• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,463 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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A Brother's Guidance PT 1

One day, in the underground hanger, The Gem Knights were building a giant machine while Stockman was supervising. Meanwhile, Devimon was working on making his powers were at full strength and Ripley was practicing his magic. Then, a big figure stepped forward to Lewej who was on her throne drinking berry juice. The figure was tall with grey skin, gladiator armor, a grill over his mouth, and bladed shoulder pads.

“You summoned me, your highness?” the figure bowed.

“Yes, I did, Gladitron. While Stockman is supervising the weapon and Devimon and Ripley are doing…. Whatever, I want you to take a small group of Gem Knights and find these Turtles and Rainbooms and Digidestined who are no doubt with Shine Boy and his pep squad. Find and battle them and above all do not fail me.”

“At once, Princess.” Gladitron stood up and walked away as Lewej looked at her floating gem orb.

“No doubt that Shine brat and his new friends are out there, plotting against us.”


Meanwhile, in New York, The Turtles, their allies, Rainbooms, Digidestined, Team Shine, and Night Shine decided to play soccer on the rooftops since it was a nice day. After choosing teams, the group played and had fun. Only Rarity, Fluttershy, Fugitoid, Twilight, Spike, and Andromon sat and watched the others.

“Great idea playing soccer on a nice day like today, Davis.” Mikey grinned as he spun the ball on his finger.

“Seemed like a good idea. Besides, I wanted to see how good Rainbow Dash claims to be.” Davis smirked.

“Then prepare to be amazed!” Rainbow boasted.

“Don’t forget we’re here too!” Night Shine stole the ball from Casey and kicked it to the goal Love Shine was guarding. On the way, Raph ran to steal the ball from him, only for Night Shine to spin pass Raph, causing the turtle to fall over, growling. Night Shine kicked the ball towards the goal only for Shine Boy to intercept and kick it to Karai just before Night Shine could get it back. Karai then kicked it back to Raph, who kicked it to T.K. As T.K. was heading to the goal Leo was guarding, Davis slid from the side and knocked the ball almost tripping T.K. in the process.
The ball then slid off the building.

“Out of bounds!” Mikey cried.

“I’ll get it.” Twilight headed to the to levitate the ball back up.

But as she neared the edge, April felt a vibe from her head. “TWILIGHT! LOOK OUT!”

Luckily, Leo dove in and grabbed Twilight just before a huge ray blasted nearly the whole side of the building. Appearing from the smoke stood Gladitron and some Gem Knights.

“Oh no!” Gamer gasped.

“It’s Gladitron.” Love Shine said.

“That’s Gladitron?” Raph asked.

“No. it’s Shia Lebouf. Of course, it’s Gladitron!” Night Shine rolled his eyes.

“He looks scary.” Fluttershy hid behind April.

“Well well well. If it ain’t Shine Brat and his brat brigade. And these must be those mutant turtles and Rainbooms Stockman told me about. As well as these Digidestined kids. And-” he stopped
as he noticed Night Shine. “Night Shine? Where are these geeks crawling out of?”

“Don’t. call me that!” Night Shine growled.

“So Ripley and Lewej are working together with Stockman.” Shine Boy sneered. “And I suppose you want us dead or alive?”

Hearing that caused the ninjas, Team Shine, Rainbooms pull out their weapons.

“You know me so well.”

“Yeah we’re gonna have to have a rain check on that.” Davis smirked as the Digidestined pulled out their Digivices and once again all minus Ken shouted, “DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”

“Veemon armor digivolve to…….. Raidramon, The Storm of Friendship!”

“Armadillomon armor digivolve to…….. Digmon, The drill of Knowledge!”

“Hawkmon armor digivolve to…….. Halsemon, The Wings of Love!”

“Patamon armor digivolve to…… Pegasusmon, Flying Hope!”

“Gatomon armor digivolve to…… Nefertimon, Angel of Light!”

“Wormmon digivolve to…….. Stingmon!”

“Take’em Down!” Leo ordered.

Gladitron pulled out his blaster and started firing at heroes who scattered and battled Gem Knights. Team Shine made their way to Gladitron and battled the giant, but Gladitron threw Shine Boy, Gamer, and Shine Girl like ragdolls while Love Shine wrestled him.

“I’m going to enjoy prying you out of that armor!” Gladitron growled.

“You tried before. You won’t succeed here like those time as well!” Love Shine struggled.

Davis noticed while taking out a Gem Knight. “They need our help!”

Casey came skating by. “I’ve been wanting to try out my new toy.” He pulled a flat bat from behind. “Cricket.”

“Cricket?” Davis asked.

