The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony

by LoganRyder

First published

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

Months after Spike's evil self was defeated and his future averted (for now), Equestria has found itself at peace once more from the forces of darkness. However, Spike still feels uneasy because of his fear of the future that will cause him to indeed become him because of what the Future versions of Starswirl and Chrysalis said.

However, both the girls and Spike must now put their fears aside and face not only the darkness that will come, but be ready for the challenges they will face in their future.

(Based off Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy)

Extra tags: (Comedy, Drama, Sad, Dark)

(Everything belongs to it's rightful owners)

Chapter 1

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Inside an unknown room, an cloaked unicorn with a long beard and grey coat was seen watching an green portal showing the town of Ponyville in Equestria. As he watched, he only said

"It seems you've done it again Twilight." The cloaked unicorn said

"What has my young self and his phony friends done this time?" An teen voice from the tube in the nearby pedestal said

"You can hear me?...Well if you must know-" The unicorn said, but was cut off

"Ever hear about sarcasm? And yes I have been able to hear. This thing is escape proof, not sound proof." The voice said in agitation.

"Yes I have, And I was talking to myself, i'm sure you know what that's like, don't you Spike?" The unicorn said

"Grrrrrr. I should have killed you when I had the chance Starswirl." Dark Spike said in dismay

"And yet you didn't, but are you sure this is the way you asked for?" Future Starswirl said

"What are you talking about?" Dark Spike asked again in dismay

"For starters, you were willing to save Flurry Heart after you killed both her parents and her aunts. You chose to spare the one creature you cared about by sending her back to Griffonstone and even chose to spare Ember when she was in harm after you killed Garble and his friends for how they treated you. You even let your pet Pee-Wee reunite with his family and Thorax rule the Changeling kingdom after you tortured Chrysalis." Future Starswirl said in clarification

"That was different, Flurry was still a baby and those three were the only ones that actually tried to care about me!" Dark Spike said in protest.

"And yet from that sentence, you show deep down you aren't a lost cause after all the things you've done. Only troubled and scared about why your friends treated you that way." Future Starswirl said in pity

"Scared of what?!" Dark Spike said in annoyance and spite to the pillar of Equestria.

"...Of the abyss, when the shadow that you face not only looks back. But also makes you take the step you may not ever come back from." Future Starswirl said cryptically

Future Starswirl then headed back to the portal as the tube Dark Spike was trapped in remained silent, likely to ponder the future Pillar's words.

Through the portal, showed the timeline that was occurring after Dark Spike's defeat.

In the current time in the land of Equestria, there was the castle of friendship owned by none other then Princess Twilight Sparkle. Inside the castle was the purple alicorn with her friend and number one assistant, as she began to look at him because he was glowing on his entire body.

"Ah, this was an interesting time." Future Starswirl said intrigued with a smile

"What?" Dark Spike said in confusion

"Oh come on, you know since you had to partake in this event once, where you even met her." Future Starswirl hinted to the dark teen dragon.

The moment the future pillar said this, Dark Spike immediately caught on and said "The time where I had to attend that Gauntlet of Fire trial and help Torch's daughter?"

"Indeed, and I must say, even though you had a chance to become the Dragon Lord, you instead gave it to Princess Ember since you wanted to stay in Ponyville."

Dark Spike then said out of anger and hatred "And that just gives me another reason to hate Princess Twilight and her friends now doesn't it?"

"Have you ever considered the fact that they wanted to keep you out of harms way when you were pushed away from them?." Future Starswirl said in response

"This says the pony that caused an innocent pony to not only turn into the Pony of Shadows but also cause him to fall into the darkness in the start before you banished him, willingly no less." Dark Spike responded to the future pillar in a tone of called out disgust

This affected Future Starswirl as he only gave a look of guilt as he looked down in the floor with a frown. The dark dragon had made a good point against him and knew that he too had some wrongs committed in the past.

Dark Spike then asked "Which raises another question, why are you trying so hard to save me? Even after all I've done?"

Future Starswirl only turned to face the tube the dark dragon was in and said

"Your right, and whenever I look at you everyday, I see Stygian, the very same pony that was my friend who I MYSELF and the other pillars betrayed before we cast him away wrongfully. And I see with you a similar soul that was going through so much neglect, abuse, betrayal and suffering to please your friends. And I realize that through this, I see the very mistake I made with him. Before you.....dealt with him and both your friends and mine" Future Starswirl admitted to the dark dragon

"So you admit it?" Dark Spike asked in a mocking tone

Future Starswirl only breathed a sigh and said "Yes, but I learned that I have to move on with that mistake like before, it's all I can do for now."

Dark Spike only remained silent as the future pillar turned around and looked through the portal showing his younger self not only teaming up with his former past friends and with Ember. The young dragon was using the abilities in the gem he ate prior before his dark self attacked. Even managing to subdue some teen dragons and Garble and his gang while Twilight and Rarity watched inside a rock disguise. The group eventually managed to reach the Bloodstone scepter, yet Spike gave the scepter to Ember (but not before embarrassing Garble).

"Ember? You?!" Ember's father Torch said in shock

"I know you think I couldn't do it, but I did." Ember replied to her father

"I expressionly told you not to do it, because you-" Torch ranted, but Ember stopped him

"I'm not big and strong, I know, but you know what?! I won anyway. So maybe it takes more then being big and strong to be a good Dragon Lord." Ember responded to her father

The future pillar only smiled at young Spike's noble act, but frowned as he knew that Dark Spike was now growing desperate to acheive his goal.

Chapter 2

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It had been weeks as Dark Spike was still trapped and trying to escape. As Future Starswirl looked at the portal showing the next event that would occur, he saw a very familiar event as he first saw Twilight and Starlight in a train heading for the Crystal Empire.

"Ah, the moment where you showed friendship to a future friend.......and king." the future pillar said

"....Thorax?" Dark Spike guessed

"Indeed." Future Starswirl said as he watched the three leave the train but saw a bunch of ponies panicking all around them.

"This day shows that not only is everypony equal to each other, but that they should never judge them for who they are and look." Future Starswirl said

"And look how that got me." Dark Spike said in anger

"They didn't mean that boy." Future Starswirl said in protest

"Oh but they did, the only reason I didn't destroy Equestria as a whole is because unlike them I have some morals." Dark Spike said in disgust

"Then why did you kill a number of innocent ponies and creatures. Parents, children and even loved ones?" Future Starswirl rhetorically replied

"Because they are just as responsible for causing my suffering as well as to why I have no family before and after I was made! Not only that, but I basically had to raise myself my whole life and help a so called 'Princess' and 'Elements of Harmony' with their own greedy selfish desires! Not to mention they didn't even show a little appreciation to me for once in my life when they told me to do things for them! Spike can you restack the books, Spike can you please clean up the castle, that reptile is just another creature with no mind, He doesn't deserve to live with us royals!" Dark Spike said in rage and anger as he mocked a few notable ponies he knew such as Twilight.

Future Starswirl only gave an unreadable look at the dark dragon in his confined prison, he was so angry at the friends that had not given him the same care of friendship in their lives in his youth that he had finally snapped and let loose the same grief he had gone through.

"If that were the case, would you not have spoken to Luna and Celestia?" Future Starswirl asked

"Oh please, we both know those 2 fools would just groom their so called precious student turned princess over me and just play the same old lesson learned card. Besides those two old fools wouldn't know the difference between good or evil. Don't believe me?, ask Nightmare Moon."

This only further left the future pillar silent as he only looked at the tube with a look of pity.

"And not only that, but they didn't even think of adding me to that so-called Friendship Journal of theirs! That's why next time I get out of here, they won't wanna know what i'll do to them!" Dark Spike further said in anger and rage.

The room was now silent. The future pillar only looked at the tube the evil dragon teen was trapped in and said

"Very Well." Future Starswirl said as he left the room.

(A few hours later)

Future Starswirl only sat down on his bed, he was looking at a book of some sort and had a look of sorrow on his face.

The book revealed itself to have photos which Starswirl and his fellow Pillars and Stygian all smiling and posing at the camera with happiness.

Starswirl only shed a few tears in his eyes at how his friends were gone, until a loud noise was heard.


"What was that?!" Future Starswirl said as he got off his bed and ran to the source of the loud noise.

The pillar ran to the other room and saw that the source of the blast had came from the portal room. Future Starswirl entered and saw the tube had been opened and empty, amd the dark dragon was gone already.

"OH NO." Future Starswirl said as more hooves were heard running behind him. It was Future Chrysalis

"What happened?! What was that noise?" Future Chrysalis said

Future Starswirl only pointed his hoof at the empty tube and as soon as the former changeling queen looked, she gasped in horror.

"Where did he go?!" Future Chrysalis said

(In Present Ponyville, Everfree Forest)

Inside the Everfree Forest, there was a number of dangers such as predators or Poison Joke. In a far part of the Everfree, a large dark glow of shadows appeared

A large shadow like ball appeared and pulsated until it dissipated, revealing Dark Spike now was back in the present before his future.

"The Everfree Forest, stil intact....for now." Dark Spike said as he flew airborne and saw the village of Ponyville.

As he flew, he saw Rainbow Dash flying away from Fluttershy's cottage laughing hysterically.

"Hmmmm, if I'm not mistaken, I'm back at the time the so-called Element of Loyalty played ALOT of pranks like with me and the scrolls I sent to Celestia......Well I guess I should return the favor." Dark Spike thought sadistically

He then looked at the sky and gave a malicious smile.

Rainbow Dash was flying to her home and was laughing at the pranks she had pulled

"Oh man, those pranks were priceless, I can't wait to see what else I can do!" Rainbow said

However, the momemt she reached her home in Cloudsdale, the sight shocked her.

Her house was VANDALIZED. Numerous red messages were written and a red trail was seen from the from door to the inside. Some of the messages had said





"What in Celestia?! What happened to my house?!" Rainbow Dash said in shock.

The blue pegasus saw the door open and went in her home. As she did, the red liquid trail led from her door to the upstairs to her room, where the trail ended and there was one last message.


The words were dripping with red as Rainbow Dash gave an unamused look and looked around

"Ok girls! I know this is a prank! You can come out!" Rainbow Dash said

However, she heard footsteps and said "Who's there?!"

She went down and saw it was none other then Spike, who was simply looking away from her

Chapter 3

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"Spike? Is that you?" Rainbow Dash said as she saw her young dragon friend.

Spike however, simply looked away from her, leaving her a bit uneasy as Rainbow Dash gave a look of un-amusement.

"S-Spike? Come on dude! This isn't funny anymore!" Rainbow Dash, slowly getting more creeped out.

She began to head down and slowly walk behind Spike, who only looked away until her hoof touched his shoulder.

With a quick turn, Spike turned and saw the blue Pegasus, giving an look of surprise.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?" Spike(?) asked in confusion

"Me? I LIVE here Spike. What are you doing here? And how are you even in Cloudsdale?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion

"Twilight said she wanted me to see you and used a spell to teleport me to come get you. Come on, let's go." Spike(?) said as he turned

However, the moment he turned and walked, Rainbow Dash immediately gave a look of confusion and worry and saw a red substance dripping from Spike(?)'s hands.

Noticing the dripping red, Rainbow Dash said in a shaky tone while giving the baby dragon a frown

"S...Spike? Why are your hands dripping red stuff?"

Spike(?) only said in an disregarding tone "It's nothing, come on, we have to go."

Rainbow Dash only gave a look of unconvinced fear as she was left pondering. Should she come or not? After a few moments of hesitation, she said

"Ok. let's go Spike." Rainbow Dash complied

As soon as she said this, Spike(?) left and headed his way, while Rainbow Dash only looked at him with an unsure expression and left her house before flying away from him. As she flew as fast as she could, she said deep in her thoughts.

"Ok, something is definitely going on here, first I play some pranks on my friends and Spike and now Spike may or may not have tried to scare me or....kill me? No Rainbow Dash, Spike's your friend! He would never do that, especially after the whole incident with him, Starlight and that evil older Spike from another timeline......right? " Rainbow Dash thought, trying to find out why her friend was acting so amiss.

As she flew away from her house, she was suddenly teleported away by an dark shadow flash from an all to familiar dark dragon.

Rainbow Dash was on the ground, unconscious. She began to slowly wake up and gave a look of confusion.

"What...? Where am I?" Rainbow Dash said and the moment she got up, the sight shocked her.

She looked to be in the Everfree Forest, and the whole environment was on FIRE.

"What in Celestia?! Why is the Everfree Forest on FIRE?!?!" Rainbow Dash shouted in shock.

Rainbow Dash flew away from the area, desperately trying to avoid the flames from the burning trees. As she flew, an unknown voice was heard and said


Rainbow Dash only continued to fly, but as much faster as she could as she saw an unknown figure dashing at a high speed right at her.

Rainbow managed to circled a nearby tree and flew down and landed near a safe part of the forest that wasn't burned yet. She managed to hide in a nearby tree and kept quiet for whoever was after her. She heard footsteps after a few seconds and gave an shocked look at who it was.

(I Don't own artworks, they belong to rightful owners)

The figure was revealed to be SPIKE. But he looked drastically different. His scales were more sharp, his eyes were more menacing and dark and his wings were more bigger and sharp. He emerged from a flaming forest pathway and said in an more dark and haunting voice of his own.

"Darn it! How could I let her escape so easily?!....That stupid horse has to be here somewhere....."

'Spike' only laughed an deep and disturbing laugh and teleported away in green flames as Rainbow Dash was left frightened and said to herself.

"Ok, Not a prank!, Not a prank! Spike is trying to KILL ME!" Rainbow panicked

Rainbow Dash flew in fright away from the forest fire and desperately tried to reach Ponyville as soon as possible to warn her friends about what was going on.

As she flew, she was unaware she was being observed by an familiar figure, revealing himself as 'Spike'. 'Spike' only said with an sadistic grin on his face.

"Yes....Run like you always have been. Your future is...inevitable."

(In Ponyville)

Rainbow Dash saw she was nearing Ponyville and gave a relieved look that the town had not been damaged by the forest fire, she had some minor bruises and burns, but they were not as fatal.

"Oh thank Celestia! Ponyville is safe from the fire! I better warn the girls what's happening." Rainbow Dash said in a hurry.

However, she saw an odd sight, the residents of Ponyville had looked to be in a zombified trance saying in an monotone voice


As Rainbow Dash gave a look of fright and said "What the hay?!", Dark Spike only watched the scene with glee and amusement.

"I'll admit, I may have felt a bit of guilt from doing those pranks of mine to Rainbow Crash, but at the very least she can deal with it with dignity....or at least the what will remain of it when she sees my little 'surprise'" Dark Spike thought as he saw Rainbow Dash avoiding the ponies with messy mouths that were covered in rainbow like substances and was hiding everywhere she could, from trying to reach Twilight and Starlight to heading to Applejack's farm.

(A few hours later)

Rainbow was being cornered by the zombified ponies and was covering her eyes and said

"Please! Stop! I never meant for this to happen! It was only a harmless prank and it was supposed to funny! But it wasn't"

This made the ponies stop and give amused expressions as Pinkie said


"What?!..What's going on!?" Rainbow Dash said in confusion

"Just delighting in pranking the prankster." Rarity said in response

"So NONE of you were ever sick?" Rainbow asked

"Of course not! Silly!" Pinkie said

"GOTCHA!" The crowd said

"So...This was all a prank?!" Rainbow said in surprise.

"You can thank Pinkie Pie for that after she told us your plan to prank the entire town, she got everypony together and came up with an way to turn the tables on you." Applejack explained.

"Aw! It was nothing!" Pinkie said bashfully

As some of the ponies even shared some amusement, Rainbow said in dismay

"Well I don't think it's funny! And I'm the one that got pranked! I was really scared especially after the whole forest thing and-"

"Pranking whoever you like?" Twilight cut in

"Without thinking about how they feel?" Fluttershy added

"Or if they would enjoy it?" Rarity further pointed out

"Or if it would be funny?" Applejack further notified

Pinkie then told Rainbow Dash "Pranks can be alot of fun when everypony has a good time. I thought that you just needed to see what it's like when they don't"

Rainbow gave a guilt-ridden look and said in agreement "I guess i did. I'm sorry, everypony. I haven't really been thinking about how other ponies felt."

"Well, we hope you learned your lesson." Fluttershy agreed.

However, Rainbow only gave look of confusion again and said

"Hey wait a minute! If THIS was the prank, why did you all have Twilight send Spike in Cloudsdale to VANDALIZE my house and set the forest on fire?!"

"What?!' The crowd said in confusion and surprise

Pinkie said in protest "I didn't plan that!"

Starlight also added in protest "Spike was with me and Twilight the whole time Rainbow Dash, don't just accuse him!"

"Oh really?! then how do you explain that?!" Rainbow pointed to the half burned Everfree and further said

"Spike even tried to KILL me when I was trapped there, he even burned half the forest and had weird red stuff on his hands!" Rainbow Dash further said in accusation.

The situation began to spiral in confusion as the REAL Spike said in protest

"But Rainbow Dash, I wasn't in the Everfree! I was with Twilight the whole time!"

"Plus I never used a spell to send him to Cloudsdale!" Twilight refuted in defense

This only left the blue pegasus more confused as she asked again while pointing her hoof at Spike

"Then explain why you left a RED trail of liquids in my house and wrote mean things about me!"

Spike only shook his hands in defense and said

"Rainbow Dash, I don't know what your talking about!" Spike protested in defense


The crowd of ponies looked at an angry Twilight, who only looked at the blue pegasus and said in offesne

"I'm surprised Rainbow Dash, we did this to teach you a lesson but having the nerve to accuse Spike to make and excuse?! This is low! even for you!"


"You know what?! Go. Just go home and cool down and tomorrow we can discuss this."

Rainbow wanted to argue, but knew that her friends were a bit sick of hearing more accusations. With a stoic look, Rainbow simply left to go home.

In the half-burned forest, an dark figure looked at the whole situation and said with amusement.

"Looks like she got out, but next time....her and her friends will PAY...."

With that, the dark figure vanished, leaving the half burned Everfree Forest.

Chapter 4

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It had been weeks after the whole prank thing with Rainbow Dash and the girls. Twilight had still been a bit angry at her for accusing both her and Spike for apparently trying to KILL her for playing pranks that went too far. Though still weary of the issue, Rainbow Dash let it go since Twilight would not believe her, and neither would the other ponies.

In the Everfree Forest, Dark Spike was seen in a cave using a hand flame in his left hand to produce light.

"Hmm, now that I have a place I can call home for now and that the so-called Element of Loyalty is dealt with, let's see what else I need to do." Dark Spike said condescendingly

He then began to to use his magic to show Twilight's castle in a green magic portal and he gave a smirk.

"Even if I lose, I must remain inevitable." Dark Spike said as he then shapeshifted into his young previous form and went inside.

(At Twilight's Castle)

'Spike' landed near behind the Castle and looked around. He saw it was now night time and saw Trixie and Starlight were leaving the castle in a hurry.

"Starlight and Trixie? Why were they in there?"" Dark Spike said in confusion

The dark dragon returned to normal form and then managed to sneak in the door and saw a glowing green light coming from the throne room.

"Where is the bright green light coming from?" Dark Spike said in his thoughts

Using his magic to turn invisible, he phased through the walls and the sight had surprised him.

Inside the throne rooms were the 6 girls and Spike, but they were speaking with an all too familiar figure who was seen in green magic aura.

"Chrysalis?!" Dark Spike muttered to himself

The ponies and Spike turned into Changelings and spoke with their queen.

"Everything is going according to plan my queen. We've replaced the ponies and their dragon and have taken over their castle." One Changeling said

Queen Chrysalis smiled evilly and said

"Excellent! And I've just received word that the Princesses from Canterlot have successfully been replaced as well!"

As they spoke, Dark Spike said in his head with realization.

"Wait a minute! This is when that bug of a queen had her minions capture me and the so-called Princess of Friendship! The day before I transformed! Good, that means I still have enough time!"

After the message from Chrysalis had finished,the Changelings got ready to head out but Dark Spike appeared in front of them now visible.

"Going somewhere?" Dark Spike asked with a evil smirk.

"What the?! How did you get in here?! One Changeling said in surprise

"And were you watching us?" Another Changeling said

Dark Spike simply blasted dark green magic blasts at the 7 Changelings, knocking them out. He then drained their magic and began to explore the castle.

"Alright, now where is that Time Scroll?" Dark Spike said

As he looked around, he saw a locked up room and said

"That must be it!" Darl Spike said as he burned the lock with magic from hands.

The door opened and revealed an all too familiar scroll chained.

Dark Spike looked and gave an unsurprised look

"I sense some magic. Hmmmm it must be that Twilight and Starlight must have set some magic traps to stop intruders or thieves. Good thing I'm technically neither."

Dark Spike turned invisible and phased through the traps and got near the chained and guarded scroll. He then phased his hand through the chain and grabbed the scroll.

"Finally, I. Am. Inevitable." Dark Spike said

Powering up his magic, his hand glowed a dark green aura as he phased and placed the Time Scroll in him.

"Aaaaaahhgggh!!!!" Dark Spike shouted in pain as he placed the scroll in him.

"And just to be safe." Dark Spike said as he used his magic to create another Time Scroll and placed it in the pedestal.

Now that he was done, he used his invisibility to leave the room and went to the throne room with the unconscious Changelings.

"Well, since I have some time left to kill, I guess I should get some payback in the meantime."

Dark Spike then charged his magic and began writing some things on the walls and the thrones of the girls and present self.

(A few minutes later)

Dark Spike left the castle with the satisfied look on his face.

"Well that was fun!" Dark Spike said

His smile then turned to a frown of annoyance. As he said with a tone of dismay

"But now I have to do the one part of my plan I'm REALLY gonna regret. Having to save my present and those phonies he calls friends. But hey at least I get to deal with that bug of a queen and give them a little surprise when I'm done."

Dark Spike then flew into the air and made hia way to the Changeling kingdom.

As he flew, he thought deep within his mind.

"After I deal with the bug, I'll use that so-called friendship journal to expose Twilight, Starlight and her so-called friends for the fakes they truly are and send them to a place where there's no auch thing as friends. I mean after all.....I was never one."

He continued to fly his way to the Changeling Empire.

(At the Changeling Kingdom)

Dark Spike made his way into the Empire and hid in a nearby hole.

"Time to go to work." Dark Spike said

He once again shapeshifted into his former young form and made his way to the hive.

A number of Changelings noticed him and gave looks of surprise.

"Hey! How did the dragon get out of his cocoon?!"

"And why is his hands glowing?!"

"It doesn't matter! GET HIM!!!"

The Changelings all shapeshifted into the girls and tried to confuse him.

"Spike, don't hurt me!" A fake Rarity said

"Spike it's me Twilight! Your friend!" A fake Twilight said

"Dont'cha remember me Spike? Ah'm Applejack!" A fake Applejack goaded

'Spike' only gave a look of annoyance and said in pure venom in his voice


He readied his breath and wailed.

The fake versions of the girls were knocked away by the flaming rings from his wail and retunred to their natural Changeling forms. 'Spike' only gave an unsympathetic look and said


He then made his way to confront the Queen.

Chapter 5

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Dark Spike continued on his way as he advanced through the hive. As he continued, his senses began to go off.

"OK, I'm getting close to Chrysalis and her drones location. I better not be careless and keep going. I'll need to fit in to help them." Dark Spike thought in his mind

Dark Spike hid and switched from his present form to a Changeling drone. As he continued, he heard a gurgled moan coming from a the area.

"What was that?" Dark Spike said in confusion.

He turned and he saw the girls, the Princesses and their allies in green cocoons.

"Well well. Look who it is." The disguised Dark Spike said at his trapped past friends.

As he looked, he turned and saw a cornered Starlight Glimmer trapped by the Queen and her Changelings. Dark Spike only gave an look of recognition when his magic sense went off. Recognizing what was happening, he gave a look of genuine care and said

"Thorax...Be careful."

As he looked, he noticed the REAL Starlight Glimmer sneaking behind Chrysalis and trying to destroy the throne nullifying her magic aside from her subjects.

However, Thorax transformed back and revealed his true form as Chrysalis only caught on and stopped Starlight.

