a necklace with a purple star, reminiscent of Twilight’s cutie mark connected to a blue chain with a gold holder. “Sorry I’m late!” She said to her friends. “I stopped by a jewelry stall when I spotted this, and I simply HAD to have it!” Spike was intrigued by this sparkling star gem, and wanted to eat it. He tried to get at it, but Rarity’s firm voice stopped him. “No. Bad dragon.” She said to him. He retracted his hand.

“It’s very pretty Rarity!” Twilight said, really interested in the new gem necklace. “What kind of stone is this?”

“I have no idea—“ Rarity said. “I just like the Luster of it. It’s got a lovely shine and the setting...”

Pinkie was also interested. “I like that it’s purple! It’s almost pink!”

“You know, Twilight...” Rarity was just thinking about giving it to Twilight because it was more her colour. “...seeing it next to you, I really do think it’s much more your style, dear.”

“Really?” She asked Rarity.

“Why, with all your purple, it was practically made for you!” Rarity happily said, as she took the necklace off her and put it on Twilight’s neck.

Twilight was a little surprised but thanked her. “Oh...thank you?” She said curiously.

Just then, Twilight’s eyes went pink, glowing with curiosity as a voice whispered to her as if under a spell. “Find the rest!” The voice said to her.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Rarity asked her friend. “Do you not like the necklace?”

“It’s not that...” the alicorn started to say. “I think we need to call a meeting.” She took a look at the new jewelry Rarity gave her. “Can you go gather everypony up?”

“In on it!” Spike saluted her. Leaving Pinkie Pie to just groan in disappointment.

Later, the rest of the Mane Six at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight and her friends had already gathered for a emergency meeting. Her friends were curious that Twilight heard a voice with that necklace. Well, except for Rainbow Dash, who was breathing in a major disappointment, regarding what had happened earlier with the Power Rangers, and Devon’s Dad. Twilight’s fast friend was troubled about that particular moment. But, the rest of the ponies doubted her. “So, NONE of you hear a voice when you put on that necklace?” Twilight asked her friends.

“Nope.” Applejack told her.

Rainbow Dash was breathing hard, and sadly not paying any attention, still concentrating about earlier.

“Well, I bet Rainbow would say that you’re an overworked egghead, and hearing things and you should take a break.” Pinkie Pie joked, saying it for Rainbow.

Twilight was a little ticked. “Harde har har, Pinkie!” She said, stressed.

“Well, Put it on again, Twilight.” Applejack suggested. “Tell us exactly what you hear.”

“I don’t think she should put on the necklace again if it’s going to talk to her.” Fluttershy said, feeling unsure and wanting to stay on the safe side. “It seems unwise.”

“I wore it for almost 20 minutes before I gave it to Twilight, and I’m fine.” Rarity said to her friends. “It’s just jewelry.”

Spike had some thoughts about it. “You know I have a solution that will make whole thing just go away...” he suggested. “All I need is a little bit of salt and lemon juice.”

Twilight stopped him. “There will be NO digestion involved.” She then noticed Rainbow, who had not been paying attention at all about this discussion, and was totally looking down at the ground and got a little stressed. She threw a nearby ball at her head to get her attention. “Rainbow Dash! Did you even pay attention at all about that star necklace I was talking to the others about?”

“Huh? What?” The Wonderbolt looked up, and saw her Princess friend giving her a death glare. She sighed. “Oh, sorry, Twilight.” She said sadly. “I guess my mind’s still set on Devon’s Dad.”

Twilight heard this, and understood what she was talking about. “Yeah?” She asked. “What about it?”

“Well, after we found out that the Storm King possessed him, Devon was shocked about his dad, and none of us knew that would happen.” Rainbow said dismally. “And, now he’s right in front of all the Morph-X that the Rangers could provide.” She sighed. “I just wish that hadn’t happened after Steel and I brought Zoey and Nate together. What are we going to do about it?”

"Don't fret none, Rainbow!” Applejack said to her understanding. “We’ll still have a chance to save your friend’s dad. You’ll see.” She smiled at her friend, as did the others who all felt the same comforting feeling for her about her recent calamity.

“I know!” Pinkie added. “I didn’t know that the meanie pants Storm King would transform into the Mayor of Coral Harbor, like he’s Queen Chrysalis’ brother.”

“Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said to her in her kind motherly tone. “We’ll help you and your friend get his Dad back.”

“Agreed, Darling.” Rarity added as well. “We will help you...of course, we need to figure out how we’re going to block all that energy from him.”

“I’m sure we’ll find a solution to your friend, Rainbow.” Twilight said, smiling, before getting back to serious. “But right now, we need to figure out what that strange voice in my necklace is all about.” She put the necklace back on, and heard that voice again. “Find the rest...it keep saying to ‘find the rest’”. Just then, a map shot out of the star necklace out of nowhere, and projected it in front of the mane six.

Her friends all saw it. “Neat!” Pinkie said.

“What...what IS it?” Rainbow Dash asked, now surprised.

“Surely SOMEPONY that spends so much time in the CLOUDS knows what the STARS like!” Applejack said after seeing that constellation.

Twilight took a good look at the star map. “I know those stars...” she said. And right there and then, she recognized what the pattern was, as her eyes widened, and a huge grin spread across her face. “We gotta tell the Rangers!”

At Grid Battleforce, Devon was pacing around the interior like a madman, wondering what to do. It had been just recently, that the Rangers, along with their allies, found out about the secret regarding Mayor Daniels and the Storm King being one in the same, and Devon needed a plan. The only problem was, he didn’t know what to come up with for that plan!

“I can’t believe the Storm King took over my Dad!” Devon said, distressed. “We gotta find a way to get him back, before he’s lost forever!”

“Don’t worry, Devon.” Ravi said, as he came up to him, patting him on the shoulder. “We’ll find a way to fix this whole mess. We always do.”

Nate came into the room as well, after Ravi comforted him. “Yes. But, I’ve been working on a new weapon to add to our arsenal, and I somehow can’t get it done with you guys panicking.” He said, seriously. “Can you guys not see the holographic portals, and connection plugs for the weapons...they keep coming out all wrong!” The two exchanged looks at each other, trying to figure out why he needed to get it done without being disturbed. “How can I complete this new weapon if all I hear from you two is nothing but panicking?!”

At that moment, Zoey came into the room as well, along with Steel. “Nate, think for a moment!” She warned. “Even if you don’t enjoy them bickering about the Storm King, the Mayor or your invention, that does not mean that your attempts to build your new weapon are bad.”

Nate took in a deep breath and, walked up to Zoey. “I just want to make a great weapon to help stop the Storm King.” He said, calmly to them.

“Perhaps, you already are making a great weapon, even without Devon and Ravi arguing.” Steel pointed out. The two teens looked at each other, and agreed with what Steel said. “You just may not know it, yet.”

Nate saw his friends, and nodded in realization. “You may be right, Steel.” He said. “Now, I must go build my great blah-blah-blah-blah...blaster!” He started to leave the lab in a grand way.

“Hold on...” Devon said in amazement. “Did you say...blaster?”

“Devon, Ravi.” Nate said, before shutting himself in the lab, to keep building his new piece of weaponry.

“Wow.” Ravi said, pointing at him. “That guy really needs to chillax.” Devon nodded, as the Transdimensional Teleporter opened up, and Twilight and her friends came through the portal, really excited.

“Guys!” Twilight said in excitement. “We just discovered something really cool!”

“Hey, Twilight.” Devon said. “What did you guys find?”

“You won’t believe it!” Rainbow Said as well.

“Believe what?” Steel asked.

“This map I found!” Twilight said, as her friends nodded. The others looked at each other in excitement, and went into the lab to see this amazing discovery.

“So, what’s this new discovery you wanted to show us, Twi?” Ravi asked, curiously.

“This!” Twilight tapped her necklace, to show the map the came out of it, along with the constellation. The others gazed in awe at its amazing glory.

Nate came in as well, and was surprised too at what he saw. “What is this?” Zoey asked in excitement. “We’ve never seen anything like this before!”

“Amazing!” Steel said in excitement. “What is it, Twi?”

“I’m glad you asked, Steel!” Twilight said happily, wanting to show her friends. “This is the Andalusian!” She said, showing them, as they all marvelled it. “It’s a series of stars that just showed up in the night sky one day ages ago...centuries ago!”

“Riveting.” Rainbow Dash said as she was impressed by all this.

“Then one day, the whole constellation went dark.” Twilight continued to say. “This necklace...the points in the sky...they’re stars!” She was excited by all this!

“Of course!” Nate said in excitement, as he grabbed out a book and set it down for all to see. “Phenomenal!” He pointed to a page of the stars of said constellation. “Look at this!” They all came to see it.

“Hey. Isn’t that where Luna got banished to the moon thousands of years ago?” Steel asked quizzically.

“So, you do study Equestrian history?” Ravi asked him.

“Well, sometimes.” Steel admitted.

“Then you should know that the Andalusian Constellation...” Nate told his brother. “...is where Acute Space Triangle is.” He turned to Rarity. “Rarity, by finding this necklace, you may have stumbled upon a clue to solving the biggest cosmic mystery of all time!”

“Well I do have excellent taste in jewelry and adventure!” She agreed with her friend.

“So, what am I getting out of this if I can’t eat it?” Spike asked a little disappointed.

“Sorry, Spike.” Ravi told his dragon friend. “But, it looks like lunch might have to wait a while, little buddy.”

“So...what do we do?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Just find all those things, and fling them back into the sky?”

“Seems simple enough...” Devon said. “I mean we have a map telling us where to look.”

“And the FLINGING THEM BACK INTO THE SKY PART?!” Rainbow wanted to know.

“Well, I CAN kick mighty hard.” Applejack admitted.

“I think it’s nice to take a normal break from our series of events...” Fluttershy finally said. “No monsters or creatures trying to take over the world.”

“And, more to the point that it’s mainly a scavenger hunt for the stars sound like a wonderful adventure.” Zoey added as well. This could be one of the greatest things that has ever turned up.”

“And think of all the research opportunities! We can find out what the magical qualities of these stars are, what made them fall, where they CAME FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE...” Twilight was still engrossed by this new recent discovery. “WE CAN LEARN ALL THE THINGS!”

The others noticed their friend was acting a little more weird than usual. “Twilight, are you okay?” Steel asked. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

Twilight snapped back to reality. “Oh, I’m okay.” She said, thankfully. “Thanks.”

Just then, the voice in Twilight’s voice came into her head again. “Find the rest.” It said.

“Find the rest...yes, I’ll find the rest.” Twilight said as if she were in a daze. “I’ll leave now, and find the rest!”

Fluttershy flew to her. “Are you all right?” She asked, concerned.

Twilight turned to her. “Oh, sorry, Fluttershy.” She said. “You know how I get with all this discovery.”

“Yes, we DO know that’s how you get.” Applejack agreed. “That’s why were going to help you. Otherwise, you’d take off solo around Equestria looking for every purple bauble driving yourself nuts!”

“So...we have one of six!” Pinkie Pie recalled.

“One down, five to go!” Steel pointed out.

“That’s gotta be where the map is directing us.” Nate said. “We should be able to find the others scattered across Twilight’s world.”

“A scavenger hunt sounds fun.” Devon agreed. “Count me in.”

“And, there’s no monsters to worry about.” Zoey agreed as well. “Sounds like a plan at this point.”

“All right then. Come on, Y’all!” Applejack pep talked the others. “Let’s go rally up some troops! I think it’ll be best if we all team up, and split up!”

“Let’s go see if we can catch some of your friends to join!” Ravi said, confidently about this hunt for the stars. We’ll meet back here in a bit.” Applejack and the others nodded, as he turned to Twilight. “Okay, Twi?”

“Sounds like a plan!” Twilight was still caught up into the plan.

“Want to team up, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked her shy friend.

“Oh, no thank you. I have someone in mind already.” Fluttershy told her. “He needs something like this to set up structure in his life. It’ll be good for him.”

“I’ll team up with Steel.” Nate said. “The rest of you can find some others to help out.”

“Alright!” Devon said excitedly. “Then, that’s where we’re going.”

“Awesome!” Steel said, raising his arms in the air happily.

“Are you coming?” Rarity asked the dazed alicorn.

“No. I think I’ll stay here and draw up a game plan for everyone. Planning for faraway destination travel is kind of a strength of mine...train schedules and whatnot...” she said.

“If you’re sure you’re alright, then we’ll leave you to it!” Nate said. “Be back in a bit!” The others all left to find some other allies to help team up with in the new search for the stars.

“Yes.” Twilight said. “Goodbye.” Spike was trying to take the necklace off her, when she suddenly snapped. “DON’T TOUCH IT!” She shouted. This made Spike jump in fear. “I mean...this gem has a link to all the other stars.” She regained her calm. “I should keep it safe. Maybe it would reveal more clues? I should wear it for...academic purposes.”

“Fair enough.” Spike said, deciding to walk away from the gem. “I wouldn’t trust me with it either.” He walked away, leaving only Twilight in the room.

He approached the others, panting like he did to tell Twilight about her brother’s wedding. Zoey and the others noticed, and could tell that he was concerned about something. “What’s wrong, Spike?” Zoey asked him.

Spike was panting heavily, and then, lightened up on it. “I don’t know.” He said to them. “That energy, the necklace, the star...something’s off.”

As Spike and the others tried to figure out what was off about the cosmic energy, Twilight was in the lab, as an evil smile curved on her face, as her eyes turned pink again! But this was no ordinary feeling. No, this was a possessed feeling by an unknown creature! A creature from the outer limits of space, and a creature who liked causing chaos as much as Discord did!

“At last...” the princess of Friendship said in a demonic female voice. “...after all this time, somepony powerful enough for to embody has found me!” She took a good look of Princess Twilight from her coronation day as new princess. “And a Princess, no less.” She smiled. “How delightfully fortunate! I will need every piece of my magic back, so I can get back to...him!”
She smiled, hungrily as she got ready for her latest romantic encounter.

“Are you ready, Discord, my dear?” She asked, both evilly and excitedly at the same time. “Bit by bit, I’m coming home!” She laughed evilly as a familiar rather female draconniqus formed from the shadows, about to have her full body, but she would need more ponies to help her. Little did they know, that it was Cosmos who was possessing their friend, and she would have to wait when the time was right to reunite with Discord. And then, when the time came, she would be ready!

Part 2: Gathering The Team

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Have you ever seen someone ruin their life? Well, it wasn’t pretty...not even for Discord as he was running away from Cosmos, who wanted to keep spreading Chaos with him. She was chasing him, and he was scared. “Now, Cosmos. Just...give me a moment, and I’ll go see what ELSE you can destroy!” Discord said nervously, as he was running in fear.

Cosmos was chasing him, eager to know what else he had planned for her. “DARLING!” she called out in her demonic voice. “WAIT FOR ME!

Discord was frightened from her, as even he had to admit that his partnership with her was not...ideal. It was more like...unlikely!

“Daaaaarrrrrrling!” Cosmos sung out from above him. “Come back! I have the most marvellous idea of turning the ponies into piñatas and finding a big stick!” Discord just yelped in horror, as he tried to run from her.

At that moment, he saw King Aspen and King Cat and was relieved. “Ah, the Calvary!” He said, happily.

But, the reactions were NOT what he was expecting as the two ruler thought he was the one causing all the chaos, as they saw him. “Discord!” King Aspen shouted in alarm. “There he is! Grab him!”

The two rulers both grabbed him, and were very mad at him for what was going on! “You’ll pay for what you’ve done!” King Cat scolded him. “You’ve gone too far this time!”

Discord tried to tell them. “No...it’s not...nevermind!” He pleaded. “Take me to Celestia! NOW! PLEASE!

“Oh. You’re going to Celestia!” King Aspen said, as he moved him by the back with his antlers. “...and you will FIX THIS!” Discord did vow he would help them.

And, that was his plan! He just couldn’t handle all the trouble from her anymore! Which makes you wonder...where are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when you needed them?

Hey! You’re not allowed to make that reference! We’re not even in the story!

Oh, sorry! I just made a nod to you guys, since I thought YOU’D be the ones to stop Cosmos, and...

Well, we don’t even know who Cosmos is, and we team up with the ponies in an entirely different crossover series by Wildcard25!

And, besides...this isn’t a TMNT crossover fanfic! This is a Power Rangers Beast Morphers X MLP FIM fanfic! Not Dino Fury X G5, Not TF X FIM (though, I admit that does sound cool), and especially NOT TMNT X EG!!!

So, please stop referencing us in this crossover. This is a Power Rangers crossover, even though Leo said it first, and it’s really annoying when you mention the wrong show, so CUT US SOME SLACK, OKAY?!

Okay! Okay! Geez, what a bunch of backseat drivers. Now, where were we? Oh yes!

That moment Discord had long ago with his crazy ex girlfriend was a long time, thousands of years ago! I bet you would’ve gotten it, if you had read the prologue of the story. Did you read the prologue? Or part 1 of the story? You probably should read those two chapters first, or else you’d get confused. If by chance you are confused, please put down your iPad, and go watch some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...


Okay! I’ll stop talking, and take you back to the story! Already the second chapter in, and I’m already going off track! If that’s bad enough, I’m already mentioning an 80s cartoon that doesn’t even have anything to do with this crossover at all! How stupid, yet silly of me! Anyways, back to the story...and the present time in 2020!

Twilight had met the other Rangers, as well as the rest of the elements and a few of their friends outside of her Castle of Friendship. She had already given them a few sheets of paper and maps, containing detailed descriptions of how to find the stars.

“Now, I’ve given every group a map, your scheduled mode of transportation, protein bars, a detailed timeline, a drawing of a star gem you are looking for, forms for you to get reimbursement for any travel expenses...”

“...and, that’s about it.” Devon finished, as he put the stuff ready for his team in his knapsack, as the others did the same with theirs.

A few of them were flipping through the books, a little confused at all this, but they seems to get the message. “Does she seem a little...more intense than usual?” Applejack asked.

“Nope!” Steel said, confidently. “Knowing Twilight, this is a normal level of smartness for her.”

“Yeah!” Ben added as well. “I bet she gets her knowledge from Wikipedia!” The others shared a laugh at that.

“I bet she reads so many books all night, that she doesn’t even BOTHER to sleep!” Rainbow added, as they continued to laugh.

Twilight shot them a look. “We’re here to find the stars.” She told them. “Not to make jokes at my expense!” The others, shot a civil tongue, stood up, backs straight, and gave serious eyes to get back on track.

“And, since Starlight has to stay in Ponyville to oversee final exams, I’d like to thank Big Mac for stepping up to help us out.” She turned to Applejack’s big brother and handed him a book & knapsack as well. “You too, Zecora, Girls.” She even said to the following, who had also showed up to help.

“I’m so excited to be included in one of y’all’s adventures!” Applebloom piped up in excitement. “And, with the Power Rangers too!”

“We’re in the big leagues now, Ponies & Rangers!” Scootaloo said in glee, with her knapsack armed. “Watch out!”

“Next stop, our own chairs at the weird map-table-thing or gear at the base!” Sweetie Belle added as Zecora finished packing her knapsack.

“...and a shelf in the fridge with our names on lunch bags that say, “Do not eat my lunch.” Scootaloo finished for her.

Nate saw the others who were there and was shocked at the group. “These guys?” He asked. “Three of them are foals! They ought to be in school!” He gasped and continued, “And a zebra? I can’t remember the last time we even saw one zebra in coral harbor!”

Twilight just giggled. “I admit they look unusual,” she said. “But I have it on good authority that they are quite capable.”

Nate saw them, and sighed. “If you say so.” He said calmly.

Twilight was ready to direct the teams to their designated areas. “Okay...Pinkie, Big Mac, Nate, you’re all headed for Klugetown.” She told the, first team.

Pinkie got excited as she hugged her two teammates. “Oh! You two have never BEEN!” she squealed. “Get ready fro some SEEDY UNDERBELLY!

Big Mac & Nate got nervous as she squealed in their ears, as it was loud. But, they adapted to it. “Errr...yup.” The stallion replied.

“Whoa, calm down, Pinkie!” Nate said, calmly pushing her away. “We’ll still be able to find those stars along the way, today.”

“Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Devon, Zoey, & Steel...you’re headed for the Crystal empire.” She told the second team.

“Alright!” Steel raised his arms in excitement. “We get to go to where we first met you!” He jumped up and down.

Twilight saw his reaction and blushed. “Yeah...” she said, smiling. “I guess you do.”

“Oh! Oh!” Spike said in excitement, upon hearing this. “Can I go, too?”

Twilight was confused. “But, I already color-coded your paper work to match mine.” She told her assistant.

“And, I’ll stay behind for a little bit, testing our weapons for anyone coming after our Morph-X again.” Zoey said, confidently. “I’ll catch up with them, later. It would be a better idea if Battleforce was left unguarded...if you know what I mean.”

“Please, Twilight?” Spike asked. “Can we?”

Twilight looked at their excited faces, and sighed. “Oh, all right.” She said, giving in. “It’s probably for the best, since you both can page me if anything comes up. The other two both smiled, and did a thumbs-up sign.

“Yes!” They both said silently in excitement.

“Zecora, you will be in charge of getting the Star gem from Griffonstone.” She told her Zebra friend. “Do you think you can handle all three fillies on their own? I’m sure I can find someone else to help you.”

Zecora just smiled, upon hugging the three fillies. “With these young ones? I’m sure their talents will make our group shine!” She said happily, as she nuzzled with them.

Twilight sighed, and went to Fluttershy. “Are you sure you don’t want a partner?” She asked her shy friend. “I don’t want you going into the Everfree Forest alone.”

“Oh, he’s back at my house feeding Angel for me.” Fluttershy said to her. “I’ll go get him before I head out.”

Twilight nodded. “Perfect.” She turned to all the teams. “All right, everyone! You have everything you should need for the trip!” The teams nodded, and started to go to their respective locations. “Let’s get out there, find the stars of the Andalusian Constellation, and then...” her eyes turned pink, and her voice became demonic again as she finished her sentence. “Bring them all to me.”

Ravi, and Applejack both noticed something was rather off about Twilight. But, they just couldn’t put their finger on it. “You okay, Twilight?” Ravi asked. “You’ve been acting a little strange and demonic.”

Twilight shifted back to focus. “Yes, I’m fine, you guys.” She said to them. “I’m just...so excited about the prospect of solving an astronomical mystery!” She let out a chuckle. “See what I did there?”

Applejack groaned. “You aren’t going to do that the WHOLE train ride to Canterlot, are you?” She asked, deadpanned.

Twilight just giggled again. “How about this one?” She said, as she fouled up another pun. “The rotation of the planet really makes my day!”

Applejack felt like she wanted to switch partners, as she tried to escape, while Twilight was happily dragging her along. “DOES ANYPONY WANT TO SWITCH PARTNERS?!” she asked, in shock. “TRADE YA’LL AN APPLE! PLEASE?!

“Nevertheless...” Ravi said, as he dragged the two ponies along the trail. “We’ll go if only to make sure that the Storm King doesn’t get his hands on it. Let’s roll!” And, with that, they went to the Friendship Express to board the ride to Canterlot.

However, Twilight was indeed acting strange. But, strange was natural...at least for her. And, they would find the stars of the Andalusian Constellation, and send them into the sky. However, plans can change. And for the strong team, this might change in a very powerful way. But, they went to the station to start the search for now.

Unknown to the teams, Tempest Shadow herself was watching them from afar in the bushes, hoping that the heroes would win as she plotted her chance for revenge against her replacement.

Part 3: Outstrengthed!

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As the train arrived toward Canterlot, Ravi, Applejack and Twilight were amazed to be here. Luckily, the first star was already found by Rarity. So, that meant the second star was in this vicinity of the city they were in.

“This is a nice change of pace, isn’t it?” Applejack asked, as she took in a deep breath and smiled.

Ravi smiled too. “Yeah. Usually, we’re headed for disaster and we end up clashing one of the Storm King’s robotron’s or tronics.”

Just then, Twilight’s eyes went pink as she spoke in her demonic voice again. “The day is young.

“Huh?” The strong duo looked at her, strangely.

“Oh, nothing.” Twilight said, getting back to focus again, as they left the train. “We’re here.”

Applejack and Ravi took a look at the map from their knapsacks and were trying to figure out what the directions meant. “What’s the plan?” Applejack asked, confused. “I can’t make heads or tails of the schedule you gave us.”

“This is a little too detailed.” Ravi added. “Does it need so many notes, and so many details?”

“We’re going to head to the castle.” Twilight answered. “This star...” she looked at her star necklace. “...is telling me the next one is close.”

“All right, then.” Ravi said, as they headed there. “Let’s get the lead out and go.”

As they started their journey, Tempest Shadow was watching them from a nearby corner around the castle, as not to be noticed. She saw them go in. “I thought so!” she said quietly. “Well, this ‘Cosmic Princess’ replacement is in for a surprise of her own!” she looked around to make sure no one spotted her, and when she was safe, she fled from her hiding area to go check on the other teams to make sure her plan was in motion.

They were on their way in the castle, and Applejack started to feel uneasy about Twilight’s star necklace. “Y’know, that necklace...thingie has me a little bit concerned.” She said, nervously.

“It’s fine.” Twilight said, ignoring what her friend said. “Everything’s fine.”

“See?” Ravi said, as if there was nothing at all. “If Twilight says it’s fine, then it’s fine.”

Applejack gulped. “Oh, okay then.” They were about to enter in one of the archival rooms as they went inside. “Well, let’s go tell the Princesses that we’re here.” She said.

“No.” Twilight said seriously.

The others were confused at Twilight’s answer. “No?” They both asked.

“What do you mean no?” Applejack asked.

“And, where are we going?” Ravi asked, confused as well.

“I mean that they’re in the middle of setting the sun, and raising the moon.” Twilight told them. “We shouldn’t interrupt them.” They arrived at a secret passageway, as the violet alicorn used her muscles to push the door open. “...and Celestia showed me this room once. It’s where she keeps things.”

“Things?” Ravi asked. “What kind of things?”

“Mostly things she doesn’t want cluttering the halls upstairs.” Their friend said. The strong friends both exchanged glances as they followed her into the passage downstairs.

As they went in the passage, they came to a secret basement-like archival room. They were both amazed and shocked just by looking at it. “Twilight, what is this?” Ravi asked in awe.

“The star gem is here.” Twilight said, grinning from ear to ear, ignoring Ravi’s question. “I can feel it.”

As Ravi and the violet princess looked around, Applejack started to get more nervous as her blood begun to run cold. “Uh, I’m going to go out on a limb, and say that if it’s in this room, it’s bad.” she said, as sweat ran down her.

“It’ll be fine, guys.” The alicorn reassured them. “Not everything in here is dangerous.”

“We’ll take your word for it, Twi.” Ravi said, as they all went through the door, to lead through another passageway, into another archival basement room.

“See?” Twilight reminded them. “She also hides her worthless junk down here too.”

The strong duo was confused as they heard her say that. “Wortless junk?” They asked. “Like what?”

As they went down the room, the farm mare noticed a golden Apple peeler, that had the symbol of an apple on it. She was shocked and angry as she realized what it was. “HEY!” she shouted, as she picked it up. “I GAVE HER THAT APPLE PEELER!” Ravi jumped back at her response.

Twilight paid no attention, as she went to a wooden chest, and smiled as her eyes went pink again. “There it is.” She said, showing a sneaky grin. She tried to get it open, but the chest was padlocked. She strained as she kept trying. “Celestia must have found it, but never put it on!” She growled. “CURSE that pompous Princess pony! If she had, I’d been brought back sooner!”

Both the farm mare, and teen noticed their friend acting not like herself again, and started to get concerned. “Uh, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “I think it’s time to take off that necklace.”

Ravi nodded. “Maybe, we should have a look at that map again, and check if we’re in the right direction.” He agreed. “I mean, it looks like right now, we’re in a dead end, and you are getting a little too excited. Wouldn’t hurt, just to take a quick peek again...” he reached out to the star gem, but Twilight turned to them furiously and snapped.

DON’T TOUCH IT!” she thundered as the two stepped back. Applejack gasped in shock, as she now saw a silhouetted draconniqus.

“You ain’t Twilight!” She yelped in fear.

“What are you talking about, Applejack?” Ravi asked in utter disbelief, as he pointed to her. “That is Twilight!”

Twilight looked at them, and grinned hungrily at them, ready to pounce on them. “Right you are, human! ” She said in a demonic voice. “In fact, she’s still in there! And, I can bring her out whenever I need to! If you need to know who I am...I am the terror that stalks in the night, I am the embodiment of Chaos in the outer limits of space...I...AM...COSMOS!” She started by firing an amplified laser blast from her horn, sending them a few feet back, and knocked down.

Ravi and Applejack both got up, and got ready to fight, and were shocked as well. “I’ve gotta morph!” The teen said, as he activated his Morpher, as Twilight got ready to fire another laser beam at them. “Activate Beast Powers!” He shouted as he was instantly morphed into his ranger form, dodging her blast.

“Give us back our friend!” Applejack screamed in shock.

NO!” she answered as she punched the two heroes down to the ground. “I need her to get to him!” she got ready to punch them again. “BE STILL!” she struck them down to the ground, but Ravi got up, as did Applejack, who was already horrified at this recent discovery that was happening to Twilight.

“Twilight, what’s gotten into you?!” Ravi asked in horror. The alicorn responded by firing a beam again, only for Ravi’s arms to block it. “Hey, cut it out with that thing! Someone could get messed up!”

That’s what I had in mind!” Twilight said in her demonic voice as she kept firing an array of blasts towards her friend.

Ravi couldn’t deflect all her blasts, so he had to summon his weapon! He hit his transporter. “Transport!” He called out as his Beast-X Blaster appeared to him. He took it, and was ready to fight back with an array from HIS arsenal!

As Twilight tried to throw another punch, Ravi used his blaster to fire at her. Upon seeing this, she yelped, and tried to dodge the blasts. “You’ve got some strength, Blue Ranger!” She said smugly. “So, I don’t feel bad not pulling my punches.” She jumped towards them, and tried to throw a few punches, as the strong duo dodged them.

“Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack cried out in shock, as they were almost attacked. She and her teammate both realized it was time to play rough. “Okay, time to quit being nice.”

Twilight pushed them again to the ground, and they got back up again. “Hey, I don’t want to hurt you, Twi!” Ravi said, as they ran towards her. “...but, you’re getting us steamed!” He started to overheat as soon as Applejack kicked her and he threw his gorilla punch at her, knocking her to the ground.

“Oh, man! I’m overheating!” Ravi said, as he noticed the steam rising from him after his punch.

Twilight was dazed from that attack, as she tried to get up. She could see her friends slowly advancing toward her. “You’re...far too strong compared to this one. She said weakly. “ So, I’ll just have to fight...

Ravi started to hit his transporter again. “Transport! Beast-X...”

But, he never got the chance as Twilight used her magic to raw abilities to conjure up a giant fist, that rose up and punched them from below! “DIRTY!” The force of that attack was too great as the two heroes were thrown into a giant cage. “Oof!” They both said at the force that sent them in there.

They both got up, only to find they were trapped, as Ravi strained, trying to break the cage free. “Oh, man! We’re trapped!” He said in shock. They heard laughing as they turned to see Twilight had already opening the chest, and getting the second star out. They were both shocked.



But, it was too late. Twilight had already got the second star out, and was ready to execute her part of the plan. “Sorry, guys.” she said to them evilly, as she started to walk away. “But, I do believe NOW, I will talk to Celestia.” She cackled as she left.

“Twilight, Stop!” Applejack cried out, upon seeing her like this.

“Don’t do this, Buddy!” Ravi shouted, as she left. “TWILIGHT!” But their friend was already gone, and God only knew what she had planned with Celestia.

With our two heroes trapped like a caged animal, it looked like things would get grim for them. “Applejack slumped down on the ground. “Oh, Horseapples!” She said sadly. “Ravi, What are we going to do?!”

“We’ll have to get in contact.” He said, as he started to contact his teammates on his morpher. “Devon, can you hear me?” There was no answer. So, he tried someone else. “Nate? Ben?” Still no answer. “Anybody?!” So far, no one was contacting them. And, they were probably with busy looking for the rest of those stars, or the heroes were too deep in the castle to communicate. Either way, it would have to take an epic breakout to fix this problem, as it was about to get worse for our friends!

Part 4: Rangers Vs. Twilight

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At Grid Battleforce, Zoey arrived at the training room, getting herself ready for a fight. She even brought her weapons with her for her training session, just in case anyone or any creature came after the Rangers’ Morph-X supply. She took in a deep breath and got out her Beast-X blaster out.

“I can do this.” She said out loud to herself, as she aimed the blaster at the targets. One by one, she fired at them, and they were easily knocked out. Zoey smiled at herself for hitting the targets so easily.

She heard clapping, and turned to see the three beast bot companions cheering them on! She smiled. “That was great, Zoey!” Cruise said in excitement. “Now, it’s time for a real challenge!” He readied the remote control to start off the challenge.

“Are you ready, Zoey?” Jax asked, as he moved his arms up and down.

“Oh, it is on!” Zoey said, with confidence boiling up in her body. “What is it?”

“Moving target Tronic!” Cruise said. “Multiple location! Try to keep up!” Zoey nodded, as she aimed her blaster, while Cruise hit the button to reveal the moving tronic target toward the target range.

“Ready...set...fire!” Smash shouted, as Zoey got her Blaster out at the ready. She tried to fire at the target, but couldn’t get a clear shot as it was moving too fast.

“It’s moving too fast.” Zoey said, exasperated that she couldn’t hit the target. “Cruise, did you test this?”

“Of course, Cruise tested it!” Jax told her. “Show her!” He said to Cruise.

“Alright!” Cruise said, as he got to the Target practice range. He aimed at the target, and when the time was right, he fired at it spot on! Zoey was ecstatic at what she saw...the way she saw the beast bot take on that tronic target.

“That was...quite a shot!” She said happily and in astonishment.

“See?” Cruise said, as he put the blaster down. “It’s not impossible. Now, you try it!”

Zoey nodded. “Okay!” She got her blaster ready, and the tronic target moved up again like earlier. She tried to learn what Cruise did, and when she aimed her blaster, she fired at it spot on! “All right!” She whooped in excitement.

“Told ya it wasn’t so hard!” Cruise said, as he directed said target to another spot in the training room.

In that same room, a peach-coloured alicorn filly with a cyan blue Shirley Temple mane...Cozy Glow was trying to get a clear shot at the target Cruse had set up for Zoey. She was nervous at first upon, trying to get a clear shot. But, she soon switched to determination, as she readied her horn and aiming it at the tronic.

The beast bots took notice and cheered her on. “All right!” Cruise shouted in excitement.

“You can do it, Cozy!” Smash cheered her.

Cozy looked at them and smiled, as she diverted her attention back to the target. She readied her horn with her magic energy, and aimed it perfectly still. “I wish that target was a little slower.” Cozy thought to herself as she tried to get a good shot at it. “Or I was at least quicker like Rainbow Dash!

“Come on, Cozy Glow!” Jax called out to her.

“Just a little further, kid!” Cruise called out as well.

Cozy tried to aim at the tronic and fire at it perfectly, but she missed, and the blast bounced off the walls and onto her horn. She screamed as the blast sent her walloping back to the wall, crashing into it.

The beast bots and Zoey took notice and gasped. “Cozy!” Zoey called out, as they rushed over to her, as the filly tried to get up. She coughed as she got up, as her crashed caused small particles of dust to fly.

The Beast bots giggled and Zoey chuckled upon seeing her blooper, that Cozy blushed pure red, as she was caught in the middle of it all. How embarrassing for her!

“Hey, Cozy Glow!” Jax joked to her. “With a cherry on top and some whipped cream, and chocolate sauce, you look like a Rocky Road ice cream sundae...with a toasted marshmallow!”

Cozy wiped the dust from her face, and started to cry. “How embarrassing, and humiliating!” she said out loud to herself. “...and, in front of everyone, too!” She felt pretty mortified.

Zoey finished up her moment of laughter, as she reached out her hand to her friend. “Come on, Cozy.” She said, calmly. “We’ll help you out of your messy predicament.” Cozy saw her hand, and shifted to upset, as she turned her head away from her. She was confused. “Cozy?”

“Everyone always has to help me, because I am so small.” Cozy said, as she got up with tears still in her eyes, but her face still filled with embarrassment and frustration. “I’m nothing but a failure! Battleforce would be better off without me!” She flew up and left the training room in a huff.

The others were shocked at the sight of her behaving like this, and felt a little regret. “Wait! Cozy!” Cruise shouted, as she left.

“What’s with her today?” Smash asked, quizzically. “She’s never been so down like this before!”

Zoey sniffled upon seeing her friend like this, that small tears started to come out her eyes. “Oh, Cozy Glow must feel like she failed.” She said sadly.

The Beast Bots felt remorse as they heard what she said. “Oh, man!” Jax said in humiliation. “Maybe, we shouldn’t have laughed at her.” They felt like they didn’t want to show their faces to her, after how they treated her.

Zoey knew what she had to do now. “Get the targets back up, Cruise.” She said to him. “Then, I’ll go find Cozy.”

“Okay!” Cruise nodded, as he readied up the targets. Zoey took out her blaster. “Beast Blast!” She called out, firing at the targets, spot on. She then, got out the Beast-X King Spin Saber. She got ready in a samurai-like pose. “Tornado Takedown!” She shouted, as she threw the spin Saber at the targets, decimating them instantly.

She sighed with relief. “Yeah, that should do it!” She said as she gathered up her weapons in her knapsack

“Y’know, with shots like that, you could rule out basketball!” Jax joked.

Zoey ignored her bot’s comment. “I’m going to go find Cozy.” She said, as she left.

“Good luck, Zoey!” Cruise said, as Zoey left the training room.

Zoey was on her way to the lab to try to find her distressed friend. “I hope Cozy’s okay.” She thought to herself. “I hope she didn’t run into any trouble during my training! That'd be—“

“Perfect!” a crazy male voice said as she came into the lab. The voice cackled in glee.

Zoey got nervous, as she whipped out her blaster. “Who’s there?” She asked.

“You know whenever ponies or Power Rangers talk about powerful magic or tools, they always leave me out.” Zoey looked up to see a kitbashed draconniqus...namely, Discord...standing on air, close to the ceiling. “If I weren't so evolved, I might decide to take it personally. Well, isn't this quite the combination of unlikely heroes?” He asked, smiling in his usual self. Zoey jumped back in shock upon seeing him appear of all places.

