• Published 8th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind - TheSuperTransformerFan

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 13: Cosmos & The Titan

When we last left the rangers and Ponies, they were already at the mercy of Discord’s most sadistic, galactic Ex...Cosmos! Oh, and Twilight and her subordinates have merged into her, as well as Cozy becoming the Black ranger! Cosmos was about to squish the heroes flat. Which meant the rangers needed some backup right away!

She tried to reach for them, but they all dodged her massive claw! “Uh, how about we regroup?” Discord asked them nervously.

“How are we supposed to defeat her when she’s got all those ponies...what?” Rarity asked, scared and pointing at the looming she-demon. “INSIDE HER? WHY IS SHE SO BIG? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!”

“Uh, long story!” Ben explained.

“Well, This is our first giant monster fight, and none of us are bailing!” Scootaloo said bravely.

“We gotta step in and, all of our friends just fused!” Applejack deduced, “And we’re the only ones who know how to handle this!”

“Affirmative!” Nate agreed. “It’s those stars!” He pointed to each of the stars on the armor pieces of Cosmos’s body. “They’re what’s keeping her together!”


“DISCORD! RANGERS! YOU ARE TRYING MY PATIENCE!” Cosmos shouted as she tore a few mountains from the ground, and tossed them to the side.

“So, those gems are...targets?” Starlight wondered. “Well, we can take them out!”

“And, then what?!” Ravi and Steel both asked.

“Well, when the gems were apart, Cosmos couldn’t fully form.” Starlight figured out. “And, she didn’t have those stars originally.”

“If that’s true, then what Celestia did to lock her away separated her into those six gems!” Capper agreed.

“Then, we need to get those gems, and destroy them!” Zoey alerted. “If they contain all her magic, no stars mean...”

“No Cosmos! Of course!” Ben said in excitement as well.

“Get the gems. Got it!” Applebloom recapped. “But, how do we get rid of her?”

“Maybe, I’d better explain!” Discord said, as he rallied up the others. “It took the combined magics of six beings, and the elements of Harmony to destroy her! The Princesses locked her away in the sky, but...we don’t have a Princess!”

Just then, Rarity came up with an idea. “True...” she said smugly. “We don’t have a Princess...but we do have a dragon!” She pointed to Spike as she said that, grinning.

“Huh?” Spike asked, confused.

“Yeah, well we got a few Zords with a lot of force!” Devon shot back interfering with the plan! “Let’s use them!”

“Oh, yes!” Rarity said, upon realizing the rangers’ method. She giggled and blushed. “I suppose I could’ve suggested that too!”

“Then, let’s do it!” Ravi said, as he contacted Commander Shaw. “Commander! Guess what we need?”

“Don’t tell me.” She said, as she hit the zord launch button, launching all 6 Zords to Equestria.

“Time for some big time backup!” Nate added as well, as he and Steel’s teams jumped to their zords.

Cozy was ready to call her Zord, as well. “Hold the last order, Commander!” Cozy said to the Commander through her morpher, as she got out her Morph-X key. “I want to throw some dark on the subject!”

She stretched her arms, and plugged the key in her morpher. “DEPLOY BEAST-X KING ZORD!” She shouted. Pine Ridge Woods split open, as Cozy’s Zord came out into the open, and raced toward the heroes.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Devon shouted he, Zoey, Ravi and Ben’s teams all all jumped to their zords. Cozy followed suit, and jumped to her Zord as well.

“Ooh Ooh! The rangers are headed to the Zords!” Smash said to alert the other Beast Bots.

“And, that’s our cue to help our friends!” Cruise said. “Let’s go!”

“Roger that!” Jax said, as they went to teleported to link with the 3 core zords.

“Systems ready!” Cruise, Smash & Jax all said as they linked up with them. “Zords linked!”

“Boy, are we glad to see you guys!” Ravi said, as he and AJ saw their Bot partner.

“You said it!” Applejack said in agreement as her little sister nodded.

Cozy arrived in her zord, and plugged Rory in. “You ready to rumble, Rory?” She asked her partner.

“I was made ready!” Rory purred with excitement as Cozy hit the gas and joined the others.

Pretty soon, all 7 zords approached Cosmos, who was indeed wrecking the ground in sight. She turned to see the zords, and was shocked. “WHAT?!” She asked in disbelief. “I thought you guys had been in the dust!”

“Forgot about our zords, didn’t you?” Ben asked.

“I don’t care if you have giant animals on your side.” The she-demon growled. “You’re all going down!” She turned to face then, and tried to swat them away, but they dodged her attacks.

“Okay, who has a plan!” Rainbow Dash said, curiously.

“I’d would like it on record if Applejack came up with a plan!” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“I second that.” Applebloom added.

“Third!” Spike added as well.

“Fourth!” Pinkie piped up as well.

“Alright then!” Devon said to his team. “Ravi, & Applejack...you & Applebloom will use the Wheeler Zord, while Rainbow, Scootaloo & I use the Racer Zord to get to Cosmos’s legs!”

“Right!” Ravi’s team said.

“Let’s do it!” Scootaloo said in excitement.

“Zoey, Fluttershy, Ben & Capper...” Devon instructed them. “You guys got the front arms!”

“We’ll use the chopper Zord for her left!” Zoey announced as Fluttershy nodded.

“And, we’ve got the Hydro Zord to rain on her right!” Ben said bravely as Capper nodded.

“You got it!” He added.

“Let’s Rain on that Monster’s parade!” Ribbit piped up.

“Got it!” Devon said. “Nate, Pinkie, and Spike...”

“Uh, Devon? I’m not sure if you noticed, but the Wrecker Zord is used for land usage.” Nate pointed out to him.

“Yeah, and I don’t know if we can get that Zord high enough!” Pinkie agreed.

“It’s like we’d have to drive the Zord OFF a cliff to get to it’s chest plate!” Spike pointed out.

“Like Thelma & Louise?” Ravi asked.

“Thelma & what now?” Applejack asked confused.

“Yeah, Kinda like that.” Nate said to them.

“Okay, scratch that!” Devon said.

“I’ll take over the announcements from here, Devon!” Pinkie said, as she alerted the others. “Steel, Starlight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle!” Can you use the Jet Zord to get to that crown?”

“You got it!” Steel said, excitedly.

“Consider it done, Devon!” Starlight said as well.

“And, Cozy?” Pinkie started.

“Go for that chest plate!” Cozy finished. “Already on it!”

“I’ll help use the Wrecker Zord to help out!” Nate added.

“Alright! Let’s do it!” Devon said, bravely. Everyone else cheered.

“Break!” Everyone shouted. And, those zords split up to execute their mission

A duo of chairs was just assembled atop a mountain. “Sweetums, come here, and see what I made for us!” Cosmos said gleefully, peering down at Discord, who was backing away nervously, while sweating.

The Wheeler and Wrecker Zord advanced towards Cosmos’s legs. Ravi, and Nate’s team nodded as they readied their weapons. “Ready, Guys?” Ravi asked.

