• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 3,463 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shining Digital Alliance - WarriorofFaith18

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Training and more Introductions

Ripley, Lewej, and Stockman watched as the piece of data began to grow and take shape. Soon, the figure emerged from the now shattered jar, revealing a tall figure in black. He had long arms with horns on his head and tattered wings on his back. On his chest was an insignia resembling a bat. The figure stood as he gave a yawn and stretched. He then began to look all over himself then began to laugh evilly realizing he was alive again.

“Tremble, pitiful beings! I, Devimon, have returned.” He boasted.

Ripley walked up to the newcomer. “I am Ripley, nephew of the Chaos Mage, conqueror of worlds!
Allow me to be the first to welcome you, Devimon.”

“I assume I owe you for my recent resurrection?”

“Dr. Stockman and I are the ones who brought you back.” Ripley gestured to Baxter Stockman, who smirked.

“What do you wish from me in return?”

Ripley grinned. “The destruction of our enemies!”


The next day, in the dojo, The Turtles, their allies, the Rainbooms, and Team Shine stood before The Digidestined.

“Are you six ready?” Leo asked.

“Ready, willing, and able.” Davis nodded.

“Then let the training begin!” Twilight declared.

The groups taught the Digidestined the basics of ninja training, starting with hand to hand moves. Team Shine even shared their knowledge of combat as well while Spike and the Digimon watched from the side. After a couple hours, The Turtles decided to have them try using ninja weapons. Donnie lent T.K. his bo staff as Shine Boy showed him how to twirl the staff. After taking it slow, T.K. started to spin it faster and faster and seemed to have it down before he turned around to notice the staff out of his hand, narrowingly missing Rainbow Dash. Davis was able to convince the heroes to use the nunchucks as Mikey showed him some moves, which resulted in Davis hitting himself in the face as the Digimon winced. Leo practiced sword play one on one with Cody. Yolei practiced with a kurisama chain and tried some tips from Shinigami. April lent her tessen to Kari and showed her ways to move. When Pinkie tried to lend Ken her Kurisama weapon, Ken couldn’t accept it because it reminded him of the whip he used as The Digimon Emperor, so Raph pulled out some tonfas for Ken and showed him some stands with them. Overall, despite still needing to learn more, they all saw The Digidestined were making progress.

After letting the Digidestined take a breather, The Ninjas and Rainbooms sparred with Team Shine.
Shine Boy put up a good fight against Leonardo with his staff only to be side kicked down.

“Your Sensei has taught you well.” Shine Boy complimented as Leo helped him up.

“Thanks. You’re as good as Karai told us.” Leo smiled back.

Next, Gamer sparred against Sunset and Twilight and was surprisingly good. Despite getting disarmed a lot, he was able to outsmart both, reclaimed his sword, and defeated them by deflecting Sunset’s kunai to knock Twilight out and hit Sunset in the stomach with the hilt of his sword.

“Just as I calculated.” He grinned as he sheathed his sword.

“I noticed he uses his head in combat.” Karai whispered to Shine Boy.

“He prefers head over brawn. We’ve been working on him keeping his sword in hand.” Shine Boy explained.

"Still, pretty impressive." The ninja girl smiled

Shine Girl went up against Mikey and Applejack and proven to be formidable, despite losing due to Mikey’s trickery and Applejack’s strength. Then Raph faced Love Shine.

“Why don’t we make this interesting?” Love Shine said.

“How’s that?” Raph raised his brow.

Love Shine responded by removing his helmet, chest piece, and heart shields.

“I take you on without my armor.” He offered.

“Alright. Let’s see how you fight without your little get up.” Raph smirked as he pulled out his sais.

As it turned out as they fought, Love Shine was very strong for Raph. As he kept being knocked down. With every knock down, Raph got angrier. But Love Shine was still able to knock him down.

Seeing his brother getting angrier by the moment, Leo called out, “Yamei!”

“Say what now?” Love Shine raised a brow.

“He means the match is over.” Sunset explained.

“Water?” Rarity offered a bottle of water to Love Shine.

But as Love Shine was accepting the bottle, Raph gets up and charges at him screaming. Luckily, Love Shine grabbed him and pinned him to the ground. Raph struggled to break free, but to no avail.

“Are you done? If I let you go, you won’t fight back?” Love Shine asked sternly.

Raph sighed. “Fine. You win.”

As Love Shine released Raph, Mikey, Casey, and Davis all laughed.

“You got beat bad, Raph!” chuckled Casey.

“He got owned!” Mikey laughed.

“Does this happen to him a lot?” Asked Davis through laughs.

“it does. And so does THIS!”

Raph then tossed the three on their backs.

After he put his armor back on, Love Shine held his hand out to Raph. “No hard feelings?”

