Swift Light and the Chaos Conundrum

by Jest

First published

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

Swift Light has been commanded by Celestia herself to retrieve several lost chaotic artifacts of legend. The quest is a difficult one that will necessitate change. Though Swift Light may not be ready for just how much change.

Transformation/adventure with some dark themes, and violence. Be warned.

This is a commission for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want to see stories early for just 3$!

Updates daily until it catches up to what's been completed.

The source is Snickerlewdles (on Twitter) which unfortunately cannot be linked.

The Adventure Begins

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Swift Light tapped her hoof impatiently on the cold, pristine marble floor, her expression remaining perfectly neutral and restrained other than the minor tick that revealed her inner irritation. The mare was slightly taller than average, with a slim, muscular build that fit perfectly with both her no nonsense personality and position as Celestia’s personal bodyguard. Of course such a job was largely ceremonial at best, considering that the solar princess was arguably the most powerful being on the planet.

That fact didn't deter Swift Light from taking her job incredibly seriously, and she stood there staring angrily at the door before her, trying to will it open through determination alone. Sure she could light her horn, and simply open it, but she wouldn't dare intrude on Celestia’s conversation, even if it was with one of the most vile mares around.

Instead, she simply stood there, continuing to tap her hoof as her golden orbs glared at the entrance to the small meeting room her charge was now in. The unicorn stopped and blew a stray strand of her long auburn hair from her face, making a mental note to get it cut again. In her mind it was becoming unprofessional, as it was now long enough to drape down against her chest. But, Celestia had mentioned she liked it, so she was hesitant to do anything about it.

The mare shook her head, dismissing the small blush that came to her cheeks when she thought of the tall, beautiful and utterly perfect alicorn. It took a second shake of her head to truly dismiss the thought, the mare only managing to suppress such images after reminding herself of her job and its importance.

The jiggle of a handle made the mare straighten her back and take on a perfectly respectful posture, the guard waiting patiently for the door to open. One eternity later, and the door opened to reveal a smiling unicorn mare with a long, flowing midnight blue and stark white mane that cascaded over both of her shoulders.

“And I told her there was no way I was going to be caught dead seeing something like that.” The mare exclaimed, her voice dripping with venom and sarcasm in equal measure.

Behind her strode Princess Celestia, who was busy stifling a giggle as she followed close behind the other mare. “You didn't.”

The first mare smirked, and turned back to the alicorn. “What do you think I did?”

Celestia could contain it no longer and she laughed aloud, the alicorn shaking her head as her laughter slowly dissipated. “So what did she do after that?”

The long haired mare shrugged nonchalantly, making her golden necklace bounce against her deep blue fur. “I don't know, and I don't care.”

“You are the worst, you know that right?” Celestia shot back, before turning to the other pony in the room and nodding. “Ahh Swift Light, I see you received my message.”

Swift Light nodded back, the mare gritting her teeth slightly. “I did indeed.”

Celestia paused for a second, a confused expression coming to her face before she turned to the only clock in the room and gasped slightly. “Oh my, is it nearly three already?”

“Time flies in good company.” The other mare added with a smirk.

“Quite right.” Celestia smiled, gesturing from Swift Light to the mare. “Swifty, you know Chaos Theory right?”

Swift Light’s eyes narrowed. “I know of her.”

Chaos Theory, undeterred by the naked hate being leveled her way, continued to smirk. “A fan I presume?”

Swift Light rolled her eyes. “Like I’d ever be a fan of yours.”

“How unprofessional.” Chaos Theory scoffed, pressing a hoof against her chest and gasping dramatically.

“Her majesty has instructed me to be more honest.” Swift replied simply.

Celestia sighed and trotted next to her guard, the alicorn resting a firm hoof on Swift Light’s shoulder. “Though I have said that, you know very well that's not what I meant. Regardless, I understand that you may not agree with everything Miss Theory has done during her career, but I must stress her importance in this matter.”

“What matter? You haven't told me anything yet.” Swift replied, trying to ignore the weight of her crush’s hoof on her shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot I hadn't mentioned it.” Celestia nodded to Chaos Theory. “Do you mind if we picked up this conversation at a later date?”

Chaos Theory bowed dramatically, a hoof pressed against her heart. “But of course your majesty. If you need me, you know where to find me.” The unicorn threw a wink at the alicorn before turning and walking away.

Leaving an increasingly angry Swift Light to stand there awkwardly, teeth grinding together as she barely contained her more violent urges. Beside her, Celestia was unmoved, and gestured down the hall. “Please, let us speak of this in a more private setting.”

“So long as she is not there, I don't care where we talk.” Swift Light spat.

Celestia sighed as she began to trot down the hall. “I know Miss Theory has a… spotted history, but you cannot deny her brilliance.”

“In my experience the smartest ponies are often the cruelest, and little miss Chaos is undeniably intelligent.” Swift Light remarked, head held high.

“That may be.” Celestia began. “Though if she was truly evil, and was now turning over a leaf, would you deny her a chance at redemption?”

“Of course not.” Swift Light replied quickly. “I just can't forget the incident at the school.” She snorted. “Or the fact that she is a womanizer.”

“Allegedly.” Celestia replied, cutting off her guard. “I looked into the case and her alibi seemed air tight.”

“I know, I know.” Swift Light sighed. “Guard bias and all that.”

“Make sure you work on that Swifty. I don't want my expert and my personal guard butting heads during such uncertain times.” Celestia replied.

The guard lifted an eyebrow and stared quizzically up at the alicorn. “And what exactly does that mean? Last I checked there were no security threats in Canterlot, save for the odd noble or that cult of tree worshippers in the Everfree.”

Celestia snorted suddenly, stifling a giggle. “Fluttershy and her little friends are not cultists.”

“Well if they didn't want to look like cultists why do they wear those baggy clothes and go into the woods at night?” Swift Light shot.

Celestia stopped in front of the door to her personal office and sighed deeply, pressing a hoof against her forehead. “That is a tale for another time, but suffice it to say they have a good reason, and it is not because they are in a cult.”

“Aha so you admit they are in a cult!” Swift Light shot back, only half in jest.

The older mare chuckled as she used her magic to unlock the door and push it open. “Oh Swifty. One of these days you are going to kick that paranoia streak.”

“But that day is not today.” Swift Light replied as she followed Celestia into the room.

Though she had been in this relatively small office dozens if not hundreds of times, Swift Light still found herself looking around at the strange array of nick nacks, and various objects that only held significance to the ancient alicorn. Celestia seemed to take solace in these random items though, and frequently spent time thinking here, to the point that the other guards joked that this room was not in fact, Celestia’s casual office. Instead being Equestria’s true war room, as she came first to this very space before she proceeded to the actual war room in order to hand out orders.

Swift Light remembered asking Celestia about the room’s importance once, and the reason she had everything from a broken early eleventh century griffon spear to a single perfect diamond within a display case. Nothing was labeled, and the arrangement of the many objects seemed random, with the walls, covered with varied objects from throughout history. This chaotic arrandment stretched to the mare’s desk, which was also covered in small knick knacks, though to a slightly lesser extent than the rest of the room, so as to not get in the way of the several neat mountains of paper that dotted the piece of furniture.

Sitting across from Swift Light in an aged, and unremarkable brown and green office chair, Celestia sighed contently as she leaned on the desk, her forehooves pressed against one another. Behind them, the door closed and locked firmly, making Swift Light blush when she realized she forgot to close it. “Sorry, I was distracted for a moment.” The guard muttered, bowing her head slightly.

“Don't worry about it Swifty.” Celestia smirked. “I know how distracted you get.”

Blushing profusely and unable to hide it, Swift Light changed the subject quickly, silently hoping Celestia didn't continue to tease her. “So, why exactly do we need her of all ponies?”

“It was Miss Theory’s work that initially lead to the creation of the discontinuous array.” Celestia began, leaning forward and resting her chin in her hooves. “It was also her assistance that has enabled us to detect a surge of chaos magic.”

In an instant all of the levity in the room vanished and Swift Light felt her hoof reach for her sword, taking a small amount of solace in the ancient weapon’s mere presence. “How? I thought all knowledge of chaos magic was destroyed? Unless Discord-”

Celestia shook her head, cutting off that train of thought before it could begin. “We’ve been able to prove that it was not in fact his doing.”

Swift Light relaxed, removing her hoof from the hilt of her blade. “Who could it have possibly been other than him?”

The alicorn stared intently at the guard for several seconds before suddenly pushing back in her chair, leaning back and resting her hooves on the rests. “Before we continue this little discussion, I think we should get something out of the way first. Namely, the fact that you will be embarking on a special, and dangerous mission very soon.”

“Wait, why? Don't we have chaos magic experts in the guard already?” Swift Light asked, cocking her head. “I mean I’ve taken the prerequisite courses, but I don't have near their expertise on this topic.”

“I know you appreciate it when I’m frank, so I’m going to come right out and say it.” Celestia grit her teeth for a second, a flash of anger passing over her eyes. “There may be a leak in the guard, high up, we don't know where, but we know they know a lot.”

Swift Light barely contained a gasp that threatened to spill past her lips. “Are there any suspects? What was leaked?” the guard’s eyes went wide and she clamped a hoof over her mouth. “Wait, don't tell me.”

Celestia chuckled lightly, her laughter sounding like the gentle tinkling of crystals. “Your loyalty is beyond reproach young Swift Light.”

The guard would have been more proud of that particular statement, but the gravity of the situation continued to weigh on her. “That explains why I am being chosen for this mission, but not why you think there is a leak in the first place.” Swift Light replied.

The alicorn sighed, her features creasing as her jaw briefly clenched. “I sent out a cadre prior to putting you on this mission, a group custom made to handle chaos magic, and anything they may run into.” Celestia frowned suddenly. “They have since gone missing.”

Swift Light stood suddenly, sending her chair skidding back several feet. “Where? How long has it been since their best check in? What was their call sign? How-”

Celestia raised a hoof, silencing the guard before she could keep going. “I will include any such minor details in your full report, for now I will simply go over the more broad, and important points I think you need to know.”

Slowly returning to her seat, the guard silently seethed, though she pushed that feeling deep down inside of herself in order to maintain a professional exterior. “I understand, princess.”

“Good, because I won't sugarcoat this Swift Light, the task I am about to give you will be an incredibly difficult one.” Celestia began, the mare leaning forward once more. “Have you ever heard of the Osman Artifacts?”

The guard stopped and blinked, her mind conjuring a great load of nothing. She paused, pressed a hoof to her chin and really thought about it, a small hint of understanding flaring deep within her, yet was unable to be truly grasped. After several moments of silence, Swift Light’s eyes suddenly lit up and she clopped her hooves together in victory. “They were those random items that had been infused with a remnant of chaos magic right? I remember reading a report on them years ago, but they were supposed to have been inert for nearly a millennia, weren’t they?”

“They were indeed.” Celestia smiled a small, prideful smile. “They were found by a minotaur by the name of Peter Sherwin, who located them while on an expedition deep within the realm below. Since their finding however, they have been lost and than found again dozens of times, the last time I knew of their origins was centuries ago.”

“Seems like they weren’t quite as inert as we thought.” Swift Light quipped.

“In the early years they weren’t, but after a few centuries they seemed to calm down, and after keeping them locked up proved a futile effort, I chose instead to merely keep tabs on them every once and awhile.” Celestia explained. “You would be surprised to know that finding several ancient artifacts once or twice a century was actually easier than trying to keep them under lock and key, even while inert for that matter.”

Swift Light found herself leaning closer, listening intently to the alicorn’s words.

“The objects themselves are not what initially concerned me however, as it seems there is a second group looking for the Osman artifacts. A shadowy organization that seems bent on finding them, no matter the cost.” Celestia continued.

“They didn't?” Swift Light gulped.

Celestia shook her head. “I don't know if it was them, but the lack of any bodies, or distress signals makes me hope that the cadre has merely gone underground and are waiting out potential capture.”

“Wait.” Swift Light murmured. “That means whoever leaked the information was working with this group, or perhaps even commanding them.”

“Indeed it does.” Celestia commended. “Information on the artifacts is almost non existent other than records kept in the restricted archives, something only attainable by those trusted by the crown.”

The guard frowned deeply, rubbing her chin with a hoof. “Could it have been Chaos Theory?” Swift Light offered.

“That is a possibility…” Admitted the alicorn. “But she doesn't have the clearance necessary to access that level of the archives, furthermore she has been in Canterlot under close watch for over a month. She may know there exists several points on the planet that suddenly flared with chaos magic, but the actual knowledge of the artifacts is a closely guarded secret.”

“Which is about when this began, isn’t it?” Swift Light asked.

Celestia nodded. “It is indeed. I have a complete list of the items included in the report that will be in your field gear. For now, all you need to know is that these items are very different from one another, and I would suggest not attempting to figure out what connection they may have to one another as there lies only headaches and wasted time.”

“Understood.” Swift Light stood and pushed her chair back in. “I’m assuming I will be setting out shortly?”

“Indeed. I’ve booked you a flight to a small town by the name of Leafside at the southern edge of the Everfree forest.” Celestia replied.

“Right near the sea of stars.” Swift Light added.

“Indeed. There is a crypt just outside of the town along the edge of the sea, most likely in a cove or natural cave of some kind. The area is littered with many such coves hidden by the sea during high tide, only some of which have been explored, while most have been untouched due to the rough waters and dangerous terrain.”

“Which means I’ll likely have to follow these shadowy ne’er do wells or find a local expert of some kind.” Swift Light murmured to herself.

“Yes, unfortunately I don't know exactly where the cave is, but I have the utmost faith in your deductive abilities.” Celestia exclaimed with a prideful smile.

Beaming under the praise, Swift Light grinned like a school filly. “Is that everything I need to know, ma’am?”

“Almost. The item you are looking for is a sword unlike any you have likely seen before.” Celestia used her magic to lift one of the sheets of paper from a seemingly random pile.

Grabbing the sheet of paper, Swift Light looked down with a mix of confusion and awe. The image displayed at the center of the paper was certainly unlike anything she had seen in real life that was also not hidden behind a display case. “It's ancient.” Swift Light muttered.

“Indeed, it is one of the oldest swords in existence, though even then it isn’t especially rare as hundreds of items like it have been unearthed over the years.” Celestia continued, pointing down to the blade on the sheet. “The blade itself is standard fare for the era of its construction, and is almost generic in a way, save for a small symbol of unknown origin engraved at the base of the hilt.”

Swift Light nodded, noting the way that the simplistic, and short blade was built directly into the hilt of the weapon, the primitive stone item bearing little in the way of decoration other than the symbol. “Any information on the symbol?”

“I’m afraid not.” Celestia sighed. “The only thing we were able to discover the last time I had it in my possession was that the symbol was definitely placed there after it was forged.”

“Not a lot to go on.” Swift Light murmured, staring intently at the piece of paper before handing it back to Celestia.

“With that being said, I have had a researcher looking into the symbol and she thinks it is Saddle Arabian in nature, and has also managed to locate someone already looking into the field.” Celestia exclaimed.

“Which means after I have found the blade I hop a ship and head to Saddle Arabia.” Swift Light added. “Interesting.”

“Other than that, all we know is that at one point there was at least one artifact in zebrica, and another in the griffon empire.” Celestia pushed herself back on her chair. “We will continue to look into the matter of course, and will be coordinating with you in the field.”

Swift Light’s smile faltered. “You don't mean…”

Celestia smirked in such a way that told Swift Light that her guess had been right.

The guard groaned. “You can't be serious, princess.”

“I am indeed a serious princess.” Celestia quipped, much to Swift Light’s dismay. “Starlight Twist will be assisting you in uncovering the locations of the artifacts, and will be leading the research team. Quill will be acting as head of your correspondence team. You remember the procedure for field operatives, correct?” Celestia inquired.

Swift Light nodded. “Most major towns have an operative working in or near the post office, all I need is the passphrase and I will be allowed to send and receive messages via dragonfire.”

“Good, I guess you haven’t gotten rusty on me afterall.” Celestia quipped.

The guard blushed profusely. “I am not rusty, I’m Swift Light remember? Rusty Nails works in the forge.”

Celestia laughed aloud as she walked around the desk. “Oh don't worry, I haven’t gone senile yet anyway.”

“I’ll give it a few more centuries.” Swift Light shot back.

The alicorn leaned forward and suddenly pulled the guard into a tight hug. “I’m going to miss you around the castle, none of my other guards tease me back.”

Swift Light took a moment to thank her lucky stars that Celestia couldn't see the dopey grin on her face, or the massive blush that covered her cheeks as her face was hidden against the alicorn’s side. “Yeah well, nopony is as awesome as me.”

“Nor as humble.” Celestia added.

Swift Light grinned. “You know it princess.”

Not so far away, in a hidden location on the east side of Canterlot, another pony with guard training was receiving similar orders. He stood, head bowed before the shimmering image of a hooded pony roughly twice as tall as the already broad shouldered ex guard was. The image’s features were obscured completely, hidden by deep shadows, as was their very voice, which reverberated with an alien timber that kept the guard from placing it. “-will join the squad at Leafside and locate the artifact.”

“Understood.” Replied the white coated unicorn.

“Good. They will be able to fill you in on the rest of the details.” Added the shadowy figure.

“I got it.” Stated the unicorn stallion in an irritated tone.

The shadowed figure stared down at the stallion with barely contained disdain. “I may have chosen you to take over this job due to your past in the guard, but if things repeat themself and you decide to aggravate me, I will do more than simply ensure that you are unemployed.”

The burly stallion ground his teeth together, mentally shoving down his pride and forcing his eyes to remain on the floor before him. “My apologies, my lord.”

A tense silence hung over the pair, the dark, poorly lit warehouse illuminated almost entirely by the odd shaft of moonlight that broke through the cracked ceiling. The illusion before him shimmered a moment before the figure moved once more, its robes roughling. “Tell me, why did you think I selected you for this job.”

“My lord?” Muttered the ex guard in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Humour me, Broadsword.” Commanded the figure.

“My guard training, obviously.” Replied the stallion, only for the silence to continue to stretch on, prompting him to continue. “I have experience ensuring street rats follow orders properly, while staying in the shadows, in addition to having the training necessary to keep a cool head in trying situations.”

“That is indeed why I have chosen you, but more than that I know you will do what it takes to keep these artifacts out of Celestia’s hooves.” The figure added.

“About that, my lord. You have mentioned you know where several of them are, but you only have one team on the ground.” Broadsword half asked half stated.

“Indeed I have.” The figure paused, shuffling slightly. “Recent incidents have drawn our forces thin, and in the end it is more important that they are simply not under Celestia’s control rather than in ours. As such the artifacts are almost secondary compared to capturing or killing Celestia’s agents.”

“Speaking of which. Do we know when her next search party is leaving?” The guard asked, while continuing to stare at the floor.

“Swift Light leaves within the next eight hours.” The figure replied quickly.

For once the ex guard was happy he was being forced to kneel in the face of his new employer, as it meant the fear evident on his face was not seen by anyone. “Are you certain, my lord?”

“Do you dare question me?” The figure barked back.

Broadsword gulped and kneeled even lower. “My sincerest apologies, my lord.”

The figure remained silent for several moments before sighing. “It is unfortunate, but unavoidable. I will also be dispatching another cadre of underlings for you to command. They are expendable, but not limitless, spend their lives at your own discretion.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Oh and Broadsword, you would do well to remember the rewards of victory.” The figure intoned, before leaning low and whispering. “As well as the price of failure.”

“Y-yes, my lord.” He stuttered.

“You may go, and do so quickly. You will only be able to get there just before Sunny’s little pet does and I expect good news from you.”

“We have the advantage of knowing where the crypt is, I cannot fail.” Broadsword declared proudly.

“See to it that you do not, as losing while having such an advantageous position would be embarrassing.” The figure exclaimed, its body rearing back up to its full fifteen foot height. “You will contact me again within a week, with the artifact in hoof.”

Then, without ceremony or preamble, the illusion flickered and vanished, revealing an empty warehouse, and a very, very nervous stallion.

Getting up from the floor Broadsword tried to push down his fear, only to find that his hooves were still shaking even after a minute of calm breaths. “Stars above, what have I gotten myself into?”


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Leafside wasn't a very large town, hell it couldn't even really be called a town at all, as it was barely more than a hundred permanent inhabitants. When the loggers came back during the spring the population nearly doubled, but with the cool wind of winter still occasionally blowing in from the north, the town remained relatively empty. Buildings sat without residents, save for the passerby or occasional caretaker who made sure the bunk houses did not get infested with vermin while the loggers were out of town.

The only true activity was at the docks, where the majority of the town was employed, either in fishing, or catering to those who did. With little in the way of natural resources other than the ocean and a bit of forest that wasn't quite as wild as the rest, tourism was more or less non existent. Which meant Swift Light would be seen as a strange sight by most, considering she had told any who asked that she was indeed one of those strange souls who chose to vacation in the small town.

As such, the guard was ready for the odd stare, or probing question from the locals, but what she had not been ready for was the outright hostility, and the way some ponies ducked inside and locked their doors upon seeing her. The guard tried to not let her irritation reach her face, but it was difficult, as this fear and paranoia was beginning to wear down on her patience, as well as actively hamper her investigation.

Walking through one of the few streets of the small town, Swift Light watched as another mare reached outside, grabbed the foal playing in the front yard, and scurried back inside, the clunk of something heavy signifying they had gone so far as to drop a board in front of the front door. To her right a few stallions stood outside of a home, staring at the guard as she walked through the town. She had expected this to an extent, but the way they stared gave off the impression that they were actively attempting to make her feel uncomfortable, and it was working.

Turning down one of the side roads, the guard made a beeline towards the lone inn that stood on the top of a cliff overlooking the small harbor. Short, square houses lined both sides of the road, their exterior having been constructed from the trees found to the west, and blasted by the sea found to the east. The harsh, salt filled winds had long since peeled the paint off most of the structures, with few bothering to try and reaply it, and fewer still who managed to succeed in this task.

Glancing at one such structure was enough to inform the guard that it was likely as old as the town itself was. Few structures could be considered new in Leafside, other than bunk houses found at the edge of town, and the post office that sat dead center of it. The only other exception to that rule was the inn she was walking towards, the road becoming steeper by the minute as she broke away from the normal town streets and towards the inn.

The building itself was designed much like a beached ship, with the half of the structure that pointed towards the harbor resembling the prow of a boat, while the rest was an average and unassuming two story white building. Though interesting, the design was less than flawless, with the structure looking more like a hack job, than an artistic design choice and Swift Light wondered if the front half was actually from a boat that had somehow found itself on top of the cliff.

Pushing aside the door to the inn, Swift Light trotted confidently into the bar, her gaze lingering over the few patrons here at such an early hour of the day. She had spent just over twelve hours in the town at this point, and already she had gotten rather good at guessing what was going to happen when she stepped into the room.

First, an old salt too old to work the riggings would sneer at her from his spot near the door, his toothy maw ready to hork a loogie if she so much as looked at him. After that a few random patrons of varied ages would look over at her, most glancing up from their solitary meals before having their curiosity sated and turning back to stuffing their faces. And lastly, the bartender would look her up and down before turning back to his conversation partner, who would have just finished giving her the same visual inspection.

Sure enough, that was exactly what happened, but this time Swift Light was not simply going to go back up to her room, she had finished what little subtle interviewing she could manage, and it was time to move on to something more direct. Something she hoped would gain her more intel, as so far subtlety had been about as useful as tits on a chicken, as her father used to say.

Bellying up to the bar, the guard plunked down right beside the older mare who had been talking to the bartender up until now. The two ponies stared at her in silence, Swift Light smiling despite the barely hidden hostility being leveled her way. For once, the guard was happy she had done a tour in a thestral territory, as compared to their sneers of disdain, this was nothing.

“Afternoon.” She greeted, nodding to the bartender, and then the mare. “Whats on the menu?”

The bartender slowly placed the cup he had been polishing aside before tossing a hoof in the direction of a large board behind the bar, upon which several items were detailed, including the catch of the day. “See for yerself, stranger.” He offered.

Straining her eyes, Swift Light did her best to pretend as though she couldn't see only to sigh and sit back in her chair. “Sorry, but I lost my glasses the other day, would you mind reading them to me?”

The bartender blinked, before glancing back over to the board himself. “Breaded cod served on a pile of fries. Your choice of coffee, or anything on tap to drink.”

Swift Light smiled, noting the way some of the bartender’s harsh tone had dissipated somewhat. The guard made a note of thanking Sweet Dream for teaching her that particular trick. Ask someone to do you a favor and they will view you more favorably. Smiling widely, the guard nodded. “That sounds great, thank you by the way.”

“You forgot your drink.” Interrupted the mare who sat to Swift Light’s left.

“Oh right. I’m not sure what you have on tap… do you have any suggestions?” Swift Light offered, turning her attention to the old, brown coated mare sitting next to her.

The mare took one look at her and snorted. “Burgundy Bear.”

“Coming right up.” The bartender turned, and deftly poured Swift Light’s drink, making sure not to give the beer too much head.

With the perfect drink in hoof, the bartender deposited it before the mare before turning and hollering her order into the kitchen.

Swift LIght tentatively lifted her drink and sipped at the frothy, slightly red tinged beer. “Wow, that's good.” She muttered, pulling back and really relishing the taste.

“It's got a nice hit at the beginning but smooths out near the end, eh?” The mare asked, a hint of pride in her tone.

“Totally.” Swift Light muttered, rolling the flavor around in her mouth before reluctantly swallowing the last of her drink.

The guard sat and sipped her drink slowly, losing herself in the delicious flavors while also silently revelling in the fact that she was having a beer at lunch, something the mare had never allowed herself to indulge in. Swift Striker, the mare she was disguised as though, she could have a beer whenever she wanted, as she was on vacation and wanted to enjoy herself. A few minutes later and the bartender returned with her order, and true to his word, it was indeed served on what could only be described as an absolute pile of fries.

“Woah.” Swift Light muttered as she looked down on the veritable mountain of food now sitting before her.

“That will be fifteen bits.” The bartender announced.

Swift nodded weakly and handed over the bits. “I don't even know how to attack this thing. Do you guys have any ketchup?”

The mare sitting next to her pushed over a bottle of the stuff, the glass container sliding across the counter with ease. “Try the tartar sauce for the cod.”

“Will do.” Swift Light replied, doing just that and heaping a great spoonful of the white sauce onto the cod before taking off a chunk and biting into it. “Mm thash sho good.” She muttered, not having to lie one bit.

“Well shit Bar Hop, it looks like you owe me five bits.” The mare announced, shaking her head in irritation.

Swift Light lifted an eyebrow, her mouth stuffed full of fish, her eyes asking the question her lips could not.

The bartender grumbled silently as he dug out five bits and placed them on the table, only to keep his hoof over them when the mare went to reach for them. “Maybe I should keep these, your tab isn't getting any smaller you know.”

The mare chuckled, and knocked the stallion’s hoof aside before pocketing the bits. “You know very well that I will pay that off at the end of the week.”

Swallowing hard, Swift Light pushed down her food and eyed the pair carefully. “What was that all about?”

Smirking, the older mare gestured toward the stallion. “This dope thought you were too stuck up to eat fish.”

“In my defence you look a lot like when of them Canterlot types, no offence.” The stallion added quickly.

Swift Light shrugged. “That's fair, though I’m curious as to why you would bet against that, as I do kinda look like one of ‘those types’.”

“It's the soccer cutie mark.” The mare pointed out, gesturing down to the simple illusion that had replaced the mare’s very guardesque mark with that of a flaming soccer ball. “I ain't never met a mare into the sport who didn't have balls bigger than most of the stallions around here.”

The disguised guard laughed aloud, and clopped her hoof against the mare’s making sure to add an extra bit of muscle into the act in order to drive her disguise home. “Too true. Sometimes I think they should lift the ban on intergender sports, maybe then those colts would finally get better at the game.”

