• Member Since 26th Jan, 2018
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Most stories will be based around Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Sci-Twi, and Scootaloo!



This story is a sequel to Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends

The International House of Trade—made up of Equestria, Prance, North Neighton, South Neighton, Seaquestria, Mount Aris, Hoof Yun and five other nations—has never witnessed a bloody war. A real battle where ponies actually never wake after being hit with something sharp and deadly. They have never seen death at his worst. They have never seen a loved one murdered in cold blood lying at their hooves.

Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle has plenty of times ever since starting her life on Psera fifteen years ago. After being awakened from her own self-inflicted imprisonment spell that has kept her frozen in time for ten years, Queen Arcadia was welcomed back to the throne by witnessing the deaths of over one hundred innocent Pserateps, including her own daughter and husband.

An attack led by the Zebras.

With an extremely massive military behind her, gargantuan weaponry, a country willing to fight, and the support of her citizens, Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera is ready to return the favor.

However, her past life remains an obstacle, and are refusing to let her pass.

Hopefully in the future I'll have some good art for the story. But until then, enjoy.

Update Every Saturday, 7PM EST

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 131 )

Man it feels good to be back markel. Good thing I re-read the others a few months back. Would also love to see Twilight depicted in her attire there too, but hey, another great start in this beauty of a series.

its back! and a good start. ive been waiting for celestia's reaction to what happened for a year now :D, glad to see its back

So it's true, it's returned!

P.S. But hey, keep it down out there you're making me look bad! -Cayde-6 (Joking)

But in all seriousness I can't wait to read more, and I can't tell just yet, but it seems that your writing style has indeed gotten more coherent since last time I read your work. Makes me feel old.

Lol, thanks my friend.

I still can't get over the fact that Madun and Dawn are, well... you know. There's still a hole in my heart for that, but it's so refreshing to see this story back in action. and here's to hoping Twilight's heart will heal. Let the story begin!

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Sep 3rd, 2020

Is the update schedule going to be every Saturday like the last fic in the series?

I'm still working out a schedule, but it might turn out that way. I'll add the details in the blurb.

loved that ending. Queen Arcadia for ruler 2020!

Dawns alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!! i just Knew you would not kill her off this early!

another great chapter

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Sep 7th, 2020

It sounded like a great plan. Hopefully Twilight wouldn't be able to sense it.

Oh, she will.

It sounded like a great plan. Hopefully Twilight wouldn't be able to sense it.

She's most definitely going to sense that...

I like the story thus far, there's just one problem.
You update it with chapters that say they were uploaded on Feb 12, 2020, yet recently it is not the case.
Maybe a glitch is apparent somewhere?

It more than likely stems from the fact that the story was being written at that time and wasn't published as of yet. Or it could be something else entirely. Unsure. You're not the only one who's brought this to my attention. It could just be the site or some code.

And that's unfortunately out of my power. I have no control over that glitch.

I have a question is anyone else seeing it set as the 12 of February or is that just me?

Everyone sees the same date. It's because the author doesn't 'release' the chapters, they are already posted on the site.
The author just makes the chapters visible for us.

CHeers for epic twilight!, i wonder if she will be redeemed for all of this once this is over. I'd hate for Celestia and twilights relationship to be forever tainted

Comment posted by RandomCommentor deleted Sep 25th, 2020

a 'fighting' chance i guess a 0.03% chance of victory is still a fighting chance when it would have been 0.00000...1% of victory

Living Sounds poked her head out on Dawn's right to get a good look at this pony while she and Dawn held their conversation. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about."

No one knew about the war yet. They knew tensions were rising, but not the fact that blows were already sent. Dawn squinted and commented, "That is sensitive information you shouldn't have."

Should be Flurry. Things are getting more mysterious and complicated with every chapter and I like it.

Oh gosh... It’s getting intense!