“Roger!” Nate’s team answered.

“Rapid Blast!” They shouted, as both zords fired missiles toward her.

Meanwhile, Zoey, Steel and Ben’s teams were swooping down toward the arms and crown stars!

“Coming...” Zoey started.

“...through!” Ben said, as they fired their rapid missiles towards the she-demon as well.

“Going right through the danger zone!” Steel said bravely as he fired his missiles too.

Cosmos took notice, and tried to swat them away, but they kept blasting her. “What...PESKY PEONS GET BACK INTO ONE SPOT!” She shouted angrily. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

“Goodness, gracious great balls of fire!” Rarity whooped in excitement, as they hi-fived upon seeing the fiery inferno that Cosmos was being laid upon.

Devon was ready to make his move as he activated the transformation code to his Zord. “Racer zord! Battle mode!" He shouted, as the racer zord transformed into it's robot-like battle mode.

Cozy formed the Beast-X King Zord in cycle mode, as the Racer Zord climbed on it. The two zords revved up, and reached chest plate level, as the Racer Zord aimed the staff blaster at it. “Ready...” Cozy started.

“...aim...” Devon said. They were in perfect firing range of the gigantic creature’s upper torso. “...“KING COMBO STRIKE!” Devon, Rainbow, Scootaloo & Cozy all shouted, which made the Zord fire its staff at Cosmos.

Unfortunately, she took notice, and aimed her claw at the two zords. “Uh, Uh Uh!” She cackled. “It’s not nice to fight your friends. Her fingers took the form of their friend’s heads, as it fired upon both zords spot on.

“Aaahhh!” Devon, and his team shouted.

“We’ve been hit!” Cruise screamed as the Racer Zord was thrown off, and it landed on its back on the ground.

“DEVON!” Steel & Rarity shouted.

“COZY!” Ben, Nate, Pinkie, Spike & Capper shouted in horror.

“SWEET MOTHER OF APPLESAUCE!” Applejack said in total shock, upon seeing the zords get knocked down.

“Nate!” Ravi alerted his teammate. “The Apples, & I will take the right!”

“Y’all take the left!” Applebloom contacted Nate.

“Roger that!” Nate said, as they turned their zords over to the lower legs of Cosmos, as she was blasting the sky and mountains.

“Wait, did you mean OUR left, or HER left?” Pinkie asked quizzically. “That’s like ‘Stage left’, right?”

“DOESN’T MATTER!” Ravi shouted. “Just take the one we don’t!”

“Got it!” Nate said, as he switched the control on. “Ready, guys?”

Pinkie saluted him, while Spike answered. “Ready as we‘ll ever be!”

“Wrecker Zord...Mantis Mode!” Nate called out, as the Zord transformed into Kabuto beetle mode.

“Whoo hoo!” Spike said in excitement.

“Wheeler Zord...Gorilla Mode!” Applebloom shouted.

“Applebloom? What?” Applejack asked, as they were suddenly caught off guard as said Zord transformed into said animal mode.

“Hey, Smash!” Ravi told him seriously. “Don’t change modes without telling me!”

“Sorry, Ravi!” Smash confessed.

Devon and Cozy saw the Wheeler and Wrecker zords advance towards them. “Look!” Devon said in excitement.

“Alright!” Rainbow and Scootaloo shouted in happiness.

“Nate and Ravi!” Cozy squealed in delight.

Nate and Ravi’s teams were ready to do their power play. “Now, Nate!” Applebloom shouted.

“On it!” Nate, and Pinkie said as the wrecker Zord climbed onto Cosmos’s left leg, and the Wheeler Zord grabbed onto her right leg.

Cosmos saw the zords on her legs, and snarled, as she tried to shake them off. “GET OFF ME, YOU IMPUDENT BUGS!” She bellowed as she shook them.

“Whoa!” Nate said in shock. “She’s shaking us off!”

“We’re gonna fall over!” Applejack shouted as Cosmos successfully threw them off her legs, making them fall on their backsides.

“Oh no!” Devon said in shock.

“I guess we should’ve known that wouldn’t work!” Cozy said in surprise as they saw this.

As that happened, Cosmos decided to seize this chance to swat the Chopper, Hydro and Jet zords away from her, as she whacked them with her hands. “Have a nice trip, Aerial fighters!” She laughed with glee, as they were thrown down. They all screamed as they were hit.

“Steel! Zoey!” Spike shouted.

“Ben! Capper!” Ravi shouted as they were thrown down.

Tempest meanwhile, teleported to a far tree, away from the fight and watched the zords battle it out with Cosmos. She got scared as she watched the, succumb to her might. “Oh, no! The zords are hit!” she said in fright. “If they continue taking them on like this, they’ll be annihilated! It will probably take a miracle to save them now!” she but her nails, praying for a miracle that the rangers would win.

Back to the heroes, they had just taken a beating by the she-demon’s amazing strength and power. “Okay, I can see we have to turn it up a notch!” Ben said.

“Good idea!” Steel said, as all the zords changed course toward each other.

“You think?!” Discord asked angrily to himself out loud, as he saw Cosmos start to loom over him, and the zords as well.

The rangers were ready for their trump cards as they activate the combination codes. “BEAST-X MEGAZORD!” Devon, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Ravi, Applebloom, Applejack, Zoey & Fluttershy all shouted.

“STRIKER MEGAZORD!” Nate, Spike, Starlight, Pinkie, Rarity, Steel, and Sweetie Belle all shouted.

“COMBINE!” And, all 5 zords combined to form their personal Megazords.

Cozy was ready to step up her game too. “Time for the Mane Event...with the Lion!” She said. “BEAST-X KING ZORD...BATTLE MODE!” The Zord changed into battle mode.

“Hydro Zord...FROG MODE!” Ben said as he hit a button, and his Zord transformed into frog mode.

All four Megazords were ready to take Cosmos on! “MEGAZORDS...UNLEASHED!” All heroes shouted as they posed, and got ready to charge.

Cosmos was ready too, as she got into a fighting stance. “Things are about to get a bit chaotic for you, Rangers!” She shouted, as she charged toward them.

Robo-Blaze, and Robo-Roxy arrived in a nearby part of the woods, and saw Cosmos taking on the zords. “Alright, Cosmos!” Roxy cheered.

“Win this one for the Storm King!” Robo-Blaze encouraged.

The Beast-X King Zord was ready as it used its staff to slash her, but she grabbed the staff, and pushed the Zord out of the way. She then used her fist to punch the Zord, making it stagger back.

She was about to punch it again, when a barrage of blasts interrupted her. She turned to see the Hydro Zord and Striker Megazord as they fired with their tadpole drones, and Jet blaster. “Any ideas?” Nate asked.

“Yeah!” Steel, Starlight, and Rarity said.

“On it!” Ben said, as the Hydro Zord activated its tongue punch toward her gut, and the Striker Zord raised its Scarab arm to slash her claw.

“We’d Better help them!” Fluttershy alerted them.

