• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 861 Views, 47 Comments

Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum - Jest

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

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Cinder Flare

Swift Light shook violently, a hoof going to her head as a groan escaped her lips.

“What in tartarus was that? I was a beetle, but not… what am I talking about?” Swift Light muttered to herself.

After another shake of her head the mare looked around once more before cursing under her breathe and going right. A few feet down the hall she saw an arrow, one that was identical to the last, and pointing further inside. Working her way down the stone corridor, Swift Light half expected to be assaulted by small insects only to make it all the way to the end without anything jumping out at her.

Like before, the long hallway curved back around directly above where she entered, where she found another staircase. Climbing up this one, Swift Light groaned when she found herself in yet another layer nearly identical to the last one. Only now there were only two hallways to choose from, both curving in either direction much like the ones below.

Glancing about she was able to find another arrow that lead her down the right path. Thankfully she didn't have to walk it far before she came to another indicator, this one scratched into the ground. It pointed left, to a destroyed section of wall that opened up into a storage room of some kind.

Glancing in through the narrow opening, Swift Light could see that the door leading further was boarded shut. She wasn't sure what horrors it was keeping out, and she didn't want to find out so she stepped inside. There she was able to locate a rope ladder dangling through a hole in the ceiling, secured to something above her.

After a moment of quiet which she spent listening for anyone waiting to ambush her, Swift Light continued on. One hoof replaced the other, and soon she was peeking up into the third floor.

This room was much larger, and was a rough triangle shape with only a single exit visible. It had also likely served as a space to fabricate various alechmical ingredients if the many glass containers filled with strange liquid were anything to go by. After hauling herself up, Swift Light could also tell that it had probably been a ritual room of some kind before being converted.

Faded and scratcehd murals covered nearly every wall, and even stretched up to the ceiling. Each image was lovingly crafted with intricate detail and a surprisingly amount of color. The artistry that had gone into the room had been disrespected considerably since then however, and little was undamaged.

“A pity,” Swift Light murmured.

The only clear picture she could make out were six strange creatures surrounding a beam of light. Five of them were kneeling, while one was reaching towards it, pawed hand outstretched, face a mix of wonder and terror. For some reason looking at it made Swift Light feel uneasy so she continued on, heading for the room’s only exit.

After pushing open the only functional door she had found so far, the pony found herself in a large circular room. This space was different from all others she had come across, as for one it was in the very center of the temple. This had likely been the nexus of whatever power they had been channelling upwards, as their was a hole in the ceiling.

“Oh hey, there you are. Good to see you’re okay. I was starting to worry,” called a voice.

Peering upward, Swift Light could barely make out the shape of Viciz peering down at her.

“Viciz? How do I get up there?” Swift Light inquired.

“Theres a rope ladder. Just give me a second to lower it. I heard some weird noises down there so I pulled it up just in case,” Viciz replied before swiftly ducking out of sight.

Left alone once more, Swift Light surveyed her surroundings, keen eyes seeking out anything strange. Plenty about the place was odd, but nothing jumped out at her as overly threatening however. For one the other seven doors leading into the room were barricaded in some form or fashion. Even the two hallways that lead in from north and south were stuffed full of stones that had likely been taken from a wall somewhere on this floor.

Swift Light’s inspection was about to continue when she heard something clatter nearby. Glancing over to the source of the noise, she saw that a rope ladder had been dropped through the hole. Not quite as rickety as the last one, it was a welcome sight.

Quickly stepping over to it, Swift Light placed a hoof on the lowest rung, only to pause when she heard something. The sharp clatter followed by what seemed like a bowl or glass rolling across the ground immediately gripped the mare. With sword sweeping left and right, she looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary and no movement.

“What was that?” Viciz whispered.

“Sounded like something got knocked over, but I’m not seeing anything,” Swift Light replied.

“Well hurry up. It would be a lot easier to fight anyone if we had the high ground,” Viciz declared.

Swift Light grunted, and began to ascend the ladder once more. Hoof over hoof, she made short work of the distance, quickly pulling herself up onto the flat roof of the structure. There she immediately turned around and glanced back down through the hole to the floor below.

When nothing popped out, and no movement could be spotted after a good few minutes, Swift Light lowered her blade.

“Think we’re safe?” Viciz whispered.

“I don't know what to think,” Swift Light admitted. “Let's keep on our guard.”

“Err right,” Viciz murmured.

