• Published 8th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind - TheSuperTransformerFan

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 7: Striker Rangers Vs. The Princesses

Nate and Steel were put in the call to action, as the alarms sounded off in the base after Commander Shaw found the stars on the Princesses. Knowing that it was them, they were on their way through the portal to Equestria to find Twilight.

Cozy Glow was also having trouble with her place to help her friends, not sure if she saw it as a privilege, and Rainbow Dash was in stress and disarray about her best friend gone lovey-dovey over Discord and evil. So far two problems to take care of, but there was a third to follow.

The third one, I’m talking about was Tempest Shadow, who was almost booted off the Storm King’s regime because Cosmos was better than her. However before she could be totally fired, she was given a chance to redeem herself! And when she saw Cosmos’s true form emerge the night the Rangers fought Twilight, she knew what her true intentions were. She had to warn the Rangers and their allies before it was too late, and Cosmos turned the whole multiverse into one of malice. That’s the recap I’ve given so far of the previous chapters, which brings us back to the present point of the story.

After arriving at the airship docks, Pinkie Pie, the CMCs, Zecora, Ben and Big Mac were trekking through the Canterlot Gardens with the two Andalusian stars they found. Capper even came with them on the trip.

“And then, this Griffin was all ‘Thank Celestia somepony wants that accursed thing’! And he GAVE it to us!” Applebloom said to them. “How did you get yours? Why is there mud in your mane? Why are you wearing a skirt?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Big Mac said in frustration to his sister.

“We won a race and I got my Llama a hat!” She got her toy to show to everyone. “Look! Plumage!”

Capper took a good look at the stars. “Stars, Huh?” He asked. “I bet you could get a fortune from them.”

“A profit would be high I agree, but money is not the goal. You know woe and danger I foresee, so under lock and key they should go!” Zecora rhymed.

Yeah, I’m still not believing there being bad things when it comes to those stars.” Ben said, skeptically, while Zecora gave him a death glare.

“You do not know, what danger lies on said row!” Zecora warned him. “Best to heed it, before you disbelieve it.”

“Right...” Ben said. “Well, now we gotta find Devon, get him to give it to Twilight, and fling those stars back in the sky.”

Zecora just shook her head. “There is bad in those stars I know why. It is not wise to fling them in the sky.” She warned him.

“It would be what Twilight wanted.” Ben said. “Besides as a member of Battleforce, a ranger has to take immediate action.”

Zecora just sighed in disappointment. “Fine. Go ahead. Stomp on a Zebra’s own warning.” She said saddened.

“Hey, I assure you, we will fling them back up there.” Ben pointed at the sky, as he said that. “And, then it’ll all be over. Everything goes back to normal.”

Everyone else nodded as well, smiling. After Zecora pondered it for a while, she smiled and agreed. “Deal!” She said, giving him a fist bump.

“Riiiight...” Capper said skeptically. “Do they always talk like that?” He whispered to Ben.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said.

“Oh, yeah!” Ben nodded to them.

“Must be fun at parties.” Capper thought. Just then, a voice from out of nowhere came out and spoke to the two couples.

“Oh, my stars. Literally.” The voice said. Both couples turned to see Celestia, Luna and Twilight already here with that pink energy in their eyes.

The team were shocked upon seeing their entrance like this. “Twilight!” Ben said in realization to them.

“Hello, Green Ranger!” All 3 princesses said as one as if they were acting through one body.

They could see that they were acting...a little off. They watched them with surprise.

“Uh, why did Twilight just call me ‘Green Ranger’ like I don’t have a name?” Ben asked them.

“I dunno. Something looks weird here.” Applebloom said, curiously. “Did they just fire the groundskeeper?”

“Why do the princesses look pink?” Sweetie Belle asked randomly.

“This is a new look for them, isn’t it?” Scootaloo asked as well.

“Nonsense, silly pony.” Celestia said to her.

“We’re feeling...delicious.” Luna added, as Twilight stuck out her hoof to demand those stars.

