• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,988 Views, 91 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony - LoganRyder

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

  • ...

Chapter 14

Dark Spike was shapeshifted as his younger self and in Ponyville. He made his way to the Castle of Friendship with a look of determination

"Now, my fate is inevitable, whether he wants it or not."

As Dark Spike walked to the castle, he was noticed by a few ponies.

"Hey, isn't that the dragon that beat up 3 pegasi?" An unicorn stallion said

"And didn't he break the wings off 2 of them?" An earth mare asked

"So they know. How amusing." Dark Spike thought with a smile.

As he walked, he eventually reached the castle. He then hid in a corner of the building and pulled out the Alicorn Amulet from the current timeline.

"This is it. Find my present and ensure my future." Dark Spike said to the amulet.

The amulet glowed a bright dark red and disappeared, while Dark Spike's arms glowed dark green.

"Since my younger self may try to delay my existence, I can stop him without him knowing." Dark Spike thought with a smirk.

(Inside the castle)

Spike was busy cleaning up the library and rearranging the books in their proper sections. As he did, he nearly finished and said

"Almost done."

As Spike was finishing cleaning up, a dark red glow began to dim in a nearby section of the library. Spike noticed to dim light and gave a look of confusion.

"Huh? What is that?"

Spike walked to the source and noticed an mysterious pony at the source.

"Excuse me? Are you there?" Spike said with a look of worry.

The pony did not answer. Spike only slowly walked to the figure and noticed it was a stallion. As soon as he got close, the touch the stallion's back leg and he turned around.

It was Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor?! What are you doing here?" Spike said with surprise

"Oh sorry about that Spike. I was looking all over for you." Shining said with a sheepish smile

"For me? Why?" Spike asked confused.

"Because I notice how you and I never spend time with each other anymore during my time with Cadence at the empire, so I thought that I get you something and let Twilight have me come." Shining said

"Really?" Spike said flattered

Shining nodded and pulled out a present box and gave it to Spike. He untied it and pulled off the top of the box, revealing a shiny small glowing red gem.

"Whoa! Cool!" Spike said with a happy smile.

"I'm glad you like it little bro. It's all yours to eat. It may be small but I was told it's really tasty for dragons." Shining said

Spike happily took the gem and began to eat it. As soon as he finished, he burped and said

"Oh man that was good." Spike said patting his belly

Shining smiled and noogied Spike on the head as Spike burped one last time.

"Well, it looks like we still have some time to spare right Shining A-." Spike said looking away from Shining.

However, the moment he turned around, Shining Armor was gone.

"Huh? Shining?! Where did you go?" Spike said confused at his adoptive brother's disappearance.

"Spike?!" An female voice was heard saying.

Spike turned and saw it was Twilight trotting to him

"Twilight? Wait, Where's Shining?" Spike asked

"Shining? He was never here." Twilight replied

"But he told me you let him come here." Spike explained

"Spike, what are you talking about? Shining never came at the door and I never saw him in Ponyville." Twilight said

This left Spike confused and a bit weary as he moved away from Twilight.

"Spike?! What are you doing?" Twilight called out to him

Spike only ran outside and began to look for Shining, pursued by Twilight.

"Spike!" Twilight called out to Spike, who only kept looking.

(At the back of the Castle of Friendship)

Shining Armor had managed to hide at the back of the castle. His eyes turned blood red and he said in a dark, familiar voice

"That'll take care of them."

Shining was surrounded by dark green flames, revealing himself as Dark Spike. He only looked around and said with a smile.

"Now for a little hostility and headaches."

Dark Spike's hand's glowed dark green flames as he used his magic. After he finished, a dark shadow loomed and Dark Spike said

"Find the present and ensure my future."

(With Spike and Twilight)

Spike only continued to look and said "Shining?!"

"Spike, stop!" Twilight shouted, managing to reach him

Spike was only huffing and puffing and stopped running as he saw Shining was nowhere in sight.

"Alone again?" A familiar voice said

Spike looked and his eyes widened at who it was. His dark future counterpart.

"YOU!" Spike said in anger

Dark Spike ran into the Everfree and Spike was in pursuit, ignoring the shouts of Twilight.

