• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,997 Views, 91 Comments

The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony - LoganRyder

Months have passed after Spike has defeated his dark future self, but is he truly gone?

  • ...

Chapter 20

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked

Dark Spike only smiled mischievously and said

"In due time, you'll know. But let's focus on this little reunion? " Dark Spike said

The girls got in battle stances as Dark Spike flew down, walking over to them.

"You! You turned Spike evil, made him hate us and almost turned him evil with your magic!" Rarity accused Dark Spike

"Technically your right, but your also wrong." Dark Spike responded

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked

"I may have given him the Alicorn amulet, but you all are the ones who turned him evil. From the abuse to the negligence and those dumb pranks. Just like you all did to me!" Dark Spike responded

"You gave him the Alicorn Amulet?!" Twilight said in shock

"Indeed, to ensure my existence and all of your fates inevitable!." Dark Spike boasted

"No wonder your so powerful, the amulet is corrupting you...and soon Spike!" Starlight realized

"Wrong again you dumb equality and kite loving fool." Dark Spike mocked, with Starlight giving an insulted look.

"What? But it does corrupt the user." Rarity said

"True, but I don't wield it, I fused with it. It remained part of me and allows me to remain free willed and sane. It opened my eyes and showed me my true potential when none of you believed in me." Dark Spike replied

"You FUSED with the Alicorn Amulet?!?!" Starlight said shocked

"Yes I did, and now that I have, I have a few surprises for you." Dark Spike said with a sadistic grin

"OH! A Surprise! Ilovesurprisesisitacake,aparty,acakepartyora-

"PINKIE!" The girls and even Dark Spike shouted

"Sorry!" Pinkie Pie apologized

"Why don't I show you?" Dark Spike said

He flew airborne and trapped the girls and the mob in an dark green magic forcefield and he snapped his fingers.

The ground shook violently as a number of explosions had suddenly happened from the distance.

"WHOA!!" Rainbow Dash said in shock.

"What was that?!" Twilight asked

"Wait, it looks like it's coming Canterlot and the Crystal Empire!" Applejack said

"And Celestia and Luna are still in Canterlot!" Starlight added

"Don't worry, you'll all be joining them soon." Dark Spike mocked

Spike was walking away in the town and made his way to the entrance of the Everfree Forest. He only breathed a huff of air and entered the forest.

"As much as I want to stop my future self and his existence, I'm pretty sure me and him both know it's bound to happen anyway. I mean, the girls never believed in me, most ponies across Equestria think I'm dangerous, and to top it all off I'm pretty sure Twilight would likely replace me or get rid of me."

As Spike continued to walk around the forest. A voice was heard saying


"Who's there?" Spike asked

"Follow my voice........." The same voice said ominously.

Spike, while reluctant, complied and began to follow the trail of the voice and where it came from.

The trapped ponies looked in shock at the events that occured. Dark Spike had just destroyed both Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. As Dark Spike gave a smile, he said in a condescending tone


"You monster!" Rainbow Dash said with fury

"Oh me? A monster? This says the pony who constantly pranked me, almost killed me, makes fun of me for not being a "real dragon" during the Dragon Migration and always bullies me over not having wings." Dark Spike spitefully replied

Rainbow Dash was left silent at his statement as Dark Spike gave an look of disgust, with some of the ponies doing the same, especially Twilight. As he did, a voice behind him was heard

"What is going on here?!?!?"

Dark Spike turned and saw Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and a now free Princess Cadance and Prince Shining.

"Well well, look who shows." Dark Spike said

"What have you DONE?!?!" Princess Luna asked with her Royal Canterlot voice at the end.

"ENSURE MY FUTURE!!!!" Dark Spike responded with an equal louder voice.

Dark Spike flew airborne and lunged at the princesses and Shining. The fight had now begun.

(Back in the Everfree Forest)

Spike had continued to follow the trail of the voice that said his name. Eventually, he reached a cave and the voice said

"Follow my voiceeeeeeee....."

Spike was reluctant to enter the dark cave, but with a heavy breathe, entered. He saw the trail had led to none other then the Tree of Harmony.

"The Tree of Harmony?" Spike said confused

"Yes, Spike." The voice before said

Spike only looked around and said confused "Who is that?"

Spike began to hear something behind and turned around. The sight shocked him.

The tree had shown and made astral forms of Twilight and the girls and they all looked at Spike.

