• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,464 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

  • ...

Forces Unite

At the Villain’s hideout, Shine Boy was unconscious sealed in a pod with his hand and feet cuffed. The villains themselves were just about ready with their master plan as Gladitron approached them.

“we are ready to launch.” He told his leaders.

“Good.” Ripley grinned. “then the time to strike is now!”

“Stockman! Launch the portal!” Lewej ordered.

Stockman pulled a couple levers. As he did, a giant circular saucer like ship hovered over New York. Near the ship, armies of Gem Knights were marching in the streets of New York.

“Shouldn’t we wake the brat up?” Lewej pointed to the unconscious Shine Boy.

“He’ll come around.” Ripley smirked. “Only to find everything he holds dear destroyed.”

Meanwhile, Devimon watches from above the ship. “Destruction is at hand!” he chuckled.

Suddenly, smoke appeared in a row of Gem Knights. When one knight looked at the smoke, a giant blue hand grabbed it and pulled it in. the sound of combat was heard. Emerging from the smoke were the Turtles, their allies, Rainbooms, Dazzlings, Digidestined, their Digimon in their Champion forms, Andromon, Night Shine, and the three members of Team Shine who all engaged the Gem Knights.

Ripley noticed. “Figures they’d come to rescue their friend. Nonetheless, we WILL open that portal!”

“Didn’t anyone tell you how manly you look when you’re diabolical?” Lewej flirted as she hugged his arm.

Meanwhile, the Turtles, Rainbooms, the Allies, Dazzlings, Digidestined, Their Digimon, Andromon, Night Shine, and Team Shine were fighting the Gem Knights. The Digidestined were fighting well against the Gem Knights with their weapons. Everyone tag teamed and made it passed the knights. They all looked up to the ship.

“Holy Chalupa! Look at the size of that thing!” Mikey gasped.

“Whoa Nellie!” Applejack whistled.

“I think it’s bigger than the Technodrome!” Casey added.

“Any guesses on where we'll find Shine Boy?” Gamer asked nonchalant.

Everyone all saw Gem Knights stomping their way.

“You guys get up there!” Adagio cried. “We’ll stall them!” The Dazzlings lined up ready to fight.

“I shall assist.” Everyone looked to see Metalhead joining to the Dazzlings.

“Good luck!” Karai grinned.

“Let’s save our friend!” Davis declared.

The Digimon flew everyone up to the ship while Aquilamon and Stingmon helped Ankylomon up with help from April’s ESP.

“Thanks.” Ankylomon smiled as they landed on the ship. “I’ll get the door!” He slammed his tail on the ship, making a hole that everyone jumped into.

As they hurried through, they noticed something huge at the center.

“That’s gotta be the portal to the Digital World!” Donnie analyzed.

“It’s huge!” Twilight gasped.

“Cool! I want one.” Keno said sarcastically.

“Everyone spread out! We should find Shine Boy!” Leo ordered.

“Maybe he’s in here.” Mikey suggested as he opened a door, only to find Stockbots behind it and slammed it shut. “He’s not in there!”

Just then, everyone heard Sunset cry. “Over here! I found him!”

Everyone hurried to see Sunset stand in front of the pod Shine Boy was imprisoned in.

“Step clear!” Gamer placed a device on the capsule and pressed a couple buttons. It beeped a couple times before blowing off the seal. Karai and Night Shine used their blades to break the cuffs off Shine Boy, who regained consciousness and coughed.

“Easy, Shine Boy. We got you.” April comforted as she and Fluttershy helped him out. After being helped out, Shine Boy was slowly regaining his strength as he stood up. Davis then revealed his staff to him.

“You’re gonna need this if you’re gonna help us out of this.” He grinned.

Shine Boy smiled as he accepted his weapon and patted Davis on the shoulder. “I’m gonna need you too.”

Then, they heard laughter and turned to the center of the portal and see Devimon standing there with a canister of mutagen.