“I’m right behind you!” Devon said, as the Beast-X Megazord got its Beast-X Blade ready to slash her.

“Mind if we cut in?” Ravi asked, as their Megazord stepped in.

“Don’t mind if we do!” Rarity said, as all three zords got ready to attack.

“Go for it!” Starlight added in agreement.

Cosmos had a trick up her sleeve, as she got her fists ready, and started to spin. “Glad I took those spinning classes!” She gloated as she spun around, and whacked the zords with her talons. The Beast-X Megazord staggered back, while the Striker and Hydro zords fell to the ground.

Tempest was getting nervous as she was watching as her job might as well be on the line, working for the Storm King. “They’ve gotta do something!” she said, nervously watching the fight unfold. “Come on, Rangers!” she fretted.

Devon and his team weren’t about to give up yet, as they were about to activate their finisher. “Zoey! You know the drill!” He told her.

“Oh yeah!” Zoey said, as she powered the Beast-X Blade. The blade filled with Morph-X, and the megazord raised it up to slash her.

“BEAST-X MEGAZORD...HYPER SLASH!” The Beast-X teams all shouted, as the Megazord started to use its blade.

“Bring it on!” Cosmos said evilly, as she conjured up a shield, which deflected the megazord’s attack.

Everyone was shocked, as they saw her block their attack! “NO WAY!” They all shouted. At that moment, the Beast-X King Zord arrived over to them.

The alarms started to go off, and Devon and his team were shocked. “Uh, what’s happening?!” Rainbow asked in worry, while Scootaloo was hanging on.

“Our Morph-X levels are critical!” Devon said in shock.

“Too bad, Red Ranger!” Cosmos scoffed. “Look like you’ll have to...be dismantled!” She fired her claw beams at the Beast-X Megazord, and the teams all struggled to hold on! However, the zords couldn’t support the damage that she was giving them.

“We can’t hold on!” Cruise, Smash, & Jax all said in unison as the Beast-X Megazord’s components were blasted apart, sending them all to the ground.

“GUYS!!!” Cozy was frightened that Cosmos was able to wipe out a whole megazord with just one swipe!

“Gorilla Mode!” Ravi said, as his Zord transformed into his animal mode again. His Zord got RIGHT in front of Cosmos & The Racer Zord.

“RAVI!” Nate said in shock.

“What are you doing?!” Fluttershy asked, frightened.

“It’s okay!” Ravi reassured them. “We can take a hit!” Cosmos blasted his Zord, a few times, but his Zord was still standing!

“NO!” Zoey and Fluttershy shrieked.

The Wheeler Zord was still taking a beating, but it was still standing. “Come on, Smash!” Ravi urged his partner.

Cosmos just cackled, as she readied her mutation powers. “Enjoy your new life as a Zord carousel!” She said menacing.

“Not going to happen!” Nate said, angrily.

“Huh?!” Cosmos turned to see the Striker Megazord, slash her with its scarab arm. “NO ONE INTERFERES IN MY FIGHT!” She tried to swat it away, but the Striker Megazord kept pushing her away.

The Hydro Zord also blasted her with its tadpole bombs, making her stagger back. “Oh, that’s lame!” She scoffed. “Put up your dukes!” She got her fists ready!

“With pleasure!” Capper said, as the Zord executed a tongue punch, sending her staggering back as she groaned in pain.

“Guys!” Ben alerted the others. “It’s time to switch things up!”

“We couldn’t agree more!” Zoey said, as Fluttershy nodded.

Ben and Capper activated the combination, as the Hydro, Wheeler, & Racer zords combined. “HYDRO MEGAZORD...UNLEASHED!” Ben and Capper announced.

“Thanks, Ben!” Scootaloo sighed in relief.

“Just in time!” Rainbow said, as she smiled.

“Because these guys are working our last good nerve!” Applejack growled.

“Copy that, AJ!” Rainbow said, as the Hydro Megazord was ready to take them on.

“You really think one switcharoo can make a difference?!” Cosmos just snarled.

“Yes! Because, we’ve got this!” Ben said, as he activated one of its finishers.

“HYDRO SCREWS!” The heroes shouted as it unveiled walker-type Mecha hands and spun them as the turbines let out a gust of steam, and a gush of water at the raging she-demon.

“You can’t believe that water can defeat me!” Cosmos cackled as she grabbed the Hydro hands, and pushed them aside. She then kicked the Wheeler Zord legs, and punched the Zord in the torso, making it stagger back.

“You guys thinking what we’re thinking?” Ben asked, as Capper nodded.

“You bet!” Devon said, determined.

“RAPID BLAST!” They shouted, as the Megazord held out its arm, and unleashed the hydro bombs, which transformed into mini versions of said Zord, ramming into her. “This should slow her down!” Ben said, hopefully.

“FIRE!” They shouted, but to their surprise, Cosmos swatted the bombs away as they crashed onto the ground, decimated.

“This isn’t working!” Devon said. “What else can we do?”

Tempest was getting more worried as she watched the Zord fight not going out so well. “Where’s that last-minute, just in time, save their butt machine?!” she eagerly awaited the King Zord’s arrival. “I’m waiting!” she said out loud to herself, impatiently.

Cosmos grabbed the Hydro arm, and started to bend it. “You give up?” She asked, as she kicked the Megazord in the right leg. She then threw it upside down, as it flew above her, and landed on the ground.

The heroes groaned, as they took another beating from a formidable enemy. Cosmos turned around, and got her claw ready to blast them again! “Time for you to freeze!” She said, as she readied her blast.

“Uh oh!” Devon said in alert. “Take cover!” They all braced for impact. But at that moment, The Beast-X King Zord arrived and blocked the blast on its chest.

“What?!” She growled.

“Alright!” Rainbow shouted as Scootaloo whooped in excitement.

Finally!” Tempest spoke, as she saw the King Zord’s arrival, and felt that she could breathe a little more. “I knew that new black ranger would bring her Zord! It was worth the effort to round it up!

“Interception at the goal line! And, the Beast-X King Zord is running it for a touchdown!” Cozy said, bravely like a football commentator. “Activating Beast-X King impact!” The zord got its staff, as it slashed Cosmos in an “X” formation!

Unfortunately for Cozy AND her Zord, Cosmos used her magic to send the blast BACK to her Zord, making it stagger back in pain.

“Aahhh!” Cozy said, as she was thrown around violently in her Zord cockpit.

“COZY!” The rangers shouted.

“She’s at the 30...the 40...the 50!” Cosmos said, bravely as she slashed Cozy’s Zord down to the ground. Cozy and her Zord were so far trashed on the ground.

Oh, man!” Tempest said in fright, and sadness as she saw the former evil filly lose so easily. How on Earth was she going to face a beast like Discord’s own ex?!

The Striker, and yellow rangers took notice, and were horrified by the sight of Cozy’s Zord wreckage. “Oh, Man!” Steel said in fright.

“Cozy just got flattened!” Rarity shrieked in horror.

“And, so did Devon and Ben!” Pinkie screamed scared, as they saw both Megazords get blasted by Cosmos’s claws.