As the two ran, Spike chased his dark self across the forest, from climbing tree to tree and running from bushes. Dark Spike reached a tree and flew into a branch while Spike climbed it and reached near him.

"Out of breath now? Save it, I merely posed as Prince Shining to get your attention, now that I have it..." Dark Spike taunted.

"What are you planning?" Spike asked him

"I've placed a little surprise in the castle of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Once the Princesses and Prince find it, that surprise will be the last they'll see again." Dark Spike said in a cold tone.

"Not if I stop you!" Spike said

The young dragon lunged at his older self, but he was easily beaten and hit in the chest, hitting him back a bit. Spike fired numerous fire blasts at his dark self, but he easily teleported away from them without harm.

"Don't tell me you've gone soft over those foolish ponies that ruined both your life and mine." Dark Spike taunted

Spike only screamed with anger and tried to punch or kick his older self with green magic charged blows (due to the gem he ate previously with Dark Spike's magic), but he missed each time and Dark Spike only kicked him off the tree, where he landed in a nearby bush. Spike only gave a frown as he got up


Spike turned and saw it was Twilight, along with the other girls and Starlight.

"Where were you?!" Rainbow Dash asked

Spike, with an determined brow said "It's that future me, he's back and he's planning a trap for Princess Celestia, Cadance, Shining and Princess Luna."

"Are you sure Spike? He may still be somewhere but I haven't noticed anything different in Ponyville." Starlight said

"It doesn't matter, Rainbow Dash, Starlight and Applejack, you two check Canterlot, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity, you go check the Crystal Empire. Me and Twilight are going after the evil me." Spike said with a dead serious tone

The girls nodded and went to their respective destinations. With Spike and Twilight, they were walking around the Everfree forest.

"Don't worry Spike, we'll stop him together." Twilight assured Spike

"What choice do we have?" Spike said with slight scorn and seriousness.

As they walked, Spike noticed a shadowy figure, and ran at it.

"Spike?!" Twilight asked

As Spike ran, he pushed away the bushes and saw an object on the ground, as soon as he walked to it, he saw it was the Alicorn Amulet, but the small red gem in the bottom of it was missing.

"The Alicorn Amulet? What's it doing out here?" Spike asked

As soon as Spike said that, the red eyes of the amulet glowed red and flared. Spike's green eyes flared green and then blood red for a short moment before the amulet stopped and was moved to Spike's chest.

"What's going on?!" Spike said

The amulet glowed red in a pulsating red field around Spike. After a few seconds, the field dissipated and the amulet was gone. Spike was on the ground and got up slowly, hearing footsteps.

"Having fun?"

Spike only looked and saw Dark Spike walking to him and was smiling.

"It's a shame the princesses will never live another day." Dark Spike said mockingly

Spike angrily charged at his dark self. The two fought, but every time Spike used his fire breath and abilities, his evil older self triumphed and elbowed him to the ground before magically throwing him near a tree.

"Spike?!" Twilight shouted

The two turned and saw the purple Alicorn. Spike saw Dark Spike flee and shouted

"Twilight! STOP HIM!"

Twilight however, only looked around and continued to do so with a confused look as Dark Spike ran away into the forest while Spike pursued, but he lost sight of him.

Spike gritted his teeth with rage and angrily grabbed Twilight's hoof with rage. Twilight saw the hate in her friend's eyes as she said with shock.

"You-Your hurting me." Twilight said with surprise

"What happened?! That evil me was there! how could you let him GET AWAY?!?!" Spike angrily asked huffing with rage, his eyes even turning blood red like Dark Spike for a short moment.

Twilight, shocked at Spike's fury only said while tears poured out her eyes.

"But Spike, nopony was there."

Spike only let go of Twilight and backed away in shock upon hearing her response, breathing with his eyes widened.

(With the girls)

The Main 6 regrouped at the Ponyville train station, it was getting late and the night was slowly coming. Along with them were the Royal sisters

"Well Canterlot has nothing to worry about." Applejack said

"No luck at the Crystal Empire either." Rarity said

"No kidding. Whatever is going on with Spike must be either another trick or messing with his head." Rainbow Dash said suspicious

"And even if that were the case, we would have detected him at least." Princess Celestia said

As they spoke, they noticed Twilight heading to them with a look of sadness.