At that moment, a Golden beam fired down right in front of both sides in the middle, revealing to be Robo-Blaze, who help his rapier at them. “Now those stars...” He said to them. “Hand them over, Ranger!”

The others got into a fighting pose as they saw him. “Robo-Blaze?” Ben asked in shock. “You got roped in this too, huh?”

“Just hand over the stars, ranger!” Robo-Blaze said, his rapier still aimed at them. “...and nobody gets hurt.”

Ben saw the stars his team was holding, and hid them from view. “Never!” He said. “You’ll have to get us in order to have them!”

Zecora came to the Crusaders, defensive like. “As always, they appear radiant. It’s true. But my dear, crusaders...sharpen your view.” She pointed to the necklaces they had on their necks. “Observe This necklace and it’s charm...as I feared, believe it brings them harm.”

“This one’s more perceptive...” Luna thought.

“Always has been.” Twilight said in agreement to her. “She and that 6th Ranger could be a problem!”

“Or better yet...an asset.” Celestia said as she walked right up to Zecora. “You really want to give us those stars. You don’t want to do this the hard way, do you?” Her voice, getting defiant.

As this happened, Tempest Shadow arrived, and watched them from a nearby bush. It was at that moment that she finally spied a purple figure emerge right before her them, along with two others. I see she brought the Royal Sisters with her. Her blood ran cold. So far, they don’t know about Cosmos’s true nature! The Rangers must know about this!

She scanned the area for any Rangers, but so far, a human with a Zebra and a few ponies. “WHAT THE HECK IS TAKING THE RANGERS SO LONG?! Her mind screamed out. Impatience caused Tempest to clench her jaw firmly. She let out a sigh, sucked in air, and practically chewed on her own teeth. So tight in fact, that any second they might shatter into tiny pieces, not that she cared. She had a far bigger concern before her. Cosmos if you succeed, I swear to Celestia... She thought angrily.

“You heard her!” Robo-Blaze answered. “Do it, or we make things more difficult!”

“I think this looks extraordinarily bad.” Zecora said urgently. “A better defence is what I wish I had.”

The Sun Princess snarled, as they started to back away. Ben wished he could pull out a weapon of choice...maybe, he could contact the Rangers, or even Rainbow Dash if possible, and tell her about it. But, even if he did, the Princesses would know, and they’d easily be captured on the spot.

He reached into his pocket, and felt around for anything useful. He suddenly felt, something so soft, and yet hard in its form. He slowly pulled out the two Andalusian stars from his pocket.

Now, I know you’re wondering...why would Ben give up the Andalusian stars so easily? What about the black ranger? Is Cozy going to have her chance to help the Rangers? Where would that lead to Cosmos’s transformation? More importantly, where would that lead to Cozy Glow’s own destiny as a hero?

However, these were not the real stars that Ben pulled out. They looked just like them in every way. The only thing different about it, was that inside, and unknown to the Princesses, there was chocolate inside them. They were chocolate copies of the star gems!

He saw the chocolate copies, and smiled as he got an idea! He whispered to Capper, and the latter smiled as he has the same idea that Ben was thinking. Quickly, when no one was looking, he handed the copies to Capper, as he hid them from view into his palms.

It was then at that moment, Celestia spotted them. She gave a snarl as she walked toward them. “Hey, now Stretch!” Capper said, as he ran to her. “I think Stripes here is being a little cautious. He slowly revealed the fake stars to them. “We went through a lot of trouble, you know!”

He put them in a box, and handed them over to her. “Here you go, Ladies. No fuss...no muss.” He said to them.

“Capper, what are...?!” Zecora started, but she was silenced when he put his hand over her mouth.

Just as Celestia was about to take them, Twilight snatched them from her hooves. “Hey!” She shouted.

“Oh, yes!” Twilight saw the stars and were delighted. “You’ve made the right decision, Rangers!” She said happily.

Celestia took the stars from her, and contacted the Storm King. “Look here!” She said to him. “We have the stars!”