"Very Clever. And clearly Thorax revealed to you the secret of my throne. I can't have powerful ponies using their abilities against me. Even with your rather embarrassing little rescue attempt, everything has gone according to my plan." Chrysalis mockingly gloated

"What plan?! Why did you do all this?!" Starlight replied

"So I could feed of course! By replacing the most beloved figures in Equestria, my drones will be able to store all the love meant for them and return it here to me. Everypony will do as I command, and my subjects and I will feed on their love for generations!" Chrysalis explained

"What if you didn't have to?" Starlight said to Chrysalis

"Ridiculous! The hunger of changelings can never be satisfied!" Chrysalis replied with an unconvinced look.

As they conversed, Dark Spike only looked at the situation and was beginning to slowly think of his impending fate.

"Wow, I can't believe how echoing this is. From us turning into the heroes to the so-called frauds that turned their own home into a desolate wasteland. And that took away these phony ponies...Especially Starlight. Even when she tried to help me have to do this, I have to ensure my fate is to come. " Dark Spike said in his thoughts, feeling conflicted and angry on what he should do

As he thought, he noticed a pink glow and saw Thorax's love taken by the queen, until he felt stronger and a pink glow of love engulfed the area.

"WHAT THE-!?" Dark Spike shouted as he was engulfed by the blast.

As soon as the pink light stopped, Dark Spike (now back to normal) got up and gave a groggy groan.

"What happened?" Dark Spike said as he noticed he was in his true form by looking at his feet and hands.

"Oh crud!" Dark Spike said and hid in some nearby rubble. He looked and saw the changelings, including Thorax, had now gained new forms.

"Starlight? What happened?" Twilight asked in confusion

"We defeated the changelings with no magic at all, they found a new leader and they're all kinda...good now." Starlight responded to Twilight

Princess Luna approached them and gave a smile saying "Well done, Starlight Glimmer, it seems as though you've learned a great deal since we last met."

Dark Spike only looked and noticed that Chrysalis was coming out of nearby rubble.

"Oh no you don't you impudent little bug!" Dark Spike, who began to shapeshift.

Chrysalis got back up and hissed at the heroes angrily, only to give a look of surprise and shock.

All the heroes were getting ready to fight back, even the now reformed changelings were ready to stop their former leader for her actions. Starlight on the other hand, only gave a look of pity at her and said

"When Twilight and her friends defeated me, I chose to run away and seek revenge! You don't have to! You can be the leader your subjects deserve."

Starlight went to Chrysalis and offered a hoof to her. Chrysalis looked to accept it at first....but then turned it down by smacking it away.

Dark Spike only looked and got ready to strike saying "Typical."

With an angry look, Queen Chrysalis only said with rage "There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact on you one day, Starlight Glimmer!"

As she was about to leave from the heroes clutches, a dark green magic blast blew her away into the sky.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Chrysalis shouted as she flew away into the sky.

"What the?!" Starlight said in surprise

"Who did that?" Thorax asked

The other ponies and Spike protested at having done so, until another voice was heard.


They all looked up and saw another changeling with light blue skin, orange eyes and wings.

"Why did you blast her like that?!" Thorax asked the 'changeling'

"Actually, I think the better question is why I haven't blasted any of YOU yet." The changeling replied spitefully

"What? Why would you wanna do that?" Spike asked

The changeling turned to Spike and only gave a look of fury and said "As if you didn't know faker."

"Faker? But only one creature calls me that and...wait, is it...?" Spike said as it slowly began to dawn on him

"Hmm so you know. I mean after all." The 'changeling' said and glowed a dark green flame of fire

The changeling was none other then Dark Spike, who grinned and said "I. Am. Inevitable"

The dark dragon's appearance only shocked the heroes. The 6 girls were shocked, the princesses and Shining were horrified, Starlight, Discord, Trixie and Thorax were both confused and frightened while Spike was angry and surprised at who it was

"YOU?!" All but Thorax and Discord said in horror

"What are you doing here?!" Spike said in anger and shock

Chapter 6

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The heroes only looked at the older version of Spike, they were each surprised at how he managed to return. As Dark Spike flew in the air, he flew down and landed in front of the heroes.

With a frown on his face, Dark Spike said

"Thorax, Discord, Trixie and Starlight, It's been quite awhile. 10 years to be specific."

The words from the older dragon only surprised them as Twilight only said with a look of shocked confusion

"Which raises one question. HOW are you HERE?!"

"And I thought you were sent back to your timeline!" Spike further pointed out

"Oh Twilight, so smart and gifted yet so stupid, hypocritical and naïve at the same time. I always questioned why YOU of all ponies were chosen to be a princess by Celestia. Just because I was gone, doesn't mean I was erased." Dark Spike only said in a mocking tone

"What does that mean?" Shining Armor said

"I'd tell you, but then I would have to unalive you Prince Armor." Dark Spike replied in disgust

This threat only shook the ponies as Thorax asked in confusion

"Wait, are you saying YOUR Spike from the future?"

Looking at his friend, Dark Spike gave a look of mixed sorrow and hate and said stoically

"I am Thorax. I also happen to be aware of how Twilight and Starlight almost tried to kill you when I introduced you to the Empire under my so-called title 'Spike the Brave and Glorious'. Oh what times they were, too bad they ruined everything for me."

This statement only left Twilight and Starlight surprised as Starlight said in confusion

"Wait, How did you know about that?"

Dark Spike only further said in an sarcastic tone "Gee I dunno, maybe because I'm Spike."

"Wait, if your Spike from the future, What happened to you? Why do you look so....ominous?" Trixie asked to him

Dark Spike turned to Trixie with an annoyed look and said condescendingly

"Let's just say the Elements of Harmony aren't just heroes, but also just as worse then you are Miss Showboaster. By the way, your magic shows are plain fake and staged. I even question why YOU of all ponies were friends with Starlight."

An abrupt silence stood as the ponies were a bit hurt by his point while Trixie looked offended at his words. As they stood, Princess Luna asked

"But then how did you manage to find us?"

With a taunting look, Dark Spike said "I believe already answered that question. And besides you should be grateful I freed you and dealt with the idiot of a queen."

"And saving us by almost killing her yet you tried to kill us last time? Forget it!" Rainbow Dash said

"Like the way you kept on pranking me from almost killing me with that cold puddle joke and the scrolls joke for Celestia? I'm amazed your too stupid to know your own mistakes Crash." Dark Spike ironically responded

"Hey! I said sorry and I didn't know! Plus it's DASH!" Rainbow Dash tried to justify.

"Not only that, but that little prank I did to your house and the Everfree was in your words 'too soon', Like your any better. Plus sorry doesn't change the fact you almost killed me." Dark Spike revealed with a cold smile.

The girls gave looks of shock and horror as Spike gave a look of fury as Pinkie said

"Wait, YOU did that to us?!"

"YOU were the one who framed me?!" Spike said with anger

"And you mean YOU vandalized my house and tried to KILL me In the Forest?!" Rainbow Dash said in further rage to Dark Spike

"Yes, I know. It was a stroke of pure humor. Which I learned from you and the pink bozo." Dark Spike callously taunted

The heroes only looked at the future Spike with looks of fury and anger as Shining said to him

"What are you even doing here?!"

Dark Spike only said "I already told you, finding you to save your annoying lives."

"What?! First you try to kill us and now your saving us?! What are you-" Twilight said, but Dark Spike pulled her to him with his dark green magic

His hand pulled her to him and blocked her magic from her horn.

"TWILIGHT!!" The others shouted in shock

The other heroes were about attack, but were trapped in magical fields.

"Ah Ah." Dark Spike said as he used his magic to stop them in their tracks.

Both his hands glowed dark green as one held Twilight and the other with the other heroes. As he held them in place, he gave a scowl as he looked at the ponies.

"You know, I was really expecting a little gratitude for saving your sorry flanks, and I could kill you all now that I am here." Dark Spike said as he readied a dark green aura strike from his palm.

He was about to harm Twilight, who closed her eyes in fear. The other 5 only looked in horror as the Princesses and Shining's eyes widened in shock while Trixie, Starlight, Spike, Discord, Thorax and the others tried to help, to no avail.

Just as he could blast Twilight, he put her near her friends and flew airborne. Dispelling his hold on them all, he said

"But since I value my life and need to keep you safe for the time, you should consider yourselves lucky."

The dark dragon teen then flew away and teleported in dark green flames. Before he did, he said in a cold and betrayed tone

"I trusted you all. But you all left me."

This left the heroes surprised as he left.

"I can't believe it. First we stop one threat now we have to stop another!" Rainbow Dash said

"And to top it off, it's the me from another timeline!" Spike added

As the ponies looked on, Fluttershy said in a guilty tone

"Not only that, but it's a threat we don't just know. It's one that WE caused to happen."

Applejack further added "And cause of each of us and our selfishness, we're the reason he turned that way."

As the ponies looked down, Twilight said "But that doesn't matter."

"What?!" Everyone said

"He may be from the future we caused, but that future hasn't happened yet. The future doesn't go on just pre-determined or predictably. We have the chance to stop that future. I know we all did things to Spike to hurt him, but that's not yet to happen. We have a chance to fix things and make amends as we did before." Twilight pointed out.

"Twilight's right, after what happened when he tried to kill you guys, I'm not going to let it happen now or ever. He may be me from the future. But that future depends on us all and what we choose." Spike added

The girls began to agree and rose up with determination along with the other changelings and heroes.

"And even though most of us caused that future because of our maleficence, we have a chance to make up for it all and make things right." Celestia said with a look of determination

"Well, he's gone for now. Let's head home." Cadance said.

"And we should throw a party!" Pinkie added

The ponies agreed and began to head home.

"Actually I think there's one thing I should do first." Starlight said

(At Starlight's Village)

Starlight had arrived her village, with a look of reluctance as she looked at the villagers. But without anything to lose, she went to a few ponies she knew.

"Uh hey Starlight, What are you doing here?" One pony (Party Favor) asked

"You left in such a hurry before, we kinda thought you didn't wanna come." Another pony added (Double Diamond)

Starlight only gave an apologetic look and said

"Yeah...I guess after the way I used my magic on all of you, I wasn't sure I was somepony who should even be in charge of a baking contest. I was afraid I might go back to being the pony I used to be. But I realize that sometimes you don't have a choice. You have to step up. And I have changed! I can handle it. Whether that means saving Equestria or helping friends out with the Sunset Festival. Speaking of which, I know the festival's almost over, but I kinda invited a few of my friends to join. Hope that's okay."

"Are you kidding! Of course!"

"Great! Now where's that baking contest? This pony needs a cupcake!" Starlight said happily

Everyone else cheered and celebrated with one another.

(Ponyville, Twilight's Castle)

After the ponies were done celebrating, they each had returned to Ponyville. The girls and Spike were heading to the Castle.

"That was a fun party!" Pinkie said

"You said it!" Rainbow Dash replied

"Well, it's over now. Let's head back home." Starlight said

The ponies began to head to the castle and opened the doors.

"What the?!" Twilight said in shock at the sight

The sight shocked the girls and their friends when they entered the castle.

The walls were defaced and had slanderous and insulting words in red. Some of the words written said FALSE HOPE, ELEMENTS OF INSANITY or FAKE HEROES. The thrones each of the girls and Spike sat on had words as well.

Fluttershy's throne said CRUELTY.

Rainbow Dash's throne said TREACHERY.

Applejack's throne had the word DECEIT.

Pinkie Pie's throne said DESPAIR.

Rarity's throne, in comparison to others was a bit bigger and had the word SELFISH.

Twilight's throne said with a big word like Rarity's saying DARKNESS.

Starlight's throne said in an echoing and ironic way EQUALITY.

The throne that Spike sat on had said INEVITABLE.

"What happened in here?!" Starlight said in surprise

"I think that dirty monster Spike did this!" Applejack deduced

"Which still confuses me on how he got here!" Spike said

"Well, I guess since he's gone. We should clean the castle up." Twilight said

The others agreed and began to get ready to clean the slanderous messages.

Unbeknownst to the girls and Spike, Spike's throne began to glow a shadow like color. The symbol of the Alicorn Amulet appeared on the throne, only instead of an alicorn design, it showed an dragon with sharp red eyes, dark spikes and red and black wings.

The eyes of the symbol glowed an ominous red of malice in mystery.

Chapter 7

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As Dark Spike had stayed in his cave, he began to practice his magic. He sat down and meditated, focusing in his mind.

"Remember, You must ensure your future and Equestria's fate. No matter the odds." Dark Spike said in his mind

As he meditated, the green magic in him began to slowly increase his hatred. His eyes slowly opened and revealed to be black with red pupils as he began to breath in a heavy pace from the magic he stole.

After a few seconds, his eyes returned to normal and he slowly got up.

"My magic's ferocity and training has began to increase. Now I can either A: Mess with my present self and those inferior ponies in that awful village or B: Wait a bit longer and wait for the right moment."

""And then what will you do?" an unknown voice said

"Who's there?!" Dark Spike shouted

He looked around the cave and saw there was nobody but him, until the voice said again.

"Behind you Spike." The voice said more loudly

"Don't call me Spike!" Dark Spike said upon seeing who it was.

In front of him was the spirit of none other then Twilight Sparkle, but she looked drastically different. Instead of her normal alicorn appearance, her wings were burned but still on her back and her horn was snapped off as she had a number of scars and burns on her body. She only gave a look of loss and sadness to her former friend as he only looked at her with impenitence. A long silence had befallen them as the former Princess looked at her former dragon friend.

"How are you here Princess?! I killed you!" Dark Spike snapped at her

The spirit of Twilight only nodded with a regretful sigh and said "You did kill me. I am the soul of Princess Twilight after she died and moved on....along both mine and our friends."

"The girls weren't my friends, neither they or YOU even bothered to treat me like one, let alone an equal." Dark Spike said in disgust

Future Twilight's spirit only gave a look of remorse and said "But what about Thorax, Ember and the other friends you made? What had they done to you?"

"They aren't dead, I let them live so they would know about you or any other fool you preached your hypocritical lessons on a lesson they'll never forget." Dark Spike pointed out

"Spike, I know that I-" The spirit Twilight said, but was cut off

"Oh give me a break 'Princess!', This is all your fault. If you hadn't made me feel abandoned my whole life none of this would've happened! You take everything and leave me with nothing not even friends that I made myself! And YOUR supposed to be the Element of Magic like your sorry friends! I hope that when I ensure my future, your grave will be spat on!" Dark Spike angrily said in rage

The Future Twilight's soul only looked at her former friend and said "Your right, it was my fault and I didn't know how you felt. But I never cared, and my friends weren't any better."

Dark Spike only looked at her and said "The why are you even here? Here to stop me? Well look how you turned out."

Future Twilight's spirit looked at Spike in remorse and said "I'm only here to tell you that if you stop you can free yourself from your pain and let it go."

"You know full well what happens if I do that you phony! And you and your friends are the reason that pain is still in me!" Dark Spike replied

"Please! I'm begging you! If you continue this then you'll never be satisfied! Only suffer more from your own hatred consuming you! Remember what happened with Starlight?" Future Twilight said

"Starlight was different compared to me! You were supposed to teach friendship and prosperity! And you never even once considered me at all! In fact, I'm pretty sure you were gonna replace me with her!" Dark Spike responded

The area was silent as spirit Twilight only gave a look of remorse and surprise at her former friend. He was right, not only was he neglected by her and her friends, but she was supposed to be the one who taught the values of friendship.

"Spike! I never intended to replace you! I only wanted to teach her the values of friendship after her friend moved away from her!." Future Twilight tried to explain to Dark Spike.

"Save it. You didn't care about me, only your friends and not your so- called assistant. I don't wanna see you or your friends near me again, if you try then I'll make sure I use new spell I learned just a few days ago and make your next life a living Tartarus." Dark Spike threatened

The spirit Twilight only cried a few tears and looked in on with pity and her former friend. She wronged him all his life and never even once considered him. With a silent nod of acknowledgement, spirit Twilight faded away from him and Dark Spike continued to try and master his new abilities from the amulet in him.

Before she left, spirit Twilight said with a remorseful tone "I'm sorry."

Dark Spike only turned to her and showed his face. He cried a few tears himself and said an a waving tone of anger and sadness and said as he tried to not mentally break down

"10 years too late."

The spirit of Twilight's future self faded as Dark Spike only pondered her words and kept on practicing his magic ability

"When this is over, I'll make sure the Equestria suffers the fate it deserves for my suffering, first take down the fraud of the princess and her minions then make sure my other self turns into me for good. It's all I need to be happy.....right?" Dark Spike said in his thoughts as he continued to train.

As he continued, his eyes began to slowly cry more tears as he trained, trying to ignore the pain and suffering in his past memories. His magic began to increase in power and strength which began to takes it toll on his body. Dark Spike only shaked and thrashed his body a few seconds then stopped. He slowly got up and gave a look of determination.

"Finally, my magic is more stronger then Twilight and her friends. Now all I have to do is wait for the right moment."

Chapter 8

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Dark Spike was still in his cave and was training his magic abilities as he was, he slowly began to increase his durability and strength.

".....My power rises, but my fate draws near. Both to me and my present self." Dark Spike said

He stopped practicing and slowly left the cave and moved his way through the forest to Ponyville. Once he neared the entrance, he hid by a tree and shapeshifted into his previous appearance as Spike.

'Spike' walked his way to Ponyville and saw they were all on their business, some even waved at the dark dragon, but he didn't answer. 'Spike' only looked around and thought

"These fiends, they should have thought twice about being a cause to my misery, well now I shall ensure my revenge and my existence."

'Spike' only looked around and saw two familiar unicorns were trotting together. These two were Trixie and Starlight Glimmer, yet 'Spike' gave a blank look with an raised eyebrow at them as Trixie spoke alot. Starlight, on the other hand, was only looking at her with bottled anger and a red wisp of magic came out her horn, which she bottled and kept in her bag.

'Spike' only looked and gave an amused grin. He was about to approach until another voice was heard.

"Don't do it Spike"

'Spike' turned and saw looked and saw there was nobody around, until he heard the voice again

"I'm behind you."

'Spike' turned and saw another spirit, but this time it was Starlight Glimmer, but she looked different in comparison to the physical present Starlight. Her horn was snapped and she had a scar on her face and her eyes were pure white while her mane was burned.

"Starlight Glimmer?" 'Spike'/Dark Spike asked in surprise

"Yes and no, I'm Starlight, But I'm the Starlight from your timeline."

"What are you doing here? Isn't the fool of a showmare supposed to be with you?" 'Spike'/Dark Spike asked

" She was but she was too scared to speak with you after you..took her life away. And I was just about to ask you the same thing, what do you intend now that your reaching your goal? Will I have to watch us die again? Will you be satisfied from ensuring Equestria's fate?"

"First I have to see what part of my past I'm in." Dark Spike said in response

"And then what?! You never think these things through! This is exactly what happened when you kept doing your rampage when you killed us! You had accomplished your goal, And then you had nowhere else to go!"

"I would have thought of something." 'Spike'/Dark Spike replied

"NO!, if you didn't stop it like when Thorax and Ember brought who you are when you attacked them, you could have been executed or could have killed yourself from all your stress and anger from the amulet in you!"

"I know my fate and destiny Starlight! Besides you were going to replace me when Twilight introduced you!" 'Spike'/Dark Spike accused

The spirit of Future Starlight only gave a surprised look at his accusation and replied in defense

"Wait, replace you? Spike you were the first friend I made when Twilight made me her apprentice and you helped me regain my friendship with Sunburst! I would never replace you or push you away from Twilight! And is it YOUR fate to do this? Or is it a fate you were forced to do?"

"Stop it Starlight! I have to achieve my destiny!" 'Spike'/Dark Spike insisted to Future Starlight

"I'm begging you Spike! It's time for you to look and follow what your heart is telling you and not your head and ask yourself the big question! Who are you and WHAT do you want?"

The words of the Future Starlight's spirit only left Dark Spike in conflict with himself. What should he do? Destroy all of Equestria just for the sake of your hatred and revenge or let go of all the pain he went through at the cost of letting his vengeance against his neglect and abuse be in vain. As Dark Spike began to stress as he closed his eyes, the camera shifted from the left on his green eye which began to shift into his red angry eye to his other red eye which slowly began to turn to it's true green color and cry in sorrow and pain. After a few seconds, however, it turned back to red and Dark Spike only asked in a guilt-ridden tone then his usual angry one

"But if I do that, I won't exist, everything I worked for will be for nothing."

"That doesn't mean you can still have a future. Which future would you rather want? One where you never stopped your hatred and continued all for the sake of your revenge on those who did nothing? Or letting go of the past and moving forward with your future?" Future Starlight replied

Dark Spike only began to further stress and sweat in conflict and anxiety until he suddenly shouted in anger and pain and just got on his knees and held his hands on his head in mental stress as he slowly began to stream tears down his face.

Some of the ponies looked at the disguised Dark Spike and gave either looks of confusion or pity at his mental state.

"Is that Spike?" A mare asked

"The dragon that lives with Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer?" Another mare asked

"Why is he crying? Is he hurt?" Another mare asked in pity

"Does he need to go to the hospital?" A stallion asked

"Is he feeling ok?" Another stallion asked

Dark Spike only moved his head up and looked at the ponies with a look of anger as his vision began to turn red from anger and hatred while his eyes pulsated in green and red and shouted to all the ponies present in the area


With anger and rage, Dark Spike and only ran off in stress, confusion and mental pain away from the bewildered ponies, who only gave looks of disbelief as he ran off.

"I know my destiny, but I have to make sure I do it as soon as it comes, that way I can get the power and love I rightfully deserve they never gave me."

Dark Spike thought as he ran and cried as he tried to push the tears away from his eyes from coming further.

He eventually teleported away and reached his home in the cave inside the Everfree Forest

Dark Spike only lied on the cold cave floor and cried himself to sleep.

Chapter 9

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Dark Spike was again in Ponyville in disguise and continued to scope out anything that was amiss or reminded him of his past. As he did, he thought

"Alright now, which part of my past is happening now?"

Dark Spike continued to scope out the skies and ground in case anything stood out. He eventually noticed a flying carriage with Crystal Guards.

"A carriage from the Crystal Empire? I'll need to see this." Dark Spike said with curiosity

Dark Spike managed to fly his way discreetly and made sure nopony noticed him following the carriage. As soon as the carriage landed, he hid and used his invisibility. He looked and saw Cadance and Shining were physically exhausted and were carrying Flurry Heart with wearing down smiles.

"Hmmm, if I'm not mistaken, this is the time where Flurry Heart was sent by Prince Armor and Princess Cadance to be babysat when her parents were tired." Dark Spike thought as he looked at the two Crystal rulers with their child.

As Dark Spike watched, he began to slowly remember the times he spent with Flurry Heart, as he did, the love radiating from her reached him and made him look on at the young alicorn.

"Was it a mistake to kill her parents and aunts and leave her when she needed them the most? They wronged me and made my title feel slandered. Not only that, but because of them and their selfishness, I never got a chance to find my potential." Dark Spike said to himself.

"Are you sure it was your potential you lost?" An familiar female voice said

"Or was it your last chance to make things right both for Equestria and your friendships with the others? " Another familiar female voice said

Dark Spike gave a look of confusion and turned around and gave a look of confusion.

He saw it was none other then the spirits of Future Cadance and Shining Armor along with the Future Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in his timeline.

Future Princess Celestia was more taller and her mane had grown more regal, but she had scars on her body and her horn was broken. Future Princess Luna was taller as well and was a foot shorter then her sister and she had a eyepatch on her right eye and one of her wings was replaced with a metallic one. Future Princess Cadance relatively looked the same, but her horn was broken like Celestia's and she had a scar on her neck and a rather protruding one on her lip. Future Shining Armor had grown a bit and had a beard and 3 scars on the middle of his face and he was wearing his signature royal guard armor, but it was heavily damaged and some parts were cracked or missing.

"Well well, look who shows up." Dark Spike said in annoyance

"Hello to you too 'Hero of the Empire'" Future Shining said to Dark Spike with slight cynicism

"Gee thanks, Mr. I throw my sister away for a stupid wedding and not knowing about a dumb bug posing as my wife." Dark Spike mockingly responded.

The spirit of Shining only frowned in dismay, but sighed and accepted it.

"What are you all doing here?" Dark Spike asked.

"We were just about ask thee the same question dear Spike " Future Luna asked

"What do you intend to do now that you managed to gain more magic and ensure you remain present?" Future Celestia questioned

"You all know, it's a start and maybe if possible, I can make your guards mine and even raise Flurry better." Dark Spike boasted

This statement only left the Future royals a bit fearful and threatened. Dark Spike wasn't just going far to threatening their subjects and kingdoms, but to threaten the life of an innocent child? He was only telling them more then he wants. As they continues their staredown, Dark Spike only gave a look of glee as Shining and Cadance gave looks of fear for the safety of their only child.