"Twilight!" Starlight said, as the other ponies went to her.

"Where's Spike?" Fluttershy asked

"Spike decided to go on his own." Twilight replied

"Well, we looked all over the castles in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire and we couldn't find anything." Applejack told Twilight.

Twilight didn't answer back as Celestia, with a look of worry asked her

"Twilight, is everything ok?"

Twilight only replied with with sorrow and confusion

"Spike said he saw his evil self, yet I couldn't. I tried to see him, I really did, but he wasn't there. I've never seen Spike this angry compared to last time, let alone at me."

"Then we should go look for him." Pinkie said

(In the Everfree Forest)

Spike continued to make his way through the forest as followed a foot trail of familiar footprints. As he walked, he saw the trail ended at it's destination. The old castle of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

Spike only glared and entered the castle slowly. As he entered he saw the crumbled castle and looked around for his evil counterpart. As Spike looked, he saw a nearby shattered mirror and a shadowy figure moving and pursued. As Spike followed, parts of the castle crumbled and nearly crushed him, but he managed to dodge and reach a clear area.

"Come out and show yourself!" Spike shouted

"Relax kid. I'm not going anywhere." An familiar voice said

Spike turned around and Dark Spike jabbed him in the chest, knocking him back. Spike only roared angrily and tried to jump kick his adversary, but Dark Spike countered and managed to knock him into a nearby desk. Spike only got up but was kicked into a wall.

"Pity the so-called Elements of Harmony won't aid you." Dark Spike mocked

"Why didn't Twilight see you in the forest?" Spike asked

"I camouflaged myself with my magic and used a spell on her." Dark Spike replied

"Then I'll deal with you myself!" Spike said and charged his dark self

Dark Spike grabbed Spike's incoming punch and elbowed him in the face, responding to Spike

"Spike. if you stopped me, why am I still here in your time?"

Spike only growled and charged at his dark self, trying to punch and kick him. But Dark Spike easily dodged and evaded his blows. Dark Spike even kicked him in the chest and then elbowed him in the face into the ground, knocking Spike on the ground, where he had some bruises on him.

"You can't even hurt me. Just like last time" Dark Spike said in a mocking tone.

Spike only shouted and charged at Dark Spike, with his eyes flaring blood red as he attacked.

(With the girls and Princesses)

The girls were heading to the castle and managed to reach the entrance. Celestia's horn was glowing and she said

"My magic is picking up something, it's in our old castle nearby."

A familiar shout of pain was heard and Rainbow Dash said

"And it looks like we just found it!"

The girls ran to the castle entrance and entered the main room

"SPIKE!!!" The girls shouted in worry

They looked and saw Spike covered with bruises and scars on his body and face constantly moving and acting as if he was being hit or kicked all over, but Dark Spike was nowhere to be seen.

"Um, why is Spike acting like he's play fighting with the air?" Cadance asked

"DARK SPIKE!!!!" Spike turned showing his bruised face and shouted to clarify aid

The ponies gasped as Twilight and Starlight lit their horns and so did Luna, Cadance and Celestia. In Spike's view, Dark Spike disappeared and Spike turned to the girls

"What are you all doing here?! I told you to find the traps!" Spike chewed out the girls

"Spike, we looked everywhere in their castles, there was nothing." Starlight said

"Then he must be using invisibility magic, just like he did to me! That's why none of you saw them!" Spike justified

"But if we did not see the traps or your dark self, how can YOU see him Spike?" Princess Celestia asked

Spike only backed away stunned before replying "What are you saying?"

Princess Luna only walked up to Spike and asked

"Young Spike, are you sure you saw your evil self and if he was REALLY here?"

"Saw him? We fought each other here! You think I did all this myself?" Spike said pointing at his bruises as proof

"Spike, we used our magic and you were the only one inside." Cadance said to Spike

"And nopony else was here but you and now us." Rarity said

Spike's fury only worsened as he said

"I don't have time for this foolishness. I have to find those threats myself alone if I have to."

