• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 863 Views, 47 Comments

Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum - Jest

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

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Endless Dunes

Viciz all but collapsed onto the shady ground, her unicorn form falling away to reveal the black chitin which lay beneath. Now beneath two ruined pillars which formed a simple lean to, Viciz relaxed, pulling out a canteen and sucking back a mouthful of water. The second the liquid began its descent towards her belly, the female let out a sigh, and spread her wings.

Swift Light approached a second later, a grim, yet clearly tired look on her sweat covered face. “We have to keep moving, this is no place to rest,” declared the guard.

“Some of us aren't used to spending days walking through the desert at a breakneck pace!” Viciz declared, throwing up her hooves in frustration.

“It hasn't been that bad, besides, we got your samples,” Swift Light pointed out.

“Not that bad? That was like a forced march with barely enough time to sleep or clean up!” Viciz shouted. “I have had sand in places I didn't even know existed and I can't stop lest I be left behind!”

“I wouldn't-” Swift Light sighed, and stepped into the shade. “I suppose another break would be acceptable, provided we are actually nearing our target.”

Viciz collapsed completely, limbs spread in all directions. “The tyrant does have a merciful side. Oh and yes, we are quite close actually, only another hour or so in fact.”

“I am not a tyrant, why the first march we did after entering basic was harder than this,” Swift Light retorted, pulling her scarf from her face and taking a sip of her canteen.

“Wait, what's wrong with your teeth?” Viciz inquired, the changeling trotting over to her traveling partner. “You always drank at night or when I wasn't looking.”

The guard’s eyes went wide, and though she was tempted to hide it, Swift Light quickly realized that would be a wasted effort. “It was a side effect of acquiring the first artifact,” she replied after a short pause. “One that I had not foreseen.”

“Fascinating,” Viciz replied in a breathless tone. “Do you think it will happen again when you manage to find the next one?”

Swift Light shuddered. “I sure hope not. This is unnerving enough as is,”

Viciz nodded slowly. “I suppose that would be quite the change to some.”

“But nothing to you,” Swift Light pointed out.

“True, though I’m just glad to have survived the accident that made me what I am,” Viciz remarked.

Swift Light winced. “You must have been lucky.”

“As were you,” added the changeling.

“Right, well. We should get moving. I want to get to the temple before nightfall. I can't afford to let them have another day to do whatever it is they are trying to accomplish,” Swift Light stated, the guard turning towards the dessert once more, her gaze lingering on the lengthening shadows and the distant evening sun.

“Right. This pillar appears to be part of the pilgrim road which should lead directly to the center of the deep sands,” Viciz explained.

“That must be where the endless oasis resides,” Swift Light exclaimed.

“Don't tell me that's where the next artifact is located?” Viciz inquired in a slightly fearful tone.

“I do, why?” Swift Light countered.

“It's dangerous for one, and if you asked the locals it's both haunted, and cursed,” replied the changeling.

“Explain,” demanded the unicorn.

“Supposedly it's sphinx protector refused to leave after the city fell and its spirit still guards over the magical artifact which produced the water upon which the city needed to survive,” Viciz lectured. “And cursed because there are a number of magical defences that turn any would be thieves into ravenous monsters.”

Swift Light hummed thoughtfully. “Do you know anything else about this spirit or the temple’s defences?”

Viciz shook her head. “The villagers dare not approach it, and that few survived their attempts at breaching its defences.”

The guard nodded. “Then it is merely another obstacle I must bypass.”

“We,” replied the changeling, who straightened her back and stepped closer to the other mare. “I will be joining you when you venture into the temple.”

“I thought you were going to stay behind?” Swift Light countered.

“That was before I heard there was a magical artifact with incredible mutagenic properties inside,” Viciz declared, grinning excitedly.

Swift Light chuckled. “Well so long as you continue to follow my orders and stay out of trouble I don't see why you couldn't join.”

Viciz rolled her eyes. “You need not worry about me, I am an expert after all.”

The changeling redonned her unicorn disguise and stepped out into the dessert, leaving Swift Light alone.