Raph, after glaring a bit, accepted Love Shine’s hand. “For now.” And he huffed away.

“Is he always this sore when he loses?” Love Shine asked the others.

“Don’t take it hard. He has anger issues. He’s really nice once you get to know him.” Fluttershy assured.

After the sparring, Sunset led The Digidestined in some moves as Shine Boy helped fixed anyone’s pose.

Leo then walked up. “Okay, everyone! Take five!”

“Pizza’s ready!” Mikey popped up.

“Alright!” Davis cheered.

“I’m Starving.” Veemon added.

As they left the dojo, Leo high fived them as he, Sunset, and Shine Boy smiled at each other as
Shine Boy mentions. “You gotta admit, they have potential.”

“Agreed.” Sunset added. “At least they’re better than the alternate turtles.”

“The only one I’m concerned about is Davis.” Leo stated. “He’s more egotistic than Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m sure as we continue to train them, he’ll get better.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“You’re probably right.” Leo smiled as they all headed to the kitchen area.


Everybody gathered in the kitchen area, seeing that Keno and Mikey were making enough pizzas for everyone. As they took slices and ate, they continued to know each other.

“These are some yummy pizzas, Keno, you and Mikey did great on these.” Armadillomon smiled.

“Thanks, Armadillomon. It has been a while since I actually cooked pizzas instead of delivering them.” Keno grinned as he ate his slice.

“Yummy!” Veemon complimented.

“Don’t you guys ever get tired of this a lot?” Shine Girl asked.

“Best human food we ever had!” Mikey cheered.

"Dare I ask what you had before that?" Yolei raised a brow.

"You.... really don't want to know." Rarity convinced.

“Hey Davis. Could you get some ice?” Shine Boy was pouring sodas in cups.

“I got it.” As Davis opens the fridge, two paws hand him a tray of ice cubes. “Thanks.” After closing the door and handing the tray to Shine Boy, Davis realized what he just saw and opened the fridge again to see a certain cool cat. “Huh? What the heck?”

“Oh that’s Michelangelo’s pet Ice Cream Kitty.” Shinigami answered.


“Aw! She’s so cute.” Kari smiled.

“She’s really nice once you get to know her.” Fluttershy added as she tickled Ice Cream Kitty by the chin while she purred.

"Come on, Ice Cream Kitty. come out and say hi to everyone." Mikey put Ice Cream Kitty in a bowl and set her on the table so she could meet everyone. Gatomon came up to her and the two became good friends.

“So, she’s a mutant?” Gamer asked as he analyzed her.

“Yep! Cool, huh?” Mikey grinned as the mutant cat licked Gamer on his nose, leaving some ice cream on it.

“Yeah I admit. That is cool.” Gamer wiped off the ice cream and put it in his mouth.

Raph came in with his pet, Chompy, and fed him a piece of pepperoni as Rainbow came up to them.

“How’s our little Chompster?” Rainbow petted him, causing him to cheer.

“What do we have here?” Hawkmon asked.

“Another mutant?” Yolei guessed.

“Nope. This is Chompy Picasso. An alien turtle I’m taking care of.” Raph answered.

“And I’m his surrogate mother.” Rainbow added.

Wormmon came up to the baby turtle. “He looks pretty cute.” As he petted him, Chompy accidently burped a little fire, startling Wormmon, causing him to hide behind Ken.

“Sorry, Wormmon. It’s a force of habit.” Raph apologized.

“I’ll just be careful when I’m around him.” Wormmon nodded in worry.

“I’m liking this world more and more!” Veemon cheered as he petted Chompy.

After finishing his slice, Donnie stood up. “Well, now that we’re all friends, and trained The Digidestined a bit, we need to figure out how we’re gonna be able to use The Shellraiser and The Party Wagon if we’ll be facing more Digimon like Kuwagamon.”

“I’m with Donnie. And in addition so we can digivolve our Digimon without causing problems for you guys.” T.K. added.

“You see when Digimon digivolve, there’s always an electrical surge that causes machinery to fail.” Kari continued.

“We’ve gotten that impression well” Fugitoid stated, recalling he was immobilized the night before.

“Maybe, I could help.” Gamer volunteered. “I’m pretty good with technology myself.”

“Even with the three of us, we may never solve this problem.” Twilight sighed.

As everyone pondered on what to do, a portal suddenly appeared in the lair and two figures emerged from it. One was a high schooler with short red hair and the other was an adult man in a white robe.

“Prodigious! We finally found you!” the boy smiled.

“Izzy!” The Digidestined smiled.

“And Gennai.” T.K. added.

“Sorry it took so long to find you all.” The man grinned. “We had a little help.”

