• Published 8th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind - TheSuperTransformerFan

When a quest to find a constellation goes awry, and the most powerful ponies are under a galactic villain’s control, overwhelming the heroes, Cozy Glow must face her greatest challenge yet! Part 2 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Prologue: The Cosmic Chaotic Calamity

Author's Note:

Before you read this, I just want you to know that this story will be in NO WAY related to the story “A Night In the Cosmos”, which is my first MLP sex fic. Nor will there be any connection to the “Cosmos Love Stories” arc, or the story that started it! The Power Rangers X MLP crossover version with her will be in a totally different universe, apart from the that other love story series. Just letting you know about that! In other words, here’s the second instalment in the Red Ranger X Rainbow Dash story arc.


The Storm King: “You two need to ensure that I don’t run out!”

Mayor Daniels: “Much Better!”


Mayor Daniels: “Just find a way to get me more Morph-X, or I’ll transform BACK into the Storm King in front of the Rangers!”


Devon: “Dad?”

Rainbow Dash: “Mayor Daniels! Are you okay?”

Mayor Daniels: “I’m not well!”

Devon: “Dad!”

Mayor Daniels: “GET AWAY FROM ME!

Devon: “Dad?!”

Rainbow Dash: “What the WHAT?!”

Starlight Glimmer, Cozy Glow, Zoey & Steel: “The STORM KING?!”

Rainbow Dash: “I was wrong. That’s WAY worse!”

The Storm King: “Soon, the Morphin' Grid will be mine!”

Devon: “The Storm King and my dad are...in the same body?! What do we do now, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash: “I don't know, Devon. I just don't know!”

(Equestria, Thousands of Years Ago...)

It was a long time ago, during Discord, the Lord of Chaos’s first ever reign in the Pony World. This was long before Nate even invented the portal to lead to their world. Equestria was in chaotic ruins as many were running from the damage that was being caused. Now, many readers are thinking...’This is all Discord’s fault!’, right? Well, in this one bit of history, you could be right. Indeed, he was caught...but, he was here to tell everyone that this recent piece of destruction was NOT his fault for once. You wonder why? Well, sit tight, because you are about to find out!

Ponyville was already in ruins by the time Princesses Luna, Celestia, Queen Novo, King Aspen, and King Cat arrived to help them, with their guards in tow. They had one thing on their mind, and they had to get Discord for some answers.

“Did you find him?” Luna asked, looking around.

“He’ll turn up.” Celestia said gravely as she landed by her sister. “He always does.”

“If we don’t get this under control now, we may not be able to reverse all the damage!” Novo said, worriedly as she came to their side.

At that moment, King Cat & King Aspen arrived with Discord before the female rulers. “We have him.” King Cat said, as they threw him on the ground.

“Ow!” Discord said, trying to recover. “Easy on the horns!”

“Quiet!” King Aspen cut him off. “Do you have ANY IDEA how far you’ve gone?!”

Celestia saw that the world was unfurling apart, and they had to act fast. “Discord, this isn’t one of your mere annoyances!”She said, seriously. “You’re destroying the very fabric of our world! Stop this at once!”

The others saw that this destruction was indeed happening at a rapid rate. “It’s happening too quickly! Has he ever been THIS crazed before?” King Cat asked in shock.

DISCORD, STOP BEFORE MORE ARE INJURED!” Luna shouted with fear as the world kept destroying itself.

As the Rulers got quickly wrapped up in the chaos! Discord was horrified upon seeing this. “But, you don’t understand...” he said to them. “IT ISN’T ME DOING THIS!!!” he saw giant chaotic Candy hearts, saying that someone loves Discord, and even love letters and surprises. Discord saw that she was causing more malice than chaos! He had to do something! He couldn’t let her make all the mess!

A giant purple leg with a blue claw touched itself on the ground before Discord, who cowered in fear. “Now, now.” The voice said. “It’s not nice to touch things that aren’t yours! Return him to me!”

Discord had to act quick. “Save me from her!” He pleaded to Celestia. “PLEASE! If you get rid of her, this will all go back to normal! I SWEAR! It will take all of us! EVEN ME!”

“If we help now, will you turn yourself in?” Luna asked, gritting her teeth angrily.

