• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,490 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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Gathering Allies

Five other kids emerged from the portal following the spikey haired boy and the blue dragon. One was a girl with purple hair with glasses, a vest over a long sleeve blue shirt, red pants, and a helmet and she was joined by a hawk with a headband and a feather. The youngest was a boy with a tan sweater and brown pants with a yellow armadillo with a tough shell. Next was a boy in a yellow and green sweater, green sweater, a white hat, and an orange winged creature on his head. There was a girl with short brown hair in a pink and white shirt, pink gloves, yellow shorts, and wore a camera around her neck and was joined by a white cat with striped gloves. And finally, there was a boy with blue hair in a grey uniform with a big green worm.

“So, this is the place?” said the spiked haired boy.

“According to Izzy’s calculations, this is where the random portals lead to.” The purple haired girl stated.

“Are we in New York?” the young boy looked around.

“Looks that way, Cody.” The boy in yellow answered.

“We must be in an alternate reality. Something feels different.” The girl in pink stated.

“I feel different.” The cat added.

“I still need a nap.” The armadillo yawned.

“I’m afraid there’s no time for a nap, Armadillomon.” The hawk shook his head.

“We have to stop whatever’s causing the portals before any Digimon terrorize this world.” The blue haired boy added.

“Ken’s right! What’s the plan, Davis?” the blue dragon asked.

“Well, Veemon, Let’s look around. Maybe we’ll discover something.” Davis answered.

They all agreed and head out.

Unknown to them, in a bunker under the city, a green skinned guy in a magenta robe and with a speaker over his mouth came up to the shadowed female on her throne.

“Your highness, sensors indicate a portal opened in a part downtown New York.” He reported.

“Were they Digimon?” the female asked.

“Not sure.”

“Send a small group of Gem Knights to investigate.” She ordered.

“By your command.” The servant said before leaving to carry out her order.


On top of a building, Karai and Shinigami wait for their ninja friends and the Rainbooms before seeing them arrive.

“We’re here!” Mikey cried before slipping and sliding near Shini. “Did you miss me?”

Shini couldn’t help but chuckle. “Never miss a laugh with you, Michelangelo.”

“Sorry we’re late.” Leo apologized to Karai.

“Not late at all, Leo.” Karai smiled.

“Would’ve been her sooner if Rarity didn’t take forever on deciding what to wear.” Grumbled Rainbow Dash.

“Well, you know I like to make a good impression when I meet new people, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity huffed.

Sunset got between them. “Okay. That’s enough.”

“So, where’s your friend?” Raph looked around.

“He should be here any minute. Also, he’s bringing some friends as well.” The ninja girl said.

April felt her head, getting a vibe. “That must be them.” She smiled as a cable caught the roof.

They all looked to see on a building a bit away were four figures hooking to the cable and zip lining to their location. As they landed, they stepped out of the shadows revealing themselves. The first figure wore a red shirt with a star insignia with the initials S, H, and B in it, black pants, a white and yellow utility belt, white boots with thrusters on the back, a white cape, and a white mask with a red triangle in the middle.

The second one was a younger boy who resembled the first guy only wearing ski goggles and a blue shirt with green short sleeves. He wore green fingerless glove with computerized gauntlets, black pants, and blue metal boots. He wore a yellow belt with a shoulder strap with a katana sword on his back with a 'G' for a belt buckle. There was a yellow G on his left side of his shirt.

Next was a teenage girl with black hair. Her shirt was warm pink with a diamond insignia with the initials 'S, H, and G. She wore bright pink gloves, mint green pants with a yellow belt, white knee-high boots, and a yellow cape. On her eyes was a red mask.


And finally, was the tallest of them all. He wore a battlesuit over a blue suit. The helmet had a visor covering his eyes. The blasters were shaped like hearts and on the chest piece was an insignia with a heart with a star implosion behind it.

“Nice entrance.” Pinkie smiled.

“Thanks.” Smiled the red shirt guy who then turned to Karai. “Hey Karai. Long time no see.”

Karai walked over to the first figure. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet my friend, Shine Boy.”

Rainbow gasped. “THE Shine Boy?! I heard all about you!”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Shine Boy smiled.

Leo walked up to Shine Boy and they shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. And these are our friends, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, and Keno.”

“This is my good friend, Shinigami” Karai introduced her friend.

“We’re the Rainbooms. I’m Sunset Shimmer, and this is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. And this Professor Honeycutt, AKA Fugitoid.”

“And This is Spike.” Twilight held up her dog.

“Allow me to introduce my team.” Shine Boy smiled as he pointed to the young one. "This is my younger brother, Gamer."

"Pleased to make your aquaintances." Gamer greeted before taking a good look at the Turtles. “Wow! Humanoid Turtles!”