However, Rainbow Dash and Applejack blocked his path with Applejack saying, practically shouting to him with further refusal

"Spike, there are no traps! And there is no threat from your evil self!"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAW!" Spike shouted back, backing away

"I have to stop him! I'm the only one that can! And I'll personally finish off ANYBODY who gets in my way! Especially any of you!"

Spike shouted with murderous rage, with not only both his hands lighting up green magic flames, but his eyes flared blood red as he shouted

All the ponies stared at the young dragon with disbelief at his state of furious anger, Rarity gasped upon seeing him in his angry state, Rainbow Dash backed away in a rare ounce of fear, Fluttershy cowered behind the others, Pinkie Pie was only surprised at his anger and shed some tears, Starlight only gave a look of disbelief at his furious state, the princesses only stared wide eyed at him with their mouths open in shock.

However, Spike was blasted in the back by a magic blast from behind. It was Twilight, who only gave a devastated look as Spike fell on the ground and began to fade into unconsciousness as the others looked at him before he blacked out.

(In Ponyville)

Spike began to slowly wake up and saw he was in a hospital bed held down from his hands. Spike only looked around and saw he was in Ponyville General Hospital

"Do we need to have him restrained?" Twilight was heard asking

"Twilight, he threatened us, he's becoming more dangerous." Applejack said

"Plus he's really looking like he's loco in the coco!" Pinkie was heard saying

"Plus if things get worse, we will use our magic to see what's wrong with him." Luna said

Spike turned and saw them talking outside as some doctors came in and ran some tests on him. Some nurses and doctors began to examine him and put him to a heart monitor and X-rays.

"So far everything looks normal." An stallion doctor said

"His vital signs are ok so far." A nurse mare added

As they spoke, Dark Spike suddenly teleported in front of Spike and the doctors smiling and said

"Alone again? Don't tell me you didn't miss me." Dark Spike said as he walked to him

"He's here! Run!" Spike shouted struggling in his binds.

"Who?!" The doctor stallion asked

The monitors began to beep rapidly as the nurse said

"His heart rate is getting more faster!"

"Heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline. Nopony can survive this much stress in their system!" The doctor replied

Spike only savagely struggled again as the ponies tried to subdue him as Dark Spike closed in on him, he then broke his binds by flaring his hands and burning them and subdued the medical staff with magic blows to their heads or necks. Spike jumped at a nearby vent and removed the lid before the girls came in hearing the commotion.

"And I thought the doctor was lame." Rainbow Dash commented.

'Where did Spike go?" Starlight said

"Up there!" Fluttershy pointed at the vent he opened.

The ponies tried to open it, but the lid was sealed

"Why won't it come off?!" Applejack said

Princess Luna, realizing the danger closed her eyes and focused her magic as her horn glowed.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Celestia asked

"Finding Spike." Luna replied

As Luna's magic glowed, a white soul like spirt flew through the vent and went to Spike, who began to phase from the soul magic entering him.

"Spike...I'm here to help." Luna said

"Princess Luna?! Run! The evil me! he'll destroy you!" Spike refuted in fear

"Young Spike, your heart rate is in danger, you need to trust me." Luna insisted to Spike

As she said this, memories of the day from the amulet and Shining came and Luna only said

"Your future self is not here or in Ponyville."

"No! He's real! I saw him with my own eyes!" Spike tried to justify

"If you saw with your eyes...let me see with them." Luna asked

As soon as Spike's body stopped moving, his eyes closed and he breathed as his eyes then turned into Luna's night blue eyes. Luna only said in Spike's head as he looked left to right

"See Spike, thy are wrong, your evil self was never here. It was all in your mind."

However, Dark Spike appeared and punched Spike in the face, knocking him back and causing Luna's spell to snap off and her to fall backward on the ground. Luna only sat up and said in shock and surprise


"You saw him too?!" Princess Celestia asked shocked

Princess Luna replied in confusion but clarification

"I'm not sure if he's real, but to Spike he is and right now that's the main issue. The stress in his body is killing him because he believes he's truly fighting his dark self. And the worst part is...the evil Spike is winning."