“Man, it’s like there’s no end to her!” Nate said, tired and disappointed.

“It’s just like when we faced Grogar, and Evox!” Zoey said. “But she’s more tougher than any gigadrone!”

“What are we gonna do?” Fluttershy asked, worriedly. “She’s more powerful than we thought!”

“We gotta call for Discord!” Steel alerted Nate. “Maybe, he can stop her with his Chaos magic!”

“Steel, don’t you remember? Discord can’t fight her alone like this!” Nate warned him. “He’s too scared!”

“Well, since Twilight and the others are out of the picture, what else can we do?” Steel asked. “She almost as powerful as an Ultrazord!”

Nate thought about it, and remembered what his brother said, and got an idea! “Waitaminute!” Nate said. “That’s it!”

“What’s it?” Pinkie and Spike asked, confused.

“I think I’ve found a way to beat Cosmos!” He told his friends. “What better way to stop a giant draconniqus than with a giant Ultrazord?!” He contacted Ravi and the others. “Guys, listen!” He told them. “I know how we can stop her!”

“How?!” Ravi and Applebloom asked in horror.

“The only way we can stop an Ultra draconniqus is if we had an Ultrazord to help!” Nate told them. “We need to form the Beast-X King Ultrazord! Get the Chopper Zord over here, and we’ll start the combination sequence!”

“Roger!” Ravi answered, as he switched over to Zoey. “Zoey, is your Zord still operational?”

She shook her head. “Morph-X levels are critical!” She said. “Don’t know how much longer we can pull out!”

“Is there enough energy in it left to bring it over to the other zords?” Ravi asked her.

“I don’t know.” Zoey answered. “But, we’ll try.” She revved her chopper Zord back up. “Hold on, Fluttershy!” She said, as the Zord lifted off the ground.

“I’m holding on as hard as I can!” Fluttershy said weakly, as the chopper Zord hovered over to the other zords.

“Guys!” Nate told the others. “Cosmos is already giving our zords a harsh beating, and what's worse, is that Devon, Ben and Cozy are the only ones left. But I've noticed one Zord formation that is more powerful than all the others.” They all listened in on the whole conversation he was telling them. “The Beast-X King Ultrazord. This will have to be a team effort. When I start the combination code sequence, you all have to follow suit quickly so we can form it.”

“Well, that sounds easy enough.” Sweetie Belle said, calmly. “I bet we can pull it off in no time!”

“Then, let’s do it, Bro!” Steel agreed.

“For our friends!” Starlight nodded as well.

“Whoo hoo!” Applejack said excitedly. “We’re gonna blow this magical mishap back to the sky!”

“We may have enough Morph-X to do just that!” Zoey said. “I say we do it!”

“Everything we tried has led to this one moment!” Fluttershy said bravely. “We all got this!”

“Well, then start up the sequence, Nate!” Ravi said, ready to combine the zords as one.

“I will!” Nate said, before he got serious. “But, remember: We need to be careful! If one of us is a hair off, then we’ll blow ourselves back into the sky! We don’t have any time to lose! Every second is of the essence!”

“Understood, Nate Darling.” Rarity said. “Let’s do it!”

“Time for teamwork!” Zoey said.

“Let’s do it!” Ravi said, as they all awaited the combination sequence. Decisions made and possible consequences accepted.

“Are you ready, guys?” Nate asked Spike and Pinkie.

“We’re ready, Nate!” Pinkie answered.

“On it!” Spike said, saluting him.

“Okay...in 3...2...1...” Nate said, as the heroes were awaiting the okay to combine the zords. Finally, he gave the command. “Initiate zord combination sequence!”

Ravi, Applejack and Applebloom typed in KUZ in the keypad. Zoey, & Fluttershy followed suit, and then the others as they did so quickly.

Nate contacted Devon quickly. “Devon! Can we use the racer zord’s sword for the combination?” He asked her.

“All over it!” Devon said, receiving the message loud and clear. “Catch!”

The Striker Megazord caught the sword. “Yes!” He said, as he hit KUZ on the keypad. He was about to combine the zords, when he realized something. “Wait a minute! Where’s Cozy?! We can’t form the Ultrazord without Cozy!”

“Uh oh!” Zoey said in realization.

“Then, something tells us we’re going to take a beating!” Starlight said with worry, as she helped brace her team for impact.

Meanwhile, the Beast-X King Zord, and Hydro Megazord were going at it with Cosmos still, and they had taken care of her with the Full Blaze, and Rapid Blast attack, which really made her angry as she was getting singed, and bugged out by the attacks.

“ENOUGH!” Cosmos barked as she used her multiple horns to fire at both megazords. “Time to end you!” She fired at them both, overwhelming them and sending them down harshly to the ground.

“Uh oh!” Ben said in shock. “I think she’s a little mad!”

“Yeah!” Devon said. "...and our Power levels are down!”

“All my Zord systems are failing!” Cozy said, as she fretted with the Zord controls, trying to get it back up to fight. “Come on! Come on!” She was almost going to panic attack.

“No, you don’t!” Cosmos gloated, as she readied her horns and claws for one Zord blast. “FIRE!” The blast was too much for even Cozy OR her Zord to handle, as it fell down to the ground, as if a vampire sucked all its blood dry.

“COZY!” Devon, Ravi and Ben shouted in horror.

“NO!” Nate, Zoey Steel and all their teams shouted in traumatism, at the sight of seeing their friend be defeated.

“We’re doomed!” Steel shouted dramatically.

“No.” Starlight said, softly as if she were about to cry.

The two Megazord that had JUST faced Cosmos were down, and out for the count. The sadistic she-demon took one look at the zords, and smiled devilishly. She walked closer toward The Beast-X King Zord in particular, and put her massive foot on its chest, as if she was stepping on someone’s lungs hard.

“Come on!” Cozy said, starting to panic. “Think of a solution! You always do!” She tried to empty her mind to think of the best moment of her life, and how she had a solution. It took her only a few seconds to remember it: the first time she met the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It was also the day she became their friends. She visualized in her mind, grasping the same feelings that went through her body at that time.

However, it didn’t work as Cosmos was about to flatten her AND the Zord. “WHAT?!” She panicked. “But, that was the best memory of my life!” She screamed while at the mercy of the malicious she-demon, almost about to face her final moments.

She couldn’t do anything. Despair began breaking her mind piece by piece while her body was being stolen of all its feelings. Suddenly, there was only cold darkness mixed with an unimaginable loneliness. There was nobody to help her, nobody to trust. She felt hopeless. She remained in her silent tearful convulsions as Cosmos was ready to squish the life out of her.

“Truly a masterful plan, Cozy. But foolish! You are, and will remain, forever alone, Black Ranger!” Cosmos said in her usual demonic tone, as she started to step on her. “Nopony loves you. You are weak.” Cozy tried to wriggle her Zord free, but it felt impossible since it was in Cosmos’s grasp. “You are nothing but a disappointment. Your friends are gone forever! Die.”