“Yes!” Discord answered quickly. “Anything you want! I’ll swear off hijinks for good! I’ll clean the castle! Just GET ME AWAY FROM HER!”

The rulers all saw the fabric of the world tear itself apart, as a silhouetted female draconniqus started to break through. “Oh, Discord!” It sang maliciously.

“We’re running out of time!” King Cat shouted. The immortals knew they had to hurry as they used their weapons to fire at the other chaotic creature! And, with Discord’s help, their chances got much better at defeating her.

The female menace saw their power, and she couldn’t handle it! She was even more horrified when saw saw Discord helping them! “NO! DISCORD!” she pleaded. “STOP THEM!

“What was that?” Discord asked, totally ignoring her command. “I can’t hear you over all that chaos!”

Their combined attacks overpowered the creature, as she was instantly defeated, and sealed back up. “"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried, as she was sealed back up in the fabric of time and space...never to be disturbed again.

Once that was over, Discord saw that Celestia had a look that was ready to kill! The threat may be over, but his trouble wasn’t. “DISCORD!” she commanded. “YOU ARE TO REPORT TO THE PALACE AT ONCE! AND, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A VERY LONG LONG DISCUSSION ABOUT WHO THAT WAS, AND WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!

“Oh, yes. About that.” Discord snapped his fingers, and made the rulers fall asleep. Once that was taken care of, he had erased their memories of the recent events of what happened. “I can’t let any of you remember this.” He started to walk away from them, as they slept peacefully. “Wake up and think it was me. There wasn’t anyone else there. It was all me.”

But before he walked away from them, he looked back up at the night sky one last time. He looked sad as he did that, and felt like he wanted to sniffle. “Goodbye, Cosmos.” He said sadly, before laying down a cake in between the ruler, as the comets went right by them in the air. The cake read, Sorry about the mess. - Discord.. And with that, he snapped his fingers, and pooped away. After that, Celestia started to awaken, and fathom what had just happened.

(The Crystal Dimension, Present Day 2020)

At the Crystal Dimension, Robo-Blaze and Roxy, along with Tempest, Grubber & Vargoyle were waiting around for their master to return. It had been a while since he had instructed them to get the morph-X to keep him from transforming, but alas, they failed, and he transformed in front of the Rangers & Ponies. This horrified everyone, especially Devon, since his dad and their master were in the same body. He and Dash felt crestfallen, and they had to come up with a plan to save him.

“Storm King this...Storm King that!” Robo-Blaze said, as he paced around the base like a madman. “All I ever hear about is how great the Storm King is!”

“The Storm King is an ideal leader!” Vargoyle said, raising his talon at him. “He’s both resourceful and humble!”

“Yeah!” Grubber added. “And, he much more better than that snake virus villain! What was his name again?” He tried to think of the former villain’s name off the top of his head. “Evix? Eris? Evox?”

Robo-Blaze had a look that was ready to kill when he saw him. “The Storm King has much to be resourceful about!” He said. “Who can respect a leader who can’t as so much defeat the Power Rangers?!”

“You’ll never understand, Blaze!” Grubber said, as he walked away. “You never be able to see where Evox’s plans failed, OR your own faults!”

Blaze saw, and was furious as he said that to him. He decided to give him a piece of his mind. “NOBODY TURNS THEIR BACK ON ME!” He bellowed, as he fired a beam from his rapier, stunning him, and making him fall to the ground.

At that moment, the Storm King arrived, and was appalled by what he saw. “SILENCE!” He shouted. Everyone looked at him shocked.

“Master Storm King!” The minions all said.

“So, how’d it go?” Robo-Roxy asked smugly.

Their master just growled. “On the contrary, everything that could go wrong DID go wrong!” He answered. The henchmen didn’t like the sound of that.

“You’re saying...” Robo-Blaze said.

“That’s right!” He snarled. “I was transformed in front of the Rangers, and now they know my secret!” He snarl morphed into a grin. “Which gives us the opportunity to swipe the Morph-X under of Grid Battleforce’s nose!”

He then went to disappointment. “However, to my surprise...I found out that I couldn’t get the Morph-X as mentioned earlier, because...” he grabbed Robo-Blaze by the suit as he yelled at him. “THE RANGERS KEPT DESTROYING YOU WITH THEIR ARSENAL!” He released him, who was shocked at his response.