The Storm King was excited that he saw them, and that Cosmos would be whole. “The stars!” He shouted victorious. “They’re mine! All mine!” The three Princesses glared at him, to tell that it was theirs not his. Grubber, Robo-Roxy, and Vargoyle were shocked upon seeing this.

Twilight took one of the stars, and prepared to activate it with her magic. “I’ve been waiting for this moment!” she said evilly.

“Just want to see everyone get what they deserve.” Capper said, quietly as he and Ben both left them to enjoy this moment. As they left, the CMCs, Pinkie, Zecora and Big Mac were a little peeved at them for giving them what looked like the real deal.

“I can’t believe it!” Zecora said upset. “So you two did hand over the stars.”

“We did, but...” Capper started.

“How could you do that?!” Pinkie asked with rage in her voice.

“It’s not what you think!” Ben started to point out.

“You didn’t even tell us?!” Sweetie Belle started to shout, as they all looked at them, like they were ready to kill.

“Everyone, Stop!” Ben said, sticking his arms out. He had to tell them the truth. “You don’t understand! What they did was...”

HOLD ON!” Celestia screeched in shock, which caught their attention as they turned to see what the fuss was about. “THE STARS ARE MELTING!!!” Twilight, Luna and Robo-Blaze went over to see that the stars were oozing out brown like liquid out of them.

“WHAT?!” Twilight said in shock. She stretched one out, and saw chocolate in between the two pieces. “They’re chocolate!” she growled, making the others do the same.

“They fooled us!” Luna shouted as they all threw the fake ones down to the ground. No way were they eatable now!

“Don’t worry, guys!” Capper said with relief. “We’d never hand over the actual stars.” He opened his coat to reveal the real ones underneath. “We needed these to make the chocolate copies.”

“For your treachery, you will all be destroyed!” Robo-Blaze proclaimed furiously as he aimed his sword at them.

“Oh, yeah! Because we were just going.” Ben said, pointing back.

“ENOUGH!” Robo-Blaze roared, as he swung his weapon at them, making Ben dodge the weapon.

He quickly readied his morpher. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” He said, as he Morphed into his Green Ranger form. “Bring it on!” Ben said, as he was ready to fight, as were the others.

“You think you can try to make fools out of me?!” Celestia screeched, as she and her subordinates got ready to charge at the heroes.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” Ben said, as he hit his transporter. “Transport! BEAST-X SABER!” The primary Saber of the Rangers teleported to him, and he got ready to charge at Robo-Blaze!

The fight was on with Capper going against Luna, Celestia taking on Pinkie Pie and Big Mac, Twilight taking on the CMCs, and Ben fighting Robo-Blaze, while all Zecora could do was watch in shock.

Ben used his saber, to match Blaze’s rapier. The two swords clashed, until Ben slashed his abdomen, making him stagger back. “Not quite the stellar start I was aiming for, Green!” The Robo-general said angrily. “Think you might want to give up?”

Ben was not one to give up so easily. “You still have not answered my question about letting me defeat you!” He said, as he got his blaster ready to aim at him.

“I’m kind of preoccupied at the moment with you, and Discord right about now!” Blaze said, as he ran to him with his rapier in hand.

“I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’!” Ben said, as he fired upon him. “BEAST BLAST!” Robo-Blaze dodged the shots, but the green ranger would not back down so easily. In fact, he was far from doing that.

Capper was finding it hard to tackle the moon princess, as she used her magic to turn Capper’s coat into snakes, that intertwined around him. “EEK! ICK! Oh, EEK!” He yelped as he tried to break free. “Oh, Dirty pool!”

Zecora got out a vial, and turned to Luna. “It’s apparent you’re not you, Princess of Blue!” She said to her. “...I blame the cryptic star of pink!” She opened the bottle. “Fighting is not my way! I turn to voodoo. This will help you think!”

However Twilight was quick enough to snatch the vile from the Zebra’s hooves as Luna conjured up a boxing fist to punch her square in the head. “Don’t waste time with prose when you should be defeating your foes!” She rhymed.