The stallion ground his teeth together silently, trying and failing, to pretend to busy himself with cleaning a glass.

Swift Light smiled, and tossed back another hoofull of fries drenched in ketchup. “Sho, anyfing else intersting happen round here?”

The mare sighed, lifted the captain’s hat from her head and ran a hoof through her greying mane. “You could say that, bout a week ago the town’s local historian up and disappeared, the guard came but didn't find nothing, said she just up and left, but I ain't so sure.”

“Old Lucky Lucy never was the type of mare to do anything spontaneously.” The bartender added, a frown on his face. “She might have been quite the adventurer in her youth but after her last boat sank she finally laid down roots. Hell, she hardly left the house most days on account of that bum knee of hers.”

“True, though I supposed stranger things have happened, what with nightmare moon coming back there a few years ago, nevermind Discord and all that.” The mare offered before taking a sip of her drink and sighing contentedly as the alcohol settled in her belly.

“Bah, you can't listen to half the stuff those city papers say nowadays.” The stallion exclaimed. “Why just the other month they talked about some crazy filly trying to take over the world. I mean a filly? Really?”

Swift Light laughed along with her new friends, ignoring the very real fact that the story itself was unfortunately true.

Together the three talked, gossiped, and generally spent the next hour speaking animatedly on various topics, with Swift Light only being a partial participant and spending most of her time simply eating and listening. The two locals were a veritable fountain of information after they began to open up to her, and though there was quite a bit of old rumours and small town superstition, they had given Swift Light a few leads she had not been able to gain through what little interviewing she had managed.

Most importantly to her, there had been a few strange ships that had come through in the past few days and drop off a few boxes plus crew, only to leave as quickly as they came. By the time Swift Light had finished her food she had a pretty good idea as to when this other group of bad guys had showed up, and how they were being resupplied, as the cargo was being held in a secure warehouse at the edge of town, where it was likely being brought to their camp from there. This meant she could catch one of them as they went to the warehouse, but that would also likely mean that she would have to go through most of them to get what she wanted and good as though she may be Swift Light wasn't convinced she could take them all on and win.

As she ate the last few of her fries and idly listened to her new friends argue over what town’s hockey team was going to win the next game, she realized something important. Namely that she had not received any word of recent missing persons before she arrived, meaning the ‘guards’ they saw were likely either turn coats, or were simple thugs with good disguises. Which also meant that the historian was likely more important than she first thought, perhaps important enough that her house might have the information she needed to find alternative route into the caves.

Swallowing the last of her food, Swift Light thanked them both before excusing herself, saying she wanted to go for another walk by the cliffs. After exchanging goodbyes with Bar Hop and the mare, who turned out to be named Sea Breeze, Swift Light placed a tip on the table and left, intent on heading directly towards the historian’s house, which she had learned was near the docks.

Sure enough, when Swift Light made her way back down closer to the docks, she instantly noticed a couple of sailors lingering near an unlit building almost perfectly squeezed between a warehouse and the cliffside, tucked away from any onlookers. It was a tall, three story structure that somehow had a large oak growin in the front yard, a curiosity that Swift Light had learned was due to the old adventurer’s green hoof she had apparently cultivated over the years.

Turning off to the side, Swift Light waited for the sailor’s to depart, something that didn't take long as a slightly older and taller stallion stomped up to them a few minutes later and barked at them to get back to work. With any onlookers now dealt with, Swift Light crept up to the entrance of the small yard, and after giving a swift glance at her surroundings, ducked inside. Making her way to the side of the structure, Swift Light tested the first floor windows, and after finding one that was a little loose near the back of the house, lifted it slightly and used her magic to flick the simple lever lock that had been doing its best to hold the window closed.

The unicorn cast one final parting glance at her surroundings, and after seeing no one else around, leapt up and through the open window, rolling across the floor and landing in a crouch. Her horn lit, and ready, the guard scanned the room, and after finding no hidden enemies, or anything out of the ordinary, she gently closed and locked the window behind her.

The room she was currently in seemed to be a somewhat small, and simple kitchen, large enough to fit only a small enchanted ice box, as well as a smaller than average stove that was covered in papers. Flipping through the papers revealed that they were all either old bills, or advertisements that the house’s inhabitant obviously hadn't cared enough about to use, or throw out. Other than that there was a small table set against a wall, which had two chairs tucked half under it, as well as two doors side by side.

Turning to the first one, Swift Light lit her horn and scanned it for traps, and after finding that it had no such manner of defences, gently turned the knob, only to find it locked. Looking closer, the mare quickly realized that she hadn't been the first to be frustrated by the object, as their were numerous scratch marks around the lock, as well as scuff marks all over the front of it.

“Attempts at forced entry, as well as lock picking, both of which seemed to be futile.” Swift Light muttered, brushing her hoof across the door. “Relatively recent too, probably only a few days, which would fit with the arrival of the guards they called.”

Turning away from the locked portal, Swift Light scanned the next door, only to find that it lacked any defences, or locks, and when opened, revealed a living room, an entryway, as well as stairs up on the left hand side of the house. A large bay window was obscured by heavy black curtains that held back all but the most stubborn rays of light, illuminating the room in an eerie light. Paintings of battles, and ancient conflicts covered the walls not obscured by book shelves, illustrating the image of a mare who was evidently a lover of history.

A cursory glance told Swift Light that nearly all the books were non fiction, and the few that were made up, were mostly historical fiction, or high seas adventure novels. Swift Light chuckled to herself as she turned back around, noting that though there were was a couch, a love seat, and a rocking chair in the room, only the rocking chair seemed to have seen any use. The guard ran a hoof down the damaged, and well loved chair, noting the distinct scent of the sea that clung to the old object, as well as a few strands of grey and brown hair. Pulling her hoof away, Swift Light noted the fact that the main door was heaving slightly, as if it had been kicked in, only to be hastily repaired in order to hide that fact.

The guard knew well the signs of a rushed fix it spell, and figured that the guards had probably entered with the use of force in order to abduct the mare. The signs of a scuffle were rare, but Swift Light was trained to notice these types of things and quickly realized that several of the books on the nearest shelf were upside down, signifying the shelf had been bumped during the scuffle. Looking closer, Swift Light realized it was also moved just slightly further away from the wall, confirming that it had been knocked, and hastily put back, though not as perfectly as the other book shelves were.

“That confirms it.” She muttered, before turning to the stairs up and proceeding to the second floor.

The stairs were well worn, and likely made from reclaimed wood, and as Swift Light went deeper into the house, she couldn't help but get a better idea of who this old adventurer had been. Turning up the landing and proceeding to the second floor, Swift Light kept her horn lit until she took a peek into each one of the four rooms and realized that she was completely alone. The kidnappers hadn't so much as left behind an alarm spell to tell them if anyone went snooping around, making Swift Light realize she wasn't exactly dealing with the smartest ponies around.

“Silence and expertise both cost bits.” Swift Light remarked, as she checked the bathroom.

The room was remarkably normal, with a few nautical themed decorations on the moulding and above the toilet, with everything seemingly in its place. A quick sifting through the drawers told her that the house’s occupant had been getting a little older and was apparently worrying about losing her teeth, if the collection of toothpaste was any indication.

The next room seemed to be a simple guest bedroom, a small layer of dust covering nearly everything in sight. The room was relatively small, with a small porthole window giving the only source of light. Rummaging through the drawers on the end table revealed nothing, and other than a few dust bunnies, there was nothing under the bed.

The next room seemed to be an office of some kind, and it was perhaps the most chaotic of any of the rooms she had seen so far. Papers littered nearly every surface of the room, the desk being so covered in random scraps that she couldn't even tell what kind of wood it was made out of. Books lay open at random, scraps of paper covered in notes sticking out of them, a theme that continued to the bookcase that was filled with tomes of varied sizes, almost every single one of which had at least one or two bookmarks poking out of them.

At first glance it seemed like the room had been ransacked, but upon closer inspection Swift Light realized there was an underlying method to the madness. Stacks were labeled with notes in a handwriting only the writer could read, a script that extended to her notes as well. “Holy crap this is some bad hoof writing.” Swift mumbled. “I guess it makes sense why they grabbed her and not her notes.” She cocked her head and squinted at one such note only to shrug. “How does she even read this stuff?”

Taking a step away from the office she turned to the last room, the master bedroom. It was almost identical to the poorly furnished guest bedroom, save for the fact that its window was larger, and there was a small bookshelf near the right side of the room. There was also a small chest of drawers she didn't notice at first, which contained little in the way of clothes, the bottom drawer being completely unused.

Pausing, Swift Light sat on the bed as she tapped a hoof against her chin. “They must have taken her and thought that would be enough information, but the fact that they haven't left yet means they are either lying in wait for me, or they haven't got it yet. She must be holding out on them, or she doesn't know what they want to know.”

Nodding to herself, Swift Light tromped back down the stairs and to the basement, silently hoping that there would be something of note down there, or at least a guide on how to read her hoof writing. Sticking her tongue out of her mouth and lighting her horn, she prepared for the difficult task of unlocking the door with nothing but telekinesis. Only to be disappointed when it turned out that the lock wasn't that hard to pick, and the last pony to try must have been a moron.

With a frown on her face, the guard pulled open the door and glanced down the stairs, noting the stone walls and low roof, the floor being covered with grime as was the walls. “Makes sense, this is only a block from the ocean after all.” She remarked to no one in particular.

Stepping down the creaking, wooden stairs Swift Light cast a curious eye around the strange basement. It was strangely empty, save for a single desk, upon which was a typewriter, a small stack of blank paper and a much larger stack of paper that was significantly less blank. Lifting the first sheet Swift Light read the title out loud.

“The caves of Leafside, and the keepers of Law.” Swift Law paused, and continued to read, and read, and read until she was forced to sit on the rickety wooden chair.

As she read it became obvious that this mare was weird, and had evidently done more adventuring than the locals knew of. She was weird for the simple fact that she enjoyed typing in a damp, grungy basement when she had other places to write, and far more experienced as she had apparently been spending the last ten years exploring the many caves that lined the coast.

In her travels she had apparently found a tomb to a keeper of law, and discovered that within, there was an artifact of some importance, if the wall of traps, lock spells and other obstacles were any indication. As Swift Light skimmed through the last pages she had written, the author recalled her with tales of the many defences she had bypassed over the years, and the troubles she had gone through to make sure it was safe. All save for a mighty lock spell that seemed strong enough to hold out all but an alicorn. The page was left half finished, unexpectedly breaking down into angry ranting at the stupid lock for holding her back from the find of the century.

Curiously, beneath it were a few pages that were marked with a red x, though had not been thrown out. One of which detailed an alternate entrance to the cave system that she was not limbre enough to actually use since it was so narrow, sloping, and twisted in odd directions. The spell she had used indicated that it linked back up to the main tomb complex, and continued deeper still, but she the spell had run out of power and couldn't map any further. There were also a few notes written beneath that bit of information, notes that were thankfully typed and not written by hoof.

They detailed her opinion that this alternate path may be able to get around the lock, but she didn't know, and she didn't want to share the credit until she spent another year or two trying to get past the lock spell. Judging from the date at the top of the page, the notes had only been written a few months ago, meaning she had been unlikely to have explored this section yet.

Swift Light stood there, pondering the possibilities, and quickly coming to the conclusion that betting it all on this alternative path was going to be the only way she was going to get the sword without having to cut her way through a horde of bad guys. With her mind made up, the guard quickly restacked the pile of papers exactly as it had been when she got there, went back up stairs and locked the door behind her. With that done she went through the house, making sure her tracks were covered, and using her magic to all but erase her presence from the house. With that done she slipped back out the window, snuck around the warehouse, and made her way back into town.

With a confident smile on her face, the guard quickly sent a letter back to Celestia asking that she send a force to deal with a potential hostage situation, and left in the direction of the alternative path, silently hoping they would get there in time. Swift Light was fairly certain there would be no way the gang had a member as strong as an alicorn, but was ultimately unwilling to bet on that, the sooner she got her hooves on that sword, the better.

Setting Out

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Setting out, Swift Light made short work of the distance to the alternative path, climbing a large hill at the edge of town, maneuvering through a copse of scraggly trees, and after donning her armor, slipped beneath the roots of one such plant. Once inside it was a difficult two hours of crawling, twisting, and maneuvering through dark, cramped tunnels. At times she was forced to slide down slick crevices while others it was necessary for her to cling to vines as she swung across holes that had opened up in the ground. Finally, just when she was convinced she was thoroughly lost, she heard voices, strange, gruff ones coming from below her. Through a crack in the floor the guard peered into the chamber below, barely able to make out the forms of several thugs walking this way and that.

Low torches burnt along the walls, revealing the large entryway that had been described in the historian’s book. At the center there was a large water filled pit that was lined with bricks, ensuring it wouldn't spill over during high tide. Along the walls there were carvings of battles, and ancient history long since forgotten by most of Equestria. At the far side of the room was a glowing purple and yellow wall of force that shifted and changed colors as she looked at it.

Before it were two ponies, one of whom matched the description of the historian and formerly retired adventurer. The other was obscured by a large cloak that only partially hid his robust, and clearly well built physique. From what she could hear, he was commanding her to make sure the force field was strengthened as much as possible in order to throw off any who followed them.

Staring closer, Swift Light gasped when she noticed that strapped to his side was the ancient sword that Celestia had spoken of, meaning she was too late.

“Goddess damn it.” She muttered, slamming her hoof into the ground in frustration.

The guard paused suddenly, a slight tremor running through the floor, than, jsut when she thought it was safe, it cracked, and collapsed all at once. Falling to the floor below, Swift Light tried to duck into a roll, but the sheer height she had fallen made the effort almost completely wasted. Armor clattered across the ground, and dust and stone rained all around her, than, just as Swift Light thought her luck couldn't get any worse, she felt something snag on her scabbard and tear it completely. Rising slowly while spitting out bits of rock and dirt, Swift Light reached for her weapon, only to find that it wasn't there.

All around her she could hear bad guys running this way and that, but the rough had apparently given her enough dust to cover her frantic scrabble to find her weapon, an opening she did not waste. Using her magic, the mare sought out her sword, and after finding it a few feet away, began to run over it, tugging the weapon out from under the rock it had been half stuck under.

Just as it was about to be free, a hoof came down on the rock, pinning the sword under it once more. Looking up, Swift Light gulped at the sneering ex guard looking down upon her.

“Well well well. What do we have here?” He asked haughily, his magic drawing forth the ancient sword. “Looking for this are you?”

“I don't know what your doing here or why, but you have to give me that sword, the fate of the world may very well hang in the balance.” Swift Light demanded.

“Do you know what else hangs in the balance?” The ex guard asked pointedly, smirking down at the mare. “The fate of my savings account.”

Laughing proudly the stallion swung the weapon out of the reach of Swift Light. “You fool, this is serious, Celestia-”

The ex guard sneered, taking an angry step forward. “Celestia can kiss my ass, as for you, if you want the sword so bad, I supposed I could give it to you…”

He smirked, and in a flash, thrust the blade forward, aiming for the mare’s ribs. Swift Light, was like her name implied, and in a flash she tried to roll out of the way, only to bump into the wall of the well, the guard having overestimated the room she had to move. With nowhere else to go the blade stabbed into her now unarmored side, burying itself several inches into her body before being torn out, leaving behind a shard of something that wedged itself deep in the mare’s body.

With a cruel laugh, the hooded stallion used his magic to wipe clean the blade and place it back at his side. Beside him, a rather nervous older mare looked from Swift Light to the guard and back again, earning her a glare from the stallion who motioned to one of his underlings which had so far stood off to the side. “Keep an eye on her while I deal with this little fishy.”

Swift Light stumbled, unable to pay attention to what was going on as she forced her magic to try and heal the cut as best as possible in order to keep her in the fight. As the wound began to close, something heated up inside her, and she cried out in surprise, her spell faltering.

Stepping closer, the stallion smirked and reached down, gripping Swift Light by the neck he brought her up, and over the lip of the well. “That was easier than I expected, I’m almost a little disappointed, I had an entire plan on how I was goingto take you down.” He leaned in close, his breathe hot against her face. “And yet here you are, about to die, and having not even put up a fight.”

All around her Swift Light heard the snickers of his men, and the laughter of the guard currently holding her by the throat. She wanted to fight back, to fire a spell, or at least give the creep a black eye, but every time she tried to summon her magic or move the heat in her midsection spiked and she was unable to do anything other than writhe in agony. A low groan escaped her lips, and just when she thought she was about to run out of air she felt herself in freefall, the unicorn missing the last taunt of her attacker before she fell into the pit of water.

Swift Light had been lucky enough to grab a lungful of air before she hit the water, but that did little to help, as she quickly realized that any attempt to swim back up to the surface would likely mean her sudden demise. Turning down, the unicorn remembered the description given of this chamber, and the fact that after only a few dozen metres, met back up with the ocean. With a plan of action now firmly in mind, she swam down, the heat in her midsection dulling somewhat as the cold bite of the ocean water slowly robbed her limbs of feeling.

It was a difficult swim, and more than a few times Swift Light considered turning around and taking her chances with the thugs, but with little breath left in her, and with the last of the light fading, she chose to bet it all on making it out to open ocean, and swam blindly through the dark abyss.

Her lungs and limbs burned with need, her body aching for oxygen. Only the sum total of the guard’s not inconsiderable will kept her from simply giving up and taking a breath of water. Swift Light was determined to not die here, not while she had left so much undone.

A light suddenly appeared before her, and with a renewed vigor, Swift Light swam towards it, hope flickering in her heart. The mare surged through the water, only to be confused when the light suddenly vanished. Eyes wide and filled with panic, Swift Light raised a hoof in defence at the last second, catching the shark in the nose and making it recoil slightly.

That wouldn't last long though, and using every last bit of energy she had left, Swift Light swam past the shark, delivering a weak kick to the side of it’s head as she passed, hoping against hope that it would be enough to keep the beast at bay. That hope was swiftly brought down several seconds later when she felt something clamp down on her back left hoof, sharp objects piercing deep into her flesh.

A silent scream of pain and terror tore through the mare’s lips, robbing her of what little oxygen she had left. In a desperate attempt to get free she brought her other back hoof back and stomped down with all the strength she had. The effect was immediate, and the shark relinquished its hold on the mare’s limb, leaving behind several sharp teeth that were now embedded into her flesh.

With a strength born of desperation, Swift Light surged upwards, making her way towards the light her mind conjuring images of the shark being right behind her. And indeed it was, though for once, luck was on Swift Light’s side, and every time it neared she inadvertently delivered a kick to its snout, keeping it at bay long enough for the mare to reach the light, and to breach the surf.

Deep lungfuls of air filled the mare’s body as she hurriedly looked around, desperate to find something to save herself with. Once more luck was on her side, and she quickly noticed that only a few feet away was a large slab of stone that rose from the surf. Surging toward the stone, Swift Light narrowly escaped the grasping jaws of the great predator, giving her enough time to throw herself on semi dry land and out of reach of the finned creature.

Not feeling safe with so little between her and her attacker, Swift Light pushed herself up as far as possible on the slab, watching as the fin of the shark went back and forth several times before slipping back beneath the waves. Breathing a sigh of relief, Swift Light felt the exhaustion that had been on the edge of her perception for the last several minutes suddenly surge back, nearly overpowering her.

Remembering her training, Swift Light fought off this feeling, knowing full well that if she passed out now, she wasn't likely to wake up. Looking around revealed that she was at the bottom of the cliff, which had no obvious methods of climbing.

A tingle could be felt all along the mare’s hooves as well as her gums, but that didn't concern her right now. Even when that same tingling sensation grew to the point that she lost sensation in her back legs, not even noticing that they had fused together, forming an almost flipper like appendage.

The surge returned, stronger than ever, and this time Swift Light was not strong enough to resist. With a weak moan of defiance, Swift Light’s body went limp and she collapsed against the stone slab, unable to fight off the wave of exhaustion that now held her tight in its icy grip.

For a moment Swift Light was certain she was going to be able to muster some resistance, only for her eyes to close, and consciousness to escape her.

A Dark Vision

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Stone Smasher was not a smart pony, as his name would imply, and he was on the lowest totem pole of their shadowy bosses’ little gang. Meaning he was left with the worst tasks, like watching the well while their new boss made the finishing touches on the wards. He sighed, tossing another stone into the well and watching as it slowly vanished into the inky blackness.

Tossing a second stone, he continued to watch its descent only to blink when it began to grow instead of shrink. “What the hell?” He muttered, leaning close to the well and watching as the circle grew larger and larger, until he noticed it was not his rock returning to him, but instead something with beedy blue eyes filled with hate.

The stallion couldn't even muster a scream before a terrifying amalgam of pony and shark tore from the water, as well as his throat. His head, now freed of his neck, flew through the air, making several revolutions before the pony realized that he was now in fact, quite dead.

Bursting forth from the well, the being formerly known as Swift Light landed on top of another thug, who she quickly bit into, tearing most of his face off and noisily chewing the meal before swallowing it. Reaching down, she gripped the stallion’s sword and looked around, wary of another attacker.

The attack she had assumed was coming, was not there, and most ponies looked on in a mix of horror and confusion, all save for a hooded pony. “What are you just standing there for? Kill it!” He yelled, pointing his blade at the creature formerly known as Swift Light.

The nameless thugs came at her in a sporadic, uncoordinated assault, some having grabbed whatever was nearby as a weapon, items that ranged from simple clubs and swords to table legs and digging equipment. Grinning cruelly, the being who used to be Swift Light, tore through their ranks gracefully, the creature using its powerful tail that had replaced its back legs to launch herself through the air. After nearly a dozen ponies met their end at her blade and bite, the thugs broke rank and ran, leaving behind a now terrified and shaking hooded stallion.

“W-what are you?” He asked, lifting the ancient blade and placing it between him, and her.

The creature shifted its weight on its powerful tail and breathed heavily through its new gills, her lungs not liking the sudden shift much, but holding out, for now. “Your death.” She spat, her voice having changed to become deeper, raspier, and strangely alien, as if her throat was not built to speak the language.

With a primal snarl of rage the creature lunged forward, jaws extended, and blade forgotten. She knew the weapon would aid her, but she didn't care, she wanted to taste his blood, to feel his flesh slide down her throat and nourish her new, and altogether different form.

He swung down with the ancient blade, determined to drive it into the creature’s half muzzle, half shark like mouth and push it back. That plan however, vanished the second she twisted herself in mid air and bite down lengthwise on the blade, her powerful jaws shattering the weapon completely.

With nothing between him and it, the stallion panicked, the only thing he could do before it landed on him being the utterance of a panicked, confused cry. A second later and the creature’s bulk suddenly slammed against him, driving him to the ground and pinning him completely.

Pushing magic in his horn, the now, no longer hooded stallion tried to summon forth a simply bolt of force, only for his horn to vanish in a flash of white teeth. His ensuing cry of pain and confusion was cut short when the creature bit through his jaw, reducing the cry to a wet gurgle of agony. She had aimed it perfectly though, leaving the stallion alive but unable to do anything but make wet squelching noises as panic gripped him.

Pulling back, the creature smiled toothily down at him, making the stallion realize she now no longer had lips, and that the changes had also altered her eyes, making them more shark like while also giving her flesh the same strange texture as the great hunters of the sea. With a smirk on her lipless face, the creature beamed down at him, pride emanating from its alien features.

“That was easier than I expected.” She began. “I’m almost a little disappointed, I had an entire plan on how I was going to take you down.” It leaned in close, her blood tinged breathe hot against his face. “And yet here you are, about to die, and having not even put up a fight.”

Before he could muttere another sound she leaned down and bit clean through his neck, leaving him to gurgle weakly as his lifeblood pooled around him, unable to do anything as the creature began to consume him, peice by peice, not even waiting for him to expire before it feasted on his still living body. As the creature polished off his second limb and began to tear his entrails out, consciousness left him, and moments later, he perished as the creature tore out his heart and ate it.

Swift shook her head vigorously, looking around the grimy tunnel in confusion. “What the hell?” She whispered, her mind trying to hold onto the strange, and fleeting images she had seen only seconds earlier.

Yet, no matter how hard she tried to cling to them, they would not stay, and within a minute she could no longer even remember what she had been trying to focus on. Shaking her head once more, Swift Light turned back to the task at hoof, the guard staring down through the crack in the floor as she scanned the area.

The hooded figure and the historian were still in the midst of an argument, one that left the hooded stallion angry, and he stomped away from the wall of force, empty hooved. “I’m going to take a force and look for the next artifact, you lot keep her working, and when the dynamite comes, just blow your way in, use as much as you need but make sure you don't bring down the cave.” The figure stopped at one of the taller thugs and clapped him on the shoulder. “You're in charge Rock Break.”

“Err, you got it boss.” He announced, saluting the figure as he ignored him and walked out of the room.

“What an idiot.” Swift Light muttered to herself.

With a smirk on her face, the guard crawled deeper still, careful to not put too much weight in one spot or the other, some small voice reminding her of the distinct possibility that falling through the ceiling was. Making her way deeper, Swift Light made a mental note that she was coming to the end of the mapped area. Ahead of her, the tunnel continued, making its way over where Swift Light knew the shimmering wall of force was.

The ceiling slowly lowered, until the mare was forced to crawl deeper, using only the dim light of her horn to guide her. A few seconds later and her hoof glided across something smooth, a slight downward slope beginning only a few feet away. Pushing forward another foot told the guard that the slope was relatively steep, and didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. She laid there for a moment, half down this oddly smooth, slidelike indent, pondering what she would do, until she realized that she couldn't very well move back.

“Well shit.” She muttered, her eyes unable to pierce the darkness and see where the slide ended.

Gulping down the fear that burned in her chest, Swift Light conjured a shield of light before her, and set her hooves wide, ready to brace herself as soon as the slide ended. With one last deep breathe, the guard pushed forward and began to slide down the tunnel. Speed quickly built, but as quickly as it built, it vanished, as the slide ended suddenly, sending the mare tumbling end over end after she impacted a suddenly flat ground.

The mare winced, and slowly righted herself before patting herself down, making sure her armor was secure as was her weapon. With everything now as secure as it was going to get, Swift Light stood up, and poured more magic into her horn, lighting up the room and revealing a large circular stone door.

Turning around, she noticed there was a second door, though this one was bare, while the first one had writing all around the edges. Figuring that the one behind her was the way back towards the thugs and the hooded pony, Swift turned back to the writing door and began to read. Or at least that's what she had intended on doing, as it turned out to be in another language.

“Makes sense.” She muttered to herself, as this tomb was older than modern Equish likely was.

Peering closer, Swift Light recognized the characters quickly, figuring out that they were from the ancient earth pony language referred to modernly as Terran. The second word was in a different language entirely though, though this took even less time to decipher, as it was one she had studied in high school. Wind speak was the language, and it was spoken by the ancient pegasi before the founding of Equestria.

The words alternated back and forth between the two languages, making deciphering easy. “Speak friend and enter.” Said both the door, and Swift Light.

“Well that's easy, Vanalia.” Spoke the mare, the last word being the ancient tongue of the unicorns, a language called Celestial.

Sure enough, a second later some distant set of gears began to grind, and the door slowly slid back before rolling into the wall, revealing a small room at the center of which stood a simple pedestal. Peering closer, Swift Light was able to instantly recognize the sight of the ancient sword. Lighting her horn, the mare scanned the room both magically and visually.

Minutes ticked by, the guard making sure to scan every last inch of the room before stopping and taking a step back, an odd look on her face. “Nothing.” She muttered.

With a shrug of her shoulders the guard took a step forward, and after lighting her horn, gripped the sword and lifted it from its pedestal. When nothing happened, the mare shrugged once more, levitating the sword before her and grabbing the hilt.