“You are all too late! The portal will be open, and we will rule both worlds!” he declared as he opened the canister and poured the mutagen on himself. Then, he began to transform and grow. His claws were massive while his arms and neck look like wires. His pale skin turned turquoise and his wings looked like daggers.

“Once the portal opens, I will take The Digital World by storm!” he laughed.

Gamer used his ski goggles to analyze the ship. “The control panel is one left of the ship and the power core is off to the right while the center for the portal is below us.”

“Call it, Leo.” Shine Boy said.

Leo turned to the group. “Alright, listen up. It’s not gonna be long before they open that portal! We need to sabotage their operation. April, you, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey and get to the control panel and smash it. Keno, take Fugitoid, Andromon, and Luke and smash the power core.”

“We’re on it!” April nodded as the two groups headed to their destinations as Leo continued.

“Shine Boy, you and your group will head to the portal’s center and reverse the portal flow and keep it open. If we can’t defeat Devimon, we can make sure he won’t harm anyone. The rest of us will fight Devimon with a little boost.”

Holding up their medallions, The Turtles joined the Rainbooms with their geodes and transformed into their magical forms.

“And it’s time we join forces together!” Davis declared.

“Let’s do it!” Ken smiled as the two held up their Digivices.

“ExVeemon/Stingmon DNA Digivolve to…….. Paildramon!”

Exveemon and Stingmon combined into a blue green winged creature with guns on his sides.

“You ready?” Kari smiled at Yolei.

“Can’t let them have all the fun.” The smart girl smirked as they both held their Digivices.

“Aquilamon/Gatomon DNA Digivolve to…. Sylphimon!”

Both Aquilamon and Gatomon became a warrior with eagle feet and white fur.

“Our turn!” T.K nodded to Cody.

“Let’s save our worlds!” Cody held up his Digivice.

“Ankylomon/Angemon DNA Digivolve to……. Shakkoumon!”

And finally, Ankylomon and Angemon were now a giant statue like robot.

“Let’s go!” Shine Boy ordered. But as they hurried on a catwalk, Shine Boy was tackled by something and fell to a lower catwalk. Everyone looked to see it was Ripley wielding his double sword.

“Shine Boy!” Everyone cried.

“Don’t worry about me! Get to the portal! I’ll catch up to you soon!” Shine Boy ordered.

Hesitant at first, the group headed to their positions as Shine Boy pulled out his staff and faced Ripley.

“I didn’t kill you because I want you alive as you are destroyed by my hands!” Ripley declared as the two clashed.


April, Karai, Shini, and Casey arrived at the control panel.

“There’s the control panel, like Gamer said.” Karai pointed out.

“Let’s smash it!” Casey pulled out his hockey stick and headed to the panel before April felt a vibe.

“Casey WAIT!”

Suddenly, Casey was shocked by lightning. Everyone looked to see Lewej with her diamond orb floating beside her.

“Naughty naughty.” She teased. “You brats aren’t gonna spoil our plans!”

“Uh, yeah we are if you’re gonna destroy or conquer our world!” April remarked.

Lewej frowned. “Just for that, your fates are sealed!” her orb began to glow and rapidly fired lightning at the four who dodged.


Meanwhile, Keno, along with Fugitoid, Andromon, and Night Shine, came to the power core.

“There it is!” He pointed.

“Well, let’s smash it!” Night Shine cracked his knuckles before Andromon stepped forward.

“Hostile presence detected!”

“Welcome!” they looked to see Gladitron walked out from the shadows, preparing his blaster.

“Oh yeah. Forgot about you.” Keno grumbled.

“I have a score with you punks! Especially you!” Gladitron pointed to Andromon, remembering when he hit him from behind.

“This time, I’ll finish the job!” Andromon declared.

Gladitron roared as he started to fire at the four.


“We’re close to the core!” Gamer declared as he, Love Shine, and Shine Girl hurried to their position.

But as they arrive, who should block the way but Baxter Stockman in his robotic suit.

“Did you forget me?” he smirked.

“I’m only gonna say this once, Stockman. MOVE!” Love Shine demanded as his photon blades extended.