“What is it, Discord?” Zoey asked him.

Discord just smiled at her, as he climbed down, slowly to the ground, landing gracefully. “Oh, nothing much.” He just told her. “You said you were going on a trip?” He wanted to know what the Rangers were up to. “I DO hope it’s to go antiquing! A chippendale table for my breakfast nook would be lovely!” He changed into a Power Ranger-like outfit. “Or perhaps...fighting a robotron in your own town!” He looked into his lunch basket he brought. “Oh, Gouda!” He joked. “A cheese plate!”

“Maybe some other time, Discord.” Zoey told him. “I was about to meet Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest to find a fallen star.”

Discord changed from his usual emotion of chaotic joy to a little nervous as he heard what she said. “A fallen star? In the Everfree Forest??” He asked a little worried.

“Yeah. Twilight put us in teams, and she’s very excited.” She told him. “She said a constellation fell out of the sky, and we’re on an adventure to collect all the pieces.”

Discord was getting a little more nervous by the minute. “There’s no POSSIBLE chance that...the Andalusian Constellation is there?” He asked her quizzically.

“It IS!” The teen said, excited. “I didn’t know you were so well versed in astronomy, Discord! Maybe, you could be an astronomer.”

“This is just...some WHIM of Twilight’s, right?” He wondered, still a little nervous, but a little joking as well. “A flight of fancy? A hobby? She doesn’t think the STARS actually exist, right?”

“Oh no!” Zoey said as she got the astronomy book that Nate had earlier, and showed her a page containing the whole constellation. “She FOUND one, and it’s pointed the way to all the others! She put Fluttershy in charge of the one in the Everfree Forest, right close to her cottage.”

Discord was now on full panic attack as he jumped up and grabbed Zoey, shaking her by the arms! “She’s FOUND ONE?!?!” He asked frightened.

“Yes! Shouldn’t you be excited!” Zoey asked the draconniqus, confused, as she released herself from his nervous grip, and pushed herself back. “Besides, this could be a great discovery for us!”

“We have to get out of here!” Discord said, now getting scared as he looked around the lab for any weapons that could be useful to take. “Twilight cannot reunite all the pieces!”

Zoey was still confused that he was acting like this “Why, Discord?” She asked. “What’s happening?”

Discord explained to her. “Because, Zoey...Those stars AREN’T JUST STARS! They are COSMOS!”

Zoey was unsure about all this. “Cosmos?” She said, almost letting out a giggle. “Who’s that?”

“Trust me. You don’t want to know.” Discord said, bluntly to her.

Zoey put her hand on his shoulder for comfort. “Trust me. I do.” She said, seriously.

Discord took in a deep breath, and decided to explain the story to her. “Cosmos was an old...acquaintance of mine, and once a terror upon Equestria! She was a draconniqus like me but she was multicoloured, her body perfectly match in every which way, down to the snazzy feet claws.” He changed into his zoot suit as he said that, before taking it off to go back to his normal bare self. “But however, she took things too far!” He warned her, “She hurt things! It took the combined efforts of the most magical beings such as Celestia, Luna, King Aspen, Queen Novo, and King Cat to lock her away in the stars that were her prison!”

Zoey now got worried, as she understood why her friend was frightened. “Oh my.” She said, softly.

“Years ago, a shooting star knocked her out the sky and the stars scattered.” He started.

“You seem to know a lot about this!” Zoey processed this information into her brain. “Even more than Devon, Ravi or the other Rangers know about.”

He looked at Zoey sadly, and took in a deep breath. “I have a vested interest in keeping Cosmos from coming back!” Discord said solemnly.

“Do you want to talk about it?” His unlikely ally asked.

“Not really.” He said. “But I’ll have to!” He revealed his backstory of how his hid the stars of Cosmos into the forest. “Before the stars fell, I used to monitor them constantly, always afraid that she would come back! I thought it was a good idea when they fell spread out across the land...it felt like she was that much further away from being whole.” He was nervous, but still decided to continue to voice his fear to the yellow ranger teen “I found one...it called to me in the Everfree Forest! I hid it away...under NO circumstances can all those stars be reunited.”

Now, Zoey knew why he was worried and scared about this whole Andalusian Constellation search. “You’re telling us that those stars are actually an old estranged acquaintance of yours, set out to destroy the world?!” She asked, horrified.

“I told you you didn’t want to know!” Discord warned her.

“Oh, dear!” She said, now filled with worry.

“Oh dear isn’t the half of it!” The draconniqus admitted.

“Well, this is perfect.” She said. “You know where it is! We should go get it and give it to Celestia. She needs to know about the threat of...your old acquaintance coming back, right?”

“I suppose.” Discord thought. “But I’d REALLY rather be left out of it. This is HER we’re talking about.”

“Come on, Discord!” She told him, optimistic. “You obviously know more than any of us about what’s happening, and we need to tell the others, and protect them.” She got her knapsack ready on her back. “Let’s go get that star and save the world, okay?”

“You’re being far too calm and reasonable!” Discord said both admitting and worried.

“When have I ever led you wrong?” Zoey asked, as Discord was confused.

“Never, since you and I have never exactly teamed up to take down an alien before.” Discord told her.

“Okay. Well, doesn’t matter.” Zoey said. “Because what we’re going to do is find those stars, and what Twilight’s going to do is send them back in the sky. Say...the moon?”

“Oh, alright.” Discord said to her. “Let’s go.” He stopped, before they finished leaving the lab. “I really don’t think I should touch that star. Do you?” He asked her.

“Well, Rarity wore the one Twilight had with no problem.” She reassured her. “It should be fine.”

“I really think we should burry it even deeper.” He suggested, crazily. “Or...WE COULD BLOW IT UP!”

“Now, now.” Zoey reminded him said, while being well aware of the situation. “Princess Celestia has a very good track record for dealing with horrible monstrosities. She’ll know what to do. Besides, we’ve been so lucky that nopony has stumbled across it here! Just leaving it buried isn’t as secure as bringing it to her.”

Discord sighed and realized that the ranger was right. He gave in. “You’re right. Let’s take it to Celestia. I should have eons ago.” He said a little beat and concerned.

“Alright.” Zoey said, as they left the lab. “We’ll find Twilight, and get those stars. Okay?” Discord nodded, as he teleported to Canterlot Castle.

Zoey took the time to whip out her wristcom. “Devon! Ravi! I need you two to meet me at Canterlot!” She told her friends. She then, switched over to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, drop whatever you’re doing and come with me! We have a problem! Something bad!” She took her equipment, and ran out of the building in under a minute.

At the Castle underground, Applejack and Ravi were trying to find a way out. Applejack strained and struggled, but so far, nothing. She slumped down in defeat. “Oh. Man!” She said in sadness. “How are we going to get out of this one?! It’s probably molecular bamboo!”

Ravi thought of an idea to get them free. It had to work! “I got an idea!” He said, bravely to her. “Stand back!” He reached out, and grabbed the bars with his hands.

Applejack was confused at this. “Ravi, this is not going to work!” She said, stressed and worried. “I’ve tried. My strength can’t get us out of here!”

“Nothing my gorilla strength won’t fix!” The blue ranger said, as his muscles started to grow in size, until finally, he was able to life the cage and set himself and his teammate free.

Applejack was thunderstruck, and happy they were out. “Nice going there, Ravi.” She said in astonishment.

“Thanks!” The ranger said, giving her the thumbs up. “Now, let’s go!” The farm mare nodded, as they hi-tailed it out of the underground archival room, and over to the castle, where they would run into their friends later on.

Upstairs inside the Castle, Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight were already possessed by Cosmos. Princess Luna was trying to get over to the two to warn them, and Fluttershy also happened to show up at the same time that happened!

Princess Luna was panicked. “Sister! Young Twilight! Please! Just tell me what’s happening!” She pleaded to them. “You’re both acting bizarre! I can help you! Let me help you!”

At that moment, Zoey and Discord arrived as well, and were shocked, and horrified at what they saw when they arrived. “Twilight?! Celestia?!” Zoey asked in stricken shock. “What’s going on, here?”

Twilight turned to see Fluttershy with one of the stars in her hooves. “Ah, Fluttershy. Zoey!” Twilight said to them. “That was expedient! Very well done!”

“Oh, thank you.” She told her friend. “But, you know...Zoey and Discord both told me that...”

Discord saw the two royal advisors were tied up, and the Princesses’ pets caged, and tied up as well. “I am not a fan of the vibe I am getting in the room!” He said worriedly. “Anyone else not a fan?” Fluttershy and Zoey both saw what happened, and more shock came to their faces.

Twilight used her possessed magic to snag the star out of Fluttershy’s hooves. “Oh, forceful grabbing isn’t nice!” The kind Pegasus pleaded, as that happened. “I was going to give it to you nicely.”

Twilight paid no attention as she hovered the star over to Princess Luna and put it on the center of her necklace. “What in Equestria—?” Princess Luna asked in shock. “What’s she doing?!” Zoey asked in shock as she saw the ‘transformation’ take place. Suddenly, Luna’s eyes went pink as if she were under some sort of spell as she came into Cosmos’s control. Now, Luna was possessed...along with Celestia and Twilight...who were already possessed to begin with!

“Discord! Darling! It’s so lovely to see you again!” Celestia, Twilight, and Luna said in almost perfect sync as they had that loving, lustful hunger in their eyes.

“Oooooooh No!” Discord said in shock as if they were in love with him!

“Oh, HANDSOME! It’s been SO long!” The possessed princess of the sun said to him. “Come over here and let me look at you!” She used her possessed magic to bring him over to her throne.

“Ah, Cosmos!” Discord said both nervous and happy. “My...er...old friend! How are things?”

“So much better, now that you’ll be by my side again!” Celestia said to him happily. “Three stars already! I’m beginning to feel like myself again, but my power isn’t quite up to snuff yet.” She happily caressed his shirt beard. “Remember, Darling, How I used to covet this seat? It seems all I had to do was wait patiently for it! And now, our reign of chaos and torment will dominate again!” She smiled evilly. “Everypony In Equestria will fear me, and they’ll adore you, Darling...just like you always wanted.”

“Always wanted!” Twilight and Luna both said now wearing blue dresses, their manes in Afros, and earrings like backup singers!

“Wait with me, Dearest.” Celestia said calmly to him as Zoey could only watch in shock about her friends. “It’s been so long since I had company.”

“Oh, I know all about that.” Luna added, as she walked around the throne room.

“I’ve been bored.” Celestia said, feeling said emotion. “In space, no one can her you scream.”

Zoey watched the whole scene unfold, and a blind rage started to cover her face. “This isn’t like Twilight, OR the Princesses at all!” she thought, as she slowly started to reach for her knapsack, and started to get an item out. “Something weird is going on here with our friend. And as soon as anything suspicious comes up or happens to MY friends, I’m going to find out what!

“Well, Cosmos...” Discord said, smiling nervously to Celestia. “You see, I am OUT of the chaos and destruction game, and have gone in an entirely different direction!” Celestia spat out her coffee, and looked at him shocked. “It’s true. I’ve got a whole new resume planned for me as well!”

“What did you just say?” Celestia asked, as she, Twilight, and Luna looked at him angrily. To which at that moment, Zoey whipped out her Beast-X Blaster and aimed it at all three Princesses.

“He’s says he’s not joining you!” Zoey shouted. “He’s one of the good guys now, and since he’s friends with someone else!” She winked at Fluttershy as she said that, as the latter smiled. “So, you’re just going to have to accept that...Celestia!” She looked at all three of them with a bitter rage on her face.

Discord gulped in horror, as the Princesses looked at him like he was out of his mind. “Did you really have to say that, Zoey?” He asked her nervously. Zoey saw the Princesses eye her hungrily, and realized she should have come up with a better choice of words.

Celestia turned her attention to the girl and snarled at her. “I am so very displeased to hear that....Yellow ranger!” She said harshly, as she readied up her horn. She fired it at her, only to see that she jumped back and dodged.

“Are you telling us that Discord here is going to stop me...” she saw, Twilight and Celestia look at her as if she was leaving them out. “I mean...US from being completed?!” She walked up to Zoey angry.

“What?!” Zoey stammered in shock. “I don’t know!”

“Is THIS what your little chaotic friend attached himself to?” The moon Princess asked, pointing at Fluttershy, who was indeed shocked at what she was saying to her. Zoey was thunderstruck upon seeing her friend get abused like this.

“Uh...Of course not, Not-obviously-Luna-at-the-moment!” Discord said, nervously as he uttered fake laughs and got scared, as she looked like she wanted to give him the stare. “It’s been lovely, chatting with all of you!”

“One of you?” Fluttershy asked in confusion. “But, I was just thinking that we should be...”

“...leaving!” Discord finished her sentence. “What a good idea!”

“No!” Zoey said, aiming her blaster now at Luna. “We stay here and fight!”

“I hate it when she says stuff like that!” Discord said, uncomfortably as he saw his friend ready to duel.

At that moment, a red flash of light burst through the door crack, and Devon and Ravi...already in their ranger forms...had arrived on the scene on either side of Zoey, and whipped out their blasters. “Stop right there!” Devon shouted as they aimed their blasters, and were surprised to see a violet alicorn, smiling as she walked up to them.

“...Twilight?” Devon asked in shock, as he lowered his blaster. Ravi did the same too. “Oh, what a relief!” The red hero said calmly. “I thought we were facing a robotron! But, it’s actually you!” He started to walk up to her happily.

“Uh, guys?” Zoey asked with worry. “That’s not Twilight. I mean it IS...but...”

“Come on, Zoey.” Ravi reassured her. “It’s only Twilight! She’s one of our friends!”

Ignoring the other’s frantic waving and throat gestures, Devon still pressed forward. “We’re glad you’re safe, Twilight.” Devon said with relief. “But, you don’t look so well. Is something wrong?”

Twilight just smiled, as she took her friend’s suited hand. “Absolutely nothing.” She said calmly, before flipping him over, making him land on his back. “...nothing that slam jamming can’t fix, that is!” She said, now spiteful.

Devon felt the force of her strength tremendously, as he slowly got up. “Whoa, Twilight!” He said in shock. “Have you been working out?”

“You might say that.” Twilight said, as Celestia and Luna came up to either side of their violet protege. “And, my accomplices are right by me!”

“Accomplices? What?” Devon was shocked to see the other two Princesses with her.

“Celestia and Luna?” Ravi asked in shock. “What are they doing here? Are they somewhat involved in this too?”

“WAIT!” Discord shouted, putting up his hand to the three rogue heroes. “You’re all facing mortal peril!”

“Discord? Fluttershy?” Both Rangers asked in shock upon seeing them.

“Okay, what’s going on there?” Devon asked.

“And, why are the stars fused with the other two Princesses?” Ravi asked in confusion as Applejack burst in the room urgently.

“Guys!” The farm mare warned them. “That’s not Twilight!”

“What are you talking about, Applejack?” Devon asked, as Twilight revved up for horn and aimed at him.

“Devon, look out!” Zoey shouted, as the latter turned to see a laser beam almost hit him.

“Whoa!” Devon said in shock as he and Ravi got their weapons ready toward them. “Twilight, what are you doing?!”

“Preparing ourselves for our wedding with Discord!” Twilight said hungrily.

“And, your doom as well!” Celestia boomed out demonically.

“WHAT?!” Both Rangers asked in shock.

“Guys!” Discord shouted. “Those stars Twilight found...they’re actually COSMOS!”

“Cosmos??” Both Rangers asked.

Discord nodded. “She’s actually another draconniqus like me, but she using your friends to destroy and hurt and torment Equestria!” He shouted. “Don’t you get it? She’s trying to get all six stars so she can destroy us all!”

“Discord, now is NOT the time for jokes!” Ravi said, strictly.

“I’m not lying!” The kitbashed creature shouted.

“He’s right!” Zoey added. “Twilight can’t get all those pieces together! You’re all making a big mistake!”

As Devon was watching the three Royal ponies getting ready to fire at our heroes, Ravi aimed his blaster at Discord. “What are you talking about?!” He asked. “Twilight would never turn on us! You’re the one with the evil plan!”

“I’m telling you the truth!” Discord pleaded. “Your teammates deserve to know all about the stars, and that quest your friends set up!” He pointed to Twilight, who growled as he said that.

“Devon, don’t listen to him!” Ravi said, angrily. “It’s all a bunch of lies!” He still had his blaster aimed at the male draconniqus. “You’re trying to destroy us!”

“It’s not me doing this!” Discord continued to plead.

“If that’s true, then...” Devon was cut off as he was blasted by the Royal laser beam, and knocked toward the others.

“DEVON!” They shouted, as they came right to him.

Devon got up in an instant. “Twilight and her predecessors...attacked me!” He managed to say.

“What?” Ravi asked, as he looked at Discord. “So, this wasn’t your doing?” Discord nodded ‘no.’

“We need to get out of here!” Discord panicked, as he tried to signal his friends out of the room, while Luna grabbed him.

“You’re selfish, Discord!” Luna said to him seductively, as she hugged him. “It’s one of the things I adore about you! And, I know you!” Discord was nervous as he was wrapped in Luna’s love, while he sweated with fear. “Do you know what would distract me from warning the world of my return?”

“A strictly wounded letter?” Zoey asked.

“Correct, Ranger!” Luna answered, as she released Discord and aimed her horn at Fluttershy. “Instead of saving someone YOU care about!” She fired at the kind Pony, as the energy from the blast changed her drastically.

“What? NO!” Discord screeched as he saw his friend change shape.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!” All three Rangers shouted, as they rushed over to her. Discord picked her up, and they were horrified to see what had happened. She had black spot on her back, antennae on her head and butterfly-like wings on her back. She was a butterfly-pony hybrid.

“What did they do to you?!” Ravi asked horrified, as Discord looked back at them in anger. Zoey too, as she felt that rage boiling up inside her.

They nodded as they both got up, and walked over to the three Princesses. “How dare you mutate my friend!” Zoey yelled at them. “That is unforgivable!” She readied her morpher and key. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” She called out as she morphed into her ranger form.

“The savannah hunter...RED BEAST RANGER!” Devon shouted as he posed.

“The jungle warrior...BLUE BEAST RANGER!” Ravi shouted as he posed.

“The field jumper...YELLOW BEAST RANGER!” Zoey shouted as she posed.

“POWER RANGERS!...” they all stood together before the rulers, and struck some poses. “BEAST MORPHERS!” They introduced themselves. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!”

“We like a fair fight!” Luna said, as she and the other Princesses got ready as well, as they posed. “Stop them!” And, they all ran toward the Rangers and Applejack, while Discord and Fluttershy watched the fight with horror.

The Royal ponies blasted them from every which way, leaving the Rangers no chance to draw their weapons. Their attacks overwhelmed them, as they fell to the ground easily.

“Doesn’t seem like they Wanna talk!” Devon said as he got up.

“I’m all in for kicking their evil cosmic butts!” Applejack said, as she and Ravi got up. “Even if they have been taken over.”

“I hear you!” Zoey said as they were ready again.

“Didn’t anyone tell you Princesses to play nice?!” Ravi shouted as the 4 advanced toward them.

“We don’t do nice!” Celestia said smugly as she jumped up, and instantly kicked Ravi and Applejack down to the ground, as they landed with brutal force.

They both got up. “That was brutal, y’all!” Applejack shouted, as she threw her hat down.

“You think?!” Discord asked, as he saw his friends hurt, and gave them the stink eye,

“Personally, we’ll see to it that you have a bunch of bruised and aching bones!” Luna thundered in her Royal Canterlot voice, as she charged at Devon, roughing him up repeatedly, and knocking him down in pain. “And, maybe some broken ones too!”

“Devon!” Ravi and Applejack said in alarm as they raced to them.

“Hold still, Yellow!” Celestia said, as she grabbed Zoey by the waist. “This won’t hurt a bit...much!”

However, Zoey retaliated and grabbed the Princess’s arms. “No thanks.” She said to her angry. “Truthfully, I’d much rather give...than receive!” She used her jackrabbit powers to throw her off, and onto the ground easily.

The other two alicorns came to her. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked in surprise.

Celestia rubbed her head. “That Yellow ranger is strong.” She said. “But, she’ll be crushed soon!” She got up, and was ready for round 2 with her enemy.

The Rangers & AJ clashed with the Princesses but, they proved to be formidable opponents, as they instantly knocked Zoey & the earth pony down in an instant. “ZOEY!” Ravi said in shock, as the three chuckled in her defeat.

“Guys!” Devon said as he got up and charged at them! “Hang on!”

Luna went over to where the latter ranger was and chuckled. “What for?” As he went for Twilight and her teacher. She readied up her horn. “If I mutated Fluttershy, I can mutate a Power Ranger too!” She got ready to fire.

Applejack took notice. “Guys, look out!” She shouted as she tried to blast them, but missed as the good heroes dodged them.

The three rogue heroes walked up to them, as our GOOD ones got up. “Oh, man! It’s like our friends have gone bad!” Ravi said in shock.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Twilight.” Devon said with worry, as he was quick to get up.

“Think it’s time to upgrade?” Zoey asked her teammates as she was ready to hit her transporter.

“Yeah!” They said, as they got ready.

The three rogue Princesses stopped, and smiled smugly at them. “You want an idea?” Twilight asked them. “How about...give up?”

“Trust us!” Luna added, as she took a few more steps towards them. “It’ll be much less painful, that way.”

“Oh, I get it!” Devon said sarcastically. “This is a training thing!”

“Discord, y’all got us!” Applejack shot angrily, giving the good draconniqus the stink eye.

“I think this is for real!” Zoey said in shock, as the alicorns were about to fire again.

At that moment, Nate and Steel arrived already morphed into the room. “NO, DON’T!” The Rangers and farm Pony shouted.

The gold and silver Rangers arrived to where the others were, and were surprised to see their friends. “What?” Nate asked, as they saw their friends.

“Come on, guys!” Steel said with relief. “It’s only Twilight!”

“And, Celestia & Luna.” Nate added, pointing to them. “But, why are their eyes pink?”

“Doesn’t matter, Bro!” Steel said smugly. “What matters is that our friend’s here!” He out his hand out toward his friend. “Put er there!”

Twilight responded by throwing him around like she did to Devon. “Steel!” Nate shouted in shock, seeing his friends being thrown.

Steel was quick as a cat to get back up, instantly. “Whoa, Twi! Have you been working out?” He asked her.

“Oh, I have, Steel!” The violet alicorn said, as she charged up her horn. “In fact, I’m preparing for my wedding with Discord, and you get to come as...the main course!” She fired at him, sending him halfway through the room.

“STEEL!” They shouted horrified, as he got up!

Steel jumped back up, and was horrified at what he saw. It was as if his life was flashing before his eyes. “Twi! It’s Steel!” He pleaded in shock. “I’m one of your...I don’t believe this is happening to me!” He started to back away as the alicorns got ready to fire again at him. “TWI!”

Nate turned to face Twilight, and hit his transporter. “Transport...Striker Saber!” His Saber appeared to him as he caught it. “I don’t know what you’re doing, Twilight!” He told her. “But, this is not like you at all! This is NOT how the Princess of Friendship would act toward her fellow ranger allies!”

Twilight turned to face him and smiled. “Master of the obvious!” She said, as she charged toward him. Nate charged too, and his saber clashed with Twilight’s own horn. He tried to get a clear shot of her, but she fired at him.

“Bro!” Steel said, as he whipped out his morpher. “Striker Beast Blast!” He zapped Twilight and her mentors, as they were sent to the ground, and Steel regrouped with the others.

“You okay, Bro?” He asked his brother, as they all regrouped.

“I’m okay.” Nate told him. “But, Twilight’s not herself!”

“Steel, please try to understand! I’m not the one doing this!” Discord told him.

“What are you talking about, Discord?” Steel asked, defiantly and shocked.

“Those stars Twilight found...they are actually an old former flame of mine! They are Cosmos!” He revealed to them. “I was going to stop her from collecting all the pieces, when you showed up! And, now she has them under her control!” He pointed to the alicorns as he said that.

“What?!” Nate and Steel both asked.

“You’re telling us that this Cosmos has Twilight and her teachers as...” he gasped. “Puppets?!

Discord nodded. “Yes! That’s the general idea!” He said to them, panicked.

“Then, we need to free Twilight and the others from her control!” Nate said, as they readied their weapons at them.

The three alicorns walked up to them slowly, as they smiled evilly. “No!” AJ shouted.

“Dude!” Ravi said in shock.

“Aw, no way!” Devon said as well as they got ready to fight.

“This is so wrong!” Steel shouted as they got ready to charge.

“Let’s show these posers how it’s done!” Celestia said, as her subordinates nodded and ran up to them. They fired their mutation beams at them, knocking them all down to the ground.

“Noooooo!” The good heroes shouted, as they toppled down.

Steel wanted to check if they were mutated, since the last time it mutated Fluttershy. “You mutated yet?” He asked Devon.

“No. You?” He asked.

“No.” Steel confirmed.

“I’m not mutated either!” Applejack sighed happily with relief as well.

“None of us are!” Zoey added, as Ravi nodded.

“Good!” Devon said as they all got back up for round 3!

“Ready for another turnabout?” Twilight asked, as she and her subordinates ran up to the heroes to fire again.

“WATCH OUT!” Devon shouted, as the Princesses jumped up and blasted, but the Rangers and allies ducked them, and tumbled and got back up.

“Hah! Nice face plan!” Luna sneered as she ran up to them, her horn charged at the ready. “Cosmic engine blast!”

Celestia and Twilight both nodded as they too charged up their horns. “FIRE!” They shouted as, their combined blasts zapped the good guys and sent them down again for the count.

They were almost out of the castle, when they turned around to face them one last time. “You smell something burning?” Twilight asked her teachers.

“Yeah!” Luna added. “Anypony feel like s’mores?!”

“It’s like Twilight’s been corrupted like my Dad!” Devon said, as he tried to get up.

“But, how?!” Zoey asked.

“How was this even possible?” Nate asked as well.

“Inconceivable!” Steel said in shock.

“Who or what is she doing to our friends?” Ravi asked, as he got up as well.

“I keep telling you...” Discord snarled at them. “...that they are not who you think they are!”

“That’s skeptical, coming from a being of pure chaos!” Applejack snarky remarked.

“Ow...” Fluttershy managed to say softly, as Discord held her safely as they got up.

The three alicorns walked up to the Rangers. “This is so easy, it’s almost boring.” Twilight said, evilly and bored.

“I thought they’d at least put up a fight.” Celestia said in agreement, as they saw the good heroes struggle to get up.

“Those guys never could compete with a being like me!” Twilight said, before she looked at her teachers giving her icy stares. She gulped, and changed her sentence. “I meant like us!” They nodded in agreement with her. “They’re so lame!”

“No doubt!” Luna said, as she watched them. “I thought the Commander taught them better than this.”

The Rangers and their good allies were slowly recovering as they got up. “We need to call a strategic retreat, Rangers!” Discord warned them.

“Agreed!” Ravi said bitterly, pointing at their ex-friends. “The Princesses are far too power to take on alone!”

“And, we’re in no condition to keep fighting like this!” Nate added as well. Applejack, And Discord nodded as well.

“Good idea.” Devon said to the good heroes, as he turned to face the evil Princesses. He aimed his sword at them. “We’ll stick a pin in it for later...but, we’ll be back!”

The Rangers lowered the sabers toward the ground like a ninja would and shouted, “BEAST SMOKESCREEN!” And within a matter of seconds, the vanished within a cloud of smoke.

Twilight, and her teachers coughed as the smoke came right to them, trying to breathe. When the smoke evaporated, they saw no one there. “They’re gone!” Twilight said in shock.

They all walked to the area where the Rangers and their friends once were, and wondered how they were able to escape without the use of their transporters. They decided to get back to their thrones to wait for their fiancé’s return.

“They’ll come back,” Luna said as she watched the last wisps of smoke dissipate from the spot The Rangers, Applejack, Discord & Fluttershy once were.

“They always come back,” Celestia commented.

Cosmos may have been one whole being, but controlling three separate bodies has granted her the privilege of communicating with the other fragments of her mind as if they were their own individual person.

“And now I’ll think we’ll lavish in the luxury of our new castle, and all the stars will come to us soon enough. Then I’ll be able to permanently take my true form,” Twilight stated while looking around the interior of the throne room and taking in the beauty of its decor.

Since Cosmos currently wasn’t at her full strength just yet in order to take her true form since returning from imprisonment in the stars, she has currently taken body and mind possession of Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle all thanks to her scattered star gems.

They would stop at nothing to make Discord their groom once again, and when the time was right, they would swipe him from underneath, and plan their wedding. And also, eradicate the heroes for good.

As they laughed, Tempest Shadow watched with fright as she saw what was unfolding before her eyes. She couldn’t believe Cosmos one-upped her on the whole plan, and now she might as well be replaced. She shuddered at thought of her destroying all of Equestria and Earth as we know it. She had to warn the Rangers before it was too late!

Part 5: The Enemy Or The Friend?

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In the Crystal Dimension, Robo-Blaze, Robo-Roxy, The Storm King, Grubber, & Vargoyle were waiting for their new recruit’s return. They sent her on a mission to stop the Elements of Harmony and the Power Rangers, but so far nothing to report back. Tempest had to warn the good heroes after finding out what Cosmos’s true intentions were to her world and the Ranger’s.

A few of the generals were impatient about the return of their new ally, and were trying to wait as long before she could return. Vargoyle was busy typing up on the gigadrone creator as Grubber walked up to him impatiently. “Can’t you do anything right, Vargoyle?” He asked him, stressed and impatient.

Vargoyle turned around to face him furiously. “Watch it, you metallic mini meatball or I’ll step on you!” He said, aiming his talons at him.

“You and what army, you mega turkey!” The hedgehog asked him, only to be smacked across the room and hit the robot creator. He was knocked out cold, but luckily, nothing was damaged. Vargoyle sneered at his gestures toward him.

Robo-Blaze took notice and carefully picked him up. “All right, shape up, you two!” He said seriously to them. “There’s still a lot of damage to repair!”

As he said that, The Storm King walked up to him and aimed his staff at the general. “Look who’s talking, Robo-Blaze!” He sneered at him.

He paid no attention, as he turned to the hedgehog. “Grubber, star emptying the Morph-X pumps!” He instructed him.

Robo-Roxy walked over to them stressed like she was about to throw her blasters down. “Hey, I didn’t volunteer for this geeky assignment!” She shouted in rage. “I wanted Vargoyle’s job!”

“Butt out, Roxy!” The dreadlocked robot said, as he ran up to her, readied his talons and started to fight her, but she used her strength to push him back. “Geek work is made for a geek...like you!”

However, the violet Robo-General shoved him back with tremendous force, knocking him down. This gave Grubber the opportunity to run up to him, and tackle him. “Ahhh!” Vargoyle shouted as Grubber punched him down endlessly. “Get off me, you walking badland reject!”

The Storm King tried to interfere the fight as this time, three pink beams of energy fired down right by the villains, who jumped back as they saw the beam, dim greatly to reveal the three Princesses with the Cosmic Stars adorned on them, and that glowing pink energy in their eyes. “SILENCE!” Twilight shouted in her demonic voice, which startled everyone.

The villains were shocked at what they saw, as their mouths were agape and their eyes were widened as they saw the most unlikely thing in front of them. “Those wings...that looks like...” Robo-Blaze said before he gasped. “No way! It’s the Princesses!” He got up, and morphed while the others joined him. “They must have found our base!” He shouted as the villains got ready to fight them. “Take them down!” They all started to charge at their ally.

The Princesses were shocked that their villain allies were about to attack them. Twilight waved her arms frantically. “Whoa! No, wait!” She pleaded. “We just got here to help you!” But, Robo Blaze swung his rapier at her, making her dodge in fright.

“Yeah, right!” Robo-Blaze said in disbelief. “So, you could find our base and destroy us! Is that it?!” He tried to slash at her again, but she yelped as she dodged him again.

Celestia was shocked that Vargoyle got out his talons out, and was ready to make sushi out of her. “Blaze and Roxy gave us those stars to defeat the Power Rangers, remember?” The white alicorn pleaded, as she tried to sue her magic to block out his weapons.

“You tried to stop us at the Canterlot archives yourself in the first place!” The dreadlocked robot shouted as he charged at her, but her magic sent him down to the ground in pain.

“You depowered us!” Robo-Roxy said as she fired at Luna with her blasters as the navy alicorn used her armor with her arms crossed to shield herself from the Robo-general’s blasts.

“Listen!” Luna cried out. “We were only going to help you finish your...” but, she got struck from behind by Grubber. “Oof!” She got back up, and looked at her allies in defeat, as her ears drooped dejectedly. “And this was why we weren’t supposed to get involved, I guess...” she said sadly.

“Get away from me, Princess!” Robo-Blaze shouted as he kept swinging his sword at Twilight who tried to dodge his slashes.

“Yah!” Twilight screamed in shock as she jumped back in shock at his weapon. “Are you seriously trying to kill me right about now?!”

“I’ll never let you destroy our base!” The Storm King bellowed as he aimed his staff at her, and swung it at her.

“Destroy your what?!” The violet alicorn asked, confused as she dodged the staffs and swords that tried to kill her.

“You’ll never take us alive!” Robo-Roxy shouted as she whipped out her blasters and prepared to fire at Celestia, who tried to shield herself with her magic, while Vargoyle tried to slash her with his talons.

“Aah! Oh!” Celestia shouted in horror. “How does a robot have a gun and talons?!”

“Eat lead, Princess!” Roxy boomed as she fired at her again, as Luna flew over to her sister to try to shield the attacks as well.

Eventually, the three Princesses regrouped and decided to make them listen. Twilight having enough of this, took in a deep breath, and let it loose. “STOP IT!” She thundered in her most demonic Royal Canterlot voice.

Everyone stopped attacking them all at once. A few of them were shocked as they instantly recognized the voice behind the body. “Cosmos?” Robo-Blaze asked. All three Princesses nodded all at once, and smiled frantically as if to get him to believe them.

“Yes, it’s us, Blaze.” Twilight said to him as she hugged him. The others were taken aback at how he recognized them...or her.

“Ahem!” Luna said, grumbling. “Forgetting us?”

“Oh yeah!” Blaze said as he hugged Luna and her sister as well.

After they released their hug on him, they turned to the others. “Okay, are we calm now?” Twilight gently asked them. “Can we just talk like normal...” she was cut off as Robo-Roxy started blasting them repeatedly with her blasters.

KNOCK IT OFF !” Robo-Blaze, and Luna both erupted at the same time at them, before looking at each other with surprise.

Robo-Roxy put her blasters down, and stopped firing at them. “Sorry.” She apologized. “Itchy trigger finger.” Vargoyle, whacked her on the back arm sarcastically and seriously to get her attention.

“Geez!” Robo-Blaze shouted at his subordinate. “What is WITH you?!”

“What?!” Robo-Roxy asked bewildered as if she heard nothing at out the recent conversation they just had. “You looked like the enemy!” She pointed to the three Princesses as she said that.

“We’re not the enemy! We TOLD you!” Celestis warned her. “We’re all Cosmos.”

“More like Cosmic Princess enemies.” Grubber silently joked, while Vargoyle and Roxy shared a giggle.

WE’RE NOT THE ENEMY!!!” Luna shouted, before calming down. She facehoofed. “Cripes! Is this how you treat all your new allies? Scream, call them names, and then shoot at them?!”

“Yeah, right!” Grubber said sarcastically. “We’d never do that!”

Twilight scoffed, as she crossed her arms. “Yeah, I’m sure.” She said.

“Uh, pardon me, Cosmos?” Vargoyle said urgently, as he got up. “You should be more careful! Those bodies...” he pointed to them as he said that. “They aren’t good for you! They could corrupt your mind! And, if you somehow run out of energy and transform via rage, your secret could be well-known in front of the Rangers!”

“Don’t question my plan, Vargoyle!” Twilight said as she marched up to him. “Using the alicorn bodies...that’s the key to everything! And, it’s all thanks to those stars that Robo-Blaze and Roxy told me about!” She pointed to the Robo-Generals as she said that.

“But of course, Master!” Blaze said, as he and Roxy both knelt in respect for their comrade.

“Oh, sorry!” Vargoyle quickly confessed. He then felt a sharp pinch as he was right next to a Crystal. “Curse these darn crystals!” He shouted, upset. “They're everywhere!”

FORGET THE CRYSTALS, YOU FOOL!” Luna boomed as she grabbed him by the armor chest plate. “WHERE ARE THE OTHER TWO STAR GEMS WE HEARD ABOUT?!

“Well, Cosmos...” Grubber said, nervously, coming to the robot’s side. “We just need to figure out the location of those next gems, so we can recruit those next ones in your legion.”

“Understandable.” Celestia said calmly, before getting back into her Royal Canterlot voice. “THEN, DO IT!” She shouted at them. “DO IT NOW!

“Right away!” Grubber said, as he started to leave. “Come on, Vargoyle.” Vargoyle nodded, as they left to go find the other two star gems that would make their new ally feel more...complete.

Just then, Robo-Blaze had a thought that bothered him, that he wanted to get off his chest. “So, then...why were you after Discord?” Robo-Blaze asked quizzically. “You were after the Rangers, and looked like you wanted to marry him. Why not lions, tigers or bears?”

“Oh my!” Robo-Roxy exclaimed in shock.

The three alicorns smiled dreamily as their eyes went pink. They walked up to Robo-Blaze. “My dear, silly Robo-Blaze!” Twilight said, pinching his cheek carefully. “That is what I’ll tell you!” As she said, that three Royal alicorns circled around the Robo avatar like sharks.

“It’s what we live for!” Luna added.

“To help unfortunate villains, like Discord get back to us!” Celestia finished.

“Such poor unfortunate souls like him to turn to!” All three Princesses said at the same time as they smiled hungrily, as they lit up their horns to cue the flashback.

“It’s a tale of love, and chaos...” Twilight started. “He didn’t know it, yet. Neither did I. But, he would find out that it would lead to the greatest relationship of all...and the reason why we are here!” The pink smoke started to appear and grow, as the story started.

Thousands of Years Ago, Discord was out in his garden, watering plants. You see, it was just like any other day. He wasn't looking to cause trouble. No, really. He wasn't. It was just another ordinary day inside his dimension. Nothing new. No excitement.

