• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,463 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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Deception and Loss

Gladitron had rested after his defeat against Angemon, Omnimon, and Angewomon and was back on his feet overnight. He was explaining his encounter to Ripley, Lewej, Devimon, and Stockman.

“There are more Digidestined?” Baxter gasped.

“I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.” Devimon glared.

“That brat and his friends are increasing in numbers! Even Night Shine is helping him!” Lewej growled.

Ripley, on the other hand, was still calm. “How is your portal machine, Stockman?”

“We’re right on schedule. It’ll be done by tomorrow.”

“Good. Gladitron! Make sure we have dozens of Gem Knights by tonight.”

“By your command, Sire.” Gladitron got up and walked out.

Lewej held Ripley’s arm as she smiled at her. “Anything I can do for you, Dearest?”

“Have Merton bring the Miner Bots.”

Lewej slid her finger on Ripley’s shoulder before she walked off, leaving Ripley with Devimon.

“It’ll be a bit before we teleport the Digimon you requested.”

Devimon smirked. “No matter. I have something very deceptive for our friends.”

Down, at the lair, Veemon was getting ready to swat a cupcake with Casey’s cricket bat like a golf club as Casey, Raph, and Davis act like sports announcers.

“Veemon steps up to the plate.” Casey called.

“He readies himself as he prepares to take the shot.” Raph said while petting Chompy.

“And…. The pitch!” Davis chimed as Veemon hit the cupcake. It flew to the kitchen area and Armadillomon caught it with his mouth and ate it.

“Bullseye!” Pinkie cheered.

Shine Boy was sitting at the TV area, reading a book and eating colored candy-coated chocolates when Raph called to him.

“Hey Shine Boy. Wanna take a whack at it?”

Shine Boy didn’t respond.

“What? You’re too good to respond?” Raph irked.

Shine Boy only turned a page. Upset, Raph stomped over to him.

“Um Raph? Maybe you shouldn’t bother him.” Fluttershy mentioned.

But Raph didn’t hear the shy girl.

“Not the N and Ns!” Wormmon quickly grabbed the bowl of candy-coated chocolates before Raph kicked them. But before Raph could grab Shine Boy, he quickly grabbed his hand and turned to the hot-headed turtle, revealing he had earphones on the whole time. He then looked sternly at Raph.

“Something I can help you with?”

“No. sorry to bother you.” Raph answered bluntly. After Shine Boy released him, Raph walked back to the others before turning back to Shine Boy.

Love Shine walked up to him. “Don’t take it too hard. Shine Boy takes a moment every day to collect his thoughts. Consider it his way of meditating.”

“Terrific. Another Leo.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“Someone mentioned me?”

Everyone looked to see Leo, Karai, Sunset Shimmer, T.K., Kari, and Night Shine walking out of the dojo after finishing their training.

Raph rolled his eyes. “no.”

Night Shine went to the fridge and opened the freezer where Ice Cream Kitty handed him a bottle of root beer. After he closed the door, he opened the bottle and took a drink. “Any word from the Brainiacs?”

“Donnie assured me that he, Twilight, Fugitoid, Gamer, and Andromon are almost done upgrading the equipment. So we better not disturb them.” April answered.

Just then, Donnie, Twilight, Gamer, Fugitoid, and Andromon emerged from the lab.

“Great news, Everyone! We’re all finished!” Donnie declared.

“After much calculations, The ShellRaiser and Party Wagon can now work while being around electrical disturbances caused by Digimon.” Twilight added.

“As well as Metalhead and myself.” Fugitoid smiled.

“And Andromon even helped me to upgrade the T Phones as well. I even made one for the Digidestined and Team Shine.” Donnie held up a pile of T Phones which everyone each took one.

“Happy to help.” Andromon saluted.

“I think it’s time we find Stockman and his buddies and take them on!” Keno grinned.

“I’m ready.” Shine Boy shut his book.

“I need to take time to recharge so I must sit this one out.” Andromon stated.

“We understand.” Kari smiled.

“Okay, team! Let’s move out!” Leo called as they all headed out.

After parking the vehicles in an alleyway, Leo split the team into four groups. He took Twilight, Sunset, Karai, Shine Boy, Davis, and Ken with them around the east part of town.

“Good thing Gamer made these trackers. If there’s any Digital energy around here, we’ll find it.”
Twilight explained as she led the group with a handheld device.

“Hopefully, it’ll lead us to Ripley, Lewej, and Stockman.” Shine Boy stated.

Davis turned to Leo in secret. “Hey, Leo, Could I ask you something?”