"Twilight, Rarity, Applejack?!? What are you all doing here?!" Spike asked surprised

"Technically we aren't them Spike, we're their elements in their form." Astral Fluttershy said

"What's going on?" Spike asked

"We are here to tell you about what you need to do now to save Equestria." Astral Rarity said

"Yeah, I don't think so." Spike replied

"What?" Astral Twilight responded to him

"Oh come on! I'm not a hero! Not only that, but even if I was, none of you even bothered to listen or care about me! If there's anyone to blame, it's you." Spike said

"Spikey-Wikey, I understand that your angry, but we this won't help anything. It will only make you just like your dark self." Astral Rarity said

"Wow, that means alot coming from you "generosity". Especially since your half the reason he turned evil along with these phonies!" Spike said, adding disdain with the last part

"Spike, I understand that we are to blame, but we're begging you! Equestria is in danger and your our only hope." Astral Pinkie said

""Only hope?", I'm sure the others will be ok without me." Spike said unconvinced

"I had a feeling you wouldn't believe us, which is why you should see this." Astral Twilight said

Astral Twilight's horn glowed and showed the events happening in Ponyville, with Dark Spike fighting the Princesses and Shining with the trapped girls and ponies watching. Dark Spike was easily getting the upper hand with his more enhanced speed, magic and ferocity. Spike was left speechless at the scene as Astral Twilight stopped showing him the screen.

"Ok, even if I was to stop him. How? I'm not even an Element of Harmony like any of you." Spike replied

The Astral forms of the girls looked at each other and approached Spike as Astral Applejack said

"Spike, I know you ain't an Element, but compared to all 6 of us, you embodied all of our elements more then we have. You were always honest to us and did everything to help us and never complained. You were even honest about working to help us and didn't ask for anything in return like with me at Sweet Apple Acres."

"I know I'm supposed to be the Element of Loyalty, but compared to me, you've been loyal to your friends no matter what Spike. Me, Thorax, Ember. I've been mean and hard to you all the time with the pranks I've pulled on you and how made fun of you for not being a real dragon. I never even thought of how I kept hurting you and your feelings. You were more loyal then me and I should have never taken advantage of you so much. I am very, seriously, really sorry, I understand it may not be enough to make it up to you, but I am very sorry." Astral Rainbow Dash said

"Spike, I know I was nice to you for the most part, but I never treated you as equally as I did with anypony else in Equestria like the girls. I treated you like an monster while you showed both me and other creatures oor ponies alike kindness no matter what. I was supposed to be the Element of Kindness, but I never showed kindness to you when you needed it. I'm deeply sorry I failed you. If anything, your more of an Element of Kindness then I am." Astral Fluttershy said with sorrow

Astral Pinkie Pie was next as she said to Spike

"Spike, I realize that while I may have made many ponies in Ponyville laugh and have parties, I never even once tried to make you feel happy or laugh when you needed it the most. I never invited you to my parties, always pranked you with Dashie and never apologized when it went too far. Not only that, but I always took you for granted and didn't show any gratitude. Instead, I only acted as if you were an coat with arms that didn't even exist. I know it's not enough, but I am very, very, really, seriously sorry. You always helped me and other ponies or creatures laugh and help me be happy when I was sad or depressed, yet I never helped you when you were the same."

Astral Rarity approached next and said with guilt

"Spikey-Wikey, I really understand you don't wish to talk to me now or ever, but please know. I never wanted to hurt you that way in the past. Whenever I needed help with making a dress or getting gems, you were always generous to help me when nopony else could. Instead, I only used your love for me as an excuse for my own greed and selfishness. You were an more generous dragon compared to me, the Element of Generosity. I'm very, very, deeply sorry for how I treated you all these years."

The last to approach was Astral Twilight, who only gave a remorseful look and said

"Spike, I never paid any attention to you my whole life before I became an Princess and after I did. I only kept on using you for my own selfishness and never even bothered to acknowledge who you are and when you helped me when i needed it. You were more of an Element of Harmony compared to all of us. You were honest with everypony and creature you met, you were kind to your friends and us, you were loyal to anypony in need, you helped us and other ponies laugh when we were sad, you were generous to us all and helped us with what we needed and what further showed it was how you showed the magic of friendship to us all when we didn't. I understand if you don't believe me Spike, but I am very, very, seriously sorry. I understand if you don't want to believe us and you have every right to be angry, but we're all very, very sorry."

Spike only gave a look of conflict. On one hand, he was angry for being used and hurt his whole life, but on another, he had to help save Equestria from destruction from his soon to be dark future. As he debated, he only sighed with dismay and said

"Ok fine, I'll help."

The Astral forms of the girls smiled, but Spike then added

"BUT!, after this, when it's done, I'M done and then I'm leaving, ok?"

The Astral forms of the girls only nodded, realizing it was a fair penance for making him feel false hope. The Tree then glowed and and an white beam coming from each of the elements enter his body, with the astral forms of the girls disappearing.

Spike levitated as the magic from the Tree entered him. His chest began to hurt as he felt the magic enter him.


The evil in Spike had begun to slowly be purged and the Elements had started to fuse with the amulet and restore Spike from his transformed state earlier to his normal light dragon appearance, with an white flash engulfing him and the cave. After a few seconds, the light died down and Spike had begun to feel a massive power up from the gem and amulet he fused with mixed with the purity of the tree and the Elements.

With newfound determination, Spike said "Now let's save Equestria!"

He left the cave by magically teleporting his way to Ponyville, ready to stop his future self.

Author's Note:

I don't own anything or the artwork. Everything belongs to rightful owners