However, all that was about to change when he saw a shooting star fly by his house. What was really unexpected was that it landed RIGHT into his yard, which really spooked him. "Great balls of fire!" He said, shocked. He saw a blue claw slowly rising up from the ground.

He saw the newcomer, looking at herself to make sure she wasn’t hurt, and smiled. “Ah, Flinging oneself through the stars can be quite the challenge...” she said with relief as she got back up. “My momentum got away from me for a bit.” She looked around and saw that she was in his own yard. She looked at him, and was a little surprised to see them as she had never expected to see such a creature in her life like him before.

She smiled to him warmly. “Thank you for the use of your patch of dirt to break my fall.” She said to them. She saw the dimension, where she landed, and was happy with joy. “Oh! Well, this is quite the place! I see you’re also a fan of the disorderly?”

“Why, yes!” Discord said, nervously, which caught the attention of the others in this room. “Yes, we are!”

“I bet you could stand to add a little touch here, and here...” she pointed at various places in the dimension, as tentacles, curtains, and other stuff formed. “You know...curtains, tentacles, other things. You don’t mind, don’t you?”

Discord was delighted and too happy to oblige. “Oh, Not at all.” Discord said, smiling. "Delightful." He pulled up a table for himself and the newcomer to sit at. "I'd like to talk to you about disorderly more...Miss?" He wondered what her name was.

"You can call me...Cosmos." She said, observing the whole night sky and the wackiness she just put in his dimension.

“Discord." He introduced himself to her. :And, how do you feel about Chaos?”

Cosmos just grinned at him. “I adore it!” She said. Can you believe she didn't fall for him immediately??? It took countless minutes. You see, she was really good at playing hard to get!

In the times that followed, Discord and Cosmos tricked out a dimension or two...but she grew bored! Luckily, Discord introduced her to Equestria prime, which was the main universe that Twilight and her friends live on.

Since then, Cosmos was scaring the pants off of ponies, and for a while, Discord felt like he was truly happy. She was the first thing he ever knew that he couldn't control in his life. She was unpredictable! And, then...they truly found love...endess love it seemed as if they didn't ever want it to end. At first, things were great for the chaotic couple, wrecking chaos on Equestria...the mild kind. That's how Discord liked it.

It was just enough to get the ponies to remember them. For a while, he was happy...they were happy, anyways. Which leads us to the day she proved to be too much for the Spirit of Chaos, himself!

It was a day unlike any other for the chaotic duo, as Cosmos had just finished her shopping, and she and Discord were taking a stroll through the town. Ponies were running away from them in terror. So far, normal. They arrived at a window shop, when Cosmos grabbed a scarf with her claw quickly. “Look, sweetums!” She said, gleefully as she took it. “How lovely! This is mine now!”

No, not the stealing. That, Discord was okay with. It was what happened next, that startled him. “Yes. Lovely.” He said in a bored monotone voice.

Just then, Cosmos saw something catch her eye, and smiled happily. “Oh, Darling! Look at that absolutely hideous building full of endearing school fillies.” She said, pointing to said building. “Maybe, we can put our thongs on top of it! Matching ones! With cup holders!” She was about to fire at the building with her horns, which shocked Discord very much.

“Wait!” Discord started to plead. “Stop!” But, Cosmos had already made the building into a spiral staircase, and similar to a towering inferno. He was horrified at what he saw. Quickly, he slithered to the windows, and got out as many ponies out as possible. He led them down to safety, which was a relief. Don’t get him wrong. Her sense of chaos was nothing like he had ever imagined. At first it started out fun, but as we all know, her idea of chaos was dangerous...not mild like he had envisioned.

Once that was done with, he turned to her seriously. “Now, Cosmos.” He started to say to her. “You know how much I feel about kil-“

But, his sentence was cut off when she grew to size...enough to make him shrivel in fear. “Dear one...you dropped my new scarf.” She snarled furiously, as she loomed over him. Quickly, he snapped her claws to turn him into a puppy dog, and smiled a him maliciously.

“You know how I feel about my things!” Cosmos said, as she nuzzled his puppy dog form, sweetly. “Is this another one of your rebellions, sugar-bumps? It’s the thrones, isn’t it? I know you’re afraid of commitment, but...” Discord quickly seized this chance to chomp up Cosmos on the nose...hard. That really hurt her! As he left, she felt her nose to make sure that there wasn’t any blemish. So far, none. She sighed in relief, and snarled as she went after him. “DISCORD! BAD PUPPY! COME BACK!” She called out as she went after him.

As Discord quickly was on the run from her, he could hear her own voice, calling him. “Daaaarrling!” Discord was now more panicked than ever, as he turned back into his draconniqus form, and darted to find help. “Where the heck is Celestia?” he wondered, which led his to find King Aspen and King Cat...which would lead you to read an early chapter of this fanfic...so, I won’t go into the gory details of that.

Cosmos wanted much more than chocolate rain. She wanted fire and destruction, which was NOT what Discord wanted at all! He never wanted to cause harm, and even villains had their mortal standards.

As he was running from her, Cosmos grew to gigadrone size, and rampaged the buildings, looking for Discord. She was angry that he got away, but she would find him, soon enough. “DISCORD!” she called out, menacingly as she knocked every building that stood in her way. “I’LL FIND YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!” which leads us back to the prologue, which leads us back to where we are now.

“So, that’s why you wanted to marry Discord?” Robo-Blaze asked, which made the three alicorns nod dreamily. “And, those other stars are what you’re after...so you can be whole?” He got another non-verbal nod from them.

The Storm King raised his staff at them. “Then, get to it!” He shouted at them. “Blaze! Celestia! Luna! Twilight!” The three Princesses gave him a disapproving glare at him. “I mean, COSMOS! Find those other stars with Grubber and Vargoyle! Before the Rangers strike again!”

The Princesses nodded with approval. “Yes, Master!” Robo-Blaze said nodding, as they got up and started to leave.

“Must find...” Celestia started.

“Three more stars...” Luna continued.

“...and, I shall be whole again.” Twilight finished, as they all grinned wickedly.

“Hey, you three can all talk freely since you’re all separate!” Robo-Blaze said, a little annoyed. “You’re not whole, yet. So, stop talking as one, until you get the rest of those stars.” He slowly raised his rapier toward, Celestia’s neck, who looked and was a little nervous, as were Twilight and Luna as they both looked on his sword with fear. “Are we clear?”

“Yes.” Celestia said, nodding as the other two nodded as well, wanting to give in. “We’re Crystal clear.”

“Good.” Robo-Blaze lowered his rapier and turned to leave. “Then, let’s go help them find those stars.” He left the dimension with the Princesses in tow.

“Wonderful.” They all grinned evilly, as Blaze rolled his eyes. He wondered if he was going to hear all of this the whole way through.

“Now, then...” he turned to them. “Where were you last, when we found those stars?”

“Canterlot.” Celestia answered, as the other two nodded.

“Alright, then.” His whipped out his key. “Then, that’s where we’re going to go!” He plugged in his key, as the others did the same motion as he did. “See you on the other side!” He said, as they nodded and teleported to the place they last were.

Back in Equestria, Rainbow Dash was surveying the outer skies of Ponyville, looking for that lost star! She didn’t know where it was. Just then she heard a cry for help! She gasped in shock, as she raced over to the throne room in the castle.

She made her way inside. “I heard from Devon, and I came as quick as I could!” She said frantically. “What’s going on here?” She then gasped to see a robot with a golden rapier aimed at her. “SWEET CELESTIA!” She shouted, as she saw the figure walk slowly up to her. “Robo-Blaze?” She asked.

“Hello, Dash!” He said smugly to her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, shocked and defiantly.

“By the way, my accomplices are right here with me.” The Robo general said, as he signaled the others to come closer to her. Three figure came up to Robo-Blaze’s side, and Rainbow was surprised as she recognized those figures as Celestia & Luna! But, what really horrified her, was the figure that was in front of Blaze. It was a violet alicorn with a star necklace around her neck. Right away, she could instantly tell that she was...

“TWI!!!” She shouted horrified, as the Princesses readied up their horns, and were about to fire at her. She nervously backed away from them, not wanting to be shot at. “Don’t fire! It’s me! Rainbow Dash! I’m your friend! Don’t you recognize me?”

“Oh, yes! We recognize you!” Twilight said, as she aimed her horn at her friend. “We’re going to make you the main roast for our wedding to Discord! And Robo-Blaze will be our best man!” Rainbow Dash’s face was stricken with horror as she tried to brace for impact. But, it looked like she was cornered.

“No, Please! TWILIGHT, NO!” Rainbow pleaded, and it looked like she would be a dish to eat...for Cosmos’s wedding! It looked like her chances to save her friend were all for naught, as she would face certain Annihilation!

However, Nate and the others got the transmission at Grid Battleforce, and he saw that Rainbow was about to be fried! “No, no, no, NO!” He said in shock. “They’re about to fry Rainbow Dash!” The others were shocked, and had to get her safe.

“Teleport her back!” Devon said, urgently. “Teleport her back!”

“Okay!” Nate said, comforting. “Just need a few seconds to access to holographic portals.” He typed on his computer, to get the access codes to get her friend out of the crossfire.

“Nate, what are you doing?!” Ravi asked, worriedly. “We don’t have time for...!”

“Transport!” Nate shouted, as he hit a button, and within seconds, Dash, who braced herself for impact, was teleported out of the castle, just as the villains fired at her. Their blasts missed, as she got away just in time.

“What?!” Luna asked in shock. “We missed?!”

“Aw, she got away!” Robo-Blaze said in frustration.

“Curse those pesky Power Rangers!” Twilight shouted, swinging her fist in the air. Their plan to get Rainbow to be the roast at the wedding failed. They now had to come up with a new plan to make sure their ‘wedding’ would go smoothly.

Rainbow was transported back into the base, right before the Rangers, as Starlight Glimmer and Spike both came in, and took notice, upon seeing her bewildered and stricken with terror.

“RAINBOW!” They all shouted as they raced over to her, hugging her.

“Rainbow, we’re here!” Steel said to her.

“Tell us what you just saw!” Starlight said, worried to her.

Rainbow was still frightened and in a state of terror as she slowly uncovered her wings, and saw her friends around her, and comforting her.

“Nothing much...except that I raced into Canterlot Castle and saw Robo-Blaze in the throne room.” Rainbow started.

“Robo-Blaze?” Devon asked in shock. “He was there?!”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, and I saw Celestia, & Luna with him with that Pink energy in their eyes, smiling!” She added.

“Uh-huh?” Starlight said, nodding and wanting to hear more.

“And, then I saw Twilight, and...” Rainbow stopped, because she didn’t want to tell them the painful moment of what happened next!

“And, what?” Ravi asked, wanting to know more of the story.

“Tell us more about what else happened?” Zoey said, urgently and caring to Rainbow.

Rainbow saw her friends who had a determined look on their faces, except for Steel who didn’t have a human face. She let out an inarticulate gasp as she nodded ‘no.’

“Rainbow, Please tell us.” Nate said to her. “We can tell you’re pretty upset, and it pains us to see you like this. What else happened?”

Rainbow took in a deep breath. “Well, you see...” she looked at them, wanting to hear more of this. “Twilight said that she was going to make me a roast for her wedding to...” she started to feel tears welling up in her eyes, and was still in a traumatic state. “...D...Disc...cord!” She started to wail, as she pointed to him.

Discord gasped in horror as he heard that. “What?!” he wondered in sheer surprise. “Cosmos wants to make Rainbow Dash into a roast for her WEDDING to me?! That sounds pretty barbaric, terrible and gruesome all at the same time!” His eyes widened and his hands were on his face like the screamer picture or Kevin from Home Alone.

“And, they said that he was going to m...make Robo-...B...Blaze as the Best Man.” The non-mutated Pegasus managed to choke out to them.

“What?!” Everyone, except asked in shock.

“And, then what else happened?!” Steel asked, wanting to hear more of the story.

Rainbow started to go into defensive mode, as she was not in the mood to tell them the rest of the story. “If all of you wanted me to play guessing games, then—“ she started.

“After we teleported you back...” Devon said to her. “What else did you see at Canterlot Castle?”

Rainbow looked at him, and started to tear up. She didn’t want to tell him! She took in a deep breath. “...And, then Twilight and her teachers almost attacked me.” She said, through gritted teeth, not loud enough for them to hear.

“Rainbow, we don’t have time for this!” Zoey said to her, seriously as she shook her. “What did you see?!”

Rainbow looked at them, and suddenly felt as if her eyes were watering, as she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She didn’t want to tell them, but she had to! “Twilight....Sh...she almost attacked me!” She cried out. “She tried to make me the main food course, and...” she let loose her sadness as she burst out crying. “She....tried to get me!” She burst out crying, as the others were shocked upon hearing this, as they began to have second thoughts about forcing the answers out of her.

“Maybe, we shouldn’t have asked her what happened.” Ravi said silently to Devon as he nodded. “And now, she’s crying.” They all comforted her in a big hug.

“Oh, Rainbow!” Starlight said, as she held her like a mother would. “There... there. It’ll be okay.” She looked up at her friend, with tear soaked, red, tired eyes.

“Dash, I know words don’t mean much at a time like this...” Nate said, as he came to her. “...but, you could smash those stars and kick Twilight in the sky.” However, that didn’t help. In fact, that only made it worse as Rainbow sobbed even harder in her hooves, morning the loss of her friend.

“Nice going, Bro!” Steel scolded him. “You made her feel worse!” He pointed to her as he said that. Nate felt like he shouldn’t have said that now.

“Sorry, Dash.” Nate said, as he hugged her. “That came out all wrong.” The others were here for their friends, who was still sobbing uncontrollably. What started out as the best day for our Wonderbolt, wound up being her worst for many reasons: Twilight gone bad, a chaotic wedding planned out, Discord in Danger, Cosmos coming, and what really took the cake...Rainbow’s dear, close friend attacked her and wanted to make her the dish for the wedding.

Things were bad enough, but they have taken a turn for even more danger for the teams. They had to come up with a plan, but for now, all they could do at this point was watch Rainbow Dash wonder how things could get any more worse.

Part 6: The Search Continues

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Rainbow Dash was in the lab, still feeling shaken and traumatized about her friend having gone good to lovey-dovey evil about Discord! Ben’s sister, Betty Burke was typing up on one of the computers in the lab about what the speedy, sad Pegasus had told her earlier.

“What you have told me is awful!” Betty said, as she was typing up info about the new draconniqus in existence. “I haven’t seen you this upset since Evox captured Devon, and took him to the Cyber Dimension!”

Rainbow remembered that moment when she tried to defend her friend from the Blaze avatar, stealing the Morph-X tower. And, something told her that this moment she was suffering through right now, was just like that moment. “WHY?!” she wailed out, sobbing in her hooves. “OH WHY?!

Betty put her hand on her wing, and patted it concerning. “Have some courage!” She said to her. “We’ll get through this. Okay?”

“Okay!” Rainbow cried, looking up from her hooves and to the Burke sister, as she bravely typed up the information about the recent situation.

After a few moments of typing, she finally got to a picture of a certain multicoloured, vibrant draconniqus...unlike Discord...who was evenly matched in every way. Sure enough, it was the one that Rainbow was looking for! “I’ve got it!” Betty shouted in her eureka moment.

“Got what?” Rainbow asked.

“This!” She showed her the photograph, which made her gawk at the Cosmic creature. “What I have found here is the only known photograph of the creature that could possibly possess your friend! I heard Discord telling the Rangers about her, and she matches the description. I think her name is...Cosmos.”

“Cosmos?” Rainbow asked bewildered. “Who’s that?”

“That’s the general question!” Betty proclaimed. “More like WHAT’S that? From what I’ve heard, she appears to be another spirit of Chaos, that crash landed in his dimension millions of years ago...dinosaur times even!” Rainbow was shocked, trying to process this information as Betty continued. “And, my guess is that she is the reason everyone in your world think Discord is a menace! Because, he’s been taking the blame for her actions!”

“Yeah, I got that!” Rainbow said quickly. “WHAT about her is helpful in this situation?”

“Oh, right!” Betty said, as she did a better bio of her. “It says here that she was imprisoned in the Andalusian stars...the ones which Twilight had sent you guys to find. And, so far, she has possessed not only Twilight, but also Luna and Celestia as well. Which ALSO leads me to believe that is also the reason Celestia has a love/hate relationship with Discord, and why they are in love with him.”

“I don’t CARE about Celestia! I want to nail Cosmos!” Rainbow said, as she pounded her hooves together. “I want Twilight back to normal.”

“I have conducted that there is a high probability that Celestia, Luna and Twilight are still together!” Betty said, bravely pounding her hands together. “And, since we know very little about Cosmos...” she turned to her friend, as if she were ready come up with a plan. “...we must FIRST locate Twilight!”

In Klugetown, Big Mac and Pinkie Pie were looking for their star gem, when the party mare screamed in excitement. “Ooooh! This stall has Llama accessories!” Pinkie squealed.

“Uh..” Big Mac started.

“I KNOW!” Pinkie finished his sentence. “Look for the star, and don’t get distracted. I’m glad you’re here to keep me focused.”

“Uh...” Big Mac started, as Pinkie Pie noticed a junk pile. She screamed.

“OH SUNDRIES!” She shouted, as she jumped in the pile of clothes. “Hold my Llama!” She tossed her toy to Big Mac, who felt a little uneasy.

As Pinkie was rummaging through the junk, a few Klugetownians were interested in what Big Mac was wearing, and came up to him. “OOOHHH!” One said, pointing to his Stoll. “How much for the yolk around your neck?” It asked, are you selling?”

“Nope!” Big Mac said nervously.

As one of them tried to pull it off of his neck, the same one from before took a good look at his hair. “I’ll give you three Storm bucks for the hair.” It said. “It’ll look better on me, anyway.”

Big Mac was getting more nervous as he was having his neck piece forcefully removed. “Nope.” He said, but the grabber wouldn't let go! Things were getting even worse and more uncomfortable for the stallion, when...

A cat with a trench coat walked on the scene, and patted him reassuringly. “Sorry, guys!” He said. “This one’s already bought, and paid for!” The citizens growled, as they snapped their fingers and walked away. In an instant, Pinkie recognized the voice as...

“Capper!” She shouted, as she came over, and gave him a tight bear hug. Capper found it hard to breathe, as he tried to release himself from her powerful hug.

“Oof!” The cat said, as he released himself from her hug, and shook Big Mac’s hoof. “Pinkie Pie, you know better than to bring a Green horn to Klugetown.” He told her. “What were you thinking?”

“Uh, that he doesn’t have a green horn?” Pinkie wildly guessed.

“Uh, maybe?” He said, as he turned to the two of them. “So, what brings you here?”

Pinkie felt like now was the perfect time to explain to Capper what has happened so far, as she took in a deep breath and explained the whole story. “First, I brought a Llama, and THEN, Twilight found a star and it’s pink! And, it’s part of a big astronomical mystery, and it made our magical Cutie Map all shiny, and pointed us to the other fallen stars ALL ACROSS EQUESTRIA! And, now we’re on a mission to find them all, and...”

Capper was quick to cover Pinkie’s mouth, as he took the paper map with the star on it, and showed it to Big Mac. “You’re looking for this?” He asked the silent stallion.

Big Mac just nodded. “Eeyup.”

He took a good look at the picture, and thought it looked familiar. “It’s funny, it looks a bit like the top of the trophy Klugetown’s yearly Muck Marathon.” He said, intrigued.

That caught Pinkie’s attention as she freed herself from the cat’s own grasp, and zoom to him. “What’s that?” She asked. “It sound fun!”

“It’s basically the only entertainment we have out here.” Capper explained to them. “Folks run through all sorts of disgusting, dangerous things, and whoever does it the fastest and survives gets the trophy and bragging rights for a year.” He saw the date of the Muck Marathon on the paper. “It’s today!”

Pinkie saw the paper, and was now intrigued too. “Well, THAT’S convenient.” She admitted.

They went to the area, where they saw a stand, having the entrance to the Muck Marathon was. “See?” Capper asked, pointing to said stand.

Pinkie saw the star on the trophy, and was jumping for joy! She needed to have that trophy...more to the point, she need that star as it was an essential piece to the stars that Twilight needed. “That’s it! Let’s grab it!” The party mare squealed in joy. “Mine!”

Big Mac was about to say something, when Pinkie turned to him. “Oh, you’re about to say something noble like how we’re going to win it, aren’t you?” She asked. It was as if Pinkie had read his mind! “You’re such a good pony, Big Mac! I’ll go sign us up as a team, right now!” She dashed over to the stand to sign her team as a Muck team!

“You were about to suggest how to steal it, weren’t you?” Capper asked, as Pinkie was about to sign them up.

HOW ABOUT WE CALL OUR TEAM “BIG PIE”, OKAY!” Pinkie called out as Big Mac facehoofed in frustration. It was going to be a long, and dirty ride for him and Pinkie, as they had to compete to get that next Cosmic star in the search for the Andalusian.

Inside one of the lab rooms, the 5 Rangers, with Discord in the room were testing one of the Neural Alligners on Fluttershy, who was mutated earlier into a Pony-Butterfly hybrid. At the control pod, Ravi was starting the machine up. Fluttershy was confused as to how it would work.

“Uh, Ravi? What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked, almost balling herself up in fear.

“We’re trying to figure out a way to switch you back to a pony.” Ravi told her.

“The machine’s circuits and process should be able to switch you back to normal.” Nate said, confidently.

“That is...if it even works!” Discord grumbled under his teeth.

“Discord! Lighten up, will you?” Ravi asked him. “We ARE trying to find a way.”

The others nodded, as he sighed. “Oh, fine!” He said in disappointment.

“Uh, how does the process work?” The kind mutated Pegasus asked.

“The process combines DNA with Morph-X to morph our friends into Rangers.” Starlight stated. “Maybe, if we reverse the process on you, that will set things right.”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked.

“Positive.” Starlight said, as she turned to the others. “You can start the sequence now!”

They nodded as they started up the DNA reversal. “The process should be starting...now!” Ravi said, as he accessed the portals, and hit the button. “Brace yourselves, guys.” He told them, as they all shielded their eyes.

The process swirled around the scaredy-cat pony as the transformation took place. It showed a butterfly bursting through the tornado, as the tornado now turned yellow. That was a good sign, as the effect was taking place. However, when the tornado dissipated, it showed their friend, still as a mutated pony-butterfly hybrid. The process failed.

“I don’t understand.” Cozy asked with worry in her voice. “Was that supposed to happen.”

“I don’t think so.” Nate whispered to her.

Ravi went to the aligner, and saw that she was still in her mutated form. He sighed. “Oh, man!” He said in defeat. “Nothing works! I thought for sure it would!” Discord just facepalmed, knowing that it would fail.

“I guess Cosmos’s Magic must be stronger than our powers.” Spike put in.

Discord nodded too. “She obviously has the most power that anyone has ever seen!” He put in. “Not even Battleforce’s tech can help!”

“I’m sorry it didn’t work, Ravi.” Fluttershy said sadly. “It’s okay. We’ll try again later.”

“Tough break.” Devon said, in empathy to his friend, patting him on the shoulder.

“Have you tried asking Celestia and Luna to use their magic to help the process?” Starlight asked.

Discord and Steel both looked at her, as if she were out of her mind. “What would THAT do?!” Steel asked, flabbergasted.

“I’m not sure.” Starlight said to them.

“How come YOU never say anything useful?” Steel angrily asked, pointing to Discord.

Discord gasped, and pointed to him back. “How come YOU have the IQ of a biscuit?!” He shouted to him.

“How would you like me to turn your body into balloon animals?” Steel, threatened him.

The draconniqus backed away a little bit in fright, as if her were trying to kill him. “Uh, I misspoke?” He asked, nervously.

“Steel!” Zoey said, stopping him. “Discord HAD nothing to do with this! If he did, then you’d torture him. This is not one of those times.”

“Oh, all right, Zoey!” Steel said in utter frustration. “I just wish we could get Twilight to help us!”

“Golly, me too, Steel.” Cozy agreed. “But, she’s gone bad, along with the other two Princesses!” She was a little more shocked at this. “How will we get Twilight to know who she is, and that we’re her friends?”

"Anycreature with pink eyes and slits means that they're possessed by Cosmos.” Discord told them. “No matter if they are your friends, they are still the same evil being I used to meet.”

“I’ll never believe that!” Devon said to him. “Not Twilight!”

“And, Twilight’s our friend.” Ravi told him. “Why would you think she’s a totally different villain?”

“Because Cosmos hurt things!” Discord pointed out. “And, who better to possess the Princesses than her?”

“We need real evidence based on that!” Ravi said, defiantly to him. “What you’re saying sounds like to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which are as make-believe as things from sci-fi movies. Your so-called proof is just a bunch of hooey!”

Discord was frustrated as he folded his arms in front of him. “But what if you're wrong, Ravi?” He asked.

“Right now...somehow. I find this incredibly hard to believe.” Ravi said, as he started to head to the lab. “Coming from the spirit of chaos, himself. Come on, guys. Let’s go run some more tests.”

“Good idea.” Devon agreed.

“Let’s go.” Spike said, as they all left the room to find their broken down friend.

Along the way, Starlight turned back to Discord, who was still having his arms crossed. “Uh... Discord? Are you coming?” She asked him.

“Nope! Uh... gotta stay here and look for a cure.” he said, sarcastically. The others were unsure of this, but left anyway.

“Okay. Well, if you need anything, just holler.” Cozy said, as they left the room.

This left Discord the sole creature in the room, pondering what Ravi said to him about Cosmos being a bunch of Hooey. He had to prove that his Ex was coming to wreck havoc on Equestria! “They just don’t believe that Cosmos really is back!” He thought. “I’d better try to prove to them, that what I said is true. Then, they’d believe me!” Discord HAD to get his teammates to believe him, even if they had to go on a dangerous mission to get their friend back. He just needed proof.

In Griffonstone, the CMCs, Zecora & Ben had already found the fifth star gem in the constellation. They were all shocked and amazed that they had managed to get it so easily.

Applebloom was marvelling the star with curiosity. “Y’know, it’s weird the griffons were so keen to give us this thing.” She said in confusion.

“It’s pretty creepy.” Scootaloo agreed. “I’d want to get rid of it, too.”

“And, I brought the souvenir Griffonstone thimble for Rarity’s collection!” Sweetie Belle added, showing them a thimble with toy-like wings. “Odd thing for one to collect with no thumbs. I always thought...”

Zecora took a closer look at the star, unsure of what it would cause. For a brief moment, her eyes went pink, and she briefly gave a crooked smile. Then, she shook the feeling off quickly. She covered up the gem. “A bad feeling I have about this, it’s something I cannot dismiss.” She told them. “This relic has the strangest feel. Now, off to Celestia for her deal.”

The CMCs were confused about all this, as the Zebra turned to them. “Best not to touch an unknown thing. You never know what dangers it may bring.” She warned them.

Ben just scoffed. “What are you talking about, Zecora?” He asked her. “Rarity had one, and it did no harm to her.”

The zebra was shocked upon hearing him speak like that. “You dare speak like that about it, Green?! Unknown consequences could be foreseen!” She scolded him.

“Easy, Zecora!” Applebloom lowered her arm. “Ben was a little skeptical about all this. So, there no need for violence, okay?” Zecora understood and nodded, as the filly smiled.

“Well, I guess we’d better get walking back.” Scootaloo put in, about to head home. “It’s a LONG trek home.”

“Ain’t NO way I’m walking back!” Applebloom retorted, sticking out her hoof out, showing blisters on it. And, also...blisters on top of those blisters. “My hoof blisters have blisters on top of them after the trip here, and were on a mission from Twilight herself!”

“Um, guys. I got the Hydro Zord, I'll be fine.” Ben said. He started to call for the Zord.

The CMCs stopped dead in their tracks and turned to face him quickly and shocked and amazed. “You have a zord?!” Applebloom asked in shock.

“Yeah.” Ben told them. “I could use it to give you a ride back. If you want, by the way.”

“Are you kidding?!” Scootaloo whooped happily. “Of course, I want to ride your Zord!” She turned to Zecora. “Zecora! Can I go with him? Can I ? Can I? Can I?”

Zecora sighed, content and smiled. “Of course you can go with him. If you don’t mind protecting a limb.” She rhymed.

“Really?” Zecora nodded. “Thanks, Zecora!” She raced toward Ben. “Guess what, Ben! I get to go!”

“Alright!” Ben said. “I’ll just get them to send it over.” He contacted the base. “Send the Hydro Zord.” He said. And within minutes, the Hydro Zord arrived to the team, ready to pick them up and take off.

“You guys, want to come too?” Ben asked, motioning Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to come with as well.

“Uh, no thanks.” Sweetie Belle told them. “We’ll just ask the local townsfolk for a ride back.” Applebloom nodded in agreement.

“Okay, then.” Ben said. “We’ll meet you there. Come on, Scoot!” He said. “Let’s go!”

“Alright!” Scootaloo cheered in excitement, as they got in the hydro Zord’s cockpit.

“Ready to ride, Ribbit?” He asked his beast bot.

“Do I ever!” Ribbit croaked excitedly. “Let’s go!” And the Zord started to lift off the ground.

“Whoa!” Scootaloo jumped back in shock. “Is that a...beast bot?” She asked.

“Yep.” Ben told her. “Those robots are our partners in our battles when we need tech.”

“Wow! She’s so cool!” Scootaloo said, patting her nicely. Ribbit ‘blushed’ at the nice compliment.

“You ready to stretch those wings?” Ben asked the filly.

“You got it!” She said, as the Hydro Zord took off from Griffonstone, and flew to Canterlot. As they flew they saw Applebloom on one of the Griffins beside the Zord, and Scootaloo and Zecora on the other one on the other side of them.

“Oh, don’t act you’re not relieved to have a ride back!” Ben called out from his Zord.

As they were flying, Sweetie Belle took notice of an air ship flying below the Hydro Zord, and was amazed. “Hey, Look! An airship!” She said, pointing to it.

Little did they know that Capper, Pinkie Pie and Big Mac were on that airship. And when they got to Canterlot, they would have one heck of a story to tell about how they got their stars. However, something...rather cosmic and odd would happen at the Royal grounds...unless two certain heroes had anything to say about it.

“4,127 known accomplices?!” Rainbow asked in shock, upon seeing the long list that Betty gave her. “That’s so many, and ugh!” She stuck her tongue out, as she saw the names of the one that were on it. “They’re all monsters, and they’re all spooky like!”

“Well, Cosmos is more comfortable around monsters.” Betty admitted. “I’m sure you’ll find her in no time.”

“But, what about Twilight?” Rainbow asked. “Is she going to be okay?”

“Cosmos has Twilight as her puppet fighter for the Storm King.” Betty told her serious. “Now, listen to me. This is very important.” Rainbow listened in on what Betty had to say, “You must go up to Twilight and confront her. Then, rip that star gem off of her neck and fling it back into the sky.”

“How do you know that?” Rainbow asked her, confused.

“I had a star gem once when I was a kid.” Betty told her. “It’s a long story.”

As Rainbow was pondering this, the alarms went off in the base as the Rangers and their allies arrived where she was.

“We heard there was an emergency and we rushed right over!” Cozy said as they arrived on the spot. As she said that, Commander Shaw entered the room, urgently than ever.

“Commander, what’s going on?” Devon asked her.

“I’m glad you asked.” She told them. “I was checking the surveillance cameras and I found this.” She played back the footage shown, revealing to be Twilight, Celestia and Luna out in the Canterlot Gardens, scheming. “They were out here, and planning something as if there was no tomorrow.”

“What do you make of this, Commander?” Rainbow asked her, nervously.

“Is it Twilight or not?” Devon added.

The commander did a quick scan through the cameras, and the scans were normal so far. “They’re normal.” She said to them. “All read outs, X-Ray and infrared shows that it’s them...”

Just then, the scan did a beeping noise like a metal detector, and it showed the stars on their necks. She pointed to the stars, as the cameras closed up on them. “...except for these!” She told them. “The sensors indicate some sort of device located on their persons...and they may not be aware they have them.”

“Those are the stars that Cosmos has!” Discord shouted, pointing out what the commander saw.

“What?” She asked, confused.

“Nothing.” Discord said, retracting back to normal.

“Nate! Steel! You two need to guard them and see what’s going on at all costs!” She told them two urgently as they stepped forward. “Do not leave their side.”

“You can count on us, Commander!” Steel said, as his brother nodded.

“Let’s go!” Nate said as he and his brother started to leave.

“What can I do to help?” Cozy asked him.

“Nothing...not yet.” Nate said to her calmly. “But, we’ll contact you if we need help!” They left to go to the portal to Canterlot, while Cozy was left to wallow away in sadness.

“You see?” The alicorn filly told the remaining good heroes who were present. “They’re just worried I’ll get in the way, and cause trouble for them, like I did you guys in the past. I don’t think I have what it takes to be a good ally on your side.” She started to cry.

“Now, why would you say that, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, coming to her side. “You’re a great friend...even to Twilight! I bet if you’d...”

“No, Applejack!” The filly said bitterly to her. “Just go away!”

The farm mare was taken aback by her response, that she didn’t know what to do to help her. “Alright, Cozy.” She said, lowering her hat. “But, if you do want to talk with us, we understand.” She solemnly watched Cozy fly out of the room, almost on crying level.

“Poor Cozy.” Rainbow said, hearing every word from this. “I had no idea she felt so bad.”

“I should know because I saw her like this during target practice earlier.” Zoey said to them, worriedly.

“Maybe, we should talk to her and persuade her to stay.” Ravi suggested.

“Good idea.” Commander Shaw said in agreement. “By the way, Rangers...Cozy’s day will come. She might not know it yet.”

“Roger that.” Spike nodded as they all went to find their heartbroken friend.

Elsewhere, Nate and Steel were on their way to find the other 4th and 5th stars to the Andalusian Constellation. However, they would also get a surprise in the form of their lovey-dovey enemies! One could only wonder how this could go.

Part 7: Striker Rangers Vs. The Princesses

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Nate and Steel were put in the call to action, as the alarms sounded off in the base after Commander Shaw found the stars on the Princesses. Knowing that it was them, they were on their way through the portal to Equestria to find Twilight.

Cozy Glow was also having trouble with her place to help her friends, not sure if she saw it as a privilege, and Rainbow Dash was in stress and disarray about her best friend gone lovey-dovey over Discord and evil. So far two problems to take care of, but there was a third to follow.

The third one, I’m talking about was Tempest Shadow, who was almost booted off the Storm King’s regime because Cosmos was better than her. However before she could be totally fired, she was given a chance to redeem herself! And when she saw Cosmos’s true form emerge the night the Rangers fought Twilight, she knew what her true intentions were. She had to warn the Rangers and their allies before it was too late, and Cosmos turned the whole multiverse into one of malice. That’s the recap I’ve given so far of the previous chapters, which brings us back to the present point of the story.

After arriving at the airship docks, Pinkie Pie, the CMCs, Zecora, Ben and Big Mac were trekking through the Canterlot Gardens with the two Andalusian stars they found. Capper even came with them on the trip.

“And then, this Griffin was all ‘Thank Celestia somepony wants that accursed thing’! And he GAVE it to us!” Applebloom said to them. “How did you get yours? Why is there mud in your mane? Why are you wearing a skirt?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Big Mac said in frustration to his sister.

“We won a race and I got my Llama a hat!” She got her toy to show to everyone. “Look! Plumage!”

Capper took a good look at the stars. “Stars, Huh?” He asked. “I bet you could get a fortune from them.”

“A profit would be high I agree, but money is not the goal. You know woe and danger I foresee, so under lock and key they should go!” Zecora rhymed.

Yeah, I’m still not believing there being bad things when it comes to those stars.” Ben said, skeptically, while Zecora gave him a death glare.

“You do not know, what danger lies on said row!” Zecora warned him. “Best to heed it, before you disbelieve it.”

“Right...” Ben said. “Well, now we gotta find Devon, get him to give it to Twilight, and fling those stars back in the sky.”

Zecora just shook her head. “There is bad in those stars I know why. It is not wise to fling them in the sky.” She warned him.

“It would be what Twilight wanted.” Ben said. “Besides as a member of Battleforce, a ranger has to take immediate action.”

Zecora just sighed in disappointment. “Fine. Go ahead. Stomp on a Zebra’s own warning.” She said saddened.

“Hey, I assure you, we will fling them back up there.” Ben pointed at the sky, as he said that. “And, then it’ll all be over. Everything goes back to normal.”

Everyone else nodded as well, smiling. After Zecora pondered it for a while, she smiled and agreed. “Deal!” She said, giving him a fist bump.

“Riiiight...” Capper said skeptically. “Do they always talk like that?” He whispered to Ben.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said.

“Oh, yeah!” Ben nodded to them.

“Must be fun at parties.” Capper thought. Just then, a voice from out of nowhere came out and spoke to the two couples.

“Oh, my stars. Literally.” The voice said. Both couples turned to see Celestia, Luna and Twilight already here with that pink energy in their eyes.

The team were shocked upon seeing their entrance like this. “Twilight!” Ben said in realization to them.

“Hello, Green Ranger!” All 3 princesses said as one as if they were acting through one body.

They could see that they were acting...a little off. They watched them with surprise.

“Uh, why did Twilight just call me ‘Green Ranger’ like I don’t have a name?” Ben asked them.

“I dunno. Something looks weird here.” Applebloom said, curiously. “Did they just fire the groundskeeper?”

“Why do the princesses look pink?” Sweetie Belle asked randomly.

“This is a new look for them, isn’t it?” Scootaloo asked as well.

“Nonsense, silly pony.” Celestia said to her.

“We’re feeling...delicious.” Luna added, as Twilight stuck out her hoof to demand those stars.

At that moment, a Golden beam fired down right in front of both sides in the middle, revealing to be Robo-Blaze, who help his rapier at them. “Now those stars...” He said to them. “Hand them over, Ranger!”

The others got into a fighting pose as they saw him. “Robo-Blaze?” Ben asked in shock. “You got roped in this too, huh?”

“Just hand over the stars, ranger!” Robo-Blaze said, his rapier still aimed at them. “...and nobody gets hurt.”

