• Published 26th Jan 2021
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Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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Origins and Agreements


The Gem Knight showed the vision of Shine Boy to the female, who was Princess Lewej. She was a young adult with red bushy hair wearing magenta with cloths attached to her arms and back and a tiara with a jeweled mantle and jeweled belt and red slippers. A crystalled orb followed her while she paced angrily.

“How did he get here so soon?” she growled.

“It matters not, dear Lewej.” The male walked out of the shadows, revealing to be another young adult wearing a blue top and black pants, a gold crown with seven diagems that covered his eyes, a red cape attached to a gold shoulder pad and a white vee chest plate, and white boots.

“Once Stockman finishes his machine, the odds will be in our favor.” He held up a glass container containing a dark piece of data.


Meanwhile, after tracking through the sewers, and hearing Yolei’s griping, The Turtles, their allies, and Rainbooms led Team Shine and Digidestined to the lair. The Digidestined looked around in awe.

“Okay. This is much better.” Yolei sighed.

“Welcome to our crib!” Mikey announced.

“Looks like a cool place.” Davis grinned.

“Impressive.” Shine Boy smiled.

“This is wonderful.” Shine Girl whispered.

“We’ll show you all around later.” Sunset said.

“Yeah. We have a few questions.” Rainbow stated.

“A few acquisitions.” Twilight added.

“Yeah! A few……” Pinkie pondered a bit. “We’ll give guys a tour later.”

“Follow us to the dojo.” Leo said. “it’s best we explain ourselves.”

Everyone entered the dojo as they all sat down in their respective groups. The Turtles explained their origin story to Team Shine and the Digidestined from the story of their father, Hamato Yoshi, to their mutation to their many adventures. The Rainbooms then tell of Equestria and Sunset’s beginning to their adventures with the Turtles. After they were done, the groups were surprised.

“So, you guys were once ordinary turtles mutated by ooze?” Davis asked.

“The technical term is mutagen.” Donnie corrected him.

“And that stuff came from an alien race called the Kraang?” T.K. continued.

“Who actually conquered the city?” Shine Girl gasped.

“So, the tabloid reports were true.” Shine Boy pondered.

“And The Triceraton Invasion.” Pinkie added.

“Amazing.” Cody gasped.

“Fascinating.” Gamer added.

"And we are so sorry about your father, Master Splinter." Kari bowed.

"Thank you. That really means a lot to all of us." Leo smiled.

“And this Equestria has talking ponies?” Yolei asked.

“Other creatures as well, but yeah a majority of them are ponies.” Sunset stated.

“And this Magic from it made Spike here talk?” Kari mentioned the dog she was petting and Gatomon was friending him.

“Pretty much.” Spike confirmed, enjoying his new friends as he was befriending the other Digimon as well.

“Sounds peaceful,” Gamer stated before adding, “Minus the threats you mentioned.”

“But with great allies.” Karai included.

“Maybe we could visit it someday.” Yolei smiled.

“We should introduce you to our friend, Blade Swipe” Mikey smiled.

“So now you guys know about us, What’s up with these Digimon?” Raph questioned the Digidestined.

“Fascinating creatures.” Gamer analyzed the Digimon with his goggles.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Fugitoid smiled.

“It’s best I explain first.” T.K. took a deep breath and began to speak.

It began three years back home when a group of kids went to camp. I was the youngest and the group included my older brother, Matt, and Kari’s older brother, Tai. When it snowed, a weird light came and from it emerged these devices we now call Digivices. He held up his little device and showed the groups before continuing their story. Then we were transported into what we now called The Digital World. There we met our partner Digimon and learned we were chosen to be a group of heroes called The Digidestined because we can have our partners change forms, or what we now call Digivolve, and to save The Digital World from evil Digimon. As the danger got tougher, we gained tags and crests to make our Digimon stronger. We then learned from our guide, an old guy named Gennai, we learned there was an eighth child to join us.

Kari continued. That’s where I come in. You see, I was sick, so I couldn’t go to camp. The villain at the time, Myotismon, came to our world searching for the eighth child. Then, I met Gatomon here, who at the time was working for Myotismon.