For a moment nothing happened, only for a sudden searing pain to erupt from the guard’s gums. The stone blade clattered to the floor, the guard dropping to her knees as she cried out in pain. Through the haze of agony, she felt several objects fall from her mouth and clatter across the ground, the guard only half aware that these objects were in fact, her teeth.

Several agonizing moments that were completely unaffected by a snap healing spell, passed by, and just as quick as the pain came, it left, leaving the mare confused as she lay there for several more seconds. Looking down, the guard realized that her teeth were indeed littering the floor, leaving her confused as to why she still felt as though she had teeth in her mouth.

Using her tongue, she gently prodded a random tooth, only to recoil when she felt not the teeth of a vegetarian but rather the sharp point of a predator. Recoiling in surprise, the mare quickly conjured a reflective surface while maintaining her light spell. What she saw made her gasp in surprise, revealing a row of sharp, pointed teeth as well as a pair of prominent fangs that poked out from her top lip.

“What the fuck happened to me?” Swift Light muttered.

She continued to stare at her new chompers for several seconds, and after poking each one and finding that they were indeed real, dismissed her simple mirror spell. Casting a more elaborate healing spell was a simple matter, yet when she used her tongue to touch her teeth, they were as sharp as they had been a moment earlier.

With a sigh of irritation, the mare reached down, grabbed the blade and after finding that it was undamaged, slipped it into a hidden pocket just large enough for it. Looking down, Swift Light realized her teeth were still littering the floor and with a grim sigh of resignation, she reached down and scooped them up before putting them away in another pocket, knowing full well the spells and curses that could be enacted if someone found one of her teeth.

With her prize now secured, and her terror roughly shunted to the back of her mind, Swift Light turned back to the tunnel she had emerged from. Lighting her horn, she conjured a row of hard light constructs in the shape of stairs, allowing her to crawl up the tight passage, all while ignoring the strange sensation of her new fangs rubbing against her bottom lip.

Crawling back through the tunnels she paused in order to listen to what was going on below, but after finding that little had changed, chose to instead proceed back up the winding passageways that lead to the surface. Though it took nearly twice as long to get back up as it did to get down, it was still possible, and several hours later, the guard emerged, moonlight bathing her sweat covered form. The guard paused and quickly enacted the same simple illusion spell she had used on her cutie mark, only this time she used it to ensure that her teeth returned to normal, her fangs being rendered invisible.

A quick look into her conjured mirror told her that everything was back to normal, and with that done, she removed her armor, stowed it away in the saddle bags she had hidden away, and began to make her way back towards town. With the moon high overhead Swift Light trotted back to town at a leisurely pace, already imagining what manner of lie she would tell if she happened upon a local on her way back to town.

Thankfully, no one was up at such an hour, meaning she made it back quickly, and easily, slipping into her room at the inn with no one seeing her. As she gathered up her things she considered her options, and after thinking it over, chose to continue her quest, deciding that Celestia’s need for the artifacts outweighed the freakish change that had just occured to her. She would also need to move quickly, as Celestia’s guard force was getting here, and the hooded figure that seemed to be in charge of the gang of thugs, was getting away.

Hefting the rest of her supplies onto her back, the guard made sure her saddle bags were secure before placing the necessary bits on the end table, and writing a note of apology for having to leave so suddenly. Next she slipped down into the inn and out into the cool night air once more, making a beeline for the docks.

As she walked, the guard considered her options, only to come to the realization that chartering a boat to Saddle Arabia may not be in her best interest. She could not keep up the illusion overnight, and even if she recast it right before going to sleep, it was still unlikely to last the entire night. She might be able to cast an alarm spell in order to wake up in time, but that came with the chance of adding on a not inconsiderable amount of suspicion on her part.

Her hooves slowed and she diverted her course away from the docks, and towards an ill used section of the dock, where no boats were, pretending to look out over the ocean as she considered things. The possibility of charting a boat was tempting, as it would be comfortable, but there was also a good chance that someone would recognize her, or possibly discovered her change, both possibilities which would lead to uncomfortable questions. As she continued to pace back and forth along the dock, the mare began to notice a light rising from the depths, and growing closer by the second.

A Vision of The Deep

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As the light continued to rise Swift found herself captivated by the way it swung back and forth, holding her gaze and forcing her to stare at it unblinking. The guard could tell that the light was attached to spindly appendage of some kind, which was itself attached to something far, far larger than the small glowing orb. Try as she might to make herself look at the orb’s owner, her brain would not obey, and she found her eyes locked firmly to the glowing object even as the now massive shape rose slowly from the depths of the deep, deep harbor.

Panic coursed just beneath the mare’s skin and she stood there in abject terror, unable to look away as it came closer and closer

The orb breached the water, draggin with it Swift Light’s attention with the rest of the creature’s bulk rising behind the orb, revealing one of the strangest creatures the guard had ever seen. It clearly had equine features, but the large, expressive eyes of a pony and the familiar point of a muzzle was marred by the scaled, midnight black flesh that covered the enormous creature’s body. A long flowing seafoam green and deep blue mane fell from her head, obscuring one of her eyes and flowing down its body and into the water. Where it should have hooves it instead had a pair of powerful, long flippers that were pockmarked with holes. Twin fangs poked from the end of the creature’s muzzle, and as Swift Light stared, she found herself staring deep into the creature’s mouth and past the rows of razor like teeth that lined its maw.

“Ahh my sweet, succulent little pony, you appear to be in need of something.” The creature whispered, in a strangely feminine, and utterly captivating voice. “Tell me what you desire, so I may render it unto you.”

“I need to get to Saddle Arabia.” Swift Light replied in an even, monotone voice, despite the fact that she had not intended to speak at all.

“Ahh, the land of sand and storm, it is quite far you know.” The creature replied, the orb waving back and forth in front of its face as it spoke.

“It is.” Swift Light heard herself reply.

“Interesting, I sense something peculiar about you, little pony. Why don't you remove that silly illusion and show sister Angula what your hiding.” The creature whispered, drawing close to the mare, to the point that the guard could feel the hot, fish scented breath of the monster.

“Yes, sister.” Swift Light replied, her horn lighting and dismissing the enchantment.

The creature raised an eyebrow, her shock slowly morphing into naked glee. “Most fascinating, you appear to already be on your way on becoming one of the deep folk. Perhaps I can help you while you help me.”

“How is that sister?” Swift replied, her mind screaming out for her body to move, for her eyes to shift away from the orb that so captivated her.

“You wish to cross the sea, and I wish for another sister to give me company among the deep. If you can resist becoming one of us, I will deliver you to where you desire.” The creature replied, slowly weaving back and forth and keeping the guard’s attention transfixed on the orb hanging from her face.

“And if I give in?” Swift Light asked.

“You will join me in the deep waters and become my newest, and closest sister. Together we will stalk these lands in search of prey and mates.” The creature whispered, enticing the mare closer still, until her hooves neared the edge of the dock.

“I…” The mare stuttered a moment, her will almost managing to wrench her gaze away from the creature, only for a slight bob of the orb to keep her eyes locked upon it. “I accept your offer, sister.”

The angler smiled a wide, inequine smile. “Good, good. Walk into my maw sister, and take the first step towards your destiny.”

Swift Light nodded weakly, following the orb into the creature’s mouth, the guard only faintly disturbed by the squishy sensation of her hooves against the creature’s tongue. Passing through the rows of teeth, the orb suddenly vanished, relinquishing the hold it held on Swift Light’s mind. That brief reprieve did little to help her situation though and a second later the creature’s tongue curled and tossed her forward, head first into the creature’s gullet.

A strangled cry of surprise erupted from the guard’s throat and she found herself in free fall for a moment before landing in the belly of the beast, her hooves tingling the second she felt something solid under her once more. Lighting her horn, the mare looked around, noting that although there was enough room to breathe and move a little, it wasn't much, and it was shrinking with each passing second.

Think Swift Light, think. She thought to herself, desperately trying to dig through the hazy memory of the last several minutes, desperately attempting to find the information that she only half remembered.

“If I give in.” Swift Light muttered, her mind conjuring the images of the last few seconds of their conversation at long last.

With that in mind, Swift LIght grit her teeth and set her jaw, focusing her mind on the mission, her job, and Celestia herself, the alicorn’s image helping to keep her mind focused on what she had to do. The tingling around her hooves intensified and she felt the same sensation getting higher and higher until it met her barrell and began to spread out from there, until every inch of her flesh itched.

The bizarre sensation was unlike anything Swift Light had seen or heard of, leaving her with little inkling as to what was happening to her. Resist Swift Light, resist! She thought, over and over, the mare’s mind trying to think of anything that would keep her focused, and keep her stomach from rumbling as her nose filled with the scent of delicious, delicious fish.

And they were delicious, the salty and sweet morsels being one of Swift Light’s hidden pleasures in life. She knew well the stereotypes that fish eaters got back in the capital, but for the life of her she couldn't understand why they felt that way. Fish tasted good, were dumber than rocks, and above all, tasted good, like really good.

She wondered what it would be like if all she ate was fish, and she found it difficult to ignore that thought, as it was indeed a pleasurable one.

Shaking her head, the mare squeezed her eyes shut tighter, forcing her mind to conjure images of something else, something like apples, and oranges and pears. Fruits that she would never see again if she was safe, and loved amongst the embrace of her sister. Though even then they wouldn't be completely gone, right? Swift Light realized she still had the chance of enticing in a willing morsel and stealing his food before swallowing him hole.

Her body shuddered, and she felt her back legs become numb, unaware of the fact that they had fused together completely.

Clenching her jaw tighter, Swift Light thought of Celestia, and for a moment the tingling seemed to abate somewhat, leaving her body aching. Finding something to latch onto, Swift Light held onto the image of Celestia, of the one mare more perfect than any other. If she succumbed here, she would never be able to see her again, and more than that, she would utterly disappoint the mare and the high hopes the alicorn had for her wayward guard.

Though even then, Swift Light found it more and more difficult to keep thinking about Celestia in such a way, as she was forced to face the conclusion that she would never be loved by Celestia like she loved her. Her sister though, her lovely, kind, and caring sister would be more than willing to fill that gap, and become the lover Swift Light never had. Together they would share the open depth, and it would be their kingdom, and their playground.

Swift Light would grow strong with the help of her new sister and one day they would meet as equals, and share in the pleasure of both body and soul.

The guard felt her body twist and writhe as alien sensations coursed through it, and her long fin tip tail that had been her back hooves shivered in pleasure. Her eyes shifted color, becoming a deep, deep blue color and losing the potent gold of the past. Her flesh became scaley, losing the fur and leaving behind a tough exterior that would turn aside blades and hooks alike. Her muzzle elongated, at the same time as her forehooves extended and became long flippers.

Than, as the changes began to slow, she felt two smaller fins grow from her sides, as well as a single long one that sprouted from her back and extended down her tail. Finally, she felt her horn extend and lose its density, becoming a long, slippery appendage ended with a now glowing orb of blue, gripped by three, fleshy growths. The ex guard didn't even notice her ears extending up on her head before they too became small fins.

With a gasp of realization, she felt the last of the changes complete, leaving only her mind untainted, only that wasn't true was it? Celestia was gone, and in her place there was only her new sister. Where there was duty, honor, and the mission, there was now the nearly all consuming desire to eat until her belly was full and reproduce a vast swarm of children that would in turn, serve her and her sister.

With an excited smile on her face, the strange, former pony, writhed, shifting its body in such a way to signal that her changes were completed.

The shifting movement that she no longer noticed stopped and the creature’s stomach expanded, as did her throat, allowing Swift Light to swim forth, past the creature’s tongue and lips and out into her new world. Spinning around, the former guard slipped under the angler and rubbed herself lovingly against her scaley exterior.

And in turn, Swift Light’s new sister accepted her, and loved her, taking her in a tender embrace and setting off to their new home in the depths of the sea.

Jerking her head away from the light, Swift Light covered her eyes with a hoof and looked away, refusing to stare into the bright blue orb. “Who's there? Show yourself!” The guard commanded, drawing forth her sword and taking a step back.

From the depths rose a strange, and familiar creature that resembled the mixture of an angler fish, and unicorn pony. Though Swift Light was quick to keep the orb out of sight, the guard noticed that the creature wore a saddened expression on its pouting face. “You are no fun, little pony.” It spoke.

Swift Light grit her teeth and kept her sword raised, ready to plunge it into one of the beast’s massive eyes at a moment’s notice. “What are you, and what do you want with me?” Swift Light demanded.

“I am an Angula, and I was just looking for a little company.” Whispered the creature, its orb swinging back and forth, attempting to catch the guard’s eye. “Why don't you look into the light? I promise it won't hurt.”

“Like I would believe that.” Swift Light snorted.

The creature sighed, and let its orb fall still above its eyes, allowing the two to lock gazes for the first time. “If you are not willing to give me some more permanent company, perhaps I could offer you a trade for something you actually desire.” The creature whispered, leaning close, only to be forced back at the point of a sword.

“What could you possibly have that I want?” Swift Light remarked with a sneer.

Smirking to herself, the strange fish pony hybrid gestured out to the sea with a large, flipper ended limb. “You seek to go to the land of sand and storms, do you not? I could hear your mumbling as you loomed over me.”

Grumbling to herself, Swift Light made a mental note to stop her habit of talking to herself whenever she thought she was alone. “I do desire to go there, but what could I have that you would want? Other than my tender flesh.”

The angler fish pony hybrid smirked and flipped her mane out of her eyes. “I cannot cook, beneath the waves, but you can. Acquire ten pounds of salted, and cooked fish and bring it to me, and in return, I will bring you to where you desire.”

Swift Light pondered it a moment before reluctantly pulling her sword back. “Why would you want something like that anyway?”

“I didn't always tread the sea as you do land. You know.” The creature replied mysteriously.

Realization donned on the mare and she took another step back, placing her sword back in its sheeth at her side. “I will be back, remain here, and out of sight.” The guard commanded.

“I will do as you say, guard pony. But hurry, I grow hungrier by the minute and those workers are looking tasty.” The creature replied before slipping soundlessly beneath the gentle waves.

Leaving a reluctant Swift Light to sneak towards one of the stalls she had seen earlier in the day. Though closed now, Swift Light remembered vividly the fact that it had several pounds of the salted and cooked fish just within the now closed shop. Jiggling the handle, Swift Light slipped her magic into the lock and manually turned the tumblers in such a way that it clicked open.

Making her way over to the counter the mare dumped a veritable mountain of bits on the table before hefting one of the crates labeled ‘20 lbs’ from the floor and into the air. With her package now secured, the mare snuck back outside, locked the door behind her and made her way back over to the spot she had been standing near the end of the dock.

Placing the crate on the wooden dock, Swift Light stomped her hoof twice, alerting her conspirator to her return.

Before Swift Light even had a chance to get bored, the creature returned, emerging from the waves and immediately turning to the open faced crate, a wide smile on its disturbing face. “You have done it, brave pony. You have my gratitude.”

“So do you take it with you or just eat it…” Swift Light’s line of questioning fell away as she watched the creature use one of her fin like appendages to grip the crate before tossing back the entire contents in a single, unchewed gulp.

The creature settled into the ocean a content smile on its face. “That was more than agreed upon, your end of the bargain has been upheld.”

“And now it's your turn.” Swift Light replied, her magic gripping her sword, ready to draw the weapon at a moment’s notice.

“It is indeed, simply step within my mouth and I will carry you safely inside me, little pony.” The creature whispered, opening its mouth wide and revealing a disturbingly large number of teeth.

“Yeah that's not happening.” Swift Light deadpanned.

Rather than be upset, the creature merely shrugged and closed its mouth. “Can't blame a girl for wanting dessert, could you?”

“Are you calling me a tart?” Swift Light replied with a smirk.

The creature blinked, only to erupt in a strange, burbling laughter, not unlike that of a child. “Oh you are funny too, I almost regret trying to eat you. Almost.”

“Well I’m not an idiot, turn around, I’ll hop on your back. Though I warn you, if I think for a moment that your leading me away, or trying to dive, I will drive my sword between the back of your neck so fast you won't even have time to regret your actions before you’re already dead.” Swift Light announced sternly, patting her weapon for emphasis.

“But that would doom yourself as well.” The creature inquired.

“If it would take down my would be killer, I would gladly give my life.” Swift Light deadpanned.

For a moment their eyes met, and the strange hybrid creature nodded knowingly. “You are smarter than you look. You have my word I will do no such thing, though I hope in the future that you consider seeking me out, as I am always hungry for more well cooked fish.”

With that being said, the creature turned and lifted its body above the water, exposing its scaley back, and long flowing black form.

For a moment Swift Light considered stopping right then and there, backing out from their deal and finding an alternate path. With a shake of her head, she dismissed such doubt and reminded herself that this was both necessary, and optimal. Her guard training meant she could likely stay up another forty eight hours before collapsing, so even if this was a long ride, she was confident she would stay wary throughout it all, making sure that the angler kept up her side.

Stepping onto the creature’s back, Swift Light kept her sword close, and her attention fixed, her gaze lingering on the horizon, and where her next destination lay. “Well, this is going to be interesting.” She muttered.


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Swift Light jerked upwards, the mare promptly shaking her head and trying to dismiss the desire to slumber which continued to gnaw at the back of her mind. Looking around, she saw that open water surrounded her, save for directly ahead, where a growing mass of yellow land could be seen growing in the distance. Though her destination was drawing close, so too was the night, and Swift Light wouldn't dare let herself celebrate success quite yet.

After all she was still standing atop the head of a strange angler pony monster the size of a small whale. Who was humming the same tuneless melody that she had been for the last few hours, her great body twisting through the waves with disturbing ease. Her great fins and long tail propelled them forwards, and as the land drew closer, Swift Light’s grip on the sword tightened.

Glancing at the hilt of the blade, she pondered the mystery surrounding the weapon, letting her mind wander back to her conversation with Celestia. Swift Light remembered that this blade would point her to the next object she would need to find but after that things got murky. Would Celestia have more information, or would the guard have to start searching entire cities for any sign of a weird artifact?

More pressing was the fact Swift Light might very well have to work with Starlight Twist of all ponies should she run out of clues. The thought wasn't a pleasant one, and Swift Light vowed to do her best not require the other mare’s assistance. That was provided she made it to the mainland of Saddle Arabia and did not get eaten by the slow moving creature she was riding atop of.

“Hurry up. I know your stalling,” Swift Light shouted, poking the blade of her weapon against the creature’s soft head.

“Such an impatient pony. You should be glad those fish tasted as good as they did otherwise I would have cast you into the dark hours ago,” replied the angler pony in its strange, almost sing- songy voice.

“The sooner you deliver me to the shore, the quicker I will be out of your mane,” Swift Light countered.

The creature hummed. “I suppose. Though I would lose my conversation partner if I had simply sped off to our destination.”

Swift Light grunted. “We have hardly spoken a word to one another in hours.”

“And what a wonderful time that was,” quipped the creature.

Swift Light ground her teeth together and gazed out at the rapidly approaching bit of landmass, her eyes searching for any sign of civilization. When she came up with nothing, the unicorn felt her heart leap into her chest, and a bit of worry wormed its way into her mind. Her pack was light, her provisions mostly spent, and with no sign of a city or town, the possibility of expiring in the desert was unfortunately high.

“Where are you taking me? I thought you said you knew of a port,” Swift Light demanded.

“I said I knew of one, not that I would bring you there,” replied the creature with a gentle chuckle. “You’ll just have to take your chances with either the deep, or the dessert.”

Swift Light’s grip on her sword tightened. “Don't forget that I could kill you in an instant, and I could swim from here.”

“You might be able to, and I might drag you under with me,” pointed out the creature. “Or you could hop on land and at least have the chance of surviving.”

The unicorn didn't like to admit it, but the monster’s proposal made sense. The situation itself wasn't perfect, but the alternatives werent much better, and so with a sigh, she pulled her blade back.

“You have made your point. Drop me by that rocky outcropping, and we will part ways,” offered the unicorn, who pointed her weapon towards the landmark in question.

The angler pony hummed. “A most shrewd decision my friend.”

Without a moment to waste the creature did just that, surging forward until its body was next to a thirty foot outcropping of stone. The jagged wedge of shattered rock stuck out of the landmass like a great tooth, and was flanked on otherside by two similar fangs. This one sported a long flat section unlike the others, making it the perfect place to step down from her place atop the creature.

Leaping nervously from the slick scalp of her traveling partner, Swift Light landed hard, her grip on her weapon nearly faltering in the process. Desperation surged up her limb, and she squeezed down on the important artifact before pulling it close, breathing heavily. Standing up, Swift Light made sure to sheethe the ancient blade before turning around and looking down at the creature which had brought her all this way.

“I would wish you luck, had I any desire to see you live past today. Though I suppose I owe you my thanks,” remarked the guard bitterly.

“Don't be such a baby. You reached your destination in record time, and you’ve surely arrived before whatever dark forces have risen to oppose you. You need not my wishes of luck, though I offer them to you regardless,” countered the monster, who slithered away from the shoreline, her body sinking into the gentle evening waves.

The guard merely grunted, and kicked a bunch of rocks over the side of the cliff before turning away. “Stupid angler whale pony monster thing,” muttered the mare as she began the long trot into the distant dessert.

With no signs of habitation in sight, Swift Light decided to search for some manner of cover from the elements. She hadn't slept in nearly forty eight hours at this point and the siren song of sleep was becoming increasingly hard to fight off. Spotting a slight rise in the landscape not far from the cliff’s edge, Swift Light made her way over to it, hope rising in her chest.

A smile sprung to her face when she saw that a small cave could be seen in the rock, one which went just deep enough to offer excellent protection against the wind. Sprinting over to it, the guard was happy to note that the sand didn't go very deep into the cave, meaning she likely didn't have to worry about waking up buried in the stuff. With that worry out of mind, she looked around and after finding no animal markings or sign of civilized hooves, shucked off her bags.

Unrolling her sleeping gear, the pony took a sip of her cantine before happily climbing into the warm blanket. Suddenly all of life’s small miseries grew smaller still, and the guard found that she wasn't even bothered by her recent change. Her sharp teeth had taken a bit of getting used to, but by then they felt almost normal, which would have bothered the pony, had she not had bigger problems to worry about.

Closing her eyes, the mare quickly found herself drifting off, plans and ideas for her next move rolling around in her mind.

Sand and Sun

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Swift Light awoke with a start, her eyes snapping open so quick she swore she could hear them. The pony was surprised to find that she felt completely and utterly rested, her back surprisingly not screaming at her, despite spending the night on the stone ground. Packing up her things, Swift Light took another sip of her cantine only to frown and tip the entire thing back.

A few more drops graced her tongue, but that was it, and after a moment wasted feeling sorry for herself, the guard put the container in her saddle bags. Stepping out of the cave, the unicorn lifted a hoof to her brow, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun. Dessert stretched out before her, while behind the mare lay a seemingly endless blue sea which extended to the horizon.

Thinking quickly, Swift Light climbed atop the rocky outcropping, and cast a quick spell, allowing her to see much further than normal. A few minutes passed and just as she was ready to give up, the pony located a small plume of smoke to the west. It wasn't far, maybe a few miles, but if there was smoke in the dessert then there was civilization, which meant there was hope.

Setting off for that direction, Swift Light dismissed her spell, and after breathing deeply of the harsh, hot air, began to put one hoof in front of the other. “You can do this Swifty, it's only a light jog,” she whispered to herself.

Sweat matted the pony’s fur, and not for the first time she considered how nice the cold stone of that cave had felt. A gust of wind blew fine sand into her coat, and against her face, prompting the mare to grit her teeth in frustration, closing her eyes tightly. After it passed, she turned and spat out a mouthful of sand before continuing once again, her mood falling even more.

Thankfully for her, the trickle of smoke had remained, guiding the guard through the many sand dunes she had encountered. Climbing atop one more of the great mounds, Swift Light readied herself for more heat, more annoyances and more walking. Only to find that the sand stopped unexpectedly at the bottom of this dune, a wide patch of grey stone replacing the dull orange of the desert.

Beyond that was a small community of less about ten or so mud brick homes that had simple thatched roofs. Around them were a small smattering of shrubs, while at the center was a large yet simple stone well, around which stood several camels. A few other of the hooved creatures padded around the area, some old, some young, all seemingly healthy and adorned with silks.

Including a taller, muscular male camel who had a light, decorative shawl thrown across his back, and a spear at his side. “Hello there, pony?” He carefully called, as if the language was not one he was used to.

“Oh thank the stars, he speaks equish,” Swift Light muttered under her breath. “Yes hello!” She called back, only to remember her teeth.

Turning away, the unicorn cast a quick illusion spell before turning back to find that the camel now stood at the bottom of the dune, one of his hooves touching the shaft of his weapon. “Where you come from?” He demanded in a gruff yet not unfriendly tone.

“I… don't know,” Swift Light replied, shrugging her shoulders.

The camel raised an eyebrow. “You are strange.”

“I am quite aware. May I come down?” She asked.

The camel nodded slowly. “You need water? Well here good.”

“That would be wonderfull thank you,” replied Swift Light as she hopped gingerly down the hot sand dune.

Once on the same level as the camel, Swift Light realized just how tall the hooved creature was. Standing a full head and shoulders higher than the unicorn, Swift Light idly wondered who was taller, him or princess Celestia. Brushing that thought aside, she followed the camel after he turned and began to walk towards the village.

“Come, you tell Ali why you here,” declared the camel.

“My name is Swift Light and I am a guard from Equestria,” announced the pony. “My mission is secret, but know that I am not here to harm anyone, nor do I intend on staying in your lands for long.”

The camel nodded slowly as they made their way towards the well, the other villagers crowding around. With a nod, and a few words of his own language, a female drew forth a bucket of water, which he offered to the guard. “Then you would do well to fill your bottle here, as it's a few hours to the next city,” explained the camel.

“Ahh thank you,” accepted the pony, who gingerly poured the crystal clear water into her cantine before drinking what wouldn't fit. “You wouldn't happen to be able to point me in that direction could you?”

“Straight west,” replied the male, his hoof pointing in the same direction. “The city sit on large rock. Hard to miss. Here, take this before you go.”

The camel retreived a scarf from beneath his shawl, and offered it the guard, who took it graciously, wrapping the red cloth around her mouth and nose. “Thank you very much, though I had a few more questions before…” Swift Light trailed off as she felt a sudden pressure bare down on her horn.

The pain was akin to the discomfort which came whenever Celestia chose to cast something particularly powerful, and quite mana intensive. It also felt as though it was from somewhere nearby, though the pony couldn't pick out from exactly where other than just north. After a moment it passed, and she looked around in confusion, trying to find any sign of a fellow unicorn.

“You feel them too,” stated the camel.

Swift Light nodded. “I do. Have there been any strangers sighted around here?”

Ali nodded. “Three days ago a group of ponies came and demanded water. After they left the strange feelings began.”

“That's not good,” Swift Light muttered. “Probably a high level teleportation spell, though that doesn't make any sense.”

Ali lifted an eyebrow expectantly.

Swift Light shook her head. “Nothing. I’m trying to find these ponies, as they are likely up to no good.”

The camel hummed thoughtfully, his gaze becoming distant. “Watch out for ruins. They are… cursed?” He half asked, half stated, as if he had never used that word before.

“Understood, and thank you,” Swift Light replied, before bowing and turning away.

The gathered villagers parted for her like water, all while whispering among themselves, openly wondering what this could mean for their isolated community. Swift Light didn't think about it for long, and merely kept walking, remembering to keep her hooves in a straight line. She had been told more than a few tales of ponies getting lost in the endless desert because they didn't think to do that and Swift Light was determined not to end up like them.