Dark Spike and Spike's fight went from the vents to the an attic full of medical supplies. The fight was still one-sided as Spike was pummeled by Dark Spike, who either kicked or grabbed him and threw him into nearby objects.

"You always knew I was inevitable." Dark Spike said grabbing Spike.

"No...!" Spike said in pain as he was dragged.

With the girls, Luna gasped and said "No, I can feel his heart, he's not gonna make it!"

Twilight, now furious and determined said

"Then let's end this NOW!"

She then used a large amount of her magic to focus and teleport.

Dark Spike continued to pummel Spike to the ground and threw at a nearby crate. As he walked, the light flickered on, but he was gone, yet when it was off, he reappeared

"Please....stop...!" Spike said in pain

"Stop? We both know I won't. And neither will you." Dark Spike said holding Spike by the neck.

"The others say your not real." Spike replied

Dark Spike only taunted with a grin "Oh I'm very real, in every dark corner those stupid ponies did to your life."

He threw Spike near a light switch and looked at him as he got up.

Spike, upon hearing this said in realization "Every dark corner....wait. When we fought I have scratches everywhere, yet your perfectly fine. Plus in the forest, those footprints must have been mine....Wait a minute...."

Spike began to recall what happened during the day and what the girl's told him. Dark Spike only appeared in the dark, but not even once in the light.

"The girl's are right! Your just in my head, but in the dark! YOUR NOT REAL!" Spike said with a look of recognition

Dark Spike's eyes widened as he replied charging at Spike "I'm real enough to destroy YOU!"

Spike pulled the light switch fully and said "Say goodnight faker."

Dark Spike faded away from the light the moment it turned on and Spike began to move slowly. The door opened and Twilight was there.


The young dragon smiled and said with reassurance "It's ok Twilight. It's over."

With that he passed out before Twilight managed to hold him together.

At the infirmary, the doctors began to look over Spike and his body. The doctor saw an red substance in Spike and showed Twilight and the others. Princess Celestia gave a look at Spike's X-ray and said

"It looks like that evil you pulled off another trick, he must have fused some of his magic in a gem you ate and it's corruption and power infiltrated your nervous system." Princess Celestia said

"The gem he tricked me into eating, it made me see and feel him. Even though he was never there."

"And the more you two fought, the more you put yourself in harm's way." Cadance said

"And anypony else that could've been around." Twilight further noted.

The x-ray beeped and Luna said "It says you should be better now though."

Spike, getting up off the bed and near the light switch said "Well, just to be safe."

He turned off the lights and looked around the room for his evil self. But he wasn't there. After a few seconds, Spike turned the lights on and sighed, saying

"I've been afraid of being like him ever since i met him, I guess it's hard to move on, especially since he came back. But I feel like I'm the only one still able to look for him and stop him. Even since he nearly killed all of you the first time and the last in his own timeline."

The ponies only looked solmenly at Spike and Starlight said

"Spike, your never alone."

"And if he truly comes, we'll stop him together. You should get some rest. Can you girls take him to the room the doctor gave him?" Twilight said

Spike nodded with a smile saying "Good idea."

The girls and Spike left the medical examination while Starlight, Twilight and the Princesses stayed with the doctor.

"Wait, there is one thing I forgot to mention." The doctor stallion said

The girls and the princesses looked at him confused saying "When he ate the corrupted gem, it wasn't activated alone. There was an amulet in Spike that triggered his hallucinations missing a piece. And it was by a spell, from an Alicorn Amulet."

"Then that means...?" Twilight said shocked

"Someone caused Spike to hallucinate on purpose." Starlight added

As the ponies are left bewildered, the dragon amulet symbol on the throne Spike sat on in the Castle of Friendship began to glow blood red in it's eyes for a second and then stopped, leaving the throne in the dark room silent.

Author's Note:

(I don't own pics, Everything goes to it's rightful owners and I will remove if necessary)


This chapter was inspired mostly by the Teen Titans episode Haunted and in a way this video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eIbnmiQbdt8

All credit goes to rightful owners.