• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 863 Views, 47 Comments

Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum - Jest

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

  • ...

Finally, Rest.

A sudden flood of memories not her own, and images she had never seen flashed through her mind. In an instant they were gone, but the impression they left remained, crystalizing Swift Light’s decision. She would be merciful, but she would not be kind.

“I accept your surrender,” Swift Light declared, extending a hoof.

“Oh thank you so much I-” Cinder Flare began.

“But I will not be getting stabbed in the back,” Swift Light interrupted.

Cinder Flare opened her mouth to speek, only for Swift Light’s forehead to slam into the bridge of her nose. Knocked out cold, Cinder Flare lay sprawled out on the ground, horn sparking briefly before her magic faded. Swift Light loomed over her a moment longer before releasing a sigh, and leaning down, her horn igniting.

A quick spell bound the other unicorn’s limbs together while a second disabled Cinder Flare’s magic. She repeated the first half of that with the mercenaries who still lived but were knocked unconscious. A glance down into the hole confirmed that the poor guy who fell down there had taken a nasty fall. Hauling him out with her magic, Swift Light was relieved to find that he was still breathing, though his helmet had a large dent in it.

She was about to begin triaging the others that she had injured, but decided to call the smugglers lest they leave without her. Thankfully they werent far away, and Swift Light could tell that they had been waiting to see who won the engagement. A simple firework spell seemed to pull them from their stupor and prompt the airship to begin moving towards her.

As she waited for its arrival, Swift Light moved from one mercenary to the next, applying what first aid she was capable of. A surprising number of them made it out alive, at least for now, but that would likely change if they didn't get better care. Swift Light knew very few healings spells, and fewer still that would be capable of helping someone who had their throat ripped out.

Those who didn't make it were placed off to the side, just out of sight. Despite her newfound ferocity, Swift Light was not eager to gaze down at the faces of those she had killed.

“Why do they always try to kill me,” Swift Light muttered to herself.

The thump of hooves landing behind her prompted Swift Light to draw her blade and turn to the newcomer.

“Woah there lady. Relax,” called a pegasus. “We don't mean ya any harm.”

“Your buddies sure did,” Swift Light retorted.

“I don't know these shlubs,” retorted the winged mare garbed in leather armor and sporting a scimitar on her hip.

“Cinder here spilled the beans about paying you guys off,” Swift Light retorted.

“True, but that hinged on her being able to give us the second half of our payment. Something she ain't about to do anytime soon,” replied the pegasus.

Swift Light grunted, and gestured to the downed mercenaries. “Get these ones aboard and if you have a medic get them. They wont last long without a transfusion and likely a surgeon.”

“Aye we got one of them. Come on lads, lets clean up this mess,” called the pegasus, waving over a group of smugglers waiting nearby.

Swift Light stepped out of the way, observing as the crew carefully brought the injured to the ship as it was docking. A large rope was wrapped around the mooring point a moment later, and a ladder was tossed down. The guard pony was about to begin ascending up to the deck when she was suddenly hit by a wall of chitin.

“Oh my gosh I thought you were going to die!” cried Viciz.

Swift Light sighed, and let her stun spell fizzle. “I’m not going anywhere. Not yet anyway.”

“When the crew detained me all of a sudden I thought for sure they were going to help out those bad guys but after you won they were all so… relieved,” Viciz blurted.

“Is that so?” Swift Light hummed.

Viciz pulled back, holding the unicorn at arm’s reach. “They did. I don't think they really wanted her to win.”

“Lets go talk to the captain, hmm?” Swift Light offered.

“Yeah that sounds good,” Viciz muttered.

The changeling took wing and flew up to the airship, leaving Swift Light to climb up the ladder alone. During the assent she half expected to get hit from behind, or have the rope cut from above her but neither of those things happened. In fact when she neared the top she saw the minotaur captain waiting for her, hand outstretched.

“Need a hand there missy?” she offered.

