• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,996 Views, 91 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony - LoganRyder

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

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Chapter 7

As Dark Spike had stayed in his cave, he began to practice his magic. He sat down and meditated, focusing in his mind.

"Remember, You must ensure your future and Equestria's fate. No matter the odds." Dark Spike said in his mind

As he meditated, the green magic in him began to slowly increase his hatred. His eyes slowly opened and revealed to be black with red pupils as he began to breath in a heavy pace from the magic he stole.

After a few seconds, his eyes returned to normal and he slowly got up.

"My magic's ferocity and training has began to increase. Now I can either A: Mess with my present self and those inferior ponies in that awful village or B: Wait a bit longer and wait for the right moment."

""And then what will you do?" an unknown voice said

"Who's there?!" Dark Spike shouted

He looked around the cave and saw there was nobody but him, until the voice said again.

"Behind you Spike." The voice said more loudly

"Don't call me Spike! You-.....you?" Dark Spike said upon seeing who it was.

In front of him was the spirit of none other then Twilight Sparkle, but she looked drastically different. Instead of her normal alicorn appearance, her wings were burned but still on her back and her horn was snapped off as she had a number of scars and burns on her body. She only gave a look of loss and sadness to her former friend as he only looked at her with impenitence. A long silence had befallen them as the former Princess looked at her former dragon friend.

"How are you here Princess?! I killed you!" Dark Spike snapped at her

The spirit of Twilight only nodded with a regretful sigh and said "You did kill me. I am the soul of Princess Twilight after she died and moved on....along both mine and our friends."

"The girls weren't my friends, neither they or YOU even bothered to treat me like one, let alone an equal." Dark Spike said in disgust

Future Twilight's spirit only gave a look of remorse and said "But what about Thorax, Ember and the other friends you made? What had they done to you?"

"They aren't dead, I let them live so they would know about you or any other fool you preached your hypocritical lessons on a lesson they'll never forget." Dark Spike pointed out

"Spike, I know that I-" The spirit Twilight said, but was cut off

"Oh give me a break 'Princess!', This is all your fault. If you hadn't made me feel abandoned my whole life none of this would've happened! You take everything and leave me with nothing not even friends that I made myself! And YOUR supposed to be the Element of Magic like your sorry friends! I hope that when I ensure my future, your grave will be spat on!" Dark Spike angrily said in rage

The Future Twilight's soul only looked at her former friend and said "Your right, it was my fault and I didn't know how you felt. But I never cared, and my friends weren't any better."

Dark Spike only looked at her and said "The why are you even here? Here to stop me? Well look how you turned out."

Future Twilight's spirit looked at Spike in remorse and said "I'm only here to tell you that if you stop you can free yourself from your pain and let it go."

"You know full well what happens if I do that you phony! And you and your friends are the reason that pain is still in me!" Dark Spike replied

"Please! I'm begging you! If you continue this then you'll never be satisfied! Only suffer more from your own hatred consuming you! Remember what happened with Starlight?" Future Twilight said

"Starlight was different compared to me! You were supposed to teach friendship and prosperity! And you never even once considered me at all! In fact, I'm pretty sure you were gonna replace me with her!" Dark Spike responded

The area was silent as spirit Twilight only gave a look of remorse and surprise at her former friend. He was right, not only was he neglected by her and her friends, but she was supposed to be the one who taught the values of friendship.

"Spike! I never intended to replace you! I only wanted to teach her the values of friendship after her friend moved away from her!." Future Twilight tried to explain to Dark Spike.

"Save it. You didn't care about me, only your friends and not your so- called assistant. I don't wanna see you or your friends near me again, if you try then I'll make sure I use new spell I learned just a few days ago and make your next life a living Tartarus." Dark Spike threatened

The spirit Twilight only cried a few tears and looked in on with pity and her former friend. She wronged him all his life and never even once considered him. With a silent nod of acknowledgement, spirit Twilight faded away from him and Dark Spike continued to try and master his new abilities from the amulet in him.

Before she left, spirit Twilight said with a remorseful tone "I'm sorry."

Dark Spike only turned to her and showed his face. He cried a few tears himself and said an a waving tone of anger and sadness and said as he tried to not mentally break down

"10 years too late."

The spirit of Twilight's future self faded as Dark Spike only pondered her words and kept on practicing his magic ability

"When this is over, I'll make sure the Equestria suffers the fate it deserves for my suffering, first take down the fraud of the princess and her minions then make sure my other self turns into me for good. It's all I need to be happy.....right?" Dark Spike said in his thoughts as he continued to train.

As he continued, his eyes began to slowly cry more tears as he trained, trying to ignore the pain and suffering in his past memories. His magic began to increase in power and strength which began to takes it toll on his body. Dark Spike only shaked and thrashed his body a few seconds then stopped. He slowly got up and gave a look of determination.

"Finally, my magic is more stronger then Twilight and her friends. Now all I have to do is wait for the right moment."