“Let’s just say you gotta know what a crumpet is to understand it.”

“Fair enough. Raidramon!”

The black armored dragon jumped to the two. “On it! Hop on, Jones.”

Casey nodded and jumped on Raidramon’s back. Then the two charged at Gladitron and Casey hit him in the back of the head with his cricket. “Goongala!”

Gladitron growled as he went after them before-

“Lightning Blade!”

He got hit in the back and turned to see Andromon facing him with Fugitoid.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

“Like you?”

“That was the general idea.”

Gladitron then noticed Fugitoid. “Professor Honeycutt? Alive? Maybe bringing you will be a bonus in today’s victory!”

“Over my dysfunctional body!” The professor shouted.

Then, T.K. and Kari jumped on Pegasusmon and Nefertimon and the two flew around as they formed an energy rope.

“Golden Noose!”

The two then wrapped it around Gladitron, immobilizing him.

“Let’s hit him now, Pegasusmon!” T.K shouted.

“Star Shower!” Pegasusmon flapped his wings and stars were shot out. But before they hit, Gladitron pulled Nerfertimon from her end, resulting in the attack hitting Nefertimon and Kari.

“KARI/NEFERTIMON!” Everyone cried.

T.K. was shocked he hit his friend. Pegasusmon landed, reverting back to Patamon, and T.K. rushed to where Kari and Nefertimon, who reverted back to Gatomon, landed and laid unconscious.

“Kari? Kari!” he frantically shook her, but she laid unresponsive. “What have I done?”

Gladitron broke free and was about to go after the two only to get hit by Applejack who sent him flying.

“Back off!” she shouted as the others ran to them.

“T.K.! Help me get Kari up!” Rainbow grabbed Kari while Fluttershy grabbed Gatomon and noticed
T.K. standing there in regret. “T.K.? T.K.!”

“I’ll help.” Shine Girl helped carry Kari.

Leo gathered everyone up. “We need to get them back to the lair! Mikey! Get us out of here!”

Night Shine pointed to Gladitron. “This is a time out! If you call us cowards, I’ll break you!”

Mikey pulled out a smoke bomb. “A B See Ya!” he threw it on the ground, sending a smoke up and the group was gone. Gladitron growled seeing his targets gone.


Later, back in the Turtle’s lair, Leo and Sunset were in the dojo, performing the Healing Hands to heal Kari and Gatomon while Shine Boy, Karai, and Fluttershy watched.

"Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." They both chanted as Leo placed his glowing hands on Kari while Sunset placed hers on Gatomon. After their hands stopped glowing, Kari and Gatomon both woke up gasping. Sunset placed her hand on Kari’s shoulder.

“Easy, Kari. We just healed you with the Healing Hands. You just need to rest right now.”

“I haven’t felt this bad about a defeat since BlackWarGreymon.” Gatomon sighed.

“What about Gladitron?” Kari asked as she laid back down.

“We had to return to the lair because you two were in critical condition.” Leo informed.

“I’m sorry I messed up.”

Shine Boy kneeled to Kari. “It was nothing you did, Kari. Gladitron can be tricky as well as tough. He took us by surprise to begin with.” He stood up and faced Leo and Sunset. “I gotta hand it to that Healing Hands technique. That is a handy ability. Uh no pun intended.”

“Where’s T.K.? is he alright?” Kari sighed.

“He seemed shook up when you got hurt.” Karai remembered.

“We’re gonna go talk to him. Fluttershy will get you anything you need.” Sunset stated.

“Thanks, Fluttershy.”

“My pleasure.” Fluttershy grinned as she rubbed Gatomon’s head.

“Let’s go.” Leo lead the leaders out of the dojo.

Meanwhile, Davis wasn’t as nice to T.K.

“How could you, T.M! Hurting Kari like that!”

“Hey! It’s not like T.K. did it on purpose!” Yolei yelled back.

“Yeah, man! Kari’s gonna be fine. It’s not like she died.” Mikey sighed.

“Besides, it was Gladitron’s doing, not his!” Casey added.

“Yeah, Davis! Use your brain!” Gamer yelled.

“Yeah yelling is gonna help Kari a lot.” Night Shine muttered while reading a magazine.

“Yeah…. Well… he should’ve watched where he was aiming!” Davis snapped.

“What about you? Did you know Gladitron was gonna throw Kari in the way?” Raph got in Davis’ face. “Did you? Did you?”

“ENOUGH!” Everyone turned to T.K., who had his back turned to them. “Davis’ right. It was my fault! And I’d rather not hurt anyone more.” And he started to leave the lair.