Swift Light glanced around, the mare searching out two things, her ride, and anything out of the ordinary. She did locate a distant shape that resembled an airship, though she didn't find anything else. The two simple structures were little more then lean twos likely used to store goods during loading or offloading. Other then that there was a large stone hook that had been added to the top of the building, likely to facilitate mooring more easily.

“Is there anything in there?” Swift Light asked, gesturing to the shacks.

“Just some empty barrels,” Viciz answered.

Swift Light nodded, and after confirmed just that, walked over to where the mooring point was located. There she was joined by Viciz, who also stared out over the landscape, half out of paranoia, but also out of curiosity. The sun had nearly finished setting by then, and the very tip of the moon was visible on the horizon.

“Its beautiful,” Viciz muttered.

“It is,” Swift Light agreed.

Though she loved the day far more then the night, Swift Light couldn't help but agree with her companion. The slow unveiling of the night sky, and its many stars always captivated the guard mare, even more then the coming dawn. Though if anyone asked her, she would likely say that watching the sun rise was far superior then anything related to the moon.

The pair remained there, standing motionless near the edge of the former temple for several minutes. During that time, the distant airship had slowly grown in size until the finer details were visible. They could see the crew moving about, a pair of griffons flying on either side, and a tall minotaur standing at the helm.

Though they resembled pirates, and were quite the intimidating sight, they didn't jump out to Swift Light as criminals. Their movements were precise, in a manner that suggested a military history. The ship itself also wasn't as garish as Swift Light expected, with no skull covered flags, or ghoulish additions like heads on spikes.

Wait, what's that?” Viciz muttered.

Swift Light turned around to find that a small crackling orb of electricity was hovering in the air across the way. Small lightning bolts arced off from it, burning long marks into the stone ground and nearly setting one of the lean to’s ablaze.

“Long range teleportation spell,” Swift Light replied. “Someone must have hidden a transcription rune in the floor somehow.”

“What do we do?” Viciz asked in a terrified tone.

“Fly out to the smugglers and ask for help. I doubt they’ll grant it considering this band of mooks is likely here to rob them, but its worth a shot,” Swift Light answered.

“Can't you like, teleport away or something? I know its far but…” Viciz half asked, half stated.

“We both know I don't have the range, now go!” Swift Light barked.

Viciz seemed as though she wanted to stay, but thought better of it, taking wing and flying in the direction of the airship.

Leaving Swift Light to grab hold of her sword, and stand ready, magic already gathering about her horn. Sure enough the orb expanded suddenly before exploding outward, nearly blinding the mare. A hoof blocked the worst of the light, allowing Swift Light to see in perfect detail the half dozen creatures standing before her.

“Well well well. If you would look at that. She’s waiting for us boys,” remarked a tall unicorn mare wearing patchwork leather armor.

The five armored griffons standing around her all snickered as they drew their weapons.

“How helpful,” added the enemy unicorn.

“I presume you are here for me then and not the airship,” Swift Light proclaimed.

“Maybe after I toss you into the fighting pits and I’ve had a chance to hire a few more mercs but for now only you are on the menu today,” continued the mystery mare. “Besides, we paid off the smugglers to stay clear.”

Swift Light scowled. “I don't suppose I could talk you out of it, or offer you more money.”

“Nah. Contracts don't work that way. Besides, I doubt you’d be able to match the amount of zeroes that mysterious dude promised us,” retorted the mare.

Swift Light’s gaze narrowed, focusing completely on the red maned and white furred opponent across from her. Between them was the hole leading down, as well as the five presumed griffon mercenaries arrayed before them. Even at this range Swift Light could easily make out the other mare’s details, most notable of which was her bright red mane.

Cut short, and longer in the front, it was parted just behind her horn, allowing for a single clump to fall over her right eye. The other unobscured orb was a slightly lighter shade of red and stared at Swift Light with what could only be described as barely contained glee. From a single glance Swift Light could tell that this newcomer wasn't about to get talked out of her position.

“Enough foreplay. Get her!” shouted the newcomer.

Swift Light sprinted forward, meeting the first griffon just as he was about to round the hole. The sudden surge towards him caught the male by surprised, and allowed Swift Light to blast him with a charged up stun bolt. Before he even had a chance to drop like a sack of potatoes, Swift Light was swinging for his closest ally. Her blade cut through his meagre armor and into his shoulder deep enough to make him drop his weapon. With a scream, the griffon fell to the ground, clutching his limp appendage to his chest.

“Suround her already!” barked the unicorn leader. “Shes playing you like chumps!”

