• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 863 Views, 47 Comments

Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum - Jest

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

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Desert Pearl

“You must do what I cannot,” stated the sphinx with a hint of sadness. “And you have my deepest apologies.”

“Wait!” Swift Light shouted. “You guard the pearl right?”

The sphinx paused. “Yes.”

“What are you thinking Swift Light?” Viciz whispered.

“Just follow my lead,” the guard turned back to the sphinx. “We don't want the pearl. We are just here for the compass next to it. Which is what drew those invaders here in the first place.”

“Get to the point,” hissed the sphinx.

“So why don't we work together? You don't have to do anything you’ll regret and we aren't here to rob you anyway,” Swift Light declared. “We each get what we want.”

The enormous creature seemed to contemplate Swift Light’s proposal for a moment before pulling her limb back. “You have earned the audience. I suppose it would only be right,” she admitted.

“Great, so what's the plan then?” Inquired Viciz.

“Our new ally will distract them by resuming her attack, but focusing on the other side of the shield, allowing us to sneak up on them,” Swift Light began. “I know a good shield breaking spell and once it's down we shall subdue the invaders. Hopefully we can even take their leader alive so we can figure out who is really behind all of this.”

“Good plan, I’ll provide support from afar,” Viciz added.

“Why do you not engage in battle with your companion?” asked the sphinx.

“I don't really know how to fight, but I do know a few stun spells,” Viciz offered.

Swift Light stepped between the two. “That will be enough. Sphinx, are you ready?”

“I am, and call me Somnambula,” declared the ghostly creature.

“Hey boss, what do you think that ghost thing is doing up there?” asked one of the workers in between swings of his pickaxe.

“I don't know, and I don't care. All that matters is finally getting through this stupid shield and getting that artifact,” replied the former guard captain, his gaze never leaving the pearl.

“Dammit she’s back. Just a little longer now!” shouted one of the casters.

The other groaned. “Augh, and I’m almost burnt out too. I don't know how long I can hold out.”

“I don't care if you get magical burn out. You are holding that barrier or else I will personally feed you to that damn thing!” shouted the commander.

The sphinx leapt from atop the ledge, its forelegs raised above its head, paws clutched together tightly. At the apex of its jump, the creature let out a bone rattling cry of rage, before bringing its paws down like a hammer. The blow sent both unicorn’s reeling, and caused the two workers to swing faster out of panic, their picks thumping audibly against the shield.

The sphinx roared and smashed at the barrier with renewed fervor, her swipes fast, but no less powerful than before. Even the former guard captain couldn't help but nervously eye the sphinx as it sapped his caster’s strength and almost knocked one to the ground. In a fit of rage he grabbed a spare pick and joined the other two, his hearty blows tearing out chunks of magical energy which quickly dissipated once separated.

Keeping one eye over his shoulder, the former captain hardly even noticed Swift Light’s approach until her horn lit up. Catching the tell tale sign of spell casting, the unicorn looked up to find Swift Light charging directly at them, weapon raised and horn shining bright. Reaching for his own weapon, the raider leader was about to issue an order to abandon their breach attempt only to be temporarily blinded by a flash of gold.

Blinking past the stars in his eyes, the unicorn managed to regain his sight just in time to see one of his casters crushed beneath an ethereal paw. A second later he spun towards the pony who had buried her sword in the belly of one of his workers, dropping him to the ground. Ripping her blade free, Swift Light hastily deflected the awkward swing of a pick axe before slashing another worker across the chest.

Luckily for him, the caster who survived was the stronger out of the two, and had already created a partial barrier to keep the sphinx at bay. Unfortunately for him, there were only two other workers left, and neither had any real weapons, or fighting ability. Snapping off a quick mage armor enchantment, the captain leapt towards the guard, deflecting the strike which would have slain one of his last laborers.

“Get through that barrier, I’ll hold this one off!” He shouted, gesturing back to the severely damaged shield behind him.