Shine Boy then pointed to the girl. "This is Shine Girl."

"Hello there." waved Shine Girl.

"And finally, Love Shine." Shine Boy waved to the big guy.

"Hi." Love Shine smiled.

“Love Shine? Lamest name ever!” Raph teased before Love Shine flipped him on his shell.

“You’re not the first to make fun of my name. Those who do get a little tough love!”

“Noted.” Groaned Raph.

“What a man!” sighed Rarity.

As Applejack helped Raph up, Shine Boy began to get serious. “Karai briefed me on what’s going on and I saw it on the news last night.”

“A giant beetle. A series of electrical disturbances. It is logical they’re connected” Gamer theorized.

“We were thinking the same thing.” Donnie smiled.

“And you believe this Baxter Stockman is behind this?” guessed Shine Girl who was petting Spike.

“Affirmative.” Twilight declared.

“Let’s bring them to the lair, get acquainted with each other, and find a way to stop Stockman.” Leo said.

“Normally, I’d be against inviting strangers to our lair, but I really wanna see if they’re as good as Karai claims.” Raph grinned.

Everyone was ready to leave when April clenched her head.

“What’s wrong with April?” Shine Girl asked.

“She senses something. What’s up, April?” Donnie walked up to her.

“I sense a lot of them nearby. They’re really close.” April said.

“I think Pinkie and I found them.” Mikey pointed where he and Pinkie were looking. They all looked to see a bunch of kids watching these monsters fighting these black knights covered in armor with scepters.

One was a humanoid blue dragon with flame armor and claws. Another was a yellow armored creature with drills for fingers and a nose. One was a samurai with shruiken on his arm and legs. Another was a Pegasus. He was joined by a winged Egyptian like cat. Finally, there was a humanoid dragon fly with blades on his arms.

“I’m picking up another electrical surge. It’s not as bad as last night. It’s coming from those creatures down there.” Fugitoid scanned.

“Who are they fighting?” Casey wondered.

“Gem Knights.” Everyone looked at Shine Boy. “They are soldiers of Princess Lewej, one of our greatest enemies.”

“Do you think Lewej and Ripley are helping this Stockman guy?” Gamer theorized.

“It’s a possibility.” Shine Boy pondered.

“Something tells me those kids know something about what’s going on with that giant beetle and these electric surges.” Applejack stated.

“You maybe right.” Sunset agreed.

As they continued to observe, they noticed the Gem Knights starting to overwhelm the kids. Two of them seized the purple haired girl.

“Let me go, you rust buckets!” she struggled.

“Yolei!” her friends cried.

“Someone help!”

“Hang on, Yolei!” The samurai tried to reach her only for more Gem Knights to block him. Soon, the kids were starting to be seized.

“I think that’s our cue!” Rainbow said.

“I agree!” Shine Boy pulled out his staff before turning to Raph. “Looks like you get see us action now.”

“Funny. I was gonna say the same thing.” Raph smirked as he pulled out his sais.

As everyone else pulled out their weapons, Gamer said, “Gem Knights are nothing but empty shells. So, you know, go nuts.”

“Ninjas! Take’em down!” Leo cried.

They all jumped down to the scene. Donnie and April tag teamed on the Gem Knights who seized Yolei. After they released her, Yolei looked at Donnie and shrieked a little and started to crawl away before April placed her hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay. He’s a good guy!” she said.

“We’re here to help.” Donnie added.

Yolei calmed down and nodded. But she noticed a Gem Knight was sneaking up behind them. But before she said anything…..

“Double Star!”

Two shruikens hit the Gem Knight, knocking him out. The samurai walked up to the trio.

“Thank you for helping Yolei.”

“Our pleasure.” April smiled while Donnie nodded.

Meanwhile, Casey and Rainbow tagged team against a couple Gem Knights by Rainbow zipping by, disarming them while Casey tazed them out cold. Rainbow walked up to the spike haired kid and helped him up as he pretended to act tough.

“I appreciate the help, but I was really stalling them long enough for my pal, Flamedramon, here.” He pointed to the humanoid dragon who sighed.

“Sure you were” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Flamedramon spoke. “Don’t take it the wrong way. That’s Davis’ way of saying thank you.”

“I see” Casey answered. “You look awesome.”

“Thanks. You guys are pretty awesome yourselves.”

“Yeah we are.” Rainbow agreed.

The young boy had a stick and was fighting the Gem Knights like it was a sword. But even that wasn’t enough to keep them back. Before they grabbed him, a photon blade impaled them as Love Shine tossed them aside before helping the kid up.

“You’re a skilled kid.” He smiled.

“Thank you for assisting me.” The boy bowed as the armored creature came up.

