• Published 8th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind - TheSuperTransformerFan

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 8: Cozy’s Doubts

Cozy Glow, the secondary Princess of Friendship was in one of the training rooms, and still feeling down about how she was unable to contribute to the rangers’ teamwork. So far, Cosmos was returning, Twilight and her fellow Princesses have gone to the dark side, and Cozy felt like she was powerless. This sense of helplessness started when she missed a moving target during practice with her fellow teammate, Zoey.

She sat there, with her back against a wall, and sighed. She was a little sad, but she had gotten used to the feeling since she met the CMCs, failed her test on purpose, tested the Friendship School students, found out about her world’s destruction when she was with Evox, and got cast out with Megan. She breathed in and out, feeling like there was nothing she could do to stop this new threat, and that she might put her own friends in danger. She felt like she was like everyone else...normal.

She was crying for a good period of time, when the rangers, Discord, Rainbow, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer came in, wanting to try to comfort her. She looked up, and sighed. “Oh, it’s you.” She said sadly.

“Thought we’d find you here.” Ravi told her, patting her.

“I can’t do anything right.” Cozy said sadly, as Starlight put her hoof on her shoulder.

“Of course you can, Cozy.” She said. “I know so, because sometime you just give up too easily on yourself. Just like Twilight did.” She smiled warmly at her.

Cozy swatted her hoof away though, not wanting to hear it. “It was Twilight’s recklessness that got everyone put in danger.” Cozy reminded her, and yawned. “This is the most boring mystery ever.”

“Actually, I’m not sure you noticed...” Spike said to her. “But, Celestia, Luna, Big Mac and Zecora are under Cosmos’s control as well!” The others nodded.

“What?!” Cozy snapped back to action. “You mean Twilight’s added more to her army?!”

Spike nodded. “And, from the looks of it, Cosmos needs six stars for her to be complete, and she already have five!” He warned her, as everyone nodded.

Cozy was stricken with horror, and she slunk back down to the ground. “Then, this is it.” She replied. “Game over.”

“Over?” Rainbow asked. “It better not be over! Not with Cosmos still about, and our friends doing everything they can to help!”

“And, if she’s assembled, Equestria might fall!” Discord warned her as well. “Is that what you want?! We need to think of a plan to stop her, without ever coming near her.”

Cozy felt like she was about to snap like a twig, as she was about to let loose her rant upon them. “But, that’s just it!” She shouted at them. “It’s not fair! This is what I get for helping you guys save from the world, from that creepy...draconniqus things, who was Discord’s first friend?!” Discord was shocked and guilty as she heard that, as the others gasped, having heard that. “I could’ve been helping you! But, everyone has to help me because I’m so small and inexperienced! Sometimes, I wish I never had joined the Power Rangers!”

Everyone gasped in shock as they heard that. Who was she, and what has she done with Cozy? “Do you really mean that?” Zoey asked in shock.

“Cozy, you can’t be serious!” Devon said, worried.

“I am!” She spat out. “I know that the reward of being a ranger is helping everyone, but so far, all I’ve felt like I’ve done is help you A little! Twilight’s been captured, Cosmos is about to come back, we might be in danger! WHY?! OH WHY?!” the Alicorn filly pounded on the ground, crying as she did that. “We’re all facing unspeakable doom, the team might be wiped out, and all my plans could fail! I’m a failure!” She looked down, still in her depressed state.

“Cozy, y’all aren’t a failure!” Applejack, put her hoof on her. “It’s just that you didn’t get your chance to help, Sugarcube. Your part will come. You’ll see.”

“Will I?” She asked, filling up with rage. “I don’t want to ruin your chance to win just because I only help a little!”

“And who said that to you?” Starlight said, confused.

“Me.” Cozy simply answered, not wanting to look at her friends. “But helping others is how a team is supposed to work! You helped Twilight and the others multitudes of times! And what can I do, as I am a Princess filly?”

“But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you help a little or help a lot!” Starlight persuaded her. “Your friendship, and hard work is great, and you help out others 'cause it represented exactly what makes a team like the Power Rangers special. You do still know what that is, right?” She smiled at her, as she looked up to see her.

“Team work, and friendship.” She confirmed. “But, Twilight’s already working for the Storm king, and Equestria is in danger! I know I should help everyone, but...what can I do?!” She was starting to tear up with sadness. “I can never get past those fighters alone.”

“You can do lots of things!” Fluttershy piped up. “You can help friends at Twilight’s school, and develop tech for Battleforce!”

“Fluttershy’s right!” Applejack piped in. “You’ve been there for us, and helped many times take down villains like Evox and the Storm King! I know because ya had it in you! Who turned on Tirek & Chrysalis to save our universes and help us?”

“Uh, I don’t know?” Cozy said softly.

“Y’all did!” The farm mare said, smiling.

“And, who helped use the Beast-X King Zord to help us take down Evox in the cyber dimension and protected our Ultrazord?” Rainbow asked. “You did!”

Cozy was surprised that they reminded her of her heroic actions to help the rangers and ponies stop their enemies. She saw her life flash before her eyes, as she recalled her times with the team, and helping them save the day!