When I met Kari, I couldn’t really bring myself to harm her. As I wondered why, my friend Wizardmon made remember who I was. I was waiting for Kari, who was the eighth child, and together we beat Myotismon. But, not before losing Wizardmon. Gatomon sniffled, remembering her old friend.
Pinkie and Mikey couldn’t help but bawl feeling sorry for her.

"He must have been a good friend." Shine Boy smiled.

"He was the only friend I had before I met Kari." Kari petted Gatomon to soothe her pain.

T.K. picked up from there. After we defeated Myotismon, we saw the digital world upside down in the sky and realized both our worlds were in crisis together. We knew we had to go back to the Digital World. When we did return, we faced four powerful Digimon who called themselves The Dark Masters. It was a tough struggle, but we managed to band together and defeated them. But shortly after, we faced the shadow of Digimon- Apocalymon. During the battle, he destroyed our tags and crests to make us fall into depression. But we realized our hearts were the real crests and managed to defeat Apocalymon and saved our worlds. But we had to leave to our world and the Digimon had to stay in the Digital World so we had to say goodbye. Until three years later.

Everyone looked to see Mikey texting on his T phone.

“Dude! Seriously?” Gamer grilled him.

“I was just texting Juniper Montage.” Mikey grinned.

“And that’s more important why?” Sunset raised a brow.

“Actually, I was texting her their story.” Mikey saw their faces. “What? It would so make a good movie!”

Meanwhile, Juniper looked at her phone. “Interesting concept. But what’s a Digimon?”

Back in the dojo, Raph snagged Mikey’s T-phone and smacked him upside the head. He then took a deep breath before turning to the Digidestined. “So what happened three years later?”

Davis decided to continue. The Digital World was being conquered by a jerk called The Digimon Emperor. He used these dark rings to control Digimon under his rule and his dark towers, also known as Control Spires, prevented our Digimon from Digivolving. When Tai went back, he discovered a Digi egg with a spike on it. He tried to pick it up, but it resulted in three lights emerging. Izzy, T.K, and Kari were about to enter the Digi port to help Tai when the lights went through, turning into Digivices for me, Yolei, and Cody here. While Izzy explained everything to Yolei and Cody, I followed T.K. and Kari into the Digital World where the others reunited with their Digimon partners. I met Veemon when I lifted the weird egg, revealing it to be an armor Digi egg, allowing him to Armor Digivolve into Flamedramon, the form you guys saw earlier.

Cody and I had to wait until the next day to visit The Digital World. After a close call, we found other Armor Digi eggs that Cody and I were able to lift and That’s how we met our partner Digimon. T.K and Kari were able find their own Armor Digi eggs and were able to help us. Even the older Digidestined gave us guidance and advice in our toughest of times, especially when the Digimon Emperor abandoned his normal life and hid in the Digital World. Yolei continued while looking towards Ken, who showed guilt on his face.

“That. Big. MEANIE!” Fluttershy growled.

“Was he that intelligent?” asked Donnie.

“He was. In fact, he created his own Digimon in our final battle.” Cody answered while looking worried towards Ken, which April noticed.

“Too bad we don’t know him. I’d give him a piece of my mind!” Raph punched his fists together.

“What did happen to him, anyway?” Shini asked.

The Digidestined looked at Ken, who took a deep breath as he petted Wormmon, who hugged him in worrying. “There’s no other way to say this. The Digimon Emperor……….. was me.”

Everyone gasped hearing that as Ken continued. “Before you give me a piece of your mind, Raphael, just please hear me out.”