The earth ponies nodded and did just that, fleeing before their leader’s flash bang spell went off, distracting their would be pursuer. Swift Light knew the tactics of all arms of the guard, and thus adapted quickly, stepping back as well as raising her blade defensively. An action that turned out to be the right one when she felt a sword clang noisily against her own before being pulled back.

For a moment the two ponies said nothing as they faced one another, each noting the mutation the other had experienced. They also silently eyed the other up, judging their stance, and trying to figure out what their next move would be. A quick thrust, followed by a short hop signalled the battle was back on, with Swift Light jumping out of range of a swing before delivering an attack of her own.

Bringing her sword down in a wide sweeping motion, Swift Light also swung her left hoof up, trying to uppercut the stallion in the chin. Steel met steel and hoof met hoof, with the guard captain deflecting the attack with his telekinetically held sword. He also blocked and brushed aside Swift Light’s punch before following up with one of his own, the attack narrowly missing the guard’s throat.

Growling irritably, Swift Light threw herself towards her enemy, bringing down her blade in a sharp thrust to the back of his neck. The stallion stumbled back, attempting to get out of range, only to bump into the shield and force him to readjust his plan. In a fit of desperation he threw his sword up at Swift Light’s and then leapt towards her, not even waiting to see if his gambit had worked.

Which it had, with the guard being so surprised by the move that she accidentally let go of her sword. Hoof met chin, the mare was knocked back, and then hit the ground next to the edge right before a second punch hit her square in the cheek. Knowing how precarious her position was, Swift Light tried to scramble onto her hooves, but the stallion was too fast.

His body weight pressed against hers, and the guard quickly found herself forced onto her back, before being pummeled by a series of rapid fire jabs. Raising her forehooves, Swift Light tried to defend herself, but her opponent was simply too strong, and from his position atop her chest there was little she could do. That was until he fell to the side, his mane signed and a faint trickle of green smoke rising from the burnt section of hair.

Throwing his leg out of the way, Swift Light made a note to thank Viciz before snapping off a second stun spell. Which hit the stallion just as he was trying to rise once more, dropping him right back to the ground where he lay with limbs sprawled in all directions. Now confident that their leader was down for the count, Swift Light quickly found her blade and turned her attention towards the remaining invaders.

Just in time to see the sphinx bat aside a pick and then cut a stallion in twain with a flash of her strangely sharp claws. The rest of their enemies lay dead, dying, or unconscious on the ground, their blood flowing freely into the azure water that surrounded them.

“Excellent work,” Swift Light declared, brushing off her chest. “Is everyone okay?”

Viciz landed next to Swift Light a second later, her insectoid wings folding against her back. “Sorry I didn't help more. There werent many opportunities for a clean shot right up until you started getting frisky in the middle of the fight.”

Swift light rolled her eyes. “And you Somnambula? I assume you are unharmed.”

“There is very little that can harm a guardian,” replied the sphinx, who brushed the corpses into the water with a dismissive paw. “Which happens to be something these fools didn't seem to know.”

Swift Light trotted over to the barrier, and peered within. “Now we just need to get the compass, then we can deal with these survivors.”

“Speaking of which, I am staking my claim on the lives of these two,” stated the sphinx, who pointed down to the hench ponies which had not been killed during the attack.

Swift Light wanted to dismiss such a thing out of hoof, as they should face a trial for what they had done. Despite her desire to see justice done, Swift Light had to admit to herself that she was a bit outside her element. It would take at least a fortnight before she could reach equestrian shores, and perhaps even longer until she could release them into the appropriate pony’s custody.

“Fine. What are you going to do with them?” Swift Light asked.

“You should just chuck em out into the desert and see how long they last if you ask me,” Viciz murmured.

Somnambula chuckled. “Though it would amuse me to watch them struggle and fail I have something much more productive in mind for these two. Such as making them fix the damage they have caused and then be made into guardians who would assist me in protecting this holy place.”