Zecora was knocked down, as she and Luna bumped hooves. “I see what you did there!” She said. “One down, more to go!” They started toward their next target.

Meanwhile, Celestia was toppling Big Mac to the ground, as Pinkie was grabbing her from behind. “I don’t know whose side you’re on, Princess!” Pinkie shouted, as she whapped her with her toy llama. “But, you are DEFINITELY NOT the princess I know!” The two managed to flip her over, and the chomped on her mane, pulling her head back! Celestia somehow now had an idea.

She immediately whistled for her subordinates who came to her quickly. “The red one amuses me!” She said to her two comrades. “He thinks he can stop me! He is very powerful! I like him! Distract him!”

Princess Luna got ready to kiss Big Mac on the lips and almost did so, when Ben took notice, and broke away from Blaze. “Big Mac!” He called, as he left to jump up, and he landed somehow...with his fist right in front of the lips of the two ponies! Luna was confused as to why she was kissing the Green Ranger’s hand.

Ben noticed, and was shocked. “Hey, get off me!” He shouted as he used that same fist to punch her face, knocking her down to the ground, while Celestia threw Pinkie off her. He saw that too, and aimed his blaster at her, firing it at her. He turned back to Luna. “Luna, I didn’t know you could stoop that low!”

However, he didn’t see Celestia, punch him from behind as he was sent down to the ground. He was tumbling until he met up with the other parts of his team.

The CMCs were already tied up in a lasso of vines as they tried to break through. But as they struggled, the vines got tighter with Twilight’s magic. “Twilight, please!” Scootaloo pleaded. “We’re your friends!”

“Bleach!” Twilight said in disgust. “Children. Filthy creatures!”

Luna had Capper in the air with her magic and the snakes still wrapped around him. “Bad kitty...say, let’s sleep.” She said teasingly.

“Prisoners disabled, Princess Celestia!” Robo-Blaze said in triumph, as he came up to them.

“Blaze, what are you doing?!” Ben said, as he recovered, trying to get up.

However, the general held him down. “Silence, ranger!” He said. “You’re in the custody of General Cosmos!”

“General Cosmos?” Ben asked in shock.

Celestia had the other two real stars in her magic, and was ready to add two more ponies to her troops. “Let’s use the rest for fun later!” She said, as she got ready to do the deed. “But these two...” all Ben could do was watch in horror, as his team was about to get sent to where Applejack was before Ravi burst them out.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, a voice called out. “Hey, Pink eyes!” They all turned to see two sets of feet running up to them. They jumped up. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” The voice shouted, as gold and silver metallic tornados swirled around them. They landed to reveal one gold ranger and one silver ranger, armed with Sabers. Nate and Steel had arrived just in the Nick of time!

“Unleash the beast!” They both shouted, introducing themselves to the cosmic legion.

“Ben!” Nate took notice, and used his saber to slash Robo-Blaze, and helped him get up. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Ben said with relief. “Boy, am I glad to see you! But, that Cosmos...she’s got Twilight, and the Princesses under her control!”

“We know!” Nate told him seriously. “Rainbow told us!”

They then saw the CMCs entangled in the vine, and used their Striker Sabers to slash the vines and free them. The vines were loose as they fell off.

“Rangers! We knew you’d come ba-hack!” Scootaloo choked out as she and her friends got out of the vine trap.

“Glad to know you guys are okay!” Steel said with relief.

“Aw, did the wittle rangers free their wittle children?” Twilight joked, as her others subordinates got ready to fight.

“You three are finished!” Robo-Blaze barked as he got his rapier ready too.

“Pinkie, Crusaders! Get back to Battleforce!” Nate told them.

“Yeah, let the Power Rangers handle this!” Ben added as Pinkie and the CMCs nodded and left the fight to the Striker Rangers.

“Now, let’s even the score with You, Blaze!” Steel said, as he aimed his Striker Saber at the Robo-General.