“Wait for me!” Patamon flew after him.

“T.K! Wait!” Rainbow called. But it was too late. T.K. had left just as Leo, Karai, Shine Boy, and Sunset left the dojo.

“How’s Kari?” Ken asked, obviously had enough yelling.

“She’ll be fine. She just needs rest.” Leo said before looking around. “Where’s T.K.?”

“He left. He really had the guilt piled high on him.” Twilight pointed before glaring at Davis.

“We better find him! Gladitron might be trying to hunt us down. He either gets called back by
Lewej and I seriously doubt he was injured enough.” Shine Boy stated.

“I suggest the four of us go find him.” Karai insisted

“Right.” Leo turned to Raph. “Raph, you’re in charge until we get back.”

“Got it, Leo.”

“Is it alright if Love Shine helps out as well?” Shine Boy volunteered.

Raph sighed. “Well, I guess it’s better than Night Shine over there.”

Raph was answered by a hatchet just missing his face and glared at Night Shine as he went back to his magazine.

“I’m calling you that whether you like it or not!” he yelled.

“Don’t say he didn’t warn you.” Love Shine sighed.

“Let’s go.” Sunset called as she, Karai, Leo, and Shine Boy left to find the depressed Digidestined.

T.K. was on the side of the roof of a warehouse, sulking, when Shine Boy, Karai, Sunset, and Leo landed on the roof.

“Hey, T.K. Got room for four more?” Sunset asked with a friendly.

“I guess.” T.K. said bluntly.

As the four sat by T.K., Shine Boy pulled out a small bag of carrot chips and offered one to everyone.

“Carrot chip?” he offered the Digidestined.

“No thanks.”

“I’ll have one.” Patamon accepted a chip.

“Kari’s gonna be okay, thanks to Leo and Sunset.” Karai smiled.

“That’s good.” T.K. sighed, not showing any signs of lighting up.

Leo took a deep breath. “T.K., you can’t let one mistake stop you from helping.”

“What if I make it again? I don’t like watching people suffer because of me! Not again!”

“Again? It happened before?” Shine Boy raised a brow.

“Yeah.” T.K. sighed. But before he could continue, he was interrupted by chuckling.

“You’re just an accident waiting to happen, aren’t ya, Kid?”

They turned to see Gladitron with a small army of Gem Knights.

“Oh yeah. Almost forgot about you.” Karai said sarcastically.

“At least I’ll have a handful of you brats to show Lewej.”

“Hey! While you’re here, Have a carrot chip!” Shine Boy threw a carrot chip at Gladitron’s eye, blinding him as everyone pulled out their weapons.

“Get’em!” Leo ordered.

“Attack!” Gladitron shouted.

T.K. got up as he watched the four battle.

“Well, maybe this’ll work off some stress.” He said to himself as he pulled out his Digivice.

“Ready, Patamon?”

“Ready!” Patamon prepared to digivolve. “Patamon digivolve to-”


“What’s going on?” T.K. gasped

“I don’t know. I can’t digivolve!”

“Let’s try the other way. DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”

“Patamon armor digivolve to-”

Nothing. Again.

“C’mon! work!” T.K. shook his Digivice before Gladitron fired at him, causing him to hang on the ledge.

“NO!” gasped the others but were unable to help.

“BOOM BUBBLE!” Patamon spat air bubbles at Gladitron, but they had no effect as Gladitron walked up and aimed his blaster at the hanging Digidestined. “Prepare to join your friend in the emergency room!”

He was about to pull the trigger before-



A blast of blue energy and an electrical orb narrowly missed Gladitron but knocked the blaster out of his hand. He looked to see a white wolf with blue stripes and a giant blue winged insect.

“Are they….. Digimon?” Leo asked.

“Wouldn’t surprise me.” Karai stated.

“Something tells me they’re on our side.” Shine Boy suggested while knocking out a Gem Knight.

“Why do you say that?” Sunset asked.

“I think those two are a dead giveaway.”

Shine Boy pointed to two guys walking up. One they recognized was Izzy. The other was another high schooler with blonde spiked hair. As he ran to help T.K., the wolf attacked Gladitron.

“I got ya, bro!” he grabbed T.K.’s hand.

“Matt?” T.K. gasped.

Meanwhile, The Gem Knights attacked the insect only to get swatted away by the insect itself.

“There sure are a lot of these pest!” he hissed.

After a struggle, Gladitron was able to throw off the wolf and got up. “You lucked out this time, but this isn’t OVER!” He then pushed a button on a device and disappeared in a flash of light.

