• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,988 Views, 91 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony - LoganRyder

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

  • ...

Chapter 19

'Spike'/Dark Spike was holding a sleeping Flurry Heart in his arms as they landed in his cave and rocked her gently.

The baby alicorn snuggled in his arms as Dark Spike only kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight my little Flurry." Dark Spike said in guilt

'Pike....Spike..." Flurry said

He used his magic to create an cradle and bed along with some plush toys and placed her in the cradle gently.

"I'll be back soon kid." Dark Spike said with genuine care

With that, he teleported away in green flames.

The ponies had began to look at the two royals with surprise at their accusation. Twilight was the first to step in and said

"Cadance, what are you talking about?!"

"We aren't Changelings!" Rarity added

"Then why did Spike come to the Crystal Empire saying you attacked him?" Shining said

"Shining I was never at the Crystal Empire." Spike replied

"Then that must mean.....Oh No!" Cadance said in realization

"He must've fooled us in order to destroy the castle while we were here!" Shining said in fear

"Everypony STOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!" Spike shouted

The ponies looked at the stressed baby dragon as he continued to speak

"That's not the only issue, we have to destroy the friendship journal! NOW!!!! Or else we're all gonna be destroyed!"

This shocked the ponies as Spike became desperate to stop his dark self.

"Spike, calm down! I'm sure that-" Cadance said, but was caught off.

Spike however, did not listen and ran to the table, using his fire breath and aimed at the girls friendship journal. The fiery waves slowly began to nearly burn the journal to a crisp.

"The journal!" Twilight shouted, as her horn glowed and her magic placed a forcefield around it.

Spike however, only gave a distraught look and was about to speak, but Twilight said

"Spike, what has gotten into you?!"

"Twilight, please you need to believe me!" Spike pleaded

"Enough Spike! This little charade of yours has gone on long enough!" Twilight said in annoyance and fury

She levitated Spike with her magic, with Spike trying to break out to no avail and placed him in his room. Opening the door, she said in disappointment to Spike.

"I'll let you out when the day is over, in the meantime, think about what you did mister." Twilight said, before she locked the door

"Twilight! Please!" Spike said as he tried to open the door, but failed and banged on it in protest.


Dark Spike was watching the whole thing from the window and gave a satisfied smile

"Wow Twilight, for a princess who's that smart, you are seriously more stupider then Pinkie Pie." He said with morbid amusement.

Dark Spike turned invisible and hid near the castle, awaiting to make his next move.

The girls had each begun to create copies of the Friendship Journal and show it to the ponies. Twilight has shown a page a few foals and they had began to slowly mend their friendship. The other ponies in Ponyville had also begun to look at copies of the journal.


However, things had begun to get out of hand slowly

As Twilight and Starlight trotted through Ponyville. Starlight asked Twilight

"Twilight, no offense but don't you think you were a bit harsh on Spike?"

Twilight turned to Starlight and said "What do you mean Starlight?"

"When he talked about what made his evil self's future exist? What if he had a point since we don't know what exact event caused it." Starlight explained to Twilight

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and began to think. Starlight had a point as they did not truly know what caused Dark Spike's existence. With a look of recognition, Twilight said

"Now that you mention it Starlight, you may have a point."

As they trotted however, they saw an stallion and mare sitting and they began to talk

"Well, I found this journal TERRIBLY illuminating." The stallion said

Twilight only gasped when she overheard

"I agree. I'm seeing sides of these ponies I didn't know was there. I only wish they'd left Rarity out.She clearly doesn't belong in that book with the rest of them" The mare added

The stallion replied in a snooty tone "Oh, I know! Who does she think she is? Certainly she did a fine job setting up the Ponyville Days celebration, but does she really believe it was an success because of her? The nerve!"

The two ponies only laughed with inconsiderate looks as Rarity, who happened to have a newspaper with her and heard everything, ran off in tears.

"But that's not what she was saying, Rarity!" Twilight said, trying to reach an distressed Rarity.

Spike was trying to open the locked door, but to no avail.