It was at that moment that Tempest Shadow from the bush, finally spied a golden figure, along with a silver figure emerging from the opening right before her.

A smile planted itself on her face. Finally, and I see the gold and silver Rangers have arrived. Good. I knew you could do it, Rangers. she thought proudly, as she was ready to watch the striker and green ranger duke it out with her own evil enemy.

The three Rangers used the swords and clashed with each of the Princesses horns, and it was evenly matched as neither could get inside the other’s defences.

Nate tumbled on the ground, and got back up. “Twilight, stop!” He shouted.

“Not until you’re destroyed!” Twilight said as she zapped him a few times with her magic. He used his Striker Saber to deflect a few, but a few got him good. However, he jumped up and got his sword ready to take her on. “I don’t want to fight you!” He shouted.

But, Twilight caught him in her magic grasp, holding him still. “You don’t get a choice!” She said, as she jumped up, and kicked him, sending him flying towards the exterior castle wall.

“Bro!” Steel shouted in shock, as he saw his brother get thrashed. “All right, now you’ve cheesed me off, Twilight!” He said as he tried to go for her, only for Luna to strike him from behind.

“Steel!” Ben shouted, as he used his Saber to slash her from behind. “Beast Slash!”

It got her good, as she screamed in pain. She stumbled, and checked her wing. Sure enough, it was looking like it had a giant paper cut. She growled and aimed her horn at him. “You’re going to regret that move you made, Green!” She thundered as she ran toward him.

“Try me!” Ben said smugly, as he followed suit too. The two ran to each other, until Ben slid down by her.

Luna saw that he was nowhere to be found. “Where’d he go?!” She wondered.

“Uh, right behind you!” Ben said, as Luna turned to see him, and growled. “I have one thing you don’t have...Aquatic DNA!” He ran towards her, and fired a wave of water at her. The force of that attack sent her flying a few feet back from him, as she screamed of that attack.

“I’m melting!” She cried out dramatically like the wicked Witch of the West would say. “I’m melting! Oh, what a world!” She tumbled down on the ground, as she tried to get up.

“Not that that’s necessarily a good thing.” He said, sarcastically. Just then, a giant white hoof stomped on the ground, and Ben knew what that was as he saw it. “Uh, oh! I think I found her!”

The giant Celestia lowered her hoof down at him. “Give me five down low, Ben!” She said, as she did that, squishing him on the ground.

“I’m okay...not a problem!” Ben said, after feeling the effect of that giant hi-five!

Celestia just giggled, as she reverted to her normal size. “I’m just getting warmed up.” She said smugly.

“Maybe, this will cool you off!” Steel shouted as he got his saber in his slash position. “Striker Beast Slash!” However, both Twilight and Celestia deflected the slash, and sent it right back to him as he flew back a few feet on the ground.

Nate and Ben both rushed over to him. “Steel, are you okay?” Nate asked with worry. Steel nodded. “Watch out!” The saw the Princesses and Robo-Blaze walking towards them.

“Let’s finish this!” Luna said smugly, as they nodded. They all fired at them, but they jumped up and landed on a ledge of the castle.

“Wait! Come back!” Robo-Blaze said, as he readied his weapon. “I’m just getting powered up!” He ran after them, as they ran inside.

The Princesses decided now was the time to follow them as well. “Come on!” Celestia said. “Let’s get this over with!”

“Right!” Twilight and Luna both said, as they followed suit.

The Green, Gold and Silver Rangers were darting through the halls of the castle. “Where are we going?!” Steel asked in shock as they ran.

“Trying to get away from him!” Ben answered.

“Works for me!” Nate agreed as they ran into the throne room, and balconies, unaware that Robo-Blaze was right on their tail.

“You can’t run away from me, Rangers!” The General shouted. The three Rangers stopped at a dead end as the came to the end of the outside balcony, just as Robo-Blaze began to strike at them!

He swiftly took a few slashes as they were overwhelmed and fell off the balcony. “Whoa!” They all shouted as they fell to the ground.