The wolf walked up to Matt as he pulled T.K. back up with help from Karai. He then began to glow along with the insect, and both shrank into different forms. The wolf became a horned yellow creature wearing blue and white fur that covered his face. The insect was now a small red bug that resembled a ladybug. After putting away their weapons, the others walked up to them.

“Hey, Izzy. Good to see you again.” Sunset greeted.

“Great to see you guys again.” Izzy smiled back.

“So, you guys are the ninjas helping out my brother here.” Matt grinned.

“Brother? Oh! You must be Matt! T.K. told us about you!” Shine boy shook Matt’s hand. “I’m Shine Boy.”

“I’m Leonardo.”

“I am Karai.”

“My name is Sunset Shimmer.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Matt smiled. “This is my Digimon partner, Gabumon.”

“Hello.” The yellow creature bowed.

“Here’s my Digimon partner, Tentomon.” Izzy motioned the bug.

“Pleased to meet you all.” Tentomon nodded.

Patamon flew up to T.K. “Are you okay, T.K.?”

“I don’t know?” T.K. sighed, which Matt noticed.

“What’s wrong, bro?”

“For some reason, Patamon can’t digivolve! If you hadn’t shown up, I wouldn’t have-”

“There. There.” Gabumon patted his hand.

Matt showed a look of concerned as Izzy observed T.K.’s Digivice. “Well, your Digivice seems to be working fine.”

“Maybe if you build up your confidence, you’ll be back in the digivolving business.” Shine Boy suggested.

“Maybe a little ninja training could help?” Leo asked.

“Sure. Why not?” T.K. muttered.

“Cool! I was hoping to see you guys in action.” Matt smiled.

“I’d be fascinated to see myself.” Izzy added.

“If only we brought snacks.” Tentomon whined a little.

Shine Boy handed his bag of carrot chips to the two Digimon. “How about some carrot chips?”

“Ooo! Healthy.” Gabumon smiled as he and Tentomon accepted them and started to munch on them.

Soon after, the four trained with T.K. as Matt and Izzy watched. Shine Boy sparred with him each with staffs, Sunset practiced katas, Leo did hand to hand combat, and Karai sparred with wooden swords. But no matter what, T.K. seemed to be more upset which Matt noticed. Then, they had T.K. blindfolded and he tried to guess who would attack him next. After a couple failed attempts, T.K. just slammed his fists on the ground then pulled off the blindfold.

“You guys are just wasting your time! I’m no ninja!”

“We wouldn’t be doing this if it was a waste!” Karai snapped.

“And Ninja or not, you can’t just give up!” Shine Boy said.

“I’m sorry. I’m just not good enough.” T.K. walked off with Patamon following.

“Hopeless.” Shine Boy said, surprising everyone.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Sunset raised her brow.

“Nonono. I meant that kid doesn’t have hope.”


“Which is sad because his crest was Hope.” Gabumon sighed.

“I have heard he was like this once.” Matt added, recalling when he told Cody about their battle with Devimon.

“Speaking of which, why exactly are you two here in our world?” Karai asked the two. “I seriously doubt T.K. was the reason you came.”

“You got me there, Karai.” Matt chuckled before getting more serious. “There is another reason why we’re here.”

Matt pulled from his backpack a glowing blue orb and showed the four.

“What’s that?” Leo asked in awe.

“It’s one of Azulongmon’s power core.” Izzy explained. “I’m sure you were told about our tags and crests?” Everyone nodded as Izzy continued. “Azulongmon is one of four Digimon guardians who was locked away by the Dark Masters. He was freed by T.K. and the others when they were protecting a power source known as a Destiny Stone. When portals were opening all around our world, Gennai and his counterparts gained a power core from Azulongmon which helped us digivolve our Digimon to their ultimate stages. But left The Digital World vulnerable. Soon, only Tai’s Digimon, Agumon, had enough power to become his Mega form, WarGreymon, so he could help out. After the final battle with MaloMyotismon, Oikawa sacrificed himself in hopes restore power to the Digital World.”

“Azulongmon heard of how the others are helping you guys and, since the Digital World seems to be recovering well, let us try to use one of his power core to see if we can help should we be needed. I volunteered.” Matt finished.

“Yep. I came to make sure nothing goes wrong.” Izzy added.

“It would probably be wise to not use it in an actual fight.” Shine Boy advised.

“C’mon. Let’s try to talk to T.K. again.” Leo said.

But unknown to the group, a Gem Knight witnessed the whole conversation.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

- For all Power Rangers fans, Yes this is inspired by an episode of Power Rangers In Space where Adam returns to help Carlos. It originally was suppose to be Kari, But T.K. seemed to be a better choice.