"Your revenge and anger have no end. Yet I'm already beginning to wonder if I was wrong trying to save you." Future Luna said

"Save me? You never bothered to save me at all when you had a chance before Nightmare Moon." Dark Spike condescendingly responded

This statement only chilled Future Luna at her past being remembered when she was banished. The others began to comfort Luna as they gave frowns at him.

"Spike, we were wrong to treat you that way! We are all sorry." Future Celestia tried to apologize to appeal to Dark Spike

"See?, now you care about me! Because I'm a threat to you! And honestly with you hypocritical 'Heroes of Equestria', it turns that's always the way it worked to get respect." Dark Spike responded unconvinced

"Spike, please! We never wanted to hurt you your whole life! We were just trying to find ways to save you and make up for what we did!" Cadance tried to justify

This however, did not convince the dark dragon in the slightest at all as he only gave an frown and said in contempt

"Save it Cadance, I don't need to be lectured by a phoney excuse of a monarch who only uses love as a way to make others happy when they really aren't. You only showed that with your love, Celestia's sun, Luna's Moon and Shining's honor that you are all nothing but false signs of hope and fake virtues of light."

The words of Dark Spike cut the Princesses and Shining's hearts in pieces, the words of the dark dragon made them realize that they not only failed him, but also failed in believing in friendships with others when they needed it the most. Future Luna only gave a look of guilt and said

"Very well dear Spike."

"We hope you find your happiness." Future Celestia added with remorse.

"I'm sorry we weren't there when you needed us the most.....little bro." Future Shining's spirit said in sadness.

And when you have the chance or even will....keep our daughter safe." Future Cadance begged Dark Spike.

With this said, the future monarchs faded and returned to the afterlife, leaving Dark Spike alone.

The older Spike only gave a look of annoyance as he silently managed to hide and reach the back of Twilight's castle. He then looked around and said


Dark Spike closed his eyes and made his hand materialize an object in red magical light. After the light dissipated, it showed an Alicorn Amulet but in a dragon like form.

"Find my present and ensure my future."

The amulet disappeared and Dark Spike soon teleported away.

(A few hours later)

Spike was heading back to the castle and said in relief

"Wow that was exhausting. Those foals are really jumpy."

Spike only went to the castle and walked his way to his room and saw his bed. As soon as he got in his room, he closed the lights, went in his bed and pulled in his blankets and went to sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, an mysterious dark object went through his window and landed on his chest. It glowed a dark light and stopped after a few seconds, nowhere to be found.

Chapter 10

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Dark Spike was in disguise as Spike and walked around Ponyville as he looked around the ponies, with some even waving at him.

"Hmmm, since the day with Flurry Heart passed, which part of my past am I in now?" Dark Spike thought to himself.

As he walked, he noticed that he was near Twilight's castle once more and there were two familiar ponies near the pathway to the entrance. He looked closer and saw that it was Pinkie Pie and her sister Maud.

Pinkie was introducing Maud to the Castle of Friendship and had a look of joy while Maud remained stoic. As Dark Spike listened, he then gave a look of realization.

"This might be the time when Pinkie was introducing her sister Maud to Ponyville after she graduated from rock school."

As Dark Spike listened, he noticed that Pinkie only argued with a still stoic Maud. Dark Spike only gave an amused smile at the two.

"Wow I don't know what's funnier, the fact that she is horrible at being a pony to introduce others or the prank I played on her and Rainbow Dash which they hypocritically say is 'too far'." Dark Spike only said in dark and morbid amusement.

"Your right about that." An familiar voice said

"And we deserved it after how we were to you."

Dark Spike turned and saw the spirits of the rest of the girls from his timeline looking at him with looks of dismay or remorse. Pinkie Pie had a straight mane and had a saddened look on her face, Rainbow Dash only gave a look of defeat and guilt as her wings were gone and were replaced with metallic ones, Fluttershy had a bunch of scars all over her body and her wings were scarred as she had a depressed look on her face, Applejack had a scar and one of her hooves was replaced with a robotic leg and her hat was burned in a few places and gave a silent look of guilt and Rarity only had a look of guilt and sorrow as she had an shorter mane and small scars on her body, with one big scar on her lip and another on her chest.

"Well Well, if it isn't the so-called Element's of Harmony of Equestria." Dark Spike said to his former friends in the future.

"We deserved that." Future Applejack's spirit said

"What do you all want now? Here to say to stop this so I can go back to doing chores and help your selfishness?" Dark Spike asked sarcastically.

"Spikey-Wikey, we know how much you resent us for what we did, but you have to stop this madness."" Future Rarity's spirit said

"Plus if you keep doing this insanity, what's the point of going on if you won't be satisfied?" Future Fluttershy's spirit said.

"Big talk coming from the ones that were treated like royalty while I was treated like a monster. And that's a lot considering what I did from what you did to me all those years!" Dark Spike said in response.

"Spike we didn't know how much we kept on hurting you! And I know what we did was wrong and you have every right to be angry, but this is only going to make things more worse then they are already!" Future Rainbow Dash's spirit yelled to him, practically pleading for him to stop.

"Ooooh! Like how I kept on getting pranked by you and that pink nuisance of a friend of yours?! You pull pranks and you call it fun, but when I do it you say it's awful or too soon, you constantly think I have to do your work while you go hang with your friends and then have the nerve to call me out on somethings I don't even do! What a load of self deluding hypocrisy. And YOUR supposed the Element of Loyalty, your just a joke! I even question what Scootaloo even saw in you." Dark Spike said in disgust and obstinance.

This statement left the former prideful pegasus silent in shock, a friend she had constantly belittled had called her out on her actions and her pride. She was only left silent in tears at having been proven wrong by the dark dragon.

"Spike! She never meant to do any of that! Sure Rainbow can be annoying and cross some lines, but that doesn't mean you should go too far either. And I know what I did was wrong too, but I never meant to hurt you." Future Fluttershy said in protest

"Are you sure your not just saying that because of how Rainbow is your friend Fluttershy? Or is it since your the Element of Kindness and have to do it in your Element's virtue?" Dark Spike questioned as he turned his back away from her.

This left Future Fluttershy silent as she cried a few tears in her eyes from his statement as the other future elements looked how distressed Future Fluttershy was.

"Spike that's enough! This is getting you nowhere and you have to stop! Not just for Equestria, but what about your family?!" Future Applejack said to Dark Spike

The moment she said this, Dark Spike's spine chilled as he stopped walking away, his eyes began to slowly black and had red pupils and said quietly


He shook as his eyes glowed more darker and said with rage


"Spikey-Wikey! Please Calm Down!" Future Rarity's spirit tried to reason

"You know what?! Go! I don't eanna see you six fakes near me again. I hope when I ensure my fate, ALL of this planet will know who the real villains are!" Dark Spike cut off Future Rarity, having reached his breaking point.

The Future 5 saw how much hate the dragon that was once their friend lash out at them for his pain and causing his life to be so troubled. Dark Spike even cried as he glared with hatred at his timelines former friends.

The 5 only faded with solemn looks of guilt and gave looks of pity at the Hero of the Empire turning into a villain. As they faded, Future Pinkie said in tears

"I'm sorry for not inviting you to my parties."

Future Rainbow said with a sad look of guilt "I'm sorry for hurting you."

Future Applejack held her hat near her chest and said with sincerity

"Ahm sorry I treated you like an punching bag."

"I'm sorry I made you feel like an animal and some thing we can take then a friend"

Future Fluttershy said with a frown of broken hope

Future Rarity gave a tearful look and said with an emotional tone

"And I deeply apologize for how uncouth I acted to you all these years Spikey-Wikey. You were right as to how foolish we were."

Dark Spike coldly turned away and flew in annoyance and anger as they faded.

(Somewhere in the Everfree Forest)

Dark Spike was in a cave and tried to place his mind elsewhere, but no matter what he did. He couldn't make the pain go away.

The future dragon teen only cried himself to sleep and said to himself in a quivering tone of broken hearted loss and depression.

Why didn't anypony want me?

Chapter 11

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It had been days after Dark Spike encountered the future versions of his friends spirits. Dark Spike continued to practice his magic and began to prepare for his time. As he did, he only focused on ensuring his existence and the one thing he was determined to achieve, his existence. As he continued to train, he only said to himself

"My power grows more stronger, but I must ensure I exist for good."

As he trained, his magic began to increase and his power only increased his rage and fury. As soon as he stopped, his magic slowly dissipated and he stopped.

"My power is infinite, but Equestria will find out the meaning of loss when I finish with the so-called Elements of Harmony and their Princesses."

Dark Spike continued to train his magic such as shields, shapeshifting into other creatures and ponies, fire and a few other element based magic properties and as he did, his skin began to darken and his eyes slowly turned more black and have red pupils.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!." Dark Spike shouted as a dark green magic hold began to form from his magic increasing throughout his body. As his body surged, the power stopped and he fell to his knees.

After a few minutes, Dark Spike recovered and got up, breathing heavily in and out from the amounts of magic he had fused with.

"My power grows, but now my past is what I must know." Dark Spike said

The future Spike left the cave and shapeshifted into his normal past self and made his way to Ponyville. As he did, he looked around if he noticed anything familiar and nothing so far stood out.

"Hmmm, so far nothing here looks familiar, I should keep looking in case."

Dark Spike looked and his eyes glowed dark green to analyze anything. He looked on from the normal locations of the girls to Twilight's castle and so far everything seemed unspecific. As he scanned, his senses went off at Fluttershy's cottage.

"Fluttershy? What could she be doing that's related to my goal?" Dark Spike asked himself.

He walked his way to Fluttershy's cottage and made sure to remain discreet. Aa he made his aay there, he noticed some animal tracks and began to follow them. As soon as he arrived, the sight surprised him.

The cottage had been overrun by animals and there was 3 ponies working around the cottage from the outside to the inside.

"Hmm, If i'm not mistaken, this must be when Fluttershy had to build a larger sanctuary because the animal clinic in Ponyville was too full. It looks like their remaking her cottage in order to get more size for the animals."

As Dark Spike looked, he noticed the yellow pegasus in question giving an look of dismay at the cottage and how it looked. The dark dragon only gave a look of confusion as to what was going on, but decided to not focus on it for the time and left on his way.

"Right now it looks like I have more time then I thought, I have to ensure my fate is too come."

Dark Spike discreetly left the area and made his way to Twilight's castle. While he was flying, he began to slowly think to himself

"When I deal with this small matter, I'll make sure my present self turns into me just like he's supposed to. And I will conquer ALL of Equestria and show the world who the true villains really are."

As Dark Spike flew to the castle, he made sure nobody would be able to see him and sped up in a dash of dark shadow that rivaled even Rainbow Dash and her speed.

(At Twilight's castle)

As soon as he reached the castle, he swiftly shapeshifted into his younger self and only looked at the castle with a dissonant expression on his face.

"Nothing in this place but bad memories." Dark Spike muttered to himself.

As he looked at the castle, all his memories began to flare up in him. From the times he had to clean the library to nearly being a pincushion to the girls. As he sighed and breathed in and out, he silently flew to the castle window of his room and quietly opened it.

Dark Spike saw the coast was clear and went to a drawer that had a picture of him taped with the girls in another photo next to each other.

"....Well....since I can't convince my younger self that Twilight and her friends are bad. I guess i can make him...and probably everyone else THINK they are." Dark Spike thought in malice and hate.

Dark Spike's hand glowed a dark green and the photo glowed for a few seconds and flew in the air, before stopping and landing on the drawer desk.

"But remember, this part is only if I'm desperate." Dark Spike said quietly to himself.

He transformed back to his future form and left the room from the window and closed the window while he flew airborne.

"Now for part 2" Dark Spike said, turning himself invisible.

He flew up the roof and returned to visibility. His arms glowed red in the left and dark green on the right. He merged them together to create a small glowing, energy ball and placed on the roof of the castle. After he finished, he flew back down the ground

"Maybe I should go check on Fluttershy and the others." Dark Spike suggested to himself

The evil teen dragon flew again to the cottage and saw that it grown bigger then he thought. There was alot of sanctuaries for different creatures in need or animals in need of shelter.

"Looks like her little cottage is a sanctuary now. " Dark Spike thought

He discreetly flew down and only watched as Fluttershy tended to the animals with care. As he watched, he only glared in disgust at the yellow pegasus.

"Look at you, acting all nice and kind and treating your animals like they're everything to you. Makes me sick to look at you or think your the so called Element of 'Kindness'." Dark Spike thought with a frown

As he looked, Angel noticed the dark dragon and poked him in the foot. Dark Spike looked and saw the rabbit, giving him a shocked expression.

"Oh, it's you." Dark Spike said bitterly

The rabbit gave a look at Dark Spike as if to say "Who are you?"

"It's me Spike, you stupid rabbit." Dark Spike responded.

Angel's eyes widened and gave a few hand motions as if to say "What happened to you?!"

Dark Spike smirked and said in a distorted, demonic voice

"You will never know."

The dark dragon flicked the bunny in the head with so much force, he ended up breaking through a tree and landing on a branch. Dark Spike then flew away with annoyance to his cave. As he left, he heard Fluttershy scream at the damage to Angel.

"Man, I've always wanted to that." Dark Spike said with a satisfied grin as he neared his cave.

Chapter 12

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Dark Spike only continued to train his magic in the cave to further assure he gains his power. As he trained, he only had a few things in his mind trouble him. But he did not dwell on it further and continued to train.

He first trained on shapeshifting like the Changelings. First, he closed his eyes and focused his magic. then in dark green flames, transformed into numerous creatures and ponies. Turning from Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Big Macintosh, King Sombra, Chrysalis, Shining Armor, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and finally his past young self both in pony and dragon form. As soon as he returned to his normal form, his eye pupils only glowed more blood red and the outside turned dark black even more, to the point where he cried out what appeared to be black makeup.

He next trained in using clones, he managed to create clones of Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis, but was still having trouble doing so with other ponies or friends he remembered. As soon as he focused, he created clones of him, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Starlight, his younger self, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, King Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek,

(A few hours later)

Dark Spike was huffing and puffing from his training, his sweat falling down his head as he breathed in and out.

"Hmmm, now that I have increased my power, I guess it is time I have a little fun with some blasts from the past." Dark Spike said as he got up.

He walked out of his cave and looked around, seeing there was nobody around to witness him. He transformed into his past self and continued on his way.

He walked around the forest and his eyes had glowed from normal green to blood red, his vision had turned red and only the inanimate objects had glowed yellow. He looked around and saw a trail of gems leading to an pathway.

"Gems?" Dark Spike said in confusion

He followed the trail and only saw more small gems leading somewhere. As soon as he stopped, he saw it lead to a small cave.

"Guess this is the place." Dark Spike said

The dark dragon in disguise had entered the cave and looked around using his specialized night vision. He looked and saw there were numerous gems within the cave. As he looked, he gave a look of surprise as the cave had looked noticeably more familiar.

"Wait a minute! I remember this cave! It was when that dragon tried to kill me when that stupid owl of that hypocrite of a Princess made me feel unwanted and run away from the stupid library! Oh I've been waiting a LONG time for this!"

As Dark Spike looked, he sensed something behind him and turned around. The figure revealed himself to be a large green dragon with orange eyes and black pupils with light green spikes on his body.

"What are you doing here eating my gems?" The dragon asked

"I didn't eat them you overgrown fool, you left a trail to MY HOUSE!" Dark Spike said in bitter rage

"Do you really wish to perish now weak child?" The dragon said with a look of fury at the dark dragon's insult.

"Do YOU wish for me to rip out your both your head and spine? After what you did to me all those years ago?" Dark Spike said in malicious hatred

Hearing enough, the dragon chased Dark Spike (still in his past form), who teleported and blasted a large dark wave of fire at him.

The enraged dragon attacked Dark Spike, who easily toyed with him.

"Stop moving!" The dragon said trying to attack.

"Well, since you asked SO nicely." Dark Spike said with sarcasm

He instantly stopped and the dragon breathed fire at him. Dark Spike was engulfed by the flames and seemingly was scorched away from the fire.

"Shame he was young, but he should have heeded me." The dragon said with mock pity

"Yes he should." An all too familiar voice said

The dragon turned and to his shock, Dark Spike was fine and flying WITHOUT wings but with magic, giving him a look of fury.

"Now it's my turn." Dark Spike said

He teleported and powered up a green aura in his fist and punched it into the green dragon's stomach. The dragon let out a screech of pain and fell defeated. As he fell, Dark Spike only advanced with a menacing look on his face.

The dragon only gave a look at the dark dragon teen and said

"Wait, what have I done to wrong you? I promise I can make it right! Please!"

Dark Spike refused to listen or answer and grabbed the dragon's chest. He glowed dark green and was absorbing the fire from the beaten dragon, who only screamed in pain.


"FIVE YEARS TOO LATE!" Dark Spike responded

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The dragon said before he was weakened by the blast, with a blinding light engulfing them.

As soon as it dissipated, the dragon was reduced to ashes and Dark Spike's power only vastly increased not just his magic, but his hatred, rage and shattered heart, which was further exemplified when his eyes began to cry both normal tears of sorrow, but also the blackened tears from before stemming from the rage and grief from his past neglect.

"How's that for a weakling you pest!" Dark Spike said, returning to his true form.

As Dark Spike looked around the cave, he looked at all the gems and said with a blank look on his face

"Nothing in this cave but old memories, and bad ones no less."

As Dark Spike only looked at the cave, he slowly left the area behind and headed his way out, speechless.


When he left the cave, Dark Spike only looked around and flew in the air. He only looked at night sky and said

"Where is it?"

Dark Spike flew more and noticed a familiar tree in sight: Zecora's hut.

"Next stop tomorrow, this timeline's amulet. That way my younger self can finally know the truth of what this forsaken excuse of a place really is. But first, I need to deal with Zecora."

Dark Spike only flew into the night sky, back to his cave.

(At Twilight's Castle)

Inside the castle, the lights were off and the thrones that each of the girls had were now silent and unmoving. But they slowly glowed red, particularly the one Spike sat on.

The dragon symbol on his throne had began to glow red in the eye and after a few seconds, it had lit up blood red and glowed, causing the throne to shake. After it stopped, the dragon symbol stopped shaking the throne and the glow had ceased in the darkness.

Chapter 13

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The next day, Dark Spike was slowly getting up and yawned. Getting up from the cave floor and regaining his composure.

"Morning already?" Dark Spike said getting up

As he got up, he only shook himself awake and began to leave the cave.

"Now I must get the Alicorn Amulet from this timeline and make sure it reaches Spike. But I can't risk it now since Zecora might get suspicious."

Dark Spike only looked and said to himself.

"I may as well continue training."

Dark Spike readied himself and began to use his dark magic to do numerous spells, from entrapment and teleportations to pyromancy to other alternate spells.

"Now for the next phase." Dark Spike said

He put his left hand's two fingers on his forehead, closed his eyes and readied his right hand, which glowed a dark green aura. As he did, his hand blasted out a dark green beam to the cave ground.

As he blasted, the blast formed into 6 orbs and they began to take on shadow forms. Dark Spike only shouted in pain as he continued to use his magic, until he stopped and a bright light covered the area and engulfed Dark Spike, who was knocked back, but landed on his feet.

Dark Spike got up and saw that he managed to create shadow like creations of his hatred. They each looked like him in terms of shape, but they only appeared to be more shadow like as they had no visible mouth or pupils. Dark Spike only dissipated them with his magic and they disappeared away in dark mist.

"Ok, that's enough training for today." Dark Spike said

He teleported away in dark green flames away to his destination.


In Ponyville, the ponies were going about their business and daily activities. At a nearby alley, Dark Spike had appeared in a dark green flame.

"Alright, I'm in Ponyville." Dark Spike said to himself

He then shapeshifted into his younger form and left the alley. He walked his way and saw the ponies going about with their lives. As he walked, he noticed some ponies giving him looks, but he ignored them.

"Well, since I have nothing to do for the time being, I guess I can hang around and cause some mischief." Dark Spike thought with a smirk.

As he looked, he noticed a burly Pegasus with small wings and a white coat with his cutie mark being a dumbbell walking around. Dark Spike only gave a smile of mischief as Bulk trotted his way.

The dark dragon hid at a nearby stall and green flames surrounded him as he shapeshifted.

(With Bulk Biceps)

The burly pegasus had just got back from his time at the spa and was walking around Ponyville and heading to the gym.

"Well, now that I did my job at the spa, time to hit the weights." Bulk said

As he said this, an mysterious small animal had jumped his back and secretly hid on it as he trotted.

Bulk had managed to reach the gym and entered and began to do his workouts. First by doing some sit ups.

As he did so, the mysterious small animal was revealed to be Angel Bunny, but his eyes glowed blood red, indicating it was really Dark Spike posing as him. He looked and saw as the white muscular stallion trained, gave a devious look.

As Bulk trained, Dark Spike noticed 3 stallions and recognized them when he looked closer.

He saw them boasting with each other and laughing and Dark Spike (as Angel) used his magic to brainwash the 3 stallions.

The 3 colts walked up to Bulk Biceps and Dumbbell said

"Hey small wings! What are you doin?"

Bulk only looked and said in response "What's it to you?"

Score laughed and said "Well with how small your wings are, you look like the first reject of the Wonderbolts!"

Bulk stopped lifting and gave threatning look at the colts as a crowd began to form around them.

"Say that one more time shorty!" Bulk threatened the 3

"Bring it on!" Hoops taunted

Before any damage was done, Dark Spike turned into his younger self and said

"Your funeral!"

He punched Hoops in the face and threw him by the wings so much force a crack was heard and flew out the door with rage. Dumbbell snd Score looked at each other and then attacked "Spike", who first grabbed Dumbbell by the tail and whacked Score with him and then savagely nailed his wings with a magic charged punch. The crowd only looked surprised at a little dragon beating them and how he savagely hurt them. "Spike" then kicked them out and said while grabbing their wings painfully

"Who's the shorty now!?!"

The 2 remaining pegasus colts only ran away in fear from the dragon as the crowd looked at Spike.
After a few seconds, they cheered and Bulk even said

"YEEEEAAHHHH! Thanks little dragon!"

He only went behind Dark Spike and lifted him in his chest pecs as Dark Spike was lifted in his chest

"And now I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. Especially since he did this to me last time when I did that massage option of his when Twilight was homesick." Dark Spike said in his thoughs with a nervous look as he was lifted by the muscular pegasus

The dark dragon was only cheered on by the ponies as he was lifted up.

(A few hours later)

Dark Spike was leaving back to his cave as he walked away with a look of amusement.

"Now that was fun."

As he walked, he noticed the 3 stallions outside being escorted by doctors to a hospital, with Hoops saying in pain

"What happened?"

Dumbbell only said in a muffled tone "I can't believe a small dragon beat the hay out of us."

Dark Spike, with a final look of mischief, summoned a small flame on his index finger and flicked it at the 3 bully pegasi. The flame landed directly on Hoops's flank, who screamed as he noticed the flame.

Dark Spike left with a smile as the colts panicked behind him.

(In the Everfree Forest)

Dark Spike quickly glowed in dark green flames and returned to his normal form, his eyes glowed blood red as he searched. As soon as he found his destination, he reached it and said

"Finally, Zecora's hut."

Dark Spike used his invisibility and went in the tree. Inside, he noticed Zecora simply working on more potions or ingredients and looked for the object he desired: The Alicorn Amulet. He noticed that it was in a large glass dome near a table of other confiscated material.

He phased his hand through the glass and carefully grabbed it and pulled away. As he pulled, he stealthily managed to hold it in his hands and left the tree without Zecora knowing.

Outside of Zecora's hut, the dark dragon returned to visibility and managed to head back to his cave. He held the amulet in his hands and said with a smile, along with his voice distorting from normal to demonic.

"Finally, soon all of Equestria will meets its FATE."

Dark Spike's eyes glowed red as he looked at the current timeline's Alicorn Amulet.

Chapter 14

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Dark Spike was shapeshifted as his younger self and in Ponyville. He made his way to the Castle of Friendship with a look of determination

"Now, my fate is inevitable, whether he wants it or not."

As Dark Spike walked to the castle, he was noticed by a few ponies.

"Hey, isn't that the dragon that beat up 3 pegasi?" An unicorn stallion said

"And didn't he break the wings off 2 of them?" An earth mare asked

"So they know. How amusing." Dark Spike thought with a smile.

