• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 2,000 Views, 91 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony - LoganRyder

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

  • ...

Chapter 23

The two dragons were surrounded by the hostile ponies who aimed spears at them. Some of the ponies were familiar as the two foes noticed.

"Who are you two?!" One stallion asked

"They could be more changelings!" Another mare accused

The two Spike's only looked at the surrounding ponies. Spike only backed away slightly while Dark Spike only disarmed the hostile ponies each with a quick use of his magic to remove the spears in their hooves.

"You were saying?" Dark Spike replied sarcastically

"How did you-?!" This timeline's Fluttershy asked

"Look, you guys need to run before he kills you and-" Spike said, but was cut off. Dark Spike kneed him in the gut. Spike however, fought back with a powered up haymaker to his chin and knocked him away.

"What is going on?!" The timeline's Fluttershy asked

"Listen! That dragon is me from another timeline trying to change history by getting rid of you, Twilight, the Tree of Harmony and the Princesses! You need to help me!" Spike pleaded

"And why should we believe you?" A stallion asked unconvinced

Spike was about to answer, only to be punched by Dark Spike and thus, the fight continued. The ponies were surprised as the two fought and their fight lead to another aerial battle in the sky. As they fought, Dark Spike grabbed Spike and was about to attack, until Spike said

"Um, dude, what's that behind you?"

"Yeah, right! I'm not falling for that one!" Dark Spike said annoyed

"No no I'm serious! What is that behind you?" Spike asked again.

Dark Spike, after a few seconds, looked and saw it was the changelings secretly hiding waiting in ambush for the ponies that threatened them earlier.

"Look's like the changelings are preparing an ambush."

Spike only looked and said "We have to help them!"

"Why?! They deserve it and-" Dark Spike said, but Spike cut him off

"Look! I know that you hate my friends and other ponies, and I understand! But we have to at least help some of our friends here since there is a more pressing matter in this timeline. Plus, you get to stop another threat. If we work together, we can get out of this and then we can fight."

Dark Spike only looked at the area and noticed Chrysalis turning into Applejack, with a look of dismay and a sigh of acceptance. Dark Spike said

"Your lucky I need you!"

The two quickly teleported and headed to the resistance village of the ponies. They reached the village and witnessed the fake Applejack along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Those other two are changelings, I can sense it off them and their aura's" Dark Spike said looking at the fake Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack.

"What do we do?" Spike asked in worry

"Follow my lead." Dark Spike said as he tapped on Spike's head and they both glowed dark green. Dark Spike transformed into Flash Sentry while Spike transformed into Doctor Whooves.

"Cool!" Spike said

Dark Spike, with a small smile said "Thanks, but don't get to happy, after we're outta here, we're back to me destroying your friends."

The two got out of hiding and ran to the 3 ponies facing the resistance Flash Sentry/Dark Spike ran over and said

"My queen, those ponies! They took out half of the guards in your lair!"

Doctor Whooves/Spike came next and said "And they drew us out and forced us to run all the way to escape!"

This angered the fake Applejack as she said "You fools! Do you know what you've done!?!"

Dark Spike and Spike transformed back, with Dark Spike saying "Yes, END YOU!!!"

He teleported and magically punched fake Applejack to the air and attacked the changelings while Spike said "EVERYPONY RUN!! GET TO SAFETY!!!"

The resistance group complied and ran as Dark Spike single-handedly either beat up or outright mangled the changelings with ease and not once hitting the other real ponies. Spike only smiled, thinking his dark future self may have some good left in him. Dark Spike then returned and was holding a now exposed and hornless Chrysalis.

"Done!" Dark Spike said as he threw the beaten queen down and laid a final kick to her head.

"Good! So with that out of the way..." Spike said, only to be tackled by Dark Spike. Their fight had once again continued.

As they fought, they grappled with each other and their magic began to form another red energy orb around them.

"What's happening?!" Spike asked

The red orb began to grow more and consumed the two again, leaving no trace of them in the area and out of the resistance ponies site.

The two appeared in another area. This time a dark forest, where the map was.

"Now where are we?!" Spike asked

The two looked and the sky was night and Dark Spike said "It looks like we're in a different timeline."

"Wait, timeline?! But how?!" Spike asked

"I don't know! But I will have my revenge!" Dark Spike said

He lunged at Spike and the two fought each other in the forest. The two landed blows to one another and as they did. Their magic began to intertwine again.

"Wait, this must be what's causing us to change timelines!" Spike said as the red orb slowly appeared again

"I don't care what it is, I will achieve my fate!" Dark Spike said as the red orb around them appeared again.

The red energy orb grew more and consumed them both once more.

The red orb of magical energy took them again to another timeline, this time with a reddish like sky and a destroyed land.

Dark Spike and Spike continued to fight each other as a familiar giant centaur was blasting the ground with magical blasts.