Cozy looked up at her, and was horrified to her evil smile at the Zord. She tried to break free, but her grip was too strong, as she felt her still putting her pressure on the Zord.

“You're weak,” Twilight’s voice chided inside the creature.

“You're a failure,” Celestia’s voice said, as she grinned maliciously.

“I… I…” Cozy sputtered and gasped to control her breathing, “I… HATE… You…Cosmos!”

“Emotions, emotions,” she heard Cadence’s voice spout casually,

“So much feeling for someone as pathetic as you.” Zecora’s voice said evilly.

“I think it's getting to be too much for her!” Zecora’s voice spoke from her cackling. Cosmos seized this chance to kick the Zord by the side, knocking the wind out of the already gasping alicorn, and her Zord partner.

Tears flowed uncontrollably at this point. Cozy couldn't stand the pain of what was happening to her, “St-st-stop it!” She choked out.

“I think she wants more of a challenge!” Big Mac’s voice said, as Cosmos laughed. She lifted up the zord’s body, and began to breath fire against its frame. Cozy gasped and screamed in pain, fire singing the Zord ‘s body; trying to fling Cosmos away from her with a dying fragment of power. But, that did nothing as Cosmos only laughed at her tortured state.

“I think it's time we stopped toying with her…” Luna’s voice said as she cackled, as she put her foot on the zord’s chest plate.

Then, the demon’s eyes flashed bright red, as all voices, including Cosmos’s screamed, “AND FINISH THE JOB!!!”

Cozy was thunderstruck as she was about to be exterminated. “NO!” She screamed out, as she cried.

“Goodbye, Black Ranger!” Cosmos shouted, as she raised her foot, about to finish her off for good!

“COZY!” The other teams shouted.

“NO!” Devon, Scootaloo and Dash all screamed in horror.

It looked like it would be over for Cozy Glow...the black Ranger. Those voices, including Cosmos’s own were right. She shouldn’t even be alive. The dark magic started piercing her body with no restrictions. She felt as if her body was slowly crumbling to dust. She was going to die and didn’t even feel fear or regret; only relief that she’d be free. To think that the rangers and Mane Six went through this the entire time! Now that she thought about it, all those voices talked about returning feelings. She must have thought she was still consuming her friends. Now that she thought about it, there had been many countless times the rangers and ponies were there for her.

She could hear Starlight’s sweet voice as if she was right beside her. Starlight always cared for her friends, maybe cared a little too much sometimes. But that’s one of the things Cozy liked about her. She’d never leave a friend in the dust.

She even remembered the CMCs tried to help her study! The former villain, Cozy Glow...studying?! She never thought it would happen one day, but it did and it was thanks to the fillies who always believed in her.

That’s right, Twilight even took her under her wing as an assistant at the School of Friendship! It was thanks to her that she could be something as great as that! They even had a time they could spend together! As those thoughts came into Cozy Glow’s mind, her fur took its colors back at a slow pace, and she felt a brilliant white surge of energy flow through her.

Cozy watched the whole scene unfold before her eyes and she was horrified at seeing the heroes at the mercy of this villainous legion! The time to act was now! “I can’t believe this!” She said worried and sad. “You just want to destroy the heroes and both universes!” She charged up her alicorn horn, and started to aim at the remaining two prisons. “NEVER!” She shouted with anger. “I won’t let you!” She fired at the two prisons which caught the legion’s attention, JUST when they were about to do the final blow!

The villains took notice, as they saw the attack Cozy had initiated on them. “WHAT?!” Chrysalis shouted as she saw the chess alicorn filly ready to take another blast toward the villains.

“NO!” Grogar shouted. “Stop this!” He tried to fire from his orbs, but Cozy dodge them all, with each orb hitting a part of the fortress. Finally, they both blasted and Grogar’s missed Cozy’s as it not only hit the Center of the lair, but Cozy’s hit Devon and Ravi’s prisons, freeing them!

Roxy got up and saw what happened! “She’s ruined our plan!” She shouted in fury.

”Someone get her!” Blaze shouted as the two cybervillains tried to blast her, but she dodged all the blasts! Finally, when the two were ready to blast, Cozy acted quick and glided past the razed areas of the lair, and right to the two prisons! She blasted them again!

“NOOOOOOO!” Chrysalis shouted. “Our prisons!” She took a few shots toward Cozy but she deflected them all! Once the prisons were blasted, she grabbed the two rangers out of the prisons, and started to streak towards the others.

Blaze took notice and tried to stop her. “Stop!” He shouted. “What’s she doing?!”

Cozy grabbed the two rangers and flew them over to the heroes! Once she did that, she blasted them with a bombardment of blasts. The villains couldn’t deflect them All!

Cozy arrived before her legion smiling for good and shot back at the legion! “Look what your need for evil has done! The Cutie Mark Crusaders were right! I’m not like you! Goodbye, Tirek!”

”How?!” Tirek asked in anger.

”She played us!” Blaze said, getting up, realizing what Cozy did to Devon and Ravi.

Chrysalis and the others got up too. “You’ll pay for messing with our plan, pawn girl!” She shouted with anger!

”Bring it!” Cozy said getting ready to fight! The villains charged up some blasts, but Cozy retaliated and blasted them all, knocking them down to the ground. She quickly signalled the heroes to get out of the lair that was about to be destroyed. “Go, go go!” Cozy shouted “As fast as you can! The dome’s gonna blow!”

As soon as the heroes heard that, they all got out of the lair on foot or hoof before it started to crumble down on them! The Pegasi, however, flew out really quick before they got trapped inside. Once Cozy fired the final blast on the legion, she got Devon and Ravi and got them and her out quick before any of them could be sealed in! Devon took notice of the Peach, chess alicorn filly that saved them and he was shocked. Ravi was shocked too as he saw that she saved him as well. He didn’t know this evil filly would reform herself to save mankind. “What...why did you save us?” He calmly asked her.

She looked at him and smiled nicely. “I want to make up for the evil I’ve done.” She told them. They were both shocked that she actually managed to turn good. She flew down to the others and kindly set them and herself down and revealed herself.

”Now, that I’m free from my digital prison, your time in this dimension will be brief and painful!” Evox proclaimed as he conjured up some raw energy to zap the Zords.

Cozy revved over to the Ultrazord and was shocked to see that Evox was going to blast it to bits! “Evox is going to blast the Ultrazord?!” She asked in shock. “NOT. ON. MY. WATCH!” She said as her Zord got in the way of Evox’s blast, getting the Zord instead of the Ultrazord. The blast got her, but the Zord stayed strong and in one piece as it was extremely durable!

The Zord spun out and landed on its wheels. “Did you miss me, guys?” A voice asked.

The heroes all knew who it was. “COZY?!” They all asked.

“Yep, it’s me!” She said. “And, I’ve tried something new!”

”What?” The others asked as Cozy thrust on Rory, disassembling the Ultrazord, but combining the Wheeler and Chopper zords to the Beast-X King Zord! The three zords combined into a formation that was similar to the Beast-X Megazord, and when the transformation finished, a new navy, blue and yellow megazord stood and got ready to fight!