The sun had crossed the middle of the sky not long ago, and now it was making its slow descent towards the horizon. Swift Light thanked the stars that at least now she had something to cover her face, and protect her from the harsh blasts of sand. Her stomach was beginning to growl, but with her target in sight, and a road beneath her hooves, the mare’s spirits remained high.

The cobblestones she trode were clearly ancient, as they pointed towards a city that most likely didn't exist anymore. They were also partially covered by drifts of sand, but Swift Light didn't mind, for at the end of the road lay what looked like a bustling town. A few pegasi had even set up shop above the community, their cloud homes anchored at the south end of the populated area.

As she walked, the sand dunes ended, giving way to dirt which in turn was replaced by bushes, trees and then finally farms. Though small by the standards of Equestria, the field of vegetables she stood before was impressive for such a small community in what was likely a backwater province. A few slender equines Swift Light recognized as native saddle arabians could be seen tending a patch along with several camels.

Other species were present, such as a pegasus who was pushing around a lonely cloud, as well as a bored looking minotaur who stood guard though they were in the minority. Upon noticing Swift Light’s presence the bovine soldier stopped leaning on his large double headed axe and put a hand to his forehead in order to keep the light from his eye. Seeing this, Swift Light waved, making it clear that she was not making an attempt to sneak into the isolated town.

That seemed to relax the minotaur, though he still hefted his weapon over his shoulder and began to approach her. Upon getting a few feet away he raised a hand, and came to a complete stop.

“Halt. What is your business in Tadmor, pony?” demanded the minotaur.

Swift Light briefly looked him up and down, inspecting his sparkling clean weapon and aged, yet well cared for set of steel armor. A leather undershirt ensured the male was comfortable, and though he wore no helmet, Swift Light could see that it was hanging from his hip. All and all he had the look of a strong warrior, though one that wore hand me down armor, and wielded a weapon he’s likely never swung before.

“I’m looking for something, and someone,” Swift Light replied, stopping a few feet away from the minotaur.

“What and who might that be?” pressed the minotaur.

“A dangerous artifact and the pony who would use it for evil,” Swift Light declared.

The large male blinked. “Huh. Well then. You certainly look like your some sorta guard.”

“So I’ve been told,” Swift Light remarked. “May I ask you a few questions?”

The guard plunked the base of his weapon against the ground and leaned on the axe head. “It beats staring at an empty road all day, fire away.”

“Alright, first do you-”

Starlight Twist

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Twenty minutes later, and Swift Light was on her way once more, the mare making her way towards the center of town. Her teeth gnashed, her jaw clenched tightly and her mind whirled with the realization that her sister was out here of all places. Not only that but she was already on the trail of what were likely the exact same nerdowells Swift Light had already fought once before.

It felt like something princess Celestia would do in order to get a laugh, while also ensuring things remained secret. Though it bothered the guard that she hadn't been in the loop, and that she would have to work with her sister, at least Swift Light had a direction. Looking around the town, Swift Light searched for the taller wood and stone building that her sibling was supposedly staying at.

The place was apparently an inn at one point, but now it only housed the bar’s owner and his family while also having a lower level that people could potentially rent out. If the minotaur’s words were true then it likely wasn't the best accommodation, though it was fairly cheap. Hopefully it came with room service, as Swift Light’s stomach was beginning to rumble quite vigorously at that point.

Finding herself at the entrance, Swift Look looked around the sides of the structure, searching for the cellar door she had been told about. After finding the aged wooden entrance, the guard clopped her hoof against it twice in rapid succession before stepping back. In the silence that followed, Swift Light inspected the aged stone structure that served as the town’s only watering hole.

Though it didn't appear to have been updated this century, the place was sturdy, and built on a large stone foundation. The clip clop of hooves coming from within the structure directed Swift Light’s attention down, to where the cellar entrance had been pushed open. Looking down into the narrow space, the unicorn saw a frowning blue furred face looking up at her.

After a moment, the clearly feminine face twisted into a scrunch, her sharp blue eyes narrowing and her white brows furrowing. “How are you even here, and how did you find me?” She asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and confusion in equal measure.

Swift Light sighed. “In order, it's a long story, and some minotaur told me.”

The pegasus fluffed her wings, resettling the feathers which started as dark blue as her coat and faded all the way to white at their tips. “I knew I should have been more secretive,” she muttered to herself. “And what do you mean it's a long story? What happened and why is your voice so… off?”

The unicorn glanced left and right before leaning in. “Look I’ll tell you everything soon. Would you please invite me inside already?”

“You didn't get turned into a vampire or something, did you?” questioned the pegasus, who ran a hoof through her white and teal mane.

“No I did not get turned into a vampire,” Swift Light replied with an exasperated sigh.

“Well then I suppose there is no harm in inviting you in,” the pegasus replied, taking a step back and extending a hoof. “Welcome to my humble hole.”

Swift Light frowned as she trotted down the rickety steps and into the basement. “Thank you Starlight Twist. It is nice to get out of the sun.”

“Did I just hear my sister complain about being in the sun too long? Now I know something is wrong.” Remarked Starlight, who pretended to clean her ear with a hoof.

“Ha ha. Very funny,” deadpanned the other mare, who looked around the rather disheveled space, her gaze falling on the pile of papers and a large table set up in the middle of the room. “I assume you are here for the same reason I am?”

The pegasus pulled shut the cellar doors and locked them securely before trotting over to the other mare and laying a wing on her back. “That depends. Are you actually my sister?” replied the pegasus coldly.

“Are there changelings all the way out here?” asked the guard, who didn't flinch when she felt the hidden blade rest against her back.

“There might be,” offered Starlight Twist mysteriously.

Swift Light hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose I could reminisce about all your embarrassing attempts at love, but I would rather like to relax sometime today.”

“Now who's being the funny one? Besides, my attempts at finding a partner are public knowledge so it wouldn't help your case,” pressed the pegasus.

“You never really were the most subtle, despite how much you tease me for being so bull headed,” Swift Light smirked. “But let's just cut right to it. You are actually super proud of your birthmark. It makes you feel special, as if you were chosen by Luna or something.”

The pegasus blinked, and looked down her snout to the small crescent moon shaped bit of white fur above her upper lip on the left side of her face. “I… never told anyone that,” she muttered after a brief pause.

“Except when you were alone in the bathroom one morning when you were going to school to become a teacher,” Swift Light countered. “From what I gathered someone teased you and you didn't particularly like that. You really should close the door when you use the toilet by the way, it's weird that you don't.”

The pegasus recoiled, retrieving her wing. “I will have you know that it is quite freeing. You should try loosening up sometime!”

Swift Light rolled her eyes. “So do you believe who I say I am or what?”

Starlight Twist sighed. “I guess. Though I’m a little weirded out that you won't take off your scarf thingie inside. It's not like you need to worry about the sand inside.”

The guard gripped the end of the peice of cloth and frowned. “It's a bit unnerving, so don't freak out.”

“Pfft, after catching you making out with your Celestia body pillow I don't think I could ever be unnerved again,” retorted the pegasus dismissively.

“That was-” Swift Light growled, and tore off the scarf. “There, now do you think this is a laughing matter?”

Starlight Twist blinked. “Um… what am I supposed to be looking at? Cus as far as I can tell you haven't gotten any uglier.”

Swift Light face hooved, and lit her horn, dismissing the illusion she had forgotten about. “There, now does it make sense?”

“Are those real?” Starlight Twist pressed, leaning forward.

“Quite real I’m afraid. I watched the old ones fall right out of my mouth,” Swift Light remarked bitterly.

Starlight Twist prodded one of the sharp teeth with a hoof. “Wow. They are real, and real sharp too.”

Swift Light rolled her eyes. “Why do you always have to poke everything to see if it's real? One of these times your going to end up with more than just a pricked hoof.”

The pegasus waved her bleeding hoof dismissively. “It's all part of the magical process my dear Swifty. Those of us without horns must rely on our other senses and other information gathering techniques.”

“Yeah yeah, now can you tell me how to fix them?” Swift Light demanded.

The other mare trotted over to a nearby end table and retrieved a bandage from a bag, applying it to her hoof with practiced ease. “I assume you tried the usual routine of healing spells and counterspells?” She asked.

“Of course. I’m not an idiot,” Swift Light retorted.

Starlight Twist trotted over to the main pile of papers, and retreived a wand from beneath a rather tall stack, causing it to spill everywhere. The mare was unbothered by this though, and put the peice of wood into her mouth before walking back over to the other pony.

“I’m not insulting you, I just have to ask,” replied the pegasus in a low tone.

“Right. I’m sorry, it's just this entire thing has become really stressful,” Swift Light remarked tiredly. “You would not believe what I’ve had to go through over the last few days and I’ve only managed to get one of the artifacts.”

“Oh so you did manage to get the first one?” Asked the pegasus, before she leaned forward, her wand glowing as she focused on Swift Light’s mouth.

The guard made sure to pull back her lips as much as possible, giving her sister an unobstructed view of her altered teeth. “It's in my bag, and I’m hoping you’ll be able to point me towards my next target.”

“And fix your face,” Starlight Twist finished, her wand flashing brightly.

Swift Light winced. “Yeah pretty much.”

“Alright then, start from the beginning,” Starlight Twist insisted.

The guard breathed deeply. “Alright, so I was sent to this fishing village right, and…”


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“-And now I’m here,” Swift Light finished. “Any luck?”

Starlight Twist frowned, and took a step back. “Well I can tell you one thing. Your teeth are stuck that way. I don't know how, but this spell reworked how your body sees itself.”

“What do you mean?” pressed the guard.

“It's like it made your brain forget you ever even had the teeth of an herbivore in the first place,” Starlight Twist explained, spitting her smoking wand onto the table and extending a hoof. “Show me the sword.”

Swift Light did just that, retrieving the ancient weapon from her bags and placing it on the table. “I suppose sharp teeth aren't the worst, though it sure will make eating salads difficult.”

The researcher chuckled. “And good luck getting Celestia to kiss that ugly mug of yours.”

“That was never going to happen in the first place,” Swift Light stated slightly sadly.

“Crazier things have happened. I mean come on, Discord is reformed now. Who would have thought that would ever happen?” Starlight Twist asked as she pulled out a magnifying glass and began to inspect the blade.

“I’ll believe that in a year or ten,” Swift Light muttered bitterly. “So why were you worried about changelings anyway?”

“Oh there is one in town here, well sorta,” Starlight Twist remarked as she peered intently at the hilt of the weapon. “It's a long story.”

“Well it's not like I got anything better to do,” countered the guard, who plunked down on a rickety chair and grabbed a nearby peice of bread before biting down on it.

The pegasus hummed thoughtfully to herself. “Their name is Viciz and they were a unicorn who happened to turn themselves into a changeling somehow.”

“Really?” Swift Light deadpanned, inadvertently spitting food as she did so. “I always thought that whole forcible transformation thing was just a rumour.”

“It is,” Starlight Twist began. “Changelings themselves can't actually do such a thing. This researcher was in a bit of an accident, meaning the results can't really be replicated.”

“I suppose that is good,” Swift Light murmured. “Why are they out here anyway and are they dangerous?”

“No,” Starlight Twist quickly replied. “She is harmless, and is out here in search of some sort of rare ingredient they need for a potion. I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on her but it's not like she’s done anything to warrant such suspicion.”

“Well you can't just leave a changeling to wander. If Chrysalis ever got a hold of her, it would be bad for everyone involved,” Swift Light concluded.

“Pretty much, but it still doesn't sit well with me,” Starlight Twist remarked, the mare putting down her magnifying glass and sitting up straight. “I think I got an idea as to where the next artifact is, but you’ll need a guide.”

“Why do you say that?” Swift Light replied, trotting over to the other pony.

Who handed back the weapon. “Because the next artifact is in the deep sands. A place that is supposedly the center of an ancient super city, and a location now overrun with terrifying critters, among other obstacles. The endless oasis, to be precise.”

“Other obstacles?” Swift Light pressed.

“Shifting sand dunes, mirages, treacherous terrain, monsters, the whole nine yards,” Starlight Twist replied. “As far as I can tell the hilt is some manner of abstract map that wants you to go to the very center of the sands.”

“Hmmm,” Swift Light tapped her chin. “You said this changeling was searching the area for something right? How long have they been out here?”

“A good few months I’d say,” Starlight replied.

“Do you think this Viciz individual might be able to guide me there?” Swift Light inquired.

Starlight Twist shrugged. “Not sure, either way you will find her on the north side of town most likely hold up in a small hut away from the others. Either way it would be nice to put them under your care for a while so I can get some real work done before I have to move on to the next location.”

“Then it's settled,” Swift Light threw her bags over her back, and began to make her way towards the cellar exit. “I will enlist this changeling, and together we will locate the next artifact before these mysterious nerdowells are able to do the same.”

“I’d hurry if I were you. They’ve had quite the head start, and don't seem to have any qualms forcing the population to do their bidding either,” Starlight Twist warned.

“If they are anything like the last bunch then they won't be a problem,” Swift Light replied confidently, turning to her sister and opening her forehooves. “Thanks again Twisty.”

“No problem Swifty,” replied the other mare, who hugged her sister back. “I’ll make sure to tell mom you said hi.”

“Thank you, and best of luck with your research,” replied the guard.

Swift Light looked over her shoulder, and after confirming that no one had followed her, turned back around. Trotting towards the small hut at the heart of a small clump of gnarled trees, Swift Light carefully scanned her surroundings. Despite her sister informing her that they were supposedly harmless, Swift Light couldn't help but be on edge and she tugged her scarf up over her mouth.

Changelings were not to be trifled with, and even if this individual had at one point been a pony, they werent anymore. No traps littered the winding path, no magical signatures could be felt, and other than things being slightly overgrown, the place seemed normal enough. Once the guard broke through the tree cover, she looked up to find herself standing directly before the decrypt home.

It was clearly old, and had likely been abandoned by the villagers at one point, though Swift Light knew not why that was. Either way her target was inside, and after giving the circular mud brick hut another look over, she walked up to the primitive door. Clopping her hoof twice on the simple wooden object, Swift Light took a step back, eagerly awaiting a response.

When none came, she had been about to knock again when she heard a groan come from within. A second later and the door opened to reveal what looked like a unicorn, a yawn on her lips and heavy bags under her eyes. To say the mare looked tired would be an understatement, and in her hoof was a cup of what Swift Light presumed was coffee, given the aroma.

Swift Light quickly looked the other pony up and down, comparing her against the description given to her by the guard’s sister. Taller, slightly on the slender side, with a long flowing purple mane and tail which started a bit deeper at her scalp and was nearly purple at the tips. Her eyes were light blue, and she had an unfurled scroll on her flank behind which was purplish blue flame.

“Viciz?” Swift Light asked.

The unicorn nodded slowly, sipping her coffee. “Yup, that's me. What do you need?”

“I’m with the guard and I-” was all Swift Light managed before the unicorn cut her off by groaning loudly.

“Don't tell me your here to ‘inspect’ me again. I swear if another one of you guards gets hoovesy with me I really will join Chrysalis!” She shouted, throwing her hooves up and nearly spilling her coffee.

Blushing profusely, Swift Light shook her head. “N-no it's nothing like that. I’m actually here on a mission to recover some magical artifacts and I had hoped to employ you as a guide.”

Immediately the unicorn’s mood shifted, and she let out a long sigh. “Well that's a relief. The last time I spoke to a pony from the crown I swore they were ready to dissect me,” the unicorn turned changeling shuddered. “Its like I was a lab animal or something to her.”

Swift Light bit back the urge to comment on her sibling and instead merely smiled. “I’m sorry that happened. Now, would you be able to help me by chance?”

“Ahh well, why don't you come inside and we can speak somewhere private?” Viciz offered.

The guard nodded. “That is acceptable.”

Viciz stepped back and extended a hoof invitingly. “Welcome to my humble little abode sir guard. I would offer you something to drink but all of my coffee is rather special.”

Swift Light stepped inside, and swept her gaze over the area, noting that it was a small single room dwelling. A diminutive stove sat on one side of the round room while a simple bedroll sat on the other, the only real peice of furniture being a newish looking table. Which dominated the room and was covered with books, scraps of paper, as well as dozens of bottles of plants, liquids, or other, seemingly random objects.

“What do you mean?” Swift Light inquired.

Viciz closed the door, and shifted a small bolt into place, locking it. “I assume you know of my erm, condition?”

“I do,” Swift Light replied coldly.

“Ahh well, this should be easy then. It's because it has love in it,” Viciz replied, the changeling shedding her disguise as she made her way over to the small stove, and retrieved the small pot of coffee.

Swift Light couldn't help but stare as she watched the former unicorn pour herself another cup and took a sip. She looked nearly the same, having gained only the usual holes, and slitted eyes which stayed the same color as her normal eyes. Other than that she had the usual black chitin, and wings, though the new appendages were the same color as her mane and tail were.

The guard was about to look away when she noticed that the mare’s cutie mark remained, though the flames under the scroll were now a bright green color.

“You like what you see?” teased the changeling, who shot the guard a sultry expression over her shoulder.

Swift Light hastily shook her head. “I was just curious is all.”

“I know, I’m just messing with you,” replied the changeling, who chuckled. “It's one of the benefits of this form. I can literally smell your paranoia and barely contained curiosity.”

Swift Light snorted. “Yes well. Why don't we move onto the purpose of my visit. Unless you feel like wasting more of my time.”

“Nah. Your frustrated enough already, and I don't want any trouble,” Viciz replied, the changeling sitting down on her bedroll. “Please continue.”

Swift Light cleared her throat. “I require a guide to bring me to the center of this deep sands place.”

The changeling raised a non-existent eyebrow. “Oh? And this is where these artifacts you require are located?”

“I have reason to believe that one of them is there, yes,” Swift Light answered.

Viciz nodded slowly. “And what is in it for me?”

Swift Light’s immediate response was to simply demand her assistance, but she resisted the urge to say so. “What would you like in return? Because if it's bits you want then I’m afraid you are going to be disappointed,” Swift Light replied.

The changeling shook her head. “I do not require money. What would I even buy out here, grain? No, what I need is protection, and a helping hoof.”

The guard raised an eyebrow. “Go on,” she encouraged.

“There are many interesting and rare components in the deep sands, but I am no fighter,” explained Viciz.

“So if I watch your back while you harvest these materials then you would be willing to guide me to where I need to go?” Swift Light finished.

The researcher nodded. “A most mutually beneficial trade, if I do say so myself.”

“And your harvesting, would it take long?” Swift Light pressed.

“Mere minutes and not only that but it should be along the way so there would be very little deviation, if any at all,” Viciz answered.

Swift Light scratched her chin. “I suppose that is fair. Do you have any other skills that I should know about?”

The other female shrugged. “Not many I’m afraid. I’ve studied the local legends more so out of boredom though I’ve become something of an expert on the deserts flora and fauna.”

“That will come in handy,” Swift Light remarked. “How good is your shapeshifting?”

“Terrible,” muttered the changeling. “The only form I can hold for any amount of time is my old one, and though I can shift into almost anything, I can only stay in that form for seconds at best.”

“That is… unfortunate,” Swift Light murmured.

“From what I’ve gathered it's a mental thing, as I still see myself as a unicorn while natural born changelings are taught to consider their identity in a more fluid manner,” explained Viciz.

Swift Light waved a hoof. “No matter. I will ensure we reach our destination unharmed so long as you inform me of the dangers beforehand.”

Viciz smiled and extended her own hoof. “Then I think we have a deal.”

“We do,” Swift Light declared, shaking the offered limb.

Endless Dunes

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Viciz all but collapsed onto the shady ground, her unicorn form falling away to reveal the black chitin which lay beneath. Now beneath two ruined pillars which formed a simple lean to, Viciz relaxed, pulling out a canteen and sucking back a mouthful of water. The second the liquid began its descent towards her belly, the female let out a sigh, and spread her wings.

Swift Light approached a second later, a grim, yet clearly tired look on her sweat covered face. “We have to keep moving, this is no place to rest,” declared the guard.

“Some of us aren't used to spending days walking through the desert at a breakneck pace!” Viciz declared, throwing up her hooves in frustration.

“It hasn't been that bad, besides, we got your samples,” Swift Light pointed out.

“Not that bad? That was like a forced march with barely enough time to sleep or clean up!” Viciz shouted. “I have had sand in places I didn't even know existed and I can't stop lest I be left behind!”

“I wouldn't-” Swift Light sighed, and stepped into the shade. “I suppose another break would be acceptable, provided we are actually nearing our target.”

Viciz collapsed completely, limbs spread in all directions. “The tyrant does have a merciful side. Oh and yes, we are quite close actually, only another hour or so in fact.”

“I am not a tyrant, why the first march we did after entering basic was harder than this,” Swift Light retorted, pulling her scarf from her face and taking a sip of her canteen.

“Wait, what's wrong with your teeth?” Viciz inquired, the changeling trotting over to her traveling partner. “You always drank at night or when I wasn't looking.”

The guard’s eyes went wide, and though she was tempted to hide it, Swift Light quickly realized that would be a wasted effort. “It was a side effect of acquiring the first artifact,” she replied after a short pause. “One that I had not foreseen.”

“Fascinating,” Viciz replied in a breathless tone. “Do you think it will happen again when you manage to find the next one?”

Swift Light shuddered. “I sure hope not. This is unnerving enough as is,”

Viciz nodded slowly. “I suppose that would be quite the change to some.”

“But nothing to you,” Swift Light pointed out.

“True, though I’m just glad to have survived the accident that made me what I am,” Viciz remarked.

Swift Light winced. “You must have been lucky.”

“As were you,” added the changeling.

“Right, well. We should get moving. I want to get to the temple before nightfall. I can't afford to let them have another day to do whatever it is they are trying to accomplish,” Swift Light stated, the guard turning towards the dessert once more, her gaze lingering on the lengthening shadows and the distant evening sun.

“Right. This pillar appears to be part of the pilgrim road which should lead directly to the center of the deep sands,” Viciz explained.

“That must be where the endless oasis resides,” Swift Light exclaimed.

“Don't tell me that's where the next artifact is located?” Viciz inquired in a slightly fearful tone.

“I do, why?” Swift Light countered.

“It's dangerous for one, and if you asked the locals it's both haunted, and cursed,” replied the changeling.

“Explain,” demanded the unicorn.

“Supposedly it's sphinx protector refused to leave after the city fell and its spirit still guards over the magical artifact which produced the water upon which the city needed to survive,” Viciz lectured. “And cursed because there are a number of magical defences that turn any would be thieves into ravenous monsters.”

Swift Light hummed thoughtfully. “Do you know anything else about this spirit or the temple’s defences?”

Viciz shook her head. “The villagers dare not approach it, and that few survived their attempts at breaching its defences.”

The guard nodded. “Then it is merely another obstacle I must bypass.”

“We,” replied the changeling, who straightened her back and stepped closer to the other mare. “I will be joining you when you venture into the temple.”

“I thought you were going to stay behind?” Swift Light countered.

“That was before I heard there was a magical artifact with incredible mutagenic properties inside,” Viciz declared, grinning excitedly.

Swift Light chuckled. “Well so long as you continue to follow my orders and stay out of trouble I don't see why you couldn't join.”

Viciz rolled her eyes. “You need not worry about me, I am an expert after all.”

The changeling redonned her unicorn disguise and stepped out into the dessert, leaving Swift Light alone.

Shaking her head, Swift Light smiled. “Well I guess this one won’t be a solo mission after all.”

“Is this it?” Swift Light questioned, the mare peeking out from around one of the obelisks which lined the long road.

Viciz nodded slowly. “It has to be. Only the desert pearl has the power to sustain such a large oasis in this climate.”

“Interesting,” Swift Light murmured, her gaze lingering on the distant hill flanked by waterfalls, and dominated by the entrance to a temple at its center.

In front of the large hourglass shaped opening was a circular platform ringed by more obelisks, from which sprouted three roads. Two split off at acute angles to the main highway that the pair had been using for the better part of a day at this point. The other minor thoroughfares didn't make it far before crumbling into the small lake of water which was in turn fed by twin waterfalls starting from somewhere atop the structure.

It was a beautiful sight, with small bunches of desert grass, shrubs, and even the odd palm tree sprouting from the sandy ruins. The small lake was also surprisingly deep, and Swift Light silently wondered if the roads floated atop it somehow. Tearing her gaze away from the crystal clear waters, Swift Light inspected the entrance to the temple closely.

Three floors had evidently been built into the hillside, though the stained glass windows which looked into them had not survived the passage of time. Jagged edges of shattered color contrasted the otherwise pearl white pillars which held up what looked like an oversized shrine at the very top. Upon which rested a pedestal, as well as an oversized representation of what Swift Light assumed was the dessert pearl itself.

Though the desert wind had not been kind to the structure, Swift Light could tell that it would have been majestic in its day. With the main road dotted by obelisks, and carvings which were inlaid into the ground left little doubt in her mind that this was the place. A sentiment that was only proven even more true when she noticed the distinct shape of tents huddled about the base of the structure.

“There, do you see them?” Swift Light whispered.

Viciz peeked out from behind their cover, eyes narrowing. “I see tents, but no movement, nor emotions.”

The guard followed her guide’s gaze, and found that a small rope ladder was attached to the top of the temple near the pearl sculpture. Though now it was blowing in the wind and was attached only by a single cord, it was clear where these mystery men were. After scanning the tents and the top of the temple for a few minutes longer, Swift Light stepped out from her cover, confident that they were alone.

For now.

“Come on, we should check out their campsite. Maybe we can find out why they didn't go in the front,” Swift Light declared.

“I’d put my money on the traps being too much for them, and they are trying to brute force their way in.” Viciz remarked.

“I wouldn't take that bet,” Swift Light chuckled. “Brute force seems to be about the only thing these guys know how to do with any degree of skill.”

“So you know them then?” Viciz asked as the pair crept toward the deserted campsite.

“I have a hunch that they are the same people I’ve faced before. Though I’m surprised that they managed to beat me here,” Swift Light replied. “I left town before they could have even packed up their camp.”

“You mentioned something about a hornache on the way here. Perhaps they teleported here,” Viciz pointed out.

“Possible, but such long range teleportation is very rare, and usually requires large arrays used only by the richest of noble families,” Swift Light explained. “Lets save this discussion for later, right now we need to stay quiet and search the area.”

The changeling nodded, and after closing her eyes, shifting forms, becoming a cat with the same coloration as she did when she was a unicorn. Swift Light had no such ability to disguise herself, but she also didn't need to, and the unicorn levitated her sword from its scabbard. Prowling through the deserted camp, the guard started by searching the tents and picking one at random.

Opening it up, the unicorn was surprised to find that it still had plenty of supplies, though it had no perishables in sight. Food and water had been taken, but not the extra scarves, clothes, or personal effects like combs, or other grooming equipment. The beds were also still made, but had a thin covering of sand, proving that they had not returned for some time.

Searching the other tents revealed the same, and the guard was about to finish her search with the smallest tent which was slightly out of the way. Only for Viciz to emerge from it, shift back into her changeling form, and puke up her lunch immediately after the green flames had dissipated. Swift Light charged into the tent, weapon raised, ready for some manner of horrifying enemy, or grotesque sight.

What she was not ready for were three mangled, and mutated corpses laying partially hidden under a large black blanket. Tugging back the edge in order to reveal them in their entirety, Swift Light nearly lost her grip on her sword when she laid eyes on the gruesome scene. Three stallions, each one sporting some manner of menial labor oriented cutie mark and dull colorations lay dead.

They were also in various stages of mutation, though into what wasn't readily apparent, even to Swift Light’s trained eye. One was sporting the hood of a cobra over his warped face, and a single enormous fang stuck from his mouth. Another had lost the back half of its body and now had a snake tail, while the final one had the eyes of a reptilian predator as well as strangely feminine features.