Swift Light was about to leap upon the final foe before his allies could round the hole, but was distracted. Forced to turn her stun spell into a barrier, Swift Light blocked a lightning bolt launched her way by the enemy unicorn. This was all the three griffons needed to flank Swift Light, with one griffon getting behind her while the other attacked from the side.

The loyal guard had seen this coming though, and spun in place, launching a wide sweeping strike at the foe that had been behind her. Surprised by the remarkably dexterous move, the griffon mercenary was barely able to raise his dagger before his foe’s strike hit home. The small one handed blade was no match for Swift Light’s sword which splintered the diminutive weapon and continued on.

“Augh,” cried the griffon, clutching a gaping wound in his chest.

Swift Light tried to conjure a directional barrier to cover her flank, only for an arrow to hit her in the side. It didn't hit anything vital, but the pain caused her spell to fizzle, and distract her long enough for the griffons to close in. They had clearly been surprised by the ferocity of Swift Light’s assault however, and were playing it safe as their attacks were far more careful.

Stepping back, Swift Light avoided the majority of a swipe that would have cut open her throat. Instead she received only a wound across the shoulder, one that wasn't overly deep but still painful. It was followed by a stab to the midsection, forcing Swift Light back and making her switch to the defensive.

Her blade raised, lowered, and then swung left, blocking or parrying the many swipes launched her way. Seeing an opening after forcing the rapier wielding griffon to stumble back, Swift Light charged forward. Only to get nowhere, as she saw something flying her way from the enemy unicorn’s position.

Ducking under the arrow, Swift Light was once more unable to press her advantage. Ending up on the backhoof so soon was not something Swift Light had expected or wanted. They were coordinating, and working together, having shaken off the fear that Swift Light’s aggressive attack had sewn.

Already Swift Light could tell that she would lose unless something drastic happened and without the possibility of help that left only one possibility. The plan that formed in Swift Light’s mind wasn't a smart one, and likely would have gotten her laughed at if she proposed it to someone else. However, it was all she had, so with a very unpony like growl building in her throat, Swift Light grabbed her sword in two hands.

She then turned and threw it at the enemy unicorn with all the strength she could muster. The cry of surprpise followed by a yelp of pain was all the confirmation Swift Light needed to start part two. Which began with sidestepping a rapier swing before stepping inside his reach, extending her new claws, and raking them across the griffon’s throat.

The ease at which she killed would have dismayed the pony, but she didn't have time to think at the moment. The other mercenary was already swinging at her with his short sword, a look of wild desperation visible in his eyes. Trusting her instincts, Swift Light lurched forward and bit down on his arm, razor sharp teeth easily cutting through his poorly maintained leather armor.

Biting down as hard as she could, Swift Light felt hot blood gush into her mouth and her teeth sink deep into his flesh. His dagger clattered to the ground, and the griffon released a scream of pain, wings flapping as he tried to pull his arm back. Swift Light didn't let him, and with a twist, she threw him bodily down the hole, where he vanished out of sight, too disoriented to get his wings working before he hit the ground.

Swift Light turned, and spat a wad of blood from her mouth, gaze immediately latching onto the sole remaining foe. Horrified, animalistic fear leaped to the other pony’s face, and she loosed another bolt of magic at Swift Light. The guard weaved to the left, and continued on, her instincts urging her to close the distance as soon as possible.

Her foe was a caster who relied partially on a short bow she had drawn from her back. With no visible melee weapons it didn't seem likely that she’d be able to fend Swift Light off if the guard got in close. Which was exactly Swift Light did, the pony using her magic to redirect an arrow that had been destined for her right eye.

“Stay back, I’m warning you!” shouted the unicorn mercenary.

Swift Light merely growled, and leaped at her, claws extended and bloody teeth glinting in the last dregs of sunlight. The combination of Swift Light’s armored weight, and her raw fury was enough to bowl the other mare off her hooves. A moment later and Swift Light was standing over her prey, deadly claws pressed against the other pony’s throat.

“I give up!” she shouted suddenly.

Swift Light paused. “You… give up?”

“Yes, I surrender. You win!” shouted the unicorn. “You beat me. You killed all my men, I got nothing left!”

Swift Light hesitated, the urge to end the mare warring against her innate desire to be merciful and kind.

“You can even arrest me. I swear I won't fight back,” she pleaded.

Swift Light didn't initially move, her mind overcome with a mix of emotions that she couldn't quite settle. On the one hand, a part of her desperately wanted to bite the mare’s throat out while the other urged calm.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.