“BEAST-X KING MEGAZORD!” Cozy shouted, introducing the new megazord formation.

“Look into your heart, Cozy.” Commander Shaw said warmly to her. “...and you’ll find all the strength you need!

“With courage, you can accomplish anything!” Ben added to her sentence, as the others nodded.

”Just remember, Cozy...The power is yours!” the commander said, smiling to her.

She remembered. Twilight, the rangers, and the Mane Six, as well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders have all been so important since she came to the School of Friendship, and since she went from evil to good. She changed everyone’s lives. And now, she was going to die alone and in despair because of a galactic draconniqus! She couldn’t let that happen!

“NO!” Cozy Glow screamed with all her might as the Zord was enveloped in blue energy, and jolted back to life, pushing Cosmos off her Zord, and back several feet away from it. Her body regained its regular color, then she let the white energy surge around her, as her Zord cockpit started to turn into a white void. The Zord got back up, as if it were repaired and was ready to face her once more.

She shook her head, the rage she’d felt earlier when she’d been about to attack returning tenfold. The Black Ranger would not have that! She rose and turned to face Cosmos with narrowed eyes, her teeth clenched.

YOU DO NOT HURT MY FRIENDS!” She said as her eyes flashed white. Her Zord charged up to the demon, and slashed her with the staff it was using, the power increasing tenfold, as it sent Cosmos a few feet back in pain.

Her Zord cockpit was now a white void of energy as she grabbed Rory, and activated her combination sequence, thrusting her full power on her partner, and to the villain.

BEAST-X KING ULTRAZORD...COMBINE!” Cozy bellowed, as her Zord, and the Striker Megazord were enveloped into a white light. The Wheeler Zord, and Hydro zords were jolted off the racer Zord, as all 5 zords combined in a brand new way! The Wheeler Zord and wrecker Zord linked onto the zord’s legs, while the Jet Zord became the arms for the Megazord.

The rest of the parts of the other zords linked onto its back, and the helmet piece linked onto its head. The Racer Zord’s sword combined with the Wrecker zord’s arms, to form the staff in one hand, and the Jet part of Steel’s Zord formed a blaster for the other hand.

The five zords combined into a formation that was similar to the Beast-X Ultrazord, and when the transformation finished, a new navy, blue, gold, silver and yellow megazord stood before the demon, and was ready to fight!

BEAST-X KING ULTRAZORD...UNLEASHED!” Cozy shouted, as the new Ultrazord posed before Cosmos for the first time. The battle of the two titans was about to begin.

Cozy released all her pressure energy, and looked around at the cockpit. “Whoa!” She said surprised, as she saw what she had performed. “I did it.” She smiled. “I...we formed the Ultrazord!”

“Alright!” Zoey shouted in excitement, as Fluttershy squeed in amazement. “It worked!”

“Yes, Cozy formed the Ultrazord!” Starlight said in excitement as well.

“Great Job, Cozy!” Steel said excitedly.

“Thanks, Guys!” Cozy said bravely. “Now, to take care of this chaotic goddess once and for all!”

Cosmos turned to see the new Ultrazord, standing right before her and was shocked. “What have you and your motley crew of rangers been doing?!” She asked angry, and horrified.

“You’re done for, Cosmos!” Nate announced to her, boldly. “We combined all our zords into one powerful Goliath creature, and now, meet a special little formation of our own...the Beast-X King Ultrazord!” The Ultrazord shown brightly in all its glory for all to see. “Armed with superpowers you could only imagine!”

Cosmos gasped in shock as she started to back away, as Tempest squealed in excitement. “The rangers are doing it! They’re finally doing it! They’ve turned the tide with their own Ultrazord creation!” she said to herself with relief.

Discord watched the Zord, and jumped up and down in happiness. “Alright, Power Rangers! Yes!” He shouted bravely, smiling.

Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy saw the Zord as well, and were horrified at its presence as Roxy started to gasp. “No!” Robo-Blaze growled in anger.

The two Goliaths were ready to face off, as Cosmos snarled at it. “Scared? You should be!” Cozy joked to her. “We’re going to squash you like the bug you are!”

“Cosmos, you’re about to meet your worst nightmare!” Ravi said bravely as he and the apple kids got ready to spring the Zord to life.

“The bigger you are, the harder you’ll fall!” Cosmos shouted, as she got her claws to zap it. But, to her surprise, the blasts did no damage to the Ultrazord. Cosmos snarled as she blasted it repeatedly, but her blasts barely made a dent in it! “What?!” She asked in rage. “How come I can’t damage your monster?!”

“That’s a question you should ask yourself, Cosmos!” Cozy proclaimed. “Ready, Nate?” She asked.

“Ready!” Nate said, giving her the thumbs up, as the Ultrazord started to advance toward her.

“Oh, so that’s the way it’s going to be?!” Cosmos roared as she started to lunge for the Ultrazord. She readied her claws to fire at them. But, the Ultrazord’s arms unleashed its scarab sabers on its sides, and took a few jabs at her, making her stagger back.

Devon was ready to join the battle too as he contacted the Commander. “Commander! Can you teleport a new sword over to the racer Zord?” He asked her.

“Already, taken care of, Devon.” She answered over his wristcom, as a new racer sword was teleported over from Battleforce, to the Zord.

“Thanks.” Devon said, as his racer Zord caught it.

The two titans were ducking it out, as the Ultrazord threw a mighty punch toward the she-demon. “This is the end of the road for you, Cosmos!” Steel said, as he thrust the controls, making the Ultrazord perform a kick to the creature.

She staggered back, and rubbed her leg in pain. “Discord cared so much for me!” She snarled. “I watched him from the stars! He can’t hurt me!” Discord was watching, as he crumpled up in fear as she said that. “He adored me!”

“No! Discord was terrified of you!” Starlight shouted at her. “You made him miserable, and he had to beg the two retired Princesses to lock him away!” The Ultrazord threw another kick to her.

“Hold on, retired?!” Cosmos shrieked, shocked. “Well, he never said that to me!” She shot him a dirty look, as if to say You never told me about this until now, did you?

She turned her attention back to the Ultrazord. “He didn’t do it alone, because he and aimed were meant to be!” She shouted at them, while her eyes turned to hearts. “He cared about me! He’s my friend!” She blew a kiss at him, from below. Discord could only stick his tongue out in disgust as if to say Really?!

“You’re wrong!” Ravi thundered at her. “You were never his friend! Now, Steel!”

“With Pleasure!” The Beast Bot ranger said, as he readied the Ultrazord’s first finisher. It raised its arms up in the air, as the Scarab antlers glowed gold.

“ULTRA SLASH!” They all shouted, as the Ultrazord ferociously delivered some powerful slashes toward her, as if she was being scraped. She staggered away in pain, as it got out its Jet-like blaster and aimed it at her. “RAPID BLAST!” The Zord blasted her a few times, which put her in a painful predicament, as she started to fall down. She screamed in agony as this happened.