Each one had been killed by blunt objects which had evidently been used to bludgeon them to death. They were also not quite at the same stages of decomposition, telling Swift Light that they had evidently tried several times to breach the same trap and failed each time. With that in mind, the guard gently covered them back up and stepped outside just as Viciz was gathering herself once more.

“W-what happened to them?” Asked the changeling.

Swift Light shrugged. “I’m not sure, but evidently they were killed by their allies before they could finish changing into whatever they had been about to turn into.”

“Thats horrible,” Viciz muttered. “What do we do?”

“Nothing,” Swift Light replied. “All we can do is ensure that we don't repeat their mistakes and end up like those poor bastards.”

“Can't we at least bury them or something?” Viciz pressed.

Swift Light raised an eyebrow. “Where exactly?”

The changeling sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Though it feels like we could do more.”

“I’ll send word once we reach town. Someone will come to recover their bodies,” Swift Light declared.

“I guess that will have to be enough,” Viciz muttered.

“Come on, we gotta keep moving if we are going to have a chance at beating them to the artifact,” Swift Light encouraged.

Viciz nodded, giving the tent one final glance before following the other mare. “This is turning out a little darker than I anticipated.”

“What were you imaging, a Daring Do novel?” Swift Light quipped.

The changeling’s shoulders sunk. “I guess I kind of was.”

“Well I’d quash that thought if I were you. This won't be fun, and it isn't likely that you’ll get resurrected in the sequel,” Swift Light murmured, only to stop, and hold up a hoof. “Wait, do you hear that?”

“It's pretty hard to hear anything over the sound of those water falls,” Viciz exclaimed.

“The thumping sound,” Swift Light added.

Viciz frowned. “I think I can hear it. Sounds almost like someone is digging.”

“They must be trying to break in,” Swift Light exclaimed, jabbing a hoof towards the entrance. “Quick, we have to get there before they do.”

Together the pair began to sprint towards the entrance, and crossed through a thin veil of mist which had been formed by the twin waterfalls. With their fur and carapace glistening, the adventurers plunged head first into the temple, emerging into a wide open room. One which had stairwells filled with rubble on either side, and a second much smaller stone entrance further inside.

Ignoring the impassable stairs, Swift Light trotted up to the door and after finding that it was not trapped in any manner, pulled it open. Stepping into the next area, the guard was surprised to find that this room was far larger than the first, with a ceiling dozens of meters high. Before them was a three metre wide walkway which was flanked on either side by pools of pristine blue water.

Also on either side were three large bronze colored pipes, from which flowed a thin trickle of water which dripped constantly. Now with a stone door between them and the waterfalls, there was only the sound of their breath and the drop of water against water. Turning her attention towards the set of oval shaped double doors which lay across from them, Swift Light lit her horn, prepared to start searching for more traps.

The spell she used told her that there were no such mundane traps on the door, though a powerful hex had been placed upon its dual handles. Inspecting it with a closer eye, Swift Light found that there were several lines of words in a dozen different languages engraved therein. Though Swift Light could only read one line of it, she got the impression that it was the same thing over and over.

“Once spoken I am broken,” she muttered.

“That's what it says in taur, high equine, middle steppe, and old ponish,” Viciz added. “I don't understand the other two languages, though I get a feeling it's the same message.”

“What do you think it means?” Swift Light asked.

“It sounds like a riddle of some kind,” Viciz replied.

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Swift Light grinned. “Oh this is easy. How didn't those morons get past a simple riddle?”

The changeling shrugged. “Maybe it's actually a trick question?”

Swift Light shook her head. “This used to be one of Celestia’s favorites.

“Well hold on, shouldn't we discuss this?” Viciz insisted.

Swift Light rolled her eyes and trotted up to the door, and cleared her throat. “Silence,” she shouted.

The two females stood there silently for several seconds before Swift Light’s patience broke and she began to approach the door. “I guess it-” was all she managed to utter before a click came from behind them. “What was that?”

“That was the exit, I think it’s locked!” Viciz shouted.

Swift Light chuckled nervously. “It must be this door that opened, it's probably just the acoustics of this room.”

The guard tugged at the door fruitlessly, her muscles bulging yet the door did not even budge. “Come on you stupid thing,” Swift Light cursed, tugging harder.

Viciz meanwhile, had sprinted across the room and pulled as hard as she could on the exit. “It's locked!” shouted the changeling.

Swift Light lit her horn and shot a bolt of magic at the door, which was harmlessly deflected into the ceiling where it dissipated utterly, not even leaving behind a scorch mark. As the guard began to build up more energy for another spell, the trickling water suddenly turned into a torrent. The cacophony of sound made Swift Light’s shout of irritation inaudible, even to the mare herself.

Both changeling and unicorn continued to fire magic, or otherwise scramble desperately in order to escape. While all around them the water level rose higher and higher, rapidly reaching their hooves and still climbing steadily. No combination of spell or strength could move either door, and soon the water level had risen to their stomachs with no sign of slowing.

While Viciz took flight in order to avoid being submerged, Swift Light had no such choice, and dog paddled weakly in order to stay above the water. A move that was growing increasingly difficult, as her limbs were growing heavy for reasons Swift Light couldn't understand. It was only after both the exit and entrance were gone that the guard realized something had gone terribly wrong.

Her back legs were numb, and that same numbness was now crawling up her midsection, causing her chest to tingle. She tried to kick her back legs harder, and after they didn't respond she looked down to find that things had only become worse. Where once she had two legs and a tail, the guard sported only a single short scale covered tail that had black stripes crossing it.

Screaming in terror, the guard tried to push her new body part, and get her out of the water, forelegs stretched towards Viciz. Her new tail seemed only partially formed however, and it wasn't nearly strong enough to carry her out of the water. For a moment she felt the changeling’s arua grip her before Swift Light plunged beneath the churning surf.

She hardly had enough time to gulp down a breath of much needed oxygen before Swift Light vanished, scrambling desperately to rise once more. Unfortunately for her, the numbness had extended all the way up to the midway point of her torso, leaving her back end useless. With over half of her limbs no longer answering her call, Swift Light dropped like a stone, her forelegs continuing to clutch uselessly at the fading world above her.

Reaching down, she tried to wake her slumbering reptilian tail, but her punches were weak and did little. Scales crawled up her torso, ending at just under her belly button, gaining definition, and growing thicker as time passed. Her tail also extended, growing nearly three times as long as her body and thinning until it was as narrow as a whip at the end.

It resembled the tail of a sea snake Swift Light had seen once when she had gone to the Canterlot zoo. The changes didn't stop there though, and as Swift Light tried to muster enough energy to cast a fireball spell, she felt the bones in her torso shift. It wasn't that painful, but it was still enough to distract her, causing the unicorn’s spell to fizzle before it could be cast.

Glancing down, Swift Light was scared to find out what had changed only to be surprised when she noticed that she was overall more lithe. She almost had the appearance of a dancer, with rolling curves that guided the eye down her body and to her tail. Her air was beginning to run out though, and with a renewed burst of energy, the pony tried to claw her way back to the surface.

Unfortunately for her she was too far away, and a moment later she felt herself bump into something hard. The ground now beneath her, and no time left, Swift Light tried to cast something, anything before she drowned. Concentration was a hard thing to gather when you were seconds from dying however, and her spell fizzled once more.

The numbness spreading up her neck and to her head was barely noticed by the unicorn who released her lungfull of oxygen and sunk to the bottom.

Above her, Viciz floated nervously above the water, the changeling’s wings buzzing furiously as she tried to locate her fallen friend. The turbulent waters were too difficult to see through however, and she was left hovering there awkwardly. At least they had stopped rising and no longer posed a threat to the changeling, though that didn't mean she wasn't tempted to dive into them.

She briefly considered turning herself into a fish of some kind before a sudden surge of movement flickered beneath her. Looking down into the churning water Viciz saw the familiar white and gold of her friend begin to rise up towards her. Thanking whatever god was watching over her, the researcher turned adventurer waited for the guard to return to the surface.

That was until she noticed something was off about the murky shape, especially the way that it twisted through the water. She had but a moment to contemplate the strangeness of it all before Swift Light burst from the waves, or at least what looked like Swift Light. Her hair was longer, and flowed unnaturally, as if attempting to steal the viewers attention, something her glowing golden eyes did well.

Not only had her hair and eyes changed, but a long serpentine tongue flickered past her bold red lips. The scent of lust hung heavy in the air, nearly knocking Viciz off her hooves, though she shook her head, dismissing the feeling. She instead refocused on her companion, letting her gaze linger on the mare’s elongated hooves, and thin lithe body. Which transformed from that of a pony’s at about the midsection, turning into the scale covered tail of a reptile that was white with black bands across it.

“What happened to you?” Viciz asked.

The changeling never got her answer, as the creature was already lunging towards her, forehooves extended and jaws open wide, revealing two large fangs among the row of sharp teeth. All Viciz managed to do before being pulled beneath the waves was let out a scream, and flail her forelegs in a weak attempt to keep the other creature back. An attempt that was as weak as it was ineffective, as the lamia wasn't slowed one iota by this attack.

Surprisingly strong forelegs wrapped tight about the changeling’s shoulders and pulled her beneath the waves. Viciz didn't even manage to fill her lungs with oxygen before she was submerged, startling the mare so bad she closed her eyes on instinct. Wings, and legs alike flailed with all the strength Viciz could muster, though nothing seemed to dissuade the creature that was dragging her under.

In seconds they had dropped over a dozen feet, and by the time Viciz opened her eyes she was starting to feel the burning need to fill her lungs with oxygen. Yet with no way of escaping the reptilian creature’s clutches, there was no obvious solution to her problems. That was until she was surprised again when the lamia’s lips pressed against her own, and the creature’s tail wrapped tight around her back legs.

She tried to recoil from the creature’s kiss, but Swift Light had been stronger than her before, and she had only become stronger since. Giving into the embrace, Viciz was surprised to feel air being blown into her mouth, which she breathed eagerly. She wasn't sure how or why the creature was keeping her alive, but it didn't matter, and Viciz eagerly took in deep lungfuls of the stuff.

By the time she felt okay enough to maybe try escaping, a strange numbness had climbed up her midsection and was rapidly approaching her neck. She couldn't even feel her back legs or anything lower than her navel, and more then that, she no longer wanted to escape. The creature’s lips felt so soft, her touch so pleasurable that Viciz didn't even panic when she felt her body hit the ground.

The way Swift Light’s tail wrapped tight about Viciz’s body felt incredible, and she was dimly aware of a faint heat blooming where her genitalia used to be. Within a minute Viciz could breathe on her own, and in five, her own pitch black serpentine tail, wrapped tight about her lovers. The two coiled beneath the waves, writhing and moaning until finally the water drained from the room, and they lay on dry land once more.

Reluctantly, the two parted, and Viciz rose up onto her new midnight black serpent tail. She didn't need to look at herself to know that her body had been changed as her new lover’s had, but she did so anyway. Like swift Light, Viciz now had a sleek svette form that was slightly less bulkier then the other lamia’s though her wings were gone.

The former changeling didn't mourn their loss, as she had maintained most of her other features. Such as the deep purple section of her carapace, and long, prominent fangs which jutted from her lips as well as her jagged horn. The rest of her holes were gone, and her mane had grown longer, in addition to gaining a similar mind of its own as Swift Light’s had.

The two looked at one another, and immediately knew what they were going to do, and so when the exit cracked open they were already moving towards it.

“Why do we have to be the ones to break down camp?” Complained a heavy set earth pony with a brown coat and russet orange hair.

“Because we drew the short end of the stick, now come on. The sooner we get done here the sooner we get to join the others,” Replied a tall, lanky unicorn with a light blue mane and a deep purple coat.

The earth pony folded a tent and tucked it dutifully into its container. “Say, what do you think happened to the others?” he asked.

His companion shrugged. “I don't know, and I don't care. Those morons probably swiped something from the temple and took off before the boss could take it from em.”

“Those three always were greedier than they were smart,” remarked the larger male.

“Oh my Swift Light, would you look at these two studs,” stated a smooth feminine voice.

The two males spun to where a pair of ponies rested at the edge of the road, their bottom halves submerged in the waters. Immediately the pair was smitten by their unearthly beauty, and powerful, elegant curves which captured the eye. Each male could feel their nethers begin to grow warm, and they couldn't help but forget all about what they had been doing.

“You’re right Viciz, they are quite handsome, aren't they?” Stated the white furred and golden haired one.

“What are you two doing out here?” Asked the unicorn, who blushed. “Not like I’m accusing you ladies of anything.”

The darker mare leaned forward seductively. “This is our secret swimming hole we come out to every once and awhile.”

“It keeps us looking young,” added the lighter mare, her orange eyes flashing suddenly.

“Well uh, I don't suppose you’d mind sharing?” asked the larger male, who was grinning expectantly. “I could use a dip, what about you, Long shot?”

The unicorn nodded. “Oh yeah. This job has been stressful and a little swimming would really hit the spot.”

“The more the merrier, isn't that right Swift Light?” Asked Viciz, who flashed the two stallion’s a wink.

“Oh yes, though they are going to have to catch us if they want to be able to do anything more then just splash around in our pool,” added Swift Light before she and her companion slipped beneath the still water.

The two males looked at one another, grinned, and leapt into the water, never to be seen again.


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“It sounds like a riddle of some kind,” Viciz replied.

Swift Light recoiled as if struck, her hoof going to her head, and a groan spilling past her lips. “What the hell?” she murmured.

“Are you alright? Don't tell me the riddle was so hard that just thinking about it gave you an aneurysm,” joked the changeling.

Swift Light shook her head. “I just had a really strange vision of some kind.”

“What happened in it?” Viciz questioned.

“I’m not quite sure anymore. It's fuzzy,” Swift Light murmured, shaking her head. “It doesn't matter.”

“So, back to the riddle then?” Viciz remarked.

“I don't think it's a riddle in the traditional sense,” Swift Light exclaimed, trotting up to the door. “I think we have to make this room silent somehow.”

“That would make sense, as the answer to the riddle was-” Viciz began, only to be cut off when Swift Light stuffed a hoof in her mouth.

“Don't say that word. I’m fairly certain it sets off a trap of some kind,” Swift Light whispered.

The changeling rolled her eyes, and took a step back. “You could have just told me to shut up, you didn't have to put your dirty hoof in my mouth.”

Swift Light blushed. “It was the quickest way to make you stop.”

The changeling shrugged. “Alright then, so we should have to just stop the dripping then right?”

“Again, I’m not totally certain, but I think so,” Swift Light reiterated.

“That should be easy, you cast a small shield spell over those three and I’ll do the others,” Viciz declared.

The guard nodded and did as she was informed, casting three small shields over the openings of the pipes. After her partner did the same, Swift Light glanced over to the door, which sat there unmoving for several long seconds. Then a deep blue light illuminated the glowing script, and reduced it to nothing, before spreading out to the rest of the door.

“Well would you look at that,” Viciz remarked.

“Where do you think that long, spooky hallway leads?” Swift Light replied, cancelling her spell and walking over to said long spooky hallway.

Viciz shrugged. “I have no idea, but I do have a feeling that it's the right direction.”

Swift Light peered into the poorly lit gloom which was illuminated only by two glowing azure blue lines on the ceiling. “I think I can see stairs at the end of it.”

“The chamber must be somewhere below then,” Viciz replied.

“It must be. Well, we might as well see where it leads,” Swift Light exclaimed before taking a step.

The changeling nodded, followed close behind her. “There better not be snakes down here. I hate snakes.”

“Aaand there,” Viciz declared, the changeling standing back up and dusting off her hooves.

Swift Light peered out from around a nearby corner. “Are you sure it's shut off? That thing nearly took off my tail,” asked the guard, who glanced back at the lock of hair which had been removed from her behind.

The changeling chuckled. “If it wasn't, could I do this?”

She stuck her hoof out into the strange beam of blue light which bathed the area in front of another large stone door. Swift Light nearly grabbed the other mare with her magic before she realized that nothing was happening. Now no longer in any danger, the unicorn stepped out from her cover, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well that's great. Hopefully it's the last one. I’m getting sick and tired of all these traps,” Swift Light griped.

“It's a good thing I didn't bring my effeminate brother along with us then,” Viciz quipped.

Swift Light chuckled as she trotted up to the other mare. “You are on a roll this past hour. What's with all the jokes?”

Viciz shrugged. “I finally got used to you and realized that you werent about to bite my head off if I tried to lighten the mood. Now come on, we got another enormous door to open and I don't want to pull something trying to open it.”

“Heh, pull something,” Swift Light murmured giggling at the accidental pun.

Reaching forward, the guard gripped the handle tightly in her hooves and tugged several times. Continuing to do so until finally the ancient stone door opened with a deep grinding sound like two boulders rolling against one another. Though unpleasant to the ears, the sight before them was not, as they now stood before a far larger room then the one behind them.

One that quickly turned into what appeared to be a naturally formed cave of some kind, with long stalactites towering from above. Stepping out onto the landing, Swift Light and Viciz found that they were on some manner of observation post. The stone ground had been carefully cut and inlaid with an image of a large pearl being cupped in the paw of some enormous beast.

There were also guard rails which stopped them from falling off the nearly fifty foot ledge which went all the way down to the cave floor. Stairs could be seen emerging from the right side of the platform, and went all the way to the ground, which appeared to have been formed naturally save for a single large circle in the middle. Around which was a veritable ocean of deep azure water the same brilliant shade of blue as the pool they had seen outside.

The area was illuminated with strange blue bulbs around the wall in addition to an enormous hole in the ceiling, where a long series of ropes descended all the way to the center. Which happened to be near where the pearl itself was located, as well as what looked like a discarded compass, though how it had gotten inside of the shield defending the artifact was not known. They didn't initially notice that smaller detail however, as they were too busy staring in awe at the enormous ethereal sphinx pounding against a second shield.

The beast was enormous, and strangely ghostlike, making it hard to see unless the light struck it in just the right way. It was also repeatedly slamming its great paws down on a shield which had been conjured around the pearl’s shield. This secondary barrier held the sphinx out, and allowed a dozen ponies to repeatedly use pickaxes to hammer away at the other magical wall which kept them from their prize.

“Woah, that's crazy,” Viciz muttered. “I didn't know sphinxes could do that. Or even that they were real in the first place.”

“Down there, it's them,” Swift Light pointed, jabbing a hoof towards the dark figures.

The pair peered over the edge and towards the strange individuals were slowly removing chunks of the magical barrier. Despite their slow pace, they werent in a rush, and the two unicorns in their midst didn't seem to struggle against the sphinx’s attack. Though the majority of the ponies were fairly standard looking henchmen with menial labour cutie marks, one stood out from the rest.

His coat was white, his horn long, and his mere presence commanded both respect and fear in equal measure. Though it was his eyes that grabbed Swift Light’s attention as even from a great distance they looked off. Peering closer, Swift Light was surprised to find that they were black rectangles and resembled that of a goat’s.

“He's mutated too,” Swift Light murmured, touching her own sharp teeth absently.

“I wonder what happened to him,” Viciz whispered.

“I have no idea, but I have a feeling we are going to find out,” Swift Light replied. “Lets see if we can hear what they are saying.”

The pair leaned as far as they dared, straining their ears to pick up any snippets of conversation they could. They were surprised to find that they could indeed hear what was being said, the strange accousics of the room making it feel like they were standing only a few feet away.

“How much longer is this going to take?” whined one of the workers.

“Only a few minutes,” replied the white coated unicorn in their midst. “As soon as we punch through this last barrier the compass will be ours.”

“And that pearl,” added one of the other unicorns.

“How much do you think that will go for on the black market? Two, maybe three million bits?” asked the other unicorn.

“The boss didn't say anything about the pearl, though they also didn't say not to grab it,” muttered the guard, who chuckled darkly. “Hell I’d grab it just to piss off that stupid sphinx.”

“I can hear you!” shouted the sphinx.

“Goddamn that thing is annoying,” muttered one of the workers.

“At least we aren't getting teleported everywhere by the boss anymore. I swear I feel like that last jump left my insides all mixed up,” remarked another worker.

“We’ll have time to complain when we are sitting in Karakas and sipping on the finest wines that shit hole city has to offer,” barked the mutated guard, prompting a wave of chuckling from his men.

“Well that's no good,” murmured Viciz.

“Quite,” Swift Light murmured. “They must have a master of teleportation on their side if they have gotten here so quickly without having a corresponding rune already having been placed.”

“At least they don't have a shield master with them, otherwise we’d be outta luck,” Viciz added.

“Very true,” Swift Light agreed.

The guard peered down at the stairs, planning her attack and trying to figure out some way to take their enemies by surprise. She considered diving beneath the water and emerging next to them, but she didn't know what was in the blue liquid, or what it would do to her. Swift Light was about to ask Viciz her opinion when she saw the sphinx suddenly turn towards them, its ears standing on end.

“Swift Light, what do we do? It's looking right at us,” Viciz whispered, the changeling remaining perfectly still.

“Hope and pray that it's in a friendly mood?” Swift Light replied with a shrug.

The enormous creature leapt from the landing and onto the side of the cliff, its ethereal claws carrying it up the wall at a frightening pace. In seconds, it loomed over the pair, its dull grey eyes peering down intently on the frightened adventurers. From here the pair could at least see more of the sphinx’s features, like the golden circlet it wore upon its head which had what looked like a crescent moon on the front of it.

Its two toned seafoam green mane hung down around its shoulders, contained by a white cloth resembling a great wing with blue dots at the tip of each feather. It's tufted ears stood straight up, though its eyes remained narrowed, revealing that its lids were a dull teal color. Black eyeliner accented its already piercing gaze, and from its shoulders hung what appeared to be a shawl of silk.

Its fur was a light pink, its tail the same color as its mane and bound by more golden rings, giving it the air of royalty. A feeling that was slightly hindered by the four enormous fangs it had as well as the razor sharp teeth which filled its mouth. For a moment it said nothing, the ghostly sphinx studying the pair curiously, as if deciding what to do with them.

“You have passed the trials, and earned an audience with the last priest of the pearl. Though I must unfortunately delay such a meeting permanently as I have use for you two,” declared the sphinx.

“What exactly do you mean?” Swift Light pressed, her horn glowing brightly.

“You must do what I cannot,” stated the sphinx with a hint of sadness. “And you have my deepest apologies.”

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“What do you mean?” Swift Light demanded.

The sphinx didn't respond, merely reaching forward and placing an ethereal claw against Swift Light’s forehead. The unicorn tried to stop her by firing a spell, but the beam of energy flew uselessly through the creature’s body. Scrambling back, Swift Light tried to evade the touch, but her opponent was simply too large, and had too long of a reach.

The second the claw connected, Swift Light felt her entire body become rigid, and an intense pressure begin to build within her skull. Her magic flickered, and died, the mare’s eyes going wide as she felt her body begin to rapidly change without her consent. While this happened, Viciz did her best to help, casting every banishment spell she knew, followed by several ones which should have protected her friend’s mind.

Yet the change began regardless, the sphinx being unaffected by every spell, and merely sinking her claw deeper into Swift Light’s head. Her saddle bags snapped suddenly, falling away as the unicorn’s body grew larger and larger, the intense pressure growing along with it. For every inch that Swift Light gained, the sphinx seemed to lose the same amount, the creature’s body shrinking rapidly.

Swift Light herself was helpless to resist this alteration, her every muscle locking up completely and leaving her with no way to fight against the strange intrusion. Her sword fell aside forgotten, as was the scarf she wore and what little armor she had put on before entering the temple. Within a minute she was taller then even Celestia, and soon after she would have towered over a small building.

Realizing that there was nothing she could do Viciz considered running, but something kept her rooted to the ground. She wasn't sure if it was loyalty, fear, or simply some effect of the sphinx, but the changeling found herself unable to move. And so she stared up as the ghostly creature poured her very essence into Swift Light’s body, vanishing from sight when the unicorn reached the sphinx’s starting height.

The rocky outcropping could just barely support Swift Light’s new weight, and Viciz found herself staring up at her friend who now towered over. The changes didn't stop at merely a heigh increase though, as strange otherworldly thoughts suddenly filled Swift Light’s mind. At the same time as the unicorn’s limbs suddenly began to relax, and her muscles began to respond to her commands.

Groaning in pain and confusion, Swift Light grasped her head in her hooves, squeezing her eyes shut and nearly crushing Viciz by accident. The changeling narrowly avoided being squashed beneath her friend’s titanic plot, having leapt out of the way at the last second. That seemed to be as far as she could go however, and Viciz found herself staring once more up at her friend.

Who grunted in pain, trying desperately to stop the strange new instincts from overwhelming her mind completely. She had to get out of here, to find someplace safe, and perhaps get someone to stop the changes before they reached completion. Yet she couldn't bring herself to move, as some primal desire overtook the mare completely, making her unable to even consider the act of leaving.

“This is my temple, I earned it,” Swift Light muttered under her breath, turning away suddenly. “No. This isn't mine to claim. I’m a royal guard. I-I-I.”

The pony tried to pull up all the memories she had of boot camp, home, and even Celestia herself. Swift Light tried to remind herself of why she was here, and what she had to do, but each and every thought felt hallow somehow. She was meant for more, the mare realized, she wasn't just supposed to guard someone who didn't need guarding.

“I am meant to lead,” Swift Light murmured.

Viciz gulped, watching closely as her friend changed, some unseen barrier having fallen and allowing her transformation to continue. It started small, with the pony’s tail becoming narrower, the flesh dock extending and the hair falling away until it was the tail of a sphinx. The next to follow was her hooves which became softer, and eventually growing, and turning into the pawed feet of a great cat.

Enormous claws extended suddenly, and Swift Light rose slowly from the ground, a cruel smile crossing her face. A gaze which settled on Viciz herself, the former guard turning towards the cowering changeling with cruelty in her eyes. Swift Light’s expression shifted for a moment, becoming strained until an enormous pair of wings burst from her back.

The enormous appendages had golden feathers and nearly reached the ceiling they were so massive. Leaning down, Swift Light’s eyes narrowed, her iris becoming slitted like that of a cat’s and losing the glint of kindness Viciz had seen within them. Under such an intense gaze, Viciz could do nothing, her entire body becoming rigid as panic coursed through her mind.

A pawed hand reached out and grabbed the changeling, wrapping completely around her and blocking out every last ray of light. The second she felt herself be clutched within the paws of her former ally, the changeling’s fight or flight instincts finally kicked in. She fired spells, kicked, and tried to stab with her horn, but nothing worked as the creature’s skin was like steel, and its resolve, absolute.

A sudden heat struck down the changeling, who lay within Swift Light’s paw, clutching her squirming insides. Flames tried to cover her, but Viciz fought back, trying to push out the thoughts which told her that she was no longer a unicorn. They told her she wasn't a changeling either, and insisted that her place was at her former companion’s side, serving her for all time.

“N-no. I am my own pony, I won't give in, I won't…” her voice trailed off when she felt the flames begin to travel up her forelegs. “I am nobody’s servant, you hear me?”

Yet the words felt hallow even as they passed her lips, as Viciz could already sense something had been altered deep within her. It took a moment to figure out just what had been changed, but the second she discovered just what it was, her heart sank. Whatever part of her body the golden fire touched stopped responding to her will, the flames having already reached her torso.

A second later and everything below her neck felt strangely alien, as if she were connected to the body of someone else entirely. With one last cry of pain the changeling felt her entire being become forever altered, her mind shifting in an uncomfortable direction. She no longer worried for herself, or was bothered by her altered physique, nor the way that her now pawed feet planted themselves beneath her.

Once standing, Swift Light’s paws parted, and Viciz stepped out into the world, growing physically larger as she did so. Shaking her head, the former changeling bowed low before the other sphinx, idly noting that her own claws had just finished coming in. Viciz splayed her feathered wings wide, and tucked her furry tail between her legs, paying her mistress the respect she deserved.