Ben saw the stars his team was holding, and hid them from view. “Never!” He said. “You’ll have to get us in order to have them!”

Zecora came to the Crusaders, defensive like. “As always, they appear radiant. It’s true. But my dear, crusaders...sharpen your view.” She pointed to the necklaces they had on their necks. “Observe This necklace and it’s charm...as I feared, believe it brings them harm.”

“This one’s more perceptive...” Luna thought.

“Always has been.” Twilight said in agreement to her. “She and that 6th Ranger could be a problem!”

“Or better yet...an asset.” Celestia said as she walked right up to Zecora. “You really want to give us those stars. You don’t want to do this the hard way, do you?” Her voice, getting defiant.

As this happened, Tempest Shadow arrived, and watched them from a nearby bush. It was at that moment that she finally spied a purple figure emerge right before her them, along with two others. I see she brought the Royal Sisters with her. Her blood ran cold. So far, they don’t know about Cosmos’s true nature! The Rangers must know about this!

She scanned the area for any Rangers, but so far, a human with a Zebra and a few ponies. “WHAT THE HECK IS TAKING THE RANGERS SO LONG?! Her mind screamed out. Impatience caused Tempest to clench her jaw firmly. She let out a sigh, sucked in air, and practically chewed on her own teeth. So tight in fact, that any second they might shatter into tiny pieces, not that she cared. She had a far bigger concern before her. Cosmos if you succeed, I swear to Celestia... She thought angrily.

“You heard her!” Robo-Blaze answered. “Do it, or we make things more difficult!”

“I think this looks extraordinarily bad.” Zecora said urgently. “A better defence is what I wish I had.”

The Sun Princess snarled, as they started to back away. Ben wished he could pull out a weapon of choice...maybe, he could contact the Rangers, or even Rainbow Dash if possible, and tell her about it. But, even if he did, the Princesses would know, and they’d easily be captured on the spot.

He reached into his pocket, and felt around for anything useful. He suddenly felt, something so soft, and yet hard in its form. He slowly pulled out the two Andalusian stars from his pocket.

Now, I know you’re wondering...why would Ben give up the Andalusian stars so easily? What about the black ranger? Is Cozy going to have her chance to help the Rangers? Where would that lead to Cosmos’s transformation? More importantly, where would that lead to Cozy Glow’s own destiny as a hero?

However, these were not the real stars that Ben pulled out. They looked just like them in every way. The only thing different about it, was that inside, and unknown to the Princesses, there was chocolate inside them. They were chocolate copies of the star gems!

He saw the chocolate copies, and smiled as he got an idea! He whispered to Capper, and the latter smiled as he has the same idea that Ben was thinking. Quickly, when no one was looking, he handed the copies to Capper, as he hid them from view into his palms.

It was then at that moment, Celestia spotted them. She gave a snarl as she walked toward them. “Hey, now Stretch!” Capper said, as he ran to her. “I think Stripes here is being a little cautious. He slowly revealed the fake stars to them. “We went through a lot of trouble, you know!”

He put them in a box, and handed them over to her. “Here you go, Ladies. No fuss...no muss.” He said to them.

“Capper, what are...?!” Zecora started, but she was silenced when he put his hand over her mouth.

Just as Celestia was about to take them, Twilight snatched them from her hooves. “Hey!” She shouted.

“Oh, yes!” Twilight saw the stars and were delighted. “You’ve made the right decision, Rangers!” She said happily.

Celestia took the stars from her, and contacted the Storm King. “Look here!” She said to him. “We have the stars!”

The Storm King was excited that he saw them, and that Cosmos would be whole. “The stars!” He shouted victorious. “They’re mine! All mine!” The three Princesses glared at him, to tell that it was theirs not his. Grubber, Robo-Roxy, and Vargoyle were shocked upon seeing this.

Twilight took one of the stars, and prepared to activate it with her magic. “I’ve been waiting for this moment!” she said evilly.

“Just want to see everyone get what they deserve.” Capper said, quietly as he and Ben both left them to enjoy this moment. As they left, the CMCs, Pinkie, Zecora and Big Mac were a little peeved at them for giving them what looked like the real deal.

“I can’t believe it!” Zecora said upset. “So you two did hand over the stars.”

“We did, but...” Capper started.

“How could you do that?!” Pinkie asked with rage in her voice.

“It’s not what you think!” Ben started to point out.

“You didn’t even tell us?!” Sweetie Belle started to shout, as they all looked at them, like they were ready to kill.

“Everyone, Stop!” Ben said, sticking his arms out. He had to tell them the truth. “You don’t understand! What they did was...”

HOLD ON!” Celestia screeched in shock, which caught their attention as they turned to see what the fuss was about. “THE STARS ARE MELTING!!!” Twilight, Luna and Robo-Blaze went over to see that the stars were oozing out brown like liquid out of them.

“WHAT?!” Twilight said in shock. She stretched one out, and saw chocolate in between the two pieces. “They’re chocolate!” she growled, making the others do the same.

“They fooled us!” Luna shouted as they all threw the fake ones down to the ground. No way were they eatable now!

“Don’t worry, guys!” Capper said with relief. “We’d never hand over the actual stars.” He opened his coat to reveal the real ones underneath. “We needed these to make the chocolate copies.”

“For your treachery, you will all be destroyed!” Robo-Blaze proclaimed furiously as he aimed his sword at them.

“Oh, yeah! Because we were just going.” Ben said, pointing back.

“ENOUGH!” Robo-Blaze roared, as he swung his weapon at them, making Ben dodge the weapon.

He quickly readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He said, as he Morphed into his Green Ranger form. “Bring it on!” Ben said, as he was ready to fight, as were the others.

“You think you can try to make fools out of me?!” Celestia screeched, as she and her subordinates got ready to charge at the heroes.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” Ben said, as he hit his transporter. “Transport! BEAST-X SABER!” The primary Saber of the Rangers teleported to him, and he got ready to charge at Robo-Blaze!

The fight was on with Capper going against Luna, Celestia taking on Pinkie Pie and Big Mac, Twilight taking on the CMCs, and Ben fighting Robo-Blaze, while all Zecora could do was watch in shock.

Ben used his saber, to match Blaze’s rapier. The two swords clashed, until Ben slashed his abdomen, making him stagger back. “Not quite the stellar start I was aiming for, Green!” The Robo-general said angrily. “Think you might want to give up?”

Ben was not one to give up so easily. “You still have not answered my question about letting me defeat you!” He said, as he got his blaster ready to aim at him.

“I’m kind of preoccupied at the moment with you, and Discord right about now!” Blaze said, as he ran to him with his rapier in hand.

“I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’!” Ben said, as he fired upon him. “BEAST BLAST!” Robo-Blaze dodged the shots, but the green ranger would not back down so easily. In fact, he was far from doing that.

Capper was finding it hard to tackle the moon princess, as she used her magic to turn Capper’s coat into snakes, that intertwined around him. “EEK! ICK! Oh, EEK!” He yelped as he tried to break free. “Oh, Dirty pool!”

Zecora got out a vial, and turned to Luna. “It’s apparent you’re not you, Princess of Blue!” She said to her. “...I blame the cryptic star of pink!” She opened the bottle. “Fighting is not my way! I turn to voodoo. This will help you think!”

However Twilight was quick enough to snatch the vile from the Zebra’s hooves as Luna conjured up a boxing fist to punch her square in the head. “Don’t waste time with prose when you should be defeating your foes!” She rhymed.

Zecora was knocked down, as she and Luna bumped hooves. “I see what you did there!” She said. “One down, more to go!” They started toward their next target.

Meanwhile, Celestia was toppling Big Mac to the ground, as Pinkie was grabbing her from behind. “I don’t know whose side you’re on, Princess!” Pinkie shouted, as she whapped her with her toy llama. “But, you are DEFINITELY NOT the princess I know!” The two managed to flip her over, and the chomped on her mane, pulling her head back! Celestia somehow now had an idea.

She immediately whistled for her subordinates who came to her quickly. “The red one amuses me!” She said to her two comrades. “He thinks he can stop me! He is very powerful! I like him! Distract him!”

Princess Luna got ready to kiss Big Mac on the lips and almost did so, when Ben took notice, and broke away from Blaze. “Big Mac!” He called, as he left to jump up, and he landed somehow...with his fist right in front of the lips of the two ponies! Luna was confused as to why she was kissing the Green Ranger’s hand.

Ben noticed, and was shocked. “Hey, get off me!” He shouted as he used that same fist to punch her face, knocking her down to the ground, while Celestia threw Pinkie off her. He saw that too, and aimed his blaster at her, firing it at her. He turned back to Luna. “Luna, I didn’t know you could stoop that low!”

However, he didn’t see Celestia, punch him from behind as he was sent down to the ground. He was tumbling until he met up with the other parts of his team.

The CMCs were already tied up in a lasso of vines as they tried to break through. But as they struggled, the vines got tighter with Twilight’s magic. “Twilight, please!” Scootaloo pleaded. “We’re your friends!”

“Bleach!” Twilight said in disgust. “Children. Filthy creatures!”

Luna had Capper in the air with her magic and the snakes still wrapped around him. “Bad kitty...say, let’s sleep.” She said teasingly.

“Prisoners disabled, Princess Celestia!” Robo-Blaze said in triumph, as he came up to them.

“Blaze, what are you doing?!” Ben said, as he recovered, trying to get up.

However, the general held him down. “Silence, ranger!” He said. “You’re in the custody of General Cosmos!”

“General Cosmos?” Ben asked in shock.

Celestia had the other two real stars in her magic, and was ready to add two more ponies to her troops. “Let’s use the rest for fun later!” She said, as she got ready to do the deed. “But these two...” all Ben could do was watch in horror, as his team was about to get sent to where Applejack was before Ravi burst them out.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, a voice called out. “Hey, Pink eyes!” They all turned to see two sets of feet running up to them. They jumped up. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” The voice shouted, as gold and silver metallic tornados swirled around them. They landed to reveal one gold ranger and one silver ranger, armed with Sabers. Nate and Steel had arrived just in the Nick of time!

“Unleash the beast!” They both shouted, introducing themselves to the cosmic legion.

“Ben!” Nate took notice, and used his saber to slash Robo-Blaze, and helped him get up. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Ben said with relief. “Boy, am I glad to see you! But, that Cosmos...she’s got Twilight, and the Princesses under her control!”

“We know!” Nate told him seriously. “Rainbow told us!”

They then saw the CMCs entangled in the vine, and used their Striker Sabers to slash the vines and free them. The vines were loose as they fell off.

“Rangers! We knew you’d come ba-hack!” Scootaloo choked out as she and her friends got out of the vine trap.

“Glad to know you guys are okay!” Steel said with relief.

“Aw, did the wittle rangers free their wittle children?” Twilight joked, as her others subordinates got ready to fight.

“You three are finished!” Robo-Blaze barked as he got his rapier ready too.

“Pinkie, Crusaders! Get back to Battleforce!” Nate told them.

“Yeah, let the Power Rangers handle this!” Ben added as Pinkie and the CMCs nodded and left the fight to the Striker Rangers.

“Now, let’s even the score with You, Blaze!” Steel said, as he aimed his Striker Saber at the Robo-General.

It was at that moment that Tempest Shadow from the bush, finally spied a golden figure, along with a silver figure emerging from the opening right before her.

A smile planted itself on her face. Finally, and I see the gold and silver Rangers have arrived. Good. I knew you could do it, Rangers. she thought proudly, as she was ready to watch the striker and green ranger duke it out with her own evil enemy.

The three Rangers used the swords and clashed with each of the Princesses horns, and it was evenly matched as neither could get inside the other’s defences.

Nate tumbled on the ground, and got back up. “Twilight, stop!” He shouted.

“Not until you’re destroyed!” Twilight said as she zapped him a few times with her magic. He used his Striker Saber to deflect a few, but a few got him good. However, he jumped up and got his sword ready to take her on. “I don’t want to fight you!” He shouted.

But, Twilight caught him in her magic grasp, holding him still. “You don’t get a choice!” She said, as she jumped up, and kicked him, sending him flying towards the exterior castle wall.

“Bro!” Steel shouted in shock, as he saw his brother get thrashed. “All right, now you’ve cheesed me off, Twilight!” He said as he tried to go for her, only for Luna to strike him from behind.

“Steel!” Ben shouted, as he used his Saber to slash her from behind. “Beast Slash!”

It got her good, as she screamed in pain. She stumbled, and checked her wing. Sure enough, it was looking like it had a giant paper cut. She growled and aimed her horn at him. “You’re going to regret that move you made, Green!” She thundered as she ran toward him.

“Try me!” Ben said smugly, as he followed suit too. The two ran to each other, until Ben slid down by her.

Luna saw that he was nowhere to be found. “Where’d he go?!” She wondered.

“Uh, right behind you!” Ben said, as Luna turned to see him, and growled. “I have one thing you don’t have...Aquatic DNA!” He ran towards her, and fired a wave of water at her. The force of that attack sent her flying a few feet back from him, as she screamed of that attack.

“I’m melting!” She cried out dramatically like the wicked Witch of the West would say. “I’m melting! Oh, what a world!” She tumbled down on the ground, as she tried to get up.

“Not that that’s necessarily a good thing.” He said, sarcastically. Just then, a giant white hoof stomped on the ground, and Ben knew what that was as he saw it. “Uh, oh! I think I found her!”

The giant Celestia lowered her hoof down at him. “Give me five down low, Ben!” She said, as she did that, squishing him on the ground.

“I’m okay...not a problem!” Ben said, after feeling the effect of that giant hi-five!

Celestia just giggled, as she reverted to her normal size. “I’m just getting warmed up.” She said smugly.

“Maybe, this will cool you off!” Steel shouted as he got his saber in his slash position. “Striker Beast Slash!” However, both Twilight and Celestia deflected the slash, and sent it right back to him as he flew back a few feet on the ground.

Nate and Ben both rushed over to him. “Steel, are you okay?” Nate asked with worry. Steel nodded. “Watch out!” The saw the Princesses and Robo-Blaze walking towards them.

“Let’s finish this!” Luna said smugly, as they nodded. They all fired at them, but they jumped up and landed on a ledge of the castle.

“Wait! Come back!” Robo-Blaze said, as he readied his weapon. “I’m just getting powered up!” He ran after them, as they ran inside.

The Princesses decided now was the time to follow them as well. “Come on!” Celestia said. “Let’s get this over with!”

“Right!” Twilight and Luna both said, as they followed suit.

The Green, Gold and Silver Rangers were darting through the halls of the castle. “Where are we going?!” Steel asked in shock as they ran.

“Trying to get away from him!” Ben answered.

“Works for me!” Nate agreed as they ran into the throne room, and balconies, unaware that Robo-Blaze was right on their tail.

“You can’t run away from me, Rangers!” The General shouted. The three Rangers stopped at a dead end as the came to the end of the outside balcony, just as Robo-Blaze began to strike at them!

He swiftly took a few slashes as they were overwhelmed and fell off the balcony. “Whoa!” They all shouted as they fell to the ground.

Robo-Blaze jumped and landed before them gracefully. “I told you, this cosmic dust blast is a real gas!” He said as he got his rapier ready.

However, they were okay as they got up, but were unable to take much more of this. “This guy is starting to stink up my whole day!” Nate said as he got up.

“I think he needs to be smog checked!” Ben said as he got up,

“You got that right!” Steel said as he got up too. Robo-Blaze was ready to strike.

Nate got an idea. “Hey!” He told his teammates. “How about we put the ‘Striker’ in Striker Rangers?”

“Yeah!” Ben and Steel both said in agreement.

“Oh, yeah?” Robo-Blaze said skeptically. “Like I’m afraid of Beetles and frogs.”

“Then, come on down!” Nate said in a showy announcer like tone.

“Unless, you’re too chicken!” Ben jokingly said, imitating a chicken.

“Don’t be shellfish!” Steel said, as he clapped two boards in his hands together! “Come on!”

“Oh, it is so on!” The Robo Avatar said, as he readied his rapier. “Cyber Robo Strike!” He slashed his rapier at the rangers, which gave them critical hits. But, it would take a lot more than that to stop them for good!

“Whoa, try a mint!” Nate joked, as he pushed the smoke as a result of his slashes away.

He and Steel quickly whipped out their striker Morphers, and Ben got the Beast-X Ultra Blaster out. “Ready?” Nate asked. To which his teammates replied. “Yeah!”

“Let’s send him to the scrap pile!” He said, as they aimed their blasters at him. Unknown to them, the three possessed Princesses were coming right toward them to attack from behind.

Tempest was watching the fight unfold, and noticed the Rangers about to be struck from behind by the Princesses. “Oh, no! The Rangers are right on their trail, and about to be wiped out!” She thought to herself nervously. She had to warn them! Now was the time! “RANGERS!” she cried frantically. “LOOK OUT!

The Rangers took notice about their attackers, and in an instant, Steel and Ben struck them from their sides, while Nate kicked Twilight in the gut, sending all three of them back to Robo-Blaze. “Thanks!” They said, as they got their attention back, and were ready to fight again.

Celestia and Luna both got up, stressed and hurt from being thrown like that. “Party crashers?!” Celestia asked in rage.

“Why did we even bother with invitations?!” Luna said as well as she got up.

You said this would be easy...” Twilight said, as she got up and growled at her general. “What nursery did you come from, Pal?!”

“I didn’t think they’d freaking notice you guys were here, alright?!” Robo-Blaze barked at them, causing them to give him death glares.

“Give it up, Blaze!” Steel said, aiming his saber at the villains. “You’ve reached the end of the line!”

“Yeah. Do the math, Blaze!” Nate aimed his saber as well. “There’s 3 of us, and 4 of you! Or was that...4 of you, and 3 of us?”

“I think it was the first one.” Ben reminded him.

However, Twilight gave a little smirk as she heard that. “Oh, really?” She asked. “Well, guess again! We have two more on our side!”

“Huh?!” The Rangers asked in shock.

“And, they’re right on either side of you!” Twilight finished, pointing at either side of the Rangers.

“What?” Nate asked, confused. Suddenly, he turned around to see Zecora on the left side of them.

Ben and Steel took notice and turned to see Big Mac on the right side of them. “Uh, what’s going on?” Steel asked.

They got their answer when they both struck their ranger friends down to the ground! Unable to comprehend what happened, they got back up and were shocked to see the two with pink glowing eyes, and evil smiling. To their horror, they saw that the fourth star was hung on Zecora’s ear, and the other on the center of Big Mac’s saddle.

“I...we feel so much more complete!” Zecora said happily as they reunited with their possessed friends.

Twilight yawned, “I know, Zecora. But, I’m so bored for waiting for all the stars.” She sighed.

“Say. Why don’t we have some fun and...” Luna started, looking lovey-dovey at her sister.

“...go finish off the Rangers?” Celestia finished. “Sounds like a good idea to me! Wouldn’t you say, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said, growling at them. “Let’s crush them!” They posed, ready to finish them off.

“What the?!” Nate and Steel asked in shock. “You got them too?!”

“Now, that is so messed up!” Steel said, pointing an accusatory finger to them.

“Big Mac! You’re under Cosmos’s control! Fight her!” Ben called out to him.

However, all five ponies answered by blasting them. But, to their surprise, they ducked the blasts.

The Striker Rangers regrouped. “Okay, I can see that they’re not going to listen to reason!” Nate deduced.

“So, let’s make them listen through brute force and lasers!” Steel put in.

“With you all the way!” Ben said, as the cosmic group got ready to fight.

Nate and Steel got their striker morphers charged and ready to blast. “Striker Morpher Charged!” They said, as they aimed them at the villains.

Ben hit his transporter. "Transport! Beast-X Blaster!" The Blaster appeared before him and he combined the saber with it to form The Beast-X Cannon! “Beast-X Cannon..ready!” He called out.

The cosmic ponies knew what they were up against, as they saw the blasters. “Uh oh!” Twilight, Luna and Celestia all said in shock, while Big Mac and Zecora coiled in fear.

“Huh? What?!” Robo-Blaze asked upon seeing them with their weapons.

“FIRE!” The Striker Rangers shouted as their weapons fired three powerful beams, which merged as one energy ball, which rolled over to comic ponies, and Robo-Blaze, hitting them on the spot.

The Cosmic team shrieked in pain as they were zapped by the rangers’ combined powers. However, this was too much for Robo-Blaze as he shorted out. “Noooooooooooooo!” he shouted as he exploded to the ground.

The three Rangers raised their weapons in victory. “Y’all gots to go, Yo!” Nate said, as he, Steel and Ben turned to face the reader, and the comic ponies behind them felt surges as a result of them being zapped.

“So...much...power!” Twilight said, rubbing her head, and still trying to recover from the rangers’ attacks.

“It’s more....than we...can...handle!” Luna agreed as well.

“Should we retreat?” Zecora added.

“Yeah. Retreat is a good idea, right now!” Big Mac added, while the others nodded.

Twilight gave a yell, as she pointed a hoof at the rangers, who turned around to face them. “You may have won this one, no doubt.” She said. “But, we’ll be back! You can count on it!” And they all tapped on the stars, and teleported away.

“They’re gone!” Ben said, astonished.

“But, they’ll be back!” Nate said. “I’m just glad we were able to hold them off for now!”

“Yeah, we sure did!” Steel agreed. “But, that other voice...” he pondered about who that voice was, and why it told them to look out. “I wonder...”

“Yeah. I wonder too.” Nate agreed. “Who was that who tried to warn us?”

“And, how did it know about this?” Ben asked as well. “What could’ve happened?”

“I don’t know...” Steel said. “Still, that voice saved us from being thrashed.” The other two nodded as well.

“So, where did they go?” Nate asked.

“Really far away!” Steel answered. “If we’re lucky!”

“Let’s head back to base!” Nate said, as they teleported back to Grid Battleforce. The CMCs and Pinkie would meet back at the base to tell the rangers what they saw, and come up with a plan to stop it. But, how? Cosmos was already a part of their friends, and if they hurt her, they’d also be hurting Twilight and their friends! How would they stop them without bringing harm to their friends?

They needed a plan, and by telling the Commander and getting their good friends to help, they would have one ready!

Part 8: Cozy’s Doubts

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Cozy Glow, the secondary Princess of Friendship was in one of the training rooms, and still feeling down about how she was unable to contribute to the rangers’ teamwork. So far, Cosmos was returning, Twilight and her fellow Princesses have gone to the dark side, and Cozy felt like she was powerless. This sense of helplessness started when she missed a moving target during practice with her fellow teammate, Zoey.

She sat there, with her back against a wall, and sighed. She was a little sad, but she had gotten used to the feeling since she met the CMCs, failed her test on purpose, tested the Friendship School students, found out about her world’s destruction when she was with Evox, and got cast out with Megan. She breathed in and out, feeling like there was nothing she could do to stop this new threat, and that she might put her own friends in danger. She felt like she was like everyone else...normal.

She was crying for a good period of time, when the rangers, Discord, Rainbow, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer came in, wanting to try to comfort her. She looked up, and sighed. “Oh, it’s you.” She said sadly.

“Thought we’d find you here.” Ravi told her, patting her.

“I can’t do anything right.” Cozy said sadly, as Starlight put her hoof on her shoulder.

“Of course you can, Cozy.” She said. “I know so, because sometime you just give up too easily on yourself. Just like Twilight did.” She smiled warmly at her.

Cozy swatted her hoof away though, not wanting to hear it. “It was Twilight’s recklessness that got everyone put in danger.” Cozy reminded her, and yawned. “This is the most boring mystery ever.”

“Actually, I’m not sure you noticed...” Spike said to her. “But, Celestia, Luna, Big Mac and Zecora are under Cosmos’s control as well!” The others nodded.

“What?!” Cozy snapped back to action. “You mean Twilight’s added more to her army?!”

Spike nodded. “And, from the looks of it, Cosmos needs six stars for her to be complete, and she already have five!” He warned her, as everyone nodded.

Cozy was stricken with horror, and she slunk back down to the ground. “Then, this is it.” She replied. “Game over.”

“Over?” Rainbow asked. “It better not be over! Not with Cosmos still about, and our friends doing everything they can to help!”

“And, if she’s assembled, Equestria might fall!” Discord warned her as well. “Is that what you want?! We need to think of a plan to stop her, without ever coming near her.”

Cozy felt like she was about to snap like a twig, as she was about to let loose her rant upon them. “But, that’s just it!” She shouted at them. “It’s not fair! This is what I get for helping you guys save from the world, from that creepy...draconniqus things, who was Discord’s first friend?!” Discord was shocked and guilty as she heard that, as the others gasped, having heard that. “I could’ve been helping you! But, everyone has to help me because I’m so small and inexperienced! Sometimes, I wish I never had joined the Power Rangers!”

Everyone gasped in shock as they heard that. Who was she, and what has she done with Cozy? “Do you really mean that?” Zoey asked in shock.

“Cozy, you can’t be serious!” Devon said, worried.

“I am!” She spat out. “I know that the reward of being a ranger is helping everyone, but so far, all I’ve felt like I’ve done is help you A little! Twilight’s been captured, Cosmos is about to come back, we might be in danger! WHY?! OH WHY?!” the Alicorn filly pounded on the ground, crying as she did that. “We’re all facing unspeakable doom, the team might be wiped out, and all my plans could fail! I’m a failure!” She looked down, still in her depressed state.

“Cozy, y’all aren’t a failure!” Applejack, put her hoof on her. “It’s just that you didn’t get your chance to help, Sugarcube. Your part will come. You’ll see.”

“Will I?” She asked, filling up with rage. “I don’t want to ruin your chance to win just because I only help a little!”

“And who said that to you?” Starlight said, confused.

“Me.” Cozy simply answered, not wanting to look at her friends. “But helping others is how a team is supposed to work! You helped Twilight and the others multitudes of times! And what can I do, as I am a Princess filly?”

“But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you help a little or help a lot!” Starlight persuaded her. “Your friendship, and hard work is great, and you help out others 'cause it represented exactly what makes a team like the Power Rangers special. You do still know what that is, right?” She smiled at her, as she looked up to see her.

“Team work, and friendship.” She confirmed. “But, Twilight’s already working for the Storm king, and Equestria is in danger! I know I should help everyone, but...what can I do?!” She was starting to tear up with sadness. “I can never get past those fighters alone.”

“You can do lots of things!” Fluttershy piped up. “You can help friends at Twilight’s school, and develop tech for Battleforce!”

“Fluttershy’s right!” Applejack piped in. “You’ve been there for us, and helped many times take down villains like Evox and the Storm King! I know because ya had it in you! Who turned on Tirek & Chrysalis to save our universes and help us?”

“Uh, I don’t know?” Cozy said softly.

“Y’all did!” The farm mare said, smiling.

“And, who helped use the Beast-X King Zord to help us take down Evox in the cyber dimension and protected our Ultrazord?” Rainbow asked. “You did!”

Cozy was surprised that they reminded her of her heroic actions to help the rangers and ponies stop their enemies. She saw her life flash before her eyes, as she recalled her times with the team, and helping them save the day!

“I guess I do owe you guys a lot.” She said, recovering from her sadness.

“Exactly!” Devon added. “And, who helped Megan get the Beast-X King Zord free from the Storm King’s grasp?”

Cozy realized who he was talking about. “Me!” She said, smiling.

“That’s right!” Devon agreed, patting her on the back.

“You see, Cozy?” Discord said to her in his fatherly tone. “Everyone believes you can do it, because you’ve helped us countless times to save Equestria and Earth! The only pony you need to believe in...” He pointed to Cozy on the chest. “...is yourself.”

“Listen, Cozy Glow.” Starlight said to her, comforting. “Sometimes, you'll help, or sometimes, maybe you won't. But, You're still our friend, and our most important teammate and ally, anyway. And, thats awesome!” They all smiled at her. “Besides, Who's the toughest little pony in town that we know can handle herself in a fight?”

“Me.” She said happily, her eyes welling up, as she smiled. I guess sometimes, being small does have its own advantages. I need a little push in the right direction.”

“That’s the spirit, Sugarcube!” Applejack said to her happily.

She then shifted back to nervousness. “But, what are we going to do?” She asked, with fright. “The Storm King already has our friends as his henchmen! And, Cosmos is coming to Earth! How are we supposed to tackle something as big as her?!”

“I know you can do it!” A voice said, they turned to see Nate, Ben, Steel, Pinkie Pie, the CMCs, and Commander Shaw standing before them. Cozy was shocked to see her that she broke down.

“Commander!” She said, scared. “I’m so so sorry! I—!”

The commander put her hand on her shoulder, as the mini alicorn looked up. “Don’t be.” She said. “I know you can handle this challenge, Cozy.”

“But, I can’t!” She pleaded. “I'm scared. We’re on our own, Cosmos is coming, and I have no idea what to do to stop her, or have Twilight Sparkle back to normal!”

“Yes, you can, Cozy Glow.” Commander Shaw said.

“The only thing holding you back is your own fear!” Applebloom added, as the other crusaders all nodded in agreement.

Zoey put her hand on Cozy’s shoulder. “Come on, Cozy! Don’t give up!” She told her. “You’re stronger than you think you are!”

“You are in charge!” Devon added, as she looked up and was surprised, seeing her friends giving her a speech of encouragement.

“You are a light, Cozy!” Sweetie Belle said, smiling. “A force for good!”

“Yeah! You can kick Cosmos’s butt!” Rainbow added.

“We're here for you!” Pinkie agreed.

“And we'll always be here for you!” Applejack agreed as well.

“No matter what!” Applebloom piped up as well. “Just like all the kinds of beings livin' together as friends. Earth ponies...”

“...unicorns...” Sweetie Belle continued.

“...Pegasi...” Rainbow and Scootaloo said as well.

“...alicorns...” Starlight added.

“...dragons...” Spike piped in.

“...And Power Rangers!” Ben said as well.

“We believe in you!” Fluttershy said, smiling.

“You just have to embrace the power inside you!” Steel said in agreement.

“What if I only make things worse?” Cozy asked, starting to get back to nervousness.

“That won't happen!” Scootaloo said to her. “We won't let it.”

“It's up to you, Cozy!” Ravi said, confidently to her. “You definitely can do it!”

“You... are not... alone!” Nate said as well.

“Who are you?” Discord said, already knowing the answer.

Cozy realized that her friends and teammates did have a point, and that everyone else was believing in her, and that she can do this! She took a deep breath, and put on her game face, and was ready to get back into it. “No! I... am...Princess Cozy Glow!” She said bravely. “And the magic I carry inside me is... the Magic of Friendship!!!”

“Look into your heart, Cozy.” Commander Shaw said warmly to her. “...and you’ll find all the strength you need!

“With courage, you can accomplish anything!” Ben added to her sentence, as the others nodded.

“Just remember, Cozy...The power is yours!” the commander said, smiling to her.

Cozy saw her friends smiling at her, and realized they were right. She knew what needed to be done! “You’re right!” She said, as if she gained her confidence back. “I don’t care how dangerous it is! Our friends are depending on us! We must help them!”

Everyone cheered as she said those words. She turned to her companions. “Come on, everyone!” She said, feeling more brave than ever before. “Let’s find a plan, and go save the world!” She looked at Rainbow, who was indeed smiling at her. “And your friend as well!” They all cried out “Yeah!” As they all got up from their heroic pep talk they gave her.

“Let’s go!” Ravi said, as they all left the training room, and into the lab. Cosmos was coming back, but not if Cozy had anything to say about it! And, neither did her friends! They were ready to come up with a plan to save Twilight and her friends, and save the world! Cozy was overcoming her own biggest fear, and her challenge was about to come!

However, her friends were here for her, and believed in her that she can indeed handle this! She and her friends have got this...together! She was here, and she was ready!

Part 9: Coming Back For Reinforcements

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Cosmos...the team consisting of Celestia, Luna, Big Mac, Zecora, & Twilght were already rushing to their next destination for the final star that would form Cosmos. And, they knew where they were headed too. As they were approaching the Crystal Empire, the five inside the chariot could only think about that last constellation star. Luna started to say. “One more star...”

“Then I shall be complete...” Celestia added.

“I’ll be met without defeat!” Zecora finished their sentence. Twilight and Big Mac both looked out the chariot, just relaxing.

“Then, I’ll bring Discord back by my side and, then we’ll dismantle this world...” Twilght said, as she smirked evilly. “Together!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said in hearty agreement.

Robo-Blaze, who was already with them, was still a little annoyed that they were all talking as one, as he groaned. “What did I tell you about talking as one?!” He growled. “I said wait until Cosmos is formed, you dorks!”

The five were shocked as they realized that, and blushed. “Sorry, Blaze.” Zecora said apologetically.

Blaze just groaned again. “Why do I even bother?” he thought as they took off to find the final piece of the villainous puzzle.

The rangers, and their good allies had just arrived back to the lab with the Commander and needed a plan with how to defeat Cosmos, and revert Twilight back to normal.

“Okay!” Nate said urgently. “We need to work on a plan to get Twilight back to normal!”

“But, how?” Ravi asked in shock. “That female would-be she-demon has all the power she could ever have! How are we going to stop her?”

“And revert Twilight to normal!” Rainbow piped up as well. “I mean, she’s my best friend and she knows how to get me relaxed.”

“I know, Rainbow.” Starlight said worriedly to her. “But, there’s not much we can do, except stop Cosmos and hope for a miracle.”

“I know it!” Rainbow sobbed as well, as she started to break down. Steel even put an arm around her for comfort. “But, you what what gets me really relaxed? Thinking about the times I was totally awesome!”

As she said that, the memory book started to glow. Devon took notice. “The book!” He tossed it to Steel. “Steel! Catch!” He said.

Steel caught the book. “Thanks!” The Beetle bot said, as he opened it to a blank empty page, for the next memories to go in.

“And, what were those moments about, specifically?” Devon asked in amazement.

“Devon...” Dash said smugly. “If only you knew!”





“Maybe, that’s relaxing for you...” Zoey told her. “But for Twilight, it’s quieter, emotional moments that really do the trick! Can you think of any of those?”

Rainbow pondered for some moments, where she was like that.


“That’s pretty emotional...even for me.” Rainbow admitted. “But, how in the world is that every relaxing?!”

“No offence.” Devon told Zoey. “Quiet moments are great...” He turned to his pal. “...but not as great as you being epic!” Rainbow smiled as she heard him say that.


“I can think of a ton more epic moments!” The wonderbolt said, happy and smugly.

“We know you can!” Devon said, giving her a pat on the back! “In fact, being awesome is what makes you...who you are!”

“Mmm...hmmmm.” Everyone else nodded in agreement.

“Wow, Y’know of all the things I'm good at, my favorite is being friends with all of you!” The speedy pony said, warmly. “Which made everyone hug her contently.

Discord just rubbed his side, nervously, watching the hug and smiled. “I wish I could say the same for all of you, for what I did.” He said sadly.

The heroes broke the group hug, and looked at him confused. “Why, Discord?” Rainbow asked him. “What memories do you have that you’re proud of being awesome?”

Discord looked at his friends, and took in a deep breath. “I’m afraid what I have to tell you is neither awesome, nor proud.” He said. Spike started to record another memory, but Starlight stopped him. “Rangers, what I told Zoey here about my past earlier...” they all looked at Zoey, who was just as shocked as they were. “I did not tell you everything. It’s about Cosmos.”

He turned to them, ready to tell them what happened. “You see, once Cosmos was imprisoned, I felt it best that all of Equestria forget about her.” He revealed.

Everyone was shocked upon hearing this. “Why?” Rainbow asked.

“If anyone ever knew what those Andalusian stars were, the results would be catastrophic.” The Draconniqus told them. “Some villain would find a way to release her...even use her. So from then on, everything that had happened was blamed on yours truly.” He pointed to himself. “Equestria healed...for the most part.”

“You mean there’s still evidence of her?” Spike asked with wonder.

“Some.” Discord replied. “You know the Everfree forest?” They all nodded. “Before Cosmos, it was an Herb Garden. I still cam around...I couldn’t deny my nature, of course and I still adored Equestria.” He felt a lump in his throat next words escaped his mouth. “Except, now I wasn’t thought of as a silly nuisance, but as a threat. All the ponies hated me, and I felt...broken.” He felt a tear escape his eye.

“You missed your friend.” Ravi said, coming up to him. “I understand that.”

“I suppose.” He said to him.

“You meant to be a statue?!” Starlight asked, shocked. “Wait...then, that means...!”

“I’m not saying that exactly.” He cut her off. “How was I even to know it would be for 1,000 years?”


“Anyways, here we are...all caught up.” He finished, as he hung his head down low.

“Wow. That was...quite the story.” Nate said, stunned and understanding.

“In fact, she’s why all of Equestria depicts me as a threat.” Discord told her. He turned to Fluttershy. “How are you feeling? I’d change your wings, but even I can’t change everything she does.”

“Better.” Fluttershy said, smiling. “Discord, I have something to say, and I know you’re not going to like it, so I apologize in advance.”

“Okay.” Discord nodded.

“Which gives us the perfect plan!” Ravi said, cutting into what Fluttershy had to say, as he walked up to them bravely. “We’re going to have to go back and help!”

Discord, and the others...save the Commander...were now surprised, and shocked at this. Discord was now, starting to get panicked again.

“What?!” Everyone gawked.

“You’re kidding!” Devon said, stricken with awe, and shock.

“No, I’m not.” Ravi said boldly.

NO WAY!” Discord yelled, now back on full panic attack mode as he put a claw to his face. “I am not going near her again!”

“Discord!” Ravi said seriously, pushing his claw aside. “We either go back there, and help or Twilight will be stuck like this forever!”

“We know Cosmos can scare you, Sugarcube.” Applejack added as well. “But, we need to help our friends...Twilight or not!”

“Same goes for the Princesses!” Ben added. “We can’t just give up! We want to beat this thing!”

“We may never get another chance like this again!” Pinkie piped up too. “So, can you please just help us? Please help us?”

The draconniqus saw Ravi’s stern expression, and the other’s looked of worry, and realized they was right. “You’re right.” He said. “Let’s go. I should have done this a long time ago!” He sighed. “You are the only friends I would do this for, I’ll have you know!”

Ravi smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. “Knew you’d come around!” He said. The others smiled as well.

“We knew you’d make this selfless decision.” Fluttershy agreed as well.

“Alright!” Steel jumped up as well. “Let’s fire up the transporters, get in our zords, and go surprise that she-demon of a pony!”