“Why can’t Discord accept me for who I am?!” Cosmos screamed in pain. “Doesn’t he know it’s rude to ignore a friend?!”

“Why would he care if you used him?!” Zoey asked in rage.

“You didn’t care about him, and that’s not what a true friend is!” Pinkie shouted angrily at her.

“Discord’s not afraid of you!” Nate shot back at her. “He’s our friend, and our ally, and if you can’t accept that, then you’ll just have to find someone else to take control of!”

“Yeah!” Rarity shouted at her, pointing an accusatory finger at her. “He’s our friend, and he may be crazy, but he’s our kind of crazy!”

Yeah! So what do you plan on doing about it?!” The kind, mare shouted at her.

Discord watched the fight, and smiled upon hearing those words that his friends said, and felt like he was special. He felt a few tears come out his eyes, as he wiped them. “Thank you, rangers.” He said, calm to himself.

Cosmos looked at the Zord with puppy-dog like eyes, but after a moment, she growled and prepared to swat her hands at the Zord. “So what?!” She asked angrily. “Discord may have changed, but I haven’t!” She tried to swat the Zord, but the heroes had other ideas.

“Wheeler Blast!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle suggested quickly.

“On it!” Ravi said, as he hit the button, and the Zord shot light blue beams from the speakers on its legs, ensnaring her, and sending her tumbling down, and landing on her butt.

The heroes were ready to activate the Zord’s next finisher. “BEAST-X KING ULTRA STRIKE!” They all shouted, as the Ultrazord charged up its staff with Morph-X energy and delivered some powerful slashes at Cosmos multiple times.

Cosmos was getting more weakened, as she was getting hit by all those blasts. But, she wasn’t about to be done just yet!

She got up, and brushed her face off like Rocky Balboa did. “Do you rangers want to know what I am?” She asked with fury boiling up in her body. “I'm Malice Personified!! What goes better with malice than chaos?” She tried to mutate the Zord, but the Ultrazord just wouldn’t budge, and her blasts just wouldn’t even dent the zord’s defences either! She wouldn’t give up! “And if I can’t get Discord to join me as my companion, I’ll just have him sit at my feet as my lapdog.”

“Oh, really?” Nate asked smugly.

“Well, we’re a bunch of Equestrians and teenagers with an attitude!” Spike shot back as he smiled, evilly towards her.

Cosmos yelled in fury, as she launched herself from a few mountains as if they were a boxing ring, and performed a kick position at the Zord. “I’ll teach you to mess with me, you overgrown dung beetle!” she bellowed. “Hi-yah!” She hit the Zord, but to her surprise, it was stronger than she ever thought! “What?! What’s happening?!?!” She asked in shock, as the Ultrazord grabbed her foot, and threw her off. “Shocking reversal!” She groaned in pain, as she landed on the ground again.

The rangers were ready to finish her off, as they got the ultra staff ready. “All right, everyone. It's time to end this chaotic she-demon once and for all!” Nate said, as they all nodded. “I’ll start up the staff!”

“Hold on!” Ravi said, as if it were a timeout. “Remember what the commander said? We can’t hurt her too much! If we hurt her we’d also be hurting Twilight!”

“Oh, right!” Nate said in realization. “Sorry, about that.”

“Yeah, we already lost Blaze and Roxy in the past, and we almost lost Devon.” Pinkie added in agreement.

“We certainly don’t need to lose my teacher!” Starlight piped up as well.

“Remember, guys. She still has Twilight’s body to begin with.” Zoey agreed.

Sweetie Belle thought for a few seconds. “We need to do something new.” She said, seriously. “Something unexpected.”

“Agreed.” Ravi agreed. “But, I don’t know what else we can do.”

“We’ve got a serious problem going on here!” Cozy said as well. Just then, she got a call on her morpher. “Commander, what’s up?” She asked.

“I’ve got something for you, Cozy.” Commander Shaw contacted her. “Remember the Ultra Bow you used while your Zord was under Storm King’s technology?” Cozy nodded. “Well, I’ve modified it to have two modes: ground mode, and now Megazord mode.”

“Really?” Applejack asked in shock.

“Whoa, no way!” Steel said as well.

“You can control its Megazord use as a team weapon, similar to the Cheetah Beast Blaster, and by using your beast instincts.” The Commander continued. “With it, you can perform an attack called the Ultra Beam, which should be your best chance at nullifying Cosmos.”

“That makes sense!” Starlight suggested.

“It’s a low-power attack!” Ravi said in realization. “That’s perfect!”

“Let’s try it!” Rarity said in excitement.

“Time to get Twilight back!” Fluttershy said as well.

“I’m sending you the Ultra bow. It should be able to work.” Shaw told them. “But, remember...your timing has to be right on this.”

“That takes longer to make microwave popcorn!” Spike said in wonder.

“That’s all the advantage that we’ll need!” Zoey said, as she turned to her teammates. “Ready, guys?”

“Yeah!” Steel and his team said.

“Roger that!” Ravi and his team agreed.

“We’re ready!” Nate and his team said as well.

“Let’s go!” Cozy said, as she awaited the call. Cosmos was about to lunge for them, but not if they had anything to say about it.

“In 10...9...8...7...6...” the Commander counted down, ready to send the weapon the rangers would need to finish off Cosmos. “...5...4...3...2...1!” At last, they were ready! “Now!”

“Alright!” Cozy hit her transporter. “TRANSPORT...ULTRA BOW!” The ultra bow arrived in Cozy’s cockpit, as she took it. “Time to even the odds!” She pulled the toggle switch twice, so that it said ‘Megazord’ on its indicator.

Cosmos got up, and she was furious at them. “I WILL NOT BE DENIED THIS!” she erupted. “BOTH YOUR WORLDS WILL BE MINE!

“Not for long, they won’t!” Nate said. He then got an idea. “Hey, Devon! Ben! You want to help finish her off?” The Ultrazord pulled the racer Zord back on its feet.

“Oh, you bet!” Devon said, bravely.

“Couldn’t agree more!” Ben said, as he gave the thumbs up.

Cosmos was ready to take them on. “I CAN HANDLE ANYTHING, YOU THROW AT ME!” she cackled, as she laughed evilly.

“Really?” Devon asked. “Well, there’s only one way to find out!” He turned to the Hydro Zord. “Ready, Ben?”

“You got it!” Ben said bravely.

“Time to drop a bomb on her!” Capper said, “and blow this chaotic wonderland!” The racer Zord grabbed the back on the Hydro Zord, and lifted the entire Zord up as if it were a cannon.

“Hey, Cosmos!” Dash said, giving an evil smirk. “Can you handle this?!” The racer Zord threw the Hydro Zord like the shot put at the Olympics or how Ms. Trunchbull would use her hammer throw.

“Huh?!” Cosmos said, as she saw the Zord coming right for her. She gasped. “HYDRO PUNCH!” Ben shouted, as it uses its tongue punch and rammed into Cosmos’s gut, making her stagger back.