(Ps ignore Twilight in this picture)

As they fought, Spike's strength began to slowly go down due to the increased time he spent fighting his evil future self. As they fought, they blasted fire blasts or magical energy waves at each other, but they were deflected each time. The two then flew up in the night sky and glared at each other

"This time, I will ensure our future!" Dark Spike said

"That future won't happen not now! OR EVER!" Spike replied angrily

The two then powered up magical aura's in their hands and blasted dark green energy blasts of fire.

The blasts they both powered up struggled as the two dragons used all their might, determination and ferocity to win the duel. The light green fiery blast from Spike or the dark green energy blast of fire from Dark Spike.

The beams moved back and forth constantly as the two struggled. After a few minutes, the beams dissipated and consumed them both in yet again, another red energy blast-wave.

A red orb appeared again and the two Spike's appeared out of it. The orb then disappeared as the two got up. The sight however, shocked Spike and his future self.

"Whoa. What happened?!" Dark Spike asked in shock

"Isn't it obvious? You or rather we happened." Spike replied.

"How would you know?" Dark Spike asked

"I realize everytime our energy from your dark magic and my dark and light magic from the tree mix together, it takes us to a timeline different to the last ones. Like with Starlight and Twilight before she became a good friend." Spike replied

"But still. that doesn't explain the fact of why we're in another timeline that's worse!" Dark Spike replied

"Do you know the saying? Without the past, there is no future? I guess with how the girls treated you in your life, you took it too hard." Spike said in pity

"But that was THEIR FAULT! What was I supposed to do?!?!? I was a kid!" Dark Spike said with tears in his eyes

"I know, and I don't blame you! You have every right to be angry like I was! But please! This will make things worse!" Spike said

However, Dark Spike only gave a look of disdain and said

"Since you clearly don't realize how bad a pony Twilight, her friends, Starlight or the Princesses are, why don't I show you myself?" Dark Spike replied

His arms glowed dark green and he aimed at Spike. Dark Spike glowed green and Spike did as well and the two disappeared from the wasteland.

The two appeared in Ponyville and this time, it was a normal version of Ponyville. A big, red energy orb appeared again and out came Dark Spike and Spike. This time it took them outside of Twilight's castle.

"Wait, are we back in our time?" Spike asked

"Not exactly. Follow me." Dark Spike replied

Dark Spike led Spike to the castle window and showed him what was happening. He saw Dark Spike before his transformation talking to the Alicorn Amulet.

The amulet said in an eerie and ominous, yet genuinely concerned voice "Are you ok little one?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry." Past Spike (Dark Spike prior to transformation) said

"Now I know that's not true. Tell me, what's the matter?" The amulet said in a caring but ominous voice.

Past Spike said in dismay "Ok. Ever since Twilight became a princess and the Cutie Map came, her, the girls and my other friends keep having fun while I have to either clean up after them or come to help them with their chores or work. I feel as if that we were mever friends."

The amulet shook and spoke "Well, I must say, this Twilight and her friends must not be very good friends of yours. Let alone family. "

"Not only that, but whenever I want to come help, they always act as if I'm in the way or tell me to stay and clean up after them. I always wanted to be a hero like them, but they keep on pushing me away." Past Spike said

"Young dragon, i apologize for saying this but those "friends" you speak of don't want you around or sound like friends at all."

"What?! No! That's not true- it's...it isn't."

"Let me ask you this, what kind of a creature would make another creature, a child no less, fix their mess when they caused it. You were always there for them but they don't return the favor. Not to mention mistreat them simply out of ignorance or race? These so-called heroes you speak of not only disregard you for your desire to be a hero, but also use this follynas an excuse to use you, hurt you, BULLY you. You were the true hero Spike, you held them together, but without you, they would be nothing and use this foolish reason to keep you further. Spike... this may break your heart, but....they never wanted you."

"W...what?" Past Spike said, with tears in his eyes

" I know this sounds hard, but why don't I show you?"

The amulet glowed red and emitted a red mist that entered Past Spike's nose. Then, a red magical screen appeared and showed the memories of the Main 6 and Starlight. The memories started from the Grand Galloping Gala where Spike was left behind, the Winter Wrap-Up event where Spike was frozen in a puddle of cold water, with the ponies laughing at him, the events of his greed growth, the times Rarity rejected him along with the times Twilight made him clean up the Castle while she went with her friends.

"Wh...wh...why...?" Past Spike said crying.

"I know it's hard, but I can help you young Spike."

"R..really?" Past Spike asked in tears

"Place me on your chest, and i will give you the true power of a hero and to help you find your potential."

Past Spike looked at the amulet for a few seconds and with a nod, placed it on his chest. Spike began to glow red as the amulet fused with his body. After a few minutes, the red glow disappeared and so did the amulet.