Cozy started to sniffle and droop down. “I guess I’ll be at the base, making some new weapons.” She started to say.

“Wrong!” Nate turned to her. “You’re coming with us!”

Cozy was surprised at this invitation. “I am?” She asked. “Why me?!”

“You can sense any magical disturbance, and you’ve got more power than any of us can use!” Nate reminded her.

“...and you coming with us in there might be our best chance for saving our friends.” Spike added.

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice.” Cozy said uneasy at first. “But, when you put it that way...”

“That’s the spirit, Cozy!” Devon said, as they started to exit. “Let’s go!”

“Wait!” Commander Shaw alerted them before they left. “Before you go, there will be some precautions.” She turned to Discord. “One, you said yourself that Anycreature with pink eyes and slits means that they're possessed by Cosmos?”

“That’s correct.” He answered.

“So, that means you all have to gather the stars quickly, and dispose of them.” She warned them. “Do that at all costs.” They all nodded.

“And, two...” She took in a deep breath, before the next words came out her mouth. “You’ll need to put your weapons on low power.” She told them. “Same goes for the Beast-X King Blaster & Ultra Bow.”

“How come, Commander?” Ben asked.

“Because...” she took in a deep breath. “If any of you were to use high power on any of your arsenal, the bodies of those who are part of Cosmos could be destroyed. And, there is a good chance that Twilight or our friends will be lost forever.”

“Not forever!” Rainbow said, starting to cry. “I don’t want this to be the last time we ever see Twilight!”

“If you use low power on all your weapons, it won’t be.” Shaw said to them. “I would suggest you do that now.”

They nodded, and set all their weapons to low power, including their Morphers. Once that was done, they out them back In the cases.

“And finally, I highly suggest that you use complete caution on this mission.” The Commander continued.

“Consider it done, Commander!” Nate told her.

“You can count on us!” Cozy said, saluting her as they all left.

She turned to the CMCs. “You three might want to stay here.” She warned them. “Best not to get hurt as you don’t know what you’re dealing with here. Okay?” The three fillies nodded.

“Alright, if we’re going into a confrontation with a galactic being, we need to stay super close to each other for close watch.” Devon said.

“Alright team!” Discord said as he entered the coordinates in the portal to Canterlot. “Let’s be off!” They all went through the portal to confront their latest enemy.

“Good luck!” Commander Shaw called out as they went through. “And, may the power protect you!”

Unknown to them as they left, in the lab, the Beast-X King Activator began to glow ever so slightly.

In the darkened alley at Canterlot in the nighttime, two beings were racing around the place. Robo-Roxy and Grubber were looking for a place to send message to their master.

“You sure it’s safe, Roxy?” The hedgehog asked nervously.

“Long enough for us to send word, Grubber!” Roxy said, as she got out a can of spray paint, and started on one of the castle walls.

“Amazing Celestia hasn’t caught onto our code!” Grubber said in relief.

“Yep.” Roxy said smugly as she did the deed. “She’s already possessed, and she thinks vandals are messing up the city!”

“Yep!” Grubber said happily. As he sighed. He then was shocked, as he saw his teammate spray painting some more. “Wait a minute! What are you doing?!” He asked in shock. “You already spray painted the message!”

She finished, and put her can away. “Well, I didn’t want The Storm King to thing we were anything but vandals!” She reassured him.

Grubber quickly understood. “Good thinking, Roxy!” He said.

After a while, the deed was done. “I’ll meet you back soon!” She said, getting out her key. “I gotta meet Blaze!” She teleported away, leaving only Grubber in the dark.

“Wait, Roxy!” What...?” Grubber was now left alone. “Now, how am I going to relay this message to the Storm King?” He wondered.

However, not too far from here, the rangers and their good allies had arrived in Canterlot. But, it was pretty dark and they had to find the Castle. And, it was barely even dim to find any trace of it. They still had their mission and they were going to stick to it.

“Alright.” Discord said as they arrived. “We’re in Canterlot. Now, we gotta find the Castle!”

“But, how?” Applejack asked. “It’s pretty dark in the area.”

“How will we know where Twilight is?!” Rainbow said worriedly. “She’s already gotten the sixth star, and Cosmos is already formed! Game over! Let’s go home!” She turned to head out, but Devon stopped her.

“Dash, no! Bad!” He warned her. “Twilight probably hasn’t found it yet.”

“And, we could be getting close!” Starlight added.

“So, there’s a good chance we could still make it.” Fluttershy told her friend.

Rainbow thought about it, and realized that they could be right. “Okay, you could be right. And when you’re right, you’re right.” She admitted. “Okay, we save her, but how do we...”

“Sshhhhhh!” Steel said, putting his hand to his ‘mouth’. “Do you hear that?”

“What?” Nate asked.

“Listen!” They all put their ears to the sound. Sure enough, they heard clanking of garbage cans, and footsteps on the ground. “It’s that way!” He pointed to the area. “Let’s go!” They all nodded and ran over to where they heard that noise.

They ran to the area and saw a black gray-maned hedgehog wandering around the alley. They instantly knew who it was, and took off after him. “GRUBBER!” The hedgehog turned to see Rainbow Dash and her teammates coming after her. He screamed, and tried to pussyfoot away, but he tripped and was tackled by the loyal speed demon, who had him pinned down, while the others rushed over to them. “I’ve got him!” She called out to them.

The others arrived. “Okay, bud!” Ravi said. “Let’s chat!” Grubber looked pretty nervous as he wondered what the rangers would do to him.

They had him tied up to a lamppost a few minutes later, and secured him there. Cozy noticed a remote-like device and room it out of his belt. She examined it. “You want to clue us in on what this is?” She asked him.

“It’s the star tracker that I use to contact Robo-Roxy about where each of the Andalusian stars are.” He told them.

“Do you have any more of those...stars?” Applejack asked him.

“No.” Grubber said. “But Princess Twilight and her subordinates do! They have the first five!”

“And, where is Twilight now?” Devon asked him.

“I’ll never talk!” Grubber said, nodding his head as he tried to break free from his prison.

“You’d better!” Rainbow said, as she flew up to him, readying her fists to punch him. “...or else I’m gonna get sarcastic!”

Grubber didn’t want to be punched as he felt his face sweat. He was ready to spill the beans. “Okay! Okay!” He fessed up. “She’s in the throne room at Canterlot Castle! She and the Princesses are about to find the location of the final star!” He took in a deep breath of relief as she moved her fists away from him.

“See? Nothing beats cutting wit!” Rainbow said, smugly.

“Then, that’s our next destination!” Nate said to the others. “Let’s get to the castle!”

“Right!” The others said as they took off to find their friend.

Grubber saw them leaving, and panicked. “Hey, where are you going?! Don’t leave me here!” But, they were already gone before he could catch their attention. “Oh, the Storm King’s not going to like this!” He moaned. “Where's my phone?”

They burst through the castle with their blasters in hand set to low power, and into fighting positions. “Hang on, Twilight!” Devon called out. “We’re here to save—!” But to their surprise, they saw that Twilight wasn’t here. Nor were the others Princesses. Instead, they found the throne room, all looking monsterous like someone had left many bags of snacks during the Super Bowl. Even they saw that there were two thrones, marked his and hers. And there were monsters about on the floor, and many places in between.

“Oh my!” Discord said in shock upon seeing the horrible vision that was laid out in front of them.

“Where is Everypony?” Fluttershy asked, worried as she didn’t see their friends there.

“Guys, look!” Cozy called out, as they all rushed over to the window and saw that no one else was there...except Grubber, who was tied up outside at the moment.

“What is it, Cozy?” Devon asked in alarm.

“All of Canterlot looks deserted!” She said.

However, Discord took a look and saw some chaotic looking Ladybugs buzzing toward them. They all took notice. “No, I don’t think it is.” He told them. “I’m afraid I know where all these ladybugs came from.”

“Where? Your dimension?” Ben asked.

“You’d be wise to keep your mouth shut!” The draconniqus told him sternly, to which Ben backed away nervously.

“Y’Know, there’s a good chance Grubber might have fed us the wrong information.” Capper guessed.

“Probably.” Nate agreed as well.

“All this travel is making me Urpy.” Pinkie said worriedly, as she rubbed her stomach as if it hurt.

“We’ve been at this forever! It will never end!” Steel shouted dramatically as he raised his arms up into the air. “We’re lost in Spa—!” The others looked at him confused, as he lowered his arms down. “Never mind.” He said in defeat.

Rainbow took a look at the throne marked ‘Hers,’ and started to look sad. “Twilight, I’m real sorry you got turned into a she-demon.” She said regretfully. “I was a dumb head!” She flew over and took the top of throne, getting on her knees bravely. “But, I’ll make it up to you! One day, we’ll go to the Spa together! That’s a promise!” She said to the throne bravely.

“Hey, Dash. Sorry to bother you, but could you come over here?” Devon called out to her by said chair.

Rainbow knew what she had to do, and she got up on her feet. “It’s time for me to take charge!” She said to the throne as if there was a pony there! She turned her attention over to her human friend. “Be right over there with you!” She zoomed over to her friends and was ready to hear the plan! “Ask away!” She shouted. “I’m ready as a large goose!”

“What if Twilight and the others have split up?” Devon asked her.

“What was that again?” Rainbow asked, her voice still in that shouting level.

The others looked at each other, wondering how to try to clarify this to her. Finally, Cozy spoke up. “Let’s focus on finding Twilight and those stars like we should’ve been all along!” She said seriously.

“Yeah!” Devon agreed. “How about we try her hideouts?”

“That’s just it!” Rainbow told them bluntly. “We don’t know where Twilight is except that she’s heading right for the Crystal Empire!” Just then, she felt a squink as a lightbulb came off. In an instant, she realized where Twilight was!

“Ooh!” She said in realization. “Could it be that simple? Have we overlooked the obvious?” She asked, before she smiled to the fourth wall, and the good heroes were about to go to their next destination. “Probably.”

Part 10: Overlooking The Obvious

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The train had pulled up to the station in the Crystal Empire. Rainbow Dash, and the others all got off the train in search of not only Rarity, but the final star in the Andalusian as well. Rainbow Dash was the most worried, not just about her friend, but what could happen as well. She hoped it wasn’t too late. They got off the train.

“Alright.” Devon said to his team. “We here not only to find Twilight, but the last Andalusian star as well. It looks that we’ll have to...”

“...split up and look for clues.” Steel said, finishing his sentence. “Like it’s that obvious, Devon.”

“Right. But also, To find the star, and any trace of weird activity containing pink eyes,” Devon finished.

“Uh, I was going to say clues of any mind possession. But, that works too.” Discord said to him.

“Is everyone else here?” Devon asked his teammates.

“We’re all here, Devon.” Ravi said as they were all gathered.

“Good.” He got out his wristcom out, and held it out. “Prepare to synchronize your watches.” The others got ready to do that, but a few were confused.”

“I don’t know how to do that.” Ravi answered.

“I’m not wearing a watch, Sugarcube.” Applejack told him.

“Time is a construct.” Nate said, which made everyone else look at him shocked.

“What?!” Ravi asked, confused.

“Oh, sorry.” Nate said, as he got out his, and they were all synchronized with the same time.

“Alright. If you see anything out of the obvious, contact me, and we’ll regroup. Okay?” Devon asked them. They all nodded. “Alright! Break!”

They all split up into various teams. Applejack with Pinkie & Fluttershy, Capper with Ravi, Zoey & Discord, Devon & Nate with Rainbow Dash & Cozy Glow, and Ben & Spike with Steel.

Devon’s team was walking through the town as they checked out the streets for their friends. “Why did we get the star that was farthest away?” Rainbow asked in frustration. “And also, where the hay is Rarity?”

“Not sure, Dash.” Devon told her. “But we’ll find her soon.”

“Well a bunch a ponies like Twilight and the others should be pretty easy to spot around here.” Rainbow said optimistically.

“I don’t think so, Dash.” Nate said, as he pointed to clusters of Crystal ponies. Sure enough, it would be tough to find their friend in a big town like this.”

“Good point.” She admitted. “Am I overdressed?” The others were confused as she said that. Little did they know, Robo-Roxy had just appeared by a cart, and was stealthily watching them, waiting to make her move.

Also unknown to them, Tempest was watching from a side of a building and was getting worried. She started to breathe a little bit when she saw the rangers. “I hope they can find the final star before Twilight does.” she thought. “Or Cosmos will be formed, and I’ll be fired.” she snuck off to a different area of the town to keep watch for the rangers in case anything such as a battle turned up.

As they were walking about, Cozy Glow was lagging behind, and was trying to catch up. “Devon, Rainbow Dash! Wait!” She called out, but they were already far away from her reach, and she was on her own.

“Oh, horseapples!” She groaned. “Why do I have to keep holding this tracker by myself? Me with my back so delicate?” She rubbed her back in woe. Suddenly, the tracker started to go off, and Cozy held it up! It was beeping, and it appeared that the signal was getting stronger. She gasped as she started to fly to it.

She flew so low, as to not gain too much attention from above. However, she didn’t look where she was going, as she was looking at the tracker, and bumped into somepony. “Ooh!” She said.

“Oh! Cozy, Darling? Are you alright?” Cozy heard the voice, and it sounded… posh, like an English accent and in a strange way familiar.

"Wha… who…?” She asked. Looking up, she discovered Rarity was in front of her. “Rarity?!” She was shocked. “Golly! Are you looking for the star too?”

“Why yes, I am!” She answered. “Are you looking for it, too?”

“Yes.” She answered. “But, I’m also looking for Twilight! Have you seen her?”

“No, I Haven’t, Cozy.” Rarity said, which made Cozy’s arms droop. “But, I’d be happy to help you.” This made her get her emotions back up in excitement.

“Great!” Just then, Cozy looked around for something around Rarity. “Don’t you always carry your fainting couch with you? Why don’t you have it?”

“Oh,” the Posh pony said. “I left that at home to make room for a few purchases. We can’t go to the Crystal Empire and not do a little shopping.” She smiled. “And I’m already in a dire need looking for bushels of emeralds for my new fashion collection!”

“Sometimes, I forgot emeralds came in bushels.” Cozy said.

“They do if you’re doing it right!” Rarity said.

“You know Spike likes emeralds!” Cozy added. “I sure wish he was here with us, right about now. And, Cadence said she’d be meeting you here. Do you see her or anything?”

Right about then, they heard a voice that said “Yoo hoo!” To them. They saw Cadence right over a few steps away. “Over here!” She waved to the group.

“Cadence!” Rarity said in glee, as the two rushed over to her.

“Hello, Rarity!” Cadence said happily. “And hello, Cozy Glow too.” She smiled.

“Good to see you again, Cadence!” Cozy said in relief.

“It’s so wonderful to see you all again.” Cadence said. “...and for such an interesting reason...a fallen star! How fascinating!” She smiled.

“Uh, did Twilight send you all that paperwork too?” Cozy asked uninterested. “Because if I have lugging around a 6 lb to do list when you already have a copy...”

“No, no.” The Princess of love said. “These are mine. Twilight wrote that you were coming and also about the star...I’ve been doing my own research while I was waiting for you. It’s all indexed and I’ve already mapped out the most likely places we’ll find it!”

“Sometimes, I forget you and Twilight are off your rocker when you do that sort of stuff.” The alicorn filly joked while Both ponies smiled.

“Be grateful for it, Cozy Darling!” Rarity said to her, petting her mane. “Organization is a key component to any endeavour!”

“Well, Rainbow would say that YOUR office looks like a tornado hit all the time!” Cozy joked again.

“That’s organized chaos!” Rarity said with gusto as they went to find the last star.

“I’ll have your bags sent to the castle.” Cadence told Rarity. “And if you’re looking for a Crystal star, you’re in the right place! It’s kinda our thing here!”

“Well, then lead the way, your highness.” Cozy said, as they went on the quest.

They arrived at a market like place that looked like it had a bunch of gems. “Now, I think our best bet is to find it somewhere in the Crystal market.” Cadence said to the group. “Vendors sell all KINDS of gems and crystals here. We can ask if anypony has come across something like it.”

Cozy was thunderstruck, thinking that finding the star was easy. Turned out, finding something like this would not be easy. “What?!” She blurted out. “Golly, This is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack! This could take WEEKS!”

Rarity, on the other hand, was more confident that they would find this. “You all say that like I don’t have one of Equestria’s finest eyes for precious stones right next to you!” She said jokingly. “I’m wounded! Darlings, give me ten minutes!” She went digging through all sorts of gems to find which one was the right one.

Cozy decided to start digging around for the gem too. “You’ll know it when you see it,” she said to Cadence, “...because Spike told me it was tastiest looking gem he ever saw!”

“How do you know Spike so well, Cozy?” She asked. “And, how is Spike even able to eat those gems? Does he cook them, or are they always raw?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Cozy revealed. “You know Spike told me he DOES like to toss some amethysts with lemon juice. It’s brings out some crusty notes. Each gem has a different flavour...a lot of non-dragons don’t have that.”

She put her tongue to A gem and licked it. “Mmm.” She said. “Yep.“ the filly said. “Notes of orange, nutmeg and a hint of leather.” Cadence was shocked that she knew all this. “This really would be more of a dessert gem and would pair well with cheese and quartz. Spike would want it that way.”

Cadence was intrigued as well. “You know. I think if I can concentrate, I can taste it...maybe.” She started.

Cozy passed the gem over to Cadence. “Oh, do you want to try it?” She kindly asked.

“Uh, no.” She said. “I don’t know if my dental plan will cover it.”

Just then, Rarity came out of a pile of gems and found what she was looking for! “Got it!” She said, showing them the gems...along with a few other gems that were on her body while she was searching them.

Cadence took a look at it. “It’s so pretty.” She said in awe.

“I know!” Rarity said in agreement. “I think this one has more of a luster than when I found one back in Ponyville!” She inspected it. “There’s something off about it, though.” She looked at it and beamed. “I know! It’s the setting! Whoever decided to use a prong setting on such a vibrant gem, really! It needs more of a BEZEL setting!”

“I think you need a new setting!” Cozy said, feeling both uninterested in the gem, but also worried about her friend at the same time.

Rarity, however paid no attention to the filly. “This will have to be redone!” She turned to Cozy. “Cozy! Get the pliers out of my valise!” Just then, she dropped the gem out of her hooves accidentally. “Oops!” She tried to recover the gem.

“I got it!” Cadence said as she made the catch. Suddenly, her eyes went pink as if under a spell! Now, Cadence was possessed as well as the star latched itself on her necklace!

“Hey, Cadence, did you...whoa!” Cozy saw her eyes glow pink, and quickly got nervous. “Not good.” she thought. She needed to contact the rangers.

Cozy contacted the rangers via her horn. “Devon! Red alert! I saw some pink eyes!” She said urgently. “Cadence has the last star! You guys better head over there right away!”

Devon, Nate & Rainbow caught the message. “We read you, Cozy!” Devon said urgently. “Come on, Dash!”

“We’re on our way!” Rainbow said, as she and Devon took off.

As they took off, Devon contacted Ravi’s team. “Ravi! You, Zoey & the others need to drop what you’re doing! Cozy found Cosmos!”

“Got it, Devon!” Ravi contacted. “Stand by! We’re on our way!” He turned to his team! “Come on!”:

“Right!” The others took off to find their friends.

“Steel! We need you and Ben over there right now!” Nate urgently contacted.

“We’re coming, Nate!” Ben’s team got the message loud and clear. “Over and out!” He turned to his team! “Let’s go!” They took off.

“The last star gem is here?” Steel said as they ran. “Excellent!”

“Applejack, Fluttershy!” Devon contacted AJ’s team. “Cozy found the last star.”

“We’ll be there!” Applejack said, as she turned to her team. “Come on, y’all!” And, they all dashed to reunite with their teams, and to get to Cozy and Rarity. They had overlooked the obvious so easily when they got to Canterlot, but luckily Dash and Cozy both knew where the last star was! They would get there in time!

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna were piloting the chariot with the other subordinates, and they suddenly sensed that the last star was near. They were so excited...Twilight, Zecora and Big Mac included.

“The last star!” Celestia beamed. “There you are, I can feel it!”

“Soon, I’ll be whole...” Luna added.

“...and then with Discord I’ll stroll!” Zecora finished in glee! Needless to say, Robo-Blaze, who was with them, was not liking this rhyming one bit, as he groaned.

“Maybe, taking the rhyming one wasn’t the best choice, Blaze.” Twilight said, starting to get a little annoyed at Zecora’s rhyming.

“My apologies.” Zecora told her. “But, enjoyment I receive from this voice.”

“You know, I’m gonna get real sick of that...” Big Mac said in agreement with Twilight.

“Well, you’re lucky that we’re super close to the last star...” Robo-Blaze said stressed. “Because, you’re now at the point where you can all talk as one!” He then took notice and saw Robo-Roxy on the ground. “Roxy! There she is!” He jumped off the carriage, olympics style.

Twilight and the others took notice, and were shocked. “Blaze!” Twilight called out. “What are you...?” They then saw where he was headed. “Oh, Robo-Roxy!” They immediately changed course, and flew to the ground quickly to follow him.

On the ground, Robo-Roxy was searching the area for her teammate. “Where could he be?” She wondered out loud, as she couldn’t see him. Suddenly, he landed right by her, which startled her. “Oh!”

“You here?” Robo-Blaze asked her, as he landed.

“Yeah.” She answered, as she pointed to the rangers. “But, so are the rangers!”

“What?!” Robo-Blaze growled as he turned to see the team running up toward them, as the chariot was starting to hit the ground.

“You guys here?” Twilight asked as the group landed.

“Yes. The rangers are here too!” Robo-Blaze pointed at the running team. They all were shocked upon seeing them.

“We won’t have to wait much longer to become one being!” Celestia said with relief, as the newest pawn in the puzzle was coming right toward them.

At Grid Battleforce, Commander Shaw was watching what was happening so far, and started to get worried. The Crusaders were starting to get worried about their sisters too, as they had never been gone so long without them before.

“Any word from them, yet?” Sweetie Belle asked in worry.

She turned to them. “So far, no.” She answered. “But, the rangers are coming over there, and the last star has already been found in the Crystal Empire, where Nate had first met them.”

The CMCs’s blood ran cold as they knew what trouble that spelt for them. “Oh no! That’s where Rarity is!” Sweetie Belle said in shock.

“Even worse! That’s also where Rainbow Dash is!” Scootaloo also screeched in horror as well.

“We gotta save them!” Applebloom shouted as well.

“I’m readying up the teleporter.” Commander Shaw entered the coordinates for the location. “You should be able to go and help your friends.” The portal opened, and it showed the location where the rangers were. “Go and help them.” She said urgently.

“Right!” Applebloom said, as she and Sweetie Belle ran through said portal!

“Whoo hoo! Promotion time!” Scootaloo said, as she held her arms in excitement! “We’re going to save the rangers!” She dashed though the portal to find their friends.

“All I have to do now is hope they aren’t too late.” Shaw said, starting to get worried about her team, and what dangers would befell them.

Back at the Crystal Empire, Cadence was now under Cosmos’s control, and her thoughts about her previous life were now nonexistent. She went over to the others, just as Rarity saw their friends. “Is it ready, Blaze?” She asked.

“Yes, and so are the rangers!” Blaze said, as he pointed to them.

Twilight looked to them, and growled. “Then, we’d better do this quick!” She said to them. “Before they interfere!”

At that moment, Rarity was so excited to see them, as the others were arriving as well! The element of generosity ran up to them! “Oh, Good. Twilight!” She said to her team. She called out to her princess friend. “Over here, Twilight! We have the star for you!”

But Cadence wasn’t paying attention, and neither were her friends as she was a little dazed. “Hey! What’s with the Cold hello?” Rarity asked again stressed.

“Finally...” Cadence said. “All my stars together again. At last, I can be myself after all this time!” She was going to the other subordinates to transform all of them into Cosmos. To which at that moment, the rangers and their allies had arrived before them on the spot.

“STOP!” Ravi said, as he and the others arrived to confront their friends gone evil. “Not so fast! That’s not Twilight!” He pointed a finger furiously at her, and the others as Blaze and Roxy growled.

“What?!” Nate, Capper, Steel, Devon, Spike, Starlight, Rainbow and Rarity asked, confused.

“Ravi, whatever are you talking about, darling?” Rarity asked, flabbergasted. “Isn’t that Twilight over there?” She pointed to her, coming up to the others.

“Uh, I mean...they are!” Ravi changed his words quickly, his finger still pointing at them. “But, they’re not in sense you think they are!”

“Doesn’t matter, Little Boy Blue!” Robo-Blaze said, as he and Roxy came up to them. “You and you’re friends are all too late!” He pointed to them. “Look!” He saw the transformation of Cosmos starting take place. The heroes all gasped as the horrendous sight taking place.

“Oh, no!” Discord groaned in horror. “Not her!”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen!” Cozy said, as she readied up her horn, and Devon got his Beast-X Blaster out.

“Beast Blast!” Devon shouted as they fired at the group, making them turn their heads in shock.

“What the...?!” Celestia asked in shock and rage.

“The fusion can wait!” Twilight said as the cosmic subordinates marched up to them. “We’ve got bigger fish to fry!”

Devon felt like it was time to answer the call to action! “Let’s ranger up, guys!” He told his friends.

“Right!” They said. At that moment, the CMCs fell through the portal and right in front of both sides.

“Whoa.” Scootaloo said, as she tumbled to the ground. “I just feel like we got hit by a train!” She and her friends rubbed their heads.

“Applejack! Starlight! Rangers!” Applebloom said in shock, as she saw her sister and her friends were here. “Boy are we glad to see you!”

“Applebloom?!” Her big sister cried out in shock. “What’s going on? What are y’all doing here?!”

“It's like our body parts got... discombobulated.” Sweetie Belle said, as she got up. She then was shocked and psyched to see the heroes before them.

“Rainbow Dash! We’re...here to...help you!” Scootaloo said, as she got up as well.

“You guys need to be somewhere safe!” Rainbow urgently warned them. “And, this isn’t safe.”

“We...have to...stop them! Before she comes!” Applebloom shouted again.

“Applebloom, breathe!” Starlight said to them. “Before who comes?”

“No time to explain!” Applebloom said frustrated to them. “You guys gotta morph!”

“Well, I guess we’re now fighting with them.” Zoey said in comic relief.

“That will have to do for now!” Devon said, before he rallied up his team. “It’s Morphin time!”

The team readied up their Beast-X and Striker Morphers, as they shouted, “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” And in a flash, they Morphed into their ranger forms.

Cozy was ready too, as she got out her Power Morpher, and plugged her coin in it! “It’s Morphin Time!” She shouted. “CRIMSON HAWK!” And a wave of crimson energy enveloped her, transforming her into her ranger form.

“The savannah hunter...RED BEAST RANGER!” Devon shouted as he posed.

“The jungle warrior...BLUE BEAST RANGER!” Ravi shouted as he posed.

“The field jumper...YELLOW BEAST RANGER!” Zoey shouted as she posed.

“The arboreal Mantis...GOLD BEAST RANGER!” Nate shouted as he posed.

“The super-powered Scarab...SILVER BEAST RANGER!” Steel shouted as he posed

“The wetland swimmer...GREEN BEAST RANGER!” Ben shouted as he posed.

“POWER RANGERS!...” they all jumped and got into a huddle and struck some poses. “BEAST MORPHERS!” They all shouted, introducing themselves. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!”

"And unleash the Ryu Ranger!” Cozy shouted, as she posed, joining them in the roll call.

“You can’t outnumber us!” Twilight scoffed, as she nodded toward Luna.

“TRONICS!” Luna shouted, as Cosmos’s Super Tronics had appeared before the heroes.

They were all shocked at the new look of these tronics. “What are those?” Steel asked, pointing toward them.

“Super Tronics!” Twilight said in excitement as she laughed. “More powerful than any robotron ever created!” The Super tronics all posed.

“Doesn’t matter!” Nate growled. “Put some armor on a tronic, it’s still a tronic!”

“Yeah, but these might be more tough!” Ravi said, having to disagree with Nate.

“Oh, is that so?” Celestia asked, smugly as she signalled the Robo generals to transform...which they did.

“News flash! Twilight and the others are this year’s new generals!” Robo-Roxy said as the villains all posed.

“Don’t count on it!” Ben said as they all got ready to fight.

“Attack!” Twilight shouted as the good guys ran to clash with the bad guys.

“We’ll take these ones!” Nate told them. “The rest of you, take care of Twilight! But, use low power!”

“Right!” They said, as they went to clash with their friends now enemies.

“Let’s do it!” Scootaloo said as they all started to join their friends in the clash between heroes, and friends turned bad. And, The fight was on!

Part 11: Rangers Vs. Divas

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When we last left our heroes, they were about to witness the transformation into Cosmos, but Cozy and Devon both interfered, making the formation wait. But before they could fight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived in the crossfire, and now the Super Tronics were brought out for the first time! So now, it’s the rangers, remaining Mane Six, Starlight, Spike, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Capper & Discord Vs. Their friends gone rogue, Robo Blaze and Roxy, and the Super Tronics!

At last! Time to see how the fight plays out.

The fight kicked off with the core 3 rangers, Cozy Glow, Capper, Fluttershy, Discord, Starlight Glimmer & Rainbow Dash taking on one cluster of Super Tronics, and Spike, Nate, Steel, Ben, Rarity, Applejack, & CMCs taking on another cluster.

Nate tried to use his Striker Saber to get to Robo-Blaze, only for him to clash it with his rapier. Nate tried to get through, but to no avail, as neither could get to the other! Robo-Blaze kicked him back in the gut. “You should’ve stayed back in Equestria, where it was safe!” He sneered.

“Why don’t you make me?!” Nate shot back, as he readied his saber.

“Gladly!” Robo-Blaze said, as they both ran up, and clashed their swords again.

Steel, Scootaloo & Applejack both tried to go for Big Mac, but he was a little stronger than his sister was. But, with Steel’s strength, they evened the odds a little bit. The ranger, and brother pony traded blow for blow with kicks, and martial arts punches. However, to their surprise...neither could get inside the other’s defences!

Big Mac was about to kick them down, when they both jumped up, and landed back down. “Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack shouted in shock as they both were struck down by her brother to the ground, unexpectedly.

“Ultra Blast!” Big Mac turned to see Ben as he fired his Ultra Blaster at him, while Applebloom did a swirling corkscrew kick right to her big brother’s torso. This made him stagger back, as he was not expecting this sneak attack!

“How about a taste of this?!” Scootaloo shouted as she threw her scooter at his head, wrapping him with it. Big Mac rubbed his head a little bit.

Eventually, he recovered and Scootaloo gasped, as they were about to have another go. But to both their surprise, Ben’s Aqua punch was on par with Big Mac’s strength, making both of them jump back. They both landed on the ground safely.

“We don’t want to hurt ya, Big brother!” Applebloom shouted as they started to fight again.

“But, you leave us no choice!” Ben said, as he too got ready to charge!

They were about to face each other off, but Big Mac grabbed them both, and threw them over. Cadence took notice, and used her magic to zap at them, almost electrocuting them.

“Not this time!” Steel shouted as he and Rarity fired at her, making them stagger back.

“Cadence, what in the world are you doing?” Rarity shrieked, as they rushed over to their friends. “You guys okay?”

“Yeah, we’re good, Y’all!” Applejack said, as she ruffled her little sister’s mane.

“But, YOU won’t be!” Robo-Roxy shouted as all three of them posed, and got ready to charge.

“Keep telling yourself that!” Ben said, as they too charged as well.

Meanwhile, the core 3 rangers, Cozy Glow and Rainbow Dash were taking on Twilight and her former teacher, and Capper, Fluttershy & Discord were handling Zecora. The rangers tried to throw a punch, but so did the other two Princesses. “Beast Blast!” Devon shouted as they whipped out their blasters. But to their surprise, so did their friends, as both sides fired, and both staggered back.

“Out of the way, Ranger brats!” Celestia shouted, as she kicked the core three & Cozy out of the way, and grabbed Rainbow’s wrist, almost twisting it.

Cozy took notice and was horrified. “Stop it!” She shouted, as she used her fists to strike at her.

Twilight joined in as well, as she flew up and did a kick towards them, but the heroes noticed and Ravi used his gorilla strength to punch her down!

“Ravi! We’re supposed to use low power, remember?” Devon warned him, as they got ready to fight again.

“Come on, Egghead!” Rainbow said, in a pleading like manner as she tried to do a tornado move toward her, but she noticed and kicked her down.

They both laughed. “See what happens when you interfere in other’s magic?” Celestia gloated as she and Twilight got ready to fight again.

Fluttershy and the others were facing Zecora as she posed and got ready, “You Wanna rumble with the bumble?” She asked, gloating. “Come on!”

“How does this grab you?” Capper said as he pinned her down, while Discord conjured up a magical lasso, to tie her up.

“Stop it!” The zebra laughed. “That tickles!” She used her newfound strength to bend the lasso, and pull it away!

“No way!” Discord said in shock, as she threw him, and Capper over to the ground, both trying to recover.

“Discord!” Fluttershy screamed, before turning her game face on. Now, it was truly on! “That’s enough of you trying to hurt my friends!” She zoomed over her to do a punch move, but she retaliated, by swatting her back to her friends.

“You okay?” Capper asked as they ran over to her.

However, Luna fired a few beams at them, still sending them down. They tried to fight back, but to no avail, her blasts were stronger than ever!

Nate was thrown down, tumbling toward them as he got back up. “Oh, man!” He said in shock. “They’re brutal!”

“You think?!” Discord asked as they got ready to fight again.

“You wanna play with US?!” Luna bellowed as they got ready to charge again.

Sweetie Belle and Starlight ran to their friends, and charged their horns up. “We’ll get her!” She yelled out. They fired at Zecora and Luna but to their surprise, they absorbed the blasts.

“What?!” Starlight shouted as they returned the blasts to them, knocking them down.

Spike was taking care of Robo-Roxy’s yo-yo blasters as she tried to swing them at the young drake, but he was smart enough to dodge them. The purple robot was getting more stressed that he kept dodging them.

“ENOUGH!” She roared. “I’ve give YOU something to play with!” She swung her blasters hard at him, but he dodged them. However, she used her guns to fire at him, sending him stunned and down to the ground.

“Don’t you touch him you meanie bot!” A voice shouted, Robo-Roxy turned to see Pinkie jump up, and club her in the face, making her stagger back.

“Ahh!” She shouted, as she was just recently hit by the party pony. She got upset. “How dare you interfere!”

Luckily, Pinkie whipped out her party cannon, and a bright neon pink confetti ball popped out, ramming into the robot as she hit a tree. She then rushed over to Spike. “Spike, are you okay?” She ruffled his scales.

Spike saw his friend, and smiled. “I am now, thanks to you!” He said as they both got back up bravely. They then heard a growl, as they turned to face Robo-Roxy who was furious for their recent sneak attack.

“Are you two done yet?” She asked angrily.

“Actually, we’re just getting started!” Pinkie said, as she looked at her friend, and they gave her an evil smirk.

“Oh. It is on!” She snarled as she was ready to charge at them.

Spike spewed out a green fireball, while Pinkie used her tail to trip her down to the ground! Robo-Roxy shrieked as she got up, and tried to use her blasters, but her attempts were futile as the two teamed up to singe and deflect the blasts.

“Twilight, that’s enough!” Cozy shouted as Twilight and Celestia tried to twist them down. She furiously ran up to them. “SHORYUKEN!” She shouted as she threw a punch toward her ex friend. This sent her a few feet back due to the force of her punch.

Twilight recovered and got up. “Never knew that alicorn was...that strong.” She said with wonder in her voice, before shifting back to her evil manner. “But, no matter! I’ll finish you off!” She charged up her horn, only for Ravi and Zoey to fire at her.

“BEAST BLAST!” They shouted, as they tried to fire at her, only for her to deflect the blasts, and send them over to Rainbow.

“RAINBOW!” Ravi and Zoey shouted in horror.

“I’m okay!” Rainbow said as she got back up.

“Your aim is lame, Rainbow! But, I’m not shocked!” Twilight said as she lifted her friend up in her cosmic magic. “Are you?!” Rainbow tried to struggle, but it was no use as she was thrown about 5 feet from her own teammates.

Meanwhile, Nate and his team were still having their hands full with Big Mac, Luna and Cadence as they continued to clash. Nate threw a few punches toward Cadence, but she had a trick up your sleeve. She used her love magic and tried to aim it at Nate, but he dodged it, because He had a trick up he sleeve too.

He whipped out his striker morpher blaster and aimed it at her. “Striker Morpher!” He shouted, as his beams collided with Cadence’s magic.

“My blaster’s bigger than yours!” Cadence shouted as she fired at Nate, making him stagger and fall onto the ground. Fortunately for us, Nate was stealthy on his feet like a ninja as he was ready to get back up and take her down.

Robo-Blaze was taking on Ben as his Saber clashed with Ben’s Saber. Neither could get to each other, until Ben kicked him down. “Hydro Punch!” He shouted, as his punch emitted a green tidal wave which sen Robo-Blaze back a total of 10 feet, before falling to a ledge. “I’m rusted!” He said angrily, as he tried to get up, but his body parts were frozen.

“He’s all wet!” Ben said, victoriously. However, Big Mac was about to strike him from behind!

Steel took notice and called for him. “BEN! BEHIND YOU!” He shouted.

Ben saw his attacker, and turned to throw a punch at him, sending him at least a few feet back. “Thanks!” He said with relief as he was ready to strike him down again.

Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Robo-Roxy were still going at it, and it looked like it would be a sweet & smoky victory for our little duo, but Robo-Roxy whapped the drake in the face hard, sending him down to the ground.

“Spike!” Pinkie shouted as she tried to head for him, but Robo-Roxy tripped her up, as she fell to the ground too.

“Ouch!” Spike said, as he rubbed his nose. They were then horrified upon seeing Robo-Roxy looming over them. “No!” They both shouted in unison.

“Now to make you two the icing on Cosmos’s wedding cake!” Roxy sneered as she aimed her blasters at them. The little drake, and party mare could do nothing but cower in fear and pray for a miracle. However, two blurs struck the blasters out of her hands!

“What?!” She asked in rage. “Who did that?!” She turned to see Starlight and Capper, ready to fight her.

“Time to send you back to the junkyard!” Starlight said, as she and Capper both nodded.