“Sure, Davis. What’s up?”

“What’s up with you and Twilight?”

Leo froze. “Uuuuuuuuh….”

“Come on. Why does she like you so much? And do you like like her?” Davis got up to the leader in blue.

Veemon smirked. “I bet you want him to help you get Kari to like you.”

“Veemon!” Davis grit his teeth.

“It’s…… complicated.” Leo breathed.

Shine Boy walked between the two. “Hey, you two! We may have to save that conversation for later.”

“Fine.” Davis sighed.

Shine Boy whispered to Karai. "Besides, it's obvious she has a thing for T.K."

"Seems that way." Karai whispered back.

Everyone noticed Twilight stopped, looking up with her jaw dropped and the tracker was beeping like crazy.

“Found something?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah. That!” Twilight pointed to a giant samurai-like figure stomping towards them drawing his large katana blade.

“Dang!” Shine Boy gasped.

“Is that a Digimon?” Karai asked.

“It is.” Ken feared. “That’s Musyamon, a samurai Digimon!”

“He doesn’t look happy to see us.” Sunset noticed his eyes were glowing red.

“I’m not real keen to see him either.” Shine Boy sweated.

“Everyone! Take’em down!” Leo cried as they drew their weapons and Davis and Ken held up their
Digivices and Veemon and Wormmon began to glow.

“Veemon digivolve to……. ExVeemon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to……… Stingmon!”

The two joined in fighting Musyamon.

Around the Chinatown area, Raph led Casey, Love Shine, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Night Shine and
Cody around the streets with Love Shine working the tracker.

“According to the tracker Don gave me, there’s a faint spike of Digital energy in this area.” He stated.

“Everyone stay alert.” Applejack ordered.

“At least the Purple Dragons ain’t around.” Casey noticed.

“Or the Turks.” Rainbow added.

“Probably went into hiding.” Raph figured.

“Sure, they did.” Night Shine rolled his eyes.

Cody noticed the ground was shaking by a puddle. “looks like something found us!”

Everyone looked up to see a giant black Tyrannosaurus creature stomping towards them with glowing red eyes.

“DarkTyrannomon? What in the hay is he doing here?” Armadillomon gasped.

“DarkTyrannomon?” Night Shine scowled as he pulled out his twin hatchets. “I’ll show him dark!”

“Is it just me or are you getting the feeling of déjà vu all over again?” Rainbow asked Applejack and Raph, recalling their prehistoric adventure.

“Then you know what we have to do.” Raph said as he drew his sais.

“Eyup.” Applejack nodded before turning to Cody. “Armadillomon have a form to take this brute?”

“As a matter of fact, he does, Applejack! Let’s show them!” Cody held up his Digivice as it and Armadillomon began to glow.

“Right! Armadillomon digivolve to…….. Ankylomon!”

“whoa.” Love Shine gasped at the sight of the ankylosaurus.

“Metal.” Casey grinned as he put on his mask.

“Get’em!” Raph cried as they all battled the Trex Digimon.

In the northern part of town, Donnie led Gamer, April, Yolei, Fugitoid, Keno, and Rarity as he
looked at his tracker.

“Gotta admit, Gamer, these digital trackers were a good idea.” Donnie complimented.

“Very ingenious.” Hawkmon added.

“If we’re lucky, it can even lead us to the bad guys.” Gamer hoped.

“That be good.” Fugitoid added.

“no kidding.” Whispered Keno.

"Better to get this over with." Rarity sighed.

Suddenly, The tracker beeped like crazy.

“Whoa! We got a hot one!” Donnie added.

“But I’m not feeling anything.” April felt her head before she turned around and gasped.

Everyone turned to see a swarm of giant bees looking down at them buzzing angrily.

"BEES!" shrieked Rarity.

“Giant Bees!” cried Keno.

“Flymon?! Where they come from?” Yolei gasped.

“How did I not sense them?” April was confused.

“I guess we’ll figure that out after we beat them all.” Donnie figured as he pulled out his staff.

“Allow me to even the odds!” Yolei declared as she held up her glowing Digivice.

“Hawkmon digivolve to….. Aquilamon!”

“Perfecto! Let’s swat these bugs!” Yolei jumped on the giant bird who flew up. “Booyakasha!”

“I don’t know what she had for a breakfast, but I want some.” Gamer said as he drew his sword.

“Gotta admit. She shows enthusiasm.” April sighed as Keno shrugged.

"Must've picked that up from Rainbow Dash." Rarity mumbled.

“Let’s help her!” Donnie declared as they all joined the battle.