Robo-Blaze jumped and landed before them gracefully. “I told you, this cosmic dust blast is a real gas!” He said as he got his rapier ready.

However, they were okay as they got up, but were unable to take much more of this. “This guy is starting to stink up my whole day!” Nate said as he got up.

“I think he needs to be smog checked!” Ben said as he got up,

“You got that right!” Steel said as he got up too. Robo-Blaze was ready to strike.

Nate got an idea. “Hey!” He told his teammates. “How about we put the ‘Striker’ in Striker Rangers?”

“Yeah!” Ben and Steel both said in agreement.

“Oh, yeah?” Robo-Blaze said skeptically. “Like I’m afraid of Beetles and frogs.”

“Then, come on down!” Nate said in a showy announcer like tone.

“Unless, you’re too chicken!” Ben jokingly said, imitating a chicken.

“Don’t be shellfish!” Steel said, as he clapped two boards in his hands together! “Come on!”

“Oh, it is so on!” The Robo Avatar said, as he readied his rapier. “Cyber Robo Strike!” He slashed his rapier at the rangers, which gave them critical hits. But, it would take a lot more than that to stop them for good!

“Whoa, try a mint!” Nate joked, as he pushed the smoke as a result of his slashes away.

He and Steel quickly whipped out their striker Morphers, and Ben got the Beast-X Ultra Blaster out. “Ready?” Nate asked. To which his teammates replied. “Yeah!”

“Let’s send him to the scrap pile!” He said, as they aimed their blasters at him. Unknown to them, the three possessed Princesses were coming right toward them to attack from behind.

Tempest was watching the fight unfold, and noticed the Rangers about to be struck from behind by the Princesses. “Oh, no! The Rangers are right on their trail, and about to be wiped out!” She thought to herself nervously. She had to warn them! Now was the time! “RANGERS!” she cried frantically. “LOOK OUT!

The Rangers took notice about their attackers, and in an instant, Steel and Ben struck them from their sides, while Nate kicked Twilight in the gut, sending all three of them back to Robo-Blaze. “Thanks!” They said, as they got their attention back, and were ready to fight again.

Celestia and Luna both got up, stressed and hurt from being thrown like that. “Party crashers?!” Celestia asked in rage.

“Why did we even bother with invitations?!” Luna said as well as she got up.

You said this would be easy...” Twilight said, as she got up and growled at her general. “What nursery did you come from, Pal?!”

“I didn’t think they’d freaking notice you guys were here, alright?!” Robo-Blaze barked at them, causing them to give him death glares.

“Give it up, Blaze!” Steel said, aiming his saber at the villains. “You’ve reached the end of the line!”

“Yeah. Do the math, Blaze!” Nate aimed his saber as well. “There’s 3 of us, and 4 of you! Or was that...4 of you, and 3 of us?”

“I think it was the first one.” Ben reminded him.

However, Twilight gave a little smirk as she heard that. “Oh, really?” She asked. “Well, guess again! We have two more on our side!”

“Huh?!” The Rangers asked in shock.

“And, they’re right on either side of you!” Twilight finished, pointing at either side of the Rangers.

“What?” Nate asked, confused. Suddenly, he turned around to see Zecora on the left side of them.

Ben and Steel took notice and turned to see Big Mac on the right side of them. “Uh, what’s going on?” Steel asked.

They got their answer when they both struck their ranger friends down to the ground! Unable to comprehend what happened, they got back up and were shocked to see the two with pink glowing eyes, and evil smiling. To their horror, they saw that the fourth star was hung on Zecora’s ear, and the other on the center of Big Mac’s saddle.

“I...we feel so much more complete!” Zecora said happily as they reunited with their possessed friends.

Twilight yawned, “I know, Zecora. But, I’m so bored for waiting for all the stars.” She sighed.

“Say. Why don’t we have some fun and...” Luna started, looking lovey-dovey at her sister.

