• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,491 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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A Brother's Guidance PT 2

T.K. continued to sulk as he walked along the roofs of buildings as Patamon followed behind him.

“T.K., you can’t just give up when others need us.” The Digimon pleaded.

“I don’t know, Patamon, I’m no good to anyone if I can’t help you digivolve and the training was no help.” T.K. sighed.

“Not if you keep doubting yourself.”

T.K. turned to see Shine Boy along with Leo, Karai, Sunset, Matt, Gabumon, Izzy, and Tentomon hurrying over to him.

“If you keep doubting yourself, even the simplest abilities become difficult.” Shine Boy finished.

Matt walked up to his younger brother. “T.K., do you remember when I left the group during our battle with the Dark Masters? I wasn’t much of a friend so Gabumon couldn’t digivolve when Puppetmon captured you. I began to feel alone until Gabumon opened my eyes.”

Gabumon chuckled at the compliment.

“The point is it’s not like you to give up so easily after one mistake. The T.K. I knew would never give up so easily! I know deep down that hope in you is still in you.”

“Listen to your brother, T.K.” Sunset added. “There’s always hope at even the darkest moment.”

T.K. was about to answer before the group noticed Gladitron with more Gem Knights.

“You again?” Matt scoffed.

“You’re more annoying than fruit flies.” Karai hissed.

“Tell me about it. Gamer one time sprayed him with pepper spray and he still comes back.” Shine Boy rolled his eyes.

“Silence!” Gladitron shouted. “I plan to serve my princess and no one’s gonna stop me, not even your pet dog.” He pointed to Gabumon.

“I’ll show you pet!” Matt pulled out his Digivice as Gabumon walked up looking angry.

“Gabumon digivolve to…….. Garurumon!”

“Ready, big guy?” Izzy asked his partner.

“Ready and willing!” Tentomon nodded.

“Tentomon digivolve to…….. Kabuterimon!”

“Let’s Shine!” Shine Boy shouted as the others joined in the fight as well.

T.K. looked at his Digivice. “Please work. DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”

“Patamon Armor Digivolve to…….”

Still nothing.

“C’mon! not now!” T.K. griped as he shook his Digivice. “Fine! If we can’t get you to digivolve, then I’ll just have to do this ninja style!” he hurried to the battle, disarmed a Gem Knight, and battled with his scepter.

Everyone battled the Gem Knights. But it seemed that more came faster than they could defeat.
Garurumon and Kabuterimon made their way to Gladitron who fought both of them. He then pulled out his blaster and fired at Kabuterimon, sending him flying.

“Kabuterimon!” Izzy cried as he fell, reverting back to Tentomon.

“Operator. Operator. We’ve been cut off!” Tentomon moaned.

“Sunset! Guard Izzy and Tentomon!” Leo told the Rainboom.

“On it!” Sunset ran to help the genius.

T.K. walked up to Gladitron armed with the scepter in hand. Gladitron laughed. “Well well. Come to join your friend in pain?”

“I’m gonna make you pay for what you did to Kari!” T.K. glared. T.K. put up a good fight, but Gladitron broke his scepter, causing him to fall back. Before Gladitron could hit him, Garurumon jumped on him, biting him like before. But this time, Gladitron threw the wolf off, causing him to revert back to Gabumon. Matt watched in horror as his brother and partner were being beaten. Patamon tried to help, but was no match for Gladitron. Matt looked back to see the other’s having their hands full to help. Seeing there was no choice, he reached in his bag and pulled out the power core. T.K. saw and gasped.

Izzy saw as well. “No, Matt! It’s too risky!”

“Oh no!” Karai gasped.

“Matt, no!” Shine Boy cried.

“Noo!” shouted Leo.

“Wait! Don’t!” Sunset cried.

“Matt! Don’t!” T.K. hollered.

“Gabumon!” Matt hollered. Gabumon looked up and nodded, ready to take the risk.

“Don’t!” T.K. yelled.

“Don’t do it!” Izzy begged.

But there was no going back. Matt put the core up to his Digivice, which started to glow just like Gabumon.

“Gabumon warp digivolve to…… MetalGarurumon!”

After the glow diminished, Gabumon was now a purple metal wolf with yellow jet wings as he confronted Gladitron before he could get near T.K. he then turned to him.

“T.K. get outta here!”

“Wait! But what if-?” T.K asked before he was interrupted.

“I’ll be alright. Now go!” barked MetalGarurumon.

T.K., seeing there was nothing he could do, hurried to the fire exit as MetalGarurumon battled Gladitron. Before he could enter, he hesitated as he remembered what the others said to him.

“T.K., you can’t let one mistake stop you from helping.”

“If you keep doubting yourself, even the simplest abilities become difficult.”

“There’s always hope at even the darkest moment.”

Finally, his brother words kept repeating in his head.

“The T.K. I knew would never give up so easily! I know deep down that hope in you is still in you.”