Meanwhile, Mikey, Shinigami, Shine Girl, Pinkie, Fluttershy, T.K., and Kari were in Central Park with Shine Girl leading with the tracker in hand.

“I think the signal’s coming from here.” She said before noticing the tracker beeped slowly. “Now the signal’s getting weaker.”

“I betcha that Digimon is messing with us.” Mikey declared.

“I think you’re not wrong, Mikey.” T.K. agreed.

“I hope it’s not a big one, like Kuwagamon.” Gulped Fluttershy.

“Knowing our luck, they’re gonna be that big, Fluttershy.” Kari shrugged.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we can take it, right Michelangelo?” Shini winked at the party dude.

“You bet we will!” Mikey beamed walking a little bit ahead.

Kari walked up to the witch girl. “You really like Mikey, don’t you?”

“He knows how to make me laugh.”

“Think you can teach me some of those moves?”

“Who you trying to impress?”

Kari leaned closer and whispered in Shinigami’s ear. As they whispered, they kept looking back at
T.K., who blinked at the sight.

Pinkie leaned up to him. “Oooo! I wonder who they’re talking about?” Shine Girl hid a chuckle.

T.K. blushed before shaking it off. “I-I’m sure she’s gonna use them on Davis!”

“You sure?”

Before T.K. could answer, The tracker began to beep like crazy as Shine Girl pointed to where Mikey was.


As Mikey ran, behind him emerged a giant mole creature with a drill for a nose.

“Uh friend of yours?” Shini asked the two Digidestined.

“That’s Drimogemon!” T.K. answered.

“But something’s off with him.” Kari noticed the glowing red eyes.

“Well you know what we have to do.” Shine Girl insisted as they drew their weapons.

T.K. and Kari nodded as they held up their Digivices as they cried. “Digi Armor Energize!”

“Patamon armor digivolve to…… Pegasusmon, Flying Hope!”

“Gatomon armor digivolve to…… Nefertimon, Angel of Light!”

“Okay! Anybody got a plan?” Shine Girl asked.

“Maybe Fluttershy can use her Stare on them?” Pinkie pushed Fluttershy close.

“I don’t think it works on Digimon.” Shivered Fluttershy, hiding behind Pinkie.

“Then what else can we do?” Mikey pondered.

“If we can keep him still, we might blast him hard enough to come to his senses.” Nefertimon suggested.

“Worth a shot. Booyakasha!” Mikey led the charge.

As Shine Girl and Fluttershy distracted Drimogemon while Mikey, Shini, and Pinkie wrapped his legs with the chains of their weapons, holding him long enough for Pegasusmon and Nefterimon to get a hit on him.

“Cat’s eye beam!”

“Equus Beam!”

Both attacks hit as Mikey, Shini, and Pinkie released their chains and dove out of the way. After the blast was done, Mikey noticed he was on Shini and quickly got off her while Shini chuckled while brushing her hair.

Shine Girl rushed to them. “Are you guys okay?”

“Fine!” Mikey gasped before clearing his throat. “everything’s fine.”

“Look!” Fluttershy cried.

Everyone looked to see as the smoke cleared, Drimogemon was still standing. But parts of him were missing, including his left eye.

“Is that natural?” Shinigami asked.

“Not at all. Usually, a Digimon deletes in small particles. But not like this!” T.K. explained.

“I don’t think that is a Digimon.” Kari stated.

“Then you won’t mind me doing THIS!” Pinkie threw sprinkles at Drimogemon, resulting in the giant creature exploding into a giant shadow.

“Nice work, team!” Mikey cried. “I wonder what that was if not a Digimon?”

“What was that thing?” Fluttershy asked.

“That’s what we like to know.”

They looked to see the other groups hurrying towards them while Aquilamon carried his group through the air.

“Are you guys okay?” Leo asked.

“Yeah. We just fought something that we thought was a Digimon.” Mikey answered.

“Same as us.” Raph stated.

“The way they were looking at us, when they came up behind us without April sensing them, somebody was messing with us.” Donnie hypothesized.

“Or worse! They were setting us up!” Gamer gasped.

“Aw! You ruined our surprise, Game Boy!”

The group turned to see Ripley, Lewej, and Baxter in his recent robot outfit with a couple Gem Knights.

“Dexter Longarm?!” Pinkie gasped.

“Baxter Stockman. It’s Baxter Stockman! How many times do I have to tell you insignificant brats before it goes into your thick skulls!”

"Hate hearing the wrong name? Then wear a NAME TAG!" Night Shine grilled

Shine Boy glared at the other two villains. “Ripley. Lewej.”