“I guess I do owe you guys a lot.” She said, recovering from her sadness.

“Exactly!” Devon added. “And, who helped Megan get the Beast-X King Zord free from the Storm King’s grasp?”

Cozy realized who he was talking about. “Me!” She said, smiling.

“That’s right!” Devon agreed, patting her on the back.

“You see, Cozy?” Discord said to her in his fatherly tone. “Everyone believes you can do it, because you’ve helped us countless times to save Equestria and Earth! The only pony you need to believe in...” He pointed to Cozy on the chest. “...is yourself.”

“Listen, Cozy Glow.” Starlight said to her, comforting. “Sometimes, you'll help, or sometimes, maybe you won't. But, You're still our friend, and our most important teammate and ally, anyway. And, thats awesome!” They all smiled at her. “Besides, Who's the toughest little pony in town that we know can handle herself in a fight?”

“Me.” She said happily, her eyes welling up, as she smiled. I guess sometimes, being small does have its own advantages. I need a little push in the right direction.”

“That’s the spirit, Sugarcube!” Applejack said to her happily.

She then shifted back to nervousness. “But, what are we going to do?” She asked, with fright. “The Storm King already has our friends as his henchmen! And, Cosmos is coming to Earth! How are we supposed to tackle something as big as her?!”

“I know you can do it!” A voice said, they turned to see Nate, Ben, Steel, Pinkie Pie, the CMCs, and Commander Shaw standing before them. Cozy was shocked to see her that she broke down.

“Commander!” She said, scared. “I’m so so sorry! I—!”

The commander put her hand on her shoulder, as the mini alicorn looked up. “Don’t be.” She said. “I know you can handle this challenge, Cozy.”

“But, I can’t!” She pleaded. “I'm scared. We’re on our own, Cosmos is coming, and I have no idea what to do to stop her, or have Twilight Sparkle back to normal!”

“Yes, you can, Cozy Glow.” Commander Shaw said.

“The only thing holding you back is your own fear!” Applebloom added, as the other crusaders all nodded in agreement.

Zoey put her hand on Cozy’s shoulder. “Come on, Cozy! Don’t give up!” She told her. “You’re stronger than you think you are!”

“You are in charge!” Devon added, as she looked up and was surprised, seeing her friends giving her a speech of encouragement.

“You are a light, Cozy!” Sweetie Belle said, smiling. “A force for good!”

“Yeah! You can kick Cosmos’s butt!” Rainbow added.

“We're here for you!” Pinkie agreed.

“And we'll always be here for you!” Applejack agreed as well.

“No matter what!” Applebloom piped up as well. “Just like all the kinds of beings livin' together as friends. Earth ponies...”

“...unicorns...” Sweetie Belle continued.

“...Pegasi...” Rainbow and Scootaloo said as well.

“...alicorns...” Starlight added.

“...dragons...” Spike piped in.

“...And Power Rangers!” Ben said as well.

“We believe in you!” Fluttershy said, smiling.

“You just have to embrace the power inside you!” Steel said in agreement.

“What if I only make things worse?” Cozy asked, starting to get back to nervousness.

“That won't happen!” Scootaloo said to her. “We won't let it.”

“It's up to you, Cozy!” Ravi said, confidently to her. “You definitely can do it!”

“You... are not... alone!” Nate said as well.

“Who are you?” Discord said, already knowing the answer.

Cozy realized that her friends and teammates did have a point, and that everyone else was believing in her, and that she can do this! She took a deep breath, and put on her game face, and was ready to get back into it. “No! I... am...Princess Cozy Glow!” She said bravely. “And the magic I carry inside me is... the Magic of Friendship!!!”

“Look into your heart, Cozy.” Commander Shaw said warmly to her. “...and you’ll find all the strength you need!

“With courage, you can accomplish anything!” Ben added to her sentence, as the others nodded.

“Just remember, Cozy...The power is yours!” the commander said, smiling to her.

Cozy saw her friends smiling at her, and realized they were right. She knew what needed to be done! “You’re right!” She said, as if she gained her confidence back. “I don’t care how dangerous it is! Our friends are depending on us! We must help them!”

Everyone cheered as she said those words. She turned to her companions. “Come on, everyone!” She said, feeling more brave than ever before. “Let’s find a plan, and go save the world!” She looked at Rainbow, who was indeed smiling at her. “And your friend as well!” They all cried out “Yeah!” As they all got up from their heroic pep talk they gave her.

“Let’s go!” Ravi said, as they all left the training room, and into the lab. Cosmos was coming back, but not if Cozy had anything to say about it! And, neither did her friends! They were ready to come up with a plan to save Twilight and her friends, and save the world! Cozy was overcoming her own biggest fear, and her challenge was about to come!

However, her friends were here for her, and believed in her that she can indeed handle this! She and her friends have got this...together! She was here, and she was ready!

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for this chapter! Cozy is back in the game, and is ready to help her friends fight their most galactic villain yet! Also, her big challenge is coming! Could this mean that she might become a Power Ranger? Is this her test? We’ll just have to find out! Also, Rainbow collects memories and the heroes come back for reinforcements! It’s all in the next part, coming right up!