Gennai pointed to the portal where a certain friend of the Turtles and Rainbooms’ emerged.

“Bishop!” They all cried.

“Greetings, my friends. I apologize that our reunion isn’t under better circumstances.” Bishop greeted.

Yolei introduced everyone. "Izzy, Gennai, meet our new friends. This is April, Casey, Keno, Karai, and Shinigami. These are the Turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. And these are the Rainbooms, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. That's Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl."

Izzy then noticed the Turtles. “Bishop told me about you guys as well as your friends here. It’s fascinating you guys are actual mutants.”

“Yep. We are fascinating.” Mikey gleamed before Raph conked him on the head.

Kari stepped up and introduced their friend. “Everyone, this is our friend and one of the original Digidestined, Izzy. He’s our computer expert. And this is Gennai. He’s like our mentor and guide who lives in the Digital World.”

“You mean you knew about their world, Bishop?” Sunset asked.

“Equestria was not the only world the Kraang tried to control.” Bishop answered as Gennai continued.

Long before the Digi Eggs were ready, Kraang Prime came to the Digital World and tried to convince The Dark Masters to mutate it. Thankfully, Piedmon was a master trickster and he and the other Dark Masters gave the Kraang the boot through the portal. A few days later, I met with Bishop and he promised me that he and the Utrom were going to do everything in their power to make sure the Kraang never returned and I would never mention Dimension X, knowing the Dark Masters would want to conquer them as well.

“I don’t know if I wanted to thank them or hurt them for that.” Rainbow pondered.

"I'd hurt' em." Casey whispered.

“And I have heard of you and your friends as well, Shine Boy.” Bishop added as he shook Shine Boy's hand. “Unfortunately, I didn’t when The Triceratons invaded.”

“I understand. I was off world anyway. Long story.” Shine Boy shrugged. “Still nice to meet you.”

“So are you two gonna stay and help us?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m afraid not, Pinkie, was it?” Pinkie nodded as Izzy continued. “Me and the other older Digidestined are keeping an eye in the Digital World while you guys are away. I just needed help finding you guys.”

“But we also brought a friend who can stay and help.” Gennai smiled as he pointed to the portal.

Coming from the portal was a tall android the Digidestined knew so well.

“Andromon!” T.K. and Kari cheered.

“Greetings, my friends.” He greeted.

T.K. introduced him. “Everyone, this is Andromon, one of our many Digimon friends.”

As everyone greeted Andromon, Ken grimaced, remembering that he was one of the Digimon he controlled as the Digimon Emperor. Then, Andromon walked up to him.

“Excuse me, but you were the Digimon Emperor, were you not?”

“I was.” Ken sighed. “And before you grill me, I just want to tell you I’m very sorry for everything I’ve done to you.”

Andromon smiled. “Wouldn’t have been the first time I possessed. And you learned your lesson, so forgiveness is logical.”

Hearing that made Ken feel so much better.

“I believe I can help with any technical equipment you all have.”

Twilight smiled as she adjusted her glasses. “I think we have our solution boys.” Donnie and Gamer smiled in agreement.

“We’ll need to be getting back.” Gennai stated.

“I’ll be checking on you guys soon.” Izzy added as they headed back into the portal.

“I, on the other hand, have official Business to deal with. Keep me posted.” Bishop followed and exited as well just before the portal closed.

“With us working together, I know we stand a chance against Lewej, Ripley, and Stockman!” Shine Boy declared.

Meanwhile, Ripley, Lewej, and Stockman briefed Devimon on everything.

“So this Shine Boy, along with mutant turtles and girls, have teamed up with the Digidestined?” Devimon asked.

“Yes.” Ripley confirmed.

“But if we work together, we will defeat them! All we ask for is your cooperation. Whattya say?” Stockman insisted.

“Perhaps there is a way we can work together.” Devimon pondered.

“So do we have a deal?” Ripley extended his hand as Devimon accepted it.

“Deal.” He smirked as the place echoed to laughter.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

- The training sequence of the Digidestined was inspired by the training in Wanted Bebop and Rocksteady, only better.
- I wanted Raph getting angry with somebody during a spar and I chose Love Shine because he's muscled. (C'mon it's Raph!)
- NO! I'm not shipping Rarity and Love Shine. The joke was to have a Rainboom fall in love with him because he attracts the ladies. (Not doing her with Applejack)
- I originally wanted the Digimon villain revived to be Myotismon, my favorite Digimon villain, but i've seen people tired of him. Wildcard25 advised me to not use Arukennimon and Mummymon because confusion, so my friend on Deviantart, Bozzerkazzoers, suggested Devimon.
- Don't worry. You'll see the Season 1 Digidestined in the fiction, some sooner than you think