When I was young, I had an older brother named Sam. Sam was a genius in the family. But there were times when I was jealous of him. One day, a Digivice came through Sam’s computer. As a precaution, Sam put it in his drawer and told me not to touch it. But I was too drawn to it and it took me to the Digital World. But when I got, Sam got mad at me for disobeying him. I was so mad I wished he’d disappear. One day, he did. He was in a car accident. He never made it. Shortly after I received an email, telling me to use the Digivice to go to the Digital World to escape my pain. What I didn’t know was I went to a place called the Dark Ocean which slowly corrupted me until I became the Digimon Emperor and began my reign. To me, I was thinking it was all a video game. I was also known as boy genius. While I seem to be your everyday genius celebrity, I felt that everyone was beneath me, including my own partner Wormmon, and I eventually fled to the Digital World when the Digidestined discovered my secret. In an attempt to win, I created my own Digimon called Kimeramon. But I was beginning to lose it as a voice was telling me to repent from darkness. It was only when Wormmon sacrificed himself to help Veemon, as Magnamon, defeat Kimeramon that I opened my eyes and realized what I done. After some time alone to get my life straight, I returned to the Digital World to find Wormmon rejuvenated and together we worked together to redeem myself.

As everyone smiled, Fluttershy put her hands over her mouth. “I’m so sorry!”

“I’m sorry, too.” Raph sighed.

“It’s okay. I’ve learned to live with it and I’m just glad to have friends who’ve forgiven me.” Ken smiled.

“It wasn’t easy at first, but Ken has really helped us in the past.” Cody added.

“Well, Ken, you now have friends who understand your pain.” Sunset motioned to herself, Twilight, April, Fugitoid, and Karai while thinking about Starlight Glimmer and Blade Swipe.

“Thank you. All of you.”

Shine Boy nodded in agreement. “I suppose it’s our turn to share.” He then took his mask off revealing his face.

Mikey gasped. “It’s you! I knew it!” he turned to the others in confusion. “Who is he?”

My name is Tony Bedding. When I was young, I was very shy. No one thought I would get far in life. As I got older, I wanted to make a difference in life. Then I was found by the legendary hero Zion who trained me in combat. He taught me everything I know about honor, determination, and faith. After I completed my training, I made this outfit with the help of a friend of mine so I can put my training to good use as Shine Boy

Gamer, Shine Girl, and Love Shine then took off their goggles, mask, and helmet as they share their stories. Rarity looked dreamily to Love Shine.

Gamer continued. I’m Tony’s younger brother, Michael. I always felt like a misfit in my class, what with my unique genius. Tony always gave me advice. Shortly after learning Tony was Shine Boy, I wanted to help my brother, so my mom helped me make a costume. As the brains of Team Shine, I prefer to use logic to solve conflicts. My ski goggles have a built-in computer inside to show every situation’s outcome and result. I invent new gadgets for the team in such situations. I’m also an expert in robotics, whether it’s too disassemble or to create, and hope to create a robot of my own someday.

I like him already.” Donnie whispered to April.

“Me too.” Twilight agreed.

Love Shine spoke next. I’m Brandon Rohl. When a spaceship crashed in my backyard, I investigated and found the alien. With his dying breath, he asked me not to let his prototype power suit fall in the wrong hands. I promised and gives the alien a proper burial, Then gave the suit a little makeover and devotes to fight the good fight as Love Shine. After starting out as rivals then working together, Shine Boy and Love Shine become partners in fighting crime. My armor enhances his strength, speed, and stamina.

“Something about your armor sounds familiar.” Pondered Fugitoid. “No mind. Let us continue.”

And finally, Shine Girl began her story. And My name is Kyla Parks. I was inspired by Shine Boy and became Shine Girl in hopes to work alongside him. After many attempts failed, I proved herself and became the heart of Team Shine. But just because I’m always optimistic and kind doesn’t mean I’m a complete softy. Should someone mess with anyone, especially my friends, I’ll give them the what for. With this! my own baton is made of pure steel but still light enough to lift.

I think it’s great you four are a team.” Sunset complimented.

“Now that we know each other, could we know about those Gem Knights we fought earlier?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I wanna know too.” Davis agreed.

Shine Boy nodded. “The Gem Knight serve their ruler, Princess Lewej. Spoiled, she had become obsessed with diamonds and jewels. Her obsession led her to Earth, crossing paths with us. She’s always accompanied by her favorite diamond, capable of allowing her to manipulate lightning, if it wasn’t for Shine Girl, Lewej would have beaten both me and Love Shine.”

“We found out my battlesuit was for Lewej to increase her army’s strength. The creator of the suit was trying to keep it from her hands only to get attacked before crashing to Earth.” Love Shine

“So that’s why he asked you to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.” Applejack figured.

