• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 863 Views, 47 Comments

Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum - Jest

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

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A Vision of The Deep

As the light continued to rise Swift found herself captivated by the way it swung back and forth, holding her gaze and forcing her to stare at it unblinking. The guard could tell that the light was attached to spindly appendage of some kind, which was itself attached to something far, far larger than the small glowing orb. Try as she might to make herself look at the orb’s owner, her brain would not obey, and she found her eyes locked firmly to the glowing object even as the now massive shape rose slowly from the depths of the deep, deep harbor.

Panic coursed just beneath the mare’s skin and she stood there in abject terror, unable to look away as it came closer and closer

The orb breached the water, draggin with it Swift Light’s attention with the rest of the creature’s bulk rising behind the orb, revealing one of the strangest creatures the guard had ever seen. It clearly had equine features, but the large, expressive eyes of a pony and the familiar point of a muzzle was marred by the scaled, midnight black flesh that covered the enormous creature’s body. A long flowing seafoam green and deep blue mane fell from her head, obscuring one of her eyes and flowing down its body and into the water. Where it should have hooves it instead had a pair of powerful, long flippers that were pockmarked with holes. Twin fangs poked from the end of the creature’s muzzle, and as Swift Light stared, she found herself staring deep into the creature’s mouth and past the rows of razor like teeth that lined its maw.

“Ahh my sweet, succulent little pony, you appear to be in need of something.” The creature whispered, in a strangely feminine, and utterly captivating voice. “Tell me what you desire, so I may render it unto you.”

“I need to get to Saddle Arabia.” Swift Light replied in an even, monotone voice, despite the fact that she had not intended to speak at all.

“Ahh, the land of sand and storm, it is quite far you know.” The creature replied, the orb waving back and forth in front of its face as it spoke.

“It is.” Swift Light heard herself reply.

“Interesting, I sense something peculiar about you, little pony. Why don't you remove that silly illusion and show sister Angula what your hiding.” The creature whispered, drawing close to the mare, to the point that the guard could feel the hot, fish scented breath of the monster.

“Yes, sister.” Swift Light replied, her horn lighting and dismissing the enchantment.

The creature raised an eyebrow, her shock slowly morphing into naked glee. “Most fascinating, you appear to already be on your way on becoming one of the deep folk. Perhaps I can help you while you help me.”

“How is that sister?” Swift replied, her mind screaming out for her body to move, for her eyes to shift away from the orb that so captivated her.

“You wish to cross the sea, and I wish for another sister to give me company among the deep. If you can resist becoming one of us, I will deliver you to where you desire.” The creature replied, slowly weaving back and forth and keeping the guard’s attention transfixed on the orb hanging from her face.

“And if I give in?” Swift Light asked.

“You will join me in the deep waters and become my newest, and closest sister. Together we will stalk these lands in search of prey and mates.” The creature whispered, enticing the mare closer still, until her hooves neared the edge of the dock.

“I…” The mare stuttered a moment, her will almost managing to wrench her gaze away from the creature, only for a slight bob of the orb to keep her eyes locked upon it. “I accept your offer, sister.”

The angler smiled a wide, inequine smile. “Good, good. Walk into my maw sister, and take the first step towards your destiny.”

Swift Light nodded weakly, following the orb into the creature’s mouth, the guard only faintly disturbed by the squishy sensation of her hooves against the creature’s tongue. Passing through the rows of teeth, the orb suddenly vanished, relinquishing the hold it held on Swift Light’s mind. That brief reprieve did little to help her situation though and a second later the creature’s tongue curled and tossed her forward, head first into the creature’s gullet.

A strangled cry of surprise erupted from the guard’s throat and she found herself in free fall for a moment before landing in the belly of the beast, her hooves tingling the second she felt something solid under her once more. Lighting her horn, the mare looked around, noting that although there was enough room to breathe and move a little, it wasn't much, and it was shrinking with each passing second.

Think Swift Light, think. She thought to herself, desperately trying to dig through the hazy memory of the last several minutes, desperately attempting to find the information that she only half remembered.

“If I give in.” Swift Light muttered, her mind conjuring the images of the last few seconds of their conversation at long last.

With that in mind, Swift LIght grit her teeth and set her jaw, focusing her mind on the mission, her job, and Celestia herself, the alicorn’s image helping to keep her mind focused on what she had to do. The tingling around her hooves intensified and she felt the same sensation getting higher and higher until it met her barrell and began to spread out from there, until every inch of her flesh itched.