“Surprised to see us, Shine Brat?” Ripley smirked.

“Not after fighting your Gem Knights for the umpteenth time.” Gamer stated.

Ripley looked at the group. “So these are the Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms Stockman told me about. As well as their allies and the Digidestined that dared interfered with my plans.” He then pointed to Fugitoid. “And Professor Honeycutt. Gladitron told me rumors of your demise have been misleading.”

“And I suppose you want the Black Hole Generator?” Fugitoid hissed.

“On the contrary, I should thank you for destroying that machine as well as those brainless Triceratons! Now it won’t be used against me and that fool Mozar will be out of my hair. And for that, I offer you an opportunity. Join me and I will give you everything for your research.”

“I’m quite happy with my life here on Earth!” Fugitoid snapped. “Besides, I will not use my technology to threaten the universe again!”

Lewej looked at her nails. “Such a pity, professor, because a certain friend of ours said the same thing and look how he turned out.”

Fugitoid could only show angry eyes remembering his collegue who created Love Shine’s suit.

“Give it up! You’re not opening anymore digital portals on our watch!” declared Rainbow Dash.

“And who’s gonna stop us?” Lewej snapped. “you think teaming up with mutants, high schoolers, and digital monsters gives you an advantage?”

“Better than an idiot with an ego problem and a showoff!” Night Shine snapped back.

“Then I guess it’s time we introduce you all to our latest member of our team.”

The three made way as Devimon emerged from the ground laughing.

“No. It can’t be!” T.K. gasped.

“It’s Devimon!” Ken said in shock, recalling his time in the dark whirlpool.

“That’s Devimon?” Sunset gasped.

“That’s right, Digidestined! I’m back! And I will have my-” Devimon declared before noticing something. “Wait a minute, you’re not the ones I faced!” he pointed to T.K. “But I remember you! The boy with the Patamon who defeated me!”

“And We will defeat you like we did back then!” T.K snarled.

“Not likely! Thanks to the mutagen Stockman used to revive me, I’m much stronger than before!”

“Just try us! Get’em, ExVeemon!” Davis cried as ExVeemon charged at the villains.

“Davis, NO!” Shine Boy tried to stop him, but he was too late. Devimon smacked Exveemon away like a ragdoll, causing him to revert to Veemon.

“Get’em!” Leo ordered as they drew their weapons.

“We’ll deal with Devimon. You guys get the other three!” Stingmon instructed then flew to Devimon, only for Devimon to grab him and slam him down multiple times before throwing him aside as he reverted into Wormmon. The other Digimon didn’t do so well either. They were either blasted or thrown aside as well and reverted back to their Rookie forms as well. The Turtles then tried to face him to protect the Digidestined, only for them finding it very difficult. April, Karai, and Shini fought the Gem Knights while Shine Boy and Night Shine fought Ripley, The Rainbooms tried to fight Lewej, and Love Shine, Gamer, and Shine Girl fought Baxter. Ripley used cheating tactics to own Shine Boy and Night Shine then slammed their heads together as they groaned in pain. Lewej used her crystal to overwhelm the Rainbooms with lightning. In his armor, Baxter was more than a match for Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Gamer and overwhelmed them, resulting in him hurting Gamer’s arm.

As the heroes lie beaten, Baxter laughed. “In the end do you truly understand! None of you were a match against The wrath of us! You Turtles and your friends will-” he stopped when he noticed something missing. “wait a minute! Where’s that Jones kid? And that other vigilante kid?”

Then, as if answering his question, The Shell Raiser and Party Wagon drove up between the villains and the heroes. The windows roll down revealing it being Casey and Keno behind the wheels with Casey in the ShellRaiser and Keno driving the Party Wagon.

“C’mon!” Casey cried.

“Bus is leaving!” Keno added.

The Digidestined helped April, Karai, and Shini get the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Team Shine in the vehicles. Shine Boy had enough strength to blind the villains with a smoke bomb to buy time to escape. Once they got everyone, Casey and Keno charged the vehicles at the villains, who jumped out of the way.

“Goongala!” they both cried.

“Thanks for the save, fellas.” Applejack panted.

“I'm just glad we weren’t too late.” Casey nodded.

“Really, Really glad Leo had us both get the vehicles” Keno breathed.

Jewej growled as they watched the heroes escape. “They’re getting away!”

“Then let me give them a parting gift!” Devimon smirked then used his powers to make a new imposter Digimon. This one was a giant gargoyle like creature that looked a lot like Devimon. “Get them.” He ordered it. The creature roared and flew after the two vehicles.