“Buzz off!” Capper pointed at her.

“I’ll fly when I’m good and ready!” Robo-Roxy shouted as she zapped them immediately, sending them to the ground.

“STARLIGHT! CAPPER!” Spike and Pinkie both shouted in horror, as they saw their friends get beaten.

At that moment, the CMCs, Applejack & Fluttershy ran up to them. “Starlight! Capper!” The kind mutated friend as she flew by to them.

“Are y’all okay?” Applejack asked them.

“App…jack?” she whirled around at the croaky sound of Starlight’s voice.

“Starlight!” Applebloom held the her head in her hooves. “What happened? Please!” She wanted some answers.

“Caught… in fight… between…Roxy…Mac and Luna,” the filly barely wheezed, before her head flopped and she went still.

“STARLIGHT, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!” Sweetie Belle shouted in panic, to which they heard evil laughing. They turned to see Luna and Robo-Roxy and growled.

“There’s a new queen in town!” Roxy proclaimed.

“And, her name is Cosmos!” Luna added, as They aimed her weapons at them, as they just continued to snarl.

“Don’t bet on it!” Applejack said gruffly.

Luna fired a myriad of beams at them, sending them down to the ground. They groaned, as they tried to get back up, but Luna put her hoof down on Applejack, and used her magic on the rest, making them unable to get back up.

“Don’t bother!” She said smugly. “That is impenetrab—!” However, she was cut off by a few laser blasts, which whizzed past them. “What in Equestria?!” She was shocked to see Rarity, and Discord running up to them.

“Guys!” Discord shouted as he pointed harshly toward them. “Perhaps you should let US be the first to know that our unwanted guests...”

“Stop butting in our way, Darling!” Luna said, as she and Roxy fired at them, but Rarity deflected the blasts with her shield.

“Discord! Hold them off, while I go find the others!” Rarity instructed him.

He nodded. “You got it, Rarity!” He said, as he lurched toward them, and delivered a sucker punch.

“Why you!” Roxy snarled as she got her fists ready.

“Ha!” Discord said bravely as a projectile beam missed him. “My friends always insist you can’t judge a creature by their look...” Robo-Roxy and Luna continued to fire at him, but he continued to dodge them. “...but I know a shifty deceiver when I see one!” He snapped his fingers, and the ground turned into a crocodile that chomped up the two divas and spat them on the ground, back to Zecora and Cadence.

“You okay?” Zecora asked, as she and her subordinate rushed over to them.

“Yeah!” Luna said. “But, Discord ruined our shot!”

“That’s funny, coming from a sadistic ex girlfriend, who took over my friends!” They turned to see Discord himself, land before them, and they growled.

Nate and Steel were shocked upon seeing him here. “Discord, what are you doing?” Steel asked in shock.

“Y’know...” Discord said, ignoring the Silver Ranger’s comment. “Usually, the company here is lovely, but I always get excited when things...change!” he snapped his fingers, and turned into a gray version of Twilight, ready to take them on. He motioned them to come over, which they did and he did a roundhouse kick, sending them to the ground easily like a bunch of pancakes.

“Get out of the way, Discord!” Nate said urgently, as he held his blaster aimed at the cosmic divas.

Discord looked back to the gold and silver Rangers and smiled. “Of course, YOU tend to make things turn into different shapes. So, if I really want to understand you...to walk a mile in your shoes...” Discord snapped his fingers at the two, making them mutate into bugs...specifically, the size of a human fists. “I should try on a few alt modes!”

Once Nate and Steel saw their new alt. Modes, they were shocked. “Hey!” Steel said in surprise. “I’m a bug!”

Nate was feeling a sense of horror of his new form. “I don’t want to be a bug!” He yelled.

Discord seized this chance to hover them over to the divas, which you could tell they were bugged. They bugged out at that. “What the—?!” Cadence said as she tried to swat them away. “What are bugs doing here?!”

“Oh, sweet lord!” Zecora said as she tried to swat them too. “It’s getting all buggy!”

“Aaaahhhhhh!” Luna shrieked. “GET THOSE THINGS OFF ME!!!” She tried to use her magic to swat them off, but she wound up, hitting the other subordinates.

Nate and Steel were not enjoying this one bit, as they screamed while Discord moved them to bug out. “DISCORD!” Nate squealed in a high-pitched bug voice. “CHANGE US BACK RIGHT NOW!”

Discord was surprised as he turned back into his form. He groaned, and snapped his fingers. “Fine.” He sighed. “If you Beetleborgs are going to be wet blankets about this.” His snap reverted them rangers back into their forms, making them fall on their feet as they got ready to fight.

“That’s it!” Cadence shouted as the divas aimed their weapons at the heroes. “Say goodbye, rangers!” Discord and his pals braced for impact.

“We go ‘bang bang’ now!” Robo-Roxy sneered as she got ready to pull the trigger.

However, they never got the chance as Rarity, Spike, Pinkie and Capper blasted them from above, as they jumped down to join their friends. “What?!” Robo-Roxy asked in rage. “Again?!”

“You’ve got to stop this!” Spike said, pointing his finger at them. But, the divas blasted them again, only for the fashionista’s shield to block it again.

“All right!” Pinkie said as her friend took her shield down. “Look! You obviously have some serious emotional problems you’re dealing with!”

“Yeah!” Capper added. “You ever consider group therapy?”

“This is getting really old!” Spike said, as he started to spew another fireball.

“Hey, I like dirt as much as the next guy!” Rarity said, as she got herself into a fighting pose, while she cracked a bunch of dirt in her hoof.

“Too bad it doesn’t show in your style, Rarity!” Luna joked, as the others sniggered.

“You did NOT just bag on my fashion!” She furiously shouted as she ran up to them moon Princess, and punched her square in the nose.

Luna felt the blood rush through, and got mad as she used her magic to pull her away, but Rarity was so angry that she would never back down from a fight. She kept using her hooves, to grab at her, while she did the same. Eventually, she had her pinned to a beach rock. However, she refused to give up. “You want some more?!” Luna asked her gruffly.

“BEAST BEAMS!” Ben, Spike, Sweetie Belle and Starlight shouted as they fired at the evil divas, throwing them off course, and off Rarity.

Ben seized this chance to aim the Ultra Blaster at them, as they did it together. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” They shouted, as a huge circular beam fired at the divas, fiercely overwhelming them, and sending them high in the air, until they landed with a thud.

“Now, just stay down!” Rarity said, posing at them.

“Can we get out of here?” Nate asked them nervously.

“Good idea!” Capper said bravely. “I’m so over this!”

Meanwhile, the main 3 rangers, Cozy and Rainbow were taking care of Celestia and Twilight, who continued to zap them to no avail, as they kept dodging their blasts.

“Hold still while I try to mutate you!” Twilight growled.

“You have to catch me first, Twi!” Devon said bravely as he dashed away from her blasts with his cheetah speed. She shouted as she missed. “Whoa!” Devon gloated. “I guess you’re trying to play catch up!” He zoomed away from her next blast, to hatch his own plan.

Ravi and Rainbow had already both snuck up on their friends’ behind as they immediately struck her down to the ground. “Haha! Gotcha!” Dash joked as they zoomed away for a moment, as they jumped up and gave her a low-powered punch.

“Idiot!” Twilight screamed as she got up. “That is not how you plan a sneak attack!”

“Yeah. Keep telling yourself that!” Ravi said smugly as they both delivered another punch to her front, striking her down safely.

Zoey and Cozy were both striking at Celestia, as she tried to get a good, clear shot at them. “Hold still!” Celestia bellowed. “I need to get a shot of you for my wedding cake!”

“Nope!” Zoey said jokingly, as she whipped out her saber, and slashed a tree with it, almost making it fall down onto her. “You take this!”

Celestia screamed as it almost hit her. Luckily, she was agile enough. “Seriously?! Who even uses a tree for the base of a cake?” She asked. She then felt her flank singe as she screamed, and dashed away from Cozy’s street-fighter themed attack. “And, who would put fire in this?”

“Looks like I’m floundering with your day!” Cozy joked as she ran up to her.

“Holy Toledo!” The sun Princess got scared as she saw both rangers heading towards her from both sides of her. “This attack is going to be the worst!”

“Really?” Zoey asked smugly. “Well, I think it’ll be a breadwinner!” They were about to punch her down, when a red blur struck them both down from behind!

“What?!” Zoey asked in shock, as she looked around. “Devon, if you were going to attack her, just say so!”

“Uh, Zoey?” Cozy asked in fear, as some super Tronics appeared before them. “I don’t think that was Devon!”

Celestia looked shocked, then smiled triumphantly as she saw the Super Tronics coming to her aid. “Looks like I’ll have my way after all!” She cackled. “I’ll go talk to my sisters!” She teleported away to the other subordinates.

“No!” Zoey shouted as their enemy ran.

Ravi, Devon and Rainbow instantly took notice and were shocked. “Oh, great! We needed those EXTRA Tronics!” She groaned in exasperation.

“They look tough! Better take care of them!” Ravi said, as they ran over to help their friends.

They both ran to them, and used their weapons. “BEAST SLASH!” Ravi shouted, as he tried to slash a few. But to their surprise, their weapons barely made a dent in the tronic armor.

“What the?!” Ravi asked in shock.

“Their armor didn’t blow!” Rainbow said in sheer shock, as a few of them knocked them down. Luckily, they both got back up.

Devon took notice of his friends in danger, and had to rush over to help them. “Ravi! Rainbow!” Devon called out. But to his surprise, a few super Tronics appeared before him. “Uh oh!” He said as he used his saber to slash them, only to find out it had the same effect, as Ravi’s did.

“Oh, man!” He said. “I never knew their armor was that strong!” He tried to attack them, but they struck him down, and flipped him over!

Cozy and Zoey were trying to take care of them too, as they tried to slash them, but they were too strong. “They’re swarming all over us!” Cozy said in horror.

“Us too!” Rainbow said, as another cluster of Super Tronics formed a web of swords to block out their attacks.

“I can’t move!” Devon said, as the Super Tronics secured him in place. The rangers were all overwhelmed, by the might of these new mutated Tronics, that it would take an even stronger piece of weaponry to take them down.

“I think it’s time to break out the hardware!” Ravi alerted Devon.

“Good call, Ravi!” Devon agreed. “Let’s do it!” He hit his transporter. “TRANSPORT! BEAST-X VISOR!” His red power up visor, arrived to him, and he whapped a few tronics out of the way to grab it.

Ravi and Zoey took this opportunity to summon them too, as they nodded at each other, and did the same. “TRANSPORT!” They shouted as their visors appeared to them.

“See you later!” Ravi said, as he used his strength to push them away, and they struggled to break free just in time.

“VISORS LINKED!” All 3 rangers said, linking their visors with their Morphers. They readied their Morph-X Keys at once. “ACTIVATE BEAST-X MODE!” They called out, as they were transformed into their power-up forms.

“BEAST-X MODE READY!” They shouted as they were ready to face the new super Tronics for the first time. They charged at them.

Devon started the fight off, using his cheetah speed to zoom past them. Once there, he gave them super strong punches, and even slashed a few with his fist, sending a few down to the ground.

He was ready to activate his finisher! “BEAST-X CHEETAH CHARGE!” He shouted as he turned into a holographic version of his Zord, and charged through them, making a few explode.

Zoey was jumping above them with her jackrabbit powers, and landed a few feet from them. “Catch me if you can!” She said, as she activated her finisher. “BEAST-X JACKRABBIT SPIN STRIKE!” She shouted as she jumped up into mid air, and then spun around while performing a powerful spinning kick to the Super Tronics, making them down and out.

Ravi and Cozy were going at it with Twilight, and were about to finish it, western style as the sides posed like time stood still. Twilight posed before them. “Had enough?!” She asked, smiling evilly.

“YOU WISH!” Cozy shouted as they charged toward their Princess friend. They used their fists to strike her down, and out for the count, but instead, there were super Tronics in her place, as they did what they were planning to do!

“Hey! Not cool!” Ravi shouted as they posed to take care of the super Tronics. A few of them grabbed the two rangers, and they were thrown up into the sky, before they landed on their backs...every muscle in their body aching.

Twilight sneered as she slowly walked up to them and put her hoof on Ravi, smiling evilly. “You’re strong...” she said calmly, before her voice got all demonic again. “BUT FOOLISH!”

“Nobody calls us foolish!” Ravi shouted in rage as they got up, and delivered a ferocious uppercut to the villains, making them stagger back.

They landed on the ground safely, and were ready to activate their finishers. “Ready, Cozy?” He asked.

Cozy nodded. “Always.” They readied their strength for these attacks.

“BEAST-X MODE GORILLA SLAM!” Ravi shouted, as he produced a block of titanium, and swung it at the super Tronics.

“HADOKEN!” Cozy erupted as her fist glowed a bright shade of orange. Together, both attacks easily overwhelmed Twilight and the Super Tronics, as she staggered back, feeling weakened. However, the Tronics were easily wiped out, and were finished, as they exploded.

“No! My Super Tronics!” Twilight cried out in sheer shock as she was now the only one left.

“And, that’s how you get it done!” Cozy said triumphantly, as she and Ravi did a hi-five.

“Yeah!” Ravi added in huge agreement, as their group of Super Tronics was done for.

At that moment, their good friends arrived, and were excited that most of the super Tronics were defeated. “All right, Dude!” Devon said happily.

“I can’t believe we did it!” Fluttershy said excitedly.

“Now, It's time to end this chaotic ex once and for all!” Nate said, as he pointed toward Twilight, who was shocked that she was outnumbered.

“Yeah!” They all shouted, as Twilight cowered in fear.

“TRANSPORT! ULTRA BOW!” Devon said, as he summoned their arrow-like weapon. “All right, everyone! Use low power at the ready!” He warned his friends.

“Right!” They said as they gathered to hold it in place with him. The target was locked. Their aim was clear!

“FIRE!” They all shouted, as they launched the arrow at her. It looked like it would be the end of Cosmos possessing Twilight! Right?

WRONG! Because right at that moment, Celestia & the rest of the subordinates, including the Robo-Generals had arrived on the spot, and were ready to do their power play on the rangers!

“ENOUGH!” Celestia shouted. “We will NOT let ourselves be trampled by a bunch of puny humans and ponies!” They all combined their powers to deflect the blasts, and send it RIGHT back to the rangers!

“NOOOOOOO!” The heroes all shouted, as they were hit by the blasts, which made them tumble down to the ground. As that happened, the Beast-X Mode armor was stripped off of the rangers, as the beast bots were sent to the ground as well. Even the CMCs.

“CRUISE!” Devon shouted.

“SMASH!” Ravi yelled.

“JAX!” Zoey screamed.

“You’re little beast bots can’t help you now!” Twilight said, as she and her team walked up to the heroes smugly.

The rangers and ponies were feeling weak from the Cosmic team’s attack, as they continued to struggle. But, so far, their attempts were futile.

“We’re done for!” Ravi said in pain.

“I can’t believe Twilight and the others weren’t affected by our attacks!” Starlight said in horror, and pain.

“Guess I was wrong when I thought this would be easy!” Nate said, as he groaned in pain.

“So uncool!” Rainbow moaned.

“That’s really done goofed!” Applejack said sadly.

“Of all the things that could happen to our friends, this is the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!” Rarity said tiredly, and in pain.

“We failed!” Zoey said in disappointment.

“I can’t believe it! It might all be over!” Ben grunted as well.

“How could Twilight have put up that shield?” Capper asked in surprise, as he groaned.

“Oh man!” Steel said in frustration.

“No!” Fluttershy said softly as she griped.

“Oh, no!” Discord said sadly, as he struggled. “It’s happening again!”

“I can’t believe we lost Twilight!” Spike said in horror.

“We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party pooper ever!” Pinkie said, as she cried.

“I hate to admit it, but I think the Commander was right!” Devon said as he groaned.

Twilight and her subordinates laughed as they slowly walked up to them evilly. “You were good, rangers!” She said. “But not good enough to beat...COSMOS!” The six possessed components readied up their horns, and aimed at the heroes.

“Oh, no! DEVON!” Cruise shouted as he saw the Princesses about to shoot them.

“GUYS!” Cozy shouted in terror. But, it was too late.

“And so, the battle ends!” Twilight roared with victory as they, along with Robo-Blaze and Roxy, fired a huge pink laser beam, that overwhelmed all the heroes entirely, except those who were watching in horror, as they could do nothing but see the scene unfold before their very own eyes.

“NOOOOOO!” Cruise shouted.

“RAVI!” Smash yelled.

“ZOEY!” Jax called out.

“NO! RANGERS!” The Crusaders all cried out at the same time.

“GUYS! NO!” Cozy screamed at the sky. “TWILIGHT!”

At Grid Battleforce, Commander Shaw was terror stricken at the scene that unfolded. “RANGERS!” She shouted in horror.

“Commander...” General Burke said solemnly as he walked up to her in her time of grieving. “This might be it.” He patted her, for solace. The Commander looked like she was going to cry, at the loss of the blue ranger, her son, and the team she had put together...including their allies.

Just then, they both noticed something...glowing. It was a faint glow, but it was rather, purpleish-black as they came to it. “What’s that?” The general asked. He picked it up. “The Beast-X King Activator?”

“What’s happening?” Commander Shaw asked in wonder. “Why is it glowing?”

“I don’t know!” General Burke said in surprise. “It’s like it’s giving someone a seal of approval! Like a chosen one!”

“What do you make of it?” She asked him hopeful, and solemnly.

“I have no idea!” He said. “I’ve never seen anything like this!” They were curious as to why it was doing that.

The rangers were defeated, Twilight and her subordinates may have won, and the Beast-X King Activator was...glowing? What a strange turn of events for Grid Battleforce and our heroes! However, it might not be over yet! The rangers could possibly have survived, and the new glow could be the deciding trump card in the biggest galactic conflict.

Our heroes were at the mercy of the Cosmos Divas. But for Cozy Glow, the Ryu ranger, this could be the passing result of her test that could change the course of the game! And, it was about to change for her...and everyone in a very big way!

Part 12: Rise Of The Midnight Walker

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When we last left the rangers & ponies, were shown to be decimated by Twilight Sparkle, and her subordinates, along with Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy. And the Beast-X King Activator was glowing too! It looked like it was the end for our heroes, but was it...?

When the smoke dissolved from the destruction of the final blow from Twilight, it revealed a few multicoloured blurs, still struggling to get up. And, it looked like the rangers and their allies were still alive! However, they were too weak to fight from that combined blast, as they struggled to get up but kept limping down.

Their friends were relieved to see they survived. “Devon‘s still alive!” Cruise said with relief.

“But, they’re still weakened!” Jax said in alarm, pointing to them.

“They gotta get back up!” Smash said as well.

“They’re too weak!” Applebloom said in shock.

“But...look there!” Sweetie Belle shouted, pointing to a gold/crimson-like ranger, who was still standing.

The others saw, and were surprised to see this happening before their own eyes. It appeared to them, that Cozy Glow...the Ryu Ranger...was still standing! And, she wasn’t backing down.

“Cozy‘s still alive too!” Scootaloo said excitedly.

“But, she’s also weak, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle started to argue.

“I don’t think so.” Applebloom disagreed. “Look!” They all saw, and were surprised to see that she refused to go down yet! Little did everyone know that this would be a time to turn the tide of this galactic fight!

The rangers, and their allies were a little too weak to get back up and fight, but Cozy Glow wasn’t down and out yet! She refused to give up and admit defeat, and was ready to continue fighting.

“Oh, man!” Ravi said, as he struggled. “I can’t believe we lost that easily! How are we supposed to stop them?!”

“We didn’t lose yet, Ravi!” Steel said confidently.

“What are you talking about, Steel?” Ravi asked again.

“Look!” He pointed to the Ryu Ranger, who was still standing.

Everyone was surprised to see Cozy still up and running, as she ran to to them.

“Rangers!” She said in shock. “You need to get up! Come on!” She struggled to get them back up on their feet. But, they were too weak to do so.

Twilight and her subordinates were shocked to see Cozy still alive, but scoffed not expecting one ranger to take them down. “You're kidding.” She joked, before getting serious. “You're kidding, right?”

Cozy growled as she clenched her fists. “You keep telling yourself that!” She snapped. She ran toward them, furiously.

“COZY!” They all shouted in horror.

I won’t let you lay another finger on the Power Rangers!” Cozy bellowed, as she readied up her attack. “HADOKEN!” But, to her surprise, the subordinates and robot Generals deflected her attack, and blasted her, sending her down.

“NO!” They all shouted, as they saw her start to fall. But, she only was on her knees as she went down.

Cozy was scared, and didn’t know what to do as she struggled. She saw her friends on the ground and gasped. “GUYS! NO!” she shouted in horror as they were beaten, she was even more frightened when she saw the cosmic legion about to strike her.

What am I going to do now?!” she thought, scared. “I thought we could handle this, but Twilight and the others are too strong! I’m scared and I don’t know what to do!!!” she still struggled to get up.

“What do I do”? She said, scared as she saw their enemies about to attack her.

“You fool!” Luna sneered at Cozy Glow. “Did you really think you could defeat us?!”

“Now you will never see your friends, or this world again!” Twilight said, as she smiled evilly. “The malice will last forever!” They all laughed, as Cozy could only watch in horror. She was in tight spots before, but this was her tightest.

She started to slunk in defeat, but then heard a lion call. “Huh?” She asked. “What’s that?” She turned to see a vision of the Beast-X King Zord calling out to her. She then remembered what the Commander and her friends all said to her, and that she wasn’t useless! She had been for her team before, even since she defected from Tirek and Evox!

That’s when she, herself realized that she’s done a lot in her life, all because she accepted friends, but realizes that she can’t accept the downfall of Equestria or Earth...nor the downfall of her friends. She realized she would do anything to protect them all from Cosmos, and she would accept any responsibility she must do and any challenge she must face to make sure they’re all safe.

Suddenly, she felt her true beast instincts kick in, and a spark or glint through her eyes, like Twilight did, when she first awakened the Elements of Harmony. She gasped in amazement, as she felt this. She wasn’t about to give up! Not at a moment like this! She had to face them!

She slowly got back up, and felt pure rage flowing through her body! She was about to settle this battle...right here, right now!

The cosmic legion turned to see her back up. “Huh?!” The girls shouted in shock.

“What?!” Robo-Blaze asked in rage.

“You think you can destroy me or my friends just like that? Well, you're wrong!” Cozy said, as she furiously pointed to them. “Because I am right here!”

They just scoffed. “Don’t make us laugh!” Celestia said in disbelief. “You’re just a kid!”

“You’re right!” Cozy said bravely. “I may have been horrible when I led Twilight’s school, when she left for Tartarus! I was ready for them to follow me, but... I wasn't ready for my friends to stop me! Sometimes, with a past like your own, you feel like you should never be in charge of anything!” She continued to get up, slowly...her fists clenched, and her breathing, now sounding like growling.

“But, when the odds are against us, and when it seems like it’s a obstacle, it all falls to me to handle this. Because sometimes, like you said, “you always must know when to call for help!”’ She continued to say bravely. “The Mane Six, and Power Rangers all believed in Twilight Sparkle, and they all believe in me, because I have been, and will be there to help them out of such messes like this!”

“She’s basically delirious!” Zecora said jokingly. “Robo-Blaze! Knock some sense into her!”

“Right!” Robo-Blaze nodded. “You’re finished, Cozy!” He performed some swift swipes of his saber, and sent them to the struggling ranger, but they all missed and skidded past her. “What?!”

“It’s didn’t hit her!” Robo-Roxy said in shock. She whipped out her guns, and aimed them. “I’ll make sure I get a clear shot at that little ranger filly!” She pointed them at her. “This time it is you who will suffer!”

However, Cozy was too heated to feel any emotion, as she kept struggling, and yet was slowly walking toward them. “I was afraid I might go back to being the pony I used to be, after the rangers saved me!” She continued. “But I realize that sometimes you don't have a choice. You have to step up. And I have changed! I know I can handle it. Whether that means saving Equestria or helping friends out.” The cosmic divas, and generals tried to blasts her, but she refused to back down, as she was still standing and walking towards them.

“You know, you got it all wrong with what Lord Tirek even taught me!” Cozy strongly disagreed with her philosophy earlier, as she still advanced. Friendship isn't power. Friendship is magic! You can't stop me from trying, and we could be stuck doing this for all eternity!” The villains still continued to blast her, as she kept coming to them. Twilight, and the others started to get a little nervous, but Cozy was brave as she still continued forward.

“What you're doing goes way beyond what Starlight did to Twilight back when they time traveled!” The rangers looked at Starlight, who blushed a pure shade of red as she said that. “the fate of Equestria and Earth hangs in the balance!” The blasts kept coming, but she kept standing. “I've seen it a dozen times! Things don't turn out well without my friends! The differences between me and my friends are the very things that make our friendship strong!”

“Ugh!” Luna groaned. “What's so special about your friends?! How can a group of ponies and humans that are so different be so important?!” She and the other subordinates kept on firing.

“We've faced countless enemies before, and we've always succeeded, no matter the odds. That wouldn't be possible without all of them!” She pointed at the rangers as she said that. “Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did? I may be looking like a true survivor, yet I’m feeling like a little kid! We've proven time and time again that the real magic is us working together! With my friends by my side, I'm not afraid of you, what you can do, or how much power you have!"

The Cosmic group wasn’t about to back down either, as they kept readying their weapons. “She’s not backing down!” Cadence shouted.

“I know that!” Robo-Blaze said, angrily. “Keep shooting her!” They nodded, as they continued to keep firing at her, but to no avail, as she didn’t go down so easily.

“You may knock me down, but I will get back up again!” Cozy deflected the blasts with her arm gauntlets, as they went to different areas of the ground. “And again! And again! As long as I have my friends, I will never stop trying to defeat you!” She kept shielding herself from the attacks, with her gold armor on her suit, still refusing to admit defeat! “Each of my friends has taught me something different about myself! It was their unique gifts and passions and personalities that helped bring out the magic, and power inside of me! I never would have learned that I’d be the Ryu Ranger, after what they did to save my world, but I certainly wouldn't be here to stop you now!” She pointed at them again furiously.

“Spare me your sentimental nonsense!” Celestia barked. “No group of friends, not even YOURS, is that important!” They started to cease fire, but still kept blasting her a little.

“I told you guys before, didn’t I?” Cozy asked, as she looked at her team, smiling. “No matter what happens, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” The others were shocked, that she believed in them, and that she was now believing in her own self.

Twilight just growled. “Nobody except us!” Twilight said as she walked slowly towards her.

Cozy turned to the villains, and smiled bravely. “Starting today, I’ll be your opponent!” She proclaimed as she hit her gold armor vest on her suit. “TRANSPORT!”

The Beast-X King activator was teleported out of Grid Battleforce, much to Commander Shaw & General Burke’s surprise. They couldn’t believe it was happening! “It can’t be!” The general said in surprise.

“And yet, it’s happening!” Commander Shaw agreed as well, as she rushed over to the monitors and saw Cozy holding the new morpher in her hand.

The activator was teleported to her, as she caught it. “I’ve been waiting for a moment like this!” She said bravely to herself out loud, as she slammed it onto her left wrist. Her fist was clenched as positioned it to her.

“Beast-X King Morpher...Initiate!” Cozy commanded, as she hit a button, and the activator was powered up, and roared to life. A roar was heard as the wind blew by her helmet, and she smiled bravely from inside. She got ready. “It’s Morphin Time! Activate Beast Powers!” She got the Beast-X King Morph-X key, and readied it up. She got into a fighting stance as she plugged the key in the activator.

“Jungle Beast...” Cozy shouted, as she turned the key, and the activator’s visor unfolded. “SPIRIT UNLEASHED!

The light from the Morpher intensified greatly, as Cozy threw her arms down in an action-like manner. A orange/crimson aura surrounded her as rocks rose up like a CGI earthquake! Her Ryu ranger suit evaporated, as well as her Power Morpher and coin. Then, a black tornado of energy descended and swirled around the Alicorn filly. Black armor pieces...similar to Devon’s Beast-X mode materialized and spun around her, as the tornado dissipated to reveal her new suit. The armor then fused itself onto her suit, as Cozy closed her eyes and her helmet was formed. The visor from the activator flew onto her helmet, and linked with it, shining brightly as it shown some teeth-like markings on the edges.

When the transformation finished, the rangers and their equestrian allies were surprised at what they saw. So we’re the villains, as they never expected to see this vision standing before them! The figure appeared to be a ranger, looking almost identical to Devon’s Beast-X mode, only the suit, and armor was coloured jet black, and the neck collar on the suit was coloured white. The transporter on the suit was coloured silver and gold like Nate and Steel’s. But, what was also different was that her visor was shining black with a white outline, and some teeth-like decals on it as it it were a mouth. This was not just any ranger...this was the 7th ranger, and the one to contain the Power of lion DNA. This was the Black Beast Morphers ranger.

Midnight Walker....BLACK BEAST RANGER!” Cozy shouted as she posed, with an explosion of black smoke happening behind her.

The rangers were in shock and awe at the sight of her new ranger form, that not even words could describe it! “Unbelievable!” Discord said in shock.

“Holy Toledo!” Capper said in surprise.

“Whoa!” Spike said as well.

“Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!” Rainbow gasped in amazement.

“Whoa Nelly!” Applejack said in shock. “I’ve never seen anything like this!”

“She turned into a Black ranger!” Rarity said in awe. “Quite incredible!”

“WHOA!” The Crusaders all said in shock at the sight of their friend’s new ranger form.

“Oh...my!” Fluttershy gasped in excitement.

“I’m just as shocked as you!” Starlight said in sheer surprise.

“Black ranger party!” Pinkie squealed out.

“Phenomenal!” Steel agreed as well.

“All right!” Ben called out.

“Cozy...Cozy just morphed!” Nate said excitedly.

“All right, Cozy!” Devon shouted.

“Sweet!” Zoey agreed.

“Yeah!” Ravi said in amazement.

Tempest also caught sight of this new ranger, and was too surprised at her appearance. “A new ranger?” she wondered in amazement. She saw the suit, and tried to make out what it’s shape was.

It looks like the red ranger’s Beast-X Mode…” she thought out loud. “…but at the same time, kinda not. Who is she?” She was curious as to why she was here, and what her intentions were as she continued to watch the fight.

Twilight and the other subordinates growled upon seeing her appearance. “Not another Power Ranger!” Luna said in shock.

“Hey, Princesses!” Cozy said as she slowly, but smugly walked up to them. “I’m a little new at this game. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to use you as practice dummies. Is that okay?”

“NEVER!” Big Mac shouted in rage. “We’re going to use you!”

“We don’t care WHAT color you are!” Robo-Blaze said, as he aimed his raper toward her. “You're still going down!”

“I don’t think so!” Cozy said, as she wasn’t scared of the divas, Blaze, Roxy OR their weapons!

“SUPER TRONICS!” Twilight shouted as the remaining Super Tronics arrived on the spot and posed before their new enemy. “ATTACK!” Twilight shouted, as she gave an evil smirk as the super foot soldiers ran up to the new ranger.

It was time to bring out the new black ranger out onto the battlefield, as she slowly moved her foot on the ground, dusting it off like a baseball player. Her hands clenched into fists, and got into a running start pose. “Alright...” she said smugly. “Let’s play!” She ran toward the foot soldiers and the new Ranger’s debut fight was on!

Steel got back up. “I’ll take them on!” He said, bravely.

“Wait!” Nate said as he got back up, and stopped his brother. “Watch her!”

Cozy started her fight off by throwing powerful punches, more powerful than Devon’s, toward the super tronics. She even threw a few of them over her, as she dashed away. She tackled another Tronic and went to a few more, easily beating them, one by one with her punches, which proved to be too much for the Super foot soldiers, as they were almost weakened entirely.

The Super Tronics were all bound together in a weakened pile of limp multicoloured bodies, as Cozy raced toward them and skidded to a stop. “Time to test out my Lion power!” She said, confidently as she, got into a running pose, and channeled her energy and got ready to execute the finisher.

“BEAST-X KING FINAL COLOSSAL CRUSH!” She shouted as she went through the channeled energy cylinder and became a holographic version of the Beast-X King zord, striking the Super Tronics down instantly, as they were decimated in a matter of seconds.

She skidded to a stop, and turned back to the Tronics as she watched them explode. She smiled smugly. “That takes care of those Super Tronics!” She said triumphantly, as she turned to face the Divas. “Now for you!”

Twilight and the others were shocked as they saw that the Super Tronics that Cosmos created were easily defeated by the black Ranger’s new power! “How is this possible?!” She shrieked in shock. “Those Super Tronics were more powerful than ANY tronic!”

“This can’t be!” Luna shouted in horror.

“Because, my teammates are more than that! They’re my friends! And, they’re always there for me! And if one group of friends dies, the results could be disastrous!” Cozy said to them. “And, we work together! I never could've stopped you if I hadn't learned what the Rangers taught me about friendship!”

“You can’t beat alicorn magic!” Celestia boomed demonically. “Only they can use that sort of magic!”

“Yes, but you forget Celestia...I am a princess too!” Cozy said bravely. “And, it’s time to show you how powerful I am!” She hit her transporter. “TRANSPORT...BEAST-X KING BLASTER!” Her steering wheel Beast Bot partner appeared in wheel mode, and she converted it into blaster mode.

“You really think one more ranger is going to make a difference?” Cadence asked skeptically.

“Yes!” Cozy shot back. “Because, I have this!” She showed them her Beast-X King Blaster, and aimed it at the villains. “Time to even the score!”

“Whoa! Wow!” The rangers, and the others all whooped in excitement and surprise upon seeing what their friend was about to pull out on them.

The Divas and generals were shocked upon seeing this, and started to get scared. “Whoa! Look at that thing!” Zecora said in terror.

“Let’s get out of here!” Robo-Roxy said scared.

“Wait!” Robo-Blaze said both serious and stern. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” And they both teleported away, leaving only the divas alone to face the new ranger.

“Uh-oh!” Twilight said in shock. “My Robo-Buddies have bailed!”

“You ready, Rory?” Cozy asked her blaster partner.

“I’ve been ready for centuries!” Rory said, which confirmed his answer as yes.

“Bring it!” She said, as she aimed the blaster, and got a good target lock on them.

The Cosmic Divas knew they had to do something! “She’s about to fire!” Zecora said in shock.

“Do something!” Big Mac pressured her quickly.

“Mutate her, already!” Luna shouted, as they all readied their cosmic magic and fired the beams as one toward her.

“Oh no!” The heroes said in shock, as they were about to see their friend get mutated.

“BEAST-X KING ULTRA BLAST!” Cozy shouted, as she pulled her trigger, and the blaster revved up and fired at the cosmic magic blast. “FIRE!”

The two blasts collided in the middle, and so far, it was looking like it would be evenly matched, and one side would wind up withdrawing. The Cosmic divas had to amplify their attacks. “It’s caught in the middle!” Celestia growled, nervously.

“More power!” Twilight shouted as they used their magic to send their blast closer to the Black Ranger. However, Cozy wouldn’t give up that easily as she kept grunting to keep her blast alive. The cosmic blast was coming closer to her, and it looked like Cozy would lose, but she felt her Beast instincts kick in, and she felt a little spark in her eyes. She growled, and pulled her trigger even harder.

“NO!” She shouted furiously, as she sent her blast close to the villain divas, who tried to push their power over to her, but to no avail as Cozy kept pushing it toward them, unwilling to give up, and still going strong.

Finally, both blasts were once again caught in the middle. It looked like there would be no end to this battle, until Cozy kept firing from her blaster, and started to send the blasts toward the Diva’s way! The divas gasped in horror as they saw they blasts coming RIGHT toward them! They tried pushing their power back to give them the advantage.

As they pushed each other’s powers back, Cozy let out a chuckle. “Y’know Twilight, it’s been a long time since you and I have fought.” She said to them smugly. “You were the hero, and I was the villain, trying to steal all the magic from the Friendship school!” The blasts started to come closer toward the divas as they struggled to push back, but her powers kept coming closer, and closer! “This is similar to one of our earlier battles, only it’s a role reversal, Twilight!” The ranger roasted them. “Only, this time I’m the good guy, and you’re the bad guy! Strange, isn't it?”

The blast kept coming to the villains, and they felt like they were unable to push it back. Cozy seized this chance to use high power on her blaster, as she pulled the trigger, and fired. “Ha!” She shouted, as the blast was pushed toward the divas, and it was so powerful, that the blast hit them, overwhelming the villains, and sending them down and out for the count. An explosion happened in place of the Divas, as she turned to the fourth wall.

“And that’s how you get er done!” She said in triumph, as she left the explosive scene.

“Yeah!” Tempest said from afar, not too loud in relief upon seeing her victory of the diva group’s defeat.

Her friends ran up to her excitedly, and were amazed that she was able to take them all by herself. “Cozy that was phenomenal!” Nate said happily. “I can't believe you managed to do it all by yourself!”

“And you morphed into the Black Ranger!” Steel added. “That was incredible!”

Cozy blushed a little bit, as she waved her hand. “It was nothing really.” She said.

“Oh, but it isn't nothing, it's everything!” Rarity said, feeling proud at her.

“It was amazing!” Capper said excitedly as well.

“I agree!” Rainbow said, as she jumped in excitement. “No one's ever stood up to Cosmos or Twilight like that!”

“Oh, I just did what anypony would have done.” Cozy said with relief.

“We didn't know you could fight like that!” Scootaloo shouted, as she was smiling brightly.

“That was so cool!” Sweetie Belle said as well. “I mean...that heroic step you lept...we were almost done for, and then you saved us from plummeting to our doom!” She was so happy, that she could almost burst. “What an incredible feat!”

“Well, it's a funny story-” Cozy started to say, as they heard a combination of an angry yell and a snarl. They turned to see a few figures getting up from the heat of the explosion. Cozy and the others were shocked to find out Twilight and her subordinates were still alive. “What?” She asked in curiosity.

The divas were in a rage, as their manes were dishevelled, and there were a few scratches on their hooves. The star gems had a teeny crack in them, but were still intact. “Another wedding crasher?!” Twilight asked furiously as she and her subordinates got up.

“Why did we even bother with invitations?!?!” Celestia asked in shock, as all of their eyes went pink, and then white as a grotesquely coloured purple blur swirled around them.

“That doesn’t look good!” Starlight said in shock upon seeing this.