Hmm... Mimi? Is it Narmeelah or something??? Can’t wait to read the next chap!

oh no... Narmeelah vs Twilight. i knew this was going to happen but, you just made this coming fight more painful :0. please Dawn Escape and tell twilight. id hate to see twilight become a puppet of Narmeelah's plan and do her dirty work for her in wiping out the world. Dawn is an unseen variable and therefore she is the only one who can change the future that Narmeelah saw. she needs to escape and change the future. otherwise twilight is going to use her might to wipe out the whole world and Narmeelah is going to kill her before she recovers...god damn. perhaps Maheera Dark was the good guy after all. wow, all this is going to happen because "ponies are not where they belong". she really is the monster Maheera Dark thought she was

perhaps Maheera Dark could be reformed if he could be convinced that light magic and dark magic could exist in harmony?

cheers Maheera Dark as an ally! this is going to be Great.

also, i hope this war is over far before mimi can upgrade their tech i honestly like how Psera is so OP!

"They are assembled, your highness," she relayed. "All except Maheera. As for their terms, well..." She glanced up obliviously to meet Arcadia's gaze. "You already know them."

but... but... but... I want to see Maheera. I Guess Twilight still has to free her and I hope she does, I'm sure she would agree to a deal like... help me destroy Narmeelah once and for all, and together we can create true harmony between both Light and Darkness(also she must agree not to do what she did the first time around, In making Zombies out of everyone)

why does it say February for when you uploaded the last chapter I haven't read it yet cause I am back on the first story of the series I don't even get a popup when you update the story

I'm not sure, I've been receiving multiple complaints about this issue, but the chapter was written 3 months ago.

finally arrived to bear witness to Odega's Beautiful and awe-inspiring mystical Ritual of summoning, she opens her mouth to speak the Invocation...

"Mahloo and Marloo are incredibly gross, Crystaltite is the last pony who should be even considered for anything, Soymenar is greatly annoying, and Leacrope has serious mental issues!!"


Damn... You know, its fair. It is, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. 'All is fair in war and foul play.' Those zebras drew cards and played foul indeed. They just drew the wrong card.

Comment posted by Gboyd deleted Nov 2nd, 2020

Well that's freaky. There was literally a pony sitting down on the sidewalk eyeing her. Nopony ever eyes her. A mare with a light green coat, chilling ice blue eyes that stuck out most above everything else and a light orange-red mane.

She chortled and continued making moves for the castle. Her eyes narrowed to envision the nearing future. "Let's just say... Psera and I have a really complicated relationship. They have something that belongs to me. Something that their Queen has in her possession."

"'Observation #1,'" Dawn read aloud. "Queen Arcadia has become as strong as I. Her level of magic was not meant to reach this high. Combined with the rest, it is becoming unprecedented.'"

....Narmeelah? Is that you?

......This is getting so complicated! I don't know which side to choose! I'll have to go with neutral now, and see where this goes. But I will say one thing. Twilight, this is for you. And yes, I am addressing you that because I am talking to you. Not a queen, not a mother, not a wife, not a princess, but a pony. A pony, just like the rest of us.

A wise person once told me, "In this crazy, complicated, kaleidoscope of drawn pathways that we call life, there are two sides. There are two sides in everything, no matter what universe or timeline you're from. Past, future, dark, light, day, night; you get the idea. You create a thought, an idea, a conscious decision formed from desire. You make that choice, that decision, and there's consequences. But you have the control to decide what those consequences may bring."

Take a coin, and place it on the surface in front of you. It doesn't matter which side you see. That coin, a thin piece of of an alloy of metals does nothing more than maybe provide you with a piece of candy, at the very least. Other than that, not much. But there's two things that a coin does have. Two sides. Just like everything else in this world, that circular piece of metal has two sides. "But what in the world does this have to do with what I'm going through? you might ask. "I've lost my child, my husband, and my good consciousness because of ruthless murderers who didn't give a flying feather about what they did to me!" I know. But if you can come away from this speech knowing one thing, it's this:

The hardest and greatest lesson one can learn, be they a leader or a child, to simply ask the question, 'Why?' Every being that lives and breaths has a motive behind their choices. Our friends, our enemies, and the ones we know the most. And that's one of the hardest lessons for a leader to act upon. Think about it. Every enemy you've defeated, every traitor you've turned friend, not once, did you ask them why they did what they did. Tirek, Chrysiasis, Luna, Discord, Starlight, Sunset, Trixie... Maybe they had good intentions behind their actions. It might have been twisted, but maybe still good. Maybe they made those choices because it was all they knew.