Swift Light hummed thoughtfully, the sphinx’s words making her mind recall strange dreamlike images of a great sphinx ruling over the dessert. “So long as you promise that they will not leave this place,” Swift Light declared.

The sphinx recoiled as if struck, her eyes instantly narrowly suspiciously. “How did you… never mind. That is acceptable.”

Viciz raised an eyebrow and glanced from pony to sphinx. “I feel like I missed something.”

“It doesn't matter,” Swift Light hastily replied, turning towards the group’s fallen leader. “We captured the most integral person in this entire operation and that's what's important.”

As if on cue, something cracked within one of the pockets of the stallion, and the head of a shadowy figure appeared in the air above his prone body. The ethereal being looked around at the general destruction, the towering sphinx, before finally settling on Swift Light.

“Ahh, you must be the one who is disrupting my operation,” remarked the head in a slightly garbled tone which made it impossible to identify his voice.

“That it would, and who might you be?” asked Swift Light.

“My name is of no concern. All you need to know is that you have made a powerful enemy this day,” retorted the mysterious figure.

“Really, because I think we came out ahead today,” Viciz replied, the changeling chuckling at her own joke.

“Your childish attempts at humour as unfunny as they are predictable, Viciz,” stated the figure in a calm tone.

“How did you know my name?” Viciz questioned, eyes narrowing.

“I know many things. Like how that compass will lead you to the other artifacts and that such an affect is not as unique as you may think,” added the figure.

“Even if you could find them, you are oh and two at this point. What makes you think your luck is going to change?” Swift Light scoffed.

The figure scowled. “You may have bested my minions twice before, but there are far more where that came from.”

“Don't worry, we'll take good care of your captain,” Swift Light declared, patting the unconscious stallion on the shoulder.

“No, I don't think you will,” exclaimed the figure in a matter of fact tone before winking out of existence.

A doorway opened beneath the stallion a second later, swallowing him in an instant, and leaving behind a blank ground. Swift Light barely even had the chance to blink before her prisoner was gone, along with any chance she had of figuring out who was behind it all. Cursing her luck, the unicorn stomped her hoof in frustration.

“Stars damn you,” she muttered.

“Wow even his sword is gone, that's some kind of skill,” Viciz pointed out.

“So it would seem,” Swift Light murmured bitterly.

“You are facing quite the foe, perhaps we were lucky to have faced only the dregs of this mysterious organization,” remarked the sphinx.

“Or they are bluffing in order to appear tougher than they actually are,” countered Swift Light who snorted. “Either way, speculation helps us little. Right now I need that compass.”

“And you will have it,” declared Somnambula, who waved a clawed paw over the shield, causing it to shimmer briefly before fading into nothing.

“This is amazing. I never would have imagined we would be able to see the dessert pearl close up before. Can I take a sample of the water by chance?” Viciz inquired.

“I can do you one better. Hand me your waterskin,” offered the sphinx, extending a paw.

Viciz removed the top off the metal canister and eagerly gave it the guardian spirit.

Who gently plucked the pearl from its metal holder before slipping the metal flask under the pearl and filling it to the brim with the sparkling clear water. Once done, the sphinx placed the pearl back onto its resting spot, and allowed the water to continue to flow into the pool beneath them once more.

“You will never have to worry about dehydration ever again. Just remember, you must leave at least a single drop of water at the bottom of your canteen otherwise the magic will dissipate,” warned the sphinx, who offered the waterskin back to the changeling.

Who nodded eagerly. “Thank you Somnambula.”

“Now to get what we came here for,” muttered Swift Light who stepped close to the pedestal, and glanced down at the seemingly innocuous compass resting on the steps leading up to the pearl.

The object itself was contained within a simple box bound by a string that seemed intended to be worn about the neck. The placement of the artifact seemed random, with the case open, as if it had been dropped at its current location haphazardly. It appeared sturdy at least, with the outside being made of a black wood bound by small strips of iron which was itself covered in a smattering of rust.