“Don’t look now, but here come some more.”

“I got’em!” Applejack used her strength an tossed the Diamond Knights aside.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey and Pinkie shouted as they plus Shine Girl and Shinigami helped the boy with the hat and the girl in pink by the Pegasus and winged cat. As Mikey, Pinkie, and Shini used their chains to wrap up the Gem Knights, Shine Girl used her steel baton and knocked them silly as Fluttershy checked on the two.

“Are you alright?” she asked as she helped them up.

“I think we are. Thank you.” The girl smiled.

“I think it’s our turn to wrap things up.” The Pegasus joked as he and the cat flew side by side.

“Golden noose!” They cried as a golden rope appeared and wrapped up some Gem Knights.

“Nicely done.” Mikey grinned.

“Thanks” the boy grinned. “By the way, what’s a Booyakasha?”

Mikey blinked before answering. “Just something fun to say.”

Meanwhile, Shine Boy battled more Gem Knights with his staff before spin kicking them away. Raph watched as he punched more Gem Knights. Meanwhile, Gamer tagged teamed with Karai as they battled with their swords.

“Make sure your legs are firm on the ground. Don’t lead with your shoulders.” Karai schooled the young fighter.

Gamer nodded and took her advice. Meanwhile, Sunset and Leo helped the blue haired boy up as the humanoid dragonfly flew to them. As two Gem Knights charged at them, Fugitoid stood before them and caught them in a net and shocked them. Keno knocked out a couple more nearby as Twilight covered him.

“Are you alright, Ken?” The dragonfly asked.

“Yeah, I think so, Stingmon.” The boy answered. “Thank you. But who are you guys?”

“It’s okay. We’re friends.” Sunset assured him.

At last, the Gem Knights were all defeated. They all fell apart as their parts disappeared. With the enemy defeated, the creatures glew and shrunk into their previous forms, which surprised the group. The kids were equally surprised, especially with the Turtles. At last, the girl in pink spoke.

“Thanks for helping us.”

“It’s what we do.” Grinned Casey.

Fluttershy knelt closely at the creatures. “Who are your friends?”

The kids looked at each other and nodded as Davis spoke. “They’re called Digimon.”

“Digi- what now?” Donnie raised a brow.

“Digimon. Short for ‘Digital Monsters’.” Yolei pointed out.

“Sounds like a franchise.” Rainbow thought out loud.

Mikey spoke up. “Oh! Oh! Maybe they’ll have their own action figures. Or storybooks. Or better yet, a trading card game!”

Everyone looked at him awkwardly as Raph smacked him upside the head.

“These guys are on our side. My name is Davis sand this’s my partner, Veemon.”

“I’m Yolei and this is Hawkmon.”

“My name is Cody, and this is Armadillomon.”

“Friends call me T.K. and friends call him Patamon.”

“My name is Kari and here’s Gatomon.”

“I’m Ken and this is friend, Wormmon.”

Fluttershy started to hug Armadillomon and Veemon. “They’re so cute!”

“She seems to like us.” Armadillomon sighed.

“I ain’t complaining.” Veemon smiled, enjoying the hug.

“So, who are you guys?” Davis asked.

“I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Twilight Sparkle, her dog, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and the one hugging your Digimon is Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy heard and put the two down. “Sorry.”

“You’re fine.” Veemon smiled.

“I’m April O’Neil and this is Casey Jones, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno.”

“I am Professor Honeycutt. But you can call me Fugitoid.”

“My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers. Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.”

“You guys Italian?” asked Yolei.

“Our father had a thing for Renaissance art.” Donnie explained.

“I’m Shine Boy and this is Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl.”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” T.K. smiled. “You wouldn’t happen to know those knights we just fought, do you?”

Shine Boy stepped up. “They’re called Gem Knights. And they’re bad news. We better get to somewhere safe before they bring backup.”

“We can explain everything, but we’ll need to to our lair.” Leo added.

“Well let’s go.” Yolei smiled.


“Absolutely not!” Her smile turned to a frown when they hurried to a manhole cover and Applejack removed the lid.

“We told you we live in a sewer.” Donnie reminded her.

“I’m not going down there.” Yolei refused while the others began following Fugitoid down.

“Yolei, we’re gonna need these guys’ help with what’s going on.” Ken tried to reason with her.

“I felt the same way. It’s not so bad once you get past the smell.” Rarity added.

“You wanna take your chances against the Gem Knights?” Gamer trolled her.

Seeing she was beat, Yolei sighed. “Okay! I’ll do it! This better be good!”

As they all went down and Shine Boy covered the lid, No one realized a Gem Knight watching them from a corner before disappearing.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

I'm basing the Digidestined on the English dub from Saban minus some dumb jokes.