"Come on! Open!"

As he looked to open the door, he got an idea and breathed fire on the door knob. The doorknob burned down and opened.

"Got it! Now to help Twilight!"

Spike ran out the room door and began to make his way out the castle, as he did, he heard shouting.

"What was that?" Spike said

As soon as he reached the entrance and saw the windows, he was shocked.

Dark Spike (in his younger self's form) meanwhile, began to watch the girls friendship journal slowly cause more trouble with the ponies.

"Wow, looks like the so-called Elements of Harmony's Friendship Journal is doing more harm then good. Excellent."

He watched with a satisfied look as the chaos began to grow. Stemming from fans that kept laughint Pinkie and her entries, Rarity being turned to a social pariah, Fluttershy being reprimanded for not being assertive enough, Rainbow Dash being pestered about her skill and adventure to Twilight getting too much attention from critics and fans.

"Now is my time to rise."

He slowly made his way to the overcrowded castle full of fans and smiled with cold delight.

The doors of the castle had opened and the girls had faced the fans and critics in front of them. As they looked at the protesters, Spike gave a shocked look.

"Oh no!, this is bad, not only are the events from my evil self's timeline happening, but Twilight, the girls and ALL of Equestria are gonna be destroyed! I don't have a choice. If I turn evil, it'll be my fault...Guess I've got nothing to lose!" Spike thought with determination

"Everypony, please stop!" Twilight shouted

But this didnt help as the ponies continued to chatter in protest. One reporter pony came in and said

"Princess Twilight, I'm with the Canterlot Chronicle. Quick question, what would you say to ponies who wonder why you moved to Ponyville in the first place."

"I moved here to learn about friendship. That's why the journal even exists. It took some time for me to get the hang of it, bit it was each of these ponies standing next to me who taught me the lessons in those journals. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy, too. Then it was all of you. I've learned so much from-"

However, the same reporter pony cut her off "What I mean is, some ponies would argue that it doesn't seem believable that the six of you would be friends."

Twilight only said with an raised eyebrow "Believable?"

The reporter continued " Well, sure, I read this journal cover to cover. And I have to say your character would have been much more interesting if she'd stayed in Canterlot."

As they spoke, Spike continued to head to the entrance, but he clenched his chest and it glowed blood red. Spike only gave a look and said as he continued.

"My character?! We are real ponies! This journal is a record of things that actually happened to us. We made mistakes, and we learned from them!" Twilight tried to explain, at the same time Spike approached

"Oh no! Not now!" Spike said at his slow corruption.

The mob outside had continued to chatter.

"What about Rarity? Are we really supposed to believe she learned anything she wrote in there." The stallion from earlier questioned

"That's why you wanna be Team Dash! She's the only one that didn't weally need to learn anything, because she was aweady so cool." An young pony said

"Twilight was better before she got wings!" One pony said

"Fluttershy is just so painfully shy, it's hard to relate, I mean come on!"

"Wait a minute everypony!" Twilight shouted

"Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?!" Caramel pressed.

The mob began to further chatter, until Spike shouted with fed up annoyance.


The girls and the mob turned and saw Spike, his eyes had slowly began turning blood red like his future self, and his skin began to turn more darker slowly.

"I am so disapppinted in all of you!, they wanted to help teach you all the true meaning of friendship and your STILL NOT GETTING THE IDEA! They picked you up when you were down...they made you laugh when you fell, they ignited your confidence when you were scared, inspired you to be who you are and this is how you repay them?! " Spike shouted with both anger and disappointment to the mob

The mob was taken aback as Spike first approached the stallion and mare who criticised Rarity.

"You two keep calling out Rarity for being borderline greedy and selfish. Yes I'll admit that I somewhat find her annoying and conceited, but deep down she was a good pony that showed me generosity, even when I was in over my head a few times and yet you think she's that selfish, your basically acting like Suri Polomare!"

"Oh please lizard, what would you know about them? Your not even in the journal." Diamond Cutter said arrogantly

"You know what, your right. I'm not in the journal. But I sure as hay am GLAD I'm not in it so I don't have to put up with your hypocrisy you stupid horse!"