“I’m afraid I’m gonna hafta decline.” Stockman stated before shouting. “Attack!”

Stockbots marched to the trio who pulled out their weapons.


The Turtles, Rainboms, and Digidestined made it to the portal where they faced the new giant Devimon.

“So do you think you have a chance of stopping us?” Devimon laughed.

“This is our home, Devimon! We are willing to fight for it!” Leo stated.

“You aren’t the first to try to take over our world. They all failed, and so will you!” Sunset added.

“Then you all perish!” Devimon laughed. Just then, an army of Stockman Bots marched from a door nearby.

Davis turned to the Turtles and Rainbooms. "Leave them to us. Stop Devimon!"

Leo nodded as the Digidestined stood with their weapons ready.

"Let's show'em not to mess with the Digidestined!" Yolei declared.

“Take’em down!” Leo ordered as they all charged at the giant Digimon while Mikey shouted,



Outside, The Dazzlings and Metalhead still battled the Gem Knights who were still in many numbers. Merton watched from the controls.

“Activate the Miner Bots!” he ordered a couple soldiers.

The four looked up to see four giant robots with drills for noses and fingers.

“This is not good.” Metalhead blinked.


Back in the ship, Lewej was using her diamond lightning to overwhelm the four. Casey was thrown back and was hanging on the ledge by his hockey stick.

“Casey!” April called.

Casey looked down to see nothing but lightning below. “a little help here!” he cried.

“Don’t worry. You can join him!” Lewej laughed, firing more lightning at them.


Meanwhile, Keno and his group weren’t doing so well. Keno and Night Shine were thrown like ragdolls and dropped their weapons. Fugitoid was also tossed aside as Andromon wrestled with Gladitron.

“No rust bucket will get the best of me!” Gladitron growled.


Shine Boy still fought Ripley one on one and the two were evenly matched. The Turtles, Rainbooms, and
Digimon fought Devimon hard, but he was so strong. The Digidestined all battled the Stockbots.


The Dazzlings were overwhelmed at the sight of the giant Miner Bots.

“Girls,” Adagio gulped. “If this is our last moment together-”

“This is all my fault?” Sonata guessed.

“I’m such a jerk?” Aria asked.

“Actually, I was gonna say that I was happy and proud to be your sister and an honor to fight alongside you.”

“Oh!” Both girls said.

As they all grimaced, The Miner Bots prepared to attack when-


A giant fireball hit one of the Miner Bots. The Dazzlings looked to see a giant orange Trex with blue stripes and a three horned brown head piece charging at the Bots. As the passed the four, a figure jumped off the dinosaur. It was Tai.

“You guys alright?” he asked the Dazzlings.

“We are now. Thanks.” Adagio breathed.

“Hope your dino buddy can handle those things.” Aria pointed.

“Don’t worry. Those guys are pushovers compared to Greymon.” Tai assured as Greymon punched a Miner Bot. “Besides, we’ve brought back up.”

Tai pointed to the direction he and Greymon came from and revealed he was joined by not only Matt and Garurumon, Izzy and Kabuterimon, but a short haired girl riding a giant flaming bird, a girl with bushy brown hair on a giant cactus with boxing gloves, and a blue haired guy with glasses on the back of a white hairy walrus with a black horn.

“We’ll handle those giant robots!” Izzy cried. “Sora, let’s hit them high!”

“Roger, Izzy!” the short haired girl called. “let’s go, Birdramon!”

The bird flew up with Kabuterimon and fired fire blasted the Miner Bots.



“Alright, Mimi! It’s your turn!” Sora cried to the other girl.

“Let’s go, Togemon!” she told the cactus.

Togemon responded by charging at one of the Miner Bots and rapidly punched it. “LIGHT SPEED JABBING!”

“You’re on, Joe!” Mimi winked to the blue haired guy.

“Nail’em, Ikkakumon!”


Ikkakumon fired torpedoes from his horn, which hit the Miner Bots. Meanwhile, Garurumon was swatting Gem Knights all around.