Shaking her head, Swift Light smiled. “Well I guess this one won’t be a solo mission after all.”

“Is this it?” Swift Light questioned, the mare peeking out from around one of the obelisks which lined the long road.

Viciz nodded slowly. “It has to be. Only the desert pearl has the power to sustain such a large oasis in this climate.”

“Interesting,” Swift Light murmured, her gaze lingering on the distant hill flanked by waterfalls, and dominated by the entrance to a temple at its center.

In front of the large hourglass shaped opening was a circular platform ringed by more obelisks, from which sprouted three roads. Two split off at acute angles to the main highway that the pair had been using for the better part of a day at this point. The other minor thoroughfares didn't make it far before crumbling into the small lake of water which was in turn fed by twin waterfalls starting from somewhere atop the structure.

It was a beautiful sight, with small bunches of desert grass, shrubs, and even the odd palm tree sprouting from the sandy ruins. The small lake was also surprisingly deep, and Swift Light silently wondered if the roads floated atop it somehow. Tearing her gaze away from the crystal clear waters, Swift Light inspected the entrance to the temple closely.

Three floors had evidently been built into the hillside, though the stained glass windows which looked into them had not survived the passage of time. Jagged edges of shattered color contrasted the otherwise pearl white pillars which held up what looked like an oversized shrine at the very top. Upon which rested a pedestal, as well as an oversized representation of what Swift Light assumed was the dessert pearl itself.

Though the desert wind had not been kind to the structure, Swift Light could tell that it would have been majestic in its day. With the main road dotted by obelisks, and carvings which were inlaid into the ground left little doubt in her mind that this was the place. A sentiment that was only proven even more true when she noticed the distinct shape of tents huddled about the base of the structure.

“There, do you see them?” Swift Light whispered.

Viciz peeked out from behind their cover, eyes narrowing. “I see tents, but no movement, nor emotions.”

The guard followed her guide’s gaze, and found that a small rope ladder was attached to the top of the temple near the pearl sculpture. Though now it was blowing in the wind and was attached only by a single cord, it was clear where these mystery men were. After scanning the tents and the top of the temple for a few minutes longer, Swift Light stepped out from her cover, confident that they were alone.

For now.

“Come on, we should check out their campsite. Maybe we can find out why they didn't go in the front,” Swift Light declared.

“I’d put my money on the traps being too much for them, and they are trying to brute force their way in.” Viciz remarked.

“I wouldn't take that bet,” Swift Light chuckled. “Brute force seems to be about the only thing these guys know how to do with any degree of skill.”

“So you know them then?” Viciz asked as the pair crept toward the deserted campsite.

“I have a hunch that they are the same people I’ve faced before. Though I’m surprised that they managed to beat me here,” Swift Light replied. “I left town before they could have even packed up their camp.”

“You mentioned something about a hornache on the way here. Perhaps they teleported here,” Viciz pointed out.

“Possible, but such long range teleportation is very rare, and usually requires large arrays used only by the richest of noble families,” Swift Light explained. “Lets save this discussion for later, right now we need to stay quiet and search the area.”

The changeling nodded, and after closing her eyes, shifting forms, becoming a cat with the same coloration as she did when she was a unicorn. Swift Light had no such ability to disguise herself, but she also didn't need to, and the unicorn levitated her sword from its scabbard. Prowling through the deserted camp, the guard started by searching the tents and picking one at random.

Opening it up, the unicorn was surprised to find that it still had plenty of supplies, though it had no perishables in sight. Food and water had been taken, but not the extra scarves, clothes, or personal effects like combs, or other grooming equipment. The beds were also still made, but had a thin covering of sand, proving that they had not returned for some time.

Searching the other tents revealed the same, and the guard was about to finish her search with the smallest tent which was slightly out of the way. Only for Viciz to emerge from it, shift back into her changeling form, and puke up her lunch immediately after the green flames had dissipated. Swift Light charged into the tent, weapon raised, ready for some manner of horrifying enemy, or grotesque sight.