As he walked, he eventually reached the castle. He then hid in a corner of the building and pulled out the Alicorn Amulet from the current timeline.

"This is it. Find my present and ensure my future." Dark Spike said to the amulet.

The amulet glowed a bright dark red and disappeared, while Dark Spike's arms glowed dark green.

"Since my younger self may try to delay my existence, I can stop him without him knowing." Dark Spike thought with a smirk.

(Inside the castle)

Spike was busy cleaning up the library and rearranging the books in their proper sections. As he did, he nearly finished and said

"Almost done."

As Spike was finishing cleaning up, a dark red glow began to dim in a nearby section of the library. Spike noticed to dim light and gave a look of confusion.

"Huh? What is that?"

Spike walked to the source and noticed an mysterious pony at the source.

"Excuse me? Are you there?" Spike said with a look of worry.

The pony did not answer. Spike only slowly walked to the figure and noticed it was a stallion. As soon as he got close, the touch the stallion's back leg and he turned around.

It was Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor?! What are you doing here?" Spike said with surprise

"Oh sorry about that Spike. I was looking all over for you." Shining said with a sheepish smile

"For me? Why?" Spike asked confused.

"Because I notice how you and I never spend time with each other anymore during my time with Cadence at the empire, so I thought that I get you something and let Twilight have me come." Shining said

"Really?" Spike said flattered

Shining nodded and pulled out a present box and gave it to Spike. He untied it and pulled off the top of the box, revealing a shiny small glowing red gem.

"Whoa! Cool!" Spike said with a happy smile.

"I'm glad you like it little bro. It's all yours to eat. It may be small but I was told it's really tasty for dragons." Shining said

Spike happily took the gem and began to eat it. As soon as he finished, he burped and said

"Oh man that was good." Spike said patting his belly

Shining smiled and noogied Spike on the head as Spike burped one last time.

"Well, it looks like we still have some time to spare right Shining A-." Spike said looking away from Shining.

However, the moment he turned around, Shining Armor was gone.

"Huh? Shining?! Where did you go?" Spike said confused at his adoptive brother's disappearance.

"Spike?!" An female voice was heard saying.

Spike turned and saw it was Twilight trotting to him

"Twilight? Wait, Where's Shining?" Spike asked

"Shining? He was never here." Twilight replied

"But he told me you let him come here." Spike explained

"Spike, what are you talking about? Shining never came at the door and I never saw him in Ponyville." Twilight said

This left Spike confused and a bit weary as he moved away from Twilight.

"Spike?! What are you doing?" Twilight called out to him

Spike only ran outside and began to look for Shining, pursued by Twilight.

"Spike!" Twilight called out to Spike, who only kept looking.

(At the back of the Castle of Friendship)

Shining Armor had managed to hide at the back of the castle. His eyes turned blood red and he said in a dark, familiar voice

"That'll take care of them."

Shining was surrounded by dark green flames, revealing himself as Dark Spike. He only looked around and said with a smile.

"Now for a little hostility and headaches."

Dark Spike's hand's glowed dark green flames as he used his magic. After he finished, a dark shadow loomed and Dark Spike said

"Find the present and ensure my future."

(With Spike and Twilight)

Spike only continued to look and said "Shining?!"

"Spike, stop!" Twilight shouted, managing to reach him

Spike was only huffing and puffing and stopped running as he saw Shining was nowhere in sight.

"Alone again?" A familiar voice said

Spike looked and his eyes widened at who it was. His dark future counterpart.

"YOU!" Spike said in anger

Dark Spike ran into the Everfree and Spike was in pursuit, ignoring the shouts of Twilight.

As the two ran, Spike chased his dark self across the forest, from climbing tree to tree and running from bushes. Dark Spike reached a tree and flew into a branch while Spike climbed it and reached near him.

"Out of breath now? Save it, I merely posed as Prince Shining to get your attention, now that I have it..." Dark Spike taunted.

"What are you planning?" Spike asked him

"I've placed a little surprise in the castle of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Once the Princesses and Prince find it, that surprise will be the last they'll see again." Dark Spike said in a cold tone.

"Not if I stop you!" Spike said

The young dragon lunged at his older self, but he was easily beaten and hit in the chest, hitting him back a bit. Spike fired numerous fire blasts at his dark self, but he easily teleported away from them without harm.

"Don't tell me you've gone soft over those foolish ponies that ruined both your life and mine." Dark Spike taunted

Spike only screamed with anger and tried to punch or kick his older self with green magic charged blows (due to the gem he ate previously with Dark Spike's magic), but he missed each time and Dark Spike only kicked him off the tree, where he landed in a nearby bush. Spike only gave a frown as he got up


Spike turned and saw it was Twilight, along with the other girls and Starlight.

"Where were you?!" Rainbow Dash asked

Spike, with an determined brow said "It's that future me, he's back and he's planning a trap for Princess Celestia, Cadance, Shining and Princess Luna."

"Are you sure Spike? He may still be somewhere but I haven't noticed anything different in Ponyville." Starlight said

"It doesn't matter, Rainbow Dash, Starlight and Applejack, you two check Canterlot, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity, you go check the Crystal Empire. Me and Twilight are going after the evil me." Spike said with a dead serious tone

The girls nodded and went to their respective destinations. With Spike and Twilight, they were walking around the Everfree forest.

"Don't worry Spike, we'll stop him together." Twilight assured Spike

"What choice do we have?" Spike said with slight scorn and seriousness.

As they walked, Spike noticed a shadowy figure, and ran at it.

"Spike?!" Twilight asked

As Spike ran, he pushed away the bushes and saw an object on the ground, as soon as he walked to it, he saw it was the Alicorn Amulet, but the small red gem in the bottom of it was missing.

"The Alicorn Amulet? What's it doing out here?" Spike asked

As soon as Spike said that, the red eyes of the amulet glowed red and flared. Spike's green eyes flared green and then blood red for a short moment before the amulet stopped and was moved to Spike's chest.

"What's going on?!" Spike said

The amulet glowed red in a pulsating red field around Spike. After a few seconds, the field dissipated and the amulet was gone. Spike was on the ground and got up slowly, hearing footsteps.

"Having fun?"

Spike only looked and saw Dark Spike walking to him and was smiling.

"It's a shame the princesses will never live another day." Dark Spike said mockingly

Spike angrily charged at his dark self. The two fought, but every time Spike used his fire breath and abilities, his evil older self triumphed and elbowed him to the ground before magically throwing him near a tree.

"Spike?!" Twilight shouted

The two turned and saw the purple Alicorn. Spike saw Dark Spike flee and shouted

"Twilight! STOP HIM!"

Twilight however, only looked around and continued to do so with a confused look as Dark Spike ran away into the forest while Spike pursued, but he lost sight of him.

Spike gritted his teeth with rage and angrily grabbed Twilight's hoof with rage. Twilight saw the hate in her friend's eyes as she said with shock.

"You-Your hurting me." Twilight said with surprise

"What happened?! That evil me was there! how could you let him GET AWAY?!?!" Spike angrily asked huffing with rage, his eyes even turning blood red like Dark Spike for a short moment.

Twilight, shocked at Spike's fury only said while tears poured out her eyes.

"But Spike, nopony was there."

Spike only let go of Twilight and backed away in shock upon hearing her response, breathing with his eyes widened.

(With the girls)

The Main 6 regrouped at the Ponyville train station, it was getting late and the night was slowly coming. Along with them were the Royal sisters

"Well Canterlot has nothing to worry about." Applejack said

"No luck at the Crystal Empire either." Rarity said

"No kidding. Whatever is going on with Spike must be either another trick or messing with his head." Rainbow Dash said suspicious

"And even if that were the case, we would have detected him at least." Princess Celestia said

As they spoke, they noticed Twilight heading to them with a look of sadness.

"Twilight!" Starlight said, as the other ponies went to her.

"Where's Spike?" Fluttershy asked

"Spike decided to go on his own." Twilight replied

"Well, we looked all over the castles in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire and we couldn't find anything." Applejack told Twilight.

Twilight didn't answer back as Celestia, with a look of worry asked her

"Twilight, is everything ok?"

Twilight only replied with with sorrow and confusion

"Spike said he saw his evil self, yet I couldn't. I tried to see him, I really did, but he wasn't there. I've never seen Spike this angry compared to last time, let alone at me."

"Then we should go look for him." Pinkie said

(In the Everfree Forest)

Spike continued to make his way through the forest as followed a foot trail of familiar footprints. As he walked, he saw the trail ended at it's destination. The old castle of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

Spike only glared and entered the castle slowly. As he entered he saw the crumbled castle and looked around for his evil counterpart. As Spike looked, he saw a nearby shattered mirror and a shadowy figure moving and pursued. As Spike followed, parts of the castle crumbled and nearly crushed him, but he managed to dodge and reach a clear area.

"Come out and show yourself!" Spike shouted

"Relax kid. I'm not going anywhere." An familiar voice said

Spike turned around and Dark Spike jabbed him in the chest, knocking him back. Spike only roared angrily and tried to jump kick his adversary, but Dark Spike countered and managed to knock him into a nearby desk. Spike only got up but was kicked into a wall.

"Pity the so-called Elements of Harmony won't aid you." Dark Spike mocked

"Why didn't Twilight see you in the forest?" Spike asked

"I camouflaged myself with my magic and used a spell on her." Dark Spike replied

"Then I'll deal with you myself!" Spike said and charged his dark self

Dark Spike grabbed Spike's incoming punch and elbowed him in the face, responding to Spike

"Spike. if you stopped me, why am I still here in your time?"

Spike only growled and charged at his dark self, trying to punch and kick him. But Dark Spike easily dodged and evaded his blows. Dark Spike even kicked him in the chest and then elbowed him in the face into the ground, knocking Spike on the ground, where he had some bruises on him.

"You can't even hurt me. Just like last time" Dark Spike said in a mocking tone.

Spike only shouted and charged at Dark Spike, with his eyes flaring blood red as he attacked.

(With the girls and Princesses)

The girls were heading to the castle and managed to reach the entrance. Celestia's horn was glowing and she said

"My magic is picking up something, it's in our old castle nearby."

A familiar shout of pain was heard and Rainbow Dash said

"And it looks like we just found it!"

The girls ran to the castle entrance and entered the main room

"SPIKE!!!" The girls shouted in worry

They looked and saw Spike covered with bruises and scars on his body and face constantly moving and acting as if he was being hit or kicked all over, but Dark Spike was nowhere to be seen.

"Um, why is Spike acting like he's play fighting with the air?" Cadance asked

"DARK SPIKE!!!!" Spike turned showing his bruised face and shouted to clarify aid

The ponies gasped as Twilight and Starlight lit their horns and so did Luna, Cadance and Celestia. In Spike's view, Dark Spike disappeared and Spike turned to the girls

"What are you all doing here?! I told you to find the traps!" Spike chewed out the girls

"Spike, we looked everywhere in their castles, there was nothing." Starlight said

"Then he must be using invisibility magic, just like he did to me! That's why none of you saw them!" Spike justified

"But if we did not see the traps or your dark self, how can YOU see him Spike?" Princess Celestia asked

Spike only backed away stunned before replying "What are you saying?"

Princess Luna only walked up to Spike and asked

"Young Spike, are you sure you saw your evil self and if he was REALLY here?"

"Saw him? We fought each other here! You think I did all this myself?" Spike said pointing at his bruises as proof

"Spike, we used our magic and you were the only one inside." Cadance said to Spike

"And nopony else was here but you and now us." Rarity said

Spike's fury only worsened as he said

"I don't have time for this foolishness. I have to find those threats myself alone if I have to."

However, Rainbow Dash and Applejack blocked his path with Applejack saying, practically shouting to him with further refusal

"Spike, there are no traps! And there is no threat from your evil self!"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAW!" Spike shouted back, backing away

"I have to stop him! I'm the only one that can! And I'll personally finish off ANYBODY who gets in my way! Especially any of you!"

Spike shouted with murderous rage, with not only both his hands lighting up green magic flames, but his eyes flared blood red as he shouted

All the ponies stared at the young dragon with disbelief at his state of furious anger, Rarity gasped upon seeing him in his angry state, Rainbow Dash backed away in a rare ounce of fear, Fluttershy cowered behind the others, Pinkie Pie was only surprised at his anger and shed some tears, Starlight only gave a look of disbelief at his furious state, the princesses only stared wide eyed at him with their mouths open in shock.

However, Spike was blasted in the back by a magic blast from behind. It was Twilight, who only gave a devastated look as Spike fell on the ground and began to fade into unconsciousness as the others looked at him before he blacked out.

(In Ponyville)

Spike began to slowly wake up and saw he was in a hospital bed held down from his hands. Spike only looked around and saw he was in Ponyville General Hospital

"Do we need to have him restrained?" Twilight was heard asking

"Twilight, he threatened us, he's becoming more dangerous." Applejack said

"Plus he's really looking like he's loco in the coco!" Pinkie was heard saying

"Plus if things get worse, we will use our magic to see what's wrong with him." Luna said

Spike turned and saw them talking outside as some doctors came in and ran some tests on him. Some nurses and doctors began to examine him and put him to a heart monitor and X-rays.

"So far everything looks normal." An stallion doctor said

"His vital signs are ok so far." A nurse mare added

As they spoke, Dark Spike suddenly teleported in front of Spike and the doctors smiling and said

"Alone again? Don't tell me you didn't miss me." Dark Spike said as he walked to him

"He's here! Run!" Spike shouted struggling in his binds.

"Who?!" The doctor stallion asked

The monitors began to beep rapidly as the nurse said

"His heart rate is getting more faster!"

"Heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline. Nopony can survive this much stress in their system!" The doctor replied

Spike only savagely struggled again as the ponies tried to subdue him as Dark Spike closed in on him, he then broke his binds by flaring his hands and burning them and subdued the medical staff with magic blows to their heads or necks. Spike jumped at a nearby vent and removed the lid before the girls came in hearing the commotion.

"And I thought the doctor was lame." Rainbow Dash commented.

'Where did Spike go?" Starlight said

"Up there!" Fluttershy pointed at the vent he opened.

The ponies tried to open it, but the lid was sealed

"Why won't it come off?!" Applejack said

Princess Luna, realizing the danger closed her eyes and focused her magic as her horn glowed.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Celestia asked

"Finding Spike." Luna replied

As Luna's magic glowed, a white soul like spirt flew through the vent and went to Spike, who began to phase from the soul magic entering him.

"Spike...I'm here to help." Luna said

"Princess Luna?! Run! The evil me! he'll destroy you!" Spike refuted in fear

"Young Spike, your heart rate is in danger, you need to trust me." Luna insisted to Spike

As she said this, memories of the day from the amulet and Shining came and Luna only said

"Your future self is not here or in Ponyville."

"No! He's real! I saw him with my own eyes!" Spike tried to justify

"If you saw with your eyes...let me see with them." Luna asked

As soon as Spike's body stopped moving, his eyes closed and he breathed as his eyes then turned into Luna's night blue eyes. Luna only said in Spike's head as he looked left to right

"See Spike, thy are wrong, your evil self was never here. It was all in your mind."

However, Dark Spike appeared and punched Spike in the face, knocking him back and causing Luna's spell to snap off and her to fall backward on the ground. Luna only sat up and said in shock and surprise


"You saw him too?!" Princess Celestia asked shocked

Princess Luna replied in confusion but clarification

"I'm not sure if he's real, but to Spike he is and right now that's the main issue. The stress in his body is killing him because he believes he's truly fighting his dark self. And the worst part is...the evil Spike is winning."

Dark Spike and Spike's fight went from the vents to the an attic full of medical supplies. The fight was still one-sided as Spike was pummeled by Dark Spike, who either kicked or grabbed him and threw him into nearby objects.

"You always knew I was inevitable." Dark Spike said grabbing Spike.

"No...!" Spike said in pain as he was dragged.

With the girls, Luna gasped and said "No, I can feel his heart, he's not gonna make it!"

Twilight, now furious and determined said

"Then let's end this NOW!"

She then used a large amount of her magic to focus and teleport.

Dark Spike continued to pummel Spike to the ground and threw at a nearby crate. As he walked, the light flickered on, but he was gone, yet when it was off, he reappeared

"Please....stop...!" Spike said in pain

"Stop? We both know I won't. And neither will you." Dark Spike said holding Spike by the neck.

"The others say your not real." Spike replied

Dark Spike only taunted with a grin "Oh I'm very real, in every dark corner those stupid ponies did to your life."

He threw Spike near a light switch and looked at him as he got up.

Spike, upon hearing this said in realization "Every dark corner....wait. When we fought I have scratches everywhere, yet your perfectly fine. Plus in the forest, those footprints must have been mine....Wait a minute...."

Spike began to recall what happened during the day and what the girl's told him. Dark Spike only appeared in the dark, but not even once in the light.

"The girl's are right! Your just in my head, but in the dark! YOUR NOT REAL!" Spike said with a look of recognition

Dark Spike's eyes widened as he replied charging at Spike "I'm real enough to destroy YOU!"

Spike pulled the light switch fully and said "Say goodnight faker."

Dark Spike faded away from the light the moment it turned on and Spike began to move slowly. The door opened and Twilight was there.


The young dragon smiled and said with reassurance "It's ok Twilight. It's over."

With that he passed out before Twilight managed to hold him together.

At the infirmary, the doctors began to look over Spike and his body. The doctor saw an red substance in Spike and showed Twilight and the others. Princess Celestia gave a look at Spike's X-ray and said

"It looks like that evil you pulled off another trick, he must have fused some of his magic in a gem you ate and it's corruption and power infiltrated your nervous system." Princess Celestia said

"The gem he tricked me into eating, it made me see and feel him. Even though he was never there."

"And the more you two fought, the more you put yourself in harm's way." Cadance said

"And anypony else that could've been around." Twilight further noted.

The x-ray beeped and Luna said "It says you should be better now though."

Spike, getting up off the bed and near the light switch said "Well, just to be safe."

He turned off the lights and looked around the room for his evil self. But he wasn't there. After a few seconds, Spike turned the lights on and sighed, saying

"I've been afraid of being like him ever since i met him, I guess it's hard to move on, especially since he came back. But I feel like I'm the only one still able to look for him and stop him. Even since he nearly killed all of you the first time and the last in his own timeline."

The ponies only looked solmenly at Spike and Starlight said

"Spike, your never alone."

"And if he truly comes, we'll stop him together. You should get some rest. Can you girls take him to the room the doctor gave him?" Twilight said

Spike nodded with a smile saying "Good idea."

The girls and Spike left the medical examination while Starlight, Twilight and the Princesses stayed with the doctor.

"Wait, there is one thing I forgot to mention." The doctor stallion said

The girls and the princesses looked at him confused saying "When he ate the corrupted gem, it wasn't activated alone. There was an amulet in Spike that triggered his hallucinations missing a piece. And it was by a spell, from an Alicorn Amulet."

"Then that means...?" Twilight said shocked

"Someone caused Spike to hallucinate on purpose." Starlight added

As the ponies are left bewildered, the dragon amulet symbol on the throne Spike sat on in the Castle of Friendship began to glow blood red in it's eyes for a second and then stopped, leaving the throne in the dark room silent.

Chapter 15

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Dark Spike only continued to train his magic in his cave. As he did, his magic began to increase and his body began to twitch

"Hnrgh!" Dark Spike grunted

As he twitched, his chest began to pulsate and he fell on the ground holding his chest.

"What's happening?!" Dark Spike said in pain

As he continued to do so his body began to shake and his eyes turned from blood red to purple and then blood red again.

(In Dark Spike's mind)

Future Spike was sweating from his forehead in pain at the immense power he was feeling. In his mind, his scales and skin were their true green and purple colors and his eyes were their normal light green. Future Spike looked around and said


There was no response from the void of his mind. The void was red and black mists of fog.

(I don't own photos, all belongs to rightful owners. I will take off if necessary)

As Future Spike walked around the figments of his mind, an ominous voice was heard.


"Huh?! Who's there?!" Future Spike said in fear.

As he looked the voice gradually said loudly and slowly.


"Who are you?!" Future Spike asked, now more frightened

"With my power......the foolish princesses..... and their lies will be exposed.... FOREVER....."

"Come out and face me!" Future Spike asked again

As he looked around, an finger tapped his shoulder. He turned and saw it was an shadowy figure that resembled him but had darker skin and red, bloody eyes.

"Remember...our little...... compromise....?" The figure asked

Future Spike only gave a look at the shadowy figure and said

"Compromise? What are you talking about?" Future Spike asked

The figure replied

"You've done an good job ensuring our fates. But there is one more task you must do."

"Which is?" Future Spike said confused

The figure then began to float around Future Spike and disappeared, until he reappeared as Twilight and said in a distorted version voice of hers and a demonic version of it's own.

You've widdled us away slowly without us knowing....yet, you have to deal with their mentors and their symbol of harmony."

Future Spike only looked confused saying "The Tree of Harmony?"

The shadowy figure of Twilight only nodded and then transformed into it's true shadow form and said

"Without their mentors or their bond with each other or you, they are nothing more then false signs of hope and hypocrisy."

Future Spike only gave a look of reluctance and said to the figure

"But...won't we cross a line in dooming Equestria? I mean the girls may have deserved it...but other ponies or creatures? Isn't that too far?

The figure did not answer and gave an unreadable look to the teen dragon he was with. The figure said in dismay

"Boy, if it's too far?....why have nearly all ponies and creatures treated you like a punching bag...especially from your own race....?"

The figure showed flashbacks of Future Spike's past. Starting from when he turned into a dragon rampaging in Ponyville, being pranked by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie to even being frozen in the Winter Wrap up celebration.

"They used you.....hurt you.......abandoned you as a friend and threw you like some thing meant to be removed. "

Future Spike only looked at the memories and scowled. Not just because of the events in his past life, but the dark figure was rausing valid points about his past. With an hurt look, Future Spike said

"So where do we head next?"

The figure only smiled and said "That is your decision, the Tree or Princesses first."

(In Dark Spike's cave)

Dark Spike's chest stopped hurting and he slowly got up. He looked around and said to himself

"What a crazy dream. But I guess Canterlot goes first."

Dark Spike left his cave and soon teleported away.

(In Canterlot)

Dark Spike hid near an alleyway and turned into his younger self. He walked around and saw numerous ponies walking around, but decided to not dwell on them for the time. He made his way through the streets and walked his way to the castle.

As he walked, some of the ponies gave looks of disgust at the dragon and harumphed or snootily walked by him.

"What is that thing doing here?" A mare said

"And why isn't he on a leash?" Another stallion added

"Looks like the lizard has now become a savage." A colt insulted

Spike/Dark Spike only gave turned around slowly and looked at the ponies. He then punched the ground with his fist.


The blow made the ground shake and crack a bit as the ponies looked shocked at Dark Spike, who only gave an look of murderous fury and said as his green eyes flared red.

"The next one of you horses to annoy me will not only be unalived by my COLD DEAD HANDS but CASTRATED!! "

The ponies gave looks of fear and backed off as 'Spike' walked in a huff to the castle. As Spike/Dark Spike walked, he noticed an familiar stallion walking by.

Spike/Dark Spike noticed the unicorn stallion and said in his thoughts.

"Oh great, the classy moron in the monacle that I met when the whole me and Twilight being stressed as princess during the Grand Equestria Pony Summit occurred."

Fancy Pants noticed Dark Spike and said

"Oh Spike, what are you doing here?"

'Spike' refused to answer and continued walking to the castle, with Fancy Pants saying as he trotted over to him.


'Spike' still didn't acknowledge the stallion's presence and continued to the castle without batting an eye.

"Young Spike, did you not hear me?" Fancy asked Spike

'Spike' however refused to reply once again and continued his way. The unicorn stallion was left confused as he was ignored by 'Spike', who walked away from him.

As Dark Spike made his way to the castle, he saw 2 Solar guards in the front and quickly hid. With a dark green flame, Dark Spike had turned into a Solar guard and made his way to the entrance.

The guards stopped him and the first said

"Who are you and what is your business here?"

The disguised dark dragon said

"I am Silver Spear, I am here to show important info to the Princess regarding the matter of recent events. Specifically the villains in Tartarus.

The guards thought about it for a minute, then the second guard said

"You may proceed."

The two allowed the disguised Dark Spike to enter and the doors opened, showing the regal halls involving all the glass windows showing Twilight and her friends along with the achievements they had over the years.

"Wow, so much achievement and yet I was only seen once." Silver Spear/Dark Spike thought as he saw the regal depictions of the girls

As Silver Spear trotted through the halls he saw the Princesses on their throne. But he paid them no mind and continued.