“Attaboy, Garurumon!” Matt cheered.

“They just keep coming!” Aria pointed to the Gem Knights marching at them.

“Then it’s a good thing we ran into these guys on the way here.” Tai pointed again.

As if answering his response, Gem Knights were seen sent flying. The girls look to see familiar mutants that were the cause of that.

“It’s the Mutanimals!” Sonata cheered.

Sure enough, it was the Mighty Mutanimals- Slash, Leatherhead, Pidgeon Pete, Dr. Rockwell, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, and Bandit Raccoon. They all continued to plow through the rows of Gem Knights and made their way to the three and robot.

“Hey, girls.” Greeted Slash.

“We just got back when we came across these kids and they explained everything to us.” Rockwell explained.

“Better late than ever.” Bandit grinned.

“Where are The Turtles and Rainbooms?” Leatherhead asked.

“They went into that thing to stop the bad guys.” Adagio pointed.

“Then let us hope they are successful, as we will be as well!” Mona declared.

Slash turned to Tai, “You guys take on those big bots while we help here?”

“You got it!” Tai thumbed up.

“Let’s rock, Digi-dudes!” Mondo cried.

Tai grinned before Izzy shouted to him, “You’re not calling us that!”

“You’re no fun.” He said bluntly.

“Cowabunga!” Mondo cried.

The group continued to battle as Slash looked up to the ship.

Raph, Fluttershy, be careful. All of you, he thought.


Back in the ship, Baxter was smacking Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl around. He then grabbed Gamer by the neck and chuckled.

“How do you like me now?” he laughed. “In the end, all will know the genius of Baxter-”


Suddenly, Baxter fell on his knees in unbearable pain. As it turned out, Gamer hit him where the sun doesn’t shine.

Gamer panted. “You….talk too much.”

“Okay. That’s just cheating!” groaned Baxter.

“You people cheat all the time! And yet complain about it? Irrelevant!” Gamer snapped.

“This. doesn’t. change. ANYTHING!” Baxter tried to blast Gamer, only for Shine Girl to throw her baton, knocking it off.

“Yes. It does.” She panted.

Before Baxter could answer, Love Shine slammed his head on the ground, knocking him out.

“That should keep him in check.” He grinned.

“Now lets get in position!” Shine Girl proclaimed.

“I hope bro’s on his way.” Gamer said as they hurried around the portal.


At the control panel, April and Shinigami were being overwhelmed by Lewej, who had knocked Karai off.

“I got you!” Casey, who was still hanging, grabbed her before she could fall.

“Just don’t let go, Jones!” Karai snapped as they both held on.

Lewej held Shini by the neck and held her over the ledge.

“Shini!” Karai gasped.

“Now this is how we deal with witches like you!” Lewej snared.

“Not. Just. YET!” Shini kept kicking when her heel pierced the diamond orb which got Lewej’s attention.

“You cracked it!” she gasped before Shini kicked her, causing her to release her. Meanwhile, April regained consciousness enough to use her ESP to pull Casey and Karai up. She then used it to grab Lewej’s diamond orb.

“Karai! Wanna do the honors?” she asked as she tossed the orb to the former bad ninja.

“Gladly!” Karai shifted to her serpent form and used her coils to smash the orb, distraughting Lewej.

“No!” She cried. Then, April and Shini jumped and punched Lewej in the face together, knocking her out.
Then, Casey smashed the control console with his hockey stick.

“Goongala.” He smirked.

“Let’s go meet up with the others.” April suggested as they all headed out, leaving Lewej lying there.


At the power core, Night Shine was able to get back up As Gladitron picked up and threw Andromon. He was more angry than hurt as he got back on his feet.

“Alright!” he roared as he removed his jacket. “Warmup’s over!”

Pulling out his hatchets, Night Shine battled Gladitron one on one as Andromon helped Fugitoid up. As Night Shine grappled Gladitron, his hands burned with dark flames. Andromon saw this as an opportunity.

“Professor, it would be logical to destroy the power core while Luke battles for us.”