What she was not ready for were three mangled, and mutated corpses laying partially hidden under a large black blanket. Tugging back the edge in order to reveal them in their entirety, Swift Light nearly lost her grip on her sword when she laid eyes on the gruesome scene. Three stallions, each one sporting some manner of menial labor oriented cutie mark and dull colorations lay dead.

They were also in various stages of mutation, though into what wasn't readily apparent, even to Swift Light’s trained eye. One was sporting the hood of a cobra over his warped face, and a single enormous fang stuck from his mouth. Another had lost the back half of its body and now had a snake tail, while the final one had the eyes of a reptilian predator as well as strangely feminine features.

Each one had been killed by blunt objects which had evidently been used to bludgeon them to death. They were also not quite at the same stages of decomposition, telling Swift Light that they had evidently tried several times to breach the same trap and failed each time. With that in mind, the guard gently covered them back up and stepped outside just as Viciz was gathering herself once more.

“W-what happened to them?” Asked the changeling.

Swift Light shrugged. “I’m not sure, but evidently they were killed by their allies before they could finish changing into whatever they had been about to turn into.”

“Thats horrible,” Viciz muttered. “What do we do?”

“Nothing,” Swift Light replied. “All we can do is ensure that we don't repeat their mistakes and end up like those poor bastards.”

“Can't we at least bury them or something?” Viciz pressed.

Swift Light raised an eyebrow. “Where exactly?”

The changeling sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Though it feels like we could do more.”

“I’ll send word once we reach town. Someone will come to recover their bodies,” Swift Light declared.

“I guess that will have to be enough,” Viciz muttered.

“Come on, we gotta keep moving if we are going to have a chance at beating them to the artifact,” Swift Light encouraged.

Viciz nodded, giving the tent one final glance before following the other mare. “This is turning out a little darker than I anticipated.”

“What were you imaging, a Daring Do novel?” Swift Light quipped.

The changeling’s shoulders sunk. “I guess I kind of was.”

“Well I’d quash that thought if I were you. This won't be fun, and it isn't likely that you’ll get resurrected in the sequel,” Swift Light murmured, only to stop, and hold up a hoof. “Wait, do you hear that?”

“It's pretty hard to hear anything over the sound of those water falls,” Viciz exclaimed.

“The thumping sound,” Swift Light added.

Viciz frowned. “I think I can hear it. Sounds almost like someone is digging.”

“They must be trying to break in,” Swift Light exclaimed, jabbing a hoof towards the entrance. “Quick, we have to get there before they do.”

Together the pair began to sprint towards the entrance, and crossed through a thin veil of mist which had been formed by the twin waterfalls. With their fur and carapace glistening, the adventurers plunged head first into the temple, emerging into a wide open room. One which had stairwells filled with rubble on either side, and a second much smaller stone entrance further inside.

Ignoring the impassable stairs, Swift Light trotted up to the door and after finding that it was not trapped in any manner, pulled it open. Stepping into the next area, the guard was surprised to find that this room was far larger than the first, with a ceiling dozens of meters high. Before them was a three metre wide walkway which was flanked on either side by pools of pristine blue water.

Also on either side were three large bronze colored pipes, from which flowed a thin trickle of water which dripped constantly. Now with a stone door between them and the waterfalls, there was only the sound of their breath and the drop of water against water. Turning her attention towards the set of oval shaped double doors which lay across from them, Swift Light lit her horn, prepared to start searching for more traps.

The spell she used told her that there were no such mundane traps on the door, though a powerful hex had been placed upon its dual handles. Inspecting it with a closer eye, Swift Light found that there were several lines of words in a dozen different languages engraved therein. Though Swift Light could only read one line of it, she got the impression that it was the same thing over and over.

“Once spoken I am broken,” she muttered.

“That's what it says in taur, high equine, middle steppe, and old ponish,” Viciz added. “I don't understand the other two languages, though I get a feeling it's the same message.”

“What do you think it means?” Swift Light asked.

“It sounds like a riddle of some kind,” Viciz replied.

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