“How can a massive army of Tronics, and warriors like us be unable to defeat 6 kids who are barely out of their feety Pajamas?!” He continued to shout at them.

Grubber stepped forward, “Well, to be honest...they’ve got those Beast Bots on their side.”

“I thought you said that they had the Commander on their side!” Vargoyle butted in.

“No, you said!” Robo-Roxy started to cut in.

“I did not!” Tempest started.

“NEVER MIND!” He roared at them, as they stepped back. “Isn’t there anyone here, who’s good at being bad?”

However, the Storm King would get his wish as just a few seconds later, a pink beam of energy fired down right by the computer and by the villains, who jumped back as they saw the beam! They were shocked as they saw the pink beam start to dissolve to reveal an unknown creature.

“What is that?” Robo-Roxy asked in silent shock.

“Don’t know.” Robo-Blaze said. “But, let’s find out.”

The henchmen slowly walked up to the unidentifiable creature, and were surprised at what they saw. The creature appeared to be a multi-coloured draconniqus. She had a red face, a purple body, blue claws, green scales, and her eyes were yellow. Unlike Discord, however, the creature appeared to be in its own unique form and was perfectly matched in her form and body.

She looked at herself to make sure she wasn’t hurt, and smiled. “Ah, Flinging oneself through the stars can be quite the challenge...” she said with relief as she got back up. “My momentum got away from me for a bit.” She looked around and saw that she was in a place with dirt, a padded floor, a dusk-lit sky and of course blue shining crystals. She looked at the others who were shocked by her presence. She was a little surprised to see them as she had never expected to see such creature in her life like these before.

She smiled to them warmly. “Thank you for the use of your patch of dirt to break my fall.” She said to them.

The henchmen were taken aback by her appearance, they didn’t know what to think at first. “Another Draconniqus?” Robo-Blaze asked, hushed to his friends. “How can this be? There hasn’t been one since Discord.”

“What?!” Robo-Roxy asked, hushed as well. “How is this even scientifically possible?!”

“Could there have been another spirit of chaos that we don’t know about?” Grubber thought as well.

“Whoever she is...to appear so suddenly, being what she is...” Tempest said, stunned as well. “...we are quite surprised that we didn’t sense her presence earlier.”

The newly formed creature looked at the others standing before her, and cocked her head in wonder. “Who and what are you?” She asked intrigued. “I’ve never seen such magnificent creatures such as yourselves.”

Robo-Blaze stepped forward. “My name is Robo-Blaze.” He introduced her. “This here is Roxy...” he showed her his teammate, who waved. “...Grubber...” he showed her him, who just smiled shyly. “...Vargoyle...” the robot just growled, and posed looking like a lethal robot. “...and Tempest Shadow.” Tempest bowed down to her.

“Please to meet your acquaintance.” She said, respectively.

The creature just smiled. “Well, those all seem like Wonderful names.” She said, Smiling. She saw the dimension, where she landed, and was happy with joy. “Oh! Well, this is quite the place! I see you’re also a fan of the disorderly?”

“Why, yes!” Vargoyle said, nervously, which caught the attention of the others in this room. “Yes, we are!”

“I bet you could stand to add a little touch here, and here...” she pointed at various places in the dimension, as tentacles, curtains, and other stuff formed. “You know...curtains, tentacles, other things. You don’t mind, don’t you?”

“Not at all.” Blaze said, smiling. “You’re my kind of villain.”

She smiled, and blushed. “Why, thank you!” She said. “You are quite the flatterer!” She noticed another figure in the room, “...and who is he?”

“And, this is our boss...” Blaze continued.

Now, the creature was confused. “Boss?” She asked.

“That’s right.” He said, Showing her. She was surprised at what she saw, and had never expected to see him ever. Especially, not at all places.

“The Storm King?!” She asked excitedly, as their boss turned around. He was shocked at the sight of this creature, and aimed his staff at him.

“Who are you?” He asked. “And, how DARE you find out about our base undetected! You have a lot of nerve, showing yourself here!”

The creature just bowed down before him. “Mighty Storm King.” She said, nervously, and humbly. “I'm humbled to make your acquaintance. They call me Cosmos.”

“And, how do you feel about Chaos?” Robo-Roxy asked, quizzically.