“Affirmitive.” Fugitoid agreed. “Let’s open fire!”

“Gatling Attack!”

Both began to fire at the power core, Which Gladitron took noticed. But as he turned around, Night Shine blasted him with his dark flame, sending him flying into the power core, destroying it.

“Sorry. Not sorry.” He grinned.

“Hey. It works.” Keno smiled.

“Booyakasha.” Andromon nodded.

“Let’s go help our friends.” Fugitoid nodded as they all hurried out.


Back at the portal, The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Digimon were struggling against the empowered Devimon. Even with their magic, they hardly put a dent in him.

“MutantDevimon is too strong!” Mikey cried.

“MutantDevimon?” Raph rolled his eyes.

“I kinda figured since he got that big because of Mutagen-”

“we get it!” interrupted Leo.

“We gotta keep trying!” cried Sunset.

Shakkoumon stepped up. “I hear you, Sunset. KACHINA BOMBS!”

As he fired disks at MutantDevimon, The Rainbooms and Turtles fired as well. After the smoke cleared, MutantDevimon smirked as he hardly looked scratched.

“Nice trick.” He chuckled. “Wanna see mine?”

He fired a beam at Shakkoumon, knocking him down.

“Shakkoumon!” gasped T.K. and Cody.

As Shakkoumon fell, he reverted back to Patamon and Armadillomon and they fell in T.K. and Cody’s arms.

“And now it’s personal!” Paildramon declared as he began to glow.

“Paildramon Mega Digivolve to…… Imperialdramon!”

He transformed into a giant black armored dragon with red wings. Then, they all continued their assault on MutantDevimon.


Meanwhile, Shine Boy just disarmed Ripley of his blade. Then, Ripley fired energy orbs at Shine Boy that exploded.

“Fall! FALL!” he bellowed as rapidly fired on Shine Boy, who fell over.

Ripley then marched toward Shine Boy. “I didn’t kill you before because I wanted to watch you suffer! But now I can let you witness your failure and defeat!” he then raised his glowing hand at Shine Boy’s head. “Any last words?”

Breathing heavily. Shine Boy held his hands together then swung his arms at Ripley, shouting,

He hit Ripley at his face, resulting in his helmet falling off him. As he leaned on the rail, he glared at Shine Boy, revealing his scarred left eye. Suddenly, the rail broke, causing Ripley to fall off the catwalk. Shine Boy hurried and tried to reach for him, but the railing broke and Ripley fell to the electricity down below. After a moment alone, Shine Boy hurried to the others.




Silphymon and Imperialdramon fired at MutantDevimon. But MutantDevimon countered with a stronger blast.

“It’s no use!” Raph panted. “He’s too strong!”

“At least we’ll go down fighting!” Leo confirmed.

As the smoke built up, Sylphimon fell and reverted to Hawkmon and Gatomon. But Imperialdramon burst out, revealing to have changed into a humanoid version. He was now Imperialdramon Fighter mode. He wrestled with MutantDevimon as The Turtles and Rainbooms fired their magic at the mutant Devimon.

“ENOUGH!” MutantDevimon smacked away the Turtles and Rainbooms to the same platform as the Digidestined. Then blasted Imperialdramon to the wall.


“Hurry!” Gamer called as Shine Boy hurried to his team. They all looked up to see they were right under the portal mechanism.

“I hope the others got their end accomplished.” Love Shine hoped.

“After I beat Ripley, it looked like everyone did. Only everyone else is struggling with Devimon!” Shine Boy recalled.

“Maybe if we fire now, we can even the odds.” Shine Girl cried.

“If we aim at the ports up there, we can reverse the flow and, by timing it right, we can suck Devimon and trap him in dimensional limbo.” Gamer theorized.

The four formed a circle under the Mechanism. Then their symbols began to glow brightly.

“Everyone ready?” Shine Boy started to countdown. “4…3…2…1!”


They all fired beams of light from their symbols. As the beams hit the ports, they formed a circle under MutantDevimon and opened up the middle.