Inside the object were three copper spokes which connected to a circle, below which turned a peice of painted wood. This circle twisted in seemingly random directions, a stylized red arrow pointing one way for a moment before suddenly shifting and pointing in another. Overall it looked like an object that may have been used by a sea captain somewhere, as it even smelled faintly of the ocean.

“Sooo are you going to grab it or what?” Viciz prompted.

“The last time I grabbed one of these artifacts I grew these teeth and I am not keen on being mutated any further,” Swift Light replied.

“One of you must take it. For I will not permit such a dangerous artifact to remain so close to the pearl,” stated the sphinx.

“Fine, just, give me a second,” Swift Light remarked.

“Take all the time you need,” Viciz offered, taking a step back.

The guard breathed deeply, and with a shaky hoof, reached out to grab the compass. Her hoof trembled and for a moment she was tempted to pull away only to lurch forward and grip the object tightly. Blue electricity crackled up the guard’s limb, making her cry out in pain and try to throw the cursed object away only to find it was stuck fast.

Letting out a whimper of agony, the unicorn tried to light her horn but the torment was too much and she toppled to the ground. Beneath her hoof her muscles writhed and shifted, bones cracking before reforming or vanishing altogether. The tip of her limb grew cracks as her flesh bulged in several different directions, as if it were about to split into several smaller appendages.

“Oh gods, make it stop!” Swift Light screeched, the mare thrashing wildly as lightning crackled up her leg.

Viciz cast spell after spell, trying to help her friend. “It's no use, my magic can't stop it!”

The limb split apart, forming into a half dozen blue and purple tentacles which flailed wildly in the air, suckers formering on the underside. Swift Light’s eyes went wider still when she noticed that the artifact seemingly wasn't done with her, as a deep azure glow began to emanate from her shoulder. Seeing the guard’s panic, and feeling that something terrible was about to happen, Somnambula reached forward and grabbed the pony’s leg in her paw.

Closing her eyes, the ghostly sphinx poured its own magic into the mare, stopping the glow before it could grow any further up Swift Light’s body. Pushing harder, the sphinx forced the blue light to vanish altogether, the writhing mass of tentacles growing still as a golden glow began to emanate from within them. A final pulse caused the tentacles to clasp together, their purple coloration being replaced with the same gold as Swift Light’s mane.

Then after one final push, her limb flashed a bright yellow, and all at once her leg reformed, though not quite as it once was. The fur of Swift Light’s right foreleg was now the same color as her mane, and she also sported claws like that of the sphinx herself. Where once the pony had a hoof, now she had the paw of a great cat, complete with long nails which slowly slid back as the pain dissipated.

Swift Light breathed heavily as Somnambula released her grip and stepped back, watching closely as the mare inspected her freshly altered appendage. It was a strange and unwelcome sight to say the least, but Swift Light was glad that at least it wasn't a mass of tentacles. That and the change hadn't continued, as the unicorn didn't even want to imagine what would have happened had it been allowed to do so.

“Thank you… I think,” Swift Light murmured.

“That was… quite strange,” murmured Somnambula. “The magic within it felt elevated for lack of a better word. As if it was supposed to merely alter you only slightly.”

“Well I’m glad you didn't turn into some manner of horrible squid monster,” Viciz declared, punching Swift Light in the shoulder.

“You and me both,” muttered the unicorn. “I don't even like fish that much.”

“Then you are missing out,” added Somnambula with a grin. “It was one of my favorite treats when I was alive.”

“Speaking of which…” Viciz began, looking up at the sphinx. “I don't suppose you would mind letting us stay here for the night by chance would you? I don't like our chances of getting back to town before nightfall and the dessert can be quite dangerous without the sun.”

Somnambula nodded slowly. “I suppose you have earned as much. Though I would ask that you leave this place upon first light.”

Swift Light grunted and stood slowly on her freshly changed limb. “I would appreciate a little more time to gather my strength but it could be worse…” her gaze lingered on her paw, fresh images of the strange tentacles flashing behind her eyes. “Much, worse.”

Author's Note:

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