"Guard!" Princess Luna said

Silver Spear only continued to walk his way, but the other guards stopped him

"We wish to speak with you. " Princess Celestia said

"Look Princess, no offense, but I have other matters to deal with." Silver Spear said

The princesses raised their eyebrows as he tried to leave, but the guards again stopped him.

"I assure you young one, it will be quick." Princess Celestia said

Silver Spear looked and saw the firm looks from the guards and the two sisters. With a sigh, he approached the center and said

"Yes your Majesty?"

"We wish to speak to you about the matter of the Everfree Forest."

"What about it, your Highness?" Silver Spear asked

"We have learned that the evil Spike is not only back, but he maybe using the forest to hide his presence." Princess Luna said

Silver Spear/Dark Spike's eyes widened, they knew where he was most likely due to the hallucinations he caused to his young self.

"I guess that gem trick on Spike was sloppy." Silver Spear/Dark Spike thought

"What else Princess?" Silver Spear asked

"When you or Twilight find him, bring him here to Canterlot so we may deal with him. PERSONALLY." Princess Luna said

Silver Spear/Dark Spike only frowned as his eyes flared red shortly and said

"What do you intend to do to him, your Highness?"

"We have not yet fully decided, but if we can, we can hope to reform him like Discord and Starlight." Princess Celestia said with a look of hope

"If not, I do not see any other choice but to banish him to Tartarus or erase him completely from existence." Princess Luna said

"But Luna, Spike turned that way because of us. We have to fix it!" Princess Celestia justified

"Yes Tia, I know, but he isn't exactly Spike since he hasn't become him yet. He has to be punished." Princess Luna said

The disguised dragon only looked at the two, nodded and said "Of course, your Majesties. You both have fair points."

The two sisters nodded as he left the throne room and made his way to the royal chambers. As Silver Spear checked if the coast was clear. It was and he formed an fireball of magic in his hoof.

"Now for their fate to come." Silver Spear/Dark Spike said as his hoof touched the floor

The fireball fused with the ground and the ground glowed green before stopping. The disguised future dragon then teleported away from the castle.

(At the Everfree Forest)

Dark Spike reached his cave and began to lie down on the cold ground, turning into his true form.

"Reform me or banish me?" Dark Spike said to himself.

These were the last words he said before sleeping in silence.

Chapter 16

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Spike was in his bed sleeping. As he slept, he tossed and turned as he tried to rest

(In Spike's mind)

Spike slowly woke up and saw he was near the forest entrance to Ponyville.

"Huh? Why am I near Ponyville?" Spike asked himself confused

He walked through the entrance of Ponyville and saw Twilight's castle far from the distance being crowded by other ponies.

"What the hay is going on?!" Spike said

As he continued to the pathway to Twilight's castle, he saw a bunch of ponies at the entrance holding signs of the girls and were arguing with one another.

As Spike looked around the arguing ponies, he tried to get their attention, but none paid attention to him. He then noticed the doors opened and Twilight was there.

"Everypony please stop!" The purple alicorn shouted

As soon as she shouted, the crowd turned to Twilight and faced her. One pony came and asked Twilight.

"Princess Twilight, I'm with the Canterlot Chronicle. Quick question, what would you say to ponies who wonder why you moved to Ponyville in the first place?"

This left Twilight baffled as she answered firmly

"I moved here to learn about friendship. That's why the journal even exists. It took some time for me to get the hang of it, but it was each of these ponies standing next to me who taught me the lessons in these journals. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy too. Then it was all of you. I've learnex so much from-"

The reporter pony cut off Twilight and said

"What I mean is, some ponies would argue that it doesn't seem believable that the six of you would be friends."

"Hey, leave her alone!" Spike said to defend Twilight.

However, he wasn't heard by the angry mob, until he saw an familiar figure. The figure was revealed to be Spike, but he looked like he was in pain. He clenched his chest in pain as his eyes flared red.

"Hey! Get outta here!" The mind Spike said to the mob

The mob however turned to him and a mare said

"Hey, isn't that the lizard that lives with the Princess?"

"I'M A DRAGON!" Mind Spike and Real Spike said together

"Princess Twilight, why do you let this savage creature live here?" The same reporter pony asked

"He's not a savage, he's my number 1 assistant!" Twilight defended

"So he's not your friend?" One stallion asked

"I never said that!" Twilight tried to reason

"But he's not in the journal you made." A filly pointed out

"Is he an servant from Canterlot for you and the Elements?" An mare asked

"No, he's our friend!" Rarity refuted in defense

"Does he have to live in Ponyville?" Another stallion said

"SERVANT?!" Mind Spike said, his eyes flared red as he shouted.

The ground shook as he shouted, the girls looked at Spike as he clenched his chest. The mob backed away slightly as the girls looked in concern at Spike

"Spike? Are you ok?" Starlight asked

"ok?, OK?!" Spike said, his tone getting more icier.

Spike got up, showing his eyes, which were red and had tears streaming down his face, then shouted at the girls and the mob.

"Everytime, EVERYTIME! Whenever I help you and your friends I have to do every chore, every mess, every duty and responsibility for your own petty selfish needs! I am actually surprised any of you bothered to even call me your friend when NONE of you treat me like one!

"Spike, that's not true! We just didn't have enough time and had to help our friends." Twilight replied

Spike only turned to her and angrily responded

"Time?! Your the Princess of Friendship Twilight! Yet I'M the one that has to wipe your flank EVERYDAY and I don't even get a little gratitude over it! Not only that, but neither you or the girls take me to have fun either! Or on friendship missions! Amd your supposed to be Celestia's protege! Your just a joke!"

This shocked the girls as Spike ranted to Twilight, who's jaw dropped as she shed tears from his words. Rainbow Dash stepped up and said to Spike

"Spike come on! Lay off her! It wasn't her fault!"

"Ohhhh! Look who speaks, Miss Flight School Dropout! You are the worst compared to Twilight or the girls! You make fun of me for being a dragon, constantly prank me with pranks, always bully me because I can't use magic or fly or almost kill me! You even froze me in a puddle during Hearts Warming!"

Rainbow Dash was shocked at Spike and replied "But that was just a joke!"

"Yeah, well you nearly KILLED me with that joke! I'm still ticked off and NONE pf you IDIOTS apologised! Not even these half-minded BUCKHEADS! " Spike ranted, his eyes flaring red more and his skin slowly turning dark.

The mob and the girls only looked at him shocked at his tirade.

"Did he just call us Buckheads?!" The reporter pony before said

"Who does that lizard think he is?!" A mare said outraged

"And what do you know of the Elements of Harmony or the Princess?!" A colt asked smugly

Real Spike, looking at the scene with a shocked look said

"Wait...this must be one of my future self's memories! But why am I here?"

Memory Spike, with an angry look at the mob, shouted in a demonic version of his voice (with his eyes now turned red fully and his skin more dark along qith his scales sharpened)


The mob of ponies nodded slowly and somewhat frightfully as Memory Spike slowly walked over, his scales slowly becoming more sharper.


The rant from Memory Spike left the whole mob and the girls speechless. They each had reactions some ponies where left shocked with disbelief, while others were left mortified. The girls however were the most affected.

Rarity was left in tears, with her makeup falling down her cheeks, Rainbow Dash only looked with disbelief and a dropped jaw, Applejack was left speechless and only shed some tears, Fluttershy only hid her face in her mane crying, Pinkie Pie's mane deflated from mane to tail as she heard his rant, Starlight was left shocked at his words and held a hoof to her heart, while Twilight was left in tears with a frown.

Memory Spike glowed red as a familiar amulet symbol surrounded him and circled his body. He levitated as the ponies looked in shock.

"SPIKE?!?!" The girls and Starlight said horrified at what was happening.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" Memory Spike shouted

Memory Spike floated and as tears fell down his face, his transformation was now complete in a flash of light.

Spike's transformation had been completed and looked with distaste at the ponies.

(I don't own artwork, I will remove if necessary.)

"YOUR. TOO. LATE." Memory Spike said with a venomous tone

With that said, Memory Spike launched a fire blast at the girls from his mouth. The massive heat had been blocked from Twilight's forcefield protecting her and the girls.

"Can't...Hold it....any-!" Twilight struggled

The massive flames broke the forcefield and engulfed the girls, destroying the castle.

The ponies screamed in shock at the explosion as Memory Spike, now Dark Spike said

"Who's next?"

With that, he attacked the ponies before everything went black.


Spike had awoken from the dream, sweating in fear and shock

"Oh man, what an nightmare. Wait, why didn't Luna come like usual? must have been that amulet piece in me from the previous day."

(In Canterlot)

Princess Luna had tried to access Spike's dream door in the dream world, but it wouldn't allow her access.

"Come on! Open.!" Luna said in dismay

However, the door opened slowly, and with a look of confusion, she entered. The sight shocked her.

It was Spike causing chaos in Ponyville and had fused with the amulet.

"Spike?!" Luna said

"Yes and no." A familiar voice said

Princess Luna turned around and it was Dark Spike, giving a frown to her.

"Future Spike, how are thee here?! And why can i not access his memories?" The lunar princess demanded

"Did you really think I didn't account for your access in the dream realm to other creatures? Think again." Dark Spike taunted

"What's going on here?! What did thee do to Spike?!" Princess Luna demanded again

"You'll know soon enough...but for know, thy should rest." Dark Spike mocked

He then magically removed Luna from Spike's mind, leaving her shocked.

"Oh no, I have to let others know of this." Princess Luna said

Unbeknownst to Luna, an all too familiar dragon was watching, and said

"When you do....I will be inevitable" Dark Spike said

The dark dragon then flew away, ready to enact his plan soon enough.

Chapter 17

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Dark Spike was in his cave training, as he did, his green flames were more stronger and darker and he only cried more dark tears from his eyes.

"Finally, my power is more stronger then ever." Dark Spike said in satisfaction

As he walked, he pulled out a photo of the girls and frowned

"And with that power, I can finally achieve my revenge." Dark Spike further said

He burned the photo in his hands with magical dark green flames and laid the burnt photo on the floor.

"Revenge?" An unknown voice said

"Or satisfaction?"

Dark Spike turned and saw 2 spirits of his old friends. Discord and Big Macintosh, but they looked different and more older

Discord had a longer beard and hair while an eyepatch on his left eye, while his right arm was badly burned along with his chest have some cuts and scars everywhere.

Big Macintosh had an scar left on his lips and forehead along with his chest and body covered in burning ashes. His mane also looked slightly longer and there were 3 slashes on his back.

"You two? Why are you both here?" Dark Spike asked

Future Discord only gave a look of sorrow and said to his former friend

"The same thing most have tried to do, yet failed."

"To get you to stop this madness and make things right." Future Big Mac added

Dark Spike only looked at the 2 unamused and said with annoyance

"Make things right? Does that include me constantly being used as a punching bag or having to do chores while you or the girls have fun?"

The two only looked at their former friend with sorrow as he only disregarded their pleas. Future Discord only looked at Dark Spike and replied

"Spike, I understand your angry at how you went through so much turmoil, but this won't change anything."

"And even if you were to destroy Ponyville or Equestria completely, what difference will it make to not just your past, but your future? " Future Big Macintosh further added

Dark Spike only gave a look of conflict at the two spirits of his former best friends. As he did, the darkness in him began to slowly fade from his eyes. The red pupils had started turning into their true natural green color of the purple future dragon.

"But If I do that, it'll all be for nothing. And if that were the case, I would DIE! Everything I worked for will crumble and I will not be replaced or thrown away! NOT AGAIN!!" Dark Spike said in fear, this time with his eyes green color.

The spirits of his two former friends gave looks of pity at the future dark dragon, who only glared with fury and depression at the two.

"That may be the truth Spike, but if you were to die, would you rather die knowing you were a monster made to create hate, destruction and anger in your path?" Future Discord asked further

"Or would ya rather have a future that'll will open a new chapter where you can make the path you want. Where you don't have to suffer both in the past or in the present?" Future Big Mac said

Dark Spike only fell onto his knees, clutching his head's temples as the spirits only spoke to him and slowly faded, but before they did, Future Discord said

"Fate is never given, it is only chosen."

"And when a future may look bleak or dark, only YOU can choose what path it should take." Future Big Mac said further

The two future spirits of Dark Spike's two friends disappeared, leaving him alone to ponder their words.

(In Canterlot at the Castle)

Luna was rushing to Celestia and managed to find her in her room. Celestia was sitting on a chair reading a book.

"Tia? Are you there?" Luna asked with a fearful tone

"Yes Luna, what is the matter?"

"We have a situation, and it's getting worse by the minute."

Celestia gave a look of worry at this news and said "What happened?"

"It's about Spike and his future self. I went into Spike's dreams, but.....I couldn't access them."

Princess Celestia's eyes only widened and she asked "What? how?"

"It was his future self, he blocked my ability to reach Spike's mind. I fear that it may mean danger not just to young Spike but to Twilight and Equestria." Princess Luna said with fear in her voice

Princess Celestia only gave a look of suspicion and reluctance and said to Luna

"Luna, I'll send a message to Twilight and her friends to be cautious about Spike's future counterpart. In the meantime, tell the guards to remain vigilant and protect both Canterlot and Ponyville."

Princess Luna only nodded with agreement as she left Princess Celestia's room.

However, as she left the room Princess Celestia got up and went to her desk. She levitated a scroll, feather and ink and said

"I have to let Twilight and the others know of the danger both them and Spike are in."

(Outside the castle)

Near one of the windows of the castle, Dark Spike was overhearing the princesses talk of warning Twilight and her friends of their impending fate. With a cold smile, Dark Spike only said

"Don't worry Princess, you'll be joining them soon enough."

He then teleported away from the area in dark green flames.

(In Ponyville)

Spike was on his bed sleeping, twisting and turning. He sweated in anxiety as he slept

Inside his mind, Spike opened his eyes and only looked around and said

"What's going on? Where am I?"

As he looked around, the area was a complete wasteland, everything was destroyed and neither Ponyville or it's citizens were in sight.

"Wait, wasn't this the future Twilight showed Starlight when she attacked us?"

"Yes, but not the one you know" a familiar voice replied

"At least not caused by me or my quest against you or Twilight."

Spike turned and to his shock, saw both Twilight and Starlight's future selves. They only looked at him with scowls of grief as Spike only said shocked.

"Starlight?! Twilight?! What's going on?!?! What happened here?!?! Where am I?!?!?!"

(Ps ignore Starlight's previous hairstyle, it's the newer hairstyle in season 7 onwards)

"We are in the future caused by your grief and transformation. Which was also our faults." Future Twilight said

"When we constantly used you for our selfishness, your sorrow made you crave revenge and vengeance for your years of abuse and loss" Future Starlight said

Spike only gave a look of shock and said

"The one my evil self did? But how am I here? And more importantly, is this real?

The two only looked at each other and nodded, with Future Twilight saying

"Correct, and it will be real if you follow this path your future self did. The reason you were here because this is a piece of your dark self's memories. Similar to the previous memory of the Friendship Journal."

"And I do understand we are at fault for your transformation in the future, but we are truly and very seriously sorry for how we neglected you."

Spike only gave a look of guilt at the future versions of his two friends. He not only had caused the destruction in the future with the amulet, but he had also caused Equestria as a WHOLE planet to be nothing but a wasteland full of misery and death.

"This is all my fault, if I hadn't fused with that amulet, none of this would have happened." Spike said in guilt

"No Spike, we are just as much to blame for making you take the amulet and following an broken path to a shattered fate." Future Twilight said

Future Starlight stepped in and said to Spike

"And I realize that I shouldn't have stepped on your relationship with Twilight. I never intended to replace you or make you feel abandoned."

Spike only gave a look of remorse at his two friends from his dark self's timeline and said

"What do I have to do?"

The two mares looked with determination at Spike and went over to him

"While we can't remove the amulet in you or it's gem, you have to fight the influence with all you got." Future Starlight said

"And when the time for the Friendship Journal comes, prepare for the worst and aid your friends when danger comes." Future Twilight added

Spike nodded with a determined look on his face and said

"I'll do everything in my power to stop the timeline from getting like this. And I'll protect you in anyway I can."

The future Twilight and Starlight hugged Spike as the memory started to fade.

"The darkness in the amulet you wield may be evil, but only if you choose it to be."

"And if you want to stop your evil self, you have to choose the fate that you want. Not the amulet or it's power."

Spike only nodded and the memory faded to black.

Spike woke up with a sweat and said to himself

"I have to get ready to stop my dark self's existence."

The young dragon got up and left his room, with a look of determination.

As he left, the symbol on the chair Spike sat on in the map room began to glow red once more and a voice was heard saying in an eerie tone.

"The time has come...."

Chapter 18

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Spike began to wake up in his room with beads of sweat running down his head. He hyperventilated from what happened in his mind of the soon to be future that would come and began to get up slowly. As he got up, Spike had went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and clean himself. After that, he left the bathroom and got out the castle.

"Twilight?" Spike said looking for her

(In the Everfree Forest)

Dark Spike began to open his eyes and awaken.

"Huh? What's going on?" Dark Spike said

He looked and saw he was tied to a pole by his arms. He tried to move, but failed. As he struggled, an unknown pony walked up to him.

Dark Spike was confused until the pony came closer and he was shocked at who it was.

"Starlight?!" Dark Spike said

The pink unicorn had an bloody face from her forehead to her nose while her horn was cracked. She placed a hoof on his cheek and said eerily " cannot beat us. You....are....nothing."

Dark Spike only growled out with fury "No!"

"Yes......join me...and accept your fate."

She then lit her horn up and Dark Spike's vision was consumed with darkness.

In the forest at Dark Spike's cave, Dark Spike's eyes opened and he began to slowly get up from his sleep and stretched his arms. He only shook his head and said with expectation

"Finally, my time has come."

Dark Spike began to shapeshift in green flames to his past self's form and left the cave.

As he was walking through the forest, he began to think to himself.

"This is it, the time for my future to become an existential reality. When I do so, I'll make sure to erase all of the ponies on this forsaken excuse of a planet, let alone a civilization. After that, I will truly find the happiness and love I want from the world. And l will show the world what happens if they call or treat me like an beast again....But first....I'll need some leverage in case I get backed in a corner."

Dark Spike teleported away in green flames.

(In Ponyville)

Spike began to head to the Castle after failing to find girls outside

"Oh man, where are Twilight and the others when I need them?!" Spike said in a desperate tone

As he ran, his chest began to pulsate slowly an familiar alicorn shaped amulet an bloody red color. Spike, however did not focus on it and opened the door to Twilight's Castle. He entered and looked around for the girls. He managed to eventually find them in the Cutie Map room, where the girls sat at the thrones with an mysterious book.

"Girls!" Spike said

The ponies turned and saw Spike at the doorway, sweating in exhaustion from finding them with a familiar book that had looked torn and worn down

"Spike?" Twilight asked confused

"What's going on?" Spike asked in a hurry

The girls turned to him as Twilight replied

"I'm glad you asked, do you remember the friendship journal me and the girls had?

"Yeah I know about that, but we need to get rid of it!" Spike said

This left the girls shocked and confused at his response as Starlight asked

"Why Spike? What's the matter?"

"That journal was the reason my evil self existed, we have to destroy it and any other copy of it ASAP." Spike said

This surprised the girls as Spike breathed in and out, trying to tell them why it had to be destroyed.

(In the Crystal Empire)

Spike/Dark Spike was in his younger form in the empire. He walked around his way to the Crystal Castle. Some ponies waved to him with admiration, but he ignored them.

As soon as the Castle came to view, he went to the entrance guards protecting the door.

"Hello." Spike/Dark Spike said to the guards

"Hello Spike the Brave and Glorious, what are you doing here?" The first royal guard asked

"I'm just here to see Princess Cadance and Prince Armor." Spike/Dark Spike replied

The two looked at each other then at the young dragon. The second royal guard asked 'Spike' with a raised eyebrow.

"Why? And why did you say their titles? You never do that."

The disguised dark dragon gave a look of dismay and said "Sorry, I just wanna show some respect and because I never got to see them or my sweet little nephew Flurry."

The two only faced each other then 'Spike' and gave smiles of delight.

"Enter." The first royal guard said as they both opened the doors.

'Spike' entered the castle and walked through the large throne room. As he did, he saw the married royal couple on their thrones along with their previous little baby daughter, Flurry Heart. Shining and Cadance had been speaking with each other and took notice of 'Spike' walking to them.

"Oh, hello Spike." Cadance said with an smile

"What are you doing here?" Shining asked

'Spike' only walked up to them and said "Forgive the intrusion you two, but I need your help. And the other princesses."

"What do you mean Spike?" Shining asked

"It's that something is wrong with the girls. They've been acting different, especially Twilight and Starlight." 'Spike' said in fake worry and concern

"What do you mean by different?" Cadance asked worried.

"Twilight shoved me into a bookcase, Applejack lied about needing help, Rainbow Dash pranked me with a cold cloud, Fluttershy sicked her animals on me and Rarity almost KILLED me!!" 'Spike' lied in an tone of dismay and fearful clarification.

The two royals only looked at him with shock at his statement. Shining asked in a confused tone.

"Spike, are you sure something is wrong?" Cadance asked

"Yes! I'm getting worried about the girls and I think they may be in danger! Or at the very least Changelings sent by Chrysalis!" 'Spike' said with fear

The two royal ponies only looked at the young dragon and nodded with Cadance saying

"Very well Spike."

They got up as 'Spike' smiled and said "Oh and do be careful."

The two royals nodded as they followed him, unaware his eyes flared blood red.

(In Ponyville)

Spike had finished telling the girls why they had to destroy the friendship journal. They each had perplexed looks from Spike's claims.

"Spike, are you sure about this?" Rainbow Dash said

"I know it is! You need to trust me!" Spike said with hurry

Applejack went to him and looked at his face, which sweated with stress and fear and said

"He's not lying. Yet I don't know if he's right."

"How can the friendshio journal cause your evil self to exist?" Fluttershy asked

"After he fused with Alicorn Amulet, it made him snap from how you each hurt him both physically and mentally, along with how you never mentioned him at all." Spike further clarified

"Spike, no offense but I highly doubt it was our friendship journal." Pinkie refuted

"I'm telling you the truth! Why won't you believe me?!" Spike yelled in annoyed dismay

"Spike, calm down!" Starlight said, trying to calm him from his stressful state.

"I will if you'd all listen to me!" Spike shouted

As they argued, the doors opened and Shining and Cadance had arrived. This got the girls and Spike attention's as they turned to them.

"Princess Cadance and Prince Shining?" Rarity said

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight asked

"Don't play dumb Changeling!" Shining angrily replied

"We know Chrysalis sent you!" Cadance added in distrust

This surprised the girls and Spike, who quickly noticed an familiar figure holding an sleeping Flurry Heart.


'Spike' was holding Flurry Heart in his hands and began to leave the area.

"Now that phase 1 is complete, time for phase 2." 'Spike'/Dark Spike said with an smile

He teleported away in dark green flames, unaware he was spotted by his younger self.

Chapter 19

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'Spike'/Dark Spike was holding a sleeping Flurry Heart in his arms as they landed in his cave and rocked her gently.

The baby alicorn snuggled in his arms as Dark Spike only kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight my little Flurry." Dark Spike said in guilt

'Pike....Spike..." Flurry said

He used his magic to create an cradle and bed along with some plush toys and placed her in the cradle gently.

"I'll be back soon kid." Dark Spike said with genuine care

With that, he teleported away in green flames.

The ponies had began to look at the two royals with surprise at their accusation. Twilight was the first to step in and said

"Cadance, what are you talking about?!"

"We aren't Changelings!" Rarity added

"Then why did Spike come to the Crystal Empire saying you attacked him?" Shining said

"Shining I was never at the Crystal Empire." Spike replied

"Then that must mean.....Oh No!" Cadance said in realization

"He must've fooled us in order to destroy the castle while we were here!" Shining said in fear

"Everypony STOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!" Spike shouted

The ponies looked at the stressed baby dragon as he continued to speak

"That's not the only issue, we have to destroy the friendship journal! NOW!!!! Or else we're all gonna be destroyed!"

This shocked the ponies as Spike became desperate to stop his dark self.

"Spike, calm down! I'm sure that-" Cadance said, but was caught off.

Spike however, did not listen and ran to the table, using his fire breath and aimed at the girls friendship journal. The fiery waves slowly began to nearly burn the journal to a crisp.