“What is this?” MutantDevimon cried as he saw a light underneath him appear. He began to hold on as
he was getting sucked in. Everyone looked down to see Team Shine opening the portal.

Shine Boy cried to them. “Hurry! Get him into the portal!”

But before they could do anything, MutantDevimon fired blasts from his eyes, sending them flying.

“I will have my REVENGE! Even if I have to blast you one at a time!” he then blasted at Kari and Gatomon.

“KARI/GATOMON!” Everyone gasped.

“Oh no! Not this time!” T.K. slid to Kari, hoping to save her in time.

Everyone could only watch in horror as it appeared the blast hit the two Digidestined. Then suddenly-


A blinding light blocked the attack. T.K. and Kari looked as the light faded, revealing a small figure wearing a cape and witch’s hat. Gatomon was able to recognize the figure.

“Wizardmon!” she gasped.

Sure enough, it was Wizardmon, Gatomon’s old friend. Or at least his spirit. He turned to Gatomon and her friends.

“Are you alright, my friends?”

“We are. Thank you, Wizardmon.” Kari smiled.

“There’s not much time! You all must unite to stop Devimon!” Wizardmon advised.

Hearing that, Sunset looked back at Imperialdramon, who was still smashed on the wall. “Unite…” she pondered then it hit her. “That’s it! Everyone! Give your magic to Imperialdramon!”

The Rainbooms and Turtles all aimed their medallions and geodes at Imperialdramon. As they transferred their magic, they all reverted to their normal selves and attire while Imperiadramon began to glow bright.

“No! What’s this?” MutantDevimon gasped.

As the light dimmed, Imperialdramon looked a little different. His shoulder pads were blue, with the Left one showing Rainbow's cutie mark, Right had Fluttershy's. His forearms are purple, and his arm cannon is magenta with Pinkie's cutie mark. his legs are orange and indigo. On the kneecaps are Applejack's (left) and Rarity's (Right) cutie marks. He has a long red bandana and His wing house Sunset's (right) and Twilight's (left) cutie marks. on his chest is the Hamato symbol.

“Now that’s a little pick me up!” he said, looking at himself.

“Holy-” Donnie gasped.

“Chalupa!” Mikey finished.

“It’s like he’s gotta new ninja mode!” Davis cheered.

“This…..This can’t be!” MutantDevimon feared.

“What’s going on up there?” Shine Boy sweated.

“We just got our trump card!” Sunset answered.

Four orbs appeared before Imperialdramon, a blue one, a red one, a purple one, and an orange one. As Imperialdramon grabbed the purple orb, it transformed into what appeared to be a bo staff. The blue orb went on one end and became a curved blade. The red and orange orbs went to the other end and became an attached sai. He then grabbed the sai and pulled it out, revealing it attached to a chain in the staff.

“HAMATO SLASH!” He then threw the sai that stabbed MutantDevimon on the shoulder as the chain bound him and he slashed him with the blade on the other end of the staff. Then Imperialdramon rose in the air and aimed his cannon which grew in size and began to glow with the cutie marks.

“FRIENDSHIP CRUSHER!” the cannon fired a giant rainbow blast at MutantDevimon.

“Nooooooo!” MutantDevimon screamed as the blast not only was destroying him but forced him in the portal.

“Close it!” Gamer shouted. Team Shine then stopped their Shine Power closing the portal.

After a moment of silence, everyone cheered their victory before the place started to shake. The other groups hurried to the others as Team Shine climbed up with their grappling hooks.

“Guys! This place is falling apart! We gotta get outta here!” April cried.

“Baxter’s gone!” Gamer reported.

“Never mind! You heard April. We gotta go!” Shine Boy stated.

“If this thing crashes in the city, it’ll causes a lot of damage!” Leo feared.

“I’ll stop it!” Imperialdramon volunteered.

“But how do we get out?” Davis thought out loud.

“Maybe Twilight can lift us out?” Yolei guessed.

“Even with April’s help, We’re too high up.” Twilight explained.