Cosmos just grinned wickedly. “I adore it!” She said.

“I thought the only draconniqus in existence was Discord, until now!” Grubber said in surprise.

This made Cosmos’s face light up in excitement. “Discord’s here?” She said, looking around for him like Fifi La Fume would.

“Not exactly...yet.” Robo-Blaze said to her.

“Oh, well. I want to tell you, Boss.” She said excitedly to them. “That I am SO good at being BAD!” She struck a pose, that many a villain would’ve envied.

“You don’t look so scary to me.” The Storm King said to her.

“Actually, I’m wanted across Equestria, other kingdoms and the Zero dimension for destruction of property, time warping, theft, creating scary objects...” she got out a box, for all to see, and when Robo-Roxy opened it, a giant alien-like creature, resembling a Xenomorph came out and roared at them, making them all jump in fright.

“Back in the box, Bendy.” She said, as the Xenomorph obeyed and got into the box, as she closed it. “...and littering!” She finished.

“Littering?” The Storm King was now impressed at this. “The most underrated of intergalactic crimes! I’m impressed!”

Cosmos just blushed and smiled with excitement. “Thank you!” She took a look at the guard tronics. “Tsk Tsk!” She said. “Oh, those tronics are just so dreary! Haven’t you heard? Red is the new black!” She took out one of Tempest’s orbs.

“Hey!” She cried out in shock. “That’s my orb!”

“Not anymore!” Cosmos sneered, as she filled it up with her own chaotic powers, and threw it at the cluster of foot solidiers. This transformed them into more stronger, powerful versions of themselves, as their black Armor morphed into multicoloured chaotic armor to resemble Mystic Force’s green rock armor, and their silver faces to match Tachibana from Kamen Rider Fourze, and their magenta suits, were now a bright shade of scarlet!

Cosmos marveled at them in delight. “Super Tronics!” She said in excitement. “More powerful than ever!”

The others, except Tempest were amazed by all this, and her new creations. “I like this one!” Roxy said, as she came to her side.

“Love your Style, Cosmos!” Grubber said excitedly.

“With powers like that, you could easily become Queen of the world!” Vargoyle added as well.

“I know! I’m just so evil!” Cosmos said in delight.

“WHAT?!” Tempest asked horrified.

“Which is more than I could say for you, Tempest!” The Storm King sneered at her. This made the broken-horned unicorn’s face fall more than the heart, falling out of someone’s body.

“I say we have HER take her place!” Robo-Blaze said to his master.

“Have her as part of my evil legion?” He said, thinking it over. “That sounds delightfully devilish!” He turned to the others. “All in favor, say aye!”

“Aye!” Vargoyle, Cosmos, Grubber, Blaze & Roxy said in agreement.

“Nay!” Tempest pleaded in shock, sweat riding down through her.

“The ayes have it!” The Storm King said finally! “From now on, Tempest is out, and Cosmos is in!”

“Say, WHAT?!” Tempest asked horrified.

“And, if she can defeat our enemies...” Vargoyle addded. “...then, we’ll ensure that she can stay with us!” The others all cheered at that.

“But, I’m the best at Capturing others!” Tempest objected. “How could you replace me with that vicious harpy?!” She pointed furiously at the new creature, who was shocked at hearing her say such a thing.

“I’m sorry, Tempest!” The Storm King confessed to her. “But, it’s come to my attention...” he aimed his staff at her, as she backed away from him. “...that you are no longer a comrade on my team!”

Tempest was shaken to hear those words, and started to cry. Her times of being on the Storm King’s legion she never thought would come to a painful end.

“Wait!” Grubber objected, coming right to Tempest, and in front of the staff.

“What do you want, Grubber?” The Storm King asked furiously at him. “Can’t you see I was just about to cast her out?!”

“That’s just it!” Grubber said. “You can’t take Tempest off the team! We need her!”

“But, Cosmos’s Super Tronics are more powerful than Tempest’s orbs!” Robo-Roxy pointed out. “What makes you think we need her on the team more than her?”

Grubber was worried, as he saw his friend about to get the boot. He had to think of a plan. Then, he had an idea. “Guys! I have a proposition!” He shouted out.