"The journal!" Twilight shouted, as her horn glowed and her magic placed a forcefield around it.

Spike however, only gave a distraught look and was about to speak, but Twilight said

"Spike, what has gotten into you?!"

"Twilight, please you need to believe me!" Spike pleaded

"Enough Spike! This little charade of yours has gone on long enough!" Twilight said in annoyance and fury

She levitated Spike with her magic, with Spike trying to break out to no avail and placed him in his room. Opening the door, she said in disappointment to Spike.

"I'll let you out when the day is over, in the meantime, think about what you did mister." Twilight said, before she locked the door

"Twilight! Please!" Spike said as he tried to open the door, but failed and banged on it in protest.


Dark Spike was watching the whole thing from the window and gave a satisfied smile

"Wow Twilight, for a princess who's that smart, you are seriously more stupider then Pinkie Pie." He said with morbid amusement.

Dark Spike turned invisible and hid near the castle, awaiting to make his next move.

The girls had each begun to create copies of the Friendship Journal and show it to the ponies. Twilight has shown a page a few foals and they had began to slowly mend their friendship. The other ponies in Ponyville had also begun to look at copies of the journal.

However, things had begun to get out of hand slowly

As Twilight and Starlight trotted through Ponyville. Starlight asked Twilight

"Twilight, no offense but don't you think you were a bit harsh on Spike?"

Twilight turned to Starlight and said "What do you mean Starlight?"

"When he talked about what made his evil self's future exist? What if he had a point since we don't know what exact event caused it." Starlight explained to Twilight

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and began to think. Starlight had a point as they did not truly know what caused Dark Spike's existence. With a look of recognition, Twilight said

"Now that you mention it Starlight, you may have a point."

As they trotted however, they saw an stallion and mare sitting and they began to talk

"Well, I found this journal TERRIBLY illuminating." The stallion said

Twilight only gasped when she overheard

"I agree. I'm seeing sides of these ponies I didn't know was there. I only wish they'd left Rarity out.She clearly doesn't belong in that book with the rest of them" The mare added

The stallion replied in a snooty tone "Oh, I know! Who does she think she is? Certainly she did a fine job setting up the Ponyville Days celebration, but does she really believe it was an success because of her? The nerve!"

The two ponies only laughed with inconsiderate looks as Rarity, who happened to have a newspaper with her and heard everything, ran off in tears.

"But that's not what she was saying, Rarity!" Twilight said, trying to reach an distressed Rarity.

Spike was trying to open the locked door, but to no avail.

"Come on! Open!"

As he looked to open the door, he got an idea and breathed fire on the door knob. The doorknob burned down and opened.

"Got it! Now to help Twilight!"

Spike ran out the room door and began to make his way out the castle, as he did, he heard shouting.

"What was that?" Spike said

As soon as he reached the entrance and saw the windows, he was shocked.

Dark Spike (in his younger self's form) meanwhile, began to watch the girls friendship journal slowly cause more trouble with the ponies.

"Wow, looks like the so-called Elements of Harmony's Friendship Journal is doing more harm then good. Excellent."

He watched with a satisfied look as the chaos began to grow. Stemming from fans that kept laughint Pinkie and her entries, Rarity being turned to a social pariah, Fluttershy being reprimanded for not being assertive enough, Rainbow Dash being pestered about her skill and adventure to Twilight getting too much attention from critics and fans.

"Now is my time to rise."

He slowly made his way to the overcrowded castle full of fans and smiled with cold delight.

The doors of the castle had opened and the girls had faced the fans and critics in front of them. As they looked at the protesters, Spike gave a shocked look.

"Oh no!, this is bad, not only are the events from my evil self's timeline happening, but Twilight, the girls and ALL of Equestria are gonna be destroyed! I don't have a choice. If I turn evil, it'll be my fault...Guess I've got nothing to lose!" Spike thought with determination

"Everypony, please stop!" Twilight shouted

But this didnt help as the ponies continued to chatter in protest. One reporter pony came in and said

"Princess Twilight, I'm with the Canterlot Chronicle. Quick question, what would you say to ponies who wonder why you moved to Ponyville in the first place."

"I moved here to learn about friendship. That's why the journal even exists. It took some time for me to get the hang of it, bit it was each of these ponies standing next to me who taught me the lessons in those journals. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy, too. Then it was all of you. I've learned so much from-"

However, the same reporter pony cut her off "What I mean is, some ponies would argue that it doesn't seem believable that the six of you would be friends."

Twilight only said with an raised eyebrow "Believable?"

The reporter continued " Well, sure, I read this journal cover to cover. And I have to say your character would have been much more interesting if she'd stayed in Canterlot."

As they spoke, Spike continued to head to the entrance, but he clenched his chest and it glowed blood red. Spike only gave a look and said as he continued.

"My character?! We are real ponies! This journal is a record of things that actually happened to us. We made mistakes, and we learned from them!" Twilight tried to explain, at the same time Spike approached

"Oh no! Not now!" Spike said at his slow corruption.

The mob outside had continued to chatter.

"What about Rarity? Are we really supposed to believe she learned anything she wrote in there." The stallion from earlier questioned

"That's why you wanna be Team Dash! She's the only one that didn't weally need to learn anything, because she was aweady so cool." An young pony said

"Twilight was better before she got wings!" One pony said

"Fluttershy is just so painfully shy, it's hard to relate, I mean come on!"

"Wait a minute everypony!" Twilight shouted

"Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?!" Caramel pressed.

The mob began to further chatter, until Spike shouted with fed up annoyance.


The girls and the mob turned and saw Spike, his eyes had slowly began turning blood red like his future self, and his skin began to turn more darker slowly.

"I am so disapppinted in all of you!, they wanted to help teach you all the true meaning of friendship and your STILL NOT GETTING THE IDEA! They picked you up when you were down...they made you laugh when you fell, they ignited your confidence when you were scared, inspired you to be who you are and this is how you repay them?! " Spike shouted with both anger and disappointment to the mob

The mob was taken aback as Spike first approached the stallion and mare who criticised Rarity.

"You two keep calling out Rarity for being borderline greedy and selfish. Yes I'll admit that I somewhat find her annoying and conceited, but deep down she was a good pony that showed me generosity, even when I was in over my head a few times and yet you think she's that selfish, your basically acting like Suri Polomare!"

"Oh please lizard, what would you know about them? Your not even in the journal." Diamond Cutter said arrogantly

"You know what, your right. I'm not in the journal. But I sure as hay am GLAD I'm not in it so I don't have to put up with your hypocrisy you stupid horse!"

The surprised the mob of fans as Spike had just cussed at them with the "H" word, with his skin turning darker by the minute. This didn't go unnoticed by the girls.

"Um, Twilight? Why is Spike turning more dark purple and green like you know who?" Pinkie Pie asked

"Oh no! Spike was right! This did make his evil self exist!" Twilight said in realization

"And we just caused him to exist like he said before!" Starlight further pointed out in shock

Spike only gave looks of disgust and said to Diamond "She works her flank off 24/7, has to put up with ungrateful fools like you both here and Canterlot, tries everything to provide for her little sister and helps anypony she can when needed and you say she's SELFISH?!"

The baby dragon grabbed Diamond Cutter with incredible strength and threw him at a building.


Dark Spike was watching the scene unfold and gave a look of satisfaction.

"Perfect, now is the time to strike."

Dark Spike turned invisible and headed to the castle undetected.

Spike turned to the shocked fans that had called out Fluttershy and said with called out fury.

"Now you lot, you all keep on acting as Fluttershy is some sort of thing or toy to get her to be more assertive. Well newsflash you stupid Motherbuckers! She isn't really comfortable being near anypony because she was bullied both before and now because of her timidity. I know it since she was scared of me before, but I warmed up to her and she showed me the same. You can't just force someone to act more assertive. It'll hurt them more and you'll even hurt yourself too! "

As he said this, Spike's approach made small cracks that nearly shook them in fear.

This surprised the ponies that reprimanded Fluttershy, who even gave a small smile at Spike defending her, but was still worried of his transformation.

Spike turned to fillies and colts who had pestered Rainbow Dash and said first, in hia normal voice.


They didn't comply, until Spike shouted in the demonic form of his voice

"I said sit down you little dirty runts!!!"

The younger fans quickly complied and sat down.

"You all say that Rainbow Dash is cool and awesome, yet you don't even bother to realize what she teaches you when you talk about her adventures. Yes she's cool, but what about what she learned? What you could've learned? It's not cool to constantly annoy or stalk someone all the time. Scootaloo may have been the same, but at least she had some standards unlike you little jerks! And that's me being nice!"

The colts and fillies were shocked especially when he looked as if ready to aim his fire breath. However, Spike only gave a disgusted look and said, this time in his real younger voices in a tone of disappointment and pity

"But then again, your all some stupid little kids and none of you knew better. Just like how I was" Spike said

He breathed some fire, scaring them and the girls, but it landed on the ground around them, leaving them frightened, but unharmed.

Rainbow was slightly happy at his words, yet worried about his transformation and current state

Spike only gave a look at the Sweet Apple Admirers with annoyance "WOW, this is is just plain mean, rude and borderline inexcusable, you barge into Applejack's barn, act as if your family when you haven't even met, pretend your relatives and have the nerve to eat their food, come in their house and act as if nothing HAPPENED?!?!? I may not have felt close to Applejack as much but I can tell that you all clearly don't have any care on what family or trust means! I don't even have a family and yet they somewhat treated me like it with some earned respect!!"

Spike grabbed one of the Admirers by neck, suddenly flew airborn and, with a sudden green flaming power up, punched him in the face with such brute strength, his jaw was broken. Applejack was only surprised at how he defended her, but gave a guilty look since he did not regard her, the Apples or any of the girls as family.

Spike then turned to the ponies that had pestered Pinkie and began "Now you half-minded fools, you constantly laugh at Pinkie and the entries that she made and think most of them are funny when some aren't, even when their not supposed to be. Pinkie does that because she wants ponies like you to be happy and optimistic even in hard times. And yeah sure, I may think she's an annoying weirdo but at least i know not to disrespect what she does to help others be happy! She made a promise as a filly when she saw a rainbow and was inspired to make other ponies happy. But I guess none of you had the same idea. "

Spike only flared his right hand and punched the ground, causing cracks to emerge near them, leaving them frightened and the girls mortified.

The transformation reached the middle of Spike's body as he rightfully called out the fans actions. The girls however noticed and tried to move to stop him, but something was blocking them.

"What the hay?!" Rainbow Dash said

"We're trapped by some magic barrier!" Starlight discovered using her magic

"We have to break it fast!, Spike's nearly finished his transformation!" Twilight said

The girls tried to break it, but failed and saw Spike continue his speech, this time aiming at the ponies who harassed Twilight.

"Now you bucking morons, You constantly act as if Twilight is some "character" that should be changed and in Canterlot right? "

"Yes, plus she's acting completely unoriginal from it before she had wings." The reporter pony said

"Plus it doesn't even look as believable or realistic when she became a princess." An elderly pony reporter added

"Wow, that statement just tells me one thing about ALL of you in general. "

"In general?" A mare asked

"That all of you are just a bunch of BRAIN DEAD MOOKS WITH NO LEVEL OF COMPREHENSION OR MORAL STANDARDS WHATSOEVER!!!!" Spike shouted in a demonic version, similar to the Royal Canterlot Voice

"What?!" The reporter pony replied

"Twilight was told by Celestia to go to Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration to make friends here. I know cause I had to go with her when she didn't want to do it. She didn't want friends at first but as time grew, she learned what it meant to be honest, what it meant to be kind, the meaning of generosity, laughter and happiness, loyalty and love to those she cares about. That's how she earned her title as Princess, that's how she saved you all a few times when you were in danger, that's how she helped Starlight become an better pony. And you all say it's out of her CHARACTER?!!?!? What a bunch of horse crud!!!"

This shocked the reporters as Twilight and her friends were surprised at Spike's point. Spike turned and looked at the girls who were trapped, revealing the amulet was almost nearly done corrupting him. With a quick fiery blow of his hand, he dissipated it with a punch.

The girls went to him and gave looks of surprise at how he defended

"Spikey-Wikey! Are you ok?!" Rarity asked in concern

"I'm fine." Spike replied stoically

"Dude, that was awesome! How you defended us and-" Rainbow Dash said but cut her off

"I'm not finished." Spike cut off Rainbow

"What?" Rainbow asked

"It's not just them that's the problem it's each of you." Spike said in annoyance.

"Us? What did we do?" Starlight asked

"When you all were being the heroes of Equestria, I wanted to be like you, as an friend and an ally. But whenever I wanted to, you just kept acting as if i was some tool or thing that you could use on a daily basis. I always didn't think at the time, but I finally realize that you each are not just as responsible for this whole fiasco thing happening if you had just listened to me, but also whenever you learn something, you act as if I'm not part of it or as if I don't deserve to be treated as equally." Spike called out in reply

"Spike what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked

"Really? Well here's one. You act kind and shy to other ponies and while I find it noble. You act as if I'm some sort of animal that's a savage compared to that bunny of yours. You never even once called him out on it, kept acting as if he was innocent and whenever I wanted to help you didn't even bother to acknowledge what I did."

Fluttershy only gave a look of guilt and tears streamed from her face

"Spike, that wasn't very nice!" Rainbow Dash said

"Oh , YOU want to talk being nice "loyalty", what about you?" Spike said in disgust

"What about me? What did I do to you?!" Rainbow Dash protested

"Are you kidding me?!?! You say your loyal to your friends yet you act as if I'm some sort of pin cushion for you to beat up on a daily basis! You prank me all the time, nearly hurt me, constantly laugh at me when I get hurt and almost kill me with some stupid stunt like that Winter Wrap Up prank! And what's worse?!?!!?! YOU OR ANYPONY ELSE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE YOU CHEAP UNFAITHFUL LAZY HYPOCRITE!!!!"

Rainbow Dash was left shocked with disbelief at Spike over how valid his point was. With how she treated him, they basically didn't even act or feel like friends at all. The entire mob and the girls were left shocked at Spike's fury, which only worsened his transformation.

"Um Spike, maybe you can calm down and we can have a party?" Pinkie Pie tried to calm him

"Oh right! You mean the parties that you invite everypony to but me since I apparently was just there to wipe your sorry flanks all the time! Not only that, but you and that blue bozo constantly prank me as if I'm some sort of target or coat hanger for you to play with. And to top it all off, YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CARE IF I WAS OK OR NOT LIKE WHEN YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MOVED TWILIGHT'S BIRTHDAY! OR WHEN YOU ALMOST KILL ME WITH THAT STUPID CANNON OF YOURS!!!!!" Spike furiously replied

Pinkie Pie only backed away in guilt and her mane deflated with a remorseful look. The girls only looked at Spike, who only looked with a scowl of disappointment or disgust.

"Spike, Enough! Ah know that we made some mistakes, but it ain't right for you hurt them like that!" Applejack said to Spike

"Isn't right?? ISN'T RIGHT!?!?!?" Spike shouted with outrage, leaving them shocked at his outburst.

"When it comes to you "Honesty", your no better either! Whenever I try to help, you just tell me to get lost, you use me as an punching bag by either hitting me or kicking me, act as if I'm some sort of pet and what makes me even more peeved is the fact that I'm basically just a slave to you for your own selfish needs!" Spike further replied

Applejack only put a hoof to her hat, took it off and placed it on her chest, giving a look of guilt.

"Spikey-Wikey! Please!, we're sorry that we hurt you that way and I myself am no better. But, we never wanted to see you get hurt." Rarity said, trying to calm him down

"Wow, that's filthy rich coming YOU of all ponies." Spike said with a frown

"Pardon me?" Rarity asked

"Hmmm, let's see. Spikey-Wikey can you please help with this dress measurement, Spikey-Wikey can you be a darling and distract the bats while I take those gems, Spikey-Wikey can you help lift these luggage bags of mine? Spikey-Wikey can you be a darling and clean the boutique while me and the girls have fun?" Spike said impersonating Rarity with annoyance

Rarity was only shocked and offended at his display of her as he continued, with his transformation slowly reaching his head.

"All my life, I really liked you and I wanted you to notice me, to care about me. I had to sacrifice alot of my life and time to help you and earn your love and respect, but the truth is you never cared. You never wanted to be near me unless I would please you and your gold-digging desires. I realize that I was too deluded to realize it and kept putting you first when I never even mattered to you. If anything, your just as worse!" Spike coldly pressed on

Rarity was left baffled in disbelief at his words and backed away with tears, which had ran down her makeup.

Twilight, seeing the state her friends were in said to Spike

"Spike, that's ENOUGH! I understand that we all hurt you in a way, but we never wanted to push you that far. I was just trying to protect you."

"Oh really Twilight? Me or your title?" Spike asked

"What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight asked

"Oh come on!, the chores, the negligence, the way you treat me and how you and the others constantly leave me behind to do your work while you all go out and have fun together or have to go on a mission from the Cutie Map. And if that wasn't enough, you constantly treat me like I'm a coat hanger with arms and make me clean your messes. And after you became a princess, you didn't just keep treating me like dirt, you pretty much basically thought I wasn't important to you, your friends as your family! And what further tops it all off is that you didn't even include me in your journal. But I guess your pretty much "protecting" me from that aren't you?"

Twilight was left in disbelief as Spike continued

"In fact, you know what, since none of you phonies or ANY of you idiots bothered to believe in me or treat me like I belong, Why don't I just leave and save you all the trouble? Your the important heroes of Equestria, so do whatever you want by yourselves."

Spike promptly walked out the castle entrance and pushed away the mob ponies that blocked his way.

"Spike, wait!" Starlight said

"And by the way, that evil me was right. Elements of Harmony, Friendship is magic, what a joke." Spike said with disillusioned anger.

Spike left the scene in a huff, leaving all the ponies shocked in disbelief.

"Well well, wasn't that sweet."

"Who said that?!" Starlight asked

The mob and the girls looked and saw the last person they needed to see right now.

"Nice day, isn't it everypony?" Dark Spike said mockingly

Chapter 20

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"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked

Dark Spike only smiled mischievously and said

"In due time, you'll know. But let's focus on this little reunion? " Dark Spike said

The girls got in battle stances as Dark Spike flew down, walking over to them.

"You! You turned Spike evil, made him hate us and almost turned him evil with your magic!" Rarity accused Dark Spike

"Technically your right, but your also wrong." Dark Spike responded

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked

"I may have given him the Alicorn amulet, but you all are the ones who turned him evil. From the abuse to the negligence and those dumb pranks. Just like you all did to me!" Dark Spike responded

"You gave him the Alicorn Amulet?!" Twilight said in shock

"Indeed, to ensure my existence and all of your fates inevitable!." Dark Spike boasted

"No wonder your so powerful, the amulet is corrupting you...and soon Spike!" Starlight realized

"Wrong again you dumb equality and kite loving fool." Dark Spike mocked, with Starlight giving an insulted look.

"What? But it does corrupt the user." Rarity said

"True, but I don't wield it, I fused with it. It remained part of me and allows me to remain free willed and sane. It opened my eyes and showed me my true potential when none of you believed in me." Dark Spike replied

"You FUSED with the Alicorn Amulet?!?!" Starlight said shocked

"Yes I did, and now that I have, I have a few surprises for you." Dark Spike said with a sadistic grin

"OH! A Surprise! Ilovesurprisesisitacake,aparty,acakepartyora-

"PINKIE!" The girls and even Dark Spike shouted

"Sorry!" Pinkie Pie apologized

"Why don't I show you?" Dark Spike said

He flew airborne and trapped the girls and the mob in an dark green magic forcefield and he snapped his fingers.

The ground shook violently as a number of explosions had suddenly happened from the distance.

"WHOA!!" Rainbow Dash said in shock.

"What was that?!" Twilight asked

"Wait, it looks like it's coming Canterlot and the Crystal Empire!" Applejack said

"And Celestia and Luna are still in Canterlot!" Starlight added

"Don't worry, you'll all be joining them soon." Dark Spike mocked

Spike was walking away in the town and made his way to the entrance of the Everfree Forest. He only breathed a huff of air and entered the forest.

"As much as I want to stop my future self and his existence, I'm pretty sure me and him both know it's bound to happen anyway. I mean, the girls never believed in me, most ponies across Equestria think I'm dangerous, and to top it all off I'm pretty sure Twilight would likely replace me or get rid of me."

As Spike continued to walk around the forest. A voice was heard saying


"Who's there?" Spike asked

"Follow my voice........." The same voice said ominously.

Spike, while reluctant, complied and began to follow the trail of the voice and where it came from.

The trapped ponies looked in shock at the events that occured. Dark Spike had just destroyed both Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. As Dark Spike gave a smile, he said in a condescending tone


"You monster!" Rainbow Dash said with fury

"Oh me? A monster? This says the pony who constantly pranked me, almost killed me, makes fun of me for not being a "real dragon" during the Dragon Migration and always bullies me over not having wings." Dark Spike spitefully replied

Rainbow Dash was left silent at his statement as Dark Spike gave an look of disgust, with some of the ponies doing the same, especially Twilight. As he did, a voice behind him was heard

"What is going on here?!?!?"

Dark Spike turned and saw Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and a now free Princess Cadance and Prince Shining.

"Well well, look who shows." Dark Spike said

"What have you DONE?!?!" Princess Luna asked with her Royal Canterlot voice at the end.

"ENSURE MY FUTURE!!!!" Dark Spike responded with an equal louder voice.

Dark Spike flew airborne and lunged at the princesses and Shining. The fight had now begun.

(Back in the Everfree Forest)

Spike had continued to follow the trail of the voice that said his name. Eventually, he reached a cave and the voice said

"Follow my voiceeeeeeee....."

Spike was reluctant to enter the dark cave, but with a heavy breathe, entered. He saw the trail had led to none other then the Tree of Harmony.

"The Tree of Harmony?" Spike said confused

"Yes, Spike." The voice before said

Spike only looked around and said confused "Who is that?"

Spike began to hear something behind and turned around. The sight shocked him.

The tree had shown and made astral forms of Twilight and the girls and they all looked at Spike.

"Twilight, Rarity, Applejack?!? What are you all doing here?!" Spike asked surprised

"Technically we aren't them Spike, we're their elements in their form." Astral Fluttershy said

"What's going on?" Spike asked

"We are here to tell you about what you need to do now to save Equestria." Astral Rarity said

"Yeah, I don't think so." Spike replied

"What?" Astral Twilight responded to him

"Oh come on! I'm not a hero! Not only that, but even if I was, none of you even bothered to listen or care about me! If there's anyone to blame, it's you." Spike said

"Spikey-Wikey, I understand that your angry, but we this won't help anything. It will only make you just like your dark self." Astral Rarity said

"Wow, that means alot coming from you "generosity". Especially since your half the reason he turned evil along with these phonies!" Spike said, adding disdain with the last part

"Spike, I understand that we are to blame, but we're begging you! Equestria is in danger and your our only hope." Astral Pinkie said

""Only hope?", I'm sure the others will be ok without me." Spike said unconvinced

"I had a feeling you wouldn't believe us, which is why you should see this." Astral Twilight said

Astral Twilight's horn glowed and showed the events happening in Ponyville, with Dark Spike fighting the Princesses and Shining with the trapped girls and ponies watching. Dark Spike was easily getting the upper hand with his more enhanced speed, magic and ferocity. Spike was left speechless at the scene as Astral Twilight stopped showing him the screen.

"Ok, even if I was to stop him. How? I'm not even an Element of Harmony like any of you." Spike replied

The Astral forms of the girls looked at each other and approached Spike as Astral Applejack said

"Spike, I know you ain't an Element, but compared to all 6 of us, you embodied all of our elements more then we have. You were always honest to us and did everything to help us and never complained. You were even honest about working to help us and didn't ask for anything in return like with me at Sweet Apple Acres."