“And our Digimon are too weak to Digivolve.” T.K added.

“Is this really the end?” Casey feared.

Suddenly, something broke in from the roof. It was Kabuterimon and Birdramon.

“You guys need a lift?” Kabuterimon joked.

As the two carried the teams to safety, Imperialdramon guided the ship to a safe spot in the Hudson River. As he arrived to the group on the rooftop, he reverted to Veemon and Wormmon and the magic returned to the geodes and medallions of the Turtles and Rainbooms. As the Turtles introduced Team Shine and Davis’ team to the Mighty Mutanimals, Izzy introduced them to Sora, Joe, and Mimi and their partners Biyomon, Gomamon, and Palmon. After introductions, they all turned to see Kari and Gatomon embracing Wizardmon.

“I never thought I’d see you again.” Gatomon sobbed.

“I’ve missed you too, Gatomon.” Wizardmon nodded.

“How did you come to help.” Kari asked.

“I’ve had a little help from a friend. He also told me about your new friends.”

Then, Wizardmon stepped aside and made way for Master Splinter.

“Sensei!” The turtles cheered as they embraced their deceased father.

“Father!” Karai joined them.

Master Splinter smiled as he hugged back. “My family. It is always good to see you. All of you.” He then turned to Team Shine and the Digidestined. “And thank you, fellow warriors, for helping my family and friends fight the good fight.”

“The honor is ours, Honorable Sensei.” Bowed Shine Boy.

“Happy to help, Master Splinter.” Grinned Davis.

Master Splinter nodded. “May you all continue to fight the good fight. In my eyes, you all would make great ninjas. As I have told my students, always remember your bond and friendship is your greatest weapon.” He then turned to Wizardmon. “Are you ready?”

“I am.” Wizardmon nodded.

Gatomon knew that meant it was time for them to go. “Please don’t leave me again.”

Wizardmon smiled. “I never left you, Gatomon. As long as you keep my memory strong, I’ll always be by your side.”

“Just as I always watch over my family.” Splinter added.

Hearing those words gave Gatomon enough comfort to let her friend go and they all watched as both he and Splinter floated up and vanished.

“Thank you, my friend.” Gatomon whispered.

“Thank you, Father.” Leo whispered.

Gennai arrived through a portal. “It looks like things are back to normal in the Digital World.”

“And Ripley?” Karai asked Shine Boy.

“Not even he could have survived that explosion. But I’ve counted him out before.”

“Same with Lewej and Gladitron.” Love Shine added.

“As Gamer mentioned, Baxter was gone too.” April mentioned.

"Let them come. We'll get'em big time next time." Raph stated.

“Well, I guess it’s time we headed home.” Davis shrugged.

“Same.” Shine Boy said.

“Aw! Do you guys have to go home now?” Mikey pouted.

“Our parents might be worried. And we are kinda homesick.” Cody stated.

“Are we forgetting something, Mikey?” Ken asked.

“It’s pizza time!” Mikey cheered, perking everybody up.

Gennai smiled. “I think we can spare the time.”

“Well, I could go for a slice or two.” Shine Boy admitted before turning to Night Shine. “Wanna join us?”

“Sure. I will.” Night Shine shrugged.

“Then, let’s get this party STARTED!” Pinkie cheered as everyone cheered as well.

To be concluded

Author's Note:

- Another inspiration from the 2007 TMNT movie from their battle with the Gem Knights to rescuing Shine Boy.

- I originally wanted the original Digidestined and the mighty Mutanimals to appear in the celebration, I decided to use them in the final battle.

- the defeat of Ripley is a combination of how Optimus hit Megatron from the 80's transformers movie and how Batman beat Shredder in Batman vs. TMNT.

- Imperialdramon Ninja mode is a mode I made. his weapon is based on the combination of TMNT weapons by Man at Arms reforged. Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCLU3v

- I wanted Wizardmon to make an appearance as a loving memory of Robert Axelrod, his english voice actor, and Michael Linsaey, the original english voice actor of Joe and Greymon.