Spike and Dark Spike, who were watching the whole thing had different reactions. Dark Spike silently cried at remembering his past while Spike only gave a look of pity and sadness.

"So you see? I'm gonna show Equestria what happens when it preaches false hope and hypocritical lessons to different races." Dark Spike said

"Your right, you should." Spike said

"So you admit it?" Dark Spike asked

"I admit that they deserve to be punished, but I didn't say that everyone across the planet has to die. That's why you lost your way, Twilight may be responsible for it in your timeline, but she shouldn't have to pay with her life over it." Spike further replied

Dark Spike only growled and teleported the two away from his memory.

(Back in Ponyville)

Back at the area where the ponies and Twilight were trapped, Dark Spike and Spike had reappeared and looked at them once more. Dark Spike and Spike continued to fight, but Dark Spike pinned his younger self down and began to punch him left to right with an enraged look. Just as he was about to land another glow, he raised his fist, but stopped.

"...DANGGIT!!" Dark Spike said, falling next to his younger self. Dark Spike looked at his younger self and saw his condition. He was beaten and bruises on his face and body. Looking away with his eyes closed, Dark Spike said looking at Spike with scorn and conflict


Dark Spike's speech only shocked the whole audience trapped in the forcefield, and likely other creatures and ponies seeing the fight from the spell he used earlier.

Spike only let out an exhausted sigh and said in pain

"I may not have Twilight or the girls, but I still have Thorax....Ember...... Discord...and.....you. They may not be much, but their all I need to have friends. Just like you can."

Spike's words only left Dark Spike silent, as he said

"Your pathetic, you think three inferior and backstabbing creatures like them are your friends?! FACE IT! YOUR DESTINY IS TO BECOME LIKE ME AND RULE EQUESTRIA LIKE YOU RIGHTFULLY DESERVE!!!!"

The trapped ponies were horrified as they saw the fight.

"Come on Spike! Get up!" Starlight pleaded

"You have to get up Spike!" Rainbow Dash shouted

Applejack said through the forcefield "Come on Spike! We need you!"

"Please Spikey-Wikey! You must get up!" Rarity pleaded

"Come on Spike! You got this!" Pinkie yelled

'Spike! Please! You have to get up!!!" Twilight shouted through

"Young Spike, you musn't give up now!" Princess Luna shouted

"We believe in you Spike!" Princess Celestia said

(In the Dragon Lands)

Ember, who was watching Spike struggle against his dark self said

"Come on Spike, he may be you in the future, but not now! We believe in you!"

(At the Changeling Kingdom)

Thorax, with a shocked look at Spike's struggle said to the screen showing the fight.

"Come on buddy! I believe in you! You didn't give up on me, I won't give up on you! Come on Spike!"

(In Canterlot)

Twilight Velvet and Night Light watched the fight and both gave looks of encouragement and fear.

"Please Spike, get up!" Twilight Velvet said

"Don't be him Spike! You are what you choose to be now!" Night Light said

(Back in Ponyville)

Spike only slowly got up and said with an angry look "You were right!"

"So you admit it?" Dark Spike said with a smirk

"It may have been my destiny to be like you before, and rule Equestria in the future then, but you know what I say? I may be like you that time, but I won't do it again here or NOW!"

Spike's eyes suddenly glowed green and he continued to say while walking to his dark self

"Your right about another thing! The girls do deserve to be punished! But what your doing is no better! Not only that, but I realize I have to pick my own path and not let anyone else take it from me! And I won't let you, the girls, Twilight, or any other creature here in Equestria HURT ME ANYMORE OR ANYONE ELSE!!!!"

(Spike's Rainbow Power transformation theme. Start at 2:39.)

Spike's shout suddenly made him flare up and he was surrounded by Bright and Dark green flames that surrounded him in a circular motion. As soon as the large flames died out, the sight shocked the trapped girls and Dark Spike.

Spike had gained an new transformation from the goodness of the Elements purging the evil from the amulet in him and his determination to save the day and Equestria! His right eye glowed light green while his left glowed dark green, his scales were now had purple and green flame designs on his back, head, feet and his hands and his two ear fins had grown slightly bigger. Dark Spike only asked in shock

"Impossible! The Element's could not have aided you! You aren't even one of them!" Dark Spike said in shock

"I may not be an Element of Harmony, but I am determined to be a hero! And i'll NEVER turn into you! EVER!!" Spike replied in determined fury

"It doesn't matter! You may have a new transformation, but that won't stop me or your fate!" Dark Spike disregarded

The two charged once more and continued the fight. This time to determine not just Spike's existence...but Equestria's fate.

Author's Note:

I don't own artwork or music. I will remove if necessary. The last part of the final battle will come out soon.

Everything belongs to rightful owners.