It was there T.K. knew what he had to do.

Meanwhile, MetalGarurumon was beating Gladitron easily.

“Garuru Tomahawk!” he fired a missile from his chest at him before grinning at Matt. “Yeah!”

“Just like old times.” Matt thumbed up.

Suddenly, MetalGarurumon cringed in pain and started to revert back to Gabumon and back again.

“What’s wrong?” Matt gasped.

“I’m….. losing…..” MetalGarurumon started before reverting back to Gabumon. “power. Gotta …keep it…” he then reverted back to MetalGarurumon. “Together.”

Gladitron got back up and walked up to the metal wolf and grabbed him by the neck.

“Not so tough now, are you?” he boasted before throwing him into Matt, hurting his shoulder.

Matt could only hold MetalGarurumon as they cringed from their pain. “Sorry, buddy. Didn’t want to get you hurt.”

“You wanted to help T.K. and so did I. neither of us are at fault.” MetalGarurumon grinned.

Everyone could only watch in horror as they kept battling Gem Knights and Gladitron walked up to them. “Your defeat will be a pleasure!”

“No!” everyone cried as Gladitron prepared to strike Matt and MetalGarurumon when suddenly.


Everyone looked to see T.K. walking up with Patamon at his side.

Gladitron just laughed. “What? Did you make enough mistakes that you surrender?”

T.K. looked unfazed. “Yeah I make mistakes. Because I’m human. But I’m also Digidestined!”

He held up his Digivice, which began to glow very bright along with Patamon. Matt smiled to see his brother stepping back up.

“Patamon digivolve to……. Angemon!”

Angemon was a tall angel wearing a helmet that covered his eyes, had brown long hair, three pairs of wings, and a golden staff.

The others looked in awe.

“An angel? Now that’s style.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Not bad.” Karai smiled.

“Cool.” Leo grinned.

“Amazing.” Awed Sunset.

Gladitron, however, was not impressed. “Oh, now you want a piece of me?”

Angemon answered by tackling him and punching him rapidly. T.K. hurried to his brother and helped him up.

“You were here to see if you guys could help us, weren’t you?” he guessed.

“Yep. But it didn’t stop me from helping my bro.” Matt smiled as T.K smiled back.

Meanwhile, Angemon held his hand up as it began to glow. “Hand of Fate!” he cried as he charged at Gladitron.

Thinking quickly, Gladitron threw MetalGarurumon between them just as he did with Nefertimon. Everyone feared that this would a repeat of last time before T.K. hollered to his partner.

“Angemon! Now!”

“Angel Staff!” Angemon used his staff to pole point over MetalGarurumon and hit Gladitron with his previous attack. Meanwhile, Leo, Sunset, Karai, and Shine Boy defeated the last of the Gem Knights and hurried to the two brothers, along with Izzy and Tentomon.

“You okay, Matt?” Leo asked.

“Yeah. Just my shoulder.” Matt grinned.

“Give it up, Gladitron. You’re beaten!” Shine Boy declared.

Gladitron, despite being beaten up, chuckled rising from the smoke. “I would have if Stockman didn’t send me backup!”

He snapped his fingers as Stock bots landed on the building.

“OH COME ON!” Sunset screamed as the others groaned.

“I don’t suppose we could call a timeout.” Shine Boy sighed.

“Can you still fight?” Matt asked MetalGarurumon, who managed to get back up.

“I think I can make it.” The wolf growled.

“I’ll back him up.” Angemon assured.

“Give me a moment and I’ll digivolve again!” Tentomon added.

The Stockbots prepared to fire when suddenly….


The first row was wiped away by an attack. Then, another figure landed in front of the heroes. He was an orange figure wearing yellow armor with shield-like wings, arm claws, and his helmet resembled a dinosaur with three horns.

“Wargreymon!” Matt, T.K., and Izzy cried.

“That’s Wargreymon?” Shine Boy asked. “Cool.”

“Then that would mean…” Izzy started before another voice came up.

“Hey, you!”

Everyone turned to see a high schooler the same size as Matt with big bushy brown hair.

“I have a bone to pick with you about my sister!”

“Tai?” Matt and Izzy cried.

“So that’s Tai.” Sunset added.

Tai ran to the others. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Actually, you came at the right time.” Matt smiled.

“How did you get here?” Izzy asked.

“Gennai wanted me to check on you guys and I kinda got lost.” Tai rubbed the back of his head.
“But I found some backup.”

Then, The other Turtles, Ninjas, Rainbooms, Team Shine, Digidestined, and Night Shine came up and joined the group.

“Tai appeared in the lair and asked where to find you guys.” Donnie explained. “Luckily, Yolei used her Digivice to locate you guys since I haven’t upgraded our T phones.”

“See you guys had a party.” Raph smirked. “Is the buffet open?”

“All you can beat.” Leo assured.