“What are they doing?!” Rainbow Dash asked in shock, getting scared. The blur kept swirling around the subordinates, until they were no longer seen, as only laughs by them could be heard in the distance.

“Whoa!” Nate said in surprise.

“No way!” Steel said as well. The tornado kept swirling higher, and higher until it was as high as a skyscraper. A claw could be seen coming out of it. Then, another claw, and then a fully coloured dragon/pony-like head, and then wings! It roared, as its arms were stretched out of the tornado. Then, it finally disappeared to reveal a multi-coloured giant Draconniqus...Cosmos!

Cosmos’s appearance towards the rangers was...different, than last time. She had a red pony-like face, and a zebra-coloured neck and torso. Her legs were red, and white on the bottom like Big Mac’s with a few stripes on her body similar to Zecora’s. She had navy blue arms, and claws as well as feathered dragon-like wings coloured like Luna’s coat was as well. She also now had a pony mane, coloured similar to Twilght and Cadence. She even had a tail, much similar to Celestia’s sea green flowing mane color.

However, what really stood out, was her armor. She had Royal regalia armor on her feet, her arms, her chest and even she had a crown on her head with multiple unicorn horns sticking out of it. She even had a few ears on both both sides of her head, and also earrings on her ears, like Zecora did. Also on her armor, she had a cosmic star gem built in on all 6 pieces.

She roared to the sky, and bent down to look at the heroes. She smiled evilly. “I’M NOT FINISHED YET, RANGERS!” She bellowed, as they all were shocked at her appearance.

“That’s Cosmos?” Devon asked, pointing up to her.

“Must be.” Ravi confirmed, judging by how they saw her. “By the looks of it!”

“Well, there’s something you don’t see everyday!” Spike said in agreement with Ravi.

“Whoa, she looks massive!” Steel said, pointing at her immense size.

“And, she looks like a fusion of all our friends!” Rainbow said horrified, “Not hard to put 2 and 2 together, Steel!”

“The tornado got them!” Zoey exclaimed.

“Right in the stars!” Capper said in surprise as well.

“It’s going from bad to worse!” Ben said in shock.

“Oh dear!” Starlight said, scared.

Discord saw her, and was scared and shocked at the same time. “I’d never thought I’d see the day.” He said with a calm tone, yet still feeling his emotion.

“Maybe, we should’ve recessed the situation, and took cover?!” Rarity shrieked at her frightful shape and ginormous size.

“You think?!” Nate asked, stressed as if they had enough problems to deal with already.

“Hello, Darling!” Cosmos said, softly as she started to lean over to Discord.

“Whoa!” Everyone all said, as they started to back away.

“Looks like you put on a few!” Nate said, pointing to her.

“Hey, you might want to try cutting out carbs!” Ben called out to her.

“Watch out!” Applejack said, as she was about to put her foot down on the team.

“Watch your step!” Cosmos laughed evilly, as everyone got out of the way of her giant feet.

They all regrouped, and it looked like this was going to be a little harder than they thought. “Guys, I think we’ve got ourselves some trouble!” Cozy said bravely and nervously.

“Big trouble!” Zoey said as well. Cosmos was back to her true form, but now mismatched of many ponies and other creatures. And the rangers and their allies needed to act fast and stop her, and even restore Twilight! But, they would have to do it quickly before it was too late.

Part 13: Cosmos & The Titan

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When we last left the rangers and Ponies, they were already at the mercy of Discord’s most sadistic, galactic Ex...Cosmos! Oh, and Twilight and her subordinates have merged into her, as well as Cozy becoming the Black ranger! Cosmos was about to squish the heroes flat. Which meant the rangers needed some backup right away!

She tried to reach for them, but they all dodged her massive claw! “Uh, how about we regroup?” Discord asked them nervously.

“How are we supposed to defeat her when she’s got all those ponies...what?” Rarity asked, scared and pointing at the looming she-demon. “INSIDE HER? WHY IS SHE SO BIG? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!”

“Uh, long story!” Ben explained.

“Well, This is our first giant monster fight, and none of us are bailing!” Scootaloo said bravely.

“We gotta step in and, all of our friends just fused!” Applejack deduced, “And we’re the only ones who know how to handle this!”

“Affirmative!” Nate agreed. “It’s those stars!” He pointed to each of the stars on the armor pieces of Cosmos’s body. “They’re what’s keeping her together!”


“DISCORD! RANGERS! YOU ARE TRYING MY PATIENCE!” Cosmos shouted as she tore a few mountains from the ground, and tossed them to the side.

“So, those gems are...targets?” Starlight wondered. “Well, we can take them out!”

“And, then what?!” Ravi and Steel both asked.

“Well, when the gems were apart, Cosmos couldn’t fully form.” Starlight figured out. “And, she didn’t have those stars originally.”

“If that’s true, then what Celestia did to lock her away separated her into those six gems!” Capper agreed.

“Then, we need to get those gems, and destroy them!” Zoey alerted. “If they contain all her magic, no stars mean...”

“No Cosmos! Of course!” Ben said in excitement as well.

“Get the gems. Got it!” Applebloom recapped. “But, how do we get rid of her?”

“Maybe, I’d better explain!” Discord said, as he rallied up the others. “It took the combined magics of six beings, and the elements of Harmony to destroy her! The Princesses locked her away in the sky, but...we don’t have a Princess!”

Just then, Rarity came up with an idea. “True...” she said smugly. “We don’t have a Princess...but we do have a dragon!” She pointed to Spike as she said that, grinning.

“Huh?” Spike asked, confused.

“Yeah, well we got a few Zords with a lot of force!” Devon shot back interfering with the plan! “Let’s use them!”

“Oh, yes!” Rarity said, upon realizing the rangers’ method. She giggled and blushed. “I suppose I could’ve suggested that too!”

“Then, let’s do it!” Ravi said, as he contacted Commander Shaw. “Commander! Guess what we need?”

“Don’t tell me.” She said, as she hit the zord launch button, launching all 6 Zords to Equestria.

“Time for some big time backup!” Nate added as well, as he and Steel’s teams jumped to their zords.

Cozy was ready to call her Zord, as well. “Hold the last order, Commander!” Cozy said to the Commander through her morpher, as she got out her Morph-X key. “I want to throw some dark on the subject!”

She stretched her arms, and plugged the key in her morpher. “DEPLOY BEAST-X KING ZORD!” She shouted. Pine Ridge Woods split open, as Cozy’s Zord came out into the open, and raced toward the heroes.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Devon shouted he, Zoey, Ravi and Ben’s teams all all jumped to their zords. Cozy followed suit, and jumped to her Zord as well.

“Ooh Ooh! The rangers are headed to the Zords!” Smash said to alert the other Beast Bots.

“And, that’s our cue to help our friends!” Cruise said. “Let’s go!”

“Roger that!” Jax said, as they went to teleported to link with the 3 core zords.

“Systems ready!” Cruise, Smash & Jax all said as they linked up with them. “Zords linked!”

“Boy, are we glad to see you guys!” Ravi said, as he and AJ saw their Bot partner.

“You said it!” Applejack said in agreement as her little sister nodded.

Cozy arrived in her zord, and plugged Rory in. “You ready to rumble, Rory?” She asked her partner.

“I was made ready!” Rory purred with excitement as Cozy hit the gas and joined the others.

Pretty soon, all 7 zords approached Cosmos, who was indeed wrecking the ground in sight. She turned to see the zords, and was shocked. “WHAT?!” She asked in disbelief. “I thought you guys had been in the dust!”

“Forgot about our zords, didn’t you?” Ben asked.

“I don’t care if you have giant animals on your side.” The she-demon growled. “You’re all going down!” She turned to face then, and tried to swat them away, but they dodged her attacks.

“Okay, who has a plan!” Rainbow Dash said, curiously.

“I’d would like it on record if Applejack came up with a plan!” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“I second that.” Applebloom added.

“Third!” Spike added as well.

“Fourth!” Pinkie piped up as well.

“Alright then!” Devon said to his team. “Ravi, & Applejack...you & Applebloom will use the Wheeler Zord, while Rainbow, Scootaloo & I use the Racer Zord to get to Cosmos’s legs!”

“Right!” Ravi’s team said.

“Let’s do it!” Scootaloo said in excitement.

“Zoey, Fluttershy, Ben & Capper...” Devon instructed them. “You guys got the front arms!”

“We’ll use the chopper Zord for her left!” Zoey announced as Fluttershy nodded.

“And, we’ve got the Hydro Zord to rain on her right!” Ben said bravely as Capper nodded.

“You got it!” He added.

“Let’s Rain on that Monster’s parade!” Ribbit piped up.

“Got it!” Devon said. “Nate, Pinkie, and Spike...”

“Uh, Devon? I’m not sure if you noticed, but the Wrecker Zord is used for land usage.” Nate pointed out to him.

“Yeah, and I don’t know if we can get that Zord high enough!” Pinkie agreed.

“It’s like we’d have to drive the Zord OFF a cliff to get to it’s chest plate!” Spike pointed out.

“Like Thelma & Louise?” Ravi asked.

“Thelma & what now?” Applejack asked confused.

“Yeah, Kinda like that.” Nate said to them.

“Okay, scratch that!” Devon said.

“I’ll take over the announcements from here, Devon!” Pinkie said, as she alerted the others. “Steel, Starlight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle!” Can you use the Jet Zord to get to that crown?”

“You got it!” Steel said, excitedly.

“Consider it done, Devon!” Starlight said as well.

“And, Cozy?” Pinkie started.

“Go for that chest plate!” Cozy finished. “Already on it!”

“I’ll help use the Wrecker Zord to help out!” Nate added.

“Alright! Let’s do it!” Devon said, bravely. Everyone else cheered.

“Break!” Everyone shouted. And, those zords split up to execute their mission

A duo of chairs was just assembled atop a mountain. “Sweetums, come here, and see what I made for us!” Cosmos said gleefully, peering down at Discord, who was backing away nervously, while sweating.

The Wheeler and Wrecker Zord advanced towards Cosmos’s legs. Ravi, and Nate’s team nodded as they readied their weapons. “Ready, Guys?” Ravi asked.

“Roger!” Nate’s team answered.

“Rapid Blast!” They shouted, as both zords fired missiles toward her.

Meanwhile, Zoey, Steel and Ben’s teams were swooping down toward the arms and crown stars!

“Coming...” Zoey started.

“...through!” Ben said, as they fired their rapid missiles towards the she-demon as well.

“Going right through the danger zone!” Steel said bravely as he fired his missiles too.

Cosmos took notice, and tried to swat them away, but they kept blasting her. “What...PESKY PEONS GET BACK INTO ONE SPOT!” She shouted angrily. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

“Goodness, gracious great balls of fire!” Rarity whooped in excitement, as they hi-fived upon seeing the fiery inferno that Cosmos was being laid upon.

Devon was ready to make his move as he activated the transformation code to his Zord. “Racer zord! Battle mode!" He shouted, as the racer zord transformed into it's robot-like battle mode.

Cozy formed the Beast-X King Zord in cycle mode, as the Racer Zord climbed on it. The two zords revved up, and reached chest plate level, as the Racer Zord aimed the staff blaster at it. “Ready...” Cozy started.

“...aim...” Devon said. They were in perfect firing range of the gigantic creature’s upper torso. “...“KING COMBO STRIKE!” Devon, Rainbow, Scootaloo & Cozy all shouted, which made the Zord fire its staff at Cosmos.

Unfortunately, she took notice, and aimed her claw at the two zords. “Uh, Uh Uh!” She cackled. “It’s not nice to fight your friends. Her fingers took the form of their friend’s heads, as it fired upon both zords spot on.

“Aaahhh!” Devon, and his team shouted.

“We’ve been hit!” Cruise screamed as the Racer Zord was thrown off, and it landed on its back on the ground.

“DEVON!” Steel & Rarity shouted.

“COZY!” Ben, Nate, Pinkie, Spike & Capper shouted in horror.

“SWEET MOTHER OF APPLESAUCE!” Applejack said in total shock, upon seeing the zords get knocked down.

“Nate!” Ravi alerted his teammate. “The Apples, & I will take the right!”

“Y’all take the left!” Applebloom contacted Nate.

“Roger that!” Nate said, as they turned their zords over to the lower legs of Cosmos, as she was blasting the sky and mountains.

“Wait, did you mean OUR left, or HER left?” Pinkie asked quizzically. “That’s like ‘Stage left’, right?”

“DOESN’T MATTER!” Ravi shouted. “Just take the one we don’t!”

“Got it!” Nate said, as he switched the control on. “Ready, guys?”

Pinkie saluted him, while Spike answered. “Ready as we‘ll ever be!”

“Wrecker Zord...Mantis Mode!” Nate called out, as the Zord transformed into Kabuto beetle mode.

“Whoo hoo!” Spike said in excitement.

“Wheeler Zord...Gorilla Mode!” Applebloom shouted.

“Applebloom? What?” Applejack asked, as they were suddenly caught off guard as said Zord transformed into said animal mode.

“Hey, Smash!” Ravi told him seriously. “Don’t change modes without telling me!”

“Sorry, Ravi!” Smash confessed.

Devon and Cozy saw the Wheeler and Wrecker zords advance towards them. “Look!” Devon said in excitement.

“Alright!” Rainbow and Scootaloo shouted in happiness.

“Nate and Ravi!” Cozy squealed in delight.

Nate and Ravi’s teams were ready to do their power play. “Now, Nate!” Applebloom shouted.

“On it!” Nate, and Pinkie said as the wrecker Zord climbed onto Cosmos’s left leg, and the Wheeler Zord grabbed onto her right leg.

Cosmos saw the zords on her legs, and snarled, as she tried to shake them off. “GET OFF ME, YOU IMPUDENT BUGS!” She bellowed as she shook them.

“Whoa!” Nate said in shock. “She’s shaking us off!”

“We’re gonna fall over!” Applejack shouted as Cosmos successfully threw them off her legs, making them fall on their backsides.

“Oh no!” Devon said in shock.

“I guess we should’ve known that wouldn’t work!” Cozy said in surprise as they saw this.

As that happened, Cosmos decided to seize this chance to swat the Chopper, Hydro and Jet zords away from her, as she whacked them with her hands. “Have a nice trip, Aerial fighters!” She laughed with glee, as they were thrown down. They all screamed as they were hit.

“Steel! Zoey!” Spike shouted.

“Ben! Capper!” Ravi shouted as they were thrown down.

Tempest meanwhile, teleported to a far tree, away from the fight and watched the zords battle it out with Cosmos. She got scared as she watched the, succumb to her might. “Oh, no! The zords are hit!” she said in fright. “If they continue taking them on like this, they’ll be annihilated! It will probably take a miracle to save them now!” she but her nails, praying for a miracle that the rangers would win.

Back to the heroes, they had just taken a beating by the she-demon’s amazing strength and power. “Okay, I can see we have to turn it up a notch!” Ben said.

“Good idea!” Steel said, as all the zords changed course toward each other.

“You think?!” Discord asked angrily to himself out loud, as he saw Cosmos start to loom over him, and the zords as well.

The rangers were ready for their trump cards as they activate the combination codes. “BEAST-X MEGAZORD!” Devon, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Ravi, Applebloom, Applejack, Zoey & Fluttershy all shouted.

“STRIKER MEGAZORD!” Nate, Spike, Starlight, Pinkie, Rarity, Steel, and Sweetie Belle all shouted.

“COMBINE!” And, all 5 zords combined to form their personal Megazords.

Cozy was ready to step up her game too. “Time for the Mane Event...with the Lion!” She said. “BEAST-X KING ZORD...BATTLE MODE!” The Zord changed into battle mode.

“Hydro Zord...FROG MODE!” Ben said as he hit a button, and his Zord transformed into frog mode.

All four Megazords were ready to take Cosmos on! “MEGAZORDS...UNLEASHED!” All heroes shouted as they posed, and got ready to charge.

Cosmos was ready too, as she got into a fighting stance. “Things are about to get a bit chaotic for you, Rangers!” She shouted, as she charged toward them.

Robo-Blaze, and Robo-Roxy arrived in a nearby part of the woods, and saw Cosmos taking on the zords. “Alright, Cosmos!” Roxy cheered.

“Win this one for the Storm King!” Robo-Blaze encouraged.

The Beast-X King Zord was ready as it used its staff to slash her, but she grabbed the staff, and pushed the Zord out of the way. She then used her fist to punch the Zord, making it stagger back.

She was about to punch it again, when a barrage of blasts interrupted her. She turned to see the Hydro Zord and Striker Megazord as they fired with their tadpole drones, and Jet blaster. “Any ideas?” Nate asked.

“Yeah!” Steel, Starlight, and Rarity said.

“On it!” Ben said, as the Hydro Zord activated its tongue punch toward her gut, and the Striker Zord raised its Scarab arm to slash her claw.

“We’d Better help them!” Fluttershy alerted them.

“I’m right behind you!” Devon said, as the Beast-X Megazord got its Beast-X Blade ready to slash her.

“Mind if we cut in?” Ravi asked, as their Megazord stepped in.

“Don’t mind if we do!” Rarity said, as all three zords got ready to attack.

“Go for it!” Starlight added in agreement.

Cosmos had a trick up her sleeve, as she got her fists ready, and started to spin. “Glad I took those spinning classes!” She gloated as she spun around, and whacked the zords with her talons. The Beast-X Megazord staggered back, while the Striker and Hydro zords fell to the ground.

Tempest was getting nervous as she was watching as her job might as well be on the line, working for the Storm King. “They’ve gotta do something!” she said, nervously watching the fight unfold. “Come on, Rangers!” she fretted.

Devon and his team weren’t about to give up yet, as they were about to activate their finisher. “Zoey! You know the drill!” He told her.

“Oh yeah!” Zoey said, as she powered the Beast-X Blade. The blade filled with Morph-X, and the megazord raised it up to slash her.

“BEAST-X MEGAZORD...HYPER SLASH!” The Beast-X teams all shouted, as the Megazord started to use its blade.

“Bring it on!” Cosmos said evilly, as she conjured up a shield, which deflected the megazord’s attack.

Everyone was shocked, as they saw her block their attack! “NO WAY!” They all shouted. At that moment, the Beast-X King Zord arrived over to them.

The alarms started to go off, and Devon and his team were shocked. “Uh, what’s happening?!” Rainbow asked in worry, while Scootaloo was hanging on.

“Our Morph-X levels are critical!” Devon said in shock.

“Too bad, Red Ranger!” Cosmos scoffed. “Look like you’ll have to...be dismantled!” She fired her claw beams at the Beast-X Megazord, and the teams all struggled to hold on! However, the zords couldn’t support the damage that she was giving them.

“We can’t hold on!” Cruise, Smash, & Jax all said in unison as the Beast-X Megazord’s components were blasted apart, sending them all to the ground.

“GUYS!!!” Cozy was frightened that Cosmos was able to wipe out a whole megazord with just one swipe!

“Gorilla Mode!” Ravi said, as his Zord transformed into his animal mode again. His Zord got RIGHT in front of Cosmos & The Racer Zord.

“RAVI!” Nate said in shock.

“What are you doing?!” Fluttershy asked, frightened.

“It’s okay!” Ravi reassured them. “We can take a hit!” Cosmos blasted his Zord, a few times, but his Zord was still standing!

“NO!” Zoey and Fluttershy shrieked.

The Wheeler Zord was still taking a beating, but it was still standing. “Come on, Smash!” Ravi urged his partner.

Cosmos just cackled, as she readied her mutation powers. “Enjoy your new life as a Zord carousel!” She said menacing.

“Not going to happen!” Nate said, angrily.

“Huh?!” Cosmos turned to see the Striker Megazord, slash her with its scarab arm. “NO ONE INTERFERES IN MY FIGHT!” She tried to swat it away, but the Striker Megazord kept pushing her away.

The Hydro Zord also blasted her with its tadpole bombs, making her stagger back. “Oh, that’s lame!” She scoffed. “Put up your dukes!” She got her fists ready!

“With pleasure!” Capper said, as the Zord executed a tongue punch, sending her staggering back as she groaned in pain.

“Guys!” Ben alerted the others. “It’s time to switch things up!”

“We couldn’t agree more!” Zoey said, as Fluttershy nodded.

Ben and Capper activated the combination, as the Hydro, Wheeler, & Racer zords combined. “HYDRO MEGAZORD...UNLEASHED!” Ben and Capper announced.

“Thanks, Ben!” Scootaloo sighed in relief.

“Just in time!” Rainbow said, as she smiled.

“Because these guys are working our last good nerve!” Applejack growled.

“Copy that, AJ!” Rainbow said, as the Hydro Megazord was ready to take them on.

“You really think one switcharoo can make a difference?!” Cosmos just snarled.

“Yes! Because, we’ve got this!” Ben said, as he activated one of its finishers.

“HYDRO SCREWS!” The heroes shouted as it unveiled walker-type Mecha hands and spun them as the turbines let out a gust of steam, and a gush of water at the raging she-demon.

“You can’t believe that water can defeat me!” Cosmos cackled as she grabbed the Hydro hands, and pushed them aside. She then kicked the Wheeler Zord legs, and punched the Zord in the torso, making it stagger back.

“You guys thinking what we’re thinking?” Ben asked, as Capper nodded.

“You bet!” Devon said, determined.

“RAPID BLAST!” They shouted, as the Megazord held out its arm, and unleashed the hydro bombs, which transformed into mini versions of said Zord, ramming into her. “This should slow her down!” Ben said, hopefully.

“FIRE!” They shouted, but to their surprise, Cosmos swatted the bombs away as they crashed onto the ground, decimated.

“This isn’t working!” Devon said. “What else can we do?”

Tempest was getting more worried as she watched the Zord fight not going out so well. “Where’s that last-minute, just in time, save their butt machine?!” she eagerly awaited the King Zord’s arrival. “I’m waiting!” she said out loud to herself, impatiently.

Cosmos grabbed the Hydro arm, and started to bend it. “You give up?” She asked, as she kicked the Megazord in the right leg. She then threw it upside down, as it flew above her, and landed on the ground.

The heroes groaned, as they took another beating from a formidable enemy. Cosmos turned around, and got her claw ready to blast them again! “Time for you to freeze!” She said, as she readied her blast.

“Uh oh!” Devon said in alert. “Take cover!” They all braced for impact. But at that moment, The Beast-X King Zord arrived and blocked the blast on its chest.

“What?!” She growled.

“Alright!” Rainbow shouted as Scootaloo whooped in excitement.

Finally!” Tempest spoke, as she saw the King Zord’s arrival, and felt that she could breathe a little more. “I knew that new black ranger would bring her Zord! It was worth the effort to round it up!

“Interception at the goal line! And, the Beast-X King Zord is running it for a touchdown!” Cozy said, bravely like a football commentator. “Activating Beast-X King impact!” The zord got its staff, as it slashed Cosmos in an “X” formation!

Unfortunately for Cozy AND her Zord, Cosmos used her magic to send the blast BACK to her Zord, making it stagger back in pain.

“Aahhh!” Cozy said, as she was thrown around violently in her Zord cockpit.

“COZY!” The rangers shouted.

“She’s at the 30...the 40...the 50!” Cosmos said, bravely as she slashed Cozy’s Zord down to the ground. Cozy and her Zord were so far trashed on the ground.

Oh, man!” Tempest said in fright, and sadness as she saw the former evil filly lose so easily. How on Earth was she going to face a beast like Discord’s own ex?!

The Striker, and yellow rangers took notice, and were horrified by the sight of Cozy’s Zord wreckage. “Oh, Man!” Steel said in fright.

“Cozy just got flattened!” Rarity shrieked in horror.

“And, so did Devon and Ben!” Pinkie screamed scared, as they saw both Megazords get blasted by Cosmos’s claws.

“Man, it’s like there’s no end to her!” Nate said, tired and disappointed.

“It’s just like when we faced Grogar, and Evox!” Zoey said. “But she’s more tougher than any gigadrone!”

“What are we gonna do?” Fluttershy asked, worriedly. “She’s more powerful than we thought!”

“We gotta call for Discord!” Steel alerted Nate. “Maybe, he can stop her with his Chaos magic!”

“Steel, don’t you remember? Discord can’t fight her alone like this!” Nate warned him. “He’s too scared!”

“Well, since Twilight and the others are out of the picture, what else can we do?” Steel asked. “She almost as powerful as an Ultrazord!”

Nate thought about it, and remembered what his brother said, and got an idea! “Waitaminute!” Nate said. “That’s it!”

“What’s it?” Pinkie and Spike asked, confused.

“I think I’ve found a way to beat Cosmos!” He told his friends. “What better way to stop a giant draconniqus than with a giant Ultrazord?!” He contacted Ravi and the others. “Guys, listen!” He told them. “I know how we can stop her!”

“How?!” Ravi and Applebloom asked in horror.

“The only way we can stop an Ultra draconniqus is if we had an Ultrazord to help!” Nate told them. “We need to form the Beast-X King Ultrazord! Get the Chopper Zord over here, and we’ll start the combination sequence!”

“Roger!” Ravi answered, as he switched over to Zoey. “Zoey, is your Zord still operational?”

She shook her head. “Morph-X levels are critical!” She said. “Don’t know how much longer we can pull out!”

“Is there enough energy in it left to bring it over to the other zords?” Ravi asked her.

“I don’t know.” Zoey answered. “But, we’ll try.” She revved her chopper Zord back up. “Hold on, Fluttershy!” She said, as the Zord lifted off the ground.

“I’m holding on as hard as I can!” Fluttershy said weakly, as the chopper Zord hovered over to the other zords.

“Guys!” Nate told the others. “Cosmos is already giving our zords a harsh beating, and what's worse, is that Devon, Ben and Cozy are the only ones left. But I've noticed one Zord formation that is more powerful than all the others.” They all listened in on the whole conversation he was telling them. “The Beast-X King Ultrazord. This will have to be a team effort. When I start the combination code sequence, you all have to follow suit quickly so we can form it.”

“Well, that sounds easy enough.” Sweetie Belle said, calmly. “I bet we can pull it off in no time!”

“Then, let’s do it, Bro!” Steel agreed.

“For our friends!” Starlight nodded as well.

“Whoo hoo!” Applejack said excitedly. “We’re gonna blow this magical mishap back to the sky!”

“We may have enough Morph-X to do just that!” Zoey said. “I say we do it!”

“Everything we tried has led to this one moment!” Fluttershy said bravely. “We all got this!”

“Well, then start up the sequence, Nate!” Ravi said, ready to combine the zords as one.

“I will!” Nate said, before he got serious. “But, remember: We need to be careful! If one of us is a hair off, then we’ll blow ourselves back into the sky! We don’t have any time to lose! Every second is of the essence!”

“Understood, Nate Darling.” Rarity said. “Let’s do it!”

“Time for teamwork!” Zoey said.

“Let’s do it!” Ravi said, as they all awaited the combination sequence. Decisions made and possible consequences accepted.

“Are you ready, guys?” Nate asked Spike and Pinkie.

“We’re ready, Nate!” Pinkie answered.

“On it!” Spike said, saluting him.

“Okay...in 3...2...1...” Nate said, as the heroes were awaiting the okay to combine the zords. Finally, he gave the command. “Initiate zord combination sequence!”

Ravi, Applejack and Applebloom typed in KUZ in the keypad. Zoey, & Fluttershy followed suit, and then the others as they did so quickly.

Nate contacted Devon quickly. “Devon! Can we use the racer zord’s sword for the combination?” He asked her.

“All over it!” Devon said, receiving the message loud and clear. “Catch!”

The Striker Megazord caught the sword. “Yes!” He said, as he hit KUZ on the keypad. He was about to combine the zords, when he realized something. “Wait a minute! Where’s Cozy?! We can’t form the Ultrazord without Cozy!”

“Uh oh!” Zoey said in realization.

“Then, something tells us we’re going to take a beating!” Starlight said with worry, as she helped brace her team for impact.

Meanwhile, the Beast-X King Zord, and Hydro Megazord were going at it with Cosmos still, and they had taken care of her with the Full Blaze, and Rapid Blast attack, which really made her angry as she was getting singed, and bugged out by the attacks.

“ENOUGH!” Cosmos barked as she used her multiple horns to fire at both megazords. “Time to end you!” She fired at them both, overwhelming them and sending them down harshly to the ground.

“Uh oh!” Ben said in shock. “I think she’s a little mad!”

“Yeah!” Devon said. "...and our Power levels are down!”

“All my Zord systems are failing!” Cozy said, as she fretted with the Zord controls, trying to get it back up to fight. “Come on! Come on!” She was almost going to panic attack.

“No, you don’t!” Cosmos gloated, as she readied her horns and claws for one Zord blast. “FIRE!” The blast was too much for even Cozy OR her Zord to handle, as it fell down to the ground, as if a vampire sucked all its blood dry.

“COZY!” Devon, Ravi and Ben shouted in horror.

“NO!” Nate, Zoey Steel and all their teams shouted in traumatism, at the sight of seeing their friend be defeated.

“We’re doomed!” Steel shouted dramatically.

“No.” Starlight said, softly as if she were about to cry.

The two Megazord that had JUST faced Cosmos were down, and out for the count. The sadistic she-demon took one look at the zords, and smiled devilishly. She walked closer toward The Beast-X King Zord in particular, and put her massive foot on its chest, as if she was stepping on someone’s lungs hard.

“Come on!” Cozy said, starting to panic. “Think of a solution! You always do!” She tried to empty her mind to think of the best moment of her life, and how she had a solution. It took her only a few seconds to remember it: the first time she met the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It was also the day she became their friends. She visualized in her mind, grasping the same feelings that went through her body at that time.


However, it didn’t work as Cosmos was about to flatten her AND the Zord. “WHAT?!” She panicked. “But, that was the best memory of my life!” She screamed while at the mercy of the malicious she-demon, almost about to face her final moments.

She couldn’t do anything. Despair began breaking her mind piece by piece while her body was being stolen of all its feelings. Suddenly, there was only cold darkness mixed with an unimaginable loneliness. There was nobody to help her, nobody to trust. She felt hopeless. She remained in her silent tearful convulsions as Cosmos was ready to squish the life out of her.

“Truly a masterful plan, Cozy. But foolish! You are, and will remain, forever alone, Black Ranger!” Cosmos said in her usual demonic tone, as she started to step on her. “Nopony loves you. You are weak.” Cozy tried to wriggle her Zord free, but it felt impossible since it was in Cosmos’s grasp. “You are nothing but a disappointment. Your friends are gone forever! Die.”

Cozy looked up at her, and was horrified to her evil smile at the Zord. She tried to break free, but her grip was too strong, as she felt her still putting her pressure on the Zord.

“You're weak,” Twilight’s voice chided inside the creature.

“You're a failure,” Celestia’s voice said, as she grinned maliciously.

“I… I…” Cozy sputtered and gasped to control her breathing, “I… HATE… You…Cosmos!”

“Emotions, emotions,” she heard Cadence’s voice spout casually,

“So much feeling for someone as pathetic as you.” Zecora’s voice said evilly.

“I think it's getting to be too much for her!” Zecora’s voice spoke from her cackling. Cosmos seized this chance to kick the Zord by the side, knocking the wind out of the already gasping alicorn, and her Zord partner.

Tears flowed uncontrollably at this point. Cozy couldn't stand the pain of what was happening to her, “St-st-stop it!” She choked out.

“I think she wants more of a challenge!” Big Mac’s voice said, as Cosmos laughed. She lifted up the zord’s body, and began to breath fire against its frame. Cozy gasped and screamed in pain, fire singing the Zord ‘s body; trying to fling Cosmos away from her with a dying fragment of power. But, that did nothing as Cosmos only laughed at her tortured state.

“I think it's time we stopped toying with her…” Luna’s voice said as she cackled, as she put her foot on the zord’s chest plate.

Then, the demon’s eyes flashed bright red, as all voices, including Cosmos’s screamed, “AND FINISH THE JOB!!!”

Cozy was thunderstruck as she was about to be exterminated. “NO!” She screamed out, as she cried.

“Goodbye, Black Ranger!” Cosmos shouted, as she raised her foot, about to finish her off for good!

“COZY!” The other teams shouted.

“NO!” Devon, Scootaloo and Dash all screamed in horror.

It looked like it would be over for Cozy Glow...the black Ranger. Those voices, including Cosmos’s own were right. She shouldn’t even be alive. The dark magic started piercing her body with no restrictions. She felt as if her body was slowly crumbling to dust. She was going to die and didn’t even feel fear or regret; only relief that she’d be free. To think that the rangers and Mane Six went through this the entire time! Now that she thought about it, all those voices talked about returning feelings. She must have thought she was still consuming her friends. Now that she thought about it, there had been many countless times the rangers and ponies were there for her.


She could hear Starlight’s sweet voice as if she was right beside her. Starlight always cared for her friends, maybe cared a little too much sometimes. But that’s one of the things Cozy liked about her. She’d never leave a friend in the dust.


She even remembered the CMCs tried to help her study! The former villain, Cozy Glow...studying?! She never thought it would happen one day, but it did and it was thanks to the fillies who always believed in her.



That’s right, Twilight even took her under her wing as an assistant at the School of Friendship! It was thanks to her that she could be something as great as that! They even had a time they could spend together! As those thoughts came into Cozy Glow’s mind, her fur took its colors back at a slow pace, and she felt a brilliant white surge of energy flow through her.


Cozy watched the whole scene unfold before her eyes and she was horrified at seeing the heroes at the mercy of this villainous legion! The time to act was now! “I can’t believe this!” She said worried and sad. “You just want to destroy the heroes and both universes!” She charged up her alicorn horn, and started to aim at the remaining two prisons. “NEVER!” She shouted with anger. “I won’t let you!” She fired at the two prisons which caught the legion’s attention, JUST when they were about to do the final blow!

The villains took notice, as they saw the attack Cozy had initiated on them. “WHAT?!” Chrysalis shouted as she saw the chess alicorn filly ready to take another blast toward the villains.

“NO!” Grogar shouted. “Stop this!” He tried to fire from his orbs, but Cozy dodge them all, with each orb hitting a part of the fortress. Finally, they both blasted and Grogar’s missed Cozy’s as it not only hit the Center of the lair, but Cozy’s hit Devon and Ravi’s prisons, freeing them!

Roxy got up and saw what happened! “She’s ruined our plan!” She shouted in fury.

”Someone get her!” Blaze shouted as the two cybervillains tried to blast her, but she dodged all the blasts! Finally, when the two were ready to blast, Cozy acted quick and glided past the razed areas of the lair, and right to the two prisons! She blasted them again!

“NOOOOOOO!” Chrysalis shouted. “Our prisons!” She took a few shots toward Cozy but she deflected them all! Once the prisons were blasted, she grabbed the two rangers out of the prisons, and started to streak towards the others.

Blaze took notice and tried to stop her. “Stop!” He shouted. “What’s she doing?!”

Cozy grabbed the two rangers and flew them over to the heroes! Once she did that, she blasted them with a bombardment of blasts. The villains couldn’t deflect them All!

Cozy arrived before her legion smiling for good and shot back at the legion! “Look what your need for evil has done! The Cutie Mark Crusaders were right! I’m not like you! Goodbye, Tirek!”

”How?!” Tirek asked in anger.

”She played us!” Blaze said, getting up, realizing what Cozy did to Devon and Ravi.

Chrysalis and the others got up too. “You’ll pay for messing with our plan, pawn girl!” She shouted with anger!

”Bring it!” Cozy said getting ready to fight! The villains charged up some blasts, but Cozy retaliated and blasted them all, knocking them down to the ground. She quickly signalled the heroes to get out of the lair that was about to be destroyed. “Go, go go!” Cozy shouted “As fast as you can! The dome’s gonna blow!”

As soon as the heroes heard that, they all got out of the lair on foot or hoof before it started to crumble down on them! The Pegasi, however, flew out really quick before they got trapped inside. Once Cozy fired the final blast on the legion, she got Devon and Ravi and got them and her out quick before any of them could be sealed in! Devon took notice of the Peach, chess alicorn filly that saved them and he was shocked. Ravi was shocked too as he saw that she saved him as well. He didn’t know this evil filly would reform herself to save mankind. “What...why did you save us?” He calmly asked her.

She looked at him and smiled nicely. “I want to make up for the evil I’ve done.” She told them. They were both shocked that she actually managed to turn good. She flew down to the others and kindly set them and herself down and revealed herself.

”Now, that I’m free from my digital prison, your time in this dimension will be brief and painful!” Evox proclaimed as he conjured up some raw energy to zap the Zords.

Cozy revved over to the Ultrazord and was shocked to see that Evox was going to blast it to bits! “Evox is going to blast the Ultrazord?!” She asked in shock. “NOT. ON. MY. WATCH!” She said as her Zord got in the way of Evox’s blast, getting the Zord instead of the Ultrazord. The blast got her, but the Zord stayed strong and in one piece as it was extremely durable!

The Zord spun out and landed on its wheels. “Did you miss me, guys?” A voice asked.

The heroes all knew who it was. “COZY?!” They all asked.

“Yep, it’s me!” She said. “And, I’ve tried something new!”

”What?” The others asked as Cozy thrust on Rory, disassembling the Ultrazord, but combining the Wheeler and Chopper zords to the Beast-X King Zord! The three zords combined into a formation that was similar to the Beast-X Megazord, and when the transformation finished, a new navy, blue and yellow megazord stood and got ready to fight!

“BEAST-X KING MEGAZORD!” Cozy shouted, introducing the new megazord formation.

“Look into your heart, Cozy.” Commander Shaw said warmly to her. “...and you’ll find all the strength you need!

“With courage, you can accomplish anything!” Ben added to her sentence, as the others nodded.

”Just remember, Cozy...The power is yours!” the commander said, smiling to her.

She remembered. Twilight, the rangers, and the Mane Six, as well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders have all been so important since she came to the School of Friendship, and since she went from evil to good. She changed everyone’s lives. And now, she was going to die alone and in despair because of a galactic draconniqus! She couldn’t let that happen!

“NO!” Cozy Glow screamed with all her might as the Zord was enveloped in blue energy, and jolted back to life, pushing Cosmos off her Zord, and back several feet away from it. Her body regained its regular color, then she let the white energy surge around her, as her Zord cockpit started to turn into a white void. The Zord got back up, as if it were repaired and was ready to face her once more.