Now look at that coin again. On one side, you have Psera, a broken country with a strong desire of obliterate every last Zebra in existence. And they have the absolute power and right to do so. But on the other side, we have several smaller, weaker countries. Countries who are huddling in fear because they know the longer they wait, the longer they are prolonging their demise at the hooves a country that just wants justice.

But let me ask, is it truly justice? I'm not trying to mess with your brain; I simply want you to shove aside all those emotions swirling around in your heart, clear your mind, and think. One simple question, that if you know the correct answer, might prevent you from doing something you'll regret. Is it truly justice?

Before you answer that, look below my name. That is you, Twilight. Holding out your hoof to someone, offering them something they would never be able to gain in million years. A gift. The girls gave it to you. You gave it back. it was exchanged all throughout a equestria. It was given to Discord. To Luna. To Sunset. Its a gift you've been able to give everycreature freely and without shame for most of your life. A gift that includes loyalty, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, understanding, generosity, and a light heart. The same gift you took a title after. The same gift Psera gave you. Have you forgotten what it is?

So, two questions. Are you wanting justice by hanging these countries over the fire? Have you forgotten what that gift is? There are two sides to everything. A balance. So, before you make a choice, view both sides, and think.

PS: To anyone who read this, thanks! I don't where it all came from--i just got inspired by markelsmith, so thank him too. Also, Narmeelah, I want you to have the same words of wisdom. Four simple words. Think. Before. You. Do. That is my only warning.

Oh my... They're bringing our enemies into this? This should interesting.

The Zebras as a whole are innocent!

From what I've read so far, the Zebras were literally created to follow Narmeelah's will. Which they've done twice in a row. Both times they attacked Psera and slaughtered many. I have to side with Arcadia on this one. The Zebras launched unprovoked attacks. Psera is 100% right to go to war with them. If that war happens to wipe out all of the Zebras, that's war - it's not pretty, it's not fun, and people die. Flurry Heart strikes me as naïve. She rallied everyone to fight against Psera, when such an action could end up with far more dying than otherwise would have if they gave up the remaining Zebras. A leader's job is to serve their country... going to war against an incredibly dangerous enemy to defend the guilty party for no reason other than "its the right thing to do" when doing such will put countless more lives in danger is ludicrous. The smart thing would have been to hand the Zebras over to face judgement - action's have consequences, and seeing as Psera were the ones harmed by the Zebras, it's Psera's decision in regards to a punishment. They just happen to want to wipe all of them out and considering that the Zebras have attacked Psera twice, with the first time resulting in the Zebra's near extinction, that proves that the Zebras have a very long memory and are a threat. If the Zebras are left alive, they could very well become a threat in the future. Even the "innocent" Zebras, because clearly leaving them alive worked the first time.

I hate to admit this but I kinda hope Equestria gets nuked.

Comment posted by DarknessHusarz deleted Nov 7th, 2020

Why is this so underrated

Great chap! Looks like the uploading bug has been fixed! I must admit it was quite annoying having to check the story every Saturday instead of depending on my tracking. Thanks for having a good schedule though!

(Hopefully it would bring up more views now too now that it’s going to be appearing on the front page more often! This fantastic story is so underrated!)

Is this the last story in this series?

Nope! There are supposed to be two more

Oh... I've read this story so many times, and I STILL get shivers. It makes me want to go back to the original story. How all of this could have been prevented. The four-year decit, Blueblood, the Attack... Good grief. It's like the Series of Unfortunate Events. I'm getting the feeling that Twilight's misery may never end.

Question: Where is Molten Ice in all this? 12 chapters, and you haven't mentioned her once? is she still going to be a part of the story?

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