“...go finish off the Rangers?” Celestia finished. “Sounds like a good idea to me! Wouldn’t you say, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said, growling at them. “Let’s crush them!” They posed, ready to finish them off.

“What the?!” Nate and Steel asked in shock. “You got them too?!”

“Now, that is so messed up!” Steel said, pointing an accusatory finger to them.

“Big Mac! You’re under Cosmos’s control! Fight her!” Ben called out to him.

However, all five ponies answered by blasting them. But, to their surprise, they ducked the blasts.

The Striker Rangers regrouped. “Okay, I can see that they’re not going to listen to reason!” Nate deduced.

“So, let’s make them listen through brute force and lasers!” Steel put in.

“With you all the way!” Ben said, as the cosmic group got ready to fight.

Nate and Steel got their striker morphers charged and ready to blast. “Striker Morpher Charged!” They said, as they aimed them at the villains.

Ben hit his transporter. "Transport! Beast-X Blaster!" The Blaster appeared before him and he combined the saber with it to form The Beast-X Cannon! “Beast-X Cannon..ready!” He called out.

The cosmic ponies knew what they were up against, as they saw the blasters. “Uh oh!” Twilight, Luna and Celestia all said in shock, while Big Mac and Zecora coiled in fear.

“Huh? What?!” Robo-Blaze asked upon seeing them with their weapons.

“FIRE!” The Striker Rangers shouted as their weapons fired three powerful beams, which merged as one energy ball, which rolled over to comic ponies, and Robo-Blaze, hitting them on the spot.

The Cosmic team shrieked in pain as they were zapped by the rangers’ combined powers. However, this was too much for Robo-Blaze as he shorted out. “Noooooooooooooo!” he shouted as he exploded to the ground.

The three Rangers raised their weapons in victory. “Y’all gots to go, Yo!” Nate said, as he, Steel and Ben turned to face the reader, and the comic ponies behind them felt surges as a result of them being zapped.

“So...much...power!” Twilight said, rubbing her head, and still trying to recover from the rangers’ attacks.

“It’s more....than we...can...handle!” Luna agreed as well.

“Should we retreat?” Zecora added.

“Yeah. Retreat is a good idea, right now!” Big Mac added, while the others nodded.

Twilight gave a yell, as she pointed a hoof at the rangers, who turned around to face them. “You may have won this one, no doubt.” She said. “But, we’ll be back! You can count on it!” And they all tapped on the stars, and teleported away.

“They’re gone!” Ben said, astonished.

“But, they’ll be back!” Nate said. “I’m just glad we were able to hold them off for now!”

“Yeah, we sure did!” Steel agreed. “But, that other voice...” he pondered about who that voice was, and why it told them to look out. “I wonder...”

“Yeah. I wonder too.” Nate agreed. “Who was that who tried to warn us?”

“And, how did it know about this?” Ben asked as well. “What could’ve happened?”

“I don’t know...” Steel said. “Still, that voice saved us from being thrashed.” The other two nodded as well.

“So, where did they go?” Nate asked.

“Really far away!” Steel answered. “If we’re lucky!”

“Let’s head back to base!” Nate said, as they teleported back to Grid Battleforce. The CMCs and Pinkie would meet back at the base to tell the rangers what they saw, and come up with a plan to stop it. But, how? Cosmos was already a part of their friends, and if they hurt her, they’d also be hurting Twilight and their friends! How would they stop them without bringing harm to their friends?

They needed a plan, and by telling the Commander and getting their good friends to help, they would have one ready!

Author's Note:

That’s all for this chapter! Cosmos has two more ponies added to her army, and Gold amd Silver rangers have arrived to the rescue? Sounds like Tempest is secretly helping the rangers take this new threat down! So far, the CMCs and Pinkie Pie are safe, but Zecora and Big Mac aren’t! How will the rangers take down...or rather save their friends? And how will Cozy tackle her self esteem to help out her friends? Find out in the next chapter, and stay tuned for Rainbow Dash collecting more memories about her friend! It’s a Cozy Glow and Rainbow Dash chapter, coming up!