As Casey and Keno drove the Shellraiser and Party Wagon, The Turtles and Rainbooms started to regain conscious.

“So this Devimon can create shadows from other Digimon?” Raph groaned.

“Well. He never did create Digimon, he usually possessed them, but the closest he did of illusions was tricking up into thinking we were in a hotel and ended up separating each other.” T.K. remembered.

“Maybe the mutagen enhanced his abilities.” Sunset pondered.

“Wouldn’t surprise me” Gamer stated before holding his hurt arm.

Suddenly, a loud clang was heard as the two vehicles were suddenly stopped.

“What was that?” Applejack cried.

“Look!” Cody gasped.

They all looked to see the gargoyle holding the two vehicles.

“It’s a Devidramon!” Cried Davis.

“Is it another shadow?” Fugitoid wondered.

“Shadow or not, he’s got us big time!” Casey grunted as he tried to speed away.

“What do we do now?” Twilight feared.

“If we could throw something at it, it might get distracted long enough for us to escape!” Leo suggested.

“With what? Everything’s bolted to the floor!” Donnie snapped.

As He looked around the Shellraiser, Leo noticed Shine Boy climbing to the hatch.

“Shine Boy! What’re you doing?” he cried.

“You heard Donatello! I’m gonna keep that thing busy long enough for you guys to get outta here!”

Everyone was shocked to hear this.

“B-but you won’t make it.” Sunset feared.

“It’s why I’m here.” Shine Boy consoled his friends before he opened the hatched.

“No!” Karai cried.

Shine Boy stood on top of the Shellraiser. As he charged at Devidramon, his hands began to glow brightly. He punched the gargoyle so hard it released the two vehicles. Everyone could only watch in horror as a portal opened up, swallowing Devidramon as well as Shine Boy then vanished.

After a moment of silence, Applejack finally spoke. “C’mon, Case. We need to get back to the lair.”

Casey nodded and drove the Shellraiser away with the Party Wagon not far behind.

Later, in the lair, everyone was sad for the loss of their friend. Fluttershy and Pinkie were bawling while Twilight embraced Leo, Donnie and April, Rarity with Love Shine, and Yolei with Ken. Only Night Shine was more angry than sad as he punched the pinball machine.

“You’re all pathetic!” he screamed. “I warned you all to not make me regret joining you. Now you blew it!”

“Look, I know how you feel.” Raph tried to reason with Night Shine only to be punched in the gut really hard and ended up on his knees.

“You. Know. NOTHING!” Night Shine growled before he stomped out of the lair. On his way out, he past Karai, who shot a glare at him.

“I guess he’s out.” Davis sighed.

Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Gamer were all sulking for loosing their team leader. They each remembered their last moment with Shine Boy.

Earlier that day, Shine Boy secretly gathered his team for a little talk.

“What’s happening, bud?” Love Shine greeted.

“I’m just concerned how tough Ripley and Lewej have made things since we came to New York, especially after our encounter with Gladitron. I’m just worried one of us would get hurt. Or worse.”

“That is true. It’s always guaranteed to get injuries at times like these.” Gamer pondered.

“Well, I want you three to promise me that if one of us goes down, we’ll help our new friends no matter what see this through to the end.”

“We will.” Shine Girl promised.

“You can count on me, Bro.” Gamer stated.

“Same.” Love Shine swore.

Shine Boy smiled at his team. “I will make the same promise. And if these are my last words to you guys, you all are a great team.”

Back in the present, Leo walked up to the three.

“If you guys wish to leave, we understand.” He bowed.

“I’m not.” Love Shine stood up. “I’m staying. And help you guys win.”

“YES!” Rarity cheered before gaining her composure. “I mean, that’s wonderful.”

“I’m sure I can still help Donnie, Twilight, Fuge, and Andromon.” Gamer offered.

Donnie and Twilight smiled.

“It’s what Shine Boy would’ve wanted.” Shine Girl nodded.

Then, Karai walked up to the trio. “I promise you three. They will pay for what they did to our friend.”

Gamer then hugged Karai at the waist. Surprised at first, Karai then hugged him back.

Leo then held his hand out. “For Shine Boy.”

One by one, everyone else put their hand on top of his hand, even the Digimon joined in, and everyone had the same response.

“For Shine Boy.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

- the N and Ns Shine Boy was eating were based on M&Ms, one of my favorite candies

- Shine Boy's sacrifice was somewhat based on Canard's sacrifice in the Mighty Ducks animated series, now on Disney plus.