The surprised the mob of fans as Spike had just cussed at them with the "H" word, with his skin turning darker by the minute. This didn't go unnoticed by the girls.

"Um, Twilight? Why is Spike turning more dark purple and green like you know who?" Pinkie Pie asked

"Oh no! Spike was right! This did make his evil self exist!" Twilight said in realization

"And we just caused him to exist like he said before!" Starlight further pointed out in shock

Spike only gave looks of disgust and said to Diamond "She works her flank off 24/7, has to put up with ungrateful fools like you both here and Canterlot, tries everything to provide for her little sister and helps anypony she can when needed and you say she's SELFISH?!"

The baby dragon grabbed Diamond Cutter with incredible strength and threw him at a building.


Dark Spike was watching the scene unfold and gave a look of satisfaction.

"Perfect, now is the time to strike."

Dark Spike turned invisible and headed to the castle undetected.

Spike turned to the shocked fans that had called out Fluttershy and said with called out fury.

"Now you lot, you all keep on acting as Fluttershy is some sort of thing or toy to get her to be more assertive. Well newsflash you stupid Motherbuckers! She isn't really comfortable being near anypony because she was bullied both before and now because of her timidity. I know it since she was scared of me before, but I warmed up to her and she showed me the same. You can't just force someone to act more assertive. It'll hurt them more and you'll even hurt yourself too! "

As he said this, Spike's approach made small cracks that nearly shook them in fear.

This surprised the ponies that reprimanded Fluttershy, who even gave a small smile at Spike defending her, but was still worried of his transformation.

Spike turned to fillies and colts who had pestered Rainbow Dash and said first, in hia normal voice.


They didn't comply, until Spike shouted in the demonic form of his voice

"I said sit down you little dirty runts!!!"

The younger fans quickly complied and sat down.

"You all say that Rainbow Dash is cool and awesome, yet you don't even bother to realize what she teaches you when you talk about her adventures. Yes she's cool, but what about what she learned? What you could've learned? It's not cool to constantly annoy or stalk someone all the time. Scootaloo may have been the same, but at least she had some standards unlike you little jerks! And that's me being nice!"

The colts and fillies were shocked especially when he looked as if ready to aim his fire breath. However, Spike only gave a disgusted look and said, this time in his real younger voices in a tone of disappointment and pity

"But then again, your all some stupid little kids and none of you knew better. Just like how I was" Spike said

He breathed some fire, scaring them and the girls, but it landed on the ground around them, leaving them frightened, but unharmed.

Rainbow was slightly happy at his words, yet worried about his transformation and current state

Spike only gave a look at the Sweet Apple Admirers with annoyance "WOW, this is is just plain mean, rude and borderline inexcusable, you barge into Applejack's barn, act as if your family when you haven't even met, pretend your relatives and have the nerve to eat their food, come in their house and act as if nothing HAPPENED?!?!? I may not have felt close to Applejack as much but I can tell that you all clearly don't have any care on what family or trust means! I don't even have a family and yet they somewhat treated me like it with some earned respect!!"

Spike grabbed one of the Admirers by neck, suddenly flew airborn and, with a sudden green flaming power up, punched him in the face with such brute strength, his jaw was broken. Applejack was only surprised at how he defended her, but gave a guilty look since he did not regard her, the Apples or any of the girls as family.

Spike then turned to the ponies that had pestered Pinkie and began "Now you half-minded fools, you constantly laugh at Pinkie and the entries that she made and think most of them are funny when some aren't, even when their not supposed to be. Pinkie does that because she wants ponies like you to be happy and optimistic even in hard times. And yeah sure, I may think she's an annoying weirdo but at least i know not to disrespect what she does to help others be happy! She made a promise as a filly when she saw a rainbow and was inspired to make other ponies happy. But I guess none of you had the same idea. "

Spike only flared his right hand and punched the ground, causing cracks to emerge near them, leaving them frightened and the girls mortified.