"I know I'm supposed to be the Element of Loyalty, but compared to me, you've been loyal to your friends no matter what Spike. Me, Thorax, Ember. I've been mean and hard to you all the time with the pranks I've pulled on you and how made fun of you for not being a real dragon. I never even thought of how I kept hurting you and your feelings. You were more loyal then me and I should have never taken advantage of you so much. I am very, seriously, really sorry, I understand it may not be enough to make it up to you, but I am very sorry." Astral Rainbow Dash said

"Spike, I know I was nice to you for the most part, but I never treated you as equally as I did with anypony else in Equestria like the girls. I treated you like an monster while you showed both me and other creatures oor ponies alike kindness no matter what. I was supposed to be the Element of Kindness, but I never showed kindness to you when you needed it. I'm deeply sorry I failed you. If anything, your more of an Element of Kindness then I am." Astral Fluttershy said with sorrow

Astral Pinkie Pie was next as she said to Spike

"Spike, I realize that while I may have made many ponies in Ponyville laugh and have parties, I never even once tried to make you feel happy or laugh when you needed it the most. I never invited you to my parties, always pranked you with Dashie and never apologized when it went too far. Not only that, but I always took you for granted and didn't show any gratitude. Instead, I only acted as if you were an coat with arms that didn't even exist. I know it's not enough, but I am very, very, really, seriously sorry. You always helped me and other ponies or creatures laugh and help me be happy when I was sad or depressed, yet I never helped you when you were the same."

Astral Rarity approached next and said with guilt

"Spikey-Wikey, I really understand you don't wish to talk to me now or ever, but please know. I never wanted to hurt you that way in the past. Whenever I needed help with making a dress or getting gems, you were always generous to help me when nopony else could. Instead, I only used your love for me as an excuse for my own greed and selfishness. You were an more generous dragon compared to me, the Element of Generosity. I'm very, very, deeply sorry for how I treated you all these years."

The last to approach was Astral Twilight, who only gave a remorseful look and said

"Spike, I never paid any attention to you my whole life before I became an Princess and after I did. I only kept on using you for my own selfishness and never even bothered to acknowledge who you are and when you helped me when i needed it. You were more of an Element of Harmony compared to all of us. You were honest with everypony and creature you met, you were kind to your friends and us, you were loyal to anypony in need, you helped us and other ponies laugh when we were sad, you were generous to us all and helped us with what we needed and what further showed it was how you showed the magic of friendship to us all when we didn't. I understand if you don't believe me Spike, but I am very, very, seriously sorry. I understand if you don't want to believe us and you have every right to be angry, but we're all very, very sorry."

Spike only gave a look of conflict. On one hand, he was angry for being used and hurt his whole life, but on another, he had to help save Equestria from destruction from his soon to be dark future. As he debated, he only sighed with dismay and said

"Ok fine, I'll help."

The Astral forms of the girls smiled, but Spike then added

"BUT!, after this, when it's done, I'M done and then I'm leaving, ok?"

The Astral forms of the girls only nodded, realizing it was a fair penance for making him feel false hope. The Tree then glowed and and an white beam coming from each of the elements enter his body, with the astral forms of the girls disappearing.

Spike levitated as the magic from the Tree entered him. His chest began to hurt as he felt the magic enter him.


The evil in Spike had begun to slowly be purged and the Elements had started to fuse with the amulet and restore Spike from his transformed state earlier to his normal light dragon appearance, with an white flash engulfing him and the cave. After a few seconds, the light died down and Spike had begun to feel a massive power up from the gem and amulet he fused with mixed with the purity of the tree and the Elements.

With newfound determination, Spike said "Now let's save Equestria!"

He left the cave by magically teleporting his way to Ponyville, ready to stop his future self.

Chapter 21

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Dark Spike was pummeling the Princesses with his more malicious attacks and ferocity. Celestia had put a forcefield to protect herself, but he smashed it with ease with a fiery blow from his fist. Luna had tried to use her magic from sleep to offensive attacks but neither proved effective. Cadance and Shining also proved to be no match for their adoptive brother's evil future counterpart.

"This time, I will have my revenge!" Dark Spike said

Dark Spike magically constructed a flaming green rope in his hands and used it on the Princesses. He then threw them in the forcefield with the girls and the other citizens. Only Shining was left.

"Now it's just me and you Prince of the Empire." Dark Spike mocked

"You may be Spike, and he's my brother. But you aren't!" Shining said, ready to fight.

"Then if you wanna get some....please.....put up more of a fight then your wife and her IDIOT of a niece did!!" Dark Spike taunted with a smirk

Shining gritted his teeth with rage and let out and angry cry. He charged at Spike's future self and the two exchanged from physical blows to magic attacks. The trapped ponies watched as Shining fought Dark Spike.

"For a stallion who's leads the Royal Army, your lousy as a soldier." Dark Spike taunted, dodging a magic blast

"At least I'm not the one needs an amulet to survive or fight!" Shining replied with a smirk

Dark Spike scowled and teleported. Shining looked around as Dark Spike was heard saying

"Your right, I do need the amulet, but at least I don't have the hypocrisy or idiocy of an moron like you! That makes me question what Cadance even saw in you!"

Dark Spike appeared behind Shining and kicked him in the flank, knocking him down. He then jumped high in the air in flight. Shining gave an angry frown as he got up and launched magic blasts at Dark Spike. The blasts hit and engulfed Dark Spike and covered him with smoke.

"Is that all you got?!" Shining shouted

"Far from it." A voice behind him said

Shining turned and saw Dark Spike unfazed. Just as he lit his horn. Dark Spike grabbed his horn with his glowing flaming fist.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" Shining shouted in pain.

"Shining Armor!!!!" Twilight shouted

Dark Spike began to pummel Shining mercilessly. From punches to his stomach to haymakers and kneeing him in the gut. Dark Spike then grabbed Shining in his arms, holding his neck and proceeded to strangle him with his elbows.

"Where's the Tree of Harmony!?!?" Dark Spike demanded to know

"I don't know!" Shining replied

"TELL ME!!!!" Dark Spike responded angrily

"I told you i don't KNOW!!" Shining responded with pain.

Dark Spike only let go of Shining and frustration and threw him in the forcefield. He then looked around in annoyance.

"Spike will be here and he'll deal with you!" Cadance said

"And when he saves us, you'll be sorry you returned you ruffian!" Rarity added

"No he won't, at least not to deal with you lot. Besides I've seen both the Friendship Journal and the hypocrisy you each show me and him. I'm doing the world a favor at best! " Dark Spike added with criticism.

This statement left the ponies shocked and in a way offended, mostly from the way he insulted their Friendship journal and their friendship.

"It's not too late Spike." Starlight said suddenly

"What?" Dark Spike replied

"I understand your angry. You never had a chance to have friendship with the girls, me or anypony else. But please! This will only endanger both you and OUR Spike's path. Both you and i know, I was angry at losing Sunburst and I thought cutie marks were bad. But Twilight helped me realise the meaning of Friendship. Please Spike, you may not be the Spike we know now, but you can be much better." Starlight tried to reason with Dark Spike

However, Dark Spike looked at her and saw the other ponies giving him pleading looks. He only said with disdain.

"Starlight, are you not aware of the fact that Twilight was going to likely not just replace me with you, but the fact that your no better?"

"What?!" Starlight and Twilight said

"You heard me." Dark Spike said

"I never wanted to replace you Spike! Starlight just needed help to see friendship, that's why I made her my protegee." Twilight explained

"And your the first person that helped me regain my friendship with Sunburst Spike! I would never do that to you or her!" Starlight added

"Yeah, and what came next? You both ignored me and abused me all the time! You leave me for friendship missions, make me clean up your messes, act as if I'm some sort of pincushion and always leave me behind while you each have fun and to top it all off, NONE of you, mentioned me in the Friendship Journal! It's always Spike can you clean the shelves while I hang out with the girls, Spike can you clean up the castle while we go on a friendship mission or Spike, me Starlight and the girls are going out can you clean up the messes in all the rooms? If anything, I'm only a tool to you!" Dark Spike spitefully responded

This left the two silent as Dark Spike looked at them, crying a few dark black tears from his red eyes.

"Spike! That's not true! You are our friend! We just didn't have the time!" Twilight said

"No I'm not. In fact if you didn't have time, why did you all do this to me when you did? If anything I'm happy not only when I get to kill you hypocrites but also to show I'm happy that I'm not your friend or even in that stupid journal of yours. Not only that but you all say your the Elements of Harmony, but don't even show their qualities or show their meaning." Dark Spike replied in disgust

This left Twilight speechless as Dark Spike continued. He first went to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

"You two idiots enjoy hurting others and playing pranks on others and being nice but just for your own reasons. You almost kill me, treat me like dirt, act as if I'm inferior since I'm a dragon and I don't have wings. Not to mention for the fact that whenever you have a party or hangout, you either leave me behind or force me to clean up the mess you made. You almost killed me with your stupid antics which makes me question if you were even my friends at all. Loyalty and Laughter, give me a break!" Dark Spike said

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were left stunned as he next went to Rarity and Applejack.

"Now you two jerks. You both may have been helpful to me, but you never respected or treated me as equally as you did with other ponies. Rarity, I loved you with all my heart and you always took advantage of me and my feelings. I kinda get helping you with your dress and business, but using me for your own gain and selfish needs is beyond my guess. But I already know I was nothing to you. By the way, Your Just like Blueblood, only ten times more petty if not greedy, but then again what do I know? I'm just a dragon, not a pony." Dark Spike said with rage and scorn

Rarity was left speechless at his statement, especially when he compared her to BLUEBLOOD of all ponies.

"Applejack, I get you value family above all else and would never lie, but you always lie to yourself like that Timberwolf thing I had to deal with. Even when I wanted to hang out or help you, you always treated me as if I was worthless and as if I was some sort of thing and not a person. You even act as if I'm not a person at all or try to lie to me about not being around to either hang out with the girls or for a friendship mission. You could've just told me! When it comes to being honest, your never honest with yourself. Your basically those Flim and Flam ponies with a lower level of respect or trust."

Applejack only looked at Dark Spike with disbelief, not just from his statement but from how he compared her to the two ponies her family was enemies with.

Dark Spike only turned to Fluttershy and said with broken trust and dismay

"Well, looks like the Element of Kindness has always been the Element of Cruelty. You treated me like an savage just because I'm a dragon when that stupid rabbit of yours is borderline psycho! Not only that, but even when I was around, you treated me as if I was an monster compared to the dragons in the Dragon Migration, where you AND the girls made fun of me for not being a real dragon. Well, here I am with wings! I hope it was worth it. And your supposed to be the one who reformed Discord."

Fluttershy only cried in shame at his words as he turned away with betrayal and loss.

All the Ponyville citizens were left either shocked, speechless, horrified or all three. The girls and Starlight only gave looks of guilt and remorse at causing his fate to exist. Even the Princesses and Shining gave looks of shame.

"And by the way, I guess I was right. Friendship is magic. What a joke." Dark Spike further said in disillusioned anger, ironically saying what his younger self said previously.

That was the last word to make the ponies grief get to them. As Dark Spike walked away from the forcefield. Twilight only broke in tears as the girls tried to comfort her.

"Twilight it's ok." Applejack said to her

"That may be Spike soon, but not now" Rainbow Dash added, trying to comfort her

"But that's just it! We caused Spike to be that way because of our own selfishness! He was always there for us, but we were never there for him! It's all my fault! If I hadn't treated him like that all these years, none of this would have ever happened!!" Twilight said in an emotional tone.

"You ain't the only one to blame Twilight." Applejack said

"We're all responsible for ruining Spike's life." Starlight said

"He was right. We may be the Elements of Harmony, but we're also the opposites of them." Pinkie said

"The poor Darling. I'm afraid to say it, but he's not only right. He is doing Equestria a favor by getting rid of us." Rarity said with guilt

"And we didn't even include him in the journal when he's helped us all these years in Ponyville." Fluttershy added in shame

"I believe we too are to blame for neglecting him his whole life, even though we had royal duties, we never once acknowledged him both royally or non-royally." Princess Cadance said

"Plus, even with mom and dad, we never treated him as part of the family, just an creature with no life. The future Spike is right, I am a lousy guard and Prince." Shining said with guilt

"We feel me and our dear sister are also responsible for young Spike's transformation. We had never treated him rightfully all his youth and he was too young to know what our sins really were. Even though we had royal duties, we kept taking advantage of his pure heart and never once showed him how much he meant to us." Princess Luna admitted

"Luna's right, I may have been too caught up in my Royal duties but I never bothered to check up on how he was doing. Or rather what you were doing Twilight. I may be disappointed in you and your friends, but I realize I too am to blame for not looking out for him more or for bothering to be there for him when in Canterlot or in Ponyville. Spike's future self is right, we are all to blame for ruining the meaning of Friendshio, especially with his friendships with us." Princess Celestia said ashamed.

As the ponies spoke to each other in the trapped green forcefield, Dark Spike only looked away from them with a conflicted look and said to himself.

"This is it. My fate and my destiny await to ensure my future."

As Dark Spike thought to himself, an all too familiar voice was heard.


Dark Spike snapped out of it and said in shock "What the?!?!?!"

The ponies also gave looks of surprise and saw an familiar little dragon flying near.

It was Spike! Spike had arrived to the Castle! He landed in front of Dark Spike and the trapped ponies and said with a smile

"Did you miss me faker?"

Dark Spike only gave a look of fury and his eyes flared red as the two face each other once more.

Chapter 22

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The two Spike's faced each other on the battlefield. This was the moment they both had been waiting for. The future they knew would come to ensure Dark Spike's fate and existence. The day where Spike would meet his destiny and future. The time had come.

"It's over faker, the jig is up!" Spike said

As they walked and circled each other, Dark Spike spoke

"We both know that's not the case Spike." Dark Spike replied

"I understand your angry, and as am I, but this won't change anything." Spike said in pity and reason.

"Actually, it will. But before I do anything." Dark Spike said.

He clenched his body and glowed dark green. As he glowed brighter he let out an cry and a massive magic wave blasted from his body all around the area of Ponyville, Canterlot and other areas across Equestria.

"What did you do?" Spike asked confused

"I charged some magic and blasted it to all over the planet. It will allow all creatures, even those morons you call "friends" across the lands to watch us do what we do anywhere and see me turn you into me completely and waste the so-called Elements of Harmony and their town. Unless if you hear my offer."

"Offer?" Spike asked

"Since I'm a rational creature. I'll give you an offer you may want to think twice about. Walk with me." Dark Spike spoke

Spike did so and followed Dark Spike.

"When you were with Twilight before she was an princess, she may have let you stay with her, yet that was only to clean up after her friends, parents and friends. I mean Celestia hatched you from an egg yes?

"Yeah?" Spike replied confused

"But did you ever stop to wonder how or why she managed to choose your egg? Let alone tell you about your birth parents and mine?

Celestia, who heard the whole thing, was shocked and horrified at Dark Spike's question.

"Princess Celestia, what is he talking about?" Starlight asked

Celestia didn't answer. She only frowned. Dark Spike teleported in front of her and the trapped ponies

"Yeah princess? What am I talking about? You should know since it was your fault." Dark Spike further pressed on

Celestia only looked down in shame as he further said in fury "TELL US!"

"The truth is....when I found your egg to use before Twilight's test, I also encountered a few dragons near it. When I told them about it, they attacked and told me of their plans to take over both the Dragon lands and Equestria once you were hatched as they needed a heir. I am sorry Spike, but I couldn't risk them hurting Ponyville, Canterlot or other places in Equestria. I didn't know how to tell you this without breaking your heart. I am very, very, seriously sorry." Celestia said in shame

Spike only gave a look of shock at Celestia as did the other trapped ponies. Luna only looked at her with guilt as her older sister shed tears while the girls had mixed reactions. Twilight, Starlight and Pinkie were shocked, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's mouths were wide in disbelief and Rarity, Shining and Cadance only gave mixed looks of anger and betrayal.

"" Spike asked with tears down his face.

Celestia only nodded with shame, leaving Spike in an emotional state while Dark Spike scowled with disgust, saying

"Well, now that that's been revealed. You should join me. With both my power and yours along with the amulet's power I fused in you. We can not only get rid of these phonies and their hypocritical lessons, but also show them a more better true meaning of not just friendship...but family, heroism, love."

"What your doing is no better either faker! Sure they deserve this in some level! But what you did is borderline worse and completely goes against what that means! Love, family, heroism, you didn't show that in your timeline, your not even showing it now!" Spike refused

"That may be the case now Spike, but think about it. Follow me." Dark Spike said

Spike did so and they teleported away. They had landed in Twilight's castle and went to the mirror leading to the human world with Sunset Shimmer. Dark Spike placed his hand on the mirror, which rippled a a dark green color a bit before his skin began to show darker veins. After a few seconds he stopped and said to Spike

"Place your hand on the mirror."

Spike only said "Why?"

Dark Spike only said in a firmer tone and frown while readying his arms and fingers "Place your hand ON THE MIRROR."

Spike did so and placed his left hand on the mirror. After a few seconds it rippled and a green wave went in Spike. He removed his hand and asked Dark Spike

"What did you do?!" Spike asked

"Since you won't join me. I guess I have to take drastic measures." Dark Spike replied, lifting his left hand which emitted a green glowing aura.

Him and Spike teleported away from the castle and back on the battlefield with the trapped ponies. Dark Spike said to him

"Maybe this will remind you of your purpose."

His hand glowed an dark black aura and he showed memories of Spike's life to him and all the ponies trapped. The first unpleasant one was when he wasn't told of Twilight's birthday being moved. Twilight and the others only gave a look of remorse at this as he played the memories. The next memory was when Owlicious had came in and not only made Spike feel replaced, but also had made him run away in the Everfree Forest where he almost got killed, the third memory was of Spike not being taken to the Flight school tryouts with the girls to watch Rainbow Dash along with the events during Winter Wrap-Up where he was frozen in ice, the times he was rejected by Rarity, the events of his greed growth, the time the girls left him behind during the Grand Galloping Gala and the most embarrassing memory involving the Equestria Games. The more hurtful memories began to fuel Spike with anger and rage as he tried to resist the urge to rip one of the girls or Princesses in half.

In fact, Not only were the trapped girls and ponies giving looks of guilt and shock, the spell Dark Spike used had showed all their friends across Equestria and it's borders.

(In the Changeling Kingdom)

Thorax was watching the events via a green magical screen and saw the memories of Spike. He only gave a look of pity and mixed fury upon seeing what they showed.

"Spike, I am so sorry you had to go through this. You saved me from this fate but i didn't return the favor." Thorax said with a frown.

(In the Dragon Lands)

Ember was shocked upon seeing the memories Dark Spike was showing ALL of Equestria. Twilight and her friends really made him suffer so much? Even she was mortified.

"Spike, I am so sorry you had to go through so much. Even with us."

(In Canterlot)

Twilight and Shining Armor's parents were watching the event via the flaming green screen Dark Spike had summoned with his magic. They too saw the memories of Spike going through so much. Twilight Velvet only shed tears in guilt while Night Light only looked down in sorrow.

"Oh Spike. I'm so sorry we treated you that way." Twilight Velvet said with tears streaming diwn her eyes.

Njght Light only comforted her as he said "Spike is right dear, we all are to blame. Not just Twilight or Shining, but us both for abandoning him."

(Back in Ponyville)

"Surely, you must desire vengeance on them Spike. Kill them and take your rightful place as Equestria's true hero and ruler. Show these ponies the meaning of honor and consequence. Join me and make Equestria better." Dark Spike tempted

"I will...but I won't do it through fear or killing innocent creatures or children like you."

Dark Spike only laughed and said in "Innocent? No creature is innocent for how they treated us! Only a waste of potential or power!"

Spike only said in reply "But Thorax and Ember are innocent! What about them?"

".......Their lives were.......acceptable losses." Dark Spike disregarded, with a slight tone of hesitation

Spike, hearing this only gave a look of shock and fury and snapped. He shouted with rage


He punched his future self through the sky and away and with his now amulet fueled magic, he flew in hot pursuit.

(Boss theme. Phase 1)

Spike flew using his magic and pursued Dark Spike all the way to Cloudsdale. The two exchanged blows to one another with some nearby pegasi watching the fight in surprise. The two began firing magical beams of fire from their hands which hit each other or their own blasts. As they blasted, Spike managed to dodge and kick him in the gut and nail a haymaker to his jaw.

"Let's see you handle THIS!!!!" Dark Spike said recovering quickly and savagely jabbed Spike at a far distance. He flew in hot pursuit of Spike through the sky. The fight had lead to the Wonderbolts Academy. Spitfire along with a few recruits looked and saw the fight.

"What the hay?!?!" Spitfire shouted

"EVERYPONY RUN!!!!!!" Spike shouted in warning.

Dark Spike arrived and said "Run?! And miss all the fun?!?!"

He continued his fight with Dark Spike, who charged in the air at Spike, but he teleported away in green flames. Spike reappeared and breathed a fiery blast of his green fire breath at his dark self. Which appeared more bigger and hotter as it engulfed Dark Spike and then punched him off the cloud of the area. As Spike turned away, he heard winds rumbling and slowly turned around. Dark Spike had flown back up and said

"You didn't think I'd lose that easy did you?"

He readied a breath a magically wailed fiery rings at Spike. Spike, while able to dodge, saw the Wonderbolt Academy being destroyed in the process while knocking out a few pegasi. He then tackled Spike and they flew fast away from Cloudsdale. As they flew, Dark Spike said

"Since you clearly won't join me. I guess I have to take matters in my own hands."

He pushed Spike away as they flew and lifted his right hand. It glowed a dark magical green aura and dissipated.

"What did you do?!?" Spike asked angrily

"Since you won't ensure our future, I guess I WILL!!! and waste their pathetic lives like our fate was meant to!" Dark Spike replied

He showed Spike with a glowing right magical aura in his left hand a screen which showed a dark green energy ball near the trapped girls and ponies and it looked as if it would explode any minute.

"Oh no you don't!" Spike said as he tackled Dark Spike with powerful force.

Their aerial battle reached the city of the Crystal Empire. The crystal ponies saw the fight and were shocked and amazed. The two continued to fight with ferocity and determination as the ponies watched the fight between them. As they did, Dark Spike blasted a nearby building with a fire blast which Spike saw.

The building had a stallion, mare and filly trapped inside as Spike only headbutted his dark self with a charged green aura, knocking him down to the ground and causing a small crater. As Spike rushed to the falling house, he managed to save the filly and held the building steady.

"HURRY! GET TO SAFETY!!!!" Spike said to the trapped crystal ponies

They complied and ran to get safe, but Dark Spike got up and pushed him with a blast, destroying a number of houses and shops across the Empire. Spike only looked horrified while his dark self said.

"That was your fault, how many more have to suffer?"

" could you do this?" Spike only asked in a breaking tone.

"You know deep down your broken heart I'm right Spike. THIS is the right destiny for you and me. They all deserve to burn "

"Right?! What about mom, dad, Cadance, Shining, Thorax, Flurry, Ember, Discord, Big Mac, Starlight or the Cutie Mark Crusaders? MY friends, YOUR friends. Are their lives worthless?" Spike asked in tears in a heartbroken manner

"In the long run of my future and yours.....yes. Besides those two ponies and the Princesses weren't your parents so I would their lives are more......expendable." Dark Spike said with no remorse, though he secretly shed a tear.

This statement shocked the crystal ponies present in the area.

(At the Changeling Kingdom)

Thorax only looked in shock at Dark Spike's opinion of him and was left in tears of betrayed trust. A few changelings along with Pharnyx had came to comfort him as he said

"Spike..I'm sorry."

(At the Dragon Lands)

Ember had put a claw to her mouth to stop her from suffering a mental breakdown from Dark Spike's words. Even some dragons watching the fight were either disgusted or horrified.

"Oh...Spike..." Ember said in tears

(In Canterlot)

Twilight Velvet and Night Light had heard the words of Dark Spike and had different reactions. Twilight Velvet was left in tears and broke down in sadness and guilt while Night Light held her in his hooves, showing tears in his eyes as well but also giving a frown of guilt.

"Spike..I'm sorry...I'm sorry" Velvet said in a shaken tone of remorse and guilt.

Night Light only comforted his wife as she cried, shedding a few tears himself and saying in his thoughts

"Spike...I'm sorry I never treated you as family. I know it might be too late, but please....forgive me."

(In Ponyville)

The girls and the Princesses had heard the whole conversation and had mixed reactions on Dark Spike saying they were worthless to him.

Applejack only cried silently but used her hat to hide her tearful state, Rainbow Dash only gasped and held her mouth in her hoof while resisting the urge to break down, Pinkie Pie's mane not only deflated but she broke down in tears with her smile fading, Fluttershy broke down in tears instantly from being called worthless by Dark Spike, Rarity only cried more with her tears ruining her makeup on her face, However, Twilight had it worse. She cried in her hoofs and only broke down in front of her friends.

The Princesses only shed tears silently with shame and guilt while Shining only gave a look of guilt and remorse and guilt with tears in his eyes.