“Soon I shall claim you in both mind and body, but not before we have subjugated these foolish ponies who dare to enter this- no, my temple,” Swift Light commanded.

Viciz rose on steady paws, looking up at the towering sphinx with wide eyes. “How best may I serve you, oh great one?”

“Take out their casters. I will handle the others, and try to keep them alive,” Swift Light commanded. “My new empire will need slaves.”

“Yes, my mistress,” Viciz replied, bowing briefly before leaping over the side of the cliff.

The sight of the much smaller sphinx’s backside stirred something within the former guard, though she quashed that feeling for now. There would be time for that later, right now she had some foolish interlopers to crush, and a temple to cleanse. Coiling her legs beneath her, Swift Light gathered her strength before leaping out over the side and extending her enormous claws.

She could hear screams coming from beneath her, and could tell they were of terror, not of pain, meaning her servant had yet to strike. A realization that made her grin excitedly, exposing her razor sharp, dagger length teeth for all to see. A second later and her full weight slammed against the first barrier, shattering it utterly and dropping the unicorn who had tried to maintain the spell.

A sweep from one of her massive paws knocked aside three of the workers before they could even pull out their weapons. The stallions were sent screaming into the water, their blades either being knocked from their hooves or were tossed aside. A second swipe knocked aside another two of their allies aside, leaving behind only a handful of enemies which could oppose her.

“I need a spiked shield stat, and grab the pikes!” shouted their leader, his horn glowing brightly.

Swift Light knew the tell tale look of a stun spell from a mile away and easily dodged out of the way when it was cast. “You cannot hope to defeat me. Lay down your arms and submit yourself to my mercy or you will face my wrath!” Swift Light shouted.

Their leader snorted. “No way monster, you won't-”

“I’m outta here man!” shouted his unicorn assistant a second before he threw himself off the platform and into the water.

“Well shit,” muttered the former guard.

“You could say that again,” hissed Viciz who stepped out of his shadow and pressed a claw against his neck. “Surrender to the mistress or die. The choice is yours.”

The remaining two interlopers looked from the giant sphinx, and the slightly smaller sphinx who now had their captain hostage before tossing their weapons to the ground.

“At least some of you value your life,” Swift Light remarked with a smirk.

The former guard grunted and dropped his sword. “Fine. You win this round but the boss will send someone else.”

“Which is why I will raise an army, rebuild my capital and create more lieutenants to watch over my budding empire,” Swift Light exclaimed, rising to her full terrible height. “Starting with a particular dusty little town and a particular pegasus whose knowledge will aid us greatly.”

Thoughts of the desert city rising from the sands filled the former unicorn’s mind, and for a moment she allowed herself to simply relish in the moment. She had made a powerful servant, gathered a small group of soldiers, and had retaken her temple from the interlopers. The road from here would be long, and filled with much trial, but Swift Light knew she could do it.

It was her destiny.

Desert Pearl

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“You must do what I cannot,” stated the sphinx with a hint of sadness. “And you have my deepest apologies.”

“Wait!” Swift Light shouted. “You guard the pearl right?”

The sphinx paused. “Yes.”

“What are you thinking Swift Light?” Viciz whispered.

“Just follow my lead,” the guard turned back to the sphinx. “We don't want the pearl. We are just here for the compass next to it. Which is what drew those invaders here in the first place.”

“Get to the point,” hissed the sphinx.

“So why don't we work together? You don't have to do anything you’ll regret and we aren't here to rob you anyway,” Swift Light declared. “We each get what we want.”

The enormous creature seemed to contemplate Swift Light’s proposal for a moment before pulling her limb back. “You have earned the audience. I suppose it would only be right,” she admitted.

“Great, so what's the plan then?” Inquired Viciz.

“Our new ally will distract them by resuming her attack, but focusing on the other side of the shield, allowing us to sneak up on them,” Swift Light began. “I know a good shield breaking spell and once it's down we shall subdue the invaders. Hopefully we can even take their leader alive so we can figure out who is really behind all of this.”

“Good plan, I’ll provide support from afar,” Viciz added.

“Why do you not engage in battle with your companion?” asked the sphinx.

“I don't really know how to fight, but I do know a few stun spells,” Viciz offered.

Swift Light stepped between the two. “That will be enough. Sphinx, are you ready?”

“I am, and call me Somnambula,” declared the ghostly creature.

“Hey boss, what do you think that ghost thing is doing up there?” asked one of the workers in between swings of his pickaxe.

“I don't know, and I don't care. All that matters is finally getting through this stupid shield and getting that artifact,” replied the former guard captain, his gaze never leaving the pearl.

“Dammit she’s back. Just a little longer now!” shouted one of the casters.

The other groaned. “Augh, and I’m almost burnt out too. I don't know how long I can hold out.”

“I don't care if you get magical burn out. You are holding that barrier or else I will personally feed you to that damn thing!” shouted the commander.

The sphinx leapt from atop the ledge, its forelegs raised above its head, paws clutched together tightly. At the apex of its jump, the creature let out a bone rattling cry of rage, before bringing its paws down like a hammer. The blow sent both unicorn’s reeling, and caused the two workers to swing faster out of panic, their picks thumping audibly against the shield.

The sphinx roared and smashed at the barrier with renewed fervor, her swipes fast, but no less powerful than before. Even the former guard captain couldn't help but nervously eye the sphinx as it sapped his caster’s strength and almost knocked one to the ground. In a fit of rage he grabbed a spare pick and joined the other two, his hearty blows tearing out chunks of magical energy which quickly dissipated once separated.

Keeping one eye over his shoulder, the former captain hardly even noticed Swift Light’s approach until her horn lit up. Catching the tell tale sign of spell casting, the unicorn looked up to find Swift Light charging directly at them, weapon raised and horn shining bright. Reaching for his own weapon, the raider leader was about to issue an order to abandon their breach attempt only to be temporarily blinded by a flash of gold.

Blinking past the stars in his eyes, the unicorn managed to regain his sight just in time to see one of his casters crushed beneath an ethereal paw. A second later he spun towards the pony who had buried her sword in the belly of one of his workers, dropping him to the ground. Ripping her blade free, Swift Light hastily deflected the awkward swing of a pick axe before slashing another worker across the chest.

Luckily for him, the caster who survived was the stronger out of the two, and had already created a partial barrier to keep the sphinx at bay. Unfortunately for him, there were only two other workers left, and neither had any real weapons, or fighting ability. Snapping off a quick mage armor enchantment, the captain leapt towards the guard, deflecting the strike which would have slain one of his last laborers.

“Get through that barrier, I’ll hold this one off!” He shouted, gesturing back to the severely damaged shield behind him.

The earth ponies nodded and did just that, fleeing before their leader’s flash bang spell went off, distracting their would be pursuer. Swift Light knew the tactics of all arms of the guard, and thus adapted quickly, stepping back as well as raising her blade defensively. An action that turned out to be the right one when she felt a sword clang noisily against her own before being pulled back.

For a moment the two ponies said nothing as they faced one another, each noting the mutation the other had experienced. They also silently eyed the other up, judging their stance, and trying to figure out what their next move would be. A quick thrust, followed by a short hop signalled the battle was back on, with Swift Light jumping out of range of a swing before delivering an attack of her own.

Bringing her sword down in a wide sweeping motion, Swift Light also swung her left hoof up, trying to uppercut the stallion in the chin. Steel met steel and hoof met hoof, with the guard captain deflecting the attack with his telekinetically held sword. He also blocked and brushed aside Swift Light’s punch before following up with one of his own, the attack narrowly missing the guard’s throat.

Growling irritably, Swift Light threw herself towards her enemy, bringing down her blade in a sharp thrust to the back of his neck. The stallion stumbled back, attempting to get out of range, only to bump into the shield and force him to readjust his plan. In a fit of desperation he threw his sword up at Swift Light’s and then leapt towards her, not even waiting to see if his gambit had worked.

Which it had, with the guard being so surprised by the move that she accidentally let go of her sword. Hoof met chin, the mare was knocked back, and then hit the ground next to the edge right before a second punch hit her square in the cheek. Knowing how precarious her position was, Swift Light tried to scramble onto her hooves, but the stallion was too fast.

His body weight pressed against hers, and the guard quickly found herself forced onto her back, before being pummeled by a series of rapid fire jabs. Raising her forehooves, Swift Light tried to defend herself, but her opponent was simply too strong, and from his position atop her chest there was little she could do. That was until he fell to the side, his mane signed and a faint trickle of green smoke rising from the burnt section of hair.

Throwing his leg out of the way, Swift Light made a note to thank Viciz before snapping off a second stun spell. Which hit the stallion just as he was trying to rise once more, dropping him right back to the ground where he lay with limbs sprawled in all directions. Now confident that their leader was down for the count, Swift Light quickly found her blade and turned her attention towards the remaining invaders.

Just in time to see the sphinx bat aside a pick and then cut a stallion in twain with a flash of her strangely sharp claws. The rest of their enemies lay dead, dying, or unconscious on the ground, their blood flowing freely into the azure water that surrounded them.

“Excellent work,” Swift Light declared, brushing off her chest. “Is everyone okay?”

Viciz landed next to Swift Light a second later, her insectoid wings folding against her back. “Sorry I didn't help more. There werent many opportunities for a clean shot right up until you started getting frisky in the middle of the fight.”

Swift light rolled her eyes. “And you Somnambula? I assume you are unharmed.”

“There is very little that can harm a guardian,” replied the sphinx, who brushed the corpses into the water with a dismissive paw. “Which happens to be something these fools didn't seem to know.”

Swift Light trotted over to the barrier, and peered within. “Now we just need to get the compass, then we can deal with these survivors.”

“Speaking of which, I am staking my claim on the lives of these two,” stated the sphinx, who pointed down to the hench ponies which had not been killed during the attack.

Swift Light wanted to dismiss such a thing out of hoof, as they should face a trial for what they had done. Despite her desire to see justice done, Swift Light had to admit to herself that she was a bit outside her element. It would take at least a fortnight before she could reach equestrian shores, and perhaps even longer until she could release them into the appropriate pony’s custody.

“Fine. What are you going to do with them?” Swift Light asked.

“You should just chuck em out into the desert and see how long they last if you ask me,” Viciz murmured.

Somnambula chuckled. “Though it would amuse me to watch them struggle and fail I have something much more productive in mind for these two. Such as making them fix the damage they have caused and then be made into guardians who would assist me in protecting this holy place.”

Swift Light hummed thoughtfully, the sphinx’s words making her mind recall strange dreamlike images of a great sphinx ruling over the dessert. “So long as you promise that they will not leave this place,” Swift Light declared.

The sphinx recoiled as if struck, her eyes instantly narrowly suspiciously. “How did you… never mind. That is acceptable.”

Viciz raised an eyebrow and glanced from pony to sphinx. “I feel like I missed something.”

“It doesn't matter,” Swift Light hastily replied, turning towards the group’s fallen leader. “We captured the most integral person in this entire operation and that's what's important.”

As if on cue, something cracked within one of the pockets of the stallion, and the head of a shadowy figure appeared in the air above his prone body. The ethereal being looked around at the general destruction, the towering sphinx, before finally settling on Swift Light.

“Ahh, you must be the one who is disrupting my operation,” remarked the head in a slightly garbled tone which made it impossible to identify his voice.

“That it would, and who might you be?” asked Swift Light.

“My name is of no concern. All you need to know is that you have made a powerful enemy this day,” retorted the mysterious figure.

“Really, because I think we came out ahead today,” Viciz replied, the changeling chuckling at her own joke.

“Your childish attempts at humour as unfunny as they are predictable, Viciz,” stated the figure in a calm tone.

“How did you know my name?” Viciz questioned, eyes narrowing.

“I know many things. Like how that compass will lead you to the other artifacts and that such an affect is not as unique as you may think,” added the figure.

“Even if you could find them, you are oh and two at this point. What makes you think your luck is going to change?” Swift Light scoffed.

The figure scowled. “You may have bested my minions twice before, but there are far more where that came from.”

“Don't worry, we'll take good care of your captain,” Swift Light declared, patting the unconscious stallion on the shoulder.

“No, I don't think you will,” exclaimed the figure in a matter of fact tone before winking out of existence.

A doorway opened beneath the stallion a second later, swallowing him in an instant, and leaving behind a blank ground. Swift Light barely even had the chance to blink before her prisoner was gone, along with any chance she had of figuring out who was behind it all. Cursing her luck, the unicorn stomped her hoof in frustration.

“Stars damn you,” she muttered.

“Wow even his sword is gone, that's some kind of skill,” Viciz pointed out.

“So it would seem,” Swift Light murmured bitterly.

“You are facing quite the foe, perhaps we were lucky to have faced only the dregs of this mysterious organization,” remarked the sphinx.

“Or they are bluffing in order to appear tougher than they actually are,” countered Swift Light who snorted. “Either way, speculation helps us little. Right now I need that compass.”

“And you will have it,” declared Somnambula, who waved a clawed paw over the shield, causing it to shimmer briefly before fading into nothing.

“This is amazing. I never would have imagined we would be able to see the dessert pearl close up before. Can I take a sample of the water by chance?” Viciz inquired.

“I can do you one better. Hand me your waterskin,” offered the sphinx, extending a paw.

Viciz removed the top off the metal canister and eagerly gave it the guardian spirit.

Who gently plucked the pearl from its metal holder before slipping the metal flask under the pearl and filling it to the brim with the sparkling clear water. Once done, the sphinx placed the pearl back onto its resting spot, and allowed the water to continue to flow into the pool beneath them once more.

“You will never have to worry about dehydration ever again. Just remember, you must leave at least a single drop of water at the bottom of your canteen otherwise the magic will dissipate,” warned the sphinx, who offered the waterskin back to the changeling.

Who nodded eagerly. “Thank you Somnambula.”

“Now to get what we came here for,” muttered Swift Light who stepped close to the pedestal, and glanced down at the seemingly innocuous compass resting on the steps leading up to the pearl.

The object itself was contained within a simple box bound by a string that seemed intended to be worn about the neck. The placement of the artifact seemed random, with the case open, as if it had been dropped at its current location haphazardly. It appeared sturdy at least, with the outside being made of a black wood bound by small strips of iron which was itself covered in a smattering of rust.

Inside the object were three copper spokes which connected to a circle, below which turned a peice of painted wood. This circle twisted in seemingly random directions, a stylized red arrow pointing one way for a moment before suddenly shifting and pointing in another. Overall it looked like an object that may have been used by a sea captain somewhere, as it even smelled faintly of the ocean.

“Sooo are you going to grab it or what?” Viciz prompted.

“The last time I grabbed one of these artifacts I grew these teeth and I am not keen on being mutated any further,” Swift Light replied.

“One of you must take it. For I will not permit such a dangerous artifact to remain so close to the pearl,” stated the sphinx.

“Fine, just, give me a second,” Swift Light remarked.

“Take all the time you need,” Viciz offered, taking a step back.

The guard breathed deeply, and with a shaky hoof, reached out to grab the compass. Her hoof trembled and for a moment she was tempted to pull away only to lurch forward and grip the object tightly. Blue electricity crackled up the guard’s limb, making her cry out in pain and try to throw the cursed object away only to find it was stuck fast.

Letting out a whimper of agony, the unicorn tried to light her horn but the torment was too much and she toppled to the ground. Beneath her hoof her muscles writhed and shifted, bones cracking before reforming or vanishing altogether. The tip of her limb grew cracks as her flesh bulged in several different directions, as if it were about to split into several smaller appendages.

“Oh gods, make it stop!” Swift Light screeched, the mare thrashing wildly as lightning crackled up her leg.

Viciz cast spell after spell, trying to help her friend. “It's no use, my magic can't stop it!”

The limb split apart, forming into a half dozen blue and purple tentacles which flailed wildly in the air, suckers formering on the underside. Swift Light’s eyes went wider still when she noticed that the artifact seemingly wasn't done with her, as a deep azure glow began to emanate from her shoulder. Seeing the guard’s panic, and feeling that something terrible was about to happen, Somnambula reached forward and grabbed the pony’s leg in her paw.

Closing her eyes, the ghostly sphinx poured its own magic into the mare, stopping the glow before it could grow any further up Swift Light’s body. Pushing harder, the sphinx forced the blue light to vanish altogether, the writhing mass of tentacles growing still as a golden glow began to emanate from within them. A final pulse caused the tentacles to clasp together, their purple coloration being replaced with the same gold as Swift Light’s mane.

Then after one final push, her limb flashed a bright yellow, and all at once her leg reformed, though not quite as it once was. The fur of Swift Light’s right foreleg was now the same color as her mane, and she also sported claws like that of the sphinx herself. Where once the pony had a hoof, now she had the paw of a great cat, complete with long nails which slowly slid back as the pain dissipated.

Swift Light breathed heavily as Somnambula released her grip and stepped back, watching closely as the mare inspected her freshly altered appendage. It was a strange and unwelcome sight to say the least, but Swift Light was glad that at least it wasn't a mass of tentacles. That and the change hadn't continued, as the unicorn didn't even want to imagine what would have happened had it been allowed to do so.

“Thank you… I think,” Swift Light murmured.

“That was… quite strange,” murmured Somnambula. “The magic within it felt elevated for lack of a better word. As if it was supposed to merely alter you only slightly.”

“Well I’m glad you didn't turn into some manner of horrible squid monster,” Viciz declared, punching Swift Light in the shoulder.

“You and me both,” muttered the unicorn. “I don't even like fish that much.”

“Then you are missing out,” added Somnambula with a grin. “It was one of my favorite treats when I was alive.”

“Speaking of which…” Viciz began, looking up at the sphinx. “I don't suppose you would mind letting us stay here for the night by chance would you? I don't like our chances of getting back to town before nightfall and the dessert can be quite dangerous without the sun.”

Somnambula nodded slowly. “I suppose you have earned as much. Though I would ask that you leave this place upon first light.”

Swift Light grunted and stood slowly on her freshly changed limb. “I would appreciate a little more time to gather my strength but it could be worse…” her gaze lingered on her paw, fresh images of the strange tentacles flashing behind her eyes. “Much, worse.”

Endless Roads

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Viciz stood just within the overhand of the temple’s exit, her body cast in shadow. The changeling didn't bother with a disguise at the moment, allowing her to enjoy the freedom that came with existing in her natural form. It was a pleasant experience and one that gave her time to look herself over, careful to ensure that nothing was amiss.

She didn't see anything amiss on her sleek exoskeleton, save for the holes that were always there. Her long, flowing mane of soft violet was also undamaged, as was her identical colored tail. Her cutie mark had a bit of sand on it though, but a quick brush returned it to its former glory. The green flame beneath the unfurled scroll was a pleasant reminder of her purpose though she didn't stare at it for long.

“Gotta make sure I have everything,” she thought aloud.

The changeling was about to check her bags to ensure she had her supplies when she heard the clop of hooves. The unique sound of three clops, along with a soft pad told the changeling exactly who was coming. This was confirmed by the worry she could feel emanating from the tunnel behind her.

“Still talking to yourself?” Swift Light asked.

Viciz rolled her soft blue eyes and glanced back to Swift Light, noticing immediately that she seemed a little off. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as her armor was polished, her sword sheathed, and her equipment stowed with care yet. The guard mare’s white fur and long two-toned auburn mane were also undamaged save for the small scuffs gained during the fight.

The new cat paw that replaced one of her forelegs also seemed unhurt, though Swift Light clearly didn't favor it. From body language alone Viciz could tell that her companion detested the new appendage, and didn't know how to deal with it. That wasn't the source of Swift Light’s irritation though, rather it came from her jaw, which she rubbed occasionally, grimacing when she did so.

“What's up with your mouth? Still getting used to the new chompers?” Viciz inquired.

Swift Light winced. “I don't know what's worse. The fact that they keep crowding my mouth, or that I keep almost biting my tongue off.”

“Crowding your mouth?” Viciz echoed curiously. “What do you mean?”

“Just that. It feels like I’m getting a new tooth in, only I haven't lost any nor do any of them feel loose,” Swift Light retorted, prodding one of the sharp, shark-like teeth that had replaced her flat pony molars.

“May I see? Maybe it's like when a changeling gets their first adult fangs. It hurts, but don't feel loose until all of a sudden they just fall out all at once,” Viciz offered.

“I don't think so, but at this point, I’m willing to try anything so go ahead,” Swift Light offered.

The guard mare then opened her rather large jaws, revealing the row of incredibly sharp, saw-like teeth that she now sported. Though a bit strange to see on a pony, Viciz was not quite so easily unnerved and leaned in as close as she dared.

“I don't see anything wrong…” Viciz’s eyes narrowed. “Wait a second… did you always have two rows of teeth?”

“Two rows of what?” Swift Light muttered, taking a step back and closing her mouth. “Well I’l be damned, I can feel the little nubs starting to poke through.”

“Let me see again. I should be able to tell if you have a big enough mouth to support so many new chompers,” Viciz declared.

Swift Light rolled her eyes, and opened her jaws once more, allowing her companion to peer inside. The changeling barely managed to sneak a peek when a sudden stabbing pain caused Swift Light to slam her mouth shut. Her dagger-sharp teeth whizzed past the tip of Viciz’s muzzle, nearly taking off the tip of the changeling’s nose.

“What the heck Swift Light? You nearly bit me!” Viciz complained.

“Something’s wrong. Hurts,” Swift Light muttered before doubling over and clutching at her jaw.

The bones that made up her face shifted beneath her hooves, snapping and reforming into a larger shape. The increased density and size were nearly unnoticeable to Viciz but to Swift Light, it felt like her jaw had grown twice as large in an instant. The pain didn't extend any further, but it didn't stop there, for as soon as she felt her bones finish knitting themselves back together, her gums began gushing blood.

An entire new row of teeth pushed their way up through the soft flesh, growing to their full size in mere moments. The feeling was not unlike having two dozen knives stabbed into her mouth at the same time, only for the weapons to remain lodged in her face. Her cry of anguish turned to a gurgled shriek that sent blood across the floor and all over Viciz’s forehooves.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay? Oh no. You better not be bleeding out. I don't think I can give you a transfusion,” Viciz murmured.

Swift Light held up a hoof, silently urging her companion to calm down. The guard was barely keeping it together as is, and if Viciz panicked chances are Swift Light would soon join her. Thankfully the changes stopped, and the healing had begun, her muscle growing back after being cut up a moment earlier. Sure enough, it wasn't long before no more blood flowed from her maw, and the pain turned into a dull ache.

“Water,” Swift Light commanded, extending a hoof.

Viciz handed over the magically enchanted waterskin without a word.

Swift Light uncorked it and immediately filled her mouth with the cool, refreshing liquid. Once her cheeks bulged, Swift Light swirled the bloody mixture around for a few seconds before spitting it back out. She then took a moment to run her surprisingly leathery tongue across the inside of her mouth in search of any more of that delicious, copper taste. Brushing aside the fact that her mouth watered at the mere thought of consuming blood, Swift Light focused on her task.

“I think that's it,” she muttered, mostly to herself.

“Well I sure hope so because that was a lot of wasted water,” Viciz remarked.

Swift Light rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. “Do you see anymore?”

Viciz narrowed her eyes but didn't lean forward. “Sure looks like it. Also, wow that second row really came in strong. Plus your jaw looks really solid now.”

“I’m sure that will be helpful,” Swift Light deadpanned. “Come on, as much as I hate the desert sun we did promise to leave at first light.”

“Right,” Viciz replied. “So, the next one is further south right? Near the zebra plains?”

“Yes,” Swift Light paused, and glanced curiously at her companion. “I thought you weren't going to stick around for that though. You got your herbs and whatever.”

“I didn't initially plan on sticking around,” Viciz admitted. “But there are a few more interesting ingredients down there and your condition is rather fascinating, I must say.”

Swift Light sighed. “Glad to know I’m a worthy lab rat if nothing else.”

“Hey, your an amazing guard, quite the investigator, and an excellent adventurer,” Viciz proclaimed. “You just also happen to have a strangely stable chaos curse placed on you.”

Swift Light smiled. “Thank you Viciz, I think. Now come on, we really must get going. Plus, if we get lucky maybe someone in town will know where we can hire an airship or tag along with a caravan.”

“Good thinking. I’m really starting to hate sand,” Viciz muttered.

“Me too,” Swift Light agreed.

Viciz stepped out of her hut, bags now no longer overloaded with ingredients and rare plants. The changeling barely cast a shadow, as the sun loomed almost directly overhead, marking the time as noon. Their travels through the desert hadn't taken long or cost them much in the way of supplies thankfully.

“So, what's the word?” Swift Light asked.

“What do you want first? The good news, the bad news, or the annoying news?” Viciz replied.

“The annoying news?” Swift Light muttered.

“It took all the money you had in bribes to get what we wanted,” Viciz answered.

“That could have been worse, and the rest?” Swift Light pressed.

“The good news is that I was able to get ahold of a band of smugglers willing to get us into zebra territory but we are going to have to move fast if we want to get there in time,” Viciz explained.

“How fast are we talking here?” Swift Light inquired.

“Like, we should probably get running. They are stopping at an old pyramid south of here and they won't wait for long,” Viciz finished.

“Are you sure you want to come with me? This sounds like it's going to be much more dangerous,” Swift Light exclaimed.

“It's fine,” Viciz declared. “You still need a guide getting to the pyramid. After that, I think I’ll catch a ride back to Equestria and move somewhere less crazy.”

“Are you sure?” Swift Light pressed.

“I am. This whole adventure has been fun, but I think I’m ready to go somewhere a bit more relaxed ya know? Plus I heard there's this place called Ponyville that has like, super cheap houses. Why they're practically giving them away,” Viciz stated confidently.

“Well that's good,” Swift Light murmured. “So, shall we continue on?”

“Absolutely, follow me,” Viciz stated.

“Just, wait a second,” Viciz muttered between bouts of panting. “I need a moment.”

Swift Light paused beneath the shade of a small tree growing from the top of a sand dune. Though the shade it granted was minimal, that didn't really matter as by then it was nearly twilight and the sun was far less powerful. The low light was still enough for Swift Light to gaze out over their surroundings, her critical eye scanning the area closely.

All around them lay dunes, save for the southwest, where a jungle brushed up against the desert sand. It was a strange contrast, but then again magic pulsed through the land in such quantities that even a non-earth pony like Swift Light could feel it. She also noticed that there was indeed a road nearby, though there were no visible travelers on it at the moment.

None of that concerned Swift Light nearly as much as the strange pyramid that lay less than a kilometer away. Unlike the others Swift Light had seen, this one had smooth sides that lead to a flat top that sported several squat wooden structures. Laying in the middle of a shallow sandstone valley, it was as difficult to miss as it was impressive.

“Tell me more about this place,” Swift Light inquired, glancing back at her companion.

Viciz wiped the sweat from her brow and stood back up. “If the rumors are to be believed, it was originally a temple to a sun god, but during the reign of the golden sphinxes, it was converted into a research facility of some kind.”

“A shame. I bet it looked stunning before then,” Swift Light offered.

“The paintings certainly looked stunning, but that's not important,” Viciz exclaimed. “What is important is that they were apparently trying to find some way to make their pharaoh truly immortal.”

“That never goes well. I assume that's why the top half was blown off?” Swift Light asked, gesturing to how the top third of the pyramid was gone and had been partially rebuilt with wooden support beams.

“Pretty much,” Viciz answered. “Noone knows what happened, but one day it went boom, and now no one goes in there unless they are smuggling something into zebra territory.”

“Because despite its out-of-the-way location it's a good mooring point, and very close to the trade winds,” Swift Light finished. “Smart, though I have a feeling that there are still creepy crawlies making a home in that old lab.”