This caught everyone’s attention as they all turned to look at him. “Don’t make me laugh, Grubber!” Cosmos said. “We agreed to shun Tempest Shadow, and that’s just what we’ll do!” She turned to Robo-Blaze. “Get rid of her!”

“Wait!” Robo-Blaze said, stopping her, before turning to Grubber. “We’re listening.”

“How about this...if Cosmos can defeat the enemies, we cast out Tempest.” He started.

“Gah!” Tempest shrieked, before being stopped her her assistant.

“...but, if she fails, Tempest gets to stay!” The hedgehog finished.

“Ooh!” Robo-Blaze said intrigued, as he turned to their boss. “So, what’s it going to be, Master?”

The Storm King thought about it, and decided. “Alright.” He answered. “We’ll leave it up to chance! We accept the deal!” He shook Grubber’s hand, as did the others as they were willing to go with his idea.

“But, remember, Tempest!” The Storm King said, seriously. “If she wins, I cast thee out!” He pointed his staff to parts unknown in the dimension. “Do you got that?”

Tempest looked at the area, and gulped. She knew if she lost, she’d be out of the legion for good. “Of course, Master.” She finally said, nodding.

“Good!” He said to her. “Now, go!” The Broken Horn pony nodded, and went off to think of a plan to sabotage the new creature.

If Cosmos gets her chance to defeat the Power Rangers, then the universe is doomed!” Tempest thought in horror. “I’ve got to sabotage her chances of that happening, so I can get reinstated back into the Storm King’s Legion!” she went to parts unknown to think of a plan to get even with the new draconniqus.

As she pondered her plan, Robo-Blaze turned to Cosmos. “As I was saying...” she said to the other villains. “That I have destroyed thousands at the bidding of those who have summoned me! But, I was a lone star in the past as well. However, seeing the fact that I was an acquaintance for the draconniqus, Discord...I want him to be back with me!”

Robo-Roxy started to head for her, but Blaze stopped her. “So, what do you want us to do?” He asked her.

“I will be at your command!” Cosmos addressed them. “I will do anything you desire, and in exchange for that, maybe you can help me reunite with Discord, since I want him to spread chaos magic all over Equestria, and take over the entire universe, and maybe I could have you two by my side to help me!”

“That’s ridiculous!” Vargoyle sneered. “Those equestrians have failed you enough! Let’s send them into space for all eternity!”

However, the two Robo avatars were intrigued about her plan, and decided to go with it. “Actually, I like the sound of that!” Roxy said in excitement.

“What?!” Vargoyle shouted.

“This is dandy!” Robo-Blaze said in awe and amazement. “Must you do all our bidding?”

“Your enemies are now my enemies!” Cosmos said to them bravely, as she made a fist and squeezing movement to what she would do to her enemies. “I will mash them into pulp!”

“Very well, Cosmos.” Robo-Blaze, taking her by the arm, as Robo-Roxy followed. “Let’s go meet our favourite enemies...The Power Rangers!”

“The Power Rangers?” Cosmos said in interest. “That provides a challenge! Show me where they are!”

“Alright.” Robo-Blaze said. Just then, Cosmos, herself felt a strange feeling as she was glowing pink. “What’s going on?”

“I’ve been getting surges of power since the stars have been scattered.” Cosmos answered. “They’re somewhere in Equestria, and Discord’s there.”

“Discord?” Robo-Roxy asked. “You mean the one who disguised as Grogar and tried to exact his revenge on the Rangers?”

“He...tried to do that?” Cosmos asked in shock.

“Uno and the same-o.” Blaze answered.

“We need to find those stars before they’re lost forever!” She told them. “Then, I’ll have Discord by my side once again, and then, we’ll defeat the Power Rangers!”

“Well, in that case...” Robo-Blaze told her. “Maybe, we’ll stop in Equestria, first!” Cosmos and Robo-Roxy nodded as they went off to the Pony World to take care of Cosmos’ mission! Pretty soon, she would be reunited with all those cosmic stars, and be reunited with her lover, Discord and they would rule Equestria and all other universes once and for all! They were on a mission for her to do just that, and maybe be her assistants with the help of her new Super Tronics! But, not if the Power Rangers had anything to say about that! And, they would find out who she was amd what her true motives were when they got to the bottom of this...hopefully soon.

Right now, the villains had a plan to put in motion, and there would be no stopping them!