The bizarre sensation was unlike anything Swift Light had seen or heard of, leaving her with little inkling as to what was happening to her. Resist Swift Light, resist! She thought, over and over, the mare’s mind trying to think of anything that would keep her focused, and keep her stomach from rumbling as her nose filled with the scent of delicious, delicious fish.

And they were delicious, the salty and sweet morsels being one of Swift Light’s hidden pleasures in life. She knew well the stereotypes that fish eaters got back in the capital, but for the life of her she couldn't understand why they felt that way. Fish tasted good, were dumber than rocks, and above all, tasted good, like really good.

She wondered what it would be like if all she ate was fish, and she found it difficult to ignore that thought, as it was indeed a pleasurable one.

Shaking her head, the mare squeezed her eyes shut tighter, forcing her mind to conjure images of something else, something like apples, and oranges and pears. Fruits that she would never see again if she was safe, and loved amongst the embrace of her sister. Though even then they wouldn't be completely gone, right? Swift Light realized she still had the chance of enticing in a willing morsel and stealing his food before swallowing him hole.

Her body shuddered, and she felt her back legs become numb, unaware of the fact that they had fused together completely.

Clenching her jaw tighter, Swift Light thought of Celestia, and for a moment the tingling seemed to abate somewhat, leaving her body aching. Finding something to latch onto, Swift Light held onto the image of Celestia, of the one mare more perfect than any other. If she succumbed here, she would never be able to see her again, and more than that, she would utterly disappoint the mare and the high hopes the alicorn had for her wayward guard.

Though even then, Swift Light found it more and more difficult to keep thinking about Celestia in such a way, as she was forced to face the conclusion that she would never be loved by Celestia like she loved her. Her sister though, her lovely, kind, and caring sister would be more than willing to fill that gap, and become the lover Swift Light never had. Together they would share the open depth, and it would be their kingdom, and their playground.

Swift Light would grow strong with the help of her new sister and one day they would meet as equals, and share in the pleasure of both body and soul.

The guard felt her body twist and writhe as alien sensations coursed through it, and her long fin tip tail that had been her back hooves shivered in pleasure. Her eyes shifted color, becoming a deep, deep blue color and losing the potent gold of the past. Her flesh became scaley, losing the fur and leaving behind a tough exterior that would turn aside blades and hooks alike. Her muzzle elongated, at the same time as her forehooves extended and became long flippers.

Than, as the changes began to slow, she felt two smaller fins grow from her sides, as well as a single long one that sprouted from her back and extended down her tail. Finally, she felt her horn extend and lose its density, becoming a long, slippery appendage ended with a now glowing orb of blue, gripped by three, fleshy growths. The ex guard didn't even notice her ears extending up on her head before they too became small fins.

With a gasp of realization, she felt the last of the changes complete, leaving only her mind untainted, only that wasn't true was it? Celestia was gone, and in her place there was only her new sister. Where there was duty, honor, and the mission, there was now the nearly all consuming desire to eat until her belly was full and reproduce a vast swarm of children that would in turn, serve her and her sister.

With an excited smile on her face, the strange, former pony, writhed, shifting its body in such a way to signal that her changes were completed.

The shifting movement that she no longer noticed stopped and the creature’s stomach expanded, as did her throat, allowing Swift Light to swim forth, past the creature’s tongue and lips and out into her new world. Spinning around, the former guard slipped under the angler and rubbed herself lovingly against her scaley exterior.

And in turn, Swift Light’s new sister accepted her, and loved her, taking her in a tender embrace and setting off to their new home in the depths of the sea.

Jerking her head away from the light, Swift Light covered her eyes with a hoof and looked away, refusing to stare into the bright blue orb. “Who's there? Show yourself!” The guard commanded, drawing forth her sword and taking a step back.

From the depths rose a strange, and familiar creature that resembled the mixture of an angler fish, and unicorn pony. Though Swift Light was quick to keep the orb out of sight, the guard noticed that the creature wore a saddened expression on its pouting face. “You are no fun, little pony.” It spoke.

Swift Light grit her teeth and kept her sword raised, ready to plunge it into one of the beast’s massive eyes at a moment’s notice. “What are you, and what do you want with me?” Swift Light demanded.

“I am an Angula, and I was just looking for a little company.” Whispered the creature, its orb swinging back and forth, attempting to catch the guard’s eye. “Why don't you look into the light? I promise it won't hurt.”

“Like I would believe that.” Swift Light snorted.