She shook her head, the rage she’d felt earlier when she’d been about to attack returning tenfold. The Black Ranger would not have that! She rose and turned to face Cosmos with narrowed eyes, her teeth clenched.

YOU DO NOT HURT MY FRIENDS!” She said as her eyes flashed white. Her Zord charged up to the demon, and slashed her with the staff it was using, the power increasing tenfold, as it sent Cosmos a few feet back in pain.

Her Zord cockpit was now a white void of energy as she grabbed Rory, and activated her combination sequence, thrusting her full power on her partner, and to the villain.

BEAST-X KING ULTRAZORD...COMBINE!” Cozy bellowed, as her Zord, and the Striker Megazord were enveloped into a white light. The Wheeler Zord, and Hydro zords were jolted off the racer Zord, as all 5 zords combined in a brand new way! The Wheeler Zord and wrecker Zord linked onto the zord’s legs, while the Jet Zord became the arms for the Megazord.

The rest of the parts of the other zords linked onto its back, and the helmet piece linked onto its head. The Racer Zord’s sword combined with the Wrecker zord’s arms, to form the staff in one hand, and the Jet part of Steel’s Zord formed a blaster for the other hand.

The five zords combined into a formation that was similar to the Beast-X Ultrazord, and when the transformation finished, a new navy, blue, gold, silver and yellow megazord stood before the demon, and was ready to fight!

BEAST-X KING ULTRAZORD...UNLEASHED!” Cozy shouted, as the new Ultrazord posed before Cosmos for the first time. The battle of the two titans was about to begin.

Cozy released all her pressure energy, and looked around at the cockpit. “Whoa!” She said surprised, as she saw what she had performed. “I did it.” She smiled. “I...we formed the Ultrazord!”

“Alright!” Zoey shouted in excitement, as Fluttershy squeed in amazement. “It worked!”

“Yes, Cozy formed the Ultrazord!” Starlight said in excitement as well.

“Great Job, Cozy!” Steel said excitedly.

“Thanks, Guys!” Cozy said bravely. “Now, to take care of this chaotic goddess once and for all!”

Cosmos turned to see the new Ultrazord, standing right before her and was shocked. “What have you and your motley crew of rangers been doing?!” She asked angry, and horrified.

“You’re done for, Cosmos!” Nate announced to her, boldly. “We combined all our zords into one powerful Goliath creature, and now, meet a special little formation of our own...the Beast-X King Ultrazord!” The Ultrazord shown brightly in all its glory for all to see. “Armed with superpowers you could only imagine!”

Cosmos gasped in shock as she started to back away, as Tempest squealed in excitement. “The rangers are doing it! They’re finally doing it! They’ve turned the tide with their own Ultrazord creation!” she said to herself with relief.

Discord watched the Zord, and jumped up and down in happiness. “Alright, Power Rangers! Yes!” He shouted bravely, smiling.

Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy saw the Zord as well, and were horrified at its presence as Roxy started to gasp. “No!” Robo-Blaze growled in anger.

The two Goliaths were ready to face off, as Cosmos snarled at it. “Scared? You should be!” Cozy joked to her. “We’re going to squash you like the bug you are!”

“Cosmos, you’re about to meet your worst nightmare!” Ravi said bravely as he and the apple kids got ready to spring the Zord to life.

“The bigger you are, the harder you’ll fall!” Cosmos shouted, as she got her claws to zap it. But, to her surprise, the blasts did no damage to the Ultrazord. Cosmos snarled as she blasted it repeatedly, but her blasts barely made a dent in it! “What?!” She asked in rage. “How come I can’t damage your monster?!”

“That’s a question you should ask yourself, Cosmos!” Cozy proclaimed. “Ready, Nate?” She asked.

“Ready!” Nate said, giving her the thumbs up, as the Ultrazord started to advance toward her.

“Oh, so that’s the way it’s going to be?!” Cosmos roared as she started to lunge for the Ultrazord. She readied her claws to fire at them. But, the Ultrazord’s arms unleashed its scarab sabers on its sides, and took a few jabs at her, making her stagger back.

Devon was ready to join the battle too as he contacted the Commander. “Commander! Can you teleport a new sword over to the racer Zord?” He asked her.

“Already, taken care of, Devon.” She answered over his wristcom, as a new racer sword was teleported over from Battleforce, to the Zord.

“Thanks.” Devon said, as his racer Zord caught it.

The two titans were ducking it out, as the Ultrazord threw a mighty punch toward the she-demon. “This is the end of the road for you, Cosmos!” Steel said, as he thrust the controls, making the Ultrazord perform a kick to the creature.

She staggered back, and rubbed her leg in pain. “Discord cared so much for me!” She snarled. “I watched him from the stars! He can’t hurt me!” Discord was watching, as he crumpled up in fear as she said that. “He adored me!”

“No! Discord was terrified of you!” Starlight shouted at her. “You made him miserable, and he had to beg the two retired Princesses to lock him away!” The Ultrazord threw another kick to her.

“Hold on, retired?!” Cosmos shrieked, shocked. “Well, he never said that to me!” She shot him a dirty look, as if to say You never told me about this until now, did you?

She turned her attention back to the Ultrazord. “He didn’t do it alone, because he and aimed were meant to be!” She shouted at them, while her eyes turned to hearts. “He cared about me! He’s my friend!” She blew a kiss at him, from below. Discord could only stick his tongue out in disgust as if to say Really?!

“You’re wrong!” Ravi thundered at her. “You were never his friend! Now, Steel!”

“With Pleasure!” The Beast Bot ranger said, as he readied the Ultrazord’s first finisher. It raised its arms up in the air, as the Scarab antlers glowed gold.

“ULTRA SLASH!” They all shouted, as the Ultrazord ferociously delivered some powerful slashes toward her, as if she was being scraped. She staggered away in pain, as it got out its Jet-like blaster and aimed it at her. “RAPID BLAST!” The Zord blasted her a few times, which put her in a painful predicament, as she started to fall down. She screamed in agony as this happened.

“Why can’t Discord accept me for who I am?!” Cosmos screamed in pain. “Doesn’t he know it’s rude to ignore a friend?!”

“Why would he care if you used him?!” Zoey asked in rage.

“You didn’t care about him, and that’s not what a true friend is!” Pinkie shouted angrily at her.

“Discord’s not afraid of you!” Nate shot back at her. “He’s our friend, and our ally, and if you can’t accept that, then you’ll just have to find someone else to take control of!”

“Yeah!” Rarity shouted at her, pointing an accusatory finger at her. “He’s our friend, and he may be crazy, but he’s our kind of crazy!”

Yeah! So what do you plan on doing about it?!” The kind, mare shouted at her.

Discord watched the fight, and smiled upon hearing those words that his friends said, and felt like he was special. He felt a few tears come out his eyes, as he wiped them. “Thank you, rangers.” He said, calm to himself.

Cosmos looked at the Zord with puppy-dog like eyes, but after a moment, she growled and prepared to swat her hands at the Zord. “So what?!” She asked angrily. “Discord may have changed, but I haven’t!” She tried to swat the Zord, but the heroes had other ideas.

“Wheeler Blast!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle suggested quickly.

“On it!” Ravi said, as he hit the button, and the Zord shot light blue beams from the speakers on its legs, ensnaring her, and sending her tumbling down, and landing on her butt.

The heroes were ready to activate the Zord’s next finisher. “BEAST-X KING ULTRA STRIKE!” They all shouted, as the Ultrazord charged up its staff with Morph-X energy and delivered some powerful slashes at Cosmos multiple times.

Cosmos was getting more weakened, as she was getting hit by all those blasts. But, she wasn’t about to be done just yet!

She got up, and brushed her face off like Rocky Balboa did. “Do you rangers want to know what I am?” She asked with fury boiling up in her body. “I'm Malice Personified!! What goes better with malice than chaos?” She tried to mutate the Zord, but the Ultrazord just wouldn’t budge, and her blasts just wouldn’t even dent the zord’s defences either! She wouldn’t give up! “And if I can’t get Discord to join me as my companion, I’ll just have him sit at my feet as my lapdog.”

“Oh, really?” Nate asked smugly.

“Well, we’re a bunch of Equestrians and teenagers with an attitude!” Spike shot back as he smiled, evilly towards her.

Cosmos yelled in fury, as she launched herself from a few mountains as if they were a boxing ring, and performed a kick position at the Zord. “I’ll teach you to mess with me, you overgrown dung beetle!” she bellowed. “Hi-yah!” She hit the Zord, but to her surprise, it was stronger than she ever thought! “What?! What’s happening?!?!” She asked in shock, as the Ultrazord grabbed her foot, and threw her off. “Shocking reversal!” She groaned in pain, as she landed on the ground again.

The rangers were ready to finish her off, as they got the ultra staff ready. “All right, everyone. It's time to end this chaotic she-demon once and for all!” Nate said, as they all nodded. “I’ll start up the staff!”

“Hold on!” Ravi said, as if it were a timeout. “Remember what the commander said? We can’t hurt her too much! If we hurt her we’d also be hurting Twilight!”

“Oh, right!” Nate said in realization. “Sorry, about that.”

“Yeah, we already lost Blaze and Roxy in the past, and we almost lost Devon.” Pinkie added in agreement.

“We certainly don’t need to lose my teacher!” Starlight piped up as well.

“Remember, guys. She still has Twilight’s body to begin with.” Zoey agreed.

Sweetie Belle thought for a few seconds. “We need to do something new.” She said, seriously. “Something unexpected.”

“Agreed.” Ravi agreed. “But, I don’t know what else we can do.”

“We’ve got a serious problem going on here!” Cozy said as well. Just then, she got a call on her morpher. “Commander, what’s up?” She asked.

“I’ve got something for you, Cozy.” Commander Shaw contacted her. “Remember the Ultra Bow you used while your Zord was under Storm King’s technology?” Cozy nodded. “Well, I’ve modified it to have two modes: ground mode, and now Megazord mode.”

“Really?” Applejack asked in shock.

“Whoa, no way!” Steel said as well.

“You can control its Megazord use as a team weapon, similar to the Cheetah Beast Blaster, and by using your beast instincts.” The Commander continued. “With it, you can perform an attack called the Ultra Beam, which should be your best chance at nullifying Cosmos.”

“That makes sense!” Starlight suggested.

“It’s a low-power attack!” Ravi said in realization. “That’s perfect!”

“Let’s try it!” Rarity said in excitement.

“Time to get Twilight back!” Fluttershy said as well.

“I’m sending you the Ultra bow. It should be able to work.” Shaw told them. “But, remember...your timing has to be right on this.”

“That takes longer to make microwave popcorn!” Spike said in wonder.

“That’s all the advantage that we’ll need!” Zoey said, as she turned to her teammates. “Ready, guys?”

“Yeah!” Steel and his team said.

“Roger that!” Ravi and his team agreed.

“We’re ready!” Nate and his team said as well.

“Let’s go!” Cozy said, as she awaited the call. Cosmos was about to lunge for them, but not if they had anything to say about it.

“In 10...9...8...7...6...” the Commander counted down, ready to send the weapon the rangers would need to finish off Cosmos. “...5...4...3...2...1!” At last, they were ready! “Now!”

“Alright!” Cozy hit her transporter. “TRANSPORT...ULTRA BOW!” The ultra bow arrived in Cozy’s cockpit, as she took it. “Time to even the odds!” She pulled the toggle switch twice, so that it said ‘Megazord’ on its indicator.

Cosmos got up, and she was furious at them. “I WILL NOT BE DENIED THIS!” she erupted. “BOTH YOUR WORLDS WILL BE MINE!

“Not for long, they won’t!” Nate said. He then got an idea. “Hey, Devon! Ben! You want to help finish her off?” The Ultrazord pulled the racer Zord back on its feet.

“Oh, you bet!” Devon said, bravely.

“Couldn’t agree more!” Ben said, as he gave the thumbs up.

Cosmos was ready to take them on. “I CAN HANDLE ANYTHING, YOU THROW AT ME!” she cackled, as she laughed evilly.

“Really?” Devon asked. “Well, there’s only one way to find out!” He turned to the Hydro Zord. “Ready, Ben?”

“You got it!” Ben said bravely.

“Time to drop a bomb on her!” Capper said, “and blow this chaotic wonderland!” The racer Zord grabbed the back on the Hydro Zord, and lifted the entire Zord up as if it were a cannon.

“Hey, Cosmos!” Dash said, giving an evil smirk. “Can you handle this?!” The racer Zord threw the Hydro Zord like the shot put at the Olympics or how Ms. Trunchbull would use her hammer throw.

“Huh?!” Cosmos said, as she saw the Zord coming right for her. She gasped. “HYDRO PUNCH!” Ben shouted, as it uses its tongue punch and rammed into Cosmos’s gut, making her stagger back.

“You didn’t handle that well!” Scootaloo said, as she hi-fived her teammates.

Cosmos had now reached her breaking point, as she screamed in agony. “You're all worthless! You’re all going to pay!” She shouted fiercely.

“You have no authority here,” Cozy murmured, taking aim at the villain, as the Ultrazord stepped toward her, and got its finisher ready.

“For our friends!” Nate, Pinkie, Cozy & Spike shouted.

“For our families!” Ravi, Applebloom, Applejack, Zoey, & Fluttershy all shouted, as they were ready,

"For our home!" Starlight, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, and Steel shouted.

"FOR TWILIGHT!" Rainbow shouted bravely.

"FOR BOTH OUR UNIVERSES!" Devon, Scootaloo, Ben, Capper, & Discord shouted.

Cosmos was lunging toward them, but they had the advantage. “BEAST-X KING ULTRA BEAM!” Cozy and her subordinates shouted. “FIRE!” The Beast-X King Ultrazord fired a huge energy beam from its chest, hitting the gigantic creature spot on, nullifying and severely weakening her.

She staggered back in pain, rubbing herself. “No!” She said, scared and weakly, unable to handle more that the heroes were giving her.

“TRANSPORT! CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!” Devon shouted as he summoned his weapon and aimed it at the evil Zord.

His helmet changed to scope mode. “RACER ZORD...CHEETAH HYPER STRIKE!” Devon shouted as the Racer Zord jumped in front of the Ultrazord, and delivered a powerful slash to her.

Their combined Zord attacks were too much for her, as she was unable to contain her form. As the racer Zord landed behind her, in a samurai-like pose. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” She shouted in agony. “CURSE YOU, POWER RANGERS! AND YOU TOO, DISCORD!” she felt herself unravel as she fell to the ground. “YOU WILL REGRET THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU WILL REGRET THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS!

There was an explosion at the spot where she once stood, and then a tornado of red dust swirled, after that explosion, around high up into the sky, leaving the ground entirely. Discord watched the tornado, and chuckled. “I don’t think I will regret it.” He said, smiling. “I regret nothing.”

“Yeah!” Tempest said victoriously from afar, as she saw her would-be replacement defeated instantly. She took in a content sigh with relief, and smiled, knowing that she was gone and she was still on the Storm King’s side. And, from the looks of it, she had the rangers to thank, since they stopped Cosmos from ever replacing her.

Meanwhile, the red dust tornado swirled high up from the sky into outer space, and swirled right to a crater on the moon. Cosmos landed with a hard thud, and awoke. “Where....where am I?” She asked. She then looked around, and saw a pitch black sky, as few spheres right by the area she was at. “Oh, no!” She said, scared. “NO! Space is so boring!” She looked around panicked for any signs of life, but there was no one there, but herself. “W-W-W-W-Wait. So I lied about this one thing. But nopony ever hangs out with me here!” She felt lonely, as she looked around the planet. She then grumbled. “Oh. Where's my phone?” She held out her hand, hoping for signs of cosmic communication.

Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy saw the explosion, and tornado and were outright mortified as they saw what had unfolded before them. “Aaaaaahhhhh!” Robo-Blaze said in horror, and in rage. “NO!!!” He was furious that they had lost Cosmos.

“She’s gone.” Robo-Roxy said in calm disappointment. “She’s really gone.”

“Those rangers just ruined our plan!” Robo-Blaze barked, furiously.

“At least, we still have Tempest!” Robo-Roxy confronted him. Robo-Blaze growled at first, but realized she was right.

“You’re right.” He said. He then decided to teleport back, and Roxy felt the same way. “Right now, we need to head back." He told her. They plugged their keys in their Morphers.

“We’ll be back for you later...” Robo-Blaze said, gruffly. “But for now, we’re blasting off again!” And they teleported back to the Crystal Dimension.

The rangers and ponies were excited as their newest Ultrazord defeated Cosmos and restored order to both their universes. They were so happy in this one moment. “YEAH!” Everyone shouted in pure excitement as their latest victory was a success.

“Yeah! Ha ha ha ha!” Devon said wildly, laughing as Rainbow and Scootaloo just smiled with content. The zords posed in victory during their celebration for a job well done.

Cozy felt a little tired from their defeat, but it was a good kind of tired, as she took in a deep breath of relief, knowing that she conquered her challenge, and smiled proudly. “Oh, What a day!” She said, tiredly in victory. “Virus eliminated!” The two zords did a high five, while the Hydro Zord chirped happily and the Beast-X King Ultrazord roared in triumph. What a perfect day for the Power Rangers and their allies, as they had successfully defeated an old flame of Discord’s and hopefully reverted Twilight, and the others back to normal. And Tempest got her job back. She had to. A happy ending for them, Right?

Tempest was happy that the rangers, and their friends had defeated Cosmos, which meant that she could still work for the Storm King. She sighed happily with relief, as she watched the zords triumph over the wreckage.

She then switched back to evil rage, as she smiled. “I’m happy I got my job back now, thanks to them.” She said. She looked around. “But, I don’t want them to go thinking I’ll be a goody-two-shoes the rest of my life! No one stops the Storm King, and gets away with it!” She snarled. “I’ll be back, Power Rangers.” She then left the woods, and with no one noticing, she teleported away in triumph to celebrate her replacement’s defeat, and discuss the Storm King’s next plan.

The heroes were happy that their latest end was defeated. Suddenly, Cozy realized their friends that were under her control, and she wondered if they were okay. She was trying to grasp the fact that they had really beaten Cosmos. She contacted her teammates. “Come on! We gotta go check on Twilight!” She said in alert.

The others caught the message loud and clear, and Rainbow went from victory to worry. “Oh, man! We forgot about her!” She cried out, as tears started to shed. “Is she okay?”

“I’m not sure.” Cozy told them. “But, she was getting worse when she was with the others earlier! Come on! We gotta find her!”

“Right! Let’s go, guys!” Devon said, urgently as his team jumped out of their zords, and hit the ground running to check on their friends, Twilight especially, since she was a dear friend to their rangers, and Rainbow Dash. They had to pray that their ally would be okay, and that she would be well and continue to have more memories and adventures to share with them.

There wasn’t any threat from any of them. They were going to be okay. Right? They would get their answer when they went over to the crater, where Cosmos had been.

Epilogue: Saving Twilight

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The rangers all landed on the ground, and everyone except Cozy Glow demorphed and ran over to the crater where Cosmos had been when they had defeated her. They had beaten the enemy. Now, they had to check on their friends to see if they were okay.

They were recently possessed by Cosmos, and became her when they revealed her true nature. Now, since She was defeated, it was unknown if they were living or not. They had to make sure!

“That crater’s over there!” Devon said, pointing to the area where the Ultrazord did the damage. “We gotta go see if there are any survivors!”

“Right!” The others said, as they darted toward the area.

“I hope Twilight’s okay.” Rainbow said with worry. “Otherwise, I’m going to have a big, hissy fit all over Coral Harbor!”

Nate grabbed her arm, steadily. “Steady, Dash.” He warned her. She nodded, as they all went over to the crater.

They arrived at the spot, which appeared to be a huge hole, with a bunch of sand as if a beach had exploded. Rainbow Dash was worried about her friend, Twilight Sparkle. So were the others, as she had been an important part of their equestrian allies, and the Mane Six.

“I’ve never seen so much damage in a place such as this.” Starlight said in shock, and awe as they walked closer to the area.

“Is there anypony left?” Fluttershy asked, as she got worried and started to cry upon seeing the wreckage.

“I hope so, Fluttershy.” Discord said with worry. “It would be horrible to save the day, and then come back without anyone saved.”

“Well, we need to search the area.” Capper suggested. They all nodded, as they looked around. Capper noticed Rainbow having a tear in her eye, worried about her close best friend probably lost. He felt the same emotion as she did. The others could tell she was worried too, as they all felt the same for their hopefully not, fallen friends.

Suddenly, they heard a crackling of rocks, which caught their attention. “Who’s that?” Ben asked, pointing to the area. They all saw the crackling, and the rocks separating as they wondered what was going on. Surely, it couldn’t be any wired coincidence about nature, or a natural disaster. Could it?

They saw a white hoof with a gold horsehoe on it. The hoof pushed out weakly, as a horn came out, and then a blue sea-like flowing mane. They could instantly tell who it was. “It’s Celestia!” Nate said in alert, as he rushed over to the pile of rock that was enveloping her. “Help me get her out!”

The others nodded as they rushed over to her, taking the piles of rock slowly off of her, and they slowly pulled her out.
“Come on!” Ravi said, using his strength as Applebloom and her sister helped her get out. They continued to free her from the pile.

“We’ve got you.” Zoey said, as they finished pulling her out. They set her down on the ground, safely. She appeared to have a bunch of dust on top of her, like she had been through an earthquake. She even had a few scrapes and scratches, and her mane looked like it had been through an explosion. She even appeared to look roughed up, bruised, and beaten.

“Celestia, are you okay?” Starlight asked, worriedly.

The sun Princess dusted herself off, and looked at the heroes. “Yeah. I am.” She said, smiling. She then got worried again. “But, my sister and Cadence...” she pointed to the pile of rock that was on top of her. “They’re still trapped in that cave-in!”

The others looked at the pile of rock, and were worried. “How are we going to get them out under all that rock?” Rarity asked, concerned.

“Only ONE way!” Steel said bravely, stepping out with his striker morpher in hand. “Stand back!” They all nodded, and took a few steps back for him to do the deed. He aimed it at the rubble. “Striker Beast Blast!” He shot the rock, making it explode into tiny particles of dust.

“Well, that’s one way to stop it.” Nate said tired, and smiling as they dusted themselves off.

“Let me assist you, Steel!” Cozy said, as she got out her blaster. “BEAST-X KING BLAST!” She fired at the rock, turning it into dust as well.

“Let’s help them!” Devon said, wanting to do their part in freeing their trapped allies. “Start digging!”

“Good idea!” Sweetie Belle added, as they all ran over to the rock piles. Each of them removed a pile of rock one-by-one with teamwork. A few of them used their magic to clear the rocks away, some used brute force to kick the rock into the sky, amd some used their laser blasters to make them crumble. They still searched for their friends in all that rubble.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Applejack, and Pinkie lifted a few rocks until they saw a faint navy hoof with a black horseshoe. The two crusaders gasped as they uncovered a few more rocks to reveal blue and pink alicorn bodies. “We found them!” Sweetie called out to the others, signaling them. “Over here!”

The two other alicorns slowly woke up, and saw the heroes coming right to help them. “What happened?” Luna asked, rubbing her head.

“I don’t know, Auntie.” Cadence said, faintly as well. They turned to see their rescuers as they were being dug out.

“Are you two alright?” Celestia asked her alicorn friends worriedly, as she and Starlight moved some boulders away, fully exposing them.

“Sister!” Luna cried out in shock as they both saw the heroes. “We thought we’d had it!” Devon, Steel, Applejack, Discord, and Ben helped them out of the rock, and brought them over to the others.

Celestia ran toward her sister and hugged her. “Oh, Luna!” She said, sobbing with relief. “Thank goodness you and Candace are okay!”

“We are okay!” Cadence said with relief. “Thanks to you.” She hugged them too.

They then broke the hug, and saw the rangers. “Rangers!” Luna said, smiling as she hugged them. Cadence and Celsestia did the same for the ponies and their friends as well.

They then looked around. “What happened?” She asked, as she saw the wreckage. “I could have sworn that everything was destroyed.”

“If it’s anything we learned, Celestia.” Discord said truthfully. “It’s best not to ask questions.”

Celestia looked surprised that he was here. “Discord? What are you doing here?” She asked quizzically.

“Don’t ask me!” He said all defensively. “Ask them!” He pointed to his friends as he said that.

Celestia nodded. “Alright. I won’t.” She said.

“Though, I do have to ask...what happened?” Cadence asked curiously.

“It’s like we have had a nightmare...” Luna agreed, rubbing her temples. “A WEEK’S worth!”

Discord smirked, as he walked up to them. “Perhaps...” he started, as he got ready to snap his fingers.

However, Steel stopped him. “There will be NO memory erasure involved!” He warned him.

Discord was shocked, as he tried to wriggle his fingers. “What?!” He asked, flabbergasted. “WHY?!”

“Don’t you think it’s illegal to use your magic like that?” Steel asked, in a boss-like tone. “Besides, it’s better to remember this for the history books, than to forget it like it never happened!”

Discord looked at him as if he were out of his mind, and stammered. “No...what...you...shoot! You’re...” he threw his arms up in frustration. “Alright! Fine!” He shouted in frustration and anger.

“Good!” Steel warned.

“Well, we’re glad everyone’s okay.” Fluttershy said with relief.

“GUYS!” Scootaloo called out, which caught all their attention. “I found Big Mac!” They all rushed over to the pile, and Ravi ducked down, and squinted his eyes to see a faint red hoof.

“It’s him, alright!” He said, bravely and worriedly.

“Oh, is my brother okay?” Applebloom asked in worry, as AJ held her close, feeling the same emotion as her little sister was.

“Big Mac!” Ben asked with worry. “Are you alright?”

Steel went over to the rock, and started to lift it up, but it was too heavy for him alone. “It looks bad, Ben.” He said, concerned.

“Ravi, see if anything is needed.” Ben said calm, but urgent.

“Let’s get this rock off of him!” Ravi said, as they all got to a chunk of rock, ready to lift. “Ready?” They all nodded. “Lift!”

They all used their strength together to lift the rock off of their friend. “Careful!” Devon warned them, as they nodded.

“Easy...” Spike said, as they lifted another pile of rock off. “Easy....” They finally lifted enough rock from him to safely break through.

“Good! That does it!” Ben said, as he rushed over to the red pony. “Big Mac, can you hear us?”

Big Mac’s ears perked up as he heard Ben’s voice. He groaned tiredly, and in pain from all that rock being tumbled onto him.

Nate put his hand in his chest, and felt it rise up and down. “He’s still breathing.” He told them, as they nodded. “That’s a good sign.”

Big Mac awoke, and saw the others before him. He was surprised, and then looked around as if someone else was there. “Zecora...What...what happened to her?” He finally managed to ask.

They then heard some more crackling rock as they turned to see what was going on. At that moment, a Zebra...Zecora slowly, but surely broke through the pile of rock easily, as she walked up to the heroes.

“ZECORA!” Applebloom shouted, as she ran over to hug her. “Are y’all okay?” She asked.

Zecora saw Applebloom hugging her, and smiled. “I’m alright, rangers. It’s good to be out of dangers.” She said to them.

“She’s down, but not out.” Ravi said, smiling in relief, as they all sighed. “Zecora’s one tough ally to the rangers.”

“Big Mac, can you break out?” Ben asked.

“I’ll...I’ll try.” He said, as he pushed his hands to the rock that held him in place. It was tough for him, after being a part of Cosmos, and he felt like he lost much of his strength. “I don’t know...if I can do it!” He struggled harder, as he slowly regained his strength! Push by push. He was slowly pushing himself out, as he was more able to reveal more of himself, still getting stronger as he pushed more rock away. “I’ve almost got it!” He grunted.

“Come on, Big Mac!” Devon encouraged him. “You can do it! Try harder!”

“You got it! You got it!” Sweetie Belle cheered him on like a cheerleader!

“Come on!” Pinkie said, as she held her party cannon, and Ravi who also hoped he could break out as well.

Big Mac was still gaining his strength back as he continued to push himself out. He strained, and grunted, and groaned. And within minutes, he was finally strong enough to break free for the rock prison. He took one final push at the rock, and he shook the rock off his foot, as he stepped through to the heroes. “There!” He said in relief, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Applebloom and her sister went over to Big Mac and hugged them with all their might. “WHOA! AJ?!” He was shocked at first, but them realized that his family was there, and hugged them too, smiling.

“Welcome back, Big Brother!” Applebloom said crying happily.

“Welcome back, Big Mac.” Applejack said, lowering her hat, and smiling at her own brother.

“Good to have you back, Buddy!” Ben said, as he patted him.

“Ben!” He said, as he patted his hand too. “It’s good to see you again as well.”

“That was some blast you took!” Ravi said in calm shock, and relief.

“The blast!” Big Mac said in realization, as he pushed some rocks or dust out of his head. “Yes, it was. But, I’m glad everyone’s okay!”

“I’m glad you could say the same for everyone!” A voice said, the rescued ponies turned to see the rangers move to reveal a black ranger as it stepped up towards them. They were shocked at what they saw.

Princess Luna was shocked, and was the first to break the silence. “How can this be?” She asked, silently towards them. “There hasn’t been another black ranger since...Chase...”

“Could there have been another ranger that we simply didn’t know about?” Cadence asked, upon seeing its presence.

“Whoever he is, to appear so suddenly being what he is...” Celestia said as well. “I am surprised that I didn’t sense his presence earlier.”

The figure stopped to them, and clapped. It then chuckled. “I sure told her, didn’t I?” It said. The voice was rather...feminine, and it sounded like a teenage girl.

“You know, for someone who’s afraid to show herself, you sure think you’re pretty tough! Don’t you?!” Luna asked as she was itching for a fight with this newcomer.

However, Celestia and Cadence intervened before she could even get to her. “Luna!” She warned her younger sister.

The ranger just chuckled. “I’d sure like to show you a thing or two.” She said smugly. “...but, you forget! I’m on your side, and I wouldn’t want to beat you!”

The others were shocked upon hearing this! Was she really on their side, or what she just trying to play a game to get them to believe her? Either way, they were still skeptical about all this. “What in Equestria is the story with this one?” Luna thought blithely as they exchanged looks of confusion and shock.

Finally, Celestia stepped forward to the new ranger. “It seems like we owe you one, friend.” She said, calmly. “But first, who exactly ARE you?”

The ranger faced her friends, who nodded. She took off her helmet, revealing her identity to the Princesses. They were shocked to see that it was...

“COZY GLOW?!” The Princesses, Zecora and Big Mac asked in shock. “Cozy! You're the black Power Ranger?!” Celestia asked in sheer surprise.

She nodded to her. “I am.” She said, smiling.

“Cozy!” Luna said, feeling a mixture of anger, happiness and surprise at the same time. “What is the meaning of this?! You’re a Power Ranger!”

“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Celestia asked as well, wanting to know.

Cozy looked down toward her the ground before facing the Royal sisters. “I wanted to tell you, Celestia.” She started. “But, I couldn’t. Some draconniqus-like creature got under your skin!”

The sisters and Cadence, as well as Big Mac and Zecora were shocked upon hearing all this. “You mean, someone...controlled all of us?” Big Mac asked in surprise. Cozy nodded.

“Yes.” She answered. “It was an old flame of Discord’s. She took control of you, and you were helping the Storm King’s newest ally.” They gasped. “But for the first time in Discord’s life, he didn’t do it.” They looked toward Discord, who waved nervously.

“I believe you, Discord.” She said to him, smiling as she hugged him. Discord, feeling the sensation of his pony crush thanking him, and giving him the affection, Returned the hug too.

“Well, we’re all safe now, thanks to you, Cozy.” Luna said, smiling at her.

“I agree with my sister.” Celestia chimed in as well. “Cosmos has been stopped, and the world is stable once more.”

“It wouldn’t have happened without your help.” Cadence added as well.

Celestia then turned to Discord. “I can’t say I’m happy with your past actions, Discord.” She said to him. “...but, you’ve paid your dues on them. You showed the true magic of friendship, and you and your ranger friends have saved us all from a severe threat.”

Discord smiled a little bit, and felt like a little trickle came down his eye. Luna had unsure look, that spelled disaster.

They then saw Cozy looking down, and feeling a little sad about how they left her out, and that they may have forgotten something. “It’s okay, Cozy.” Celestia said, as she and her sister smiled, alongside the others.

“It’s true my sister and I didn’t approve of your evil ways in the past...” Luna said to her and Discord. “...but it’s clear that you two both had a part to play in stopping Cosmos, and saving the world.” Cozy’s smiled, as she put her arm on Discord cool-guy-like. “The real heroes are you two. You both hung in there, and didn’t rest until you set things right.”

“Thanks, Princess Luna.” Cozy said happily. “All in a day’s work!”

“Yes, but we should also know that a hero’s work is never done!” Discord said in agreement.

“Right, Discord!” Cozy said, giving him the thumbs up.

“And also, it’s safe to say that we’ve gained another ally and Power Ranger on our team!” Nate said as well.

Cozy was shocked and held her ear up to make sure she heard right. “You mean...that I’m a new member of your team???” She asked.

“That’s right, Cozy.” Zoey said.

“While you almost had a few doubts in your body...” Steel started.

“They didn’t stop you from unleashing your true beast instincts, and your inner strength.” Nate said, smiling. “Thereby, making you a true member of our team.”

“Thank you!” Cozy said happily. “I don’t know what else to say, but thank you! Thank you!”

“Welcome to the team, Cozy.” Devon said happily, as he put his hand on her shoulder.

“You’re one of us, now!” Ben said as well.

“Yeah!” Capper added. “Your smart, a real tactical warrior, fun, and totally awesome!”

“You know who ELSE thinks you’re awesome?” Spike asked, as he hi-fived Cozy. “I do!”

“So what do you say then?” Ravi asked. “Are you in?”

Cozy smiled brightly like never before. “I accept!” She said. “And, thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, Cozy!” Steel said.

For the first time, Cozy felt like she wanted to jump with excitement. She had not only saved everyone from imminent doom but also became the newest power ranger and permanent member of the team. “Phenomenal!” She said in pure excitement.

“Yes, it IS phenomenal!” Nate said. “Welcome to the ranger team, Cozy Glow!” Cozy smiled to her heart’s content as she was now a full-fledged member. She had never been so happy in her life.

Suddenly, her smiled left, as she was worried about something. “Is Twilight okay?” She asked.

Everyone was now worried upon hearing that too. Was Twilight okay? She had to!

“Twilight!” Celestia said in shock. “My faithful student! Is she okay?”

“I hope my sister-in-law’s alright!” Cadence added with worry.

“Don’t worry.” Spike said. “Twilight’s got a strong spirit. I bet she’ll be alright before you know it.”

“I sure hope so, Spike.” Nate said.

“I agree with Nate.” Rarity added. “It sure would be dreadful to hear if something DID happen to her!” The others all nodded as well.

Just then, they heard a faint groan. Rainbow’s ears perked, and so did the others as they turned to see the source of that noise. “That sounded like Twilight!” Steel said in alert. “Come on! Let’s go!” They all nodded and ran to the area where that groan took place.

“Over there!” Rainbow said, pointing towards the crater-like spot. “Is that her?”

“I’m not sure.” Devon said, as they started to advance toward the spot. There was a blueish blur, and it was hard to make out what it was. But eventually, the groaning almost sounded...familiar.

The blur got more clear, and the shale was shown to be a violet alicorn with a blue mane with magenta hairlines. Rainbow’s eyes widened in shock, as she knew who it was. “It is her!” She said feeling sad and happy at the same time.

She took off running toward the figure. “Rainbow, wait!” Nate said. But, Rainbow didn’t hear him as she was running really fast. Her eyes were welling up with tears, and she was smiling, as she ran up to her.

Twilight got up, feeling a little tired as she groaned and rubbed her head. She had no scratches or bruises anywhere. “Oh, what happened?” She asked faintly. “Did we find all the stars?” She noticed a cyan Pegasus running towards her at top speed. “Rainbow Dash?”

“TWILIGHT!!!” Rainbow cried out in joy, as she hugged her dear friend, spinning around in joy. She was finally happy to have her friend back.

The others were watching and smiled at this tender moment. “Awwwww.” Steel and Ben said as they saw this. Rainbow kept spinning her, and shedding tears of joy. Twilight, who was surprised and happy to see her friend again, smiled and returned the hug.

After a while, the spinning stopped, and they embraced the tender hug. “I’m sorry, Twilight.” Rainbow said between sobs. She wiped the tears off her face. “I’ll never let a strange, cosmic creature possess you again!”

Twilight giggled as she broke the hug. “You’re so sweet.” She said, happily. She then looked around and saw that they were on a beach with a few umbrellas, and a few buildings close by. But, this wasn’t just any beach. She gasped in excitement. “Is this Venice Beach, California?” She asked in excitement. “We should buy sunglasses!” The others smiled as they went to join their friends

And so, Twilight, the Power Rangers, and their friends shopped for neat sunglasses.

In time, Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy tried to start their own Galactic mob...with little results. They were just talking to a few evil monsters from other worlds to see if they can get to enlist a few into their legion.

“...and, laying waste to their lands!” Robo-Roxy finished her big announcement and their goal to Korvaka. “And, you are...?” She asked. Korvaka just screamed and ran away.

“How are we supposed to recruit a mob when all you do is scare them away?!” Robo-Blaze asked, groaning.

“You’re the one that scares them off with your loony giggling!” Robo-Roxy shouted at him.

“At least I don’t have blaster Yo-Yos as part of my arms!” Robo-Blaze barked, pointing to her arms which did in fact, have the yo-yo-like guns held onto.

“At least I don’t build stupid, lumbering, ROBOTRONS!!!” Robo-Roxy shot back at him.

Robo-Blaze was taken aback and felt hurt by her response, that he started to let a tear trickle out of his eye. “Now, you’ve...wounded me.” He said, a little calm but sad.

Robo-Roxy took notice and felt bad by what she said. “Sorry.” She apologized, calmly, as she hugged him.

“It’s alright.” Robo-Blaze said, wiping the tear off his face. “Let’s just make sure the Storm King never finds out about this." He told her. His Robo teammate had nodded as they went off to explain things with the Storm King, and hopefully...try to recruit more aliens to join. At least they still had Tempest Shadow, that’s for sure!

As for Cosmos’s Andalusian constellation stars, I know where they are! But, I’m not telling!

That's our show! We leave you now with an image of terror!