“You are pretty good at this whole adventuring thing,” Viciz commented.

Swift Light grinned. “I read a lot of books.”

“Ha, called it. Anyway, yeah you’re pretty much right,” Viciz answered. “Experiments got loose, dessert monsters looking for somewhere cool and away from the sun moved in, and now it's pretty dangerous. The smugglers apparently have a route mapped out that's safe but you never know what's calling that place home.”

“I don't suppose you could fly me up there, eh?” Swift Light inquired.

“I can barely fly myself up there,” Viciz answered. “I’m still not the strongest flyer.”

“Well, no sense putting us both in unnecessary danger. When we get close I want you to take my supplies and I’ll go in alone,” Swift Light stated.

Viciz breathed a sigh of relief. “I was hoping you’d say that. My nerves are still fried from that last ancient building we dove into.”

“You were so gung ho last time,” Swift Light pointed out.

“I’ve had time to think and really process just how close I came to dying,” Viciz replied.

Swift Light chuckled. “Fair, now come on. I wanna be on top of that pyramid by the time our ride is here.”

“Sounds like a plan, Stan,” Viciz proclaimed.

“Don't call me that again,” Swift Light retorted.

“Right, sorry,” Viciz muttered.

Swift Light watched as her companion took wing, and ascended to the top of the pyramid-like structure. Standing only a few feet away from the sloping, but smooth wall of the former temple, Swift Light waited. A few minutes later Viciz reappeared and waved down to Swift Light before pumping a hoof in the air, signaling that it was all clear.

“Alright then,” Swift Light muttered, releasing a breath she hadn't known she had been holding. “Let's find our way up.”

Trotting up to the entrance, Swift Light passed under the stone archway and into the dark interior. There she stood patiently, waiting for her eyes to adjust before she looked around once more, scanning her surroundings. Nothing jumped out, or seemed out of the ordinary, at least so far anyway.

Straight ahead lay a wide open hallway, that ended abruptly about thirty feet in. Along this hall, there were two sets of doors on either side or at least there had been at one point as only the destroyed remnants remained. Two other hallways extended from her current position, one right, one left, both curving gently until they could no longer be seen.

“Right, there should be a marker around here somewhere,” Swift Light murmured.

Lighting her horn, she cast a simple spell that once completed, caused a mote of magic to drift forwards. There it bulged, shining brightly for a moment before dulling to about the glow of a torch. It took a moment for Swift Light to see normally once more, but when she did, she immediately found what she was looking for.

A simple, but quite noticeable, arrow had been carved into the wall nearby, one that pointed left. Just to be certain, Swift Light made sure to check around the area in search of another such indicator. After finding none, she unsheathed her sword, and slowly trotted forward, blade hovering in her magic only a foot away.

Creeping through the strange temple, Swift Light sniffed the air, inhaling the potent scent of dust and rot. Though there was the faint aroma of meat that had gone bad, the more prevalent smell was wood that had succumbed to time. Timber used to hold up certain sections of the roof, or serve as decorative flourishes were crumbling away.

It was not pleasant, though thankfully Swift Light couldn't hear anything save for the distant whistle of the wind. That was until Swift Light heard something skittering nearby, prompting her to spin around, sword pointed back the way she came. There she saw not her changeling companion, or some threat but rather a single beetle sitting in the middle of the passageway.

“Oh hey, little guy. You scared the shit out of me,” Swift Light murmured.

The beetle just sat there, its head raised slightly as if inspecting the pony from a distance.

“Your pretty unique, aren't you?” Swift Light muttered to herself. “Kinda shiny.”

Peering a little closer revealed that the beetle sported a rigid head adorned with a half dozen spikes. Its segmented body was also covered with a surprisingly thick-looking shell that reflected the light, creating a myriad of colors. Every part of the rainbow seemed represented in that shiny shell in some capacity or another, though Swift Light couldn't be certain as it swiftly scurried away. Vanishing into a crack in the wall leading deeper into the temple, Swift Light was once more alone with her thoughts and the glowing ball of light.

“Well, onwards and upwards,” she whispered.

Turning back around, Swift Light crept onward, sword hovering close, and illumination a few paces in front of her. After a few seconds, the pony noticed that the hallway continued to arch, leading her in a wide semi-circle. It was only at the halfway point that she noticed something different, namely a set of stairs waiting for her against one wall.

“Seems simple enough,” Swift Light murmured.

Climbing slowly up the stairs, Swift Light peered out onto the second floor, careful to locate any movement. She saw none among the three more hallways waiting for her. These were much like the last ones, with one going left, another right, and both turning gently while the last one went straight back into the center, ending abruptly.

After another second to confirm that no one was around, Swift Light stepped up onto the first floor and searched for another arrow. When she couldn't find one, she considered for a moment just picking a random direction but something stopped her.

A Vision Of Hunger

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She shrugged off that sensation and choose to look around a second time. This search turned up an arrow, though it wasn't like the first which was very obvious, and placed with purpose. Indicating the right hallway, it seemed accidental, being little more than two marks that only sorta looked like an arrow.

“Amateurs,” Swift Light muttered.

Trodding slowly in that direction, she didn't make it far before she came to a roadblock. Part of the ceiling had collapsed, cutting off the hall, while also opening a hole in the wall. Peering inside, Swift Light found a roughly triangular room with a single exit devoid of a door. The actual room itself was mostly empty, as there were only a few moldering barrels in the corners.

With no threat present and no obvious traps, Swift Light stepped inside, trotting quickly up to the door. From there she found herself at another crossroads, only this one went in three directions.

To the right there was a short hallway, ending with two doors, one on either side while straight went on so far that Swift Light couldn't see the end. To the left, there was an opening that when peered into revealed another storage area filled with barrels that had long since rotted away. Part of her was tempted to scour through the wreckage in order to cure her curiosity, but she held back.

“Now where are you?” Swift Light muttered.

Looking around, Swift Light found another arrow like the last one, not very deep, jagged, and only a few inches off the ground. Pointing into the hall with the two doors, Swift Light reluctantly began to follow it, clearly aware that she was walking back to her starting point on the second floor. There had to be some method to this madness, or so she told herself.

With that less-than-confidence-inducing thought in mind, Swift Light trotted over to the hall, peeking into one door and then the other. She saw no threats in either, with one being mostly filled with rubble while the other had only dark liquid-filled tubes. Again her curiosity tempted her to inspect the experiments, but she decided to peer a little at the first room.

“Aha,” she muttered, glancing up.

Though the roof had given way, enough rubble had gathered together to create a ramp leading to the third floor. It was rough, but it would serve as a serviceable staircase to what Swift Light hoped was one of the final layers. This sense of hope buoyed her dour mood, and urged her to continue onward, putting one hoof in front of the other.

Up she went, clambering over hunks of stone, and the broken remnants of various furniture. She nearly reached the top when she heard the unmistakable sound of something cracking. The dull boom heralded a cacophony of smaller sounds rippling across the ground beneath her. Evidently, the strain put on the stone floor had been too much, and now with Swift Light’s weight, it had been pushed over that limit.

“Damn damn damn,” Swift Light cursed.

As hastily as she could muster, Swift Light scrambled up the pile of rocks, hoof reaching for the next floor. Her attempts were in vain, however, as she felt herself suddenly become weightless, the ground falling out beneath her. With an indignant cry of rage, Swift Light tumbled into the darkness, her orb winking out the moment her concentration waned.

The cataclysmic crash of stone and wood into the floor below was deafening, stunning the already discombobulated mare. For a moment Swift Light wasn't even sure which way was up as she bounced off ground, then something else, all of which was hard. Her forehoof twisted uncomfortably, and a rather large stone slammed into her eye with enough force to make her scream in pain.

With one final bounce, Swift Light slammed into something glass, shattering it on impact. The ensuing rush of liquid covered her from head to hoof, the oddly slimy texture leaving her unnerved and terrified. Before she even got back to her hooves Swift Light tried to light her horn, but the pain made that too difficult.

Grimacing in agony, Swift Light remembered her training, and pushed down any distraction, focusing on her casting. Sure enough, she was able to conjure another mote of magical illumination above her head.

“What the heck?” Swift Light murmured.

Looking around, Swift Light found herself in what had likely been a laboratory at some point. Various-sized vats of green liquid ringed the walls, leaving just barely enough space for a boarded-up door. Two skeletons lay nearby, their last moments having been spent sealing themselves inside. Everything in the center of the room had been destroyed by the rubble which had fallen from the floor above, leaving no clue as to what they had been trying to contain.

Swift Light hissed, and looked down at her leg, noting immediately that it was broken but not too badly. She wouldn't be able to walk on it, but at least there weren't any bones poking out at weird angles or anything like that. Her right eye was also likely going to puff up and become unusable in a moment, though beyond that she was relatively unharmed. Her armor had taken a good amount of the fall damage, though it now sported more than a few dents.

“Gross,” Swift Light murmured.

She flicked her good hoof in an attempt to remove the sticky green goo, but that didn't help matters. The stuff had the consistency of jello yet it clung to her like the most unpleasant of glues. Even rubbing her hoof against the ground did nothing but smear the goop deeper into her already matted fur.

Cursing under her breath, Swift Light tried to push herself up, only to collapse when she found out her back legs were stuck together. A bitter, angry string of mutterings was interrupted by the sound of insectoid legs skittering across the ground. Looking up, Swift Light saw that the small two-inch long beetle she saw earlier was back, and was staring at her from a few feet away.

“Hey, little guy. Don't suppose you can lend me a hoof, huh?” Swift Light muttered bitterly.

To her surprise, the creature scampered right up to her and seemingly began to inspect her broken foreleg. A little confused, but not exactly intimidated by a single scarab beetle, Swift Light merely observed the thing. That was until it suddenly lurched forward and used its tiny mandibles to bite into her flesh.

“Yowch!” Swift Light cried.

Pulling back her hoof, Swift Light used her magic to crush the insect with a rock. Bluish-red blood squirted out from under the impact point, signaling that it was indeed dead.

“Stupid little bugger,” Swift Light murmured.

Glancing down at the bite, Swift Light was a bit disturbed to find that it had managed to take a tiny chunk of her flesh with it. Despite the pain, Swift Light continued to try and free herself of the goo binding her back legs. To that end she looked around for any sight of her sword, hoping that the blade would be able to do what her hooves could not.

What she found was not the familiar and much-cherished weapon, but rather a whole swarm of beetles. Hundreds, possibly thousands of the shiny carapaces glinted in the darkness, creating a million tiny splashes of color. The horde of insects merely sat there, filling up nearly every available space in a sea of limbs and mandibles.

“Now let's just relax,” Swift Light remarked in a low tone. “Noone needs to get squished.”

As one, the tidal wave of chitinous limbs rolled towards her, covering everything in sight in a sea of insects. Swift Light reacted immediately, looseing the smallest fireball she could, careful not to burn herself, or further damage the room. The ensuing blast wiped out a large section of the insects, incinerating some, charring some, and leaving many more burnt.

The damage done to the mass was immense but didn't even seem to matter, as more surged out of the darkness. Though horrified, Swift Light kept her cool and backpedaled toward the wall while working another spell in her mind. As the wave grew close, Swift Light’s magic pulsed, and flames began to shoot from her horn. Back and forth they swept.

Hundreds died every second and though their ranks were immediately refilled, they couldn't get any closer. Every time one side surged forward Swift Light turned her attention back that way, burning them all to a cinder. Back and forth she went, her mind calculating how much magic she had and how many enemies remained.

She assumed that she had the strength necessary to eliminate the rest, but with no way to confirm how many remained she couldn't be sure. Even still, she was confident of her position, as she was a capable mage who excelled when it came to the use of fire. That confidence remained until she felt a sudden pinch in her neck.

“Damn,” Swift Light cursed, swatting a hoof against her neck.

Something crunched against her flesh, adding yet another uncomfortable liquid to join the rest matting her coat. Her concentration flickered, but she was able to maintain the spell, that was until something bit a chunk of her scalp off. With a yelp, Swift Light smacked her head, crushing another of the beetles that had managed to sneak around her.

Glancing up, Swift Light saw that she had been outflanked, a small horde of the buggers having crawled across the ceiling. Her spell died, and in an instant, she was beset by the full tide of scuttling, blood-hungry beetles. She barely even had a chance to scream before she was assaulted by more of the tiny things than she could hope to count.

Each swat killed up to three at a time, but it didn't matter, as the endless horde simply pushed past the corpses of their kindred. Swift Light’s careful punches soon gave way to panicked flailing, her mind assaulted by a terrifying multitude of bites. Insectoid limbs covered nearly every inch of her body, turning the pony into a writhing mass of innumerable hungry bugs.

Beetles tore at every inch of her body, consuming the mare even as she screamed in agony. Within seconds they had even eaten her cries, leaving little more than a wet gurgle that fell way shortly before her flailing stopped. Unconsciousness had taken her mercifully quickly, though she had still been aware when the beetles had begun to consume her eyes.

After that a relative silence fell over the room, one broken only by the occasional pop or slurp as Swift Light’s body twitched. Within a minute the mare was dead, and less than an hour later not even bones remained of the once venerable guard pony. Then and only then did the beetles stop moving, a strange stillness overcoming the swarm.

Their many bellies were filled with what had been Swift Light, their bodies partially covered by the same goo that had covered her. A contentedness rippled over the small ocean of insects, a sensation that they shared for only a moment before another feeling replaced it. White hot panic all but exploded in their tiny minds, though there was no apparent source or origin for this sensation.

The tiny, barely sentient creatures were not used to this or any feeling for that matter. They did not have true thoughts after all, only impulses, instincts, and desires born of hunger. Yet they were scared, terrified even, and worse still they could not locate the source of what was causing them such horror.

Then there were more feelings, more sensations, and stranger still, thoughts.

Get off, get off get off! They all thought in unison.

Each individual beetle threw itself violently upon the ground and began to roll around in an effort to remove something. A few seconds later, the panic that had assaulted them faded when they collectively seemed to realize there was no threat. In fact, they soon realized that they were not individuals at all, but in fact, were linked in a way that they had not been a few minutes earlier.

They were a single entity, a single mind, one that knew itself, knew its name.

Swift Light. They/It thought to itself. I am Swift Light.

A pulse ran through the swarm, and all at once, they gathered themselves into a central point. Limbs interlocked, bodies connected, the pool of skittering, twisting individuals becoming something else. Through instinct and twisted magic, they bound themselves together into what could only be described as a churning mass.

A hoof burst from the center of the horde, followed by a leg, and then a second limb came right after. The two beetle-made body parts then gripped the ground, and pushed, as if trying to escape the ocean of limbs. A head burst forth a moment later, one the same size and shape as Swift Light’s had been not long ago.

Dragging itself forward the hive formed a torso, and finally two more pairs of legs at the very back. With that herculean effort done, the swarm that walks was born and began to unconsciously mold itself into a form more familiar. Beetles flowed up, and back, creating a mane, and tail, their many limbs extending to become a layer of fur complete with a cutie mark.

The swarm that walks croaked, its many bodies squeezing together and pushing in an attempt to recreate speech. As it struggled to utter a word, the swarm shimmered briefly before its exterior became a familiar white color. The beetles that made up the thing’s mane and tail turned to a blondish-brown color, followed by its eyes.

“He-he-help. Me,” the swarm that walks croaked.

The swarm turned, and looked around in search of its foes, only to find that the room was empty. The bugs were gone, leaving only it behind, a turn of fate that Swift Light had not seen coming. In fact, she had assumed she was going to die there on the ground only now she was alone for some reason.

That assumption was shattered the moment it gazed upon the broken shard of glass and saw itself. The many horrid creatures recoiled, it's mass rippling as it tried to back away from itself. Realization soon came, and with it, a horrid feeling in the pit of the swarm’s many, many bellies.

“I’m…” Swift Light dare not continue that any further.

Stepping forward, the swarm that walks looked at itself, noting the tens of thousands of squirming beetles that made up its form. A million eyes stared into their reflection while a million tiny limbs touched a million different bodies. The panic soon melted away, strange insectoid instincts replacing the very pony-like feeling of existential dread.

“Swift Light!” shouted a distant voice.

The swarm that walks recoiled once more, its many eyes turning to the hole above them. It knew exactly who was there, and with that knowledge came one feeling and one feeling alone. Hunger, hunger the likes of which Swift Light had never felt before, and she could not help but obey that urge.

Above the swarm, Viciz clambered slowly through the empty room, eyes flicking back and forth nervously. She clutched a rusted dagger in both forehooves and a low burning torch in her magic just above her head.

“Swift Light!” she whispered as loudly as she dared. “I swear if this is some kind of joke I am going to suck the love out of you or something.”

Edging closer to the pit in the center of the room, the changeling was about to look down when a cloud of buzzing wings suddenly filled her vision. With a horrified scream, she waved her torch in front of her, attempting to banish the multitude of beetles. That, unfortunately, did not work, and soon she was assaulted from all angles at once, vicious mandibles tearing through her carapace.

She would die a minute later, her body serving as the perfect catalyst to create many, many more of the beetles. Their numbers increased, and the hunger faded into the background, replaced by rage.

The swarm did not regret its actions, only the necessity thereof, rather its anger was directed outward. Towards the mysterious foe that it had seen once before. That person or entity was the ultimate cause of its current predicament, and with new knowledge flooding its ever-expanding form, it knew just what to do.

“I don't think anyone’s gonna show their boss,” called an earth pony smuggler from the edge of the airship.

“Alright, we waited long enough,” shouted a zebra from the helm. “Pull anchor and get the engines firing again. I want to reach-”

“Wait!” yelled the earth pony. “I see something.”

“It's about time,” murmured another of the crew.

“I don't think that's…” the words died on the stallion’s lips.

The shape he had seen had indeed been ponylike, but then it had stepped into the light and revealed that it was anything but. Made up of a million beetles, the swarm burst into a cloud of buzzing wings, and angry jaws. He wouldn't last more than a few seconds, his crew a couple minutes, and within an hour the airship had taken flight once more.

Only now its crew were far, far more numerous, yet were only a single individual spread across a dozen Swift Light-shaped masses. With the knowledge and skill of how to run and fly such a vessel now stored in its mind, getting back to Equestria would be easy. From there it would get more difficult, but in the end, the swarm that walks knew it wouldn't be hard to find its target.

And when it did, the swarm would feast once more.

Cinder Flare

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Swift Light shook violently, a hoof going to her head as a groan escaped her lips.

“What in tartarus was that? I was a beetle, but not… what am I talking about?” Swift Light muttered to herself.

After another shake of her head the mare looked around once more before cursing under her breathe and going right. A few feet down the hall she saw an arrow, one that was identical to the last, and pointing further inside. Working her way down the stone corridor, Swift Light half expected to be assaulted by small insects only to make it all the way to the end without anything jumping out at her.

Like before, the long hallway curved back around directly above where she entered, where she found another staircase. Climbing up this one, Swift Light groaned when she found herself in yet another layer nearly identical to the last one. Only now there were only two hallways to choose from, both curving in either direction much like the ones below.

Glancing about she was able to find another arrow that lead her down the right path. Thankfully she didn't have to walk it far before she came to another indicator, this one scratched into the ground. It pointed left, to a destroyed section of wall that opened up into a storage room of some kind.

Glancing in through the narrow opening, Swift Light could see that the door leading further was boarded shut. She wasn't sure what horrors it was keeping out, and she didn't want to find out so she stepped inside. There she was able to locate a rope ladder dangling through a hole in the ceiling, secured to something above her.

After a moment of quiet which she spent listening for anyone waiting to ambush her, Swift Light continued on. One hoof replaced the other, and soon she was peeking up into the third floor.

This room was much larger, and was a rough triangle shape with only a single exit visible. It had also likely served as a space to fabricate various alechmical ingredients if the many glass containers filled with strange liquid were anything to go by. After hauling herself up, Swift Light could also tell that it had probably been a ritual room of some kind before being converted.

Faded and scratcehd murals covered nearly every wall, and even stretched up to the ceiling. Each image was lovingly crafted with intricate detail and a surprisingly amount of color. The artistry that had gone into the room had been disrespected considerably since then however, and little was undamaged.

“A pity,” Swift Light murmured.

The only clear picture she could make out were six strange creatures surrounding a beam of light. Five of them were kneeling, while one was reaching towards it, pawed hand outstretched, face a mix of wonder and terror. For some reason looking at it made Swift Light feel uneasy so she continued on, heading for the room’s only exit.

After pushing open the only functional door she had found so far, the pony found herself in a large circular room. This space was different from all others she had come across, as for one it was in the very center of the temple. This had likely been the nexus of whatever power they had been channelling upwards, as their was a hole in the ceiling.

“Oh hey, there you are. Good to see you’re okay. I was starting to worry,” called a voice.

Peering upward, Swift Light could barely make out the shape of Viciz peering down at her.

“Viciz? How do I get up there?” Swift Light inquired.

“Theres a rope ladder. Just give me a second to lower it. I heard some weird noises down there so I pulled it up just in case,” Viciz replied before swiftly ducking out of sight.

Left alone once more, Swift Light surveyed her surroundings, keen eyes seeking out anything strange. Plenty about the place was odd, but nothing jumped out at her as overly threatening however. For one the other seven doors leading into the room were barricaded in some form or fashion. Even the two hallways that lead in from north and south were stuffed full of stones that had likely been taken from a wall somewhere on this floor.

Swift Light’s inspection was about to continue when she heard something clatter nearby. Glancing over to the source of the noise, she saw that a rope ladder had been dropped through the hole. Not quite as rickety as the last one, it was a welcome sight.

Quickly stepping over to it, Swift Light placed a hoof on the lowest rung, only to pause when she heard something. The sharp clatter followed by what seemed like a bowl or glass rolling across the ground immediately gripped the mare. With sword sweeping left and right, she looked around, but found nothing out of the ordinary and no movement.

“What was that?” Viciz whispered.

“Sounded like something got knocked over, but I’m not seeing anything,” Swift Light replied.

“Well hurry up. It would be a lot easier to fight anyone if we had the high ground,” Viciz declared.

Swift Light grunted, and began to ascend the ladder once more. Hoof over hoof, she made short work of the distance, quickly pulling herself up onto the flat roof of the structure. There she immediately turned around and glanced back down through the hole to the floor below.

When nothing popped out, and no movement could be spotted after a good few minutes, Swift Light lowered her blade.

“Think we’re safe?” Viciz whispered.

“I don't know what to think,” Swift Light admitted. “Let's keep on our guard.”

“Err right,” Viciz murmured.

Swift Light glanced around, the mare searching out two things, her ride, and anything out of the ordinary. She did locate a distant shape that resembled an airship, though she didn't find anything else. The two simple structures were little more then lean twos likely used to store goods during loading or offloading. Other then that there was a large stone hook that had been added to the top of the building, likely to facilitate mooring more easily.

“Is there anything in there?” Swift Light asked, gesturing to the shacks.

“Just some empty barrels,” Viciz answered.

Swift Light nodded, and after confirmed just that, walked over to where the mooring point was located. There she was joined by Viciz, who also stared out over the landscape, half out of paranoia, but also out of curiosity. The sun had nearly finished setting by then, and the very tip of the moon was visible on the horizon.

“Its beautiful,” Viciz muttered.

“It is,” Swift Light agreed.

Though she loved the day far more then the night, Swift Light couldn't help but agree with her companion. The slow unveiling of the night sky, and its many stars always captivated the guard mare, even more then the coming dawn. Though if anyone asked her, she would likely say that watching the sun rise was far superior then anything related to the moon.

The pair remained there, standing motionless near the edge of the former temple for several minutes. During that time, the distant airship had slowly grown in size until the finer details were visible. They could see the crew moving about, a pair of griffons flying on either side, and a tall minotaur standing at the helm.

Though they resembled pirates, and were quite the intimidating sight, they didn't jump out to Swift Light as criminals. Their movements were precise, in a manner that suggested a military history. The ship itself also wasn't as garish as Swift Light expected, with no skull covered flags, or ghoulish additions like heads on spikes.

Wait, what's that?” Viciz muttered.

Swift Light turned around to find that a small crackling orb of electricity was hovering in the air across the way. Small lightning bolts arced off from it, burning long marks into the stone ground and nearly setting one of the lean to’s ablaze.

“Long range teleportation spell,” Swift Light replied. “Someone must have hidden a transcription rune in the floor somehow.”

“What do we do?” Viciz asked in a terrified tone.

“Fly out to the smugglers and ask for help. I doubt they’ll grant it considering this band of mooks is likely here to rob them, but its worth a shot,” Swift Light answered.

“Can't you like, teleport away or something? I know its far but…” Viciz half asked, half stated.

“We both know I don't have the range, now go!” Swift Light barked.

Viciz seemed as though she wanted to stay, but thought better of it, taking wing and flying in the direction of the airship.

Leaving Swift Light to grab hold of her sword, and stand ready, magic already gathering about her horn. Sure enough the orb expanded suddenly before exploding outward, nearly blinding the mare. A hoof blocked the worst of the light, allowing Swift Light to see in perfect detail the half dozen creatures standing before her.

“Well well well. If you would look at that. She’s waiting for us boys,” remarked a tall unicorn mare wearing patchwork leather armor.

The five armored griffons standing around her all snickered as they drew their weapons.

“How helpful,” added the enemy unicorn.

“I presume you are here for me then and not the airship,” Swift Light proclaimed.

“Maybe after I toss you into the fighting pits and I’ve had a chance to hire a few more mercs but for now only you are on the menu today,” continued the mystery mare. “Besides, we paid off the smugglers to stay clear.”

Swift Light scowled. “I don't suppose I could talk you out of it, or offer you more money.”

“Nah. Contracts don't work that way. Besides, I doubt you’d be able to match the amount of zeroes that mysterious dude promised us,” retorted the mare.

Swift Light’s gaze narrowed, focusing completely on the red maned and white furred opponent across from her. Between them was the hole leading down, as well as the five presumed griffon mercenaries arrayed before them. Even at this range Swift Light could easily make out the other mare’s details, most notable of which was her bright red mane.

Cut short, and longer in the front, it was parted just behind her horn, allowing for a single clump to fall over her right eye. The other unobscured orb was a slightly lighter shade of red and stared at Swift Light with what could only be described as barely contained glee. From a single glance Swift Light could tell that this newcomer wasn't about to get talked out of her position.

“Enough foreplay. Get her!” shouted the newcomer.

Swift Light sprinted forward, meeting the first griffon just as he was about to round the hole. The sudden surge towards him caught the male by surprised, and allowed Swift Light to blast him with a charged up stun bolt. Before he even had a chance to drop like a sack of potatoes, Swift Light was swinging for his closest ally. Her blade cut through his meagre armor and into his shoulder deep enough to make him drop his weapon. With a scream, the griffon fell to the ground, clutching his limp appendage to his chest.

“Suround her already!” barked the unicorn leader. “Shes playing you like chumps!”

Swift Light was about to leap upon the final foe before his allies could round the hole, but was distracted. Forced to turn her stun spell into a barrier, Swift Light blocked a lightning bolt launched her way by the enemy unicorn. This was all the three griffons needed to flank Swift Light, with one griffon getting behind her while the other attacked from the side.

The loyal guard had seen this coming though, and spun in place, launching a wide sweeping strike at the foe that had been behind her. Surprised by the remarkably dexterous move, the griffon mercenary was barely able to raise his dagger before his foe’s strike hit home. The small one handed blade was no match for Swift Light’s sword which splintered the diminutive weapon and continued on.

“Augh,” cried the griffon, clutching a gaping wound in his chest.

Swift Light tried to conjure a directional barrier to cover her flank, only for an arrow to hit her in the side. It didn't hit anything vital, but the pain caused her spell to fizzle, and distract her long enough for the griffons to close in. They had clearly been surprised by the ferocity of Swift Light’s assault however, and were playing it safe as their attacks were far more careful.