The creature sighed, and let its orb fall still above its eyes, allowing the two to lock gazes for the first time. “If you are not willing to give me some more permanent company, perhaps I could offer you a trade for something you actually desire.” The creature whispered, leaning close, only to be forced back at the point of a sword.

“What could you possibly have that I want?” Swift Light remarked with a sneer.

Smirking to herself, the strange fish pony hybrid gestured out to the sea with a large, flipper ended limb. “You seek to go to the land of sand and storms, do you not? I could hear your mumbling as you loomed over me.”

Grumbling to herself, Swift Light made a mental note to stop her habit of talking to herself whenever she thought she was alone. “I do desire to go there, but what could I have that you would want? Other than my tender flesh.”

The angler fish pony hybrid smirked and flipped her mane out of her eyes. “I cannot cook, beneath the waves, but you can. Acquire ten pounds of salted, and cooked fish and bring it to me, and in return, I will bring you to where you desire.”

Swift Light pondered it a moment before reluctantly pulling her sword back. “Why would you want something like that anyway?”

“I didn't always tread the sea as you do land. You know.” The creature replied mysteriously.

Realization donned on the mare and she took another step back, placing her sword back in its sheeth at her side. “I will be back, remain here, and out of sight.” The guard commanded.

“I will do as you say, guard pony. But hurry, I grow hungrier by the minute and those workers are looking tasty.” The creature replied before slipping soundlessly beneath the gentle waves.

Leaving a reluctant Swift Light to sneak towards one of the stalls she had seen earlier in the day. Though closed now, Swift Light remembered vividly the fact that it had several pounds of the salted and cooked fish just within the now closed shop. Jiggling the handle, Swift Light slipped her magic into the lock and manually turned the tumblers in such a way that it clicked open.

Making her way over to the counter the mare dumped a veritable mountain of bits on the table before hefting one of the crates labeled ‘20 lbs’ from the floor and into the air. With her package now secured, the mare snuck back outside, locked the door behind her and made her way back over to the spot she had been standing near the end of the dock.

Placing the crate on the wooden dock, Swift Light stomped her hoof twice, alerting her conspirator to her return.

Before Swift Light even had a chance to get bored, the creature returned, emerging from the waves and immediately turning to the open faced crate, a wide smile on its disturbing face. “You have done it, brave pony. You have my gratitude.”

“So do you take it with you or just eat it…” Swift Light’s line of questioning fell away as she watched the creature use one of her fin like appendages to grip the crate before tossing back the entire contents in a single, unchewed gulp.

The creature settled into the ocean a content smile on its face. “That was more than agreed upon, your end of the bargain has been upheld.”

“And now it's your turn.” Swift Light replied, her magic gripping her sword, ready to draw the weapon at a moment’s notice.

“It is indeed, simply step within my mouth and I will carry you safely inside me, little pony.” The creature whispered, opening its mouth wide and revealing a disturbingly large number of teeth.

“Yeah that's not happening.” Swift Light deadpanned.

Rather than be upset, the creature merely shrugged and closed its mouth. “Can't blame a girl for wanting dessert, could you?”

“Are you calling me a tart?” Swift Light replied with a smirk.

The creature blinked, only to erupt in a strange, burbling laughter, not unlike that of a child. “Oh you are funny too, I almost regret trying to eat you. Almost.”

“Well I’m not an idiot, turn around, I’ll hop on your back. Though I warn you, if I think for a moment that your leading me away, or trying to dive, I will drive my sword between the back of your neck so fast you won't even have time to regret your actions before you’re already dead.” Swift Light announced sternly, patting her weapon for emphasis.

“But that would doom yourself as well.” The creature inquired.

“If it would take down my would be killer, I would gladly give my life.” Swift Light deadpanned.

For a moment their eyes met, and the strange hybrid creature nodded knowingly. “You are smarter than you look. You have my word I will do no such thing, though I hope in the future that you consider seeking me out, as I am always hungry for more well cooked fish.”

With that being said, the creature turned and lifted its body above the water, exposing its scaley back, and long flowing black form.

For a moment Swift Light considered stopping right then and there, backing out from their deal and finding an alternate path. With a shake of her head, she dismissed such doubt and reminded herself that this was both necessary, and optimal. Her guard training meant she could likely stay up another forty eight hours before collapsing, so even if this was a long ride, she was confident she would stay wary throughout it all, making sure that the angler kept up her side.

Stepping onto the creature’s back, Swift Light kept her sword close, and her attention fixed, her gaze lingering on the horizon, and where her next destination lay. “Well, this is going to be interesting.” She muttered.

Author's Note:

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