“I call first dibs.” Grinned Night Shine.

“How’s Wargreymon?” Izzy asked Tai.

“Seems to be doing fine. Besides, I shared a little with Kari.” Tai pointed to Kari and Gatomon, who was now Angewomon, a female version of Angemon.

“How are you still alive?” barked Gladitron.

“It’ll take more than a big bully like you to stomp us!” Kari yelled.

Tai turned to Matt. “Think you have enough to pull it off?”

Matt smiled, knowing what he meant. “We won’t be at full strength but it’ll be enough to put this jerk in his place.”

Matt and Tai fist bumped while Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon nodded and began to glow in one bright light.

“WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon DNA Digivolve to….”

When the light faded, both were gone. In their place was a tall white knight with a red cape. On his left hand was WarGreymon’s head as his shield was on his shoulder. On his right was MetalGarurumon’s head with a spiked shoulder pad.


“Impressive!” Love Shine gasped.

“Cool.” Casey grinned.

“Omnimon?” Mikey asked. “I probably would’ve called him Omegamon, but I think Omnimon will do.”

“Mikey!” everyone shouted.

Angemon turned to the others. “Leave Gladitron to us. The rest of you deal with the robots!”

“Will do.” Twilight nodded.

As the groups battled the Stockbots, Omnimon, Angewomon, and Angemon battled Gladitron. While he wasn’t at full strength, Omnimon still battled Gladitron using his Transended sword extended from WarGreymon’s head. Gladitron then fired from his blaster as Omnimon extended a cannon from MetalGarurumon’s head.

“Supreme Cannon!” the beams clashed with each other. As the two struggled, Angewomon flew to the side and her glove extended into a bow.

“Celestial Arrow!” she fired an energy arrow at Gladitron’s blaster, disarming him. Before he could grab it, Angemon held his staff at Gladitron’s throat. After a moment of silence, Angemon lowered his staff.

“Go ahead!” he ordered. “Pick it up and get outta here!”

Seeing he was beaten, Gladitron grabbed his blaster and faced the Angel. “You’ll regret not ending me!” he pushed the button and vanished.

Shine Boy glared as he said to himself. “Next time, you won’t get off so easily. I’ll see to that.”

Gamer sighed. “I thought he’d never leave.”

After the Stockbots were beaten, Angemon reverted to Patamon, Angewomon to Gatomon, and Omnimon to
Gabumon and an orange dinosaur named Agumon. Leo used the Healing Hands on Matt’s shoulder, healing it.

“Thanks.” Matt smiled as Tai shook Leo’s hand.

“And thank you for helping my sister.”

“My pleasure.” Leo smiled.

Agumon shook. “Whew! Any longer as WarGreymon and I would have needed that.”

“It wasn’t as bad as Gladitron.” Gabumon assured his friend as Fluttershy hugged him.

Meanwhile, Kari walked up T.K. with a concerned look on her face.

“I was so worried how upset you would be about earlier.” She said.

T.K. took a deep breath. “I’m really sorry I got you hurt.”

“T.K., I’ve known you for years. You would never hurt a fellow Digidestined on purpose. And I know how you get against the forces of darkness. Besides, it was all Gladitron, not you.”

T.K. and Kari smiled at each other. Mikey smiled at the sight.

“Aw! Those two are so cute together.” He sighed.

“WHAT?” Mikey turned to see Davis all up on his face. “Are you saying Kari and I aren’t sweet?”

Mikey screamed as Davis started to chase him. “What is it with you Digidestined being sensitive about match making!”

T.K and Kari couldn’t help but laugh. “Some things never change.” Kari sighed.

“So, are you guys going to stay and help us, despite the power core not working?” April asked.

“We’d love to, but we better get back to The Digital World and tell Gennai about this.” Izzy stated.

“Besides, looks like you guys got it covered.” Tai grinned, giving a thumbs up.

“But if you guys need help, let us know, okay?” Matt pointed out.

“We’ll let you know faster than you can say Booyakasha!” Mikey said before Davis continued to chase him.

“Booya…. What now?” Matt raised a brow.

“Booyakasha. It’s sort of their battle cry.” Kari explained.

“I like it.” Tai grinned.

“Me too.” Agumon chimed in.

“Oh great. Tai learned a catchphrase he likes.” Izzy facepalmed before Tai scowled at him.

“You’re one to talk, Mr. Prodigious.” He said bluntly.

Tai then along with Matt, T.K., and Kari high fived together before all four shouted together.


To Be Continued

Author's Note:

- as a friendly reminder, For all Power Rangers fans, Yes this is inspired by an episode of Power Rangers In Space where Adam returns to help Carlos. It originally was suppose to be Kari, But T.K. seemed to be a better choice.

- Mikey mentions Omegamon, That is Omnimon's name in Japanese.

- Don't worry. We'll see Tai, Matt, and Izzy, along with Sora, Joe, and Mimi around the finale.