"And by the way, the girls were right. Rainbow Dash on me not being a real dragon, Fluttershy that I'm a monster, Applejack on how I'm not good at anything, Rarity that I'm not a hero, Pinkie Pie that I'm just a meanie and Twilight that I'm just a dragon and just an assistant. That's why when they die, I'm not just gonna erase Ponyville off Equestria PERMANENTLY and then burn their STUPID TREE TO THE GROUND!!!!!!....I'm gonna show this planet who the REAL MONSTERS ARE!!!!!!!" Dark Spike said through the magic screen he summoned for all creatures to see.

This shocked the girls and the other Ponyville residents as Dark Spike and Spike continued to fight.

(Back with Spike and Dark Spike)

The two dragons were fighting each other with increased ferocity and power. As they fought, Spike's red eyes began to turn a flaring burn of yellow and the rim of his eyes had began forming a bloody magma red as well.

As for Dark Spike, his eyes had began flaring blood red and his pupils begin to dilate into more sharper slits like a blade. As they formed, he began to cry red tears from his cheeks.

"I will ensure OUR future!" Dark Spike said in determination

"Then, you'll have to go through me FIRST!" Spike replied in fury

As the two fought, a red orb had slowly begun to consume them both and grow in size. As soon as it did, they were consumed by the pulsating energy ball.

In a matter of seconds, the two dragons disappeared.

(In Canterlot)

The red orb appeared again and the two emerged out of it, this time still fighting. The two flew in the air with their abilities and charged at each other. The powerful blows knocked each other back and they faced each other once more. Both Spike's looked at the other with exhausted breaths

"Tired...yet....?" Dark Spike asked

"Never.....more...faker." Spike replied

The two only charged more and as soon as they touched each other, they disappeared in a red orb of light again.

The red energy ball slowly appeared in a forest like terrain and the two dragons fell out the orb. Spike and Dark Spike slowly got up and face each other with pure hatred and rage. As they were about to fight, Spike asked

"Wait? Where are we?"

The two looked around and suddenly a bunch of ponies with spears and green liquid like masks and substances and mud on their bodies surrounded them.

Chapter 23

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The two dragons were surrounded by the hostile ponies who aimed spears at them. Some of the ponies were familiar as the two foes noticed.

"Who are you two?!" One stallion asked

"They could be more changelings!" Another mare accused

The two Spike's only looked at the surrounding ponies. Spike only backed away slightly while Dark Spike only disarmed the hostile ponies each with a quick use of his magic to remove the spears in their hooves.

"You were saying?" Dark Spike replied sarcastically

"How did you-?!" This timeline's Fluttershy asked

"Look, you guys need to run before he kills you and-" Spike said, but was cut off. Dark Spike kneed him in the gut. Spike however, fought back with a powered up haymaker to his chin and knocked him away.

"What is going on?!" The timeline's Fluttershy asked

"Listen! That dragon is me from another timeline trying to change history by getting rid of you, Twilight, the Tree of Harmony and the Princesses! You need to help me!" Spike pleaded

"And why should we believe you?" A stallion asked unconvinced

Spike was about to answer, only to be punched by Dark Spike and thus, the fight continued. The ponies were surprised as the two fought and their fight lead to another aerial battle in the sky. As they fought, Dark Spike grabbed Spike and was about to attack, until Spike said

"Um, dude, what's that behind you?"

"Yeah, right! I'm not falling for that one!" Dark Spike said annoyed

"No no I'm serious! What is that behind you?" Spike asked again.

Dark Spike, after a few seconds, looked and saw it was the changelings secretly hiding waiting in ambush for the ponies that threatened them earlier.

"Look's like the changelings are preparing an ambush."

Spike only looked and said "We have to help them!"

"Why?! They deserve it and-" Dark Spike said, but Spike cut him off

"Look! I know that you hate my friends and other ponies, and I understand! But we have to at least help some of our friends here since there is a more pressing matter in this timeline. Plus, you get to stop another threat. If we work together, we can get out of this and then we can fight."

Dark Spike only looked at the area and noticed Chrysalis turning into Applejack, with a look of dismay and a sigh of acceptance. Dark Spike said

"Your lucky I need you!"

The two quickly teleported and headed to the resistance village of the ponies. They reached the village and witnessed the fake Applejack along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Those other two are changelings, I can sense it off them and their aura's" Dark Spike said looking at the fake Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack.

"What do we do?" Spike asked in worry

"Follow my lead." Dark Spike said as he tapped on Spike's head and they both glowed dark green. Dark Spike transformed into Flash Sentry while Spike transformed into Doctor Whooves.

"Cool!" Spike said

Dark Spike, with a small smile said "Thanks, but don't get to happy, after we're outta here, we're back to me destroying your friends."

The two got out of hiding and ran to the 3 ponies facing the resistance Flash Sentry/Dark Spike ran over and said

"My queen, those ponies! They took out half of the guards in your lair!"

Doctor Whooves/Spike came next and said "And they drew us out and forced us to run all the way to escape!"

This angered the fake Applejack as she said "You fools! Do you know what you've done!?!"

Dark Spike and Spike transformed back, with Dark Spike saying "Yes, END YOU!!!"

He teleported and magically punched fake Applejack to the air and attacked the changelings while Spike said "EVERYPONY RUN!! GET TO SAFETY!!!"

The resistance group complied and ran as Dark Spike single-handedly either beat up or outright mangled the changelings with ease and not once hitting the other real ponies. Spike only smiled, thinking his dark future self may have some good left in him. Dark Spike then returned and was holding a now exposed and hornless Chrysalis.

"Done!" Dark Spike said as he threw the beaten queen down and laid a final kick to her head.

"Good! So with that out of the way..." Spike said, only to be tackled by Dark Spike. Their fight had once again continued.

As they fought, they grappled with each other and their magic began to form another red energy orb around them.

"What's happening?!" Spike asked

The red orb began to grow more and consumed the two again, leaving no trace of them in the area and out of the resistance ponies site.

The two appeared in another area. This time a dark forest, where the map was.

"Now where are we?!" Spike asked

The two looked and the sky was night and Dark Spike said "It looks like we're in a different timeline."

"Wait, timeline?! But how?!" Spike asked

"I don't know! But I will have my revenge!" Dark Spike said

He lunged at Spike and the two fought each other in the forest. The two landed blows to one another and as they did. Their magic began to intertwine again.

"Wait, this must be what's causing us to change timelines!" Spike said as the red orb slowly appeared again

"I don't care what it is, I will achieve my fate!" Dark Spike said as the red orb around them appeared again.

The red energy orb grew more and consumed them both once more.

The red orb of magical energy took them again to another timeline, this time with a reddish like sky and a destroyed land.

Dark Spike and Spike continued to fight each other as a familiar giant centaur was blasting the ground with magical blasts.

(Ps ignore Twilight in this picture)

As they fought, Spike's strength began to slowly go down due to the increased time he spent fighting his evil future self. As they fought, they blasted fire blasts or magical energy waves at each other, but they were deflected each time. The two then flew up in the night sky and glared at each other

"This time, I will ensure our future!" Dark Spike said

"That future won't happen not now! OR EVER!" Spike replied angrily

The two then powered up magical aura's in their hands and blasted dark green energy blasts of fire.

The blasts they both powered up struggled as the two dragons used all their might, determination and ferocity to win the duel. The light green fiery blast from Spike or the dark green energy blast of fire from Dark Spike.

The beams moved back and forth constantly as the two struggled. After a few minutes, the beams dissipated and consumed them both in yet again, another red energy blast-wave.

A red orb appeared again and the two Spike's appeared out of it. The orb then disappeared as the two got up. The sight however, shocked Spike and his future self.

"Whoa. What happened?!" Dark Spike asked in shock

"Isn't it obvious? You or rather we happened." Spike replied.

"How would you know?" Dark Spike asked

"I realize everytime our energy from your dark magic and my dark and light magic from the tree mix together, it takes us to a timeline different to the last ones. Like with Starlight and Twilight before she became a good friend." Spike replied

"But still. that doesn't explain the fact of why we're in another timeline that's worse!" Dark Spike replied

"Do you know the saying? Without the past, there is no future? I guess with how the girls treated you in your life, you took it too hard." Spike said in pity

"But that was THEIR FAULT! What was I supposed to do?!?!? I was a kid!" Dark Spike said with tears in his eyes

"I know, and I don't blame you! You have every right to be angry like I was! But please! This will make things worse!" Spike said

However, Dark Spike only gave a look of disdain and said

"Since you clearly don't realize how bad a pony Twilight, her friends, Starlight or the Princesses are, why don't I show you myself?" Dark Spike replied

His arms glowed dark green and he aimed at Spike. Dark Spike glowed green and Spike did as well and the two disappeared from the wasteland.

The two appeared in Ponyville and this time, it was a normal version of Ponyville. A big, red energy orb appeared again and out came Dark Spike and Spike. This time it took them outside of Twilight's castle.

"Wait, are we back in our time?" Spike asked

"Not exactly. Follow me." Dark Spike replied

Dark Spike led Spike to the castle window and showed him what was happening. He saw Dark Spike before his transformation talking to the Alicorn Amulet.

The amulet said in an eerie and ominous, yet genuinely concerned voice "Are you ok little one?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry." Past Spike (Dark Spike prior to transformation) said

"Now I know that's not true. Tell me, what's the matter?" The amulet said in a caring but ominous voice.

Past Spike said in dismay "Ok. Ever since Twilight became a princess and the Cutie Map came, her, the girls and my other friends keep having fun while I have to either clean up after them or come to help them with their chores or work. I feel as if that we were mever friends."

The amulet shook and spoke "Well, I must say, this Twilight and her friends must not be very good friends of yours. Let alone family. "

"Not only that, but whenever I want to come help, they always act as if I'm in the way or tell me to stay and clean up after them. I always wanted to be a hero like them, but they keep on pushing me away." Past Spike said

"Young dragon, i apologize for saying this but those "friends" you speak of don't want you around or sound like friends at all."

"What?! No! That's not true- it' isn't."

"Let me ask you this, what kind of a creature would make another creature, a child no less, fix their mess when they caused it. You were always there for them but they don't return the favor. Not to mention mistreat them simply out of ignorance or race? These so-called heroes you speak of not only disregard you for your desire to be a hero, but also use this follynas an excuse to use you, hurt you, BULLY you. You were the true hero Spike, you held them together, but without you, they would be nothing and use this foolish reason to keep you further. Spike... this may break your heart, but....they never wanted you."

"W...what?" Past Spike said, with tears in his eyes

" I know this sounds hard, but why don't I show you?"

The amulet glowed red and emitted a red mist that entered Past Spike's nose. Then, a red magical screen appeared and showed the memories of the Main 6 and Starlight. The memories started from the Grand Galloping Gala where Spike was left behind, the Winter Wrap-Up event where Spike was frozen in a puddle of cold water, with the ponies laughing at him, the events of his greed growth, the times Rarity rejected him along with the times Twilight made him clean up the Castle while she went with her friends.

"Wh...wh...why...?" Past Spike said crying.

"I know it's hard, but I can help you young Spike."

"R..really?" Past Spike asked in tears

"Place me on your chest, and i will give you the true power of a hero and to help you find your potential."

Past Spike looked at the amulet for a few seconds and with a nod, placed it on his chest. Spike began to glow red as the amulet fused with his body. After a few minutes, the red glow disappeared and so did the amulet.

Spike and Dark Spike, who were watching the whole thing had different reactions. Dark Spike silently cried at remembering his past while Spike only gave a look of pity and sadness.

"So you see? I'm gonna show Equestria what happens when it preaches false hope and hypocritical lessons to different races." Dark Spike said

"Your right, you should." Spike said

"So you admit it?" Dark Spike asked

"I admit that they deserve to be punished, but I didn't say that everyone across the planet has to die. That's why you lost your way, Twilight may be responsible for it in your timeline, but she shouldn't have to pay with her life over it." Spike further replied

Dark Spike only growled and teleported the two away from his memory.

(Back in Ponyville)

Back at the area where the ponies and Twilight were trapped, Dark Spike and Spike had reappeared and looked at them once more. Dark Spike and Spike continued to fight, but Dark Spike pinned his younger self down and began to punch him left to right with an enraged look. Just as he was about to land another glow, he raised his fist, but stopped.

"...DANGGIT!!" Dark Spike said, falling next to his younger self. Dark Spike looked at his younger self and saw his condition. He was beaten and bruises on his face and body. Looking away with his eyes closed, Dark Spike said looking at Spike with scorn and conflict


Dark Spike's speech only shocked the whole audience trapped in the forcefield, and likely other creatures and ponies seeing the fight from the spell he used earlier.

Spike only let out an exhausted sigh and said in pain

"I may not have Twilight or the girls, but I still have Thorax....Ember...... They may not be much, but their all I need to have friends. Just like you can."

Spike's words only left Dark Spike silent, as he said

"Your pathetic, you think three inferior and backstabbing creatures like them are your friends?! FACE IT! YOUR DESTINY IS TO BECOME LIKE ME AND RULE EQUESTRIA LIKE YOU RIGHTFULLY DESERVE!!!!"

The trapped ponies were horrified as they saw the fight.

"Come on Spike! Get up!" Starlight pleaded

"You have to get up Spike!" Rainbow Dash shouted

Applejack said through the forcefield "Come on Spike! We need you!"

"Please Spikey-Wikey! You must get up!" Rarity pleaded

"Come on Spike! You got this!" Pinkie yelled

'Spike! Please! You have to get up!!!" Twilight shouted through

"Young Spike, you musn't give up now!" Princess Luna shouted

"We believe in you Spike!" Princess Celestia said

(In the Dragon Lands)

Ember, who was watching Spike struggle against his dark self said

"Come on Spike, he may be you in the future, but not now! We believe in you!"

(At the Changeling Kingdom)

Thorax, with a shocked look at Spike's struggle said to the screen showing the fight.

"Come on buddy! I believe in you! You didn't give up on me, I won't give up on you! Come on Spike!"

(In Canterlot)

Twilight Velvet and Night Light watched the fight and both gave looks of encouragement and fear.

"Please Spike, get up!" Twilight Velvet said

"Don't be him Spike! You are what you choose to be now!" Night Light said

(Back in Ponyville)

Spike only slowly got up and said with an angry look "You were right!"

"So you admit it?" Dark Spike said with a smirk

"It may have been my destiny to be like you before, and rule Equestria in the future then, but you know what I say? I may be like you that time, but I won't do it again here or NOW!"

Spike's eyes suddenly glowed green and he continued to say while walking to his dark self

"Your right about another thing! The girls do deserve to be punished! But what your doing is no better! Not only that, but I realize I have to pick my own path and not let anyone else take it from me! And I won't let you, the girls, Twilight, or any other creature here in Equestria HURT ME ANYMORE OR ANYONE ELSE!!!!"

(Spike's Rainbow Power transformation theme. Start at 2:39.)

Spike's shout suddenly made him flare up and he was surrounded by Bright and Dark green flames that surrounded him in a circular motion. As soon as the large flames died out, the sight shocked the trapped girls and Dark Spike.

Spike had gained an new transformation from the goodness of the Elements purging the evil from the amulet in him and his determination to save the day and Equestria! His right eye glowed light green while his left glowed dark green, his scales were now had purple and green flame designs on his back, head, feet and his hands and his two ear fins had grown slightly bigger. Dark Spike only asked in shock

"Impossible! The Element's could not have aided you! You aren't even one of them!" Dark Spike said in shock

"I may not be an Element of Harmony, but I am determined to be a hero! And i'll NEVER turn into you! EVER!!" Spike replied in determined fury

"It doesn't matter! You may have a new transformation, but that won't stop me or your fate!" Dark Spike disregarded

The two charged once more and continued the fight. This time to determine not just Spike's existence...but Equestria's fate.

Chapter 24

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The two dragons had began their final battle once again. Dark Spike and Spike charged at each other with incredible speed. As they fought each other, they either landed blows or fired magical fire blasts at each other.

"This. Ends. NOW!" Dark Spike shouted

The two continued to fight and blast magical blasts at each other. Both proved to be in equal terms of power and strength. As they fought, Dark Spike elbowed Spike back and began to walk slowly to him.

"Y'know, looking at you, I know that even though you have the "power" of friendship in you. You still feel different. Is it Anger?, Despair?, Vengeance? You and I both know there's a reason you're feeling this way." Dark Spike taunted

"I'm only doing this to stop you! And then save Equestria from you and your little scheme!" Spike replied, kicking Dark Spike back.

The two continued to fight and clash with each other. As they did, there was no clear sign of who was winning. Both Spike's proved to be equally matched.

Just as Dark Spike blasted Spike, he dodged and managed to reach the forcefield the girls were trapped in. Spike, seeing the dark green energy ball that was about to kill the ponies had an idea. His hands glowed an green aura and he grabbed the dark energy ball and blasted at Dark Spike.

"WHAT THE?!?!?" Dark Spike shouted as the energy ball consumed him in a green wave of light.

Spike meanwhile, freed the girls by powering up his right hand and punching the forcefield, causing it to shatter like glass. The ponies smiled as the girls embraced Spike.

"Spike! You saved us!" Starlight said with gratitude

"You did it sugarcube!" Applejack said proudly

"You saved Equestria Spike!" Princess Celestia said in happiness

"Not yet!" Spike said pointing at the sky.

They looked and saw an enraged Dark Spike flying in the air, who shouted


He began to power up in a dark green magical aura sphere while his chest and eyes glowed blood red. The girls only looked in distress at how to stop Dark Spike's next move.

"What is he doing?!" Rainbow Dash said in shock

"Whatever it is, it's not good!" Twilight said in fear.

"What do we do?!?" Fluttershy said

"I have an idea!" A familiar voice said

The girls and Spike turned and saw Discord, who had a few bruises on him, but not too bad.

"DISCORD!" Fluttershy said in relief

The draconequus hugged the girls and Spike happily. Starlight, upon seeing the bruises asked

"What happened to you?"

"I do apologize for being late to help my little ponies. That future scoundrel of Spike trapped me in my realm and stole some of my magic! He even tried to goad me into joining him into hurting you all AND Fluttershy!" Discord said in dismay and anger.

"No wonder he's gained more power!" Spike said with realization.

"Do you have enough to help us stop him?" Princess Cadance asked

"Sadly no, Future Spike is too wise to fall for such tricks, let alone mine. But I have another way." Discord said

"What is it?" Spike asked

"I need you girls to stand behind Spike while I ready my chaos magic." Discord said

The girls had each walked and stood behind Spike. As they did. Discord only closed his eyes and began to use his chaos magic to transfer some of the Rainbow Power in Spike to the girls and Starlight. As soon as he did, the girls began to glow a bright light.

They had transformed into the same forms they had used to defeat Tirek and send him to Tartarus.

"Whoa! We have our magic forms like with Tirek!" Rainbow Dash said

"But how?" Pinkie asked

"I transferred some of the light magic in Spike to you girls as you each are the Elements of Harmony. That should help you take care of him." Discord said

As if on cue, Dark Spike was approaching and the girls and Spike got ready and flew in the air and approached.

Dark Spike only gave a look of disgust and disdain and said

"Well Well, looks like my so-called future involves lame lasers and 6 moronic hypocrites along with a crazy equality obsessed tyrant with undeserving power and magic."

"They may not deserve it faker, but at least they mean well to protect Ponyville and Equestria. And I'm going to protect it too!" Spike said in determination

Dark Spike only charged a high level of flaming magic and power and was engulfed in a dark green and red aura. The two opponents then charged at each other. Their power had clashed as Spike and the girls were fueled by an Rainbow energy wave aura along with a light green aura from Spike. Dark Spike's energy wave aura was dark green and red. The girls and Spike's power had clashed back and forth with Dark Spike who only gave an angry and furious look.

As they clashed, Dark Spike mockingly taunted "Sorry Spike! But Equestria isn't big enough for both of us! Or our futures!"

Spike only glared with fury at his older evil self and said "You know, for once I couldn't agree faker! Let's finish him everypony!!!!"

"RIGHT!!!!" The girls replied

"Let's show this imposter what happens when you mess with us or our friends!!!" Rainbow Dash said

'And that our Spikey-Wikey is no villain or monster!!!!" Rarity added

As the heroes and villain clashed. Their energy waves had mixed and caused a dark green aura and rainbow colored mixed auras to clash. As the girls and Spike fought Dark Spike, Spike and Dark Spike both shouted, with Dark Spike smiling with sadism and Spike giving a glare with fury and determination.

"IT"S OVER!!!!!!!" The two dragons yelled

A bright light engulfed the heroes and Dark Spike, who was now weakened and gave a look of shocked surprise. As he did, he only said in a beaten and shocked tone.


"Not anymore faker!" Spike replied

"Game over you fiend!" Rarity said

"Your future has just been cancelled meanie!" Pinkie Pie said

"And we'll show you what we accomplished together!" Twilight said

"And what the magic of friendship really is!" Starlight added

"!!!" Dark Spike angrily replied

"NOW GIRLS!!!" Spike shouted

The girls nodded and along with Spike, blasted a rainbow powered blast at Dark Spike, who was sucked in and began to dissolve in a bright light of green and rainbow colored aura's.

(Imagine Tirek is Dark Spike and the Spike is in Rainbow Form with the girls in this picture).

"NO!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! I AM INEVITABLE!!! MY FUTURE IS MEANT TO BE!!!!! I WON"T ACCEPT THIS!!!! CURSE YOU SPIKE!!!!! CURSE YOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dark Spike shouted as Spike and the girls blasted him.

Dark Spike was dissolved and erased from the blast by the girls magic and Spike's increased light and dark magic in a bright light. As the bright light dimmed down, a shadowy flash had appeared and then all the damage Dark Spike caused was either repaired or undone. As the shadowy flash faded, all of Ponyville was back to normal and the Castle of Friendship was restored, even Flurry Heart was teleported and returned to her parents, much to their happiness.

Spike only flew down along with the girls and gave a relieved smile.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said in glee

"We did it!" Fluttershy said

The ponies in Ponyville cheered and shouted in joy at having been saved. The citizens in Ponyville all happily jumped in joy at the girls and Spike's victory. The Princesses even reached the girls and Spike and as soon as they did, their Rainbow forms had worn out and they were back to normal.

"You did it Twily!" Shining said

"No Shining, we did it!" Twilight said in correction

As the ponies celebrated, Luna quickly said

"Um Twilight? Where is Spike?"

The girls looked and noticed Spike was indeed gone.

"That's weird, he was just with us when we stopped that evil mean future version of him." Rainbow Dash said confused.

"Hey girls! Look!" Fluttershy said pointing her hoof at something.

The girls followed her and saw a small piece of paper.

"It looks like a note." Rarity said

"What does it say?" Starlight asked.

Twilight picked up and opened the crumpled note and there was only one word on it.


"Goodbye?" Twilight said confused

"I guess....Spike is still choosing to leave Ponyville." Princess Cadance said with a frown

"I wonder where he went?" Shining Armor said

"Well, I'm gonna look for him!" Twilight said

"No Twilight." Princess Celestia said

"What?!" The shocked reply came from Twilight and the others.

"Spike may have helped you defeat his evil self, but that doesn't mean you are not as responsible for this happening. In fact, you each had a part to play in his transformation both in the older Spike's timeline and in here as he forewarned you and the citizens yet none of you listened to him. Not only that, but you use and see him as a tool rather then see him as a hero or friend. I believe this is a well-fitting punishment for both myself and each of you."

"B-but Princess Celestia! I-" Twilight said, but she was silenced with a stern hoof by her former mentor.

"I don't wish to hear if Twilight! You each deserve this punishment and Spike deserves the freedom as he earned! I hope one day you all understand that, especially given how you each took him for granted. And from the way I ignored him." Princess Celestia said with disappointment and guilt at the last part

This statement left the citizens guilt-ridden and the girls speechless as Twilight only gave a look of guilt in tears. With the girls trying to comfort her.

(In the Everfree)

Spike was able to reach the forest and stopped running. With a quick catch of his breath, Spike's hands glowed green and after a few seconds, a green portal was summoned.

"Goodbye Twilight."

Spike stepped through the portal, which then disappeared as soon as he entered

(In the mirror world)

Spike, in his dog form, was then taken to an alleyway by the portal and hid so he would not be seen. A light green glow was then emitted. After a few seconds, he left the a HUMAN!

Spike had purple skin and green spikey hair and green eyes, he had a green shirt and purple pants along with purple shoes with green flames.

"Well, looks like I have a whole new life now." Spike said to himself.

He left the alleyway and the screen then cut to black. Leaving his path unknown.

To be continued......