Stepping back, Swift Light avoided the majority of a swipe that would have cut open her throat. Instead she received only a wound across the shoulder, one that wasn't overly deep but still painful. It was followed by a stab to the midsection, forcing Swift Light back and making her switch to the defensive.

Her blade raised, lowered, and then swung left, blocking or parrying the many swipes launched her way. Seeing an opening after forcing the rapier wielding griffon to stumble back, Swift Light charged forward. Only to get nowhere, as she saw something flying her way from the enemy unicorn’s position.

Ducking under the arrow, Swift Light was once more unable to press her advantage. Ending up on the backhoof so soon was not something Swift Light had expected or wanted. They were coordinating, and working together, having shaken off the fear that Swift Light’s aggressive attack had sewn.

Already Swift Light could tell that she would lose unless something drastic happened and without the possibility of help that left only one possibility. The plan that formed in Swift Light’s mind wasn't a smart one, and likely would have gotten her laughed at if she proposed it to someone else. However, it was all she had, so with a very unpony like growl building in her throat, Swift Light grabbed her sword in two hands.

She then turned and threw it at the enemy unicorn with all the strength she could muster. The cry of surprpise followed by a yelp of pain was all the confirmation Swift Light needed to start part two. Which began with sidestepping a rapier swing before stepping inside his reach, extending her new claws, and raking them across the griffon’s throat.

The ease at which she killed would have dismayed the pony, but she didn't have time to think at the moment. The other mercenary was already swinging at her with his short sword, a look of wild desperation visible in his eyes. Trusting her instincts, Swift Light lurched forward and bit down on his arm, razor sharp teeth easily cutting through his poorly maintained leather armor.

Biting down as hard as she could, Swift Light felt hot blood gush into her mouth and her teeth sink deep into his flesh. His dagger clattered to the ground, and the griffon released a scream of pain, wings flapping as he tried to pull his arm back. Swift Light didn't let him, and with a twist, she threw him bodily down the hole, where he vanished out of sight, too disoriented to get his wings working before he hit the ground.

Swift Light turned, and spat a wad of blood from her mouth, gaze immediately latching onto the sole remaining foe. Horrified, animalistic fear leaped to the other pony’s face, and she loosed another bolt of magic at Swift Light. The guard weaved to the left, and continued on, her instincts urging her to close the distance as soon as possible.

Her foe was a caster who relied partially on a short bow she had drawn from her back. With no visible melee weapons it didn't seem likely that she’d be able to fend Swift Light off if the guard got in close. Which was exactly Swift Light did, the pony using her magic to redirect an arrow that had been destined for her right eye.

“Stay back, I’m warning you!” shouted the unicorn mercenary.

Swift Light merely growled, and leaped at her, claws extended and bloody teeth glinting in the last dregs of sunlight. The combination of Swift Light’s armored weight, and her raw fury was enough to bowl the other mare off her hooves. A moment later and Swift Light was standing over her prey, deadly claws pressed against the other pony’s throat.

“I give up!” she shouted suddenly.

Swift Light paused. “You… give up?”

“Yes, I surrender. You win!” shouted the unicorn. “You beat me. You killed all my men, I got nothing left!”

Swift Light hesitated, the urge to end the mare warring against her innate desire to be merciful and kind.

“You can even arrest me. I swear I won't fight back,” she pleaded.

Swift Light didn't initially move, her mind overcome with a mix of emotions that she couldn't quite settle. On the one hand, a part of her desperately wanted to bite the mare’s throat out while the other urged calm.

A Cackling Vision

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In the end, she chose to retract her claws and stand back up, extending a hoof towards the fallen pony.

“Get up,” Swift Light ordered. “And don't try anything. I don't want to have to kill you but I will if necessary.”

“Oh thank you so much. Truly your mercy and generosity know no bounds,” continued the other mare.

“Yeah yeah just stand up and start waving over the airship. I don't want to have to drag you all the way to the nearest outpost,” Swift Light replied.

The other pony grabbed the offered hoof and allowed herself to be hefted back to her own four hooves.

“Absolutely. I’ll just signal that the fight is over and we’ll be out of here in a moment,” she continued. “You know you surprised me back there.”

“How so?” Swift Light asked, gaze narrowing.

“You were remarkably vicious, and a talented fighter, but you haven't seem to have heard about silent spells,” continued the mare.

“What-” Swift Light began, her eyes popping open.

She hadn't seen the other unicorn’s horn light up even once when she had been casting magic. The illusion magic necessary to hide such a glow was complicated and not taught, at least in Canterlot anyway. Other, less reputable places of learning all too eagerly embraced the underhanded tactic.

Swift Light lurched forward, her claws opening while her mind conjured a stun spell. She didn't manage to land either, as an invisible bolt of energy slammed into her chest and dropped her to the ground. Limbs twitching, and muscles unable to coordinate, Swift Light’s spell quickly fell apart, as did her plan.

“Poor silly guard,” remarked the other mare. “For all your newfound savagery you still can't see past your own nose.”

“G-g-et y-you,” Swift Light stuttered.

“No, you won't. In fact, the only thing you are going to get is a spot in my fighting pits,” pressed the strange pony. “How does that sound my little hellcat?”

Swift Light tried to mutter an insult or declare her vengeance, but she couldn't say anything.

“Say it with me. Yes miss Cinder Flare,” taunted the other unicorn, who used her magic to puppet Swift Light’s mouth against her will.

Swift Light’s vision began to fade, and despite the rage welling inside of her, she began to lose conscience. The last thing she saw was Cinder Flare waving away the airship before being joined by a groggy-looking griffon. The guard was then unceremoniously tossed onto the mercenary’s back, where Swift Light passed out.

Swift Light sat in silence, staring at her own reflection in the well-polished bronze shield. Like the dented bit of hoof-mounted protection, she had taken her fair share of hits.

A scar ran over her left eye, one that went deep enough that the orb had turned a milky, unseeing white color. A trio of gauges made by a clawed limb ran from her right ear down to her nose, the injury having long since healed into a gnarly mass of scar tissue. A chunk of her mane on the left side of her head was gone, destroyed by a burn that had left a permanent mark on her. Other scars, old injuries, and battle wounds were visible all over her body, though she ignored them.

Strapping the shield to her left foreleg, Swift Light winced as the straps tightened and her worn muscles ached. She then drew her blade, a short, pointed thing well worn from what had likely been over a hundred battles. Finally, she tugged at the straps holding the breastplate to her chest, the mare using her hooves as her horn was completely gone.

The sudden squeal of metal prompted Swift Light to glance over to her left where an iron door had been opened. Standing in the opening were a trio of griffon mercenaries and several ponies that didn't look older than nineteen or twenty.

“Hey wait. We don't know how to fight. We’re just surveyors!” one yelled.

“Shut up,” barked the griffon before backhanding the stallion to the ground.

His companions were tossed in after him, the dou swiftly pulling their friend to a stand while looking around. Each was from a different tribe, though they all looked relatively green, and definitely not suited to venturing so far from civilization.

“You there. You’re not with them are you?” inquired a young mare.

“Do you really think I’d be down here if I was?” Swift Light asked, gesturing to their surroundings.

The room they were in was bleak, made mostly of rough-hewn stone, with weapon racks covering two walls. The other two had either a relatively small iron door with no handle or a large portcullis that was currently down. Beyond the iron bars was a dirty fighting pit ringed by high walls, beyond which were hundreds of seats most of whom were occupied.

“No, your right. I’m sorry,” murmured the other mare.

Swift Light merely grunted and gestured to the wall across from her. “Grab something sharp. They won't give you long to select something and get suited up so you better get moving.”

“But we don't know how to-”

“Fight. I heard that” Swift Light interrupted. “That doesn't matter anymore. If you want to stay alive then you do as I say and arm yourself.”

The trio looked at one another, a silent conversation passing between them before they moved to the wall. As they selected their meager arms and armor, Swift Light went back to sharpening her blade with a whetstone.

“So, how long have you been in here?” asked one of the mares.

“Depends. What's the date?” Swift Light replied.

“August third, fifth? I’m not sure,” answered the stallion.

“Over a year,” Swift Light muttered.

“How have you survived this long?” asked one of the new arrivals.

Swift Light merely raised her sword, as well as an eyebrow.

“Right. Sorry. Probably could have figured that out,” they murmured.

“Where did she nab you three?” Swift Light inquired.

“Couple miles north of the Guto River, near the griffon-stone station,” replied the stallion.

“She’s reaching that far already. Something must have happened back home if she’s able to edge so close to Equestrian territory,” Swift Light reasoned.

“You don't know the half of it Celestia is-”

A loud gong interrupted whatever the stallion was about to say and prompted everyone present to turn to the portcullis. Across the way high up into the stands was a private booth set apart from the others, a trio of guards standing near the back. At the forefront was a young stallion draped in silks that obscured his features save for his mouth.

“Welcome to today’s gladiatorial games,” he shouted, voice carrying unnaturally well over the vast distance. “We have a very special fight for you all, but before we introduce our combatants, allow me to welcome our mistress and future baron of the griffonian lowlands, Cinder Flare!”

Swift Light couldn't help but scowl as her decadent torturer stepped out onto the balcony, a smile on her face. Time had not taken a club to her as it had Swift Light, with Cinder Flare looking nearly identical to before. Only her dress had changed, as she wore a collection of finery so grand that even the most gauche of Canterlot nobles would scoff.

“Baron huh? So you seek to legitimize your claim,” Swift Light muttered under her breath.

Cinder Flare waved a ring-adorned hoof at the audience, causing a loud cheer to go up and last for several seconds. At which point she sat down on the long, plush couch waiting for her, and blew a kiss down at Swift Light. The action enraged the former guard but that anger was so burned out at this point that all she did was frown.

“Now as many of you know our resident beast of the pit has recently celebrated her one year as part of our mistresses’ menagerie,” continued the silk-clad stallion.

The crowd booed or cheered depending on if they had won or lost money on Swift Light.

“The dragon mercenary put on quite a show, but in the end, he was no match for the beast’s dirty, underhanded tactics,” he pressed.

Swift Light seethed quietly, a hoof touching the burn that had yet to completely heal on the side of her head.

“Don't you worry folks. We’ve found a creature so vile, and twisted that it will surely end even the beast’s reign of terror,” he proclaimed.

A cry went up, and hooves began to pound against stone.

“Are you the beast?” whispered the pegasi mare.

“What do you think?” Swift Light shot back, baring her sharp teeth for all to see.

That sent the other pony scuttling back amongst her fellows, a terrified expression crossing her face.

“That's right. Today is the beast’s final day in the pit, for soon she shall be facing what some believe to be a god cursed to walk the world as a mere scavenger,” proclaimed the announcer.

As if on cue, the massive iron door across the way clanged loudly, a fresh dent visible several feet off the ground.

“Please welcome Moros, better known as the scourge of the blasted hills!” shouted the silk-covered stallion.

The portcullis opened at the same time as the door across from them did. The creature it had been containing burst forth with enough force to throw the thing right off its hinges. The massive hunk of metal landed with a dull boom, kicking up dust high into the air. The towering foe that had done this stood stock still, its head turned downward to stare at the ponies only one-tenth its size.

Though it had the general outline of a hyena, it was unlike any beast Swift Light had ever seen before. Standing nearly two stories tall, with teeth as long as a broadsword, and fur the color of rotten flesh, the monster was an imposing sight. Doubly so when Swift Light noticed that the distinctive fur along its back was actually made of some kind of metal. The rust-covered fins were long, and jagged and seemed to grow naturally along its spine and ended just above its brow.

“Augh the smell,” murmured the pegasus.

Swift Light grit her teeth.

The stench was indeed incredible, with the towering hyena-like creature exuding a smell so intense that it nearly made Swift Light gag. The closest thing Swift Light could think of was the aroma of rotten meat left to cook too long on an open flame. Swift Light’s ruminations were interrupted when her gaze met that of her foe’s, the small, beedy yellow orbs fixing on the former guard.

You. You are worthy. Thought a vaguely feminine voice at the back of Swift Light’s mind. If you best me I will grant you my power. Do not disappoint.

“Begin!” shouted Cinder Flare.

The enormous hyena leaped across the fighting pit, a mad cackle spilling from its cracked lips.

“Right, let's do this,” Swift Light muttered, hefting her blade.

Swift Light stood bleeding profusely atop the great monster’s chest, sole remaining forehoof gripping her sword. Dozens of wounds peppered her body, some were minor injuries, and several were life-threatening. A scratch in her stomach was so deep that it nearly let her guts spill out onto the ground, chest no longer protected by her armor. Like her shield, and the limb that had held it, her breastplate was simply gone, either bitten off or sundered by a clawed swipe.

Her allies lay dead around her, ripped apart by the beast that now lay defeated beneath Swift Light’s hooves. This monster had not managed to escape the fight uninjured, with the hyena missing a front and back limb, one eye, and a good two-thirds of its face. The smell of burnt hair wafted off the thing, mixing with the scent of blood, rot, and whatever foul odor spilled from its broken jaw.

“There you have it folks! The beast is bested, as is the scourge!” shouted the stallion.

Swift Light slumped down, blade still held in her grip. “Where is the power your promised?” she muttered, teeth spilling out of her mouth.

“Though they still live for the moment, our mages have confirmed that their injuries are life-threatening. We are but seconds away from a double kill, so place your bets now. Who will survive longer?” continued the silk-covered announcer stallion.

You need only tear open my chest, and feast upon my heart. Replied an exhausted, and pained voice in Swift Light’s mind. Only then can you claim what is now rightfully yours.

Swift Light ignored the continued prattling of the announcer, as well as the many shouts of bets being placed. Focusing on her weapon, Swift Light leaned her full weight on the blade and plunged it deep into the hyena’s chest. Wrenching the sword back and forth, Swift Light withdrew it and tossed it aside, extending her claws.

Hurry. Urged the voice. You need to consume it while I still draw breath.

Swift Light grunted and tore at the hyena’s chest with her claws, raking a large enough opening for her muzzle to fit. Reeling back, Swift Light opened her jaws wide, and threw herself forward, burying her head neck deep in gore. For a moment she thought she had missed the mark, then she felt it, the dull thump of a great organ only an inch away.

One final push and the mare clamped her remaining teeth down upon her foe’s heart. With a twist, and pull, Swift Light ripped the thing from the hyena’s chest and out into the open air. There it pumped lazily, squirting blood out onto the dirty ground in full view of everyone, including the heart’s owner.

Remembering the hyena’s words, Swift Light bit down hard, chewing several times before swallowing the massive organ. The taste of blood barely even bothered her, the pony so close to the brink of death that she didn't even flinch at stuffing herself with something so gross. She could feel the hunk of meat slide down into her belly, where it landed with a squelch.

Wreak vengeance. Give them… death. Whispered the voice one final time before falling silent.

“I will,” Swift Light muttered.

The pony tried to take a step off the hyena’s chest, but tumbled to the ground, landing with a splat in a pool of blood. Raising a hoof to the sky, Swift Light reached for the sun, a smile spreading across her face. Though she stared up into the noon sky, darkness began to close in around her, slowly swallowing her vision.

Despite the loss of limbs, pieces of her body, and her very life, Swift Light couldn't help but laugh. The sound came out like a dry wheeze at first but it grew with each time she filled her lungs with new air.

“Hahaha, ahahahaha!” Swift Light cried.

“It seems as though the beast is the last alive, but has unfortunately completely lost whatever dregs of sanity she had left,” called the announcer, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Her laughter slowly grew, becoming a full-bellied chortle to finally a manic cackle that sounded not unlike that of a hyena. The light of the sun pushed back against the darkness closing in, strength blooming outward from the mare’s midsection. Suddenly all the blood loss didn't seem to matter, and with a heave, Swift Light rolled onto her back before pushing herself up.

Still cackling, Swift Light stumbled towards the enormous metal door blown off during the beginning of the fight. As she awkwardly hobbled over to it, her body grew hotter and hotter until it felt like her very blood had been replaced with magma. The wounds peppering her body began to close, each step becoming more and more certain.

Blood no longer poured out of her stump leg, or gushed from the opening in her stomach. Flesh knitted itself back together, and her heart pumped faster and faster, refilling her body of the precious vitae she had lost. By the time she reached the huge piece of metal, Swift Light’s laughter was loud enough that the crowd fell silent.

As she stood over the hunk of blasted metal, Swift Light felt her eyes begin to widen. As they grew, they started to glow a bright yellow color, reflecting the inner fire that burned hot within her. The strength she had felt building in her limbs suddenly exploded and with a lurch, she bit down on the door, twisted her body, and threw it across the Colosseum.

The several-ton hunk of twisted iron sailed through the air with all the speed and fury Swift Light could muster. So fast and sudden was this attack that the mages meant to protect the coliseum goers were crushed before they even knew what was happening. Still laughing, Swift Light bounded over to the edge of the pit, her bones snapping loudly with every step.

Her femur snapped, her skull cracked, and yet she kept on laughing, the pain barely even registering to her. The limbs lengthened, and her head expanded all while her jaw grew to fit the ever-lengthening teeth she now sported. Replacing the shark-like ones she had before, now Swift Light had the thick sword-like canines akin to the ones her hyena foe had possessed.

Already by the time she got to the edge of the pit she had doubled in size, and the growth wasn't slowing. Her muscles shifted, contorted, and expanded haphazardly, some sections becoming larger faster than others. Swift Light wasn't bothered by this and merely grabbed her unaltered hoof stump with her large, pawed forelimb.

With a tug, she tore the appendage off her body and cast the thing aside without a second thought. Then, she reached into her shoulder socket, grabbed something out of sight, and yanked at it as hard as she could. A new, hyena-like pawed limb was seemingly pulled into existence fully formed, clad already in yellow fur with black spots.

Above her, she heard the patron scrambling to flee their seats, while Cinder Flare shouted orders. None of it concerned Swift Light, who jumped at the wall, dug in her new claws, and continued on. In mere moments she had clambered her way over the barrier and had entered the stands.

Next to her, a random patron looked up in awe, silently marveling at the half hyena half pony that stood three times his height. Her fur was falling out in chunks, replaced by courser hair the same yellow spotted with black that adorned her one leg. Beneath her skin, her body contorted and twisted as if she were filled with maggots or other insects. Struck by the horror, the random pony could do nothing but stare as Swift Light immediately charged past him.

Up she went, leaped over terrified ponies or other creatures without a thought to their safety. The occasional fight goer got in her way and was crushed by the mare’s titanic weight and enormous paws. Including the guards who tried to stop her, their bodies batted aside like they were little more than toys.

It didn't take long for Swift Light to reach the booth of her most hated foe, the mare in question attempting to flee out the back while her guards attacked. The situation was easily dealt with, as Swift Light merely crushed one, and cut the other to ribbons with a swipe of her claws. Even still, Cinder Flare almost managed to slip away, her back hoof trailing behind just enough for Swift Light to bite down on it.

Careful not to sever the appendage, Swift Light dragged her foe back into the coliseum, screaming all the while.

“Release me you monster! Guards, guards! Help your mistress!” Cinder Flare shouted.

That only made Swift Light laugh even louder, the sound of her cackling drowning out everything else. As she laughed, the last of her pony features fell away, revealing an enormous hyena larger even than the one that lay dead in the pit below. Two and a half stories tall, with teeth as large as claymores, and jaws big enough to swallow multiple ponies, the creature no longer resembled Swift Light in the slightest. The only lingering connection was her glowing yellow eyes, as even her cutie mark had fallen out and not grown back.

The monster that had been Swift Light stopped her cacophonous laughter long enough for her to grunt. Then with a wet cutting noise, a row of razor shape ridges burst forth from the enormous hyena’s back. The row of glinting metal extended from the back of her neck and ran all the way to her short, bristly tail.

“You should have killed me when you had the chance,” the hyena boomed.

“I… I,” Cinder Flare stuttered, searching for some lie, or placation she could offer the massive creature.

“Instead you have given me everything I need for my apotheosis,” the towering beast stated. “Now you shall serve as dinner, and then finally, as fertilizer.”

“No, wait I can be useful, I swear!” Cinder Flare shouted.

“You will be much better serving as food for the plants than you ever could have as a baron. But don't worry, I’ll maintain your little empire here. In fact, I think I’ll start expanding as soon as I’ve finished digesting you,” the beast bellowed.

Cinder Flare screamed as she was tossed into the air, and then swallowed whole.

Finally, Rest.

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A sudden flood of memories not her own, and images she had never seen flashed through her mind. In an instant they were gone, but the impression they left remained, crystalizing Swift Light’s decision. She would be merciful, but she would not be kind.

“I accept your surrender,” Swift Light declared, extending a hoof.

“Oh thank you so much I-” Cinder Flare began.

“But I will not be getting stabbed in the back,” Swift Light interrupted.

Cinder Flare opened her mouth to speek, only for Swift Light’s forehead to slam into the bridge of her nose. Knocked out cold, Cinder Flare lay sprawled out on the ground, horn sparking briefly before her magic faded. Swift Light loomed over her a moment longer before releasing a sigh, and leaning down, her horn igniting.

A quick spell bound the other unicorn’s limbs together while a second disabled Cinder Flare’s magic. She repeated the first half of that with the mercenaries who still lived but were knocked unconscious. A glance down into the hole confirmed that the poor guy who fell down there had taken a nasty fall. Hauling him out with her magic, Swift Light was relieved to find that he was still breathing, though his helmet had a large dent in it.

She was about to begin triaging the others that she had injured, but decided to call the smugglers lest they leave without her. Thankfully they werent far away, and Swift Light could tell that they had been waiting to see who won the engagement. A simple firework spell seemed to pull them from their stupor and prompt the airship to begin moving towards her.

As she waited for its arrival, Swift Light moved from one mercenary to the next, applying what first aid she was capable of. A surprising number of them made it out alive, at least for now, but that would likely change if they didn't get better care. Swift Light knew very few healings spells, and fewer still that would be capable of helping someone who had their throat ripped out.

Those who didn't make it were placed off to the side, just out of sight. Despite her newfound ferocity, Swift Light was not eager to gaze down at the faces of those she had killed.

“Why do they always try to kill me,” Swift Light muttered to herself.

The thump of hooves landing behind her prompted Swift Light to draw her blade and turn to the newcomer.

“Woah there lady. Relax,” called a pegasus. “We don't mean ya any harm.”

“Your buddies sure did,” Swift Light retorted.

“I don't know these shlubs,” retorted the winged mare garbed in leather armor and sporting a scimitar on her hip.

“Cinder here spilled the beans about paying you guys off,” Swift Light retorted.

“True, but that hinged on her being able to give us the second half of our payment. Something she ain't about to do anytime soon,” replied the pegasus.

Swift Light grunted, and gestured to the downed mercenaries. “Get these ones aboard and if you have a medic get them. They wont last long without a transfusion and likely a surgeon.”

“Aye we got one of them. Come on lads, lets clean up this mess,” called the pegasus, waving over a group of smugglers waiting nearby.

Swift Light stepped out of the way, observing as the crew carefully brought the injured to the ship as it was docking. A large rope was wrapped around the mooring point a moment later, and a ladder was tossed down. The guard pony was about to begin ascending up to the deck when she was suddenly hit by a wall of chitin.

“Oh my gosh I thought you were going to die!” cried Viciz.

Swift Light sighed, and let her stun spell fizzle. “I’m not going anywhere. Not yet anyway.”

“When the crew detained me all of a sudden I thought for sure they were going to help out those bad guys but after you won they were all so… relieved,” Viciz blurted.

“Is that so?” Swift Light hummed.

Viciz pulled back, holding the unicorn at arm’s reach. “They did. I don't think they really wanted her to win.”

“Lets go talk to the captain, hmm?” Swift Light offered.

“Yeah that sounds good,” Viciz muttered.

The changeling took wing and flew up to the airship, leaving Swift Light to climb up the ladder alone. During the assent she half expected to get hit from behind, or have the rope cut from above her but neither of those things happened. In fact when she neared the top she saw the minotaur captain waiting for her, hand outstretched.

“Need a hand there missy?” she offered.

Swift Light hesitated.

“Can't say I blame the distrust but do you really think if I was gonna betray ya I wouldn't have done it already,” countered the minotaur woman.

Swift Light sighed, and stuck out her hoof. She was then hauled bodily over the lip of the ship, where she landed on her hooves, limbs spread and eyes wide.

“You got the reflexes of a cat!” barked the captain.

“You could say that,” Swift Light muttered.

“And the teeth of a shark. Damn girl,” muttered the minotaur.

Swift Light bit back her retort, and looked the smuggler’s leader up and down.

She was tall, slender, and overall a lot less bulky then most of her hooved and handed brethren. Despite lacking the wide shoulders, and intimidating stature, she was still obviously quite strong. She was also well armed, with flint lock pistol hanging from either hip, a claymore strapped to her back, and a dagger poking up from one of her boots.

“Ya like what ya see?” taunted the minotaur with a smirk.

Swift Light snorted. “I don't see a bed, a nice meal, and tall frosty ale so no.”

The minotaur grabbed at her heart in mock distress. “You wound me so.”

“I’d prefer if we got straight to business. The name’s Swift Light,” offered the guard.

“And they call me Flint. A pleasure to meetcha,” replied the minotaur.

The pair shook and stepped back from one another.

“Right. I’d appreciate it if you healed and kept that lot locked up somewhere. I’ll be dropping them off at a garrison along the way and you’re welcome to any bounty they may have on their head,” Swift Light began. “As for myself and my companion, we will be retiring for the evening, and speaking to you again tomorrow about our destination.”

“Sounds fair enough. The last bit of supper should still be in the mess if ya need a bite to eat. Might even have a trout in need of eating,” Flint replied.

Swift Light snorted, and brushed past the minotaur. She then grabbed Viciz by the shoulder and guided her towards the stairs leading below deck.

“Well that went well I think,” Viciz muttered.

“It sure did, but before we talk about that we must discuss the fact that there was an ambush waiting for us,” Swift Light whispered in a low tone.

“What, you don't think-” Viciz began.

“Shh,” Swift Light interrupted. “Wait a minute.”

Viciz nodded.

Together they made their way below deck, where they were guided towards an empty cabin near the back of the boat. In it was a pair of small beds, some storage, and just enough room to stretch out on the floor if you felt so inclined. Swift Light stowed the urge to inspect her surroundings and immediately spun on the changeling the moment the door closed.

“Did you give away our position?” Swift Light demanded.

“What, no!” Viciz declared. “Honestly if I was working for them I would have betrayed you back in the temple don't you think?”

Swift Light smiled. “I had to check.”

“Well don't scare me like that,” Viciz murmured, punching Swift Light gently in the shoulder. “You almost had me going there.”

“Its more then likely that they left behind someone at the village. Regardless we can't exactly go back there to find them now,” Swift Light muttered.

“Why don't we just hit the hay then?” Viciz offered. “Cus I don't know about you, but I’m beat.”

Swift Light wanted to argue but exhaustion weighed heavy on the mare, and it was only growing more cumbersome by the second.

“That sounds good. Do you know of any locking or security spells?” Swift Light inquired.

“Tons! That old hut of mine wasn't exactly the most private of places without a bit of magic,” Viciz answered.

“Good,” Swift Light muttered, shedding her armor, and weapons before all but falling into the bed. “Night Viciz.”

Viciz smiled. “Good night Swift Light, and good work back there. You are the bravest mare I’ve ever known.”

Swift Light smiled back.

She wanted to dismiss the compliment, she also wanted to get back up and find the food Flint mentioned. Both of those desires were swallowed by the all consuming need to simply get a little rest. An urge Swift Light eagerly indulged in the very moment she was certain Viciz had added a bit of extra security to their private cabin.

With that done, her paranoia fell silent, and a second later, Swift Light did too.