“You didn’t handle that well!” Scootaloo said, as she hi-fived her teammates.

Cosmos had now reached her breaking point, as she screamed in agony. “You're all worthless! You’re all going to pay!” She shouted fiercely.

“You have no authority here,” Cozy murmured, taking aim at the villain, as the Ultrazord stepped toward her, and got its finisher ready.

“For our friends!” Nate, Pinkie, Cozy & Spike shouted.

“For our families!” Ravi, Applebloom, Applejack, Zoey, & Fluttershy all shouted, as they were ready,

"For our home!" Starlight, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, and Steel shouted.

"FOR TWILIGHT!" Rainbow shouted bravely.

"FOR BOTH OUR UNIVERSES!" Devon, Scootaloo, Ben, Capper, & Discord shouted.

Cosmos was lunging toward them, but they had the advantage. “BEAST-X KING ULTRA BEAM!” Cozy and her subordinates shouted. “FIRE!” The Beast-X King Ultrazord fired a huge energy beam from its chest, hitting the gigantic creature spot on, nullifying and severely weakening her.

She staggered back in pain, rubbing herself. “No!” She said, scared and weakly, unable to handle more that the heroes were giving her.

“TRANSPORT! CHEETAH BEAST BLASTER!” Devon shouted as he summoned his weapon and aimed it at the evil Zord.

His helmet changed to scope mode. “RACER ZORD...CHEETAH HYPER STRIKE!” Devon shouted as the Racer Zord jumped in front of the Ultrazord, and delivered a powerful slash to her.

Their combined Zord attacks were too much for her, as she was unable to contain her form. As the racer Zord landed behind her, in a samurai-like pose. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” She shouted in agony. “CURSE YOU, POWER RANGERS! AND YOU TOO, DISCORD!” she felt herself unravel as she fell to the ground. “YOU WILL REGRET THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU WILL REGRET THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS!

There was an explosion at the spot where she once stood, and then a tornado of red dust swirled, after that explosion, around high up into the sky, leaving the ground entirely. Discord watched the tornado, and chuckled. “I don’t think I will regret it.” He said, smiling. “I regret nothing.”

“Yeah!” Tempest said victoriously from afar, as she saw her would-be replacement defeated instantly. She took in a content sigh with relief, and smiled, knowing that she was gone and she was still on the Storm King’s side. And, from the looks of it, she had the rangers to thank, since they stopped Cosmos from ever replacing her.

Meanwhile, the red dust tornado swirled high up from the sky into outer space, and swirled right to a crater on the moon. Cosmos landed with a hard thud, and awoke. “Where....where am I?” She asked. She then looked around, and saw a pitch black sky, as few spheres right by the area she was at. “Oh, no!” She said, scared. “NO! Space is so boring!” She looked around panicked for any signs of life, but there was no one there, but herself. “W-W-W-W-Wait. So I lied about this one thing. But nopony ever hangs out with me here!” She felt lonely, as she looked around the planet. She then grumbled. “Oh. Where's my phone?” She held out her hand, hoping for signs of cosmic communication.

Robo-Blaze and Robo-Roxy saw the explosion, and tornado and were outright mortified as they saw what had unfolded before them. “Aaaaaahhhhh!” Robo-Blaze said in horror, and in rage. “NO!!!” He was furious that they had lost Cosmos.

“She’s gone.” Robo-Roxy said in calm disappointment. “She’s really gone.”

“Those rangers just ruined our plan!” Robo-Blaze barked, furiously.

“At least, we still have Tempest!” Robo-Roxy confronted him. Robo-Blaze growled at first, but realized she was right.

“You’re right.” He said. He then decided to teleport back, and Roxy felt the same way. “Right now, we need to head back." He told her. They plugged their keys in their Morphers.

“We’ll be back for you later...” Robo-Blaze said, gruffly. “But for now, we’re blasting off again!” And they teleported back to the Crystal Dimension.

The rangers and ponies were excited as their newest Ultrazord defeated Cosmos and restored order to both their universes. They were so happy in this one moment. “YEAH!” Everyone shouted in pure excitement as their latest victory was a success.

“Yeah! Ha ha ha ha!” Devon said wildly, laughing as Rainbow and Scootaloo just smiled with content. The zords posed in victory during their celebration for a job well done.

Cozy felt a little tired from their defeat, but it was a good kind of tired, as she took in a deep breath of relief, knowing that she conquered her challenge, and smiled proudly. “Oh, What a day!” She said, tiredly in victory. “Virus eliminated!” The two zords did a high five, while the Hydro Zord chirped happily and the Beast-X King Ultrazord roared in triumph. What a perfect day for the Power Rangers and their allies, as they had successfully defeated an old flame of Discord’s and hopefully reverted Twilight, and the others back to normal. And Tempest got her job back. She had to. A happy ending for them, Right?

Tempest was happy that the rangers, and their friends had defeated Cosmos, which meant that she could still work for the Storm King. She sighed happily with relief, as she watched the zords triumph over the wreckage.

She then switched back to evil rage, as she smiled. “I’m happy I got my job back now, thanks to them.” She said. She looked around. “But, I don’t want them to go thinking I’ll be a goody-two-shoes the rest of my life! No one stops the Storm King, and gets away with it!” She snarled. “I’ll be back, Power Rangers.” She then left the woods, and with no one noticing, she teleported away in triumph to celebrate her replacement’s defeat, and discuss the Storm King’s next plan.

The heroes were happy that their latest end was defeated. Suddenly, Cozy realized their friends that were under her control, and she wondered if they were okay. She was trying to grasp the fact that they had really beaten Cosmos. She contacted her teammates. “Come on! We gotta go check on Twilight!” She said in alert.

The others caught the message loud and clear, and Rainbow went from victory to worry. “Oh, man! We forgot about her!” She cried out, as tears started to shed. “Is she okay?”

“I’m not sure.” Cozy told them. “But, she was getting worse when she was with the others earlier! Come on! We gotta find her!”

“Right! Let’s go, guys!” Devon said, urgently as his team jumped out of their zords, and hit the ground running to check on their friends, Twilight especially, since she was a dear friend to their rangers, and Rainbow Dash. They had to pray that their ally would be okay, and that she would be well and continue to have more memories and adventures to share with them.

There wasn’t any threat from any of them. They were going to be okay. Right? They would get their answer when they went over to the crater, where Cosmos had been.

Author's Note:

And, that’s all for the second part of this climax! The Beast-X King Ultrazord has been brought out for the first time in Equestria, and Cosmos has been defeated! Tempest got her job back, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t planning revenge or anything! How will the ranger react when they get to that crater? Will the former cosmic subordinates be okay? Will Twilight be alive and well? Find out what the outcome is in the epilogue, next!

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Marks For Effort
School Raze Pt. 1
What Lies Beneath
Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger (Fanfic)
Target: Mane Six (Fanfic)
A Dashed Shade Of Red Pt. 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind (This fanfic you're reading right now!)