“You wouldn’t happen to catch his name, did you?” Fugitoid asked.

“Afraid not.” Love Shine sighed.

“Why do you ask, Professor?” Sunset asked.

“I remember a colleague of mine long before I was the Fugitoid who was offering a job with Lewej with hopes to benefit the universe. After I became a robot, I learned about how dangerous she is along with one called Ripley.”

“You know him too?” Gamer perked up.

“Who’s this Ripley, yo?” Casey curiously asked.

“Ripley is the nephew of one of our toughest foes, the Chaos Mage. He has come from his conquest of the South Galaxy to challenge us. He sees me as a worthy opponent. With powerful energy attacks and enhanced strength, He’s as worse as his uncle.” Shine Boy explained.

“And it has been recently known that the two are……dating.” Gamer added.

“A villainous couple?” Mikey gasped.

“I don’t know whether think that’s scary or romantic.” Rarity feared.

“Oh dear! If Lewej and Ripley are helping Dr. Stockman, we might be in a pickle.” Fugitoid gulped.

“Is it possible they are behind the random portals to The Digital World?” Yolei wondered.

“I bet they are. In fact, we had trouble with a giant red beetle with scissor pinchers.” Raph huffed.

“That sounds like Kuwagamon!” Kari gasped.

“Ku-wack-amon?” Rainbow asked.

“I think she said Ku-lack-amon.” Keno tried.

“It sounded more like Ku-nak-amon.” Casey boasted.

T.K. corrected them. “It’s pronounced Kuwagamon. He was one of the first Digimon we ever fought.”

Shine Boy stood up. “I think we all agree on the same thing.” He pointed to the Digidestined. “They know about these Digimon.” He then pointed to himself and his team. “We know about Lewej and Ripley.” He pointed to the Ninjas and the Rainbooms. “And you all know about this Stockman guy. I think it’s obvious if we work together, we can save our worlds.”

“Funny. I believe we were thinking the same thing.” Sunset smiled as she, Leo, and Karai stood up as well.

“All in favor?” Leo asked.

“Aye!” Everyone shouted.

“It’s official. The ayes have it.” Karai grinned as she, Sunset, Leo, and Shine Boy put their hands in together.

Though Davis stood up, he had a concerned face. “it’s just those Gem Knights aren’t afraid to attack us or worse.”

“I think we can fix that.” Leo grinned. “We may not be able to train you six as ninjas, but we can still give you a little training while we work with Team Shine.”

Davis turned to his friends. “Whatya guys think?”

“It might be the best option for us.” Ken decided.

“I’m in!” Yolei grinned.

“Me too.” Kari agreed.

“I know Kendo. My grandfather teaches it to me.” Cody pointed out.

“We almost lost to the Gem Knights. So if we can at least defend ourselves if we’re separated from our Digimon, it could help a lot.” T.K. decided.

Davis nodded. “Then we’re all aboard!”

Everyone cheered knowing their alliance is official.


Meanwhile, In his lab, Baxter just finished his mutating machine.

“Done!” he smirked then saw a gold ring appeared. “And just in time.”

Emerging from the ring were Ripley and Lewej.

“I trust this means your machine is ready, Doctor?” Ripley asked.

“Just finished.” Baxter said. “Is our patient ready?”

Ripley answered by holding up his container with the dark data piece.

“Excellent.” Baxter smiled as he grabbed a case with canisters of mutagen and pulled a canister.
“Mutagen I’ve salvaged all this time. Though I could not duplicate my mutation.”

“Yes.” Ripley looked in awe at the substance.

“So this is the so called mutagen of the Kraang?” Lewej asked.

Ripley nodded as he connected his container at the center of Baxter’s machine. “Kraang Prime will rule the day he denied my offer for an alliance.”

“And all we have to do is install the canister here.” Baxter added as he connected the canister to a holster. “And press go.” He then pushed the button.

The three then watched as the machine drained the mutagen and the mutagen poured on the piece of data, which started to grow bigger.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Now that I have the fiction up, I'll add chapters. Also, I'm gonna add extra dialogue in some of these.