The transformation reached the middle of Spike's body as he rightfully called out the fans actions. The girls however noticed and tried to move to stop him, but something was blocking them.

"What the hay?!" Rainbow Dash said

"We're trapped by some magic barrier!" Starlight discovered using her magic

"We have to break it fast!, Spike's nearly finished his transformation!" Twilight said

The girls tried to break it, but failed and saw Spike continue his speech, this time aiming at the ponies who harassed Twilight.

"Now you bucking morons, You constantly act as if Twilight is some "character" that should be changed and in Canterlot right? "

"Yes, plus she's acting completely unoriginal from it before she had wings." The reporter pony said

"Plus it doesn't even look as believable or realistic when she became a princess." An elderly pony reporter added

"Wow, that statement just tells me one thing about ALL of you in general. "

"In general?" A mare asked

"That all of you are just a bunch of BRAIN DEAD MOOKS WITH NO LEVEL OF COMPREHENSION OR MORAL STANDARDS WHATSOEVER!!!!" Spike shouted in a demonic version, similar to the Royal Canterlot Voice

"What?!" The reporter pony replied

"Twilight was told by Celestia to go to Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration to make friends here. I know cause I had to go with her when she didn't want to do it. She didn't want friends at first but as time grew, she learned what it meant to be honest, what it meant to be kind, the meaning of generosity, laughter and happiness, loyalty and love to those she cares about. That's how she earned her title as Princess, that's how she saved you all a few times when you were in danger, that's how she helped Starlight become an better pony. And you all say it's out of her CHARACTER?!!?!? What a bunch of horse crud!!!"

This shocked the reporters as Twilight and her friends were surprised at Spike's point. Spike turned and looked at the girls who were trapped, revealing the amulet was almost nearly done corrupting him. With a quick fiery blow of his hand, he dissipated it with a punch.

The girls went to him and gave looks of surprise at how he defended

"Spikey-Wikey! Are you ok?!" Rarity asked in concern

"I'm fine." Spike replied stoically

"Dude, that was awesome! How you defended us and-" Rainbow Dash said but cut her off

"I'm not finished." Spike cut off Rainbow

"What?" Rainbow asked

"It's not just them that's the problem it's each of you." Spike said in annoyance.

"Us? What did we do?" Starlight asked

"When you all were being the heroes of Equestria, I wanted to be like you, as an friend and an ally. But whenever I wanted to, you just kept acting as if i was some tool or thing that you could use on a daily basis. I always didn't think at the time, but I finally realize that you each are not just as responsible for this whole fiasco thing happening if you had just listened to me, but also whenever you learn something, you act as if I'm not part of it or as if I don't deserve to be treated as equally." Spike called out in reply

"Spike what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked

"Really? Well here's one. You act kind and shy to other ponies and while I find it noble. You act as if I'm some sort of animal that's a savage compared to that bunny of yours. You never even once called him out on it, kept acting as if he was innocent and whenever I wanted to help you didn't even bother to acknowledge what I did."

Fluttershy only gave a look of guilt and tears streamed from her face

"Spike, that wasn't very nice!" Rainbow Dash said

"Oh , YOU want to talk being nice "loyalty", what about you?" Spike said in disgust

"What about me? What did I do to you?!" Rainbow Dash protested

"Are you kidding me?!?! You say your loyal to your friends yet you act as if I'm some sort of pin cushion for you to beat up on a daily basis! You prank me all the time, nearly hurt me, constantly laugh at me when I get hurt and almost kill me with some stupid stunt like that Winter Wrap Up prank! And what's worse?!?!!?! YOU OR ANYPONY ELSE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE YOU CHEAP UNFAITHFUL LAZY HYPOCRITE!!!!"

Rainbow Dash was left shocked with disbelief at Spike over how valid his point was. With how she treated him, they basically didn't even act or feel like friends at all. The entire mob and the girls were left shocked at Spike's fury, which only worsened his transformation.