Swift Light hesitated.

“Can't say I blame the distrust but do you really think if I was gonna betray ya I wouldn't have done it already,” countered the minotaur woman.

Swift Light sighed, and stuck out her hoof. She was then hauled bodily over the lip of the ship, where she landed on her hooves, limbs spread and eyes wide.

“You got the reflexes of a cat!” barked the captain.

“You could say that,” Swift Light muttered.

“And the teeth of a shark. Damn girl,” muttered the minotaur.

Swift Light bit back her retort, and looked the smuggler’s leader up and down.

She was tall, slender, and overall a lot less bulky then most of her hooved and handed brethren. Despite lacking the wide shoulders, and intimidating stature, she was still obviously quite strong. She was also well armed, with flint lock pistol hanging from either hip, a claymore strapped to her back, and a dagger poking up from one of her boots.

“Ya like what ya see?” taunted the minotaur with a smirk.

Swift Light snorted. “I don't see a bed, a nice meal, and tall frosty ale so no.”

The minotaur grabbed at her heart in mock distress. “You wound me so.”

“I’d prefer if we got straight to business. The name’s Swift Light,” offered the guard.

“And they call me Flint. A pleasure to meetcha,” replied the minotaur.

The pair shook and stepped back from one another.

“Right. I’d appreciate it if you healed and kept that lot locked up somewhere. I’ll be dropping them off at a garrison along the way and you’re welcome to any bounty they may have on their head,” Swift Light began. “As for myself and my companion, we will be retiring for the evening, and speaking to you again tomorrow about our destination.”

“Sounds fair enough. The last bit of supper should still be in the mess if ya need a bite to eat. Might even have a trout in need of eating,” Flint replied.

Swift Light snorted, and brushed past the minotaur. She then grabbed Viciz by the shoulder and guided her towards the stairs leading below deck.

“Well that went well I think,” Viciz muttered.

“It sure did, but before we talk about that we must discuss the fact that there was an ambush waiting for us,” Swift Light whispered in a low tone.

“What, you don't think-” Viciz began.

“Shh,” Swift Light interrupted. “Wait a minute.”

Viciz nodded.

Together they made their way below deck, where they were guided towards an empty cabin near the back of the boat. In it was a pair of small beds, some storage, and just enough room to stretch out on the floor if you felt so inclined. Swift Light stowed the urge to inspect her surroundings and immediately spun on the changeling the moment the door closed.

“Did you give away our position?” Swift Light demanded.

“What, no!” Viciz declared. “Honestly if I was working for them I would have betrayed you back in the temple don't you think?”

Swift Light smiled. “I had to check.”

“Well don't scare me like that,” Viciz murmured, punching Swift Light gently in the shoulder. “You almost had me going there.”

“Its more then likely that they left behind someone at the village. Regardless we can't exactly go back there to find them now,” Swift Light muttered.

“Why don't we just hit the hay then?” Viciz offered. “Cus I don't know about you, but I’m beat.”

Swift Light wanted to argue but exhaustion weighed heavy on the mare, and it was only growing more cumbersome by the second.

“That sounds good. Do you know of any locking or security spells?” Swift Light inquired.

“Tons! That old hut of mine wasn't exactly the most private of places without a bit of magic,” Viciz answered.

“Good,” Swift Light muttered, shedding her armor, and weapons before all but falling into the bed. “Night Viciz.”

Viciz smiled. “Good night Swift Light, and good work back there. You are the bravest mare I’ve ever known.”

Swift Light smiled back.

She wanted to dismiss the compliment, she also wanted to get back up and find the food Flint mentioned. Both of those desires were swallowed by the all consuming need to simply get a little rest. An urge Swift Light eagerly indulged in the very moment she was certain Viciz had added a bit of extra security to their private cabin.

With that done, her paranoia fell silent, and a second later, Swift Light did too.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

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Finally, some rest for our exhausted heroines!

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