"Um Spike, maybe you can calm down and we can have a party?" Pinkie Pie tried to calm him

"Oh right! You mean the parties that you invite everypony to but me since I apparently was just there to wipe your sorry flanks all the time! Not only that, but you and that blue bozo constantly prank me as if I'm some sort of target or coat hanger for you to play with. And to top it all off, YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CARE IF I WAS OK OR NOT LIKE WHEN YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MOVED TWILIGHT'S BIRTHDAY! OR WHEN YOU ALMOST KILL ME WITH THAT STUPID CANNON OF YOURS!!!!!" Spike furiously replied

Pinkie Pie only backed away in guilt and her mane deflated with a remorseful look. The girls only looked at Spike, who only looked with a scowl of disappointment or disgust.

"Spike, Enough! Ah know that we made some mistakes, but it ain't right for you hurt them like that!" Applejack said to Spike

"Isn't right?? ISN'T RIGHT!?!?!?" Spike shouted with outrage, leaving them shocked at his outburst.

"When it comes to you "Honesty", your no better either! Whenever I try to help, you just tell me to get lost, you use me as an punching bag by either hitting me or kicking me, act as if I'm some sort of pet and what makes me even more peeved is the fact that I'm basically just a slave to you for your own selfish needs!" Spike further replied

Applejack only put a hoof to her hat, took it off and placed it on her chest, giving a look of guilt.

"Spikey-Wikey! Please!, we're sorry that we hurt you that way and I myself am no better. But, we never wanted to see you get hurt." Rarity said, trying to calm him down

"Wow, that's filthy rich coming YOU of all ponies." Spike said with a frown

"Pardon me?" Rarity asked

"Hmmm, let's see. Spikey-Wikey can you please help with this dress measurement, Spikey-Wikey can you be a darling and distract the bats while I take those gems, Spikey-Wikey can you help lift these luggage bags of mine? Spikey-Wikey can you be a darling and clean the boutique while me and the girls have fun?" Spike said impersonating Rarity with annoyance

Rarity was only shocked and offended at his display of her as he continued, with his transformation slowly reaching his head.

"All my life, I really liked you and I wanted you to notice me, to care about me. I had to sacrifice alot of my life and time to help you and earn your love and respect, but the truth is you never cared. You never wanted to be near me unless I would please you and your gold-digging desires. I realize that I was too deluded to realize it and kept putting you first when I never even mattered to you. If anything, your just as worse!" Spike coldly pressed on

Rarity was left baffled in disbelief at his words and backed away with tears, which had ran down her makeup.

Twilight, seeing the state her friends were in said to Spike

"Spike, that's ENOUGH! I understand that we all hurt you in a way, but we never wanted to push you that far. I was just trying to protect you."

"Oh really Twilight? Me or your title?" Spike asked

"What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight asked

"Oh come on!, the chores, the negligence, the way you treat me and how you and the others constantly leave me behind to do your work while you all go out and have fun together or have to go on a mission from the Cutie Map. And if that wasn't enough, you constantly treat me like I'm a coat hanger with arms and make me clean your messes. And after you became a princess, you didn't just keep treating me like dirt, you pretty much basically thought I wasn't important to you, your friends as your family! And what further tops it all off is that you didn't even include me in your journal. But I guess your pretty much "protecting" me from that aren't you?"

Twilight was left in disbelief as Spike continued

"In fact, you know what, since none of you phonies or ANY of you idiots bothered to believe in me or treat me like I belong, Why don't I just leave and save you all the trouble? Your the important heroes of Equestria, so do whatever you want by yourselves."

Spike promptly walked out the castle entrance and pushed away the mob ponies that blocked his way.

"Spike, wait!" Starlight said

"And by the way, that evil me was right. Elements of Harmony, Friendship is magic, what a joke." Spike said with disillusioned anger.

Spike left the scene in a huff, leaving all the ponies shocked in disbelief.

"Well well, wasn't that sweet."

"Who said that?!" Starlight asked

The mob and the girls looked and saw the last person they needed to see right now.

"Nice day, isn't it everypony?" Dark Spike said mockingly

Author's Note:

I own nothing. Everything belongs to rightful owners.